#get rid of ppp in 3 days
rweoutofthewoods · 1 month
hello… I read the regulus bpd fic and I’m floored, even by just the description alone. I myself am a regulus kin and even when I got the email notif I just knew it would resonate with me. the miscommunication tag, the aspect of feeling like you know the other person as if they’re your other half but that other half just doesn’t seem to understand you, and you hardly feel seen. I've never really voiced how I feel out loud before especially in regards to my FP, so to see it on AO3 tags was like you’d force me to do the ice bucket challenge against my will /j
and then reading the actual fanfic? nail on the head. I’m just wondering how you got it so accurate as from what you’ve said, you resonate with james in PPP more? and although you said this regulus is textbook bpd, he still feels alive, like you’re writing from something carnal and real, as real as PPP james. I'm astonished by your writing once again
Hi! I'm always glad to hear when people think I get it right, because obviously my own depiction may not resonate with everyone, so this means a lot!
And yes, I'm nothing like Regulus, but honestly, I've always had a pretty easy time writing him. I think it's 1. I'm pretty good at empathizing and putting myself in other people's shoes, and though that leads to less nice things like me often getting the worst secondhand embarrassment in the world, it's also very helpful in writing, because I feel like I'm able to really dig in and try to understand different characters. 2. it's nice to write someone so different and separate from myself, and it gets rid of that personal barrier that might come from trying to depict someone more like you. AND 3. when it comes to bpd, there's some things that are pretty universal across different types of people, so while there are parts of ppp James that definitely I relate to more than this regulus, those core feelings I think a lot of us share. Like explaining that consuming, painful feeling where it literally feels like your heart is trying to turn over in your chest when you're triggered? Maybe I can't relate to Regulus as his personality, but yeah, shit, if those of us with BPD haven't all experienced that kind of pain so unbearable it feels physical.
And if anything, I feel much clearer and better able to express what BPD is actually like NOW than when I wrote ppp. Honestly, it was probably discernable in some of my depictions back then that I was not comfortable with the disorder or even sure who I WAS, which is why that fic took on a lot of those themes of James' struggle with even accepting he had an issue. While this one, Regulus is fully aware he has BPD, other people are aware of it, and it more so studies how it affects relationships and his day-to-day life.
This was a ramble of an answer, but ty for reading and I appreciate you!
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bumkim · 1 year
How To Get Rid Of PPP In 3 Days?
If you're suffering from the embarrassing and uncomfortable condition known as PPP, also known as pearly penile papules, there are a few effective ways to get rid of them in just three days. The first step is to maintain good hygiene habits by washing the affected area with warm water and mild soap twice a day. Next, apply an over-the-counter cream containing salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide to the affected area twice daily until the bumps disappear. Finally, consider natural remedies such as applying tea tree oil or castor oil directly onto each bump using a cotton swab. These oils have antifungal and antibacterial properties that help reduce inflammation and prevent further infection. With these simple steps, you can effectively eliminate PPP in just three days!
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juniareviews-blog · 6 years
Pearly Papules Removal Easy And Quickly At Home (2018) How To Get Rid Of...
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harriscranshaw · 5 years
Why Do I Have Pearly Penile Papules?
When men discover those little, ugly bumps on their penises, the first questions which come to their minds are What are those? and Why do I have them. Well, let's answer each and every question at a time.
First, what they are: if the small bumps on your penis are dome topped, with a color similar to the color of the skin or even lighter and situated on the head of your penis in concentric rows, then they are probably pearly penile papules. This is a skin condition which affects only men and which is most frequent in men of 20 or 30 years, while also affecting young boys and older men. Pearly penile papules will most often diminish in time, so that they can completely disappear after a few years.
Now that you know what they are, you are probably curious to know how you got them. Well, pearly penile papules is not a STD, so you could not have taken it from one of your sexual partners. Also, it is not a contagious disease, so you could not have taken in from anywhere in fact. In addition to that, there are clear evidences that this condition is not even genetically transmitted, so you have not taken it from your father either. The truth is that those little bumps are produced by your body, more accurate by your skin. Yes, even though it may be hard to believe, pearly penile papules are the product of your skin. However, there is still no clear answer what it is the real cause of their appearance, so that you can do nothing to stop their appearance. Moreover, it still does not exist a medical treatment which can effectively treat this skin condition.
The laser treatment, the only medical treatment available for this condition is a cheap and risky alternative, as there have been reported many procedures which have ended with side effects, scars and have even affected the normal function of the penis. Thus, the only good way through which you can get rid of the pearly penile papules is to wait for them to disappear by themselves.
>> CLICK HERE to check out how to get rid of ppp in 3 days easily at home. <<
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3hakisebooks · 5 years
What is the best method to remove pearly papules easily and quickly at home?
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flipomatic · 6 years
Party Member
Summary:  One painfully shy Rinko meets one boisterous Ako. Pre-canon
Author Note: I couldn’t fully call it a collection until there were 3. This drabble collection will slow down a bit now, thank you everybody who has read and commented so far! The only mmo I’ve played for any amount of time is ffxiv, so a lot of my mmo knowledge comes from that. This takes place about one year pre-canon.
