#I’m not saying you have to like him but you’re clawing your own nails off against the bottom of this barrel
msfcatlover · 7 months
Once again eye-twitching over “Because modern Batman has been written as abusive by some modern writers, you have to hate him for everything ever!”
This time brought to you by: “No one at DC understands my fave, who hasn’t been written well since the early 2000s :( When will my beloved return from war :( ”
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maybankswhore · 1 year
I don’t know if you’re still taking obx requests (if you’re not feel free to ignore this) but maybe you could write about JJ dating the girliest girl on the island and all the pouges are like HER? And he’s so proud like yeah that’s my girl
this request was too cute not to do! i don’t know if this is the direction you were looking for but i think it came out adorable! i hope you like it <3
pairing(s): jj maybank x fem!reader
summary: in which jj bags the girliest girl on the island— but what can he say? opposites attract.
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The minute JJ saw you , he knew he had to have you. You made his eyes glimmer the moment they laid upon you— with half of your hair pulled back in a pretty pink claw clip , a pretty white sundress on as you laughed sweetly with your friends , nails done and makeup complimenting your features so well.
You were quite literally , breathtaking , in his eyes and although you weren’t the usual low maintenance , tom–boyish type of girl he was used to , it had only made him more attracted to you.
At first he didn’t know how to approach you. He never had problems in the girl department before. Being so confident and charismatic , talking a girl up was a slice of cake to him. But when it came to you , you just seemed so nice and warm. He was afraid that he wouldn’t meet your standards , that maybe you deserved someone better than him. The difference in aesthetics were clear— him with his years old shorts and plain tee while you sported that white sundress that was so elegantly simple.
He sipped on his beer slowly watching you from across the Boneyard , trying to get a good feel of your personality. From what he could see , you seemed nice. You talked to almost everyone and seemed genuinely interested in each convention. He knew you weren’t a Pogue but you didn’t give Kook vibes either. JJ was just about to give it all up and walk away , until Pope walked over to you and gave you a hug– which you had excitedly returned.
JJ watched the two of you converse for a bit wondering if he should wait and ask Pope about you or just go up mid–conversation and introduce himself. . . The conversation wasn’t long enough for him to interrupt though , because by the time he got his thoughts together Pope was already walking towards him.
“What’re you staring at me for?” Pope shoved his shoulder playfully , filling up his cup at the keg JJ was standing next to.
JJ snorted. “You wish I was staring at you. I was looking at her— who is that?” He nodded in your direction.
“That’s Y/N and she’s not your type.” Pope snorted , rolling his eyes at the glint JJ’s face held– he knew that face all too well.
JJ huffed. “And why not? She’s a pretty girl. I like those.”
“Pretty and girly , JJ. She’s emotional and likes all that romantic bullshit you hate. You’d hate it.” Pope pointed out , reminding JJ of the millions of girlfriends he had but soon discarded because he couldn’t keep an emotional connection to save his life. Let alone know how to romance a girl.
JJ gave Pope and offended expression , scoffing. “I can be romantic , Pope.”
“One time you gave a girl a bag of dirt for Valentines Day.” Pope deadpanned.
“Bitch , I was literally ten!” JJ defended. “And it’s the thought that counts. I picked out all the bugs.”
Pope stared at JJ for a second , giving him a knowing look making JJ sigh deeply. “Whatever! I don’t care what you say. I’m in love!” JJ oogled in your direction , a hand over his heart.
Pope patted JJ on the back and shook his head. “I’m sure you are , buddy. I’m sure you are.”
With that Pope walked away to find his other friends , leaving JJ to huff on his own.
“He doesn’t know what he’s talking about.” JJ muttered , finishing off his drink. Sure he acknowledged you weren’t his ‘usual’ type— but hey! How���s that saying go? Opposites attract!
Downing the rest of his drink , JJ shook his body to release his nerves. You were finally alone , sitting next to the fire while your friends played beer pong a few feet away from you. Taking this as his time to shine , he strolled over to you with sweaty palms. He felt like a teenage boy having his first crush all over again! All sweaty and nervous. He really did think you were the prettiest girl ever , and he had to talk to you.
“Uh– want some company?” JJ asked lowly , hoping you’d still be able to hear him. He didn’t want to scare you or seem to pushy , so he made sure not to tower over you and keep a good distance away.
Your eyes looked away from the fire and up at him , your cheeks burning red. He was cute. A messy head of blonde hair with small dimples barely noticeable when he smiled. You could feel his nervousness and it made you giggle a bit , excitement in your tummy swirling at the thought of such a cute boy wanting to talk to you. “Sure.” You accepted , moving over for him to sit next to you.
“I—um. . . I like your dress.” JJ said as he sat down , cringing at how awkward he sounded.
You grinned at his compliment. “Thank you. I like your shirt.” You returned the compliment , although the shirt wasn’t to interesting , the person wearing it made it look good.
“Nah this thing’s old.” JJ brushed off.
“Well I don’t know how old this thing is but I bought it at a thrift shop not too long ago.” You shrugged , bumping his shoulder. “I’m Y/N.”
Feeling more comfortable with making conversation , JJ looked at you smiling. “JJ.”
“You’re Pope’s friend!” You remembered Pope bringing up someone named JJ before in distant conversations. Though he was always ranting about the boy , seeming exasperated every time.
“The one and only.” JJ said proudly. “So that means he talks about me— how sweet.” He cooed.
You chuckled. “Only about how you never stop forcing him to leave work early.”
“What kind’ve friend would I be if I just let him work his little self out like that!” JJ defended.
“Point proven.” You nodded , laughing with him. He seemed easy to talk to , even with just a few exchanges of words to eachother. His aura seemed sweet , something that you noticed. “So Pope wasn’t there to keep you company?” You teased.
JJ cheeks blushed slightly , scratching the back of his neck. “No actually , I–uh , I saw you earlier and I think you’re like really pretty and I really wanted to talk to you.” He admitted , hoping to see if you’d be interested in— well anything.
It was your turn to blush. A sweet smile on your face as you tucked a piece of hair away from your face. “You think so?”
“The prettiest girl I’ve ever seen.” He vowed with one hand up in the air. “Scout’s honor.” JJ added.
“Well I think you’re really pretty , too.” You grinned , copying his actions. “Scout’s honor.”
The rest of the night flowed easily between you two. The two of you talked about anything and everything getting to know eachother , seeing what you had in common and what you didn’t. You weren’t much of an outdoorsy person , and loved everything bright and cheerful. JJ seemed to be quite the opposite but he was interested in what you liked , and you seemed to have an open mind about the things he did , as well.
The night ended and your friends called you over telling you it was time to leave , but you put your number in JJ’s phone telling him to call you.
And you didn’t get too far before he dialed that number right up , making sure he had it before you left.
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Things had ended up well betwen you and JJ. He had taken you out on dates. Some being what he wanted to do , some of you forcing him to go thrift shopping with you and give him a fashion show. He had researched every romantic comedy , every romance novel to give you the most that you deserved because he started to really like you.
He loved everything about you , how girly you were , how your nails were always done and your hair always fixed. You had such passion for so many things and it shined through you , and it showed inside and out.
JJ fell for you quickly , asking you to be his girlfriend on the seventh date. He planned everything all by himself. A beach picnic at night with pretty little candles and lights. ( All things he had thrifted , knowing it’d make your heart happy. )
He’d never forget how pretty you looked that night in your skirt , big eyes watching him in admiration as he asked you to be his girlfriend , getting all emotional and crying when he did.
But now that things were really serious , he wanted to introduce you to the Pogue’s— which he was excited about , but you were so nervous.
“Baby they’re gonna love you.” JJ promised as the two of you walked to the front door. “I told them they’re gonna love you and they have to listen to me and do what I say regardless.”
You rolled your eyes at your boyfriend. “It doesn’t work like that , JJ.”
“Well it does in my world.” He told you , wrapping an arm around your waist and bringing you close to him. He pressed a sweet kiss to your lips. “I love you so they’ll love you because I do.”
Your heart melted and you always fell to your knees. “I love you , too.”
JJ kissed you one more time before opening the door. You could hear the chaos as soon as it opened , laughter and commotion. Your stomach was in knots as you walked in , wondering what his friends would think. You had seen Pope a couple times since being with JJ , but you hadn’t said anything out of respect for your boyfriend because you knew he wanted to be the one to tell them.
“Hey guys!” JJ said loud enough for them to look at him , their eyes immediately looking at you then back at him then the arm around your waist.
Kiara smirked , knowing that JJ always did have that soft spot he claimed never to have. Pope looked like a deer in headlights and John B was just confused.
“I want you to meet my girlfriend.” He put emphasis on girlfriend. “Who is extremely hot and girly and also extremely my type.” JJ said , looking at Pope.
You nudged JJ’s shoulder and smiled at them. “I’m Y/N.”
“No fucking way.” Pope said , obviously shocked.
“Aw! My little JJ is all grown up.” Kiara pretended to wipe a tear away. “You’re so cute— I’m Kiara.” She pushed past the two boys and tugged at your arm. “I’m excited to have another girl around , do you smoke? Let’s smoke a joint outside.”
JJ pulled you away from her. “Um , no. She doesn’t and her first time ain’t being with you!”
Kiara scoffed and pulled you back , standing in front of you protectively. “If she wants to she will.” She glared before turning back to you and pulling you towards the back yard. “You totally don’t have to.” She whispered in your ear making you laugh.
JJ smiled as he watched his bestfriend take to you and bring you outside. He was excited to have you around more and bring into his life in this way , the Pogue’s were a part of his world that he wanted you a part of.
“I gotta say JJ , I wasn’t expecting that.” John B clapped him on the shoulder.
“No kidding!” Pope scoffed. “I didn’t think he’d get past the first conversation.”
JJ crossed his arms and smirked , shrugging nonchalantly. “What can I say? Opposites attract.”
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shotmrmiller · 6 months
The thought of toxic Dom!Simon not being exclusive with you is actually tilting me so I’m gonna write about it. 
As per usual, you’re draped over Johnny’s legs on the couch, listening to him talk his nonsense when he brings up Ghost. 
“...yeah and Ghost, lass, I’m tellin’ ye, he has got to be hurtin’ the lasses he takes to his quarters. He had this new medic in there screaming and…” but his voice fades, your heartbeat thundering in your ears drowning him out. 
He had another woman in his bed. Bastard. 
Your eyes sting as your blood boils. Jaw aching from how hard you’re clenching it. 
Stupid fucking asshole.
Of course, you hadn’t brought it up. Not like you could, with how he had stuffed your mouth with his cum— but that’s beside the point. Here you had thought it was a given. But no, that motherfucker wastes no time in fucking other bitches while he has you constantly checking your phone hoping he sends a text. 
Practically begging for his attention and he’s too busy getting his dick wet. 
And there’s no one to blame but yourself. You’re the one who chose to put your feelings into this. He, at no point in time, strung you along. Congratulations, you played yourself. But that doesn’t mean you’re gonna sit there and take it. If he gets to fuck other people, then so do you. 
Johhny’s yelp snaps you out of your own furious inner ramblings. 
“Hen, ouch! Mind the claws, eh?” 
You unclench your hand— you hadn’t realized you were digging your nails into his skin. 
“Ye a’right there? Yer face is bright red,” he remarks and you put your clammy hands onto your cheeks in an attempt to calm down. 
“Yeah, I’m alright, Johnny boy.” 
Releasing a tense breath, you turn to him with a toothy smile. 
“Hey, didn’t you have a single friend I could meet? I haven’t gotten laid in—” and Johnny cuts you off with a swipe of his hand.
“Och! Naw! I dinnae care to know ‘bout yer flings. Cease yer yappin’.” 
You arch one eyebrow at him and tartly say, “Oh, but I gotta sit here and listen to yours? How does that make sense?” 
“I’m the older brother, hen. Do as yer told,” and he yelps again when you pinch his thigh at that. He’s rubbing the spot and you try to not feel guilty at the fact that you might’ve pinched a little too hard— you’re still frothing at the mouth over that asshole.
“So?” you ask again, “Any cute friends?” and he rubs at the scar on his chin before nodding. 
“I do. Name’s Gaz. Er, Kyle. He’s been wantin’ to meet ye, actually. I talk about ye all the time and he’s gotten curious. Can give ye his number if ye want. And I dinnae wanna hear ‘bout anythin’ that happens, ye hear me?” 
He pulls out his phone and sends you Kyle’s contact. You text him immediately and he responds within minutes.
Johnny snaps his fingers to get your attention and you look up from your phone.
“Snap at me again and I’m biting your fingers off,” you snarl.
“Ye could try, hen. I’ll be back, gonna go get the food we ordered,” and you nod but then Johnny taps your head with his finger.
“And be nice to Gaz. He’s a good lad.” 
Rolling your eyes, you say, “Yes, da. I understand,” and he leaves.
The conversation between you and Kyle is light-hearted small talk until he sends a picture of himself wearing aviators— and you can see Ghost’s form in the background. Your rage comes back in full force.
You open snapchat and click on a filter that gives you cat ears and a collar with a bell— taking a photo of yourself holding up two fingers on Johnny’s couch, then press send.
Your phone vibrates and quickly look to see what Kyle said but it’s not him. It’s an unknown number.
You send pictures of yourself to all of Johnny’s friends?
His fucking nerve. The audacity. You grind your teeth and hold back the urge to throw your phone against the wall. 
