#get your ex love back in vancouver
matthewtkachuk · 1 month
somehow still stuck on you
navigating the realities of your post break up friendship with quinn is exacerbated by how much you’re not over him
pairing: quinn hughes x reader
warnings: a bit of exes to lovers angst
word count: 2.4k
a/n: hi @boqvistsbabe i’m your fic exchange writer, i’m sorry for the wait but i hope you enjoy!! i was feeling mad regret over not signing up for the fic exchange so when @wyattjohnston asked if i wanted to step in as a pinch hitter i said duhhhhh. this is as much a love letter to vancouver in late july as it is a quinn fic
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Quinn’s back in Vancouver. 
It’s not exactly revolutionary given the millions of dollars and the capital C handed to him by the Vancouver Canucks, but it is noteworthy given the timing.  
Training camp doesn’t start for another month, which makes it highly strange for Quinn to be back in the city already. Last you heard he was having a Brat Summer in Michigan. 
Not that you were keeping tabs on your ex-boyfriend-turned-just-friend, of course. It’s not a crime to click through the first five Insta stories when you open the app, even when it showcases how much fun he’s having without you. 
Although it might have felt like it when you were dating, the sun and moon didn’t rise and fall at the behest of Quinn Hughes. It was just easier to remember that fact when you weren’t faced with him—quite literally faced with a giant banner of his likeness leaving the Stadium-Chinatown SkyTrain station. The start of the regular season would be bad enough with his name on every one of your coworkers' lips. 
All this to say you thought you had more time before he re-entered a position at the center of your universe. 
Summer had been kind to you, giving you the time and space needed to move on and heal. Even with the colder than usual June, you’d managed to sneak away to Osoyoos a couple weekends with the girls. Your skin? Glowing. Your hair? Shining. Your thoughts? Totally devoid of one Quinn Hughes. 
Until you’d been swiping through the aforementioned stories and spotted one of your favorite walking spots in his story. Very much downtown Vancouver and very much not Michigan. 
It wasn’t a terrible break up and you’d been friends long before ever getting together, so it’s not unreasonable to receive an invitation to get the gang together for drinks and dinner in Gastown to celebrate the return of Quinn and others in your friend group to your city. 
The time and place all but guarantees you have no way of getting out of it, and truly you are happy to get together with everyone, so you have no choice but to react to the “thumbs up if you’re coming” message. 
All the healing and the positive thinking in the world can’t  stop you from dressing a little better than you ordinarily would for a casual hang or spending a little more time on your hair. 
You’re glad for the extra effort when you stroll in right on time. Everyone is loitering around the entrance, clearly waiting on an open table. It kind of foils your plan to slip into an empty chair, thereby avoiding the initial how are you hug train. Before you can even think of another way out of it, you find yourself being passed along from one friend to another until you reach Quinn, fumbling into a quick and stilted hug. 
“Awkward,” Sienna hisses but all you can do is shrug pathetically. 
You’re saved from much more embarrassment by the hostess informing your group the table is ready and you’re so grateful you could almost kiss her. The long table means you’re not sat immediately beside Quinn which is a blessing because you’re not sure you could take any more close contact. Conversation flows easily around you, the usual topics of work, families, and shitty roommates. 
Everything is going well until the conversation turns to Quinn’s summer in Michigan. The distance between the two of you isn’t large enough for you to miss the way Quinn’s eyes flicker over to you when someone asks him if he’s seeing anyone. 
It’s not fair the way your vision briefly turns to black, your heart constricting in your chest. The feeling of almost betrayal that floods your veins isn’t fair either—it’s been months since you broke up and you’ve been on your own fair share of dates. Failed dates to be fair, but dates all the same. 
Sienna is your saving grace in the form of a clenched hand around your forearm, hauling you to the bathroom with some fake excuse you don’t hear. 
“Are you okay?” she asks outside of the table’s listening distance 
You can only shrug pathetically, all words failing you now. 
She waits a solid three minutes before leading you back. 
“Crisis averted!” she declares when you both return, flipping her hair over her shoulder. 
The conversation has turned away from romantic endeavors, circling back to someone’s work drama. 
You get the sense that Quinn is trying to meet your eyes, but you don’t dare look in that direction until it’s time to leave. Your exit is hasty, the excuse of needing to catch the sky train in the next eight minutes excusing you from any further contact. In the sea of goodbyes, Quinn’s is the clearest. 
It’s not technically avoiding if your workload has you so busy you barely see your roommate, let alone your friend group, right? 
There’s a major deadline coming at work and it feels as though you’re wasting money on rent when all of your time is spent at the office. Wake up, work, eat, sleep, repeat. 
It’s easier to just mute the group chat, rather than be bothered by the buzzing of your phone. 
Easier until Sienna ends up bursting through your door after work using the key you’d given her for emergencies only. 
“This is an emergency,” she says before you can speak—caught red handed knee deep in an episode of Love Island UK and a tub of ice cream. 
Neither of you speak as she grabs a spoon from your drawer and burrows into the couch beside your pathetic cocoon. It’s born of burnout rather than heartbreak, but you’re aware of the optics of it all. 
“You’ve been avoiding us,” she says while some hot blonde cries in the confessional on TV. 
“Have not,” you rebut, unceremoniously pulling the tub of ice cream away from her so that she scoops up air instead. “I’ve just been so busy with work. I haven’t even had the time or energy to go grocery shopping, hence the ice cream for dinner.”
Her eyes flicker down to the tub in your hands but she doesn’t say what you’re both thinking. That there’s more to the unconventional supper than just laziness. 
“Come to fireworks this weekend,” she says instead, her motives for the impromptu visit finally becoming clear. “You missed last weekend and yesterday. I’m asking in person so you can’t ignore the group chat message like the last two times.”
“If I say yes will you be quiet and let me watch my show?” you ask. She nods emphatically, apparently proving that she can in fact be silent. Truthfully the festival of lights is a highlight of your summer, and watching the last two shows through other people’s stories isn’t your favorite way to view them. 
She squeals and throws her arms around you. You want to ask if Quinn will be there, and the look on her face says she’s waiting for you to, but you don’t. 
At the end of the day it doesn’t matter if he’s going to be there or not. Exes or not, he was one of your best friends and will always be a major part of your friend group. There’s no separating the two and the sooner you get over it and everything returns to the way it was before you started dating the better. 
She doesn’t push any further, content to sit alongside you and soak in someone else’s love drama on screen rather than your own. 
“Remember a sweater!” are her parting words to you, notorious for always neglecting one. 
You forgot a sweater. 
It’s not until you’re sitting down on the 99 beside an old lady that you realize. You’re already running a little behind schedule and it would double your transit time to head back, so you settle into your seat and hope it doesn’t get too cold later. 
By the time you reach the beach the group is already together, sitting on a couple beach blankets lined up end to end. You spot Quinn’s unruly dark hair before you even realize you’re looking for him. 
“Look who finally showed!” someone says, and you roll your eyes as you drop down on the only spot available, right next to Quinn. 
“I’m at the mercy of Vancouver transit, we all know this.” You’d rather rake your naked body over hot coals and then confess your lingering feelings for the boy beside you in front of everyone you know than waste time in traffic and pay the outrageous inflated parking price on a night of fireworks. 
Quinn doesn’t tease you like the rest of your friends, and you wonder if he’s thinking about how the last time you saw fireworks together he’d driven. Or how he kissed you for the first time after driving you home from a different fireworks show. 
The late afternoon passes by with an impromptu game of frisbee that you don’t partake in—there’s way too many people at the beach for it to be enjoyable and you’re more content to people watch and gossip while picking at the charcuterie spread someone else brought. The active rest of the group seems to reach the same conclusion you had and someone breaks out Uno. 
By the time the sun sets, you’ve considered murdering both your friend to your left and your ex-boyfriend to your right. It’s bad enough you’re walking around with a still broken heart, now they’re ganging up on you with draw four cards and Uno reverses. The group is spared by the darkness making it too hard to play. 
If circumstances were different, Quinn likely would be teasing you about being a sore loser, offering to kiss it better until someone inevitably fake gagged and told you to get a room. 
Instead he’s silent as you turn your back to him in order to face the direction of the show about to start. The sea breeze hits and you can’t hold back your shudder. 
“Did you seriously forget a sweater?” Sienna asks. “I told you.” 
You spin around. “Yeah yeah yeah.”
Quinn is quick to pull off his hoodie, offering it to you with an outstretched hand. “Here.”
It feels too personal, too heavy, too full of implications and so you start to shake your head. “Oh, that’s okay.” 
“You’re literally shivering,” he says. “Take it.” 
It’s warm and soft and smells just like him. As you pull it over your head you’re taken back by just how right it feels. Like if you closed your eyes, you could almost pretend things were different. 
The train of thought is broken by the first firework, and you spin back to watch. 
The fireworks are beautiful and you sit in awe, ‘ooh’ing and ‘ahh’ing along with the crowd around you. 
Someone up ahead stands up to take a photo and Sienna has no problem heckling him. “Sit down!”
They do and you just shake your head at her antics. 
It turns out that sitting on the sand on a blanket isn’t the most comfortable position to be in. Mid way through the show, you find yourself shifting and leaning back to find a better way to situate yourself. In the process you brush your hand against Quinn’s, quickly pulling it back like you’d been burned. 
“Sorry,” you murmur over your shoulder, unsure if the blush coating his cheeks is just your imagination. 
When it’s over, you help everyone pack up and follow the group through the beach, quietly bitching about the sand getting into your sandals. 
Everyone starts splitting up when the sand gives way to pavement. Sienna lives close, within walking distance and she gives you a tight hug and heads off in the direction of her house. 
You’re turning away to start towards the bus stop when Quinn grabs your arm. 
Thinking he wants his sweater back, you begin to pull at the hem but his words have you freezing in place. 
“Do you want a ride home?”
Your place isn’t the exact opposite of his, but it’s also certainly not on his way home. Call it masochism, call it a desire to return to the way things were before you loved and lost, you agree with a quiet ‘yes.’
The walk to his car is quiet, and you resist the urge to ask him how much he paid for parking tonight, not sure you want to break the silence first. 
That silence continues in his car, at least between the two of you. Something soft and acoustic plays through the car speaker as the lights of Kits turn into downtown. 
When you get home, he offers to walk you to your door. Once, it was his way of making sure you got in safe. Then, it was his way of trying to prevent the night from ending. 
Now, you’re not sure of his reasoning. 
You get to the door, and he doesn’t say much more as you unlock it and step in. 
“Do you want to come in?” you find yourself asking despite yourself. 
He hesitates, hands in the pocket of his shorts. It kind of looks like he’s contemplating between stepping inside and running away. 
It makes you angry, that bitter edge of hurt you haven’t quite gotten over yet surfacing. 
“What do you want? You need to use your words, Quinn. Because your actions are confusing me!”
You have a very formulated argument prepared, full of evidence and conflicting actions—the result of hundreds of mini one sided arguments playing in your head since he’s been gone and since he’s been back. Arguments that don’t come to fruition because the look on his face is dangerous. 
He cups your face in his hands and presses his lips solidly to yours. You don’t even have enough time to fall into the kiss before he’s pulling apart. “How’s that for confusing?”
There’s no answer from you, not verbally at least. Just the momentum of you throwing yourself at him, crushing your lips to his. 
Words can wait. 
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quinnylouhughesx43 · 3 months
Champion of my Heart
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Summary: requested || in which reader is a famous singer and takes a break from tour to go watch luke play in the “Hughes bowl” but gets mobbed by the media.
Warnings: use of y/n, ended up being more about reader than about luke and reader, unedited, grammatical errors, use of song added as readers “song” I do not own this song, I am not claiming to own this song
Word Count: 1.1k
Notes: requested via ask, sorry this turned out more about reader than about the relationship it just came out of me this was at 1:30am when I woke up randomly
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As the pop star, y/n, stepped off the private jet that had brought her from her latest tour stop to Newark, New Jersey, she couldn't help but feel a an overwhelming sense of excitement and relief to be back in the same state as her favorite person. Y/n had been on tour for the last two months, performing to sold-out crowds night after night. Living out of a tour bus and sleeping everywhere but the once place that felt like home, and she was exhausted. She was living her dream out and she loves what she does, she’s just being run ragged.
But she had promised herself that she would take a break, even if it was just for one night, to do something she loved - watch her boyfriend, Luke, and his brother who ironically is also his brother, Jack, play hockey for the New Jersey Devils.
Y/n had met Luke one night at small show held at Rutgers University, when he and Jack had come out to see it at the college. The boys getting noticed by quite a few of the girls on campus and a few athletes, security invited them backstage to a different green room, but y/n being curious who else would be swarmed fans went to greet them . Which led to her and Luke hitting it off immediately, bonding over their shared love of music and hockey. And as their relationship blossomed, she became a regular at Devils games, cheering on Luke and Jack from the stands.
But tonight was special. Tonight, the Devils were playing the Vancouver Canucks, and y/n knew that Luke's oldest brother, Quinn, is the captain for the Canucks. Until tonight she hasn’t seen the three brothers play against each other before, and she couldn't wait to see the intensity and the competition that she’s heard all about.
As she made her way to her seat with in Prudential Center, y/n was practically mobbed by a few fans and numerous droves of paparazzi. She smiled and waved, taking selfies and signing autographs, but she was also careful to keep her focus on the game once puck drop happened. She was there to see her man and his brother’s play, and tonight she was just another Devils fan in the stands. She didn't want to distract Luke or Jack, and she desperately wanted to be a normal girlfriend there to give support.
The game was intense, with both teams fighting hard for every chance at the puck. Y/n on the edge of her seat, screaming and cheering along with the rest of the crowd. Often times she found herself clutching to the bottom of her Luke jersey, murmuring please over and over as he loaded up for a shot. Or the hitch in her breathing when he went down because of a hard hit into the boards.
When the final buzzer sounded and the Devils had emerged victorious, and y/n was over the moon. She wasn’t sure if it was because she had never been so anxious over a game, because they won, or because she gets to see Luke now.
As she waited for Luke to come out of the locker room, y/n was surrounded by reporters and camera crews.
If all the media is out here who is interviewing the teams? She asked herself.
They were all clamoring for her attention, asking her questions about her new album and her love life. She tried to brush them off, but they were truly relentless.
"Is your new album about Luke?" one reporter asked, shoving a microphone in her face.
"No comment," Y/n replied, smiling sweetly.
"But what about your ex-boyfriend, Josh?" another reporter chimed in. "Is the album about him then?" shoving a different microphone in her face.
Y/n rolled her eyes. "I've said it before, and I'll say it again - yes my music is about my experiences in life and my emotions that coincide with said experiences. That said it does mean it has to be about any one person."
But the reporters wouldn't let up. They kept asking questions, trying to get a rise out of her. That's when she spotted Luke, emerging from the locker room with a huge grin on his face. Y/n’s heart skipped a beat as she saw him, and she knew exactly what to do to nip this in the butt.
With zero hesitation, y/n pushed through the crowd of reporters and ran directly to Luke. She jumped into his arms, wrapping her legs around his waist, and planted a long, languid, passionate kiss on his lips. Probably the most PDA the two have ever displayed in their lives. The crowd around them erupted in cheers and applause, and the reporters were left stunned and silent.
Luke laughed and hugged her to him tightly, spinning her around in a circle while still having her wrapped around his waist. "I guess that answers all your questions," he said sarcastically, winking at the reporters.
Y/n grinned looking directly at her boyfriend, feeling happy and carefree for the first time in months. She knew that she had made a statement, and that the media would be talking about this kiss for weeks to come. But she didn't care. She was just happy to be with Luke, and to have been able to support him and his team.
As they made their way out of the arena, she leaned her head on Luke's shoulder. "Thanks for getting the win for me tonight," she joked, smiling up at him.
"Anytime baby," Luke replied, squeezing her hand. "And thanks for that kiss, if I had to wait any longer I might have died from lack of attention. Plus I think that shut them up pretty effectively."
Y/n giggled at her dramatic boy. "I'm always happy to help," she said, snuggling into his side. “When we get in the car, I have something to play for you. I think you’re really going to like it.” Luke gave her a questioning look as he opened her door, letting her get in first. She pulled out a demo album, and showed him the cover.
‘Champion of my Heart’
Luke held the demo in his hands and he studied it for a moment. “Is it about..” he paused looking up to meet her eyes. “Is it really about you and I?” Y/n nodded and smiled slightly. Luke moved around the front of the car quickly, anxious to enter the car. “Remember it’s not the final version, but i wanted you hear some of the songs first.” Luke made eye contact with her again. “First, as in first first?” He needed the clarification, like she needed his approval. “Yes, first outside of my recording crew. He leaned over the console and softly cupped her cheek. “I don’t tell you enough. I love you, you’re amazing, you’re beautiful, and I am the luckiest person in the wo— no entire universe to have you.” Luke placed the softest kiss on her lips as the first track begins to play.
‘If I Could Fly’
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featherandferns · 4 months
daylight - three
jj maybank x fem!reader | part 3 of the daylight series | read part 2 here
content warnings: alcohol
word count: 2k.
blurb: after finding a box of memories, you jump at the chance to go fishing with JJ. There, you open up a little more about your life in Vancouver.
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You come downstairs at the sound of your dad calling your name. You find him standing by a stack of cardboard boxes, labelled with marker pen scribbles. 
“Can you take your stuff upstairs? That other delivery van finally arrived. Only a God damn month late,” your dad grumbles. 
“Sure thing,” you say.
It takes about ten minutes to lug your boxes upstairs. Closing your bedroom door, you begin to unpack. Most of them are full of clothes and accessories: caps and bags that you probably don’t even need, since you didn’t miss them in their lack. Another box has school things, in case you need your old notes for the next year of classes. The final box is full of miscellaneous items. Childhood memorabilia and wads of photographs and photo albums. Stupid dress-up gear from costume parties you and Mimsy had attended. You snap a selfie dressed in the get-up and send it to Mimsy.
A shoebox at the bottom has you taking pause. You take it out and set it on your bed, opening it. Your heart stops when you see what’s inside. 
How could you forget?
The box is piled high with various things, and at the top is a journal. It's frayed on the corners from excessive wear and tear. It was the journal you had kept when dating your ex boyfriend, Tyler. You take it out and promptly put it to the side like it’s coated in anthrax. There is absolutely no urge to flick through the pages and relive every moment of that tumultuous, tortuous affair. Below the journal is a t-shirt that belonged to him, then an impressive stack of photos. Happy photos. Smiling photos. Photos that are mostly of just the two of you, always in one or the other’s bedroom. Any photos taken in public have the two of you standing apart, acting as though you don’t know the feel of the other’s skin. There's a birthday present he gave you; a card; a ‘love letter’ that had made you so happy at the time, and only bitter in the aftermath. In fact, all of it made you bitter. All emotions led back to anger, and betrayal, and hurt. 