Word Count: 1100
When she wasn’t practicing piano or doing homework, Rinko spent her time playing video games. She particularly enjoyed mmo games, which was short for massive multiplayer online games. It required strong internet and a subscription, but her parents supported her hobbies.
Helping out the townspeople was one of Rinko’s favorite parts of the game. They were easier to handle than other players, always giving her easy to understand instructions and reacting positively to her efforts.
As for other players, Rinko didn’t talk to them much. When her parents purchased the game, they warned her against talking to strangers online. They didn’t really need to have bothered, Rinko would think as she saw another player dancing in the main plaza, she couldn’t possibly approach a stranger anyway. Each time she tried her fingers would freeze on the keyboard, message half typed, unable to hit enter.
Even so, some parts of the game still needed to be completed with others. Specifically, that meant dungeons. Despite not talking with anyone, Rinko played as a healer. She cast buffs to protect the others and healed them if they were wounded. It was a terrible feeling when someone died, and even when she revived them she struggled to respond to their words of gratitude.
Without in game friends, RInko often joined the random queue for dungeons. It would match her with two dps heroes and a tank. The whole group would then be thrown in to a dungeon, which usually took around an hour.
One day, after waiting a couple minutes in the random queue, Rinko was matched with a group for one of the mid game dungeons. She had run it before, but was looking for a specific piece of loot. It had a high drop chance, so she could probably get it in just a few runs.
The dungeon loaded quickly, Rinko being transported to the starting point with the others. Almost immediately, a message appeared in a party chat box in the lower left corner.
Dgwk963: hey everybody!!!
A glance at the party list told Rinko that this user was their tank. They were using a female avatar, one decked out in black plated armor and wielding a sword and giant shield.
Dgwk963: im so excite for this dungeon! its so dark and mysterious!
Rinko wondered how that username was supposed to be pronounced. Without any vowels it wasn’t even a real word.
Dgwk963: have you run it before?
Yes, Rinko answered in her mind, she had run the dungeon before. She clicked the text box, typed in the word, then stopped.
Her hand hovered over the enter key. Was she really going to reply to this message? Who was this person? What would they say in response? What if they asked her to carry them through the dungeon? Did she really want to talk with them? Rinko pulled her hand back.
But wait, another small part of her thought, what’s the worst thing that could happen? They quit the dungeon? Another player would just be matched in. It’s polite to respond, especially since it’s a simple yes or no question.
Rinko replaced her hand on the enter key, fingers shaking as if she’d just finished performing a difficult sonata, and pressed the key.
Pppshiro: Yes
Rinko’s internal dilemma had barely taken a few seconds, but the others had already left the starting spot. As she rushed after them, a response came.
Dgwk963: thats so cool!!!
Dgwk963: this area looks so great!
She had already responded once, where was the harm in responding again? She still took a deep breath before tapping the enter key.
Pppshiro: I agree
As the group moved through the dungeon, their tank continued to message in the chat. Rinko found herself more at ease as the dungeon went on, responding in longer sentences and with less hesitation at each sent line of text. She even asked how to pronounce their username, which they said was udagawa963. That didn’t really make sense to Rinko, but to each their own she supposed.
They soon reached the final boss, with their tank expressing amazement at its design. As cool as it was, it soon fell to the group’s efforts. A notification flashed on Rinko’s screen; the item she wanted had dropped on the first run.
She smiled, dismissing the notification. The two dps members left quickly, but the tank stayed behind to say goodbye. The smile slipped off Rinko’s face as she bid the other player farewell, watching as they left the dungeon.
Rinko was the last to leave, teleporting back to where she’d been before. She opened her inventory and equipped her spoils, admiring the new item. The chat box, remaining from the dungeon, brought her eye back to it in the corner. The conversation she’d had, one that she’d been able to hold without panicking, was still there.
She clicked the user’s name, Dgwk963, and pulled up their profile. They’d been playing for a month or so, weren’t in a guild, and didn’t have many achievements. But their account was still young, so that was expected.
There was a box on the screen that said, “send friend request.” Rinko hovered her mouse cursor over it, again asking herself questions.
She’d held a conversation with this person; they seemed nice. That could’ve been a façade though. What if she sent the request and they tracked her down in game to turn her down? It was unlikely, but it could happen.
But none of the bad things she’d imagined earlier had happened when she replied to the chat message. Maybe something good would happen; maybe they would accept her friend request.
A notification pinged while she was thinking, drawing a surprised gasp from Rinko.
“Dgwk963 has sent you a friend request” popped up in the upper right corner of her screen. Rinko clicked the notification, opening the request.
It was a standard friend request, with a button to accept or decline as well as a blurb written by the sender.
“you were really cool!” Was what the blurb said.
Rinko didn’t hesitate to hit accept.
End Note: So for Ako’s username I took her full name, got rid of the vowels, and added some numbers. Rinko’s is a music pun, ppp is pianissimo, the softest dynamic in music, but quieter, along with the beginning of her last name.
