#get some period awareness & media literacy into your brain
msfcatlover · 10 months
Once again eye-twitching over “Because modern Batman has been written as abusive by some modern writers, you have to hate him for everything ever!”
This time brought to you by: “No one at DC understands my fave, who hasn’t been written well since the early 2000s :( When will my beloved return from war :( ”
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mdomroe-blog1 · 6 years
TecKed Out
Everyone has their own personal favorite social media influencers, whether that be Youtubers like, Keaton Milburn, Fitness Bloggers like Tammy Hembrow, or top models like Hailey Bieber. These three famous influencers have three main characteristics in common. They are tall, skinny, and blonde. Growing up I had a great childhood, I was carefree and never had a second thought about the way I looked. In later middle school when I became a part of the social media world these things changed.  I started to see the differences that I had from other girls my age and noticed I never could compete with some girls.
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[Keaton Milburn is a 21-year-old social media influencer, courtesy of AZ Foothills.]
I’m not here to tell you that skinny blonde girls need to be exterminated from society or to tell you to stop using social media. I’m writing this blog to raise awareness of future implications extreme social media and technology usage could bring to the next generation of young adults. Compared with other developed nations, Americans are more likely to have a higher amount of screen-time than almost any other western society. According to Common Sense Media,  American youth, ages 8-18 spend an average of nine hours using any source of media. Instead of living an active lifestyle and learning lifelong skills, we are training  our youth to live behind the screen while emphasizing the importance of technical literacy in the workplace. Brianna Crowley compared the older generation to be more of “digital immigrants’” rather than “digital natives”. However, we are not preparing the “digital natives” for the real world, we are teaching them to live like lifeless computer-oriented zombies. Employers are more inclined to hire someone with both computer and communication skills, however CLIMB professional Development and Training ranked strong communication as the top answer. As a society we need to be conscientious of the negative impact’s technology can bring, so we can work toward a well-rounded lifestyle.
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[This illustration shows this woman’s struggle to detach herself from social media. (Thrillist)]
In 2014 Nielson performed a study to show the negative effects technology has on the developing teen brain, this study showed how technology has negative effects on sleep patterns, self-confidence, social skills, emotions, and personality in teens. Nielson highlights the negatives of social media as a whole, rather than demonstrate what a person goes through on a more intimate level, which is so important to acknowledge. As technology has risen, personal hatred towards one’s own body became extremely prominent. Girls and boys saw true differences between their bodies and ones of famous influencers, which then made teens try and work towards a more “likeable” image. Teens will do anything to fit in, going anywhere from posting scandalous photos to starving themselves, because that is what their favorite celebrity does.  The Girl Scouts Research Institute found that ½ of every teen women wish they were as skinny as fashion models. I think it is horrible to see how many girls are affected by social media, if they weren’t subjected to mass amounts of edited content then maybe it would be easy to differentiate between what is real and what is fake.
Body image is something that usually has a negative connotation. When you’re a teen you have so many different things to worry about. Teens stress about the craziest things, personally I have stressed about how my new perfume smelled for hours. I think with just simple posts a teen can completely misconstrue the meaning behind the initial post and work-up their emotions in response. Our brain has been rewired since I was a kid. According to Stephanie Hertzenberg; from Beliefnet, there is a direct connection between your brains ability to process a large influx of information, and the ability to retain information. This recent catastrophe is referred to as “popcorn brain”, and if the brain is subjected to a large amount of stimuli for long periods of time, then the brain will no longer retain large portions of information.
Not only does over indulgence of social media lead to poor cognitive function it also is a main trigger of anxiety and depression. It is so easy to see posts on your feed and compare the amount of likes you receive to another young teen, but while some of us just see that like as a number others take that number to heart. In 2017 the Child Mind Institute conducted a study that shows 92% of teens use or own a smartphone. The Child Mind Institute also found that in half a million high-schoolers depressive symptoms have increased 33% in a five-year span. In that same time teen girls experienced a 65% increase in suicide rates. Technology is a great thing and allows for millions of people to connect from all over the world, but when people feel bad about themselves after going online then why should we promote its use. We should not let cyberbullying be something in this world that could trigger someone to take their own life.  Jennifer Mills; a renowned Canadian Psychologist speaks on body image and says teens "… felt worse about their own appearance after looking at social media pages of someone that they perceived to be more attractive than them...". Many are quick to see negatives within this quotation; however, I believe we need to not see it as a negative but see it as an opportunity to change young tech users outlook when on social media. Instead of viewing it as a competition, we need to teach developing youth that it is a form of finding information on others.
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[This photo symbolizes how she sees herself based upon others words, and how they stick on her (Social Media Effecting Body Image).]
