#these and many more are all completely impossible without a photo ID basically.
reddeath · 2 years
brothers. it finally happened. after 2 years of efforts. i have finally got a photo ID.
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getkwikid · 1 year
Define KYC. What Is The First Step In A KYC Process?
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People who are dealing with finances are the ones who require a KYC process to maintain accounts, develop customer onboarding solutions and deal with securities. KYC, also known as Know Your Customer talks about the relationship between the customer and the authority to ensure that the bonding is developed on trust and loyalty.
Before a customer can start working with a financial institution, it is essential to establish this relationship in order to avoid KYC fraud. It is a risk management tool that monitors the financial institutions, evaluates them and asses the customer risk. Through this process, the identity of the individual is verified before he/she can start doing business with the institution.
What are the different types of KYC that can avoid KYC fraud?
There are basically, two types of KYC that are mostly used for the authentication of documents, digital KYC and traditional KYC.
The traditional KYC was earlier used by institutions. People used to submit documents hand-to-hand by visiting branches and standing in long queues. This process was very time consuming and was not accessible to everyone.
Digital/video KYC on the other hand is one of the recent upgrades in the world of verifying documents. Customers no longer have to visit branches or stand in long queues for submitting their documents. Instead, they have a much more relaxing way of verifying the documents by showing them in a recording under video KYC.
Steps of Digital KYC
The threats regarding KYC have increased in recent years due to the introduction of digital KYC. By authenticating the customer to the institution, KYC can prevent the act of money laundering.
A number of documents are required to verify the customer's identity and avoid KYC fraud. Let's learn about them first
Proof of address:
·         The first thing that you will need for updating your KYC is a PAN card.
·         Aadhaar card/passport/driver's license
·         ID card with photo issued by the central or state department /statutory or     regulatory authorities.
·         ID issued by financial institutions
·         ID cards issued by college-affiliated universities and other professional     bodies
Proof of identity:
·         Passport/Voter ID/ lease agreement/ ration card/ maintenance bill/ insurance
·         Utility bills and electric bills
·         Bank statement
·         ID cards issued by the central/state government of respective bodies
·         Proof of residence issued by the notary public/ gazetted officer
The steps to complete KYC are:
For a customer onboarding solution, KYC is very important. An individual will require to do this if he/she wants to work in the financial sector. The process of KYC includes:
·         Collecting information: The first step for every KYC process is to collect the data of the individual who is signing for it. This is the most important step of a KYC procedure because without the information, evaluating the authenticity would be impossible. All the information that the individual provides will keep on adding to the applicant.
·         Uploading evidence: After the documents have been collected, they are uploaded by the financial institution to complete the method of digital KYC. These documents act as evidence that the person who is going to start a business with the institution is authentic.
·         Verification: The third most important step of KYC is verifying the documents. The documents are examined and identified to avoid KYC fraud through many checks and see if they are not tampered with.
The institution will store the data of the applicants so that they can be cross-verified with the applicant's portal. Also, with the digitalization of the process, a lot of paper is being saved and the ones who were unable to reach the branch, especially the people in the remote areas can still enjoy the benefits of KYC while sitting right at their home.
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ecoamerica · 2 months
Watch the 2024 American Climate Leadership Awards for High School Students now: https://youtu.be/5C-bb9PoRLc
The recording is now available on ecoAmerica's YouTube channel for viewers to be inspired by student climate leaders! Join Aishah-Nyeta Brown & Jerome Foster II and be inspired by student climate leaders as we recognize the High School Student finalists. Watch now to find out which student received the $25,000 grand prize and top recognition!
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coreancitizen · 4 years
Of saviors, traitors and, yes, that happily ever after in ‘The King Eternal Monarch’
I came across a post about “The King Eternal Monarch” the other day and found the questions it raised — and the answers it provided —  interesting. I’d seen some of the same questions either here or on Twitter. While I agreed with some of the original poster’s answers, I have a slightly different perspective on others. I didn’t want to hijack the post so I’m writing a separate. But you can read the original here. Obviously, I’m not saying these are the definitive answers. But if you have any questions about anything on the show, feel free to drop me an ask. I think you can tell my thoughts are still consumed by “The King Eternal Monarch,” LOL!
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2 saviors?
I’ve seen the theory going around early during the show’s run. And I’ve seen the photos. I initially thought it was just a trick of light that made the shoes look different.
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But the original poster’s theory about Gon having different shoes from different timelines and it all just merging together to emphasize the time loop makes sense as well. To borrow Gon’s words, it’s a beautiful solution to what could just be a production inconsistency.
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Lee Gon being a good shooter
The theory about the time loops and how at this point it’s like muscle memory makes sense to me. God knows how many times he’s gone through this.
But why do people think Gon is a bad shooter? Because of the shooting game? I thought it was pretty clear that the game was rigged, as most of these types of games are. Other than that I don’t think viewers were ever shown or told that Gon is a bad shooter. He was supposed to be last in his class in combat, but even then I’m not sure that his mentor wasn’t just pulling his leg.
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What was Lee Lim’s plan?
“I plan to become the very being who gives punishment from the skies.” That’s what Lee Lim told his brother, the king, right before he killed him. He basically wants to become a god, with dominion over “eternity and infinity” through the Manpasikjeok. With the power to open doors to different worlds and have the breadth of time to do so, the possibilities for Lee Lim were endless and quite mind-boggling, to be honest. I do think he still wanted to rule Corea, part of the reason he was replacing all those people with his minions. 
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The ending ...
I think this is the part where I’ve seen the most debate. I fall on the side of Gon and Tae Eul ending up living in Corea, married and with kids — which, of course, means Tae Eul became queen. Without being explicitly shown a wedding, plus that line about going back to their daily lives after their weekend dates, I see how it could be viewed as our couple making the best of an impossible situation.
But interpreting the ending to mean Gon and Tae Eul lived separate lives and just got together on weekends would mean ignoring everything that the show set up about Gon’s and Tae Eul’s characters as well as what the king’s duties entail. This is a point hammered throughout the series, he needs to make sure his royal line continues. 
Then you have Gon’s repeated proposals — a storytelling trope. The payoff was her finally accepting it: in the penultimate episode when she put on the necklace, and in the final episode when she accepted Gon’s flowers. Don’t forget that she was willing to abandon her life in the republic and go into the in-between place with Lee Lim, risking death or being trapped on the other side. That’s why she told Luna to take care of her dad.
There’s actually no obstacle to them being together that they can’t overcome. As Gon repeatedly says, he’s quite an influential person in Corea (Netflix keeps using the word “decent,” which doesn’t make sense in the context of his conversations. I’d say influential would be closer, maybe even powerful). Luna exists, yes, but they can always say, “Hey, everybody has a doppelganger” and laugh it off. Tae Eul’s identity? I’m sure Lady Noh and her creative Royal Public Affairs Office can come up with some beautiful fiction to explain the new queen’s origin/background.
It also helps that Fate or the spirit of the flute seem to be on our couple’s side, first by allowing them to keep their memories, and then later nudging them to basically get on with it by bringing them back to Corea to be discovered by Jo Yeong and the Royal Guards — a repeat of the last time.
One of these days I’ll write a longer meta on the many ways the series showed that marriage and queenship for Tae Eul were not just possible but inevitable.
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What’s the purpose of the chief’s solitude?
To show the effects of compassion — or lack of it — on people’s lives, it’s one of the themes explored throughout the series and emphasized in the finale. The chief uses the excuse of “solitude” while basically looking after the grandmother and sister of someone he knew who went to prison. Because of his “solitude,” the lives of two people are a little better than they would have been. 
We see this again with Prime Minister Koo’s mom and the young “Luna,” who ended up being an officer of the law instead of running from the law with just a little compassion from the fish shop lady. And when Gon and Tae Eul discover a world where Gon is a tyrant, the king immediately surmises that bad Gon must have grown up without a Lady Noh, an Uncle Buyeong and someone’s ID to guide him.
On the flip side, you can see the impact of Lee Lim’s utter lack of compassion for the poor souls he manipulated to serve him.
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Why did Lee Gon’s grandfather bring Head Court Lady Noh into the Kingdom of Corea?
This was frustrating because I definitely wanted to know more about Lady Noh’s past, especially after this revelation. From the little we heard about the situation, it seemed like the king had seen the devastation of the war and took pity on a young orphaned Noh Ok Nam. It didn’t feel like there was a romantic connection there from the way Lady Noh told her story.  But while it may feel like it was a storyline that was dropped, I see a couple of purposes for the revelation. 
A) To show that somebody from the republic could have a life in the kingdom (psst, Tae Eul). 
B) To show why Lady Noh was more accepting of unexplainable things such as encountering —  and letting go — a young man who claims to be her king on the Night of the Treason.
How did Lee Lim come back before the king in episode 15 and how come he wasn’t dead since in 1994 he was beheaded by himself?
Could be as simple as Lee Lim’s gate was much closer to the palace than the king’s. As for why he wasn’t dead, it was 2020 traitor who got beheaded. 1994 traitor went on to live his life like his previous self, without learning any lessons, and that’s the version Tae Eul ends up shooting inside the in-between.
Who succeeds the throne after Lee Gon?
His and Tae Eul’s kid, of course. The one Lady Noh has been praying for and kinda hinted at in the last episode with the reference to the Royal Ancestral Shrine. “Will it be completed next year?” she asks. Why next year? Because if they started now, it would take Gon and Tae Eul about a year to have a baby, LOL! 
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What about Se Jin, you might ask. Well, we don’t know that she exists in the new timeline since her traitorous father’s neck was snapped by Jo Yeong back in 1994. Here’s the thing with that character, she was never really more than just a plot point. That’s why aside from blurry photos and a few details about her doing well, we never got much information about her. Because when all was said and done, when the timeline was finally restored she wasn’t going to be relevant.
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argylemnwrites · 4 years
Fight or Flight - Chapter 11: Weighing
Pairing: Drake Walker x MC (Riley Liu)
Book: The Royal Heir (canon divergent from the end of book 2)
Word Count: ~3300
Rating: PG-13 (language only)
Summary: Six days since The Walker Absconding
Author’s Note: This series follows the Walkers, their friends, and Cordonia as a whole after they flee the country with their daughter during Barthelemy Beaumont’s attempted coup. To catch up on this series, check out it’s masterlist. (link can be found via my bio - sorry, Tumblr is once again not putting my posts with links in tag searches)
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Rashad sighed heavily as he sat in a chair that was much too big behind a desk that was much too formal in an office that was much too stuffy. He’d agreed to be king-regent because he knew Liam was backed into a corner, and that his previous turns as legal counsel to both the palace and the Beaumonts made him the only obviously neutral party in the nobility. But not even one week in, and he found himself wishing he’d refused the appointment. He missed his job, his duties, his office, and that didn’t even touch on the mess he’d been handed.
It’s not like he wasn’t used to complicated and stressful work. But at Sloan Enterprises, it was work he was passionate about, work that he found stimulating and enthralling. Now, he was engulfed in so many decisions ranging from the banal to the insane. It was work he honestly wanted no part of, but that hadn’t exactly been an option.
His goal had simply been to get through the social season and reach the Conclave without rocking the boat, so to speak. Keep Cordonia on a steady course until someone who wanted the title of monarch could assume it, then return to his life as quickly as possible. But that had rapidly proved to be an impossibility. He’d already had to initiate a treason and kidnapping investigation, strip a duke and duchess of their titles, and postpone the social season. He’d done more in a few days than he’d hoped to do during his entire “reign.”
Now, he was facing numerous protests across the country that he had no idea how to handle. He wasn’t some verbose, eloquent speaker. Any speech from him was unlikely to quell citizen unrest. But in the past 36 hours, he’d watched news coverage of five different protests from five different groups. There was the group that called themselves the True Cordonians, a collection of traditionalists who had always opposed Drake and Riley and their connections to the United States, who were upset that the “traitorous” Walkers hadn’t been found yet. Counter-protesters to them had popped up in front of the Valtoria estate, denouncing the kidnapping and treason charges. That group hadn’t named themselves, but “She’s their kid” had become their rallying cry. Then there were the protests in Lythikos that called for Olivia’s installation as the “rightful regent” as well as a pro-Beaumont group that had come out in support of Barthelemy in Ramsford following his exclusive interview with Ana de Luca. And of course, the Liberation Core was using all the turmoil to spread their anti-monarchy message. Even if Rashad had been confident in his abilities to give a national address, he was completely unsure how to find a message that would even partially unify all those opposing groups.
All he wanted to do was to leave as little of a mark as possible as a ruler and to hand off the crown with Cordonia in a stable position. But it was rapidly seeming like those goals were mutually exclusive. And as loathe as he was to make big decisions, hiding away in the palace and letting the country fall to pieces was not something he could do. He needed to steady the ship, so to speak. And that’s why he was meeting with Lady Hana today.
Almost on cue, he heard a sharp tap on the main office door. After a second, Stefan entered, bowing his head slightly. Liam had offered to let his personal assistant stay on and help him with day to day tasks and the basics and essentials of the role. Rashad wasn’t naive enough to think that Stafan wasn’t essentially spying on him and reporting back to Liam, but he’d needed all the help he could get, and Stefan had proved invaluable, preparing daily briefings and news summaries, so he’d kept the man on his staff.
“Your Regency, Lady Hana is here for her appointment.”
“Thank you, Stefan. Send her in, please.”
A few moments later, Lady Hana entered, bowing her head slightly.
“Good afternoon, Your Regency.”
“Same to you, Lady Hana. Please, have a seat.” He gestured to the chairs in front of the desk. He was well aware this was probably awkward for her as well. She had probably been in this same office not that long ago with Liam behind the desk. 
“Thank you,” she said with a little nod, smoothing her skirt before she sat down.
“So, I figure we better get right down to business.”
“I’ve told Bastien and the investigators everything I know, but I can-”
“No! Not that; I know you’ve already given your statement. I wanted to talk to you about Valtoria.”
Hana was still and silent for just a moment before nodding crisply. “Very well. I would appreciate if I could have a day or two to move my belongings out of the estate.”
Rashad grimaced. This was so uncomfortable. “No, you misunderstand me, Lady Hana. I wanted to discuss whether you were open to accepting the title of Duchess of Valtoria.”
Her eyes widened at that. “Me? As a duchess?”
“Yes. You’ve been living there for about a year and a half at this point, and I am guessing you have served as an advisor to Lady Ri- er, the previous duchess at various points.”
“Well, yes. But it was really nothing.”
“I seriously doubt that.”
She gave him a little smile at that. “Why are you looking to appoint me?”
Rashad figured he had better level with her. She wasn’t going to respond well to flattery she found insincere. “There is too much instability across the kingdom at the moment. Too much is unfolding, and the citizens are rightly unsettled. You are a known presence at that duchy, and you are more than qualified to hold the title. You stepping into that role would help reduce the sense that everything is changing. I might not be able to keep Lythikos and Ramsford calm and peaceful, but if I can give Valtoria some sense of stability, that would be a start at least.”
“I don’t know. This seems like a gigantic call for you to make while you’re…”
“A placeholder?”
“I didn’t know how to phrase it politely,” she said with a little smile.
“That’s quite alright. To answer your question, I’m not sure if this is the right call, but it seems like a natural place to start. You know the people of Valtoria. You’ve lived there and you’ve served them and the country as a whole well. You have the skills and talents required for the position, and professional recruitment is one area I actually do have some experience, so I am confident you would do well in that role. But the choice is yours, of course.”
He watched her swallow, trying to read her expression, but her face wasn’t giving much away. He had no idea what she was thinking, but after a few seconds of tense silence, she nodded. “Alright then. If it’s what the citizens of Valtoria need, I’d be honored to accept. 
With that, she stretched her left hand across the desk, so Rashad grasped it firmly. As he pulled out some of the paperwork he’d prepared in hopes that she agreed and started going over some of the logistics, he hoped that his first major decision as regent would be one of his only major decisions. The fear of public scrutiny already loomed large in his mind, and this was a decision he was actually fairly confident in. Sadly, he was a realist, and he knew things were likely to get worse before they got better. All he could do, though, was keep trotting along, trying to get the country through the next couple of months relatively unscathed.
Riley let out a groan, dropping her head into her hands. “Drake, this fucking sucks.”
“Yeah, it does.”
She glanced out the window, almost feeling like she would see a drone with a little camera courtesy of Amalas just peering into their room. Was she using drones? Did she have spies tailing them? Was she just scanning publicly accessible photos tagged in Greek cities with facial ID software? Did it even matter? The end result was the same. Someone she wasn’t sure she could trust knew where her family was, and that was mad nerve-wracking.
Riley glanced back down at Drake, who was sitting on the floor with Bridget, keeping her from using the dresser to pull up to standing. She’d discovered how to do so this morning, and she kept wanting to repeat it, but the last thing they needed was for her to pull the dresser down on top of herself. It made Riley think about all the furniture around their private quarters that Drake had bolted to the wall in preparation for this milestone. None of that would matter anymore.
For the moment, Bridget was distracted with a pile of blocks she was putting into a pillowcase over and over. Riley knew she would return to trying to escape Drake’s reach to try out her new skill soon enough, but for now, at least, she was safely and happily playing. 
Riley and Drake had been discussing what to do next for hours and hours at this point. They had called Olivia earlier, and after some back and forth, Drake and Olivia had both seemed confident that Amalas wasn’t actively following them and didn’t know their location beyond the city. After all, she had been eager to contact Olivia with her intel, and it seemed like too much of a coincidence for that call to come just a few hours after they had spent any real time out in public since their fleeing was common knowledge.
The best guess Drake had was that they had been in the background of someone’s Pictagram post or some shit like that, and that Amalas was just constantly running some sort of facial recognition program constantly on posts tagged with various cities in Greece. After all, she had to know they were trapped in Greece at this point. If they attempted to cross the borders, they would have to show their ID cards and they would likely be arrested on the spot.
Even if Amalas was just aware of their general location, it still was concerning that she was devoting that much effort to keeping tabs on them. But what actions they needed to take next were unclear to both of them. Hence them talking around in circles for hours and hours, just waiting for some idea that felt better than all the crappy ones they’d both thrown out there. 
“I just don’t like sitting around with her knowing where we are, Drake. Even if she doesn’t know the exact details.”
Drake glanced up at her and gave a little shrug. This wasn’t the first time she’d expressed that sentiment. “I don’t like it either. But there’s no guarantee things will be better if we move on to a new city.”
“Olivia said that she’s trying to use us as leverage. How does that sit right with you?”
He shot her a clearly annoyed glare before looking back at Bridget, emptying the pillowcase for her to start filling with blocks again before he said, “It doesn’t fucking sit right with me. But we need to think long term here. We will need to find places to stay for at least a couple of months. That’s the earliest the Conclave can happen, and the charges won’t be dropped before then. We’re also going to need food and warmer clothing when it’s not the middle of summer, and that beater of a car is not going to hold up forever. We need to be frugal and cautious now.”
Riley knew he was right. Her instinct was always to scramble and react, often impulsively. If they kept following her lead every step of the way, they were probably going to make things harder than they needed to be. And she did appreciate that Drake was trying to put more thought into concrete plans. Both of them drifting along without a clear plan, complacent beyond belief was how Bridget was named heir and they found themselves in this situation in the first place.
“Are we even going to have enough money to get us through the next couple of months?”
Drake let out a sigh and shook his head.
“How long?” Riley asked, scrunching her eyes closed as she braced for the answer.
“Three weeks, more or less, if we keep our expenses like they have been.” She opened her eyes and locked them on his. His shoulders sagged and his eyes were sad and heavy, like he was somehow letting her down by telling her the honest facts.
“Drake… How are we going…” she trailed off, unable to finish her thought.
“I’m gonna need to pick up some odd jobs or something, find a way to make some money.”
“How are we going to do that without any ID we can show or anything. I mean, Amalas is out as a source of forgeries at this point, so unless-”
“Olivia told us she was going to poke around, see what she could do. Hana has our passports, so that’s a start at least.”
“I don’t know. I just… I hate this. Everything we have to do feels like it’s gonna get us caught.”
Drake ran his hand over the stubble on his jaw. He hadn’t shaved this morning, and in all the time she had known him, Riley could count the number of times he hadn’t shaved on one hand. She wondered if he was trying to grow a beard to make himself less recognizable or if he had just been too stressed and sleep deprived to bother today. She knew he wasn’t sleeping well.
“I don’t know how to fix this perfectly, Riley. I just don’t.” He looked so dejected, placing his chin on his bent knee, so Riley slid off the end of the bed and joined him and Bridget on the floor, threading her legs under his raised leg in hopes of conveying some degree of comfort.
“Well, we’re just going to have to make a decision and not look back here. And it looks like the two least bad options are to either stay hiding out here for as long as possible and hope that Amalas doesn’t go blabbing, or move on to a new city and hope she doesn’t find us there and that it isn’t too much of an expense to do so.”