Your nails clack angrily on your phone screen as you reply.
Worry about yourself and that little medic of yours.
A couple of minutes pass with no response until you get a phone call from the unknown number.
You answer the call with a sharp “What.” 
“That’s what this is about, pet? Ya mad at me so you throwin’ a tantrum?” he tauntingly chuckles. 
You might burst a vessel from the indignation of it all, so you do the only thing you can do. Hang up and block him.
You can’t wait to fuck Kyle and send Ghost the sex tape.
jokes on you, though cuz Ghost just gon show up at Johnny's flat sporting big dark hickeys on his neck lmao i hate him
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toruro · 1 year
love you twice — j. wonwoo x reader — part one
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pt.1 pt.2 pt.3 pt.4
description: in which your extremely hot and sexy one night stand turns out to be your son’s teacher. naturally, chaos ensues, but you might just find love as your life continues to take an unexpected turn.
“so, you’re just going to pretend like you aren’t avoiding me?” wonwoo asks with a brow raised, pointing an accusing finger in your direction. heat flourishes at the tip of your ears as you turn away from his gaze. “i’m not avoiding you mr. jeon,” you mutter, suddenly realizing you’ve just been caught in his trap. he takes a step forward and you back up against the wall as he leans in so his lips are ghosting your ear. "really?" wonwoo murmurs, "because i think you're lying." you both stay like that for a few moments before coming to your senses. he steps away with a heavy breath. "i'm sorry. you can get going if you—" you aren't sure what possesses you in that moment but you just can't allow him to finish what he's saying, grabbing him by the collar and slamming your lips on his.
tags/warnings: sexual content (18+), first-grade-teacher!wonwoo, mother!reader, fluff, angst (light), reader is jun's cousin, dirty talk, sexual tension, tension in general lol, unedited
w/c: 6.7k
a/n: this thought came to mind like once and i just *had* to write it because oh my god???? i hope u like reading this as much as i liked writing it! please reblog and like if you enjoyed, it would mean the world to me c:
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“Fuck, yeah,” the pretty man above you grunts into your shoulder as he fucks into you, the drag of his fat cock against your gummy walls having you writhe in pleasure under him. Your fingers reach up and claw at his back, and if the digging of your nails into his skin is hurting, his only response is another deep, guttural groan of pleasure.
“Oh, fuck!” you cry out when his thick tip is hitting that one spot which has your toes curling, throwing your head back into his mattress, weakly bringing your hips up to try and sync with his thrusts, encouraging him to go deeper, harder. “Right there—right—ah! There!”
He continues to batter his length into you after your pleas, muttering out words of praise—“good girl—fuck—holding me so tight, so good,” and the words are going through your ears and straight down to your hot, sopping core because holy hell this man is amazing at dirty talk.
You’re so fucked through that you can’t even remember how you ended up here—all you know is that you were finally left with a free night when your cousin offered to take care of Kei for the night when you expressed the need to have just a little time to yourself. The last thing that comes to your mind at the moment is how you were at a club and somehow managed to end up here, in the bed of an extremely attractive man who seems to know exactly what to do with his mouth, his hands, his dick.
It’s a passing thought that the shame will hit you eventually, but right now all you can think about is how long it’s been since you got laid and how you never, ever remember sex feeling this good. You aren’t sure if it’s just this guy that is amazing or if you’re just really needy and desperate but—oh fuck, he’s slamming into you so hard and there’s that pulse that rumbles deep inside of your core and it has you moaning loud. Okay so, it’s definitely the fact that he might be your best lay pretty much ever, and it has you squirming around as you babble, “‘m gonna cum—I—fuck, I’m cumming!”
The waves of hot, white pleasure hit you hard and it has tears welling up in your eyes as you feel him let out his own moan from the way you’re squeezing him so tight, the feeling of his warm cum filling up the condom as he thrusts into you a few last times. You two stay like that for a moment, his hands on either side of your head holding his body above yours, as you both inhale and exhale deeply trying to catch your spent breath.
After a minute, he’s pushing himself off of you and off the bed, pulling off the condom to throw it out without a word. You take this as your cue to get up and start picking up your clothes, squeaking a little as a dull ache resides in your legs. You catch him looking at you at the sound, and you swear there’s a hint of a smirk on his face, but in the dark of the room you can’t quite tell. As you lean down to slip on your panties, he finally speaks.
“You can use my shower, even if you don’t plan on staying.”
You glance up at him with a chuckle, saying, “You like keeping your one night stands over for breakfast? What a gentleman.” He rolls his, pulling on some pants as he does so.
“Is there something wrong with being hospitable to someone who looks like they can hardly walk?”
“I suppose not,” you hum, ignoring the flush of your cheeks at his sly comment. “I appreciate the offer, but I have to get home—I have someone waiting for me,” you explain, a small smile creeping its way onto your face as you think about Kei. He looks at you for a second, a confused and honestly slightly mortified expression donning his face. Your eyes widen as you realize what that must have sounded like, and you throw up your hands and shake your head. “I don’t mean it like that—I—fuck—I’m not cheating on anyone! I meant something else!”
He gives you a funny look, replying, “I’ll choose to trust you on that, for the sake of my own sanity. I wouldn’t want to know that I’m the cause of a failed marriage or something.”
You grumble as you pull on your shirt, checking your pockets and purse to see if there’s anything missing. “No failed marriages here,” you laugh, tone slightly bitter before you brush it off. “Anyways, you should choose to trust me because I am telling the truth,” you counter as he watches you make your way to the exit. “I guess it doesn’t really matter, since I probably won’t see you again.”
“Too bad,” he grins as you approach his apartment’s door, slipping on your shoes. “That was fun.”
You inwardly bite your cheek at his shamelessness, looking away. “Yeah, yeah, you’re right, I guess,” you huff nonchalantly. “Anyways, thank you for this night. I kind of really needed this,” you admit, and then you’re slipping out of the door before he even has a chance to respond.
When you return to your apartment, you’re greeted by Jun at the door, lips somewhat in a grimace as you find Kei asleep in his arms. “Sorry, he kept saying he wanted to wait for you and he wouldn’t go to sleep so I tried to put on some show for him but then he fell asleep on my lap but I didn’t want to move until you came back,” he explains as he braces Kei under the arms so he can hand him over to you.
“Aw,” you murmur, pressing a kiss to your son's forehead as you look up at Jun. “Thank you so much for this, Jun, it really means a lot.”
He brings a hand up to the back of his neck and chuckles, waving his hand at you. “Don’t worry about it. I know you needed this,” he says, following you to your bedroom to help you set up the bed for Kei. “I got him to brush his teeth and all, so all that stuff is in set. Is there anything else you need help with?” he offers as you finish up tucking Kei into bed, walking out of the room as you shut off the lights.
“No, I think it’s okay,” you tell him honestly, leaning against the kitchen counter to catch up with Jun for a few minutes.
“Okay well, d’you have fun?” Jun asks, and he doesn’t give you the chance to respond before saying, “Seems like you did,” he snickers, pointing to your neck. Your hands fly up to your neck with wide eyes as you remember that your fuck buddy for the night was quite literally all over you.
“Whatever,” you respond with a roll of your eyes, “it’s just one night, and I swear I just needed to let loose a little.” You sigh deeply, and Jun sends you a look of sympathy.
“Everything alright?”
Your shoulders slump as rest your weight on the counter, leaning into Jun has he wraps a shoulder around your arm comfortingly. "It's just—ugh—Kei is starting first grade in two days and I just...I don't know how to feel."
"That makes sense," Jun agrees, "but it's good that he got into that school you'd been trying to get him into, right?"
"Yeah," you sigh again. "Fuck, that was really hard—I had to beg that principal to let him in 'cause they were full and it was a pain in the ass, but it is a really good school so I guess it makes sense." Jun hums in response, encouraging you to go on. "I guess it's just that I'm worried for him? It's only been me and him, you know, so I'm nervous. I know it's a good school, I just hope he's gonna be in good hands."
"Trust me, Kei is an amazing kid, so he'll be able to thrive anywhere. And if the school isn't up to your liking, you always have the option of transferring him out—after all, he's only in first grade so switching schools shouldn't be a problem," Jun explains to you, leaving your side to bring you a glass of water.
"Thank you," you say honestly as you gulp it down. “I think I needed that.”
“No problem. Is there anything else you want to talk about? You know I’m always open ears.”
You throw Jun a smile as you push yourself off the counter. “Yeah, I know, and I appreciate you for that, but honestly, all I need right now is to change into my pajamas and crash into the bed,” you tell him as he slips on his shoes at the doorway, picking up his backpack.
“Alright, alright. Let me know if you need any help or anything. I’m gonna get going now.”
“Thank you again,” you say as you open the door for him. Jun smiles and waves at you, bidding goodnight before he’s walking down the hallway and out of your sight. Once you close the door behind you, you waste no time getting into your bathroom and rinsing your body off, slipping into a much more comfortable set of clothes.
It's around ten minutes later when you're finally done with cleaning yourself and the room up one last time before crawling into the bed next to Kei. As you pull the covers over you both, you feel the exhaustion from the entire day fully engulf you, and before you know it, you're being thrown into a deep slumber.
The next day is Sunday and you spend each minute biting your nails and stressing over anything and everything. Kei’s going to be going to an actual school for the first time ever tomorrow and you can’t help but notice a buzzing instinct that something—just something—unexpected will happen. You can’t quite place your suspicions on something just yet, but the thoughts have you going crazy to the point where you have to call Jun in the night so he can calm you down.
“What if—what if—?” your frantic thoughts are cut off by Jun.
“Okay look I know you’re stressed but maybe you’re making this harder on yourself than it needs to be. You’ve thought of everything and like maybe 0.01% of the scenarios are actually even feasible, so trust me when I say nothing’s going to go wrong.
“But what if—”
“No what if’s!” Jun exclaims exasperatedly, “or else I’m going to come and take Kei to school myself tomorrow because god knows you’re not in the right mind right now.”
“Okay! Okay! I’ll stop!” you surrender in defeat, sighing as Kei comes up to you to show you a drawing he made. “I’m gonna get back to making dinner, Jun,” you say through the phone before squatting down.
“Okay, talk to you later. Try not to lose your mind,” Jun advises, causing you to chuckle as you hang hup, turning your full attention to your son.
“Hey Kei-Kei,” you say sweetly, patting his head as he looks down at the paper in his hands. “What’cha have there?” you ask curiously, scooching closer as he holds up the paper.
“It’s the new school, Mommy,” he explains, holding up a colored drawing of a school and a stick figure of you with an (adorably) abnormally large head holding the hand of a stick figure of him. “An’ there’s you an’ there’s me!”
Your heart swells as you stand up holding the paper, using a magnet to put it up on the fridge. “I love it Kei, you’re such a good artist!” you exclaim, swooping down to pick him up. “You excited for school tomorrow?”
“Your teacher’s name’s gonna be Mr. Jeon okay? That’s what the principal told me,” you tell him carefully, setting him down at his elevated seat at the dinner table. “Be nice to him okay? You need to respect teachers.”
“Yes Mommy,” Kei nods along enthusiastically as he watches you go to the kitchen and bring him some rice and curry.
“You remember the plan? I’ll drop you off but I don’t think I can stay long enough to go with you inside ‘cause I have work, okay?” Kei only half-mindedly nods his head as he dives into the food that you’ve set for him, but you don’t have the heart to blame him—after all, this is probably the fifth time you repeated this to him today. “I’ll be there right after school ends though,” you tell him, reminding yourself of the parent-teacher meeting Kei’s teacher had arranged to introduce himself to the parents.
“Okay,” Kei responds, his mouth stuffed with rice and curry smeared on his chin. He looks up at you innocently and you can’t help but giggle, his smile washing all your worries away.
As you clean up his face, you remind yourself of Jun’s words from earlier. Everything’s going to be okay.
And for the most part, everything is okay. In fact, everything’s going great, from Kei’s smooth drop off at his new school, to when you set foot on campus with five minutes to spare before the teacher meeting. There’s a big fat grin plastered on your face as you realize that maybe your hunch that something was going to go wrong was nothing more than that—just a hunch.
Now this is the part where you think you should have known better.
Once the final school bell rings, there are students rushing out of classrooms as you among a few other parents gather around the room that is 103, waiting to see your children and their teacher. As you all form in a line by the door, there’s a slightly older woman standing next to you wearing a kind smile.
“Are you here to see Mr. Jeon?” she asks you. Her warmth grows on you as you smile and nod.
“Yes! I assume you are too?”
“Mhm,” she nods, “I’ve been so excited! He’s a fairly young teacher, you know?”
“Is that so so,” you murmur, “my son is new to the school and all, so we aren’t really familiar with any of the teachers. Does Mr. Jeon have a good reputation?”
The lady shrugs. “I’ve heard he’s quite good with the kids, but I’d hope he was since he’s a first grade teacher…” she jokes. “I haven’t heard anything bad about him, if that’s what you’re asking. What I have heard though, is that he is quite nice to look at!”
You let out a small chuckle at that, amused by the idea of a man who has the parents of his students gossiping about his looks.
“Oh!” the lady exclaims, straightening her back. “Looks like they’re about to come!”
You peer over the shoulder of the father of another student in front of you, watching as the door opens slowly and a rush of Kei-sized children run out. Your smile brightens as your eyes land on your son, calling out his name so that he can run up to you and into your lifting arms. Picking him up, you have time to observe the obvious grin he has plastered on his face, pressing a kiss to his cheek.