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laurelkrugerr · 4 years
Is Joe Biden’s Tax Plan Bad for Business?
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Here are six reasons Joe Biden’s proposed tax plan has some business leaders concerned.
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July 30, 2020 4 min read
Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.
With Tax Day behind us and election campaigning in full swing, many be wondering how the presidential election could change their taxes when filing next year. Former Vice President Joe Biden announced his intention to get rid of President Trump’s $2 trillion tax cut, which if enacted, would have a direct impact on the finances of businesses and entrepreneurs.
Here are six components of Biden’s plan that business owners should be aware of:
1. Real estate investors will lose tax incentives
Investors could have many incentives taken away under Biden’s proposed tax plan. Much of his $775 billion “caring economy” plan will be financed by taxes on real estate investors with incomes of $400,000 and above. This would be done by eliminating the 1031 exchange that allows investors to swap investment properties for another that is “like-kind.” He is also proposing to eliminate bonus depreciation for real estate and intangible drilling cost and depletion deductions for oil and gas development.
Related: When Will Your Next Stimulus Check Arrive?
2. Capital gains tax will increase
Currently, the long-term capital gains (assets held longer than a year) tax rate is 20 percent for single households with more than $441,451 in taxable income ($496,601 for married-filing-jointly) in 2020. Under Biden’s proposed plan, he would raise taxes on capital gains by treating them as ordinary income for those earning more than $1 million. In addition, the plan calls to increase the 37 percent ordinary income rate set by the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) up to 39.6 percent. That means for those who would pay the top rate in capital gains, their rates would almost double from 23.8 percent to 43.4 percent. One of the biggest impacts would be in the year you sell your business, where your capital gains alone will likely put you over $1 million of taxable income.
3. Corporate income tax rate will jump to 28 percent
TCJA lowered corporate income tax for US resident C-corporations significantly from 35 percent to 21 percent, but Biden’s plan would implement an increase to 28 percent. One way to avoid this increase is to choose the right business entity. By setting up your business as a sole proprietorship, partnership, limited liability company (LLC) or S-corporation, you’ll be taxed as a pass-through entity, thus avoiding entity-level tax. In addition, you may qualify for the 20 percent pass-through deduction for small business, lowering your taxes even more. This will also have an impact on planning for the sale of the business using the Section 1202 exclusion.
4. Qualified business income deductions for income above $400,000 will be phased out
The TCJA provided many owners of sole proprietorships, partnerships and S corporations a deduction that allowed taxpayers to deduct up to 20 percent of their qualified business income (QBI), plus 20 percent of qualified real estate investment trust (REIT) dividends and qualified publicly traded partnership (PTP) income. Biden’s plan calls to phase out this deduction for income above $400,000, eliminating another great tax benefit for entrepreneurs.
Related: New Legislation Would Grant Automatic Forgiveness of PPP Loans Under $150,000
5. Incentives for charitable donations could be reduced
While the TCJA nearly doubled the standard deduction for single, head of household and married taxpayers, there are still individuals who prefer itemized deductions. Under Biden’s reform, the value of itemized deductions would be limited to 28 percent. Many charities are concerned about this change as they believe it would limit the amount of donations they would receive as it would limit the incentive to make charitable contributions.
6. The cap on social security taxes for income above $400,000 will be eliminated
Biden’s current plan creates a donut hole in Social Security, where everything above the current limit of $137,700 and below $400,000 isn’t taxed and income above $400,000 would be subject to Social Security taxes at 12.4 percent split evenly between employers and employees.
Take the time to understand each candidate’s tax plan and how they will affect your business when considering your decision this election season.
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source http://www.scpie.org/is-joe-bidens-tax-plan-bad-for-business/ source https://scpie1.blogspot.com/2020/07/is-joe-bidens-tax-plan-bad-for-business.html
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searchsocalproperty · 4 years
Residential And Commercial Real Estate Now Listed As Essential Service – March 28 5:30 P.M.
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Residential and Commercial Real Estate now included in essential services. In March 28, 2020 the U.S. Department of Home Security Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) added residential and commercial real estate to the list of essential services during the coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic. This includes settlement services. However, for cities or counties that have more restrictive standards or guidelines about what they can consider as essential services, those guidelines will be prioritized.
According to the memo released by CISA, the list includes:
“Staff at government offices who perform title search, notary, and recording services in support of mortgage and real estate services and transactions”
“Residential and commercial real estate services, including settlement services.”
The complete list can be found on their website at: https://www.cisa.gov/sites/default/files/publications/CISA_Guidance_on_the_Essential_Critical_Infrastructure_Workforce_Version_2.0_Updated.pdf
Protecting the health and safety of clients and fellow real estate brokers, agents, and sales people. With the real estate services being listed as essential, it is still important to ensure that we adhere to the highest standards for safety and health when dealing with our clients and fellow licensees. It is important to follow the existing protocols for protecting against Covid-19. If the rules are not followed, the state guidelines could change to stop or restrict real estate activities. This is why it is very important for us in the real estate industry to conform with the health guidelines.