He nodded, reaching for her hand. She grabbed on tightly, threading their fingers together. Maybe it was for the best they were both mad conflicted here. It allowed them to really decide on their next move as a team.
“I know I’ve been kind of reluctant to head to a new city, but one thing that is worth considering is that if we went to a bigger city, I might be able to find some under the table work. Day labor, that sort of thing. Plus…” he trailed off and shook his head a little at that, so Riley pushed on.
“Well, we have a better chance of finding someone to do a forgery for us in a bigger city, too.”
“You think we should just find a random stranger to forge us passports with new identities?”
“We might have to. I hope Olivia can come through for us, but I’m not counting on that. She’s not going to risk her reputation and good standing to really put her neck out there for us. It’s one thing to keep our location a secret, it’s another to draw attention to herself by asking a lot of questions about how to fake a convincing Greek passport. So if she isn’t able to help us, we’re probably going to have to find someone to do it for us at some point.”
“I thought you said the bigger cities would be the first place they would try to track us.”
“Yeah, but it’s been a few days. They are probably broadening their search at this point. I feel like that risk isn’t as bad as it used to be.”
“So are you saying you think we should head out?”
He paused for a moment and swallowed roughly, running his free hand through his hair. “I don’t know. I think we could stay here for a little while longer and wait to see what Olivia can do for us about fabricated identification, or we could cut our losses and start trying to plan for that on our own. I don’t exactly like either option, Walker, but I think those two I could live with. Where are you at?”
She bit her lip, trying to figure out what was best. She wished there was a clear sign that one option was better than another, but there just wasn’t. They were going to be gambling here no matter what, and while she normally loved a good game of poker, the fact that the stakes here included the safety of her daughter and her family left her feeling sick to her stomach.
“I guess I don’t trust Amalas knowing even our general location.”
“Even though…,” Drake started, taking a deep breath and giving her hand a squeeze before he continued, “even though you thought she might be a good resource for us yesterday?”
Riley opened her mouth to snap back at him, frustrated that he seemed to be trying to trap her or accuse her or something, but she stopped when she saw the look in his eyes. He was afraid of her. She’d never seen that look directed at her before, not quite like that. Sure, she’d seen him upset and terrified, but she had never been the source of it before. So she swallowed down her instinct to lash out and defend herself and let out a little sigh. She’d put him through enough with this whole fugitive status already, and she didn’t want him to feel like he couldn’t be honest with her, couldn’t challenge her. They had always pushed each other, even before they were together. She couldn’t risk losing that now.
“The situation has changed,” she said, trying to keep any defensiveness out of her voice. “If she’s putting the effort into keeping tabs on our whereabouts, she has something up her sleeve, and I don’t trust her. It was one thing when I hoped we might be able to leverage some juicy info and future political favors, but now… I just don’t think we’re going to be willing to pay the price she wants.”
Drake nodded a couple of times before he said, “Okay, so we’re moving on then?”
“If you’re okay with that.”
“As long as we go to a bigger city, I’m okay with it.”
She gave him a little smile and reached up to cup his cheek with her free hand. “Got a place in mind?”
“If we’re gonna do this, we might as well commit. I say Athens, unless you-”
But she cut him off, shaking her head before leaning over to kiss his cheek. “Thank you, Drake.”
“You don’t need to thank me. I’m-” he started, but threw himself to the side and grabbed Bridget who was crawling over to the dresser, tugging her into his lap. “Oh no you don’t, Peanut.”
Riley felt her lips widening into a genuine smile, a feeling that almost felt foreign after the past several days. But her family was here, and they were all just doing the best they could. Even if it all fell apart, at least she could take comfort in that fact. So for now, she just took in her husband and her daughter sharing a normal moment, happy simply to be together.
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Permatag:  @walkerswhiskeygirl​   @riley--walker​  @bebepac​ @ravenpuff02​ @oofchoices​ @octobereighth​ @drakewalker04​ @kimmiedoo5​  @mfackenthal​  @thequeenofcronuts​  
The Royal Romance/The Royal Heir: @iaminlovewithtrr​ @ao719​ @mskaneko​ @katedrakeohd​ @jovialyouthmusic​ @marshmallowsandfire​ @axwalker​ @kingliam2019​ @sirbeepsalot​ @texaskitten30​ @princessleac1​ @ladyangel70​ @dcbbw​ @yaushie​
Drake x MC: @no-one-u-know​ @drakeandcamilleofvaltoria​  @iplaydrake​ @gibbles82​ @drakewalkerisreal​ @notoriouscs​  @drakesensworld​ @drake-colt-lover-99​
Fight or Flight: @masterofbluff​ @burnsoslow​ @bobasheebaby​ @shz256​​
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siteheads945 · 3 years
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Log in to your Plenty Of Fish account.
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Or to find nerds who are not into board games and all, maybe some book clubs-I saw stuff like that on Meetup. If in person events are not happening in your area at the moment, you could go with the more established dating apps and clearly indicate you are a nerd looking for fellow nerds. As a nerd guy myself, I'd most likely swipe right on that. Dating for gamers nerds.
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scurvgirl · 7 years
What’s Normal Anyways?
More Wall AU!
Melarue belongs to @justanartsysideblog
They end up closing on the “modest” chateau quickly, and Melarue is quick to bring in contractors to get the work done in the house. The kitchen needs updating and a powder-bathroom needs to be added to the first floor as well as other general fixes around the house. The initial quote involved a six-week timeline that Melarue was not happy about. There were discussions that Kass was not a part of but the time has been halved and they will be moving in in three weeks. In the meantime, they live in the swanky apartment in the heart of Old Val Chevin.
There was a very polite argument on who should have the actual bedroom. Melarue won the argument and now Kass begrudgingly wakes up feeling ridiculously pampered in a gorgeous room bathed by warm morning sunlight. It’s not right, it’s their apartment, their money, they should be waking up in the gorgeous room bathed in warm sunlight, not lounging in the office that doesn’t even have a window.
They dedicate the rest of the house hunting day to procuring furniture and things to live by until they can move into the house. Among the things Melarue purchases are a TV, a large couch that she’s pretty sure they only purchased because she mentioned how nice it cushioned her back, and two thousand dollars’ worth of knives because “one should never skimp on proper cutlery.” By the end of the shopping trip, Kass felt sick – sticker sickness, she’s decided to call it, because it’s just…so much. Halfway through, they just started concealing price tags from her and always sent her on errands while they paid so she wouldn’t see how much they were spending.
It’s just another slap in the face of how ridiculously wealthy they are and how there is no way she is ever going to repay them. She locks herself in the bathroom that night and cries as quietly as she can, entirely too overwhelmed. It’s not that she isn’t grateful, or that she wants to leave them, just…she wants to know what it’s like to be completely free, to not be tied down by someone holding a chain or by guilt through a checkbook. And she knows that it isn’t going to fix itself immediately, that she needs to work and incur as few costs as possible, pay rent, her share of the utilities, buy her own food…but right now she feels like she can cry about it a bit. Also, she’s pregnant, she gets some leeway there she thinks.
To their credit, they don’t confront her about the crying and let her go to sleep without fuss. When she wakes up, she finds they’ve set the TV up. They smile at her and show her how to work the thing and together they find a movie they both like. They curl up on the large couch together and end up watching movies for the rest of the day, eating sandwiches for lunch and ordering cheap pizza for dinner. And by the end, she feels calmer, less shocked and more comfortable. They are wealthy, but not lofty, and they hold no ideas of keeping her captive or indebted.
The Monday after they arrive and settle on a house, Melarue’s job begins. They are bustling through the house, gathering their things, and eying her as they move from room to room. Kass sips her tea, curled up on the couch, trying not to chuckle.
“The first day is always the scariest, imekari. You’ll do fine,” she chides playfully. She sees them rolls their eyes as they pull out a pad and begin to write on it.
“I have a class from 10:30 to 11:30 then a class from 1:00 to 2:45, then I have office hours and meetings until six. Feel free to order any food you want, if you need me, you have my number, and my office is in Ameridan Hall, third floor, room 316.”
“I’ll be fine, Melarue,” she says, trying to ease some of the tension in them. She doubts they are nervous about their work which means they are nervous about her. For what? She is used to being left at home to her own devices. They went grocery shopping the other day, there is food and with the phones they just bought, she can order anything so…everything will be fine.
She has things to do, like job research and potentially looking into learning Orlesian. Still, Melarue pauses at the door.
“Have a good day, I know how to reach you if I need you. Go, mold the young minds of tomorrow!” She encourages them. Their lips twitch upwards.
“Alright. Do call if you need.” They turn and leave, taking a significant presence with them.
The apartment feels very, very large suddenly. The ceilings are impossibly high, the fireplace is too fine, and when she sneaks a peak at the street below from a window, she’s reminded very much of how she’s in Val Chevin. Adjustment is going to take an annoying amount of time.
Kass retreats from the window to the computer resting on the dining table and begins her search. She runs into the problem of not knowing Orlesian much more than she was expecting. Also, qualifications…she basically doesn’t have any. When she initially moved south with Qal, she worked at a sandwich shop. Then she got pregnant and Qal got a promotion at the same time, so…he wanted her to stop working.
Former Tamassrans don’t work in sandwich shops.
But now she needs work, but she doesn’t know the language, she doesn’t have a bank account, she doesn’t have really anything. Is she even here legally? She doesn’t know.
Panic tries to well up in her, but she squashes it quickly. Not the time, not the place. Instead, she pokes around until she finds the Qunari, Tal-Vashoth, and Vashoth Cultural Community Center of Val Chevin. It’s a mouthful, but everything on the website has Common and Qunlat translations available and they advertise aid in job finding, language courses, and even counseling.
Her day is decided then. Kass showers and dresses, then heads out with the directions to the community center written on a page from the notepad. Google told her that walking would only take twenty minutes, so she goes on foot, heading towards the university campus. The center is located across the street from the main library. It’s a beautiful area, with old roads and trimmed trees that are beginning to change in color with the season. There are students milling about, some are splayed out in the grassy areas with books surrounding them.
The center itself is slightly underwhelming. It’s a small white building with a modest sign out front declaring its name. She heads inside, a bell clinks announcing her presence and a cheery looking person pops up behind the welcome desk.
“Hello!” They say in accented Qunlat, “welcome to the together center!” They’re clearly vashoth, Kass thinks, with their accent and using the wrong word for ‘community’. That is a common mistake though, qunlat has roughly twenty different words surrounding the concept of community.
“Hi,” Kass replies and their eyes widen a bit.
“My name is Kassaran,” she says in Common. Qunlat, or at least the Qunlat she knows, doesn’t have phrases for names.
“A pleasure to meet you, Kassaran. I am Kalit, are you new to Val Chevin?”
Kass nods and her hand lands on her stomach, “I am. I um…it’s a bit of a complicated story…I was really just hoping to get some help with a few things?”
“Of course! What are you looking for?” Kalit shuffles over and sits expectantly at a computer.
“I need a job, but I don’t know Orlesian, and I don’t even know…” she purses her lips and wonders what she can and should not say. Her pause is long enough that Kalit stands up and comes around from the desk. They’re very short for a qunari, and they have exceptionally round features, she wonders if one of their parents is a dwarf.
They gently take her hands and smile up at her.
“You’re Tal-Vashoth, right?”
Kass nods.
“We don’t get many who have actually left the Qun, mostly we get vashoth students trying to find a place in a university that largely still doesn’t get it. But we can help, Shokrakar is in her office, who is really the best when it comes to counseling people on this.” Kalit releases one of Kass’s hands but holds the other as they lead her down the hall to a room with the door propped open.
“Dr. Valo?” Kalit says, pushing the door open.
“Yes, Kalit?”
“There is someone who could use your counseling services. This is Kassaran, she’s Tal-Vashoth.” Kalit guides Kass into the room. It’s a nice room, painted a soft blue decorated with black and white photos of various happy qunari people. Behind the large white desk sits an impressively tall qunari woman. Kass guesses her to be from Seheron, rather than Par Vollen with her black hair and dark eyes, the low-riding horns.
She looks up from her computer and smiles immediately Kass before rising.
“Hello, Kassaran. I’m Doctor Shokrakar Valo, please call me Shokrakar.”
“Nice to meet you,” Kass replies, shaking her hand. The doctor gestures for Kass to take a seat, thanks Kalit who leaves, shutting the door behind them.
“So, Kassaran, what can I help you with today?”
Kass swallows and fidgets with the hem of her shirt, “I really just need a job but I’m finding that to be unrealistic?”
Shokrakar nods, “Yes, unfortunately in Orlais, ninety-five percent of jobs require you speak Orlesian. But there are a few that don’t require it. I have a checklist of things I like to give people when looking for work – things like a bank account, payment plans for any debts, financial planning, those sorts of things that I have found many Tal-Vashoth specifically have a harder time with.”
“Yes, I…don’t really understand any of it. You know, under the Qun, everything is taken care of – you have your role, your monthly stipend dependent on your role that is attached to your citizen ID number, and that’s it.”
“Right, but it isn’t as different here as you think it is.”
For the next thirty minutes, Shokrakar explains as much as she can about the financial system in Orlais in how it will relate to Kass, even with the baby. There are apparently things like tax breaks for having children, and even programs for single parents to help support them – all dependent if she is here legally of course. Kass still doesn’t know, and she explains as best she can that this all happened in a way that she still doesn’t fully understand. The thirty minutes after that, Kass finds herself telling Shokrakar about how she left the Qun with Qal, to start a life happy and free from the toxicity plaguing their souls in the Qun.
“It wasn’t even a week ago that I was with my husband, locked in our apartment, and now I’m here and it’s great, but it’s just…”
“Overwhelming. You went from the Qun to Qal, that must have been…”
“Difficult, yes.” Kass rubs her stomach where the baby presses against.
“But I’m here now, and my…” what exactly is Melarue to her? Her friend? Rescuer? Roommate? None of the words seem right. Friend and roommate feel small for what Melarue is, and rescuer makes them seem like a superhero. Which…maybe they are, they have the aloofness of one, and the potential required tragic backstory – why else would they have their passenger? But friend…friend is closest.
“My friend, Melarue, they are very kind and are helping me.”
“So, you have a place to stay? Food? What about doctor appointments?”
Kass nods to the first two but pauses on the last. Doctor appointments, right. She shifts around and Shokrakar clicks around on her computer.
“I have doctor recommendations for you – when was your last appointment?”
Kass bites her lip. About that.
“Um. Qal said that women have been having babies since the beginning of time without doctors so…after we got the confirmation, he just said to keep indoors and eat well and I would be fine.”
Shokrakar blinks then nods very slowly, “…Alright. Well. That dathrasi can’t hurt you or your baby anymore. This is the information of a very trusted OB/GYN in the community. I will tell her to expect your call, she works at a clinic on the other side of campus that offers affordable care.” Kass takes the note, reading the name of the doctor carefully. Her brow furrows and while it seems like such an odd thing to be able to pick out….
“Forgive me, and you don’t have to answer, but…were you trained as a priestess?” She asks softly. Priestesses always had very specific looking handwriting, it was supposed to mirror that of Koslun’s.
Shokrakar pauses for a moment then smiles the sort of smile that Kass knows too well.
“Yes. But I loved science and the Qun and the priesthood…you know. I left to pursue science. I got a doctorate in sociology and now here I am, guiding people like a priestess would.” Her face is sad for a moment before she shakes it off.
“I think that’s good. The rest of us…we still need guidance, and while you aren’t serving the Qun, you’re still serving, you’re being true to yourself, and no matter what the Qun says – that’s good. You make the community strong.” It is a favored saying in qunlat to describe one who is valued and good. While it’s a remnant of the qun, she can see it light Shokrakar’s face up.
“Thank you, tama,” she replies. Kass’s face flushes, not in embarrassment but in acknowledgement of what she was. She knows that certain habits die hard, and some ways of being never change.
The rest of their talk goes well, she gets some information on how to enroll in Orlesian classes and some places that will hire her. Shokrakar tells her about a support group she has for specifically Tal-Vashoth persons. There is a qunari women’s support group as well, though it isn’t specifically Tal-Vashoth.
After their talk, Shokrakar decides to take her out for lunch. Because she has a class after lunch, they head to a café attached to the library where Kass orders a large spinach salad.
By the end of lunch, Kass feels like she’s made a friend and promises to keep in touch. Shokrakar suggests that perhaps Kass and Melarue come over for dinner some time. Shokrakar’s wife, Aada, would be more than happy to have them.
“It’s been great meeting you, Kassaran, feel free to call or text or email me any time – Tal-Vashoth have to stick together right?” Shokrakar jokes and Kass nods.
“Definitely. Thank you for everything!” Kass replies. They part ways, Shokrakar heading to her class and Kass heading back to the apartment. It is a beautiful day, the sky is filled with soft white puffy clouds, barely concealing any of the sun’s light. There is a gentle breeze rolling through the streets, ruffling Kass’s hair.
Today’s already been a good day, and it still has hours left! Speaking with Shokrakar has made her nostalgic for the better parts of the qun. Like the food. Kass believes that everyone is preferential to the food native where they grew up, there’s emotions and flavors there that other cuisines don’t have. And while the qun didn’t work out for her adult life, it wasn’t bad for her childhood. Like most children under the Qun, she enjoyed the feeling of having many children her age to play with, all under the care of the same Tamassrans.
When Kass arrives back at the apartment, she sets to work to creating a dish that takes hours upon hours to make. Not all the ingredients can be found at Orlesian grocery stores, she found, but she makes do with what was available.
She turns on some music and dances along as she cooks, feeling light and bright and happy. The apartment is filled with music and the smell of spices by the time Melarue arrives home. She hears them stop and pauses her singing before leaning over the kitchen island to wave at them.
“Welcome home! I hope you don’t mind, I went to the Qunari, Tal-Vashoth, and Vashoth Cultural Community Center today and it made me miss traditional foods so much. I hope you like spice!” She declares happily, dancing back to the large pot on the stove. She stirs the pot then tosses in the chicken that had been previously pan-frying. She covers the pot, checks on the rice, then sets to heating up some bread to go along with it all.
She turns to see Melarue’s wandered into the kitchen, sniffing the air with a smile.
“That smells delicious,” they say and she beams in return.
“Good! I hope you like it, if you don’t that’s fine though! Qunari foods tend to be polarizing for non-qunari,” she babbles, reaching up into the cabinets, pulling out several dishes for them to use.
“Normally there are several other spices, but I understand that Par Vollen doesn’t quite like letting them go. If you leave the qun you shouldn’t have any of its comforts – as if the qun owns the plants on the island as well,” she continues, bitterness lacing her tone. She blinks then shakes her head.
“It still has fifteen more minutes, if you would like to get changed into something more comfortable.”
“I can help, if you need. I was not expecting you to cook dinner,” they tell her, rolling up their sleeves, revealing long elegant hands.
“Um,” she hums, trying to think of things for them to do. She ends up handing over the warming of the bread which is busy work at this point. She apologizes though, it’s just that this last part is really nothing – the chicken just needs to simmer in the pot with the sauce for a bit. They seem understanding enough about it though, which is reassuring.
They do end up changing before dinner and by the time they’re back, she’s making their plate. They take a bite and hum in happiness.
“This is delicious, Kassaran, thank you.”
A small flicker of pride and happiness flares up in her chest, as well as some surprise. Qal had always expected dinner when he came home. But Melarue seems surprised and to be genuinely enjoying what she’s made.
Worry and tension eases from her shoulders as she digs into her own food.
“What did you do at the Community Center?” They ask.
“I talked with a Dr. Valo? She’s a sociology professor at the university. I wanted to see if they could help me find a job. Um, I…don’t think it is going to be simple? A lot of jobs require proficiency in Orlesian, which I am going to learn. Dr. Valo said she could get me enrolled in language classes at the university, so…hopefully I’ll be able to get a job and start maybe paying you back for everything you’ve done and that’s a lot and I am so thankful for everything really and I want to pay you back but it’s probably going to take some time and I am really rambling, I’m sorry!”
Melarue blinks then wipes at their mouth a napkin, “Kassaran, you don’t need to feel indebted to me. If you acquire a job and find means to leave and that is what you want, I will not stop you. I will not hold any debt over you. But thank you, you are very kind to want to pay me back.”
“I want to pay rent,” she blurts.
They pause then nod, “That is fine, as long as it is proportional to your income and does not impair you.” That is more than fair and she bows her head in thanks.
“I-I also need to go see the doctor.”
Their attention snaps to a point at that, “Is something wrong? We can go now.”
“No, no, everything is fine right now, I just…haven’t been able to go since getting the pregnancy confirmed…” The concern in their face does not wane, if anything they look even more concerned. After a moment, they release a long breath.
