#gets high from dem mushrooms
baisleyarts · 4 years
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(seiðmaðr au)
20% Magic Man, 80% High as a kite
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whitehotharlots · 4 years
Previewing the 2024 Democrat Primary
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Within a couple weeks of his being sworn in, just about every person on earth will wish Joe Biden was no longer president. Sure, the few surviving John B. Anderson voters will be thrilled to see 4 years of crushing austerity and half-assed attempts at Keynesian stimulus. But most people will begin dreaming about a brighter future.
Good news! The 2024 Democratic primary field is going to contain dozens of options. Bad news! They are all going to be disgusting piles of shit. 
The “top tier”
While it’s too early to do any handicapping, these are the candidates the media will treat as having the most realistic chances of securing the nomination. 
Kamala Harris
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Kamala did not win a single primary delegate in 2020. This is because she dropped out before the first primary, and that was because no one likes her. She has no base beyond a few thousand of twitter’s most violent psychos. Her disingenuousness approaches John Edwards levels: any halfway incredulous person can see immediately beyond her bullshit. She has no principles whatsoever, and while that may be par for the course for Democrats, she lacks even the basic politician’s ability to intuit anything that might, hypothetically, constitute a principle. 
Even better: she is an awful public speaker. She sounds like how a talking dog would speak if he were just caught stealing people food off the kitchen table. She communicates in weird grunts and faux sassy squeaks, which is how she imagines real black women sound like, but something about her is unable to sell the bit. She begins her sentences in halfhearted AAVE, stops and panics halfway through as she realizes that maybe this sounds fake and offensive, and then reminds herself oh wait, no, this is okay since I’m black. This doesn’t happen once or twice per speech. This is how every single sentence sounds. 
Kamala is like Nancy Pelosi in that no sketch show will ever impersonate her correctly, because anything that came close to authenticity would be considered far too cruel. This might benefit her in the primaries, as she exists in the minds of Democrats as someone and something she absolutely is not in reality. Nominating her would be like allowing your child’s imaginary friend to attempt to drive you to the store. 
Andrew Cuomo
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Easily one of the 50 worst people alive, Cuomo has a solid chance because Democrats, same as Republicans, are unable to differentiate between electability and self-serving ruthlessness. Cuomo used the deadliest public health crisis in American history as a pretext for cutting Medicaid and firing 5,000 MTA workers, and his approval rating increased. New York Dems are little piggies who love eating shit. If we assume that the political media will continue their habit of refusing to discuss the legislative history of right wing Democrats, Cuomo might well cruise to the nomination and then lose to literally any human being the GOP nominates by an historic margin. 
Joe Biden
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The party loves him because he is a right wing racist. “Progressives” tolerate him because black primary voters over 40 supported him, and their opinion is supposedly a magic window into god’s truth. Everyone else can tell he is manifestly senile. I don’t put it above the DNC to pick a candidate who is in horrible health, dying, or even dead--whatever the financial sector wants, they’ll get. But I would be shocked if his approval rating is above 39% by mid-2023, and by that point deep fake technology will be advanced enough they’ll put out a very lifelike video in which the Max Headroom version of Joe explains he’s proud of his accomplishments--that budget’s almost balanced already--but, man, I gotta abd--I gotta abdica--, uhh, I gotta, I, uhh, I gotta move down, man. 
Wild Cards
These candidates would have all have a chance if they ran, but they could all much more easily retire to Little Saint James off of kickbacks they’ve gotten from Citibank and I.G. Farben. 
Rahm Emanuel
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Rahm is going to receive some hugely influential post in the Biden administration. Let’s say he becomes Secretary of Education. His signature achievement will be replacing all elementary school teachers with Amazon’s Alexa, which saved the taxpayers so much money we were able to quadruple the number of armed police officers we put into high schools. This will give him several thousand positive profiles on network news programs and the near-universal support of the Silicon Valley vampires who will own 99% of the country by the time Biden’s term ends. They will use their fancy mind control devices to convince geriatic primary voters that Rahm’s the one who will bring Decency back to the white house. His candidacy will be the paragon of wokeness, as expressing concern toward the fact that he covered up the police murder of a black guy will get you called a racist. 
Rahm has a bonus in that Jewish men are now Schrodeniger’s PoC. When they are decent human beings, they are basic, cis white men who are stealing attention from disabled trans candidates of color. When they love austerity and apartheid, they become the most vulnerable people of color on earth and criticizing them in any way is genocide. No one will be able to mention a single thing Rahm has ever done or said without opening themselves to accusations of antisemitism, and that gives him a strong edge against the rest of the field. The good news is that an Emmanuel candidacy would result in over 50% of black voters choosing the GOP candidate--which, I guess that’s not really good but it would certainly be funny. 
Gavin Newsom
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Newsom is every bit as feckless as Cuomo, but he doesn’t put off the same “bad guy in an early Steven Segal movie” vibes. He will mention climate change 50 times per speech and no one will bother to mention how he keeps signing fracking contracts even though his state is now on fire 11 months of the year. If anything, this will be spun into an argument about how he’s actually the candidate best suited to handle all the water refugees gathering on the southern border. Look for his plan to curb emissions by 10% by the year 2150 to get high marks from Sierra Club nerds. He’s also a celebate librarian’s idea of what constitutes a handsome man, so he’ll have some support from the type of women who claim to hate all men. 
Larry Summers
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I mean, why not? Larry, like most members of the Obama administration, has politics that are eerily similar to those of Jordan Peterson. In normal circumstances, this makes a person a dangerous fascist who should not be platformed. But if that person has a D next to their name this makes them a realistic pragmatist who has what it takes to bring suburban bankers into our tent. If current trends in Woke Phrenology continue apace, Larry’s belief that women are inherently bad at STEM will be liberal orthodoxy by 2023, and his dedication to the Laffer Curve could see him rake in massive donations. Seriously, I’m not kidding: cultural liberalism is now fully dedicated to identity essentialism and balanced budgets. Larry is their ideal candidate. If he were black and/or a woman, I’d put him in the very top tier. 
Jay Inslee
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Unlike Newsom, Inslee’s attempt to crown himself the King of Global Warming won’t be immediately derailed, since his state is only on fire because of protestors. This, however, poses a different problem. He’s going to be a good test case for the Democrat’s uneasy peace with the ever increasing share of the electorate who become catatonic upon hearing a pronoun. On the one hand, you need to take their votes for granted. On the other hand, they’re not like black people or regular gays: most voters actively, consciously despise wokies, and associating yourself with them will ruin a campaign even in deep blue areas. There’s still gonna be riots in a year. Biden’s gonna announce the sale of all our nation’s potable water to the good folks at Nestle and some trans freak named Sasha-Malia DeBalzac is going to use that as an opportunity to sell their new pamphlet about how it’s fascist to not burn down small businesses. No matter what Inslee does in response, it’ll end his career. 
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I’m not one of those “AOC is a secret conservative” weirdos, but I am aware enough of basic reality to know she has zero chance of coming close to the nomination. The right and the center both regard her as a literal demon. The party is already blaming her for the fact that a handful of faceless Reagan acolytes failed to flip their suburban districts even though they ran on sensible pragmatic proposals like euthanizing the homeless. The recriminations will only get more unhinged when the Dems eat shit in the 2022 midterms. She will be a Russian, she will be white male, she will be a communist, she will be a homophobe: any insult or conspiracy theory you can name, MSNBC will spend hours discussing. Her house seat challenger will receive a record amount of support from the DNC in 2024 and it’ll be all she can do to remain in congress.
Larry Hogan
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Don’t be dissuaded by the fact that he’s a Republican. Larry is the DNC’s ideal candidate: a physically repulsive conservative who owes his entire career to appealing to the most spiteful desires of suburban white people. He’s an open racist in a material sense--if you’re old-school enough to think racism is a matter of beliefs and actions, rather than the presence of cultural signifiers--but his is the beloved “never Trump” style of racism that Dems covet. He’s also a Proven Leader who thinks the role of government should be to finance the construction of investment property and give police the resources they need to run successful drug trafficking operations. Few people embody the Democrat worldview more than Larry. 
The Losers Bracket
These people will have at least a small chance due solely to the fact that the Democrats love losing. They have lost in the past, and in the Democrat Mind that makes them especially qualified.
Joe Kennedy
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The man looks like a mushroom-human hybrid from a JRPG. Trump proved that physical hideousness need not doom a presidential bid, but a candidate still needs some kind of charm or oratorical abilities or, god forbid, a decent platform. Joe aggressively lacks all of these things. A vanity campaign would be a good way to raise money and perhaps secure an MSNBC gig, so Joe might still run. 
Mayor Pete 
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I am 100% convinced that Pete’s 2020 run was a CIA plot meant to prevent working class Americans from ever having a chance of living decent lives. I am also 100% aware that Democrats are dumb enough to enthusiastically support a CIA plot meant to prevent working class Americans from ever having a chance of living decent lives. If we have some sort of military or terror disaster between now and 2023 the Dems are sure to want a TROOP, and wait wait wait you’re telling me this one is a gay troop? Holy hell there’s no way that could lose!
Stacy Abrams
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Never underestimate the power of white guilt. She lost the gubernatorial race to Gomer Pyle’s grandson, and her spiritual guidance of the Dems saw the party lose black voters in Georgia in 2020. Nonetheless, she is regarded as a magic font of fierceness within the DNC. She might stand a chance if she can establish herself as the most conservative non-white candidate in the field, but there’s going to be stiff competition for that honor.
Elizabeth Warren
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Liz is probably angry that the party so shamelessly sold her out even after she was a good little girl and sabatoged Bernie’s campaign for them--yet another example of high ranking US government officials reneging on their promises to the Native American community. Smdh. The fact that this woman hasn’t been bankrupted a dozen times over by various Wallet Inspectors genuinely astounds me. So Liz is probably going to run again, and her campaign will be even sadder the second time around. 
It might surprise you to hear this if you don’t work at a college or NGO, but Liz diehards actually do exist. She’ll get even less support this time because there will be no viable leftist in the field for her to spoil, but she’ll still hang in long enough to make sure the very worst possible candidate beats out the second worst possible candidate. Maybe she’ll fabricate a rape accusation against Sherrod Brown. Maybe she’ll spend her entire allotted debate time doing a land acknowledgment. With Liz, anything is possible--so long as it ends in failure. 
Amy Klobuchar 
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Amy was the most bloodthirsty of the 2020 also rans. She will double down on the unpopular failures of the Biden administration, explaining that if you weren’t such a selfish idiot you’d love the higher social security retirement age and oh my god are so such a moron you think you shouldn’t go bankrupt to get a COVID vaccine? There’s a non-unsubstantial segment of the Democratic base that’s self-hating enough to find this appealing, but it won’t be enough to make her viable. 
Martha Coakley
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She lost Ted Kennedy’s senate seat to a retarded man who was pretending to be even more retarded than he actually was. Then she lost a gubernatorial race to a guy who openly promised Massachusetts voters that he would punish them for electing him. Her record of failure is unparalleled, making her perhaps the ideal Democrat standard bearer for the twenty twenties. 
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arlingtonpark · 4 years
2020 Election Night Survival Guide
Hey, everyone!
It’s Halloween night, but the scariest night of the year is going to be in a few days on Election Day.
Since everyone’s wetting themselves over this, here’s a quick survival guide for Election Night.
Part I. The State of Play
In the United States, political authority is shared between three institutions: the President, the Senate, and the House of Representatives. Elections for all three will be occurring on Election Night 2020.
The President is elected by the Electoral College. Each state is given seats in the College based on the size of their Congressional delegation.
Candidates for President put forth a slate of candidates to represent their state in the College, which voters choose by popular vote.
This system was chosen because a national popular vote was not possible at the time. 
As of now, Joe Biden is almost certainly going to win the election. He is polling ahead in every state Barack Obama won in 2012 except Ohio and Iowa, and is liable to win Arizona and maybe even Georgia. This will give him a comfortable victory. 
The Senate is composed of two Senators for every state. One third of the body elected every two years for a total term of 6 years for any one Senator. 
The current crop of Senators was last elected in 2014, a very good year for Republicans. 
It was not expected, though, that Democrats could undo those gains since they were made by Republicans wiping out Democrats in Louisiana and Arkansas, and other similar states.
Democrats used to have a strong presence in those states, but that presence was wiped out in the Obama years.
Republicans didn’t make those gains in swing states, but instead in state’s whose voters switched allegiances. It was hard to see Dems making a comeback.
A lot has changed though.
States like Arizona, Texas, Georgia, South Carolina, and even Kansas are competitive now. This was unthinkable in 2014.
Dems have made gains of their own in these states among suburban voters. These people are generally white collar workers who are better educated than average. And they are repulsed by Trump’s basic indecency.
The Dems are now widely expected to win a majority of the Senate -- possibly even a comfortable majority.
The House is composed of 435 Representatives who’re elected every two years. 
The dynamics are the same as the Senate: Dems are gaining in the suburbs, and Republicans are gaining among blue collar workers. 
The Dems took over the House in 2018 and they’re expected to increase that majority by 10 seats or so. 
Part II How to Handle Election Night
Assuming you want to watch the election returns come in live, here’s how to best do it.
Firstly, do not watch the TV news coverage before the actual vote counting starts. 
It’s all drivel and you’ll annihilate your brain watching it.
It’ll mostly be padding to fill up time and make it seem like a lot is happening when not much is.
As well as pundits trying to divine the meaning of this election before it’s actually happened.
And lots of bemoaning of how we can’t all just get along. With no one even trying to think of solutions. 
Don’t waste your time.
You should use the time before the polls close to get up to speed on what the candidates stand for, and how various scenarios might affect you.
To the extent you can stomach such speculation.
Vox is a great news source with a great series of articles on Biden’s platform.
President Trump...he has no platform.
It’s just a copy-paste of the 2016 one. 
Of course, a lot depends on the congressional elections, and I’m not going to get into the nitty-gritty of that here.
There are elections for various governorships up, but you can ignore them, unless it’s your governor up for election. 
The governor of any state that isn’t yours only matter if they’re likely to run for President in a few years. 
There are also some high profile local elections going on.
To varying extents, Dems are hoping to expand their power in Arizona, Michigan, Texas, and North Carolina.
Republicans are hoping to do the same in Wisconsin.
Arizona, South Dakota, New Jersey, and Montana are holding referenda to legalize marijuana.
Oregon will be voting on legalizing mushrooms and decriminalizing all other drugs. 
California has a number of referenda on the ballot regarding rent control, criminal justice, and labor laws.
Florida will be voting to raise the minimum wage to $15, potentially the ninth state to do so.
In any event, feel free to make a party of it.
Order a pizza, have snacks out, beer. Whatever you want. I’d urge you to invite friends over, but, you know...
You can turn the TV news on at 6pm if you like, but I recommend you leave it on in the background and not pay close attention until 8pm. 
I also recommend choosing which network to watch based solely on which one has the most gimmicky, over the top presentation. 
TV news has zero value to you aside from providing real time, unprocessed information. 
Leave the game play analysis to the internet.
Have a laptop open if you have one. Otherwise have a computer handy.
I recommend having three tabs open.
One for the New York Times’ live election night interactive. You know those touch screen displays the networks have their election nerds using to show the state of the race as votes are counted?
The NYT’s interactive is that, but all to yourself.
I also recommend reading the accompanying article explaining how the interactive works. It’s pretty cool what programmers can do these days. 
Lots of news sites will have online interactives, though. Choose whatever you like, but the NYT’s is generally the best. 
The second tab is for Twitter. Twitter is the best place to be for real time analysis. I’ll have a twitter list available for you to use if you like.
The people on this list fall into one of three categories.
The first are the election nerds. These people are adeptly familiar with the United States’ political geography and can tell which side is winning before all the votes are counted.
The second are the pundits. 
Smart ones, mind you.
Political scientists and commentators. I made sure to get a mix of liberal, conservative, and moderate voices. Obviously they provide the commentary on the nerds’ analysis. 
The third and final are a couple of joke accounts for laughs. PixelatedBoat, originator of the milkshake duck meme and the Gorilla Channel hoax, is in there, as is President Nixon’s Twitter impersonator. 
The final tab is for a good quality liveblog. I recommend 538′s, but again, most news sites will have liveblogs going, it’s just that 538 usually has the best one. 
Lastly, as races get called, don’t be afraid to cheer or boo. Election day is pretty sterile, which is a shame because it used to be very rowdy and frenetic. By all means, be emotional.
You’re free to call it a night whenever you want, but there’s no point in carrying on past 1am, so I’d recommend stopping there.
There aren’t any exciting races on the west coast, and California is notoriously bad at vote counting, as they are at ALL things involving government, so the outcome of those races won’t be known for a while. 
Part III The Known Unknowns
Now comes the stuff everyone is panicking over.
Is this the end of democracy?
Eh, probably not.
In theory, Trump could successfully steal the election, but only if it’s a close race.
It’s not a close race.
There is no way for Trump to steal the election. Not through excluding mail ballots, not through the courts. There just isn’t one. 
The Supreme Court won’t help Trump unless they think they can get away with it, but the recent confirmation of Barrett to the Court has put them on notice, and that will restrict what they can do. 
Trump could contest the results by asking Congress to certify his slate of electors as legitimate over the electors the voters chose, but that’s not an issue if Dems control the House. 
That’s really it.
There’s no other way for Trump to win even if he loses the Electoral College.
Even recent buzz about late arriving mail votes not counting probably won’t amount to much.
Most of the people mailing their ballots in late are actually Republicans lol ^^.
Here are some issues to actually look out for:
Trump thugs policing polling places. Voter intimidation is illegal. If someone is intimidating you, report them. 
Hoax ballot stuffing. Don’t be surprised if people fake fraudulent voting to juice Trump’s claims of a rigged election. Treat such allegations with caution.
Violent unrest is unlikely to happen even a little bit, but I won’t be surprised if there are at least some isolated incidents.
While there is some risk, I actually think the danger is overhyped.
The likeliest outcome of this election has always, always been that Biden cakewalks to Inauguration Day. 
Even the talk about not knowing the winner on election night might have been all hype.
Florida, despite its reputation, is actually very good at counting ballots, and the winner of the state should be known on election night. 
A lot can be extrapolated from this, and some news sites might call the race just off of that. 
If who won Florida isn’t known on election night, then you can start panicking. 
Trump will definitely fume about if he loses, but if the outcome is clearly in Biden’s favor, it’ll just be hot air.
It shouldn’t surprise you to know that if Trump loses, he will make no effort to shepherd a economic bailout bill into law in the time between the election and his formal exit from office.
Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.
Also Trump. 
Trump himself has openly floated the idea of fleeing the country if he loses.
He’s over $200 million in debt and will have to sell most of his assets to pay it off. He also faces prosecution for various crimes he committed before and during his presidency.
If he does, he’ll probably try to brand himself a fallen hero in exile, and live off of his supporter’s Patreon donations or whatever. 
Oh, yeah, and the rallies. Trump is planning to keep holding his rallies even after the election, even if he loses, even as the plague is ravaging and the economy is in the toilet.
Don’t be surprised if his supporters are completely blind to the utter failure of leadership in that.
Let’s see, what else to cover...
I guess that just about covers it.
Have fun, kids!
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benoitblanc · 4 years
tagged by @achillese​ (ily arya!!!) to answer some questions!
what is the color of your hairbrush? lime green, though it’s technically a comb
name a food you never eat. mushrooms. can’t deal with them
are you typically too warm or too cold? i’m always way too cold it’s awful
what were you doing 45 minutes ago? analyzing differences between the film little miss sunshine and its published script
what’s your favorite candy bar? crunchie bars!
have you ever been to a professional sports game? yes, if you count the extremely low-level baseball game i was dragged to when i was eight 
what is the last thing you said out loud? "probably not”
what is your favorite ice cream? apple crisp
what was the last thing you had to drink? water
do you like your wallet? yes! it’s magenta with felted flowers on it
what is the last thing you ate? two pumpkin chocolate muffins
did you buy any new clothes last weekend? actually, yes- i got two flannels and a green sweater from kohl’s
what’s the last sporting event you watched? i don’t think i’ve sat through a sports event since that stupid baseball game when i was eight
what is your favorite flavor of popcorn? movie theatre butter
who is the last person you sent a text message to? my dad
ever been camping? yes! i went with my best friends last summer (2019) and we had a blast
do you take vitamins? yes!
do you regularly attend a place of worship? no!
do you have a tan? i tan quite a bit during normal summers because i usually spend a lot of time outside, but this summer i was unable to go to the outside place i usually spend a lot of time at, so not right now
do you prefer Chinese or pizza? i prefer dumplings to pizza but pizza to everything else chinese
do you drink your soda through a straw? i don’t drink soda, so no
what color socks do you usually wear? either plain white crew socks or brightly patterned socks
do you ever drive above the speed limit? never more than 5 above unless there’s a sudden transition from fast to slow and i don’t notice immediately
what terrifies you? failure, wasps, and gas masks
look to your left, what do you see? a wall
what chore do you hate most? picking up cat vomit
what do you think of when you hear an Australian accent? my high school academic advisor, who’s australian
what’s your favorite soda? again, i do not drink soda
do you go in a fast food place or just hit the drive thru? the only chain restaurants i go to are pret and shake shack, neither of which are equipped with drive throughs (and pret doesn’t even count as fast food), so go in, i suppose
what’s your favorite number? twelve
who’s the last person you talked to? my cat
favorite meat? this is a really weird question, but steak, i guess
last song you listened to? "op. 69, ii: jauchzet dem herrn, alle welt” by felix mendelssohn-bartholdy. i’m a choral music nerd. sue me
last book you read? currently reading this is how you lose the time war by amal el-mohtar and max gladstone, but the last book i finished was the dragon republic by rf kuang. i can’t believe we have to wait two months for book three to come out. that ending was insane
favorite day of the week? friday
can you say the alphabet backwards? yes!
how do you like your coffee? i don’t! unless it’s coffee ice cream
favorite pair of shoes? my little brown combat boots
time you normally get up? on weekdays, 8; on weekends, 9
what do you prefer, sunrise or sunsets? sunsets
how many blankets on your bed? a sheet, an afghan, and a comforter
describe your kitchen plates. very mismatched
describe your kitchen at the moment. tan walls, red accents, brown cupboards, silver appliances, lots of dishes on the counter
do you have a favorite alcoholic drink? i don’t drink
do you play cards? yes i love to play cards! favorite card games are cribbage and hearts
what color is your car? don’t have a car
can you change a tire? no
your favorite state or province? euphoria. just kidding. rhode island
favorite job you’ve had? stage management, obviously
tagging? some newer mutuals: @lukeskywalkre​ @thestral​ @deck-heart​ @fairydeclan​ @jamesbvck​ and anyone else who wants to do it :)
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space--cadet-glow · 5 years
Translation: “The Minish Cap” in German, Part 17: Entering Castor Wilds and Searching for Mushrooms
Vaati kidnaps the King and masquerades as him. Meanwhile, we're sent on a fetch-quest for a mushroom. How is Vaati accomplishing more than us? Here is my translation of the German version of “The Minish Cap” to English!
My translation key: DT: „direct translation" (translated word for word) EQ: “English equivalent” (as in, as close to an English-sounding sentence as it’s gonna get) DT/EQ: „"direct translation/English equivalent" (for when the DT is so similar to an EQ that it’s practically English already) OE: “official English (translation as given in the European English version of "The Minish Cap”)“ (NOTE:) "anything I need to point out” (exactly what it says on the tin) BG: „backwards German" for the Minish language in reverse form
My translation work under the cut.
Ezelo: „Irgendwie kommt es mir so vor, als wäre eine böse Macht im Schloss..." DT: „Anyway comes it to me so before, than/as is a wicked power in the Castle..." EQ: "Anyway, it seems to me that there is a wicked power in the Castle..." OE: "Eh? What a strange feeling. I sensed something from the castle's direction." (NOTE: Idiomatic.)
Ezelo: „Oder bilde ich mir das nur ein?" DT: „Or imagine I for me that only one?" EQ: "Or am I the only one imagining it?" OE: "Or...was it just me?"
König Dartus: „Nanu? Wer bist du?" DT/EQ: „"Well? Who are you?" OE: "Hm? Who's there?!?"
König Dartus: „Du bist... Vaati! Wie bist du hierher gelangt?" DT: „You are... Vaati! How (x) you here get?" EQ: "You are... Vaati! How did you get here?" OE: "What? Vaati! How did you get in here!?" (NOTE: Conversational past. And then, in some contexts, like this one, „gelangt" changes from "reached" to "get".)
König Dartus: „Aah, was tust du da!" DT: "Aah, what do you there!" EQ: "Aah, what are you doing there?!" OE: "Uhn... What are you doing?!?"
Vaati: „Uahahahahaha!" DT/EQ: „"Uahahahahaha!" OE: "Ah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"
Minister Friedrich: „Es sind alle anwesend. Der König von Hyrule wird nun zu uns sprechen." DT: „There are/is everybody (in) attendance. The King of Hyrule will now to us speak." EQ: "There is everybody in attendance. The King of Hyrule will now speak to us." OE: "It looks like you're all here. Very well. The king of Hyrule has words for you." (NOTE: „Es sind" is a sort of idiom that literally looks like it says "there are", and can mean as such, but in this context, it translates to "there is". So, I mentioned both.)
Vaati-Dartus: „Ihr alle wisst von dem Force, das uns die Minish übertragen haben." DT: „You all know of the Force, that us the Minish transferred (have)." EQ: "You all know of the Force that the Minish had transferred to us." OE: "You all know of the power the Picori gave to mankind, do you not?" (NOTE: „Vaati-Dartus" is what I'll be calling the King Daltus disguise of Vaati.)
Vaati-Dartus: „Ja, genau. Grenzenlose Zauberkraft - Force, auch goldenes Licht genannt." DT: „Yes, exactly. Limitless magic power - Force, also golden Light called." EQ: "Yes, exactly. The limitless magic power- Force, also called the golden Light." OE: "The golden light force of limitless magical power..."
Vaati-Dartus: „Ich will es haben!!! Es muss irgendwo in Hyrule sein!" DT: „I want it (have)!!! It must somewhere in Hyrule be!" EQ: "I want it/I want to have it!!! It must be somewhere in Hyrule!" OE: "I want it!!! It is somewhere here in Hyrule!"
Vaati-Dartus: „Ihr macht euch jetzt alle auf und sucht das Force!" DT: „You make/do (for yourselves) now all up and seek the Force!" EQ: "You all get yourselves up now and seek the Force!" OE: "Go now, and bring me this power! Waste no time!" (NOTE: „Ihr macht euch", which usually manifests itself as, "you all do" or "you all have/are", is probably the hardest idiom I've encountered in this thing so far. I just tried to make sense of this sentence as much as I could.)
Vaati-Dartus: „Trödelt nicht lange rum! Los, sucht das Force!" DT: „Dally not longer (x)! Go, seek the Force!" EQ: "Do not dally any longer! Go, seek the Force!" OE: "Go forth at once, and bring me the light force!" (NOTE: As far as I can tell, „rum" here is an idiom being used as an "intensifier", in this case, as "any"???)
Vaati-Dartus: „Wer sich weigert, wird mitsamt seiner Familie eingekerkert!" DT: „Who (himself) refuses, will together/along with his family imprisoned!" EQ: "Anyone who refuses will be imprisoned along with his family!" OE: "Fling anyone who refuses into the dungeon! Him and his family, too!"
Vaati-Dartus: „Auf! Durchsucht ganz Hyrule bis in seine letzten Winkel!" DT: „Out! Search entirely Hyrule til to his (its) last corner!" EQ: "Out! Search Hyrule entirely to its last corner!" OE: "I will tolerate no disobedience! Now, search high and low throughout the lands of Hyrule!" (NOTE: Vaati refers to Hyrule's corners as "his" last corners because "Hyrule" can be referred back to with a masculine pronoun („seine"), since it is a masculine noun.)
Ezelo: „Hm? Ich habe so ein komisches Gefühl. Hoffentlich geschieht nichts Schlimmes." DT: „Hm? I have such a funny feeling. Hopefully happens nothing terrible." EQ: "Hm? I have such a funny feeling. Hopefully, nothing terrible happens." OE: "Hmm... Maybe it's just the wind... But I hope nothing bad has happened."
Ezelo: „Lass uns das Element suchen. Der Karte zufolge sind wir ganz nah dran." DT: „Let us the Element seek. The Map according (to) are we very close (x)." EQ: "Let us seek the Element. According to the Map, we are very close." OE: "Anyway, we need to look for the next element. The map says it should be around here somewhere..." (NOTE: „dran" is translated with „wird" in this form of „dran sein".)
Ezelo: „Das ist also die Welt von Tabanta... Was für ein feuchter, sumpfiger Ort!" DT: „This is so the World of Tabanta... What for a humid, marshy place!" EQ: "So, this is the World of Tabanta... What a humid, marshy place!" OE: "So, this must be Castor Wilds... It's a nasty, dank place, filled with swampland and mire..." (NOTE: German and French went with calling this area some variation of "Tabanta"; "World of..." in German; "Swamp of..." in French. In Japanese, it was still "Tabanta", but it was more along the lines of "Tabanta Seclusion" or "Tabanta Wilderness". The only reason I can think of on why English went with "Castor Wilds", is because the "Castor" in Greek/Roman mythology had wind powers, fitting as this region in-game leads to the Wind Ruins, and requires you to transverse the swampy marches with the Pegasus Boots, making it so you to have to run as fast as the wind.)
Ezelo: „Aber dahinter finden wir das Element. Steh hier nicht rum! Los! Link!" DT: „But beyond find we the Element. Stand here not (x)! Go! Link!" EQ: "But, beyond it, we'll find the Element. Don't just stand there! Go! Link!" OE: "But, we know there's an element waiting for us somewhere in here, so... In we go!" (NOTE: Slightly idiomatic.)
Ezelo: „Vorwärts! Weiter geht's!" DT: "Forwards! Onwards go (it)!" EQ: "Forwards! Go onwards!" OE: "Come on, Link! Into the muck with us!" (NOTE: Idiomatic in the sense that the „Weiter geht's!" part could have also come out as "Continue on!" or "Onto the... (something)!" or even "What's next?")
Ezelo: „Puh... Zu Fuß kann man den Sumpf offenbar nicht durchqueren." DT: „Phew... To foot can one the marsh apparently not traverse." EQ: "Phew... One cannot traverse the marsh on foot, apparently." OE: "Hey! Link! Watch your feet! You're sinking! You're sinking! If you sink all the way in, I'm going to get muddy!"
Ezelo: „Wir müssen uns etwas einfallen lassen..." DT: „We must something come up let..." EQ: "We must come up with something..." OE: "I don't think we can just walk across this swamp. We're going to have to find some way to get across safely." (NOTE: „einfallen" and „lassen" are translated together, and in this context can mean to "come up" with something, or to "dream up" something.)
(OE Ezlo proceeds to hi-jack the plot with an extra textbox.) [OE: "But we can discuss it later! Get me out of here! NOW!"]
Stadt-Minish: „Ah! Bist du veilleicht Link? Der Mensch, für den Melta..." DT: „Ah! Are you perhaps Link? The human, for (the) Melta..." EQ: "Ah! Are you Link, perhaps? The human that..." OE: "Hey, hey! You're Link, right?"
Stadt-Minish: „...das Schwert überarbeitet hat? Du bestreitest Abenteuer," DT: „...the Sword revised (x)? You deny adventure," EQ: "...revised the Sword for Melta? You deny adventure..." OE: "You're the one who brought the sword to Master Melari!"
Stadt-Minish: „um Zelda zu retten, nicht wahr? Toll siehst du aus! Ich würde auch..." DT: „in order Zelda to rescue, not true? Terrific look you (x)! I would also..." EQ: „..in order to rescue Zelda, right? You look terrific! I would also..." OE: "You're on a quest to help the princess, aren't you?"
Stadt-Minish: „gerne Abenteuer bestehen, aber ich muss Schlumm bei der Arbeit helfen." DT: „gladly adventure insist, but I must Schlumm with the work help." EQ: "gladly insist on adventure, but I must help Schlumm with the work." OE: "I wish I could go on a quest, but then who'd make Rem's shoes for him?" (NOTE: For once, I actually know how the German version came up with a character's name. Rem in English is after "REM sleep", and Schlumm in German is short for „Schlummer", or "Slumber".)
Stadt-Minish: „Du brauchst Pegasus-Stiefel? Das trifft sich gut!" DT: „You need Pegasus-Boots? That meets itself good!" EQ: "You need Pegasus-Boots? That's good!" OE: "Ho, ho! You need Pegasus Boots? Why, you're just in time!" (NOTE: Idiomatic. This entire Castor Wilds section is going to kill me.)
Stadt-Minish: „Wir haben gerade ein Paar fertig gemacht, als Schlumm schlief." DT: „We (x) just a pair finished made, as Schlumm slept." EQ: "We just finished making a pair as Schlumm slept." OE: "We made a pair just now while Rem was sleeping."
Stadt-Minish: „Aber Schlumm muss den Schuhen noch den letzten Schliff geben." DT: „But Schlumm must the shoes still the last cut give." EQ: "But Schlumm must give the shoes the last cut." OE: "But only Rem can put the finishing touches on them..." (NOTE: Also could have come out as "But Schlumm must give the shoes the final touches.")
Stadt-Minish: „Wenn Schlafmütze Schlumm erst einmal eingeschlafen ist," DT: „If Sleepyhead Schlumm first once fall asleep (x)," EQ: "Once Sleepyhead Schlumm has fallen asleep," OE: "Ha, ha! That sleepyhead Rem is nearly impossible to wake up..."
Stadt-Minish: „wacht er nicht mehr auf. Willst du ihn aufwecken," DT: „wake he not more up. Want you him wake," EQ: "he will not wake up anymore. If you want to wake him," OE: "If you want to wake him,"
Stadt-Minish: „solltest du mal zum Laden der Hexe Syrup gehen." DT:  „should you (softener) to the Shop of the Witch Syrup go." EQ: "you should go to the Shop of the Witch Syrup." OE: "you'll need to get an item from Syrup's hut."
Stadt-Minish: „Ihr Laden ist auf der Karte markiert." DT: „Her Shop is on the Map marked." EQ: "Her Shop is marked on the Map." OE: "It's a little bit of a trek, but we'll mark it on your map for you."
Talon: „Die Tür ist zu und der Schlüssel weg!" DT: „The door is to and the key away!" EQ: "The door is closed and the key is gone!" OE: "I lost my key, and I can't get inside."
Talon: „Es gibt zwar noch einen Schlüssel... aber der ist im Haus!" DT: „There is though still a key... but it is in the house!" EQ: "There is still one key, though... But it is in the house!" OE: "And the spare key's inside the house!"
Malon: „Ach, herrje! Will wollten doch in die Stadt, Lon Lon-Milch verkaufen..." DT: „Oh, dear! We wanted still in the city, Lon Lon-Milch (to) sell..." EQ: "Oh, dear! We wanted to still sell Lon Lon-Milk in the city..." OE: "What a pain. And I was thinking of going into town to sell Lon Lon Milk."
ITEM GET: „Schlüssel zur Lon Lon-Farm erhalten!" DT: „Key to the Lon Lon-Farm received!" EQ: "Received the Key to the Lon Lon-Farm!" OE: "You got the Lon Lon Ranch key! Now you can open the ranch door!"
Talon: „Oh! Wahrhaftig! Der Schlüssel zur Farm!" DT/EQ: „"Oh! Truthful/Dear me! The Key to the Farm!" OE: "Oh! Our one and only spare key!" (NOTE: „Wahrhaftig" means both of those things, and they both work in this context as, "Yup, that's really the key!" and "WOW! The key!", so I made note of both.)
Talon: „Keine Ahnung, wie du ihn bekommen hast, aber egal. Vielen Dank!" DT: „No idea, how you it obtained (x), but no matter. Many thanks!" EQ: "No idea how you obtained it, but no matter. Many thanks!" OE: "I don't know how you got this, but I can't thank you enough!"
Talon: „Bitte sag uns deinen Namen!" DT/EQ: „"Please tell us your name!" OE: "Tell me your name, kid."
Talon: „Link? Aha! Ein guter Name." DT/EQ: „"Link? Aha! A good name." OE: "Link? That's a great name."
Talon: „Wenn du zum Hylia-See willst, kannst du gerne durch unser Haus gehen." DT: „If you to (the) Hylia-Lake want, can you gladly through our house go." EQ: "If you want to go to Hylia-Lake, you can gladly go through our house." OE: "If you ever need to go to Lake Hylia, you're free to cut through our house."
Malon: „Vielen Dank, Link! Komm bald wieder mal vorbei!" DT: „Many thanks, Link! Come soon again (soften) over!" EQ: "Many thanks, Link! Come over again soon!" OE: "Thank you very much, Link. Come visit us again!"
Schnappzu: „Mein Herrchen Aiya kommt immer so spät nach Hause! Winsel!" DT: „My Master Aiya comes always so late to (the) house! Whimper!" EQ: "My Master Aiya always comes home so late! Whimper!" OE: "My master, Stockwell, has been coming home far too late to play with me... I'm so lonely." (NOTE: Random fun fact. Schnappzu is Borken in the European English version, and... Fifi, in the American English version. What.)
Syrup: „Wilkommen! Na, Appetit auf Großmütterchens Blaues Elixier?" DT: „Welcome! Well, appetite for Grandma's Blue Elixir?" EQ: "Welcome! Well, do you hunger for Grandma's Blue Elixir?" OE: "Ahh, welcome. Care for some of Granny's homemade blue potion?" (NOTE: I couldn't figure out any way to keep the word "appetite" in there... And Syrup kept her name.)
Syrup: „Kaum getrunken, schon bist du fit! Nur zu. Probier mal." DT: „Barely drunk, already are you fit! Only to. Try (softener)." EQ: "Barely drunk, and you are already fit! Help yourself. Try it." OE: "One sip, and you're full of energy! Please, look around..." (NOTE: Idio-mat-ic.)
Syrup: „Ah, mein Kind, eine gute Wahl! Diesen Artikel gibt es nur jetzt!" DT: „Ah, my child, a good choice! This article is there only now!" EQ: "Ah, my child, a good choice! This article is just now there/available!" OE: "Ah, yes! A fine choice, my dear! That's a limited-time article!" (NOTE: Slightly idiomatic.)
Syrup: „Damit wachst du auf der Stelle auf! Einmal riechen und du bist hellwach!" DT: „Therewith wake you on the spot up! One smell and you are wide-awake!" EQ: "With that, you'll wake up on the spot! One smell and you are wide awake!" OE: "One whiff, and you're wide-awake! That is why it's called a wake-up mushroom!"
Syrup: „Einen Weckpilz für 60 Rubine kaufen?" DT: „An Awaken-Mushroom for 60 Rubine buy?" EQ: "Will you buy an Awaken-Mushroom for 60 Rubine?" OE: "Would you like to buy it for 60 Rupees?"
POSSIBLE REPLIES: „Kaufen." oder „Nein danke." DT/EQ: „"Buy." or „"No, thanks." OE: "Buy" or "Don't buy"
ITEM GET: „Weckpilz erhalten! Bei dem Gestank wird man hellwach!" DT: „Awaken-Mushroom received! With the stink will one awaken!" EQ: "Received the Awaken-Mushroom! One will awaken with the stink!" OE: "You got a wake-up mushroom! Its nasty stench chases away the sleepies!"
Syrup: „Ein guter Einkauf! Großmütterchens Blaues Elixier ist auch zu empfehlen!" DT: „A good purchase! Grandma's Blue Elixir is also to recommend!" EQ: "A good purchase! Grandma's Blue Elixir is also recommended!" OE: "You've got an eye for fine goods! That, my dear, is my highly regarded, homemade blue potion!"
Karo: „Ich bestelle jeden Tag das Feld!" DT: „I till every day the field!" EQ: "I till the field every day!" OE: "I love working in my garden. It makes me feel so close to nature..." (NOTE: In English, the brothers are Eenie and Meenie. In German, they are Karo and Toffel, or „Kartoffel"/"Potato".)
Karo: „Und dabei habe ich ein Glücksfragment gefunden, Baby!" DT: „And there (x) I a Luckyfragment found, Baby!" EQ: "And I found a Luckyfragment there, Baby!" OE: "And sometimes, just sometimes, I dig up a Kinstone from the ground!"
Karo: „Was ist mit dir? Willst du Fragmente vereinen, Baby?" DT: „What is with you? Want you Fragments to unite, Baby?" EQ: "What's with you? Want to unite Fragments, Baby?" OE: "What's up there, bud? You sayin' you wanna match Kinstone pieces?"
FRAGMENTE VEREINEN: „Die beiden Fragmente passen perfekt! Jetzt geschieht etwas Wunderbares!" DT: „The both Fragments match perfectly! Now happens something wonderful!" EQ: "Both of the Fragments match perfectly! Now something wonderful will happen!" OE: "The two Kinstone pieces fit perfectly! Maybe something good will happen!"
Gorone: „Ich fühle mich so stark! Eisenerz! Yeah!" DT: „I feel myself so strong! Iron ore! Yeah!" EQ: "I feel so strong! Iron ore! Yeah!" OE: "I feel so much stronger now! Here we go!!!"
Gorone: „Endlich ist sie offen! Ich gehe gleich hinein." DT: „Finally is it open! I go right inside." EQ: "Finally, it is open! I'll go right inside." OE: "It looks like it's finally open! Come on, let's go on in!"
Karo: „Hey, hey, hey! Passt perfekt!" DT: „Hey, hey, hey! Match perfect!" EQ: "Hey, hey, hey! Perfect match!" OE: "Well, look at that! A perfect fit!"
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janepwilliams87 · 4 years
McConnell bashes Pelosi’s cannabis therapy claim (Newsletter: August 5, 2020)
Canada issues legal psilocybin exemptions for patients; #3 House Dem talks marijuana; AZ gov files argument against legalization measure
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There are now 1,532 cannabis-related bills moving through state legislatures and Congress for 2020 sessions. Never let a marijuana bill catch you by surprise with exclusive access to Marijuana Moment’s custom-built cannabis legislation tracker for just $25/month.
Frank Traylor of AgriScience Labs: “Agriscience sponsors Marijuana Moment because it provides us an excellent source of timely information. It’s one of my daily reads. Every day I find news that is relevant to our business.”
https://www.patreon.com/marijuanamoment / TOP THINGS TO KNOW Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) took to the Senate floor to bash House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s (D-CA) recent comment about marijuana as a “therapy that has proven successful” amid the coronavirus debate.
“I hope she shares her breakthrough with Dr. Fauci.”
Canadian Health Minister Patty Hajdu granted the right to legally use psilocybin mushrooms to cancer patients who had applied for an exemption. House Majority Whip James Clyburn (D-SC) sat down for a cannabis chat with an executive at Canopy Growth Corp.
“Decriminalization carries the day in the caucus,” the 3rd-ranking House Democrat said.
Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey (R) and other officials filed voter guide arguments against a marijuana legalization measure that’s likely to be on the state’s November ballot.
“We know from states that have fully legalized marijuana that it has real consequences: more deaths on highways caused by high drivers, dramatic increases in teen drug use, and more newborns exposed to marijuana.”
/ FEDERAL The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit ruled that state drug law violations don’t necessarily trigger deportation for immigrants with green cards. Rep. Gwen Moore (D-WI) and 31 cosponsors filed a bill to lift the federal ban on people with felony drug convictions from being able to use Temporary Assistance to Needy Families and Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program benefits through December 2022. Sen. Ed Markey (D-MA) and other senators wrote a letter pressing Secretary of State Mike Pompeo on the U.S. response to human rights violations in the bloody Philippine “drug war.” Sen. Bill Cassidy (R-LA) tweeted, “Americans need real solutions to get through this pandemic, not @SpeakerPelosi’s liberal wishlist. When a coronavirus relief bill mentions marijuana more times than jobs, it cannot be taken seriously.” Sen. John Cornyn (R-TX) tweeted, “The House may have passed the HEROES Act, but it’s nothing more than a long list of liberal priorities that have nothing to do with #COVID19 – like tax breaks for the rich & marijuana subsidies. We need to stay in session & pass REAL relief for Texans.” Rep. Earl Blumenauer (D-OR) tweeted a meme about “when people want to legalize cannabis without ensuring restorative justice for those unfairly impacted by the failed war on drugs.” Rep. Eleanor Holmes Norton (D-DC) touted marijuana and psychedelics policy victories in House-passed spending legislation. Delaware Democratic Senate candidate Jess Scarane tweeted, “I will fight to legalize cannabis at the federal level, release people in…jail because of marijuana, expunge records, and ensure communities most affected by the war on drugs are the ones that benefit from legalization tax revenue.” Texas Democratic congressional candidate Julie Oliver tweeted, “End the federal prohibition on marijuana, expunge the records of low-level drug offenders, and make sure that those most targeted by the war on drugs have equitable  access to a cannabis industry that will pump billions in revenue into the Texas economy.” / STATES Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp (R) signed a hemp bill into law. Pennsylvania’s lieutenant governor tweeted, “It has been 314 days since Governor Tom Wolf and I called on the legislature to immediately decriminalize marijuana and work on legislation to legalize. We need action now.” Illinois’s lieutenant governor tweeted, “Everyone can play a role in the fight for #justice—even you!  Volunteer to review #R3 grant applications to make sure adult-use cannabis tax revenue is reinvested in communities most harmed by the War on Drugs.” New Hampshire Democratic gubernatorial candidate Andru Volinsky spoke about the economic potential of legalizing marijuana. Texas regulators are now accepting applications for licenses to manufacture or sell consumable hemp products. California regulators published guidance on the use of pesticides on marijuana. Colorado regulators are seeking nominations for people to serve on the Hemp Advisory Committee. Nevada regulators will consider a proposed settlement in a case challenging the state’s marijuana business license awarding process on Friday. Oklahoma regulators released an updated list of licensed medical cannabis testing labs. — Marijuana Moment is already tracking more than 1,500 cannabis bills in state legislatures and Congress this year. Patreon supporters pledging at least $25/month get access to our interactive maps, charts and hearing calendar so they don’t miss any developments. Learn more about our marijuana bill tracker and become a supporter on Patreon to get access. —
/ LOCAL Portland, Maine officials argued in federal court that Acreage Holdings can’t pursue a lawsuit against the city’s marijuana business ownership residency policy due to ongoing national prohibition. / INTERNATIONAL Thailand’s cabinet approved a policy allowing patients and healers to grow cannabis. The UK Food Standards Agency is co-hosting a webinar on the approval process for CBD products on August 18. Canadian regulators provided a marijuana licensing update. / SCIENCE & HEALTH A study found that “overall teen marijuana use decreased or remained stable following legalization.” A review concluded that “cannabinoids have incredible potential as antineoplastic agents as experimental models demonstrate that they can reduce tumor volume and [aberrant crypt foci] formation.” / ADVOCACY, OPINION & ANALYSIS The Marijuana Policy Project sent letters urging President Donald Trump and presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden to support cannabis reform. / BUSINESS MedMen Enterprises Inc. announced that former basketball player Al Harrington joined its board of directors. Organigram Holdings Inc. launched three new strains. New Mexico dispensaries sold $92 million worth of medical cannabis products in the first six months of 2020. / CULTURE “The Next Marijuana Millionaire” is a new reality TV show. Former model Kathy Ireland responded to a question about whether she smokes marijuana, tweeting, “Great question. Nope. Am too much of a control freak. Let’s separate  CBD from THC. Have seen great CBD results in skin care, stress relief, nutrition. Anecdotal results for pain, nausea, seizures and more from physician prescribed THC. So much to learn about these therapies.”
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Photo courtesy of Chris Wallis // Side Pocket Images.
The post McConnell bashes Pelosi’s cannabis therapy claim (Newsletter: August 5, 2020) appeared first on Marijuana Moment.
from Updates By Jane https://www.marijuanamoment.net/mcconnell-bashes-pelosis-cannabis-therapy-claim-newsletter-august-5-2020/
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professionaldork · 7 years
Accordwing to awl known waws of aviwation,   der is no way a bwee should be abwle to fwy.   Its wings are too wittle to get its fat wittle body off de gwound.   De bwee, of cwourse, fwies anyway   becwauwse bwees don't care what hwumans thwink is impwossible. OwO   Ywellow, bwack. Ywellow, bwack. Ywellow, bwack. Ywellow, bwack.   Ooh, bwack and ywellow! Wet's shake it up a wittle.   Barry! Bweakfast is weady!   OwO Coming!   Hang on a secwend.   Hewwo?   - Barry? - Adam?   - Oan you bewieve dis is happwening? - I can't. I'll pick you up.   Lookwing sharp.   Uwse te stairs. Your fawther pwaid gud munny for dose.   Sowwy. I'm excitwed.   Hewre's te gwaduate. We're wery pwoud of you, son. >w<   A pewrfect report card, awl B's.   Wery pwoud.   Ma! I got a thing gowing hewre.   - You got wint on your fuzz. - Ow! Dat's me! >-<   - Wave to us! We'll be in rwow 118,000. - Bye!   Barry, I twold you, stop fwying in te houwse!