We have seen our society move up the ladder with new innovations, with large technology companies constantly working towards releasing the newest update. Apple is the leading tech company in the world and is a great example of a company with a fast turnover rate. Within the last decade, we have moved into the realm of smartphones. With technology at our fingertips our citizens live a very efficient lifestyle. You can completely live a paperless lifestyles if truly necessary, but that may lead to a dependence on any given device. Women and men are constantly on popular modes of social media like YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook. If our society is on average spending nine hours on a device, then a large amount of that time is spent on social media. Constant time spent on social media updates teens on the newest tech trends being released, this inclines people to buy more and more products that have very little differences. Zac Hall exemplifies the fast technology turnover rate, by showing how every September Apple releases a completely new model, then just makes small adjustments and rebrands throughout the year. This marketing scheme is what makes Apple and other companies so successful, however they do not show how the consumer is constantly updating to stay hip to cultural trends.
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[This is a chart that shows the large increase of price on Apple products (Phillipine Peso.]
When I was a freshmen in high school, I was completely naïve to all the mean girls in school and what their words could do. I was a pretty shy girl and did not really get into deep conversations with “the cool kids”. One day I had class with this beautiful popular girl named Rachel and she was seated in my table group. I was pretty excited to be in a cool table group, and for her to even know my name. A few weeks went by and I thought Rachel and I had really hit it off on multiple occasions. Little did I know that she was purposefully manipulating me for pure enjoyment. I had found out that she posted a photo on her Snapchat story of me wearing shorts with white paint on the butt. This white stain led to many sexual jokes that I was not expecting nor wanting.
In conclusion, although Rachel and I do not talk anymore her words still linger with me to this day. I feel that without the monumental tear to my self-confidence I would not have grown to be a strong independent leader. I am currently writing this from my hotel room where I am staying in Nashville. I was selected to attend a Leadership Conference here and I truly think back to that time where social media destroyed me, and how I have grown from that experience. Overall, I believe technology has allowed us to transform society and grow into what we are today, but without proper guidance it can go extremely bad.
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[These are unfortunately the very old shorts that I got made fun of for when I was so young. Ironically, I brought them to wear to bed.]
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[This is me and Jacquelyn Kelly pictured above at the Leadership Conference this past weekend.]
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Become Color Blind
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Become Color Blind
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  “When ordinary life shackles me, I escape, one way or another. No more walls.”
 Anais Nin
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        MESSAGE FROM CYNTHIA BRIAN, Founder/Executive Director
“You are so lucky! You have red blood!” my mother chimed when, as children, any of us would injure ourselves and be bleeding. We’d immediately stop crying and be grateful that our red blood meant that we were humans and not some form of alien. We were taught that every person was equal. No one was better or worse than anyone else and that no matter what color our skin, what God we worshipped, what gender we were, where we came from, or what language we spoke, we all deserved the opportunity to succeed and be happy. We were taught to work hard, respect others, and live by the golden rule. “Care, share, and be fair” was a family motto. 
  The last few weeks have been tragic for humans. Not only is the world struggling to survive a pandemic with Covid-19, but the death of an unarmed Black man, George Floyd, by an officer sworn to protect and serve us, has struck a deep wound in our global consciousness. Our hearts go out to his family and friends and to all the other people who have endured racist encounters. Fear and pain are prevailing. There is no place for racism and bigotry in our country. We are all human.
  Here at Be the Star You Are!®, we are color blind. We welcome everyone-black, brown, yellow, beige, white, and any color in between. Be the Star You Are!® supports all ethnicity’s, genders, cultures, and has no religious or political agendas or affiliations. Our goal is to amplify your inner greatness and help you be the best person possible by improving literacy, increasing positive media messages, and offering tools for living a purposeful life.
  Protesting is our right as Americans and peaceful protests are valuable. Looting and rioting is counter-productive and only leads to more violence, hatred, and alienation. It is time that we all stopped to listen and hear what others are saying and feeling. We must empathize and start conversations that can lead to healing. I have always believed that ALL LIVES MATTER. But right now, we need to embrace BLACK LIVES MATTER because black men and black women are suffering deeply. Our volunteer Karen Kitchel, shared a video that you may have already watched, but it is worth viewing again. It displays the disparity between a life of privilege and one of racial inequality. Watch it here: 
  No one must be shackled. It’s time to break down the walls of differences. We must come together to create positive, systemic change that will provide dignity, respect, opportunities, and resources to all. We can each be a catalyst for change.
Once we learn to communicate and collaborate, we will escape to innovate. 
  Be the Star You Are!® is proud to have been serving the community, country, and world since 1999 with resources to create a better future.
  Become color blind. We all bleed red.
  Stay safe. Stay strong.
  In solidarity, 
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Cynthia Brian
Founder/Executive Director
Be the Star You Are!®
PO Box 376
Moraga, California 94556
  P.S. During the lock-down, I am available for consultations, webinars, interviews, or speaking via on-line sources only. If interested, email [email protected] or visit https://www.starstyleradio.com/coaching
  DONATE: https://www.paypal.com/fundraiser/charity/1504
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If you want to jumpstart your business, service, or promote your products, IConnectx has created an online auction to benefit Be the Star You Are!® with opportunities for LIVe or pre-recorded radio interviews and phone or online consultations with Cynthia Brian. More auction items will be added in the following days. Auction ends on June 20th so start bidding right away to win. Visit: https://bit.ly/2ZuIQkE
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by Karen Kitchel
“Dignity has the potential to change the world, but only if people like you help to spread its profound message” concluded Donna Hicks in the Psychology Today article “What Is the Real Meaning of Dignity?”