“Hey Kei-Kei,” you say sweetly. “How was your first day of school?”
“It was so much fun Mommy! Mr. Jeon says he’s gonna talk to all of you,” he said, pointing at all the other adults greeting their kids.
“Yeah, that’s right!” you tell him, setting him down. You’re about to say something else before you hear a deep, familiar voice—it hardly takes you a second to realize who it is, and you freeze in your tracks. Your face grows pale as you brace yourself for what you’re about to see and hear—you’re lucky you’re standing in the back so he can’t see you and the million thoughts that are evidently running through your mind..
“Hello everyone, I’m glad you could make it today. I’m Jeon Wonwoo, and as you know, I’m your child’s teacher. I’m excited to start things off on a high note. You can have your child play on the playground during the meeting, since we still have our supervisors out to watch them."
Mr. Jeon. Jeon Wonwoo. Wonwoo. Him .
You should have known that your mother instincts were too accurate—the universe just had to throw you a curveball. You chew on your tongue for a moment figuring out how to handle this situation as you lean down closer to Kei, nodding to him when he looks over at you for permission to follow his newly-made friends to the playground. Taking a deep breath as you watch Kei skip away, you glance over at him , who luckily hasn’t seemed to notice you.
Straightening your back as all of the young kids happily follow each other outside, the hallway is finally only left with him and the parents. “Okay, you guys can come in, I’ve made room for you all to stand around the back since I doubt any of you will fit into your child’s chair,” Mr. Jeon jokes, and while most others laugh, there’s a pit of anxiety gnawing at your stomach that has you going stiff. He moves aside a little, making way for the parents to enter the classroom and greeting each one individually.
Suddenly your breath is caught in your throat and you glance around you, excusing yourself from the lady next to you so you can shuffle to the back of the line, pretending to look through something in your purse. You aren’t even sure what you’re trying to do, but all you know is that you just need a moment to collect yourself, your thoughts. Luck must not be on your side though, as before you know it, the last person in front of you has entered the classroom leaving you dead in your tracks and staring at Mr. Jeon , who’s eyes haven’t turned fully towards you yet.
Maybe this is your last chance to run , you think quickly, but you remind yourself that embarrassing or not, this is for Kei and you’d be damned to miss this meeting. That and the fact that maybe you’re just a little happy that you’re seeing this attractive man again and— no! You scold yourself, don’t think like that!
You shake yourself of such dirty, such inappropriate thoughts when you finally catch his eyes landing on you. That’s when you see it‚ the way his eyes widen slightly as he takes in your figure. He recognizes you, you’re sure of it. His hand is already reaching out to shake yours but it stops midway as you both take a moment to stare at each other before he’s quickly clearing his throat and looking away for a second.
“H-hi,” he says, pursing his lips together after realizing he fucking stuttered. “Nice to meet you. You must be Kei’s mother?” he asks, avoiding the fat fucking elephant in the room. You shyly reach out and shake his hand, fruitlessly trying to ignore the memory of these very fingers being plunged knuckle deep inside of you less than two nights ago.
“Um, yeah, that’s me,” you reply quieter than you want, suddenly finding it unable to meet his gaze as the pads of his fingers brush against your skin. “Nice to meet you too. Kei’s been, um, excited to start school here,” you say louder as you try to avert your attention away from what you’re both thinking about, “so I hope you can make his time here a good one.” Mr. Jeon presses his lips into a smile and you want to bash your head into the wall at how sincere he looks.
“I’ll do my best,” he says, before raising a brow and pointing toward the room. You follow his direction and stand by the other parents who are lined up at the back of the classroom, Mr. Jeon following in behind you and making his way to the front of the classroom.
From there the meeting begins, and he goes over a small presentation over the daily activities of his class, classroom expectations, and such forth. You pay attention to the best of your ability, you really do, but sometimes you find your eyes drifting away from the projector screen and toward his arms that are on show with his short sleeve shirt, your mind trailing off to a place that it definitely shouldn’t. You catch yourself quickly though, mentally reprimanding yourself and turning your attention back to the presentation.
He finishes up the meeting with a list of his contacts and you quickly bring out your phone, along with others, to list down his email and phone number (only for the reason of Kei’s education, of course). “If you have any questions, you can ask me now. If not, you’re free to go!” There’s a series of “thank you’s” that echo through the room as some approach Mr. Jeon and others, like you, shuffle out of the classroom. You can’t lie, your steps are quick and you’re nearly running out of the room so fast that you don’t catch the way his eyes linger on your back as you exit.
“He said I’m a great artist! We did some coloring and he said my flower looked really nice.”
“Well he didn’t lie,” you tell your son as you pull up to the parking lot for your apartment complex. “You are a great artist, Kei,” you say as you get out of your seat and pull your work bag with you, then help Kei get out too. “Tell you what Kei-Kei—you want to go to a restaurant tonight?”
The way his smile is so bright and infectious when he’s nodding yes has you leaning down and squeezing him into a hug as you both make your way to your apartment. The rest of the evening is spent with you cleaning Kei up and finishing up your own work—now that Kei isn’t going to full day care, you’re going to have to go to work for half the day so you can pick him up, leaving more work for you in the evenings.
Tonight, you’re determined to finish up your work quickly so you can take yourself and Kei out to dinner at some burger joint as a celebration for his first day of school. By the time you’re home, Kei is exhausted and nearly falling asleep in your arms as you carry him up. Setting him down and tucking him into bed is the last thing you do before going to the living room and sinking down into your couch, sighing out of your own fatigue.
You’d think you don’t have enough energy to think about anything else, but once you’ve cleaned up and are trudging to crash onto your bed, those thoughts are creeping up your back.
Jeon Wonwoo.
You roll around under your sheets, pressing your face into the pillow as you mumble incoherent curses. It was only a one night stand, only a casual fuck, so why are you here still thinking about him? For fuck’s sake he’s Kei’s teacher! You just can’t be having such thoughts about him! Right?
So why are you squirming under the sheets thinking about that night—the way he made you feel things you never could even imagine feeling. “Fuck!” you mutter to yourself, slamming a pillow over your head. You huff lowly, rolling over in your bed, pressing your eyes shut as you hope that if you pretend that you’re asleep hard enough, your brain will actually lull your consciousness away. And for a moment, it works—you’re asleep within a few minutes.The only downside? You may or may not be dreaming about Jeon Wonwoo.
The rest of the week is, thankfully, slightly easier on your heart. You only really go to Kei’s school to pick him and thanks to the valet system in place, you often don’t even have to get out of the car, one of the older volunteer students always helping him into your car.
Kei seems to be having the time of his life as well, always coming back home with saying something along the lines of, “Mommy, today Mr. Jeon taught us this really cool thing…” or “Mommy, Rei and I made up this new game at recess…”—least to say, you’re enthralled that he’s having a good time, and you almost forget about how his teacher haunts your thoughts every night.
It’s Friday now and as promised, you stay behind after school today so you can watch Kei play with his friends for some time on the playground. You’re on your phone, scrolling through some work emails to mentally calculate just how much you’ll have to work tonight to ensure a relaxing weekend. You're in the midst of frowning when you see a shadow approach you from the corner of your vision, although you pay it no mind. At least, not until you hear his voice.
“Hey.” It’s deep and calm and has you thrown back into those thoughts that you've been so desperately trying to avoid. You’re hyper aware of his figure next to you, and the way that his shoulders, his arms, feel so large and protective next to you is driving you fucking crazy.
“Oh,” you murmur in surprise, turning to look at him. “Hi Mr. Jeon,” you greet awkwardly, keeping a bit of distance between you two as you slip your phone into your purse, “it’s nice to see you here.”
He nods. “The feeling’s mutual,” he tells you, and although you figure it’s just a formality, the way he says it with that small smile tugging at his lips has your stomach doing tumbles. “You can call me Wonwoo, by the way.”
“O-okay Wonwoo,” you reply nervously as the air between you thickens, as if you’re both egging each other on seeing who’s going to fold first. You clear your throat before speaking again, “How’s Kei doing in your class? Is there anything I can do at home to help him?”
“Not at all. He’s a good student,” Wonwoo—god, his name sounds so nice in your head—replies almost immediately. “He’s really good at drawing, I’ve noticed.” Wonwoo notices how your face lights up at that comment, the tension on your shoulder dropping slightly as you respond.
“Yeah, he loves to draw at home. I’ve been thinking of putting him in an art class or something where he can practice and stuff,” you explain, eyes flickering over at Kei who’s sliding down some slide with another boy.
“That would be nice,” Wonwoo agrees, and once again the silence returns.
“I should get going now,” you say after a few moments, pulling your phone out to pretend like you’re checking the time. “Kei-Kei!” you call out, and it only takes a few seconds before your son is bounding down the playground and up to you as you crouch down. “Hey buddy, it’s time to go,” you tell him.
“But I wanna play Mommy!”
“Kei-Kei, please? I have to work tonight and you’ve played for almost an hour now.”
He’s frowning deeply and you find yourself almost caving in, but before you do, Wonwoo is speaking. “Listen to your mom, Kei, okay?” His voice is stern yet gentle, and the way Kei’s face softens has relief coursing through your veins.
“Okay Mr. Jeon,” Kei agrees, taking your hand as you stand up. You look at Wonwoo with gratitude.
“Thank you for that,” you say quietly, slightly embarrassed. “We’ll get going now.”
“Don’t worry about it,” Wonwoo says casually, pushing his hands into his pocket and stepping back. You’re walking away as you say bye, Kei flashing a grin at Wonwoo as he waves him goodbye. “See you later,” Wonwoo calls out to you. “Hopefully,” he adds and you swear he chuckles when he here’s you choke in shock. You don’t look back out of the humiliation that your cheeks are burning, tugging Kei along as he goes on about the new game he’s made up with his friends.
Jeon Wonwoo might just be the death of you.
The first month of Kei’s school continues to go smoothly. You don’t come across Wonwoo much after that, although that may partly be due to you avoiding him. It’s not as if you dislike him, in fact, it’s quite the opposite—you think you might like him too much.
His face, his glasses, his smile—fuck—the way he’s so kind, so gentle—you can’t seem to find a single thing wrong with him. Everyday Kei comes home babbling a new happy story about Mr. Jeon and what he taught the class, or a new compliment he gave him, and you can’t help but fall for him simply through the words of your son.
It is a little embarrassing, if you’re being honest—having a crush on a man at your big age—but you just can’t help it.
As the month progresses, you find both yourself and Kei get used to things—he seems to enjoy going to school every morning and you enjoy the happy smiles he holds when he returns. Everything seems to fall into a perfect pattern, with nothing seeming to go wrong. Well…that is, at least, until this Friday.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck!” you exclaim, knuckles white as you grip the steering wheel, glancing at the time on your dashboard. Your last meeting ended up longer than you planned but you couldn’t leave, given it was with executives, and now you’re stuck in traffic as you’re already late to pick up Kei. “Ugh,” you groan out, trying to peer over the cars in front of you only to realize that you might be stuck here for a bit.
You’re slightly frantic trying to figure out what you’re going to do—any other day you would have called Jun and asked him to pick Kei up for you, but he’s on a trip with his friend so that isn’t an option right now. Chewing on your bottom lip, you glance at the unmoving traffic and pull out your phone, scrolling through your contacts. You don’t think twice before hitting the contant labeled Mr. Jeon, letting out a sigh of relief when you hear the other end pick up your call.
“Hello, Mr. Jeon?” you say quickly when you hear some shuffling on the other side. “This is Kei’s mom.”
He says your name softly before asking, “Can I help you?”
“Hi, yes, I’m really sorry, but I think Kei might be waiting for me at the valet but I’m stuck in traffic and I—fuck—” you mutter when you need to slam the breaks hard. “—sorry for my language—I just don’t know how long it’ll take for me to pick him up and I don’t want him to wait for me too long so I was hoping that there was something you could do so he could wait in the office or something—anything really—just so he can wait somewhere safer while I come,” you blabber.
Wonwoo takes a few seconds to reply, and for a moment you think you might have spoken so quickly that he didn’t hear a single thing you said. “He can stay in my room, if that’s okay with you,” he finally says, and you blink a few times.
“I—really? Tha-that’s definitely okay with me, yeah. That would be amazing, thank you so much Mr. Je—Wonwoo. Thank you,” you ramble, shutting up quickly when you hear a soft chuckle from the other side.
“Yes really. Don’t worry about it, I usually stay in the class after school anyways. You said he’s in the valet?”
“Yes, he usually waits by the tree,” you tell him, and a silence can be heard from Wonwoo as he gets up from his seat. “Thank you again, I’ll come as soon as I can.”
“No problem,” he replies, and with that you hang up, leaning back in your seat as you feel you can finally relax now.
It takes you around another 25 minutes before you’re finally pulling up to the school's parking lot, quickly making your way through the familiar route to Kei’s classroom. Knocking on the door, you peer through the small glass window, insides growing warm and fuzzy at the scene of Kei happy drawing on a desk. It takes a few seconds but then there’s a hand on the knob, opening the door for you.
“Thank you so much,” you let out before you can even see all of Wownoo’s figure.
He laughs and holy hell is it one attractive laugh (since when did you start finding laughs attractive?!). “Stop saying thank you, please,” he groans jokingly. “I might just start feeling bad. Seriously, it’s no problem, I’m usually here for a while anyway and Kei is wonderful company.”