And yet, you couldn’t find it in yourself to get rid of it. Even now, even still, in a different country, on a different coast: you feel the need to keep it. Treasure it like a cursed artefact. 
You’re happy to be taken out of your nightmarish thoughts by the ping of your phone. You pick it up, expecting a text from Mimsy, only to be surprised at finding one from JJ. 
I’m bored.
Smiling, glad for the distraction, you reply. 
Hi bored. 
Nerd. Srsly tho. I wanna do something. 
You turn your back on the box of memories.
Wanna go to the cinema?
Hello I’m poor??? U acting mad expensive rn
Laughing, you roll your eyes and offer something that you know JJ would never refuse.
Fishing then?
Dope. Pick u up in 5.
You kill the time waiting for JJ by tidying away the last few belongings. The items are returned to the shoe box and hidden under your bed following the philosophy out of sight, out of mind.
The honk of a car horn outside has you grabbing your backpack and heading for the door. JJ sits behind the steering wheel, staring off into the distance as he mindlessly taps along to the beat of the Kendrick song he’s playing. You whistle as you approach and he smiles when he spots you. 
“Where we fishing?”
“Found a good spot the other day,” JJ says, setting off once you’re in the passenger seat. “Caught some good bass and stuff. Spotted bass too.”
“Sounds good,” you hum. You kick your feet up onto the dashboard and pick at the peeling nail varnish on your fingertips. 
There’s no need to fill the quiet of the campervan as JJ drives. You eye him in your peripheral as he concentrates on the road.
His resting face sits with a set jaw and you suddenly imagine him to clench his jaw in his sleep. Lips somewhere between a frown and smile, his eyes are somewhat hooded. His neck is so attractive. You never thought necks could be attractive before, but seeing it tense and relax when he swallows and sighs, the way the skin teases over the Adam’s apple...it's tortuous. You can just picture stretching your hands around it, scratching against the skin of his jugular with your nails, marking his pretty flesh with love bites…
“What’s up?”
“You lookin' at me. Something up?” JJ asks in all his innocence. 
Your dart your eyes to the road ahead. “Uh, no, no. I’m good.”
“A'right,” he says. Back to quiet. You don’t dare spare another glance at him for the rest of the ride. 
JJ parks up on a quiet country road. You both get out of the car and load up with fishing gear and snackage. JJ takes the cooler, biceps flexing, and the fishing rods. Lugging two collapsable chairs on either shoulder, you follow him with a box of bait and your backpack in hand. He guides you up a dirt path, overgrown with ivy and stinging nettles. A dilapidating jetty comes into view and you’re happy to see it empty. You both take to setting up shop. You weren’t lying to him, the first time that you met: you didn’t much care for fishing. But honestly, you’d take any excuse to spend time with JJ. It’s pathetic to admit to yourself that he could ask you to help him drain a sewer and you’d say yes without a second thought. 
Cracking open a beer, you offer it to JJ. 
“Thanks,” he smiles.
You open your own and the two of you cheers before taking a swig. It’s crisp and cooling in the muggy summer sun. He hands you a prepared fishing rod and you lean against the shaky railing beside him. He’s dug out his cap: the red one that he wore the first time you met. It shadows his face beautifully. You look out to the water and admire the calming view. A sea bird darts across the sky in the distance and you half want to grab for your camera. 
“You have good fishing in Vancouver?” he asks. 
“S’alright,” you reply. “My uncle loves fishing. He used to take me to this spot where you could catch trout as long as your leg.”
“Fuck off,” JJ laughs. 
“I’m serious! Swear to God, I thought this thing was gonna eat me!”
The two of you laugh. Your smile turns solemn at the memory. It hurts to think about your life in Vancouver. It feels like it was years ago, hazy like a lucid dream, distorted with nostalgia. Never before have you been more grateful for facetime or else you might forget Mimsy’s voice.
The day stretches on with the two of you passing drinks and chips and refreshing bait. The bucket starts to fill with some catches. Nothing impressive. Somehow you both end up sitting in your chairs. One hand remains on the rod, waiting for a bite and holding it steady. JJ is reclined in his chair somewhat precariously, feet up on the bannister, weighed down by heavy, black boots. 
“I don’t think I ever asked,” JJ says, catching your attention. He looks to you. “Why’d you move to Kildare anyway?”
“Well, you know the old saying,” you reply. “If at first your marriage fails: pick up and move country, eh?”
“Ah,” JJ replies, chuckling a little. “Is the marriage fixed, then?”
“Hell no,” you snort. “They fucking hate each other. Hardly talk. I think my dad just wanted an excuse to move back to North Carolina.”
“He from here?”
“Yeah, he was born here. I have a ton of family out here too. Well, not in Kildare but in Carolina.”
“Damn,” JJ mumbles. 
“It’s typical of my dad though. He's selfish like that. I mean, it's kind of messed up, don't you think? Dragging me away from my friends. From my life.” Your anger sparks suddenly. “You know, he didn’t even ask me if I wanted to leave. Because why the fuck would I want to leave? My entire life was there! Everything was there!”
JJ doesn’t speak. You catch yourself. Taking a shaky breath, you close your eyes, embarrassed for the outburst. 
“Sorry,” you mumble. “I just…I haven’t really talked about it to anyone yet.”
“You’re good,” JJ says. You look at him to find a small, reassuring smile. “I get it. Parents suck.”
You laugh, shaking your head. Leaning your head back, eyes slipping closed, you agree. “Yep. Parents suck.”
“I’m sorry, by the way,” JJ quietly adds. You open your eyes on him. “That you had to leave Vancouver.”
“Thanks,” you smile, eyes sad. “I know I’ll find a way to be happy here. But right now, I just miss home. I miss Mimsy.”
“My best friend,” you clarify. “She’s the fucking best. Completely unhinged. Obsessed with true crime and conspiracy theories. Zero filter.”
“She sounds like fun.”
“She is. She’d get along with you guys great,” you say. “It’s hard though. The time difference and everything sucks. And we talk a lot now but I’m just worried about the future. Like, what if it gets too much, with the distance, and we get busy and drift apart. She’s been in my life since I was like six years old. I guess it freaks me out to think about her not being there, you know?”
JJ nods. “Guess that’s like me and John B. We’ve been best friends since kindergarten. I can’t imagine how it would feel being, like, six hours apart.”
“It sucks,” you chuckle. “And it’s not just that, either. I feel like I have unfinished things in Vancouver. It’s like I left before I could close the book, if that makes sense.”
“What kind of things?” JJ wonders. He shifts in his seat to face you better. Neither of you are paying much attention to fishing now. 
“Romance things,” you say with a joking roll of your eyes. 
JJ’s brows raise. “You leave a man behind or something?”
“Man is a generous word,” you snigger. “But yeah, sort of. We weren’t together anymore - I mean, maybe we weren’t together ever - but I never got all the answers I wanted…I don’t know. It’s complicated.”
“Most things are,” JJ hums. You have to agree there. Nothing is ever clear-cut, black-and-white. At least not in your experience. “So, what’s the story? He cheat on you.”
“No. Least, I don’t think so,” you say. Shaking your head, you shoot him an apologetic smile. “Sorry. I don’t think I really wanna talk about it.”
“You’re good,” JJ says for a second time that day. He looks down to watch his thumb stroking the condensation on the side of his can. Tactfully avoiding your request, he then asks, “where you, like, in love with him?”
“Yes. God knows why, but, yeah,” you reply with a self-deprecating laugh. “Have you ever been in love?”
JJ squints against the sun as he looks out to the horizon. “Dunno, really. I guess you’d know if you had been in love, right? Like you’d know what that feels like.”
“Yeah, you would,” you return. 
Looking at you, JJ only hesitates a moment before he asks, “what does it feel like? Being in love?”
Smiling wistfully, you reply honestly. “It’s the worst feeling in the world.”
read part four here!
@princessuki21 | @psyches-reid | @heybank | @avengersgirllorianna | @rrosiitas | @yourmumstoy | @jjsfavgirl | @void21 | @fictionalcomforts | @gsp420 | @redhead1180 |
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sc0tters · 8 months
jack hughes
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✩ MISCONCEPTIONS AND CONFRONTATIONS - you and Jack had never gotten on with each other but as Quinn’s best friend you were always at the lake house. So what happens when Jack thinks that there is something going on with you and Trevor?
✩ OWED IT - you’re less than happy with how things ended between you and Jack so when the Devils come to Vancouver to play you decide to give him a piece of your mind, but what happens when he has the same idea?
✩ LIKE A LOSER - what happens when your bet with Jack ends up with you taking your punishment at the dinner table?
✩ THE GENTLEMAN - the NHL awards night has come around and with Jack being up for an award, you decide to show him what other prize is on the cards for him. leading to a long night for the boy.
BIRTHDAY BLUES - it’s Jacks 22nd birthday but when you’re so caught up making things perfect he starts to think you’ve forgotten what day it is.
JUST SAY YES - Jack has finally prepared for the big day, he’s going to propose to you.
DIFFERENT PATHS - 5 times Jack and your paths ran parallel to each other and the one time they finally became perpendicular.
MY LOVE, MY LIFE - you find out that you are pregnant and when Jack is less than impressed it caused the start of your pregnancy to be a little bit rocky.
ONCE MORE - when Quinn invites you back to the lake house it forces you to reconvene with your ex. What happens when Jack misses you just as much as you miss him?
❁ BRUTAL - the one where Jack learns to love his least favorite person when she joins the Devils as the new photographer.
✩ RIDE IT BABY! - Trevor finally gets a chance to make a move on you but what happens when Jack isn’t far behind? feat. trevor zegras
✩ ALL FOR US - when Jack walks in on you and your boyfriend things that a turn when he is invited in to join. feat. nico hischier
✩ FAKING IT - when Jack learns that his girlfriend faked her response in bed the previous night, it can only ever land up with them back in bed as he gives her a time she couldn’t possibly fake.
OVER IT - just because you thought you were over Jack didn’t mean you were really telling the truth, right?
✩ DATE GONE RIGHT - when you call Jack to come pick you up the last thing you expected to see was your hinge match in the car. feat. nico hischier
✩ PLAY BALL - when Quinn leaves his best friend with his brother and his best friend, what’s the worse that could happen? feat. trevor zegras
FELT FEELINGS - when Jack gets injured it hits you harder than you would have ever thought.
HERE AGAIN - seeing your ex in your teammates hospitality section was not on your bingo card for your home race weekend.
✩ LIPS SEALED - when jack rights his wrongs it makes this years trip to the lake house unforgettable.
LITTLE LOVE - the story of how jack realised that he was in love with you too.
✩ TOXIC - jack isn’t good for you so why is it that you still want him?
✩ ALWAYS HIS - you were always meant to be jack's even if he didn't deserve it.
๑ FEELINGS AND SOFT LAUNCHES - Jack and his girlfriend go through the summery months slowly revealing their relationship to the world.
MUFFIN BASKETS AND FROZEN MEALS - when telling Jack how you felt actually went well.
✩ DREAMS AWAKENED - when Jack gets caught in the midst of your dreams, it’s only fair he helps you.
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jocelynscrazyideas · 5 months
I want some Quinn smut/fluff maybe he’s stressed and he asks to c0ckwarm? I’m sorry I’m H WORD
April | Quinn Hughes x Reader
Warnings: p in v (unprotected), language, dirty talk, and I think that it?!
Summary: Quinn and Y/N have some fun after being stuck at home, the terrible rain storms caused the caunucks team practice to be canceled, and they end up getting active at the end of the day.
A:N- as usual not proof read, and I’m glad you enjoy the Quinn content!! Sorry I couldn’t add much but I did write a bit🫶
It’s the first week if spring. April 7th. It’s so relaxing being in Vancouver, we have an off day, we play the Vegas Golden Knights tomorrow.
“Baby?” Quinn says as he knocks on our bedroom door. “Do we have more brown sugar?” I’m guessing Quinn is trying to bake.
“No. You’re not baking. Not again, you almost burnt our house down last time.” I say as I get up, I’m dressed in black leggings and a red sports bra, on top I have a white shirt that belongs to Quinn.
How sweet. He knows I’ve been craving for ye taste of homemade baked goods. He’s such a man.
“I can see your undergarments.” Quinn motions to my red bra, I know he’s really horny, but it’s a tuff time, regular season is ending, and everyone is fighting for their playoff games. So I promise him that I won’t distract him by having ex with him.
I pull at his chain and I step on my tiptoes. “Yes, yes you can. And don’t call it that, just be grown and call it a bra.” I say as I stare into his blue eyes. His nose touches mine. Quinn pushed his forehead on mine, I feel him getting closer. I pull away and pull his shirt with me.
“Stop walking me. I’m not a dog.” Quinn starts to whine. He sure seems like one.
I take him to our kitchen downstairs. Quinn is wearing blavk shorts and has his blue support boxers on, he’s also really shirtless. He turbs me on everytime I see him.
“Are you on your period?” Quinn asks me.
“No, why?” I respond, I’m thinking he’s just really gross and has a kink for blood.
“Just wondering.” Quinn states as he turns in his heels and pulls at the fridge door to grab some milk. He’s baking brownies. I think he’s making the chewy brownies that I love. “I’ll just make the regular brownies then. Since we don’t have brown sugar.” Quinn looks at me and he pulls my neck into his chest as he walks me to our couch.
“This is our only day together until I have to train next week.” Quinn mentions as he sits on top of me. I feel his hard cock on my pelvis. I look down and he’s rocking his hips onto me. His hair is dangling down, so as his chain. I pull him down onto me as he kisses my neck all the way down to my knees. I feel him breathing in my pussy.
I hear hard rain hitting the roof of our home. Lighting crashes, thunder hits. A storm rolls in, spring it is.
“Baby, not now.” I say pulling him up. He grunts as he forcefully picks me up and he takes my leggings off.
He breathed heavy once again, noticing I’m not wearing panties underneath my clothes.
“Hm…” Quinn trails off looking at my see through shirt and looks at my red bralette.
“Lovely.” He says as he locks onto my hands. I’m holding on to this arms as he cradles me as if I’m a baby. He rushes up to our bedroom and he pins me up against our slightly open closet door. I see my lingerie hanging in our closet as my back shuts the door closed. I can sense he wants more than just kisses.
He pulls off my shirt as he swoops his shorts and boxers iff. He looks me up and down. He starts with my boob. He licks my right nipple, and he starts to massage my left breast. He slips my bra off and I’m bare. Nothing on my skin. His dick slaps agisnt his lower abdomen. He licks his hand as he jerks himself. He starts to groan. He’s cock is growing on his hand as I start to get horny as well.
“You’re not in your period, so I can fuck you as hard as I please.” Quinn stares as he strokes my cunt. He pleads that I don’t move.
“No, because I promised-“ I mentions the promise of no distractions.
“You’re helping me get rid of distractions, you’ll never be a problem in my life.” Quinn respond eagerly, he goes down my hips. He licks my bud. He starts to get me at the verge of cumming. He pulls away soon as I squirt. Lights go out. I hear all the power turn off. The fan, the music that was playing downstairs, the oven preheating, and the electric lock that held our home closed off to the public had all been turned off.
Quinn didn’t care, he stuffed three fingers into my opening, and he stared to caress my pussy. He pumped and pumped, he got up and used my precum on his hands to get himself wet.
He pushed me onto our bed, and he stuffed his cum-covered fingers into his cock. He sits me all the way down and he hold my hair into his hands. He stuffs his penis into my mouth. I feel his tip dripping of cum. He drills into my mouth, almost thrusting into the back of my throat. I start to suck, he starts to grip harder on my hair. I feel that he’s on the verge of cumming, so I start to play with his balls. I massage the sack that protects our future kids. He starts to groan and he’s moaning into the night.
Thunder whips into replacement of his cries. “Keep going mamas. I need to feel it.”
Quinn keeps chirping at me.
“You can take it. Just a little more.” He said and he shoved himself all the way into the back of my throat I start gagging, and he leaks out streams of warm strings of cum. He disposed everything and I lick it all up. I swalllo part of it. I get up as if I’m in control. He open his mouth kissing me back and I stuff his cum back into his mouth. I feel him suck on my tounge. He pulls into me, pushing my hips forward into his shaft. I feel him hard against his body and it’s now pushing on me. We stand together, I’m in my knees on top of our bed, and Quinn is standing, clinging into bed with me. He lays down, as I climb on top of him.
“I need you right now.” I say and I push his head back all the way. He expects me to take him inside of me, but I felt a little dry.
“Open.” I commanded.
Quinn opens his mouth stuck his tounge out and let me sit on his face. He sucked me dr until I couldn’t take it anymore. I started to rock my hips onto his face, his nose perfectly hitting my clit, and he around eating my insides. His hands held my ass as I stared to squirm.
I hope off once’s I cummed, and I was ready to take him on. I backed off and pushed his large cock into my cunt. Quinn is to big, I wait a few seconds before I get used to him to breathe.
“Cmon baby girl, you’ve taken ig before you can do it again. This time it’s not just for me, you can please yourself on top as well.” Quinn squeaks as he starts to jerk up. His hips are up and I slide around. I push him back downs as I hop up and down. I moan as I can feel his boner inside me. It’s as if he’s hitting my lungs.
He cummed once again, matching with the storm. I loook at the indie bside our bed. Rain starts to trickled down again.
“Quinn I need you on top I can’t.”
He didn’t listen. He buckles me on top when he ties his hands onto my pelvis. I start to roll onto my stomach as I match our bodies together. Now we fit, just like a puzzle piece. I kiss him, but I am moving so much that our lips aren’t connecting. I feel just cummed flavor tounge massaging my lips.
It’s April. I can feel the allergies kick in once I start to cum on top of him. I sneeze and he licks my mouth clean from any kind of dust. I taste my salty liquid still on top of his tounge.
“Baby, I’m so stressed just let me go on top okay?” Quinn says as he pulls away from out kiss.
He gets on top of me as we switch positions. He starts to thrust into me. He humps like he’s riding a horse. He gets cold after we both cummed. He cleabs me up with a tissue from our nightstand, and he sits inside of me.
“Can I just stay here?” Quinn says as he is warm out. “I’m tired, and I’m freezing.”
after a while he got soft and he needed to pull out.