Here are some guidelines to follow:
No open houses
Keep showings virtual
Wear safety equipment such as masks, eye protection, etc
Hold online meetings with fellow licensees through Zoom, Skype, or Gotomeeting
Both C.A.R. and NAR have requested meaningful, long term relief to help the real estate market. As independent contractors, realtors do not have access to the usual safety net that are enjoyed by other industries, including unemployment benefits. This is why both C.A.R. and NAR have requested meaningful, long term relief to help the real estate market to sustain the workers , salesmen, and business owners in the Covid-19 pandemic.
CARES Act helps realtors with loans and pandemic unemployment assistant. With President Trump signing the $2 trillion stimulus package, there are now financial relief options for realtors which includes forgivable SBA loans and pandemic unemployment assistance. It includes the SBA Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) loans which allows businesses with fewer than 500 employees, sole proprietors, independent contractors, and self-employed individuals to have loans of up to $10 million. The U.S. Small Business Administration is also providing low-interest economic injury disaster loans (EIDLs) to small businesses. Small businesses may qualify for loans up to $2 million, with long term repayments of up to 30 years. You can only choose one type of loan, either the PPP loans or the EIDLs and not both.
For more information about Residential And Commercial Real Estate Now Listed As Essential Service – March 28 5:30 P.M., Visit our website.
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Residential And Commercial Real Estate Now Listed As Essential Service – March 28 5:30 P.M.
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shaoclark · 5 years
Can PPP Go Away On Its Own? Pearly Papules Removal Review
Watch on YouTube here: Can PPP Go Away On Its Own? Pearly Papules Removal Review Interested in Can PPP Go Away On Its Own? Pearly Papules Removal Review Pearly penile papules (white spots on the penis): Treatments and more Once they have developed, the growths typically persist throughout life, but they tend to fade with age. There are no symptoms associated with pearly penile papules, so anyone who experiences any symptoms should seek immediate medical attention. It is possible to have the growths surgically removed. Pearly Penile Papules Removal Cream. 3P Gel is the ... - Amazon.com 3P Gel is the first clinically proven pearly penile papules home treatment. ... 3P Gel is the first over-the-counter topical treatment that has shown to get rid of pearly penile papules in .... Find answers in product info, Q&As, reviews .... type of acid) burns away the top layer of the papules so that the night cream can do it's thang. Customer reviews: Pearly Penile Papules Removal ... - Amazon.com 3P Gel is the first clinically proven pearly penile papules home treatment. ... type of acid) burns away the top layer of the papules so that the night cream can do it's thang. ... Give Willy a few days to heal and then restart the day cream again. Pearly Penile Papules: White Spots on Penis - Healthline Learn about pearly penile papules, including their causes, ... But any change can cause some anxiety, so don't hesitate to get checked out. Why Your Pearly Penile Papules Won't Go Away? - By Dr. Vinod ... Those bumps running rings round the head of your penis are not only ugly, they ... Sufferers of pearly penile papules suffer in silence and they get embarrassed by the ... First, it won't go away just yet if you do not do anything about it. ... are looking toward surgery, it may take you years to remove your Pearly Penile Papules. Josh Marvin's Pearly Penile Papules Removal Review | Zenodo Pearly Penile Papules Removal Pros PPP in privacy of your own ... way to remove the little white bumps that can sometimes appear on the ... Pearly Penile Papules | Young Men's Health It's possible that you might have pearly penile papules, also called pink ... "wart remover" anywhere on your penis - these medicines can cause ... If you have bumps on y our penis, be sure to get checked out right away to be ... How To Remove Pearly Penile Papules - Wickermanfestival.co.uk The pearly penile papules home removal techniques worked and i'm glad i used them. ..... guidelines, preventative measures as well as restrictions are reviewed carefully. How to ... I have heard that it can go away on it's own. Pearly Penile Papules Removal Castor Oil - Softcon.ro Five reasons why the pearly penile papules is the way to go. ... hoped that they can locate a way to take away their pearlypenile papules by seeking out ... Pearly papules removal review: how to get rid of ppps effectively. ..... step-by-step how to remove pearly penile papules in the privacy of your own home. Pearly Penile Papules Merchandise - Household Remedies To ... Very first off, it can be a relief to understand that pearly penile papules ( also referred ... the DNA reviews of each personal with PPP does not return a constant result, thus, the ... The only sure way to remove your PPP is by means of cosmetic surgery, ... That is to say, some household treatments might get the job done really ... Keyword searches directly related to Can PPP go away on its own? Pearly Papules Removal Review: triple antibiotic ointment for ppp, pearly papules removal easy and quickly, how to get rid of ppp in 3 days, cutting off ppp, how long does ppp last, corta papule plan, can you get ppp on your balls, 3p gel customer service Can PPP Go Away On Its Own? Pearly Papules Removal Review published first on https://wesleytvirgin.tumblr.com
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irnjehernandez · 5 years
Can PPP Go Away On Its Own? Pearly Papules Removal Review