We are all born with dignity, which is different than respect which must be earned. Every individual has worth as a human being and wants to be treated as someone with value.
Everyone wants to be heard and to feel safe in the world. When we feel included, we gain a sense of hope and possibility. Receiving an apology when someone does us harm is a way to reconnect. “I’m sorry” can be two of the most powerful words anyone can utter.
Building strong relationships can be as easy as asking for opinions, listening to concerns and including others in conversations.  Seek out someone you don’t know and take a step in changing the world.
  Karen Kitchel penned two chapters in the book, Be the Star You Are! Millennials to Boomers Celebrating Gifts of Positive Voices in a Changing Digital World, and is a dedicated volunteer with BTSYA. She serves meals to the homeless and is a volunteer teacher, writer, job coach, and mentor. www.scatteringkindness.com
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        THE IMPACT OF ILLITERACY-Young Children
by Stephanie Cogeos
  According to a recent study by the U.S. Department of Education, 32 million American adults are illiterate, 21% read below a 5th grade level and 19% of high school graduates are functionally illiterate, meaning they cannot read well enough to manage and perform daily living tasks. This can be avoided when people are aware of these statistics and what lack of literacy skills can cause. 
  When children do not learn to read and write effectively, it affects them and their families.  The psychological effect impacts their progress during their early school years. It can also make math and science just as difficult. About 80% of a child’s brain is developed by age 3 and a key period of development occurs in their language and literacy skills. The quality of early childhood education can be determined by one’s economic status. Half of all children by age 5 living in poverty are not academically or socially ready for school, studies have shown (Center on Children and Families at Brookings).  Poverty is a risk factor for illiteracy. By fourth grade, 80% of low-income children read at below grade level. Falling behind during critical years will also affect social skills, health and economic status later in their lives.  Low literacy often impacts a person’s health, preventative healthcare actions and taking medications correctly as well as impacting them psychologically. Shame, fear, low self-confidence, low self-esteem are all impacted by how well a person can effectively communicate and read and educate themselves.  All these things can have a negative impact on society in general.  These things can be avoided.  
  CONTINUE READING: https://files.secure.website/wscfus/10307163/26270304/the-impact-of-illiteracy.pdf
  Volunteer Stephanie Cogeos is our Book Review coordinator. She is now doing research to provide resources for the public to learn about the importance of literacy, positive media messages, and empowering women families, and youth. You can keep up with the resources at this link: http://www.btsya.com/resources.html
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    "To be a leader, you must be a reader! Read, lead, succeed!"
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Our Star Teen Book Review Team is constantly growing and evolving. When you are looking a for a great book, check out the reviews of thousands of books for all ages at our Book Review web site.
Read book reviews by our volunteers: http://www.btsya.com/book_reviews.html
Also, check out these and other reviews at our literacy partner site,The Reading Tub, https://thereadingtub.org/books/be-the-star-you-are/
Librarians, teachers, parents, and care-givers rely on these reviews as excellent sources for recommending a good book.
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As part of our Be the Star You Are! Disaster Relief Outreach program (https://www.bethestaryouare.org/copy-of-operation-hurricane-disaste), Be the Star You Are!® has collaborated with the Authors Guild to showcase the new books launched by many authors from around the country in a variety of genres. We will also be showcasing artists, actors, and musicians, all of whom had had their gigs canceled and are out of work. We believe in supporting creativity and believe that books, art, music, and film provide escape and joy, especially during tough times. For the next few months, make sure you are tuned in to both StarStyle®-Be the Star You Are!® on Wednesdays at 4pm PT for “Writers Wednesdays” LIVE http://www.voiceamerica.com/show/2206/be-the-star-you-are as well as our teen program, Express Yourself!™ airing on Sundays at 3pm PT for “Super Smart Sundays”, https://www.voiceamerica.com/show/2014/express-yourself
  Both programs broadcast on the Voice America Network, Empowerment Channel and will be archived on that site as well as iTunes, Stitcher, etc. It’s a giant artistic festival!
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  If you need a dose of inspiration, humor, and positivity, check out our books at http://www.StarStyleStore.net. All of the money from purchases benefits Be the Star You Are!® and you get extra goodies when you buy direct. Plus, these are first editions and can be custom autographed for you. www.StarStyleStore.Net
  Raise your eyes to the STARS and shine!
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Since we need to stay at home and only go out when absolutely necessary, these are on-line shopping portals that will sell you what you need, offer discounts, and assist our mission as a nonprofit. Please use these web sites for all of your shopping essentials, 
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      1. AmazonSmile donates .5% of purchases https://smile.amazon.com/ch/94-3333882
2. Discounted books at Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/shops/be_the_star_you_are_charity
3. Giving Assistant: Shop. Earn. Give! Use Giving Assistant to earn cash at 3500+ popular online stores, then donate a percentage to BTSYA:https://givingassistant.org/np#be-the-star-you-are-inc
& buy from your favorite stores. 