“Did Dr. Valo give you any recommendations?” Their voice is even but there is a sharpness to it and Kass wonders if their passenger is responsible for it. But there aren’t any cloying shadows or anything and their nails a normal length, so…maybe not?
“She did. A Dr. Merev – she works at the clinic on the south end of campus?”
“Alright. Do you know if you’ll need payment for it?”
“Probably, Shokrakar, uh Dr. Valo, said that she is affordable but probably still needs money, I’m sorry.”
Melarue waves her off, “It is no trouble, you and the baby need care, I’m more than happy to help.”
“Do…do you want to go with me then? Since it’ll be your payment information. I-I wouldn’t feel comfortable just using it myself,” she says, shifting uncomfortably in her seat.
“I can go depending on the time.”
“What time would work for you?”
“I have nothing on Friday after three.”
“I will shoot for something after three on Friday, then.” Kass smiles and they both return to their food. After a few minutes, the silence draws on for what feels like a damning amount of time.
“How was your first day?” She asks.
Melarue shrugs, “It was good. I’m excited to be teaching again, even if some of the professors are…well let’s just say not all of them are aware of their history as they should be.”
“Oh dear.”
“It’s nothing dire, more annoying than anything. I’m afraid I frightened some of my human students off already,” they chuckle in a way that say that they are not in fact afraid about anything, or annoyed, but delighted at their current state of affairs.
“Well it sounds you are where you’re supposed to be. Those kids are lucky to have you,” as am I, she thinks.
“What classes did you have today?”
“Introduction to Elven History and a seminar course – The Dales: An Elven Perspective. The introduction course is the one where I am sure some of the human students are less than pleased, but then if they want their human-centric and friendly history they can take that oaf Dr. Renaudin’s class.”
Kass chuckles, they are so passionate about it!
“They would be fools to miss out on your class. But then, oafs do tend to attract fellow fools.” She tears her bread and begins to sop up the sauce, spooning some chicken along with it.
“What makes him oafish?”
They finish chewing and sigh, “Where do I start?”
As it turns out, there are many things that make Marcel Renaudin an oaf – an ignorant, racist oaf at that. Kass is by no means an expert on history, particularly elven history, but she knows that marginalized populations often get their history…reworked to fit in with the oppressors’ history. It happens in the Qun, even, mostly erasing the legitimacy of rebellions lead by Tal-Vashoth and Saare – mages.
This Marcel Renaudin is the sort of historian to endorse such…revisionist history as far as Kass can tell. Sure, Melarue is biased but Melarue is also sharp and Kass suspects they have lived through a lot of the history they’re talking about. So…she’s going to take their word over his.
Their conversation lasts past dinner, and they help her clean up. They’re rather insistent about it since she cooked. She “needs to get off her feet”. It is…a very different change of pace. She’s used to cleaning up. Qal would sit in the living room, winding down from the day, watching TV, and then she’d slip into the bedroom to read.
But Qal isn’t here and Melarue is kind. Kass sits down on the couch and clicks on the TV. There is…a ridiculous number of channels. How does she even choose? She settles eventually on the Home and Gardening channel. There is a show featuring a couple searching for a home in Denerim, Ferelden.
After Melarue finishes with the dishes, they take a seat next to her with a stack of papers.
“You already have things to grade?” She asks incredulously.
“No, I took a survey in the classes on some of the common misconceptions about elven history. I’m going through them, taking notes to see what I need to focus on.”
“That’s clever,” she says. They smile and they fall into a companionable silence as Kass watches her show and Melarue works through their papers. Every so often she looks over at them, sometimes their face is relaxed and simply reading, nodding along and making marks on a little notepad, others their brows are drawn and their lips are pursed. Sometimes they look to be incredulous, pen hovering indecisively over the notepad.
Their eyes flick up to hers behind their glasses, and she blushes. She quickly turns back to her show – the couple picks the second house, which seems silly to Kass since it was so out of budget.
The night continues quietly like that until Kass decides to head to bed. Melarue smiles at her and tells her to sleep well. For the first time in forever, Kass sleeps diagonally on a bed and it is glorious. She wakes up with a smile, stretching her body out over the bed. It is her domain! Her little kingdom of sheets and blankets and pillows – and she is the queen of all things soft and happy…for all of five minutes before her bladder screams in protest.
She relieves herself, showers, then heads into the kitchen for breakfast and her morning tea. Melarue’s nose wrinkles at her tea and she cocks her head.
“Do you not like tea?”
“No, it is odorous leaf water.”
She laughs at that, “It can be stinky, this is true. This blend is supposed to help the baby though, so, down it goes.”
“Well, of course if it’s for the baby,” they reply, reaching for their travel mug of not-tea.
“Did you eat breakfast? I’m going to scramble up some eggs if you’d like some,” she offers.
“Not this morning, I have early class, but I will be home earlier.”
“Alright, I was thinking maybe pasta for dinner?”
“Sounds delicious.” They grab their bag and wave bye to her as they leave, much easier today than yesterday she notes. Good, she doesn’t want them to worry.
The rest of the week follows in a similar pattern – she wakes up in time to tell Melarue to have a good day, she has breakfast, then leaves to go explore the city. She finds she really likes the university campus and a small square that’s a five-minute walk from campus. She enjoys getting all the fresh air and she spends a fair amount of time of walking through the university’s gardens. The house has such potential for a truly lovely garden, she needs ideas of what grows well down here.
She brings up the gardening ideas with Melarue who seems very eager to begin their garden. Wonderful! It’ll be a good weekend activity, and if she stays with them, the baby will have a gorgeous garden to grow up in and hopefully tend to themselves.
Kass makes dinner each night and Melarue cleans up. She begins to explore more of the channels and finds some programs she likes. It is amazing to her that there is a section dedicated to being ‘on demand’, full of shows and movies that she can just say ‘I want to watch this’ and boom – she can.
She discovers the amazing terrible-ness of Lifetime movies and honestly? She’s hooked.
The only day that ends up being a bit odd is Friday when she heads to the clinic with Melarue for her 3:30 appointment.
She wasn’t nervous before about it, partially because she hasn’t felt bad because of the pregnancy. She had some morning sickness at the beginning, but everything she read said that was normal. But now she keeps fidgeting with her sleeves, her purse, nibbling on her lip. The baby moves, seeming to know that their mama is nervous.
They take a seat in the waiting room and Melarue sets to filling out financial information.
She’s called back at 3:45. She stands up but Melarue does not, she looks at them quizzically.
“Do…would you rather not come back?” She asks. She knows that it is a bit…out of the ordinary to ask a friend to come back with her, but, well…she could use the support. But only if they don’t mind!
“I can come back if you’d like,” they offer carefully and she bites her lip before nodding wordlessly. Asking for help is difficult, particularly after everything else. But Melarue doesn’t hesitate – they grab their things and step up next to her. They follow a nurse back into a room where various measurements are taken. Blood pressure, height, weight, oral medical history (that is difficult to give since she has to translate everything from qunlat and medical terminology is always weird with that).
She changes into the typical paper gown for gynecological visits.
“Why are these offices always cold for these visits? Like they know we’re going to be pretty much naked, why is it cold?” She bemoans, pulling the robe closer to her body in a vain attempt to feel warmer.
“Like they expect me to expose myself not just their prying eyes but also to the cold air? They are asking too much,” yes she is whining, and no she doesn’t care. She’s cold, she’s pregnant, and she’s freaked out. She can whine.
“It is oddly chilly in here,” Melarue murmurs, looking up. They cock their head and their eyes flutter shut. After a moment, Kass hears something shift in the ceiling. Melarue opens their eyes and warmer air begins to flow out from a vent in the ceiling.
“OH!” She turns to them, “you’re too sweet! Thank you…and thank you for coming back, I know it’s weird but…we’re not exactly normal.”
“I do not mind, Kassaran. I’m…glad you feel comfortable having me here.”
There is a nervousness to them that has been present all week. As concerned as she has been about them letting her stay, she’s beginning to think they’ve been equally concerned on her leaving or somehow rejecting them over their condition. And her insistence on getting independent can’t be helping that.
“I really appreciate it, everything. You’re a wonderful friend.”
The doctor of course decides to come in before they can reply.
“Hello! I’m Dr. Merev.” The doctor billows in, quickly shaking Melarue and Kassaran’s hand. She looks down at Kass’s belly and glances at Melarue.
“Is the baby –
“Not theirs! Um, I mean…I have, had, a husband and he’s qunari so the baby is on a total qunari baby track. Ten months.”
“I’m a friend,” Melarue clarifies and the doctor nods, going along with it while she pulls on some gloves.
“That’s fine, I was just checking because elven-qunari children usually have different gestation than a qunari-qunari baby. Normally shorter with more heartburn for some reason, but that’s not the case. So, how far along are you?”
“Twenty-one weeks and…six days,” Kass answers. Dr. Merev goes through several more questions and it doesn’t take long before Kass has to explain that no, she hasn’t had doctor appointments because of Qal. Like Shokrakar and Melarue, Dr. Merev pauses for a moment and Kass shifts around awkwardly.
“Alright, you’re here now and we’re going to make sure you and the baby are healthy.” Dr. Merev goes through what feels like pages of questions, everything from diet to lifestyle to how easily Kass conceived, if she’s noticed anything unusual, as well as any pre-existing conditions she’s aware of.
Then comes the joy of having cold goo being squirted onto her abdomen.
“Since you haven’t had any doctor appointments, I’m guessing you haven’t heard your baby’s heartbeat.” Kass shakes her head. She knows that it’s normal to have heard the heartbeat months before now but then again, ‘normal’ doesn’t include Qal, she guesses. Dr. Merev moves the wand thing over Kass’s abdomen and then –
Wub wub wub wub wub wub.
“Oh,” she breathes. She’s not sure if the reaction is the same since she’s felt her little baby moving and kicking around already, so this isn’t the first real confirmation of life in her but it is…something else. That’s her baby’s heartbeat, a strong, happy heartbeat. She stares at the screen, watching her little one’s head and body and oh! There’s a little hand!
“Good news, everything looks good – ten fingers, ten toes, the skull looks good for proper future horn development. Your child is not going to be hornless,” Dr. Merev says, which Kass was expecting. Hornless children are rare for qunari, hence the stance that hornless children are ‘special’. She likes the horns anyways.
“A very normal looking baby, congratulations. Now, for some news you may not like – because of the lack of prenatal care, and because of the high stress environment you have been in, it has greatly increased the risk of this pregnancy. Your blood pressure is high, which is a risk factor for preeclampsia. Qunari pregnancies outside of the Qun are already higher risk pregnancies that human, elven, and dwarven pregnancies. So, you need to be in low stress environments. Not bed rest, but no strenuous work, low sodium diet, make sure you take your prenatal vitamins.”
Kass nods, she will make sure to take the vitamins, but the low stress environment…
“We just moved here and I don’t have a job, I wanted to get one, help pay rent, utilities, can I still do that?”
“I would strongly advise against it. If you need it to live, then do what you need to do.”
She leans back against the examination table and takes a deep breath. Dammit, dammit, dammit.
You can’t work while pregnant! Qal had yelled at her, demanding she turn in her notice at the sandwich shop. In some sick way, he was right – but because of what he has done. She knows that. It’s not…he’s…. Just dammit. Dammit it all.
She can just see her debt to Melarue, whether they recognize it or not, rising and rising. She’s not a small woman, she eats, and she’s growing a person, so she’s probably eating more than normal. She incurs a cost of utilities, shit they even bought a house because of her and she can’t even work to help them.
“Kassaran, there is no issue with this. Your and the baby’s health come first, I am happy to share my home with you,” Melarue tells her softly. She covers her face and works on breathing so she doesn’t cry.
“I know, and I am so, so thankful. I just…I’m this lump. I don’t want to be this burden that just weighs you down when you want to do things.” She sniffles and tries to hold the deluge back. It’s just not fair to them to have her laying around the apartment or the house doing nothing. Sure, she can cook and clean for them but she hardly sees that as enough.
“No, no, you are not a burden, Kass. The farthest thing from it. Even when we had that wall between us, you made every day better. I am more than happy to help you.” She feels their hand gently rest on her left horn, slowly running their hand back in a reassuring gesture. She leans into their touch for a moment before moving her hands from her face.
“…Are you sure?”
“One hundred percent.”
They haven’t given her any reason to doubt them. From just taking her all the way here to buying the house to…every day, spending time with her.
She exhales a long breath and turns to the doctor.
“Alright, but I am going to take Orlesian classes, I might as well with all this down time for the next five months.”
“That is an excellent plan,” Dr. Merev says and proceeds to clean Kass up and revert the room back to normalcy. Kass is given a prescription for her prenatal vitamins and sets up her next appointments before leaving with a cute little sonogram of her baby.
She can’t work but…she’ll make it work. She’ll cook, clean, keep the house, and it’s just because it seems fair. If Melarue is going to be working and bringing home the bacon, so to speak, then she can keep a nice home for them.  
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samuelmmarcus · 5 years
Modern English Farmhouse
  Hello, my friends! How are you feeling today? I hope you’re feeling good, in good health, and are able to take a few minutes to enjoy this house tour I have prepared for you. It’s truly a pleasure to share such a beautiful home!
Recently built by Macallan Custom Homes, designed by TS Adams Studio Architects (also featured here, here, here & here – yes, I do love their work!
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), and with interiors by Tyler Colgan, this Modern English Farmhouse comes to detox our minds of cluttered spaces, and I don’t say that only because this home was just completed and it’s still unfurnished, but mostly because its empty spaces will allow you to imagine how you could decorate it and, most importantly, it will allow you to notice the architectural details in a way that you might not have had if this home was already furnished.
Take notes on the sources shared such as paint colors, lighting, countertops and notice the inspiring kitchen and bathrooms details. I hope you have a really good time!
Photography: Laura Negri Photography.
  Modern English Farmhouse
What a curb-appeal! A beautiful custom iron railing adds an elegant touch to this classic home.
Timeless Beauty
It’s impossible to not be impressed by this timeless home.
Grey Windows
If not ready to commit with black windows, grey is a color that is current but still subtle. These grey windows were painted in Mindful gray SW 7016 by Sherwin Williams.
Off-White Paint Color
Off-White Exterior Brick Paint Color: Benjamin Moore Soft Chamois.
This two-car detached garage exudes charm with its classic architectural details.
Garage Door Hardware: here & here – similar.
Garage Lighting
Copper Sconces: Coppersmith – similar here.
Custom iron gates create a sense of privacy and safety to the backyard while allowing easy access to the back of the house.
Front Door
This arched black metal and glass front door is a show-stopper! Notice the copper awning and the beautiful arch detail.
Outdoor Lighting: Coppersmith – similar here.
Pathway: Bluestone.
I always feel excited when I see a well-designed space and this kitchen feels perfectly balanced. It’s functional without feeling overly done.
Kitchen Island Dimensions: 130.5” W x 34.5” T x 50”D
Kitchen Lighting (installed after photos were taken): Visual Comfort in Bronze.
Creating a Timeless Kitchen:
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Cabinet Paint Color
Cabinet paint color is Sherwin Williams SW 7004 Snowbound.
Cabinet Hardware
Kitchen Hardware: RH – similar Pulls & Knobs.
Countertop & Backsplash
The countertop and backsplash (behind the range) is polished Antique White Marble.
Kitchen Faucet is Kallista Vir Stil Minimal Pull-Down Faucet. Other Affordable Options: here, here, here, here & here (sink & faucet set).
Kitchen Cabinetry
Kitchen cabinets are custom with inset flat paneled doors.
Kitchen Hood
The kitchen also features a custom hood with a Venetian plaster finish.
The kitchen leads to a walk-in pantry.
The working pantry features a grey subway tile backsplash, white cabinets, brass knobs and floating shelves.
Backsplash Tile: 3×9 Villa Heirloom Aqua tile – Other Beautiful Backsplash Tiles: here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here & here.
Faucet: Newport Brass in Matte Black.
Lighting: Feiss – Others: here, here, here, here & here.
The kitchen, dining area and the Great Room features distressed box beams with a custom whitewash finish.
Hardwood Flooring
What a stunning space! How would you decorated it?
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Flooring is 5” White Oak floors  – similar here & here.
Custom cabinets with “X” inset and retractable doors flank a Limestone fireplace.
Cabinet Pulls: RH – similar 6″ Pulls.
Patio Door
Black steel patio doors lead to the back porch.
The walls have a custom Venetian Plaster finish.
Butler’s Pantry
The butler’s pantry features deep green/teal cabinets and ceiling. White marble countertop and White Oak hardwood flooring add a subtle contrast to this dramatic space.
Cabinet Hardware: RH – similar Pulls & Knobs.
Cabinet Paint Color
Cabinet paint color is Newburg Green HC-158 by Benjamin Moore in Eggshell.
Sconces: Visual Comfort.
Countertop & Backsplash
Butler’s Pantry also features Antique White counters and an antique mirror backsplash.
Beautiful Mirrored Tiles: here & here.
Bar Faucet: Rohl.
Powder Room Cabinet Paint Color
Cabinet paint color is Worldly Gray SW 7043 by Sherwin-Williams.
Countertop is Black Honed Stone.
Faucet: Phylrich – Others: here, here & here.
Cabinet Hardware: Satin Brass tab finger drawer – similar here & here.
Study Paint Color
Grey Study Paint Color: Mindful Gray SW 7016 by Sherwin-Williams. Walls are in eggshell and trim and windows are in semi-gloss.
Lighting: RH -similar here.
The stunning staircase features custom metal railings and spindles, hardwood threads and black steel windows.
Sconces: Visual Comfort – Other Beautiful Sconces: here, here, here, here, here, here, here & here.
Windows are Sierra Pacific provided by LiteWorks.
Master Bathroom
The master bathroom feels serene and elegant. Walls are Sherwin Williams Snowbound.
Similar Lighting: here, here, here & here.
Welcoming Bathroom Essentials
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Floor Tile: Walker Zanger Bianco Bello 12×24 Honed – similar here.
Sconces: Visual Comfort.
Paint Color
Blue Gray Paint Color: “Benjamin Moore Nimbus Gray“.
Vanities are custom – Other Beautiful Vanities: here, here, here & here.
Faucet & Countertop
Countertop is Premium White Marble.
Faucet is Phylrich Basic Double Handle Widespread Lavatory Faucet – similar here.
Knobs: RH – similar here.
Shower Tile
 Shower Walls: Walker Zanger Bianco Bello 12×24 Honed – similar here.
Shower Floor: Walker Zanger Bianco Bello Mosaic – similar here.
Guest Bathroom
Shower Walls: 4×16 Metro Gray Ceramic – similar: here, here, here, here & here.
Floors: Porcelain Herringbone tile.
Sconces: Visual Comfort.
Vanity is custom with White Mist quartz countertop.
Hardware: RH – similar 8″ acrylic cabinet pull.
Faucet: Kohler.
Vanity Design
This guest bathroom features a custom vanity with a “X” detail. Countertop is also White Mist quartz.
Faucet: Kohler.
Knobs: RH – similar Knobs.
Bathroom cabinetry is inset flat paneled slabs. Paint color is Sherwin Williams SW 7004.
Bath Floors: Walker Zanger 12×24 – similar here.
Knobs: RH – similar Glass Knobs.
Sconces: Pottery Barn.
Laundry Room
This laundry room is very spacious and yes, flooring is hardwood! Cabinet paint color is “Benjamin Moore Silver Marlin”.
Lighting: Here – Other Beautiful Pendants: here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here & here.
Sewing & Crafts
The other side of the laundry room features more cabinets, a desk area and open shelves. This space is perfect to be used as a craft room or sewing room.
Countertop: White Mist quartz.
Backsplash: 2×9 White Brick tile backsplash.
Cabinet Pulls: RH – Satin Nickel Mushroom Knobs.
This mudroom is dreamy! Walls are clad in shiplap and cabinets feature inset doors and drawers.
Flooring is 5″ White Oak hardwood.
Cabinet Hardware
Cabinet Pulls: RH – similar 6″ Pulls.
Mudroom Drop Zone
A “drop zone” featuring a custom cabinet with drawers and upper cabinets complete this mudroom. Paint color is Sherwin Williams Snowbound.
Pendant Light: here.
This home keeps getting better, right? Who wouldn’t love having a backyard like this?
Back Porch
The back of the house features a large back porch with outdoor kitchen (on right) and outdoor fireplace (on left).
Metal & Wood
The beam posts and brackets are Cedar. Also notice the black metal roof and doors.
Roof: Cedar Shake with Antique Black metal roof.
The side of the house features a private courtyard.
Grey Doors
The grey doors are painted in Sherwin Williams SW 7016 Mindful Gray.
Gate: Custom iron gate with “X” detail.
Stair Tower
View of staircase tower from outside. Impressive!!!
Chimney Pot: Clay.
Exterior Stone
The exterior stone is “Weathered Granite”.