You purse your lips, tentatively stepping into the room as Wonwoo moves for you, arm brushing against yours as you approach Kei. “Hey Kei-Kei, you wanna go now?”
Kei turns to look at you, eyebrows slightly furrowed. “But Mr. Jeon said I could play outside if I wanted!” You turn your head to look at Wonwoo, raising a brow.
“Uh, since the supervisors are still out I said he could play in a bit since I didn’t know when you were going to come,” he explains, and your gaze softens, turning back to your son.
“Okay Kei-Kei, but only fifteen minutes, okay?” you tell him, helping him clean up as Kei makes his way out the door and towards the playground. After putting his stuff away, you pick up his bag and head in the same direction as Kei to follow him, pausing when you feel a hand on your wrist.
“You can stay here, you know?” Wonwoo tells you, a smirk playing at his lips. “I don’t bite.”
You plaster a sympathetic smile through your nervousness, hastily replying, “I know, I just—I’ve already bothered you today and I think I should just head off now.”
“You aren’t bothering me.”
“Okay well,” you counter as you make your way to the door, “what if I just really want to watch my son have fun?”
“You’re really good at this, you know?”
“Good at what?”
“So, you’re just going to pretend like you aren’t avoiding me?” Wonwoo asks with a brow raised, pointing an accusing finger in your direction. Heat flourishes at the tip of your ears as you turn away from his gaze.
“I'm not avoiding you Mr. Jeon,” you mutter, suddenly realizing you’ve just been caught in his trap. He takes a step forward and you back up against the wall as he leans in so his lips are ghosting your ear. "Really?" Wonwoo murmurs, "Because I think you're lying." You both stay like that for a few moments before coming to your senses. He steps away with a heavy breath. "I'm sorry. You can get going if you—"
You aren't sure what possesses you in that moment but you just can't allow him to finish what he's saying, grabbing him by the collar and slamming your lips on his. Wonwoo’s arms fly up to your face and cup your cheeks, immediately running his tongue along your lips. The familiar taste of his tongue sliding against yours is something that you thought you wouldn’t experience after that night, but having him with you, right now, like this is enough to have your mind racing—he’s so fucking addicting that you can’t even fathom how you went more than a day without him.
Wonwoo's grasp on your face has you tilting your face, noses brushing past each other as you deepen the kiss, your fingers lacing in his thick locks to hold him close. His lips move so effortlessly against yours you'd even go as far to say you two were dancing, as you stumble back into the wall. Wonwoo presses you against the surface and you let out a gasp as he leans down, kissing you so hard and passionately that it might just suck the air out of you.
And it probably does, considering when you finally pull away from each other you’re gasping for air both from just how long Wonwoo’s lips stayed connected to yours, along with how breathtakingly amazing of a kisser he is. He looks down at you with some sort of sparkling look in his eyes and it has you weak in the knees, gripping onto his hair tighter.
He lets out a low grunt at the action and holy fuck the sound is doing things to you but then you’re both reminded of where you are and what you’re doing and then Wonwoo is stepping back as you let go of him, putting some space between you two. His glasses are slightly foggy and he takes them off to rub the moisture away on his shirt.
“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have—” You reach for his hand, cutting him off.
“It’s okay,” you murmur, somewhat bashful of your own actions as you look down, “We both did that so uh…don’t apologize.” Wonwoo looks up at you and then back down at your hand holding his, squeezing it comfortingly.
“Okay,” he says gently, reaching for his phone in his pocket. “Can I, uh, get your number? I only have it saved on the school phone…” he asks hopefully, looking up at you as he uses one hand to smooth his ruffled hair, the other holding up his phone in your direction.
Your lips are pressed into a tight smile as you try to hide your cheeky grin. “Of course,” you say maybe a little too quickly, punching in your digits and handing it back to him. A silence settles between you two, but it isn’t uncomfortable like before, no, it’s rather…warm now.
“I…” Wonwoo starts to admit, “…never thought I’d end up in a situation like this.” You giggle and nod your head in agreement. “But, um, I’d like to see where this goes.”
“I like the sound of that,” you reply with a smile, and it's the truth—your stomach tumbles with a good feeling that things might just go your way.
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a/n: hope u liked it! i'm super duper excited for this story and was literally kicking my feet writing this so you can expect a part 2 quite soon! in the meantime, please like, comment, and reblog! send me an ask or comment if you'd like to be tagged in part 2!
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chrollohearttags · 1 year
Musician!eren when you try to fake a orgasm with him
oooooh I’m so glad I scrolled back through my inbox and found this gem because ohhhh boy! 🤭 lemme tell you…I hope y’all never get tired of me writing about him because I don’t think I can.
cw: rough (lowkey angry) sex because mean eren makes me feral :(, slapping, fingering, choking, spit play, slight degradation and name calling, squirting
if it’s one thing that eren knows better than anything on this earth, even more so than music, it’s his girl’s body. Every inch, crevice, corner and curve on that beautiful frame of yours is imbedded in his brain; akin to that of the keys he presses daily. It’s like second nature to him. He knew everything that made you tick, turned you on and even what drove you mad with lust for him. So one night, when the two of you are going hot and heavy after a rather intense argument, you find out just how true that sentiment is…
“Alrighttt, fuck! You win, baby. I’m sorry—“
a seemingly helpless plea escaping your mouth as you lie flat on your back..gazing up at your boyfriend with fluttering eyes and breathy moans. You clawing ferociously at his sweat glistened, steel hard abs; a result of his new workout regimen as to prepare for his upcoming tour. Even your legs began to tremble as they hooked around his waist and your heels cling to his lower back, along with your nails clawing into his tattooed skin. His dick swollen inside of your tightness. All synonymous with the fact that you just came extremely hard for him…except, there was just one tiny problem:
“Oh trust me, princess…you’re not sorry. Not yet at least..”
the very ominous statement leaving his lips with a wide grin, which could not have spelled good news for you in the slightest. Because the truth was, he knew better than that. He knew better than to trust your little performance because he could feel firsthand that you hadn’t truly experienced the mind numbing orgasm you were trying so desperately to portray. It wasn’t for a lack of his skill, no. It had everything to do with the fact that earlier, only a few hours prior, the two of you were in a rather heated argument about a particular photographer you had worked with for a shoot and how he wanted you nowhere near the guy. It came off as controlling but it was for your own good. Even so, you were both still angry; him for your bratty attitude and you because of his brash way of expressing himself..and the only way to absolve all of said anger was to fuck it out of one another! Not too long after, you found yourselves tearing one another out your clothes, scattering them on the staircase as he fucked you against it with a hoisted leg on the railing. To getting your throat fucked on the balcony overlooking the living room and downstairs. Leaving you a sloppy mess. But that wasn’t enough for Eren..not by a long shot. He couldn’t let up until you were unable to move at all. However, you weren’t going to give him that satisfaction. Or so you thought!
“Wait, what do you—“
“You must think I’m fucking stupid or something..what? You didn’t think I felt that shit? You’re holding out on me, baby. Don’t play dumb.”
it seemed that he had caught you red handed..faking an orgasm. Clamping down to keep from coming undone. But if he had any say in it, you were going to unravel those tight bundle of nerves and make the mess he so desperately craved. With a firm grip around your throat and your back pressed firmly to the headboard as he forced you upright..keeping that head straight and pretty eyes on him, Eren then shoved his fingers roughly into your mouth, causing you to gag up an enormous trail of saliva in the process.  “Because if you had actually came for me like I told you to..” with that bodily fluid dribbling down your stomach, tits and to your throbbing clit, he’d begin to massage it in before shoving two digits in replacement of his thick cock. Your punishment for not appreciating it! “I’d be soaking wet right now. But since you wanna be a stubborn lil’ bitch..I got something for you.” A promise more so than a threat but you knew you were in for it now. Sometimes, it felt as if he knew you better than yourself and he wasn’t much in the way of having you try and bruise his ego tonight. Especially when it was so painfully obvious that you were just dying to release. With those fingers still housed inside of you, he’d use his others to mark your cheek with slaps. Making sure you’re keeping your gaze fixated on him and him alone. By now, you had began heaving, unable to pretend any longer that you felt no pleasure. That frothy, milk colored cream being the tell all factor that you were close. “Look at you now, trying to ride my fucking fingers to get off…just for that shit, you hold it in and don’t come until I say so.” And it was at this point, you began to tense up and flail around. That’s when he’d grasp your throat again..causing you to gasp for air and beg for a release. But to no avail and he’d shove you back down, still flailing around in an attempt to take his fingers to the hilt and stretch your cunt open but he wasn’t going to make it that easy. When you began to whimper and beg, telling him how you were really about to come, all he did was laugh in response.
“Oh now you want to do it? You wanna squirt all over my fingers? Hmm?”
“Yes, daddy! Please!..”
“And you’ll listen when I tell your ass to do something, right?”
not breaking his stride once while he coaxed those answers out of you and those juices out of your body. Pressing a firm hand to your tummy, Eren rapidly fingered you until that pretty little pussy began to spasm and he knew you were physically incapable of holding back and that’s when he’d stroke your clit to make it all the more intense and impossible to hold out. So once those digits were removed..
“Oh my God!..fuck..”
that shower of squirt was extracted with it, splattering his chest and stomach, just as he wanted! But you didn’t get a moment’s break with him. Amid your orgasm, he’d grip his cock at the base; smacking it against those very sensitive and clammy folds, right before pushing himself in to the halfway point..filling you to the brim.
“Now let’s try that shit again and this time..none of that bullshit, alright? Nut on this dick for real..”
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afab!keegan p. russ x sub top male reader
note: reader is referred to as 'boy' once but no pronouns otherwise. half proofread but not really. still getting back into writing again so bear with me it's a little bit all over the place. havent seen ghosts in a long time so maybe ooc oops
“come ‘ere,” 
keegan sits on the side of the hotel bed, pulling you down with him as you fall onto the (hopefully) clean sheets beneath you. he’s got a boyish smile on his face and when he kisses you he doesn’t hesitate to tease you with his tongue as his hands trail down your body to your waist, unbuckling your belt. you do the same, taking his jeans and boxers off to reveal his already dampening cunt. when he sees your head gaze down, he takes one of his hands and moves your face towards his again, kissing you so hard it leaves you a little breathless. he takes your cock out with a firm grip, twisting his wrist as he strokes it. when you part for breath, he keeps a hold of the side of your face as he looks into your eyes. 
“you want me, sweet pea? wanna take me with this big fuckin’ cock o’ yours?” you twitch in his hands. the sheets look like they’re going to tear from your attempt to ground yourself. your mouth is dry as you nod, your hips moving in his hold to prove your point. 
“i don’t know, hun.. i’m not sure if you deserve it or not.” shaky breaths escape you as his stroking slows to a stop, his thumb twiddles with the tip of your cock mindlessly. you resist the urge to roll your eyes at his teasing antics. 
you mumble, “i do..” and he smiles at that, raising his eyebrows. 
“oh, do you?” you hum positively in response and he whispers, “you wanna fuck me?” you almost whine when he removes his hand from your dick and instead spreads his legs and lifts his shirt up to reveal his toned chest. he brushes his fingers from a nipple down to his stomach and to his legs. he lets out a humorous huff at your infatuated gaze. “well?” 
“yes, please.” 
“yeah? you wanna?” he chuckles at your loving, lustful gaze, catching your eyes as you breathlessly look down at him.
 “oh, sweetheart.. why don’t you do it then? fuck me.” you immediately dive down to kiss him and he holds onto your biceps. hiking his legs over your thighs, you enter him, and without hesitation you begin thrusting. he’s soaking, proven by the squelching sound that reverberates around the room each time your cock plummets back into him. 
“yeah, yeah.. just like that, baby. keep it up.” he moans, his back arching as you pound his pussy. his legs wrap around your waist, heels digging into you as he pulls you into him, taking your cock even deeper.
“you’re doing so good, so fucking good.” keegan’s groaning, his eyes rolling back as he takes you. his hands go to the sides of his head, grasping at the sheets. you lean down, elbows on the bed at his sides. your pace quickens, thrusts deep, yet swift. you kiss keegan’s neck and he grabs your hips, holding onto you as he moves against you in sync. 
he tries to place his feet on the bed again, but your cock’s insistent pounding causes even him to lose control, his words finally dying on his tongue. moans are the only sound he can make and he has to bite his lip to contain himself but he just can’t. his nails claw at your back, his legs spread on their own before he spasms, his head lulls back and for a second he can’t breathe before he’s twitching and cumming on your cock. he can feel you too, your cum spurting inside him. 
you’re both out of breath, but he comes down from the high first, already smiling again, like always. 
“god, that was good. I’m fucking spent,” you kiss him, and even in the kiss he’s smiling like a love-struck fool. 