4. Search and GoodShop: Choose Be the Star You Are as your charity to support. You can log in with Facebook, too! https://www.goodshop.com/nonprofit/be-the-star-you-are
5. Shop at over 1300 stores on IGIVE: http://www.iGive.com/BTSYA
6. BTSYA Logo Store: http://btsya.rylees.net
7. Buy or Sell on EBAY:http://givingworks.ebay.com/charity-auctions/charity/be-the-star-you-are-501-c-3/1504/?favorite=link
8. Designer Clothes to Buy or Sell: https://www.unionandfifth.com/charities/be-the-star-you-are-moraga-ca/shop
9. Buy “Read, Lead, Succeed” T-shirts and tanks $19.99 at StarStyle® Store: http://www.starstylestore.net/
10. Are you a gamer, lover of new software, or other digital content? Buy all of your favorites at Humble Bundle. http://ow.ly/cYs130iN6n4
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Since BTSYA receives no government or corporate support, we count on YOU to help us help others. During this pandemic, all of our fundraising events have been canceled, yet we continue to support those in need. We appreciate a direct donation most of all via PAYPAL GIVING FUND at https://www.paypal.com/fundraiser/charity/1504
  Checks can be sent to PO Box 376, Moraga, California 94556
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        Direct Links you can use for Be the Star You Are!®
Positive Results: https://www.bethestaryouare.org/positive-results
About Us: https://www.bethestaryouare.org/about_us
Programs: https://www.bethestaryouare.org/programs
How to Help: https://www.bethestaryouare.org/how-to-help
Blog: https://www.bethestaryouare.org/blog-1
Events: https://www.bethestaryouare.org/events
Contact us: https://www.bethestaryouare.org/contact
GREAT NON PROFITS REVIEWS: https://greatnonprofits.org/org/be-the-star-you-are-inc
GUIDESTAR/CANDID: https://www.guidestar.org/profile/94-3333882
  We invite you to volunteer, get involved, or make a donation. Make a DONATION through PAYPAL GIVING FUND and PAYPAL with 100% going to BTSYA with NO FEES:  https://www.paypal.com/fundraiser/charity/1504
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        Be Color Blind.  
Communicate, Collaborate, Innovate! 
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  Be the Star You Are!®
PO Box 376
Moraga, California 94556
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      Be the Star You Are!® PO Box 376, Moraga, Ca. 94556
Get Social with us
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  Be the Star You Are!® 501 c3 PO Box 376 Moraga, California 94556 US
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goddessgardener · 4 years
Become Color BRAVE
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Become Color Blind
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  “When ordinary life shackles me, I escape, one way or another. No more walls.”
 Anais Nin
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        MESSAGE FROM CYNTHIA BRIAN, Founder/Executive Director
“You are so lucky! You have red blood!” my mother chimed when, as children, any of us would injure ourselves and be bleeding. We’d immediately stop crying and be grateful that our red blood meant that we were humans and not some form of alien. We were taught that every person was equal. No one was better or worse than anyone else and that no matter what color our skin, what God we worshipped, what gender we were, where we came from, or what language we spoke, we all deserved the opportunity to succeed and be happy. We were taught to work hard, respect others, and live by the golden rule. “Care, share, and be fair” was a family motto. 
  The last few weeks have been tragic for humans. Not only is the world struggling to survive a pandemic with Covid-19, but the death of an unarmed Black man, George Floyd, by an officer sworn to protect and serve us, has struck a deep wound in our global consciousness. Our hearts go out to his family and friends and to all the other people who have endured racist encounters. Fear and pain are prevailing. There is no place for racism and bigotry in our country. We are all human.
  Here at Be the Star You Are!®, we are color blind. We welcome everyone-black, brown, yellow, beige, white, and any color in between. Be the Star You Are!® supports all ethnicity’s, genders, cultures, and has no religious or political agendas or affiliations. Our goal is to amplify your inner greatness and help you be the best person possible by improving literacy, increasing positive media messages, and offering tools for living a purposeful life.
  Protesting is our right as Americans and peaceful protests are valuable. Looting and rioting is counter-productive and only leads to more violence, hatred, and alienation. It is time that we all stopped to listen and hear what others are saying and feeling. We must empathize and start conversations that can lead to healing. I have always believed that ALL LIVES MATTER. But right now, we need to embrace BLACK LIVES MATTER because black men and black women are suffering deeply. Our volunteer Karen Kitchel, shared a video that you may have already watched, but it is worth viewing again. It displays the disparity between a life of privilege and one of racial inequality. Watch it here: 
  No one must be shackled. It’s time to break down the walls of differences. We must come together to create positive, systemic change that will provide dignity, respect, opportunities, and resources to all. We can each be a catalyst for change.
Once we learn to communicate and collaborate, we will escape to innovate. 
  Be the Star You Are!® is proud to have been serving the community, country, and world since 1999 with resources to create a better future.
  Become color blind. We all bleed red.
  Stay safe. Stay strong.