  Many thanks to the builder for sharing all of the details above.
Architecture: TS Adams Studio Architects (Instagram)
Builder: Macallan Custom Homes (Instagram – Facebook)
Project Manager: Justin Bell for TS Adams Studio Architects.
Interior Designer: Tyler Colgan.
Photography: Laura Negri Photography.
  Best Sales of the Month:
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Posts of the Week:
2019 New Year Home Tour.
Kitchen Renovation with Before & After Pictures.
Classic Colonial Home Design.
Beautiful Homes of Instagram: Fixer Upper.
Home Bunch’s Top 5: Kitchen Design Ideas.
Full-scale Home Remodel Inspiration.
Beautiful Homes of Instagram: Painted Brick Exterior.
Beautiful Homes of Instagram: How to Build your own Home.
Connecticut Beach House.
Interior Design Ideas: Colorful Interiors.
New England Home.
Interior Design Ideas: Home Renovation. Family-friendly Home Design.
New Year, New Beautiful Homes of Instagram. Georgian-Style Manor with Traditional Interiors. Transitional Home Design.
Grey Kitchen Paint Colors.
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If I am wrong, right me. If I am lost, guide me. If I start to give-up, keep me going.
Lead me in Light and Love”.
Have a wonderful day, my friends and we’ll talk again tomorrow.”
with Love,
Luciane from HomeBunch.com
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dawnjeman · 5 years
Modern English Farmhouse
  Hello, my friends! How are you feeling today? I hope you’re feeling good, in good health, and are able to take a few minutes to enjoy this house tour I have prepared for you. It’s truly a pleasure to share such a beautiful home!
Recently built by Macallan Custom Homes, designed by TS Adams Studio Architects (also featured here, here, here & here – yes, I do love their work!
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), and with interiors by Tyler Colgan, this Modern English Farmhouse comes to detox our minds of cluttered spaces, and I don’t say that only because this home was just completed and it’s still unfurnished, but mostly because its empty spaces will allow you to imagine how you could decorate it and, most importantly, it will allow you to notice the architectural details in a way that you might not have had if this home was already furnished.
Take notes on the sources shared such as paint colors, lighting, countertops and notice the inspiring kitchen and bathrooms details. I hope you have a really good time!
Photography: Laura Negri Photography.
  Modern English Farmhouse
What a curb-appeal! A beautiful custom iron railing adds an elegant touch to this classic home.
Timeless Beauty
It’s impossible to not be impressed by this timeless home.
Grey Windows
If not ready to commit with black windows, grey is a color that is current but still subtle. These grey windows were painted in Mindful gray SW 7016 by Sherwin Williams.
Off-White Paint Color
Off-White Exterior Brick Paint Color: Benjamin Moore Soft Chamois.
This two-car detached garage exudes charm with its classic architectural details.
Garage Door Hardware: here & here – similar.
Garage Lighting
Copper Sconces: Coppersmith – similar here.
Custom iron gates create a sense of privacy and safety to the backyard while allowing easy access to the back of the house.
Front Door
This arched black metal and glass front door is a show-stopper! Notice the copper awning and the beautiful arch detail.
Outdoor Lighting: Coppersmith – similar here.
Pathway: Bluestone.
I always feel excited when I see a well-designed space and this kitchen feels perfectly balanced. It’s functional without feeling overly done.
Kitchen Island Dimensions: 130.5” W x 34.5” T x 50”D
Kitchen Lighting (installed after photos were taken): Visual Comfort in Bronze.
Creating a Timeless Kitchen:
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Cabinet Paint Color
Cabinet paint color is Sherwin Williams SW 7004 Snowbound.
Cabinet Hardware
Kitchen Hardware: RH – similar Pulls & Knobs.
Countertop & Backsplash
The countertop and backsplash (behind the range) is polished Antique White Marble.
Kitchen Faucet is Kallista Vir Stil Minimal Pull-Down Faucet. Other Affordable Options: here, here, here, here & here (sink & faucet set).
Kitchen Cabinetry
Kitchen cabinets are custom with inset flat paneled doors.
Kitchen Hood
The kitchen also features a custom hood with a Venetian plaster finish.
The kitchen leads to a walk-in pantry.
The working pantry features a grey subway tile backsplash, white cabinets, brass knobs and floating shelves.
Backsplash Tile: 3×9 Villa Heirloom Aqua tile – Other Beautiful Backsplash Tiles: here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here & here.
Faucet: Newport Brass in Matte Black.
Lighting: Feiss – Others: here, here, here, here & here.
The kitchen, dining area and the Great Room features distressed box beams with a custom whitewash finish.
Hardwood Flooring
What a stunning space! How would you decorated it?
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Flooring is 5” White Oak floors  – similar here & here.
Custom cabinets with “X” inset and retractable doors flank a Limestone fireplace.
Cabinet Pulls: RH – similar 6″ Pulls.
Patio Door
Black steel patio doors lead to the back porch.
The walls have a custom Venetian Plaster finish.
Butler’s Pantry
The butler’s pantry features deep green/teal cabinets and ceiling. White marble countertop and White Oak hardwood flooring add a subtle contrast to this dramatic space.
Cabinet Hardware: RH – similar Pulls & Knobs.
Cabinet Paint Color
Cabinet paint color is Newburg Green HC-158 by Benjamin Moore in Eggshell.
Sconces: Visual Comfort.
Countertop & Backsplash
Butler’s Pantry also features Antique White counters and an antique mirror backsplash.
Beautiful Mirrored Tiles: here & here.
Bar Faucet: Rohl.
Powder Room Cabinet Paint Color
Cabinet paint color is Worldly Gray SW 7043 by Sherwin-Williams.
Countertop is Black Honed Stone.
Faucet: Phylrich – Others: here, here & here.
Cabinet Hardware: Satin Brass tab finger drawer – similar here & here.
Study Paint Color
Grey Study Paint Color: Mindful Gray SW 7016 by Sherwin-Williams. Walls are in eggshell and trim and windows are in semi-gloss.
Lighting: RH -similar here.
The stunning staircase features custom metal railings and spindles, hardwood threads and black steel windows.
Sconces: Visual Comfort – Other Beautiful Sconces: here, here, here, here, here, here, here & here.
Windows are Sierra Pacific provided by LiteWorks.
Master Bathroom
The master bathroom feels serene and elegant. Walls are Sherwin Williams Snowbound.
Similar Lighting: here, here, here & here.
Welcoming Bathroom Essentials
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Floor Tile: Walker Zanger Bianco Bello 12×24 Honed – similar here.
Sconces: Visual Comfort.
Paint Color
Blue Gray Paint Color: “Benjamin Moore Nimbus Gray“.
Vanities are custom – Other Beautiful Vanities: here, here, here & here.
Faucet & Countertop
Countertop is Premium White Marble.
Faucet is Phylrich Basic Double Handle Widespread Lavatory Faucet – similar here.
Knobs: RH – similar here.
Shower Tile
 Shower Walls: Walker Zanger Bianco Bello 12×24 Honed – similar here.
Shower Floor: Walker Zanger Bianco Bello Mosaic – similar here.
Guest Bathroom
Shower Walls: 4×16 Metro Gray Ceramic – similar: here, here, here, here & here.
Floors: Porcelain Herringbone tile.
Sconces: Visual Comfort.
Vanity is custom with White Mist quartz countertop.
Hardware: RH – similar 8″ acrylic cabinet pull.
Faucet: Kohler.
Vanity Design
This guest bathroom features a custom vanity with a “X” detail. Countertop is also White Mist quartz.
Faucet: Kohler.
Knobs: RH – similar Knobs.
Bathroom cabinetry is inset flat paneled slabs. Paint color is Sherwin Williams SW 7004.
Bath Floors: Walker Zanger 12×24 – similar here.
Knobs: RH – similar Glass Knobs.
Sconces: Pottery Barn.
Laundry Room
This laundry room is very spacious and yes, flooring is hardwood! Cabinet paint color is “Benjamin Moore Silver Marlin”.
Lighting: Here – Other Beautiful Pendants: here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here & here.
Sewing & Crafts
The other side of the laundry room features more cabinets, a desk area and open shelves. This space is perfect to be used as a craft room or sewing room.
Countertop: White Mist quartz.
Backsplash: 2×9 White Brick tile backsplash.
Cabinet Pulls: RH – Satin Nickel Mushroom Knobs.
This mudroom is dreamy! Walls are clad in shiplap and cabinets feature inset doors and drawers.
Flooring is 5″ White Oak hardwood.
Cabinet Hardware
Cabinet Pulls: RH – similar 6″ Pulls.
Mudroom Drop Zone
A “drop zone” featuring a custom cabinet with drawers and upper cabinets complete this mudroom. Paint color is Sherwin Williams Snowbound.
Pendant Light: here.
This home keeps getting better, right? Who wouldn’t love having a backyard like this?
Back Porch
The back of the house features a large back porch with outdoor kitchen (on right) and outdoor fireplace (on left).
Metal & Wood
The beam posts and brackets are Cedar. Also notice the black metal roof and doors.
Roof: Cedar Shake with Antique Black metal roof.
The side of the house features a private courtyard.
Grey Doors
The grey doors are painted in Sherwin Williams SW 7016 Mindful Gray.
Gate: Custom iron gate with “X” detail.
Stair Tower
View of staircase tower from outside. Impressive!!!
Chimney Pot: Clay.
Exterior Stone
The exterior stone is “Weathered Granite”.
  Many thanks to the builder for sharing all of the details above.
Architecture: TS Adams Studio Architects (Instagram)
Builder: Macallan Custom Homes (Instagram – Facebook)
Project Manager: Justin Bell for TS Adams Studio Architects.
Interior Designer: Tyler Colgan.
Photography: Laura Negri Photography.
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2019 New Year Home Tour.
Kitchen Renovation with Before & After Pictures.
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New Year, New Beautiful Homes of Instagram. Georgian-Style Manor with Traditional Interiors. Transitional Home Design.
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If I am wrong, right me. If I am lost, guide me. If I start to give-up, keep me going.
Lead me in Light and Love”.
Have a wonderful day, my friends and we’ll talk again tomorrow.”
with Love,
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roccorrios · 4 years
How To Disappear Completely & Never Be Found (Legally, Without a Trace)
Can you disappear without a trace?
Yes, you can.
But, it all depends on one thing. Proper planning.
Today, you’re going to learn effective approaches on how to disappear completely and never be found.
But, knowing how to disappear completely is one thing – actually doing it is another.
Resources for disappearing: Ultimate Bug Out Bags & Survival Kits – Click Here
How do you disappear legally?
Is it illegal to disappear and never be found?
If you’re asking how to disappear completely for the first time, here are some things you should take note before going.
Currently, the law only forbids people who have committed a crime to completely disappear.
That’s why credit card companies and banks have the right to hire private investigators and track down default loans. They help find people who never want to be found.
The government can allow you to assume a new identity if you’ve been directly affected by the following situations:
·        Witness Protection Program
·        Political Asylum
·        Spouses in physically abusive marriages
·        Survival
·        Victims of sexual abuse
We’ll expand on what each of these mean below.
Helpful resources:
101 Bug Out Bag List Essentials: The Ultimate SHTF Gear Checklist
Wilderness Survival Kit List: 10 Supplies & Essentials You Should Always Bring With You Outdoors
Witness Protection Program
This program is designed to help key witnesses disappear legally and never be found by people who are after them.
However, once you opt for this method, there’s no turning back. In this case, the government will relocate and assign you a new identity.
The main criteria police look at are…
·        Credibility of the witness statement
·        Level of imminent danger facing the witness
So, how does this work?
The Marshals will relocate you to a different state as they process most recent identities.
You’ll get a job that pays at least $60,000 annually as well as schooling for your children.
Armed officers will also protect your home during court appearance dates.
Political Asylum            
Political asylum applies to people who would need refuge in the United States and never want to be found by those who have malicious intent toward them.
The right of asylum allows one to seek protection when he or she fears prosecution due to social, religious, and political stances.
After a successful application, the government will provide you with a green card. This ensures that you won’t need to renew a visa or apply for a work permit. Plus, it allows you to travel back to your home country when things cool down.
Spouses in physically abusive marriages
The government does not facilitate this program, but you won’t face any charges if your case is credible. They may even give you pointers on how to disappear completely if you fall under this case.
Credibility in this case means filing police reports of domestic violence against your spouse. You can produce medical reports of injuries sustained directly as a result of physical abuse.
Most of these cases play out in favor of the abused.
This would be similar to witness protection due to the nature of circumstances and another instance where the government may help you understand how to disappear completely.
You might be trying really hard to part ways with a criminal gang and disappearing is the best option.
In this situation, running away won’t get you in trouble with the police. As a matter of fact, they may even help you understand how to disappear.
Some areas are hostile to someone with different sexual orientation. Often, victims would end up suffering from consistent physical abuse while others experience death threats.
In addition, there might even be stalkers who make it impossible to live in peace.
Helpful reading:
22 of the Best Survival Rifles & All Around Survivalist Guns
Best EDC Knife – Everyday Carry Knives for Self Defense
Victims of sexual abuse
Some high profile sexual assault cases, such as Leaving Neverland often cause lifetime impact.
In addition to the physical trauma, victims would have to readjust in communities where everyone knows about their sexual abuse. This can be pretty difficult and cause problems if you don’t know how to disappear completely.
This also brings about additional frustrations in the form of embarrassment or struggles with self-esteem.
A victim in this situation can relocate to a fresh city and even change their name.
Doing this enables them to start over in a conducive environment where there’s no fear of judgement or sexual predators.
How do you disappear in America?
According to a 2017 security report, there are approximately 85 million CCTV cameras in the USA. This is a road block for someone in America wanting to know how to disappear completely.
In addition, Google and social media companies are also gathering your personal information from your electronics every single day.
With all these eyes on you, is it possible to disappear and never be found?
In this section, we’ll look at how to disappear without a trace.
How do I disappear online?
Have you ever seen a friend suggestion on Facebook that made you wonder how it happened? Think of it that it can be a huge road block for someone pondering on how to disappear completely.
For instance, you might see your favorite bartender’s profile yet you don’t have mutual friends.
You might have never attended the same schools and this leaves you wondering how Facebook made the connection. If you want to disappear completely, it is a must to sever your ties with social media.
Social media companies use artificial intelligence to map out your daily routines and you don’t want your escape plan exposed accidentally online.
So, let’s learn how to disappear completely from the internet.
More helpful reading:
Best Rocket Stove Plans & Design: DIY Mass & Water Heater (How to Build)
How To Start a Fire With Sticks: Make Friction Fire Steps (Bow or Hand Drill, No Lighter)
1. Ditch social media
We’ve just learned how social media uses artificial intelligence to check more about you.
However, some people use social media to their own disadvantage.
One of the common ways is sharing too much information such as posting a holiday destination or weekend plans.
Doing this provides your enemies with intel on where and when to strike.
Most apps come with Geotagging features when capturing photos and videos. This must be noted since most of us have photo album, photo book, video book and video album uploaded online.
This can accidentally get activated when your phone is online.
That’s why you need to deactivate all your social media accounts before implementing your getaway plan.
Consider deleting all your photos, photo book, and photo album online, since anyone looking for you might download and print them.
Especially those belonging to your children or relatives who don’t have a clue of the danger at hand. Even album that belong to their social media accounts that have no tags of you can pose as a threat for you who wants to learn how to disappear completely.
2. Delete your email account
Should I delete my email account before vanishing?
Yes, you should. Emails can leave a huge trail.
Let’s say you use Gmail and happen to use Google to find out the best routes to drive outside America. This is something you should understand in planning how to disappear completely.
An enemy with hacking skills can use your email address to view your recent search history.
This makes you quite vulnerable to an ambush.
Plan in advance on when you’ll download important files and contacts when disappearing temporarily.
For instance, a political refugee who happens to possess credible evidence in digital format. These happening point to how people actually start asking questions on how to disappear completely. Although you may not fall under this category, it is a must for you to learn and conduct this among many other practices that follow.
3. Get a new phone if necessary
At this point, you’ll need a phone. This means abandoning your previous contacts.
It could even be advisable to work on a physical contact album or book, to avoid any tracing through electronic means.
While flashing or jailbreaking might seem like a better option, you’re still at risk of hacking.
Hackers can use digital forensics to retrieve deleted files. It is said that even those files from years ago from an obscure cloud album wherein you had uploaded them can still be accessed and hacked.
The best thing would be disposing your phone just like on TV.
Park your car near a lake and throw your phone as far away as you can. This is necessary to disappear completely.
A basic phone will help you get by since at this point, you’ll have cut off communication with your circles.
It’s advisable to make phone calls from random locations to avoid getting tracked through cellphone towers.
4. Hiring Companies That Remove Personal Information from Internet
Have you ever typed or said your name on Google out of curiosity? You’ll often find information from sources such as…
·        Social media
·        Online forums
·        YouTube channels
·        Sites where your name is mentioned. (e.g articles or books you’ve published)
·        Linkedin
·        Google images (and albums uploaded)
This information could take time to delete if you have a prolific career online.
For instance, someone who is a political blogger deemed controversial might be mentioned in almost 20 websites. These are the type of stuff that are not going away.
When fleeing on exile, you can hire a company that specializes on how to completely disappear online.
Gather all your identification
You’ll need identification to help you relocate to safety or withdraw money from your bank. This is where you ask yourself “Do I want to be disappear for good?”
If your situation gets worse, a passport will help you get going and moving across borders. Without a passport, there will be no going away for you.
You’ll need a driving license or some form of ID when booking hotel rooms.
At this point, you might hire a data specialist to check whether your new identity is being used fraudulently.
It is said, some hackers can clone your new identity as a way of tricking your friends to give away information that could potentially help them pinpoint you.
It is to create an album as well for this for you to compile all identification documents.
Sell your car 
When your life is in danger you’ll want to move around more discreetly. Something might be off about losing your primary mode of transportation, but going discreet without leaving traces of your car can be a good way to free yourself.
You probably suspect that your enemy is trailing you on the road every single day. You can throw them off for a while by selling your car. The best way of doing this is selling your car in a lot or out of state.
You will never learn how to disappear completely unless you are able to make your belongings disappear first.
Doing this means that the newfound owner cannot get coerced into sharing information on your whereabouts.
Make sure the said buyer pays you in cash and never through other transactions to avoid leaving paper trails.
Don’t involve your loved ones
If you wish to disappear completely by yourself, it’s best to never involve other people. Better to keep them in the dark, especially when planning how to disappear completely.
If you feel the need to say goodbye, you could band together a few trusted friends and members of the family and invite them to a meeting, to collectively inform them of your leaving. This could help in creating a band of secrecy with your friends and family.
Doing this could put someone you love, like a friend or relative, on the line. Get rid of any photo album or video album connecting you to them.
Criminal gangs have a reputation of hurting family members as a form of revenge.
These said goons could use painful interrogation on your friends in their effort to track you down.
If you have a kid, make sure that the kid is taken care off before disappearing. Although this might sound cruel for the kid, having the kid away from you especially if you are in precarious situation will benefit the kid much more in the longer run. Ensuring your kid’s safety should be your primary priority if this is indeed your case.
This is the best time to stay sober. No need to get drunk and waste time, since this may become a cause of being almost arrested.
A night out with friends can make you reveal your plans unintentionally.
Some might end up frustrating your plans out of what might seem to be good intentions. This may not be music to your ears but it is necessary.
Create a budget
No matter where you are, you’ll need food, shelter, and clothes. All of which that are said are still essentials for executing a plan on how to disappear completely.
In this situation, you’ll need some time to settle down before applying for a newfound job.
That means paying for rent or hotel rooms and other expenses out of your own pockets.
You’ll need to save up for a while to ensure that your plan may run smoothly.
Avoid borrowing money from several friends because this will raise suspicion.
Keep it to just a couple of friends without revealing your intentions with the money. Almost all of your expenses must be kept in order. It is best to book keep regarding these matters of finances
Leave your finances in order
Almost all banks and other creditors use private investigators to track down credit defaulters. These people are equipped with piles of books and documents to track people down.
Some have said that private investigators are sometimes former police officers who have experience tracking down criminals. That’s why leaving unsettled bills can ruin your efforts to disappear completely.
Before going away, make sure you clear all your credit card bills and outstanding loans. You might have to sell your house to cease making monthly payments to your bank.
Make sure your car payments are settled before selling it.
If you have pending orders, create some time to get them delivered to clients expeditiously.
Doing this will help you avoid lawsuits once you disappear.
Having said all of those, if this isn’t possible, make arrangements on how to refund your clients.
Detach yourself gradually
It’s almost painful leaving behind your social circle. Humans are wired to belong in a group or community. For someone wanting to learn how to disappear completely, this is a heavy thought to unfold.
Why is detaching from them before going away necessary?