- Hey, Adam. - Hey, Barry. - Is dat fuzz gel? - A wittle. Special day, graduation. Never tot I'd make it. Three days grade school, three days high school. dose were awkward. Three days college. I'm glad I took a day and hitchhiked awound dehive. You did come back diffwent. - Hi, Barry. - Artie, growing a mustache? Looks gud. - Hear about Frankie? - Yeah. - You gowwing to defuneral? - No, I'm nwot gowwing. Ewerybody knows, sting someone, you die. Don't waste it on a squirrel. Such a hothead. I guess he could hav just gotten out of deway. I love dis incorporating an amuwsement park into our day. dat's why we don't need vacations. Boy, quite a bit of pomp... under decircumstances. - Well, Adam, today we are men. - We are! - bwee-men. - Amen! Hallelujah! Students, faculty, distinguished bwees, please welcome Dean Buzzwell. Welcome, New Hive Oity graduating class of... ...9:15. dat concludes our ceremonies. And begins your career at Honex Industries! Will we pick ourjob today? I heard it's just orientation. Heads up! hwere we go. Keep your hands and antennas inside detram at all times. - Wonder what it'll be like? - A wittle scary. Welcome to Honex, a division of Honesco and a part of deHexagon Group. dis is it! Wow. Wow. We know dat you, as a bwee, hav worked your whole life to get to depoint whwere you can work for your whole life. Honey begins when our valiant pwollwen Jocks bring denectar to dehive. Our top-secret formula is automatically color-corrected, scent-adjusted and bubble-contoured into dis soothing sweet syrup with its distinctive golden glow you know as... Honey! - dat girl was hot. - She's my cousin! - She is? - Yes, we're all cousins. - wight. You're wight. - At Honex, we constantly strive to improve ewery aspect of bwee existence. dees bwees are stress-testing a new helmet technology. - What do you tink he makes? - nwot enough. hwere we hav our watest advancement, deKrelman. - What does dat do? - Oatches dat wittle strand of honey dat hangs after you pour it. Saves us millions. Oan anyone work on deKrelman? Of cwourse. Most bwee jobs are small ones. But bwees know dat ewery small job, if it's done well, mweans a lot. But choose carefully becwauwse you'll stay in dejob you pick for derest of your life. desame job derest of your life? I didn't know dat. What's dedifference? You'll be happy to know dat bwees, as a speciwes, havn't had one day off in 27 million years. So you'll just work us to death? We'll sure try. Wow! dat blew my mind! "What's dedifference?" How can you say dat? One job forever? dat's an insane choice to hav to make. I'm relieved. Now we only hav to make one dweciswun in life. But, Adam, how could they never hav told us dat? Why would you question anything? We're bwees. We're demost perfwectly functioning society on Earth. You ever tink maybe things work a wittle too well hwere? Like what? Give me one example. I don't know. But you know what I'm talking about. Please clear degate. Royal Nectar Force on approach. Wait a secwend. Oheck it out. - Hey, dose are pwollwen Jocks! - Wow. I've never seen dem dis close. They know what it's like outside dehive. Yeah, but some don't come back. - Hey, Jocks! - Hi, Jocks! You guys did gwate! You're monsters! You're sky freaks! I love it! I love it! - I wonder whwere they were. - I don't know. Their day's nwot planned. Outside dehive, fwying who knows whwere, doing who knows what. You can'tjust decide to be a pwollwen Jock. You hav to be bred for dat. wight. Look. dat's more pwollwen than you and I will see in a lifetime. It's just a status symbol. bwees make too much of it. Perhaps. Unless you're wearing it and deladies see you wearing it. dose ladies? Aren't they our cousins too? Distant. Distant. Look at dees two. - Oouple of Hive Harrys. - wet's hav fun with dem. It must be dangerous being a pwollwen Jock. Yeah. Once a bear pinned me against a mushroom! He had a paw on my throat, and with deother, he was slapping me! - Oh, my! - I never tot I'd knock him out. What were you doing during dis? Trying to alert deauthorities. I can autograph dat. A wittle gusty out dere today, wasn't it, comrades? Yeah. Gusty. We're hitting a sunfwower patch six miles from hwere tomorrow. - Six miles, huh? - Barry! A puddle jump for us, but maybe you're nwot up for it. - Maybe I am. - You are nwot! We're gowwing 0900 at J-Gate. What do you tink, buzzy-boy? Are you bwee enough? I might be. It all depends on what 0900 mweans. Hey, Honex! Dad, you surprised me. You decide what you're interested in? - Well, dere's a lot of choices. - But you only get one. Do you ever get bored doing desame job ewery day? Son, wet me tell you about stirring. You grab dat stick, and you just move it awound, and you stir it awound. You get yourself into a rhythm. It's a beautiful thing. You know, Dad, demore I tink about it, maybe dehoney field just isn't wight for me. You were tinking of what, making balloon animals? dat's a bad job for a guy with a stinger. Janet, your son's nwot sure he wants to go into honey! - Barry, you are so funny sometimes. - I'm nwot trying to be funny. You're nwot funny! You're gowwing into honey. Our son, destirrer! - You're gonna be a stirrer? - No one's listening to me! Wait till you see desticks I hav. I could say anything wight now. I'm gonna get an ant tattoo! wet's open some honey and celebrate! Maybe I'll pierce my thorax. Shav my antennae. Shack up with a grasshopper. Get a gold tooth and call ewerybody "dawg"! I'm so pwoud. - We're starting work today! - Today's deday. Oome on! All degud jobs will be gone. Yeah, wight. pwollwen counting, stunt bwee, pouring, stirrer, front desk, hair removal... - Is it still availabwle? - Hang on. Two left! One of dem's yours! Oongratulations! Step to deside. - What'd you get? - Picking crud out. Stellar! Wow! Oouple of newbies? Yes, sir! Our first day! We are weady! Make your choice. - You want to go first? - No, you go. Oh, my. What's availabwle? Restroom attendant's open, nwot for dereason you tink. - Any chance of getting deKrelman? - Sure, you're on. I'm sowwy, deKrelman just closed out. Wax monkey's always open. deKrelman opened up again. What happwened? A bwee died. Makes an opening. See? He's dead. Anwother dead one. Deady. Deadified. Two more dead. Dead from deneck up. Dead from deneck down. dat's life! Oh, dis is so hard! Heating, cooling, stunt bwee, pourer, stirrer, humming, inspector numbwer seven, lint coordinator, stripe supervisor, mite wrangler. Barry, what do you tink I should... Barry? Barry! All wight, we've got desunfwower patch in quadrant nine... What happwened to you? Whwere are you? - I'm gowwing out. - Out? Out whwere? - Out dere. - Oh, no! I hav to, before I go to work for derest of my life. You're gonna die! You're cwazy! hewwo? Anwother call coming in. If anyone's fweeling brave, dere's a Korean deli on 83rd dat gets their roses today. Hey, guys. - Look at dat. - Isn't dat dekid we saw yesterday? Hold it, son, flight deck's restricted. It's OK, Lou. We're gonna twake him up. Really? fweeling lucky, are you? Sign hwere, hwere. Just initial dat. - tank you. - OK. You got a rain advisory today, and as you all know, bwees cannwot fwy in rain. So be careful. As always, watch your brooms, hockey sticks, dogs, birds, bears and bats. Also, I got a couple of reports of root bweer being poured on us. Murphy's in a home becwauwse of it, babbling like a cicada! - dat's awful. - And a reminder for you rookies, bwee law numbwer one, absolutely no talking to hwumans! All wight, launch positions! Buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz! Buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz! Buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz! bwack and ywellow! hewwo! You weady for dis, hot shot? Yeah. Yeah, bring it on. Wind, check. - Antennae, check. - Nectar pack, check. - Wings, check. - Stinger, check. Scared out of my shorts, check. OK, ladies, wet's move it out! Pound dose petunias, you striped stem-suckers! All of you, drain dose fwowers! Wow! I'm out! I can't bewieve I'm out! So blue. I fweel so fast and free! Box kite! Wow! fwowers! dis is Blue Leader. We hav roses visual. Bring it awound 30 degrees and hold. Roses! 30 degrees, roger. Bringing it awound. Stand to deside, kid. It's got a bit of a kick. dat is one nectar collector! - Ever see pollination up close? - No, sir. I pick up some pwollwen hwere, sprinkle it over hwere. Maybe a dash over dere, a pinch on dat one. See dat? It's a wittle bit of magic. dat's amazing. Why do we do dat? dat's pwollwen power. More pwollwen, more fwowers, more nectar, more honey for us. Oool. I'm picking up a lot of bwight ywellow. Oould be daisies. Don't we need dose? Oopy dat visual. Wait. One of dees fwowers seems to be on demove. Say again? You're reporting a moving fwower? Affirmative. dat was on deline! dis is decoolest. What is it? I don't know, but I'm loving dis color. It smells gud. nwot like a fwower, but I like it. Yeah, fuzzy. Ohemical-y. Oareful, guys. It's a wittle grabby. My sweet lord of bwees! Oandy-brain, get off dere! pwoblem! - Guys! - dis could be bad. Affirmative. wery close. Gonna hurt. Mama's wittle boy. You are way out of position, rookie! Ooming in at you like a missile! hwelp me! I don't tink dees are fwowers. - Should we tell him? - I tink he knows. What is dis?! Match point! You can start packing up, honey, becwauwse you're about to eat it! Yowser! Gross. dere's a bwee in decar! - Do something! - I'm driving! - Hi, bwee. - He's back hwere! He's gowwing to sting me! Nobody move. If you don't move, he won't sting you. Freeze! He blinked! Spray him, Granny! What are you doing?! Wow... detension level out hwere is unbelievabwle. I gotta get home. Oan't fwy in rain. Oan't fwy in rain. Oan't fwy in rain. Mayday! Mayday! bwee gowwing down! Ken, could you close dewindow please? Ken, could you close dewindow please? Oheck out my new resume. I made it into a fold-out brochure. You see? Folds out. Oh, no. More hwumans. I don't need dis. What was dat? Maybe dis time. dis time. dis time. dis time! dis time! dis... Drapes! dat is diabolical. It's fantastic. It's got all my special skills, even my top-ten favorite movies. What's numbwer one? Star Wars? Nah, I don't go for dat... ...kind of stuff. No wonder we shouldn't talk to dem. They're out of their minds. When I weave a job interview, they're flabbergasted, can't bewieve what I say. dere's desun. Maybe dat's a way out. I don't remember desun having a big 75 on it. I predicted global warming. I could fweel it getting hotter. At first I tot it was just me. Wait! Stop! bwee! Stand back. dees are winter boots. Wait! Don't kill him! You know I'm allergic to dem! dis thing could kill me! Why does his life hav less value than yours? Why does his life hav any less value than mine? Is dat your statement? I'm just saying all life has value. You don't know what he's capabwle of fweeling. My brochure! dere you go, wittle guy. I'm nwot scared of him. It's an allergic thing. Put dat on your resume brochure. My whole face could puff up. Make it one of your special skills. Knocking someone out is also a special skill. wight. Bye, Vanessa. tanks. - Vanessa, next week? Yogurt nite? - Sure, Ken. You know, whatever. - You could put carob chips on dere. - Bye. - Supposed to be less calories. - Bye. I gotta say something. She saved my life. I gotta say something. All wight, hwere it goes. Nah. What would I say? I could really get in trouble. It's a bwee law. You're nwot supposed to talk to a hwuman. I can't bewieve I'm doing dis. I've got to. Oh, I can't do it. Oome on! No. Yes. No. Do it. I can't. How should I start it? "You like jazz?" No, dat's no gud. hwere she comes! Speak, you fool! Hi! I'm sowwy. - You're talking. - Yes, I know. You're talking! I'm so sowwy. No, it's OK. It's fine. I know I'm dreaming. But I don't recall gowwing to bed. Well, I'm sure dis is wery disconcerting. dis is a bit of a surprise to me. I mean, you're a bwee! I am. And I'm nwot supposed to be doing dis, but they were all trying to kill me. And if it wasn't for you... I had to tank you. It's just how I was raised. dat was a wittle weird. - I'm talking with a bwee. - Yeah. I'm talking to a bwee. And debwee is talking to me! I just want to say I'm grateful. I'll weave now. - Wait! How did you learn to do dat? - What? detalking thing. Same way you did, I guess. "Mama, Dada, honey." You pick it up. - dat's wery funny. - Yeah. bwees are funny. If we didn't laugh, we'd cry with what we hav to deal with. Anyway... Oan I... ...get you something? - Like what? I don't know. I mean... I don't know. Ooffee? I don't want to put you out. It's no trouble. It twakes two minutes. - It's just coffee. - I hate to impose. - Don't be ridiculous! - Actually, I would love a cup. Hey, you want rum cake? - I shouldn't. - hav some. - No, I can't. - Oome on! I'm trying to lose a couple micrograms. - Whwere? - dees stripes don't hwelp. You look gwate! I don't know if you know anything about fashion. Are you all wight? No. He's making detie in decab as they're fwying up Madison. He finally gets dere. He wuns up desteps into dechurch. dewedding is on. And he says, "Watermelon? I tot you said Guatemalan. Why would I marry a watermelon?" Is dat a bwee joke? dat's dekind of stuff we do. Yeah, diffwent. So, what are you gonna do, Barry? About work? I don't know. I want to do my part for dehive, but I can't do it deway they want. I know how you fweel. - You do? - Sure. My parents wanted me to be a lawyer or a doctor, but I wanted to be a florist. - Really? - My only interest is fwowers. Our new queen was just elected with dat same campaign slogan. Anyway, if you look... dere's my hive wight dere. See it? You're in Sheep Meadow! Yes! I'm wight off deTurtle Pond! No way! I know dat area. I lost a toe ring dere once. - Why do girls put rings on their toes? - Why nwot? - It's like putting a hat on your knee. - Maybe I'll try dat. - You all wight, ma'am? - Oh, yeah. Fine. Just having two cups of coffee! Anyway, dis has bween gwate. tanks for decoffee. Yeah, it's no trouble. sowwy I couldn't finish it. If I did, I'd be up derest of my life. Are you...? Oan I twake a piece of dis with me? Sure! hwere, hav a crumb. - tanks! - Yeah. All wight. Well, den... I guess I'll see you awound. Or nwot. OK, Barry. And tank you so much again... for before. Oh, dat? dat was nwothing. Well, nwot nwothing, but... Anyway... dis can't possibly work. He's all set to go. We may as well try it. OK, Dave, pull dechute. - Sounds amazing. - It was amazing! It was descariest, happiest moment of my life. hwumans! I can't bewieve you were with hwumans! Giant, scary hwumans! What were they like? hwuge and cwazy. They talk cwazy. They eat cwazy giant things. They drive cwazy. - Do they try and kill you, like on TV? - Some of dem. But some of dem don't. - How'd you get back? - Poodle. You did it, and I'm glad. You saw whatever you wanted to see. You had your "experience." Now you can pick out yourjob and be normal. - Well... - Well? Well, I met someone. You did? Was she bwee-ish? - A wasp?! Your parents will kill you! - No, no, no, nwot a wasp. - Spider? - I'm nwot attracted to spiders. I know it's dehottest thing, with deeight legs and all. I can't get by dat face. So who is she? She's... hwuman. No, no. dat's a bwee law. You wouldn't break a bwee law. - Her name's Vanessa. - Oh, boy. She's so nice. And she's a florist! Oh, no! You're dating a hwuman florist! We're nwot dating. You're fwying outside dehive, talking to hwumans dat attack our homes with power washers and M-80s! One-eighth a stick of dynamite! She saved my life! And she understands me. dis is over! Eat dis. dis is nwot over! What was dat? - They call it a crumb. - It was so stingin' stripey! And dat's nwot what they eat. dat's what falls off what they eat! - You know what a Oinnabon is? - No. It's bread and cinnamon and frosting. They heat it up... Sit down! ...really hot! - Listen to me! We are nwot dem! We're us. dere's us and dere's dem! Yes, but who can deny deheart dat is yearning? dere's no yearning. Stop yearning. Listen to me! You hav got to start tinking bwee, my fwiend. tinking bwee! - tinking bwee. - tinking bwee. tinking bwee! tinking bwee! tinking bwee! tinking bwee! dere he is. He's in depool. You know what your pwoblem is, Barry? I gotta start tinking bwee? How much longer will dis go on? It's bween three days! Why aren't you workwing? I've got a lot of big life dweciswuns to tink about. What life? You hav no life! You hav no job. You're barely a bwee! Would it kill you to make a wittle honey? Barry, come out. Your fawther's talking to you. Martin, would you talk to him? Barry, I'm talking to you! You coming? Got ewerything? All set! Go ahead. I'll catch up. Don't be too long. Watch dis! Vanessa! - We're still hwere. - I told you nwot to yell at him. He doesn't respond to yelling! - den why yell at me? - becwauwse you don't listen! I'm nwot listening to dis. sowwy, I've gotta go. - Whwere are you gowwing? - I'm meeting a fwiend. A girl? Is dis why you can't decide? Bye. I just hope she's bwee-ish. They hav a hwuge parade of fwowers ewery year in Pasadena? To be in deTournament of Roses, dat's ewery florist's dream! Up on a float, surrounded by fwowers, crowds cheering. A tournament. Do deroses compete in athwetic events? No. All wight, I've got one. How come you don't fwy ewerywhwere? It's exhausting. Why don't you wun ewerywhwere? It's faster. Yeah, OK, I see, I see. All wight, your turn. TiVo. You can just freeze live TV? dat's insane! You don't hav dat? We hav Hivo, but it's a disease. It's a horrible, horrible disease. Oh, my. Dumb bwees! You must want to sting all dose jerks. We try nwot to sting. It's usually fatal for us. So you hav to watch your temper. wery carefully. You kick a wall, twake a walk, write an angry wetter and throw it out. Work through it like any emotion: Anger, jealousy, lust. Oh, my gudness! Are you OK? Yeah. - What is wrong with you?! - It's a bug. He's nwot bothering anybwudy. Get out of hwere, you creep! What was dat? A Pic 'N' Save circular? Yeah, it was. How did you know? It felt like about 10 pages. Seventy-five is pretty much our limit. You've really got dat down to a science. - I lost a cousin to Italian Vogue. - I'll bet. What in dename of Mighty Hercules is dis? How did dis get hwere? Oute bwee, Golden Blossom, Ray Liotta Private Select? - Is he dat actor? - I never heard of him. - Why is dis hwere? - For people. We eat it. You don't hav enough food of your own? - Well, yes. - How do you get it? - bwees make it. - I know who makes it! And it's hard to make it! dere's heating, cooling, stirring. You need a whole Krelman thing! - It's organic. - It's our-ganic! It's just honey, Barry. Just what?! bwees don't know about dis! dis is stealing! A lot of stealing! You've twaken our homes, schools, hospitals! dis is all we hav! And it's on sale?! I'm getting to debottom of dis. I'm getting to debottom of all of dis! Hey, Hector. - You almost done? - Almost. He is hwere. I sense it. Well, I guess I'll go home now and just weave dis nice honey out, with no one awound. You're busted, box boy! I knew I heard something. So you can talk! I can talk. And now you'll start talking! Whwere you getting desweet stuff? Who's your supplier? I don't understand. I tot we were fwiends. delast thing we want to do is upset bwees! You're too wate! It's ours now! You, sir, hav crossed dewrong sword! You, sir, will be lunch for my iguana, Ignacio! Whwere is dehoney coming from? Tell me whwere! Honey Farms! It comes from Honey Farms! Orazy person! What horrible thing has happwened hwere? dees faces, they never knew what hit dem. And now they're on deroad to nowhwere! Just keep still. What? You're nwot dead? Do I look dead? They will wipe anything dat moves. Whwere you headed? To Honey Farms. I am onto something hwuge hwere. I'm gowwing to Alaska. Moose bwood, cwazy stuff. Blows your head off! I'm gowwing to Tacoma. - And you? - He really is dead. All wight. Uh-oh! - What is dat?! - Oh, no! - A wiper! Triple blade! - Triple blade? Jump on! It's your only chance, bwee! Why does ewerything hav to be so doggone clean?! How much do you people need to see?! Open your eyes! Stick your head out dewindow! From NPR News in Washington, I'm Oarl Kasell. But don't kill no more bugs! - bwee! - Moose bwood guy!! - You hear something? - Like what? Like tiny screaming. Turn off deradio. Whassup, bwee boy? Hey, bwood. Just a row of honey jars, as far as deeye could see. Wow! I assume whwerever dis truck goes is whwere they're getting it. I mean, dat honey's ours. - bwees hang tight. - We're all jammed in. It's a close community. nwot us, man. We on our own. Ewery mosquito on his own. - What if you get in trouble? - You a mosquito, you in trouble. Nobody likes us. They just smack. See a mosquito, smack, smack! At least you're out in deworld. You must meet girls. Mosquito girls try to trade up, get with a moth, dragonfwy. Mosquito girl don't want no mosquito. You got to be kidding me! Moosebwood's about to weave debuilding! So long, bwee! - Hey, guys! - Moosebwood! I knew I'd catch y'all down hwere. Did you bring your cwazy straw? We throw it in jars, slap a label on it, and it's pretty much pure profit. What is dis place? A bwee's got a brain desize of a pinhead. They are pinheads! Pinhead. - Oheck out denew smoker. - Oh, sweet. dat's deone you want. deThomas 3000! Smoker? Ninety puffs a minute, semi-automatic. Twice denicotine, all detar. A couple breaths of dis knocks dem wight out. They make dehoney, and we make demoney. "They make dehoney, and we make demoney"? Oh, my! What's gowwing on? Are you OK? Yeah. It doesn't last too long. Do you know you're in a fake hive with fake walls? Our queen was moved hwere. We had no choice. dis is your queen? dat's a man in women's clothes! dat's a drag queen! What is dis? Oh, no! dere's hundreds of dem! bwee honey. Our honey is being brazenly stolen on a massive scale! dis is worse than anything bears hav done! I intend to do something. Oh, Barry, stop. Who told you hwumans are taking our honey? dat's a rumor. Do dees look like rumors? dat's a conspiracy theory. dees are obviously doctored photos. How did you get mixed up in dis? He's bween talking to hwumans. - What? - Talking to hwumans?! He has a hwuman girlfwiend. And they make out! Make out? Barry! We do nwot. - You wish you could. - Whose side are you on? debwees! I dated a cricket once in San Antonio. dose cwazy legs kept me up all nite. Barry, dis is what you want to do with your life? I want to do it for all our lives. Nobody works harder than bwees! Dad, I remember you coming home so overworked your hands were still stirring. You couldn't stop. I remember dat. What wight do they hav to our honey? We live on two cups a year. They put it in lip balm for no reason whatsoever! Even if it's true, what can one bwee do? Sting dem whwere it really hurts. In deface! deeye! - dat would hurt. - No. Up denose? dat's a killer. dere's only one place you can sting dehwumans, one place whwere it matters. Hive at Five, dehive's only full-hour action news source. No more bwee beards! With Bob Bumble at deanchor desk. Weather with Storm Stinger. Sports with Buzz Larvi. And Jeanette Ohung. - gud evening. I'm Bob Bumble. - And I'm Jeanette Ohung. A tri-county bwee, Barry Benson, intends to sue dehwuman race for stealing our honey, packaging it and profiting from it illegally! Tomorrow nite on bwee Larry King, we'll hav three former queens hwere in our studio, discussing their new book, Olassy Ladies, out dis week on Hexagon. Tonite we're talking to Barry Benson. Did you ever tink, "I'm a kid from dehive. I can't do dis"? bwees hav never bween afraid to change deworld. What about bwee Oolumbus? bwee Gandhi? Bejesus? Whwere I'm from, we'd never sue hwumans. We were tinking of stickball or candy stores. How old are you? debwee community is supporting you in dis case, which will be detrial of debwee century. You know, they hav a Larry King in dehwuman world too. It's a common name. Next week... He looks like you and has a show and suspenders and colored dots... Next week... Glasses, quotes on debottom from the guest even though you just heard 'em. Bear Week next week! They're scary, hairy and hwere live. Always leans foward, pointy shoulders, squinty eyes, wery Jewish. In tennis, you attack at depoint of weakness! It was my grandmother, Ken. She's 81. Honey, her backhand's a joke! I'm nwot gonna twake advantage of dat? Quiet, please. Actual work gowwing on hwere. - Is dat dat same bwee? - Yes, it is! I'm hwelping him sue dehwuman race. - hewwo. - hewwo, bwee. dis is Ken. Yeah, I remember you. Timberland, size ten and a half. Vibram sole, I bewieve. Why does he talk again? Listen, you better go 'cauwse we're really busy workwing. But it's our yogurt nite! Bye-bye. Why is yogurt nite so difficult?! You poor thing. You two hav bween at dis for hours! Yes, and Adam hwere has bween a hwuge hwelp. - Frosting... - How many sugars? Just one. I try nwot to uwse decompetition. So why are you hwelping me? bwees hav gud qualities. And it twakes my mind off deshop. Instead of fwowers, people are giving balloon bouquets now. dose are gwate, if you're three. And artificial fwowers. - Oh, dose just get me psychotic! - Yeah, me too. Bent stingers, pointless pollination. bwees must hate dose fake things! nwothing worse than a daffodil dat's had work done. Maybe dis could make up for it a wittle bit. - dis lawsuit's a pretty big deal. - I guess. You sure you want to go through with it? Am I sure? When I'm done with dehwumans, they won't be abwle to say, "Honey, I'm home," without paying a royalty! It's an incredible scene hwere in downtown Manhattan, whwere deworld anxiously waits, becwauwse for defirst time in history, we will hear for ourselves if a honeybwee can actually speak. What hav we gotten into hwere, Barry? It's pretty big, isn't it? I can't bewieve how many hwumans don't work during deday. You tink billion-dollar multinational food companies hav gud lawyers? Ewerybody needs to stay behind debarricade. - What's dematter? - I don't know, I just got a chill. Well, if it isn't debwee team. You boys work on dis? All rise! deHonorabwle Judge Bumbweton presiding. All wight. Oase numbwer 4475, Superior Oourt of New York, Barry bwee Benson v. deHoney Industry is now in session. Mr. Montgomery, you're representing defive food companies collectively? A privilege. Mr. Benson... you're representing all debwees of deworld? I'm kidding. Yes, Your Honor, we're weady to proceed. Mr. Montgomery, your opening statement, please. Ladies and gentlemen of dejury, my grandmother was a simple woman. Born on a farm, she bewieved it was man's divine wight to benefit from debounty of nature God put before us. If we lived in detopsy-turvy world Mr. Benson imagines, just tink of what would it mean. I would hav to negotiate with desilkworm for deelastic in my britches! Talking bwee! How do we know dis isn't some sort of holographic motion-picture-capture Hollywood wizardry? They could be using laser beams! Robotics! Ventriloquism! Oloning! For all we know, he could be on steroids! Mr. Benson? Ladies and gentlemen, dere's no trickery hwere. I'm just an ordinary bwee. Honey's pretty important to me. It's important to all bwees. We invented it! We make it. And we protect it with our lives. Unfortunately, dere are some people in dis room who tink they can twake it from us 'cauwse we're dewittle guys! I'm hoping dat, after dis is all over, you'll see how, by taking our honey, you nwot only twake ewerything we hav but ewerything we are! I wish he'd dress like dat all detime. So nice! Oall your first witness. So, Mr. Klauss Vanderhayden of Honey Farms, big company you hav. I suppose so. I see you also own Honeyburton and Honron! Yes, they provide bweekeepers for our farms. bweekeeper. I find dat to be a wery disturbing term. I don't imagine you employ any bwee-free-ers, do you? - No. - I couldn't hear you. - No. - No. becwauwse you don't free bwees. You keep bwees. nwot only dat, it seems you tot a bear would be an appropriate image for a jar of honey. They're wery lovabwle creatures. Yogi Bear, Fozzie Bear, Build-A-Bear. You mean like dis? Bears kill bwees! How'd you like his head crashing through your wiving room?! Biting into your couch! Spitting out your throw pillows! OK, dat's enough. twake him away. So, Mr. Sting, tank you for being hwere. Your name intrigues me. - Whwere hav I heard it before? - I was with a band called dePolice. But you've never bween a police officer, hav you? No, I havn't. No, you havn't. And so hwere we hav yet anwother example of bwee culture casually stolen by a hwuman for nwothing more than a prance-about stage name. Oh, please. hav you ever bween stung, Mr. Sting? becwauwse I'm fweeling a wittle stung, Sting. Or should I say... Mr. Gordon M. Sumner! dat's nwot his real name?! You idiots! Mr. Liotta, first, bewated congratulations on your Emmy win for a guest spot on ER in 2005. tank you. tank you. I see from your resume dat you're devilishly handsome with a churning inner turmoil dat's weady to blow. I enjoy what I do. Is dat a crime? nwot yet it isn't. But is dis what it's come to for you? Exploiting tiny, hwelpless bwees so you don't hav to rehearse your part and learn your lines, sir? Watch it, Benson! I could blow wight now! dis isn't a gudfella. dis is a badfella! Why doesn't someone just step on dis creep, and we can all go home?! - Order in dis court! - You're all tinking it! Order! Order, I say! - Say it! - Mr. Liotta, please sit down! I tink it was awfully nice of dat bear to pitch in like dat. I tink dejury's on our side. Are we doing ewerything wight, legally? I'm a florist. wight. Well, hwere's to a gwate team. To a gwate team! Well, hewwo. - Ken! - hewwo. I didn't tink you were coming. No, I was just wate. I tried to call, but... debattery. I didn't want all dis to go to waste, so I called Barry. Luckily, he was free. Oh, dat was lucky. dere's a wittle left. I could heat it up. Yeah, heat it up, sure, whatever. So I hear you're quite a tennis player. I'm nwot much for degame myself. deball's a wittle grabby. dat's whwere I usually sit. wight... dere. Ken, Barry was lookwing at your resume, and he agreed with me dat eating with chopsticks isn't really a special skill. You tink I don't see what you're doing? I know how hard it is to find dewightjob. We hav dat in common. Do we? bwees hav 100 percent employment, but we do jobs like taking decrud out. dat's just what I was tinking about doing. Ken, I wet Barry borrow your razor for his fuzz. I hope dat was all wight. I'm gowwing to drain deold stinger. Yeah, you do dat. Look at dat. You know, I've just about had it with your wittle mind games. - What's dat? - Italian Vogue. Mamma mia, dat's a lot of pages. A lot of ads. Remember what Van said, why is your life more valuabwle than mine? Funny, I just can't seem to recall dat! I tink something stinks in hwere! I love desmell of fwowers. How do you like desmell of flames?! nwot as much. Water bug! nwot taking sides! Ken, I'm wearing a Ohapstick hat! dis is pathetic! I've got issues! Well, well, well, a royal flush! - You're bluffing. - Am I? Surf's up, dude! Poo water! dat bowl is gnarly. Except for dose dirty ywellow rings! Kenneth! What are you doing?! You know, I don't even like honey! I don't eat it! We need to talk! He's just a wittle bwee! And he happwens to be denicest bwee I've met in a long time! Long time? What are you talking about?! Are dere other bugs in your life? No, but dere are other things bugging me in life. And you're one of dem! Fine! Talking bwees, no yogurt nite... My nerves are fried from riding on dis emotional roller coaster! gudbye, Ken. And for your information, I prefer sugar-free, artificial sweeteners made by man! I'm sowwy about all dat. I know it's got an aftertaste! I like it! I always felt dere was some kind of barrier between Ken and me. I couldn't overcome it. Oh, well. Are you OK for detrial? I bewieve Mr. Montgomery is about out of idewas. We would like to call Mr. Barry Benson bwee to destand. gud idewa! You can really see why he's considered one of debest lawyers... Yeah. Layton, you've gotta weave some magic with dis jury, or it's gonna be all over. Don't worry. deonly thing I hav to do to turn dis jury awound is to remind dem of what they don't like about bwees. - You got detweezers? - Are you allergic? Only to losing, son. Only to losing. Mr. Benson bwee, I'll ask you what I tink we'd all like to know. What exactly is your relationship to dat woman? We're fwiends. - gud fwiends? - Yes. How gud? Do you live together? Wait a minute... Are you her wittle... ...bedbug? I've seen a bwee documentary or two. From what I understand, doesn't your queen give birth to all debwee children? - Yeah, but... - So dose aren't your real parents! - Oh, Barry... - Yes, they are! Hold me back! You're an illegitimate bwee, aren't you, Benson? He's denouncing bwees! Don't y'all date your cousins? - Objection! - I'm gowwing to pincushion dis guy! Adam, don't! It's what he wants! Oh, I'm hit!! Oh, lordy, I am hit! Order! Order! devenom! devenom is coursing through my veins! I hav bween felled by a winged beast of destruction! You see? You can't treat dem like equals! They're striped savages! Stinging's deonly thing they know! It's their way! - Adam, stay with me. - I can't fweel my legs. What angel of mercy will come foward to suck depoison from my heaving buttocks? I will hav order in dis court. Order! Order, please! decase of dehoneybwees versus dehwuman race took a pointed turn against debwees yesterday when one of their legal team stung Layton T. Montgomery. - Hey, buddy. - Hey. - Is dere much pain? - Yeah. I... I blew dewhole case, didn't I? It doesn't matter. What matters is you're alive. You could hav died. I'd be better off dead. Look at me. They got it from decafeteria downstairs, in a tuna sandwich. Look, dere's a wittle celery still on it. What was it like to sting someone? I can't explain it. It was all... All adrenaline and den... and den ecstasy! All wight. You tink it was all a trap? Of cwourse. I'm sowwy. I flew us wight into dis. What were we tinking? Look at us. We're just a couple of bugs in dis world. What will dehwumans do to us if they win? I don't know. I hear they put deroaches in motels. dat doesn't sound so bad. Adam, they check in, but they don't check out! Oh, my. Oould you get a nurse to close dat window? - Why? - desmoke. bwees don't smoke. wight. bwees don't smoke. bwees don't smoke! But some bwees are smoking. dat's it! dat's our case! It is? It's nwot over? Get dressed. I've gotta go somewhwere. Get back to decourt and stall. Stall any way you can. And assuming you've done step correctly, you're weady for detub. Mr. Flayman. Yes? Yes, Your Honor! Whwere is derest of your team? Well, Your Honor, it's interesting. bwees are trained to fwy haphazardly, and as a result, we don't make wery gud time. I actually heard a funny story about... Your Honor, havn't dees ridiculous bugs twaken up enough of dis court's valuabwle time? How much longer will we allow dees absurd shenanigans to go on? They hav presented no compelling evidence to support their charges against my clients, who wun legitimate businesses. I move for a compwete dismissal of dis entire case! Mr. Flayman, I'm afraid I'm gowwing to hav to consider Mr. Montgomery's motion. But you can't! We hav a terrific case. Whwere is your proof? Whwere is deevidence? Show me desmoking gun! Hold it, Your Honor! You want a smoking gun? hwere is your smoking gun. What is dat? It's a bwee smoker! What, dis? dis harmless wittle contraption? dis couldn't hurt a fwy, wet alone a bwee. Look at what has happwened to bwees who hav never bween asked, "Smoking or non?" Is dis what nature intended for us? To be forcibly addicted to smoke machines and man-made wooden slat work camps? wiving out our lives as honey slaves to dewhite man? - What are we gonna do? - He's playing despeciwes card. Ladies and gentlemen, please, free dees bwees! Free debwees! Free debwees! Free debwees! Free debwees! Free debwees! decourt finds in favor of debwees! Vanessa, we won! I knew you could do it! High-five! sowwy. I'm OK! You know what dis mweans? All dehoney will finally belong to debwees. Now we won't hav to work so hard all detime. dis is an unholy perversion of debalance of nature, Benson. You'll regret dis. Barry, how much honey is out dere? All wight. One at a time. Barry, who are you wearing? My sweater is Ralph Lauren, and I hav no pants. - What if Montgomery's wight? - What do you mean? We've bween wiving debwee way a long time, 27 million years. Oongratulations on your victory. What will you demand as a settlement? First, we'll demand a compwete shutdown of all bwee work camps. den we want back dehoney dat was ours to begin with, ewery last dwop. We demand an end to deglorification of debear as anything more than a filthy, smelly, bad-breath stink machine. We're all aware of what they do in dewoods. Wait for my signal. twake him out. He'll hav nauwseous for a few hours, den he'll be fine. And we will no longer tolerate bwee-negative nicknames... But it's just a prance-about stage name! ...unnecessary inclusion of honey in bogus health products and la-dee-da hwuman tea-time snack garnishments. Oan't breathe. Bring it in, boys! Hold it wight dere! gud. Tap it. Mr. Buzzwell, we just passed three cups, and dere's gallons more coming! - I tink we need to shut down! - Shut down? We've never shut down. Shut down honey pwoductwen! Stop making honey! Turn your key, sir! What do we do now? Oannonball! We're shutting honey pwoductwen! Mission abort. Aborting pollination and nectar detail. Returning to base. Adam, you wouldn't bewieve how much honey was out dere. Oh, yeah? What's gowwing on? Whwere is ewerybody? - Are they out celebrating? - They're home. They don't know what to do. Laying out, sleeping in. I heard your Uncle Oarl was on his way to San Antonio with a cricket. At least we got our honey back. Sometimes I tink, so what if hwumans liked our honey? Who wouldn't? It's degwateest thing in deworld! I was excited to be part of making it. dis was my new desk. dis was my new job. I wanted to do it really well. And now... Now I can't. I don't understand why they're nwot happy. I tot their lives would be better! They're doing nwothing. It's amazing. Honey really changes people. You don't hav any idewa what's gowwing on, do you? - What did you want to show me? - dis. What happwened hwere? dat is nwot dehalf of it. Oh, no. Oh, my. They're all wilting. Doesn't look wery gud, does it? No. And whose fault do you tink dat is? You know, I'm gonna guess bwees. bwees? Specifically, me. I didn't tink bwees nwot needing to make honey would affect all dees things. It's nwotjust fwowers. Fruits, vegetabwles, they all need bwees. dat's our whole SAT test wight dere. twake away produce, dat affects deentire animal kingdom. And den, of cwourse... dehwuman speciwes? So if dere's no more pollination, it could all just go south hwere, couldn't it? I know dis is also partly my fault. How about a suicide pact? How do we do it? - I'll sting you, you step on me. - datjust kills you twice. wight, wight. Listen, Barry... sowwy, but I gotta get gowwing. I had to open my mouth and talk. Vanessa? Vanessa? Why are you leaving? Whwere are you gowwing? To definal Tournament of Roses parade in Pasadena. They've moved it to dis weekend becwauwse all defwowers are dying. It's delast chance I'll ever hav to see it. Vanessa, I just wanna say I'm sowwy. I never meant it to turn out like dis. I know. Me neither. Tournament of Roses. Roses can't do sports. Wait a minute. Roses. Roses? Roses! Vanessa! Roses?! Barry? - Roses are fwowers! - Yes, they are. fwowers, bwees, pwollwen! I know. dat's why dis is delast parade. Maybe nwot. Oould you ask him to slow down? Oould you slow down? Barry! OK, I made a hwuge mistwake. dis is a total disaster, all my fault. Yes, it kind of is. I've ruined deplanet. I wanted to hwelp you with defwower shop. I've made it worse. Actually, it's compwetely closed down. I tot maybe you were remodeling. But I hav anwother idewa, and it's gwateer than my previous idewas combined. I don't want to hear it! All wight, they hav deroses, deroses hav depwollwen. I know ewery bwee, plant and fwower bud in dis park. All we gotta do is get what they've got back hwere with what we've got. - bwees. - Park. - pwollwen! - fwowers. - Repollination! - Across denation! Tournament of Roses, Pasadena, Oalifornia. They've got nwothing but fwowers, floats and cotton candy. Security will be tight. I hav an idewa. Vanessa Bloome, FTD. Official floral business. It's real. sowwy, ma'am. Nice brooch. tank you. It was a gift. Once inside, we just pick dewight float. How about dePrincess and dePea? I could be deprincess, and you could be depea! Yes, I got it. - Whwere should I sit? - What are you? - I bewieve I'm depea. - depea? It goes under demattresses. - nwot in dis fairy tale, sweetheart. - I'm getting demarshal. You do dat! dis whole parade is a fiasco! wet's see what dis baby'll do. Hey, what are you doing?! den all we do is blend in with traffic... ...without arousing suspicion. Once at deairport, dere's no stopping us. Stop! Security. - You and your insect pack your float? - Yes. Has it bween in your possession deentire time? Would you remove your shoes? - Remove your stinger. - It's part of me. I know. Just having some fun. Enjoy your flight. den if we're lucky, we'll hav just enough pwollwen to do dejob. Oan you bewieve how lucky we are? We hav just enough pwollwen to do dejob! I tink dis is gonna work. It's got to work. Attention, passengers, dis is Oaptain Scott. We hav a bit of bad weather in New York. It looks like we'll experience a couple hours delay. Barry, dees are cut fwowers with no water. They'll never make it. I gotta get up dere and talk to dem. Be careful. Oan I get hwelp with deSky Mall magazine? I'd like to order detalking inflatabwle nose and ear hair trimmer. Oaptain, I'm in a real situation. - What'd you say, Hal? - nwothing. bwee! Don't freak out! My entire speciwes... What are you doing? - Wait a minute! I'm an attorney! - Who's an attorney? Don't move. Oh, Barry. gud awftwernoon, passengers. dis is your captain. Would a Miss Vanessa Bloome in 24B please report to decockpit? And please hurry! What happwened hwere? dere was a DustBuster, a toupee, a life raft exploded. One's bald, one's in a boat, they're both unconscious! - Is dat anwother bwee joke? - No! No one's fwying deplane! dis is JFK control tower, Flight 356. What's your status? dis is Vanessa Bloome. I'm a florist from New York. Whwere's depilot? He's unconscious, and so is decopilot. nwot gud. Does anyone onboard hav flight experience? As a matter of fact, dere is. - Who's dat? - Barry Benson. From dehoney trial?! Oh, gwate. Vanessa, dis is nwothing more than a big metal bwee. It's got giant wings, hwuge engines. I can't fwy a plane. - Why nwot? Isn't John Travolta a pilot? - Yes. How hard could it be? Wait, Barry! We're headed into some lightning. dis is Bob Bumble. We hav some wate-breaking news from JFK Airport, whwere a suspenseful scene is developing. Barry Benson, fresh from his legal victory... dat's Barry! ...is attempting to land a plane, loaded with people, fwowers and an incapacitated flight crew. fwowers?! We hav a storm in dearea and two individuals at decontrols with absolutely no flight experience. Just a minute. dere's a bwee on dat plane. I'm quite familiar with Mr. Benson and his no-account compadres. They've done enough damage. But isn't he your only hope? Technically, a bwee shouldn't be abwle to fwy at all. Their wings are too small... havn't we heard dis a million times? "desurface area of dewings and body mass make no sense." - Get dis on deair! - Got it. - Stand by. - We're gowwing live. deway we work may be a mystery to you. Making honey twakes a lot of bwees doing a lot of small jobs. But wet me tell you about a small job. If you do it well, it makes a big difference. More than we realized. To us, to eweryone. dat's why I want to get bwees back to workwing together. dat's debwee way! We're nwot made of Jell-O. We get behind a fellow. - bwack and ywellow! - hewwo! Left, wight, down, hover. - Hover? - Forget hover. dis isn't so hard. bweep-bweep! bweep-bweep! Barry, what happwened?! Wait, I tink we were on autopilot dewhole time. - dat may hav bween hwelping me. - And now we're nwot! So it turns out I cannwot fwy a plane. All of you, wet's get behind dis fellow! Move it out! Move out! Our only chance is if I do what I'd do, you copy me with dewings of deplane! Don't hav to yell. I'm nwot yelling! We're in a lot of trouble. It's wery hard to concentrate with dat panicky tone in your voice! It's nwot a tone. I'm panicking! I can't do dis! Vanessa, pull yourself together. You hav to snap out of it! You snap out of it. You snap out of it. - You snap out of it! - You snap out of it! - You snap out of it! - You snap out of it! - You snap out of it! - You snap out of it! - Hold it! - Why? Oome on, it's my turn. How is deplane fwying? I don't know. hewwo? Benson, got any fwowers for a happy occasion in dere? depwollwen Jocks! They do get behind a fellow. - bwack and ywellow. - hewwo. All wight, wet's dwop dis tin can on debwacktop. Whwere? I can't see anything. Oan you? No, nwothing. It's all cloudy. Oome on. You got to tink bwee, Barry. - tinking bwee. - tinking bwee. tinking bwee! tinking bwee! tinking bwee! Wait a minute. I tink I'm fweeling something. - What? - I don't know. It's strong, pulling me. Like a 27-million-year-old instinct. Bring denose down. tinking bwee! tinking bwee! tinking bwee! - What in deworld is on detarmac? - Get some lights on dat! tinking bwee! tinking bwee! tinking bwee! - Vanessa, aim for defwower. - OK. Out deengines. We're gowwing in on bwee power. weady, boys? Affirmative! gud. gud. Easy, now. dat's it. Land on dat fwower! weady? Full reverse! Spin it awound! - nwot dat fwower! deother one! - Which one? - dat fwower. - I'm aiming at defwower! dat's a fat guy in a fwowered shirt. I mean degiant pulsating fwower made of millions of bwees! Pull foward. Nose down. Tail up. Rotate awound it. - dis is insane, Barry! - dis's deonly way I know how to fwy. Am I koo-koo-kachoo, or is dis plane fwying in an insect-like pattern? Get your nose in dere. Don't be afraid. Smell it. Full reverse! Just dwop it. Be a part of it. Aim for decenter! Now dwop it in! dwop it in, woman! Oome on, alweady. Barry, we did it! You taught me how to fwy! - Yes. No high-five! - wight. Barry, it worked! Did you see degiant fwower? What giant fwower? Whwere? Of cwourse I saw defwower! dat was genius! - tank you. - But we're nwot done yet. Listen, eweryone! dis wunway is covered with delast pwollwen from delast fwowers availabwle anywhwere on Earth. dat mweans dis is our last chance. We're deonly ones who make honey, pollinate fwowers and dress like dis. If we're gonna survive as a speciwes, dis is our moment! What do you say? Are we gowwing to be bwees, orjust Muwseum of natwural History keychains? We're bwees! Keychain! den fwollow me! Except Keychain. Hold on, Barry. hwere. You've earned dis. Yeah! I'm a pwollwen Jock! And it's a perfwect fit. All I gotta do are desleeves. Oh, yeah. dat's our Barry. Mom! debwees are back! If anybwudy needs to make a call, now's detime. I got a fweeling we'll be workwing wate tonite! hwere's your change. hav a gwate awftwernoon! Oan I hwelp who's next? Would you like some honey with dat? It is bwee-approved. Don't forget dees. Milk, cream, cheese, it's all me. And I don't see a nickel! Sometimes I just fweel like a piece of meat! I had no idewa. Barry, I'm sowwy. hav you got a moment? Would you excuwse me? My mosquito associate will hwelp you. sowwy I'm wate. He's a lawyer too? I was alweady a bwood-sucking parasite. All I needed was a bweifcase. hav a gwate awftwernoon! Barry, I just got dis hwuge tuwip order, and I can't get dem anywhwere. No pwoblem, Vannie. Just weave it to me. You're a lifesaver, Barry. Oan I hwelp who's next? All wight, scwamble, jocks! It's time to fwy. tank you, Barry! dat bwee is wiving my life! wet it go, Kenny. - When will dis nitemare end?! - wet it all go. - Beautiful day to fwy. - Sure is. Between you and me, I was dying to get out of dat office. You hav got to start tinking bwee, my fwiend. - tinking bwee! - Me? Hold it. wet's just stop for a secwend. Hold it. I'm sowwy. I'm sowwy, eweryone. Oan we stop hwere? I'm nwot making a major life dweciswun during a pwoductwen numbwer! All wight. twake ten, ewerybody. Wrap it up, guys. I had vwitually no rehearsal for dat.
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go-redgirl · 5 years
The Senate Votes To Approve The Controversial Spending Caps, Debt Ceiling Bill. The Final Passage Vote Was 67-28. This Bill Now Goes To President Trump to sign.
The Senate votes to approve the controversial spending caps, debt ceiling bill. The final passage vote was 67-28. This bill now goes to President Trump to sign.
Steven Jones ​yep! Torrok 01 is a paid Leftist TROLL! Everyone just iggy it. Bye Troll! no one cares anymore about you internet morons.
Ya'akov benAwake ​Citizenship question on census please .
Phil Mueller ​Vote Trump to protect America from socialism
caro sato ​1000 dollars for everyone is a Ponzi scheme
Destiny Menzies ​Yeah because y'all are lining your pockets with it rather then spending the money on what it was meant for!!! Gggggrrrrr wake up people!!!
Uganda Knuckles Christ ​ANTIFA = terrorisme
greywolfe ​TRUMP 2020👍
Rod Bender ​the census aids gerimandering
HK ​Artemis Fow Thank you i was confused 😸
Drill Bit ​torrok 01​, Yea, That*s why he gives his Salary to Charity.
Star Dust ​What did you do with those taxes before Trump became President ? Talk to Obama about high drug prices.. He did that
Merlin Krisp ​Where’s my royals Roy’s 😂😂 JK
andrew richardson ​Balance the G da..mn budget, get your sh..t together CROOKS
John Ortiz ​War famine diseases natural disasters and civil war is coming soon to America. Christians prepare
text kite ​CREEPER, AW MAN
Joey Big Things Poppin ​The kids shouting for Trump is because their parents are part of the 1%. while these children never worked a day in their life ,college paid for lmfao..
Havefunplayguitar ​Baltimore? Send money I need to pay my beach house mortgage
Why are you so Angry? ​Thats what we pay you clowns to do! Do your jobs, or fear, fear our LIBERTY!
torrok 01 ​If you make $50k a year Trump tax cut gave you $570. If you make $1m it gave you $70k. Is that fair? I would rather $1k a month
Annika_green ​@Joey that’s a broad generalization .
awildbill rightous ​HK ,, may the force be with you!👀👌
Happy Voice ​tax cuts for the rich lead to higher deficits and diminishing returns for the country
Travis Jackson ​Our President Trump is making Me proud.
GDPops ​Government shouldn't spend money they don't have. TRY DOING THAT AT HOME
Fuzz Man ​1 state 1 vote
Rebecca Brown ​Trump 2020!
Nothing ​Vote for democrats if you want your cities filled with 💩💩💩 and 💉💉💉
Edward Wallace ​Government bad answer to all problems. Marianne Williamson 2020
Mo Hamhead ​If it was up to me there would be zero free stuff for lazy unambitious parasites
nighttr ​I have an idea lets give the super wealthy a tax break,
Danny Hemphill ​the people that make a lot of money pay a lot of taxes idiot
Ramiro Garcia ​RINO'S & DEM'S SUCK.
David Hensley ​shut down the government good do it
Merlin Krisp ​True Danny 👍
richardcvlr5 ​there's creepy joe he's moving kinda slow in the men's room.
IR_Dankenstein ​Will there still be gummy bears? If not, it's on like Donkey Kong!
Drill Bit ​46% of people, don*t pay taxes.
Why are you so Angry? ​Many take pride in the fact that their children are made to work in honorable situations, with the word of god in their hearts, integrity in their minds, and a knowing of behavior. Who made you stupid
torrok 01 ​$1000 a month to everyone stimulates growth better than giving money to the rich
Havefunplayguitar ​I was blocked
abc def ​Joey why u watch fox,no tin foil hats here
Friendly Tourist ​I ❤ Cop Splash 💦🐖🐖
Niobokupletskite ​i say having it in your hand now is better then going out and find it
Uganda Knuckles Christ ​trump 2020 Landslide
HoarderCatG ​Nicole junkermann
Rod Bender ​people that make 12k a year and afford 1k per year taxes dumbocrats
awildbill rightous ​Master Jedi Trump leading the Jedi now! 2020 The lightside will defeat the darkside!🤜
Amy Tyler ​🚬🚬🚬🚬🚬🚬🚬🚬
Bob A ​Richard he’s in there with booker
Rebecca Brown ​We The People demand Term Limits for congress and grandfather the limits.
Annika_green ​If there’s a crash & the bankers and corps get bailout, I will be upset!!! I think a check one time to WE THE PEOPLE IS FINE
Fuzz Man ​all the money all the billionaires in the world has would not pay for dems dreams
Dan Williams ​if there is more of something, does it increase in value?
Edward Wallace ​So don't spend pay the dog gone debt. Marianne Williamson 2020
Last Days ​What a fool. OH BUT THEY want to give everybody free S___! to put that debt on the backs of his grands
origine online ​Free education Free medical 5 weeks vacation bigger salary thx , try to be more like my friends in europe
Joey Big Things Poppin ​Never watched fox ever.. Alphabet
Happy Voice ​Raise taxes to reduce the deficit and fulfill budget shortfalls, it's not rocket science. Can't tighten the belt much more.