  In solidarity, 
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Cynthia Brian
Founder/Executive Director
Be the Star You Are!®
PO Box 376
Moraga, California 94556
  P.S. During the lock-down, I am available for consultations, webinars, interviews, or speaking via on-line sources only. If interested, email [email protected] or visit https://www.starstyleradio.com/coaching
  DONATE: https://www.paypal.com/fundraiser/charity/1504
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If you want to jumpstart your business, service, or promote your products, IConnectx has created an online auction to benefit Be the Star You Are!® with opportunities for LIVe or pre-recorded radio interviews and phone or online consultations with Cynthia Brian. More auction items will be added in the following days. Auction ends on June 20th so start bidding right away to win. Visit: https://bit.ly/2ZuIQkE
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by Karen Kitchel
“Dignity has the potential to change the world, but only if people like you help to spread its profound message” concluded Donna Hicks in the Psychology Today article “What Is the Real Meaning of Dignity?”
We are all born with dignity, which is different than respect which must be earned. Every individual has worth as a human being and wants to be treated as someone with value.
Everyone wants to be heard and to feel safe in the world. When we feel included, we gain a sense of hope and possibility. Receiving an apology when someone does us harm is a way to reconnect. “I’m sorry” can be two of the most powerful words anyone can utter.
Building strong relationships can be as easy as asking for opinions, listening to concerns and including others in conversations.  Seek out someone you don’t know and take a step in changing the world.
  Karen Kitchel penned two chapters in the book, Be the Star You Are! Millennials to Boomers Celebrating Gifts of Positive Voices in a Changing Digital World, and is a dedicated volunteer with BTSYA. She serves meals to the homeless and is a volunteer teacher, writer, job coach, and mentor. www.scatteringkindness.com
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        THE IMPACT OF ILLITERACY-Young Children
by Stephanie Cogeos
  According to a recent study by the U.S. Department of Education, 32 million American adults are illiterate, 21% read below a 5th grade level and 19% of high school graduates are functionally illiterate, meaning they cannot read well enough to manage and perform daily living tasks. This can be avoided when people are aware of these statistics and what lack of literacy skills can cause. 
  When children do not learn to read and write effectively, it affects them and their families.  The psychological effect impacts their progress during their early school years. It can also make math and science just as difficult. About 80% of a child’s brain is developed by age 3 and a key period of development occurs in their language and literacy skills. The quality of early childhood education can be determined by one’s economic status. Half of all children by age 5 living in poverty are not academically or socially ready for school, studies have shown (Center on Children and Families at Brookings).  Poverty is a risk factor for illiteracy. By fourth grade, 80% of low-income children read at below grade level. Falling behind during critical years will also affect social skills, health and economic status later in their lives.  Low literacy often impacts a person’s health, preventative healthcare actions and taking medications correctly as well as impacting them psychologically. Shame, fear, low self-confidence, low self-esteem are all impacted by how well a person can effectively communicate and read and educate themselves.  All these things can have a negative impact on society in general.  These things can be avoided.  
  CONTINUE READING: https://files.secure.website/wscfus/10307163/26270304/the-impact-of-illiteracy.pdf
  Volunteer Stephanie Cogeos is our Book Review coordinator. She is now doing research to provide resources for the public to learn about the importance of literacy, positive media messages, and empowering women families, and youth. You can keep up with the resources at this link: http://www.btsya.com/resources.html
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    "To be a leader, you must be a reader! Read, lead, succeed!"
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Our Star Teen Book Review Team is constantly growing and evolving. When you are looking a for a great book, check out the reviews of thousands of books for all ages at our Book Review web site.
Read book reviews by our volunteers: http://www.btsya.com/book_reviews.html
Also, check out these and other reviews at our literacy partner site,The Reading Tub, https://thereadingtub.org/books/be-the-star-you-are/
Librarians, teachers, parents, and care-givers rely on these reviews as excellent sources for recommending a good book.
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As part of our Be the Star You Are! Disaster Relief Outreach program (https://www.bethestaryouare.org/copy-of-operation-hurricane-disaste), Be the Star You Are!® has collaborated with the Authors Guild to showcase the new books launched by many authors from around the country in a variety of genres. We will also be showcasing artists, actors, and musicians, all of whom had had their gigs canceled and are out of work. We believe in supporting creativity and believe that books, art, music, and film provide escape and joy, especially during tough times. For the next few months, make sure you are tuned in to both StarStyle®-Be the Star You Are!® on Wednesdays at 4pm PT for “Writers Wednesdays” LIVE http://www.voiceamerica.com/show/2206/be-the-star-you-are as well as our teen program, Express Yourself!™ airing on Sundays at 3pm PT for “Super Smart Sundays”, https://www.voiceamerica.com/show/2014/express-yourself
  Both programs broadcast on the Voice America Network, Empowerment Channel and will be archived on that site as well as iTunes, Stitcher, etc. It’s a giant artistic festival!
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  If you need a dose of inspiration, humor, and positivity, check out our books at http://www.StarStyleStore.net. All of the money from purchases benefits Be the Star You Are!® and you get extra goodies when you buy direct. Plus, these are first editions and can be custom autographed for you. www.StarStyleStore.Net
  Raise your eyes to the STARS and shine!