But we ended up holding eachother for minutes and he felt that he almost fell asleep. He got stuck in side of me.
I wish it was that easy to un tangle outselves. He had to thrust indies of me to get hard again, which hurt a ton. We went for a round 4 and he pulled out.
He held me in his arms for hours until the rain stopped and April was just April.
Allergies were just allergies.
And playoffs were just playoffs.
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babydollmarauders · 2 years
quinn hughes x fem! platonic! reader
pt 2 to Babe
summary: in which Quinn comforts y/n after she and Jack break up.
warnings: mentions of cheating, ex boyfriend Jack, light profanity
notes: if you like this, you should check out @jackhues Mockingbird AU! Naqia has an entire AU (that you can send requests for) based around being Jack’s girlfriend that has Quinn as a big brother figure and it’s AMAZING!
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the eight hour flight to Vancouver felt like a lifetime, but when i felt the plane land on the runway, i feel more relieved than ever. i didn’t want look like the crazy person, crying on the plane, so i held it all in while i was in the air. mostly. there were a few times that i had some lone tears escape, but for the most part, i was just glad i didn’t have anyone sat next to me.
i follow the single file line off the plane, and make my way to baggage claim, where i caught sight of Quinn waiting for me. he spots me and sends me a pitiful smile, meeting me halfway, and that’s all it takes for me to breakdown, finally letting my tears fall. i fall into his open arms, letting him hold me in the middle of the airport.
“shhh. that’s it, let it out, y/n/n.” he shushes me, whispering comforting words in my ear. “it’ll be okay. you’re gonna be okay. i promise.”
we stand there for a few minutes, him holding me as i cry into his shirt. in Jack and i’s three year relationship, i grew quite close to Quinn. having never had any siblings of my own, and having parents who were more strict than comforting and protective, the Hughes became almost like a replacement family for me. but Quinn is who i’ve been closest with, him taking me under his wing and giving me advice when i need it. so it’s reassuring to know that i’ll still have him to lean on even though jack and i are no longer together.
once the baggage carousel starts moving, i’m easily able to spot my suitcase as one of the first few and Quinn grabs it for me. slinging an arm over my shoulder protectively, he leads me out to the parking garage. finding his car quickly, he puts my suitcase in his trunk and opens the passenger door for me before jogging around the vehicle to his drivers seat.
“let’s go back to mine and i’ll show you to your room. then you can talk to me if you want, but i’m not gonna push you to open up to me if you aren’t ready.” he says, switching the car into reverse and looking over his shoulder to back out of the parking space. i just nod in response.
the drive to Quinn’s isn’t too long, but my tired state makes it feel longer than the twenty minutes that it actually is. i wasn’t able to sleep on the plane, too busy thinking, and the fact that i left abruptly at night means it’s been way too long since i’ve actually slept. Quinn walks me into his apartment, leading straight to his guest bedroom.
“thank you, Quinn. you don’t understand how much this means to me. i don’t have anyone else in Jersey and i- i didn’t know where else to go.” my voice breaks and i stutter over my words as i turn to look at him in the doorway.
“i’m always here for you, you don’t need to thank me. you can stay here for as long as you want, y/n/n.” he pushes off from his spot leaned against the door jamb. “i’ll let you unpack and get settled.”
he closes his door on the way out and i turn back to my suitcase that sits on the bed, unzipping it and pulling out clothes and various other things i packed in my rush away from Jack. once i finish unpacking, i lay on my side on the bed, on top of the covers. i’ll just close my eyes for a second, then i’ll go talk to Quinn.
i wake up with a startle, my face wet with tears and my mouth dry. i don’t even remember falling asleep. my dream was a montage of fictional moments, imagery of Jack sleeping with faceless women and then coming home to me, cuddling up to me and telling me he loves me, all while i was aware it was happening but unable to leave him. i guess not all of it was fictional, because the last part did happen, i just wasn’t aware of his secret rendezvous.
i drag myself up from the bed, looking around for a moment in confusion before i remember where i am. Quinn. i leave the room, padding down the hallway to the living room, finding Quinn sprawled across his couch, watching tv. at the sound of my footsteps, he looks towards me and sits up.
“hey. i checked on you a few hours ago but you were asleep. i figured i’d let you get some rest.” he tells me.
“thanks.” my voice is raspy from my sleep and my eyes are still adjusting to the light shining in from his open windows.
“how ya feelin’?” he asks, getting up from the couch and walking over to the kitchen. i follow him and watch as he gets a cup down from a cabinet and fills it with water from a brita pitcher in the fridge.
“like i just found out my boyfriend cheated on me multiple times throughout our relationship and then took an eight hour plane ride to another country.” i shrug. Quinn looks over at me with wide eyes, and in the absence of his sight, the water overfills and spills over the side of the cup, running over his hand.
“shit.” he puts the pitcher down, pouring a little bit of the water from the cup down the sink and using a dish towel to dry the outside of the cup before handing it to me and then drying off the counter. “multiple times? i thought it was just the once? which, obviously is still bad but… multiple times?”
“i thought so too. but he confessed before i left. he said it wasn’t the first time he’s gotten with someone else.” i take a sip of the water and then sigh as fresh tears cling to my lashes. “god, what is wrong with me, Q? why has every guy i’ve ever been with, cheated on me? am i not good enough? do i not satisfy them? am i not pretty? i don’t understand.”
Quinn sets the towel down and steps in front of me, placing my cup on the counter and taking a hold of my face, forcing me to look him in the eyes.
“there is nothing wrong with you, y/n. i don’t ever want you to think that this is your fault and not the man’s. he’s the one who fucked up. not you. you were loyal, you’re kind, you were supportive, Jack is the one who took advantage of you. and you’re gorgeous, so i don’t want to hear that you ever think that was the problem. the problem is him.” his tone is harsh and assertive, contradictory to his sweet words. “do you understand?”
i nod and he lets go of my face, pulling me into his chest for a tight hug. my tears wet his shirt as i sob into his chest for the second time in the past twenty-four hours.
“i know you’re hurting, and it doesn’t feel like it now but, you’ll be okay. i promise. and one day you’re gonna find someone who will treat you the way you deserve to be treated. do i wish that could’ve been my brother for you? yes. but, unfortunately it wasn’t. and i just want you to remember that just because he wasn’t your endgame, doesn’t mean i care about you any less. you’re my little sister now. blood, legally, or honorary, you’re my sister and i’m here for you.”
his kind words only serve to switch my tears from sad ones to grateful ones. when Jack and i started dating, i had no expectations to grow close with his family. it had never happened with any of my previous boyfriends families. but the Hughes family members have always been so kind and supportive; letting me stay with them when my own parents kicked me out the day after my eighteenth birthday, throwing me a birthday party each year, Ellen teaching me how to sew, Luke coming to me for girl advice. it makes me look at Jack and i’s relationship in a new light. instead of wishing i had never met him, i’m grateful i had, because if it weren’t for him, i wouldn’t have his family. and more importantly, i wouldn’t have Quinn. my honorary big brother.
“thank you.” i sniffle as my tears finally come to an end twenty minutes later. by now we’ve moved to the couch and Quinn holds a box of tissues in his hands.
“you don’t need to thank me. it’s what i’m here for.” he smiles softly. his phone starts buzzing on the side table next to me and i reach for it, meaning to hand it to him, but i freeze up when i see Jack’s name on the screen, his contact picture being on of the two of us at the lake house. Quinn gently takes the phone from my grasp and i watch as his face slowly morphs into one of anger when he sees who’s calling him. before i can ask him not to take the call right now, he taps his finger over the ‘accept’ button.
“what the fuck do you want?” he asks sharply, holding the phone up to his ear. i can’t hear what Jack says but Quinn quickly shakes his head. “no.”
i give him a confused look and he holds up a finger, signaling to give him a minute. i sink back into the couch and curl my legs up to my chest as i watch him speak to my ex.
“no. Jack, i said no. you’re not talking to her. i don’t even know how you know she’s here, but if she isn’t answering your calls then you should take that as a fucking sign: she doesn’t want to speak to you.”
calls? what calls?
i pat my pockets for my phone, but realize i must’ve left it in the guest room. i rise to my feet and Quinn looks at me with a raised brow.
“be right back.” i mouth. i walk to the guest room, finding my phone laying on the bedside table, still plugged in from before i laid down a few hours ago. i pick it up and the screen comes to life, showing multiple unread texts from Jack and several missed calls. i swipe the calls away and skim through the texts, all being some variation of ‘i’m sorry’ and ‘can we please just talk?’. opening the instagram app, i take a few moments to delete every picture i have of or with him from my profile, including the post from yesterday. unplugging my phone and slipping it into my pocket, i walk back out to the living room.
“you’re not fucking listening to me. i don’t care how sorry you are, i won’t even let her think about getting back together with you. you fucked up, Jack. i’m done talking about this.” Quinn hangs up the phone as i walk back in, taking my seat back on the couch.
“i know you keep telling me to stop saying thank you but seriously, thank you, Quinny. you didn’t have to do that.” i say my words quietly, and he remains quiet for a second before he finally speaks up.
“any time, y/n/n. i mean it.” he smiles softly and then nudges my shoulder. “how about we order some take out and watch John Tucker Must Die? what do ya say?”
“i say…” i leave him hanging for a second before smiling back. “chinese food or pizza?”
“that’s my girl.” he slings an arm around me, tugging me into his side. he grabs the remote, switching over to a streaming service, and i pull out my phone to send one quick text before powering it off.
To: Jack 🤍
we’re not getting back together. but i’m grateful for your family and i don’t want to lose them just because we’re no longer dating, so i’m willing to be civil with you, if you’ll accept that.
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ladylooch · 10 months
Begin Again - [Anthony Beauvillier]
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A/N: First off, thank you for requesting someone new! It always pushes me as a writer and I love how detailed this request is! It helped guide me to this achey, beautiful love story below. Second, thank you to the answers and DMs I received to help me learn more about Tito! It helped me get a clear vision of him as a character. Could not have done this with out you! Third, this has been a long time coming! Thank you for your patience. I hope you love it!
Word Count: 2.7k
A white hot heat has settled into the crook of your elbow as you stand behind your soon to be sister-in-law. Your brother is tearfully saying his vows to her. You should be crying. You should be focused on the words he is promising to help him uphold in times of trouble. 
Instead, the leftover touch of Anthony Beauvillier haunts you.
How could you both have thought you could pretend to still be in love? Well, you weren’t pretending. But he was. The leaver. The “we need to talk” from three weeks ago. Those weren’t your words. The were his. And just like his touch, they haunt. In the middle of the night. When you’re on your way to work. When you picked him up from the airport and both agreed you would pretend to still be together. You both wanted your brother to be happy. Anthony is his childhood best friend and he’d kill Tito if he knew what had happened in New York three weeks ago. 
But what did happen? You were barely sure yourself.
All you knew is being with Anthony used to be so easy. Then it became unstable and lit on fire. Then it was at your feet in ruins before you could even grab the extinguisher to try to save it. Personally, you want to blame Lou Lamoriello. Isn’t it his fault for trading your ex boyfriend? Because everything was difficult after Anthony was traded. 
And when the season ended, those difficulties followed you around. What were you supposed to do? He didn’t seem to want you with him in Vancouver. Even when you visited, he was distant and distracted. This man that you once knew like your favorite shirt because a stranger. 
He pulled the plug. He asked for space. You gave it to him. He went back home. You stayed in New York in the apartment he had until September.
“You can stay as long as you need.” He had told you, not looking at your face because he couldn’t stand the tears glistening down your cheeks in the afternoon sun. 
“I don’t want to stay here.” You had bubbled through those tears. He nods.
“Until you get back from home then.” He gives a curt nod, licking his lips. “I’m here for a couple more days to tie up some things.” Like us? You can’t help but cry harder. “Mat said I could stay with him.” Your heart breaks all over again. Mat Barzal already knew? God, that makes it so real.
“You deserve so much better.” His heartbreaking whisper were the last words before he shut the door to leave.
But you didn’t want better. You wanted him.
Now here he was, standing across the other side of the aisle while your brother kissed his new bride. You come too, pulling your gaze away from Anthony to focus back on the love. You cheer with the rest of the crowd, then hand your new sister-in-law her gorgeous bouquet of white roses. Your smile is fake, you can feel it in the tight pinching of your cheeks. But it passes well enough.
You haven’t even recovered from his touch when you first walked down the aisle together, now his haunting is coming for your other arm. You smile, like you’re so sickeningly in love with each other. Anthony smiles back too. Only you notice it doesn’t reach his eyes. Then you turn back towards the aisle where the photographer is taking pictures.
You pray the tears in your eyes pass as happy as you walk by your parents. 
- - -
Without alcohol, this night would have gone to shit immediately after the ceremony. Your new sister-in-law greeted you with her first words being “You and Tito are next!” You swayed in her arms at the painful reality of how untrue that is going to be. Anthony heard it too and he reached out to you for a moment, squeezing your hand in acknowledgement. You had ripped your hand away, unable to stand his comfort when he was the one who did this to you.
But then your good friend vodka found it’s way into your cup. And you forgot. Anthony found beer. And the alcohol took the painful edge off everything. You started talking. You laughed together. You told embarrassing stories of your brother together. It felt like normal and you chased that buzz with drink after drink until you found yourself in the bathroom, looking at your drunk reflection.
What are you doing, you wonder to yourself.
You watch your teeth tuck your bottom lip into your mouth. You swallow shakily, reaching for your glass and downing the rest of your drink too.
This is going to hurt you in the morning. Are your inner thoughts about the alcohol or him? 
Either way, you brush those thoughts to the side. It feels so good to pretend, to step out of the crunching heartache even if it is only for a few hours. You get to live in this other world, the one you wish you still had, where it makes sense when he brushes his fingers along your shoulder with his hand draped across the back of your chair. You shiver now in the cool bathroom, like he’s right there with you still, touching you, soothing your broken heart temporarily.
Your heels clack against the tile as you leave the bathroom, coming face to face with Anthony. You pull in a deep breath that raises your shoulders. He smiles gently, then glances over his shoulder to see if anyone is around. You’re alone.
“Are you doing okay?” His face is sincere, concerned. You refuse to believe it is pity. 
“Yeah. Great!” You respond brightly. 
“Okay. Um, they are insisting on playing our song.” You freeze. “I tried to play it off, but your brother is not listening. They literally have the DJ ready for the second we walk in.” If you never heard "My Best Friend” by Tim McGraw ever again, it would be too soon. You’re not sure you can do this. “I’m so sorry. This was dumb.” He whispers, seeing the way your face shatters at the mere thought of dancing with him to this song with what you are now. The song you always knew would be your first dance song.
“Yeah, but we are committed.”
“Maybe we should just tell them. Stop the whole thing…” The last thing you want to do is have the stabbing pain of heartbreak return. So your drunken self pushes you right along to just go with it a little longer.
“No, let’s tell them tomorrow. Like we planned.” He nods, looking over his shoulder at the large event space that seemingly awaits for us. “What do you want to do?”
“Dance with you one more time.” You respond quietly. Your fingers meet his, lacing together in the way you always appreciated- with perfect weight and grip. Anthony stares back at you, his gorgeous blue eyes drinking in your beautiful face. You think, for a moment, that he might lean in towards your face. His free fingers come to tuck a stray curl behind your ear. Then he cups your cheek for a moment before leading you into the room. 
The gentle stroking of guitar strings greets you both immediately. You smile to your family who is eagerly watching your approach.
“I hope y’all aren’t going to make us dance alone.” You tease easily. Anthony looks at you in awe as he leads you into his body to begin to sway back and forth.
“You’re so good at this.”
“Being an NHL girlfriend meant a lot of pretending.” He nods, knowing all the ways you’ve stood by his side the last few years, even if it was difficult for you with the spotlight.
“I’m sorry about that.”
“You were always worth it.” You murmur, tears in your eyes. Anthony sees them, frowning deeper. He tugs you into his body, encouraging your head to rest against his. 
You feel every inch of his hand at the small of your back. Your eyes close as he uses it to pull you close. Then you both move together again like you have hundreds of times before. It’s almost like nothing is different. You lean your head into his, feeling the smoothness of his jaw against your temple. Your eyes closed as he sighs, turning his face into your hair. You can feel the inhale of him taking in your perfume. The one he picked out years ago on a shopping spree in New York. A lifetime ago now.
I fall in love all over every time I look at you
I don't know where I'd be without you here with me
Something about this song makes his touch different. It’s more consuming. His finger prints press deeper into the exposed skin of your back. You breathe in the scent of him, wanting to memorize this memory no matter how much it will hurt later. 
“Ant..” You murmur, feeling him shudder as he sucks in a deep breath. “Are you okay?”
“No. This all feels like a mistake.” He whispers back.
“I know. I miss you.” Your respond.
Life with you makes perfect sense, Tim McGraw sings as Anthony’s lips brush against your cheek. 
“You look so beautiful tonight. Took my breath away when I saw you earlier.” His hand presses you tighter more. You turn your face towards his. He makes the move, brushing his lips against yours, testing your acceptance. Your face crumples as you place your hand on his cheek.
“Kiss me like this is it.” He doesn’t hesitate, bringing your faces together again. Every stroke of his lips cracks any repair that’s been done to your heart. But fuck, it feels so worth it to have this with him. His tongue strokes against your bottom lip, then nudges between your teeth, melding with yours. 
“Baby.” He whispers, briefly pulling away for air. 
It feels so easy right now. Drunk on vodka and champagne with a room saturated by how easy it is to be in love when both people try. All the struggles, the distance, the ache, the impermeable walls are non-existent. So is the reality that he is no longer yours.
Because he doesn’t kiss you like it’s the last time. He kisses you like this it’s all beginning again.
“I’m leaving for Vancouver tomorrow. Come with me? I don’t want this to be it. I don’t want to give up on us. I want to try again. Harder. The way you deserve.” His nose rests to the side of yours. His fingertips press into the back of your head, ruining the remaining, lopsided curls. You can still taste the beer from his mouth in yours.
“How about you tell me that tomorrow morning? When it isn’t like this…” He sighs, stepping back, looking rejected. “And I’ll get on that plane with you.” You drunkenly agree. He looks down at your face, buzzed off beer, with slightly blood shot eyes. He closes his eyes as the song fades out. 
“Give it up for Y/N and Anthony!!! The next couple to get married!” The DJ bellows.
You and Anthony stare back at each other, unmoving and unable to pretend any more.
“You are right. When it isn’t like this… I will go.” He steps backwards. It feels familiar. You startle, feeling tears prick your eyes at his sudden retreat. The walls close in as he takes another step back. 