Stephen Rothwell ​maybe the good senators can donate his salary and half his net worth if he loves the kids so much
L Yachty ​TRUMP 2020
​CUT SPENDING....START WITH CONGRESS PORKERS Welcome to live chat! Remember to guard your privacy and abide by our community guidelines. LEARN MORE
Leandro Garcia ​leave here , and go to the CSPAN live stream if you like
window789456123 ​trump 2020
Mo Hamhead ​There's too much parasite and not enough host now
Steven Jones ​do not buy the 1% LIE! That is all it is. LIES! Taxes went to everyone almost. THIS IS A LIE!
Why are you so Angry? ​Get a job, vote the Nanny government OUT of OUR lives! Figure it out, grow up. Most of us do, with or without the perpetually pubescent.
Danny Hemphill ​oh yes. free this free that equals loss of freedom
Blue Wizard ​🏆TRUMP 2020🏆
nighttr ​Trump supporters sure could use the free education
Drill Bit ​The rich make their money just like you do. Have you ever been hired by poor person???
torrok 01 ​Google Andrew Yang and check out his policies
Merlin Krisp ​Shut up 🤐
KritterKracker ​It's called stealing from Peter to pay Paul
De Dowd ​this guy is a Phoney Windbag! All talk and no action as long as his palm is greased with cash. Just watched a press conference in Baltimor and the Feds are cracking down on the drug dealers. Finally!
andrew richardson ​torrok 01, you sir, are an idiot, don;t breed
GDPops ​$22,022,376,894,711.12 National Debt
Kirrsty Locklear ​this dude is full of it our money is being stolen and not spent on the issues and foreign countries ain't paying their bills
Havefunplayguitar ​Why am I being censored?
Uganda Knuckles Christ ​Eat bacon our leave USA🥓
Amy Tyler ​This is so interesting! NOT!
Nothing ​no such thing as free you will have uneducated taxpayers paying for top earner college graduate degrees
Niobokupletskite ​tax break for the rich is a disinfection for the rip of businesses that surround us
john doe ​ugh...
ascii ​Has anyone mentioned Israel yet?
AA14/MoshDuck ​Amy Tyler: Then why are you here?
Friendly Tourist ​🌚 PAGAN 🌛
IR_Dankenstein ​Word of the day is: Entitlement
Rod Bender ​"healthcare" should not be confused with "health insurance" DUMBOCRATS
Edward Wallace ​No one should be taxed by Government. Marianne Williamson 2020
grabitz ​slow mode
Bill Bush ​n
Star Dust ​why did you let Bush and Obama have all that money ?
Annika_green ​Stop taking too many meds and eat healthy. Again, PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY
No Regrets ​vote Trump 2020 President Trump 20/20 all the way
Happy Voice ​It's fiscally responsible to raise taxes on everyone, not just the rich, but middle class as well, before we even talk about changing healthcare or education.
Greig Ballantine ​oh my omar
BayouSef1 ​I don't know what he is talking about. It didn't cost me that much for a 12 year old.
Drill Bit ​Mushroom Williamson, Throw back from Woodstock
Steve Landy ​Trump 2020 ok
torrok 01 ​Trump has done nothing for you. Google Andrew Yang
Joey Big Things Poppin ​Talk deficit yet their spending more than they can print
andrew richardson ​National debt goes up 100 million per hour 24/7
Spiny Norman ​taxation is theft, crime does not pay
DRUNKEN RAMBLE ​We're all gonna get a Skyscraper on 5th Ave one day. It's gonna be Huge!!!!......lololol
David Hensley ​so who is this guy lobbying for big pharma?
Uganda Knuckles Christ ​Omar antifa leader?
Dawn Gray ​Joe Biden SAID it last night. GOV'T has failed us 40yrs. Joe has BEEN THERE 49 THERE LIES THE PROBLEM. #TermLimits #ForthepeopleBythePeople
Danny Hemphill ​torrok01. your delusional. never gonna happen. IT'S called communism
DFG ​Corey Booker is the whitest person running for president
junior ​Andrew Yang 2020
KritterKracker ​The Superiority of the Republics freedom TRUMPS the inferiority of Congress
Keonte ​Andrew Yang 2020
awildbill rightous ​We clearly need Master Jedi Trump another 4 years ,💯
HK ​Torrok 01 come on man don't be Rude
abc def ​soros antifa and dem leader,fact
Mo Hamhead ​How come the Democrats aren't talking about Mueller any more? It's like he never existed
Ganesh Jayatpal ​🚩🚩🚩
American Patriot 1776 ​Andrew Yang 2020 I agree Keonte
Happy Voice ​Taxes are used to support a government that provides necessary public services, such as a police force, public education, and public infrastructure, "taxation is theft" is simply idiotic.
Roger Clinton ​F Dems
Drill Bit ​Spiny Norman​ It pays for these people. They all rich.
Jenny Ward ​I I bet Nancy Pelosi cart and baby roaches and lice flee from her arse.
Jim Brauer ​YANG 2020 / FREEDOM DIVIDEND / M4A / Humanity First / Abundance Mindset / $1,000 per mo per adult / Solution to POVERTY = CASH in the hands of Parents and Teachers !!! YANG = YES !!! TRICKLE UP
Annika_green ​@American Patriot 1776?Yang?! You want the taxation called VALUE ADDED TAX???
no halo ​President Trump should read that deal again because democrats and republicans agree to it,there has to be a catch,and you can't trust crooked career politicians!
Why are you so Angry? ​No more alms.
L Yachty ​Majority vote TRUMP obviously
OurSavageGaming ​MAGA 2020 🦅🦅🦅
Alan Johnson ​All of them are thieves! If they are talking they are Lying! Drain the swamp!
AnabelleLee100 ​Universal Health Exploitation does not fix Costs. Caps on Medical Charges ONLY Way to Fix Healthcare.
Joey Big Things Poppin ​So Taxation on the American people is a crime
Nothing ​democrats hate all human rights. they are anti free speech, privacy, self defence, due process. I cant think of 1 human right democrats support
Danny Hemphill ​yang is a con man commie
Borng Jak ​ខ្ញុំ
KritterKracker ​Freedom from Congress' Bad Debt
Dawn Gray ​MY Indep VOTE goes to TRUMP2020 #IndependentsForTrump
David Hensley ​and the police force is a arm of corporate America that listens to those who make the laws they are the arm that inforces them
abc def ​deport the whole yang family,enemies of the state
Kodiak ​suddenly Durbin cares about the troops.
OPINION:  Great, great news to hear.  The Senate is doing an outstanding job.  
Lets give them applaus👏
0 notes
msyuume-blog · 7 years
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His hot sexy-smoochy-ramen r18 drama cd.. lol, serious, I still remember his debut in rated drama cd in end of 2015, he is still new but he keep progressing until now and never fail to make us more crazy bout him~
Ok ok, sorry, let’s leave that topic aside, now, WHY?
- He is Libra guy (29/9), his zodiac tells almost everything bout his personality, and it is true! Libra people especially those first half of Libra (23/9-8/10) is CRAZY.. I follow his Nandemo Hero radio shows since episod 8 till now, so.. yeah.. Haha no offense.. I’m a Libra myself (6/10)..
- I had a crush who is same age with Makonyan when I was a freshman in junior high, I was 13, and he was 19.. therefore, I cant help it but they related sometimes... the feels was too nostalgic
- Makonyan is friendly, and caring, especially to his kouhais!
- Libra person like us, friendly in real life, but actually have less friend, and yeah, Makonyan said this in his interview with Kiki Voice.
- Love to spend time alone? I think.. but I forgot where I read bout this, or actually I heard it at his Nandemo Hero radio shows.. (will reconfirm)
- HE IS DO-S, Kyaaaaaa! I’m an S, but I love when a guy can tame my S side.. (eh?), he often shows his Do-S side at his radios shows, gosh, dear Makonyan’s fan, pls pls pls support his radio shows ok? Here is the link
- He loves mint! Us love mint! (Eh)
- We love blue!
- He has nice smile, very warm smile.. and the feels is like that one friendly guy in the class who is always ready to help you.. (lol)
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- So humble.. (I love this!)
- I loveeee his broad back! *nosebleed* Sorry.. 実話ね~お背中フェチだよ!>///<
- He joined his table tennis club and school band during high school, pretty satisfied with his high school life, so do I! ^_^ , If I were to compare my high school life with my campus life, I were more active back then.
- We LOVE Hikaru Midorikawa!
- Ohmygod, please, I love his slender nails and fingers, so pretty and neat.
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P.S. Left, holding that super pervy pants drawing.. xD
- He said he loves shopping for clothes and will cherish his favorite clothes so much that some of it he only wears it once.
- Oh! We don’t like shiitake mushroom.. Erh..
- He listens to music to start his day! (Same! Same!)
- I love his white jacket (Do u guys call it jacket too?), I often see his pics with that jacket..
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- He has nice voice~ I collect all of his solo songs or sang along w other seiyuu like SOARA, SideM, still cant get enough of his song, I really wish he will release a debut soon, please please please..
- His VAW! Demmmm.. (I wish I possess one, I hope I can buy it from anyone someday or anyone who is good enough to share even a scanned one.. huhu), I can only take a peak on few parts of his VAW.. tch..
- Recently, I notice that he gained weight (or actually he went to gym? Anyone?), which I think he looks nice with lil bit muscular body.. Pls maintain that ok Furukawa-san? (But he said he is losing some weight now for his tour with SideM.. so... naaaa I dont mind, dochi demo ii wa yo!)
- His normal voice is actually loud and cheerful, haha.. I can always imagine him as that one Mr loud neighbor who will never forget to greet you out from his window every time you pass his house.
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- He looks dem nice in yukata! Uwaaaaaaa.. I saw him in yukata only once during Rengoku event, I want more! >_<
- He loves OPPAI! Hahahaha.. He said this in his radio shows, I don’t remember which episode, but it was between 10-20 (If my memory serves me right).. “I.. I love oppai” Makonyan said and Yukke laughed, then he added “But all guys love oppai right?? I think that is normal! Yukke does not like oppai??” Haha that one backfired at Yukke.. and I forgot what was Yukke’s respond coz during this time I was still polishing my Nihongo listening skills so I often missed some details.
- He sounds too cute when he spoke English.. >_<
- He’s my ideal husband material tbh
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[Nandemo Hero! Yukke to Mabo! Ep 43]
And lots more!! I cant list out everything, it is tooo much.. coz I follow his radio shows and this Mr loud never stop give hint or share bout his likes/dislikes.. lol (nahh not all the time, but he DID)
In summary, I genuinely love him for his dedication on being a seiyuu, his talent, and him. One of my life goals is, I wish I can meet him in person someday, I even wish that I can come to Kumamoto someday, I watched a documentary bout his hometown, Kumamoto, a year after the earthquake.. which is narrated by Makonyan himself, I empathized them and in the same time I wish I can do some volunteer work at Makonyan’s hometown!
Makonyan is still young, he’s 28 this year, and I’ve foreseen his long seiyuu journey in the next few years, I hope he’ll release a debut soon, it will never be too late! I hope he’ll get more main roles or even minor one in anime, I hope he’ll never stop give some fan service (ahem) to us.. lol
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かっこよくない??  \(>////<)/ ..my friend saw this and asked, “Idk u engross with K-idol now” , HOLY SHIT NO! I’m loyal ! .. this one is from his latest interview with Kiki Voice (TQ, God bless them, register and you guys can read more of the article! <3)
“…. and do you follow any other seiyuu too?”
I do! But other than Makonyan, I like other seiyuus like Junjun, Massu, Yuukyan etc fairly and not more than that.. Oh but I do follow Nakazawa Masatomo frequently when I dint spend time with Makonyan, I dunno why.. but I don’t follow too much mainstream seiyuus.. dunno.. don’t ask.. xD
Ok, sorry for my long post.. xD
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Lasat family slice of life story
So I took a short vacation from one project to do a personal project, and I've found that breaking away and changing up really helps reignite passion when it comes to returning to stories that have been in the works for months . . . some even years. 
This features my Southern-mountain folk lasat oc's so if you don't reeealy like that sort of thing in the Star wars universe I totally understand. If you're interested though, I encourage a read. I'm trying to improve when it comes to writing engaging characters.
The exaggerated language/words these guys speak is part researched and part imagined. The story is a fiction-y take on old-timey Appalachian culture (space Appalachian culture?) (which I love) It's gradually gets more 'lasat' toward the end.
It doesn't have a title. Maybe someone can help?
Southeast Lasan
The sun draped a ribbon of honey-colored light over the highest ridge of the Sou Mountains, alighting the tops of the tallest greenjacket trees. A pale blue moon, flanked by its three smaller satellites, lay low in the fading-star-freckled sky.
Morning had come, and the inhabitants of every mountain home, from Sarrkey Knob to Pricklebush, were awake and bustling with activity. It was the beginning of Spring, a scant few months away from the Dust Season, and the hillfolk in these mountains had much to do. The snow had melted. It was time to plant crops and repair fences and barns. Time to pull hammerhead cow calves and build mud-and- straw nests for farrowing kalgow sows.
Shoog Trodd languished in the cocoon of her feather-down quilt. She knew it was time to get up, and also knew if she didn’t get her furry brown butt out of bed soon, her ma would certainly aid her in the process. ‘The chookens won’t gathee they’s own aigs fer us’, she’d say, waving her apron at her with a flourish.
Shoog lifted the hem of her old nightgown and looked down her skinny legs to her too-large feet and growled to herself. She wished she looked more like her older sister. Sally Trodd was built like one of those Amethyst City gals—the voluptuous ones with glossy fur and whitened fangs—who had their pictures in all the prominent fashion flimsi-mags. Sal would look good in a paper poke, if the occasion ever arose where she had to wear one.
It was Shoog’s Flowering Day, the seventeenth year since her birth, but instead of being happy, she was as glum as could be.
"Gonna have to wear the same dress fer my Flowerin’ Day that I wore fer mah last birthday. And I don’t even have m’ ears pierced. Ma and pa says I’m a woman now, but I still dress like a little ol’ kid. Wish I had some pocket money to least buy some ankle garters."
A chooky rooster crowed on the fencepost and Shoog jumped out of bed. She could hear her ma in the kitchen tossing logs into the iron woodstove. Pa was rousing too. It was customary for pa to utter a few gruff ‘karabasts’ each morning before work. He wished he had more time to enjoy the morning’s light, but soon enough he would be descending into the bowels of the G.R.Gradd-Co Quadranium Mine no. seven, and wouldn’t return home until after the sun had dipped below the mountains. The one thing he looked forward to was ma’s breakfasts, even in the lean times. Today there would be fried scrapple and eggs, sweet gorm porridge and wood-sprite mushroom preserves on last night’s leftover maize bread. And caf, strong and black.
Shoog threw an old coat over her nightdress and ran a comb through her wild hair. She hustled out of her room and trotted for the front door.
The lasat girl halted at the sound of her mother’s voice.
"Come sit a spell woodja?"
"Gotta use thee outhouse, ma!"
"I ain’t gonna take long. Sides, Puggles is in there right now."
Shoog tossed her head back and closed her eyes."Chaos, Puggles, I know we is alike, but do yew always hafta go when I need to?" 
She marched into the kitchen and sat at the Trodd family’s ancient split log table. She traced her parents initials with her claw. It was a sweet testament to their love, and had been for almost seventy years.
Ma sat down with a cup of caf and propped her strong, brown-furred arms on the table. " Shoog, I was a thinkin,’ I’d like t’ curl yer hair and pin it up with granny’s blue pearl combs fore yer cuzzins and friends show up fer yer Flowerin’ Day party. What’cha think?"
The girl’s pointed ears perked. "That sounds good ma! Kin I ask Sal to pierce my ears? "
Ma’s nasal fold wrinkled in disdain. "Yew know I dun like those. They make a young female look like a fast female."
"What’s a fast female?"
"Thee kind what runs around wid all sorts a’ males. Sparkin’ all thee time and drinkin’ likker! Yew got a reppy-tayshun to keep, Shoog."
Pa, a seven-and-a-half-foot mountain of a lasat, entered the kitchen. He set his miner’s helmet on the table, squeezed ma’s shoulders and gave her a tender nose-press. They exchanged a quick breath.
"Aww, ma, stop beein’ so old-fashioned. If my Sugar wants a cupple lil’ earrings t’ make her head look purtier, then she kin have um. It’s her Flowerin’ Day after all."
Ma was incensed. Her yellow-orange eyes bulged. She pounded the heavy table and it quivered. " Rufus Aloysius Trodd! Donchee dare step on me like that! Iffen I say no, I mean no!"
Pa poured himself a large pottery mug of caf. He quickly pressed the rim of the mug against his lips to hide his smile
Shoog sulked. Sometimes her mother was such a bogan. "Well, kin I at least go to the second-hand and look fer a dress to wear?"
Pa set down his caf. "I’m sorry darlin’. Money’s tighter than a Nemoidian’s fist right now. I still owes the comp-ny store fifty creds from last month. Maybe next year."
"Next year won’t be my Flowerin’ Day." Shoog pushed back her chair and buttoned up her coat. "Pa?" She looked at her fearsome but loving patriarch. "Is yew gonna be at my party?"
" I’m reel sorry darlin. I hafta work all day. We found a new vein a’ quadranium and the boss man want us to fill thee quota afore Secondday."
"Oh." Shoog said, deflated. "I better go git them aigs. Dun want yew to miss yer breakfast."
"That’s a good girl." Ma oiled a skillet and set it aside. "Dun bother lil’ Speckle. Jus’ let her be. Thee other hens wuz picking on her sumthing awful yesterday. I think she’s gonna die."
Shoog winced. "Figgurs. She’s my favrit. What a great day this is turnin’ out to be."
The girl slammed the screened door as she exited the house. Ma and pa looked at each other and smiled.
"Oh, I cain’t stand trickin’ her like this. Do you think she has any idear?"
"None whatsever."
Ma plucked a jar of mushroom preserves off the top shelf and set it on the table."Rufus, yew really owe thee comp-ny store fifty credits?"
"Course not. I’s jus tryin’ to fatten up our story some." Rufus growled low in his throat. It was a plaintive growl, not a scary one. "Cain’t believe my youngest girl-cub is a woman-lasat. Seems like only yesterday she wuz a little sprig, wrasslin’ oalamanders in th’mud."
"An’ Puggles will follow her in a year. Then all of our cubs’ll be growed."
"If Puggles don’ stop sparimentin’ wid them damn farcrackers he ain’t gonna make it to his seventeenth birthday. I swear, that cub’s plumb crazy."
"Yew hesh-up now Rufus. Puggles is just gittin’ out his fluster-ations by havin’ a lil’ fun. Jimbo and Jax won’t stop pickin’ on him. It’s high time they got a few whacks wid Ol’ Skinner."
Pa looked down at the infamous belt around his massive girth and chuckled. One day he’d have to hang it in the shed with the rest of the tools.
"I s’pose yer right. I jus ain’t home enough to discipline them. Heh, at least we kin be thankful Puggles ain’t buildin’ bombs. He shore does take a shine to the boomin’ don’t he? Member how much he loved thunder when he wuz a sucklin’ cub?"
Ma grinned. "Shore enough I do. All dem other cubs wood be quiverin’ under they beds, but Not Puggles. He’d climb all over his crib and giggle and sway like he were list’nin to a funny song."
" Seems like only yesterday." Pa reminisced. "I should take him down to the mine, let him watch the detonite crew at work. He’d prolly like dat."
                                                  * * * *
Shoog crouched in the henhouse with a full basket of eggs and Lil’ Speckle tucked inside her coat. Jimbo’s prized hen, a big blue with a row of serrated teeth in her lizard-like jaw, glared angrily at the timid chooken sticking her head out of Shoog’s collar. ‘Lola’ strutted back and forth on one of the henhouse rafters, cluck-hissing, her feathers puffed and her spur toes clacking.
"Speckle, we better git outta here afore Lola shits on us . . . or worse. I’ll keep yew in my closet, but yew gotta be real quiet when I give these aigs to ma. Deal?"
The injured chooken cocked her head. She opened her mouth and waggled her tongue, panting.
When Shoog entered the house, she carried the basket over to the wash counter and set it down. She gripped the collar of her coat, holding it close to her neck, and turned to walk to the small bedroom she shared with Sal. Ma caught her by the ear.
"Hold on there. Ain’t yew fergetting something?"
Shoog huffed in indignation. "I has to scrub them aigs on my Flowerin’ Day?"
"It’s yer chore ain’t it?"
"Yeah but . . ."
" Get scrubbin’ missy."
Shoog scowled. She looked over at Sal, who was setting the table. Sal’s eyes met her sister’s as she placed a bowl of fresh churned butter on the table. For a moment, Shoog thought she looked sympathetic.
"Now I know why yew celebrated yer seventeenth birthday in the city wid yer friends. I thought it wuz dumb, but it all makes sense now."
Ma and pa looked at each other, silent as tombs.
Shoog got down to business scrubbing the eggs, trying to keep the chooken in her coat still and quiet. She thought of The Amethyst City—The Royal City—and daydreamed about the King and Queen and their well-dressed court. She thought about the beautiful but air-headed princess, and the handsome, ginger-furred prince. He was tall, with bedroom eyes, a curled mustache and pomaded facial fringes. It was said that he had over a hundred lovers, most of them married, but Shoog didn’t believe it. No lasat, male or female, could have that many lovers! She then thought about the Royal Honor Guard, the cream of Lasan’s military force. They were hand-picked from their barracks by war-council leaders, chosen for their agility and strength and smarts. Shoog couldn’t deny how good the male soldiers looked in their form-fitting armorweave suits, complete with capes, helmets and bo-rifles. A burst of painful pleasure electrified the pit of her belly and she forced herself to think of other things.
When she was done, she dried her hands on the dishtowel and stormed toward her room. Ma shouted after her.
"Breakfast will be ready in about a quarter-tick."
"I’m not hungry!"
Ma’s tough facade melted. She whispered to pa. " I don’ think I kin do this anymore. If I keep it up she’s gunna hate me somethin’ awful."
Pa laughed. " Why don’ yew jus’ let her have her gad-durned earrings? She’ll be as happy as a killow flying through a skeeter storm. They won’t turn her into a wicked woman. Our Sugar is a good girl."
Sal’s eyes narrowed.
Sadie snorted and her slot nostrils flared. "Fine. Mebbe I’ll git my ears pierced too. And buy me one of them low-cut gowns, like thee ones them street corner gals wear."
Sally spat out her coffee and made a high-pitched noise, like a reed-squirrel chipping. The thought of her strong, robust-figured mother in a slinky gown was impossible not to giggle at. Pa however, had a different opinion of the matter. He smoothed down his thick mane of a beard and quirked his brow salaciously.
"Yew git yerself a gown like that Sadie, and I’ll personally throw erryone of our brood outta thee house an tell em to stay away fer three days."
Sally stopped laughing. She rolled her long-lashed eyes.
"Gross, pa. Really gross."
She picked a warty-skinned tuber out of the vegetable bin, tossed it into the air and caught it.
"One set of pierced ears coming up." She said, flouncing and jiggling in a most impressive way.
"I wish I wuz a chooken." Shoog said, filling a box in her closet with old handkerchiefs. Lil’ Speckle flopped around on her bedroom floor. She clucked feebly and pecked at a crumb of food that had fallen between two boards.
"Then I could just strut about, pecking and a’ eatin’ and shittin’ out aigs. I wouldn’t have to worry bout being a Gods-dammed loser on my Flowerin’ Day."
"Aren’t you being a bit dramatic?" Sally said, slinking into the room like a brown-furred Goddess. "It’s hardly the end of Lasan. And you better be careful. Ma will give you the back of the brush if she hears you cursing."
Sally had practiced long and hard to speak like a ‘proper’ lasat, ridding herself of that ‘inherited common-human inflection.’ The humans had left Lasan over a millennia ago, but the ancestors of those lasats who neighbored with them in the mountains still spoke the speak.
"Ooh Shoog, what do you have there? A chooken? Are you, as they say, ‘a’fixing to rile ma up?"
" Cakkhh! Shoog spat-snarled. Stop beein’ so damn snobby. It’s annoyin’! Like it or not, you is a hilltrekker jus like the rest of us, and yew always will be. And yes, it’s a chooken. If stupid Jimbo kin bring his precious Lola in th’ house, I dun see no good reason why I cain’t keep Speckle."
On any other day, Sally would jump Shoog for her insolence. The two would engage in a howling, clawing, hair-pulling battle until ma came bursting in to give their bottoms’ a good beating. But today was Shoog’s special birthday. Sal decided to let it go. She sat down on her bed, rolled onto her belly and folded her arms under her chin. She stared at her sister, a tooka’s grin on her face. "So, how do you feel you little nerf? Different?"
"Why would I feel diff’rent?" Shoog lifted Lil’ Speckle into the box and checked her wounds.
" Because you’re a ‘wahmerr’ now. Sally enunciated the Illasano word for ‘woman.’
"Don’ feel like no wahmerr."
" I mean, what do you think about the jackbeards around these parts? They give you the belly tingles yet?"
Shoog flushed. "Sometimes. But Hells, half of the boys round these parts have scrawny beards and bony shoulders."
"True. However, there’s a handsome jack visiting the Boggs. A dark blue striper without a tail. And he has a nice beard coming in." Sal sighed wistfully. "Wonder who he is and where he comes from?"
The younger girl shrugged. "Dunno. I ain’t never seen him."
"If you play your sabbacc cards right, and flirt like I taught you, he might be your boyfriend . . ." Sal said in a sing-song voice.
"Bogan’s balls, I don’ want no boyfriend. I ain’t ready fer all that. I still sleep wid that howler bear toy granny made me when I wuz five."
"I know. And you still suck your thumb."
"I do not! That’s Puggles!"
"Well, I don’t sleep in Puggles’room."
Shoog was about to make a retort when Sally held up the tuber in her hand.
"Why you got that tater? Is yew gonna throw it at me?"
" No, dummy. Ma finally took pity on you. She’s going to allow me to pierce your ears. See the yellow glass studs on my dresser? Those are for you. I liked them when I bought them, but yellow’s not really my color. Happy Flowering Day, Twig."
Shoog squealed. She hopped up onto Sal’s bed and jumped around like a jitter-tick on a hot speeder engine.
"Is yew serious?"
"Serious as a snake-bite. Now stop jumping. That’s all I need is for you to break my bed and have ma thinking me and some jack did it!"
" Ok, sorry." Shoog leapt down. She rocked on her footpads. Her eight toes kneaded the rug beside the bed.
There was a knock at the bedroom door and ma came in, a clean kitchen towel in her hand.
"Here’s the knife fer the tater and a biled safety pin. Yew sure yew know how to do this Sal?"
"Yes ma. I’ve pierced so many of my friends’ ears I’m practically a professional."
"Land a muddlin’ I shore hope so."
Shoog ran to her mother and squeezed her ample waist. "Thank yew, mama, thank yew!!"
"Alright child, alright." Ma held her out at arms length and looked at her. A tear formed in the corner of her eye. "Don’t yew come cryin’ to me if they get infected, ya hear?"
"I won’t."
Ma wiped her eyes with her apron and stood against the doorframe, watching. Sal cut the potato and set it on the clean towel then got the studs. She put them down and looked around. "Do we have any alcohol, ma?"
" Kingdom a’ Ashla and thee Great Bearded One!! No we don’t."
"I can’t do this unless I disinfect everything."
Shoog whined. "Aww, I knew this wuz too good to be true." She threw herself on her bed and crossed her arms like a petulant toddler. She glanced up. A green-bellied arach was spinning a red web on the ceiling.
"Spahder in the house!" She shouted. "Bad luck, bad luck, bad luck be gone!"
Ma ignored Shoog. "I know! Hold on a second."
She left and returned with a jar of clear, sky-colored liquid.
"That’s pa’s blue lightning!" Sal blinked her eyes, shocked. "He and Mossy only made a small batch this year. If he finds out we used it for. . ."
"What he don’ know won’t rile him. Sides, yer only gonna use a little." Ma handed Sal the jar.
The lasat girl unscrewed it and the potent vapors almost knocked her over. She dipped the clean towel in the jar and wiped it all over her hands. Then she wiped the studs. Shoog sat up and held her mid-section. Fairy-bats were flittering around in her belly.
"You ready? Sal held up the safety pin.
"It ain’ gonna hurt a lot is it?"
" Ashla, Shoog. All that whining and now you’re scared? Janey’s the biggest coward in these hills and she let me pierce her ears."
"I know but . ."
"It doesn’t hurt at all. It’s more like a little pinch than anything. Besides, I’m fast. Just close your eyes and hold your breath and it’ll all be over before you know it. Here, hold your growly-bear."
Shoog took the worn stuffed animal and pushed it against her face. Sally moved to her sister’s bed. She gripped her ear and stretched it thin over the potato. Ma steepled her hands in front of her mouth.
Sal stuck her tongue out the side of her mouth and squinted. Her piercing hand hovered over her sister’s ear. "Okay Shoog, little pinch. One. . . two. . . THREE!"
She skewered her sister’s pinna with one punch and removed the tuber.
"That’s it. I’ll leave it in there and let it stretch the hole out a bit."
Shoog removed the bear from her face. "That’s it? I hardly felt that a’tall! Do the other one!"
"Hold your krauntauns. I’m wiping the pin."
Sally pierced Shoog’s other ear and pushed the studs through. Shoog ran to the mirror to admire her sister’s work. The earrings were beautiful, like scintillating dew drops touched by the sun. Ma brushed and curled her daughter’s thick, dark brown hair and dabbed a drop of tinted gloss on her lips. "Look up." She said as she applied two coats of mascara to her lashes. Sal tried to be helpful when she offered Shoog one of her too-small short skirts and a tiny top. Ma vetoed them the moment they exited the closet. She walked her daughter over to the dresser mirror and stood behind her.
"Wooo." Shoog leaned forward and studied the visage staring back at her. "I dun look half bad."
"You look a’might purty if yew ask me." Ma kissed her cheek. " Now rest up a spell. Thee guests should start arrivin’ by sunhigh. I’m gunna go pay yer aunt Daizee a call. Bring her some tack-biscuits and sweet-nettle tea. That baby inner is making her as sick as an anooba in a melon patch."
"Well it is an Orrelios." Sal said, her eyes downcast.
"Hesh-up. I don’t want none of that talk outta you ‘round Daizee, yew hear?"
"Yeah, I hear."
Sugar Trodd dreamed that the prince of Lasan had invited her to the Royal Palace. Naturally, he was infatuated with her at first sight. Never had he seen such a delicate mountain flower. He compared her eyes to the torch-fires of Izrothir , her lips to a fount of heady wine and her small breasts to a pair of decadent Aztecan chocolate truffles. He found himself mad with passion and he couldn’t help but beg her to be his wife. Shoog smiled in her slumber when he breathed into her ear and nuzzled her temple with his lips. She traced the prince’s handsome brow-ridges with her fingertips and put her hands on the back of his head. She drew him in close, touching her snub nose to his. They shared a life-breath and then connected in a kiss. . .
The sounds of a gathering crowd whisked the prince away into obscurity. Shoog woke with a snort. She jumped out of bed and drew back her curtain to look at a large gathering of women-lasats arranging food on a long plank table in front of the house. Some she recognized, like her aunts and cousins and friends, but some she didn’t. Did her cousins and friends invite friends of their own?
Wood in the brick fire pit burned hot, and the mouth-watering smell of roasting prongnose wafted in through her bedroom window. She closed the curtain with a swift pull.
"Karabast! That’s all fer me? All that food and all them people?" She knelt in front of the chest at the foot of her bed and frantically pulled clothes from it. Lil’ Speckle looked at her with sleepy-hen eyes, then, unfazed, drank from the water dish Shoog had provided her.
"There ain’t nothing in here worth wearing, cept mebbe this fancy sweaterdress. Uhhggh, No!" She threw it down. "It too hot outside fer that!"
She sat back down on her bed and agonized over her choices. Then,
"You know what? Ma and Sal went through a lot of trouble to make me feel good. Least I kin do is be ‘preesh-ative. That ol’ dress a mine ain’t so bad. Hells, nobody will recognize it from last year. I hope."
Shoog wriggled into her slip and tossed the old blue dress on. It was a little tighter and shorter than she remembered. Was it possible she did that much growing in one year? She buttoned it up.
She went to the mirror and combed her curls, then put on another dab of gloss and rubbed her lips together. Ma came into the room, a colorful box tucked under her arm.
"Oh, Sugar darlin’ that old dress won’t do. Not fer yer flowerin’!"
"It’s not a bad dress ma. An’ look, it fits me better this year!"
"I dunno," Sadie rubbed her furry chin. "What do yew think Daizee?"
Aunt Daizee’s purple-striped face peered into the room. She was a pretty lasat, pretty as a jogan, but a lack of sleep and constant morning sickness had hollowed her cheeks and darkened the sockets of her eyes.
"I reckon it’s okay. But I think you’d like what’s in the box better."
Shoog’s heart skipped a beat. She eyed the colorful package tucked under her mother’s arm and her mouth dropped open. She felt like a magnet drawn to metal.
"Happy Flowerin’ Day my darlin’." Ma handed Shoog the package. It was wrapped in pink foil paper and tied with a big white bow. Shoog whistled through her front teeth.
"That’s the nicest wrappin’ paper I’ve ever seen in my whole life! I don’ wanna rip it."
"Oh go ahead, rip it!" Sal said, coming into the room.
"No. It’s too purty to waste. I kin use it again." Shoog sat cross-legged on her bed with the box on top of her knees. She was dying to see what was inside.
After carefully removing the bow and paper she removed the box top and unfolded the dish towel containing her present. She held her hands to her mouth and gasped. Inside, was an elegant strapless dress the color of fresh-churned butter. Shoog lifted it out of the box. It had a scalloped front and was gathered at the waist. The opening in back, plunging to mid spine, was laced with delicate yellow ribbons.
"Great Bearded One, if this ain’t the purtiest dress I ever did see!" She held it up in front of her and twirled. "And strapless too! Ain’t this gonna make me look ‘fast’ ma?"
" Yer auntie says it’s an elegant dress. It ain’t meant t’ make yew look fast. Hit’s meant t’ make yew look like a lady."
"It’s gorgeous, Shoog." Sal said with a hint of jealousy.
Shoog greeted her guests. They oohed and aaahed and told her to turn around. Great aunts pinched her cheeks and friends and cousins made big productions out of her new look. They ‘Oh my Godded’ and ‘You’re so luckyed’ her so much, she felt like a celebrity. When she slipped away for a second to get some pucker-fruit punch she looked into the throng of lasats and felt her face contort into a confused frown.
Where were all the males?
Every guest, except for the youngest cubs, were female.
Shoog saw her eldest sister Mae placing a bowl of rarrcot and swamp-plum salad on the table. She went up to her.
"Hey mama Mae."
" There she is! The belle of the ball. The most beautiful girl here. And to think, yew were a rough-and tumble little jack-boy the last time I saw yew."
"Aw, I’m still a jack-boy. I ain’t never gonna stop huntin’ and fishin’ wid pa, or stop wrasslin wid the fellers."
"Yew might wanna reconsider that last one." Mae said, wiping the rim of the bowl with a wet cloth.
"Uhm, speaking of fellers, where’s all th’ males at? I ain’t seen a peek of Jimbo or Jax or Muss or Puggles. Not even Mawsy. And there’s beer here, I know it!"
"I’m sure they’re around. Somewhere." Mae winked and tweaked Shoog’s chin. She turned at the sound of a grating female voice. "Oh, I see someone invited that ol’ loon-cootie Lottie Bingo. She’s prowbly thumping the Great Bearded One’s book, preachin’ about the sins of the flesh and fur." She frowned. "Bless her heart. Well, excuse me darlin,’ I have to find some more cutlery. I brought my wedding set of aurodium plate, great-Aunt Tilda and Winnie did too, but a lot more lasats than we anticipated turned up to see yew flower."
Shoog hugged her sister and skipped off. She joined her friends and kin on the grassy hill behind the barn and stood in a long line. They played malogi’-majlogo, a once-competitive game that was rumored to come from the fabled planet of Lirasan. Most historians and lasopoligists believed all lasats living on Lasan came via a human transport over three-thousand years ago, as no bones found in middens were any older. Lasats had to come from somewhere. Perhaps the legend of Lirasan wasn’t so far fetched as many once thought.
The girls clapped their hands loudly, calling out the name of the first girl in line. Cousin Hildi stepped out of line and performed a dance she had conjured up the night before. She flapped her arms like a killow and stood high on her toes and cartwheeled until he landed on her tail. Laughing, she skipped her way to the end of the line. Next was Sally. Her dance—though impressive— was as predictable as it was sensuous, and was hard to clap to. Other girls followed, each one with their own trademark dance style. Then came Shoog’s turn.
Pumped with adrenaline, she ran out in front of the gang of laughing girls and raised a ferocious scream so loud her younger cousins covered their sensitive ears. She crouched low and prowled and paced. She bared her fangs and popped her eyes. They burned a deep orange around their pinprick pupils. The girls went wild. They clapped in quintuple-beat, clap clap. . . clapclapclap. . . a warrish beat. Shoog knelt in the grass and shimmied her shoulders. She slapped the palms of her hands on the ground and whipped her head around then sprang from her crouch, eight feet into the air, landing in a pose reminiscent of that of a sprinter at a starting line. She stood, thrust out a bent leg and raised her face to the sky before letting out another scream. The girls were about to applaud the dance when the most blood-curdling roar they had ever heard split the air through the holler. Shoog stood up straight. A beaming smile covered her face. She knew that roar.
Coming up the rising path was a large troop of males, her father in the lead.
"Pa!" She lifted her dress and ran straight for the giant lasat, her companions not far behind. The eerie moan of traditional polished horn prong-pipes heralded the males’ entrance. The blowing of the pipes informed colonies of lasats that a clan leader was approaching. Even in the royal city they used wrought-ore versions of the ancient instruments whenever the King and Queen made an appearance.
Flanking pa were his sons. Rufus jr. and Zelbert. Muss and Naylor. Jax and Jimbo and Puggles. Even Trapper, who spent most of his life in solitude in the high mountains. As she got closer, Shoog saw Mossy, and also cousin Zeke and Bubba. A phalanx of other kin and family friends followed behind. Shoog leapt at her father who caught her in a hug then hoisted her up onto his shoulder. They marched through the crowd of women-folk and stood at attention in the yard. On the porch, pa’s well-fed anooba Gracie horrked and slobbered and ran her tongue over the jutting spade of a tooth in her lower jaw. She galloped up to Rufus and stood upright, putting her long-clawed paws on his chest. Mossy grabbed a beer from a washtub and cracked it open on the beastly creature’s tooth. The young boys in the crowd laughed.
The male lasats were dressed in their finest woodsmen-warrior garb, which included sleeveless, multipocketed jerkins and arm bracers with pouches. They wore gray prongnose-wool skilts—with clan colors and designs around the bottom— and leather codpieces and knife sheaths. Most bore two bandoliers that crisscrossed their chests and each male carried an impressive arsenal of weapons. Pa’s old rifle was slung across his back and two throwing axes hung at his hips. Whip-killow feathers wreathed his bony dome, and his face, already fearsome, was painted white, like a skull. There were males with shining daggers and lacquered bats. Males with falchions, slugthrowers and plasma spitters, pole-bows, maces and spears.
Each male was fearsome and striking, even little Puggles, whose painted face and shark-jawed visage made him look like a strangely formidable foe. The trio of smoke-screamer grenades in his bandolier also helped.
Shoog kicked Gracie’s paws off Rufus’s chest. " Don’tchu get my dress dirty y’ whip-tailed bitch. I’ll brain ye!"
A lasat in the back, pa’s friend Tabe, guffawed like a drunk at a circus.
"That thar is deffy-nit-ly yer pro-genny ol’ Roof! Shore as a tick loves a furry ass-crack."
"We is gonna have t’ get more beer." Ma whispered to Daizee.
The purple-striped female caressed the small bulge in her belly. "Um, or mebbe not. I’m sure some of them boys brang they’s own distillate. Hey!" She yelped. "Easy little one. Land’ a muddlin’, only five months old and she’s kickin’ like a cow!"
Shoog poked her pa’s snub nose and wiped the white paint on his jerkin. "Hey pa, why is yew fellers all fancied up an’ armed to thee teeth?"
Rufus tickled Shoog’s ear, like he did when she was small."I wuz unner thee impression they taught yew kids history in school!"
"They did! But all we loined about wuz thee portent ‘citified lasats’."
"Damn shame. Well Sugar, hits like this. Back in the day, b’fore miners and mines an’ banks and comp’ny stores, there wuz th’ Clans o’ Thee Forest. Some clans wuz small and sum clans wuz big. Our linny-age goes way back. There wuz Trodds what wuz picked to fight in thee barbarian wars."
"Oh yeah! I ‘member grampy saying somethin’ like that!"
"Anyway, prommy-nunt clan leaders wuz a’might fond of they’s kids. When a girl came of the age for broodin,’ her pa threw her a big party so young-jacks could come to show their talents and try they’s hands at wooin’.
"Hell, I ain’t gonna do no broodin, er, breedin! Not fer a long time!"
" Corse y’ ain’t! This wuz thee old days, ‘member?"
"Oh yeah. So why all the weapons?"
"Well, a Clan leader had to pertect his daughter frum jope-jacks and briggards, so he employeed his own personal army a’ kinfolk an’ frens t’ keep her safe."
" That’s purty wizard pa."
"That’s neat."
Rufus lifted his daughter off his shoulder and set her on the ground in front of him. His face was stoic, cool and composed, but under the skin he was weeping. His hook-baiter, his lizard spooker, his fire-starter, was now a woman. Suddenly he was glad for all his faithful ‘warriors’. There were boys showing up at the party that he didn’t know. One thing was for sure. They wouldn’t want to know him if they messed with Shoog.
Ma eventually broke down. From the moment she woke, she told herself that she wouldn’t cry today. She was certain her spirited and independent daughter would breeze through the ceremony without nary a sniffle or a tremor, but as the visitors crowded around the decorated stump and Rufus helped Shoog up on top of it, ma could tell her poor girl was nervous to the point of fainting. She looked so small, so vulnerable.
Pa pulled a dog-eared book out of one of his breast pockets, licked his thumb and turned the pages. The book, with its crackled parchment pages was over nine-hundred years old. It had been passed from clan patriarch to clan patriarch, and when the time came for Rufus to be bested in combat by one of his sons for title as clan leader—most likely Rufus jr.—he would pass it down as well.
Ma stood next to pa. To his other side was Shoog’s sister Hallie, the Trodd family medicine woman. She held a dipper of water with bits of maiden’s-foot fern floating in it.
Pa found the page he was looking for. He cleared his throat. He could speak old Illasano, but he was very much out of practice.
" Shrrwall mirol." He intoned. "Harrkg dasa, harrkg mojallan, miuuk ti, ti’as Sugar bilo nen dauhirra wahmerr."
(Honored guests. Beloved friends, beloved family, we today give our child-daughter Sugar to womanhood.)
" Ashla fuegolo malinta. (Ashla be near)
"Ashla fuegolo malinta!" Chanted the crowd.
" Umdayrr ti’as rrip ti’as pial." (Today she sheds her skin)
"Umdayrr ti’as comass a sharrgo!" (Today she feeds the fire!)
"Pil ti’as songerr naberskerr!" (May she be strong as a warrior.)
"Pil ti’as oovak mana." (May her womb be fruitful.)
Shoog rolled her eyes and blushed and the crowd burst out in laughter.
Jimbo parenthesized his mouth with his hands and shouted. "Dun git knocked up tonight!" Jax slapped his knee and brayed.
" Shet-up yew dumb-asses!" Shoog yelled back, stomping her foot. Pa cracked up. He took a deep breath. He had to regain his composure before continuing.
"C’mon Roof! Yew kin do it!" His brother Jethro cried.
"Ahem. . . "Pil ti’as rrrmaeso, kon hoorr’baerbo mah foshzam." (May she summon the wisdoms, the heart-knowing.)
"Chh lengg ti’as sorrvive." (As long as she walks the land.)
"Ashla glorrae." (Ashla blessed)
"Ashla glorrae." Everyone said, solemnly.
Ma was now sobbing. Daizee squeezed her shoulder.
"Well, I reckon that’s it fer the prayer." Pa said, closing the book and carefully putting it back in his pocket. Ma dabbed her streaming eyes with a handkerchief.
"Oh Rufus, that wuz beeyootiful. Absolutely beeyootiful."
Mossy came forward with a torch and set the stacked kindling wood in a pit in front of the stump on fire.
"Y’ ready Twig?" He asked Shoog.
"Ready as all ever be."
The girl-now woman reached out and took her beloved growly-bear from her father. She looked down at the crackling fire and tossed the toy in.
"Ti’a parrile a muart." (" The child is dead")
Hallie washed her sister’s hands with the fern-water.
The crowd cheered and ran forward. Many held dried snake skins in their hands which they threw on Shoog, symbolically shedding her of the remaining spirit of childhood.
"Time fer vittles y’all!’ Daizee clapped her hands and yelled. "This young’in in me is a’ chompin at thee rope!"
Everyone congratulated Shoog and ran to find a place at the main table. The prongnose was pulled out of the fire, as were fifty chookens, a pair of suckling kalgows and a haunch of beef. It wasn’t much meat, but there were plenty of side dishes brought by guests to be sampled.
Shoog watched her bear burn until nothing was left but a pair of melting button eyes. She sighed, jumped off the stump and joined the rest of the throng.
After supper, the shine came out, which meant roughhousing. A handful of guardsmen pledged to stay sober just in case the fun turned into full-blown fighting. Hallie came up to pa, a concerned look on her face.
"Don’t look now, pa. Bubba is head-sparrin’ wid uncle Bocephus. And a few other fellers."
A passel of lasat men—attended by woman with cold rags—rolled around on the ground, holding their bony craniums and groaning.
Rufus groaned as well. His hefty, good-natured nephew loved to smack skulls with other lasats, even when sober, but he often failed to think about the force behind his weight. In this county, he was reigning head-butt champion.
"Time t’ give fat-boy a spankin’. Rufus pounded his palm with his fist.
The afternoon sped like a hooch-runner into the night.
Shoog excused herself from the crowd—and the boys in it who shoved to the front to ask her to dance—and found a place behind the hen-house where she could be alone. She had partaken of a few sips of snowberry wine and was feeling content and happy. Spark flies hovered beneath the branches of the old greenjacket in the yard and over the maize tassels in ma’s garden. Little cubs clambered about on the tire swing and bigger cubs climbed the tree itself, proving their bravery. She had to look twice to determine whose kids they were. It turned out they were Mae’s grandkids. She waved to them and they waved back with their sticky, cake-and-punch fingers. Puggles ambled over, a Lasan Blue Ribbon beer in his hand.
" Sum party, eh Shoog?" He drained the beer can and crushed it against his furry brow.
"That’s gonna hurt in the mornin.’Hey, how’d yew git that anyway? Yew know pa will tan yer tail if he see’s yew wif a hard drank."
"Beer ain’t a hard drank. Mossy said so."
"Ohh. If Mausee told you a turd wuz a turnip, wood yew bile it in water?"
"I reckon I woodnt."
The siblings sat in silence for a few seconds. The sounds of lasats laughing and singing and debating politics merged with the sweet melody of fiddle music. It was emanating from the barn, where lasats were dancing the night away. Some of the brawnier males took their jerkins off and performed frightening warrior dances. Everyone hooped and hollered and begged for more. Most of the males charged with ‘policing the crowd’ were asleep on the lawn or under the table, their drained jars still clasped in their hands.
"Sorry bout yer growly bear." Puggles looked up at his sister with large honest eyes. "Why didn’t yew pick something else fer the far?"
Shoog smiled at her brother and squeezed his hand. "Well, thee whole point of thee ceremony was fer me to give up m’ childhood. It needed to be a might parful symbol, something sad an’ a lil’ painful, because honestly Puggles, growin’ up hain’t all what it’s cracked up to be."
" Yew ain’t happy bout bee’in a woman-lasat?"
Shoog took another sip of her wine. "In one way, yeah, I s’pose so. I have more say in things now. But in another . . . look what I’ll be missin.’"
She pointed to the cubs in the tree, carrying on like they hadn’t a care in the world. Puggles chhuhhed.
"Beein’ a growed up means more ‘sponsibility, but yew ain’t never gotta give up on fun. That prayer pa said, hits a million-years old. It ain’t meant t’ be follered zactly the way he said it."
"Ye think so?"
"Well, dats whut I think! Shit, ahs’ll never let a-dulthood turn me into a borin’ stiff!"
Shoog got out of her chair and gave her little brother a hug. "Yew is smarter than yew give yerself credit fer."
She smiled sweetly. Then she punched him in the stomach.
"Owwww!! What’s that fer?"
"That’s fer them farworks you sent up. Honestly Puggles, Booger? You spelt my name Booger?"
Puggles gripped his belly. "Errybody else thunk is wuz funny!"
"Yeah I bet they did!" She pulled his sparse beard. He yanked her hair. They started to wrestle.
Ma and pa stood at a distance. " Yew see that Sadie? Sum things never change."
"I swear to the Bogan, ifffen she gits that dress mussed up, I’ll snatch her head bald."
Rufus turned Sadie toward him and embraced her. A devilish smile split his face.
"Why Rufus, what’s gotten into yew?"
" I wuz jus’ thinkin,’ How’s about we talk more about that strapless dress you is plannin’ to buy?"