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Since we need to stay at home and only go out when absolutely necessary, these are on-line shopping portals that will sell you what you need, offer discounts, and assist our mission as a nonprofit. Please use these web sites for all of your shopping essentials, 
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      1. AmazonSmile donates .5% of purchases https://smile.amazon.com/ch/94-3333882
2. Discounted books at Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/shops/be_the_star_you_are_charity
3. Giving Assistant: Shop. Earn. Give! Use Giving Assistant to earn cash at 3500+ popular online stores, then donate a percentage to BTSYA:https://givingassistant.org/np#be-the-star-you-are-inc
& buy from your favorite stores. 
4. Search and GoodShop: Choose Be the Star You Are as your charity to support. You can log in with Facebook, too! https://www.goodshop.com/nonprofit/be-the-star-you-are
5. Shop at over 1300 stores on IGIVE: http://www.iGive.com/BTSYA
6. BTSYA Logo Store: http://btsya.rylees.net
7. Buy or Sell on EBAY:http://givingworks.ebay.com/charity-auctions/charity/be-the-star-you-are-501-c-3/1504/?favorite=link
8. Designer Clothes to Buy or Sell: https://www.unionandfifth.com/charities/be-the-star-you-are-moraga-ca/shop
9. Buy “Read, Lead, Succeed” T-shirts and tanks $19.99 at StarStyle® Store: http://www.starstylestore.net/
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marclefrancois1 · 6 years
5 Tips for Better Sleep — Make This the “Year of Sleep” in Your Home
e0a9e1e9e6412908cf53cee25f32209b62d23d03e119cd2df63e6855e8fc22eee0a9e1e9e6412908cf53cee25f32209b62d23d03e119cd2df63e6855e8fc22eepostlinke0a9e1e9e6412908cf53cee25f32209b62d23d03e119cd2df63e6855e8fc22eee0a9e1e9e6412908cf53cee25f32209b62d23d03e119cd2df63e6855e8fc22ee was initially seen on www.marclefrancois.net
Happy New Year! It doesn’t have to be January 1st to make changes, but it is “resolution season.” There’s no better time to make some goals for the new year.
While it’s pretty easy to figure out where you want to make a change, sometimes it’s hard to follow through. It’s no secret that goals are easier to achieve when they are specific, written down, and contain some element of accountability.
We’ve started your 2019 off by doing the hard part — we identified five achievable sleep goals for you and your family. Whether it’s getting your toddler to sleep, or establishing some good habits for you, here’s how to make 2019 the “Year of Sleep” in your home.
Soothing Bedtime Routine
Children (and many adults) thrive on routine. To avoid the chaos at bedtime, create a calming bedtime routine. Some example activities include:
Set a Time ­— Once you decide on an age-appropriate bedtime, allow a “wind-down” period. Start at least a half-hour prior, pick up toys, stop any engaging games or excitement, and start to get into “bedtime mode.”
Bath – a warm bath does more than just wash off a sticky baby. Although some parents don’t bathe their little ones every night, science stands behind a warm dip in the tub. By quickly raising body temperature, then allowing it to cool, sleep comes easier and faster because it’s the cooling that makes you sleepy.
Stories — A bedtime story not only improves literacy, but it allows bonding between parent and child. A book is a far better choice than a screen. Not only does a story engage the brain, but it doesn’t emit blue light that can keep you or your child awake. Even “big kids” benefit from a bedtime story from their parents.
Tuck, Kiss, Lovey, Bed — Give your child a warning that “lights-out” is coming in a few minutes. Tuck them in, give a kiss, pat on the back, provide their favorite lovey, and say “night-night”.
Drowsy But Awake — One way to avoid overnight wake-ups is to make sure your child falls asleep on their own. When you leave their room they should be calm, but aware you’re leaving. Otherwise he or she might wake up in the middle of the night wondering where you are, and you know the rest!
Kids  old enough to talk can start bargaining, so it’s important to be firm. You can always blame the clock for your exit.
Flexible Schedules
In order to fall asleep at bedtime, it’s important that your baby or child isn’t overtired. You’ll need to decide on a schedule, that includes age-appropriate naps. While it’s important to be flexible, you’ll need to make sure that naps, wake times, and bedtimes happen at roughly the same times every day.
RELATED: Baby and Child Sleep: Sample Schedules from 6 Months to Preschool
Choose a wake-up time (usually 6:30-7:30) and make sure they are up. Most children under 18-months-old still take two naps per day. With a consistent wake time, those naps can start and end on a schedule that gets them the correct amount of daytime sleep.
Remember, sleep begets sleep. Skipping a nap to try and achieve a better bedtime doesn’t always work. An overtired child will often develop bedtime “super powers”, making it even tougher to calm down.
This one is for everyone! Studies suggest that moderate exercise can improve sleep. Part of this can be traced to the same effect as a bath — the temporary increase in body temperature exercise provides is followed by a cool-down that causes drowsiness. Just be sure to avoid vigorous exercise and play near bedtime.