Watch on YouTube here: Can PPP Go Away On Its Own? Pearly Papules Removal Review Interested in Can PPP Go Away On Its Own? Pearly Papules Removal Review Pearly penile papules (white spots on the penis): Treatments and more Once they have developed, the growths typically persist throughout life, but they tend to fade with age. There are no symptoms associated with pearly penile papules, so anyone who experiences any symptoms should seek immediate medical attention. It is possible to have the growths surgically removed. Pearly Penile Papules Removal Cream. 3P Gel is the ... - Amazon.com 3P Gel is the first clinically proven pearly penile papules home treatment. ... 3P Gel is the first over-the-counter topical treatment that has shown to get rid of pearly penile papules in .... Find answers in product info, Q&As, reviews .... type of acid) burns away the top layer of the papules so that the night cream can do it's thang. Customer reviews: Pearly Penile Papules Removal ... - Amazon.com 3P Gel is the first clinically proven pearly penile papules home treatment. ... type of acid) burns away the top layer of the papules so that the night cream can do it's thang. ... Give Willy a few days to heal and then restart the day cream again. Pearly Penile Papules: White Spots on Penis - Healthline Learn about pearly penile papules, including their causes, ... But any change can cause some anxiety, so don't hesitate to get checked out. Why Your Pearly Penile Papules Won't Go Away? - By Dr. Vinod ... Those bumps running rings round the head of your penis are not only ugly, they ... Sufferers of pearly penile papules suffer in silence and they get embarrassed by the ... First, it won't go away just yet if you do not do anything about it. ... are looking toward surgery, it may take you years to remove your Pearly Penile Papules. Josh Marvin's Pearly Penile Papules Removal Review | Zenodo Pearly Penile Papules Removal Pros PPP in privacy of your own ... way to remove the little white bumps that can sometimes appear on the ... Pearly Penile Papules | Young Men's Health It's possible that you might have pearly penile papules, also called pink ... "wart remover" anywhere on your penis - these medicines can cause ... If you have bumps on y our penis, be sure to get checked out right away to be ... How To Remove Pearly Penile Papules - Wickermanfestival.co.uk The pearly penile papules home removal techniques worked and i'm glad i used them. ..... guidelines, preventative measures as well as restrictions are reviewed carefully. How to ... I have heard that it can go away on it's own. Pearly Penile Papules Removal Castor Oil - Softcon.ro Five reasons why the pearly penile papules is the way to go. ... hoped that they can locate a way to take away their pearlypenile papules by seeking out ... Pearly papules removal review: how to get rid of ppps effectively. ..... step-by-step how to remove pearly penile papules in the privacy of your own home. Pearly Penile Papules Merchandise - Household Remedies To ... Very first off, it can be a relief to understand that pearly penile papules ( also referred ... the DNA reviews of each personal with PPP does not return a constant result, thus, the ... The only sure way to remove your PPP is by means of cosmetic surgery, ... That is to say, some household treatments might get the job done really ... Keyword searches directly related to Can PPP go away on its own? Pearly Papules Removal Review: triple antibiotic ointment for ppp, pearly papules removal easy and quickly, how to get rid of ppp in 3 days, cutting off ppp, how long does ppp last, corta papule plan, can you get ppp on your balls, 3p gel customer service Can PPP Go Away On Its Own? Pearly Papules Removal Review
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fitfabmomma-blog · 5 years
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*Wisd🧐m* *Wednesday* Happy Let's get RID of fat cells day💣🧨🔥 ⁉️WANT TO LOSE WEIGHT/FAT ⁉LOST IT ALREADY *It is all in starving/ depleting FAT CELLS.* 📍When you eat more than what you burn = YOU GAIN. *To shrink fat cells:* ✅Portion control. ✅3 litres of water / flush stored fat out. ✅Give your body nutrient dense calories. ✅Feed your muscles/ up your RMR. ✅Get ACTIVE / RESISTANCE TRAINING. ☝Before you eat ask this question: *Am I going to plump up my fat cells or help them SHRINK!* *WHY HERBALIFE HELPS:* 🤩👌 *ROCKSTAR SHAKES* Low cal and nutrient dense (QUICK & CONVENIENT.) *PPP & PDM* Protein keeps you full. More protein = more muscle = Burn more cal Speeds up metabolism. *FAT BUSTING BEV* Burns 80 cal per cup!!!! Helps you to stay hydrated. GYM IN A JAR! CM EATER! Loads of energy. *THERMO COMPLETE* Zip on the lip. Prevents sweet cravings. ENERGY IN TABLET FORM *MULTIFIBRE* Grab some of the fat before you can store it. 🆘EVEN IF YOU ARE IN GREAT SHAPE YOU NEED THESE PRODUCTS TO PREVENT FAT CELLS FROM FORMING🆘 Recipes to try👇 #healthyliving #healthylifestyle #healthyfood #HerbalifeNutrition #HerbalifeSA https://www.instagram.com/p/B0SUVHVH65F/?igshid=dvmqvasf4up0
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tvc-hydro-research · 7 years
April 18 Update
Camp update- following Evans previous post
Chuck and the great pilots at Gwich’n Helicopters slung out all of our equipment on Monday the 10th. It took 6 sling loads over 2 days to get all of our camp supplies, research equipment, food, and fuel into camp. Since receiving the camp supplies and equipment Evan and I have been very busy working on setting up the camp the way we would like it for the rest of the season. There are so many improvements the camp is almost unrecognizable compared to this time last year. Here are some things we have done over the past week:
-          Dug out and set up 1 of 2 Ft. McPherson tents. This is used as dry storage for non-electronic science things, tools, extra heaters, misc. items that can be out in the elements. There was 6 ft of wind packed snow at this spot. We didn’t set up the second tent because we figured we don’t need it now with the food storage and extra weatherhaven…. And there is about 6-8 ft of hard windpacked snow in that spot. We will wait until the end of snowmelt for this.