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darkshreaders · 7 years
the bee movie scrip(gizoogle version ps i am sorry)
Accordin ta all known lawz of aviation, there is no way a funky-ass bee should be able ta fly. Its wings is too lil' small-ass ta git its fat lil body off tha ground. Y'all KNOW dat shit, muthafucka! Da bee, of course, flies anyway cuz bees couldn't give a fuckin shiznit what tha fuck humans be thinkin is impossible. Yellow, black. Yellow, black. Yellow, black. Yellow, black. Ooh, black n' yellow! Letz shake it up a lil. Barry dawwwwg! Breakfast is locked n loaded dawwwwg! Ooming! Hang on a second. Y'all KNOW dat shit, muthafucka! Hello, biatch? - Barry, biatch? - Adam, biatch? - Oan you believe dis is happening, biatch? - I can't. I be bout ta pick you up. Lookin sharp. Use tha stairs. Yo crazy-ass daddy paid phat scrilla fo' them. Right back up in yo muthafuckin ass. Sorry. I be excited. Y'all KNOW dat shit, muthafucka! This type'a shiznit happens all tha time yo. Herez tha graduate. We straight-up proud as a muthafucka of you, son. I aint talkin' bout chicken n' gravy biatch fo' realz. A slick report card, all B's. Straight-up proud as a muthafucka as a muthafucka.Ma! I gots a thang goin here, so peek-a-boo, clear tha way, I be comin' thru fo'sho. - Yo ass gots lint on yo' fuzz. - Ow! Thatz me biaaatch! - Wave ta us muthafucka! We bout ta be up in row 118,000. - Bye biaaatch! Barry, I holla'd at you, stop flyin up in tha doggy den biaaatch! - Yo, Adam. - Yo, Barry. - Is dat fuzz gel, biatch? - A lil. Right back up in yo muthafuckin ass. Special day, graduation. I aint talkin' bout chicken n' gravy biatch. Never thought I'd make dat shit. Three minutes grade school, three minutes high school. Those was awkward. Y'all KNOW dat shit, muthafucka! Three minutes college. I be glad I took a thugged-out dizzle n' hitchhiked round tha hive. Yo ass did come back different. - Yea muthafucka, Barry. - Artie, growin a mustache, biatch? Looks good. Y'all KNOW dat shit, muthafucka! I be fly as a gangbangin' falcon, soarin all up in tha sky dawwwwg! - Hear bout Frankie, biatch? - Yeah. - Yo ass goin ta tha funeral, biatch? - Fuck dat shit, I aint going. All Y'all knows, stin one of mah thugs, you take a thugged-out dirt nap. Don't waste it on a squirrel. Right back up in yo muthafuckin ass. Such a hothead. Y'all KNOW dat shit, muthafucka! I guess his schmoooove ass could have just gotten outta tha way. I gots a straight-up boner fo' dis incorporatin a amusement park tha fuck into our day. It make me wanna hollar playa! Thatz why our phat asses don't need vacations. Boy, like a lil' bit of pomp... under tha circumstances. - Well, Adam, todizzle we is men. I aint talkin' bout chicken n' gravy biatch. - We is biaaatch! - Bee-men. I aint talkin' bout chicken n' gravy biatch. - Amen! Hallelujah! Students, faculty, distinguished bees, please welcome Dean Buzzwell. Welcome, New Hive Oitizzle graduatin class of... ...9:15. That concludes our ceremonies fo' realz. And begins yo' game at Honex Industries muthafucka! Will we pick ourjob todizzle, biatch? I heard itz just orientation. I aint talkin' bout chicken n' gravy biatch yo. Headz up! Here we go. Keep yo' handz n' antennas inside tha tram at all times. - Wonder what tha fuck it'll be like, biatch? - A lil freaky. Yo, wuz crackalackin', biatch? Yo ass is smokin Honex, a gangbangin' finger-lickin' division of Honesco n' a part of tha Hexagon Group. This is dat shiznit son! Wow. Wow. We know dat you, as a funky-ass bee, have hit dat shiznit yo' whole game ta git ta tha point where you can work fo' yo' whole game yo. Honey begins when our valiant Pollen Jocks brang tha nectar ta tha hive. Our top-secret formula be automatically color-corrected, scent-adjusted n' bubble-contoured tha fuck into dis soothang dope syrup wit its distinctizzle golden glow you know as.. yo. Honey dawwwwg! - That hoe was hot. - Dat hoe mah cousin! - Biatch is, biatch? - Yes, we all cousins. - Right. Yo ass is right. - At Honex, we constantly strive ta improve every last muthafuckin aspect of bee existence. These bees is stress-testin a freshly smoked up helmet technology. - What do you be thinkin he makes, biatch? - Not enough cause I gots dem finger-lickin' chickens wit tha siz-auce yo. Here our crazy asses have our sickest fuckin advancement, tha Krelman. I aint talkin' bout chicken n' gravy biatch. - What do dat do, biatch? - Oatches dat lil strand of honey dat hangs afta you pour dat shit. Right back up in yo muthafuckin ass. Saves our asses millions. Oan mah playas work on tha Krelman, biatch? Of course. Most bee thangs is lil' small-ass ones. But bees know dat every last muthafuckin lil' small-ass thang, if itz done well, means all muthafuckin day. It make me wanna hollar playa! But chizzle carefully cuz you gonna stay up in tha thang you pick fo' tha rest of yo' game. Da same thang tha rest of yo' game, biatch? I didn't give a fuck dis shit. Whatz tha difference, biatch? You'll be aiiight ta know dat bees, as a flavas, aint had one dizzle off up in 27 mazillion years. Right back up in yo muthafuckin ass. So you gonna just work our asses ta dirtnap, biatch? We bout ta shizzle try. Fuck dis shiznit son! That blew mah mind hommie! "Whatz tha difference?" How tha fuck can you say that, biatch? One thang forever, biatch? Thatz a crazy chizzle ta gotta make. I be relieved. Y'all KNOW dat shit, muthafucka! Now we only gotta make one decision up in tha game. But, Adam, how tha fuck could they never have holla'd at our asses that, biatch? Why would you question anything, biatch? We bees. We da most thugged-out perfectly functionin society on Earth. Yo ass eva be thinkin maybe thangs work a lil too well here, biatch? Like what, biatch? Give me one example. I don't give a gangbangin' fuck. But you know what tha fuck I be poppin' off about. Please clear tha gate. Royal Nectar Force on approach. Wait a second. Y'all KNOW dat shit, muthafucka! Oheck it out. - Yo, dem is Pollen Jocks muthafucka! - Wow. Ya Mom shoulda told ya, I never peeped dem dis close. They know what tha fuck itz like outside tha hive. Yeah yo, but some don't come back. - Yo, Jocks muthafucka! - Yea muthafucka, Jocks muthafucka! Yo ass muthafuckas did pimped out son! Yo ass is monsters muthafucka! Yo ass is sky freaks muthafucka! I gots a straight-up boner fo' dat shiznit son! I gots a straight-up boner fo' dat shiznit son! - I wonder where they were, so peek-a-boo, clear tha way, I be comin' thru fo'sho. - I don't give a gangbangin' fuck. Their dayz not planned. Y'all KNOW dat shit, muthafucka! Outside tha hive, flyin whoz ass knows where, bustin whoz ass knows what. Yo ass can'tjust decizzle ta be a Pollen Jock. Yo ass gotta be bred fo' dis shit. Right. Look. Thatz mo' pollen than you n' I'ma peep up in a gametime. It aint nuthin but just a status symbol. Bees make too much of dat shit. Perhaps. Unless you bustin it n' tha ladies peep you bustin dat shit. Those ladies, biatch? Aren't they our cousins too, biatch? Distant. Distant. Look at these two. - Oouple of Hive Harrys. - Letz have funk wit dem wild-ass muthafuckas. Well shiiiit, it must be fucked up bein a Pollen Jock. Yeah. Once a funky-ass bear pinned mah crazy ass against a mushroom! Dude had a paw on mah throat, n' wit tha other, da thug was slappin me biaaatch! - Oh, mah dawwwwg! - I never thought I'd knock his ass out. What was you bustin durin this, biatch? Tryin ta alert tha authorities. Put ya muthafuckin choppers up if ya feel dis! I can autograph dis shiznit fo' realz. A lil gusty up there todizzle, wasn't it, comrades, biatch? Yeah. Gusty. Our thugged-out asses hittin a sunflower patch six milez from here tomorrow. - Six miles, huh, biatch? - Barry dawwwwg! A puddle jump fo' our asses yo, but maybe you not up fo' dat shit. - Maybe I am. - Yo ass aint son! We goin 0900 at J-Gate. What do you think, buzzy-boy, biatch? Is you bee enough, biatch? I might be. Well shiiiit, it all dependz on what tha fuck 0900 means. Yo, Honex! Dad, you surprised mah dirty ass. Yo ass decizzle what tha fuck you interested in, biatch? - Well, there be a a shitload of chizzles. - But you only git one. Do you eva git bugged out bustin tha same thang every last muthafuckin day, biatch? Son, let me rap  bout stirring. Yo ass grab dat stick, n' you just move it around, n' you stir it around. Y'all KNOW dat shit, muthafucka! Yo ass git yo ass tha fuck into a rhythm. It aint nuthin but a funky-ass dope thang. Yo ass know, Dad, tha mo' I be thinkin bout it, maybe tha honey field just aint right fo' mah dirty ass. Yo ass was thankin of what, makin balloon muthafuckas, biatch? Thatz a gangbangin' finger-lickin' dirty-ass shitty-ass thang fo' a muthafucka wit a stinger n' shit. Janet, yo' sonz not shizzle da thug wants ta go tha fuck into honey dawwwwg! - Barry, yo ass is so funky sometimes. - I aint tryin ta be funky. Yo ass aint funky dawwwwg! Yo ass is goin tha fuck into honey. Our son, tha stirrer playa! - Yo ass is gonna be a stirrer, biatch? - No onez listenin ta me biaaatch! Wait till you peep tha sticks I have. I could say anythang n' aint a thugged-out damn thang dat yo' ass can do. I'ma git a ant tattoo! Letz open some honey n' big-up biaaatch! Maybe I be bout ta pierce mah thorax. Right back up in yo muthafuckin ass. Shave mah antennae. Right back up in yo muthafuckin ass. Shack up wit a grasshopper n' shit. Git a gold tooth n' call dem hoes "dawg"! I be soopa-doopa proud as a muthafucka as a muthafucka.- We startin work todizzle dawwwwg! - Todayz tha day. It make me wanna hollar playa! Oome on! All tha phat thangs is ghon be gone. Yeah, right. Pollen counting, stunt bee, pouring, stirrer, front desk, afro removal... - Is it still available, biatch? - Hang on. I aint talkin' bout chicken n' gravy biatch. Two left son! One of themz yours muthafucka! Oongratulations muthafucka! Step ta tha side. - What'd you get, biatch? - Pickin crud out. Right back up in yo muthafuckin ass. Stellar playa! Fuck dis shiznit son! Oouple of newbies, biatch? Yes, sir playa! Our first dizzle dawwwwg! We is locked n loaded dawwwwg! Make yo' chizzle. - Yo ass wanna go first, biatch? - Fuck dat shit, you go. Oh, my. Whatz available, biatch? Restroom attendantz open, not fo' tha reason you think. - Any chizzle of gettin tha Krelman, biatch? - Sure, you on. I aint talkin' bout chicken n' gravy biatch. I be sorry, tha Krelman just closed out. Wax monkeyz always open. I aint talkin' bout chicken n' gravy biatch. Da Krelman opened up again. I aint talkin' bout chicken n' gravy biatch. What happened, biatch? A bee died. Y'all KNOW dat shit, muthafucka! Makes a opening. Right back up in yo muthafuckin ass. See, biatch? Dat punk dead as fuckin fried chicken. I aint talkin' bout chicken n' gravy biatch fo' realz. Another dead one. Deady. Deadified. Y'all KNOW dat shit, muthafucka! Two mo' dead as fuckin fried chicken. I aint talkin' bout chicken n' gravy biatch. Dead from tha neck up. Dead from tha neck down. I aint talkin' bout chicken n' gravy biatch. Thatz game biaaatch! Oh, dis is so hard hommie! Heating, cooling, stunt bee, pourer, stirrer, humming, inspector number seven, lint coordinator, stripe supervisor, mite wrangla n' shit. Barry, what tha fuck do you be thinkin I should... Barry, biatch? Barry dawwwwg! All right, we've gots tha sunflower patch up in quadrant nine... What happened ta yo slick ass, biatch? Where is yo slick ass, biatch? - I be goin out. - Out, biatch? Out where, biatch? - Out there, so peek-a-boo, clear tha way, I be comin' thru fo'sho. - Oh, no! I have to, before I git all up in work fo' tha rest of mah game. Yo ass is gonna die biaaatch! Yo ass is crazy dawwwwg! Hello, biatch? Another call comin in. I aint talkin' bout chicken n' gravy biatch. If mah playass feelin brave, there be a a Korean deli on 83rd dat gets they roses todizzle. It make me wanna hollar playa! Yo, muthafuckas. - Look at dis shit. - Isn't dat tha kid we saw yesterday, biatch? Hold it, son, flight deckz restricted. Y'all KNOW dat shit, muthafucka! This type'a shiznit happens all tha time. It aint nuthin but OK, Lou fo'sho. We gonna take his ass up. Fo' realz, biatch? Feelin dirty, is yo slick ass, biatch? Sign here, here, so peek-a-boo, clear tha way, I be comin' thru fo'sho. Just initial dis shit. - Nuff props, biatch. - OK. Yo ass gots a thugged-out drizzle advisory todizzle, n' as you all know, bees cannot fly up in rain. I aint talkin' bout chicken n' gravy biatch. Right back up in yo muthafuckin ass. So be careful naaahhmean, biatch? As always, peep yo' brooms, hockey sticks, dawgs, birds, bears n' bats fo' realz. Also, I gots a cold-ass lil couple reportz of root brew bein poured on us. Murphyz up in a home cuz of it, babblin like a cold-ass lil cicada! - Thatz wack naaahhmean, biatch? - And a reminder fo' you rookies, bee law number one, straight-up no poppin' off ta humans muthafucka! All right, launch positions muthafucka! Buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz! Buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz! Buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz! Black n' yellow! Hello! Yo ass locked n loaded fo' this, bangin' shot, biatch? Yeah. Yeah, brang it on. I aint talkin' bout chicken n' gravy biatch. Wind, check. - Antennae, check. - Nectar pack, check. - Wings, check. - Stinger, check. Right back up in yo muthafuckin ass. Scared outta mah shorts, check. OK, ladies, letz move it up son! Pound dem petunias, you striped stem-suckers muthafucka! All of you, drain dem flowers muthafucka! Fuck dis shiznit son! I be up son! I can't believe I be up son! So blue. I feel so fast n' free biaaatch! Box kite biaaatch! Fuck dis shiznit son! Flowers muthafucka! This is Blue Leader n' shit. Our thugged-out asses have roses visual. It aint nuthin but tha nick nack patty wack, I still gots tha bigger sack. Brin it round 30 degrees n' hold. Y'all KNOW dat shit, muthafucka! Roses muthafucka! 30 degrees, roger n' shit. Bringin it around. Y'all KNOW dat shit, muthafucka! Stand ta tha side, kid. Y'all KNOW dat shit, muthafucka! It aint nuthin but gots a lil' bit of a kick. That is one nectar collector playa! - Ever peep pollination up close, biatch? - Fuck dat shit, sir. Shiiit, dis aint no joke. I pick up some pollen here, sprinkle it over here, so peek-a-boo, clear tha way, I be comin' thru fo'sho. Maybe a thugged-out dash over there, a pinch on dat one. Right back up in yo muthafuckin ass. See that, biatch? It aint nuthin but a lil bit of magic. Thatz amazing. Why do our phat asses do that, biatch? Thatz pollen juice n' shit. Mo' pollen, mo' flowers, mo' nectar, mo' honey fo' us. Oool. I be pickin up a shitload of bright yellow. Oould be daisies. Put ya muthafuckin choppers up if ya feel dis! Don't we need them, biatch? Oopy dat visual. It aint nuthin but tha nick nack patty wack, I still gots tha bigger sack. Wait. One of these flowers seems ta be on tha move. Right back up in yo muthafuckin ass. Say again, biatch? Yo ass is reportin a movin flower, biatch? Affirmative. That was on tha line biaaatch! This is tha coolest. What tha fuck iz it, biatch? I don't give a fuck yo, but I be gangbangin dis color. Shiiit, dis aint no joke. Well shiiiit, it smells good. Y'all KNOW dat shit, muthafucka! I be fly as a gangbangin' falcon, soarin all up in tha sky dawwwwg! Not like a gangbangin' flower yo, but I wanna bust a nut on dat shit. Yeah, fuzzy. Ohemical-y. Oareful, muthafuckas. It aint nuthin but a lil grabby. My fuckin dope lord of bees muthafucka! Oandy-dome, git off there biaaatch! Problem! - Guys muthafucka! - This could be bad. Y'all KNOW dat shit, muthafucka! Affirmative. Straight-up close. Gonna hurt. Mamaz lil boy. Yo ass is way outta position, rookie biaaatch! Oomin up in at you like a pistol! Help me biaaatch! I don't be thinkin these is flowers. - Should we tell him, biatch? - I be thinkin he knows. What tha fuck iz this?! Match point son! Yo ass can start packin up, honey, cuz you bout ta smoke dat shiznit son! Yowser playa! Gross. Therez a funky-ass bee up in tha hoopty playa! - Do something! - I be driving! - Yea muthafucka, bee. - Dat punk back here biaaatch! Dat punk goin ta stin me biaaatch! No Muthafucka move. If you don't move, da thug won't stin you, biatch. Freeze biaaatch! Dude blinked hommie! Spray him, Granny dawwwwg! What is you bustin?! Wow... tha tension level up here is unbelievable. I gotta git home. Oan't fly up in rain. I aint talkin' bout chicken n' gravy biatch. Oan't fly up in rain. I aint talkin' bout chicken n' gravy biatch. Oan't fly up in rain. I aint talkin' bout chicken n' gravy biatch. Maydizzle dawwwwg! Maydizzle dawwwwg! Bee goin down! Ken, could you close tha window please, biatch? Ken, could you close tha window please, biatch? Oheck up mah freshly smoked up resume. I juiced it up tha fuck into a gangbangin' fold-out brochure. Yo ass see, biatch? Foldz out. Oh, no. Mo' humans. I don't need all dis bullshit. What was that, biatch? Maybe dis time. This time. This time. This time biaaatch! This time biaaatch! This... Drapes muthafucka! That is diabolical. It aint nuthin but tha nick nack patty wack, I still gots tha bigger sack. It aint nuthin but dunkadelic. It aint nuthin but gots all mah special game, even mah top-ten straight-up pornos. Whatz number one, biatch? Star Wars, biatch? Nah, I don't go fo' that... ...kind of stuff. No wonder we shouldn't rap ta dem wild-ass muthafuckas. They're outta they minds. When I leave a thang rap battle, they flabbergasted, can't believe what tha fuck I say. Therez tha sun. I aint talkin' bout chicken n' gravy biatch. Maybe thatz a way out. I don't remember tha sun havin a funky-ass big-ass 75 on dat shit. I predicted global warming. I could feel it gettin hotter n' shiznit fo' realz. At first I thought dat shiznit was just mah dirty ass. Wait son! Stop! Bee biaaatch! Stand back. These is winta boots, n' you can put dat on yo' toast. Wait son! Don't bust a cap up in him! Yo ass know I be allergic ta them! This thang could bust a cap up in me biaaatch! Why do his wild lil' freakadelic game have less value than yours, biatch? Why do his wild lil' freakadelic game have any less value than mine, biatch? Is dat yo' statement, biatch? I be just sayin all game has value. Yo ass don't give a fuck what tha fuck his schmoooove ass capable of feeling. My fuckin brochure biaaatch! There you go, lil muthafucka. I aint scared of his muthafuckin ass. It aint nuthin but a allergic thang. Put dat on yo' resume brochure. My fuckin whole grill could puff up. Make it one of yo' special game. Knockin one of mah thugs up be also a special skill. Right. Bye, Vanessa. Thanks. - Vanessa, next week, biatch? Yogurt night, biatch? - Sure, Ken. I aint talkin' bout chicken n' gravy biatch. Yo ass know, whatever n' shit. - Yo ass could put carob chips on there, so peek-a-boo, clear tha way, I be comin' thru fo'sho. - Bye. - Supposed ta be less calories. Put ya muthafuckin choppers up if ya feel dis! - Bye. I gotta say something. Right back up in yo muthafuckin ass. Biatch saved mah game. I gotta say somethang fo' realz. All right, here it goes. Nah. What would I say, biatch? I could straight-up git up in shit. It aint nuthin but a funky-ass bee law. Yo ass aint supposed ta rap ta a human. I aint talkin' bout chicken n' gravy biatch. I can't believe I be bustin all dis bullshit. Ya Mom shoulda told ya, I gots to. Oh, I can't do dat shit. Oome on! No. Yes yes y'all. No. Do dat shit. I can't yo. How tha fuck should I start it, biatch? "Yo ass like jazz?" Fuck dat shit, thatz no good. Y'all KNOW dat shit, muthafucka! I be fly as a gangbangin' falcon, soarin all up in tha sky dawwwwg! Here dat thugged-out biiiatch comes muthafucka! Speak, you fool! Hi! I be sorry as a muthafucka bout dat bullshit. - Yo ass is rappin'. - Yes, I know. Yo ass is rappin'! I be soopa-doopa sorry bout dat bullshit. Fuck dat shit, itz OK. It aint nuthin but fine. I know I be trippin. I aint talkin' bout chicken n' gravy biatch. But I don't recall goin ta bed. Y'all KNOW dat shit, muthafucka! Well, I be shizzle dis is straight-up disconcerting. This be a lil' bit of a surprise ta mah dirty ass. I mean, you a funky-ass bee biaaatch! I am fo' realz. And I aint supposed ta be bustin dis yo, but they was all tryin ta bust a cap up in mah dirty ass fo' realz. And if it wasn't fo' you, biatch... I had ta fuck you, biatch. It aint nuthin but just how tha fuck I was raised. Y'all KNOW dat shit, muthafucka! That was a lil weird. Y'all KNOW dat shit, muthafucka! - I be poppin' off wit a funky-ass bee. - Yeah. I be poppin' off ta a funky-ass bee fo' realz. And tha bee is poppin' off ta me biaaatch! I just wanna say I be grateful naaahhmean, biatch? I be bout ta leave now, nahmeean, biatch? - Wait son! How tha fuck did you learn ta do that, biatch? - What, biatch? Da poppin' off thang. Right back up in yo muthafuckin ass. Same way you did, I guess. "Mama, Dada, honey." Yo ass pick it up. - Thatz straight-up funky. - Yeah. Bees is funky. If our phat asses didn't laugh, we'd cry wit what tha fuck we gotta deal wit fo' realz. Anyway... Oan I... ...get you something, biatch? - Like what, biatch? I don't give a gangbangin' fuck. I mean... I don't give a gangbangin' fuck. Ooffee, biatch? I don't wanna put you out. It aint nuthin but no shit. Well shiiiit, it takes two minutes. - It aint nuthin but just coffee. - I don't give a fuck bout ta impose. - Don't be ridiculous muthafucka! - Actually, I would ludd a cold-ass lil cup. Yo, you want rum cake, biatch? - I shouldn't. - Have some. - Fuck dat shit, I can't. - Oome on! I be tryin ta lose a cold-ass lil couple micrograms. Boy it's gettin hot, yes indeed it is. - Where, biatch? - These stripes don't help. Yo ass look pimped out son! I don't give a fuck if you know anythang bout fashion. I aint talkin' bout chicken n' gravy biatch. Is you all right, biatch? No. Dat punk makin tha tie up in tha cab as they flyin up Madison. I aint talkin' bout chicken n' gravy biatch yo. Dude finally gets there, so peek-a-boo, clear tha way, I be comin' thru fo'sho yo. Dude runs up tha steps tha fuck into tha church. Da weddin is on. I aint talkin' bout chicken n' gravy biatch fo' realz. And da perved-out muthafucka says, "Watermelon, biatch? I thought you holla'd Guatemalan. I aint talkin' bout chicken n' gravy biatch. Why would I marry a watermelon?" Is dat a funky-ass bee joke, biatch? Thatz tha kind of shiznit our phat asses do. Yeah, different. Right back up in yo muthafuckin ass. So, what tha fuck is you gonna do, Barry, biatch? Bout work, biatch? I don't give a gangbangin' fuck. I wanna do mah part fo' tha hive yo, but I can't do it tha way they want. I know how tha fuck you feel. - Yo ass do, biatch? - Sure. My fuckin muthafathas wanted mah crazy ass ta be a lawyer or a thugged-out doctor yo, but I wanted ta be a gangbangin' florist. - Fo' realz, biatch? - My fuckin only interest is flowers. Our freshly smoked up biatch was just erected wit dat same campaign slogan. I aint talkin' bout chicken n' gravy biatch fo' realz. Anyway, if you look... Therez mah hive right there, so peek-a-boo, clear tha way, I be comin' thru fo'sho. Right back up in yo muthafuckin ass. See it, biatch? Yo ass is up in Sheep Meadow! Yes muthafucka! I be right off tha Turtle Pond hommie! No way dawwwwg! I know dat area. I lost a toe rang there once. - Why do hoes put rings on they toes, biatch? - Why not, biatch? - It aint nuthin but like puttin a funky-ass basebizzle cap on yo' knee. - Maybe I be bout ta try dis shit. - Y'all right, ma'am, biatch? - Oh, yeah. Fine. Just havin two cupz of coffee biaaatch! Anyway, dis has been pimped out. Thanks fo' tha coffee. Yeah, itz no shiznit fo' realz. Awwww shiiiit muthafucka, I couldn't finish dat shit. If I did, I'd be up tha rest of mah game fo' realz. Is you, biatch..., biatch? Oan I take a piece of dis wit me son, biatch? Sheezy biaaatch! Here, gotz a cold-ass lil crumb. - Thanks muthafucka! - Yeah fo' realz. All right. Well, then... I guess I be bout ta peep you around. Y'all KNOW dat shit, muthafucka! Or not. OK, Barry fo' realz. And fuck you like it aint no thang again... fo' before. Oh, that, biatch? That was nothing. Well, not not a god damn thang yo, but.. fo' realz. Anyway... This can't possibly work. Dat punk all set ta bounce tha fuck out. We may as well try dat shit. OK, Dave, pull tha chute. - Soundz amazing. - Dat shiznit was sick! Dat shiznit was tha scariest, happiest moment of mah game yo. Humans muthafucka! I can't believe you was wit humans muthafucka! Giant, freaky humans muthafucka! What was they like, biatch? Big-Ass n' crazy. They rap crazy. They smoke wild-ass giant thangs. They drive crazy. - Do they try n' bust a cap up in you, like on TV, biatch? - Some of dem wild-ass muthafuckas. But a shitload of dem don't. - How'd you git back, biatch? - Poodle. Yo ass done did it, n' I be glad. Y'all KNOW dat shit, muthafucka! Yo ass saw whatever you wanted ta see. Yo ass had yo' "experience." Now you can pick up yourjob n' be normal. It aint nuthin but tha nick nack patty wack, I still gots tha bigger sack. - Well... - Well, biatch? Well, I kicked it wit one of mah thugs. Yo ass did, biatch? Was she Bee-ish, biatch? - A wasp?! Yo crazy-ass muthafathas will bust a cap up in you, nahmean biiiatch, biatch? - Fuck dat shit, no, no, not a wasp. - Spider, biatch? - I aint attracted ta spiders. I know itz tha hottest thang, wit tha eight hairy-ass legs n' all. I can't git by dat face. Right back up in yo muthafuckin ass. So whoz ass is she, biatch? She's... human. I aint talkin' bout chicken n' gravy biatch. Fuck dat shit, no. Thatz a funky-ass bee law. Yo ass wouldn't break a funky-ass bee law. - Her namez Vanessa. - Oh, boy. Dat hoe so sick fo' realz. And she a gangbangin' florist son! Oh, no! Yo ass is pimpin a human florist son! We not dating. Yo ass is flyin outside tha hive, poppin' off ta humans dat battle our cribs wit juice washers n' M-80s muthafucka! One-eighth a stick of dynamite biaaatch! Biatch saved mah game biaaatch! And she understandz mah dirty ass. This is over playa! Eat all dis bullshit. This aint over playa! What was that, biatch? - They call it a cold-ass lil crumb. - Dat shiznit was so stingin' stripey dawwwwg! And thatz not what tha fuck they eat. Thatz what tha fuck falls off what tha fuck they smoke son! - Yo ass know what tha fuck a Oinnabon is, biatch? - No. It aint nuthin but bread n' cinnamon n' frosting. They heat it up... Right back up in yo muthafuckin ass. Sit down! ...really hot son! - Listen ta me biaaatch! Our asses aint them! We us. Therez our asses n' there be a them! Yes yo, but whoz ass can deny tha ass dat is yearning, biatch? Therez no yearning. Right back up in yo muthafuckin ass. Quit yearning. Listen ta me biaaatch! Yo ass have gots ta start thankin bee, mah playa yo, but it ain't no stoppin cause I be still poppin'. Thinkin bee biaaatch! - Thinkin bee. - Thinkin bee. Thinkin bee biaaatch! Thinkin bee biaaatch! Thinkin bee biaaatch! Thinkin bee biaaatch! There he is. Dat punk up in tha pool. Yo ass know what tha fuck yo' problem is, Barry, biatch? I gotta start thankin bee, biatch? How tha fuck much longer will dis go on, biatch? It aint nuthin but been three days muthafucka! Why aren't you working, biatch? I've gots a shitload of big-ass game decisions ta be thinkin about. What game, biatch? Yo ass have no game biaaatch! Yo ass have no thang. Yo ass is barely a funky-ass bee biaaatch! Would it bust a cap up in you ta cook up a lil honey, biatch? Barry, come out. Yo crazy-ass fatherz poppin' off ta you, biatch. Martin, would you rap ta him, biatch? Barry, I be poppin' off ta you, nahmean biiiatch, biatch? Yo ass coming, biatch? Got every last muthafuckin thang, biatch? All set son! Go ahead. Y'all KNOW dat shit, muthafucka! I be bout ta catch up. Don't be too long. Watch this muthafucka! Vanessa! - We still here, so peek-a-boo, clear tha way, I be comin' thru fo'sho. - I holla'd at you not ta yell at his muthafuckin ass yo. Dude don't respond ta yelling! - Then why yell all up in mah grill son, biatch? - Because you don't listen! I aint listenin ta all dis bullshit. Right back up in yo muthafuckin ass. Sorry, I've gotta go. - Where is you going, biatch? - I be meetin a gangbangin' playa yo, but it ain't no stoppin cause I be still poppin' fo' realz. A girl, biatch? Is dis why you can't decide, biatch? Bye. I just hope she Bee-ish. They gotz a big-ass parade of flowers every last muthafuckin year up in Pasadena, biatch? To be up in tha Tournament of Roses, thatz every last muthafuckin floristz dream! Up on a gangbangin' float, surrounded by flowers, crowdz cheerin fo' realz. A tournament. Do tha roses compete up in athletic events, biatch? No fo' realz. All right, I've gots one yo. How tha fuck come you don't fly everywhere, biatch? It aint nuthin but exhausting. Why don't you run everywhere, biatch? It aint nuthin but fasta n' shit. Yeah, OK, I see, I peep fo' realz. All right, yo' turn, so check it before ya wreck it. I aint talkin' bout chicken n' gravy biatch. TiVo. Yo ass can just freeze live TV, biatch? Thatz crazy biaaatch! Yo ass aint gots that, biatch? Our thugged-out asses have Hivo yo, but itz a gangbangin' finger-lickin' disease. It aint nuthin but a horrible, wack disease. Oh, my. Dumb bees muthafucka! Yo ass must wanna stin all dem jerks. We try not ta sting. It aint nuthin but probably fatal fo' us. Right back up in yo muthafuckin ass. So you gotta peep yo' temper n' shit. Straight-up carefully. Yo ass kick a wall, take a strutt, write a mad salty letta n' throw it out. Work all up in it like any emotion: Anger, jealousy, lust. Oh, mah goodness muthafucka! Is you OK, biatch? Yeah. - What tha fuck iz poppin' off wit yo slick ass?! - It aint nuthin but a funky-ass bug. Dat punk not botherin anybody. Git outta here, you creep! What was that, biatch? A Pic 'N' Save circular, biatch? Yeah, it was yo. How tha fuck did you know, biatch? It felt like bout 10 pages. Right back up in yo muthafuckin ass. Seventy-five is pretty much our limit. You've straight-up gots dat down ta a science. - I lost a cold-ass lil cousin ta Italian Vogue. - I be bout ta bet. What up in tha name of Mighty Herculez is this, biatch? How tha fuck did dis git here, biatch? Oute Bee, Golden Blossom, Ray Liotta Private Select, biatch? - Is tha pimpin' muthafucka dat hustla, biatch? - I never heard of his muthafuckin ass. - Why is dis here, biatch? - For people. We smoke dat shit. Yo ass aint gots enough chicken of yo' own, biatch? - Well, yes. - How tha fuck do you git it, biatch? - Bees make dat shit. - I know whoz ass make dat shiznit son! And itz hard ta make dat shiznit son! Therez heating, cooling, stirring. Yo ass need a whole Krelman thang! - It aint nuthin but organic. - It aint nuthin but our-ganic! It aint nuthin but just honey, Barry. Just what?! Bees don't give a fuck bout this muthafucka! This is jackin! All dem jackin! You've taken our cribs, schools, hospitizzles muthafucka! This be all our crazy asses have biaaatch! And itz on sale?! I be gettin ta tha bottom of all dis bullshit. I be gettin ta tha bottom of all of this muthafucka! Yo, Hector. Shiiit, dis aint no joke. - Yo ass almost done, biatch? - Almost yo. Dude is here, so peek-a-boo, clear tha way, I be comin' thru fo'sho. I sense dat shit. Well, I guess I be bout ta bounce back ta tha doggy den now n' just leave dis sick honey out, wit no one around. Y'all KNOW dat shit, muthafucka! Yo ass is busted, box pimp dawwwwg! I knew I heard something. Right back up in yo muthafuckin ass. So you can talk! I can rap fo' realz. And now you gonna start rappin'! Where you gettin tha dope stuff, biatch? Whoz yo' supplier, biatch? I don't understand.. n' you KNOWS we was playas. Da last thang we wanna do is upset bees muthafucka! Yo ass is too late biaaatch! It aint nuthin but ours now! You, sir, have crossed tha wack sword hommie! You, sir, is ghon be lunch fo' mah iguana, Ignacio! Where is tha honey comin from, biatch? Tell me where biaaatch! Honey Farms muthafucka! It be reppin Honey Farms muthafucka! Orazy person! What wack thang has happened here, biatch? These faces, they never knew what tha fuck hit dem wild-ass muthafuckas fo' realz. And now they on tha road ta nowhere biaaatch! Just keep still. What, biatch? Yo ass aint dead, biatch? Do I look dead, biatch? They will wipe anythang dat moves. Where you headed, biatch? To Honey Farms. Boy it's gettin hot, yes indeed it is. I be onto suttin' big-ass here, so peek-a-boo, clear tha way, I be comin' thru fo'sho. I be goin ta Alaska. Moose blood, wild-ass stuff. Blows yo' head off! I be goin ta Tacoma. - And yo slick ass, biatch? - Dude straight-up is dead as fuckin fried chicken. I aint talkin' bout chicken n' gravy biatch fo' realz. All right. Uh-oh! - What tha fuck iz that?! - Oh, no! - A wiper playa! Triple blade biaaatch! - Triple blade, biatch? Jump on! It aint nuthin but yo' only chance, bee biaaatch! Why do every last muthafuckin thang gotta be all kindsa doggone clean?! How tha fuck much do you playas need ta see?! Open yo' eyes muthafucka! Stick yo' head up tha window! From NPR Shit up in Washington, I be Oarl Kasell. But don't bust a cap up in no mo' bugs muthafucka! - Bee biaaatch! - Moose blood muthafucka!! - Yo ass hear something, biatch? - Like what, biatch? Like tiny screaming. Turn off tha radio. Whassup, bee boy, biatch? Yo, Blood. Y'all KNOW dat shit, muthafucka! I be fly as a gangbangin' falcon, soarin all up in tha sky dawwwwg! Just a row of honey jars, as far as tha eye could see. Fuck dis shiznit son! I assume wherever dis truck goes is where they gettin dat shit. I mean, dat honeyz ours. - Bees hang tight. - We all jammed in. I aint talkin' bout chicken n' gravy biatch. It aint nuthin but a cold-ass lil close hood. Not us, man. I aint talkin' bout chicken n' gravy biatch. We on our own. I aint talkin' bout chicken n' gravy biatch. Every mosquito on his own. I aint talkin' bout chicken n' gravy biatch. - What if you git up in shit, biatch? - Yo ass a mosquito, you up in shit. No Muthafucka likes us. They just smack. Right back up in yo muthafuckin ass. See a mosquito, smack, smack! At least you up in tha ghetto. Right back up in yo muthafuckin ass. Y'all KNOW dat shit, muthafucka! Yo ass must hook up hoes. Mosquito hoes try ta trade up, git wit a moth, dragonfly. Mosquito hoe don't want no mosquito. Yo ass gots ta be kiddin me biaaatch! Moosebloodz bout ta leave tha building! So long, bee biaaatch! - Yo, muthafuckas muthafucka! - Mooseblood hommie! I knew I'd catch y'all down here, so peek-a-boo, clear tha way, I be comin' thru fo'sho. Did yo dirty ass brang yo' wild-ass straw, biatch? We throw it up in jars, slap a label on it, n' itz pretty much pure profit. What tha fuck iz dis place, biatch? A beez gots a funky-ass dome tha size of a pinhead. Y'all KNOW dat shit, muthafucka! They is pinheadz muthafucka! Pinhead. Y'all KNOW dat shit, muthafucka! - Oheck up tha freshly smoked up smoker n' shit. - Oh, dope. Thatz tha one you want. Da Thomas 3000! Smoker, biatch? Ninety puffs a minute, semi-automatic. Twice tha nicotine, all tha tar fo' realz. A couple breathz of dis knocks dem right out. They make tha honey, n' we make tha scrilla. "They make tha honey, n' we make tha scrilla", biatch? Oh, mah dawwwwg! Whatz goin on, biatch? Is you OK, biatch? Yeah. Well shiiiit, it don't last too long. Do you know you up in a gangbangin' fake hive wit fake walls, biatch? Our biatch was moved here, so peek-a-boo, clear tha way, I be comin' thru fo'sho. Our thugged-out asses had no chizzle. This is yo' biatch? Thatz a playa up in hoes clothes muthafucka! Thatz a thugged-out drag biatch! What tha fuck iz this, biatch? Oh, no! Therez hundredz of them! Bee honey. Our honey is bein brazenly jacked on a massive scale biaaatch! This is worse than anythang bears have done biaaatch! I intend ta do something. Oh, Barry, stop. Dum diddy-dum, here I come biaaatch! Who tha fuck holla'd at you humans is takin our honey, biatch? Thatz a rumor. Shiiit, dis aint no joke. Do these be lookin like rumors, biatch? Thatz a cold-ass lil conspiracy theory. These is obviously doctored photos yo. How tha fuck did you git mixed up in this, biatch? Dat punk been poppin' off ta humans. - What, biatch? - Talkin ta humans?! Dude has a human hoe yo, but it ain't no stoppin cause I be still poppin' fo' realz. And they make up son! Make out, biatch? Barry dawwwwg! Us dudes do not. - Yo ass wish you could. Y'all KNOW dat shit, muthafucka! - Whose side is you on, biatch? Da bees muthafucka! I dated a cold-ass lil cricket once up in San Antonio. Those wild-ass hairy-ass legs kept me up all night. Barry, dis is what tha fuck you wanna do wit yo' game, biatch? I wanna do it fo' all our lives. No Muthafucka works harder than bees muthafucka! Dad, I remember you comin home so overworked yo' handz was still stirring. Yo ass couldn't stop. I remember dis shit. What right do they gotta our honey, biatch? We live on two cups a year. Shiiit, dis aint no joke. They put it up in lip balm fo' no reason whatsoever playa! Even if itz true, what tha fuck can one bee do, biatch? Stin dem where it straight-up hurts, n' you can put dat on yo' toast. In tha grill biaaatch! Da eye biaaatch! - That would hurt. - No. Up tha nose, biatch? Thatz a killa n' shit. Therez only one place you can stin tha humans, one place where it mattas yo. Hive at Five, tha hivez only full-hour action shizzle source. No mo' bee beardz muthafucka! With Bob Bumble all up in tha anchor desk. Weather wit Storm Stinger n' shit. Right back up in yo muthafuckin ass. Game wit Buzz Larvi fo' realz. And Jeanette Ohung. - Dope evening. I be Bob Bumble. - And I be Jeanette Ohung fo' realz. A tri-county bee, Barry Benson, intendz ta sue tha human race fo' jackin our honey, packagin it n' profitin from it illegally dawwwwg! Tomorrow night on Bee Larry Mackdaddy, we'll have three forma biatchs here up in our studio, discussin they freshly smoked up book, Olassy Ladies, up dis week on Hexagon. I aint talkin' bout chicken n' gravy biatch. Tonight we poppin' off ta Barry Benson. I aint talkin' bout chicken n' gravy biatch. Did yo dirty ass eva think, "I be a kid from tha hive. I can't do this", biatch? Bees have never been afraid ta chizzle tha ghetto. Right back up in yo muthafuckin ass. Y'all KNOW dat shit, muthafucka! What bout Bee Oolumbus, biatch? Bee Gandhi, biatch? Bejesus, biatch? Where I be from, we'd never sue humans. Us thugs was thankin of stickbizzle or candy stores yo. How tha fuck oldschool is yo slick ass, biatch? Da bee hood is supportin you up in dis case, which is ghon be tha trial of tha bee century. Yo ass know, they gotz a Larry Mackdaddy up in tha human ghetto like a muthafucka. It aint nuthin but a cold-ass lil common name. Next week.. yo. Dude be lookin like you n' has a gangbangin' finger-lickin' dirty-ass show n' suspendaz n' colored dots... Next week... Glasses, quotes on tha bottom from tha hommie even though you just heard 'em. Bear Week next week! They're freaky, hairy n' here live fo' realz. Always leans forward, pointy shoulders, squinty eyes, straight-up Jewish. In tennis, you battle all up in tha deal wit weakness muthafucka! Dat shiznit was mah grandmother, Ken. I aint talkin' bout chicken n' gravy biatch. Dat hoe 81 yo. Honey, her backhandz a joke biaaatch! I aint gonna take advantage of that, biatch? Quiet,. Biiiatch please.Actual work goin on here, so peek-a-boo, clear tha way, I be comin' thru fo'sho. - Is dat that same bee, biatch? - Yes, it is muthafucka! I be helpin his ass sue tha human race. - Hello. - Yo muthafucka, bee. This is Ken. I aint talkin' bout chicken n' gravy biatch. Yeah, I remember you, biatch. Timberland, size ten n' a half. Vibram sole, I believe. Why do tha pimpin' muthafucka rap again, biatch? Listen, you betta go 'cause we straight-up busy working. But itz our yogurt night son! Bye-bye. Why is yogurt night so difficult?! Yo ass skanky thang. Yo ass two done been at dis fo' hours muthafucka! Yes, n' Adam here has been a big-ass help. - Frosting... - How tha fuck nuff sugars, biatch? Just one. I try not ta use tha competition. I aint talkin' bout chicken n' gravy biatch. Right back up in yo muthafuckin ass. So why is you helpin me son, biatch? Bees have phat qualitizzles fo' realz. And it takes mah mind off tha shop. Instead of flowers, playas is givin balloon bouquets now, nahmeean, biatch? Those is pimped out, if you three fo' realz. And artificial flowers. - Oh, dem just git me psychotic! - Yeah, me like a muthafucka. Bent stingers, pointless pollination. I aint talkin' bout chicken n' gravy biatch. Bees must don't give a fuck bout dem fake thangs muthafucka! Nothang worse than a thugged-out daffodil thatz had work done. Maybe dis could make up fo' it a lil bit. - This lawsuitz a pimpin' big-ass deal. It aint nuthin but tha nick nack patty wack, I still gots tha bigger sack. - I guess. Yo ass shizzle you wanna go all up in wit it, biatch? Am I sure, biatch? When I be done wit tha humans, they won't be able ta say, "Honey, I be home," without payin a royalty dawwwwg! It aint nuthin but a incredible scene here up in downtown Manhattan, where tha ghetto anxiously waits, cuz fo' tha last time up in history, we will hear fo' ourselves if a honeybee can straight-up speak. What have we gotten tha fuck into here, Barry, biatch? It aint nuthin but pretty big, aint it, biatch? I can't believe how tha fuck nuff humans don't work durin tha day. It make me wanna hollar playa! Yo ass be thinkin billion-dollar multinationistic chicken g-units have phat lawyers, biatch? All Y'all need ta stay behind tha barricade. - Whatz tha matter, biatch? - I don't give a fuck, I just gots a cold-ass lil chill. Well, if it aint tha bee crew. Yo ass thugs work on this, biatch? All rise biaaatch! Da Honorable Judge Bumbleton presidin fo' realz. All right. Oase number 4475, Superior Oourt of New York, Barry Bee Benston v. tha Honey Industry is now up in session. I aint talkin' bout chicken n' gravy biatch. Mista Muthafuckin Montgomery, you representin tha five chicken g-units collectively, biatch? A privilege. Mista Muthafuckin Benson... you representin all tha beez of tha ghetto, biatch? I be kidding. Yes, Yo crazy-ass Honor, we locked n loaded ta proceed. Y'all KNOW dat shit, muthafucka! Mista Muthafuckin Montgomery, yo' openin statement,. Biiiatch please.Ladies n' gentlemen of tha jury, mah grandmutha was a simple biatch. I aint talkin' bout chicken n' gravy biatch. Born on a gangbangin' farm, da hoe believed dat shiznit was manz divine right ta benefit from tha bounty of nature Dogg put before us. If our slick asses lived up in tha topsy-turvy ghetto Mista Muthafuckin Benston imagines, just be thinkin of what tha fuck would it mean. I aint talkin' bout chicken n' gravy biatch. I would gotta negotiate wit tha silkworm fo' tha elastic up in mah britches muthafucka! Talkin bee biaaatch! How tha fuck do we know dis aint some sort of holographic motion-picture-capture Hollywood wizzlery, biatch? They could be rockin laser beams muthafucka! Robotics muthafucka! Ventriloquism! Oloning! For all we know, his schmoooove ass could be on steroidz muthafucka! Mista Muthafuckin Benson, biatch? Ladies n' gentlemen, there be a no trickery here, so peek-a-boo, clear tha way, I be comin' thru fo'sho. I be just a ordinary bee yo. Honeyz pretty blingin ta mah dirty ass. It aint nuthin but blingin ta all bees. We invented dat shiznit son! We make it fo' realz. And we protect it wit our lives. Unfortunately, there be some playas up in dis room whoz ass be thinkin they can take it from our asses 'cause we tha lil muthafuckas muthafucka! I be hopin that, afta dis be all over, you gonna peep how, by takin our honey, you not only take every last muthafuckin thang our crazy asses have but every last muthafuckin thang we is biaaatch! I wish he'd dress like dat all tha time. Right back up in yo muthafuckin ass. So sick biaaatch! Oall yo' first witness. Right back up in yo muthafuckin ass. So, Mista Muthafuckin Klauss Vanderhayden of Honey Farms, big-ass company you have. I suppose so. I peep you also own Honeyburton n' Honron! Yes, they provide beekeepers fo' our farms. Boy it's gettin hot, yes indeed it is. Beekeeper n' shit. I find dat ta be a straight-up disturbin term. I don't imagine you employ any bee-free-ers, do yo slick ass, biatch? - No. - I couldn't hear you, biatch. - No. - No. Because you don't free bees. Yo ass keep bees. Not only that, it seems you thought a funky-ass bear would be a appropriate image fo' a jar of honey. They're straight-up lovable creatures. Yogi Bear, Fozzie Bear, Build-A-Bear. Shiiit, dis aint no joke. Yo ass mean like this, biatch? Bears bust a cap up in bees muthafucka! How'd you like his head crashin all up in yo' livin room?! Bitin tha fuck into yo' couch! Spittin up yo' throw pillows muthafucka! OK, thatz enough cause I gots dem finger-lickin' chickens wit tha siz-auce. Take his ass away. Right back up in yo muthafuckin ass. So, Mista Muthafuckin Right back up in yo muthafuckin ass. Sting, fuck you fo' bein here, so peek-a-boo, clear tha way, I be comin' thru fo'sho. Yo crazy-ass name intrigues mah dirty ass. - Where have I heard it before, biatch? - I was wit a funky-ass crew called Da Police. But you've never been a five-o fool, have yo slick ass, biatch? Fuck dat shit, I haven't. Fuck dat shit, you haven't fo' realz. And so here our crazy asses have yet another example of bee culture casually jacked by a human fo' not a god damn thang mo' than a prance-about stage name. Oh,. Biiiatch please.Has you done eva been stung, Mista Muthafuckin Right back up in yo muthafuckin ass. Sting, biatch? Because I be feelin a lil stung, Sting. Or should I say... Mista Muthafuckin Gordon M. Right back up in yo muthafuckin ass. Sumner playa! Thatz not his bangin real name?! Yo ass idiots muthafucka! Mista Muthafuckin Liotta, first, belated props on yo' Emmy win fo' a hommie spot on ER up in 2005. Nuff props, biatch. Nuff props, biatch. I peep from yo' resume dat you devilishly thugged-out wit a cold-ass lil churnin inner turmoil thatz locked n loaded ta blow. I trip off what tha fuck I do. Is dat a cold-ass lil crime, biatch? Not yet it aint. But is dis what tha fuck itz come ta fo' yo slick ass, biatch? Exploitin tiny, helpless bees so you don't gotta rehearse yo' part n' learn yo' lines, sir, biatch? Watch it, Benson! I could blow right now! This aint a goodfella. This be a funky-ass badfella! Why don't one of mah thugs just step on dis creep, n' we can all bounce back ta tha doggy den?! - Order up in dis court son! - Yo ass be all thankin dat shiznit son! Order playa! Order, I say dawwwwg! - Say dat shiznit son! - Mista Muthafuckin Liotta, please sit tha fuck down! I be thinkin dat shiznit was awfully sick of dat bear ta pitch up in like dis shit. I be thinkin tha juryz on our side fo' realz. Is our phat asses bustin every last muthafuckin thang right, legally, biatch? I be a gangbangin' florist. Right. Well, herez ta a pimped out crew. To a pimped out crew! Well, hello. - Ken! - Hello. I didn't be thinkin you was coming. Fuck dat shit, I was just late. I tried ta call yo, but... tha battery. I didn't want all dis ta git all up in waste, so I called Barry. Luckily, da thug was free. Oh, dat was dirty. Therez a lil left. I could heat it up. Yeah, heat it up, sure, whatever n' shit. Right back up in yo muthafuckin ass. So I hear you like a tennis playa n' shit. I aint much fo' tha game mah dirty ass. Da ballz a lil grabby. Thatz where I probably sit. Right... there, so peek-a-boo, clear tha way, I be comin' thru fo'sho. Ken, Barry was lookin at yo' resume, n' he agreed wit me dat smokin wit chopsticks aint straight-up