jaskersneakthief · 9 months
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transexuality · 1 year
who's the coolest person in the sinkhole poll
transexuality 5%
reis 4%
cigarettefaggot 2%
rewindpowers 10%
ruinikaido 37%
see 40%
piratecrew 46%
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pyrothecary · 1 year
oph 3 update: i am not having a good time
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camelliagwerm · 1 year
I've accepted I'm probably better off not being on here much for the next month lmao
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raspberryzingaaa · 2 years
Heard a mellow acoustic cover of Bleacher's I Wanna Get Better... honey....
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idolatries · 2 years
sometimes i see posts on here and think wow i am pretty lucky that my parents recognized i was neurodivergent before i was an adult
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superpussyking · 3 days
It's such a shame that I went from
"Oh, I'm autistic? Yay!" To "Ah. Still autistic... sigh-"
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cryptidunknown · 2 months
bbc ghosts is such a good show but these bitches need to stop yelling at allison
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healthandfitness024 · 11 months
7-Day Slim Down: A step-by-step guide to Jumpstart Your Weight loss.
Ready to kickstart your weight loss journey? 🏋️‍♀️ Look no further! Our '7-Day Slim Down' program is the ultimate step-by-step guide for rapid results. 🌟 Discover effective workouts, meal plans, and expert tips to achieve your fitness goals. Don't wait - take the first step towards a healthier you today!
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mariverses · 1 year
i need to fix my sleeping schedule
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bahrlee · 2 years
My sister being home from school is the worst ever
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avian-hearts · 2 years
the last thing i'll say before i go to bed is that i want to dark cacao to gently bring hand to his lips and kiss my knuckles, and then lace his fingers with mine. i want to rest my forehead against his
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vapolis · 9 months
Knuckle tattoo that's supposed to say, "Get Fucked," but it's, "GetF ucke," because the Merc forgot they only have 4 knuckles on each hand and they were drunk.
filed under things they'd actually do 💀
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darksaiyangoku · 1 year
RWBY: Oscar the Batman
Oscar: Thursday, October 31st. The city streets are crowded for the holiday. Even with the rain. Hidden in the chaos is the element, waiting to strike like snakes. And I'm there too. Watching. 2 years of nights have turned me into a nocturnal animal. I must choose my targets carefully. It's a big city. I can't be everywhere. But they don't know where I am. We have a signal now, for when I'm needed. When that light hits the sky, it's not just a call- it's a warning. To them. Fear is a tool. They think I'm hiding in the shadows. But I AM the shadows.
Ruby: *turns on the light* Oscar, your mashed potatos are getfing cold. Why are you in the dark?
Oscar: Aw Ruby! You totally killed the mood. *pouts*
Ruby: *giggles* Is that my black eye-shadow?
Oscar: ...no?
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herbertwest · 1 month
need to getf rom couch to bed ahte ulatimate challcne
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rigelmejo · 3 months
More progress updates, because I'm having fun!
Glossika japanese: did 1248 sentences, 10,055 reps so far, it says I'm High A1 20.4%. I believe that based on the sentence quality I am getting, they are A1 sentences vocabulary wise. The grammar includes various higher level stuff, but the vocabulary is fairly basic and mostly review of stuff I've learned before and just forgotten or gotten rusty with). Glossika has articles that claim a good first goal is 25,000 sentence repetitions for a noticeable improvement in speaking. So i'll give a little review on progress compared to glossika's claim, when I get to 25,000 reps. Their articles also indicate the eventual goal is to do 100,000 reps in glossika for speaking fluency (i'd argue i'll probably have B1 speaking skills at best by then, but glossika's app claims B2 or C1 so i'm going to score them a bit harshly regardless). I dont think it will be especially hard to do 100,000 reps, as Ive done 10k from around 1000 sentences, and the app has 6500+ sentences, so just going through all sentences ill be around 65,000 reps and then its just a few weeks of reviews.