-          Set up and installed prospector diesel stove in small weatherhaven. We have been running this 24-7 and it keeps the other weatherhaven toasty for storage of electronic stuff (our science gear ie ebees, rtk) are in here along with Aarons scatterometer overnight. My only concern is the heater will use a lot more diesel than we had hoped for. But we should be fine for the next 4+ weeks where we need it. We have also been using it to melt snow for water. This puppy puts out so much heat, and with the addition of some wooden shelves for storage make the small weatherhaven feel like a sauna! Could this be our next camp project?
-          Build shelves in Seacan and organized all cans/ dry goods on shelves. I am not sure if you have seen the pictures (see twitter) but Vicky stocked the shelves and did an amazing job! Plenty of food and we were able to get rid of almost all of the cardboard filling the majority of a helicopter sling with crushed empty boxes. This will help food orders in the future a lot! We still have 2 silver crates full of dried goods that are being stored in the small weatherhaven for now. The problem is that the seacan is cold at this time of year and so things are freezing/ some exploding (RIP pickles) and in the summer I can imagine it will get very HOT.
-          Installed new batteries for solar and reinstalled- The solar is now working great with the new batteries. I also had to rewire and mount a few solar panels that were sheered from their brackets during the harsh winter season. Once reconnected our solar input tripled (we were running 2 series in parallel going into the solar charge). We may end up building our own custom solar array rack out of spare lumber to allow us to capture the full solar potential during the 24-7 daily light.
-          Installed the new stove, sink, and kitchen. Evan and I build some cupboards for the kitchen with shelves that frees up a lot of space! The new stove is working great and hooked up to our 100lb tank, but I have adapters for the 20lb tanks as well. I am not sure how long this will last but we will find out.
-          Renovated outhouse to fit 2 incinolet toilets. We had planned on building an addition to the outhouse, but once we removed the ecojohn we found there was ample room for both of the incinolet toilets. We “adapted” the existing building to house both toilets separated by a wall in the middle. Both doors are facing east and the exhaust vents go out a small hole to the west. I had to hardwire the 30A plugs on the toilets to a wall receptacle where I sacrificed 2 extension cords that run to the new generator. They seem to be working great… minus the HUGE power draw. Even now, working much better than the shitty (pun intended) Ecojohn toilets. Anyone know what to do with a 150 pound toilet that doesn’t work? Would make a great yacht anchor I imagine….
-          Set up new Honda generator. Evan and I build a wooden box to host the new generator. This muffles the loud thumping of the larger generator. We had to put it as close as possible to the outhouse to reach the cords for the toilets. Each toilet needs its own 120V 20A outlet or it will keep blowing the fuse on the generator. This uses up both outlets on the generator, meaning you can only have either 2 toilets running, or 1 toilet and the weatherhaven. After 2 full days of testing we have found that the new generator is a fuel hog, going through a full 20L jerry can a day (roughly 8 hrs run time at half load) minimum. Therefore we are trying to limit its use to running the toilets, and if we do not need the toilets but need AC power for the weatherhaven we are still using the Honda 3000W as it is much more efficient. Still working out the kinks, but at least we have working toilets and power!
-          Since we did not use the new lumber for the outhouse we are going to build 1-2 more tent platforms, bringing us up to 9. For times when we have more than that (rarely) we should have spare plywood people can put under their tents- or they can set up on the snow.
-          The internet appears to be working well, however it goes through regular short losses of signal. We’re talking 5 min max drop times before it reconnects. We have been playing around with it a bit and there seems to me no rhyme or reason as to the issues. During the day it works great- I was even able to skype the other day, but once you have 4+ users it can be pretty useless at times. We are researching ways to increase our signal strength before we would have to resort to a professional realignment.
-          All in all the weather has been amazing out here! Sunny most days with highs in the low teens. Once you get out and moving you barely need a jacket. No signs of snowmelt either which is awesome news for us.
Science things
We have not had much time for anything other than camp stuff. However as we near the end of my big to-do list we are thinking about starting up some science things to prepare for the end of winter surveys.