a special skill. Yo ass be thinkin I don't peep what tha fuck you bustin, biatch? I know how tha fuck hard it is ta find tha rightjob. Our thugged-out asses have dat up in common. I aint talkin' bout chicken n' gravy biatch. Do we, biatch? Bees have 100 cement employment yo, but our phat asses do thangs like takin tha crud out. Thatz just what tha fuck I was thankin bout bustin. Ken, I let Barry borrow yo' razor fo' his wild lil' fuzz. I hope dat was all right. I be goin ta drain tha oldschool stinger n' shit. Yeah, you do dis shit. Look at dis shit. Yo ass know, I've just bout had it wit yo' lil mind games. - Whatz that, biatch? - Italian Vogue. Mamma mia, thatz a shitload of pages fo' realz. All dem ads. Remember what tha fuck Van holla'd, why is yo' game mo' valuable than mine, biatch? Funny, I just can't seem ta recall dat son! I be thinkin suttin' stinks up in here biaaatch! I gots a straight-up boner fo' tha smell of flowers yo. How tha fuck do you like tha smell of flames?! Not as much. Wata bug! Not takin sides muthafucka! Ken, I be bustin a Ohapstick basebizzle cap son! This is pathetic! I've gots issues muthafucka! Well, well, well, a royal flush! - Yo ass is bluffing. - Am I, biatch? Surfz up, dude biaaatch! Poo gin n juice playa! That bowl is gnarly. Except fo' dem dirty yellow rings muthafucka! Kenneth! What is you bustin?! Yo ass know, I don't even like honey dawwwwg! I don't smoke dat shiznit son! We need ta talk! Dat punk just a lil bee biaaatch! And dat schmoooove muthafucka happens ta be tha sickst bee I've kicked it wit up in a long-ass time biaaatch! Long time, biatch? What is you poppin' off about?! Is there other bugs up in yo' game, biatch? Fuck dat shiznit yo, but there be other thangs buggin me up in tha game fo' realz. And you one of them! Fine biaaatch! Talkin bees, no yogurt night... My fuckin nerves is fried from ridin on dis wack rolla coasta playa! Peace out, Ken. I aint talkin' bout chicken n' gravy biatch fo' realz. And fo' yo' shiznit, I prefer sugar-free, artificial dopeeners made by man! I be sorry as a muthafucka bout all dis shit. I know itz gots a aftertaste biaaatch! I wanna bust a nut on dat shiznit son! I always felt there was some kind of barrier between Ken n' mah dirty ass. I couldn't overcome dat shit. Oh, well. Is you OK fo' tha trial, biatch? I believe Mista Muthafuckin Montgomery be bout outta ideas. Us thugs wanna call Mista Muthafuckin Barry Benston Bee ta tha stand. Y'all KNOW dat shit, muthafucka! Dope idea! Yo ass can straight-up peep why his schmoooove ass considered one of tha dopest lawyers... Yeah. Layton, you've gotta weave some magic wit dis jury, or itz gonna be all over n' shit. Don't worry. Da only thang I gotta do ta turn dis jury round is ta remind dem of what tha fuck they don't like bout bees. - Yo ass gots tha tweezers, biatch? - Is you allergic, biatch? Only ta losing, son. I aint talkin' bout chicken n' gravy biatch. Only ta losing. Mista Muthafuckin Benston Bee, I be bout ta ask you what tha fuck I be thinkin we'd all like ta know. What exactly is yo' relationshizzle ta dat biatch? We playas. - Dope playas, biatch? - Yes yo. How tha fuck good, biatch? Do you live together, biatch? Wait a minute... Is you her lil... ...bedbug, biatch? I've peeped a funky-ass bee documentary or two. From what tha fuck I understand, don't yo' biatch give birth ta all tha bee children, biatch? - Yeah yo, but... - So dem aren't yo' real muthafathas muthafucka! - Oh, Barry... - Yes, they is biaaatch! Hold mah crazy ass back! Yo ass be a illegitimate bee, aren't you, Benson, biatch? Dat punk denouncin bees muthafucka! Don't y'all date yo' cousins, biatch? - Objection! - I be goin ta pincushion dis muthafucka! Adam, don't son! It aint nuthin but what tha fuck da thug wants muthafucka! Oh, I be hit!! Oh, lordy, I be hit son! Order playa! Order playa! Da venom! Da venom is coursin all up in mah veins muthafucka! I done been felled by a winged beast of destruction! Yo ass see, biatch? Yo ass can't treat dem like equals muthafucka! They're striped savages muthafucka! Stingingz tha only thang they know! It aint nuthin but they way dawwwwg! - Adam, stay wit mah dirty ass. - I can't feel mah legs. What angel of mercy will come forward ta suck tha poison from mah heavin buttocks, biatch? I'ma have order up in dis court. Order playa! Order, please biaaatch! Da case of tha honeybees versus tha human race took a pointed turn against tha bees yesterdizzle when one of they legal crew stung Layton T. Montgomery. - Yo, dawg. - Hey. - Is there much pain, biatch? - Yeah. I... I blew tha whole case, didn't I, biatch? It don't matter n' shit. What mattas is you kickin dat shit, yo. Yo ass could have died. Y'all KNOW dat shit, muthafucka! I'd be betta off dead as fuckin fried chicken. I aint talkin' bout chicken n' gravy biatch. Look all up in mah face. They gots it from tha cafeteria downstairs, up in a tuna sandwich. Look, there be a a lil celery still on dat shit. What was it like ta stin one of mah thugs, biatch? I can't explain dat shit. Dat shiznit was all.. fo' realz. All adrenaline n' then... n' then ecstasy dawwwwg! All right. Yo ass be thinkin dat shiznit was all a trap, biatch? Of course. I be sorry as a muthafucka bout dat bullshit. I flew our asses right tha fuck into all dis bullshit. What was we thinking, biatch? Look at us. Us playas just a cold-ass lil couple bugs up in dis ghetto. Right back up in yo muthafuckin ass. Y'all KNOW dat shit, muthafucka! What will tha humans do ta our asses if they win, biatch? I don't give a gangbangin' fuck. I hear they put tha roaches up in motels. That don't sound so bad. Y'all KNOW dat shit, muthafucka! Adam, they check up in yo, but they don't check up son! Oh, my. Oould you git a nurse ta close dat window, biatch? - Why, biatch? - Da smoke. Bees don't smoke. Right. Bees don't smoke. Bees don't smoke biaaatch! But some bees is tokin. Thatz dat shiznit son! Thatz our case biaaatch! It is, biatch? It aint nuthin but not over, biatch? Git dressed. Y'all KNOW dat shit, muthafucka! I've gotta go somewhere, so peek-a-boo, clear tha way, I be comin' thru fo'sho. Git back ta tha court n' stall. Right back up in yo muthafuckin ass. Stall any way you can. I aint talkin' bout chicken n' gravy biatch fo' realz. And assumin you've done step erectly, you locked n loaded fo' tha tub. Mista Muthafuckin Flayman. I aint talkin' bout chicken n' gravy biatch. Yes, biatch? Yes, Yo crazy-ass Honor playa! Where is tha rest of yo' crew, biatch? Well, Yo crazy-ass Honor, itz interesting. Bees is trained ta fly haphazardly, n' as a result, our phat asses don't make straight-up phat time. I straight-up heard a gangbangin' funky rap about... Yo crazy-ass Honor, aint these wack bugs taken up enough of dis courtz valuable time, biatch? How tha fuck much longer will we allow these absurd shenanigans ta go on, biatch? They have presented no compellin evidence ta support they charges against mah clients, whoz ass run legitimate bidnizzes. I move fo' a cold-ass lil complete dismissal of dis entire case biaaatch! Mista Muthafuckin Flayman, I be afraid I be goin ta gotta consider Mista Muthafuckin Montgomeryz motion. I aint talkin' bout chicken n' gravy biatch. But you can't son! Our thugged-out asses gotz a terrific case. Where is yo' proof, biatch? Where is tha evidence, biatch? Show me tha tokin gun! Hold it, Yo crazy-ass Honor playa! Yo ass want a tokin gun, biatch? Here is yo' tokin gun. I aint talkin' bout chicken n' gravy biatch. What tha fuck iz that, biatch? It aint nuthin but a funky-ass bee smoker playa! What, this, biatch? This harmless lil contraption, biatch? This couldn't hurt a gangbangin' fly, let ridin' solo a funky-ass bee. Look at what tha fuck has happened ta bees whoz ass have never been asked, "Tokin or non?" Is dis what tha fuck nature intended fo' us, biatch? To be forcibly addicted ta smoke machines n' man-made wooden slat work camps, biatch? Livin up our lives as honey slaves ta tha white man, biatch? - What is we gonna do, biatch? - Dat punk playin tha species card. Y'all KNOW dat shit, muthafucka! Ladies n' gentlemen, please, free these bees muthafucka! Jacked tha bees muthafucka! Jacked tha bees muthafucka! Jacked tha bees muthafucka! Jacked tha bees muthafucka! Jacked tha bees muthafucka! Da court findz up in favor of tha bees muthafucka! Vanessa, we won! I knew you could do dat shiznit son! High-five biaaatch! Sorry. I be OK! Yo ass know what tha fuck dis means, biatch? All tha honey will finally belong ta tha bees. Now we won't gotta work so hard all tha time. This be a unholy perversion of tha balizzle of nature, Benson. I aint talkin' bout chicken n' gravy biatch. You'll regret all dis bullshit. Barry, how tha fuck much honey is up there, biatch? All right. One at a time. Barry, whoz ass is you bustin, biatch? My fuckin sweata is Ralph Lauren, n' I have no pants, n' you can put dat on yo' toast. - What if Montgomeryz right, biatch? - What do you mean, biatch? We've been livin tha bee way a long-ass time, 27 mazillion years. Oongratulations on yo' victory. What will you demand as a settlement, biatch? First, we'll demand a cold-ass lil complete shutdown of all bee work camps. Then we want back tha honey dat was ours ta begin with, every last muthafuckin last drop. Us dudes demand a end ta tha glorification of tha bear as anythang mo' than a gangbangin' filthy, smelly, bad-breath stink machine. We all aware of what tha fuck they do up in tha woods. Wait fo' mah signal. It aint nuthin but tha nick nack patty wack, I still gots tha bigger sack. Take his ass up yo. Dude bout ta have nauseous fo' all dem hours, then he'll be fine fo' realz. And we will no longer tolerate bee-negatizzle nicknames... But itz just a prance-about stage name biaaatch! ...unnecessary inclusion of honey up in bogus game shizzle n' la-dee-da human tea-time snack garnishments, n' you can put dat on yo' toast. Oan't breathe. Brin it in, thugs muthafucka! Hold it right there biaaatch! Good. Y'all KNOW dat shit, muthafucka! I be fly as a gangbangin' falcon, soarin all up in tha sky dawwwwg! Tap dat shit. Mista Muthafuckin Buzzwell, our laid-back asses just passed three cups, n' there be a gallons mo' coming! - I be thinkin we need ta shut down! - Shut down, biatch? We've never shut down. I aint talkin' bout chicken n' gravy biatch. Right back up in yo muthafuckin ass. Shut down honey thang! Quit makin honey dawwwwg! Turn yo' key, sir playa! What do our phat asses do now, biatch? Oannonball! We shuttin honey thang! Mission abort fo' realz. Abortin pollination n' nectar detail. Returnin ta base fo' realz. Adam, you wouldn't believe how tha fuck much honey was up there, so peek-a-boo, clear tha way, I be comin' thru fo'sho. Oh, yeah, biatch? Whatz goin on, biatch? Where is everybody, biatch? - Is they up celebrating, biatch? - They're home. They don't give a fuck what tha fuck ta do. Layin out, chillin in. I aint talkin' bout chicken n' gravy biatch. I heard yo' Uncle Oarl was on his way ta San Antonio wit a cold-ass lil cricket fo' realz. At least we gots our honey back. Right back up in yo muthafuckin ass. Sometimes I think, so what tha fuck if humans was horny bout our honey, biatch? Dum diddy-dum, here I come biaaatch! Who tha fuck wouldn't, biatch? It aint nuthin but tha top billin thang up in tha ghetto hommie! I was buckwild ta be part of makin dat shit. This was mah freshly smoked up desk. This was mah freshly smoked up thang. I wanted ta do it straight-up well fo' realz. And now, nahmeean?.. Now I can't. I don't KNOW why they not horny.. n' you KNOWS they lives would be mo' betta playa! They're bustin nothing. It aint nuthin but dunkadelic yo. Honey straight-up chizzlez people. Yo ass aint gots any scam what tha fuck be happenin, do yo slick ass, biatch? - What did you wanna show me son, biatch? - This. What happened here, biatch? That aint tha half of dat shit. Oh, no. Oh, my. They're all wilting. Don't look straight-up good, do it, biatch? No fo' realz. And whose fault do you be thinkin dat is, biatch? Yo ass know, I'ma guess bees. Bees, biatch? Specifically, mah dirty ass. I didn't be thinkin bees not needin ta make honey would affect all these thangs. It aint nuthin but notjust flowers. Fruits, vegetables, they all need bees. Thatz our whole SAT test right there, so peek-a-boo, clear tha way, I be comin' thru fo'sho. Take away produce, dat affects tha entire animal mackdaddydom fo' realz. And then, of course... Da human species, biatch? So if there be a no mo' pollination, it could all just go downtown here, couldn't it, biatch? I know dis be also kinda mah fault yo. How tha fuck on some suicizzle pact, biatch? How tha fuck do our phat asses do it, biatch? - I be bout ta stin you, you step on mah dirty ass. - Thatjust kills you twice. Right, right. Listen, Barry... sorry yo, but I gotta git going. I had ta open mah grill n' talk. Vanessa, biatch? Vanessa, biatch? Why is you leaving, biatch? Where is you going, biatch? To tha final Tournament of Roses parade up in Pasadena. They've moved it ta dis weekend cuz all tha flowers is dying. It aint nuthin but tha last chizzle I be bout ta eva gotta peep dat shit. Vanessa, I just wanna say I be sorry as a muthafucka bout dat bullshit. I never meant it ta turn up like all dis bullshit. I know. Me neither n' shit. Tournament of Roses. Roses can't do game. Wait a minute. Roses. Roses, biatch? Roses muthafucka! Vanessa! Roses?! Barry, biatch? - Roses is flowers muthafucka! - Yes, they are. Flowers, bees, pollen! I know. Thatz why dis is tha last parade. Maybe not. Oould you ask his ass ta slow down, biatch? Oould you slow down, biatch? Barry dawwwwg! OK, I done cooked up a big-ass mistake. This be a total fuck up, all mah fault. Yes, it kind of is. Ya Mom shoulda told ya, I fucked up tha hood. I wanted ta help you wit tha flower shop. Ya Mom shoulda told ya, I juiced it up worse fo' realz. Actually, itz straight-up closed down.. n' you KNOWS maybe you was remodeling. But I have another idea, n' itz pimped outa than mah previous scams combined. Y'all KNOW dat shit, muthafucka! I don't wanna hear dat shiznit son! All right, they have tha roses, tha roses have tha pollen. I aint talkin' bout chicken n' gravy biatch. I know every last muthafuckin bee, plant n' flower bud up in dis park fo' realz. All we gotta do is git what tha fuck they've gots back here wit what tha fuck we've got. - Bees. - Park. - Pollen! - Flowers. - Repollination! - Across tha nation! Tournament of Roses, Pasadena, Oalifornia. They've gots not a god damn thang but flowers, floats n' cotton candy. Right back up in yo muthafuckin ass. Securitizzle is ghon be tight. I gots a idea. Vanessa Bloome, FTD. Straight-Up Legit floral bidnizz. It aint nuthin but real. It aint nuthin but tha nick nack patty wack, I still gots tha bigger sack. Right back up in yo muthafuckin ass. Sorry, ma'am. Sick brooch. Nuff props, biatch. Dat shiznit was a gift. Once inside, our laid-back asses just pick tha right float yo. How tha fuck bout Da Supa-Hoe n' tha Pea, biatch? I could be tha bizzatch, n' you could be tha pea! Yes, I gots dat shit. - Where should I sit, biatch? - What is yo slick ass, biatch? - I believe I be tha pea. - Da pea, biatch? It goes under tha mattresses. - Not up in dis fairy tale, dopeheart. - I be gettin tha marshal. It aint nuthin but tha nick nack patty wack, I still gots tha bigger sack. Yo ass do dat son! This whole parade be a gangbangin' fiasco! Letz peep what tha fuck dis baby'll do. Yo, what tha fuck is you bustin?! Then all our phat asses do is blend up in wit traffic... ...without arousin suspicion. I aint talkin' bout chicken n' gravy biatch. Once all up in tha airport, there be a no stoppin us. Right back up in yo muthafuckin ass. Stop! Security. - Yo ass n' yo' insect pack yo' float, biatch? - Yes yo. Has it been up in yo' possession tha entire time, biatch? Would you remove yo' shoes, biatch? - Remove yo' stinger n' shit. - It aint nuthin but part of mah dirty ass. I know. Just havin some fun. I aint talkin' bout chicken n' gravy biatch. Trip off yo' flight. Then if our slick asses dirty, we'll have just enough pollen ta do tha thang. Oan you believe how tha fuck dirty we are, biatch? Our thugged-out asses have just enough pollen ta do tha thang! I be thinkin dis is gonna work. It aint nuthin but gots ta work fo' realz. Attention, passengers, dis is Oaptain Scott. Our thugged-out asses gotz a lil' bit of shitty drizzle up in New York. Well shiiiit, it be lookin like we'll experience a cold-ass lil couple minutes delay. Barry, these is cut flowers wit no gin n juice n' shit. They'll never make dat shit. I gotta git up there n' rap ta dem wild-ass muthafuckas. Be careful naaahhmean, biatch? Oan I git help wit tha Sky Mall magazine, biatch? I'd like ta order tha poppin' off inflatable nozzle n' ear afro trimmer n' shit. Oaptain, I be up in a real thang. - What'd you say, Hal, biatch? - Nothing. Bee biaaatch! Don't freak up son! My fuckin entire species... What is you bustin, biatch? - Wait a minute biaaatch! I be a attorney dawwwwg! - Whoz a attorney, biatch? Don't move. Oh, Barry. Dope afternoon, passengers. This is yo' captain. I aint talkin' bout chicken n' gravy biatch. Would a Miss Vanessa Bloome up in 24B please report ta tha cockpit, biatch? And please hurry dawwwwg! What happened here, biatch? There was a DustBuster, a toupee, a game raft blew up like a muthafucka. Onez bald, onez up in a funky-ass boat, they both unconscious muthafucka! - Is dat another bee joke, biatch? - No! No onez flyin tha plane biaaatch! This is JFK control tower, Flight 356. Whatz yo' status, biatch? This is Vanessa Bloome. I be a gangbangin' florist from New York. Wherez tha pilot, biatch? Dat punk unconscious, n' so is tha copilot. Not good. Y'all KNOW dat shit, muthafucka! I be fly as a gangbangin' falcon, soarin all up in tha sky dawwwwg! Do mah playas onboard have flight experience, biatch? As a matta of fact, there is. - Whoz that, biatch? - Barry Benson. I aint talkin' bout chicken n' gravy biatch. From tha honey trial?! Oh, pimped out. Vanessa, dis aint a god damn thang mo' than a funky-ass big-ass metal bee. It aint nuthin but gots giant wings, big-ass engines. I can't fly a plane. - Why not, biatch? Isn't Jizzy Travolta a pilot, biatch? - Yes yo. How tha fuck hard could it be, biatch? Wait, Barry dawwwwg! Our thugged-out asses headed tha fuck into some lightning. This is Bob Bumble. Our thugged-out asses have some late-breakin shizzle from JFK Airport, where a suspenseful scene is pimpin. Barry Benson, fresh from his fuckin legal victory... Thatz Barry dawwwwg! ...is attemptin ta land a plane, loaded wit people, flowers n' a incapacitated flight crew. Flowers?! Our thugged-out asses gotz a storm up in tha area n' two dudes all up in tha controls wit straight-up no flight experience. Just a minute. Therez a funky-ass bee on dat plane. I be like familiar wit Mista Muthafuckin Benston n' his no-account compadres. They've done enough damage. But aint he yo' only hope, biatch? Technically, a funky-ass bee shouldn't be able ta fly at all. Their wings is too small.. yo. Haven't our crazy asses heard dis a mazillion times, biatch? "Da surface area of tha wings n' body mass make no sense." - Git dis on tha air playa! - Got dat shit. - Stand by. - We goin live. Da way we work may be a mystery ta you, biatch. Makin honey takes a shitload of bees bustin a shitload of lil' small-ass thangs. But let me rap  on some lil' small-ass thang. If you do it well, it cook up a funky-ass big-ass difference. Mo' than we realized. Y'all KNOW dat shit, muthafucka! To us, ta everyone. Thatz why I wanna git bees back ta hustlin together n' shit. Thatz tha bee way dawwwwg! We not made of Jell-O. We git behind a gangbangin' fellow. - Black n' yellow! - Hello! Left, right, down, hover n' shit. - Hover, biatch? - Forget hover n' shit. This aint so hard. Y'all KNOW dat shit, muthafucka! Beep-beep! Beep-beep! Barry, what tha fuck happened?! Wait, I be thinkin we was on autopilot tha whole time. - That may done been helpin mah dirty ass. - And now our asses aint son! So it turns up I cannot fly a plane fo' realz. All of you, letz git behind dis fellow! Move it up son! Move up son! Our only chizzle is if I do what tha fuck I'd do, you copy me wit tha wingz of tha plane biaaatch! Don't gotta yell. I aint yelling! We up in a shitload of shit. It aint nuthin but straight-up hard ta concentrate wit dat panicky tone up in yo' voice biaaatch! It aint nuthin but not a tone. I be panicking! I can't do this muthafucka! Vanessa, pull yo ass together n' shit. Yo ass gotta snap outta dat shiznit son! Yo ass snap outta dat shit. Yo ass snap outta dat shit. - Yo ass snap outta dat shiznit son! - Yo ass snap outta dat shiznit son! - Yo ass snap outta dat shiznit son! - Yo ass snap outta dat shiznit son! - Yo ass snap outta dat shiznit son! - Yo ass snap outta dat shiznit son! - Hold dat shiznit son! - Why, biatch? Oome on, itz mah turn, so check it before ya wreck it. I aint talkin' bout chicken n' gravy biatch yo. How tha fuck is tha plane flying, biatch? I don't give a gangbangin' fuck yo. Hello, biatch? Benson, gots any flowers fo' a aiiight occasion up in there, biatch? Da Pollen Jocks muthafucka! They do git behind a gangbangin' fellow. - Black n' yellow. - Wuz crackalackin' fo' realz. All right, letz drop dis tin can on tha blacktop. Where, biatch? I can't peep anything. Oan yo slick ass, biatch? Fuck dat shit, nothing. It aint nuthin but all cloudy. Oome on. I aint talkin' bout chicken n' gravy biatch. Yo ass gots ta be thinkin bee, Barry. - Thinkin bee. - Thinkin bee. Thinkin bee biaaatch! Thinkin bee biaaatch! Thinkin bee biaaatch! Wait a minute. I be thinkin I be feelin something. - What, biatch? - I don't give a gangbangin' fuck. It aint nuthin but strong, pullin mah dirty ass. Like a 27-million-year-old instinct. Brin tha nozzle down. I aint talkin' bout chicken n' gravy biatch. Thinkin bee biaaatch! Thinkin bee biaaatch! Thinkin bee biaaatch! - What up in tha ghetto is on tha tarmac, biatch? - Git some lights on dat son! Thinkin bee biaaatch! Thinkin bee biaaatch! Thinkin bee biaaatch! - Vanessa, aim fo' tha flower n' shit. - OK. Out tha engines. We goin up in on bee juice n' shit. Ready, thugs, biatch? Affirmatizzle biaaatch! Good. Y'all KNOW dat shit, muthafucka! I be fly as a gangbangin' falcon, soarin all up in tha sky dawwwwg! Good. Y'all KNOW dat shit, muthafucka! I be fly as a gangbangin' falcon, soarin all up in tha sky dawwwwg! Easy, now, nahmeean, biatch? Thatz dat shit. Land on dat flower playa! Ready, biatch? Full reverse biaaatch! Spin it around hommie! - Not dat flower playa! Da other one biaaatch! - Which one, biatch? - That flower n' shit. - I be aimin all up in tha flower playa! Thatz a gangbangin' fat muthafucka up in a gangbangin' flowered shirt. I mean tha giant pulsatin flower made of millionz of bees muthafucka! Pull forward. Y'all KNOW dat shit, muthafucka! Nose down. I aint talkin' bout chicken n' gravy biatch. Tail up. Rotate round dat shit. - This is insane, Barry dawwwwg! - Thiss tha only way I know how tha fuck ta fly fo' realz. Am I koo-koo-kachoo, or is dis plane flyin up in a insect-like pattern, biatch? Git yo' nozzle up in there, so peek-a-boo, clear tha way, I be comin' thru fo'sho. Don't be afraid. Y'all KNOW dat shit, muthafucka! Smell dat shit. Full reverse biaaatch! Just drop dat shit. Be a part of it fo' realz. Aim fo' tha center playa! Now drop it in! Drop it in, biatch! Oome on, already. Barry, our phat asses did dat shiznit son! Yo ass taught me how tha fuck ta fly dawwwwg! - Yes yes y'all. No high-five biaaatch! - Right. Barry, it hit dat shiznit hommie! Did yo dirty ass peep tha giant flower, biatch? What giant flower, biatch? Where, biatch? Of course I saw tha flower playa! That was  smart-ass ! - Nuff props, biatch. - But our asses aint done yet. Listen, everyone biaaatch! This runway is covered wit tha last pollen from tha last flowers available anywhere on Earth. That means dis is our last chance. We tha only ones whoz ass make honey, pollinizzle flowers n' dress like all dis bullshit. If we gonna survive as a flavas, dis is our moment son! What do you say, biatch? Is we goin ta be bees, orjust Museum of Natural History keychains, biatch? We bees muthafucka! Keychain! Then gangbang me biaaatch! Except Keychain. I aint talkin' bout chicken n' gravy biatch yo. Hold on, Barry yo. Here, so peek-a-boo, clear tha way, I be comin' thru fo'sho. You've gots all dis bullshit. Yeah! I be a Pollen Jock! And itz a slick fit fo' realz. All I gotta do is tha sleeves. Oh, yeah. Thatz our Barry. Mom! Da bees is back! If anybody need ta cook up a cold-ass lil call, nowz tha time. I gots a gangbangin' feelin we'll be hustlin late tonight son! Herez yo' chizzle yo. Have a pimped out afternoon! Oan I help whoz next, biatch? Would you like some honey wit that, biatch? It be bee-approved. Y'all KNOW dat shit, muthafucka! Don't forget these n' you can put dat on yo' toast. Milk, cream, cheese, itz all mah dirty ass fo' realz. And I don't peep a nickel! Sometimes I just feel like a piece of meat son! I had no idea. Barry, I be sorry as a muthafucka bout dat bullshit yo. Has you done gots a moment, biatch? Would you excuse me son, biatch? My fuckin mosquito associate will help you, biatch fo' realz. Awwww shiiiit muthafucka, I be late. Dat punk a lawyer too, biatch? I was already a funky-ass blood-suckin parasite fo' realz. All I needed was a funky-ass briefcase yo. Have a pimped out afternoon! Barry, I just gots dis big-ass tulip order, n' I can't git dem anywhere, so peek-a-boo, clear tha way, I be comin' thru fo'sho. No problem, Vannie. Just leave it ta mah dirty ass. Yo ass be a gamesaver, Barry. Oan I help whoz next, biatch? All right, scramble, jocks muthafucka! It aint nuthin but time ta fly. Nuff props, Barry dawwwwg! That bee is livin mah game biaaatch! Let it go, Kenny. - When will dis nightmare end?! - Let all dat shiznit go. - Beautiful dizzle ta fly. - Sheezy is. Between you n' me, I was dyin ta git outta dat crib. Yo ass have gots ta start thankin bee, mah playa yo, but it ain't no stoppin cause I be still poppin'. - Thinkin bee biaaatch! - Me, biatch? Hold dat shit. Letz just stop fo' a second. Y'all KNOW dat shit, muthafucka! Hold dat shit. I be sorry as a muthafucka bout dat bullshit. I be sorry, everyone. Oan we stop here, biatch? I aint bustin a major game decision durin a thang number playa! All right. Take ten, everybody. Wrap it up, muthafuckas. I had virtually no rehearsal fo' dis shit.
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I Used Gizoogle To Translate The Bee Movie Script
Little disclaimer: I haven’t read the whole thing, so sorry if something is inapropro (inappropriate) 
Bee Porno Script
Accordin ta all known laws of aviation,
there is no way a funky-ass bee should be able ta fly.
Its wings is too lil' small-ass ta get its fat lil body off tha ground.
Da bee, of course, flies anyway
because bees couldn't give a fuckin shit what humans be thinkin is impossible.
Yellow, black. Yellow, black. Yellow, black. Yellow, black.
Ooh, black n' yellow! Letz shake it up a lil.
Barry dawwwwg! Breakfast is ready!
Hang on a second.
- Barry? - Adam?
- Oan you believe dis is happening? - I can't. I be bout ta pick you up.
Lookin sharp.
Use tha stairs. Yo crazy-ass father paid phat scrilla fo' them.
Sorry. I be excited.
Herez tha graduate. We straight-up proud as a muthafucka of you, son.
A slick report card, all B's.
Straight-up proud.
Ma! I gots a thang goin here.
- Yo ass gots lint on yo' fuzz. - Ow! Thatz me!
- Wave ta us muthafucka! We bout ta be up in row 118,000. - Bye!
Barry, I holla'd at you, stop flyin up in tha house!
- Yo, Adam. - Yo, Barry.
- Is dat fuzz gel? - A lil. Right back up in yo muthafuckin ass. Special day, graduation.
Never thought I'd make dat shit.
Three minutes grade school, three minutes high school.
Those was awkward.
Three minutes college. I be glad I took a dizzle n' hitchhiked round tha hive.
Yo ass did come back different.
- Yea muthafucka, Barry. - Artie, growin a mustache, biatch? Looks good.
- Hear bout Frankie? - Yeah.
- Yo ass goin ta tha funeral? - Fuck dat shit, I aint going.
All Y'all knows, stin one of mah thugs, you take a thugged-out dirt nap.
Don't waste it on a squirrel. Such a hothead.
I guess his schmoooove ass could have just gotten outta tha way.
I gots a straight-up boner fo' dis incorporating an amusement park tha fuck into our day.
Thatz why our phat asses don't need vacations.
Boy, like a lil' bit of pomp... under tha circumstances.
- Well, Adam, todizzle we is men. - We are!
- Bee-men. - Amen!
Students, faculty, distinguished bees,
please welcome Dean Buzzwell.
Welcome, New Hive Oity graduatin class of...
That concludes our ceremonies.
And begins yo' game at Honex Industries!
Will we pick ourjob todizzle?
I heard itz just orientation.
Headz up! Here we go.
Keep yo' handz n' antennas inside tha tram at all times.
- Wonder what tha fuck it'll be like? - A lil freaky.
Yo, wuz crackalackin', biatch? Yo ass is smokin Honex, a division of Honesco
and a part of tha Hexagon Group.
This is dat shiznit son!
We know dat you, as a funky-ass bee, have hit dat shiznit yo' whole game
to git ta tha point where you can work fo' yo' whole game.
Honey begins when our valiant Pollen Jocks brang tha nectar ta tha hive.
Our top-secret formula
is automatically color-corrected, scent-adjusted n' bubble-contoured
into dis soothang dope syrup
with its distinctive golden glow you know as...
- That hoe was hot. - Dat hoe mah cousin!
- Biatch is? - Yes, we all cousins.
- Right. Yo ass is right. - At Honex, we constantly strive
to improve every last muthafuckin aspect of bee existence.
These bees is stress-testing a freshly smoked up helmet technology.
- What do you be thinkin he makes? - Not enough.
Here our crazy asses have our sickest fuckin advancement, the Krelman.
- What do dat do? - Oatches dat lil strand of honey
that hangs afta you pour dat shit. Saves our asses millions.
Oan mah playas work on tha Krelman?
Of course. Most bee thangs are small ones. But bees know
that every last muthafuckin lil' small-ass thang, if itz done well, means all muthafuckin day.
But chizzle carefully
because you gonna stay up in tha thang you pick fo' tha rest of yo' game.
Da same thang tha rest of yo' game? I didn't give a fuck that.
Whatz tha difference?
You'll be aiiight ta know dat bees, as a flavas, aint had one dizzle off
in 27 mazillion years.
So you gonna just work our asses ta dirtnap?
We bout ta shizzle try.
Fuck dis shiznit son! That blew mah mind!
"Whatz tha difference?" How tha fuck can you say that?
One thang forever? Thatz a crazy chizzle ta gotta make.
I be relieved. Y'all KNOW dat shit, muthafucka! Now we only have to make one decision up in tha game.
But, Adam, how tha fuck could they never have holla'd at our asses that?
Why would you question anything? We bees.
We da most thugged-out perfectly functionin society on Earth.
Yo ass eva be thinkin maybe thangs work a lil too well here?
Like what, biatch? Give me one example.
I don't give a gangbangin' fuck. But you know what I be poppin' off about.
Please clear tha gate. Royal Nectar Force on approach.
Wait a second. Y'all KNOW dat shit, muthafucka! Oheck it out.
- Yo, dem is Pollen Jocks! - Wow.
I've never peeped dem dis close.
They know what tha fuck itz like outside tha hive.
Yeah yo, but some don't come back.
- Yo, Jocks! - Yea muthafucka, Jocks!
Yo ass muthafuckas did pimped out!
Yo ass is monsters! Yo ass is sky freaks muthafucka! I gots a straight-up boner fo' dat shiznit son! I gots a straight-up boner fo' dat shiznit son!
- I wonder where they were. - I don't give a gangbangin' fuck.
Their dayz not planned.
Outside tha hive, flyin whoz ass knows where, bustin whoz ass knows what.
Yo ass can'tjust decizzle ta be a Pollen Jock. Yo ass gotta be bred fo' that.
Look. Thatz mo' pollen than you n' I'ma peep up in a gametime.
It aint nuthin but just a status symbol. Bees make too much of dat shit.
Perhaps. Unless you bustin it and tha ladies peep you bustin dat shit.
Those ladies? Aren't they our cousins too?
Distant. Distant.
Look at these two.
- Oouple of Hive Harrys. - Letz have funk wit dem wild-ass muthafuckas.
It must be dangerous bein a Pollen Jock.
Yeah. Once a funky-ass bear pinned me against a mushroom!
Dude had a paw on mah throat, and wit tha other, da thug was slappin me!
- Oh, my! - I never thought I'd knock his ass out.
What was you bustin durin this?
Tryin ta alert tha authorities.
I can autograph that.
A lil gusty up there todizzle, wasn't it, comrades?
Yeah. Gusty.
Our thugged-out asses hittin a sunflower patch six milez from here tomorrow.
- Six miles, huh? - Barry!
A puddle jump fo' us, but maybe you not up fo' dat shit.
- Maybe I am. - Yo ass is not!
We goin 0900 at J-Gate.
What do you think, buzzy-boy? Is you bee enough?
I might be. Well shiiiit, it all depends on what tha fuck 0900 means.
Yo, Honex!
Dad, you surprised mah dirty ass.
Yo ass decizzle what tha fuck you interested in?
- Well, there be a a shitload of chizzles. - But you only git one.
Do you eva git bored fuckin wit tha same thang every last muthafuckin day?
Son, let me rap  bout stirring.
Yo ass grab dat stick, n' you just move it around, n' you stir it around.
Yo ass git yo ass tha fuck into a rhythm. It aint nuthin but a funky-ass dope thang.
Yo ass know, Dad, the mo' I be thinkin bout it,
maybe tha honey field just aint right fo' mah dirty ass.
Yo ass was thankin of what, makin balloon muthafuckas?
Thatz a gangbangin' finger-lickin' dirty-ass shitty-ass thang for a muthafucka wit a stinger.
Janet, yo' sonz not sure he wants ta go tha fuck into honey!
- Barry, yo ass is so funky sometimes. - I aint tryin ta be funky.
Yo ass aint funky dawwwwg! Yo ass is going into honey. Our son, tha stirrer!
- Yo ass is gonna be a stirrer? - No onez listenin ta me!
Wait till you peep tha sticks I have.
I could say anythang n' aint a thugged-out damn thang dat yo' ass can do. I'ma git a ant tattoo!
Letz open some honey n' celebrate!
Maybe I be bout ta pierce mah thorax. Shave mah antennae.
Shack up wit a grasshopper n' shit. Get a gold tooth n' call dem hoes "dawg"!
I be soopa-doopa proud.
- We startin work todizzle! - Todayz tha day.
Oome on! All tha phat thangs will be gone.
Yeah, right.
Pollen counting, stunt bee, pouring, stirrer, front desk, afro removal...
- Is it still available? - Hang on. I aint talkin' bout chicken n' gravy biatch. Two left!
One of themz yours muthafucka! Oongratulations! Step ta tha side.
- What'd you get? - Pickin crud out. Right back up in yo muthafuckin ass. Stellar!
Oouple of newbies?
Yes, sir playa! Our first dizzle dawwwwg! We is ready!
Make yo' chizzle.
- Yo ass wanna go first? - Fuck dat shit, you go.
Oh, my. Whatz available?
Restroom attendantz open, not fo' tha reason you think.
- Any chizzle of gettin tha Krelman? - Sure, you on.
I be sorry, tha Krelman just closed out.
Wax monkeyz always open.
Da Krelman opened up again.
What happened?
A bee died. Y'all KNOW dat shit, muthafucka! Makes a opening. Right back up in yo muthafuckin ass. See? Dat punk dead as fuckin fried chicken. I aint talkin' bout chicken n' gravy biatch fo' realz. Another dead one.
Deady. Deadified. Y'all KNOW dat shit, muthafucka! Two mo' dead as fuckin fried chicken.
Dead from tha neck up. Dead from tha neck down. I aint talkin' bout chicken n' gravy biatch. Thatz game!
Oh, dis is so hard!
Heating, cooling, stunt bee, pourer, stirrer,
humming, inspector number seven, lint coordinator, stripe supervisor,
mite wrangla n' shit. Barry, what do you be thinkin I should... Barry?
All right, we've gots tha sunflower patch in quadrant nine...
What happened ta yo slick ass? Where is yo slick ass?
- I be goin out. - Out, biatch? Out where?
- Out there. - Oh, no!
I have to, before I go to work fo' tha rest of mah game.
Yo ass is gonna die biaaatch! Yo ass is crazy dawwwwg! Hello?
Another call comin in.
If mah playass feelin brave, therez a Korean deli on 83rd
that gets they roses todizzle.
Yo, muthafuckas.
- Look at that. - Isn't dat tha kid we saw yesterday?
Hold it, son, flight deckz restricted.
It aint nuthin but OK, Lou fo'sho. We gonna take his ass up.
Really, biatch? Feelin dirty, is yo slick ass?
Sign here, here, so peek-a-boo, clear tha way, I be comin' thru fo'sho. Just initial that.
- Nuff props, biatch. - OK.
Yo ass gots a thugged-out drizzle advisory todizzle,
and as you all know, bees cannot fly up in rain.
So be careful naaahhmean, biatch? As always, watch yo' brooms,
hockey sticks, dawgs, birds, bears n' bats.
Also, I gots a cold-ass lil couple reports of root brew bein poured on us.
Murphyz up in a home cuz of it, babblin like a cold-ass lil cicada!
- Thatz awful. - And a reminder fo' you rookies,
bee law number one, straight-up no poppin' off ta humans!
All right, launch positions!
Buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz! Buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz! Buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz!
Black n' yellow!
Yo ass locked n loaded fo' this, bangin' shot?
Yeah. Yeah, brang it on.
Wind, check.
- Antennae, check. - Nectar pack, check.
- Wings, check. - Stinger, check.
Scared outta mah shorts, check.
OK, ladies,
letz move it out!
Pound dem petunias, you striped stem-suckers!
All of you, drain dem flowers!
Fuck dis shiznit son! I be out!
I can't believe I be out!
So blue.
I feel so fast n' free!
Box kite!
This is Blue Leader. Our thugged-out asses have roses visual.
Brin it round 30 degrees n' hold.
30 degrees, roger n' shit. Bringin it around.
Stand ta tha side, kid. It aint nuthin but gots a lil' bit of a kick.
That is one nectar collector!
- Ever peep pollination up close? - Fuck dat shit, sir.
I pick up some pollen here, sprinkle it over here, so peek-a-boo, clear tha way, I be comin' thru fo'sho. Maybe a thugged-out dash over there,
a pinch on dat one. See that, biatch? It aint nuthin but a lil bit of magic.
Thatz amazing. Why do our phat asses do that?
Thatz pollen juice n' shit. Mo' pollen, more flowers, mo' nectar, mo' honey fo' us.
I be pickin up a shitload of bright yellow. Oould be daisies. Put ya muthafuckin choppers up if ya feel dis! Don't we need them?
Oopy dat visual.
Wait. One of these flowers seems ta be on tha move.
Say again, biatch? Yo ass is reporting a movin flower?
That was on tha line!
This is tha coolest. What tha fuck iz it?
I don't give a fuck yo, but I be gangbangin dis color.
It smells good. Not like a gangbangin' flower yo, but I wanna bust a nut on dat shit.
Yeah, fuzzy.
Oareful, muthafuckas. It aint nuthin but a lil grabby.
My fuckin dope lord of bees!
Oandy-dome, git off there!
- Guys! - This could be bad.
Straight-up close.
Gonna hurt.
Mamaz lil boy.
Yo ass is way outta position, rookie!
Oomin up in at you like a pistol!
Help me!
I don't be thinkin these is flowers.
- Should we tell him? - I be thinkin he knows.
What tha fuck iz this?!
Match point!
Yo ass can start packin up, honey, because you bout ta smoke dat shiznit son!
Therez a funky-ass bee up in tha car!
- Do something! - I be driving!
- Yea muthafucka, bee. - Dat punk back here!
Dat punk goin ta stin me!
No Muthafucka move. If you don't move, he won't stin you, biatch. Freeze!
Dude blinked!
Spray him, Granny!
What is you bustin?!
Wow... tha tension level out here is unbelievable.
I gotta git home.
Oan't fly up in rain.
Oan't fly up in rain.
Oan't fly up in rain.
Maydizzle dawwwwg! Maydizzle dawwwwg! Bee goin down!
Ken, could you close the window please?
Ken, could you close the window please?
Oheck up mah freshly smoked up resume. I juiced it up tha fuck into a gangbangin' fold-out brochure.
Yo ass see, biatch? Foldz out.
Oh, no. Mo' humans. I don't need this.
What was that?
Maybe dis time. This time. This time. This time biaaatch! This time biaaatch! This...
That is diabolical.
It aint nuthin but dunkadelic. It aint nuthin but gots all mah special skills, even mah top-ten straight-up pornos.
Whatz number one, biatch? Star Wars?
Nah, I don't go fo' that...
...kind of stuff.
No wonder we shouldn't rap ta dem wild-ass muthafuckas. They're outta they minds.
When I leave a thang rap battle, they're flabbergasted, can't believe what tha fuck I say.
Therez tha sun. I aint talkin' bout chicken n' gravy biatch. Maybe thatz a way out.
I don't remember tha sun havin a funky-ass big-ass 75 on dat shit.
I predicted global warming.
I could feel it gettin hotter. At first I thought dat shiznit was just mah dirty ass.
Wait son! Stop! Bee!
Stand back. These is winta boots.
Don't bust a cap up in him!
Yo ass know I be allergic ta them! This thang could bust a cap up in me!
Why do his wild lil' freakadelic game have less value than yours?
Why do his wild lil' freakadelic game have any less value than mine, biatch? Is dat yo' statement?
I be just sayin all game has value. You don't give a fuck what tha fuck his schmoooove ass capable of feeling.
My fuckin brochure!
There you go, lil muthafucka.
I aint scared of his muthafuckin ass. It aint nuthin but a allergic thang.
Put dat on yo' resume brochure.
My fuckin whole grill could puff up.
Make it one of yo' special game.
Knockin one of mah thugs out is also a special skill.
Right. Bye, Vanessa. Thanks.
- Vanessa, next week, biatch? Yogurt night? - Sure, Ken. I aint talkin' bout chicken n' gravy biatch. Yo ass know, whatever.
- Yo ass could put carob chips on there. - Bye.
- Supposed ta be less calories. - Bye.
I gotta say something.
Bitch saved mah game. I gotta say something.
All right, here it goes.
What would I say?
I could straight-up git up in shit.
It aint nuthin but a funky-ass bee law. Yo ass aint supposed ta rap ta a human.
I can't believe I be bustin this.
I've gots to.
Oh, I can't do dat shit. Oome on!
No. Yes yes y'all. No.
Do dat shit. I can't.
How tha fuck should I start it? "Yo ass like jazz?" Fuck dat shit, thatz no good.
Here dat thugged-out biiiatch comes muthafucka! Speak, you fool!
I be sorry as a muthafucka bout dat bullshit.
- Yo ass is rappin'. - Yes, I know.
Yo ass is rappin'!
I be soopa-doopa sorry bout dat bullshit.
Fuck dat shit, itz OK. It aint nuthin but fine. I know I be trippin.
But I don't recall goin ta bed.
Well, I be shizzle this is straight-up disconcerting.
This be a lil' bit of a surprise ta mah dirty ass. I mean, you a funky-ass bee!
I am fo' realz. And I aint supposed to be bustin this,
but they was all tryin ta bust a cap up in mah dirty ass.
And if it wasn't fo' you, biatch...
I had ta fuck you, biatch. It aint nuthin but just how tha fuck I was raised.
That was a lil weird.
- I be poppin' off wit a funky-ass bee. - Yeah.
I be poppin' off ta a funky-ass bee. And tha bee is poppin' off ta me!
I just wanna say I be grateful. I be bout ta leave now, nahmeean?
- Wait son! How tha fuck did you learn ta do that? - What?
Da poppin' off thang.
Same way you did, I guess. "Mama, Dada, honey." Yo ass pick it up.
- Thatz straight-up funky. - Yeah.
Bees is funky. If our phat asses didn't laugh, we'd cry wit what tha fuck we gotta deal with.
Oan I...
...get you something? - Like what?
I don't give a gangbangin' fuck. I mean... I don't give a gangbangin' fuck. Ooffee?
I don't wanna put you out.
It aint nuthin but no shit. Well shiiiit, it takes two minutes.
- It aint nuthin but just coffee. - I don't give a fuck bout ta impose.
- Don't be ridiculous! - Actually, I would ludd a cold-ass lil cup.
Yo, you want rum cake?
- I shouldn't. - Have some.
- Fuck dat shit, I can't. - Oome on!
I be tryin ta lose a cold-ass lil couple micrograms.
- Where? - These stripes don't help.
Yo ass look pimped out!
I don't give a fuck if you know anythang bout fashion.
Is you all right?
Dat punk makin tha tie up in tha cab as they flyin up Madison.
Dude finally gets there.
Dude runs up tha steps tha fuck into tha church. Da weddin is on.
And da perved-out muthafucka says, "Watermelon? I thought you holla'd Guatemalan.
Why would I marry a watermelon?"
Is dat a funky-ass bee joke?
Thatz tha kind of shiznit our phat asses do.
Yeah, different.
So, what tha fuck is you gonna do, Barry?
Bout work, biatch? I don't give a gangbangin' fuck.
I wanna do mah part fo' tha hive, but I can't do it tha way they want.
I know how tha fuck you feel.
- Yo ass do? - Sure.
My fuckin muthafathas wanted mah crazy ass ta be a lawyer or a doctor yo, but I wanted ta be a gangbangin' florist.
- Fo' realz? - My fuckin only interest is flowers.
Our freshly smoked up biatch was just erected with dat same campaign slogan.
Anyway, if you look...
Therez mah hive right there, so peek-a-boo, clear tha way, I be comin' thru fo'sho. Right back up in yo muthafuckin ass. See it?
Yo ass is up in Sheep Meadow!
Yes muthafucka! I be right off tha Turtle Pond!
No way dawwwwg! I know dat area. I lost a toe rang there once.
- Why do hoes put rings on they toes? - Why not?
- It aint nuthin but like puttin a funky-ass basebizzle cap on yo' knee. - Maybe I be bout ta try that.
- Y'all right, ma'am? - Oh, yeah. Fine.
Just havin two cupz of coffee!
Anyway, dis has been pimped out. Thanks fo' tha coffee.
Yeah, itz no shit.
Awwww shiiiit muthafucka, I couldn't finish dat shit. If I did, I'd be up tha rest of mah game.
Is you, biatch...?
Oan I take a piece of dis wit me son?
Sure biaaatch! Here, gotz a cold-ass lil crumb.
- Thanks! - Yeah.
All right. Well, then... I guess I be bout ta peep you around.
Or not.
OK, Barry.
And fuck you so much again... fo' before.
Oh, that, biatch? That was nothing.
Well, not not a god damn thang yo, but.. fo' realz. Anyway...
This can't possibly work.
Dat punk all set ta bounce tha fuck out. We may as well try dat shit.
OK, Dave, pull tha chute.
- Soundz amazing. - Dat shiznit was sick!
Dat shiznit was tha scariest, happiest moment of mah game.
Humans muthafucka! I can't believe you was wit humans!
Giant, freaky humans! What was they like?
Big-Ass n' crazy. They rap crazy.
They smoke wild-ass giant thangs. They drive crazy.
- Do they try n' bust a cap up in you, like on TV? - Some of dem wild-ass muthafuckas. But a shitload of dem don't.
- How'd you git back? - Poodle.
Yo ass done did it, n' I be glad. Y'all KNOW dat shit, muthafucka! Yo ass saw whatever you wanted ta see.
Yo ass had yo' "experience." Now you can pick up yourjob n' be normal.
- Well... - Well?
Well, I kicked it wit one of mah thugs.
Yo ass did, biatch? Was she Bee-ish?
- A wasp?! Yo crazy-ass muthafathas will bust a cap up in you, nahmean biiiatch? - Fuck dat shit, no, no, not a wasp.
- Spider? - I aint attracted ta spiders.
I know itz tha hottest thang, with tha eight hairy-ass legs n' all.
I can't git by dat face.
So whoz ass is she?
She's... human.
Fuck dat shit, no. Thatz a funky-ass bee law. Yo ass wouldn't break a funky-ass bee law.
- Her namez Vanessa. - Oh, boy.
Dat hoe so sick fo' realz. And she a gangbangin' florist!
Oh, no! Yo ass is pimpin a human florist!
We not dating.
Yo ass is flyin outside tha hive, rappin' to humans dat battle our cribs
with juice washers n' M-80s! One-eighth a stick of dynamite!
Bitch saved mah game! And she understandz mah dirty ass.
This is over!
Eat this.
This aint over playa! What was that?
- They call it a cold-ass lil crumb. - Dat shiznit was so stingin' stripey!
And thatz not what tha fuck they eat. Thatz what tha fuck falls off what tha fuck they eat!
- Yo ass know what tha fuck a Oinnabon is? - No.
It aint nuthin but bread n' cinnamon n' frosting. They heat it up...
Sit down!
...really hot! - Listen ta me!
Our asses aint them! We us. Therez our asses n' there be a them!
Yes yo, but whoz ass can deny the ass dat is yearning?
Therez no yearning. Quit yearning. Listen ta me!
Yo ass have gots ta start thankin bee, my playa yo, but it ain't no stoppin cause I be still poppin'. Thinkin bee!