“well.. almost.”  he says when you pull away, and now you can see clearly he’s giving you that look. you don’t have to ask what he means because you already know. he flips the both of you over in a heartbeat, now straddling your hips with his strong legs. he slips you inside of him again and begins to move without warning. to keep you inside he has to be careful, slow and methodical. his pussy is too slick now, coated to the brim with your cum and the results of his own orgasm. 
he’s getting talkative again. occasionally his head falls back from the pleasure, but every time he looks back down at you he smirks, “you like that? like when i clench around you?” he clamps around you and he chuckles at the groan you let out. “you’re so god damn sweet, letting me use you—letting me use this cock. such a good boy f’ me..” he moans, lifting himself up and dropping onto you. you try to follow suit, messily bucking into him as best that you can with his weight holding you down when he slightly changes his position, leaning back with his hands on your thighs.
you twitch inside of him at the sight. he tries to laugh, but it immediately is cut off by his own moans. your grip on his waist has him reeling and a hand snaps to his clit, fingering it in tandem with his bounces. you groan, gripping his waist tighter, and with one more thrust keegan cums, letting out one final “fuck!” as his body stills, having just enough energy to allow you to fuck into him. 
you cum inside of him once more and this time keegan lays atop of you, his face in your neck exhaling hot breaths. after a couple minutes he lifts his head up, and gives you a cheeky peck on the corner of your lips. 
“‘ya think the boys might’ve heard?” you want to fuck that stupid smirk off his face again, praying to god that logan and hesh were getting drunk at some bar and somehow not sleeping in the hotel room, just perfectly available right next to yours and keegan’s. 
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dark-fics-4-you · 5 months
In Crocodile Tears; after Coryo rapes the reader, what would his reaction be when he found out she actually was a virgin?
This inspired me so enjoy this blurb
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warnings: implied noncon, implied oral (m!receiving), slut shaming, choking, discussion about loss of virginity, violence
“Oh fuck.” Coriolanus’ voice reached your ears, muffled by the fuzziness of your hearing. “Hey Y/N.”
Your cheek was against the floor, tears still pooled in the creases of your eyes and trickled down your nose. You hadn’t moved a muscle since he pulled out of your sore cunt. You flinched when he drew closer to you again and grabbed your chin, forcing you to meet his gaze.
“Y/N, I’m talking to you,” he hissed, gripping your chin tighter.
“What?” The sensation of speaking felt strange to you, like you were both talking in a foreign language you could barely follow.
“You’re bleeding, why are you bleeding?” His words didn’t make any sense to you and you didn’t understand what he was asking until he held up his fingers which were strained with crimson.
His assault had broken your hymen, you realized with a shiver. And based on the amount of blood you could see, you realized that he had been so rough with you you were bleeding from more than just your hymen.
Your skin crawled as you remembered the feeling of him forcing himself inside of you for the first time and you felt like you could be sick.
It seemed to dawn on you both at the same time and Coriolanus looked at you in shock, “you’re a..?”
“A virgin?” You answered, voice trembling. Creating sounds felt like rubbing two pieces of sandpaper together, your throat was so dry. “I was. But, Coriolanus, you took every single one of my firsts tonight,” you quietly admitted.
His eyes widened at that, mouth falling open in surprise as he looked at you through a new light for the first time.
If you were a virgin and you had never given any professors sexual favors how had you been ranked so far above him? Could it be possible that you had passed your classes on your own? That you actually were just smarter than him?
The thought enraged him. It just couldn’t be possible. He didn’t want to accept it.
You could be trying to deceive him, but the look in your broken eyes told him the truth.
Not to mention he couldn’t forget how tight you felt when he pushed himself into your cunt, you were gripping him like a vice.
“You’re-” he cut himself off, quiet voice quivering with rage. “You’re lying, Y/N, you’re just trying to get in my head!”
“Why would I lie about this? What the fuck do I have to gain?” You were looking at Coriolanus now, but he couldn’t meet your eyes.
“Shut up, you’re not going to make me feel guilty for any of this-”
“If you’re feeling guilty maybe that’s just your conscience,” you whispered under your breath, but Coriolanus finally looked up at you, fire burning in his eyes.
In an instant he was on top of you again, straddling your waist and pining your arms down with one hand while the other wrapped around your throat, crushing your windpipe.
“What the fuck did you just say to me? For a supposed virgin, you’re a real fucking brat, Y/N.” The blond hissed above you as you thrashed against him. Your nails clawed at his hand, but Coriolanus was relentless, choking you harder the more you fought back. “So what if you really were a virgin? You still acted like a whore once I had my cock down your throat, I mean, no one buys your little school girl act, Y/N.”
Tears filled your eyes as you looked up at your classmate in terror and disgust. He eased up on his pressure before releasing you and you gasped for air when he did.
Coriolanus smirked as he looked down at you, enjoying your pathetic sniffling and the redness that lingered around your neck.
He didn’t want to acknowledge what he now knew, he couldn’t face the fact that he had been wrong about you. It was scary how fast his rationalizations of tonight changed inside of him.
It didn’t matter if you were actually a virgin until tonight because you still forced his hand by threatening to speak up about him cheating.
He didn’t have any choice.
“You’re not going to tell anyone about this, do you understand?” He threatened you lowly. “Because if you do, I will find you and make you regret it, Y/N. You’re not getting in between me and the Plinth prize.”
You stared up at him for a few moments, bottom lip trembling and tears spilling past your lashes, before finally lowering your eyes and nodding.
If these were the lengths he was willing to go to just because you threatened to report him, you didn’t want to find out what might happen if you actually went through with it.
“That’s a good girl,” Coriolanus purred and your stomach turned with nausea at his teasing tone.
You flinched when he grabbed your hair and dragged you up to him roughly. He towered over you as you kneeled on the ground. When he thrust his hips forward and his dick poked at your lips you felt that familiar terror rising in your chest again and his next words confirmed your fears.
“Now, why don’t you be a doll and clean me up?”
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missblissy · 4 months
Can you write an Alastor x reader where the reader tries to save him from Adam but ends up badly injured?
((Ofc course nonny! I apologize if I’m a little rusty and this wasn’t exactly what you had in mind but!! I did get inspired by the last episode and decided to rewrite the scene with reader there too :’) I hope you enjoy!! This is more of a platonic stage of a relationship with Alastor, something where he cares for reader but not like… ya know… together yet 😂))
You already knew the plan, you knew your place in it, that being down on the ground with all your friends. In front of the hotel you stood, not far from the others. While Charlie and Vaggie watched with wide eyes, you felt a sliver of dread work its way into your mind. The shield that Alastor had created was holding… for now.
And you could see far above like a speck of glowing sand, Adam and his bright wings keeping him afloat. The sliver of dread was momentarily replaced with rage, anger, and possibly hatred. You had to shake it away though, as within a moment's notice Adam broke down the shield and the dread returned.
It wasn’t long before angels came flying down once again, with a newfound fury to destroy the demons who dared to stand against them. Luckily you at least knew a thing or two about dodging and weaving. Spending time in hell taught you enough to throw a few kicks, with the stab of an angelic weapon given to you before the battle.
You’d manage to take down a few angels, all while still keeping a seething eye on Adam. The closer he got to the hotel the more panic you felt, and more so for selfish reasons rather than selfless ones. And with Alastor’s shield down it was only a matter of time before the table would start turning. Purely out of your own instincts you turn tail from the battle out front and start racing up the hotel.
There were angels already swarming in like flies, and you did your best to avoid them. Despite that, one still caught you off guard and managed to slam you to the ground. A struggle ensued, wrestling on the ground with this vile heathen, to you at least.You’d let out a yelp and wriggle, arms flying and nails clawing into holy skin. With you elbow you jammed it into the angel’s face over and over until you could reach you weapon and go for their throat.
The bright glowing blood splashed onto you, golden, while slick it escaped the angel and stole its life in the process. You shoved the lifeless body off you and stumbled further up the hotel. You could hear the battle above, while bits of rumble crumbled and flung to the ground. The building gave a shake and shudder strong enough for you to slip on a step and reach for the railings.
Your heart leapt into your throat and threatened to burst any second. The panic was a terrible and familiar feeling. It was hard to say, or even admit, but dammit you cared for that stupid bastard up there in a way. Alastor certainly couldn’t stand a chance against Adam, you didn’t believe a word of his boasting earlier. Claiming that he could single handedly take care of Adam and keep him distracted.
No sinner, not even the radio demon could do such a thing you believed. He’d been gone for so long as well, who’s to say he hasn’t gotten rusty? Alastor was cocky, and arrogant, yet still you were racing up floor after floor to aid him in battle.
The hotel shook again and you had to put your hands out to catch yourself in the fall. You still shimmered with holy blood as droplets fell from you while racing the last few steps. Another good shake and rumble had you rushing and stumbling out of the door onto the rooftop.
A panicked expression came on your face, witnessing what was before you. Though Alastor seemed fine, causal even with a simple smile, you saw Adam trying evade the dark tenacles that manifested to and fro around him. Adam may have had a sneer on his face but he let out a mocking laugh, “Ha! You think you’re tough shit don’t you?” His golden eyes met yours in that second, and you started to take a step forward.
Alastor hadn’t even noticed, he just smiled and took another swing at Adam, “Tougher than you~!” He grinned with a twisted laugh. While Adam took a few attempts at striking Alastor, lurching forward with his bass ax, Alastor was too caught in the battle to see the split second decision that you made.
You ran forward with all your might, weapon in hand and death in your eyes. You hoped that with your speed you’d have caught Adam off guard, but it wasn’t enough. You were able to cut the distance and jab the angelic weapon into Adam’s side but not without him reaching around and back handing you away. You landed with a thud on the ground several feet away, ready to get back up, but Adam was quick enough to kick away your only weapon.
His ax cut down quickly on one of your arms, leaving it hanging by a thread before he grabbed you by the throat and used you as some meat shield. Your own blood gushed like a sprinkler and began to pool. All while you let out a curdling cry in pain.
To say Alastor was anything but enraged that you managed to make it up there was a mistake. His smile was still there regardless. But he froze if only to listen to Adam bicker. With his hand around your throat, the air was running out quickly in your lungs while you did everything you could to kick your feet at him.
“Come on you edge lord freak! Not gonna fight now that I got this neat little trick?” Adam’s smug grin was enough to test Alastor’s patience and reasoning. The grip on your neck only got tighter. Wriggling there you could do nothing but listen and watch… in fear. As Alastor only grinned and took a swing at Adam, taking you by surprise as well. You were mere inches away from being scathed by one of the tentacles as Adam prepared to use you to block it, but instead he was attacked by another seconds sooner from behind.
But it was enough of a hit to knock you from his hands, and you thudded to the floor. The two of them were back in some kind of battle locked tango as Adam swung and swung his ax and only missed Alastor as he mocked him, “You lack discipline, control!” Alastor laughed, his voice ringing in and out of your ears as you tried to fight back the pain and blood loss, “And worse! You’re sloppy!”
You couldn’t see, let alone hear much more other than the battle going on… You just needed to rest… just for a second. The back and forth bickering between the other two went fuzzy, along with the rest of the battle going on around. That’s when you felt… something... At least try and attempt to pull you to safety. It was the wrapping of a long singular black tentacle curling around your ankle, one that was coming from the shadows and away from the fight.
Even still, above it all, the ringing of battle, the throbbing of pain, the muffled bickering. You could hear the distance snap then a visceral cry of equal pain from an all to familiar voice. Perhaps it was the last bits of adrenaline and endorphins. Or it was your continuing unrelenting nature to never do as told, and always do as you wish instead. Even if it was every instinct in your body telling you otherwise, your eye snapped open and through the blood you could see Alastor becoming a corner like a caged animal with a wound all his own.
Something primal in you awoke, something that wasn’t fueled by hatred or even really fear, but rather more of a rage induced panic for someone cared for. The burn was enough to push you to your feet, leaping with all your might towards Adam. You managed to tackle him down, using your only good arm to wrestle him to the ground, fighting over his ax, “You little shit!” He barked at you, “You just don’t know when to quit don’t you?!?”
It was Alastor’s turn to bleed and watch, and more helpless than ever before. His ego tore in two behind a smile while fighting the instinct to turn tail and save his own skin. Guaranteeing your death. Or, risk what little left he could do to save you. And even more infuriating, his deal wouldn’t allow him to do more than what he wanted.
He gritted his teeth and choked on blood. Alastor smirk only got more bitter as he chuckled to himself and muttered a curse, reminding himself to chew you out later if you both made it out alive.
While you struggled on the ground with Adam, while his fist greeted your face, jaw and throat a few times, you’d claw and bite at him with the same force. If Alastor was going to act, he needed to act now. So he got to his feet, holding his arm over his blood oozing wound. However, in the other hand shadows began to take form. He closed the distance and let out a mocking laugh, “Don’t forget about me!” His arms swung back over his head, “You aren’t the only one experienced with an ax!” Alastor cackled as the long broad long handle of a felling ax formed from the shadows.
Alastor chopped down with all his strength, eyes turning to dials, the large red X growing on his forehead. He flung the ax down with memories of dismembering bodies, however here he only managed to clip Adam’s wing, far from the glory days of his serial killings. But Alastor still had a skill or two left from then as he used the same motion to knock Adam back like a baseball player hitting a home run.
With a thud and a yell Adam cursed out, forced apart and bleeding from his wing he let you go in the tussle between him and Alastor. In that split second you felt a new pair of hands grab you from behind. Everything felt like it started moving in slow motion to you. The air felt thick, and shadows grew larger from every source. Alastor grabbed you with one arm, bleeding out as equally as you but still keeping you secure by his side, and using the other arm to throw the felling ax like a tomahawk, missing Adam by a hair.
Shadows started creeping in around you, misting and closing in on you. The last thing you saw was Adam’s shit eating grin before darkness enveloped you as you escaped with Alastor. Wind whirled around you but you couldn’t see it, only feel the cool icy bricks of the sharp currents. Lightless like a feather one moment, then the next you felt gravity slam you back into the ground.