“Ant.” You sound desperate, choking. 
“It’s okay. I’m sorry for what I have done, mon amour. I’ll see you.” His fingers drop from yours as he turns.
You call out for him. But Anthony is already gone.
- - -
A knock on your hotel room door the next morning may as well be against your actual brain. You startle against the soft, white pillow case, looking down at the mascara residue left behind. Drunk you didn’t seem to care about taking all your make up off. Combine that with the tears you cried and the black, inky mess looks like a war zone. You rub at your face then slowly push the covers back. You assume it’s your mother coming to scold you for running off suddenly last night.
It’s not.
Outside, looking as delectable as ever, is Anthony. You stare at him through the peep hole, feeling frustrated and really hungover. He holds two iced coffees in his hand and a brown paper bag is pinched in the middle of his pinter and middle fingers. He raises his fist to knock again, but you open the door to stop him.
“Hi. You ready, beautiful?” 
“Is that a joke?” You mumble, squinting against the light of the hallway.
“No, we gotta get going. You may want to shower though.” His eyes stay locked on yours. You reach up, coming away with black flakes from under your eyes.
“I’m not going anywhere with you.” You hiss at him, despite your pounding head and thick, dry tongue.
“But you said-“
“Anthony.” You grumble. “My mouth feels like a cotton ball. My head hurts so fucking bad I wanna rip it off. And you walked out last night without any explanation! I don’t care what I said when I was drunk off my 11th vodka soda of the night. You left. Again!” 
“Yeah, I left, so I could sober up and do this.” He gestures to him outside the room. Then he hands you a cup of coffee and a croissant. “You know the best croissants go early here. I was waiting outside at 6 am for this.” He points to the logo for The Patisserie, your favorite place in your hometown. “I meant what I said last night. I don’t want this to be it. I want you to come with me today. I’m so sorry about how things ended and what I did to us, babe. I love you so much. It was never about that. It just got so hard; I was so lost, felt like I had lost everything I knew. I didn’t know what to do. Then you were slipping away from me too.”
Oh, how true that felt to you now. How you tried to hold on to him tighter but felt him slipping through your fingers. You had seen how much he was struggling. You didn’t know what to do and you had some blame to share in the distance that was created.
“Where would we go today?” You murmur.
“Vancouver. To find our new place.” You stare at him, the hangover clouding your brain but none of the shock on your features. Move to Vancouver with him? “You said tell me that in the morning and I’ll go. So here I am, telling you in the morning. Will you go with me? I’m sorry it took me so long to ask, but I can’t live without you.”
If words can truly heal, those did it for you.
You’re not even thinking, which is why you drop the coffee and the pastry at your feet, staining  the carpet in the process as the cold liquid leaks out from the plastic cup. Your arms are around his neck, crashing his face down to yours. The kiss is beautiful, full of love and greedy need and wandering hands as he grips your ass to lift you into his arms. 
You still have more to discuss, like why he gave up when things got hard, the way it hurt when he did what he did, and how you’ll both double down on the commitment this time because you know how awful life is without each other.
But in the meantime, a plane is leaving for Vancouver from Montreal in two hours and you’re going to be on it with Anthony Beauvillier.
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bbrissonn · 8 months
𝐭𝐢𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐨𝐟 𝐮 - 𝐭𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐨𝐫 𝐳𝐞𝐠𝐫𝐚𝐬 (𝟖)
╰┈➤ it's ducks vs devils day, and thing get quite chaotic in alanna's comments section
╰┈➤ pairing: trevor zegras x ex!singer!girlfriend
╰┈➤ social media
╰┈➤ masterlist
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-DECEMBER 18TH, 2023-
: ̗̀➛ alannaoregon has posted on instagram
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liked by _quinnhughes and 2.2M others
alannaoregon who do i root for? three men who won't be playing and don't know how to shower, or two lovely cutie patootie brothers who housed me for the summer???
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_quinnhughes vancouver duhhh
alannaoregon @/_quinnhughes i lowkey forgot about you... teehee _quinnhughes @/alannaoregon i was apart of the lovely cutie patootie brothers who housed you for the summer alannaoregon @/_quinnhughes IK IK BUT VAN IS IN THE MIDDLE OF NO WHERE LIKE WTH
jackhughes i think your caption answered your question lanny
alannaoregon @/jackhughes ur so right jackie bear, you and lukie pookie better win or i'll look stupid jackhughes @/alannaoregon don't call us that
masonmctavish23 I KNOW HOW TO SHOWER???
alannaoregon @/masonmctavish23 THEN WHY DO YOU ALWAYS STINK WHEN YOU COME OVER??? masonmctavish23 @/alannaoregon IT'S MY COLOGNE alannaoregon @/masonmctavish23 WELL IT'S HORRIBLE, THROW IT AWAY
user917 the way we all know she's rooting for the ducks, and not because of three men that can't shower...
user681 lanny, girly, we all know you're wearing orange
trevorzegras im a great cheerleader
alannaoregon @/trevorzegras ur better in the stands than on the ice so far this year grass man trevorzegras @/alannaoregon ... user018 @/alannaoregon LANNY OMG 😭😭
_alexturcotte im team brothers !!
colecaufield @/_alexturcotte and im team men who won't be playing and don't know how to shower !! alannaoregon @/colecaufield cactus man vs tiny man battle time... I LOVE IT
user5210 not cole and turcs also picking-- i can't with them
jamie.drysdale who's the better cheerleader, me or z?
alannaoregon @/jamie.drysdale you look cuter in the costumes i got user821 @/alannaoregon GIRL WHERE ARE THE PICS??? trevorzegras @/alannaoregon YOU PROMISED YOU WOULDN'T TELL ANYONE alannaoregon @/trevorzegras oops?
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: ̗̀➛ alannaoregon has posted on instagram
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liked by trevorzegras and 2.1M others
alannaoregon orange >>> red
view 16,273 comments
becky.rivera you look amazing in red though
alannaoregon @/becky.rivera becca this isn't what colour suits me better
trevorzegras nice jersey
alannaoregon @/trevorzegras thanks found it in my closet trevorzegras @/alannaoregon wonder how it got there?? alannaoregon @/trevorzegras good question, whoever this belongs to probably doesn't know how to showered, it stinks trevorzegras @/alannaoregon I SHOWER OKAY!!! user2872 @/trevorzegras CAN YALL JUST SAY YOU'RE TOGETHER LIKE WE ALL KNOW
user349 @/user2872 exactly, we know they're together. no need to force them if they don't want to publicly say it.
lhughes_06 traitor
alannaoregon @/lhughes_06 sorry pookie, but your teams sucks af right now
user821 why are we just ignoring the fact that she's getting back with her ex who cheated on her with her friend?? the guy she wrote a whole breakup album about???
user217 @/user821 we don't know the whole story, we can't go around judging. plus, if he makes her happy than that's all that really matters. she also made her first album about him, and you can tell how in love and happy she was when she made it. clearly she had a rough couple of months, let the girl be happy
alannaoregon, trevorzegras and 1.2k others liked this comment
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taglist <3 @lxnceclercs @alialogy
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huggybearhughes43 · 3 months
anything quinny based on the song 'more hearts than mine' ?
More hearts than mine
Quinn Hughes x Fem! Reader
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Summary- Quinn’s nervous about meeting readers family in her home town
Word count- 1.3k
I can't wait to show you where I grew up
Walk you 'round the foothills of my town
Probably feel like you've been there before
After hearing all the stories I've been telling you
For six months now
Quinn Hughes is the man I’ve been talking to my family about non stop since I met him. We’d been dating for six months and since he has a game there tomorrow, I’ve convinced him to meet my family back in Raleigh. He’s been wandering around my apartment in circles for an hour, trying to talk himself up. In a way I thought it was cute how nervous he was. I reassured them that no matter what they were going to love him but no matter what I said it didn’t help.
Ever since the day we met I’ve been telling him stories from back home. How my friends from high school tease me at every given moment, how my sister flies to Vancouver every summer to visit, how my parents cook a feast every time someone visits no matter who. He knows basically every detail of my childhood, every friend, every ex, every enemy. He knows all of it. He knows the road I grew up on, the house that my parents still live in. Quinn knows about the swimming hole I used to swim in every summer and he knows about the time I started crying because a fish touched me. Which to this day, my family still jokes me for.
For me, I was deathly excited to show him where I grew up. I wanted to show him every road I rode my bike down, show him the places I’d sneak out to with my sisters. And more than anything I was excited to introduce him to my little sisters, the same little sister who have been gawking since they found out I’m dating a famous hockey player. I know my dad will like him, they share the same interest in boating. The second Quinn brought up his lake house my dad would be all in. Then my mom? Well, Quinn’s planning to buy her flowers which will win her over instantly.
We'll probably have to sleep in separate bedrooms
Pack a shirt for church because we'll go
I'm not trying to scare you off but
I just thought that we should talk a few things out
Before we hit the road
Even with my sister’s husband, our parents make them sleep in two separate rooms. My ma says she doesn’t want anything more than a single peck under the roof of her home. Ma thinks that gods watching her and her children in everything we do. It’s sweet and I’d understand for boyfriends but husbands are a bit of a stretch, the thought makes me laugh. On Sunday mornings Ma and Pa wake us up at eight, she says it’s the lords day so we must look the best for him.
I sit Quinn down before we go to bed, his hands are practically shaking. I laugh and press a reassuring kiss to his lips. “Ma will want you to go to church on Sunday, Sunday is the day where no one can curse, argue, or even look at someone the wrong way. I packed an outfit for church in your bag just in case you forgot.” I run a hand through his hair. “It’s okay, I promise.”. We go to bed early that night, preparing for the flight with his team early in the morning. Quinn finally settles down, his face cuddled into my chest as I scratch his head with one hand and his back with the other.
If I bring you home to mama
I guess I'd better warn ya
She falls in love a little faster than I do
And my dad will check your tires
Pour you whiskey over ice and
Take you fishing but pretend that he don't like you
Oh, if we break up, I'll be fine
But you'll be breaking more hearts than mine
In the morning as we get ready I remind him that the second he brings my mom flowers that she’ll practically fall in love with him. I tell him that just because he won’t have his car with him doesn’t mean my dad won’t ask for pictures, he’ll nit pick details on it but he means well. My dad will try to get him drunk, ask him details to make sure he has a clear intent with me as his girlfriend. I remind him to act like he likes fishing even though I know he doesn’t, my dad will make him fish until he likes it. I don’t tell him all of my thoughts, though. I don’t tell him that after this trip if we were to break up, he’d break my families hearts as well.
The plane ride goes well but the nervousness got back to his system in the car ride over to my parents home. I hold his hand in mine, reminding him what I’ve told him over and over. My younger sister rings my phone and I answer. The FaceTime showing her and my other little sister. They cheer when they see me in the car and explain that my Ma and Pa are so excited to meet Quinn. They also complain about how my mom made them clean the house for him. One complains specifically that she never cares for the house to be clean when her husband visits from the army.
My sister's gonna ask a million questions
Say anything she can to turn you red
And when you meet my high school friends
They'll buy you drinks and fill you in
On all the crazy nights I can't outlive
The second Quinn and I walk through the door, my sisters run up to him and start asking questions non stop. “What’s it like being famous” and “you better win against the Hurricanes tomorrow” were my favorites, made me laugh a bit. My youngest sister, at the ripe age of twelve tells Quinn he’s the most attractive Hughes brother, no shame and just a huge grin on her face. Quinn coughs and stutters out a ‘thanks’ before staring at me wide eyed. Ma and Pa run to the door and tell my sisters to give him space. Quinn was thankful for it and cheesily smiled at he handed her the roses. Ma gawks and tells me I found a good one before she runs off to find a vase to put the flowers in, my dad introduces himself then follows short after.
Ma invited a few of my high school friends over for the day, wanting me to catch up with them. My face turned to a neat red the second they walked in. Quinn finally cracks a laugh as they sit down and start telling the most embarrassing stories about me. They tell him about the time I tripped and fell in the middle of the lunch room and had to walk around school with a huge spaghetti stain on my shirt for the rest of the day. They also tell him about how I used to bribe the jrotc kids to be disrespectful to their instructors for pure entertainment
Pa grilled steak for supper, Quinn says it’s the best he’s ever had. My dad congratulated himself for that. Ma breaks the saddening news that we’d be sleeping in different rooms, at least until my sister’s husband gets here. I silently laugh at the way my sister whines, knowing Ma never trusted her husband because he doesn’t believe in the lord. Quinn and I stand at my childhood bedroom door as we bid goodnight. “I told you they’d love you.” “I know, baby.” He kisses me goodnight. We both say goodnight and he leaves to his room.
What I don’t tell him is that if we break up, it wouldn’t only be my heart broken, it would be more hearts broken than mine.
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alltaternotot · 4 months
Looking Glass | N. Zadorov
Nikita Zadorov x tailor! Reader
Summary: Nikita is trying to find a new suit tailor after his retires, and he is surprised to find a small tailor shop with all kinds of surprises, even beyond the suit
WC: 11k
CW: fluff, smut, relatively slow burn, strangers to friends to lovers?? swearing, limited knowledge about tailoring/suitmaking, the use of the words “suit” and “hand” a million times, light proofreading. Let me know if I’m missing something!
NSFW (MINORS DNI): fingering, p n v, in the mirror, clothed sex, so much praise it’s not even funny, Z likes to talk, consent checks, creampie (BE RESPONSIBLE! WRAP IT!), aftercare, this one got HORNY so be warned.
A/N: cuz we all love a giant pretty man in a nice suit ;)
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1 - the meeting
“I’m sorry Nikita, I’m retiring in two weeks, I’m finishing your last suit order then I can’t take any more. But I really do appreciate your business over the years, my friend.” Nikita’s tailor, Dimitri, said over the phone in Russian.
This was a little bit of a shock to Nikita, as his tailor had been designing and fitting his suits from day one, all the way back in Colorado. His closet was piled high with suits he would never stop loving, years and years of designing a look that was perfect for him.
“I’m sorry to hear that, but I’m thankful I could at least get one last suit from you. I hope retirement treats you well, call anytime if you find yourself in Vancouver.” He said, earning a light hearted chuckle on the other line.
“Will do Nikita. Your suit will be on its way to you in the next few days. Best of luck this season.”
They ended the call with the usual goodbyes and made his way over to his closet, pulling out his navy pinstripe suit for the game coming up in just a few hours. His ex used to pick out his suits every game day, but now that they had been broken up for some time he started to enjoy the freedom of wearing whichever suit he felt like. His style was his own after all.
He burned the day away, working out and skating in the morning, eating a light lunch and watching some new show that Quinn had mentioned. He felt calm and ready for the evening ahead. The game hadn’t changed in that way for him, he still loved it like he did as a little boy back in Moscow.
It was finally time to get dressed, his favorite part of his game day routine. He threw on a crisp white button down with a burnt orange tie, one that stood out against the rich blue of his suit. He slipped his legs into the soft fabric of his dress pants, then his large arms into the sleeves of his jacket, he opted for sunglasses, one of his gold watches, and a spritz of his favorite cologne. Finally, he slipped his feet into his nice warm brown dress shoes and did up the button on his suit.
He let out a sigh, admiring his outfit and fixing a lock of hair that had fallen into his face. The floor length mirror across from his bed lit him up perfectly. He looked sharp and professional, the kind of look that seeps confidence. He loved dressing the part of a millionaire athlete, there was no denying that. He shuffled around his room, picking up his essentials before throwing them all into their respective places in his pockets. He was ahead of schedule today and feeling a little bit more antsy to go. He pulled his front door shut and locked it before spinning on his heel towards the elevator.
The only thing he disliked about his his large apartment was the parking. He took the elevator down into the labyrinth of a parking garage his building had, low ceilings and mess everywhere. They had construction going on for the past two weeks or so, mildly inconveniencing him quite a few times. He would walk along the barrier of the construction to his waiting car every game day, trying not to let all of this piss him off. He pulled his phone out to pick a song, one earbud in, trying to keep his mind on the game ahead. Suddenly, he brushed the chicken wire fence that was up to close off a good 15 parking spots. He heard a rip and some pressure on his arm, right near his shoulder. His hand flew to his shoulder, almost trying to save it from what already happened.
“Shit!” He exclaimed to no one in particular. His fingertips were in contact with a decent sized rip right on the seam of his sleeve, a little hole showing the white shirt underneath.
He untangled himself from the chicken wire, not wanting to pull any more fabric, before jogging up to his car window to examine the tear. Luckily, it looked like just the seam was torn, so hopefully it was an easy fix. He didn’t want to go back upstairs and plan an entirely new outfit, so he just got in the car and left the stupid parking garage. He knew he would get an earful from the guys and probably a go-around meme post on Instagram about the visible rip, but at this point he just wanted to leave and get ready for the game.
The drive was maybe fifteen minutes without traffic, but usually ended up being closer to 30. He spent most of that time mentally preparing with soft music playing on a normal day, but this whole ordeal left him brooding with displeasure about nearly ruining one of his favorite suits. He was first at the light on one of the corners that he always passed on this route, when he noticed a shop he had never noticed before.
It was a little shop right next to a corner store, a chalkboard sign out front reading Suits! Dresses! Tailoring! He perked up a little at the sight of a tailor, the rip on his shoulder almost taunting him. He pulled off the road, right into a parallel spot on the cross street, getting out and almost running up to the door of this place. It really did look unassuming from the outside, but inside was really glorious. A bell chimed as he stepped inside and took it all in.
There were bolts of fabric stacked up taller than him, and designs of beautiful dresses and suits scattered around on mannequins, amazing colors and patterns on full display. There was a small counter and a desk, catalogues and thick design books littering both tables. He could hear a few people talking somewhere in the back, or rather one person shouting numbers and the other repeating them.
“Just a second!” A voice echoed from somewhere behind the bolts of fabric.
A woman appeared from a back room, a tape measure hanging around her neck snd and a notebook in her hands, scribbling down numbers on the page. She was short (even though pretty much everyone was short to Nikita) and very pretty. She wore a nice blouse and a mid length skirt, all topped off with a pair of nicer looking heels. It almost caught him off guard, like he was blindsided by meeting someone so pretty on a normal work day.
“How can I help you?” She asked, looking up, then up again to meet his eyes.
“Hi, umm, I know this is a weird ask but I am almost late for work, and I accidentally ripped the seam of my sleeve. Would you be able to fix it quickly? If not, totally fine, I’ll just be on my way.” He explained, turning to show her the tear in his shoulder.