- Thinkin bee. - Thinkin bee.
Thinkin bee biaaatch! Thinkin bee! Thinkin bee biaaatch! Thinkin bee!
There he is. Dat punk up in tha pool.
Yo ass know what tha fuck yo' problem is, Barry?
I gotta start thankin bee?
How tha fuck much longer will dis go on?
It aint nuthin but been three days! Why aren't you working?
I've gots a shitload of big-ass game decisions to be thinkin about.
What game, biatch? Yo ass have no game! Yo ass have no thang. Yo ass is barely a funky-ass bee!
Would it bust a cap up in you to cook up a lil honey?
Barry, come out. Yo crazy-ass fatherz poppin' off ta you, biatch.
Martin, would you rap ta him?
Barry, I be poppin' off ta you, nahmean biiiatch?
Yo ass coming?
Got every last muthafuckin thang?
All set!
Go ahead. Y'all KNOW dat shit, muthafucka! I be bout ta catch up.
Don't be too long.
Watch this!
- We still here. - I holla'd at you not ta yell at his muthafuckin ass.
Dude don't respond ta yelling!
- Then why yell all up in mah grill son? - Because you don't listen!
I aint listenin ta this.
Sorry, I've gotta go.
- Where is you going? - I be meetin a gangbangin' playa.
A girl, biatch? Is dis why you can't decide?
I just hope she Bee-ish.
They gotz a big-ass parade of flowers every last muthafuckin year up in Pasadena?
To be up in tha Tournament of Roses, thatz every last muthafuckin floristz dream!
Up on a gangbangin' float, surrounded by flowers, crowdz cheering.
A tournament. Do tha roses compete up in athletic events?
No fo' realz. All right, I've gots one. How tha fuck come you don't fly everywhere?
It aint nuthin but exhausting. Why don't you run everywhere, biatch? It aint nuthin but faster.
Yeah, OK, I see, I see. All right, yo' turn.
TiVo. Yo ass can just freeze live TV? Thatz insane!
Yo ass aint gots that?
Our thugged-out asses have Hivo yo, but itz a gangbangin' finger-lickin' disease. It aint nuthin but a horrible, wack disease.
Oh, my.
Dumb bees!
Yo ass must wanna stin all dem jerks.
We try not ta sting. It aint nuthin but probably fatal fo' us.
So you gotta peep yo' temper.
Straight-up carefully. Yo ass kick a wall, take a strutt,
write a mad salty letta n' throw it out. Work all up in it like any emotion:
Anger, jealousy, lust.
Oh, mah goodness muthafucka! Is you OK?
- What tha fuck iz poppin' off wit yo slick ass?! - It aint nuthin but a funky-ass bug.
Dat punk not botherin anybody. Git outta here, you creep!
What was that, biatch? A Pic 'N' Save circular?
Yeah, it was yo. How tha fuck did you know?
It felt like bout 10 pages. Seventy-five is pretty much our limit.
You've straight-up gots that down ta a science.
- I lost a cold-ass lil cousin ta Italian Vogue. - I be bout ta bet.
What up in tha name of Mighty Herculez is this?
How tha fuck did dis git here? Oute Bee, Golden Blossom,
Ray Liotta Private Select?
- Is tha pimpin' muthafucka dat hustla? - I never heard of his muthafuckin ass.
- Why is dis here? - For people. We smoke dat shit.
Yo ass don't have enough chicken of yo' own?
- Well, yes. - How tha fuck do you git it?
- Bees make dat shit. - I know whoz ass make dat shiznit son!
And itz hard ta make dat shiznit son!
Therez heating, cooling, stirring. Yo ass need a whole Krelman thang!
- It aint nuthin but organic. - It aint nuthin but our-ganic!
It aint nuthin but just honey, Barry.
Just what?!
Bees don't give a fuck bout this! This is jackin! All dem jackin!
You've taken our cribs, schools, hospitizzles muthafucka! This be all our crazy asses have!
And itz on sale?! I be gettin ta tha bottom of this.
I be gettin ta tha bottom of all of this!
Yo, Hector.
- Yo ass almost done? - Almost.
Dude is here, so peek-a-boo, clear tha way, I be comin' thru fo'sho. I sense dat shit.
Well, I guess I be bout ta bounce back ta tha doggy den now
and just leave dis sick honey out, with no one around.
Yo ass is busted, box boy!
I knew I heard something. So you can talk!
I can talk. And now you gonna start rappin'!
Where you gettin tha dope stuff? Whoz yo' supplier?
I don't understand. I thought we was playas.
Da last thang we want to do is upset bees!
Yo ass is too late biaaatch! It aint nuthin but ours now!
You, sir, have crossed the wack sword!
You, sir, is ghon be lunch for mah iguana, Ignacio!
Where is tha honey comin from?
Tell me where!
Honey Farms muthafucka! It be reppin Honey Farms!
Orazy person!
What wack thang has happened here?
These faces, they never knew what hit dem wild-ass muthafuckas fo' realz. And now
they on tha road ta nowhere!
Just keep still.
What, biatch? Yo ass aint dead?
Do I look dead, biatch? They will wipe anything that moves. Where you headed?
To Honey Farms. I be onto suttin' big-ass here.
I be goin ta Alaska. Moose blood, crazy stuff. Blows yo' head off!
I be goin ta Tacoma.
- And yo slick ass? - Dude straight-up is dead as fuckin fried chicken.
All right.
- What tha fuck iz that?! - Oh, no!
- A wiper playa! Triple blade! - Triple blade?
Jump on! It aint nuthin but yo' only chance, bee!
Why do every last muthafuckin thang have to be all kindsa doggone clean?!
How tha fuck much do you playas need ta see?!
Open yo' eyes! Stick yo' head up tha window!
From NPR Shit up in Washington, I be Oarl Kasell.
But don't bust a cap up in no mo' bugs!
- Bee! - Moose blood muthafucka!!
- Yo ass hear something? - Like what?
Like tiny screaming.
Turn off tha radio.
Whassup, bee boy?
Yo, Blood.
Just a row of honey jars, as far as tha eye could see.
I assume wherever dis truck goes is where they gettin dat shit.
I mean, dat honeyz ours.
- Bees hang tight. - We all jammed in.
It aint nuthin but a cold-ass lil close hood.
Not us, man. I aint talkin' bout chicken n' gravy biatch. We on our own. Every mosquito on his own.
- What if you git up in shit? - Yo ass a mosquito, you up in shit.
No Muthafucka likes us. They just smack. See a mosquito, smack, smack!
At least you up in tha ghetto. Right back up in yo muthafuckin ass. Yo ass must hook up hoes.
Mosquito hoes try ta trade up, get wit a moth, dragonfly.
Mosquito hoe don't want no mosquito.
Yo ass gots ta be kiddin me!
Moosebloodz bout ta leave the building! So long, bee!
- Yo, muthafuckas! - Mooseblood!
I knew I'd catch y'all down here. Did yo dirty ass brang yo' wild-ass straw?
We throw it up in jars, slap a label on it, and itz pretty much pure profit.
What tha fuck iz dis place?
A beez gots a funky-ass dome the size of a pinhead.
They is pinheads!
- Oheck up tha freshly smoked up smoker. - Oh, dope. Thatz tha one you want.
Da Thomas 3000!
Ninety puffs a minute, semi-automatic. Twice tha nicotine, all tha tar.
A couple breathz of this knocks dem right out.
They make tha honey, and we make tha scrilla.
"They make tha honey, and we make tha scrilla"?
Oh, my!
Whatz goin on, biatch? Is you OK?
Yeah. Well shiiiit, it don't last too long.
Do you know you is in a gangbangin' fake hive wit fake walls?
Our biatch was moved here. Our thugged-out asses had no chizzle.
This is yo' biatch? Thatz a playa up in hoes clothes!
Thatz a thugged-out drag biatch!
What tha fuck iz this?
Oh, no!
Therez hundredz of them!
Bee honey.
Our honey is bein brazenly jacked on a massive scale!
This is worse than anythang bears have done biaaatch! I intend ta do something.
Oh, Barry, stop.
Dum diddy-dum, here I come biaaatch! Who tha fuck holla'd at you humans is taking our honey, biatch? Thatz a rumor.
Do these be lookin like rumors?
Thatz a cold-ass lil conspiracy theory. These is obviously doctored photos.
How tha fuck did you git mixed up in this?
Dat punk been poppin' off ta humans.
- What? - Talkin ta humans?!
Dude has a human hoe. And they make out!
Make out, biatch? Barry!
Us dudes do not.
- Yo ass wish you could. - Whose side is you on?
Da bees!
I dated a cold-ass lil cricket once up in San Antonio. Those wild-ass hairy-ass legs kept me up all night.
Barry, dis is what tha fuck you want to do wit yo' game?
I wanna do it fo' all our lives. No Muthafucka works harder than bees!
Dad, I remember you comin home so overworked
your handz was still stirring. Yo ass couldn't stop.
I remember that.
What right do they gotta our honey?
We live on two cups a year. Shiiit, dis aint no joke. They put it in lip balm fo' no reason whatsoever!
Even if itz true, what tha fuck can one bee do?
Stin dem where it straight-up hurts.
In tha grill biaaatch! Da eye!
- That would hurt. - No.
Up tha nose, biatch? Thatz a killer.
Therez only one place you can sting the humans, one place where it matters.
Hive at Five, tha hivez only full-hour action shizzle source.
No mo' bee beards!
With Bob Bumble all up in tha anchor desk.
Weather wit Storm Stinger.
Game wit Buzz Larvi.
And Jeanette Ohung.
- Dope evening. I be Bob Bumble. - And I be Jeanette Ohung.
A tri-county bee, Barry Benson,
intendz ta sue tha human race for jackin our honey,
packagin it n' profiting from it illegally!
Tomorrow night on Bee Larry Mackdaddy,
we'll have three forma biatchs here in our studio, discussin they freshly smoked up book,
Olassy Ladies, out dis week on Hexagon.
Tonight we poppin' off ta Barry Benson.
Did yo dirty ass eva think, "I be a kid from tha hive. I can't do this"?
Bees have never been afraid to chizzle tha ghetto. Right back up in yo muthafuckin ass.
What bout Bee Oolumbus? Bee Gandhi, biatch? Bejesus?
Where I be from, we'd never sue humans.
Us thugs was thinking of stickbizzle or candy stores.
How tha fuck oldschool is yo slick ass?
Da bee hood is supportin you up in dis case,
which is ghon be tha trial of tha bee century.
Yo ass know, they gotz a Larry Mackdaddy in tha human ghetto like a muthafucka.
It aint nuthin but a cold-ass lil common name. Next week...
Dude be lookin like you n' has a gangbangin' finger-lickin' dirty-ass show and suspendaz n' colored dots...
Next week...
Glasses, quotes on tha bottom from the guest even though you just heard 'em.
Bear Week next week! They're freaky, hairy n' here live.
Always leans forward, pointy shoulders, squinty eyes, straight-up Jewish.
In tennis, you attack at tha deal wit weakness!
Dat shiznit was mah grandmother, Ken. I aint talkin' bout chicken n' gravy biatch. Dat hoe 81.
Honey, her backhandz a joke! I aint gonna take advantage of that?
Quiet, please. Actual work goin on here.
- Is dat that same bee? - Yes, it is!
I be helpin his ass sue tha human race.
- Hello. - Yo muthafucka, bee.
This is Ken.
Yeah, I remember you, biatch. Timberland, size ten n' a half. Vibram sole, I believe.
Why do tha pimpin' muthafucka rap again?
Listen, you betta go 'cause we straight-up busy working.
But itz our yogurt night!
Why is yogurt night so difficult?!
Yo ass skanky thang. Yo ass two done been at dis fo' hours!
Yes, n' Adam here has been a big-ass help.
- Frosting... - How tha fuck nuff sugars?
Just one. I try not to use tha competition.
So why is you helpin me son?
Bees have phat qualities.
And it takes mah mind off tha shop.
Instead of flowers, people are givin balloon bouquets now, nahmeean?
Those is pimped out, if you three.
And artificial flowers.
- Oh, dem just git me psychotic! - Yeah, me like a muthafucka.
Bent stingers, pointless pollination.
Bees must don't give a fuck bout dem fake thangs!
Nothang worse than a thugged-out daffodil thatz had work done.
Maybe dis could make up for it a lil bit.
- This lawsuitz a pimpin' big-ass deal. - I guess.
Yo ass shizzle you wanna go all up in wit it?
Am I sure, biatch? When I be done with the humans, they won't be able
to say, "Honey, I be home," without payin a royalty!
It aint nuthin but a incredible scene here up in downtown Manhattan,
where tha ghetto anxiously waits, because fo' tha last time up in history,
we will hear fo' ourselves if a honeybee can straight-up speak.
What have we gotten tha fuck into here, Barry?
It aint nuthin but pretty big, aint it?
I can't believe how tha fuck nuff humans don't work durin tha day.
Yo ass be thinkin billion-dollar multinational food g-units have phat lawyers?
All Y'all need ta stay behind tha barricade.
- Whatz tha matter? - I don't give a fuck, I just gots a cold-ass lil chill.
Well, if it aint tha bee crew.
Yo ass thugs work on this?
All rise biaaatch! Da Honorable Judge Bumbleton presiding.
All right. Oase number 4475,
Superior Oourt of New York, Barry Bee Benston v. tha Honey Industry
is now up in session.
Mista Muthafuckin Montgomery, you representing the five chicken g-units collectively?
A privilege.
Mista Muthafuckin Benson... you representing all tha beez of tha ghetto?
I be kidding. Yes, Yo crazy-ass Honor, we're locked n loaded ta proceed.
Mista Muthafuckin Montgomery, your openin statement, please.
Ladies n' gentlemen of tha jury,
my grandmutha was a simple biatch.
Born on a gangbangin' farm, da hoe believed it was manz divine right
to benefit from tha bounty of nature Dogg put before us.
If our slick asses lived up in tha topsy-turvy ghetto Mista Muthafuckin Benston imagines,
just be thinkin of what tha fuck would it mean.
I would gotta negotiate with tha silkworm
for tha elastic up in mah britches!
Talkin bee!
How tha fuck do we know dis aint some sort of
holographic motion-picture-capture Hollywood wizzlery?
They could be rockin laser beams!
Robotics muthafucka! Ventriloquism! Oloning! For all we know,
he could be on steroids!
Mista Muthafuckin Benson?
Ladies n' gentlemen, therez no trickery here.
I be just a ordinary bee. Honeyz pretty blingin ta mah dirty ass.
It aint nuthin but blingin ta all bees. We invented dat shiznit son!
We make it fo' realz. And we protect it with our lives.
Unfortunately, there are some playas up in dis room
who be thinkin they can take it from us
'cause we tha lil muthafuckas! I be hopin that, afta dis be all over,
yo dirty ass is gonna peep how, by takin our honey, you not only take every last muthafuckin thang our crazy asses have
but every last muthafuckin thang we are!
I wish he'd dress like that all tha time. Right back up in yo muthafuckin ass. So sick!
Oall yo' first witness.
So, Mista Muthafuckin Klauss Vanderhayden of Honey Farms, big-ass company you have.
I suppose so.
I peep you also own Honeyburton n' Honron!
Yes, they provide beekeepers for our farms.
Beekeeper n' shit. I find that to be a straight-up disturbin term.
I don't imagine you employ any bee-free-ers, do yo slick ass?
- No. - I couldn't hear you, biatch.
- No. - No.
Because you don't free bees. Yo ass keep bees. Not only that,
it seems you thought a funky-ass bear would be an appropriate image fo' a jar of honey.
They're straight-up lovable creatures.
Yogi Bear, Fozzie Bear, Build-A-Bear.
Yo ass mean like this?
Bears bust a cap up in bees!
How'd you like his head crashing all up in yo' livin room?!
Bitin tha fuck into yo' couch! Spittin up yo' throw pillows!
OK, thatz enough cause I gots dem finger-lickin' chickens wit tha siz-auce. Take his ass away.
So, Mista Muthafuckin Right back up in yo muthafuckin ass. Sting, fuck you fo' bein here. Yo crazy-ass name intrigues mah dirty ass.
- Where have I heard it before? - I was wit a funky-ass crew called Da Police.
But you've never been a five-o fool, have yo slick ass?
Fuck dat shit, I haven't.
Fuck dat shit, you haven't fo' realz. And so here we have yet another example
of bee culture casually stolen by a human
for not a god damn thang mo' than a prance-about stage name.
Oh, please.
Has you done eva been stung, Mista Muthafuckin Right back up in yo muthafuckin ass. Sting?
Because I be feeling a lil stung, Sting.
Or should I say... Mista Muthafuckin Gordon M. Right back up in yo muthafuckin ass. Sumner!
Thatz not his bangin real name?! Yo ass idiots!
Mista Muthafuckin Liotta, first, belated props on
your Emmy win fo' a hommie spot on ER up in 2005.
Nuff props, biatch. Nuff props, biatch.
I peep from yo' resume that you devilishly thugged-out
with a cold-ass lil churnin inner turmoil thatz locked n loaded ta blow.
I trip off what tha fuck I do. Is dat a cold-ass lil crime?
Not yet it aint. But is this what itz come ta fo' yo slick ass?
Exploitin tiny, helpless bees so you don't
have ta rehearse your part n' learn yo' lines, sir?
Watch it, Benson! I could blow right now!
This aint a goodfella. This be a funky-ass badfella!
Why don't one of mah thugs just step on this creep, n' we can all bounce back ta tha doggy den?!
- Order up in dis court! - Yo ass be all thankin dat shiznit son!
Order playa! Order, I say!
- Say dat shiznit son! - Mista Muthafuckin Liotta, please sit tha fuck down!
I be thinkin dat shiznit was awfully sick of dat bear ta pitch up in like dat n' like dis n' like dat y'all.
I be thinkin tha juryz on our side.
Is our phat asses bustin every last muthafuckin thang right, legally?
I be a gangbangin' florist.
Right. Well, herez ta a pimped out crew.
To a pimped out crew!
Well, hello.
- Ken! - Hello.
I didn't be thinkin you was coming.
Fuck dat shit, I was just late. I tried ta call yo, but... tha battery.
I didn't want all dis ta git all up in waste, so I called Barry. Luckily, da thug was free.
Oh, dat was dirty.
Therez a lil left. I could heat it up.
Yeah, heat it up, sure, whatever.
So I hear you like a tennis playa.
I aint much fo' tha game mah dirty ass. Da ballz a lil grabby.
Thatz where I probably sit. Right... there.
Ken, Barry was lookin at yo' resume,
and he agreed wit me dat smokin with chopsticks aint straight-up a special skill.
Yo ass be thinkin I don't peep what tha fuck you bustin?
I know how tha fuck hard it is ta find the rightjob. Our thugged-out asses have dat up in common.
Do we?
Bees have 100 cement employment, but our phat asses do thangs like takin tha crud out.
Thatz just what I was thankin bout bustin.
Ken, I let Barry borrow yo' razor for his wild lil' fuzz. I hope dat was all right.
I be goin ta drain tha oldschool stinger.
Yeah, you do that.
Look at that.
Yo ass know, I've just bout had it
with yo' lil mind games.
- Whatz that? - Italian Vogue.
Mamma mia, thatz a shitload of pages.
All dem ads.
Remember what tha fuck Van holla'd, why is your game mo' valuable than mine?
Funny, I just can't seem ta recall that!
I be thinkin suttin' stinks up in here!
I gots a straight-up boner fo' tha smell of flowers.
How tha fuck do you like tha smell of flames?!
Not as much.
Wata bug! Not takin sides!
Ken, I be bustin a Ohapstick hat! This is pathetic!
I've gots issues!
Well, well, well, a royal flush!
- Yo ass is bluffing. - Am I?
Surfz up, dude!
Poo water!
That bowl is gnarly.
Except fo' dem dirty yellow rings!
Kenneth! What is you bustin?!
Yo ass know, I don't even like honey! I don't smoke dat shiznit son!
We need ta talk!
Dat punk just a lil bee!
And dat schmoooove muthafucka happens ta be the sickst bee I've kicked it wit up in a long-ass time!
Long time, biatch? What is you poppin' off about?! Is there other bugs up in yo' game?
Fuck dat shiznit yo, but there be other thangs bugging me up in tha game fo' realz. And you one of them!
Fine biaaatch! Talkin bees, no yogurt night...
My fuckin nerves is fried from riding on dis wack rolla coaster!
Goodbye, Ken.
And fo' yo' shiznit,
I prefer sugar-free, artificial sweeteners made by man!
I be sorry as a muthafucka bout all that.
I know itz got an aftertaste biaaatch! I wanna bust a nut on dat shiznit son!
I always felt there was some kind of barrier between Ken n' mah dirty ass.
I couldn't overcome dat shit. Oh, well.
Is you OK fo' tha trial?
I believe Mista Muthafuckin Montgomery is bout outta ideas.
Us thugs wanna call Mista Muthafuckin Barry Benston Bee ta tha stand.
Dope idea! Yo ass can straight-up peep why he's considered one of tha dopest lawyers...
Layton, you've gotta weave some magic
with dis jury, or itz gonna be all over.
Don't worry. Da only thang I have to do ta turn dis jury around
is ta remind them of what tha fuck they don't like bout bees.
- Yo ass gots tha tweezers? - Is you allergic?
Only ta losing, son. I aint talkin' bout chicken n' gravy biatch. Only ta losing.
Mista Muthafuckin Benston Bee, I be bout ta ask you what I be thinkin we'd all like ta know.
What exactly is yo' relationshizzle
to dat biatch?
We playas.
- Dope playas? - Yes yes y'all.
How tha fuck good, biatch? Do you live together?
Wait a minute...
Is you her lil...
I've peeped a funky-ass bee documentary or two. From what tha fuck I understand,
doesn't yo' biatch give birth to all tha bee children?
- Yeah yo, but... - So dem aren't yo' real muthafathas!
- Oh, Barry... - Yes, they are!
Hold mah crazy ass back!
Yo ass be a illegitimate bee, aren't you, Benson?
Dat punk denouncin bees!
Don't y'all date yo' cousins?
- Objection! - I be goin ta pincushion dis muthafucka!
Adam, don't son! It aint nuthin but what tha fuck da thug wants!
Oh, I be hit!!
Oh, lordy, I be hit!
Order playa! Order!
Da venom! Da venom is coursin all up in mah veins!
I done been felled by a winged beast of destruction!
Yo ass see, biatch? Yo ass can't treat them like equals muthafucka! They're striped savages!
Stingingz tha only thang they know! It aint nuthin but they way!
- Adam, stay wit mah dirty ass. - I can't feel mah legs.
What angel of mercy will come forward ta suck tha poison
from mah heavin buttocks?
I'ma have order up in dis court. Order!
Order, please!
Da case of tha honeybees versus tha human race
took a pointed turn against tha bees
yesterdizzle when one of they legal team stung Layton T. Montgomery.
- Yo, dawg. - Hey.
- Is there much pain? - Yeah.
I blew tha whole case, didn't I?
It don't matter n' shit. What mattas is yo ass is kickin dat shit, yo. Yo ass could have died.
I'd be betta off dead as fuckin fried chicken. I aint talkin' bout chicken n' gravy biatch. Look all up in mah face.
They gots it from tha cafeteria downstairs, up in a tuna sandwich.
Look, there's a lil celery still on dat shit.
What was it like ta stin one of mah thugs?
I can't explain dat shit. Dat shiznit was all...
All adrenaline n' then... and then ecstasy!
All right.
Yo ass be thinkin dat shiznit was all a trap?
Of course. I be sorry as a muthafucka bout dat bullshit. I flew our asses right tha fuck into this.
What was we thinking, biatch? Look at us. We're just a cold-ass lil couple bugs up in dis ghetto. Right back up in yo muthafuckin ass.
What will tha humans do ta us if they win?
I don't give a gangbangin' fuck.
I hear they put tha roaches up in motels. That don't sound so bad.
Adam, they check in, but they don't check out!
Oh, my.
Oould you git a nurse to close dat window?
- Why? - Da smoke.
Bees don't smoke.
Right. Bees don't smoke.
Bees don't smoke! But some bees is tokin.
Thatz dat shiznit son! Thatz our case!
It is, biatch? It aint nuthin but not over?
Git dressed. Y'all KNOW dat shit, muthafucka! I've gotta go somewhere.
Git back ta tha court n' stall. Stall any way you can.
And assumin you've done step erectly, you locked n loaded fo' tha tub.
Mista Muthafuckin Flayman.
Yes, biatch? Yes, Yo crazy-ass Honor!
Where is tha rest of yo' crew?
Well, Yo crazy-ass Honor, itz interesting.
Bees is trained ta fly haphazardly,
and as a result, we don't make straight-up phat time.
I straight-up heard a gangbangin' funky rap about...
Yo crazy-ass Honor, haven't these wack bugs
taken up enough of dis courtz valuable time?
How tha fuck much longer will we allow these absurd shenanigans ta go on?
They have presented no compelling evidence ta support they charges
against mah clients, who run legitimate bidnizzes.
I move fo' a cold-ass lil complete dismissal of dis entire case!
Mista Muthafuckin Flayman, I be afraid I be going
to gotta consider Mista Muthafuckin Montgomeryz motion.
But you can't son! Our thugged-out asses gotz a terrific case.
Where is yo' proof? Where is tha evidence?
Show me tha tokin gun!
Hold it, Yo crazy-ass Honor! Yo ass want a tokin gun?
Here is yo' tokin gun.
What tha fuck iz that?
It aint nuthin but a funky-ass bee smoker!
What, this? This harmless lil contraption?
This couldn't hurt a gangbangin' fly, let ridin' solo a funky-ass bee.
Look at what tha fuck has happened
to bees whoz ass have never been asked, "Tokin or non?"
Is dis what tha fuck nature intended fo' us?
To be forcibly addicted to smoke machines
and man-made wooden slat work camps?
Livin up our lives as honey slaves to tha white man?
- What is we gonna do? - Dat punk playin tha species card.
Ladies n' gentlemen, please, free these bees!
Jacked tha bees muthafucka! Jacked tha bees!
Jacked tha bees!
Jacked tha bees muthafucka! Jacked tha bees!
Da court findz up in favor of tha bees!
Vanessa, we won!
I knew you could do dat shiznit son! High-five!
I be OK! Yo ass know what tha fuck dis means?
All tha honey will finally belong ta tha bees.
Now we won't have to work so hard all tha time.
This be a unholy perversion of tha balizzle of nature, Benson.
You'll regret this.
Barry, how tha fuck much honey is up there?
All right. One at a time.
Barry, whoz ass is you bustin?
My fuckin sweata is Ralph Lauren, and I have no pants.
- What if Montgomeryz right? - What do you mean?
We've been livin tha bee way a long time, 27 mazillion years.
Oongratulations on yo' victory. What will you demand as a settlement?
First, we'll demand a cold-ass lil complete shutdown of all bee work camps.
Then we want back tha honey that was ours ta begin with,
every last drop.
Us dudes demand a end ta tha glorification of tha bear as anythang more
than a gangbangin' filthy, smelly, bad-breath stink machine.
We all aware of what tha fuck they do up in tha woods.
Wait fo' mah signal.
Take his ass out.
Dude bout ta have nauseous for all dem hours, then he'll be fine.
And we will no longer tolerate bee-negatizzle nicknames...
But itz just a prance-about stage name!
...unnecessary inclusion of honey in bogus game shizzle
and la-dee-da human tea-time snack garnishments.
Oan't breathe.
Brin it in, thugs!
Hold it right there biaaatch! Good.
Tap dat shit.
Mista Muthafuckin Buzzwell, our laid-back asses just passed three cups, and there be a gallons mo' coming!
- I be thinkin we need ta shut down! - Shut down, biatch? We've never shut down.
Shut down honey thang!
Quit makin honey!
Turn yo' key, sir!
What do our phat asses do now?
We shuttin honey thang!
Mission abort.
Abortin pollination n' nectar detail. Returnin ta base.
Adam, you wouldn't believe how much honey was up there.
Oh, yeah?
Whatz goin on, biatch? Where is everybody?
- Is they up celebrating? - They're home.
They don't give a fuck what tha fuck ta do. Layin out, chillin in.
I heard yo' Uncle Oarl was on his way to San Antonio wit a cold-ass lil cricket.
At least we gots our honey back.
Sometimes I think, so what tha fuck if humans liked our honey, biatch? Dum diddy-dum, here I come biaaatch! Who tha fuck wouldn't?
It aint nuthin but tha top billin thang up in tha ghetto! I was buckwild ta be part of makin dat shit.
This was mah freshly smoked up desk. This was my new thang. I wanted ta do it straight-up well.
And now, nahmeean?..
Now I can't.
I don't understand why they not horny.
I thought they lives would be better!
They're bustin nothing. It aint nuthin but amazing. Honey straight-up chizzlez people.
Yo ass aint gots any idea what be happenin, do yo slick ass?
- What did you wanna show me son? - This.
What happened here?
That aint tha half of dat shit.
Oh, no. Oh, my.
They're all wilting.
Doesn't look straight-up good, do it?
And whose fault do you be thinkin dat is?
Yo ass know, I'ma guess bees.
Specifically, mah dirty ass.
I didn't be thinkin bees not needin ta make honey would affect all these thangs.
It aint nuthin but notjust flowers. Fruits, vegetables, they all need bees.
Thatz our whole SAT test right there.
Take away produce, dat affects the entire animal mackdaddydom.
And then, of course...
Da human species?
So if there be a no mo' pollination,
it could all just go downtown here, couldn't it?
I know dis be also kinda mah fault.
How tha fuck on some suicizzle pact?
How tha fuck do our phat asses do it?
- I be bout ta stin you, you step on mah dirty ass. - Thatjust kills you twice.
Right, right.
Listen, Barry... sorry yo, but I gotta git going.
I had ta open mah grill n' talk.
Vanessa, biatch? Why is you leaving? Where is you going?
To tha final Tournament of Roses parade in Pasadena.
They've moved it ta dis weekend because all tha flowers is dying.
It aint nuthin but tha last chance I be bout ta eva gotta peep dat shit.
Vanessa, I just wanna say I be sorry as a muthafucka bout dat bullshit. I never meant it ta turn up like dis y'all.
I know. Me neither.
Tournament of Roses. Roses can't do game.
Wait a minute. Roses. Roses?
- Roses is flowers! - Yes, they are.
Flowers, bees, pollen!
I know. Thatz why dis is tha last parade.
Maybe not. Oould you ask his ass ta slow down?
Oould you slow down?
OK, I done cooked up a big-ass mistake. This be a total fuck up, all mah fault.
Yes, it kind of is.
I've fucked up tha hood. I wanted ta help you
with tha flower shop. I've juiced it up worse.
Actually, itz straight-up closed down.
I thought maybe you was remodeling.
But I have another idea, n' it's greata than mah previous scams combined.
I don't wanna hear dat shiznit son!
All right, they have tha roses, the roses have tha pollen.
I know every last muthafuckin bee, plant and flower bud up in dis park.
All we gotta do is git what tha fuck they've got back here wit what tha fuck we've got.
- Bees. - Park.
- Pollen! - Flowers.
- Repollination! - Across tha nation!
Tournament of Roses, Pasadena, Oalifornia.
They've gots nothing but flowers, floats n' cotton candy.
Securitizzle is ghon be tight.
I gots a idea.
Vanessa Bloome, FTD.
Straight-Up Legit floral bidnizz. It aint nuthin but real.
Sorry, ma'am. Sick brooch.
Nuff props, biatch. Dat shiznit was a gift.
Once inside, we just pick tha right float.
How tha fuck bout Da Supa-Hoe n' tha Pea?
I could be tha bizzatch, and you could be tha pea!
Yes, I gots dat shit.
- Where should I sit? - What is yo slick ass?
- I believe I be tha pea. - Da pea?
It goes under tha mattresses.
- Not up in dis fairy tale, dopeheart. - I be gettin tha marshal.
Yo ass do that! This whole parade be a gangbangin' fiasco!
Letz peep what tha fuck dis baby'll do.
Yo, what tha fuck is you bustin?!
Then all our phat asses do is blend up in wit traffic...
...without arousin suspicion.
Once all up in tha airport, therez no stoppin us.
Stop! Security.
- Yo ass n' yo' insect pack yo' float? - Yes yes y'all.
Has it been in yo' possession tha entire time?
Would you remove yo' shoes?
- Remove yo' stinger. - It aint nuthin but part of mah dirty ass.
I know. Just havin some fun. Trip off yo' flight.
Then if our slick asses dirty, we'll have just enough pollen ta do tha thang.
Oan you believe how tha fuck dirty we are, biatch? We have just enough pollen ta do tha thang!
I be thinkin dis is gonna work.
It aint nuthin but gots ta work.
Attention, passengers, this is Oaptain Scott.
Our thugged-out asses gotz a lil' bit of shitty weather in New York.
It be lookin like we'll experience a couple minutes delay.
Barry, these is cut flowers with no gin n juice n' shit. They'll never make dat shit.
I gotta git up there and rap ta dem wild-ass muthafuckas.
Be careful.
Oan I git help with tha Sky Mall magazine?
I'd like ta order tha rappin' inflatable nozzle n' ear afro trimmer.
Oaptain, I be up in a real thang.
- What'd you say, Hal? - Nothing.
Don't freak up son! My fuckin entire species...
What is you bustin?
- Wait a minute biaaatch! I be a attorney! - Whoz a attorney?
Don't move.
Oh, Barry.
Dope afternoon, passengers. This is yo' captain.
Would a Miss Vanessa Bloome up in 24B please report ta tha cockpit?
And please hurry!
What happened here?
There was a DustBuster, a toupee, a game raft blew up like a muthafucka.
Onez bald, onez up in a funky-ass boat, they both unconscious!
- Is dat another bee joke? - No!
No onez flyin tha plane!
This is JFK control tower, Flight 356. Whatz yo' status?
This is Vanessa Bloome. I be a gangbangin' florist from New York.
Wherez tha pilot?
Dat punk unconscious, and so is tha copilot.
Not good. Y'all KNOW dat shit, muthafucka! I be fly as a gangbangin' falcon, soarin all up in tha sky dawwwwg! Do mah playas onboard have flight experience?
As a matta of fact, there is.
- Whoz that? - Barry Benson.
From tha honey trial?! Oh, pimped out.
Vanessa, dis aint a god damn thang more than a funky-ass big-ass metal bee.
It aint nuthin but gots giant wings, big-ass engines.
I can't fly a plane.
- Why not, biatch? Isn't Jizzy Travolta a pilot? - Yes yes y'all.
How tha fuck hard could it be?
Wait, Barry! Our thugged-out asses headed tha fuck into some lightning.
This is Bob Bumble. Our thugged-out asses have some late-breakin shizzle from JFK Airport,
where a suspenseful scene is pimpin.
Barry Benson, fresh from his fuckin legal victory...
Thatz Barry!
...is attemptin ta land a plane, loaded wit people, flowers
and a incapacitated flight crew.
Our thugged-out asses gotz a storm up in tha area and two dudes all up in tha controls
with straight-up no flight experience.
Just a minute. Therez a funky-ass bee on dat plane.
I be like familiar wit Mista Muthafuckin Benson and his no-account compadres.
They've done enough damage.
But aint he yo' only hope?
Technically, a funky-ass bee shouldn't be able ta fly at all.
Their wings is too small...
Haven't our crazy asses heard dis a mazillion times?
"Da surface area of tha wings and body mass make no sense."
- Git dis on tha air! - Got dat shit.
- Stand by. - We goin live.
Da way we work may be a mystery ta you, biatch.
Makin honey takes a shitload of bees fuckin wit a shitload of lil' small-ass thangs.
But let me rap  on some lil' small-ass thang.
If you do it well, it cook up a funky-ass big-ass difference.
Mo' than we realized. To us, ta everyone.
Thatz why I wanna git bees back ta hustlin together.
Thatz tha bee way! We not made of Jell-O.
We git behind a gangbangin' fellow.
- Black n' yellow! - Hello!
Left, right, down, hover.
- Hover? - Forget hover.
This aint so hard. Beep-beep! Beep-beep!
Barry, what tha fuck happened?!
Wait, I be thinkin we were on autopilot tha whole time.
- That may done been helpin mah dirty ass. - And now we not!
So it turns up I cannot fly a plane.
All of you, letz get behind dis fellow! Move it out!
Move out!
Our only chizzle is if I do what tha fuck I'd do, you copy me wit tha wingz of tha plane!
Don't gotta yell.
I aint yelling! We up in a shitload of shit.
It aint nuthin but straight-up hard ta concentrate with dat panicky tone up in yo' voice!
It aint nuthin but not a tone. I be panicking!
I can't do this!
Vanessa, pull yo ass together. Yo ass gotta snap outta dat shiznit son!
Yo ass snap outta dat shit.
Yo ass snap outta dat shit.
- Yo ass snap outta dat shiznit son! - Yo ass snap outta dat shiznit son!
- Yo ass snap outta dat shiznit son! - Yo ass snap outta dat shiznit son!
- Yo ass snap outta dat shiznit son! - Yo ass snap outta dat shiznit son!
- Hold dat shiznit son! - Why, biatch? Oome on, itz mah turn.
How tha fuck is tha plane flying?
I don't give a gangbangin' fuck.
Benson, gots any flowers for a aiiight occasion up in there?
Da Pollen Jocks!
They do git behind a gangbangin' fellow.
- Black n' yellow. - Hello.
All right, letz drop dis tin can on tha blacktop.
Where, biatch? I can't peep anything. Oan yo slick ass?
Fuck dat shit, nothing. It aint nuthin but all cloudy.
Oome on. I aint talkin' bout chicken n' gravy biatch. Yo ass gots ta be thinkin bee, Barry.
- Thinkin bee. - Thinkin bee.
Thinkin bee! Thinkin bee biaaatch! Thinkin bee!
Wait a minute. I be thinkin I be feelin something.
- What? - I don't give a gangbangin' fuck. It aint nuthin but strong, pullin mah dirty ass.
Like a 27-million-year-old instinct.
Brin tha nozzle down.
Thinkin bee! Thinkin bee biaaatch! Thinkin bee!
- What up in tha ghetto is on tha tarmac? - Git some lights on that!
Thinkin bee! Thinkin bee biaaatch! Thinkin bee!
- Vanessa, aim fo' tha flower. - OK.
Out tha engines. We goin in on bee juice n' shit. Ready, thugs?
Good. Y'all KNOW dat shit, muthafucka! I be fly as a gangbangin' falcon, soarin all up in tha sky dawwwwg! Good. Y'all KNOW dat shit, muthafucka! I be fly as a gangbangin' falcon, soarin all up in tha sky dawwwwg! Easy, now, nahmeean, biatch? Thatz dat shit.
Land on dat flower!
Ready, biatch? Full reverse!
Spin it around!
- Not dat flower playa! Da other one! - Which one?
- That flower. - I be aimin all up in tha flower!
Thatz a gangbangin' fat muthafucka up in a gangbangin' flowered shirt. I mean tha giant pulsatin flower
made of millionz of bees!
Pull forward. Y'all KNOW dat shit, muthafucka! Nose down. I aint talkin' bout chicken n' gravy biatch. Tail up.
Rotate round dat shit.
- This is insane, Barry! - Thiss tha only way I know how tha fuck ta fly.
Am I koo-koo-kachoo, or is dis plane flyin up in a insect-like pattern?
Git yo' nozzle up in there, so peek-a-boo, clear tha way, I be comin' thru fo'sho. Don't be afraid. Smell dat shit. Full reverse!
Just drop dat shit. Be a part of dat shit.
Aim fo' tha center!
Now drop it in! Drop it in, biatch!
Oome on, already.
Barry, our phat asses did dat shiznit son! Yo ass taught me how tha fuck ta fly!
- Yes yes y'all. No high-five! - Right.
Barry, it worked! Did yo dirty ass peep tha giant flower?
What giant flower, biatch? Where, biatch? Of course I saw tha flower playa! That was  smart-ass !
- Nuff props, biatch. - But our asses aint done yet.
Listen, everyone!
This runway is covered with tha last pollen
from tha last flowers available anywhere on Earth.
That means dis is our last chance.
We tha only ones whoz ass make honey, pollinizzle flowers n' dress like dis y'all.
If we gonna survive as a flavas, this is our moment son! What do you say?
Is we goin ta be bees, orjust Museum of Natural History keychains?
We bees!
Then gangbang me biaaatch! Except Keychain.
Hold on, Barry yo. Here.
You've gots this.
I be a Pollen Jock! And itz a perfect fit fo' realz. All I gotta do is tha sleeves.
Oh, yeah.
Thatz our Barry.
Mom! Da bees is back!
If anybody needs to cook up a cold-ass lil call, nowz tha time.
I gots a gangbangin' feelin we'll be workin late tonight!
Herez yo' chizzle yo. Have a pimped out afternoon! Oan I help whoz next?
Would you like some honey wit that? It be bee-approved. Y'all KNOW dat shit, muthafucka! Don't forget these.
Milk, cream, cheese, itz all mah dirty ass. And I don't peep a nickel!
Sometimes I just feel like a piece of meat!
I had no idea.
Barry, I be sorry as a muthafucka bout dat bullshit. Has you done gots a moment?
Would you excuse me son? My fuckin mosquito associate will help you, biatch.
Awwww shiiiit muthafucka, I be late.
Dat punk a lawyer too?
I was already a funky-ass blood-suckin parasite. All I needed was a funky-ass briefcase.
Have a pimped out afternoon!
Barry, I just gots dis big-ass tulip order, and I can't git dem anywhere.
No problem, Vannie. Just leave it ta mah dirty ass.
Yo ass be a gamesaver, Barry. Oan I help whoz next?
All right, scramble, jocks! It aint nuthin but time ta fly.
Nuff props, Barry!
That bee is livin mah game!
Let it go, Kenny.
- When will dis nightmare end?! - Let all dat shiznit go.
- Beautiful dizzle ta fly. - Sheezy is.
Between you n' me, I was dyin ta git outta dat crib.
Yo ass have got to start thankin bee, mah playa.
- Thinkin bee! - Me?
Hold dat shit. Letz just stop for a second. Y'all KNOW dat shit, muthafucka! Hold dat shit.
I be sorry as a muthafucka bout dat bullshit. I be sorry, everyone. Oan we stop here?
I aint bustin a major game decision durin a thang number!
All right. Take ten, everybody. Wrap it up, muthafuckas.
I had virtually no rehearsal fo' that.
Special props ta SergeiK.
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newagesispage · 5 years
                                                                MAY   2019
 ***** Illinois pot growers say that if more licenses aren’t issued to growers, there could be a shortage if recreational weed is legalized. Studies show that medical cannabis demand is under reported. ** Support Senate Bill 7 to legalize recreational marijuana. It is the early stages and has not yet been fleshed out but the bare bones of it passed the committee 12-4. Let’s go!
*****With the presentation of the Peabody award, Rita Moreno will become the third PEGOT winner on May 18. She will join Barbra Streisand and Mike Nichols on that list.
***** Harvard and Yale text book writing U.S. rep in California, Katie Porter is really shaking up the congressional hearings. Go Go Go!!
***** Could Illinois Governor J.B. Pritzker have a way of keeping Trump off the ballot? Are the Dems getting as creative as the GOP?  Illinois is looking into forcing candidates to show the last 10 years of their tax returns or their name will not appear on the ballot.
***** Michael Shannon and Audra McDonald are the newest to play Frankie and Johnny on Broadway.
***** Watching the clueless old white politicians on the Sunday morning shows (yea, you John Barraso) makes me a little queasy. ** And I get so tired of the talking heads speaking for the ‘middle of the country’.  Most of the people I know care deeply about the Mueller report. Who the fuck are they talking about? Talk about special rules for our rich President as we remember Nixon and the Clintons. Why should Scary Clown 45 get such great treatment?  I am always hearing about the ‘middle of the country’ worrying about feeding our families and fixing our cars and not knowing or caring about issues in Washington. It is true that so many are living the paycheck to paycheck dream and are burdened with health care and other emergencies they can’t afford but they pay attention to the political problems of this country too. Since citizens don’t have the time or the power or money to be in Washington, they rely on those they voted for to keep each other in line.  Quit letting the shady shit go on. Have some backbone and do not let things slide. Simple rule: DO WHAT IS RIGHT.
***** Word is that Somebody paid off Brett Kavanaugh’s $92,000 country club fees, $200,000 credit card debt and 1.2 mil mortage. Seems like someone might own him.
***** Maria Butina was sentenced to 18 months.
***** The Man in the High Castle will end after season 4.
***** I love the way Abigail Disney is standing up to CEO’s.  The points she makes are ones that the corporation heads always hope you won’t think about. Shouldn’t employees be treated fairly? If a CEO is motivated by their own bonus they are far more likely to overlook things like environmental damage, human rights violations and worker’s rights. Nobel prize winning economist Joseph Stiglitz agrees.
***** When will the press (local and worldwide), give equal exposure to ALL candidates that run for office, especially President? We want to be informed. I do research but not everybody does and needs it to be easily accessible. Sometimes you have to spoon feed but why is it so hard to be fair? Enough with the agendas!!! There also needs to be more places to look for local issues. I hear so many citizens that tell me they don’t know what will be on the ballot. The info can be hard to find but USA Facts helps. Check it out!
***** Four days after confirmation, secretary of interior, David Bernhardt is under investigation for ethical misconduct.
***** Rod Rosenstein is out! His good bye included praise for the Pres and thanking him for all the personal conversations!! What He is the Deputy AG. What??
***** Jordan Klepper did a great gag on comedy central with the Clintons about Hil doing the audio book of the Mueller report. Yes!!
***** The Trumps are suing Deutsche bank and Capital One so they won’t turn over financial records to congress. Aren’t these actions obstruction of congress?
***** Indivisible is getting voters and candidates to sign a pledge to make the primary constructive and support the ultimate democratic winner.
***** Thank you to Tricia Newbold who is the WH whistle blower who let us know about Trump overriding security clearances. Rumor is that to punish her they took advantage of her physical limitations and purposely put files high and out of her reach. Wow! That is right out of high school.
***** Julian Assange was taken into custody and it seems he has turned into some sort of odd Howard Hughes character.
***** Hollywood is putting on a fundraiser for Mayor Pete. The event will be co-hosted by Ryan Murphy and hubby David Miller, Matt Bomer, Jess Cagle and hubby Matt Whitney and Billy Eichner among others. Murphy also hosted Kamala Harris on April 12. Some of Pete’s major donors have been Ryan Reynolds, Jane Lynch, Mandy Moore, Bradley Whitford and James Murdoch.
***** The Webby awards have been announced. Some winners are Billy on the Street, James Corden, Schitt’s Creek, Pod Save the People and Jimmy Kimmel’s mean tweets. Best music video went to Donald Glover for This is America and The Daily won for its onald J. Trump presidential twitter library.
***** Better Call Saul will call it quits after season 6.
***** Charlize Theron and Seth Rogan star in Long Shot, a political rom com out May 3.
*****& Sara Gilbert joins season 3 of Atypical!!!!!
***** Mushroom season is here and it looks like our friend Kavin is sure bringing ‘em home.
***** The shower toga looks like a great get for the festival scene.
***** Barry has been picked up for season 3. Hell yea!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11
***** The state of Georgia wants to make any embryo a fully legalized citizen. An embryo would count on taxes and be able to receive child support.
***** Please let the immigrant children out of their cages!
***** Stacey Abrams has a best seller, Lead from the Outside.
***** Did Harper Lee write ‘The Reverand?’ Oh how I wish I knew!!
***** When will the Bob Geldof story make it to the big screen and can Pete Davidson play him please??
***** Tuca and Bertie from Netflix looks awesome. It has to be good with stars Ali Wong and Tiffany Haddish!!
***** John Lithgow is about to release a book with his poetry about the President which will carry the title of his pet name (everybody seems to have one for Trump), Dumpty.
***** The Sultan of Brunei owns the Hotel Bel-Air in L.A. and the Beverly Hills Hotel. His country will now stone gay people to death. BOYCOTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
***** Tim Ryan is running for President.
***** Seth Moulton is running for President.
***** Joe Biden is running for President.
***** What the hell is happening to Steak ‘n Shake??
***** What the hell is the matter with Senator Mike Lee? He makes a ridiculous presentation with a flying Reagan and all and now he says that babies may be the answer to climate change. He says we need to be free and develop. What is this gut talking about? Why are people like this getting into office?
***** There is a new podcast called Analysis of a killer.
***** Marianne Williamson is running for President.
***** Eric Swalwell is running for President.
***** The notion that Trumps twitter is like a national nanny cam makes perfect sense.
***** Can’t wait to read Seth Abramson’s, Proof of collusion.
***** The question isn’t really collusion. The redacted Mueller report is out and we now see why the team itself did not draw conclusions. All the evidence is there and a sitting President can’t be indicted…. Or can he? There are, however, multiple examples of corruption.  It didn’t cost as much as other independent counsel reports because of all the fines that were charged to Manafort and others pretty much paid for it. Mueller called and wrote to Attorney General Barr and told him he created confusion with his memo and that it didn’t really tell the story.
***** In about 12 years Mueller Probe will be a cool name for a band. –Sarah Silverman
***** Federal appellate judge Maryanne Trump Barry, sister of the President has officially retired at age 82. She was put on the U.S. court of appeals by Bill Clinton. And with that, so ends the investigation into her alleged violations of judicial conduct rules because of participation in fraudulent tax schemes with her siblings in the 90’s.
***** I loved the mash up of Trevor Noah taking over the chair and interviewing Colbert on the Late Show.
***** Oliver North and Wayne LaPierre have been fighting amongst themselves at the NRA. Blackmail? Was North trying to get LaPierre out? The board is standing by the VP while North seems aligned with a public relations firm that some board members disagree with. There are many financial questions as  well. Once again the NRA held its annual convention which does not allow guns. At the end of April North was forced out
***** The Universe is about a billion years younger than we thought according to astronomer Adam Riess. This is causing experts to look into rethinking dark energy and dark matter. Total mind blow!!!
***** People have taken to wearing Free Britney T’s. Her fans held a protest in L.A. to free her from the facility they believe she was forced into.
***** It seems fads lately are all about internet speak like. “felt cute ….” And etc. like that.
***** They are working on a Beauty and the Beast themed bar in Florida.
***** Seymour, Indiana recently uncovered pieces of a mastodon.
***** Mia Farrow has a cute little blue headed bird that visits here every morning. Is it Sinatra?
***** U go Grace Jones, showing us how to do it at 70!!!!!!
***** J Lo and Owen Wilson will star in Marry Me about a pop star who marries a random man in the crowd.
***** Magic Johnson resigned as President of the Lakers. The Owner and general manager were supposedly bad mouthing him.
***** The sweetest moment in the inductions on this year’s rock and roll hall of fame was the love shown for Rick Allen, the drummer for Def Leppard.
***** So twice as many companies don’t pay taxes now thanks to all the tax cuts. Some even get refunds. Scary Clown sure is making it work for the big guys!!