Because you’ll need some time doing research and fine tuning your getaway plan.
Life on the run means living in isolation for days or weeks.
You might have to decline a few social invites or group activities as a way of mentally preparing yourself for what’s next. Almost all people have said they have the urge to decline invites, which is why this would not be a struggle if you are used to it.
Take time to play alone as well. If you disappear completely, there will be no guarantee when you will be able play with friends again. Maybe even never. But once you have found the space and mindset for you to enjoy time to play and enjoy life alone, things are bound to go smoother.
You can start the detachment process by spending less time on social media. Listening less and less to the song you and your friends sing. Researchers say that listening to music can help you focus at the task at hand.
Unfortunately, you cannot bring your pet on a risky mission.
You cannot feed him or her properly when you’re constantly looking over your shoulder.
Researches have said that a malnourished animal is susceptible to diseases and traveling to the vet is unnecessary, considering the danger at hand for someone wanting to disappear.
Also, animals can sense when their owners get stressed.
This in turn makes them nervous and can bring about unwanted accidents. A nervous dog may bite bystanders while you’re taking a walk or march in the park.
Unfortunately, having a pet companion is something that may hinder being free discreetly, especially if you want to never be found for quite some time.
Change your wardrobe
It might seem a little obvious, but most people tend to forget this step.
Changing your appearance makes it harder for someone to detect you on security cameras. Plus, it buys you some time to flee or find a place to settle where it’s peaceful.
You may be thinking or have said before, “If I want to disappear, should I stick to hoodies and dark shades?”
Certainly not because it draws more attention and will not help you in your quest to never be found again.
If you normally wear formal attire, you might need to do a couple of things.
For instance, growing out your beautiful hair will conceal conspicuous facial features. Listening to a different song could help you psyche up a change in identity.
Next, you might want to switch to casual wear because your friends or family won’t expect that look.
Plan your false leads
If you’re running away from malicious people, you’ll need to mislead them for you to never be found.
That’s why you need to learn how to create false leads to keep danger at bay. Having said that, how does one do this then?
The first step would be evaluating what information your enemy probably knows about you for you to learn what to eliminate and manufacture to never be found again.
Let’s say you’re going on tour to Nevada and your home state is Michigan. You could print road or ticket planes then leave them lying in your house.
While your enemy travels to Michigan, you’re actually safe and secure in Louisiana.
Book false flights, book false hotel reservations, say you’re going to see a band at a concert,and book false restaurant reservations from time to time, to keep people away from your trail and instead have them listening to a false song of you.
Work out a convincing background
If you’re relocating to unfamiliar territory, you’ll need to develop a convincing background – especially when you’re trying to rent a newfound home.
Also, you’ll need to convince a potential employer to give you a job. Take up a hobby, write music, and create an album or photo book, create art book, or work on some woodcraft. These can support you in landing a newfound job. Develop an album or photo book of false identity for you to remain discreet despite applying for a job.
The best approach would be keeping things as brief as possible.
If someone asks why you relocated, you can tell them that you come from a small town with limited opportunities.
Don’t mention towns or areas in your home state if you want to never be found again.
Travel discreetly
Nowadays, malicious people hack surveillance cameras with the intent of illegally tracking victims.
If someone knows where you live, they can monitor you as you drive off to work as well as access security cameras in your place of work.
This puts you at a high risk of getting ambushed or suffering a home invasion.
If your body is in great shape, then you could have to cycle through dirt paths to avoid traffic cameras.
A drone equipped with a camera can also help you spot any roadblocks or potential dangers in advance.
Learn some self defense
Getting away might not come so easily especially if you want to never be found.
A spouse trying to flee from a physically abusive relationship might resort to fighting off their aggressive partner and run to survive.
When a stalker creeps into your newfound home, you’ll could need to use a significant amount of force.
You can sign up for martial arts classes to learn self-defense and prepare for such incidents. If you feel like singing a kung-fu song to get you into it, then do so.
Train yourself on how to use knives, because carrying a firearm might be a nuisance – especially when walking in malls and other public places since you have to fill out declaration forms.
Other weapons you can carry discreetly include pepper sprays and tasers.
You won’t have to declare them in most places and they’re quite affordable to replace.
Always use cash
In movies or crime television series, you often see the police track down suspects using transaction details from their credit or debit card purchases. Getting yourself free from these services may help you erase your financial footprints.
Any transaction made using a credit or debit card reveals the business location and exact time. Book keeping in this case is a necessary practice.
If you’re using a joint credit card with a spouse, they can try to use this information to find you.
Carry your cash in separate compartments for safety reasons.
Also, carry the exact amount you need for making a purchase to minimize time spent at stores or shopping areas. Avoid buying something you don’t need.
Doing this will lower your chances of getting recorded on security cameras.
Create a new legal identity
How hard is it to completely change your name? All it takes is presenting the relevant form to court.
After receiving your application, the court will do some background checks to make sure you’re not a credit defaulter. Make sure to have your album of identification documents ready for this, if necessary.
It could take a few weeks before your newly identity becomes official.
Once you arrive in your destination, you might consider using a nickname that you’ve never used in your past.
Doing this creates a layer of security because many people will stick to using it without bothering to learn your real names.
How to Create a New Identity
1. Apply for a new social security number
How do I get a new social security number legally?
First, you’ll have to completely and legally change your name.
Once the court verifies your recent identity, the next step is visiting the nearest social security office and filling out several forms.
Are there requirements?
The social security office might request to see documents supporting your need to change identity.
You’ll then receive a social security number after a couple of weeks.
2. Reintroduce yourself
When you look at your new name, it might seem strange. However, this is your newest identity and you need to fit the character.
Originally, just like in the movies, you’ll have to stand in front of a mirror every single day.
Practice introducing yourself until your body language completely matches your statement.  Don’t kid yourself into believing that no one will recognize you if you move even to the farthest of places. It is best to reshape your identity in these cases.
Another way to make yourself appear more credible is maintaining a consistent new inspired look.
Over time you’ll gradually come to associate the new name with specific clothes.
3. Be a law abiding citizen
The nice way of keeping your newly identity a secret is becoming a law abiding citizen. This is nothing new because for you to be able to learn how disappear completely, there must be a reevaluation of your old practices as a citizen.
During arrests, police usually conduct background checks on suspects.
Things might get complicated if an officer notices that your history is scarce because of an identity change.
Avoid giving in to the temptation to make a quick buck by engaging in crime. Stick to the book and keep a discipline in following the law.
Also, stay away from someone you completely suspect is actively involved in criminal activities.
How do I start a new life with no money?
Moving out of a toxic situation can cost you all your savings. So, you might have to downgrade your lifestyle temporarily. After asking yourself how to disappear completely, you must then make sure you have enough money to start a new life.
You can cope through this uncomfortable situation by taking the following steps:
1. Relocate to somewhere affordable
Relocating is the best way to completely gain independence and peace of mind. It will also help you to advance your career the best way possible. This is the first step in planning how to disappear completely.
Don’t be afraid to be a kid again when discovering newfound places.
Plus, it’s the safest place to change your entire look without drawing suspicion.
When your savings are a bit thin, you can rent a small, decent apartment. Research or read a book about the place you are moving into, in order to avoid culture shock.
Take time to identify some nice cities and you’ll find something that’s a good value for money.
Once you move in, you can install a security camera at the door or something to monitor security.
2. Set a monthly income target
Relocating to a newfound city or country is a sign that you want a completely peaceful life.
For someone to achieve this, you’ll need a sustainable monthly income. Book keeping on extra incomes should also be observed here. Avoid buying something you don’t need.
This will help you buy a newly car, home, or start a business.
Basically, you need a plan on how you’ll transition from a temporary job to a better paying one – like enrolling for a course to advance your professional skills.
Write down the steps you need to take, then set a completely reasonable deadline.
3. Make new friends
Living in isolation can make you depressed. One could not have thought of this when planning how to disappear completely.
Also, your neighbors could get completely suspicious when you don’t say, “Hi”, “I’m Fine” or “Thanks” to them.
The last thing you need is when police came knocking on your door.
You can integrate with your newfound community by taking small steps. Be a kid and have an open mind when it comes to meeting new people, as this will help establish your new life.
Hanging out with your new colleagues once or twice a week isn’t a bad idea. Then, you can join a local gym and meet new people. Go to a karaoke and sing a wonderful song with new colleagues.
Some of them can actually help you get a better job.
4. Minimize recurrent expenses
Think through everything.
For instance, food and transport are usually the biggest recurrent expenses you’ll incur. Make sure to record these transactions.
You can minimize these expenses by making a few adjustments. Book keeping can help you keep track of things like phone expenses and other bills as well as help you remember what billing accounts need to be changed to your new name.
For instance, doing bulk shopping ensures you have enough food for the next month.
You’ll also cook most of your meals to reduce expenses related to food. You also may need to sell your new phone and find an old phone instead.
Find a bicycle to take to work. Although it may be an odd idea when planning how to disappear completely, this would not only sever you from the paperwork of having a new car, but would also help you get used to a new way of life.
You might have to wake up earlier than usual to make it to work, but it’s worth it and the exercise would help sharpen your mind.
Plus, you don’t need to have a name ID or sign your name on any forms when purchasing a bicycle.
5. Stay resilient
As you settle into your newfound life, you’ll encounter many challenges and missing your friends and your old life will make you feel sad.
Sometimes, you might not hit your monthly income target. This is nothing new, and you must know that it is okay.
Planning on disappearing completely can take a huge toll on your mental health.
Take some time every day to address these issues.
When you feel lonely, call one of your newfound friends to meet for coffee. If you want to, join a band. Joining a band provides not only a group of friends but includes a sense of anonymity, since you will be absorbed into a dream group.
This helps in the long run if you want to remain discreet.
You can also spend an afternoon exploring the new city or town.
As far as money is concerned, you’ll typically be successful when you follow your plan.
How do I start a new life abroad?
1. Choose an unlikely destination
Planning on disappearing completely and choosing a new life means that no one from your old life can get in contact with you. If you are to start a new chapter of life, choosing a new name and destination would be a good place to start.
That’s why you need a destination that’s unpredictable. You’ll also have the benefit of exploring new cultures.
How do you select an ideal country? Make sure it’s somewhere you’ve never mentioned to someone else – like friends or family. Also, don’t move to a place you’ve visited in the past.
This won’t help you disappear.
An ideal location should have a favorable exchange rate because you’ll be living off your savings temporarily.
If you’re thinking of moving to less developed nations, your priority should be stability. Avoid countries that have a reputation of civil wars. In addition, pick a country with a promising economy to increase your chances of getting a decent job.
2. Learn the language
Language barriers can completely complicate your life in several ways. Getting from one point to the next is stressful when your Uber driver cannot understand what you’re saying. You might end up getting overcharged at restaurants or stores when some businesses notice that you’re a foreigner.
The excellent way to overcome language barriers is to listen to the music of the language you are aiming to learn. Music and songs have this power to not only make our bodies move, but also establish similarities and highlight nuances in a language. Thus, it is advisable for someone wanting to learn another language, to immerse themselves in the language’s music. Listening to local songs on the radio can also help.
You can completely avoid most of these issues by learning the new language in advance, a highly recommended practice to help you disappear completely. Spend two to three hours every single day learning the right pronunciations and contexts from article or book. Doing this will give you confidence to interact with the newfound people you meet, thus adding to your repertoire of knowledge in the art of disappearing completely.
3. Spot potential employers before leaving 
Proper planning will help you minimize or even completely avoid stress due to insufficient cash. One way of implementing this is by narrowing down potential companies that are likely to hire you within a month of your arrival. Knowing how to disappear completely is one thing, sustaining your life after disappearing is another.
You can start with multinational companies that operate in your city. Pay a visit to their offices and inquire about overseas jobs. Also, make sure your new name appears on an academic certificates, birth certificate, phone contact information, and bank account information to enhance your credibility.
4. Be patient
Moving into a new country isn’t just about relocating from one continent to the next. Culture shock will occur at some point and may even force you to regret your choice to disappear. You might feel uneasy about some cultures in your new country. For instance, a vegetarian might feel disgusted in a country where animals are slaughtered in public. This, although excruciating, is important to note in preparing on how to leave your old life and disappear completely.
You’ll need about 2-3 months to get used to your new environment once you disappear.
During this period, become social to help you ease the floating transition. Spend time traveling to familiarize yourself with the city or town. Don’t be impatient.
5. Don’t reconnect with your old life
You might experience loneliness and miss your old life during the first couple of months once you disappear. In this situation, you might feel tempted to go online and catch up with old friends or relatives. On the other hand, doing this means exposing yourself to the same danger that made you disappear. All the research done, name change, and actions you took to leave and disappear would be compromised.
Now you know how to create a new identity legally and disappear completely
Applying these tips will help you leave your old life and transition smoothly into a new one.
Remember to plan thoroughly and never involve loved ones in your escape plan.
That’s how you would disappear completely.
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survivalistgear1 · 4 years
How To Disappear Completely & Never Be Found (Legally, Without a Trace)
Can you disappear without a trace?
Yes, you can.
But, it all depends on one thing. Proper planning.
Today, you’re going to learn effective approaches on how to disappear completely and never be found.
But, knowing how to disappear completely is one thing – actually doing it is another.
Resources for disappearing: Ultimate Bug Out Bags & Survival Kits – Click Here
How do you disappear legally?
Is it illegal to disappear and never be found?
If you’re asking how to disappear completely for the first time, here are some things you should take note before going.
Currently, the law only forbids people who have committed a crime to completely disappear.
That’s why credit card companies and banks have the right to hire private investigators and track down default loans. They help find people who never want to be found.
The government can allow you to assume a new identity if you’ve been directly affected by the following situations:
·        Witness Protection Program
·        Political Asylum
·        Spouses in physically abusive marriages
·        Survival
·        Victims of sexual abuse
We’ll expand on what each of these mean below.
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Witness Protection Program
This program is designed to help key witnesses disappear legally and never be found by people who are after them.
However, once you opt for this method, there’s no turning back. In this case, the government will relocate and assign you a new identity.
The main criteria police look at are…
·        Credibility of the witness statement
·        Level of imminent danger facing the witness
So, how does this work?
The Marshals will relocate you to a different state as they process most recent identities.
You’ll get a job that pays at least $60,000 annually as well as schooling for your children.
Armed officers will also protect your home during court appearance dates.
Political Asylum            
Political asylum applies to people who would need refuge in the United States and never want to be found by those who have malicious intent toward them.
The right of asylum allows one to seek protection when he or she fears prosecution due to social, religious, and political stances.
After a successful application, the government will provide you with a green card. This ensures that you won’t need to renew a visa or apply for a work permit. Plus, it allows you to travel back to your home country when things cool down.
Spouses in physically abusive marriages
The government does not facilitate this program, but you won’t face any charges if your case is credible. They may even give you pointers on how to disappear completely if you fall under this case.
Credibility in this case means filing police reports of domestic violence against your spouse. You can produce medical reports of injuries sustained directly as a result of physical abuse.
Most of these cases play out in favor of the abused.
This would be similar to witness protection due to the nature of circumstances and another instance where the government may help you understand how to disappear completely.
You might be trying really hard to part ways with a criminal gang and disappearing is the best option.
In this situation, running away won’t get you in trouble with the police. As a matter of fact, they may even help you understand how to disappear.
Some areas are hostile to someone with different sexual orientation. Often, victims would end up suffering from consistent physical abuse while others experience death threats.
In addition, there might even be stalkers who make it impossible to live in peace.
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Victims of sexual abuse
Some high profile sexual assault cases, such as Leaving Neverland often cause lifetime impact.
In addition to the physical trauma, victims would have to readjust in communities where everyone knows about their sexual abuse. This can be pretty difficult and cause problems if you don’t know how to disappear completely.
This also brings about additional frustrations in the form of embarrassment or struggles with self-esteem.
A victim in this situation can relocate to a fresh city and even change their name.
Doing this enables them to start over in a conducive environment where there’s no fear of judgement or sexual predators.
How do you disappear in America?
According to a 2017 security report, there are approximately 85 million CCTV cameras in the USA. This is a road block for someone in America wanting to know how to disappear completely.
In addition, Google and social media companies are also gathering your personal information from your electronics every single day.
With all these eyes on you, is it possible to disappear and never be found?
In this section, we’ll look at how to disappear without a trace.
How do I disappear online?
Have you ever seen a friend suggestion on Facebook that made you wonder how it happened? Think of it that it can be a huge road block for someone pondering on how to disappear completely.
For instance, you might see your favorite bartender’s profile yet you don’t have mutual friends.
You might have never attended the same schools and this leaves you wondering how Facebook made the connection. If you want to disappear completely, it is a must to sever your ties with social media.
Social media companies use artificial intelligence to map out your daily routines and you don’t want your escape plan exposed accidentally online.
So, let’s learn how to disappear completely from the internet.
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1. Ditch social media
We’ve just learned how social media uses artificial intelligence to check more about you.
However, some people use social media to their own disadvantage.
One of the common ways is sharing too much information such as posting a holiday destination or weekend plans.
Doing this provides your enemies with intel on where and when to strike.
Most apps come with Geotagging features when capturing photos and videos. This must be noted since most of us have photo album, photo book, video book and video album uploaded online.
This can accidentally get activated when your phone is online.
That’s why you need to deactivate all your social media accounts before implementing your getaway plan.
Consider deleting all your photos, photo book, and photo album online, since anyone looking for you might download and print them.
Especially those belonging to your children or relatives who don’t have a clue of the danger at hand. Even album that belong to their social media accounts that have no tags of you can pose as a threat for you who wants to learn how to disappear completely.
2. Delete your email account
Should I delete my email account before vanishing?
Yes, you should. Emails can leave a huge trail.
Let’s say you use Gmail and happen to use Google to find out the best routes to drive outside America. This is something you should understand in planning how to disappear completely.
An enemy with hacking skills can use your email address to view your recent search history.
This makes you quite vulnerable to an ambush.
Plan in advance on when you’ll download important files and contacts when disappearing temporarily.
For instance, a political refugee who happens to possess credible evidence in digital format. These happening point to how people actually start asking questions on how to disappear completely. Although you may not fall under this category, it is a must for you to learn and conduct this among many other practices that follow.
3. Get a new phone if necessary
At this point, you’ll need a phone. This means abandoning your previous contacts.
It could even be advisable to work on a physical contact album or book, to avoid any tracing through electronic means.
While flashing or jailbreaking might seem like a better option, you’re still at risk of hacking.
Hackers can use digital forensics to retrieve deleted files. It is said that even those files from years ago from an obscure cloud album wherein you had uploaded them can still be accessed and hacked.
The best thing would be disposing your phone just like on TV.
Park your car near a lake and throw your phone as far away as you can. This is necessary to disappear completely.
A basic phone will help you get by since at this point, you’ll have cut off communication with your circles.
It’s advisable to make phone calls from random locations to avoid getting tracked through cellphone towers.
4. Hiring Companies That Remove Personal Information from Internet
Have you ever typed or said your name on Google out of curiosity? You’ll often find information from sources such as…
·        Social media
·        Online forums
·        YouTube channels
·        Sites where your name is mentioned. (e.g articles or books you’ve published)
·        Linkedin
·        Google images (and albums uploaded)
This information could take time to delete if you have a prolific career online.
For instance, someone who is a political blogger deemed controversial might be mentioned in almost 20 websites. These are the type of stuff that are not going away.
When fleeing on exile, you can hire a company that specializes on how to completely disappear online.
Gather all your identification
You’ll need identification to help you relocate to safety or withdraw money from your bank. This is where you ask yourself “Do I want to be disappear for good?”
If your situation gets worse, a passport will help you get going and moving across borders. Without a passport, there will be no going away for you.
You’ll need a driving license or some form of ID when booking hotel rooms.
At this point, you might hire a data specialist to check whether your new identity is being used fraudulently.
It is said, some hackers can clone your new identity as a way of tricking your friends to give away information that could potentially help them pinpoint you.
It is to create an album as well for this for you to compile all identification documents.
Sell your car 
When your life is in danger you’ll want to move around more discreetly. Something might be off about losing your primary mode of transportation, but going discreet without leaving traces of your car can be a good way to free yourself.
You probably suspect that your enemy is trailing you on the road every single day. You can throw them off for a while by selling your car. The best way of doing this is selling your car in a lot or out of state.
You will never learn how to disappear completely unless you are able to make your belongings disappear first.
Doing this means that the newfound owner cannot get coerced into sharing information on your whereabouts.
Make sure the said buyer pays you in cash and never through other transactions to avoid leaving paper trails.
Don’t involve your loved ones
If you wish to disappear completely by yourself, it’s best to never involve other people. Better to keep them in the dark, especially when planning how to disappear completely.
If you feel the need to say goodbye, you could band together a few trusted friends and members of the family and invite them to a meeting, to collectively inform them of your leaving. This could help in creating a band of secrecy with your friends and family.