“I can do that! Do you have maybe 10-15 minutes?” She asked, his eyes falling to his watch to check. He would turn out to be right on time.
“I think so.” He murmured, taking his phone out of the inside pocket and the jacket fully off.
She took the jacket, giving it a once over, then opened a tub of spooled thread sitting on one of the tables not too far from where he stood. He watched her pull out a tray of blues, holding them up to the blue of his jacket, then replacing them till she found an almost perfect match to the rich navy. She threaded a needle with lightning speed and flipped the jacket inside out to pull the seam together and pin it, deciding it would be the fastest to just stand at the desk and hold the massive jacket in her hands.
She could see how the sleeves accommodated large corded muscles in his arms, and how well done the work was. Whoever made this suit certainly did an excellent job and took his measurements down to the millimeter. She let herself look up at him briefly, his attention now on a deep purple suit displayed in the corner.
He was larger than life and had a confidence about him that was hard to ignore. His frame was perfectly accentuated with the cut of his suit pants and the button down he wore. His hair was perfectly cut and his sunglasses were perfect for his handsome face. The scar running through his lip down to his chin gave him a tough, no bullshit kind of look that only added to his confidence. He had a great taste in cologne, the spicy warm scent wafting through her senses from having his jacket. Even his accent was like a deep, rich honey being pouring from his lips. She pictured him as a hit man, or a spy, or some sort of agent. Something fantastic.
Once the stitching was done, she took the jacket over to one of the many massive mirrors on the wall and flipped it back, looking closely at the seam to make sure it was straight. Nikita walked up behind her and she offered up the jacket.
“Try that, hopefully the seam sits straight on your shoulder.” She remarked, watching him slip his big arm through the sleeves and button it back up.
He turned in the mirror, running a large finger over where the rip once was, now perfectly hidden by a straight seam. It was like nothing ever happened to it. He cracked a smile and turned back to the woman, yanking on the hem of the jacket to straighten himself out.
“That’s perfect. How much do I owe you?” He asked, pulling out his wallet.
“Oh don’t worry about it! It was just a quick stitch!” She exclaimed, holding her hand up in a stop gesture when he tried to hand over a fifty dollar note.
“Really, I insist. You’re saving me a lot of embarrassment with my… coworkers.” He said, circumventing the fact that his coworkers are in fact teammates on the most famous sports team in the area.
“Honestly, it’s no big deal. I’m just glad you let me work on this amazing suit. Your tailor is a magician!” She joked, and he just smiled.
“What was your name? I’ll be sure to recommend you for any fixing my coworkers need done on their suits.” He said, grabbing a business card from the desk.
“My name is Y/N, but the people who own this place are Rob and Krista. Any of us would be happy to help!” She exclaimed.
“Great. I’m Nikita. It’s nice to meet you, but I have to run. Thanks for everything!”
He turned on his heel to leave, sending a gentle wave her way before picking up the pace back to his car. When she turned around, the 50 dollar note was sitting on the desk, inconspicuously next to the pile of business cards he grabbed from. She let out a chuckle and let the fantastical daydreams of secret agent Nikita fill her mind up as she pocketed the note.
“Who was that Y/N?” Rob asked, emerging from the back holding the plans for a custom gown he was making.
“He just needed a seam stitched, no big deal.” She muttered, and he hummed at the far of gleam in her eye.
2 - the outing
Nikita scored two goals and got an assist that night. He was on top of the world and couldn’t come down. When the final horn sounded he found himself thinking of Y/N, and how the blue thread she used must have weaved some luck into him.
After his post game shower and doing media he found himself back at his locker, pulling his suit back on to return home. His button up was on, no jacket or tie, and he was almost done loosely tying his right shoe so he could finally leave. Quinn and Brock were close by, chatting with each other about the game.
“Fuckin rights Z, what a game!” Brock exclaimed, clapping a hand on his back, “What’s with you huh? Where’d all that goal scoring energy come from?”
“Just a good night I guess, nothing too crazy.” He responded, a little reluctant to share why he truly thought he was finding the back of the net.
He stood, quickly going back over to the sink to give himself a once over before finally leaving. Out of curiosity, he flipped the seam of his jacket into the light of the mirror in front of him, eventually finding a section of the seam that was a slightly different color with two tiny knots at each end. He smiled to himself and flipped it back, throwing it over his arm. Quinn and Brock watched, also curious why Nikita was all of a sudden examining his jacket. The looked at each other with a shrug, and let it go.
~ two weeks later ~
The universe had a funny way of treating Nikita sometimes. JT Miller gave him a call, basically begging him for a tailor recommendation. He said that ‘nothing was fitting well’ and that ‘you should know Nikita, I’ve never seen you wear a bad outfit!’. He was absolutely happy to give JT the information, and he told him that he had a suit he needed to get fixed anyway. He didn’t, but he wanted an excuse to go see Y/N and try to thank her in a hopefully normal sounding way for giving him good luck. They made a plan for their next day off in two days.
“Ah, perfect…” Nikita muttered to himself, digging out a beige jacket that he had made years ago, one that had a ripped inner pocket, buttons missing, and a weird seam wrinkle that wouldn’t go away. He had been digging around in his massive closet for close to an hour, trying to find something to bring to the tailor so it didn’t look like he was acting as the peanut gallery for JT, and now Elias as well, who weaseled his way into their trip because of similar reasons to JT.
A knock sounded at his door, Petey and JT both with their suits wrapped up in bags. They were dressed casually. Nikita offered to drive them all, making sure to avoid the chicken wire fence despite being in a black t-shirt and shorts. The drive was short and easy, but his heart beating with a flutter of excitement made it slightly harder to focus.
The bell chimed in the doorway when they entered, the sound of people talking in the back filling the men’s ears. JT and Petey had a similar reaction to the state of the store as he did the first time, both of their mouths falling open in surprise.
“Welcome in, gentleman. What can we help you with today?” An older man stepped up to the counter, a confident smile making his crow’s feet appear.
“Hi! I believe we talked on the phone a few days ago about some repairs the three of us need done? My name is JT.” He said, shaking the man’s hand earnestly.
“Ah yes! We would be happy to help! Let me go grab the other two.” He said, retreating to the back again.
This time, Rob, Krista, and Y/N all came up front. Y/N hadn’t been expecting secret agent Nikita to be standing there. He offered a gentle wave, and she offered one back as Rob began consulting JT while Petey introduced himself to Krista.
“Back with friends I see! How did the seam turn out for you?” Y/N inquired, coming up close to him.
“Very well. It’s holding up perfectly so far.” He answered, letting his hand fall on top of the jacket folded over his arm, “I actually have another one I could use your help with.” He said, offering up the beige jacket.
“No problem! We should be able to get them done in a day or two-“
“We can get these done today for you gentleman! You are more than welcome to hang around, it shouldn’t be too long.” Rob announced to everyone.
Y/N was a little surprised at this. Rob wasn’t usually the type to cut out time for walkins when his plate was stacked high with custom orders. Krista also seemed unbothered. She had been working on a dress that was due to the client in two days before they all came in, which normally took precedent over whatever little fixes came and went.
“Are you sure Rob? Mrs. Fueller’s dress needs to be done soon?” Y/N asked under her breath as they walked out of earshot.
“I will gladly finish suits for Vancouver Canucks players same day Y/N, it would be insulting to our great hockey town to not!” He exclaimed jovially.
It all clicked for her then, why Nikita was in a rush and dressed so well. Why him and his friends were also so athletic looking. Nikita also heard, eyes going wide as his cover crumbled right in front of him. He wanted just a few more moments of bliss without the fanfare, selfishly. He offered a sheepish smile to her when she looked back at him, feeling a little caught despite not really doing anything wrong.
She retreated to get her kits, still holding onto the jacket. This one smelled faintly of that warm spicy scent she loved last time. This one would be a relatively quick fix like the last one. She took the space at the front desk so Rob and Krista could have the work spaces in the back. They called Petey and JT into the back work space, leaving Nikita to wander.
As she came back up front, she found Nikita in front of a dark green suit, pulling at the sleeve and rubbing the fabric between his fingers. He noticed her sit and turn the lamp on, laying his suit out on the smooth surface. He made his way back over to her, not resisting his urge to talk to her. His presence was strong and steady as he watched her rip the thread from the buttons left on the suit.
“I’m starting to think you’re clumsy, Mr. Canuck. Two suit coats in two weeks?” She joked, and he took a seat in the leather chair placed in front of the desk.
“I try not to be. I just like to be on my game with my suits y’know?” He answered, letting a twinge of guilt rip through him for not being totally honest about who he really was, “I’m sorry I wasn’t up front about who I was at first.”
“It’s ok, I understand. I’m sure you have people stopping you at every corner.” She answered as she pulled buttons out of their little plastic case.
“Not much of a hockey fan?” He asked.
“I grew up New Mexico, so there wasn’t much hockey around. Once I moved here I never totally caught on. But I like it when I see it! I know you guys have played well this season!” She explained.
He hummed in approval, “you should come see a game. It’s a lot of fun to see it live. I’ll even score a goal for you.” He joked, and she laughed along with him.
“Maybe I will.” She agreed, now moving on the inner pocket.
They continued to talk, just sharing about themselves and other light topics. He was absolutely endeared by her, her quick wit and personality shining through as they continued along. He learned that she moved to Vancouver for college and never left. This job was essentially dumped in her lap and it was too enjoyable to abandon. She could execute her favorite designs and get paid a decent wage.
Nikita’s coat was all wrapped up with all repairs made flawlessly, his old suit jacket returned to rights. He took it back, slipping a 100 dollar note into her kit when she tried to refuse him again. Now it was a waiting game for his teammates. He could see Petey with a tape measure in his armpit and JT looking through a few bolts of gray fabric; he guessed it would be a little while before they wrapped up. He perused the mannequins, taking note of the beautiful craftsmanship. He stopped at the double breasted dark green suit again, taking a good long look at it.
“I designed that one, y’know.” Y/N piped up, suddenly very close to him, making him want to reach out and touch her. He had a foot on her at least, her head reaching just above his sternum he guessed. He could smell the faint scent of sickly sweet flowers coming off of her, and instantly thought he would never smell anything better ever again.
“Really? It’s very impressive, something I would wear in a heartbeat…” he admired, then a lightbulb went off in his head, “I’m actually interested in buying some new suits, would you be willing to do them for me?” He asked.
“Absolutely Nikita. What kind of look do you like?” She responded, immediately interested.
“the style you saw on me the first day mostly. I think I want some color or something to give it a bit extra though.” He pondered, Y/N immediately beginning to swirl with ideas.
“Tell you what, I’ll set up an appointment with you and we can discuss it.” She offered, and he turned to her with a smile, “we can look through some catalogs and pick out some cool options.”
“Hmm, I would gladly take an appointment, but I don’t want a catalogue suit, I want what you think looks best,” He said confidently, “if you are ok with it, I would like to give you my number so if you see a pattern or inspiration you can tell me.”
Y/N’s heart dropped into her stomach, never to come out again. It was very, very rare that someone wanted anything other than an average suit, especially someone that seemed to be built for a nice suit like he was. Her mind lit up with a constellation of ideas.
“I-I would be honored.” She said, a little too stunned to say much else.
He smiled, making his way back to the desk for a business card and a stray blue pen. He jotted down his information on the back, handing it to her. She pocketed it, shoving it deep so there was no chance it fell out. JT and Petey made their way up front, now holding their suits plus some papers and fabric squares.
“All set Z?” Petey asked, and he nodded to the two men.
“We hope to see you all soon! Enjoy those jackets!” Rob said, waving as they made their way out the door, the little bell sounding as they exited the store
Rob and Krista returned to work on Mrs. Fueller’s dress, talking amongst themselves about how ‘nice those young men had been’ and how ‘you don’t see down to earth athletes like that anymore’. Y/N sat down at the desk gathering all of her supplies back into the kits. She smiled to herself at the 100 dollar note Nikita had left for her, making a mental note to scold him when she saw him next time.
There was a next time.
She fished the business card out of her pocket turning it over to reveal his neat, square handwriting.
Don’t share this with anyone! Hope to hear from you soon.
-Nikita Zadorov
She quickly put the number in her phone and saved it under secret agent Nikita before sending him a text.
Hi Nikita, it’s Y/N. Let me look at my schedule and we can put something on the books. I already have some ideas!
Not even ten minutes went by before a text buzzed from him
Sounds great. We leave for a week and a half tomorrow, but I should be available once we get back to Vancouver. Thanks for all of your help!
She sent off a thumbs up and a thank you before cleaning up her space to finish the last details on Mrs. Fueller’s dress. She imagined beautiful rich fabric and how it could lay on Nikita’s build, where to accentuate and where to bring in. There were seemingly endless options.
She couldn’t wait
3 - the fitting
During the week and a half the Canucks were on the road, Nikita found himself a little absorbed in talking to Y/N. They scheduled for a few days after the Canucks returned to Vancouver, and he couldn’t stop the flutter of excitement he felt when he thought about seeing Y/N again.
She started to send him photos of chic magazines, ones that had borderline eccentric suits, which she promised she would dial back but she ‘saw lots of potential’ in them. She sent him pictures of bolts of fabric, which he eventually just FaceTimed her to see. She was in the middle of a massive fabric store, dressed in a hoodie from what he could tell, which for some reason was endearing to him.
Y/N was very surprised by the FaceTime, but picked up anyway after the second ring, as it would give her an opportunity to hear his honey laden accent. He looked to be in a hotel gym, lightly huffing and trying to dry his damp forehead off with a towel. His hair was undone and falling in his face, and he was close enough to the camera that she could see the light dusting of freckles across his nose and cheeks. A domestic thought of doing this all the time flashed through her mind before she stamped it out.
“What do you think of doing something in this?” She asked, flipping the camera to show off a beautiful deep green.
“I like that a lot, I have a couple of green suits so maybe red? Or purple?” He inquired.
“Now we’re talking. I’ll get back to you ok? I’ll find the best red and purple I can.” She promised, which made him smile.
“I’m holding you to it.” He said, then a faint ‘come on Z food’s here’ sounded of in the background, “I have to go, but we’ll talk soon!”
“Ok Z, have a good night! Good luck for the game!” She said
He sent a wink into the camera, “will do Y/N.” Then ended the call.
Y/N couldn’t help the butterflies that erupted in her stomach as she played that wink over and over again. He was just so nice and confident (not to mention handsome), all while trusting her to deliver something great. She perused the bolts some more, finding a luxurious maroon and a dark purple that looked almost black. She bought them both and returned to the shop to place them in the pile that was forming for Nikita’s appointment.
They kept texting. Not even about suits or fabric or accessories, just casual conversation. He would text her before games, after games, late at night when he should have been sleeping. He imagined her cuddled up on the couch in a soft t-shirt with snacks and a movie on, or at the shop with her cute heels on and hair all styled, answering his texts with a smile and a giggle when he said something funny. They didn’t really talk about hockey either, outside of an occasional question about the rules or a funny story from Russia, which was refreshing for him.
Y/N had done her own digging (for research purposes of course) and fallen into a hole of stalking his socials. She had watched a heavy hit compilation of him on YouTube, and couldn’t believe that the one she met and the one knocking people into the next year were the same person. She watched one of his away games, against the Seattle Kraken, finding herself invested in the play going on and feeling that twinge of excitement when the camera found Nikita every once in a while.
It was days and days of sweet conversation and thinking about each other when they weren’t talking. Multiple teammates of Nikita’s were giving him shit for always being on the phone, but he felt like he couldn’t help it. It lit him up inside to see Y/N’s contact flash across the screen. She was so witty and kind, not to mention beautiful. She even began to cross his mind when he was alone in the hotel room.
The day finally came. His appointment was at noon, so he prepared a little early and stopped for coffee, also grabbing Y/N’s order as a little surprise. He felt like he needed to show his appreciation for the wonderful couple of weeks he had. The familiar bell chime went off as he opened the shop door, this time no bickering voices, just faint music coming from the back. Y/N walked up front to meet him, cracking the smile she had been waiting to crack since he asked her what her favorite color was over a week and a half ago. He handed her the coffee he was holding and offered a friendly side hug.
“Oh! You really didn’t have to, but thank you! Always full of surprises.” She remarked, setting down the coffee.
“Hey, what can I say. We’re gonna need all the caffeine we can get.” He said, then looked around to find no Rob or Krista, “where is everyone?”
“Rob and Krista decided to take a vacation in Italy, they’re gone for another week, so you’re stuck with me by myself I’m afraid.” She explained, grabbing a book from the corner to set out.
He perked up a little unintentionally at that news. The thought of the two of them together like this felt eerily similar to just, hanging out, and not an actual business deal being done by two professionals. He had been waiting for the appointment like it was a scheduled hang out for fucks sake.
“So first I’m thinking we get your measurements, then talk about what you want to see, and see where it takes us?” She offered, and he nodded, “great, if you don’t mind coming over here under the light so I can see you.”
He was dressed in a t shirt and shorts again, hopefully something that would make it easy for her to get good numbers. She had a little lawyer pad and a pencil, along with a tape measure ready to use in the other hand.
“Just stand normally and relax, I’m gonna work from the bottom up.” She noted and Nikita relaxed his stance.
She began, quickly pulling the tape measure around his ankles, jotting down numbers then moving up. She measured his calves, then knees, then thighs at their thickest, then the outside seam from hip to ankle. Nikita was trying to focus on anything but her touching him, literally anything but her skilled fingers pulling the tape measure taught around him. She finally measured his inseam, going from his groin to the inside of his ankle, then the other side, all before popping up and writing the last numbers down.
He was so, so still. He felt like if he moved he would shatter like glass under her touch. He was barely breathing. She moved to his hips, then waist, then from his armpit to hip. She wrapped the tape measure around his chest, the metal tag hitting him dead center, and she took the number. He wondered if she could feel his heart rattling his rib cage under her hand.
She pulled a block out from the corner to stand on, giving Nikita a moment to breathe and relax. She started on his arms, taking his wrists, biceps, and shoulder width, then from shoulder to wrist. Finally, she wrapped the tape measure around his neck. His pulse quickened at her closeness, and all he could think about was her breath fanning over his collarbone while she leaned in to read the number.
“Ok… that’s the last number…” she murmured, letting the tape measure fall loose around his neck, “wanna sit down to talk about what you’re thinking design wise?”
“Y-yeah, let’s do that.” He said, letting out the breath he didn’t realize he was holding.