The air was smacked out of your lungs, dropped onto the ground you let out a yelp as the world returned. Rubble and ruins surrounded you, dust fell and rocks shambled to the cold hard floor. This… must be the basement of the hotel… You thought. You could still hear the battle above.
But you couldn’t forget how you got here, and who brought you. Guilt washed over you quickly, you spun your head around and saw Alastor propping himself up against a crumbling wall. His ears pinned back, his smile all broken and shaky but still holding true… And some little shadow minion of his was shoving his guts back in his torso and stitching him closed.
That’s when you remembered your own wounds. Your arm… Quickly with fear you looked down and were surprised to find it also being tended to by a little shadow puppet. Which, honestly, you couldn’t feel anything from the shoulder down at this point. So pain or detecting someone pulling the sinews back together wasn’t going to be noticed anyways. At least your arm wasn’t a total loss.
Quickly though, you began frantically, apologizing, “Alastor-.. I am so sorry- I… I-” You felt like a fool, but you also felt a little angry, “I’m sorry!” You said again, “But why did you think you could take Adam on by himself!?” The little flair of anger was gone as soon as it came. Being replaced by guilt once more you hung your head and stared away from your own wounds, someplace random, and repeat, “I’m sorry,” You just didn’t want him to become a causality….
You kept muttering and mumbling away, you even felt tears ready to escape but the quick and short, “Stop,” From the other hushed you up quickly. Out of fear at first, you didn’t look up, but the slow troubled pattern of heels clicking towards you was enough to lift your tired eyes.
Still bloody but not bleeding, and with a limped pain in his step, Alastor approached you, his smile tired and barely hanging on. To your surprise, at first all he said was, “Are you alright?” As he knelt down and gestured to your arm. You were ready to be scolded, and even chewed up and split out… But all Alastor seemed to care about at this moment was if you’d live to another day.
The little shadow had nearly finished sewing you together like a broken doll, repaired and ready to play again. It disappeared once its task was done, and just to test its work, you moved your arm, rolled your wrist and waved your fingers, “I’ve been worse,” You told him with a huff, and a sheepish smile.
“Good,” Was all he said, which, you’d be lying if the empty look in his eyes and his hollow smile didn’t unsettle you to some degree. You didn’t have much of a chance to get a better look, as he stood up while brushing the debris and loose hair out of your face, “Go to the others,” He told you, “And tell them what happened…” His shoot started tapping further away again.
When you looked up again his back was to you. He reached down to his staff snapped in two, you couldn’t see his face but you heard the heavy sigh, “What about you?” You asked, he was still injured, he couldn’t possibly be going off for another fight…? Your nerves where settled only slightly as he reassured you, “I need to find something to fix this,” He gestured to the broken staff, “I believe there is something left in my radio tower,” He explained.
You slowly got to your feet, a sigh, a huff, then a nod of your head, “Okay,” You said. You watched for a second more, turning to leave but not taking a step, looking over your shoulder at him. A sullen moment broke into the air, an unfamiliar sorrow. And he stopped in his steps too. Mimicking your actions, looking back until your eyes met. He shared a smile, one at least more true and strong enough to spread on your lips. A second more was spent there, until more earth shattering rumbles began and the moment was broken. Separating you two once again, leading down different paths away from each other.
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midnightmoonkiss · 2 years
Consider: Kazuha as a Ghoul
// NSFW - 18+ Minors DNI (AFAB! Reader) - Modern AU
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I just think Ghoul eyes are very pretty on him... <3
Nothing like having a Ghoul as a boyfriend^^ how could you ever fear him? Your sweet.. sweet boyfriend.
He thinks you smell oh-so delicious.. his own personal drug. You’re constantly making him drool.. but he easily satiates his desires with a hungry kiss that has you keening and clutching onto his sweater.
Just imagine...
Your thighs squeezing his hips as he rams his aching cock into your tight pussy - creamy ring of arousal around his dick, your juices dripping down your ass and his full balls that smack against you with each powerful thrust, smearing onto his pale thighs as he mindlessly fucks your gummy walls.
His pace was inhuman, a combination of his ghoul self and his possessive desire to fuck you so good you wouldn’t be able to have pleasurable sex with anyone else, and all you could do was cling to him as he had his way with you.
Your nails claw at his back as you find yourself slipping into white-hot oblivion, tummy burning with desire as your head goes foggy with the nerve-tingling pleasure that made you cry out his name helplessly.. Helplessly..
Fuck.. you smell so good right now, sweat clinging to your skin, the strong scent of sex in the air - swirling around Kazuha’s head - only aiding in pushing him off the deep end.
He can’t help the way his eyes change, kakugan slipping out as a deep moan slips off his drooling tongue.
Kazuha is quick to shove his head between the juncture of your neck and shoulder, slightly embarrassed about how little control he has when it comes to your sweet little pussy squeezing the life out of him.
He’s practically completely at your mercy, willing to do anything so long as you’d allow him to keep humping into you like a depraved man.
Inhaling deeply, he swears your scent alone is enough to make him cum. His tongue grossly licking at the sensitive skin, covering the area in saliva, teeth occasionally nibbling just to make you mewl.
He may be a muderous monster - but fuck, was he in heaven.
“-Zuha—!” You cry oh so sweetly for him, creaming cunt clamping down on his throbbing cock as you cum, arching your body up against his as he holds you close.
“Sweet bird, you feel so good.” He whispers hotly against your ear, eyes rolling back in his head as he fucks you through your leg-shaking orgasm, cooing at your cries.
“I’m almost there, almost there..”
“Kiss!” You beg, “Please, k-kiss.. Kazu-!”
Youre sobbing, soft hiccups bouncing around the room along with the lewd, wet slaps of skin against skin as he dragged himself to the edge with your addicting cunt.
How could he say no?
Kazuha removes his head from its safe haven in favor of having your lips against his own.
He first kisses you sweetly, a silent promise that it’s ok and you’re alright- he’s got you.
Next, he shoves his filthy tongue past your teeth, fingers nearly bruising the plush flesh at your hips as he desperately tried to taste you, tongue tracing all the sensitive spots in your mouth.
It was such a messy kiss, both your and his drool leaking out the sides of your mouth as he moaned like a slut against your tongue.
Your scent was turning him to ghoul goo.
Through teary eyes you looked up at him, his own lidded and hazy with pleasure, mind lost in space.
His eyes were always so gorgeous like this, glistening like rubies in the night sky. You never understood the fear of them.. such a beautiful sight to behold, even if they were deadly. Most beautiful things were, after all. Didn’t that just add to their ethereal beauty?
To be able to see them now.. you were blessed.
You pull away from his sugary sweet lips with a gasp, body trembling from the overstimulation,
“-Zuha..” You look up at him with glassy doe eyes, nothing but pure love and adoration.
You caress his flushed cheek as he makes the bed creak and slam against the poor wall of your shared apartment, “S-so pretty..”
You smile, innocent and sweet.
Love blossoms in his chest like sakura trees in the spring, stealing his breath away.
He breathily groans, hips stuttering as his muscles tightened, and he comes undone in your warm embrace, spilling his essence inside of you.
Truly.. you must be insane to think he looks pretty right now. But God, does he love you to the moon and back for even thinking so..
He’s entirely yours.. he’s wrapped around your tiny little finger and there’s nothing he can do to free himself from you.. not that he wants to.
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writefandoms · 1 year
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Vlad Dracula Tepes x Reader x Lisa Tepes
Summary: You and Vlad get into a disagreement, and some things are said.
Word Count: 1.5k
A mortal being.
That’s what you were.
No fangs, just blunt canines. No claws, only partially bitten nails. No strength beyond what your human muscles can accomplish.
Knowing the strength of even the lowest of vampires is enough to keep you up at night. One punch is enough to shatter you like the puny human you are.
As mortal as the blonde doctor who has reservation in your heart.
And him. The strongest of all. Vlad Dracula Tepes.
His strength is his own- you know this. But that doesn’t stop the notion of having The Dracula, as your protector, at your side.
He’s beyond any being you’ve ever encountered in your few decades. Never one to get violent around those he holds dear, that doesn’t prevent the small glimpses of power he unconsciously displays.
The love you hold for the vampire and the doctor is too much- overwhelming nearly. It’s hard to be an addition to an already established relationship- the notion of being easily removable isn’t lost on you. A fear that one day you’ll be back in your small cabin in the village of Lupu, all alone- months spent with the doctor and vampire, forgotten. That fear became a reality- one that you have the misfortune to be currently suffering through.
Half empty glass of red wine, in your left hand, and a partially chewed piece of dried goat meat in the other. Slumped over on your worn couch. Never quite felt this low before.
What ifs circle around the room, wondering if anything had been done even the slightest bit differently, perhaps you’d be cuddled between Vlad and Lisa right now.
“That was foolish.” He spits as his heavy steps approach from behind you.
“Dear-” Her attempt to calm him down was cut off by your own agitated voice.
“Foolish? No, what's foolish is your idea of danger!” Facing them now, eyes ablaze locking with Vlad’s. Lisa looks between you both, unsure who she should attempt to soothe first.
“You have no idea what you’re speaking of.”
Rolling your eyes was immature but impossible not to. There was no danger- not real danger anyway. He was the Vlad Dracula Tepes, a man who’s spent nearly his entire existence being hunted and attacked. Danger to him is any living mortal, except for the two standing next to him.
And while he’s overprotective of you and Lisa, taking a trip to visit your parents while he was away, isn’t breaking any laws.
He utters your name, making you reluctantly face him.
“I only wish to keep you safe.”
“Safe? We went to visit my family, Vlad. It was one night away.”
“It’s too dangerous to go out alone while I’m not here.”
“It was the middle of the day!”
“You were to stay in the castle until I returned, like I told you-” Poor word choice. Even Lisa cringes.
He’s Vlad Dracula Tepes, a name he wears with pride, like a cloak that he wraps around you and Lisa. The name alone enough to scare off any sane person, a name alone that keeps you both safe within the walls of his castle.
There are bad people out there- some not sane enough to avoid the castle. Some insane enough to actively seek out your home. And these are the monsters that Vlad fears. He knows he can crush any and all that dare cross him, but he can’t say the same for his two lovers.
Many nights spent snuggled close, bodies melded as one, hearing him whisper his deepest fears. Every night he clutches you both close- too tight- as if every hug might be his last. Human lives are fleeting, this much he knows. Fleeting, fragile, precious.
We’ll be here for as long as Lisa’s remedies keep you going. You remember whispering back to him one night. The warmth from his cold body and the sweet chuckle that left him, put your mind at ease. But did nothing to slacken his hold on you both.
Yet you’re a human being, and wear that with pride as well. Any day now might be the last time you’ll ever witness the sunrise. But isn’t that what makes everyday more special? Being caged away from danger might put Vlad’s mind at ease, but it makes you feel degraded. Something that can’t defend itself.
“Like you told me to? I am not your child nor your pet, Vlad.” Stomping out of the room, a pair of feet right on your heel.
“Of course not, even a child could comprehend a simple command.” It’s bitter and spoken with malice. Intent to hurt. It makes you stop cold.
“Excuse me?” The warning in your voice either goes right over his head, or he chooses to ignore it.
“You cannot fathom what monsters lurk in the shadows out there.”
“Oh I think I can.” Pause, enough time to swallow your next words. “Considering I’m looking at one right now.” Low blow, but spat out in a fit of rage.
If you weren’t so upset, the slight hurt that flashes across his face might have made you cave. Instead you continue stomping away, towards your room.
“What are you doing?” Lisa asks, referring to your haphazard bag packing, grabbing handfuls of clothes and shoving them away.
“But dinner is all ready…” Lisa’s sounds worried, scrambling to find the key words to make you stay.
“I lost my appetite.”
Pushing past them, they don’t follow you immediately, allowing you some distance. Once you're at the main door, they stand at the top of the steps.
Neither of them say anything.
That was almost three days ago, and you’ve convinced yourself that this lovely polyamorous relationship was now back down to two. Leaving you back in your empty cottage caring for plants that have been long neglected.
Books lay scattered across your limited floor space and various pieces of furniture.
You don’t remember life being this sad before you met them. It’s as if all you’ve ever known was Vlad and Lisa. Pretty sure that’s not healthy, but it’s true.
The light taps on the door are near vomit inducing, other people are the last thing on your ‘can’t deal with right now’ list.
Even your own parents seemed like too much right now. And once the large silhouette of Vlad’s body was visible from the sheer curtains blocking the window, the nausea was only doubled.
But despite the bile creeping up the back of your throat, the door opens and you greet your familiar visitors.
“Hey…” Is all you can muster, nerves getting the best of you. All the things you wanted to say, words are lost to you. Now that they stand before you, these past few days feel like eternities spent apart. But his voice brings dopamine rushing through you, without any effort.
“Good evening.” Pause. “May we come in?”
“Yeah, of course.”
Lisa rushes in and hugs you, squeezing the life out of you.
“Honey, I’ve missed you.” Pulling away, she tugs lightly at Vlad’s arm, “We’ve missed you.”
Vlad looks almost embarrassed, clearing his throat. “Yes, we have.”
If God were real, he must definitely be cruel. The seconds weigh heavy as you try not to suffocate from how awkward this silence is.
“I’m sor-” “I wante-”
The laugh from you both is genuine, some tensions relieved. But only slightly.