Doing this could put someone you love, like a friend or relative, on the line. Get rid of any photo album or video album connecting you to them.
Criminal gangs have a reputation of hurting family members as a form of revenge.
These said goons could use painful interrogation on your friends in their effort to track you down.
If you have a kid, make sure that the kid is taken care off before disappearing. Although this might sound cruel for the kid, having the kid away from you especially if you are in precarious situation will benefit the kid much more in the longer run. Ensuring your kid’s safety should be your primary priority if this is indeed your case.
This is the best time to stay sober. No need to get drunk and waste time, since this may become a cause of being almost arrested.
A night out with friends can make you reveal your plans unintentionally.
Some might end up frustrating your plans out of what might seem to be good intentions. This may not be music to your ears but it is necessary.
Create a budget
No matter where you are, you’ll need food, shelter, and clothes. All of which that are said are still essentials for executing a plan on how to disappear completely.
In this situation, you’ll need some time to settle down before applying for a newfound job.
That means paying for rent or hotel rooms and other expenses out of your own pockets.
You’ll need to save up for a while to ensure that your plan may run smoothly.
Avoid borrowing money from several friends because this will raise suspicion.
Keep it to just a couple of friends without revealing your intentions with the money. Almost all of your expenses must be kept in order. It is best to book keep regarding these matters of finances
Leave your finances in order
Almost all banks and other creditors use private investigators to track down credit defaulters. These people are equipped with piles of books and documents to track people down.
Some have said that private investigators are sometimes former police officers who have experience tracking down criminals. That’s why leaving unsettled bills can ruin your efforts to disappear completely.
Before going away, make sure you clear all your credit card bills and outstanding loans. You might have to sell your house to cease making monthly payments to your bank.
Make sure your car payments are settled before selling it.
If you have pending orders, create some time to get them delivered to clients expeditiously.
Doing this will help you avoid lawsuits once you disappear.
Having said all of those, if this isn’t possible, make arrangements on how to refund your clients.
Detach yourself gradually
It’s almost painful leaving behind your social circle. Humans are wired to belong in a group or community. For someone wanting to learn how to disappear completely, this is a heavy thought to unfold.
Why is detaching from them before going away necessary?
Because you’ll need some time doing research and fine tuning your getaway plan.
Life on the run means living in isolation for days or weeks.
You might have to decline a few social invites or group activities as a way of mentally preparing yourself for what’s next. Almost all people have said they have the urge to decline invites, which is why this would not be a struggle if you are used to it.
Take time to play alone as well. If you disappear completely, there will be no guarantee when you will be able play with friends again. Maybe even never. But once you have found the space and mindset for you to enjoy time to play and enjoy life alone, things are bound to go smoother.
You can start the detachment process by spending less time on social media. Listening less and less to the song you and your friends sing. Researchers say that listening to music can help you focus at the task at hand.
Unfortunately, you cannot bring your pet on a risky mission.
You cannot feed him or her properly when you’re constantly looking over your shoulder.
Researches have said that a malnourished animal is susceptible to diseases and traveling to the vet is unnecessary, considering the danger at hand for someone wanting to disappear.
Also, animals can sense when their owners get stressed.
This in turn makes them nervous and can bring about unwanted accidents. A nervous dog may bite bystanders while you’re taking a walk or march in the park.
Unfortunately, having a pet companion is something that may hinder being free discreetly, especially if you want to never be found for quite some time.
Change your wardrobe
It might seem a little obvious, but most people tend to forget this step.
Changing your appearance makes it harder for someone to detect you on security cameras. Plus, it buys you some time to flee or find a place to settle where it’s peaceful.
You may be thinking or have said before, “If I want to disappear, should I stick to hoodies and dark shades?”
Certainly not because it draws more attention and will not help you in your quest to never be found again.
If you normally wear formal attire, you might need to do a couple of things.
For instance, growing out your beautiful hair will conceal conspicuous facial features. Listening to a different song could help you psyche up a change in identity.
Next, you might want to switch to casual wear because your friends or family won’t expect that look.
Plan your false leads
If you’re running away from malicious people, you’ll need to mislead them for you to never be found.
That’s why you need to learn how to create false leads to keep danger at bay. Having said that, how does one do this then?
The first step would be evaluating what information your enemy probably knows about you for you to learn what to eliminate and manufacture to never be found again.
Let’s say you’re going on tour to Nevada and your home state is Michigan. You could print road or ticket planes then leave them lying in your house.
While your enemy travels to Michigan, you’re actually safe and secure in Louisiana.
Book false flights, book false hotel reservations, say you’re going to see a band at a concert,and book false restaurant reservations from time to time, to keep people away from your trail and instead have them listening to a false song of you.
Work out a convincing background
If you’re relocating to unfamiliar territory, you’ll need to develop a convincing background – especially when you’re trying to rent a newfound home.
Also, you’ll need to convince a potential employer to give you a job. Take up a hobby, write music, and create an album or photo book, create art book, or work on some woodcraft. These can support you in landing a newfound job. Develop an album or photo book of false identity for you to remain discreet despite applying for a job.
The best approach would be keeping things as brief as possible.
If someone asks why you relocated, you can tell them that you come from a small town with limited opportunities.
Don’t mention towns or areas in your home state if you want to never be found again.
Travel discreetly
Nowadays, malicious people hack surveillance cameras with the intent of illegally tracking victims.
If someone knows where you live, they can monitor you as you drive off to work as well as access security cameras in your place of work.
This puts you at a high risk of getting ambushed or suffering a home invasion.
If your body is in great shape, then you could have to cycle through dirt paths to avoid traffic cameras.
A drone equipped with a camera can also help you spot any roadblocks or potential dangers in advance.
Learn some self defense
Getting away might not come so easily especially if you want to never be found.
A spouse trying to flee from a physically abusive relationship might resort to fighting off their aggressive partner and run to survive.
When a stalker creeps into your newfound home, you’ll could need to use a significant amount of force.
You can sign up for martial arts classes to learn self-defense and prepare for such incidents. If you feel like singing a kung-fu song to get you into it, then do so.
Train yourself on how to use knives, because carrying a firearm might be a nuisance – especially when walking in malls and other public places since you have to fill out declaration forms.
Other weapons you can carry discreetly include pepper sprays and tasers.
You won’t have to declare them in most places and they’re quite affordable to replace.
Always use cash
In movies or crime television series, you often see the police track down suspects using transaction details from their credit or debit card purchases. Getting yourself free from these services may help you erase your financial footprints.
Any transaction made using a credit or debit card reveals the business location and exact time. Book keeping in this case is a necessary practice.
If you’re using a joint credit card with a spouse, they can try to use this information to find you.
Carry your cash in separate compartments for safety reasons.
Also, carry the exact amount you need for making a purchase to minimize time spent at stores or shopping areas. Avoid buying something you don’t need.
Doing this will lower your chances of getting recorded on security cameras.
Create a new legal identity
How hard is it to completely change your name? All it takes is presenting the relevant form to court.
After receiving your application, the court will do some background checks to make sure you’re not a credit defaulter. Make sure to have your album of identification documents ready for this, if necessary.
It could take a few weeks before your newly identity becomes official.
Once you arrive in your destination, you might consider using a nickname that you’ve never used in your past.
Doing this creates a layer of security because many people will stick to using it without bothering to learn your real names.
How to Create a New Identity
1. Apply for a new social security number
How do I get a new social security number legally?
First, you’ll have to completely and legally change your name.
Once the court verifies your recent identity, the next step is visiting the nearest social security office and filling out several forms.
Are there requirements?
The social security office might request to see documents supporting your need to change identity.
You’ll then receive a social security number after a couple of weeks.
2. Reintroduce yourself
When you look at your new name, it might seem strange. However, this is your newest identity and you need to fit the character.
Originally, just like in the movies, you’ll have to stand in front of a mirror every single day.
Practice introducing yourself until your body language completely matches your statement.  Don’t kid yourself into believing that no one will recognize you if you move even to the farthest of places. It is best to reshape your identity in these cases.
Another way to make yourself appear more credible is maintaining a consistent new inspired look.
Over time you’ll gradually come to associate the new name with specific clothes.
3. Be a law abiding citizen
The nice way of keeping your newly identity a secret is becoming a law abiding citizen. This is nothing new because for you to be able to learn how disappear completely, there must be a reevaluation of your old practices as a citizen.
During arrests, police usually conduct background checks on suspects.
Things might get complicated if an officer notices that your history is scarce because of an identity change.
Avoid giving in to the temptation to make a quick buck by engaging in crime. Stick to the book and keep a discipline in following the law.
Also, stay away from someone you completely suspect is actively involved in criminal activities.
How do I start a new life with no money?
Moving out of a toxic situation can cost you all your savings. So, you might have to downgrade your lifestyle temporarily. After asking yourself how to disappear completely, you must then make sure you have enough money to start a new life.
You can cope through this uncomfortable situation by taking the following steps:
1. Relocate to somewhere affordable
Relocating is the best way to completely gain independence and peace of mind. It will also help you to advance your career the best way possible. This is the first step in planning how to disappear completely.
Don’t be afraid to be a kid again when discovering newfound places.
Plus, it’s the safest place to change your entire look without drawing suspicion.
When your savings are a bit thin, you can rent a small, decent apartment. Research or read a book about the place you are moving into, in order to avoid culture shock.
Take time to identify some nice cities and you’ll find something that’s a good value for money.
Once you move in, you can install a security camera at the door or something to monitor security.
2. Set a monthly income target
Relocating to a newfound city or country is a sign that you want a completely peaceful life.
For someone to achieve this, you’ll need a sustainable monthly income. Book keeping on extra incomes should also be observed here. Avoid buying something you don’t need.
This will help you buy a newly car, home, or start a business.
Basically, you need a plan on how you’ll transition from a temporary job to a better paying one – like enrolling for a course to advance your professional skills.
Write down the steps you need to take, then set a completely reasonable deadline.
3. Make new friends
Living in isolation can make you depressed. One could not have thought of this when planning how to disappear completely.
Also, your neighbors could get completely suspicious when you don’t say, “Hi”, “I’m Fine” or “Thanks” to them.
The last thing you need is when police came knocking on your door.
You can integrate with your newfound community by taking small steps. Be a kid and have an open mind when it comes to meeting new people, as this will help establish your new life.
Hanging out with your new colleagues once or twice a week isn’t a bad idea. Then, you can join a local gym and meet new people. Go to a karaoke and sing a wonderful song with new colleagues.
Some of them can actually help you get a better job.
4. Minimize recurrent expenses
Think through everything.
For instance, food and transport are usually the biggest recurrent expenses you’ll incur. Make sure to record these transactions.
You can minimize these expenses by making a few adjustments. Book keeping can help you keep track of things like phone expenses and other bills as well as help you remember what billing accounts need to be changed to your new name.
For instance, doing bulk shopping ensures you have enough food for the next month.
You’ll also cook most of your meals to reduce expenses related to food. You also may need to sell your new phone and find an old phone instead.
Find a bicycle to take to work. Although it may be an odd idea when planning how to disappear completely, this would not only sever you from the paperwork of having a new car, but would also help you get used to a new way of life.
You might have to wake up earlier than usual to make it to work, but it’s worth it and the exercise would help sharpen your mind.
Plus, you don’t need to have a name ID or sign your name on any forms when purchasing a bicycle.
5. Stay resilient
As you settle into your newfound life, you’ll encounter many challenges and missing your friends and your old life will make you feel sad.
Sometimes, you might not hit your monthly income target. This is nothing new, and you must know that it is okay.
Planning on disappearing completely can take a huge toll on your mental health.
Take some time every day to address these issues.
When you feel lonely, call one of your newfound friends to meet for coffee. If you want to, join a band. Joining a band provides not only a group of friends but includes a sense of anonymity, since you will be absorbed into a dream group.
This helps in the long run if you want to remain discreet.
You can also spend an afternoon exploring the new city or town.
As far as money is concerned, you’ll typically be successful when you follow your plan.
How do I start a new life abroad?
1. Choose an unlikely destination
Planning on disappearing completely and choosing a new life means that no one from your old life can get in contact with you. If you are to start a new chapter of life, choosing a new name and destination would be a good place to start.
That’s why you need a destination that’s unpredictable. You’ll also have the benefit of exploring new cultures.
How do you select an ideal country? Make sure it’s somewhere you’ve never mentioned to someone else – like friends or family. Also, don’t move to a place you’ve visited in the past.
This won’t help you disappear.
An ideal location should have a favorable exchange rate because you’ll be living off your savings temporarily.
If you’re thinking of moving to less developed nations, your priority should be stability. Avoid countries that have a reputation of civil wars. In addition, pick a country with a promising economy to increase your chances of getting a decent job.
2. Learn the language
Language barriers can completely complicate your life in several ways. Getting from one point to the next is stressful when your Uber driver cannot understand what you’re saying. You might end up getting overcharged at restaurants or stores when some businesses notice that you’re a foreigner.
The excellent way to overcome language barriers is to listen to the music of the language you are aiming to learn. Music and songs have this power to not only make our bodies move, but also establish similarities and highlight nuances in a language. Thus, it is advisable for someone wanting to learn another language, to immerse themselves in the language’s music. Listening to local songs on the radio can also help.
You can completely avoid most of these issues by learning the new language in advance, a highly recommended practice to help you disappear completely. Spend two to three hours every single day learning the right pronunciations and contexts from article or book. Doing this will give you confidence to interact with the newfound people you meet, thus adding to your repertoire of knowledge in the art of disappearing completely.
3. Spot potential employers before leaving 
Proper planning will help you minimize or even completely avoid stress due to insufficient cash. One way of implementing this is by narrowing down potential companies that are likely to hire you within a month of your arrival. Knowing how to disappear completely is one thing, sustaining your life after disappearing is another.
You can start with multinational companies that operate in your city. Pay a visit to their offices and inquire about overseas jobs. Also, make sure your new name appears on an academic certificates, birth certificate, phone contact information, and bank account information to enhance your credibility.
4. Be patient
Moving into a new country isn’t just about relocating from one continent to the next. Culture shock will occur at some point and may even force you to regret your choice to disappear. You might feel uneasy about some cultures in your new country. For instance, a vegetarian might feel disgusted in a country where animals are slaughtered in public. This, although excruciating, is important to note in preparing on how to leave your old life and disappear completely.
You’ll need about 2-3 months to get used to your new environment once you disappear.
During this period, become social to help you ease the floating transition. Spend time traveling to familiarize yourself with the city or town. Don’t be impatient.
5. Don’t reconnect with your old life
You might experience loneliness and miss your old life during the first couple of months once you disappear. In this situation, you might feel tempted to go online and catch up with old friends or relatives. On the other hand, doing this means exposing yourself to the same danger that made you disappear. All the research done, name change, and actions you took to leave and disappear would be compromised.
Now you know how to create a new identity legally and disappear completely
Applying these tips will help you leave your old life and transition smoothly into a new one.
Remember to plan thoroughly and never involve loved ones in your escape plan.
That’s how you would disappear completely.
The post How To Disappear Completely & Never Be Found (Legally, Without a Trace) appeared first on .
source https://survivalistgear.co/how-to-disappear-completely/
0 notes
marisadonnelly · 4 years
There’s no doubt that these times are different and strange. I see post after post about the Coronavirus and to be honest, I’m overwhelmed. Sometimes I’m just inundated with information and news about all the negative things — it makes me feel hopeless.
And figuring out how to package that information in a way that my son can understand? That feels impossible.
But what if we took this opportunity (as much as we feasibly can) and made the most of it? What if we found fun things to do during the quarantine and made the days spent at home memorable? I know that every family and family situation is different, but perhaps these ideas can spark some inspiration.
After all, you don’t need much to make something special. You just need love.
1. Create a Cardboard Box Fort
I was on a Bible study Zoom call with some close girlfriends and the boys made this creation! Honestly, there are so many different ways you can make a cardboard box fort! All you need is boxes, scissors or min-saw (with parent supervision), zip ties or duct tape, hot glue, and patience.
2. Do Some Coronavirus Coloring
If you have younger children, this Coronavirus Coloring Packet is a great way to teach them about the virus (without it being too scary). This can also be a fun way to keep kids engaged in creative play or an art activity for school at home.
3. Virtually Visit a Local Zoo
Did you know that you can watch the beluga whales from the Georgia Aquarium, the sea ottoers in Monterey Bay, or the daily Facebook livestreams from the Cincinatti Zoo?
It’s been all the rage in our house. Whenever we need a break from the routine, I’ll say, “I wonder what the whales are up to?” and it’ll completely refocus our attention to something else.
4. Look Through Old Photo Albums
Laura Fuhrman
Over the past few weeks, Austin has asked me about my childhood too many times to count. I think he’s taking stock of this moment in history and trying to understand what will be memorable for him, as it was when I was young.
One idea of fun things to do with kids during quarantine is to take time to go through old photo albums. Recount moments from when you were the same age, or reflect on embarrassing moments or silly clothes you wore! Show your child some of your favorite toys or favorite hideouts. Making those connections will help your child see the world through your eyes, which will be very memorable for them!
5. Create a Recipe (& Do Math)
Recipes are fun, but they can also be used as learning tools for kids, too! When you decide on a recipe, have your child measure out different ingredients. They can work on adding or subtracting fractions, or even multiplying in doubling a recipe!
These were homemade, almond flour blueberry muffins! We made them in my silicone heart-shaped pans!
6. Make an Indoor Herb Garden>
Of course you can always make an outdoor garden, too! But if that’s not feasible, this indoor AeroGarden is fully sustainable. All you need is to refill the water and food when the light goes on. They’re basically stress-free, but produce all kinds of fresh herbs: basil, mint, thyme, etc.
PS: For other kid-friendly plants, check this out!
7. Tour a Musuem
If you’re looking for fun things to do with kids during quarantine that can be educational, too, take advantage of all the virtual tours available online!
For example, you can visit the Louvre and walk through exhibits!
8. Particpate in Random Acts of Kindness
This little girl, a patient at St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, died days before what would have been her eighth birthday on April 8, 2014. Her parents have started an ‘8 Random Acts of Kindness’ campaign to promote good deeds in her honor. And you can encourage your family to take part in it!
9. Have an Indoor Picnic
Natanja Grun
Nothing makes a ‘Stay At Home’ order as fun as doing picnics, breakfast-in-bed, and other fun out-of-the-norm activities. You can create your own ‘outdoor experience’ by opening windows, playing an outdoor soundtrack, and even getting dressed for the occasion!
PS: If you’re looking for an adorable picnic basket, check this one out!
10. Make Fun Family Videos
TikTok and Firework are all the rage right now, and for good reason! Making videos and goofy clips on technology can bring families together! It’s also a great way to connect over contemporary apps, rather than fighting your kids to stay off of them.
Here’s a silly one my family did when my sister was in town (right before the quarantine!)
11. Create Cards for Patients
A meaningful way to teach your child about the Coronavirus is to encourage him or her to participate in supporting healthcare workers by making handmade cards!
12. Do Some Board Games or Puzzles
Don’t underestimate board games and puzzles! These can be sneaky ways to develop your child’s fine motor skills and concentration. Although there are so many good classic games, here are a few I recommend that many don’t know about: Ice Cool and Chick-A-Pig.
PS: You can see other games right here!
13. *Travel”* to Worldwide Desitnations
From the comfort of your couch you can check out this virtual tour of the Great Wall Of China or see live animals in the African wildlife cam.
If you’re into hiking, you can take a tour of Acadia National Park, or even check out the glaciers! Or, if you’re feeling really adventurous, take a virtual glider around the world!
14. Participate in a Quarantine-Friendly Parade
Schools and communities around the country are participating in ‘quaratine-friendly’ parades, where people can drive in cars to keep social distance from one another. Here’s a wonderful social-distance-friendly parade for a St. Jude’s patient who finished her chemo treatment!
15. Develop Connection Through Screens
Screentime can sometimes get a bad rap. These college kids worked together to create this compelling video singing and performing music together! Despite the distance, we are still connected and can create beautiful things.
16. Do In-Home Science Experiments
During quarantine, add science to your home-based curriculum with this crystal growing kit or this snap circuits set!
You can even do virtual science lessons with Bill Nye himself!
17. Listen to a Kid-Friendly Podcast
Podcasts aren’t just for adults! There are tons of kid-friendly tracks, like this ‘But Why?‘ series that helps answer questions for curious kiddos.
18. Try Kid’s Yoga
When kids are home from school, it might be hard to get them excited about physical activity. But what if it was fun? There are so many options for fun and kid-friendly workouts. For example, they can try virtual kid’s yoga!
PS: You can find a few options for exercise and mindfulness right here!