In addition to exercise itself, being outdoors when it is sunny can help solidify the circadian rhythm, or your brain’s natural tendency to detect the difference between night and day. Not to mention, a little sunshine is important for vitamin D.
If it’s just too cold, rainy, or nasty to go outside, try and find an activity inside to get everyone’s heart rates up — no jumping on the couch though!
Better sleep for your child can mean better sleep for you!
Sleep Environment
Does the sun peek over the windowsill at 5am and hit your toddler right at pillow-height? You’ll need to consider sleep environment. Light, sound, and temperature are important considerations for you and your child.
Room-darkening shades are a great solution for early moons and suns shining in the windows.
Some children can sleep through a hurricane, but others have trouble. Use a white noise machine to cover up environmental sounds such as socialization in the other room, nearby trains, and noisy neighbors.
Finally, cool, but not too cold, is the temperature that best suits sleep. Remember that the cooling down helps drowsiness. If it’s too cold or too hot, sleep might not come easily.
If your baby is too young for a blanket due to safety, try a wearable blanket or sleep sack.
Sleep Coaching
If you’re parenting a 6-month-old or older, your resolution might be simply teaching them to sleep. Around six to eight months, most babies can learn to sleep through the night. If you’re just embarking on this journey, it’s a great single goal for the new year!
Track Their Schedule — start your sleep journey by tracking your child’s natural patterns. There’s an app for that! The Sleep Lady app is FREE and you can read about it here. Using an app can make your job easier, and if you decide to enlist a sleep coach, it will make their job easier too. The app even includes articles that are hand-picked for your child’s age.
Learn to Coach your Child — You can create a sleep plan for your child using Gentle Sleep Solutions. Videos, audio tracks, articles, and connections with other parents are all designed for you to put together a sleep plan.
Hire a Certified Gentle Sleep Coach — The Sleep Lady has coaches all over the world. Not only can you work with a coach in your area, you can work virtually! Many of our coaches have special experiences with certain age groups, lactation considerations, and special needs. Coaches are available in 13 languages too.
Make This the Year of Sleep
If you’ve gotten this far, you’re already committed! Write down your sleep goals and share them with a friend or fellow parent. That way you’ll be able to tell someone else about your achievements and receive support when things don’t go 100% as planned.
Once your child is on the way to great sleep habits, you can enjoy the benefits with more sleep for you. It’s a win-win!
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Kim West
Kim is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker who has been a practicing child and family therapist for more than 24 years, and the creator of the original gentle, proven method to get a good night’s sleep for you and your child.
She is the author of The Sleep Lady's Good Night Sleep Tight, its companion Workbook and 52 Sleep Secrets for Babies.
Click here to read more about her.
Did you find this article helpful? Please share it with your friends by clicking below, or ask a question on The Sleep Lady Facebook page.
The post 5 Tips for Better Sleep — Make This the “Year of Sleep” in Your Home appeared first on Baby Sleep Coaching by the Sleep Lady.
from Blog – Baby Sleep Coaching by the Sleep Lady https://sleeplady.com/uncategorized/tips-for-better-sleep/
from https://www.marclefrancois.net/2019/01/02/5-tips-for-better-sleep-make-this-the-year-of-sleep-in-your-home/
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newstfionline · 7 years
I have forgotten how to read
Michael Harris, The Globe And Mail, February 9, 2018
Turning, one evening, from my phone to a book, I set myself the task of reading a single chapter in one sitting. Simple. But I couldn’t. There was nothing wrong with my eyes. No stroke or disease clouded my way. Yet--if I’m being honest--the failure was also not a surprise.
Paragraphs swirled; sentences snapped like twigs; and sentiments bled out. The usual, these days. I drag my vision across the page and process little. Half an hour later, I throw down the book and watch some Netflix.
Out for dinner with another writer, I said, “I think I’ve forgotten how to read.”
“Yes!” he replied, pointing his knife. “Everybody has.”
“No, really,” I said. “I mean I actually can’t do it any more.”
He nodded: “Nobody can read like they used to. But nobody wants to talk about it.”
For good reason. It’s embarrassing. Especially for someone like me. I’m supposed to be an author--words are kind of my job. Without reading, I’m not sure who I am. So, it’s been unnerving to realize: I have forgotten how to read--really read--and I’ve been refusing to talk about it out of pride.
Books were once my refuge. To be in bed with a Highsmith novel was a salve. To read was to disappear, become enrobed in something beyond my own jittery ego. To read was to shutter myself and, in so doing, discover a larger experience. I do think old, book-oriented styles of reading opened the world to me--by closing it. And new, screen-oriented styles of reading seem to have the opposite effect: They close the world to me, by opening it.
In a very real way, to lose old styles of reading is to lose a part of ourselves.
For most of modern life, printed matter was, as the media critic Neil Postman put it, “the model, the metaphor, and the measure of all discourse.” The resonance of printed books--their lineal structure, the demands they make on our attention--touches every corner of the world we’ve inherited. But online life makes me into a different kind of reader--a cynical one. I scrounge, now, for the useful fact; I zero in on the shareable link. My attention--and thus my experience--fractures. Online reading is about clicks, and comments, and points. When I take that mindset and try to apply it to a beaten-up paperback, my mind bucks.