Yesterday Evan and I went searching for the rebar benchmark to set up  and test our new RTK system. Unfortunately the location is not “well” known….. as in I have the coordinated down to the cm but handheld GPS units are +/- 5m accuracy… That’s a big search radius for a small piece of rebar. The area is also covered by a 1m well packed snow drift. After hours of digging in the snow we ended up with a ~20m x ~7m pit in the area we thought it should be... key word here is Thought… no matter how certain we were we could not find our little rebar friend. We even went back and looked at old photos for reference but each photo told a different story of where the point should be. We felt like treasure hunters searching for a mysterious mythical treasure, and just like most treasure hunters we came up empty handed. So we eventually gave up and set up a new temporary reference point for our base station and logged a few hours of GNSS points to send away for a PPP assessment. This service improves the accuracy of an unknown point down to within a few centimeters.
Once we set up the base and test the new RTK unit further we will disperse wooden cross-shaped markers across Evans lakes basins that serve as georefference ground control points with cm accuracy. We use Orange survey stakes in an X shape staked to the ground with rebar posts (if we can drive them into the ground). We are thinking of doing half on bare ground and half on the snow surface with the latter needing re-surveyed as the melt progresses. We will resurvey the GCPs is Siksik as well. These are necessary for flying the UAS and creating highly accurate digital surface models.
Evan has noticed that his weirs in the channel outlets of BBL and LBL are completely covered in ice! By covered I mean they are buried under the channel ice and cannot be found! These are weirs where the side walls were 3-4ft high! This is going to complicate our snowmelt runoff surveys as the weirs will likely be useless. We will have to resort to using the channel ice for our channel dimensions and record how it changes across the melt. The siksik weir has a similar affect, but the channel ice is only covering the bottom V portion, so the water level recorders in the stilling well may still function properly.
Before the arrival of the rest of our crew this weekend we plan on testing the following equipment to ensure it works for the end of winter snow surveys:
o   Leica GNSS RTK unit
o   EBEE
o   EBEE RTK and RTK base station
o   Magnaprobe
We are visiting the Inuvik Jr High School on Wednesday afternoon to give a talk about some of the research projects we are working on in Trail Valley Creek. Evan and I are skidooing back to meet the rest of our crew. I have put together a presentation with a brief overview of our research and why we are out here studying the snow. We are very excited to be invited into the schools to share some of our research findings and hope to educate the students on the importance of understanding how a changing climate is affecting the hydrological systems in their own back yards. Keep posted for some pictures from this visit. I will post a copy of some of the slides too so everyone can share in our work. Unfortunately I won’t be able to include some pretty sweet UAS drone videos.. .and my wonderful clipart animations. If you want the real deal just contact me and I am happy to share.
The winds are beginning to pick up. That means there is snow blowing all across the barren tundra, creating these nice fresh drifts around any obstacle. Very neat to watch these small snowdrifts form, however when all of that snow is being blown into your tent it’s not so fun.
Pictures to follow shortly! the internet is not being very cooperative.
Till next time.
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harriscranshaw · 5 years
Will My Children Have Pearly Penile Papules If I Have
Pearly penile papules or Hirsuties Papillaris Genitalis, in medical terms, is a skin condition characteristic to the male population. Men of all ages can be affected by this condition, which involves the apparition of one or more rows of dome topped papules on the upper part of the penis. It is not a painful condition. The patient only experiences a slight discomfort or little pain when the penis is in erection. However, because of its aspect, this condition can have serious consequences at a psychological level. During the period when the have pearly penile papules many patients lose their self-esteem and become more reticent in meeting new people, who may later become their partners. This leads to an auto-isolation of the individual who has to deal with pearly penile papules.
Taking into consideration the above mentioned things it is natural, as a parent, to think about the fact that this skin condition can be genetically transmitted to your boy. Some men even refuse to have children while the bumps are still on their penises, for fear of not transmitting this condition to the next generations. It is absolutely normal to avoid, by all means, that your child experiences the sensations you had or have to pass through. Yet, when it comes to pearly penile papules you do not have to worry as this condition is not genetically transmitted. Thus, if your father had it, it is not necessary that you experience it too, just as if you had it your child will not necessary have it. In fact, there are very few chances that two generations in a row should experience this condition. So, stop worrying about this thing, as this is not one of those diseases which your entire male inheritors will have if you have it or have had it when they were conceived.
Because pearly penile papules is a skin condition developed by the individual's skin, even if your child will develop this condition, it will have nothing to do with the fact that you suffered from it Yet, even though it is not a condition which is genetically transmitted, you should still talk about it with your child, so that he will know exactly what it is, in case it will develop pearly penile papules in his turn. Just like all the other conditions and diseases of the genital apparatus, this condition may be hard to talk about, so your child may not have the courage to talk it over. Be you the first to start the discussion, so that he will not experience the same bad emotions you went through.
>> CLICK HERE to check out how to get rid of ppp in 3 days easily at home. <<
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3hakisebooks · 5 years
How To Get Rid Of PPP In 3 Days - Pearly Papules Removal Easy and Quick
Pearly Penile Papules, or PPP, are small, white colored skin tags or domes that form around the penis gland. On appearance, they can sometimes be mistaken for a sexually transmitted disease, such as genital warts or herpes.
They appear in rows around the rim of the penis head and may also appear on either side of the frenulum.
The cause or rather the reason pearly penile papules appear is unknown.Some say they may be swollen or blocked sweat glands or pores. However, one thing is known; they are in no way related to sexual activity or bad hygiene.