She directed him to the seat around the front of the desk. She grabbed her pre-cut fabric squares in maroon, dark purple, and a sage green with silver detailing woven in. She grabbed her organizer of buttons and other accessories, and the magazines she had compiled since they began texting. She had tabs sticking out of each one, the magazines resembling annotated homework more than catalogs. She stuck them all on the desk, then sat.
He leaned back to accommodate his size in the seemingly too small chair, his knees bent up at a slight angle and his arms resting beside him. To a passerby it might look like an interrogation if they didn’t know any better. It was like he took up as much space physically as he did mentally for her.
“So, I showed you the fabrics I liked best over our call, but I wanted you to feel them and decide for yourself if you like them.” She started, handing him the fabric squares that he pinched between his fingers, one by one.
“The purple and the maroon are great, and I like that you went for a lighter green. I think three suits is a good amount for now, so let’s stick with these.” He explained.
“I thought the same, so we’ll go with those.” She set aside three piles, with one fabric square per pile, “I love to see double breasted suits, and they look great on you, so I was thinking about making the purple fabric double breasted with these buttons.” She pulled out gold buttons that were adorned with little flowers, very much like an old wax seal, “they’re vintage, and I think they fit the style nicely.”
He nodded, and let her take them back to set in their own pile with the purple fabric square.
“I think since the maroon is a little more adventurous we could try a strap closure in the front, it’s one of the more chic styles coming out of fashion recently.” She explained further, flipping to a saved page in one of the magazines where the model had a suit that was closed with a slim gold buckle and a strap across the waist. He had never considered something like that before, but he could see Y/N’s vision coming to life, so he agreed.
“And for the green I think a couple of buttons and a nice fit will do the fabric plenty of justice.” She said, holding up the green fabric square.
“This is all perfect Y/N.” He said, looking over the three piles in front of them, “what can I expect in terms of time?”
“I have one quick project before you, but I would say around a month for everything? Rob and Krista gave me permission to take on just your project after my other project is done.” She said, taking a glance at the calendar on her desk.
“That’s perfect for me, don’t rush on my account, I’m a very patient man.” He said with a sly smile, and she just laughed, the clearest most lovely laugh he could have imagined.
“We’ll plan on it then.” She whispered, seconds going by before she looked away from his eyes.
They both stood, Nikita reaching out to shake her hand once she came around the desk within arms reach of him. He pulled her in for a brief hug, as if to say ‘we’re past all the pleasantries’. Something was shifting in the air, between them.
“Um, I really wanted to thank you, for the trust. This project is a big deal for me.” She murmured.
“It’s an honor for me to own such a brilliant collection.” He assured, letting her go after one final pat on the shoulder, “I can’t wait for a month from now.”
“I can’t either.”
+1 - the gifting
Right on schedule, Y/N had all three pieces done in a month. She stayed up late and got up early quite a few times simply because she was inspired to finish. Everything, down to the very last stitch, was perfect. She thought of making replicas to save for a future fashion magazine.
Nikita and Y/N continued to talk, a lot. He found himself texting her anytime he thought something was funny, or interesting, or really any sort of thing that he thought she would like. When he was home, he would drop coffee off to her, and she would try to hide his suits from his curious eye. Each time he did, it would end with a hug and a promise to talk soon.
She ended up calling him one afternoon extremely frustrated. Her dishwasher started to make a funny noise and her landlord wouldn’t pick up, and he happily came over to help her, fixing it in a mere hour. They spent the whole evening tucked in a private corner of her favorite restaurant, her treat, as a thank you.
One night, on a rare off day on the road, she picked up another FaceTime call from him, and they talked into the early hours. He wanted to hear her voice all he could, and play her pretty laugh on repeat. They waded a little deeper beyond light banter, and they both shared personal things, and tried to be encouraging. Nikita admitted that NHL life could be lonely without anyone to share it with, especially since his ex moved on, but he was trying his best to enjoy every minute with his teammates. Y/N hoped she could give him a little peace in that way; be an avenue for him to take when the nights got a little too lonely. When they signed off, Nikita found himself biting back an ‘I miss you’.
He was on a road trip for a couple of days after his suits being finished, so they planned on meeting up at the shop on his next off day, which happened to be the day after the Canucks returned from a very successful 3-0 road trip.
Y/N had secretly been watching his games from the privacy of her apartment, cheering on the Canucks of course, but especially Nikita. She watched all of his media availability, and laughed at all of his witty replies. He was witty with her too, but from a different place. She knew he wasn’t trying to be smart with her, he just wanted her to laugh.
She had been waiting so long to see him, and today was finally the day.
She got up late morning, the sun already decently high. She decided this day was a hair down kind of day, so she brushed and lightly curled the ends. She threw on her favorite green dress with built in cups, and a black cardigan over the top, pairing everything with black heels. She threw on a light dusting of makeup and some perfume to finish everything off.
She made her way into the shop, not noticing the dark clouds rolling in behind her as she pulled each suit off the rack and placed them in very nice suit bags. The plan was to meet Nikita at 4pm, then get dinner after. When she turned back towards the front of the store, the sky was much darker and big raindrops were gliding down the windows. The storm got heavy very quickly, the wind whipping sheets of rain into the side of the building. Normally Y/N would find this kind of weather relaxing, something that would warrant comfy clothes and a cup of tea, but she had Nikita to wait for, and the more it rained the more she got worried about her plans for the day.
She was suddenly bathed in darkness as the power flickered and shut off completely. The light coming from outside was dim at best, and the rain only seemed to pelt the glass harder. She felt her heart sink. There was no way she could work on anything, let alone meet Nikita and give him his suits.
Right on cue, special agent Nikita flashed across her phone. She picked it up and tried to smooth over her frustrated tone. Despite being frustrated, she was tremendously relieved.
“Y/N, are you ok?” Nikita asked, hearing the rain in the background.
“Yeah, yeah, I think I’ll be ok, I just have to be careful getting home and we can reschedule, ok?” She asked, the defeat weighing down her last few words. She thought of her shit box sedan, probably floating down the flooded street by now.
“What’s happening over there?” He inquired, it couldn’t be that bad, right?
“Uh, the power’s out and the street is flooded out front, I’m not going to make you come over here Nikita.” She argued, “the roads are dangerous as it is.”
“Im coming to get you, just relax and I’ll be there soon.” He said, the determination in his voice rocking her a little bit.
“It’s really not safe right now! Don’t worry about me I’ll just wait it out.” She tried to reason, but she was cut off with a ‘no, no, no, stop.”.
“I’m not letting you sit there in the dark Y/N, I have an SUV I’ll be fine. Just sit tight and I’ll be there soon.” He pushed, and quickly hung up so she couldn’t try to deter him any more.
Not even fifteen minutes later, a black SUV swung up into the spot right in front of the door, Nikita running to the door with his arm up over his eyes. He threw the door open and pulled it closed, water gathering on the floor in front of him.
“You ok?” He asked.
“Yeah I’m good, it’s just dark.” She laughed, gesturing to the flashlight on her phone illuminating them.
“Good, let’s get the suits and get out of here.” He said, stepping back to the door to wait for her.
She first slung her purse over her shoulder and grabbed her keys from the desk. Then she grabbed all three garment bags, tucking them into her cardigan before folding it over her body like a disgruntled teacher. He pushed the door open as soon as she was by his side, fighting the wind and big drops. He stuck his arm out, using his big body to try and shield her as much as he could. He hit the hatch button on his key fob and she ran as quickly as her heels would allow on the flooded sidewalk, laying the bags down flat in his trunk before hitting the button to close them in safely. She made the quick shuffle to the passenger seat, shutting the door with an aggressive thud.
Nikita and Y/N both let out a breath. She hoped they would both make it out without getting too wet, but it was no use. She was soaked, her nicely curled hair now a damp mess, her cardigan and dress soaked on top. Nikita’s sweatshirt and hair were also soaked, him taking the hem of his sweatshirt to wipe his dripping forehead.
“So I was thinking we could go to my place, but if not I’ll take you home..?” He suggested, and she nodded after a beat.
“We can go to yours, I want to show you the suits.” She said, and he pulled out of the parking spot with a nod.
The road was absolutely drenched, so the drive home was slower, but nothing his SUV couldn’t handle. Nikita wordlessly turned on her heated seat, hoping to combat the shivers she developed as the minutes ticked on. He felt really bad about her getting rained on, but he couldn’t in good conscience leave her to drive home that shit box sedan or sit in the dark studio all day till the rain stopped. He was so relieved when the entrance to his building’s parking garage came into view. He parked in his spot, getting out first and grabbing the garment bags out of the back. Y/N brushed her wet hair out of her face in the mirror before opening her door and hopping out.
They made their way inside the elevator, side by side, until it arrived at his floor. He opened the door and let her in first, extending his hand in a come in motion. His apartment was nothing short of amazing. The space was large and open with a beautiful kitchen, plus large windows that overlooked Vancouver. The room was decorated exactly how she pictured, lots of sleek neutrals and modern details. He had a massive sectional sofa, with a huge tv and an electronic fireplace right underneath. He had a sliding glass door that lead out to a lovely balcony that housed a couple of plants and Adirondack chairs.
They could see the rain still coming down hard against the glass, with no signs of stopping any time soon. Across from the open living space was a large hallway that she assumed led to his bedrooms and bathrooms and any other extra space he had.
Y/N bent and grabbed a hold of one heel, sliding it off, then the other, then tucked them into the mat where a lot of his shoes sat near the door. Her heels were covered in water stains and grime from the dirty sidewalk, so she figured it would be better to leave them there for now. Nikita set the garment bags over the arm of his massive cushy sofa sectional before he meandered into the kitchen, pulling out two mugs and setting some water to boil. Without heels on, she fell right below his sternum, and it was now even more glaringly obvious how wide their size difference was.
“What kind of tea do you like Y/N? I have mint, camomile, and some sort of spicy-orangey one.” He asked from around the corner.
“Spicy orangey sounds good.” She joked, finally walking into the kitchen where he was pulling a little box out of one of the higher cabinets, “I never took you as a hot tea kind of guy.”
“I like it sometimes. Nathan MacKinnon said I should try it when I can’t sleep before taking melatonin, and he was kind of right.” He laughed at the memory, “the Dogg is always right when it comes to what you eat and drink.”
“Hey, if it works it works.” She remarked as he handed her a perfectly warm mug of tea.
They sat quietly for a minute, letting the warm liquid warm them up a little further. The sound of the rain outside was much more soothing in the comfort of his apartment. Y/N hadn’t realized how deep the chill had gotten from her still too wet cardigan and hair. He looked at her for a moment, realizing she was still shivering a little and damp. Once both of their teas were done, he grabbed the mugs and turned them in the sink.
“You should take that cardigan off, you’re going to catch a cold,” he said matter of factly, “I’m sure I have something you can wear if you want.”
She shrugged it off, and Nikita took a hold of it and turned on the electronic fireplace, putting it next to the slowly building warmth. He turned to the garment bags, and picked them up carefully, nodding his head towards the hallway.
“My closet’s down here, I want to see in the mirror.” He said.
At the end of the hallway was his room, decorated similarly to the rest of his living space. The bed was underneath the window on the opposite side of the door, a nice long ottoman chest sitting at the foot of his bed, the kind that had a cushioned top to sit on like a bench. Across from the bed was an absolutely massive ceiling to floor mirror that was backlit with soft white light, making it easy to see. There was a connecting door to the bathroom, and another door that seemed to be a walk in closet, absolutely filled to the brim with suits. Her jaw fell to the floor at the sight of all of this tailoring genius in front of her, and they were about to add three more to his amazing collection. She continued to look around while he slipped into the closet.
“What do you want to see first Y/N?” He asked, separating out the bags and hanging them on the closet door. He had thrown on a nice white button down and a black tie on, just to make sure he was doing the suits true justice. He kept his shorts on, creating a very interesting sight
“Hmm, the green one?” She asked, and he nodded, turning on his heel to take the green suit into the bathroom.
She took a seat on the ottoman chest, waiting patiently for him. He returned, pulling on the sleeves and adjusting the jacket on his frame. The green complimented him so well, and the cut hit him in the perfect spot on his hips to make him look muscular and fitted. The pants perfectly accentuated his thick thighs. He turned to the massive mirror, taking a quick once over before turning back to Y/N, who’s jaw was on the floor again.
“I don’t think that could fit you any better.” She said, and he laughed.
“Well, you took the measurements, I knew it was going to be perfect.” He responded, “ok, what next?”
“Do the purple one, the last one is going to surprise you.” She said, and he obliged, of course.
After another few minutes in the bathroom, he re-emerged, the velvety purple showing up almost black with the gorgeous vintage gold buttons holding it all together. The suit, again, was cut perfectly, showing off his physique. He turned, looking at the fit and the buttons, all before turning to Y/N once again.
“I think you were made for the double breasted suit.” She admitted, and he gave her a wide smile and a dorky little spin.
“I love the color, it’s so deep.” He said, again turning to go back to the bathroom with the maroon suit in hand.
Now this one, she wasn’t entirely sure about how he was going to feel. The buckled closure was new for his wardrobe, but she had faith that he would embrace it. While he was in the bathroom, she stood from her spot and looked inside his closet, wanting to grasp the full picture of his collection. His closet felt like it continued on for miles. She heard the door open, and turned to see Nikita messing with the closure.
“Can you help me close it?” He asked, and she took a moment to look at him.
The maroon of the suit was perfect for his skin tone, and the fit, again, looked perfect. the clasp that closed the jacket was a delicate gold, something that would fit with his usual accessories. The fabric tie that he would attach to the buckle seemed to be jammed a little, very easy to fix. She grabbed the tie, pulling it gently so it would slide out again, and grabbed the buckle with her other hand, slowly snaking the piece in and looping the pieces together.
Nikita’s brain shut off. She was so close to him, smelling like rain and sickly sweet flowers, with her hair now falling in messy locks from being wet. Flashes of every moment they spent together, through the phone or not, spun through his mind. He thought about the dinner they had, and how pretty she looked, and how hard they laughed. In this moment she looked beyond beautiful in her dress, the freckles on her shoulders standing out. His arms were at his side but he so desperately wanted to reach up and touch her.
So he did.
He ghosted his hands over her bare arms, up her shoulders, and placed them on the sides of her neck. She looked up at him, her gaze finding his. She didn’t look apprehensive at all, in fact there was a glimmer in her eye that he had never seen before.
“What?” She murmured, keeping their eyes locked.
His thumb grazed her jaw, keeping a slow, feathery pace, “nothing, I just wish this would happen every day.”
“Trying on new suits?” She wondered, even though she knew that wasn’t it.
He leaned down, almost to her lips, “No, having you here to help me.” He murmured, “I want you here all the time. I’ve dreamed of having you here with me.”
That was all she needed. She met him the rest of the way, standing on her tiptoes to reach his lips. Their kiss was all consuming, encapsulating every feeling they both felt over the last few months, but were never able to say. He felt so soft against her, his hands remaining on her neck while hers slid around his waist. She pulled back, Nikita chasing her lips as she broke away. She looked at him for a minute with a soft, twinkling look on her face, Nikita deciding he never wanted to see her look any other way.
“C’mere.” He said, pulling her back in.
He kissed her deeper, his tongue dancing over her bottom lip so she would open up. She did, willingly, the both of them melting into each other’s embrace. One hand snaked back into her hair, the other sliding down and across her back. Her hands crawled up his arms, holding onto the soft fabric of his suit jacket.
He tightened his hold on her hair, kissing across her cheek and down her pretty neck. She let out a soft moan, her lips sitting on the shell of his ear. He wanted to bottle up that sound and keep it forever.
As he mouthed at her collarbone, he took a step, then another, till they were standing in front of his ottoman chest, the mirror right across from them. He sat down, finding her lips again. He reached up and pulled on the knot in his tie just a little loose, giving him more room to move. Their kiss was growing hungrier, his need to feel her growing stronger with every move. Her hands found his hair, fingers carding through his soft locks.
He grabbed at her waist, pulling her flush with him between his thick thighs. She began trailing kisses down his neck, or what she could reach with his stiff collar in the way. He opened his eyes, just for a moment, and watched her squirm under his touch in the mirror. He could see his own pupils darken at the thought of watching her.
“Nikita..” she groaned, “please.”
“What is it baby?” He asked, letting his hands wander to the sides of her breasts.
“I, I just want you.” She said, placing a desperate kiss on the corner of his mouth, “can we go to bed?” Grabbing his hands to pull him up.
“No, wait,” he said, using the hand that she was holding to turn her around, “right here.”
Y/N and Nikita looked like a work of art together in that mirror. Her hair was tousled and messy, falling down to one side while he kissed and sucked at her shoulder, moving the thin strap of her dress down her arm with one hand and caressing her head with the other. The maroon of his suit and her green dress accented the other perfectly. She could see her nipples beginning to pebble under the built in cups of her dress, making her look beyond sultry in his arms. The most striking piece was how much bigger he was than her.
He moved his hands again, bringing them to her waist, then the sides of her breasts, then over them on top of the dress. He gave them a gentle squeeze, working a moan out of her throat. He kneaded her softly, then reached into the soft fabric, pulling her tits out over the top of the dress. He rolled her nipples in his fingers, making her shudder and arch in his grip.
“God you’re so beautiful,” he murmured in her ear, watching her eyelids squeeze shut at all of the sensations, “I thought about you like this, all sweet and pliant under my touch.”
“Shit, N-Nikita.” She panted, coming down to fully sit in his lap and grasp at his arms. She could feel his bulge growing in his nice new suit pants, and whimpered at the feeling.
“Do you like that? When I touch you like that?” He egged on, wanting to hear her say it.
“Ah.. yes, yes I love it.” She sighed out.
He shifted one arm over to play with her nipples and hold her up while his other hand reached for the hem of her dress, slowly pulling it up till he could see her panties. He almost died at the sight. He could see how spun up she had gotten just from kissing and touching her.
“Shit, look at you.” He said, cupping her pussy with his massive hand, “all wet from a few touches.”
“Only for you.” she admitted, letting him take control of the whole situation. She leaned her head back onto his shoulder and gazed at the ceiling.
He reached into her panties, letting his fingers graze over her wet lips, before slowly pulling her panties down and off. He grabbed her by the waist and shifted her back so she was fully seated, throwing her legs over the outsides of his. She was fully exposed to the mirror, and all of his ministrations were on display. He ran two fingers through her wetness before sinking them into her pussy, agonizingly slow. He began to make a come here motion, letting his thumb circle her clit. The sound of her arousal filled the room, and she couldn’t help the moans that tumbled out of her mouth as Nikita dragged his fingers over her sensitive walls.