19. Watch a Live Book Reading
As a licensed teacher, I’m passionate about helping students (especially during distance learning!). I’ve created an online channel for teaching House On Mango Street, and I have plans to add more literature, too!
You can also check out other live book readings, like this one from Oxford all over YouTube!
Other Fun Things to Do With Kids During Quarantine
We are constantly updating our Instagram page with tips and ideas for getting through COVID-19. We also have resources at tips on our blog. If you have ideas or something you’d like to contribute, just leave a comment or send us an email. We’d be happy to hear from you! In the meantime, stay healthy, safe, and social-distanced! ❤️  
Featured Image Credit: Hannah Tasker
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Fun Things To Do With Kids During Quarantine There's no doubt that these times are different and strange. I see post after post about the Coronavirus and to be honest, I'm overwhelmed.
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terryblount · 4 years
DOOM Eternal PC Review: The End Is Nigh
The tagline of the game is “rip and tear, until it is done”, but ripping and tearing is only a portion of what the game has to offer. The DOOM Slayer has been unleashed upon earth to destroy everything that is evil in his path. You can rip and tear demons in half, or pull their freaking head off. You can slash and stab them in the jugular, or in the brain. You can shoot them in the face and break their necks. You can force feed them explosives and pull their disgusting eyes out. You can smash their head with your bloody fists or with your feet, stomping them until there’s nothing left. Hell, you can even reduce them to a puddle of blood and guts.
You play as the Slayer, the one – the only – humankind’s rage, its will to persevere, to overcome that which would threaten its survival. The Slayer is uncompromising; a relentless being of extreme violence that knows no signs of hesitation. He cuts through the demon hordes like a sickle through a field; his fury surpassing their own. He is faster, more unyielding, an avenging angel, the right hand of Doom here to save humanity from its sins. He is the DOOM Slayer and his fight is… Eternal!
Scary Stories For Baby Demons
DOOM is no longer a brainless first-person demon killing simulator. That was DOOM 2016, which was excellent by the way. DOOM Eternal offers the same and more compared to its predecessor. One of these new things the game has to offer is story. Yes, you read that right; DOOM now has a story. A very simple story, but a story nonetheless. I will keep it rather simple as the game has a lot of lore for you to dive into. You can even read a lengthy back-story regarding the history of the Sentinels.
This is Novik, your King. But no King can hold back the Slayer.
In the time of King Novik, ruler of Sentinel Prime and Argent D’Nur, as the Argenta secured peace through dimensions across time and space, the Slayer is found by the Night Sentinels outside the castle walls. The Sentinels, defenders of the land, found the Outlander bloodied, clawed and near death, mumbling of impending Doom and the forces of Darkness. By Argenta law, he would be given a second chance to fight for his freedom in the Coliseum. With his mind crippled with rage, he proves his worth and emerges victorious. “Rip and Tear” they shouted as he pushed beyond mortal wounds and certain death. And so, the Slayer is born!
“If you continue you will bring down the heaven’s wrath. You are but one man – they are no longer your people to save!”
King Novik warning the Slayer
It’s been eight months since the events of the previous title, when the Slayer awoke to, once again, destroy evil. Demonic forces have overrun earth, wiping out 60% of the planet’s population, under the now-corrupted Union Aerospace Corporation (UAC). The Slayer returns to earth to quell the demonic party by destroying the Hell Priests. The Hell Priests are powerful magicians who work for the corrupted former leader of the Slayer’s society. Her name is Khan Maykr!
Graphics, Controls And OMG The Optimization Of This Game
Visually, the game looks great. It’s not THE best looking game, however, it’s certainly a looker. In some rare occasions, you will stumble upon some low resolution textures. On the other hand, the game uses a brighter palette of colors compared to the prior game which was a bit darker. Locations and enemies also look crispier, though some enemies might look a bit less menacing than before.
In a second this demon will look less menacing without its head
The controls are perfect and this is probably the first time I didn’t have to change any key bindings. There is no mouse acceleration or smoothing, and to be honest I don’t even remember if there even is such an option in the settings. I only played with mouse and keyboard, so I have no idea whether the game runs/works great on a gamepad.
“Saving your people will not bring you peace, only make the burden you carry worse.”
The Betrayer advising the Slayer
Now what about optimization you might ask. Well, in case you haven’t already read John’s Performance Analysis, it is simply amazing. Seriously, this is probably the most optimized game I played in the last few years. With all the settings maxed, I had stable sixty frames per second at all times. I did not encounter any stuttering, nor crashes or bugs of any kind. The only issue I rarely had was clipping through objects or walls during the finishing animations. That’s about it. Phenomenal work from id Software.
Audio, Music And Voice Acting
The voice acting is all right. Nothing extraordinary and it’s not like the game has many dialogues or cutscenes anyway. While you can see much more of the Slayer this time, you will not hear him talking. At least not in a conventional way. Though, there is a setting that enables “Slayer pain grunts“, meaning you will hear him grunt whenever he receives damage.
The game features a photo mode and the Slayer is all about posing.
The music is fantastic and it fits the title just perfectly as long as you are akin to heavy metal music. Most of the music features heavy metal riffs and a choir of heavy metal vocalists. Demonic chanting and loud electric guitar sounds will also accompany you through the slaughter and mayhem.
All weapons feature unique sounds and some of them sound very familiar to the previous title. The rest of the sounds like ripping, pulling or even using the chainsaw on the demons are great as well. There are also sound notifications for equipment recharging, meaning you will hear a sound whenever your grenade is ready for use.
Ripping And Tearing, No Sewing
DOOM is probably among the most legendary first-person shooters in the world. The series always featured exceptional shooting mechanics and DOOM Eternal is no exception to the rule. The game performs and feels great. Shooting demons with any weapon feels smooth and natural. It basically feels just right. All the weapons have unique characteristics, with each having its own strengths and weaknesses. Each weapon handles differently and they all have recoil. And while the weapons do not feel arcade-ish, you should not expect a military simulator.
“If Sentinel holy blood is spilled on these grounds..you will lose all sovereignty here!”
Deag Grav taunting the Slayer.
Just like the previous game, most weapons in DOOM Eternal have two different attachments, which you can find scattered in the world or locked behind doors. For instance, the combat shotgun features a grenade launcher and an auto-loader. The first attachment shoots grenades, obviously, and the second provides the capability of rapid firing. You can change attachments on the fly and all attachments can be upgraded. They even have a mastery challenge. Thus, upon completion, your selected attachment becomes even more powerful. Now some of these challenges might be bothersome for some people. Thankfully, though, mastery tokens can be found scattered around the game’s world, however they are only available in the late game.
I never really liked this weapon, but know I do. Microwaving demons was never so fun!
Lastly, what would DOOM be without gore, blood and guts? I adore the gore in this game. It is extremely satisfying watching bullets shred your enemies’ flesh off their bodies, ripping them in half and stabbing them in the ear with their own arm. The visual damage/wound system is spectacular, and probably the best in a first-person shooter. Still, I believe that Resident Evil 2 Remake did it slightly better.
My only gripe is that the bodies of your enemies will immediately disappear after you kill them. I really don’t understand why this happens, especially since the  game runs so well. I doubt it would have made a significant difference in frames, even if they hadn’t removed the ragdoll from the bodies. Thankfully, the blood decals stay a bit longer.
Glorious Glory Kills
Guns are not the only weapons available for the Slayer. Doing enough damage to the enemies puts them in a stun state, in which you can perform a glory kill. A glory kill is basically a very brutal execution. These executions have different animations depending the angle you initiate the glory kill. Therefore, you will see different animations from the front, the back, the side and from above.
Screaming wont help you Mr. Arachnotron. Don’t you know people hate spiders?
Most glory kills are being performed with the newly acquired Slayer blade, the Doomblade. This extendable blade is mounted on the Slayer’s left arm and it can only be accessed and used through glory kills. The rest of the executions are being performed by the Slayer’s hands or feet, and let me tell you they are god – damn – glorious. In case you don’t like them, you can completely ignore them. You can even disable the visual notification glow that appears on enemies when they are susceptible to a glory kill. Just keep in mind that all glory kills provide health pickups.
The Chainsaw, Enemy Weaknesses And Difficulty
The Slayer has a chainsaw which won’t be used to cut down trees. Instead, he can use it to saw demons in half. The chainsaw works almost the same as it did in Doom 2016. You can use the chainsaw on demons and by doing so they will spawn ammunition for all your guns. You can also use the chainsaw on big bad demons, however, it will consume/require more fuel. The chainsaw is a vital part of the game and it’s almost impossible for the player to avoid using it. Still, and if you are brave enough, you can try not to. If you run out of ammo, the game will automatically equip the chainsaw and you can use at any time (as long as you have enough fuel).
It looks like this demon is in pain, but in reality, demons love the chainsaw! Otherwise, why would they leave fuel lying around everywhere?
This time around, most enemies now have weaknesses, especially the larger demons. The Revenant, for instance, relies on its shoulder mounted rockets to deal damage. If you destroy them, it will effectively impair the demon, giving you an advantage over it. On the other hand, some enemies have more specific weaknesses. The Cacodemon, for example, can be easily staggered by throwing or launching grenades directly to its filthy mouth. As such, specific weapons will be more effective to specific enemies. In case you don’t optimize your enemy encounters, and since ammunition is rather limited, you will most probably need to refill your weapons by using the chainsaw. Ultimately, this means that players who like playing the game with only one or two weapons may find it a tad more difficult.
“My soul remains guarded, you can’t…”
Deag Nilox last words before meeting his demise.
Which brings us to the next point; difficulty. The game is not very easy, even on the normal difficulty, and on higher difficulties the game becomes insane. On Ultra-Violence, which is the hardest difficulty, I had to strategize before engaging in combat. I also had to pick up every available resource I could find in order to survive.
Doom Eternal features many different types and variations of demons. As such, the game will throw you different enemies to slaughter, something you will easily notice in later levels. The enemies are also more aggressive than before. Forget about standing still; you will be dead in seconds. Thankfully, this is balanced by the Slayer’s movement, which is faster compared to the previous game. Also, the double jump and dash abilities are available from the start. Finally, and even though the boss fights are very few, they are quite fun.
Where Does He Keeps All These Stuff
But wait, there are even more weapons with which you can create pandemonium. The game offers two different kind of grenades. The first is the classic explosive grenade and the second is the frost grenade. Another new addition is the flamethrower, or more like the tiny flamethrower, which is attached on the Slayer’s left shoulder. It releases small bursts of flame which can ignite enemies for a limited time. While the enemy is on fire, any extra damage will spawn armor pickups. All equipment have unlimited uses, but they need time to recharge. You can upgrade all equipment with different currencies, and by collecting secrets.
Damn, some demons will eat anything. This Mancubus is choking on his own power core. Bon appétit you big fat ugly bastard.
An Armored Suit Made For A God
What would the Slayer be without his armored suit, the Praetor Suit? Well, a very scary angry naked dude. The Praetor suit is not just cosmetic. The suit can be upgraded via tokens, crystals and runes. You can increase health, armor and ammo capacity. You can also further augment the suit with certain new abilities. The suit is also customizable with different skins, which you can unlock as you progress. You can even wear the original DOOM suit, though please do me a favor and do not wear that pink unicorn Twitch skin monstrosity; I beg of you.
Did Someone Call For Samus?
As I have already mentioned, DOOM Eternal is a bit different than its predecessors. The game now features platform elements. As such, you will be jumping, climbing and solving logical puzzles. Heck, you can even swim this time around. A significant portion of the game is figuring your way to the next fight, and a lot of times you will have to complete a series of challenges in order to achieve that. I am pretty sure many people will not like it. However, and in my humble opinion, it is a nice change of pace. None of these platforming sections are really hard though some of them may annoy some players.
Vinyl collection is one of the many pastimes of the Slayer. He loves his vinyls.
There is a ton of secrets to discover, like power-ups, lore, collectibles, and more. Many of these can be found “organically” while you progress. However, some others are well hidden. Extremely well hidden I might add. Not only that, but some are hidden even behind environmental puzzles. Therefore, I would recommend purchasing the upgrade that shows all the secrets in the map as soon as you can. Otherwise, you will be in a world of pain and… well… you are already in Hell. Speaking of map, the game features an awesome and very easily accessible Metroidvania-like map. For what it’s worth, I had zero issues with the map and I never got myself lost. My only issue was with the lore collectibles as you have to open the menu, and read a bunch of text. The previous DOOM game did it better by having real-time narration.
The Floating Fortress
The Fortress of DOOM is a space station designed by the people of Argent D’Nur. It was originally intended as a base of operations for the Night Sentinels. The fortress is the Slayer’s safe haven and he even has his own personal quarters.
This is the Slayer’s private quarters where he keeps some of his collectibles. Here’s also where he jams!
The fortress works as a main hub where you can initiate missions, master levels, re-play missions, unlock upgrades and collectibles. You can even see some of the collectibles you picked, decorating the walls. There are also several easter eggs to be found within the fortress.
Is DOOM Really Eternal?
The first DOOM is probably my favorite game, and that’s because it holds a very special place in my heart. But, if I had to choose one without being sentimental, I would probably choose DOOM Eternal. I am a creature of habit and I do not usually like change. DOOM Eternal is different, but not in a bad way. The game offers exactly the same as before and even more.
“For millennia, we have survived. Made others sacrifice in the name of our prosperity. Who are you, a human, once a mortal, to defy our traditions?!”
Khan Maykr preaching to the Slayer.
There are only a few new things that aren’t optional; the rest are up to the player. Hell, you can even finish the game in a couple of hours if that’s what you want. You don’t like cutscenes? You don’t like puzzles and collectibles? You don’t like finishers? You don’t like RPG mechanics? Just skip them all.
Are you ready to face your fears? Are you strong enough to enter the gates of Hell? Even if you are not, he is!
Of course there are some things you cannot completely avoid, such as sections of platforming and the use of the chainsaw for ammunition. So, if these are a major issue for you, you should consider keeping your money for something else. Maybe Resident Evil 3 Remake? On the other hand, if you don’t really mind these things, you will most likely have a hell of a time.
Seriously, think of all the games Bethesda released the last few years. Bethesda needs this game to be a success if they ever want to crawl out from the hole of disappointment (in which they already live in comfortably). And, well, here comes id Software and single-handedly saves Bethesda from its… doom.
Lots of tools to experiment
Great shooting mechanics
Excellent wound system
Numerous collectibles
Amazing optimization
Variety of glory kills
Superb soundtrack
Beautiful locations
Enemy variation
Superb controls
Cool story
Bodies vanish into thin air
No in-game audio for lore collectibles
Platforming might be bothersome
Frequent use of the chainsaw can be annoying
                Computer Specs: CPU: i5 4440, GPU: Palit 1660Ti OC 6GB, RAM: G.Skill Ripjaws X 16GB, HDD: Crucial 275GB MX300, OS: Win7, 1080p
Playtime: 10+ hours total, this an estimate since the Bethesda launcher does not keep track of the time played.
The post DOOM Eternal PC Review: The End Is Nigh appeared first on DSOGaming.
DOOM Eternal PC Review: The End Is Nigh published first on https://touchgen.tumblr.com/
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coin-news-blog · 5 years
How to Create an Anonymous Digital Identity Using Cryptocurrency
New Post has been published on https://coinmakers.tech/news/how-to-create-an-anonymous-digital-identity-using-cryptocurrency
How to Create an Anonymous Digital Identity Using Cryptocurrency
How to Create an Anonymous Digital Identity Using Cryptocurrency
If you could go back in time and do the internet all over again, what would you change? Would you think twice about joining Facebook, decline to upload those fancy dress photos from ‘09 and delete that rhetoric-laden blog post instead of hitting ‘Publish’? It’s too late to undo the mistakes of the past, but it is possible to start afresh by creating a new online identity using privacy tools and cryptocurrency. Here’s how.
How to Disappear (Almost) Completely
Disappearing in real life is hard. It calls for giving up your friends, family, and favorite places. It means changing your name, documents, ID, employer, and location. It’s a virtually impossible task, which is why so few people achieve it. Criminals who go on the run rarely last long; they’re usually busted by a phone call home or an inability to blend into their new surroundings and keep a low profile.
The internet, though, is different. As the adage goes, on the internet, nobody knows you’re a dog. But what if you tired of being a dog and decided you wanted to reinvent yourself as a cat, bear, or anonymous panda? Today, all the tools exist to do just that: retire your public profile and emerge, reborn, like a butterfly from a cocoon. To live life in technicolor, first you have to go dark.
Quick tips: 1. Buy(or earn) without kyc: bisq, hodlhodl, mining. 2. Coinjoin often, especially if you do KYC. 3. Control your own keys. My favorite hardware is coldcard, consider multisig. 4. Use your own full node. 5. Use VPNs & Tor.
Great wiki here: https://t.co/N3FAtLzPU6
— Matt Odell (@matt_odell) September 24, 2019
A Life Worth Living Twice
This article is intended as a guide for how a person might start afresh online, using encryption, anonymity tools, pseudonyms, and cryptocurrency. It’s not a blueprint to follow meticulously, and it’s not going to be for everyone. Remember how bitcoiner Jameson Lopp took extreme measures to conceal his real life whereabouts, while maintaining his real name on the web? Well, this is basically the reverse of that.
Even if you’re not intent on retiring your public persona and starting from scratch, there are tools and techniques contained herein that everyone – cryptocurrency users especially – can use to reclaim some privacy.
We were free and easy with the information we shared online in the early aughts because we didn’t foresee the compliance-crazy, language-policed, blockchain-surveilled panopticon we now inhabit. Who knows what the AI-powered internet of the future will look like, but it’s a safe bet it will be a distinctly less private one. The steps you take now to bolster your pseudonymity could pay dividends further down the line.
Step 1: Pick Your Persona
While it’s possible to operate as more than one persona on the web, complete with multiple Twitter accounts, business profiles and emails, it’s a mission best left to the spooks. Assuming a single pseudonym allows you to be yourself, minus the real name. Trying to run two or more identities in parallel is fraught with risk, and you’re never more than a misplaced message away from blowing your cover.
Crypto Twitter is full of anon accounts, some of whom have maintained their cover for years, while operating full-time in the cryptosphere as professional traders, shitposters, writers, token economists, and project advisors. Which brings us onto our next step…
Step 2: Pick Your Profession
While there’s nothing stopping you from working a 9-5 at Starbucks while larping as a gender neutral unicorn on the web, the beauty of living today is that you can work remotely, and be handsomely remunerated without needing to disclose your real name, address or social security number. There are numerous industries where this is achievable, but tech – and crypto in particular – are ideal.
Aside from the obvious benefit of getting paid in digital currency, crypto is a sector where what you can do is worth a lot more than who you are. If you’re a proficient programmer, your Github commits are the only validation your username needs. If your code checks out, you won’t struggle for work. For programmers just starting out, responding to bounties on Gitcoin is a good place to show your skills and earn some digital crumbs.
Other jobs that lend themselves well to aspiring anons include copywriting, video editing, graphic design, and web development.
Step 3: Set Your Privacy Level
Privacy exists on many levels, and unless you’re performing something illicit like operating a darknet marketplace, you don’t need to obsess over opsec. For most people, privacy can be categorized into consumer and professional levels, with the latter describing anyone who wishes to hold down an online job anonymously.
Consumer-grade privacy: Use a pro-privacy web browser, disable trackers, consider using encrypted email, limit your reliance on crypto platforms that require KYC, and mix your coins before sending them to long-term storage.
Professional-grade privacy: Use an encrypted email service, thoroughly mix your coins before sending them to accounts that could be tied to your identity, always use a VPN, disable Javascript in your browser, and take an array of other opsec steps that may seem onerous at first but will soon become second nature.
Step 4: Cash Out Carefully
Getting paid in cryptocurrency is relatively easy these days, as is paying for goods and services, now that thousands of retailers accept digital assets such as BCH and BTC. You can’t pay for all of life’s expenses in crypto, though, and converting from cryptocurrency to fiat can be tricky. Selling coins for cash P2P is the obvious answer. Although Localbitcoins has now removed that option, many sellers provide their contact details alongside their listings, and some will be happy to trade in person. Alternatively, local.Bitcoin.com will allow you to buy and sell BCH privately in whatever manner you prefer.
Living Pseudonymously Is Not as Lonely as It Sounds
Living a pseudonymous life on the web, never revealing your real face or name, may sound like a lonely and even paranoid existence, but it needn’t be. You’re not in the witness protection scheme, and are free to associate with friends and family. Discretion is required, admittedly, and there will be aspects of your life you’ll need to compartmentalize. For a subset of crypto proponents, shedding the social metrics and personal branding typically associated with success is a small price to pay for economic freedom and absolute privacy.