“You first.” You push- curiosity getting the best of you.
“I wanted to ask if you would please come back to the castle.”
Running your hands through your hair helps the sweat that's built up on your palms, but does nothing for the churning in your belly.
“If I crossed a line, I apologize.” Just like that.
“Thank you. And I really missed you both too.”
His gaze softens, shoulders relaxing at your declaration. And he practically melts when your hand finds his.
The person before you is no mere man- a being beyond mortal comprehension. An undead vampire longer than he was ever a human. But when he gazes at you with such fondness- you catch a glimpse of the man he used to be. Someone who needs the warm touch of the living, lest he forget he was ever alive.
“Vlad, I can’t find the right words to tell you how sorry I am.” Intertwining his fingers with yours- clutching him close. “I love you so much.”
If he feels the wetness dripping on his hand, he does nothing to show it. Head tilted towards the ground, heavy with shame. “You’re not a monster… You’re kind and brilliant, and- and…” Your sleeve stops the falling tears from wetting both your hands further.
A long clawed finger tilts your head up, admiring the raw emotion on your face.
“I was behaving rather poorly, I understand why you were upset.” Him being so dismissive of your behavior makes you feel even worse. His fear of losing you is preventing him from accepting a proper apology from you.
“My behavior was inexcusable, you don’t deserve any of the hateful things I said to you.” He’s leaning towards you, all you do is stand on your tiptoes to meet his lips. He’s pressing you against his chest, tongue tentatively pressing between your lips.
Lisa’s arms wrap around your waist, her chest to your back. She’s laying quick kisses on your nape, trailing around your neck like an invisible necklace.
Still standing in the small old cottage, but with these two - there’s a new warmth in the room.
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jester-lover · 10 months
Hi I hope you’re doing well! ^^
I saw that your requests were open and o was wondering if you had any hc with L.j with a chubby/plus size fem reader who’s really insecure about their weight and how they look 24/7 nsfw or not, it’s totally okay! ^^
I’m dealing with severe body dysmorphia right now and I feel like I keep getting worse.
I love your writing so much and the way you write everyone, and I just wanted to say to keep the amazing work!💕
Feel free to delete it if it’s not something you’re comfy to write for! I’d completely understand
As always, stay safe and remember to hydrate <3
Pretty Lady
Cw/female reader, angst, fluff, insecurities, comfort, SFW, body image issues, food/eating/weight mention, this post is a bit longer than my other ones, because I personally wanted to write it
Laughing Jack x fem! Chubby! Reader
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Hey nonnie, I know how difficult it feels to not belong in your own self, especially when it comes to weight. I know how repetitive the ‘your beautiful!’ comments can get, even if they are absolutely true. So I’ll just let you know that I wholeheartedly hope that you find happiness with yourself, that you find contentment with yourself. This is something I wish I heard in my times of trouble. You are completely free and valid to feel however you feel, but please know that there is always something beautiful in the world waiting for you.
Jack is such a tender hearted fool for you
His soul is wrapped around yours in an everlasting hug, and he’s forever grateful you chose to keep him around
What confuses him at first is your sudden reluctance to accept the little hard candies he makes specially for you
Jack tries to think of the reasons why you’d reject his treats, perhaps you have developed a new taste?
To his surprise, when he goes to your room to ask about it, he discovers a saddening scene
Clothes scatter your bedroom as you sit on your bed in your pajamas, crying into your hands
Your breathing begins catching, which takes him from his trance as he reaches to stroke your back and press you against his comforting form
“Dearie? What's the matter? Are you hurt?”
Jack will wait as long as you need to, letting you cry it out as he gently presses kisses to your temple
His hands wrap themselves around your soft midsection as he sweetly coaxes you to lift your head up to meet his eyes
As you explain your worries to him, Jack feels whatever leftover heart he has begin to break
Tears speckle his eyes as he looks at you, his hands that rest on your waist begin shaking a bit as he speaks up again, seemingly soaking up all your pain
"But beloved...there is so much more to love about you...you mean so much more to me than your gorgeous appearance."
Jack holds you in his lap, and whilst being mindful of his claws, traces the features of your face, whispering little complements as he kisses you gently
Throughout the next couple days, he'll distract and uplift you with various services and simple delights
He'll cuddle you in your sleep, preferring to spoon or hold you against his chest as he shares little stories and anecdotes
Jack has seen almost 200 years of beauty standards flying in and out of style, and he knows they matter for nothing
He'll assist you in small self care activities throughout the next couple days, like long bubble baths and painting your nails
these activities bring you closer together, and he just basks in your presence
"Being around you is an honor, my love, something I've been blessed with."
He practically worships you, treating you like the beautiful woman you are
He loves it when you show off your outfits for him, a little fashion show where you two parade around in ridiculous outfits, laughing at one another and toppling over in each other's arms
Jack loves you, all of you, including your body. He finds you deeply attractive and he wants you to see that too.
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gaysindistress · 1 year
Sad Girl - two
summary: James has an interesting new business proposal and one hell of a condition to deal with. 
pairing: Mob!Bucky Barnes x Reader
warnings: cursing, guns, violence (it is a mob au after all), Bucky’s smartass 
word count: 1.5k
part one: 1 | series master list
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disclaimer: credits to original creator/poster of image/gif. found on google/Pinterest
Once she’s in her room, she slams the door and slides down it, sobs leaving her mouth. Her body shakes in effort to release all of the emotions she’s feeling. A hand clasps over her mouth in vain to keep her quiet but anyone within a 20 feet radius of her door would be able to hear her. Suddenly the necklaces that decorate her neck feel suffocating and she blindly claws at her neck. Her nails catch on the diamond “S” her dad gave her for her twentieth birthday and she rips it away from her body as if it’s burning her. It clatters on the floor, sliding across the room but it’s not enough. She stumbles to stand and stomps her heel down on the charm as hard as she can. Cracking and crunching combine with her sobs to create the saddest song she’s heard in a long time.
Finally satisfied that she’s destroyed the charm, she kicks the pile of ruined jewelry and drags herself to her closet. A black hard-shell suitcase is yanked off the top shelf and she begins to shove whatever clothes she can into it. The tears make it difficult for her to see what exactly she’s packing but a part of her knows that she’ll either buy new clothes or James will have all of her belongings brought over. She slams it closed and hauls to overpacked suitcase to her bed. In her haste, she doesn’t hear the knock at the door or the following sound of it opening. Rifling through her night stand drawers, the person who entered takes a seat in a corner chair she only keeps to throw clothes on when she’s trying to decide an outfit. 
“Fuck!” she yells to herself when she can’t find the pistol she keeps hidden in her nightstand. 
“You father said you’d go looking for that so I had his men take it,” the person says from the corner. 
She whips around to see James sitting with his ankle on his knee, that very pistol resting in his lap. 
“Glad to know you went through my panty drawer before agreeing to kidnap me.”
“First of all no one went through your panty drawer. Second you father had someone take it and lastly I’m not kidnapping you. You don’t have to come with me if you don’t want to. The decision is yours.” 
“Yeah right. I stay here and my father risks losing his contract and god knowns what will happen to me. I go with you and I’ll be locked away in some bullshit cage for the rest of my life. Sounds like I have some real great options,” she mumbles as she pulls a safe from under her bed. 
“I never said that they were good choices, just that you had them,” James examines the safe, “A safe under the bed seems too predictable doesn’t it, Doll?”
She doesn’t answer him, only rolling her eyes and grabbing out the few documents and jewelry box that sit inside of her predictable safe. Shoving them into her overcoat pocket, she puts her blazer and overcoat back on. At this point, she isn’t sure what the hell else to pack and she doesn’t feel like thinking about it anymore. She grabs her phone charger and shoves that into the purse she left here before storming her father’s office. Next she goes to her own desk on the opposite side of the room from James. 
James tilts his head in observation, making an inventory of the things she’s grabbing:
A book that he makes a note to figure out the title
His list taking is broken by the sound of heels and rolling wheels coming his way. The woman stands in front of him, hand out stretched and asking for the gun he holds. Shaking his head, he stands and slips it into the back of his waistband. 
“I know you’re more than capable to handling your guns but I’m not giving you the chance to prove that,” he chuckles lowly and grabs the rolling suitcase from her. 
“After you, Doll.”
Descending down the stairs that lead into the house, James has a hand placed on the small of her back with her suitcase in his other hand. She keeps her head down, hair creating a barrier from the real world and the one she’s trying to construct in her head. Her father is standing at the bottom of the stairs and in the way of the car door. Steve is talking to him, keeping him occupied so James and her can get into the car quickly. James stops to hand the bag off to one of his men and gently nudges her away so she can slip in before her father stops her. 
“Where is my goodbye hug, darling?” Mr. Stark exclaims with his arms wide open, daring her to make a move. 
Sighing, she grabs the gun James tucked in his waistband earlier and points it at her father in one movement. 
“Fuck you,” she sneers, leveling the gun and her gaze in between his eyes. She is seconds away from squeezing the trigger but James wraps a hand around her wrist and pulls the gun away from her. 
“Don’t. It won’t make you feel better,” he says to her, passing the gun off to Steve and ushers her into the black SUV. 
The world is blur as she climbs into the middle seat, tears starting to well in her eyes again but she can’t let them see her cry again. James slides into the place next to her and muffled voices can be heard from around the vehicle. The truck opens and her suitcase is tossed in, the conversation becoming clear that Mr. Stark is less than pleased with her ‘goodbye’. Steve is the next to get in on her right side, saying something to James and then to the driver. She stares at her hands, rings staring back at her. Internally she’s hoping that her hair is providing enough cover that no one will notice her tears or the blank expression she’s wearing. 
A hand comes into her view, placing itself on her knee. She knows that it isn’t Steve’s because there isn’t a watch and the signet ring has a “B” engraved on it. She doesn’t hear what James is asking her because she’s too focused on his hand and whether or not she should push it off. It squeezes her knee and she barely steals a glance at him. 
“Do you want me to have someone pick up the rest of your stuff tomorrow?”
She nods. 
“When we get to my house, I’ll have Nat show you around and if you want, you can join us for dinner. You won’t offend me if you choose to just stay in your room.”
She nods again, staring at that “B” signet ring. 
The rest of the drive is silent aside from the occasional comment from one of the men in the car. She doesn’t say a single thing and the signet ring doesn’t leave her view.
“I’m not sure what you want to see today but this is the kitchen. Feel free to take whatever you want,” the red head explains pointing to her right as the two women make their way through the dark industrial house.
“Down there is his office. He has this door policy but he can explain all of that later. Your room is up here,” she leads the quiet woman up the stairs, “His room is over here and this is yours.”
They stop at double black doors and Natasha opens them into a rather simple bedroom. There is a bed centered along the back brick wall, a desk in front of the window with the closet next to the bathroom. There aren’t any decorations, leaving the brick and black walls bare. It feels sterile compared to her old room but she doesn’t believe she’ll be staying in here for much longer. 
“He wanted to leave it as simple as possible so you could change whatever you wanted. Tomorrow some of the guys will go get your stuff so you can make a list or they’ll just pack everything,” Natasha tells her, “he said he already told you but dinner will be at 7 so you can join us or I’ll have someone bring it up for you. He really does want you to feel comfortable given the circumstances.” 
She nods and sets her purse down on the desk. Tossing her suitcase on the bench in front of the bed, she turns to Natasha. 
“Thank you. I think I might just stay here for a while.” 
Natasha offers a sad smile and closes the doors, locking the fallen Stark daughter in her cage. 
She sinks to the floor and draws her knees into her chest as she finally lets out the sob that she’s been keeping in since her father’s house. 
From outside of the door, Natasha’s heart breaks at the sound of her sobs. Expensive shoes hit the stone stairs loudly and draws her attention away from the door. James appears at the top of the stairs, giving her a questioning look. She just shakes her head meeting him and leads him back down the stairs. 
“I would just leave her alone for the night. She isn’t in the mood to handle visitors. And yes I pointed out your office and room if she felt like seeing you,” Natasha answers before he can even ask. 
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spicyseonghwas · 1 year
breeding ; with : mingi
pairing :: song mingi x male reader genres/au's :: fluffy smut viewer rating :: 18+ ; sexual content content warnings :: cursing, breeding, rough sex, dirty language, bickering, absolute bitchboy reader word count 301 words network tag @preciousillusions-net
mingi , san , wooyoung , hongjoong , jongho , yunho , seonghwa , yeosang
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mingi growled like a beast, his head falling back onto his shoulder and his eyes rolling back into his head. his hips began to falter slightly while also speeding up their movements, signalling you that your partner’s release was barreling right at him. 
“m-mingi, i-i’m so close- fuuuck...” you whimpered, letting yourself go and making a sticky, white mess of yourself as mingi’s climax finally came, hitting him like a truck as he filled you to the brim.
“yeees,” you groaned, wrapping your legs around his waist as he continued to pound you into oblivion.
“shit, you feel so fucking goood-” he groaned, cutting himself off as his second orgasm hit him like a truck. 
“fuck, yes mingi, breed me-” you mewled, hiding your face in his neck as your nails clawed their way up has his back.
“you’re so fucking tight...” he mumbled, falling onto your chest and burrowing his face into your neck.
“you’re just saying that because you have a fucking horse dick.” you sassed back with finality, doing the same with him and leaving bites and butterfly kisses all over his sweaty neck.