She worked her hand into his hair behind her, the other coming to cover his as he worked on her. He placed kisses on her temple and neck as he slowly worked more sounds out of her, her movement working him up underneath his suit pants. Every sigh and gasp in his ear, every time her grip tightened on his hair, every grind of her hips against him, was heaven. Every inch of her was perfect for him, and he got to watch it all unravel right in front of him.
“God I’m s-so close, please!” She gasped, her pussy tightening around him.
“Go ahead baby, take what you need.” He encouraged, “cum all over my fingers.”
His words were like magic. She came all around him, her legs clamping down around his and her fingers tightening in his hair. He kept gently moving his fingers inside her, the waves of delicious pleasure washing over her. His eyes never dropped from the mirror.
Once her orgasm ebbed, she grabbed his wrist and moved his hand away from her oversensitive bundle. He brought his soaking fingers to his mouth, sucking her juices off of his fingers with an ‘mmm’. She grabbed his hand and kissed his palm, letting herself catch her breath while she tasted her essence on him.
She was very, very aware of his hard dick pressing against her; with every shift he would groan. His hands found her waist again, gently lifting her out of her seat so there was enough room for him to unzip his pants and bring them down just enough for his cock to spring free. She started to turn and sink down on her knees but he stopped her, pulling her back up.
“Maybe later, I wanna be inside you.” He stated bluntly.
“What about your suit?” She asked, running her hands along the fabric, “you haven’t even worn it out yet.”
“I’ll take it to the dry cleaners if we make that much of a mess. All I’m worried about is you.” He said giving her hand a kiss. “Where do you want to be baby?”
“Right here, I liked how we were.” She admitted, climbing back onto his lap with her legs bent on either side of him, facing the mirror.
She was spread open and on display for them again, this time his cock was painfully hard resting against her back. He took her hips in his hand, pulling her up while she grabbed a hold of him, giving him a couple of pumps before lining him up with her. She took it slow, settling down inch by inch. She sank down till she was fully seated in his lap, being practically split open. She moaned out a breath, giving them both a moment to adjust to the feeling.
For Nikita, it felt like coming home. She was so tight and warm and all enveloping. He wanted to stay that way forever, close to her with the perfect view. He let a hand ghost over her stomach, a touch that ended up feeling comforting to her.
“You ok?” He asked in her ear, laying a kiss on it.
“Y-yeah, you’re just really big.” She admitted, making him chuckle. “Feels so good..”
“Good, baby.” He reassured.
After another moment, she pulled up, then sat back down, starting a deep slow pace. She put her head back on his shoulder, letting pretty moans tumble out just like before. Nikita’s hands were everywhere, her stomach, thighs, tits, waist, all of her. Every nerve in his body was on fire. He looked at the scene before him in the mirror, watching himself disappear into her tight heat. He had never seen something so hot, it was a miracle he was even able to utter a word in English.
“Fuck, baby, look how pretty you are.” He whispered, bringing his hand into her hair again, “watch with me.”
She looked up, as mesmerized by the two of them as he was, “s-shit, you’re taking me so well, baby. Keep fucking me like that.” He mumbled, watching her bite down on her lip.
She watched him slide into her, feeling him deep inside while she took him at her own pace. She watched her tits bounce as his hands came up to meet them, rubbing her nipples to add some more sensation. Her thighs began to burn and her legs were shaking, both from the stimulation and the effort. She was trying her best to keep pace, but she was losing rhythm.
“Nikita.. please.” She asked, grabbing his hands and sliding them down to her hips, where he squeezed.
“Oh, do you want some help baby?” He whispered, earning a nod from her, “that’s ok baby, relax and I’ll help.”
He began lifting her and setting her back down, keeping his hands firmly planted on her hips as he guided her body. He set a slightly faster pace, one that would keep winding them up without hurting her. Their moans were getting louder and higher, and he could feel her pussy squeezing around him.
“Oh fuck Nikita I’m so close! Keep going!” She moaned out, one hand coming to play with her puffy clit.
“That’s it baby, feel good for me, cum all over me”. He rambled, his breath growing ragged as he felt his orgasm approaching, “I wanna see you come all over my cock, make a mess.”
The last few strokes with her pussy basically holding him in a vice pushed him over the edge; he came deep inside her with a loud moan. the feeling of him unraveling sent her into her very own. Her orgasm practically ignited her whole body, her vision exploding with stars. He kept the pace up, even if she wasn’t using any strength anymore. The waves kept crashing over her, high pitched whimpers escaping her. She kept rubbing her clit, teetering on the edge of overstimulated until Nikita set her down on his cock, letting her hips go. He ghosted his hand over her waist again, laying little comforting kisses on all of the skin he could reach. The comedown was slow, like floating feathers in the air. The only sounds left were their breathing and the gentle pattering of the rain outside. The sun had set not too long ago, so the room was dark except for the halo lights around his mirror.
“Fuck baby, that was the hottest thing I have ever seen.” He painted, “…you ok?”
“..yeah, t-that was amazing.” She said, turning her head to capture his lips in a soft, tired kiss.
“I didn’t hurt you did I?” He asked, and she shook her head no, but not before nikita’s eyebrows rose in realization, “shit, we didn’t use protection-“
“It’s ok Nikita, I’m on birth control and I’m clean, I trust you…” she said, and a small shift in their position made her wince. Her hips and thighs were beginning to ache with soreness from the open position, “as much as I like feeling full, I really need to move.”
“Of course, let me help.” He obliged, grabbing her hips one more time, sliding her off his cock so she was able to close her legs in front of him, “what would you say to a quick shower, then relaxing in bed?”
“Mm, I could be persuaded.” She giggled, letting him finally stand up.
His lap was a wet, creamy mess of both of them, but it wasn’t so bad that he would be shunned from every dry cleaner in Vancouver. He would just wash off the incriminating stuff and wet his new suit pants a little and say he accidentally dropped them during the rain storm. They both made their way to the massive bathroom, pulling off their clothes. The shower they took was strangely the most wholesome part of the night, both of them taking turns washing each other while they had soft conversation. They gave each other sweet kisses, and laughed at the couple of hickeys that adorned the both of them.
Nikita shut off the water and reached for his fluffiest towel, wrapping it around her with a kiss on her nose. They dried off, him finding a stretched out old shirt for her to wear for the rest of the evening, while he picked new boxers and an old tee as well. He picked up her panties and handed them to her, then leaned up over the bed to crack the window, the soft sound of rain and the cool breeze wafting through. He reached down bringing his comforter and sheets down the bed and sprawled out on top. She joined him on the other side. She snuggled up to his chest and he began tracing soft patterns on her back, his other hand falling to the ditch of her knee as she crossed her leg over his lap. A loud growl erupted from his stomach, and they both laughed. They accidentally skipped dinner all together.
“You wore me out, you minx.” He joked, earning a slap to the chest, “want to order in?”
“Sounds delicious!” She exclaimed, Nikita fishing for his phone on the table beside him, “hey, Nikita?”
“Yes baby?” He responded, looking away from the online menu to her.
“Thank you, for being so amazing,” she muttered, “for being there for me and taking care of me, I guess.”
“Oh, baby,” he said, leaning down for a chaste kiss, “you’re the amazing one, I’ve been dying to ask you out since you fixed the seam on my jacket,”
“Really? That long huh?” She teased, and he laughed along with her.
“As long as it took to make you mine.” He admitted, her heart fluttering at his words.
“Does that mean you’re officially asking me out Mr. Zadorov?” She giggled, making his cheeks turn red with blush.
“And if I was, would you say yes?” He whispered.
“One hundred times over.”
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Born in New York City in 1960, David Duchovny graduated from Princeton with an AB in English Literature before earning a Master of Arts in the same subject from Yale. Following a small role in David Lynch’s Twin Peaks he won the starring role of Fox Mulder in 1993 on the global smash hit UFO series The X-Files opposite Gillian Anderson. From 2007 to 2014 – a period which coincided with treatment for sex addiction – he played troubled womaniser Hank Moody in Californication. He’s also written five novels and released three music albums. He has two children, 24-year-old actress West and 21-year-old son Kyd with his ex-wife Téa Leoni.
Best childhood memory?
I think it’s probably just being in the park playing football or baseball with my dad, in New York City, 21st Street and Second Avenue where I grew up. It conjures up memories of being with my dad and enjoying the sort of simple communication that you can have through a game. I did the same sort of thing with my own son, who was good at playing baseball for a while.
Best day of your life?
There’s no one specific day but in my mind’s eye I can see a beach and my kids. I don’t know if it’s a particular day I’m thinking of; it’s just one of those summer days. It could be on holiday, or it could be in the States; it’s really just that feeling of no structure, summertime and no school for the kids; being in the water and feeling the waves and having to protect them a little and teach them about the water.
Best moment on a TV set?
About two or three years after I started on The X-Files, I did the Larry Sanders Show with my friend Garry Shandling although he wasn’t my friend at the time. He didn’t know me, but I loved his show. The producers told me, “Oh, Gary loves you.” Then I got there and it was clear that he didn’t have any idea who I was, which was fine. We did this scene – half written, half improvised, maybe – and Gary said, “How old are you?” I said, “32” and he said, “What took you so long?” and that felt like a blessing as to me he was the king of a certain kind of comedic performance.
Best Hollywood party?
I didn’t really go to many, especially at the peak of the X-Files years. For five years the show was shot in Vancouver and in many ways, it was a blessing to be out of that world, but I had some interesting, if nerve-racking moments at awards ceremonies. I remember going to the Golden Globes and being sat on the same table as a really good friend of mine, director Bart Freundlich and his wife Julianne Moore. My ex-wife Téa was sitting there, and Téa went to the bathroom, and she came back and said, “Did I miss anything?” I said, “Yeh, they announced my award. I won and you missed the whole thing.” Which was not true at all. I only kept her in the dark for a couple of seconds as it became rapidly apparent that I had no statue.
Best moment of self-realisation?
In many ways we remain children no matter how old we get and in many ways a lot of my reactions were based on childhood stuff; not necessarily something that I am ever going to change, but something to be aware of and keep an eye on. It’s the fine line between realising that a lot of your personality was constructed a long time ago, before you were really smart about these things, or knew about these things. And that that’s the same for everybody – but that’s not an excuse to continue reacting like a child. So, for me, life is this balancing act between honouring that kid and also not letting him drive the bus.
Best personal characteristic?
Perseverance. There have been many occasions when I’ve felt like giving up on everything, but I didn’t. I don’t give up. I guess I gave up trying to be a professional athlete at some point. I loved baseball and basketball and before getting to college I still had secret dreams of going pro.
Best decision?
This is going to sound negative towards education, but to leave graduate school and try to find out what else I wanted to do aside from being an academic. Not to denigrate academics but, for me, that was a hard and good decision although a scary one. I was a dissertation away from my PhD. I had done four years as an undergraduate, nearly four years of graduate work. Eight years towards a certain life; a good third of my life pointing towards a certain goal and then saying, “You know what, I’m gonna go do this thing, where none of that matters.” At the time it felt a little like I was throwing it all away. But in the end I think I’ve honoured those academic years and they also fed me.
Worst childhood memory?
My parents’ divorce. I was 12, which wasn’t a good age – but it’s never a good age. It’s hard to say exactly what the impact was on me, but it was profound. And I think having gone through it, as a parent as well, it’s taught me what I might not have been able to process at the time: it really pulls the rug out of a kid’s life. You can sugar-coat it all you want but it’s a traumatic experience. It’s not the end of anything and it’s not like you can’t recover from it but you do have to acknowledge that the world turned upside down. It’s hard to say how my life would have turned out had it not happened but I think I’m thankful for being hurt. I’m thankful for the wound because that’s what makes you human and makes you an artist. If you can survive it and remain empathetic it makes you aware of other people’s hurt. And without that, I don’t think I’d have anything.
Worst moment of your life?
Telling my kids about getting divorced. I still can’t think about it without feeling terrible. It’s actually a memory that I push out if it comes up. I don’t want to think about it. It happened nearly 10 years ago now, so the wound has healed a little but it’s not my wound; it’s theirs. And that’s why I push it away. I’ll never know it.
Worst moment on a TV or film set?
I wouldn’t want to name the project because I wouldn’t want to hurt the people involved. Probably my feeling of being in the wrong place at the wrong time was more about me than it was about the project or them. But, yeah, and that’s just a terrible, terrible feeling. I’ve certainly had periods of self-doubt and I very nearly got fired on an early job. They gave me dailies to take home to see how bad I was. I wasn’t great but I think I was just young and green. I just needed some more gentle direction.
Worst moment of self-realisation?
I guess I have two self-conceptions. One is that I’m really talented and can do a lot of stuff easily. The other is that I’m not very talented at all and I have to work, work, work hard to do anything. And I believe I’m both of those things. It’s a fight when I’m not working. When I’m working, and I have something to work on; to put my perseverance and hard work into, then I’m healthy and I’m good. When I’m not working, I can be a little on edge. And I know this sounds like a humble brag, but it’s my reality. Obviously, I do a lot of stuff, but I feel lazy. I always feel like I’m not doing enough or working hard enough. Whether it’s in work or life, I always feel like I want to go and rest, to switch off and tune out. I also want to give up half the time, which is why that tendency in myself of perseverance is my greatest trait. 
Worst thing anyone has ever said about you?
It would have to be something that I thought was untrue – and there have certainly been plenty of untrue stories written about me. But then, I’m willing to entertain anything. Whatever you say to me, I’ll entertain it for a minute, and I feel like that’s a strong point for me. It’s a painful thing to be that open but whatever is said I’ll consider the source then come up with my own opinion.
Worst decision?
I think even some of my worst decisions have been beneficial. When I took the X-Files job I’d also accepted a small part on a TV movie, and I had to let the director of that project down because the dates of the two projects conflicted. I told my agents and obviously they said, ‘Take the X-Files’, which meant breaking my word, which I wasn’t comfortable with. But, clearly, ultimately my agents’ decision was absolutely correct. If it had been left to me, I would have made the wrong decision.
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bitchinbarzal · 2 years
worth the wait | Q Hughes
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summary: part two of again
part one
i never meant to hurt you
i’m really sorry, please call me back
i can’t stand you being mad at me in silence, please scream at me or something
You read through the texts Quinn had been sending for days before you replied for the first time.
i have nothing to say to you, Quinn leave me alone.
He felt defeated, he didn’t know what to do.
Quinn left it a couple days, after a talk with Elias and how much his constant messages were hurting you.
It all became more real to Quinn when he didn’t see you sitting in your usual spot at the next home game. He didn’t play well that night.
In the locker room he heard Bo asking about you to Brock.
“Yeah man she’s good, she’s in New York with Liam just now he had to get back for work” Quinn clenched his jaw, trying not to say something he’d regret.
Later that night while he lay in bed alone in the dark he sent you a text
it’s rich that you’re mad at me when you’ve run off with stupid Liam the first chance you got! hypocrite!
And he fell asleep. To only be rudely awaken the next morning by his phone buzzing next to his head. He blindly grabbed it and pressed the answer button.
Hypocrite?! are you fucking serious? How dare you speak to me like that!
Quinn’s heart rate fastened and he sat up in his bed, stuttering.
“y/n! I-“
Don’t you ever, ever speak to me like that again. You fucked up Quintin no doubting it. You slept with a fan and you broke my heart — I’m not looking for an apology because we weren’t together but I never want to speak to you again.
“Please just-“
Goodbye, Quinn
and the line went dead. He sighed, staring down at his screen at the picture of you he had as your contact photo before he clutched the phone and threw it across the room.
Quinn sat in bed feeling sorry for himself for the rest of the day, a rare day off usually spent doing fun things now spent in his own pity party.
You returned to Vancouver the following week, your time avoiding responsibilities in New York with your ex were over. Liam had been great company and a way of avoiding your responsibilities but you knew you had to go home.
You’d managed to avoid most of your mutual friends, ignoring when they text and never taking up Elias’ offer for game tickets.
That was until he told you he was only one goal away from a 200 goal record therefore you had to be present.
You were sitting in your regular seat, alone with a Diet Coke in hand and popcorn too watching the pre-game you’d seen so many times.
The game got off to not such a brilliant start with the Rangers up two by intermission but Bo recovered along with Petey who finally got his 200th.
You screamed, leaping up from your chair and celebrating alongside the fans surrounding you.
The game came down to overtime, the numbers running down rapidly and right before the buzzer.
slap shot — the buzzer.
Quinn had scored the overtime winner.
You didn’t stand up to celebrate that one. Quinn, surrounded by his teammates on the ice looked to the stands and watched you walk up the stairs of your section and leave.
He wishes he could’ve ran out and caught you, to see you but he had media and would most likely be at the arena for a few more hours.
You made your way home, not before texting Elias a congratulations.
You lay on the couch, flicking through instagram and TikTok all night. Desperately trying to get your mind off Quinn.
Your plan was working until just after midnight he was stood on your door step.
You opened the door, immediately throwing it shut to only have it stopped by his right foot jammed in between the door and the frame
“I’m not taking no for an answer anymore — you’ve got to listen to me!”
You scoffed “I don’t have to do anything Quinn!” Throwing the door open, it rebounding off the wall behind.
Quinn stared you at, eyes wide and blinking slow “I- please”
His buff demeanour melted and was once again replaced by that soft, shy boy you knew.
“I love you” it all the said, you rolled your eyes
“Quinn I don’t have time for this-“
“I loved you the moment I met you and when you started dating Liam I thought I was done for but you came back to me and I had you… I was so stupid to let you go! I spent so long pining over you I think I let it get the best of me when someone gave me a little bit of attention” he voice cracked and he was almost in tears.
“I need you to forgive me, I can’t live with myself if you don’t”
His breaths were stuttered and he was close to tears.
You sighed, reaching out to grab his arm and pull him into the apartment.
You stood looking at him for a moment before you reached up, wiping a tear from his cheek “You don’t get to speak to me the way you spoke to me Quinn”
He nods “I know, I know and I’m so sorry I was angry and I shouldn’t have”
“Ok, apology accepted” You smiled lightly “I’m still hurt”
“I know! And I’m sorry, I really-“
“It’s going to take time” you interrupted and he swallowed hard waiting patiently for your next words
“But I’m willing to put in the work for this if you’re willing to wait”
Quinn almost couldn’t believe what you were saying, nodding vigorously
“Yeah, yes! I’ll wait- of course I’ll wait!”
“Good, want to come inside?”
You took his hand, leading him into the apartment and onto the couch to watch re-runs of old tv shows.