Source: news.bitcoin
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jennmoslek36 · 5 years
     JUNE 19TH, 1954
  AFTER BEING DECLARED “incompetent” by a Jackson County court, a 15 year-old boy is transferred into the custody of the Florida State hospital; Within 48 hours of his arrival, he is pronounced dead. But Cause of death? Well that would depend on which page of the boy’s file that you’re looking at. Only one of many questionable things that could be found within the roughly 200 pages that I was handed back in August of 2018. By the time I read through the content, I would be so confused that I would have to go back & read through the pages two more times, spending considerable time on each individual page taking notes; So many things failed to make sense, reminding me just how evil what we were dealing with was.
BORN TO OLLIE & Jeffie Wiggins in March of 1937, Thomas Herbert Wiggins was the youngest of 2 boys. His life would begin in Opp, Alabama but the Wiggins family would eventually relocate to the Florida Panhandle to continue raising their boys. At 1st they would report only seeing subtle differences between their oldest & youngest sons. Where Thomas’s big brother was very social & outgoing, Thomas was extremely introverted, preferring to be by himself. He showed no interest in playing sports OR becoming involved in other activities, unlike his sibling who excelled in both sports & academics & was also popular amongst his peers. While this may have been reason to give pause for a moment Mr. & Mrs. Wiggins didn’t panic initially, however, by age 11, Thomas began showing signs of extreme paranoia. He started to fixate on his food being poisoned. His course of action would be to refuse food, often go days without eating.
    The Oshner Clinic ~ 1950
WHEN THOMAS’S “SPELLS” became violent, his parents would finally seek help for their son. He would 1st be evaluated at Oshner Clinic in New Orleans, Louisiana.
        WHILE HE WAS there, Dr. C. Harrison Snyder & staff would perform extensive testing before issuing their findings & recommendations to the Wiggins family. Dr. Snyder reported that ALL tests were normal, including his cognitive functioning & intelligence. He recommended that Thomas be kept at home & receive plenty of love & positive attention from his family as well as be returned to his previous school where he was thriving & happy. In a nutshell, Dr. Snyder stated that being loved & cared for by his family within the security of his home would be key to Thomas being successful in life.
        IN HIS FINAL statement, the doctor requested to be notified within a month’s time of Thomas’s progress. I can say with confidence that they didn’t follow up with the Oshner Clinic as specified. I’m also positive that the Wiggins’ decided that keeping their family intact would not be an option as a little over 2 years later, he would be committed to the Florida State Hospital & when removed by his father, just 3 months after admission, they would send a letter to the medical director reporting that they were looking at boarding schools. 
        OTHER THAN THAT letter there is nothing else recorded about how Thomas was doing OR his whereabouts for over a year until he was sentenced to the Dozier School for Boys in September of 1953. It’s easy to wonder:
IT WOULD BE an impossible task to list out every page of Thomas’s file in detail BUT what I am going to do is list out some of the more interesting & questionable items that I’ve seen. For the sake of everyone’s sanity, I’m only going to talk about some of the more questionable details leading to his 1952 commitment to the State Hospital in Chattahoochee, Florida through when he would become an inmate at Dozier in September of 1953. Everything after will be covered in the next couple of posts.
  Anyone interested in reading it in its entirety can click here:
Wiggins Case File
  SO LET’S START with the basics….
 I COUNTED NOTHING short of half a dozen different reasons for Thomas’s commitment to the Florida State Hospital in 1952. That’s right SIX different diagnoses, ALL independent of one another, each listed on separate areas of a form OR on a completely different form altogether. Though most were pretty common by today’s standards, one REALLY stuck out like a sore thumb. See if Y’all can figure out which one I’m talking about…
  1) Schizophrenic
2) Agressive Psychosis
3) Dementia Praecox
4) Homosexuality
5) Vivid Hallucinations
6) Mental Incompetency
  DOES ANYTHING ON the list jump out at you?? If you said number 4, you’re definitely NOT alone! When I saw “Homosexuality” listed as a diagnosis, I was stunned…At least initially. It didn’t take long for the shock to wear off & everything started to make sense. I’ll cop to the possibility that Tommy may have had some serious mental health issues BUT it was all too clear that the family’s major concern was that he may be gay. 
      THIS PARTICULAR “ISSUE”  had got me thinking; Was Thomas gay & the fact that he was unable to express this the reason for some of these other issues that he was having OR did these other mental issues exist within him already, only to be exasperated by the frustration that he must have felt not being able to be his true self? 
  UNFORTUNATELY, WE WILL probably never know the answer & even if we did, it’s far too late to help Thomas now.
OFFICIALLY LABELING THOMAS’S “problem” would NOT be the only inconsistency. I have to bring up one of the most careless, idiotic mistakes that someone in an official capacity can make; Getting a patient’s date of birth/age incorrect on forms inside of their chart. I wish I could say that this was just a one time deal that was due to a typo BUT it wasn’t.
      THIS PARTICULAR INDISCRETION became a common occurrence over a number of Thomas’s documents. His year of birth was changed from 1937 to 1938, even at one point listing his birth month as May instead of March. His age often fluctuated. For example, one form would list Thomas as being 14, however, another would show his age at 15, even though the completion date on both matched. 
  IN ALL ACTUALITY, the entire file was so chaotic that it took forever to get through. Every time I’d begin scanning a page, I’d notice something odd & have to stop to make a note about it. For instance, I’d read a doctor’s comment about how Thomas was only apt to self harm & then the next page would have that same physician noting that his “Propensity was to harm others.” My personal favorite was when the attending physician reported that there was really nothing outstanding about Tommy but immediately goes on to state that “Tommy is extremely ill.” Did this educated physician, who was the Medical Director of the Florida State Hospital, realize that he contradicted himself on a regular basis? If he DIDN’T, he’s an idiot & if he DID than he’s a jackass…Either scenario made poor Tommy up shit’s creek when it came to receiving ANY type of reliable treatment.  
  IN SPITE OF Thomas’s illness being described as dire, it ultimately didn’t prevent his father from discharging him only a few months into his treatment. Though we have no record of what happened during his year away from FSH, we can assume that he continued to decline…OR as I see it, he wouldn’t stop being gay. Thomas would resurface again BUT this time he wouldn’t be receiving hospital care, he would be sent to a brutal reform school located in Marianna, Florida where he would live out the remaining days of his way too short life.
  ♤Please Consider Helping In The Fight For Justice By Signing The 1st Petition: https://www.change.org/p/jenn-moslek-re-investigation-of-the-arthur-g-dozier-school-for-boys♤
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      INVESTIGATING DOZIER: THOMAS Pt. 1 ~ The Road To Commitment  JUNE 19TH, 1954 AFTER BEING DECLARED “incompetent” by a Jackson County court, a 15 year-old boy is transferred into the custody of the Florida State hospital; Within 48 hours of his arrival, he is pronounced dead.
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easytravelpw-blog · 6 years
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Full text write on https://easy-travel.pw/5-tips-for-beginner-birdwatchers-on-an-african-safari/africa-middle-eaast/
5 Tips for Beginner Birdwatchers on an African Safari
01 of 05
Learn Your Birds
Jessica Macdonald
If you’re new to birdwatching (or new to your intended destination), the first step is to familiarize yourself with the area’s birdlife. The best way to do this is to buy a regional bird book, and take the time to look through it before your safari. Start by learning how to differentiate key bird families. This means being able to tell your herons and bitterns from your kites and hawks; or your owls from your ducks and geese. Knowing the characteristics of each family is the first step to identifying the birds that you see in the bush. 
Once you’ve identified which family a bird belongs to, there are several indicators that help you to pinpoint the exact species. The first of these is size and shape – is it a large bird, or a small one? A slender, long-necked bird or a robust bird with short legs? The shape and color of the legs and bill are also key identifying features. A sunbird, for example, has a long, curved beak; while a canary’s is blunt but powerful. Your bird book should also give you information about each species’ habitat and distribution, which can help you to make an accurate ID. 
When learning your birds, pay special attention to the differences between male and female birds of the same species. Juvenile birds often look completely different to adults, and some (especially your birds of prey, or raptors) come in different color morphs. Many smaller bird species, like larks and pipits, look almost identical, and are most easily identified by their calls. Bird identification is a talent that takes decades to perfect – but don’t get discouraged. You’ll be surprised by how quickly you pick up the basics. 
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Know Where to Look
Jessica Macdonald
Knowing where to look is almost as important as knowing what to look for. This means picking a safari destination that’s known for its birdlife – Mkhuze Game Reserve in South Africa and the Caprivi Strip in Namibia are two excellent choices. It also means learning where to look for certain species. This can be quite general: for example, secretary birds are usually seen in areas with plenty of open grassland, while African goshawks favor deciduous forests. It can also be more specific – for example, pygmy falcons are often seen in or around sociable weaver nests. 
Head to dams and rivers to look for waterbirds, and keep an eye on the skies for soaring raptors. If you already have a list of species that you’d like to see, make sure to do your research in advance. Some of Africa’s most charismatic birds have a very small distribution. The endemic Cape parrot, for example, is restricted to small patches of afromontane forest in eastern South Africa. If it’s your first time visiting a reserve (or if you’ve never tried birdwatching before), the best course is to hire the services of a local bird guide. 
03 of 05
Choose the Right Binoculars
Jessica Macdonald
Binoculars are a birdwatcher’s best friend. Without them, it’s almost impossible to spot far-away birds, or to get a clear view of the characteristics that help with identification. There are countless options available, ranging in price from around $100 to $2,000 or more. Obviously, top-of-the-range binoculars by legendary brands like Swarovski and Leica deliver the best viewing experience, but it really isn’t necessary to bankrupt yourself. With that being said, saving up for a decent mid-range set is well worth the investment. 
So, how to choose which binoculars are best for you? All binoculars have a set of numbers on them that look something like this: 8×32. The first number refers to their magnification, and the second refers to the width of the lens in millimeters. For birding, a magnification of between 8 and 10 is ideal. The wider the lens, the better – because wider lenses let in more light, which makes it easier for you to see detail in low light conditions. Try several models before you buy. You’ll want to assess each one for the clarity of the image, the ease of focusing and the focal range. 
Birding can be tough on your equipment, so choosing a sturdy, waterproof set of binoculars is essential. Some models (like the recommended mid-rage Vortex Viper HD 8×42) include a lifetime warranty. 
04 of 05
Make the Most of Technology
Grant Macdonald
Consider investing in a good quality camera, so that you can record your sightings and work on identifying tricky species in the comfort of your own home. Essentials for a birding camera include a high ISO (the setting that enables your camera to achieve good photos in low light conditions) and a fast shutter frame rate. The more frames you can shoot per second, the more likely you are to get that perfect take-off shot. Magnification is also important, whether you opt for an SLR with a telephoto lens or a bridge camera with a good internal zoom. 
If you plan on traveling with a smartphone or iPad, make sure to download a bird app. For those heading to Southern Africa, the best option is the Roberts VII Multimedia app. As well as a standard field guide, this app allows you to compare similar birds and play bird calls. It also helps with identification, provides a map of the region’s best birdwatching sites and allows you to create personal sighting lists. Whether you choose to use an app or more traditional notepad, keeping a list of the birds you’ve seen is a great way to maintain interest – be warned though, it’s addictive. 
Continue to 5 of 5 below.
05 of 05
Get the Timing Right
Jessica Macdonald
As with many things in life, timing is everything for birdwatchers. Different species are more active at different times of the day, so you’ll need to plan your safari accordingly. Generally, early morning and late afternoon are best, with many birds preferring to stay hidden during the hottest part of the day. However, raptors are often spotted riding the mid-morning heat thermals, while some birds  (like nightjars and certain owl species) only come out after dark. If you can, book at least one night drive so that you can get the best of both worlds. 
Timing is also about picking the right season. Below the equator, summer brings an influx of seasonal migrants from the colder climates of Europe and Asia. Waterbirds leave when their habitats dry up, and return with the start of the rainy season. Often, the rains also coincide with the hatching of insects, which attracts insectivorous birds in their thousands. The right season depends on what species you’re looking for and where you’re going. Consult your bird book or travel guide, or consider asking the advice of a local birding group before planning your trip.
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theholidaze · 6 years
Welcome to South Korea, quite possibly the cutest country in Asia, and undeniably the most drunken nation in the world. Koreans drink more than twice as much alcohol as the second hardest drinking country, Russia. My first impressions of Korea were of being surrounded by cute women and cute cartoon characters alongside countless bars and drunk people stumbling down the streets at night.
Korean makeup tips revealed
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Here is a quick overview of some of the lessons learned from my first impressions of Korea plus the information, photos and videos that you will find in this post: Cute Korean women are not actually cute Korean men wear makeup to make themselves cute Korean Nipple Stickers for me: how to use (and remove) video Even items such as food and household products are cute Korean drinking rules, etiquette and bars Korean money denominations and prices Size does matter in Korea
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My first impressions of Korea were shattered when I realized how much they drink — and how many other problems this has caused among Korean citizens, from health issues and violence to staggering suicide rates and the nonexistence of any alcohol laws.   (image via Wikimedia)
97% of alcohol sold in Korea is liquor, primarily soju, the national drink of Korea.
See More     Unique & Traditional Types of Alcohol Around The World
My First Impressions Of Korea
  Drinking in Korea
The only country where liquor comes in giant 10-litre bottles!
10 years ago while living in Tokyo, I thought that drinking was the national pastime of Japan. HA! How wrong I was. In Korea the mentality is: “Work hard, drink hard.” Say this to any Korean man and they will immediately begin laughing hysterically
Drinking In Korea Is A Team Sport
Unlike in most other countries, where going to the bar alone is not only common but a great way to meet singles, that is unheard of here in Korea. Drinking is always done in groups. Bars have tables instead of bar stools, and people always stick with their group while getting drunk, rather than mingling with strangers or people from another group and making new friends. If you are traveling Korea solo, this makes it very difficult to make new friends over alcohol — something which I do in every country I visit. (Yes, even the Muslim ones ssshhhhhh!)
Grocery stores have 3 soju sections: with the bottled water, with the imported wine, and in the meat/cheese section
This is not a 10L bottle of water — it is 30% alcohol soju, Korean rice wine (the national drink of Korea)
Soju shopping at 7-Eleven in Korea
“Beer for Music” two types of Korean craft beer
Liquor shots for sale at 7-Eleven 24/7/365
Flavored Korean beer
Tuesday. 1pm. Seoul. Drunk Korean man passed out at the subway entrance
There are even special bars here that only serve alcohol if you also order food. Why? This is to keep customers from getting too drunk too fast. Drinking in South Korea is NOT a slow process — it is basically a race to see who can get the most drunk the fastest. Shots are poured and passed around like candy.
  There is even a Korean drinking ga– (well, it’s not much of a game….more of a challenge) known as “one shot”. No, it is not one single shot. It is an entire glass of soju (20-50% ABV rice wine) that is chugged in one single shot. Any foreigner that can pull this off will immediately win the respect of all the Koreans around him.
Oh Korea, what will you think of next?
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  Cute is King in Korea
From the moment you step off the airplane, prepare to be surrounded by cute women and cute cartoon characters. Advertisements, clothing, food, games, household products, souvenirs, television shows and even warning signs all feature cute cartoon characters. Although the use of cartoon advertising is widespread in Asia, no country does it quite like South Korea.
Even dangerous Korean warning signs are cute
Pokemon ramen noodles
Even Korean spam is cute
Even juice bottles resemble cute cartoons
Korean cartoon suitcases
Cute Korean food
Korean bus
Cute Korean Coke bottle
Cute Korean coffee
Cute Korean juice cans
Korean makeup tips revealed
Cute Korean women are all fake
Cute Korean Women Are Not Actually Cute…They Are Fake
Hate to ruin the dreams of all the men out there, but Korean women use extreme amounts of makeup to alter their appear so drastically that they become unrecognizable to their own families! They spend hours applying obscene amounts of makeup on a daily basis — including items such as double eyelids, nose thinners and products designed to shrink lips, enlarge eyes, and even shape their face into perfect V-shaped cartoon proportions. Videos of these phenomenal daily transformations are all over the internet and social media. (And you thought your girlfriend wears a lot of makeup, HA!)
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Yay or nay.? . . #makeup #koreanmakeup #beauty #eyemakeup #nails
A post shared by MakeUp & Fashion (@makeup_.fashi0n) on Aug 25, 2018 at 4:40pm PDT
  These women are completely unrecognizable after all of the makeup has been removed, so it should be no surprise that South Korea has the highest rate of beauty-enhancing procedures per capita. 1 in 5 Koreans has plastic surgery to enhance their features.
In South Korea being cute is mandatory — not just for cartoon characters and women but also for men.
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FOLLOW @daily_look.id for more Ulzzang post, more about DAILY MAKEUP 💄& More Video like this!! . Tag: #korean #kmodel #koreangirlstyle #kfashionist #koreanstyle #koreanfashion #kstyle #hairstyle #koreanmakeup #makeuptutorial #dailymakeup #dailylook #koreanmakeuptutorial #koreanmakeupph #korea #cute #아름다워 #ulzzanggirl #ulzzangkorea #ulzzangmakeup #ulzzangstyle #ulzzangs #ulzzangshoutout #makeup #asianmakeup #indonesiamakeup #westrenmakeup . [Credit to the owner of this video, i didnt own anything in my post] . [Thank You ♥from @ellenebong29 as the owner of this page to the owner of video that i post]
A post shared by Daily Look . ID (@ellinbong29) on Jun 21, 2018 at 2:19am PDT
Although not directly related to the high suicide rate, the need to look a certain way plays a big part in a Korean’s self-worth, especially if they feel they can’t reach society’s standards.  
Wikipedia > Korean Beauty Standards  
Not cute? Well then you must be an animal. My airport arrival was interesting, to say the least  
  Male Beauty Products
Because Korean men prefer cute over masculine 😂
A trip to a beauty store on my first day here revealed more male beauty products than I even knew existed. From nipple stickers designed to keep those pointy bastards from being visible underneath your shirt to crotch cleanser and hair removal products for every part of the male body, it would appear that the most attractive Korean men are also the most feminine. Their logic is that if the women take time to be as beautiful as possible, so should they.
Korean nipple stickers for men, by far the most entertaining male beauty product in Korea
Pubic hair removal cream for men — only in Korea!
Korea has SO MANY male beauty products it is disturbing
Crotch cleanser for men
Shrek facial masks
Korea leg trimmer for men
Nipple Stickers For Men!
  Since everyone wanted to know WTF was up with Korean nipple stickers for men, this week I tested them out. The following video is for all you curious folks. Oh and the Korean translation of the label on the front of the box is: Pleasant Vigor Grooming Conquest 😂
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Korean nipple stickers for men video — how to use them and how to remove them
  Watch Video on YouTube   Watch Vertical Video on Facebook
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  Cute Household Products
Even ordinary household products such as sponges, clocks, pillows, fans and kitchen appliances need to be cute! Spend a few minutes shopping around any city in Korea and you will begin to understand. Just take a look at some of these products I discovered my first weekend in Korea:
Angry Mama, the best Korean microwave cleaner — and the only angry mama you want in your life 😉
Even the toiletries are cute 😂
Didn’t rabbit ears go out of style once TV went digital?
Korean cartoon fridge deodorizers are more efficient when cute
Perfect for a kid….except it is the Korean adults who use them 😂
I’m a sponge! A cute sponge 😝
Why let your cat sleep on you when you can sleep on it 😉
Cute Korean fans come in all shapes, sizes, colors and animals
  Korean Money
Korean currency is the won and it is pronounced “wan” — like wand without the ‘d’ not like won. Notes come in 50,000, 10,000, 5,000 and 1,000 denominations and coins come in 500, 100, and 50. 1,000 won is worth a little under $1 USD, about the same price as a bottled water. Simple convenience store snacks range from 3,000-5,000 and a basic meal for one person can range from 8,000 to 20,000+ won.
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Korean currency is called ‘won’ and denominations range from 1,000 to 50,000 plus coins for 500 won and less
  Size Does Matter
It’s no secret. Everything in Asia is smaller. From beds and bathtubs to clothing, countertops, ceilings and yes, even condoms, being tall is a huge disadvantage in Southeast Asia.
Despite calling various Asian nations home over the last decade, I still manage to hit my head on a daily basis. Finding clothing that fits is a difficult task and finding shoes or sandals in my size is literally impossible. Even mirrors are hung so low that the reflection is of my chest, rather than my face. This is something that we vertically-gifted people will never be able to get used to, no matter how many years spent in Asia.
Bathtubs here are also incredibly small. Despite staying at one of the top-rated hotels in the city, my foot is nearly as wide as the bathtub. Even the shower head is located at eye-level — and in my attempts to raise it, I accidentally broke the shower. (oops!)
Ever visited Korea? What did you think?
See More       Adventures Around Korea
First Impressions of Korea: The World’s Cutest And Drunkest Country Welcome to South Korea, quite possibly the cutest country in Asia, and undeniably the most drunken nation in the world.
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