“so do you, bitchboy, now shush.”
“hmmmm...” you hummed, scratching your chin with a clearly fake expression of pondering on your face.
“no.” you decided.
“why not?” mingi fake-whined.
“’cus your ass.” you giggled.
“whaaat?” you fake-whined.
“why is it so damn annoying and yet also so unbearably fucking hot that you have such a big mouth...” mingi trailed off.
“no clue.”
“i guess i just like short, sassy bad boys.” he chuckled, leaving a trail of his own hickeys and butterfly kisses on your neck and throat.
you giggled, patting his head and wrapping your arms around the back of his neck and pulling him as close as you could get him.
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© seonghwas-lighter 2023-2024.
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ourtearsofrain · 5 months
Chapter 7- Catching the Stars
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Pairings: Jake Kiszka x Reader
Genre: angst
Word Count: little over 1 k
Warnings: minor violence, once again talking about death of parents
“You know her, Polaris-?” Danny starts, hurt dripping from his words as his mind scrambles, hoping his worst fears weren’t true.
Helena whips around, stalking over to him and slapping him across the face, hard. Her nails have been sharpened into claws, leaving three clean cuts against the smooth skin of his left cheek.
“You will speak when spoken to.” She spits.
Samuel lunges forward, attempting to shake off his captor’s grasp to get to Helena. This earns him a blow to the stomach, and he doubles over in pain as he wheezes to regain his breath.
Helena turns back towards you, ignoring the events that just unfolded as she grins at you.
“How long has it been since I last saw you, hm? Oh right, when I plunged a sword straight through fathers’ stomach.”
She laughs as angry tears come to your eyes, threatening to spill over as you looked at her with all the hate you had in your heart. Jake, Danny, Samuel, and Joshua’s jaws drop as they realize your connection to Lady Helena; rage overtaking Joshua and Samuels features as Danny and Jakes expressions contort into ones of hurt and deceit.
“Was Helen not good enough of a name for you? Or did you just not want to slander mother’s name, as you were named after her.”
“Lady Helen just doesn’t have the same ring to it as Lady Helena, don’t you agree? You’re one to talk, Polaris. Isn’t that what they called you? Consider your sister, Helen, dead. Lady Helena killed her when she killed our father.”
“Was that before or after I gave you that scar? Heard you have told people it was from a ruthless pirate lord. Barely able to escape with your life, right?”
She grabs your chin, intentionally digging her nails into your skin.
“You will say nothing more if you know what’s good for you.”
You control your expression, not allowing the pain to appear across your features as you look down at her. She lets go roughly, using it to push your face backwards as she turns towards the others.
Helena knows exactly how to hurt you most, and she grins as she looks between the four men.
“I would love to know how you all feel about Polaris and I being siblings. I assume they didn’t tell you that crucial bit of information by the looks on your faces.”
Samuel is the first to speak, each word hurting you far more than a blade ever could. “Fucking traitor. I knew we should never have trusted you. Didn’t I tell you, Jacob?” He looks at his brother with rage burning across his face.
Jake says nothing as he stares at the planks below him, trying to blink back tears and keeping his gaze away from you, knowing the second he allowed himself to look, they would surely spill from his eyes.
“Jake, I swear, I had nothing to do with this. I haven’t seen Helena in years, I have no loyalty to her.” You beg, trying to keep your own tears at bay as you watch his heart break.
“Liar! You suggested this island, you brought us here to die!” Joshua yells, equally enraged as Samuel was.
Helena rolls her eyes. “As much as I’m enjoying you berate them, you give them too much credit. They aren’t lying, they are no ally to me. They are, however, a fucking hypocrite.”
She stalks over to you, her expression one of almost hurt as she looks at you.
“I offered them a place by my side, to be my right hand. And they fucking turned me down like I wasn’t offering them the best opportunity of their life.”
She turns back to the others with anger in her words and across her face. “Only for them to jump at the next opportunity to join someone’s crew.”
“I didn’t fucking choose this!”
Your yell causes her to turn to face you once more with shock written on her features.
“You attacked my town, destroyed my home! They saved me from the attack, I had nowhere else to go.” Angry tears roll down your cheeks as you breathe heavily, surprising everyone with your outburst.
Helena looks past you at the pirate preventing you from lunging at her.
“They’re coming back with us to my ship.”
She turns towards the others, sizing each man up.
“Now, what shall we do with you all?” She makes her way over to Jake first, and she tilts his face up to make him meet her eyes.
"You must have been the one to save them, huh?" He says nothing as she grips his skin. "How's that knee holding up, by the way?" She flashes him a grin before swiftly kicking the side of his right knee.
He screams in agony as his leg gives out, the pirate behind him preventing him from dropping to the deck for any relief as he holds him, forcing his weight onto the leg.
Helena grasps the front of his shirt, yanking him forward until their faces are an inch apart. "Still glad you saved them?"
She releases him roughly, shoving him backwards towards the man holding him as his step falters, his right knee still weak from the blow.
She walks over to Samuel next, bringing her hand up to caress his cheek as she slyly smiles.
“Oh, I quite like this one, I think I’ll keep him.”
Samuel spits in her face. “I would rather die.”
Her face contorts with rage as she wipes it away. “I think we can arrange that.”
Before anyone can process what’s happening, she nods slightly to the man holding Samuel, her face serious and cold.
The man raises his fist, bringing it down hard on the back of Samuels head. He sags in his arms, crumpling to the floor.
Both Jake and Joshua try to rush for their brother, the large pirates holding them preventing them from doing so.
“SAM!” Danny lets out a broken sob as tears began streaming down his face. He lunges for Helena, earning him the same blow to the back of his head. He too goes limp, falling to the ground with a loud thud.
“YOU MONSTER!” You scream, struggling in the pirates’ arms to reach any of them; Helena, Samuel, and most importantly, Danny.
She rolls her eyes with an annoyed sigh. “Oh, don’t be melodramatic. They’re not dead, only unconscious.”
“Why not kill us?” Joshua spews angrily.
She walks towards him, stopping only inches from the man with a sweet grin.
“Because, killing you all is too easy. I would much rather have my fun with Polaris and Samuel, leaving the rest of you driven mad not knowing their fates.”
Jake speaks next. “We will hunt you down.”
“With only the three of you? Your crew is dead. You’re not leaving this port for a very long time, Jacob.”
With that, she nods to the pirates holding the twins, and the last thing you see is Jake and Joshua joining their brothers on the ground before everything goes black.
A/N: the title, of course, is taken from the lyrics to The Indigo Streak
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cringecannon · 9 months
ive been reading ur posts for a while and i had a vision from god recently that i needed to share with like minds, so i hope this will be to ur taste... i've been trying to find others who i know this will appeal to (besides me)
but...... bhaalcest-- orin being incredibly possessive over durge and jealous over gortash and durge's relationship, so she changes into gortash when she knows durge is expecting him and has her way with durge, while they're none the wiser.
for the sake of everyone else (and urself) i wont get into the nasty gorey parts that really makes this so much better, i love me some knife"play" (is it really play if orin just outright stabs u) and woundfucking (that i really want to get into but!!!!! i have to find the right audience... hoping i can rant insanely about all that here i just didn't wanna outright plop it down when this scene is good by itself too LJDLASJFAL) -👻
To be fair, I already wrote about Orin fingering a wound. I’m all for insane fucked up knifeplay rants in my inbox. Anyway, obligatory Dubcon, Orin, and Improper Use of Gortash’s Body warning
Something’s wrong with Enver.
You only notice it sometimes. The look in his eyes is wrong, or his grip on you is far too tight. Whenever you mention the change in demeanor, he brushes it off. Or he gets angry. Yelling, throwing things, veins in his throat bulging kind of angry. There’s something wrong with him. The man you know wouldn’t act like this.
You love it.
You almost pounce on him the first time it happens, so turned on you don’t even bother removing anything but the bare necessities. He’s confused for only a moment, but quickly falls into place. You ride him until his eyes roll back, nails digging so hard into your hips that they draw blood. You leave your own bloody scratches down his chest, marking him.
Imagine your surprise when you get to see him again a few days later and the marks are gone completely. It throws you off- your hips are still bruised. You call him out on it, he waves his hand and says he had an image to uphold. He can’t walk around looking like he was attacked by a feral cat. The comment irritates you. You like seeing him marked up, proof that he’s yours. You reach for your knife subtly. You think he needs to be reminded of your real claws.
You’re frozen when instead an ornate dagger is suddenly held to your throat. That bastard. He’s stolen your trick.
He presses the point of it to your throat, drawing blood. You feel the warm drip of it down your skin and into your shirt. You should kill him for this. You should play in his guts while he begs for the mercy of death. However, feeling him cut through your clothes with no regard for your safety excites you more. Every thin slice into your skin as he hurries to get you nude is exhilarating. You’ll get him back for it, eventually. You just need him inside you.
He shoves you back hard, splaying you out on the table. You eagerly spread your legs for him, throwing your head back with a gasp when he bends down to lick the trail of blood all the way back up to your neck.
He groans into your ear, hips grinding against yours with a stuttered breath. He wants to savor your blood, forever remember it staining your pretty skin. He leans to the side to hold the dagger against your stomach, dragging the blade across it teasingly. The cut is thin, barely drawing blood. You arch your back, desperate for more. He laughs breathlessly, pulling the dagger away to instead hold it over your thigh. You ask what's gotten into him. He laughs again, biting down on your shoulder. He asks a question of his own- how far would you let him go?
The dagger dances on your skin and you writhe, holding back a grin. Anything. You'd let him do anything, so long as you could play with him too. He groans, mouthing at the junction where your shoulder meets your neck. Of course. It'd only be fair, he wants you to play in his blood too. Wouldn't it be divine, love?
He's never called you love, ever. You're not sure he's called anyone love in his life, but when the blade finally bites into your flesh... you can't seem to make yourself care. You just beg for more.
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giggly-squiggily · 7 months
hello!!! So I finally wrote a fanfic of Muzan being ticklish from that one headcannon I sent in a while ago. Here it is!
The Day Douma Found Out
Summary: Muzan summoned Douma for a private meeting, but things take a new turn when Douma gets a bit hands on (SFW)
Warnings: Not Canon, Swearing
Enjoy! ⭐️
His patience was already running thin. “Douma, you have failed to bring me the blue spider lily. Again.” Muzan spoke calmly, despite his harsh words. “Master Muzan~” Douma spoke from-the floor…”I’m so sorry…I’ve failed you yet again!~Oh what shall I do to repay you? Shall I chop off an arm? Gouge out my own eyeballs-“ “I have no need for your useless eyeballs.” Muzan cut him off quickly. “What I Need is for you to finally show some usefulness around here.” “Oh Lord Muzan~” Douma practically sang. “What would you like me to do!~Anything you wish for me to complete and it’ll be done~” Douma crawled over to Muzan, gripping onto the back of his shirt. “What shall I do for you?~” Muzan growled lowly. “You can start by-“ He stopped, turning his head away. “Hm? I can start by what Master  Muzan?~” Douma cooed, smiling brightly. “Y-you can start by-letting go..and standing up.” Muzan growled out-but, was that a stutter? “As you wish, Lord Muzan~” Douma released Muzan’s shirt and stood up swiftly. But he was curious-why had Muzan acted like that? He ran back through his actions-grabbing the back of his shirt, talking, and-wait. Douma stared over at Muzan, and a slow, shit-eating grin appeared on his face. “Why Master Muzan~” Douma slowly moved to stand right behind him. “Did you get a new shirt? This one seems different from your last shirt~” He reached up and slowly dragged his hand down Muzan’s back, not letting his nails quite touch him. “D-douma-get your claws off of me-“ Muzan growled out, his voice just slightly shaking. “But Lord Muzan~” Douma cut him off. “My claws aren’t even on you~if my nails were on you, it would be much different~Here, like this…~” Douma switched and instead dragged his claws down Muzan’s spine, shocked at the girlish squeal manlysqueak that Muzan let out and the snort that practically flew out of his mouth. And-holy shit-the blushthat immediately came to Muzan’s cheeks. Before he could process what happened. Muzan had whipped around and slashed his hand off. “Never. That-NEVER happened, got it?” This time Muzan spoke angrily, genuinely threatening him. Douma stood shocked for a moment before a wide, once again shit-eating grin appeared on his face. “Oh Lord Muzan~I wouldn’t dream of it~but…in case my mouth slips, to keep me silent how about we test where else you’re tic-“ Before he could finish, Douma’s head was sliced off. “No. And don’t-don’t say that word…” Douma couldn’t see it, but he imagined Muzan’s cheeks were lightly flushed pink. He couldn’t be more wrong-Muzan’s face was a flaming red bright enough to rival the tips of Rengoku’s hair.
The End! I Hope you enjoyed!
KJERKEKJKJREJRJ OH SNAP!!! (It's been a hot minute since I've got this my bad friend akljaejkrjkejr) WOW! I really enjoyed this, friend! I'm not much of a Muzan person, but the idea of Michael Jackson Muzan having a ticklish back is so real to me? Not many are bold enough to try, but Douma's willing to risk it all!
A small writing tip; formatting makes it easier to read your work, so spacing out the paragraphs in your fics helps the eye catch all the words vs a block of text- if that makes sense! Besides that, I really enjoyed your work!
Thank you for sharing, friend! :3 (I especially loved the way you wrote Douma- it was DELIGHTFUL!)
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