Reading 默读 by priest: I've read 3 chapters now. Both extensively (not looking up words) and intensively (looking up every word I don't fully know/remember the definition of or pronunciation of). My conclusion is that I am comprehending about 86% percent (like yesterday's calculation) CLEARLY and then another 10% I can guess roughly what's going on and be close enough to use those guesses to learn, or I can guess based on the plot I remember. With that much at least roughly comprehended, it makes reading 默读 extensively doable if I want to do it. I recognize most the hanzi, so when I slow down and read very slowly, I understand closer to 90% of the words (just having forgotten pronunciation), and then using context guess the few unknown hanzi and the words they make, so there's not a huge hit in story understanding. If I read fast, reading along with audio as it plays, I make vaguer guesses about what descriptions mean that use hanzi I know/one I dont in ways I'm unfamiliar with. So far my guesses have been rough, but generally in the ballpark, so I've been able to keep reading without pausing to look stuff up if I choose to.
I am thinking of doing an experiment with 默读. I will read it while listening, because that forces me to practice reading at a faster pace (speaking speed). I will only look words up if I feel like it (so not all the time, probably only occasionally). And I will note if in 20 chapters, 40 chapters etc, I am noticing if I have "learned" significantly more words, noticing if I've gotten better at comprehending words I know quicker while following along to spoken speed (so clearer understanding). The idea of reading comprehensible material to you (say 95% words you know or more), is in theory you pick up more vocabulary through context, and improve reading skills, over the course of reading. Growing up, literature classes and reading assignments basically give you mostly comphrehensible materials to read and that's a major way your vocabulary and reading skills build in your native language. Yes, some classes make you look up vocabulary for a particular literature book assigned (or defined terms in a science textbook). But the vast majority of free reading time is: pick a book for your age level, teacher encourages something slightly challenging but comprehensible. I have read simpler chinese novels extensively, and made progress. But 默读 would probably be the highest unique-vocab book I'd try it with. The upside is? I could potentially learn more new vocabulary from this book. And then in the future it will make reading other stuff easier. So yeah, I'll update on progress later.
Read chapter 3 of 默读. Listened to modu audiobook chapters 1-3. I noticed my listening skills just... fucking suck lol. I can read so much better than I can listen. I was getfing through the audiobook based on phrases I recognized and the dialogues, despite being able to READ those chapters... listening to them I just couldnt recognize as many words. I will also be extensively listening to the audiobook, as see how much sheer Volume of audio listened to helps me improve. I guess on the upside: i used to not comprehend the audiobook much, so this does feel essier, even if its still miles away from full comprehension.
Other things of note:
i find it funny that after a week of getting back into things, im quietly saying the hanzi as i read again. Apparently pronunciatioj WAS locked in my read somewhere, it was just rustier than visual recognition.
I may watch Absolute BL/zettai bl season 3 in japanese. Since its out?!! It exists!!! Which is news to me. It isnt fully translated yet. However, my japanese sucks so i might fail miserably. I Cannot Reach You On Netflix would be another choice (wirh japanese subs available and english). But i miss Mobu. ToT
Its shockingly weird how much reading skill works? Like... it rusts and you "forget" but then if you use it, it always comes back within a week or two. Thats what happens with reading french for me, and apparently with chinese too. I havent read in 6 months ish. Last week I tried to read SCI, i was fucking terrible. Confused as hell, even though it should be easier than modu. Well this week I'm reading modu, which has more unique words in it, and it feels fine and doable and fairly okay to understand. And to be fair, part of that is I just am much more comfortable parsing priest's writing style. So I go back to try reading SCI again today. Well? Easy. What the fuck. It was barely parseable last week. Now I can read: 办公室的门在受到撞击前的一刹那打开了,两人刹车不及,直接摔了进去,双双落地,正中地板。就听楼下有人隔着窗户朝上大喊:“你们刑警队的就不能消停一天?再这样下去,哪天真的地震了,整个楼里的人都不知道跑啦……” 张龙和王朝从地板上爬起来,就见白玉堂手上端着杯咖啡,靠在办公桌边似笑非笑地看着他俩。just fine. It's easy. Okay then.
Oh and also. Tao rans name? 陶然 the fact its the same ran as huran/turan/mengran so many "suddenly" words that come up at the beginning of a sentence, and tao ran's name Also comes up at the beginning of sentences, keeps throwing me off when I listen.
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