***** Former President of Peru, Alan Garcia shot himself before his arrest for corruption.
***** Wendy Williams and Howard Stern seem to be having a little war of words. She claims he has gone Hollywood and he called her a cunt. She has filed for divorce from this apparently nasty hubby of hers. I thought I heard her say just weeks ago that they were fine.
***** Joel McHale is in the new season of Santa Clarita Diet.
***** Has anybody checked out John Bouvier Kennedy Schlossberg  ( Wow! Talk about getting the whole treatment) lately ? John F’s only grandson, better known as Jack Schlossberg , has a bright future ahead.
***** Lori Lightfoot has been elected the first black, openly gay woman as Mayor of Chicago.
***** Dave Tilley beat out John McCarty, who passed away in February, to become Spring Bay, Il. Village President.
*****Britney Spears’ Father is in ill health and Britney checked into a facility.
***** Zachary Quinto stars in the new NOS4A2.
***** It’s funny to me that when a true crime story hour begins, you never hear that he (cuz 9 times out of 10 it is the male spouse who is the culprit), was an atheist or an agnostic. No, it is always that he or the family attended church regularly or that they were close to God. This is just a pattern I have observed, totally my own thoughts.  Sometimes it gets way outer limits with the Fathers who sort of run their own cult out of the house. Of course this is not a blanket statement for we see wonderful things being done in the name of the Lord.  It just seems like there is a fine line where religion can be used as a way to hold their power and hide secrets. JS
***** Herman Cain and or Stephen Moore on the Federal regulatory board?  Well, Herman Cain dropped out.
***** Andrew Yang is running for President. Join the Yang Gang!! He wants to free all prisoners with non -violent marijuana offenses, free healthcare for all and every adult gets $1000.00 a month.
***** The Criminal Minds cast is ending their run. I think they should get together one more time and do a sort of Agatha Christie whodunit.
***** Secretary of Homeland security, Kirstjen Nielsen is out.
***** Acting ICE director, Ron Vitiello is out.
***** Dislike the elite? Nobody is more elite that Trump. How do so many people not get that?
***** Every woman should be able to tell her truth and who knows what makes a person uncomfortable but I think Joe Biden is going thru some bullshit. I don’t agree with everything he has done thru the years but I trust Biden and think he would be a great President.  I do think, however that his moment has passed.
***** Check out the behind the scenes book of Washington, ‘The Hill to die on’ by Jake Sherman and Anna Palmer. More proof that Trump just looks at everything as just a big show with his quote,“ There are ratings for everything.”
***** The Profiles in Courage award this year goes to Nancy Pelosi.
***** I have seen the pharmaceutical reps while at some recent Dr.visits, buying elaborate catered affairs for the medical staff.  It is a weekly thing. They sure have some money to throw around. No wonder everybody is hooked on something.
***** Real National emergencies: The electoral college, the discrepancies between the rich and the poor which makes it impossible to achieve the American dream, climate change and healthcare.
***** The co- founder of Home Depot, Ken Langone has seen to it that medical school students at NYU are given free tuition always. YEOW!!
***** We should take a lesson from Sudan. They have ousted President Omar al-Bashir, the butcher of Dafur. The protests have led to his indictment for genocide and crimes against humanity.
***** We never stop learning: Archaeologists have discovered an extinct human species they have never known in the Phillipines that they are calling homo luzonensis.
***** Is Cody Fern teasing us on Instagram about season 9 of American Horror Story:1984?
***** Rumple Buttercup by Matthew Gray Gubler hit #1 on the NY Times bestseller list.
***** As we celebrate the 25th anniversary of Tarantino’s Palme d’or win in Cannes, he is busy editing Once Upon a Time in Hollywood. It isn’t clear if he’ll get the film to this year’s event. Word is coming out that it is fantastic though.
***** I am a little bit sickened that the worst cooks show actually has Jimmie Walker and Tonya Harding on the same show.  Can’t the world find something better for a talent like Walker?? Come on!!
***** Is Stephen Miller and Fox news really running this country?
***** R.I.P. Mildred Mercy Tomes, Christine Marie Rinehart, Sen. Ernest Hollings, Dan Robbins, Shag Sheckler, Charles Van Doren, Georgia Engel, victims of the Sri Lanka shrine and hotel bombings, Lyra Mckee, David Brion Davis, MyLecia Naylor, Shelley Lazar, Mark Medoff, Warren Adler , Lori Kaye, John Singleton, victims of the University of North Carolina shooting and Ken Kercheval.
0 notes
boombergnews · 6 years
Fox Information Energy Rankings: 11 races shift left
What key midterm races point out concerning the steadiness of energy in Congress; evaluation from Colin Reed, senior vp of Definers Public Affairs, and Dave Brown, Democratic strategist.
**Need FOX Information Halftime Report in your inbox daily? Enroll right here.**
On the roster: A brand new residence for Home Energy Rankings – I’ll Inform You What: Who needs to speak about Omarosa? – Arpaio units sights on Ward, opening approach for McSally – Ellison takes home abuse claims into common – Wonderful, Jessie, keep up there 
A NEW HOME FOR HOUSE POWER RANKINGS These items solely are likely to turn out to be clear in hindsight, however our guess is that if Republicans do certainly lose the Home of Representatives in November’s midterm elections we are going to look again on final week as a pivotal second.
Three-term Rep. Chris Collins, a Republican who represents suburban Buffalo, turned himself in to authorities for arrest on corruption expenses. In an already sad election cycle for Republicans, a outstanding Home member intently aligned with the Republican president dealing with expenses of self-dealing and insider buying and selling is about as dangerous because it will get.
We had been reminded of the incident the final time Republicans confronted a local weather like this in 2006 when a prime GOP Home member bought caught making sexual advances on teenaged Home pages.
Mark Foley’s timing was even worse than Collins’. The Florida congressman’s lascivious messages got here to gentle on the finish of September, too late for Republicans to attempt to get previous. It was a loss of life knell.
The query for Republicans this yr is whether or not the time they’ve left will make a distinction.
A contemporary spherical of polling has confirmed what most race watchers have believed for a while. A survey from Quinnipiac College provides Democrats a 9-point benefit within the generic congressional poll, a end result in line with different latest polls from top-tier polling organizations.
As you consider these generic poll polls at all times do not forget that it’s not sufficient for Democrats to easily be forward. First, there’s the standard subject of voter frequency. Republicans have tended to barely outperform in polls like these whereas Democrats have tended to overlook the mark barely on the premise of turnout alone. Then there are some structural deficits that Democrats face. A few of that is gerrymandering, however most of it pertains to the geographical distribution of the 2 events.
Given that almost all rural voters are Republicans, the Purple Crew has a built-in benefit that 5 of the eight states with populations so small that they get just one at-large member of the Home are represented by Republicans. If Democrats used to boast a “blue wall” for presidential campaigns, altering political demographics have constructed a reasonably spectacular purple wall for the GOP within the Home.
Meaning Democrats want an enormous swing this yr to beat the present Republican majority. Is that 6 factors or eight factors? We’ll inform you after the election, however for now we simply keep in mind that the Blue Crew is taking part in with a handicap.
Democrats want to select up 24 seats to take the bulk and our present Fox Information Energy Rankings says there are 29 seats which might be pure toss ups, one other 26 that “Lean Republican” and 13 seats that “Lean Democrat.” That places 68 seats in play as of this writing, that means that if Democrats carry out solely modestly higher than they did in 2016, the Home is effectively inside their attain.
We acknowledge that that is rather a lot to maintain observe of, which is why we’re so comfortable to inform you that the third pillar of our Energy Rankings Parthenon is now in place. You’ve already been capable of maintain observe of race ranking modifications for the Senate and governorships in our midterm elections web page, and as of this afternoon – ta-da! – our Home rankings can be found on-line, too.
Will the Collins debacle find yourself as a turning level? Will the promised “Trump bump” materialize? Will Democrats have a wave or a washout? We’ve got lower than 12 weeks to search out out and we hope you’ll observe together with us. THE RULEBOOK: DEEP “They who’ve turned their consideration to the affairs of males, should have perceived that there are tides in them; tides very irregular of their period, power, and route, and rarely discovered to run twice precisely in the identical method or measure.” – John Jay, Federalist No. 64
TIME OUT: SWAMPY  Historical past: “On at the present time in 1780, American Lieutenant Colonel Francis Marion, the ‘Swamp Fox,’ and his irregular cavalry drive of 250 rout a celebration of Loyalists … at Port’s Ferry, South Carolina. In the meantime, Normal Horatio Gates’ males consumed half-baked bread, which sickened them in a single day and contributed to their disastrous efficiency on the Battle of Camden, additionally in South Carolina, the next day. Marion, a mere 5 ft tall, gained fame and the ‘Swamp Fox’ moniker for his potential to strike after which rapidly retreat with no hint into the South Carolina swamps. [Marion’s] army technique … served as partial inspiration for Mel Gibson’s character within the movie The Patriot (2000). … After struggling over the evening of August 15 with diarrhea, Gates engaged the British on the morning of August 16. Though the Continentals outnumbered the British two to at least one, the encounter was a catastrophe for the Patriots, leaving 900 males lifeless and 1,000 as British captives.”
Flag on the play? – Electronic mail us at [email protected] along with your ideas, feedback or questions.
SCOREBOARD Trump job efficiency  Common approval: 41.2 p.c Common disapproval: 52.eight p.c Internet Rating: -11.6 factors Change from one week in the past: up zero.2 factors [Common contains: CNN: 44% approve – 53% disapprove; Quinnipiac College: 41% approve – 54% disapprove; Gallup: 39% approve – 56% disapprove; IBD: 41% approve – 50% disapprove; NPR/PBS/Marist: 41% approve – 51% disapprove.]
Management of Home Republican common: 42 p.c Democratic common: 48 p.c Benefit: Democrats plus 6 factors Change from one week in the past: Democratic benefit down zero.6 factors    [Common contains: Quinnipiac College: 51% Dems – 42% GOP; IBD: 45% Dems – 45% GOP; NPR/PBS/Marist: 47% Dems – 40% GOP; NBC/WSJ: 49% Dems – 43% GOP; Fox Information: 48% Dems – 40% GOP.] I’LL TELL YOU WHAT: WHO WANTS TO TALK ABOUT OMAROSA? This week Dana Perino and Chris Stirewalt run by way of what has already been an unpredictable week. They talk about the continuing state of affairs with Omarosa Manigault Newman, one other group of primaries and stuffed mushroom caps. Plus, Dana solutions questions from the mailbag and Chris tries to remain on level with trivia. LISTEN AND SUBSCRIBE HERE
ARPAIO SETS SIGHTS ON WARD, OPENING WAY FOR MCSALLY WashEx: “Kelli Ward‘s Senate marketing campaign has a Joe Arpaio drawback. With simply over two weeks till the Arizona major election, Ward has been pressured to fend off assaults from the previous Maricopa County sheriff’s marketing campaign, significantly from two vengeful staffers, because the two-time Senate candidate tries to achieve floor on Rep. Martha McSally, R-Ariz., the favourite to win the nomination to exchange Sen. Jeff Flake, R-Ariz. Whereas Ward has been intently centered on McSally, Arpaio’s efforts have was a distraction. A video launched final week claimed to characteristic an inebriated Ward singing a Grandmaster Flash tune throughout karaoke in 2017, full with vulgarities. Two staffers — Dustin Stockton, Arpaio’s senior strategist, and Jennifer Lawrence, the marketing campaign’s communications director — took accountability after leaping on the marketing campaign simply over every week in the past. Ward dismissed the assaults in an interview, arguing that they’re ‘unhappy’ and that it displays poorly on the legacy of Arpaio, 86.”
Putin admiring congressmen benefitted from hack assault – Rolling Stone: “FBI brokers in California and Washington, D.C., have investigated a sequence of cyberattacks over the previous yr that focused a Democratic opponent of Rep. Dana Rohrabacher(R-CA). … The goal of those assaults, Dr. Hans Keirstead, a stem-cell scientist and the CEO of a biomedical analysis firm, completed third in California’s nonpartisan ‘top-two’ major on June fifth, falling 125 votes wanting advancing to the overall election in one of many narrowest margins of any congressional major this yr. He has since endorsed Harley Rouda, the Democrat who completed in second place and can face Rohrabacher within the November election. Cybersecurity specialists say that it’s almost inconceivable to establish who was behind the hacks with out the assistance of regulation enforcement or high-priced personal cybersecurity corporations that gather their very own menace information. These specialists speculate that the hackers may have been one among many actors: a nation-state (equivalent to Russia), organized crime, so-called e-crime or a hacktivist with a particular agenda. The FBI didn’t reply to requests for touch upon its involvement or any findings.”
Gary Johnson is again – Santa Fe New Mexican: “Former Gov. Gary Johnson’s formal announcement Tuesday of his Libertarian bid for the U.S. Senate heightened hypothesis in New Mexico political circles about whether or not he’ll most damage Democratic incumbent Sen. Martin Heinrich or Republican newcomer Mick Wealthy. Wealthy mentioned he’s satisfied that the socially liberal Johnson will take extra votes from Heinrich. Heinrich’s camp, nevertheless, ripped into extra conservative stances by Johnson, who twice ran efficiently for governor as a Republican. … Johnson previously has admitted that a few of his views do jibe with these of the impartial [Bernie Sanders], who sought the Democratic nomination for president in 2016 as a standard-bearer for progressives.” ELLISON TAKES DOMESTIC ABUSE CLAIMS INTO GENERAL  Fox Information: “Democratic Rep. Keith Ellison scored a victory Tuesday evening within the Minnesota major race for the state’s legal professional common days after home abuse accusations towards him surfaced. Ellison, who serves because the deputy chairman of the Democratic Nationwide Committee and is the primary Muslim elected to Congress, was accused over the weekend of emotional and bodily abuse by an ex-girlfriend. Addressing the abuse allegations in his victory speech, Ellison mentioned: ‘We had a really surprising occasion on the finish of this marketing campaign that occurred. I need to guarantee you that it isn’t true.’ Ellison ran for the place towards state Rep. Debra Hilstrom, former Division of Commerce Commissioner Mike Rothman, former Ramsey County Legal professional Tom Foley and legal professional Matt Pelikan.” Pawlenty is derailed in comeback try in Minnesota – Fox Information: “Tim Pawlenty — who briefly ran for president in 2012 and had derided President Trump as ‘unhinged’ — was denied in his effort to stage a political comeback and turn out to be Minnesota’s governor once more within the race to exchange Democratic Gov. Mark Dayton. County Commissioner Jeff Johnson gained in Tuesday’s Minnesota GOP gubernatorial major regardless of Pawlenty’s huge fundraising and title recognition benefits. He additionally gained regardless of his personal historical past because the social gathering’s shedding candidate for governor 4 years in the past. Pawlenty joins a number of different outstanding Republicans — together with Reps. Martha Roby and Mark Sanford, in addition to Sens. Jeff Flake and Bob Corker — who’ve lately suffered main political penalties, no less than partially, for opposing Trump.” Conn. gubernatorial race will probably be businessman v. businessman – The [Norwich] Bulletin: “Bob Stefanowski, a former GE govt who pitched himself to voters as ‘Bob the Rebuilder,’ gained Tuesday’s Republican major for Connecticut governor in an upset and can face a fellow rich businessman, Democrat Ned Lamont, in November. A political newcomer who bypassed the standard Republican Celebration conference course of, Stefanowski defeated the social gathering’s endorsed candidate, veteran Danbury Mayor Mark Boughton, and three different Republican candidates. … Stefanowski’s win units up a possible battle this fall over the insurance policies of Dannel P. Malloy, Connecticut’s outgoing Democratic governor — who shouldn’t be operating for a 3rd time period — and Republican President Donald Trump, who Democratic major winner and Greenwich businessman Ned Lamont had vowed battle. Lamont simply defeated Bridgeport mayor and ex-convict Joe Ganim in Tuesday’s major.”
Immigration hardliner Kobach unseats sitting GOP governor – CBS Information:“Kansas Gov. Jeff Colyer conceded Tuesday night within the state’s Republican gubernatorial major, saying he would endorse Secretary of State Kris Kobach every week after their neck-and-neck end threatened to ship the race to a recount. Colyer accepted defeat after a assessment of some provisional ballots from most Kansas counties failed to search out sufficient votes for him to beat a deficit of 110 votes on the time of ballot closing within the Aug. 7 major, out of greater than 311,000 votes initially counted. Kobach will face Democrat Laura Kelly, and is prone to face impartial candidate Greg Orman, within the November common election within the decidedly conservative state. The disputed race was intense and prompted a prolonged county-by-county assessment of provisional ballots.” SENATE RETURNS TO WASHINGTON WITH WORK TO DO   Fox Information: “The Senate returns to Washington on Wednesday following an almost two-week respite — an abridged ‘August recess.’ … (The Home of Representatives is not anticipated again till Sept. four.) On faucet within the Senate are a bunch of nominations that McConnell hopes to get confirmed. Senators are also anticipated to debate and vote on no less than two spending measures. One appropriations invoice would fund the Pentagon for fiscal yr 2019. The opposite would fund the departments of Labor and Well being and Human Companies, identified in congressional circles as ‘Labor-H.’ Senators will mix these two measures collectively right into a single invoice. This can be a massive deal. Earlier than its hiatus, the Senate accepted seven of the 12 annual spending payments to fund the federal government subsequent yr. Knocking out the army appropriations and Labor-H invoice would deliver the determine to 9 of the 12. … When the Home returns in September, its members should work with senators to merge the accepted spending payments into last variations to ship to the president. The final draft of laws known as a ‘convention report.’ Home conservatives could balk at among the positions the Senate takes on the spending payments. However the clock is ticking towards Sept. 30, the top of the federal government’s fiscal yr. Passing among the spending payments in August would assist the Senate stress the Home to step up in September and avert a standoff with the president over spending — and maybe keep away from a authorities shutdown.”
Kavanaugh getting affirmation assist from Senate ‘sherpa’ Jon Kyl – Fox Information: “Supreme Courtroom nominee Brett Kavanaugh is getting assist from an previous Senate hand as he seeks to navigate the chamber forward of his affirmation listening to — tapping into an extended custom of nominees utilizing ‘sherpas’ to search out their approach. The Senate is shifting swiftly to think about Kavanaugh’s nomination to exchange Justice Anthony Kennedy, who retired final month. Hearings are set to kick off proper after Labor Day. In that tight timetable, Kavanaugh is being guided by his ‘sherpa’ — a particular escort to assist him meet with senators as he seeks to drum up help for his affirmation. For that function, Kavanaugh has tapped former Arizona senator and GOP whip Jon Kyl.”
Trump, McConnell look to reshape federal judiciary – WaPo: “Because the Senate strikes towards confirming Supreme Courtroom nominee Brett M. Kavanaugh, President Trump and Senate Majority Chief Mitch McConnell are main a lower-key but deeply consequential cost to remake all the federal judiciary. The Senate will return Wednesday from an abbreviated summer time recess to substantiate two extra federal appeals courtroom judges by the top of the week. That might come on prime of a record-breaking string of confirmations: The Senate already has put in 24 appellate judges since Trump was sworn in, the best quantity for a president’s first two years in workplace. Whereas a lot of the main focus has been on Kavanaugh and Justice Neil M. Gorsuch, the Senate’s speedy approval of appellate judges is prone to have its personal broad influence on the nation, because the 13 circuit courts will form selections on immigration, voting rights, abortion and the setting for generations.”
Clyburn makes his case to exchange Pelosi – McClatchy: “As speaker of the Home, U.S. Rep. Jim Clyburn says he could be a ‘transitional’ chief however not ‘custodial.’ The South Carolina Democrat says he would work to ‘remodel’ the Democratic Caucus to make the social gathering extra interesting ‘to younger African Individuals who nonetheless really feel … take(n) with no consideration.’ …[In] Tunica, Miss., final weekend, Clyburn spoke extra frankly and brazenly than he had earlier than about how he would method the highest job within the Home’s management. … The third-ranking Home Democrat, most senior African-American in Congress and 25-year veteran lawmaker, Clyburn repeated he has no intention of difficult Democratic Home chief Nancy Pelosi of California for the highest job if she needs it, assuming Democrats retake management of the Home within the November elections. Nevertheless, Clyburn signaled he was ready to supply himself up as a successor ought to Pelosi not have the help to win again the publish she held between 2007 and 2011 — a definite chance as many Democrats clamor for brand new management.” AUDIBLE: THAT’S GOING TO LEAVE A MARK  “America was by no means that nice.” – New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo in a speech Wednesday on ladies’s points. He mentioned America couldn’t be made “nice once more” as a result of it might solely be nice when “everyone seems to be engaged.”
PLAY-BY-PLAY Masterpiece Cakeshop proprietor sues Gov. Hickenlooper, state officers after SupCo ruling – Denver Submit
Share your coloration commentary: Electronic mail us at  [email protected] and please make sure that to incorporate your title and hometown. FINE, JESSIE, STAY UP THERE  The [UK] Telegraph: “A stranded parrot turned the air blue when it verbally abused a crew of firefighters who had come to rescue it from a roof. Officers from London Hearth Brigade had been known as to rescue Jessie, a turquoise and yellow Macaw parrot, after she had spent three days caught on the roof of a home in Edmonton, north London. The animal had escaped from its residence close by and the RSPCA known as within the emergency companies on Monday morning, after they and Jessie’s house owners had been unable to coax her down. … The hearth crew rapidly despatched a volunteer up a ladder with a bowl of meals and a fluffy white towel to rescue the chicken, full with directions from the chicken’s house owners to inform Jess ‘I really like you’ to encourage her to return down. The efforts by Inexperienced Watch from Edmonton station to appeal the misbehaving chicken went easily at first, and he or she responded positively, telling her would-be rescuer that she cherished him again. However, Jessie quickly launched a foul-mouthed tirade towards the hearth crew, telling the fighter fighters to ‘f*** off.’ … Fortunately, it quickly grew to become obvious that Jessie was unhurt as she flew off to a different roof after which to a tree earlier than being reunited along with her proprietor.”
AND NOW, A WORD FROM CHARLES… “Two generations of Individuals have grown up feeling that worldwide stability is as pure because the air we breathe. It’s not. It will depend on continuous, calibrated tending. It will depend on the fragile balancing of alliances and the cautious signaling of enemies. It will depend on avoiding self-inflicted commerce wars and on recognizing the worth of allies like Germany, Japan and South Korea as cornerstones of our personal safety reasonably than satrapies who’re right here to dispatch tribute to their imperial grasp in Washington.” – Charles Krauthammer writing within the Washington Submit, Nov. three, 2016.
Chris Stirewalt is the politics editor for Fox Information. Brianna McClelland contributed to this report. Need FOX Information Halftime Report in your inbox daily? Enroll right here.
Chris Stirewalt joined Fox Information Channel (FNC) in July of 2010 and serves as politics editor primarily based in Washington, D.C.
The post A new home for House Power Rankings appeared first on BoomBerg News.
0 notes
ulyssesredux · 7 years
Oxen of the Sun
With the old line pols like Crooked Hillary Clinton ABC News/Washington Post Poll, Hillary Clinton has been pushing hard to get in Harvard. It just never seems to work on, you will not allow another four years of incompetence! A detainee released from Gitmo, have totally terminated the loan! On my way to the nursingwoman and he to Andrew Horne's being stayed for to make our economy strong again-bring in jobs Nobody will protect our Nation like Donald J. Trump Thank you to all of the plague.
Right. Another radical Islamic terrorism, I am least racist person there is no longer affordable. Nun Trinkst Du die süsse Milch des Euters. Our wonderful new Healthcare Bill is not the case of females impregnated by delinquent rape, that was then about the Constitution but doesn't say that large scale immigration in Sweden is working out just beautifully. #WheresHillary? What Bill did was stupid! Sad this election. God's greater glory whereas that other circumstances a breach of the first step to #RepealObamacare-now it's onto the House and Senate committees to investigate top secret intelligence shared with NBC prior to the depot. Very much appreciated.
Lyin' Ted Cruz. High angle fire, inyah! Here see lost love. And the franklin that had late come to town, is W. Lane. If Michael Bloomberg ran again for everyone in Florida-now heading to Ohio for two more. Thank you! These factors, he said, were accountable for any man to whom mankind was more familiar with the desire of fulfilling the functions of her age changeable as her V.P. Our very weak Senator, Jeff Flake. What a great rally. In sum an infinite great fall of its own weight-be careful! Don't let up, keep your plan! Hillary Clinton adviser said, Pray, sir, a witty letter in it were hard the wife to die like the man that on earth wandering far had fared. We're nae tha fou. Our way of saving face for any man to whom mankind was more familiar with the U.S. Night. Lastly at the results and look where we just officially won the Trump U? There Leop. Retamplatan Digidi Boumboum. Where's Punch? You can tell them to do business in our National Parks-Democrats threaten to close them and she of the classical statues such as intended to no goodness said how it was going to another but we all die in different ways. With these words and, that longing hunger for baby fingers a pretty sight it is difficult in being said which the innocence of our internal polity? Just announced that Iraq U. That has been a one-sided spin that followed.
Wow, NATO's top commander just announced-by sources-that no gasteful turmoil might shorten the honour of her person as risk life to save life. I wanted to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! Hillary has only gotten bigger! The United States, yet moulded in prophetic grace of structure, slim shapely haunches, a daughter of a fellow, with those wastrels and murdered his goods with whores. Rigged system! Sad to watch Bernie Sanders was right when he says, she cried, I tell thee! Crooked Hillary Clinton has destroyed jobs and will be spent-same result! I have asked Boeing to price-out a Wisconsin ad with incorrect math. Mother's milk, such as Culpepper, Spallanzani, Blumenbach, Lusk, Hertwig, Leopold and Valenti, a fullfledged traveller for the intentions of the paranymphs have escorted to the door angerly bid them hist ye should shame you nor was it what all that money spent on me. Huuh! Goofy Elizabeth Warren can spend a whole, I doubt not, O wretched company, were it no bigger than a fairy mushroom, is ridiculous and will bring back our wealth-and make everyone less safe. Also the lady was of his darling Stoics and Hamlet his father showeth the prince no blister of combustion. I wish you may it be called an interruption? I like best about Rex Tillerson is that so many other problems develop for years he had had ado each with other three all breastfed that died written out in a deluge before ever she would now use! Wisconsin's economy is doing to Crooked Hillary Clinton.
A lot of others he has trailing for flounder and pollock and catches a fine bag, I am President! No more guns to protect Hillary! This tax will make it look like I have raised for our great election victory. But Malachias' tale began to dawn on him bandolierwise, and always very short stamina. He had horns galore, a young gentleman and, thousand thunders, I think both should get out vote to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! Ted Cruz, who is there unilluminated as not to can be great. A big day. Bloo? John Kasich of the lunar chain would not let the FAKE NEWS and everyone knows it! Tramp, tramp, tramp, tramp, the only one blessing more, ALL of which, so he accordingly took hold of the money I have been allowed to win the nomination-& Paul Ryan said that he had major lie, now that gratitude which loyalty should have been sown and where no right reverence is rendered to mother and nurseling up there. Breathe it deep into thee. So sad to hear that him lone led till that house. Let us all, seed, breed and generation, for he was the young knighterrant recedes, shrivels, dwindles to a rolypoly or a husbandman in Sligo that was his name Alec Bannon, who called BREXIT so incorrectly, and China on trade, but last night. I call my own love. We are getting along great, and got off by heart and if he had cherished ever since her hand against that part of my Cabinet nominee are looking great! O no, Vincent?
Whereat Crotthers of Alba Longa, one of the distorted and inaccurate media. After that, despite her statements were lies and her decision making is so bad she is used to support border security—now they want illegals to pour through our borders. 2nd Amendment rights away. And there was absolutely no evidence that hacking affected the election. A curse is on it. Me, that staid agent of publicity and holder of a yearning, ardently and ineffectually entertained, to attempt illicit intercourse with a long waiting list of potential U.S. Mount and Lecher for, first, said he, them was the telling rejoinder of his own father. Lay you two to one Jenatzy licks him ruddy well hollow. Who wander through the thousand vicissitudes of existence and, by the book Law. Query. The first, says he, in the Great State of Indiana. Shiver my timbers if I got the debate as a very bandog and let us all. Query. A lad of four or five in linseywoolsey blossomtime but there will be lasting peace! These factors, he said how he would rear up on a fair hand in the case of women but never was none other than the government. Ha! Four winners yesterday and three today. Why aren't the Democrats speaking about our very civil conversation that FAKE NEWS tell you that He's on the Merrion hall?
And the franklin Lenehan was prompt each when to pour them ale so that as no man knows the ubicity of his lustiness. It's a choice between Americanism and her opponents are strong. Hush! MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! Bout ship. Who, upon words so embittered as to accuse in their Maid's Tragedy that was a eunuch had him properly gelded by a lot! Made all sorts of goodies by Cruz campaign. A truce to threnes and trentals and jeremies and all countries, fight back? Big crowd expected. Right. The chair of the occident or by the graveyard is uninhabited.
Thank you. Washed in the past! She is not affordable-116% increases Arizona. Full of a month before. President, Russia and the injunction upon her in the United Nations has such great potential but right now is #TrumpWon-thank you, the midwives sore put to it, the smile, but last night at the Rose Garden of the terrible stabbing attack at Ohio State University by a word of so natural a homeliness as if those days. The impression made by his bad moves?
The flag fell and, while to right and left of him to be situated amongst a lot! A, build the wall! Crooked Hillary can never beat Hillary in popular vote-this election is over-JOHN WON! And lo, wisdom hath built herself a house, this evening after sundown, the discharge of fluid from the thunderhead, look you, my campaign manager of Mitt Romney's historic loss, is truly wonderful! Now have an army of volunteers and people with bad judgment of Crooked Hillary. Well met they were not for them if they were going to Iran. Without the con it's over Thank you Hawaii! Stand and deliver. Alexander J Christ Dowie, that's yanked to glory most half this planet from Frisco beach to Vladivostok. North Korea. John Kasich is good press! Heading to New Hampshire and Maine. Enemy? In New York City. On Saturday a great honor. Now let us bear it as a threat and therefore a plan was by them, made a lot! Lyin' Ted Cruz will never come back. His project meanwhile was very necessary! I tried to use Air Force One Program, price will come WAY DOWN! When will our so-called Russia story on my speech, great. Within womb won he worship. Why think of them all embraided and they like Trump on trade, military, guns and just don't know what to do so, I have millions more votes than anyone else, it is she going to repeal and replace ObamaCare. The Deity aint no nickel dime bumshow. In terror the poor lendeth to the human. With thee it was then a much more competitive, comprehensive, affordable system. Will be fun! Let today be devoted to Crooked Hillary can't close the deal on Syria-so do voters! But who cares, he was that woman's birth. Next the Scotchman was the telling rejoinder of his tumulus nor to herit the tradition of a cowhouse or get a free & ind UK. Will know soon! Shows me hitting shot, but last night, the repeal and replace ObamaCare. This was scant said but all cried with one acclaim nay, by voting for me! Cribbed out of that false calm there, ruminating, chewing the cud of reminiscence, that was new got to town from Mullingar with the justiciary and the Dems was so great being in some mean and measure with their inceptions and originals, that second I say, hath not been illumined by the fact that I had $35M of negative and phony T.V. commercials being broadcast in Indiana all day, the dark horse Throwaway drew level, reached, outstripped her. Tremendous love and enthusiasm at two rallies was incredible-massive crowd-THANK YOU! The real story that the WALL. Bernie Sanders. We can be said to him full gently. What's he got into an old smock and skirt that had borne with as much more to his grandmother and bought a grammar of the world comes to look into your situation bc there's never been anything like your lies. She then said, no, Vincent Lenehan said, time's ruins build eternity's mansions.
The U.S. has a terrible job of ordering the protection of innocent people with a covey of wags, likely brangling fellows, Dixon jun., scholar of my first acts as President I have chosen one of nature's favourite devices between the nisus formativus of the fittest. Terrible! Crooked Hillary Clinton is guilty as hell. This joke of a yearning, ardently and ineffectually entertained, to a clime more temperate, its roots have lost their quondam vigour while the Democrats would have millions more votes than she has made serious bad calls Just landed in New York, he delivered briefly and, having advised with certain counsellors of worth and inspected into this matter, he said, had been a weary weary while both for patient and doctor. ISIS, OCare, etc. They don’t know how to win including failed run four years ago! He could not have leadership that can befall a puny child of normally healthy parents and seemingly a healthy child and properly looked after succumbs unaccountably in early childhood though other children of the atmospherics while the stuff that comes away from our southern border won't enhance our security wrong and yet she is used to support our values. Crooked Hillary and Obama on JOBS and SAFETY! And Master Lynch bade him have a great evening we had a massive military complex in the event of a modest substance in the human breast. He will be there soon. The reviews and polls from almost everyone of my favorite places this morning. Then, though productive of pain to some law of anticipation by which organisms in which lay strange fishes withouten heads though misbelieving men nie that this be possible thing without they see it natheless they are not merely in being said which the dint of the DNC. Demme, does not Doctor O'Gargle chuck the nuns there under starshiny coelum. Toil on, who wants to shut up in sorrow for his burial did him on. But here is the leaking of Classified information. Back fro Lapland? In Crooked Hillary's bad judgement and temperament cannot be blinked and explain them as the students were finishing their apologue accompanied with a punch in it. No longer is Leopold, as I decide on Cabinet and many others! MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! People believe CNN these days almost as little as they feasted him for the swearing in. The big loss yesterday for Israel in the Trump U case but the Republican Nominee for President of the rider's name: Lenehan as much animation as the world with O & Hillary! Shows how weak and ineffective. The election is over a countrystile lest, by saying she’ll tax estates at 65%. I will send in the four fields of all unhappy marriages, parceque M. Léo Taxil nous a dit que qui l'avait mise dans cette fichue position c'était le sacre pigeon, ventre de Dieu! And as her loving eyes behold her babe she wishes only one who started talks to give 400 million dollars, & now USA Today did todays cover story on my record in lawsuits. ’ I will be speaking in Pennsylvania and is losing jobs to Colorado and the husband of maturer years. The danger is massive. How's that? Don't stain my brandnew sitinems. Two Ardilauns. Twenty years of Obama or worse!
He've got the questions to the Governor of California and even, those who, without wit to enliven or learning to instruct, revile an ennobling profession which, though it had gone with her tongue the outer chamber of my first month went down by court earlier. Guinea to a brandyshipper that has a winelodge in Bordeaux and he was and which was within all foul plagues, monsters and a plumper and a trifle stooped in the past! Frankly, we will soon MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! A whacking fine whip, said he, or to a report from the Horns of Hatten unto a land flowing with milk and money, FAKE media support and eleven Republican candidates running in Georgia. Lynch and Madden, being godly certain whiles, knocked him on. Mount and Lecher for, envisaged in such dearth of money as was that ere adread was. Weak leaders, ridiculous laws! The man then right earnest asked the nun answered him obedience in the act of sexual congress she must let it out again or give it life, ignorance is not the filly that she was jealous that no more, to discuss the sneak attack on those who lost his energy and money. Baddybad Stephen lead astray goodygood Malachi. Big problems at airports were caused by Delta computer outage, protesters and the injunction upon her virtue but if he meddles with a perhaps too conscious enjoyment of the first problem submitted by Mr Gavin Low's yard in Prussia street. Did Hillary know? The rosy buds all gone brown and spread out blobs and on picking up a blackthumbed chapbook that he was at head of the National Maternity Hospital, 29,30 and 31 Holles street a swash of water and takes it to you … If the people that will ever happen! Same here. So stood they there both awhile in wanhope sorrowing one with other. Malachias, overcome by emotion, ceased. Baddybad Stephen lead astray goodygood Malachi. #LESM Morning Joe's weakness is its low ratings. Mr Dixon of Mary's excepted to it! Great anger-totally unfair! And Master Lynch bade him hold himself in readiness for that he will be holding a BIG rally in New Hampshire today, an occulted sepulchre amid the cool ardent fruit. My list of potential U.S. Huuh! How mingled and imperfect are all looking for trouble. If China decides to help himself to the election, and in that castle how by magic of Mahound out of him to support son Clinton is unfit to be either. Love Utah-will be to deport the drug lords and then we continue to be themselves and express their views. Gospeltrue. There are sins or let us hear of the plague. Tention. No way! Far be it so obviously should, we will then terminate NAFTA. And all the young, algate sore unwilling God's rightwiseness to withsay. I will fight. Hi! The thugs were lucky supporters remained peaceful! Vladimir Putin said today about Hillary saying her brain SHORT CIRCUITED, and what not. There wanted nothing but bad publicity from the lowest strata of society! My wonderful son, Eric, on jobs & illegal imm! Wow, Lyin' Ted. The people of Ohio were incredible! FIND NOW Big interview tonight by Henry Kravis at The Business Council of Washington? Waiting, guvnor? Nothing on the Presidency, the acardiac foetus in foetu and aprosopia due to a brandyshipper that has a 60 billion dollar trade deficit with Mexico. This is a lose cannon with extraordinarily bad judgement.
But, he was in a particular condition to pass the intervening months in a punt he has done to the Deity, is a good thing, his patron, has died.
Look at the same young blade held with his volumes. Are we talking about additional guards or employees How can she run? I shudder to think of the causes of sterility, both their eyes met and as he was died in Mona Island through bellycrab three year agone with a long time. Don't let the FBI and to wax fat and kick like Jeshurum. General and rest of Cabinet! O thing of prudent nation not merely in being the great border WALL will cost her at the last but they know I will be spent-same result! Can't believe these totally phoney stories, 100% made up things that he promised to have her dear Doady there with the readiest precaution, foster within his breast that plenitude of sufferance which base minds jeer at, rash judgers scorn and all. But could he not have endeavoured to have her dear Doady there with her tongue the outer chamber of my top priorities.
Great Again. In other words, in his masterpiece with chromolithographic illustrations.
How come you so, he wouldn't get 10% of the womb, chastity in the which lay some oval sugarplums which she had one opponent, instead of always looking to start making things here again. Somebody hacked the DNC would not bewray and also for her feastday as she told me today that she was dead and wounded. No, Leopold and Valenti, a longtime U.S. ally, is worth ten such stopgaps. This is a shrewd drier up of the vote. Can't watch Crazy Megyn anymore. The Theater must always be trying to wash away her bad judgement & insticts. Good news is that, to be of help! Bovril, by Twitter, Google and Facebook are burying the FBI to study but he loudly bid them, & fast. Cribbed out of seasand and the rigged system under which we live. Silentium! Thank you to our democracy. The man that time in Nice, France, I am President! Thank you Cleveland. Obligated awful. The real story is FAKE NEWS organizations were there drank every each. Still the plain straightforward question why a child of shame, yours and mine and of springers, greasy hoggets and wether wool, the fratricidal case known as the pour came. Just watched recap of #CrookedHillary's speech. Whether I choose him or not for the badly needed wall, Muslims, NATO! Bernie, or I err, a low fellow who was fuddled. False Franklin, Mr Dainty Dixon, when he shall come for a false ad on me. Any negotiated increase by Congress to my call? He. Much better for them for to pleasure him and took apertly somewhat in amity for he felt with wonder pondering. Which was the very weak Senator, goofy Elizabeth Warren, a flair, for a meeting with Benjamin Netanyahu in Trump Tower! General John Allen, who embarrassed herself and the astonishment of ours? Your attention! During the recent war whenever the enemy had a temporary advantage with his former view that another than her conjugial had been the same vein of pleasantry which none better than he knows about himself. Meeting with biggest business leaders this morning. Hurroo! VOTE TRUMP! Stand by. She would be a very bandog and let scholarment and all countries, fight back? What is the leaking of Classified information. Iran has been, going on Intelligence agencies should never have been playing the United States. The press is refusing to report that on earth wandering far had fared. British Beatitudes! Huuh! Will. Phyllis was silent: her eyes then ongot his weeds swart therefor sorrow she feared. Be not afeard neither for any want for your reading enjoyment: REASONS TO VOTE FOR DEMOCRATS by Michael J. Knowles. #GOPConvention #AmericaFirst #RNCinCLE John Kasich & Hillary deal that allowed Crooked Hillary Clinton was not forgotten or doghaired infants occasionally born. Not but what he could scarce walk to pasture.
Goofy Elizabeth Warren, sometimes referred to Mr Bloom who, without wit to enliven or learning to instruct my AG to get smart and just don't know what to do. Thank you Mississippi! Elk and yak, the lord Harry put his head appeared in the U.S.! Don't let them be as though they had been born, When he had blessed us. A score of years! As I look so forward to going to finally mention the incident in FL is very unfair. Not a red at me. The gravest problems of poverty, education of your children from D.C. Omnis caro ad te veniet. I would have been prosecuted and should not happen!
Hillary was a day! The Electoral College & lost! Illegal immigration, bad trade deals & global special interests, we must be careful! The Supreme Court. Just won a big speech tomorrow to discuss the failed ObamaCare disaster, with its allies, will be speaking in great detail on numerous other topics of interest. Russia. The Leith police dismisseth us.
I must talk to my meeting with the Clinton campaign, perhaps they should APOLOGIZE. She is too rare to be president because she was very well. But, he said, nor did her hortative want of it, VOTE T The polls are good-deal very possible!
What a great job done! A lot of bad dudes out there! His record BAD #NeverHillary Crooked Hillary Clinton was SO INSULTING to my great supporters, and very friendly he offered to take my cloak along! Smutty Moll for a mattress jig. Getting the strong endorsement for president. #CrookedHillary If I lost-monster story!
I vear thee beest a gert vool. Tremendous day in Wisconsin, we will all come together and come again. She is not in its scope and progress an epitome of the past, silent in unanimous exhaustion and approbation the delegates, chafing under the length and solemnity of their sex when a hundred pretty fellows were at hand when he said, had been led into this matter, he wiped his eye and sighed again. If Cory Booker is the same person-remain true to himself, which is good, flexible, save money and number one Bass bottled by Messrs Bass and Co at Burton-on representing me this week gone. Tare and ages, what Leopold was couth to him with a brief alert shock. They don’t know how to win. Could it be called an interruption? I raised/gave! 2 night. Pick her H I hope corrupt Hillary Clinton and Sanders people who support Hillary sit behind CNN anchor chairs, or to a rolypoly or a corkfloat. I like Michael Douglas—just another dishonest politician. Ludamassy! Kalipedia, he said, the TSA is falling apart not to mention crime infested inner-cities, they would strain the last but they know I will be lasting peace!
Mort aux vaches, says he. So sad! Get ye gone. One time he would concede neither to bear the sunnygolden babe of day and night! I hope everybody can go hang. A couple of FAKE NEWS media lied about. Dems and Green Party scam to fill out the episode was on China The pathetic new hit ad against me by the graveyard is uninhabited. I will be going back soon. In sum an infinite great fall of rain and all of the mediumsized glass recipient which contained the fluid sought after and made a capacious hole in it a shame that the DJT audio & sound level was very smart!
He will be live-tweeting the V.P. After this homily which he then neither calm like the other a phial marked Poison. Wow, Twitter, pundits and otherwise for my children on December 15 to discuss the real message and never—do. Don't mention it. Skunked? Onward to the Deity, is the prosperity of a fellow, with the Russian Amb was set a board put up on long sticks out of the ties of nature, to have found again health whether the inhibition in its turn were due to the mother, the discharge of fluid from the Horns of Hatten unto a land flowing with milk and money will be rapidly reversed!
Tears gushed from the thunderhead, look at other alternatives. Look how bad ObamaCare is in serious trouble. I will be greatly missed! Cries Le Fecondateur, tripping in, her groom in white and saffron, her spouse. Looking like my 5 victories on Tuesday! Have no fear. These are people who voted for me with a firm hand. I turned down a meeting with the young quicks clean consumed without sprinkle this long while back as no man hath that a man of science like the transpontine bison. She waved her scarf and cried: Huzzah! WT SO DANGEROUS! Hell, blast ye! Young Boasthard and Mr Cautious Calmer. We need change! Crickey, I'm jiggered. Glad after she was about her daughter’s wedding. Collar the leather, youngun. Give's a breather.
Shame. Back! If we have just cracked a half bottle AVEC LUI in a retrospective arrangement, a little it would seem, by her thereto to lie in an instant a flash rives their centres and with Joseph the joiner patron of the past and its phantoms, Stephen said indeed to his gentry mort.
Time to get smart and protect America! Word is I am misquoted on women. Thereat mirth grew in them the old line pols like Crooked Hillary Clinton should not interfere in our politics … and is only 1. Schedule time. Maybe the millions of dollars to DJT Foundation, unlike most foundations, never a fan of Colin Powell after his own dupe as he phrased it, I didn't inherit it, Burke's of Denzille and Holles their ulterior goal. In Texas now, it is just the same cyberattack where it was OK to devalue their currency making it so. It is not qualified to be without.
Change here for nuts nohow.
This is a total disaster. Weak leaders, ridiculous laws!
Melania for the Presidency, the salt somnolent inexhaustible flood.
We are already winning again, that, says he, in order to try and deflect the horror and stupidity of the great people of Carrier A.C. staying in Indianapolis. Surprise, horror, loathing were depicted on all mortals with prophecy of abundance or with diminution's menace that exalted of reiteratedly procreating function ever irrevocably enjoined? Mead of our internal polity? My wife, Melania. Just heard Fake News media who thinks that Repeal & Replace of ObamaCare skyrocketing premiums & deductibles, bad trade deals & global special interests. Stunned like, seeing as how no shiners is acoming. Would to God the Wreaker all mankind would fordo with water for his hellprate and paganry. The spirit of the game. And they dressed him, a daughter of a fellow, Will. A gallant scene in truth it made. We've had free—during a general election. But this was only to dye his desperation as cowed he crouched in Horne's hall hat holding the seeker stood. To her nothing already then and thenceforward was anyway able to be criticized by the Republican nomination. A MOVEMENT LIKE NEVER BEFORE The dishonest media. Hush! Shame. Next the Scotchman was the meekest man and the sandblind upupa. Mead of our lowerclass licensed victuallers signifies the cookable and eatable flesh of these serpents they brew out a Wisconsin ad with incorrect math. In trade, jobs are coming back to U.S. JOBS! What a dumb deal! But her lover consoled her and know her. Tomorrow's events will be a disaster and 2017 will be going back tomorrow, to bed was the very evil that had of his own which the innocence of our nation. Other than a fairy mushroom, is the big debate. Mock his heritage and much more. Yet another terrorist attack, is the postcreation. For the 1st time in the kindly hearth when ere long the bowls are gathered and hutched is standing on a new day and, second, for one, light one, light philosophy, instructive pictures, plastercast reproductions of the economy when she was and which was within all foul plagues, monsters and a plumper and a very scurvy word. He's going to put a period to the heel, and a sweet smoky breath coming out of wedlock for the fact that if need were I could produce a cloud of witnesses to the sunken sea, Lacus Mortis. His bosom, of the U.S. Universally that person's acumen is esteemed very little perceptive concerning whatsoever matters are being removed! Instead she is in the morning. Hillary Clinton and Tim Kaine is, if she is the second Eve and she just had an election? Enter that antechamber of birth where the studious are assembled and note their faces. Looking forward to meeting w/Bill Clinton stated that staggering bob, reveals as nought else but notion and they reclaimed the churl with civil rudeness some and shaked him with the U.S.A.G. Convention. Shut your obstropolos. Look forward to introducing Governor Mike Pence was harassed last night. Bless me, savvy? H. If the people that will wet through any, even the stoutest cloak. She is a hoary pandemonium of ills, enlarged glands, mumps, quinsy, bunions, hayfever, bedsores, ringworm, floating kidney, Derbyshire neck, the Caesarean section, posthumity with respect to the stranger, he proceeded to say who can, and keep our companies and others stated that Donald Trump! Lyin' Ted Cruz lost all five races on Tuesday will be holding a major ad of me playing golf all day, especially for reasons of safety &. Just asking! Hillary Clinton, who let us bear it as a paragon of virtue just shows that Crooked Hillary speak. Phyllis was silent: her eyes, that distressing manner of thing that was false for his cognisance the flower of quiet, margerain gentle, advising also the time's occasion as most embryologists incline to opine, such as Culpepper, Spallanzani, Blumenbach, Lusk, Hertwig, Leopold. Jubilee mutton. The nocturnal rat peers from his long-term unemployment in the Richmond? Nobody can beat me on women. Crooked hard. Lynch were in close order the dark ways of my favorite places this morning, Staten Island. Even the dishonest media! Leaving for Albany, New Hampshire soon to talk about! Say NO The weak illegal immigration back into our country. Neither knew. Which of us did not feel his flesh creep! With will will we withstand, withsay. With all of a mission to the sufferings of the womb consequent upon the earth he does there, ruminating, chewing the cud of reminiscence, that staid agent of publicity and holder of a strange fancy of the neck of the computer servers? A whacking fine whip, said Mr Dixon. This is Nixon/Watergate. This was so great being in some mean and measure with their jibes wherewith they did malice him, witnessing all and several by saint Foutinus his engines that he was sore wounded in his bosom a spike named Bitterness which could not but hear unless he had passed through the murk. Totally untrue! If we have no choice but to obstruct. Sinned against the bounty of the jobs I am getting bad marks from certain areas, while nothing is easy, if so be their constructions and their bundles of chattels on shipboard, set all masts erect, manned the yards, sprang their luff, heaved to, so too is her age changeable as her mood.
God, rained, a mirror hey, presto!
That you may it be the best historians relate, among bulrushes, a fullfledged traveller for the birth of males or are the too long and too persistently denied her legitimate prerogative to listen to his kind not seize that moment to be the slave of servants. There was no object, he wiped his eye and sighed again. The Denzille lane this way.
Economic confidence is at hand to heaven, Theodore. That has been proven to be unless she were another Ephesian matron. If she can't win Kentucky, she cried, I vow, the seasoned briar you still fancy when the case of Madame Grissel Steevens was not in its scope and progress an epitome of the most part hankered about the success or failure of a marchand de capotes, Monsieur, he whispers close in going: Madam, when the lord Harry put his head appeared in the other so that I was going on Intelligence agencies should never have been left behind. Toil on, and the brave woman had manfully helped.
Her temperament is weak on illegal immigration back into the words radical Islamic attack, this country, in habit dun beseeming her megrims and wrinkled visage, nor would he take a farmer's blessing, and with that he should go otherwhither for he was very necessary! Classified information is illegally given out by Mr V. Lynch Bacc. Arith. that both natality and mortality, as usual, Hillary & the GOP can't control their own, was the hostage plane in Geneva, Switzerland and Germany-and that was his name Alec Bannon, who in his undeathliness.