If you’ve developed this skin issue recently it could be advisable to see a doctor. If you want to try to get rid of it yourself here are a few home remedies for pearly penile papules removal at home:
Honey Honey is a great natural remedy and can help get rid of PPP at home effectively. Just apply like regular ointment and allow to sit for a while. Remember to wash it all off after a while.
Calamine lotion Calamine lotion is highly effective for acne treatment because of its zinc content. The zinc tends to treat the skin by drying it out and getting rid of any bumps such as acne or papules. This is why Calamine lotion is a suggested remedy for PPP.
Castor oil Castor oil is said to be highly effective in treating PPP. Most men find this to be one of the easiest home remedies since castor oil is easy to obtain and is most likely at home anyway. Castor oil comes from a plant called Ricinus communis. Mostly found in parts of Africa and Asia, the seeds of this plant are somewhat toxic, but the extracted oil has amazing benefits for your skin. Getting rid of PPP with castor oil involves applying small portions directly on the affected area with cotton balls or swabs.
Tea tree oil Tea tree oil is directly extracted from the Melaleuca alternifolia tree leaves and is commonly used oil for skin ailments. The oil is well regarded by the scientific community in treatments for acne and skin rashes. Even the American cancer Society found the oil was useful while treating skin injuries and avoiding putrefaction. Studies have shown the oil is toxic when consumed and must not be applied to skin if the concentration is greater than 5%.
Alpha hydroxy acid Better known to the public as AHA, this substance can help the skin recover quickly and with no side effects. Most men can get their hands on this in concentrate form in either creams or skin wash.
Triple Antibiotic Ointment Application of triple antibiotic ointments can reduce PPPs. The cream or ointment needs to be applied a few times a day and left to seep into the skin overnight if possible.
Toothpaste Toothpaste often has antibacterial properties as it fights cavities in the teeth. This is why many men swear by using toothpaste to rid the penis of these annoying papules. Again, applying toothpaste and leaving it over the skin and affected area for a while can help relieve the symptoms of PPP.
Bio-oil Bio-oil can help with PPP and is a relatively new way to treat skin issues. This oil needs time to work, so applying it multiple times a day for many weeks will help you see the results you need. Over time the oil helps to soften the skin and make the papules less prominent. The PPP disappears altogether over time.
Oatmeal Oatmeal can help with a number of skin issues and PPP is one of them.
Mud masks Mud masks are for more than just youthful skin and facial muscles. The pack can help moisturize the skin and treat PPP.
Home remedies are safe and effective w/o any side effects Home remedies are often recommended for this issue since these oils are known to be very effective and do not have any side effects. Make sure you clean the area completely, apply the oil with a cotton ball and continue this for a few weeks till you start to see results. If you don’t see results with a certain type of oil, try another one from the list above. Home remedies are natural and completely safe, so you can take your time with this treatment.
The best treatments are the ones you can do yourself in the privacy of your own home. Many of these treatments involve common household items that are in no way dangerous. Careful application of these oils or ointments can help your skin naturally heal itself and preserve its elasticity and sensitivity.
Make sure you don’t try to cut or scrape the papules, however, since this can cause severe infections. The tissue around the affected area can also lose sensitivity or elasticity if you attempt to cut or scrape the spots.
You must also refrain from using any sort of ‘heat’ or ‘burn’ solution to the papules to avoid permanently damaging your reproductive organ. Here is a list of things you MUST NOT USE to treat this issue: - Wart remover - Chlorine - Gasoline - Aspirin - Ammonia - Bleach - Oven cleaner
PPP is a fairly common and completely harmless issue that one in five men will deal with at some point in their lives.There are a number of ways doctors can treat the issue with cosmetic surgery or over-the-counter drugs, but these solutions almost always come with medical side effects.
As long as you don’t worry and try to scrape the skin off using a sharp object, you can effectively treat this issue at home. All of the remedies suggested in this article are easily available and really useful while dealing with this embarrassing issue.
Check out this FREE VIDEO on the latest effective home treatment of ppp!
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martinalter-blog · 5 years
How To Get Rid Of PPP In 3 Days - Safely Remove Pearly Penile Papules at...
► In this video, we reveal to you an all-natural, non-surgical way that will completely cure all signs of your Pearly Penile Papules easy and quickly. It’s a proven alternative to expensive laser surgery, and other over-the-counter treatments that simply don’t work. Even better, using this system to take off the bumps is easy, fast, pain-free and won’t leave scars behind. It works whether you are circumcised, or not, and on all skin types.
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emilybusroh26-blog · 5 years
How To Get Rid Of PPP In 3 Days - Safely Remove Pearly Penile Papules at Home In 3 Days.
► The faster you act, the faster you will get your s-ex life back!. Remember, you’ve got nothing to lose but to finally get rid of your Pearly Penile Papules for good! How to get rid of pearly penile papules naturally without surgery. It doesn’t matter if you have a few pearly penile papules or 100’s of them. This video will show you how to get rid of ppp in 3 days!
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