Later, you were almost asleep and Quinn had put you to bed before heading out. You were half asleep cuddled into the blankets and mumbling incoherent things to him.
Quinn kissed your forehead and said
“I’ll wait forever for you, my love”
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equallyshaw · 1 year
Blindsided, quinn hughes x singer au !
link to one shot:
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@singer: blindsided July 9th, rolling up the welcome mat ep, september 24th.
788k likes, 78.9k comments.
@fanone: she just broke instagram
@fantwo: not her ep coming out the day quinn starts training camp lol
@fanthree: damn..he can't even report this because she owns these photos lol
@fanfour: OMG
@fanfive: tour soon?
↳ @singer: check back in september :)
↳ @fanfive: OMG
@fansix: hot damn
@siennascmidt: lova girl aint playing
↳ @singer: kachow
@fanseven: omg she put that paparazzi pics
(a white heart was singer's and q's thing on socials :))
10 months later.
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@singer: thankyou for flying to see me all over the world, watch me on stage (even on facetime), throw random surprise parties for two and surprising me when i need it the most. you've made this tour amazing, and this past year one to remember.
tag: joshthehockeyplayer
990k likes, 123k comments.
@fanone: this is so cute....im so happy she found somebody to take pictures with 🥺
@fantwo: the fact that she's hardposting after only a year...says a lot about this guy ❤️
↳ @fanone: yes!! I think her and quinn FINALLY posted after their 2nd anniversary when he got drafted to Vancouver.
↳ @fantwo: damn, he seems like a control freak
↳ @fanone: thats all ive heard🥴
@joshthehockeyplayer: everyday is a dream with you, thankful i get to do life with you and watch you do what you love
↳ @singer: love you 🤍
↳ @fanfour: time to melt !!!
↳ @fanfive: white heart is back 🥲
@fansix: sobbing
@fanseven: omg
@siennaschmidt: cutest girl in the world, so happy you are thriving in cali with me!!
↳ @singer: me too gf me too 🤩
@brockboesergf: so happy for you!!
@eliaspetterssonsgf: the smile is back !!!
@dylanlarkinsfiance: so happy for you love
↳ @singer: ❤️
@elblue6: so glad you found him, he seems wonderful!
↳ @singer: thankyou🤍
↳ @faneight: damn I would have never responded to my ex MIL
↳ @singer: if you knew her, you would too❤️
@fannine: damn, he raised the bar so high
@fanten: if he wanted to, he would 😌
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@joshthehockeyplayer: one year being her biggest fan🫶🏻
655k likes, 89.7k comments.
@singer: one year of being your biggest fan too😌🤍
@anzekopitar: gross
↳ @joshthehockeyplayer: ur gross
↳ @singer: ^^^
@drewdoughty: okay okay !
↳ @singer: bahahaha
@kevinfiala: aight aight
↳ @joshthehockeyplayer: woot woot
@fanone: so cute
@fantwo: breaking our hearts gosh dang
@fanthree: the caption 🥺
@alexturcotte: smooth on the ice and mr smooth off the ice
↳ @joshthehockeyplayer: 😇😇
66 notes · View notes
1000-year-old-virgin · 9 months
200 Best Songs of 2023
Janine - If I Call *FAVE SONG OF THE YEAR*
Kim Petras - Brrr
Sam Smith, Koffee, Jessie Reyez - Gimme
ILIRA - Work of Art
Joseph - Nervous System
Mariah the Scientist ft. 21 Savage - 77 degrees
PinkPantheress & Ice Spice – Boy's a liar Pt. 2
Ryan Destiny - Lie Like That
Latto ft. LU KALA - Lottery
Chrissy Chlapecka - I'm So Hot
Ashnikko - Don't Look at It
serpentwithfeet - Gonna Go
Don Toliver ft. Lil Durk & GloRilla- Leave The Club
Don Toliver ft. James Blake - Let Her Go
Miley Cyrus - Flowers
Miley Cyrus - River
Meghan Trainor - Mother
Ice Spice & Nicki Minaj - Princess Diana (Remix)
Melanie Martinez - DEATH
Natalie Jane - Seeing You With Other Girls
Amelia Moore feat. jxdn - FUMD
Ashnikko - You Make Me Sick!
Flo Milli ft. Lola Brooke & Maiya The Don - Conceited (Remix)
Flo Milli ft. Monaleo & Gloss Up - Bed Time (Remix)
Astrid S - Come First
Ashnikko - Want It All
salem ilese - PainHub
Libianca ft. Ayra Starr & Omah Lay - People (Remix)
Labrinth ft. Billie Eilish - Never Felt So Alone
Katie Belle - The Best You'll Ever Have
Emilie Nicolas - Everyday
Donna Missal - Flicker
Donna Missal - Out of Me
Donna Missal - Move Me
Donna Missal - God Complex
Donna Missal - I Saw God
LØLØ ft. girlfriends- 5,6,7,8
Jackson Wang & Ciara - Slow
Troye Sivan - Can't Go Back, Baby
Baby Tate & Saweetie - Hey, Mickey! (Remix)
Shania Twain - Number One
Shania Twain - Got It Good
Empress Of ft. Rina Sawayama - Kiss Me
NLE Choppa ft. SexyyRed / Sukihana - Slut Me Out (Remix)
Maggie Lindemann, Siiickbrain - deprecating
Ed Sheeran - The Hills of Aberfeldy
Rita Ora ft. Fatboy Slim Praising You (Fatboy Slim Remix)
Tyla & Ayra Starr - Girl Next Door
Kesha - Only Love Can Save Us Now
Ciara ft. Lola Brooke & Lady London - Da Girls (Girls Mix)
Jeremy Zucker - OK
CXLOE - Flight Risk
Josh Levi - See Low
Alex Vaughn & Summer Walker - So Be It (Remix)
Alex Vaughn & Ari Lennox - Demon Time (Remix)
Taylor Swift ft. Ice Spice - Karma (Remix)
Taylor Swift ft. Lana Del Rey - Snow On The Beach (More Lana Del Rey Edit)
Boris The Lucid - BOYFRIEND
Carrie Underwood - Take Me Out
Libianca - Jah
Conan Gray - Never Ending Song
The Aces - Always Get This Way
Madison Beer ft. Timbaland - Home To Another One (Remix)
Äyanna - Girlfriend
Nicki Minaj & Ice Spice ft. Aqua – Barbie World
Rita Ora - That Girl
Rita Ora - Unfeel It
Tanerelle - Feel Good Inc. X Sidetracked (Perfect Lover Mash Up)
Sleater-Kinney - Hell
Saweetie ft. YG & Tyga - BIRTHDAY
Mae Stephens ft. Meghan Trainor - Mr Right
Brooke Candy - FMUATW
Ben Kessler - When I Hate Myself
Eliott ft. Vancouver Sleep Clinic - Happy On My Own
Reneé Rapp - Pretty Girls
Leah Kate - Bored
Chappell Roan - HOT TO GO!
Rina Sawayama ft. Amaarae - Imagining
GAYLE - Leave Me For Dead
Selena Gomez - Single Soon
Äyanna - Change Your Life
Julia Wolf - Wishbone
Cloudy June - Devil Is A Woman
Anne-Marie ft. Shania Twain - UNHEALTHY
Leaf ft. Bandmanrill, DJ Drewski - 2 Freaky
Olivia O'Brien - I should've fucked your brother
SIIICKBRAIN - Psychopath
Adekunle Gold - Do You Mind?
Duncan Laurence - I Do
Dizzy - Open Up Wide
Leigh-Anne ft. Ayra Starr - My Love
Troye Sivan – Got Me Started
Cate - Girlfriend
NERIAH - Falling 4 Somebody
Cardi B ft. Megan Thee Stallion - Bongos
Amelia Moore - Over My Ex
Johnny Orlando - Boyfriend
Tyla - Water
Tems - Me & U
Mette - Mama's Eyes
Wrabel - Beautiful Day
Chxrry22 - MORE
Norah Jones - Can You Believe
Kanii ft. Trippie Redd - sins (let me in) [Remix]
Niall Horan & Lizzy McAlpine - You Could Start A Cult (Encore Version)
Travis Scott ft. Beyoncé - DELRESTO (ECHOES)
Addison Rae ft. Charli XCX - 2 Die 4
Gyakie - Rent Free
Kim Petras - Hit It From The Back
Kim Petras ft. Banks - Bait
Kim Petras - Dirty Things
K. Michelle - Blame Yourself
Sunnitharapper ft. Salma Slims - Moody
Troye Sivan - One of Your Girls
Lady London ft. Jeremih - Do Something
Zara Larsson, David Guetta - On My Love
cassö, RAYE, D-Block Europe - Prada
Serpentwithfeet- Damn Gloves
Dove Cameron - Still
Kenya Grace - Paris
Dua Lipa - Houdini
Tokischa ft. Sexyy Red - Daddy
Zach Seabaugh - Helium Balloons
COBRAH - 10/10
Clinton Kane - PANIC ATTACK
Megan Thee Stallion - Cobra
Nick Wilson - For You It Was Him
Nick Wilson - Way Back
Ice Spice - Deli
Enchanting - Needy
SZA - Kill Bill
Kylie Minogue - Padam Padam
Summer Walker - Girls Need Love (Girls Mix) ft. Tyla / Victoria Monet / Tink
Tate McRae - exes
Tove Lo - I like u
Kim Petras - Je T'Adore
Doechii - Booty Drop
Kim Petras - Claws
Sam Smith & Madonna - VULGAR
Kim Petras - uhoh
Borgore x Cupcakke x Chase Icon - Abracadabra
Clinton Kane - DISAPPEAR
Nicki Minaj - Big Difference
Nicki Minaj - Pink Friday Girls
Charli XCX ft. Sam Smith - In The City
Reneé Rapp ft. Megan Thee Stallion - Not My Fault
Flo Milli - Never Lose Me
Kim Petras - Thousand Pieces
Kim Petras - Minute
Charli XCX - Speed Drive (jamesjamesjames Remix)
Chrissy Chlapecka - BRAT
The Last Dinner Party - My Lady of Mercy
Shania Twain - Waking Up Dreaming
Nicki Minaj - Fallin 4 U
Jessie Ware ft. Pabllo Vittar -Pearls (Brabo Remix)
Shania Twain - Queen Of Me
Chiké, Oxlade - Spell [Remix]
Anycia - REFUND
Lah Pat ft. Flo Milli - Rodeo (Remix)
Biig Piig - This Is What They Meant
Niall Horan - Save My Life
Bronze Avery - Sex In The Room
Ava Max - Cold As Ice
Peach PRC - F U Goodbye
Suzanne Sheer - Off Limits
Nicki Minaj - FTCU
Madison Rose - Girls Girls Girls
Kaliii ft. GloRilla - Can't Get 'Em
Miley Cyrus - Jaded
Kylie Minogue - You Still Get Me High
Miley Cyrus - Violet Chemistry
Miley Cyrus ft. Sia - Muddy Feet
Bebe Rexha - Visions (Don't Go)
Coi Leray - My Body
Coi Leray ft. Saucy Santana - Spend It
Maiya The Don - Luv U Better
The Last Dinner Party - Nothing Matters
IDK ft. Jucee Froot & Saucy Santana - Pinot Noir
Tinashe - Uh Huh
Nicki Minaj - Beep Beep
Nicki Minaj - Pink Birthday
Duckwrth - Big Bewts
Nicki Minaj - My Life
Trippie Redd & BANKS - Saint Michael Myers
Tamera - Frozen
Shygirl & CoSha - Thicc
Ari Lennox - Get Close
Flo Milli - Fruit Loop
Mette - For The People
Amaarae - Angels in Tibet
Jamila Woods ft. Saba - Practice
Rachel Chinouriri - Maybe I’m Lonely
Jonah Kagen - Save My Soul
The OMG Girlz - Lover Boy
Karin Ann - A Stranger With My Face
Victoria Monet - Alright
2022's List
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hvghes · 1 year
i miss you, im sorry ft. quinn hughes
pt 1
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Do you remember happy together? I do, don't you?
there was never a day that passed where the old couple didnt think about each other. about every happy memory. about where it all went wrong. they could’ve still been happy together, in love in Vancouver. but she left. she was heartbroken leading him to become heartbroken.
You said, "forever," in the end I fought it Please be honest, are we better for it?
forever. the word they always used. “i love you. you’re my forever.” “we will be together forever.” it was all a lie. nothing was forever. not since the break up. and especially not since quinn got a new girlfriend. some blonde girl he met at a bar after a game. every dream he had with you went out the door the same moment you walked out.
Thought you'd hate me, but instead you called and said, "I miss you" I caught it
quinn left many voice messages. your heart broke the moment you listened to them. you play them over and over since he moved on. “i know i wasn’t there much but i promise if you come back it’ll be different. you’re my everything. everything hurts without you and im so sorry. im sorry that i didn’t notice. everything got so hard that i wasn’t in the right head space. im sorry..” “i miss you” it came out as a whisper but you still heard it. you cried for hours. you missed him.
But I only saw you once in December I'm still confused
December. possibly the worst month. the month you walked out only for a year later the next December for him to have a new girl. you were back in Vancouver for work and decided to get a few drinks with some old friends. thats when you saw him. the ex love of your life with another girl in his lap. your heart shattered in that moment, before he could see you, you told your friends you weren’t feeling well and left.
You said, "forever," and I almost bought it I miss fighting in your old apartment Breaking dishes when you're disappointed I still love you, I promise
there were small arguments here and there. but everything always ended on good terms. life was perfect with quinn. he was your home and you were his. you were the one thing that brought him comfort and peace. his family loved you. your family loved him. they knew you guys would get married. the love and connection you had was strong. the love never died. even if he had a new girl.
Nothing happened in the way I wanted every corner of this house is haunted and I know you said that we're not talking but I miss you, I'm sorry
every dream, every plan, every hope of a future together fell apart. you tried to piece it back together. you still had some of quinns old stuff that you held during nights where you cried until empty. your new home didn’t feel like one. a place of not belonging, a sad feeling haunting you everywhere you went. you’d do anything to get him back. he’d be there waiting for you because what you didnt know was him and that girl only lasted a month its been 6 months since December. leading to summer.
I don't wanna go, think I'll make it worse Everything I know brings me back to us I don't wanna go, we've been here before everywhere I go leads me back to you
ellen had invited you to the lake house for the summer. she missed you, and she knew her eldest did too. quinns a mommas boy after all. she knew you still loved each other. you were scared to go. you needed to get out because staying in this house started to bring you to a state that would be hard to get out of. you needed to fix things with quinn. you didn’t want to ruin things more than they already were though. with the comfort of ellen telling you everything would be fine you packed your bag and headed off to the lake house. one thing about you and quinn is that no matter what through destiny fate or whatever you always ended up back in each others presence. you and quinn knew each other as kids but he later moved. it was heartbreaking. but somehow in between the time he came back. you attended the same high school together. finally confessing to one another you guys got together. and here you were this time you found your way back to him.
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goodnightoilcountry · 4 months
jo's carolina canes fic rec list !
fic rec masterlist: jo's nhl fic rec list !
like my selection of fic recs? have a player who's not been featured? let me know and i'll go on a deep dive for you!
9PM in Vancouver by @ thewintersoldierdisaster summary: on a mini trip to vancouver to watch andrei play, you suffer the worst loss of your life. andrei is your rock throughout the ordeal word count: 7k
sunkissed pt1 + p2 + p3 by @ sydnikov summary: you’ve been in love with Andrei for as long as you can remember. when you first got hired to work in the social media department and met some of the members of the team, just one look at the hockey star’s brilliant smile and you were in deep. your heart truly broke though when he introduced his girlfriend after a game and you had to pretend you were happy for him. now you had to watch as they became happily engaged, knowing you'd never be the light in Andrei's life like he was for you. word count: 16.9k total
fleeting by @ sydnikov summary: every moment with Andrei is fleeting. word count: 17.5k
the one by @ holy-pucks summary: the reader is andrei's favorite girl, but she isn't his only. for awhile, the arrangement was comfortable. he'd show up whenever he was in town, they'd fuck, and then he'd leave. rinse and repeat. so how will andrei react when their routine comes to a screeching halt? word count: 8k
eye on you by @ behoright summary: andrei is oh so drunk, and he needs you to pick him up from the bar. word count: 4.5k
nostalgia by @ pennylanefics summary: you meet jack's parents for the first time over dinner word count: 2.3k
coffee to go by @ pennylanefics summary: while getting coffee one day, you run into your ex boyfriend after successfully avoiding him for the past few months word count: 1.1k
all the pretty girls by @ unluckyhoneybee summary: where Pyotr never cared when girls preferred Andrei until it was you.
this is how it ends by @ silverstonesainz-archive summary: not every chapter ends in happily every after word count: 6.4k
i could love you with my eyes closed by @ matthewtkachuk summary: Sebastian doesn't like your boyfriend - he's forgetful, stands you up, and doesn't know a thing about you. when will you see that he's the right guy to figure you out? word count: 4k
finish line by @ silverstonesainz-archive summary: a resolution where all parties are happy. word count: 4.1k
the olympics are overrated by @ sydnikov summary: Sebastian Aho x reader where the reader is an olympic athlete and the canes are in off season but Seb is staying in raleigh this summer and not going back to finland and all he wants to do is spend time with the reader but she’s super busy with training so he gets super clingy. word count: 5.1k
lover boy by @ sydnikov summary: hockey is a violent sport, one based on luck yet also talent, and most never escape unscathed. you learned that lesson too early, and haven't quite been the same ever since. then Seth Jarvis comes along, tearing down your hardened walls with ease, and, suddenly… You don't feel so alone anymore. word count: 9.7k
being bold by @ sydnikov summary: Seth has a crush on you. a bad one, and he makes it very obvious throughout the years he’s known you, though you’ve still never taken him seriously because of his immaturity and energetic personality. much to his chagrin, you keep denying him—until one night, scorned by thoughts of your most recent ex who never knew how to touch you right, you give in to Seth’s advances. word count: 7.4k
if they woke up, somebody better be dying by @ stormsplurge summary: inspired by the interview he just did for spittin chiclets where he talks about how he usually wont fall asleep until 3am word count: 0.7k
jacket by @ prettytoxicrevolver summary: jarvy sees you in the wags playoff jacket for the first time word count: 1.6k
our wedding (seth jarvis) by @ hockeyboistrash word count: 0.7k
i should've fought harder by @ butgilinsky summary: what happens when you both find out that your messy breakup was the biggest mistake of all? word count: 5.5k
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