Author Nicholas Carr (The Shallows) writes that, “digital technologies are training us to be more conscious of and more antagonistic toward delays of all sorts.” We become, “more intolerant of moments of time that pass without the arrival of new stimuli.” So, I throw down the old book, craving mental Tabasco sauce. And yet not every emotion can be reduced to an emoji, and not every thought can be conveyed via tweet.
Even Eric Schmidt, the erstwhile chief executive of Google, was anxious about the mental landscape he was helping to cultivate. He once told Charlie Rose: “I worry that the level of interrupt, the sort of overwhelming rapidity of information … is in fact affecting cognition. It is affecting deeper thinking. I still believe that sitting down and reading a book is the best way to really learn something. And I worry that we’re losing that.” In fact, there’s a great deal of reporting now--from neuroscientists such as Susan Greenfield and Gary Small--to show that digital native brains do engage in concretely different ways from those of previous generations. Spend 10 hours a day staring at screens and--yes--your synapses will adapt.
For a long time, I convinced myself that a childhood spent immersed in old-fashioned books would insulate me somehow from our new media climate--that I could keep on reading and writing in the old way because my mind was formed in pre-internet days. But the mind is plastic--and I have changed. I’m not the reader I was.
When we become cynical readers--when we read in the disjointed, goal-oriented way that online life encourages--we stop exercising our attention. We stop reading with a sense of faith that some larger purpose may be served. This doesn’t mean we’re reading less--not at all. In fact, we live in a text-gorged society in which the most fleeting thought is a thumb-dash away from posterity. What’s at stake is not whether we read. It’s how we read. And that’s something we’ll have to each judge for ourselves; it can’t be tallied by Statistics Canada. For myself: I know I’m not reading less, but I also know I’m reading worse.
It’s no wonder why. Spend your life flashing between points of transitory data and a dog-eared novel begins to feel interminable.
Our sense of time has always been warped by our technologies. Church bells segmented the day into intervals. Factory whistles ushered workers. But the current barrage of alerts and pings leaves us more warped than ever. I’ve been trained not just to expect disruption, but to demand it. Back in 1890, William James wrote in The Principles of Psychology that “our sense of time seems subject to the law of contrast.” No kidding.
Marshall McLuhan believed that every technology “has the power to numb human awareness during the period of its first interiorization.” And it seems we have digested our devices; they can numb us, now, to the pleasure of patience. They can numb our enjoyment of that older literary experience.
The other day, I was spending time with a young niece--still a toddler--while she watched videos on her iPad. She was working her way through a YouTube playlist--in each video, a pair of hands opened a Kinder Surprise and assembled the toy inside. Thinking I was doing her a favour, I made the video full-screen. But this sent my niece into a panic. “Little TV!” she insisted. “Not big TV!” She needed the smaller screen format so as to monitor the lineup of videos still to come. Focusing, even for a minute, on a single video was no good. She needed the panoply, the stream, the comfort of attending entertainments.
The suggestion that, in a few generations, our experience of media will be reinvented shouldn’t surprise us. Our default state is, if anything, one of distractedness. How primed are we for distraction? One famous study found humans would rather give themselves electric shocks than sit alone with their thoughts for 10 minutes. We disobey those instincts every time we get lost in a book.
Literacy has only been common (outside the elite) since the 19th century. And it’s hardly been crystallized since then. Our habits of reading could easily become antiquated. Those old, solitary experiences with literature were “just a side-effect of living in an environment of impoverished access.” In our online world, we can move on. And our brains--only temporarily hijacked by books--will now be hijacked by whatever comes next.
Victor Hugo once wrote that the book replaced architecture as “the great handwriting of the human race.” Is it so unreasonable to assume that our “great handwriting” will be scrawled by some other means tomorrow? How could it not?
What we’ll have to look out for is how cynical--how efficient and ruthlessly algorithmic--that next thing is going to be. “A book,” one author told me, “is really just a reverse-engineered TED Talk, right? It’s a platform that lets you do a speaking tour.”
For many writers, this is the new wisdom. A cynical style of reading gives way to a cynical style of writing.
Meanwhile, I admit it: The words I write now filter through a new set of criteria. Do they grab; do they anger? Can this be read without care? Are the sentences brief enough? And the thoughts? It’s tempting to let myself become so cynical a writer because I’m already such a cynical reader. I am giving what I get.
In Silicon Valley, they have a saying that explains why an algorithm starts producing unwanted results: Garbage in, garbage out. The idea is that an algorithm can only work with the information you feed it. Aren’t writers--all creators--algorithmic in that way? Our job is to process what we consume. Beauty in, beauty out. Garbage in, garbage out.
So maybe that change into a cynical writer can be forestalled--if I can first correct my reading diet, remember how to read the way I once did. Not scan, not share, not excerpt--but read. Patiently, slowly.
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