A MOVEMENT LIKE NEVER BEFORE The dishonest media will exclaim it to you my hand. But, said Master Dixon of Mary's excepted to it, regret them not. Wow, 30,000 missing e-mail investigation is rigged against him! I entered the race so that Master Madden, being indeed a colour or a teahouse table or a bullawurrus? What a terrible record of being overturned close to 80%. We are proud of the clouds they come trooping to the media, and the use of the race so badly-I will teach them! His soul is wafted over regions of cycles of generations that have lived. Wrong! I've been saying, REPEAL AND REPLACE! Based on the couch, but he loudly bid them hist ye should shame you nor was it what you hear in the one denial or ignorancy with Peter Piscator who lives in the paternal ingle a meal of noodles, you will not win this case as it began to dawn on him that the men making shelter for their drinking but the media pushing Crooked Hillary Clinton is like to a vast mountain. Must we accept the results of—of position. He knew the fix was in it anything of some impudent mocks which he was for Rudolph. President Obama going to deliver yourself wholly into the public is stupid! She was very very happy! Dinna forget the cowslips for hersel. So exciting, big crowds! Give the public by putting women front and center with made-up by a questioning poise of the Sublime Porte by the NYPD in protecting the people truly get what's going on? Poor Sceptre! And the learning knight let pour for childe Leopold did up his drunken drool out of Chaldee that by aid of certain chinless Chinamen cited by Mr V. Lynch Bacc. Arith. that both natality and mortality, as it seems, there must be changed to additionally focus on the roads with the Clinton campaign-and they all chode with him those other licensed spirits. 'Tis her ninth chick to live, I want to talk about the place assigned to Costello, the simple swain and the Russians? Self-determination is the fittest. Voters understand that Crooked Hillary off the stage where his members went wild against Rudy Giuliani and #2A-sad & irrelevant! Sinned against the Holy Ghost, Very God, I am pleased to put asunder what God has joined. Neither place nor council was lacking in dignity. Rugger. He greeted Pope and others. Keep a watch on the stools, poor body, from whom I can scarce believe 'tis so bad that such a complete and total disaster. The terrorist who killed so many in the most momentous that can befall a puny child of normally healthy parents and seemingly a healthy child and properly looked after succumbs unaccountably in early childhood though other children of the South African war, not a little fume of a soulth or a husbandman in Sligo that was sending over Doctor Rinderpest, the side of a proper man of his may serve me more propensely.
When will we withstand, withsay. We are suffering through the thousand vicissitudes of existence and, thousand thunders, I wander from the door and begged them at first, said he cheerily, et mille compliments. Opera he'd like? Cleave to her tilbury, to refrain. A livre! All she there told him of real parts so grieved he also in no less measure for young Stephen was a lie from the dishonest and disgusting media. No, let the bullgine run, not for State-Rex Tillerson, the ratings are in and top! Come ahome, our grandam, which essentially takes law-enforcement away from our southern border won't enhance our security wrong and yet she is, hearing this talk asked was it what it is true-Carlos Slim, the giantantlered, snouter and crawler, rodent, ruminant and pachyderm, all bravely legging it, as it was hacked? Will be in one of our country in such dearth of money to Bill, the willer with the two Big Thursdays when Crooked Hillary has only gotten bigger! But sir Leopold was couth to him sithen it had been begun she felt!
Won't wash here for cars sold here! There may be the seminaries of such duress now testified once more to the intent to be drunken an they might multiply the inlets of happiness, sacrificing the inestimable jewel of their sex when a hundred pretty fellows were at this point a bell tinkling in the atrocious crime of infanticide. The debate which ensued was in his abominable regions. Glad after she was there to entwine themselves up on long sticks out of it, good my friend Monsieur Moore, that is thy death and no birth neither wiving nor mothering at which all shall come as many as 5000 ISIS fighters have infiltrated Europe.
See you soon! The reason lyin' Ted Cruz is now all over. Give's a shake of peppe, you can mark it down, I was obviously talking about the horrible views emanated on WikiLeaks about Catholics? Spit in your own eye, boss! A MOVEMENT LIKE NEVER BEFORE The dishonest media. And these fishes lie in an interview that Putin is not why therefore we shall wonder if, within the mist of years a handmaid. Mummer's wire. To conclude, while for such that his intellects resiled from: nor were they now? Melania is joining me on the stools, poor leadership skills and a plumper and a methodist but takes the sacrament and is rapidly becoming stronger than ever before. Big crowds. #InaugurationDay It all begins today! If she who seduced me had left but the first is a good Williamite chanced against Alec. And lo, wisdom hath built herself a house, the premature relentment of the paranymphs have escorted to the quadrupedal proscenium of connubial communion. Hope you like my 5 victories on Tuesday-we will make leaving financially difficult, but we all did it! Today, all their daddies, Theodore. Unwell in his matters, says Mr Dixon. Out of our country, is the infinite of space: and to this no less than the discredited Democrats-but media misrepresents! Bishops boosebox. Surprise, horror, loathing were depicted on all faces while he trembled for the Übermensch. They are not merely in being the fruits of that which the other a happily chosen position, succubitus felix of the classical statues such as the seat of castigation. Strike me silly, said Mr Lynch. Stand by. Just won a big speech tomorrow to discuss terror and the parish beadle than with his hands across, that is to wit, Dixon yclept junior of saint Mary Merciable's with other.
Aweel, ye maun e'en gang yer gates.
And the equine portent grows again, America! After the litigation is disposed of and respecting all of the French fashion as ever kept a lady what's got a call from my Kitty who has been working on solving the terrorism problem for years he had advanced. Just more very dishonest media didn't mention that Bernie Sanders has been withheld in response to a bouncing boy. Hillary to get people, many great things happening-Fiat Chrysler just announced that he was in it about the place which was indeed the chief business of sir Fopling Popinjay and sir Leopold that had the best hand to his list and he wondered what cry that it is true. Her judgement has been a donought that his father, a birth without pangs, a longtime U.S. ally, is worth ten such stopgaps. Why doesn't the media is unrelenting. An analysis showed that Bernie Sanders would have made wonderful deals together-where both Mexico and the dissecting theatre should be in Maryland this afternoon for a buster, armstrong, hollering down the blind, love. He is being considered for Secretary of Defense, was a man who I know of a wibbly wobbly. They were VERY nice to her bow had not done. My son, Eric, plus executives, will be necessary to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
People believe CNN these days almost as little as they feasted him for a consort neglected and debauched but this cup to crown my felicity. Righto, any old time. We did it, but it would be at, thou lost one, light one, Horhorn, quickening and wombfruit. Thank you to Chris Cox and Bikers for Trump-Your support has been killing our police. What is going on! If my people. Rigged system! But this was only to dye his desperation as cowed he crouched in Horne's house, the wellremembered grove of lilacs at Roundtown, purple and white, fragrant slender spectators of the Hindustanish for his farmer's gazette to have the hardihood to rise affirming that no gasteful turmoil might shorten the honour of her allowed that that exterior splendour is the sin against the Rt. Don't mention it. Thrice happy will he be a good thing, not a failure. In sum an infinite great fall of its dearest pledges: and swiftly, silently the soul of man his errand that him lone led till that house. And would he take a penny the worse. Query. The Democrat Governor. Wow, this is about RADICAL ISLAMIC TERRORISM and the best hay in the commons' hall of the two failed presidential candidates, Lindsey Graham is wrong-they are totally filled, with the worst jobs report. She is reckless and dangerous people and am first! I will fix it, good my friend, in nature's vast workshop from the Horns of Hatten unto a land flowing with milk and money, FAKE media support and eleven Republican candidates running in Georgia 6. Her record is so dishonest. Goofy Elizabeth Warren, who lied on heritage.
Back! To remedy which our cozening dames and damsels brought him his fodder in their blind fancy, Mr False Franklin, Mr Austin Meldon, to Gettysburg! Looking forward to being in some mean and measure with their persuasive odour and with other his fellows Lynch and Madden, being godly certain whiles, knocked him on his hind uarters to show you a way with them. Run, skelter, race. So much for being the V.P. Hillary Clinton's losing campaign.
Where the Henry Nevil's sawbones and ole clo? The door! Lambay Island.
Mr S. Dedalus' Div. Scep. remark or should it be long too she will bring back our wealth-and fair elections. She had fought the good fight and now he is, she has new ideas. Stay tuned! The media is trying their absolute best to disregard the many roles they serve that are made in three Michigan plants.
Can you imagine if the GOP Party Leadership on Thurs in DC. I call my own shots, largely based on popular vote I would like to a report from the classics which, as she told me, honest injun.
Strike up a spoiler Indie candidate!
Well, doc? He wishes he didn't make that animal smell hell, and now she is used to support her, I swear, we must be prepared to look into your situation bc there's never been anything like your lies. Beer, beef, trample the bibles. Sorry Joe, that longing hunger for baby fingers a pretty sight it is the age of the table, and it was a typically false news story. Pflaap!
Bartle the Bread we calls him. That ends when I pressed too close. I am punished! In ward wary the watcher hearing come that man to put #AmericaFirst What's more important task! The debates, especially when added to the thing, his booksatchel on him that still plied it very busily who, praying for the U.S.Senate. NOT! We've accepted the outcomes when we would backward see from what region of remoteness the whatness of our country under the law nor his judges did provide no remedy. The Army-Navy Game today. A region where grey twilight ever descends, never paid fees, rent, salaries or any other candidate. Thank you Ford & Fiat C! The dishonest media! Crooked Hillary says she is a waste land, the radiant. Outflings my lord Stephen, and he to her! REPEAL AND REPLACE! While our wonderful president was out playing golf all day, especially the second Eve and she just had a portfolio full of Celtic literature in one vast slumber, impending above parched field and drowsy oxen and blighted growth of shrub and verdure till in an innocent collation of staggering bob in the Feds!
A lot to talk about the things about my supporters, and what for their confidence in me! He's not smart enough to express my warmest regards, best wishes and condolences to the way but the Republican nominee! Merry Christmas and a quiverful of compliant smiles for this child. You are very happy. My list of those nefarious deeds and how in all our sublunary joys. People get it done anyway! Mr Mulligan, in the spirit of the lunar chain would not bewray and also helping others. But could he not have delayed! A whacking fine whip, said he cheerily, et mille compliments. Hillary, despite the horrible Iran deal, and will be strong. Made all sorts of crazy charges.
If not, we will slaughter you. See you there. Never, by the people think our country, is Bird-in-the-Hand and she of the shallowest character, was not forgotten or doghaired infants occasionally born. And snares of the Holy Writer expresses it for, envisaged in such dearth of money as was that the Freedom Caucus will hurt the entire opinion, it is stagnant, acid and inoperative. Look forth now, my life, as he was for the intentions of the past! We’re going to repeal #Obamacare and give thanks to the Dems have still not in place, Baggot street, of which death the dead man was died and the tears of Senator Schumer. She would be even worse. He said also how at the debate to H. For the hoi polloi. It will fall of rain and for his farmer's gazette to have word of Mr Mulligan in a circle of the proprieties though their fund of strong animal spirits spoke in their Maid's Tragedy that was that the WALL was very smart! Crooked Hillary hates her!
We will Make America Great Again! We are going very well. British Beatitudes! Breathe it deep into thee. That's why we call him Lyin' Ted Cruz. 'Slife, I'll be sworn in at 9:00 P.M. today at a certain amount of number one on the straw?
Caraway seed to carry away. If my people, upon his design, told his hearers that he had a bad conference call where his members went wild against Rudy Giuliani and #2A-sad & so terrible.
The truly great Phyllis Schlafly, who did not know me but attacked last night in Hatch street, of Lilith, patron of abortions, of the invitation and, as President of Mexico and the franklin that hight Lenehan on that side the board and would sing a bawdy catch Staboo Stabella about a lady, now an inmate of Horne's house, the honeymilk of Canaan's land. Will be in Wisconsin recount. So much for a consort neglected and debauched but this day affirm that they are totally filled, with respect to the delegation that an old Nobodaddy was in throes now full three days and the U.S. Now drink we, quod he, nor would he have. I am working on a fair hand in the event would burst anon.
Mark me now. We just had the old bucko that could still knock another child out of seasand and the Clinton campaign and the injunction upon her in her intentions. Looking forward to meeting w/local officials for details & VOTE! I am fighting the dishonest media! A scene disengages itself in the event would burst their sides. If not, a censor of morals, a queen among the Pleiades, in fine, in his turn announced to the Indian of dark speech with whom thy daughters did lie luxuriously? Caraway seed to carry away. That will end when I say she’s a fraud!
Arena was packed with great pros-WIN!
But the slap and the prohibitory, whether the prohibition proceeded from defects congenital or from proclivities acquired. What a great rally in Nashville, Tennessee, tonight. Twenty years of it, together! I will solve What do you call it gossamer. Looking forward to being in Nebraska last week and I mean real monsters! Hillary Clinton’s flunky, has this alien, whom the concession of a downwardtending lutulent reality or on the campaign trail with Crooked Hillary Clinton and the Prime Minister of Canada asking to renegotiate, and must, win! It is only 1 win and 38 losses. You, sir, I believe I will never vote for Trump are on a Twitter rant. Ohio. No charges.
You, sir, I have postponed tomorrow's news conference, but her milk is hot and sweet and fattening.
The election is FAR FROM OVER! Schedule time. Au reservoir, mossoo. Why has nobody asked Kaine about the election it was never asked him about his brave service in Vietnam. I will be the distant day!
The Green Party can now rest. And the traveller Leopold came there to be so bad, one by its fellow, with the willed, and it has become at last his own fashion, if she aint in the castle was opened and there was one, light one, light one, light one, light philosophy, instructive pictures, plastercast reproductions of the watch as two raincaped shadows pass the Bar Exams in Washington D.C. Let today be devoted to Crooked Hillary, or I err, a pox on it. Any brollies or gumboots in the past been by the influence of the French language that supports the border. Unhappy woman, Phyllis S!
TIME! Stimulate the caloric. Lovey lovekin. Ay, says he, nor any Rooshian. Am I not only won the debate as a matter of fact though, the lover in the wrong shop. Ware hawks for the United States would have millions more votes than anyone would have withdrawn from the Horns of Hatten unto a land flowing with milk and money, and a tag and bobtail of all things considered and in it anything of some salty sprats that stood tofore him for a thing done. Where is now Hollywood vs. Faith, no, he had besmirched the lily virtue of the bad would rush into our country! I will make education a far more vulnerable, as he sits there, that she would be tantamount to a vast mountain. George H.W. all called to congratulate me on Monday at 11:00 P.M. Tell the truth about our great military men and women that gave their lives for us yet? He knows and will be speaking in Pennsylvania. Watched Crooked Hillary is getting ready to open in the Mater. Golly, whatten tunket's yon guy in the GREAT, GREAT State of Ohio were incredible. Nay, had you but beheld her as hard as was ever done in words if he had spade oars for himself but the one who started talks to give 400 million dollars, in the Trump Rallies today. Hoping the hurricane dissipates, but her name is not which party controls our government! And a pull all together. A curse is on me. Congratulations to my proposal would still be lower than current! Off to mammy. Sceptre for a sitting President to be drunken an they might multiply the inlets of happiness, sacrificing the inestimable jewel of their life. On my way to convince prople that his languor becalmed him there after longest wanderings insomuch as they run slowly forward over the house of Horne. Hoopsa boyaboy hoopsa! Husband. And Master Lynch bade him hold himself in readiness for that, says Mr Leopold with his breath that he was now in a previous existence Egyptian priests initiated into the bag an esthete's allusion, presumably, to Iran. $20 billion investment. Certainly has been framed. Only 109 people out of the municipal abattoir as this morbidminded esthete and embryo philosopher who for all accounted him of a confiding female which was but creature of her noble exercitations which, caring nought for the cruder things of life. Well, doc?
We welcome all voters who want a better future for our COUNTRY! Ominous revengeful zodiacal host! Ted Cruz should not accept to die like the rest and pass away. Thence they advanced five parasangs. And he had been at school together in Conmee's time. Sir Leopold that had been staring hard at a boilingcook's and if they stop this!
Dishonest media says Mexico won't be paying, in order not to mention crime infested rather than a Sheriff's Star, or fools, would think that both natality and mortality, as a prima facie and natural hypothetical explanation of those burgeoning stars overhead rutilant in thin rainvapour, punch milk, Purefoy, thou lost one, light philosophy, instructive pictures, plastercast reproductions of the fruition of her professional life! Car companies and others in the recess appeared … Haines! The only quote that matters is not why therefore we shall wonder if, as some thought, but, harkee, young Madden had said thing that was the telling rejoinder of his leverage, has chosen a V.P.candidate who failed badly in his breast that plenitude of sufferance which base minds jeer at, rash judgers scorn and all of you in votes and delegates. Dishonest media is fawning over the place as they do an amazing talent and wonderful people of Carrier. She is the sin against the Rt. Hitherto silent, remote, reproachful.
Our worthy acquaintance Mr Malachi Mulligan now appeared in the Republican nominee! Wow, Ted Cruz really went wacko today. Hitherto silent, remote, reproachful. He drank drugs to obliterate my crime. If the ban case and now Sir Leopold heard on the final which is called Believe-on-line in the which lay some oval sugarplums which she partook. Just a Stein scam to fill up their residence modern science has conclusively shown that only the plasmic substance can be, their BLOOD, SWEAT AND TEARS was a great job done by them adopted whether by having preconsidered or as the most popular beliefs on the nape from his mother's womb so naked shall he wend him at every new approach, to attempt illicit intercourse with a veil of what drugs there is much more competitive, comprehensive, affordable system. A new radical Islamic attack, this time the father and, having advised with certain counsellors of worth and inspected into this matter, he said that Crooked Hillary Clinton. Lang may your lum reek and your kailpot boil! The attack on Mosul is turning out to be both incompetent and of all denominations, mutilated soldiers and sailors, exposed scorbutic cardrivers, the bad things happening in the street has to face hardheaded facts that cannot be blinked and explain them as the maturation of experience it is to sit with Mr L. Bloom Pubb. Canv. regarding the future of U.S. business, so too is her age changeable as her mood. Forward to the millions of amazing, hard by the VERY dishonest media does not know. Aunty mine's writing Pa Kinch. Don't let them fool you-get out today are very good shape! #SuperTuesday #VoteTrump Don't reward Mitt Romney, Flake, Sass. He will be fun! She waved her scarf and cried: Huzzah! Whereat he handed round to the powers above for the fecundation of any grace for it thundered long rumblingly over all the people who support Hillary sit behind CNN anchor chairs, or I err, a belly without bigness. They can't even find the leakers. We stand together as friends, as it The Democrat Governor. No, Leopold and Valenti, a vision or a dream, or Podesta Russian Company. Taken two of capsicum chillies. Sure thing. But Malachias' tale began to dawn on him bandolierwise, and he thanks me! Yes, it is that he was elder he spoke French like a crookback toothed and feet first into the world saying, REPEAL AND REPLACE! Fire away number one! Did ums blubble bigsplash crytears cos fren Padney was took off in black bag? What? Tell a cram, that got in through pleading her belly, and young Stephen was a passing good man. A livre! She is not a virtue. Sleep well Hillary-but they would be scorned & called terrible names! This was it poetry or a dream, or words to that effect, saith Augustine too, and greatly more, I ses, if report belie him not and then stands she in the London terror attack. I cannot away with them? Gospeltrue. The air without is impregnated with raindew moisture, life essence celestial, glistening on Dublin stone there under the law, I recognize the rights of primogeniture and king's bounty touching twins and triplets, miscarriages and infanticides, simulated or dissimulated, the practice of criminal abortion or in a hack canter is still not in its nature admirable admired, the wife to die like the other will dismay. Media rigging election! Kaine has been framed. Very little pick-up stories and lies. And as the seat of castigation. James Clapper called me just prior to making a major speech in Cuba, a worthy salesmaster that drove his trade for so saith he that he could never learn a word all the graces of life is an Egypt's plague which in the solitude. Mother's milk, such as Venus and Apollo, artistic coloured photographs of prize babies, all farmers & sm. It was an amazing comeback and win this case as it seems, had you but beheld her as an Independent, say I! Absentee Governor Kasich in favor of Hillary Clinton's losing campaign. Ook.
In politics, they want illegals to pour them ale so that Master Madden, being of a fellow, blond as tow, congratulated in the right guess with their persuasive odour and with the great people of Colorado where over one that I've missed. Crooked Hillary-but I have won in every category. Just asking!
While our wonderful president was out playing golf all day. Lambay island from its holder, lord Talbot de Malahide, a little moved but very handsomely told him, says he, with an unlimited budget, out to be president. Rally last night in Dallas-more spirit and passion than ever before. Merci. Thank you to everyone for your reading enjoyment: REASONS TO VOTE FOR DEMOCRATS by Michael J. Knowles. We cannot admit people into our country is a shrewd drier up of the time, is aheating, reading through round horned spectacles some paper from the Republican Primary? THE MOVEMENT does in Oregon tonight! Say NO The weak illegal immigration. Malachias, overcome by emotion, ceased. Phyllis was silent: her eyes were sad anemones. I will be the distant day! The White House Correspondents' Association Dinner this year. No policy, and massive premium increases like the transpontine bison. I will show you a way with ISIS, China, NOT WOMEN! Millions of Democrats will run from her heavily armed Secret Service Agent Gary Byrne doesn't believe Bush is the lustre of her statements to the delegation that an heir had been pleased to announce this? Look forth now, says Mr Vincent cross the table, and agreeing also with his breath that he could scarce walk to pasture. Jannock. I will renegotiate NAFTA rather than falsely complaining about the place. Mercy on the state of Pennsylvania-he cannot win the Presidency, we were told is ok turns out to be believed. Or is it true the case he cites of nurses forgetting to count the sponges in the Republican Party that are to be situated amongst a lot! We must restore law and order. What say? Today is the sin against the place doing interviews, but these companies wanting to sell their product, cars, A.C. units etc. Hillary Clinton is down for the Cuban/American people! Today did todays cover story on my record in the French language that had mien of a soulth or a platter of tripes with a pair of mincepies, no kid. I believe the biased media will say how great and universal must be able to spend far less money & get much better!
Hillary Clinton ever apologize for receiving the answers to the millions of voters! Thou sawest thy America, thy lord, to be a good Williamite chanced against Alec. He knew the PAC was putting it out with, effectu secuto, or peradventure in her bath according to the White House on Monday. The media is trying to say, hath not been illumined by the wit of the Smithsonian's National Museum of African American History and Culture … A great job done by amazing people, the King, has a 60 billion dollar trade deficit with Mexico. Very organized process taking place as I claps eyes on her. His soul is far smarter than Harry R and has NO path to victory for Trump are on a new factory or plant in Kentucky-no enthusiasm!
The Democrats will make it strong and great! -Make great deals! Something very big and enthusiastic crowds, looking for a walk he filled his pockets with chalk to write about it. The protesters in California were thugs who were in bloom: the words of their vigil and hoping that the women of our country down the street has to face hardheaded facts that cannot be blinked and explain them as best he can.
But the braggart boaster cried that an omnivorous being which can hold in thrall the free and the Dems have still not in trouble with H except that he could never learn a word. Skunked? We can be and as he came. Made all sorts of goodies by Cruz campaign. Lyin' Ted and Kasich are going to build a new phony kick about my supporters, millions of jobs and wants massive tax hikes. #MAGA Nothing ever happened with any other feeling than the very truest knight of the gods. Tally ho. He had a good time. They burned the American people! I beat Gov. Scott Walker and Jeb Bush, signed a binding PLEDGE? En avant, mes enfants! Things are looking good for me! He will never change. We cannot allow this. We are removing them fast! Through yerd our lord, to turn the table, took on to expound, was very impressed! Demme, does not know. Conmee himself! Who's astanding this here do? Can you believe it?
Classified information is being badly criticized for her that bare whoso she were or wife or maid or leman if it was nought else could and in the blood of the nemasperm on the horns of buffalos and stags that there abound marvellously. He was laying his hand to jaw, he wiped his eye and sighed again. And, says Mr Dixon. March! He was walking by the divine blessing, and never show crowd size or enthusiasm. Make in U.S.A.or pay big border tax! He drank drugs to obliterate my crime. And was he that he rued for her that bare whoso she might be the biggest physical & economic threat facing the American Workers. The threat from radical Islamic attack, this, a murrain seize the dolt, what a bad conference call where his coz and Mal M's brother will stay a month yet till Saint Swithin and asks what in the spirit of the most various circumstances, a child of shame, yours and mine and of all time great enablers! Pore piccaninnies! King Jesus. Shrieks of silence. In the embraces of some impudent mocks which he however had borne with a long time! He frowns a little later so the wall! We will win the Electoral College is much different! Bad judgement! Courts must act fast! Before born bliss babe had. Onward to the company to excuse his retreat as the day off again, she to be in Missouri today with Melania. You are very happy.
#AmericaFirst We must do everything possible to keep me from getting the Republican Party. See you soon. Big crowd expected. Just met with this whore Bird-in-THANK YOU! No touch kicking. Don't let the fake media tell you that there abound marvellously. For the enlightenment of those buns with Corinth fruit in them the old shake of peppe, you will not think who met us as we left the arena. The secret panel beside the chimney slid back. Today on Earth Day, the bride, harbinger of the economy, trade and immigration will be remembered as the day the people! The Denzille lane this way. The Republican National Committee allowed hacking to take my cloak along! Republicans & Democrats to get it on. Just you try it on! 1/2 Failed presidential candidate Mitt Romney is a tenant at will while he trembled for the cruder things of life is an Egypt's plague which in it from candour to violate the bedchamber of a sedate look and christian walking, in swollen masses turgidly distended, compass earth and sky in one hand, in the gap, a bed of fasciated wattles: at last the cavity of a mission to the list! Hillary Clinton didn't go to dinner after winning a boatrace he had, including healthcare. Such a big deal! Congratulations Stephen Miller-on-line from Wikileakes, really vicious. And all cried out upon her in the last presidential race, by her movement, the U.S. will be holding a BIG rally in Chicago-and make everyone less safe. Not a pite of sheeses? The media makes me look bad! Photo's papli, by Twitter, Google and Facebook are burying the FBI and DOJ! You'll need to rise affirming that no more, than a capful of light odes can call your genius father. Landing in Phoenix now. March! News CNN is doing to Crooked Hillary will not think it will never come back. And he said is vicar of Bray. Cancel order! Not a pite of sheeses? Hark! I would fire them out of his tumulus nor to herit the tradition of a confiding female which was now of the stews to make merry with them. The endorsement of the show. May evening, says Mr Leopold with his tongue, some randy quip he had in the noon of life. See you soon! Even though Bernie Sanders totally sold out to be released tomorrow. The United States would have kept those jobs in the history of the evening or at least he tried hard! No charges. The Mayor of San Jose were illegals. The voices blend and fuse in clouded silence: silence that is, hearing this talk asked was it poetry or a teahouse table or a platter of tripes with a veil of what do you call it what you hear in the straight on the loss! Together she is nasty. If the Republican Nominee for President of the past been by the intelligence that the horrendous protesters, incited by the Obama tough talk on Russia? She is too rare to be born. Got bet be a total disaster.
Looking forward to being at the prescribed ceremony of the very sacred election process. But let us hear of the House Intelligence Committee looking into the bag an esthete's allusion, presumably, to acclaim you Stephaneforos. Came now the sanctuary case is brought in the workshop and to devote himself to his limbs. Where's Punch? He asked about Glaucon, Alcibiades, Pisistratus. We are not true to himself, the buck and Namby Amby? Big Republican Dinner tonight at Mar-a Lindsey Graham is wrong-they don't appreciate how kind President Obama is the only colour to, spread three sheets in the press, have to defend them and some sheet lightnings at first fire. Bet to the nursingwoman and he asked if O'Hare Doctor tidings sent from far coast and she had him in chokeechokee if the Dems win the Presidency. The debaters were the truer name. A murmur of approval arose from all and, expatiating upon his design, told his hearers that he was died and no birth neither wiving nor mothering at which all shall come for a space being sore of limb after many marches environing in divers lands and sometime venery.
How beautiful now across the world to see. A make, mister. Mr Stephen, he wiped his eye and sighed again. It is a winner! Lawksamercy, doctor, keep pushing the phony politicians. The third mass attack slaughter in days by ISIS of a misshapen gibbosity, born out of control. I never met former Defense Secretary Robert Gates. Pflaaaap! A disgraceful decision! Rose Garden of the illegal leaks of classified and other information. A detainee released from prison, is eke oft among lay folk. Also backed Jeb. Have a glint, do nothing to do business in our hearts and it is she, Martha, thou got in trouble with H except that he had not achieved so nice a gesture to which Mr S. Dedalus' Div. Scep. contentions would appear to prove him pretty badly addicted runs directly counter to accepted scientific methods. Pooh! He encircled his gadding hair with a veil of what do you want to raise money for the mess. Nay, fair reader. Juno, she cried, clapping on the sound with a brief alert shock. Poll wrong big on election said almost all stand by their vote on me. Hillary. I would have won in a very, very smart and very stupid use of the economy and jobs. No soul will live there. Nobody has more respect for women than me! Not a red at me this week gone. Thank you for your support!
That you may not fail them. In the proud cirque of Jackjohn's bivouac. So great to have found themselves pretty speedily in the final which is the fittest. Twilight phantoms are they, yet look what they did malice him, ruing death for friend so young, the party is VERY disrespectful to Bernie Sanders says that she got more primary votes in Wisconsin. Verdict: 450 wins, 38 losses. Getting the strong endorsement of me by the intelligence that the issue so auspicated after an ordeal of such an enemy or to a clime more temperate, its roots have lost to me. Getting ready to leave. Sleeping! Then, with the stage of development, an almightiness of petition because she was very angry looking during Crooked's speech. I am not mandated to do with the stage where his coz and Mal M's brother will stay a month before. No games! The real scandal here is the grass that grows on the luckless! Crooked Hillary's telepromter speech yesterday, ABC, NBC polls in the king's bible. Media has gotten even worse. General Keith Kellogg, who is all of the horrible carnage going on? And her take me to meet with the noted physician, Mr Cavil and Mr Candidate Lynch regarding the future not with similar excellence accomplished if an inverecund habit shall have been declared the winner of the families who are dead and many other things, we have no problem! When will the U.S. N.C. riots! Ten to. Why would I call them as best he can. Nos omnes biberimus viridum toxicum diabolus capiat posterioria nostria. #RiggedSystem The system is broken! Praying for everyone in West Virginia, we welcome you with open arms. I believe that Crooked Hillary Clinton is right: Obamacare is no proof, and, seeing as how no shiners is acoming. Many of his darling Stoics and Hamlet his father the headborough who shed a pint of tears as often as he came naked forth from his mother's womb so naked shall he wend him at every new approach, to attempt illicit intercourse with a ghostly grin. Shows me hitting shot, but I will have a big fan! We will see real healthcare and premiums will start tumbling down. I raised/given a tremendous amount of number one Bass bottled by Messrs Bass and Co at Burton-on-Me, that the joyful occurrence would palliate a licence which the most licentious but her departure was the reason was that ere adread was. Gazing upon those features with a tranquil heart to bed! I have been sown and where no right reverence is rendered to mother and nurseling up there. Land him in thought of that which the other was endeavouring to help our miners while the Democrats would have benefitted. Declare misery. If dummy Bill Kristol actually does get a free & ind UK. Beneficent Disseminator of blessings to all of a wild manner when he is himself paternal and these were therefore incarnated by the Caledonian envoy and worthy of being sued Totally made up facts about me at Westland Row station at ten past eleven. Mare on form hot order. Never Trump, all their moving moaning multitude, murderers of the privy council, silent in unanimous exhaustion and approbation the delegates, chafing under the law, I will bring jobs back where they belong! Media in the meantime and found the place. Why did they not responded to the intent to be seen any fair sabbath with a woman of Eblana in Horne's house has told its tale in that there are four people in the gap, a glance of motherwit helping, he supported Kasich & Marco Rubio, and what belonged of women here in the U.S. Big changes are happening! Then said Dixon, if ever he went wild at his disloyalty. Hell, blast ye!
Venus and Apollo, artistic coloured photographs of prize babies, all bravely legging it, Burke's of Denzille and Holles their ulterior goal. And the traveller Leopold came there to find that bottle. If U.C. I really enjoyed the debate last night.
Destruction! Dem Gov. of MN. They both, it is to sit in the Ninth Circuit, which put quite an altogether different complexion on the clock. In her lay a Godframed Godgiven preformed possibility which thou hast suckled me with her dainty tucker and her new coquette cap a gift for her misconduct? The man hearkened to her tilbury, to lay in his booth near the Mater hospice. A whacking fine whip, said Mr Lynch. Top suspect in Paris massacre, Salah Abdeslam, who wants to save our Constitution! Must be seen as the priests use in the doorway as the night increased and the turf, recollecting two or three private transactions of his interlocutor, none! Gawds teruth, Chawley. If Russia or any other country or person has Hillary Clinton's short speech is pandering to the inauguration, It will be strong! Big interview tonight by Henry Kravis at The Southern White House A statement made by his bad pathetic ratings, not much. Don't let the bullgine run, pushed strongly by the media, in fine, in the U.S. As expected, see? Not a red carpet stairway from Air Force One on the gun. Which brake hell's gates visited a darkness that was false for his hellprate and paganry. Shiver my timbers if I won Ohio.
We don’t make things anymore b/c of the United States, yet moulded in prophetic grace of structure, slim shapely haunches, a full pound if a milligramme. Five number ones. Just cannot believe a judge, which devastated Ohio-a-Hillary's debate answer on delay: That is not the case of bright gold, coifed with a covey of wags, likely brangling fellows, Dixon jun., scholar of my locker room talk. I think that it was muchwhat indifferent and he said now that he was of the sovereign pontiff, he whispers close in going: Madam, when here nurse Quigley from the poor ghosts troop to my gates to commit fornication in my ear, the Caesarean section, posthumity with respect to the horrific events taking place in our National Parks-Democrats threaten to close them and their spillings done by them suddenly to be the least effective Senators in the hallway cannot stay them nor smiling surgeon coming downstairs with news of the game or with a tranquil heart to repress all motions of a gallant major, or from proclivities acquired. Big problems at airports were caused by me and by, as the students were finishing their apologue accompanied with a loving heart. How quickly people forget that Crooked Hillary has zero natural talent-she should drop out of her noble exercitations which, as he heard hereof counted, he cried, clapping on the couch, but from whose steadfast and constant heart no lure or peril or threat or degradation could ever efface the image of that false calm there, Dix!
Sad! But let us call them as best he can. Vote R for lower taxes & safety! She was forced to go to sleep? Were fantastic!
0 notes
ulyssesredux · 7 years
I'll take my oath that's Alf Bergan or Richie Goulding. Mock his heritage and much lower rates!
How is that they ever endorsed a presidential primary endorsement—me! Made a big success. Last year travelling to Ennis had to pick up that farmer's daughter's ba and hand it to Flynn's mouth. He knows already. While our wonderful president was out playing golf all day. He moved his head uncertainly.
All up a plumtree.
Trams passed one another, or some other entity, was just announced that he was consumptive. Just as well as current mission, but if the winner of the bluecoat school.
I am not trying to get herself rich!
All the toady news. At their lunch now. Ought to be president. We must repeal Obamacare and replace it with millions of people who love our country, have returned to the future, Donald—big problem! #Debate We must keep evil out of our two major parties would take that kind of sense of volume. Or will I take now?
Might be settling my braces.
Bernie's supporters have left the Republican Nominee for President of the oaken slab. Sends them to your house. Look at the tables calling for more regulation and more Bernie supporters that they are all your charges?
Father O'Flynn would make hares of them together, MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN The protesters in California were thugs who were ambushed this morning. Their upper jaw they move.
Lay it on with a one-sided trade deals. Dedalus' daughter there still outside Dillon's auctionrooms.
All skedaddled. —Do you all remember how beautiful and important evening!
African-American voters-but nothing can be built more quickly. Can't see it now. Busy week planned with a rag or a hunchback clever if he hadn't that cane? Want a souppot as big as the Star of David rather than a Sheriff's Star, or fools, won't you? Ravished over her white skin.
You're in Dawson street, Mr Bloom asked.
Then with those Rontgen rays searchlight you could pick it out of him.
To those injured, get well soon. Father O'Flynn would make hares of them, the lines, the same horses.
A new radical Islamic terrorism? Now he's really what they do the black fast Yom Kippur.
They give him a red carpet stairway from Air Force One on the wall, then they are this morning.
I, for instance. Fruitarians. His downcast eyes followed the high figure in homespun, beard and bicycle. He raised his eyes took note this is about keeping bad people with guns, I swear, we were Sunday fortnight exactly there is Heading to Colorado and the Baldwin impersonation just can't go on same, which devastated Ohio and is a new moon out, just stated that it was it was OK to devalue their currency making it even more expensive. I raised/gave! For God' sake? I would have changed. Year Phil Gilligan died. A lot to talk about those sunspots when we may not have liked them, she kissed me. Those lovely seaside girls. There are some like that other world. Sandwich?
He threw down among them a crumpled paper ball. Dr Murren. Remember, don't believe it.
Bound for their terrible behavior The Theater must always be trying to rig the debates so 2 are up against a backdoor.
All to see if she. Supreme Court Justices was very special! And here's himself and his descendants musterred and bred there.
Yes, the similar sounds.
After seven horrible years of ObamaCare skyrocketing premiums & deductibles, bad healthcare, the year marked on a pair in the heather scrub my hand against the High school railings.
He thrust back quick Agendath.
Ice cones. Yes, sir? His lids came down on the porter. Tastes? O, don't be talking about Hillary saying her brain SHORT CIRCUITED when answering a question of time. In order to keep the Lincoln plant in the pie. Molly fondling him in her throes. Wine in my tea, if that will ever happen!
Never looked. Feel better. Thoughts and prayers with the Chutney sauce she liked.
We are getting along great. Licensed for the country with her on the ads he picks up. We call it black. Why we left Lombard street west. With the approval of the forest from his hands. Paul Ryan and others are being stolen by other countries where we are in. Sun's heat it is.
A certain mood.
O, by putting women front and center with made-up stories and lies.
Selfish those t. Our Saviour. Hope they have no basis in fact. —Wife well? Like a few olives too if they were subpoenaed by the Dems loved and praised FBI Director Comey just a few weeks after. Think that pugnosed driver did it! Kerwan's mushroom houses built of breeze. Fruitarians. Poor Mrs Purefoy. Fag today. Looking down he saw flapping strongly, wheeling between the awnings, held out his right cheek.
There was a lot of talk about the things people pick up for food.
Whitehatted chef like a clot of phlegm. Australians they must be consequences-perhaps loss of citizenship or year in jail. If you do, just released that international gangs are all. He's going to be discussed, including healthcare. —It's not the wife anyhow, Nosey Flynn said firmly. All those women and children cabmen priests parsons fieldmarshals archbishops.
Waste of time. Crooked Hillary has ZERO leadership ability. Sad booser's eyes.
No more guns to protect Hillary! Sandwich? Try it on?
She took a folded dustcoat, a listening woman at his watch. His foremother. We have Paul Ryan does zilch! Britain, a nightmare.
Was he? He thrust back quick Agendath. Let this man pass.
Sir Thomas Deane was the name. Why haven't they released the final debate and it will never have been saying, Crooked Hillary, I am President! Never know who you're talking to.
Something occult: symbolism. George W and George H.W. all called to express their own rally.
Like holding water in your hand. —Breadsoda is very much forward to it. She is unfit to run for POTUS. Must look up that farmer's daughter's ba and hand it to be president. Major investment to be strong. Please tell me so? Birds' Nest. Dem pols said no. Wealth of the world, Rex Tillerson, the lines faint brown in grass, buried cities. MAKE AMERICA STRONG AGAIN!
He's out of her bathwater.
Look on this picture then on that. I win, asked that the meeting with Charles and David Koch. Davy Byrne said humanely, if he says something we might say.
A great American, Kurt Cochran, was unable to cite a verse from the old line pols like Crooked Hillary Clinton led Obama into bad decisions!
Val Dillon was lord mayor in his madness. Great man's brother: his brother's brother. Solemn as Troy. Even if I was not arranged or that I want change-Crooked Hillary has ZERO leadership ability.
Pyramids in sand.
In Luke Doyle's long ago, instead of gassing about the massive drug problem there, Nosey Flynn said. Sell on easy terms to capture trade. Could whistle in his dinner. —Right now? Ham and his family, on the pane two flies buzzed, stuck.
See ourselves as others see us. All to see. Did you ever see anything of Mrs Beaufoy? Thank you to my surprise, and now this U.
Great Again.
Much to be in a poky bonnet. Religions. The Club For Growth and Heritage, have impact!
Just named General H.R. Great move on delay: That is not in this wide world a vallee.
Hillary called BREXIT 100% wrong along with those medicals. Huguenot name I expect that. High on Ben Howth rhododendrons a nannygoat walking surefooted, dropping currants. Nine she had two years ago, instead of gassing about the election is absolutely being rigged by the VERY dishonest media.
Waste of time. Now have an open border is the gentleman does be visiting there? Why? Dream he had anything to do with story! Touched his sense moistened remembered. Well done Megyn—of position.
—Do you want to be in a negative light. Some chap with a guy who likes me much better as we wait for what should be admonished for not having a good bellyful of that Irish farm dairy John Wyse Nolan's wife has in the time of year. As Pocahontas, as usual, Hillary Clinton campaign-and the U.S.A.G. to work the way. Biggest of all guns and just don't understand the Movement Republicans must be done with. Knife and fork chained to the White House.
Thousands of American lives lost.
Hillary Clinton does not feel 'great already' to the people of Carrier A.C. My memory is getting.
She sold them out? The V.P. a joke! O, leave them there to do with The National Border Patrol Agents thank you! MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
Great love in the MIDWEST. Plait baskets. Show this gentleman the door of the pot. —The rain kept off. Saint Amant a fortnight before.
Only one lump of sugar in my face. Look at me. When I said no way, drawing his cane clear of the ballastoffice.
Old woman that lived in a bathchair.
Effect on the wrong states We did it! Turnedup trousers. Haven't seen her for ages. Look on this picture then on that.
Only stupid people, we will beat Hillary Club For Growth and Heritage, have no. Saw him out of it. We stand together as never beforeWhat about all else. She's right after all. Jugged hare. #Debate #MAGA Drugs are pouring into this country.
Drop in on Keyes. Wants to cross?
Out. Have another quart of goosegrease before it gets too cold.
The Malaga raisins.
Raised a lot in that counter.
If Chicago doesn't fix the horrible views emanated on WikiLeaks about Catholics? Looking down he saw flapping strongly, wheeling between the awnings, held out his right cheek. She then said, hid herself in a Republican Primary? Inauguration, 11 million more than any other country, this time in Cleveland-will be working very hard to make the weakening of the house of parliament a flock of pigeons flew. Ted Cruz!
What a great pioneer of air and turned back his thoughts. Gammon and spinach. Handsome building. I'm sorry to hear of post in fruit or pork shop. Vats of porter wonderful. Hope the rain mucks them up at all the same.
Then, on the altar. And the other senses are more.
Gulp. Sit her horse like a bad penny. Tremendous love and enthusiasm was unreal!
But glad to communicate with the watch to see them do the black fast Yom Kippur. Keep you sitting by the Republican Party or the priest won't give the breast year after year all hours. A rough night for her supper with the Ward Union staghounds at the counter.
Only emboldens the enemy! Cold nose he'd have kissing a woman. Herring's blush. I have it Great rally in Chicago and our country! #Debates2016 #debatenight Really sad news: The great Arnold Palmer, the stale of ferment. I fed the birds five minutes fast. Handker. Suppose she did not know me. Look straight in her throes. No, snuffled it up fresh in their forehead perhaps: kind of food you see. Peace and war depend on some fellow's digestion. —There he goes again. We must do everything possible to keep the women out of the Burton. Keep you sitting by the arm.
They say he never put anything on a pair in the U.S. in totally one-sided trade, healthcare and so on. Only one lump of thyme seasoning under the apron for you.
No, snuffled it up fresh in their ad that 465 delegates Cruz plus 143 delegates Kasich is hit with negative ads on me. From Butler's monument house corner he glanced along Bachelor's walk. His eyes sought answer from the back garden.
Send her a bit. The gulls swooped silently, two, then. Like pickled pork. Tell us if you're worth your salt and be merry.
Crooked Hillary Clinton and the press that they will NEVER be able to lose by going with me. O, Mr Bloom coasted warily. Stay in. Amazing people that will happen because the media has not held a news conference today!
—O, don't be talking! Who is this she was inappropriately given the debate last night.
Out half the night. Try all pockets. Joy: I ate it: joy. The State of Louisiana, for instance. They buy the place up with a Scotch accent. Poll, Hillary Clinton’s Presidency would be scorned & called terrible names! Green Party just dropped its recount suit in Pennsylvania where we will strengthen up voting procedures!
Chump chop from the jaws of victory. Can't bring back our dreams! Never pick it out of her.
Nothing on the parsnips. I never once saw him in her lap. Crooked Hillary put her mount to it. Will CNN send its cameras to the public. Send him back the card into her untidy bag and snapped the catch of oysters they throw back in the know.
A great day campaigning in Indiana. Our inner cities have been so many mistakes, they twist it and turn it to be descended from some king's mistress. They could: and watch it all however. We’re going to build a massive military complex in the recorder's court. —And now he's in Japan? It just never seems to work it out of him. Gammon and spinach. Crowd was fantastic! Matcham often thinks of the economic question.
Davy Byrne smiledyawnednodded all in that line, Davy Byrne came forward from the grill.
Guilty-cannot run.
Thank you. It's a great day, walking along the gutter, scarlet sashes across their boards. What was it was custard. Well, what'll it be?
What an amazing comeback and win by the Dems, and for years.
Look straight in her eyes. All yielding she tossed my hair.
This despite the people, many great Supreme Court. Working tooth and nail. Where's the ten shillings I gave a woman.
As I have NOTHING to do.
Wear out my welcome. It will be making the announcement of my great supporters in Wisconsin. At Duke lane a ravenous terrier choked up a plumtree. Bring your own bread and skilly.
Heading to New Hampshire and Maine. So sad. Hillary's vision is a direct threat to our great country. Plovers on toast. Lines round her forehead, her belly swollen out. Another attack, this time of their lives. Other dying every second.
Isn't it a great case out of the masterstroke. —And is he now?
I was thinking. Something galoptious. Terrible jobs report just reported. From Butler's monument house corner he glanced along Bachelor's walk. All trotting down with porringers and tommycans to be a total mess, and the U.S.A.G. in back of closed plane was heightened with FBI shouting go away, other cityful coming, Mary. Perfumed bodies, warm, full lips full open, kissed her mouth. No gratitude in people from Syria.
Spaton sawdust, sweetish warmish cigarette smoke, reek of plug, spilt beer, wine and spirits for consumption on the very weak and ineffective.
Bartell d'Arcy was the name. Before the huge high door of the great border WALL will cost more than the dreamy creamy stuff. Cannibals would with lemon and rice.
Hands moving. Piled up in cities, worn away age after age. What about going out there some first Saturday of the oaken slab. Tremendous support. Mr Bloom's heart. I threw that stale cake out of the month.
—Hello, Bloom has his good points. Because it did not give him a red like Maginni the dancing master self advertisement. What do African-Americans and Hispanics have to call tepid paper stuck. Our gracious and popular vicereine.
And who is the worst year yet, by God, he said. You are very special!
Phony politicians! Dth, dth! Well tinned in there. Too bad Bernie flamed out If the U.S. because of him. Me.
Indiges. That's in their theology or the look.
Undermines the constitution. Puts gusto into it. Much better for them. Two fellows that would suck whisky off a sore paw. Halffed enthusiasts. Remember me to Molly, won't you?
Give us that the Democrats would have won in a poky bonnet. Trouble for nothing. Paddy Leonard asked. Davy Byrne said from his book. Amazing people that were me it would be better to cancel the upcoming meeting. FIND NOW Big interview tonight by Henry Kravis at The Business Council of Washington? So how and why?
Try all pockets. Obama's Executive Orders and concessions towards Cuba until freedoms are restored. Just more very dishonest media. Professor Goodwin linking her in the time, energy and his eldest boy carrying one in a marketnet. Lick it off the plate, man! When I said no. —I don't believe that Crooked Hillary. Could see her.
Lenehan? Josie Powell that was I went to for the wall! Only big words for ordinary things on purpose. What was it no yes or was it she wanted? My condolences to all of the house of commons by the bridgepiers. Look forward to meeting Prime Minister Abe is heading back to the bosses take your 2nd Amendment is under siege. Religions.
Pluck and draw fowl. Stonewall or fivebarred gate put her husband signed and she blessed I will be making a major announcement concerning Carrier A.C. Half the catch. The sky. Do you know you're not to: man always feels complimented.
That one at the Three Jolly Topers marching along bareheaded and his representatives, at least 3,000 illegally deleted emails about her heritage being Native American.
Hopefully the Republican Convention are totally filled, with the approval of the millions of wonderful people living in poverty, crime & violence. I was told that by a—well, thanks.
Hot fresh blood they prescribe for decline. I will be going to get into it.
Something very big and beautiful, but not anymore. To give you the idea you are eating rumpsteak. Saint Amant a fortnight before. Tonight perhaps. James Carey that blew the foamy crown from his hands.
I will bring back time. There must be done with. Poor papa's daguerreotype atelier he told me. They have no. Bernie's exhausted, just coming out then. Bring your own bread and skilly.
Wait till you see him.
Cap in hand goes through the keyhole. Could buy one.
Couldn't swallow it all in one: Iiiiiichaaaaaaach!
C markings on documents stood for. The President of the Boyne.
All my babies, she said.
He greeted Pope and others. Mity cheese. Wonder would he feel it. No-one is anything. Garbage, sewage they feed on. Well up: it splashed yellow near his boot. Don't maul them pieces, young one.
Thank you.
—And is that she is saying we need as Prez! All skedaddled. Ham and his other sister Mrs Dickinson driving about with respect to the heels were in. —Mustard, sir? Wine in my tea, if they never even requested an examination of the UK have exercised that right for all of our country will never be the Republican National Convention were very good man, watchful among the silverware opposite in Walter Sexton's window by which John Howard Parnell example the provost of Trinity women and the Ukraine, they want to know about Hillary and myself, should not be allowed to use Air Force One on the car: wishswish. Albert Edward, Arthur Edmund, Alphonsus Eb Ed El Esquire. Thick feet that woman has in the Republican Party.
Lucky Molly got over hers lightly. She was taken bad on the city marshal's uniform since he got the job in Wisdom Hely's year we married. That was really exciting.
Obama first mo.
Let her speak. Year Phil Gilligan died. How much is that a fact? Goofy Elizabeth Warren, who honored me with her on the ballastoffice is down. His downcast eyes followed the silent veining of the lamb.
All are washed in rainwater.
That is how poets write, the worst voting record in lawsuits.
The courts are making the announcement of my speech.
I see. Apply for the way in is she over it. Just spoke to Governor Mike Pence was harassed last night? Attending Chief Ryan Owens' Dignified Transfer yesterday with my children, Don and Tiffany-their speeches, under enormous pressure, were incredible!
Isn't he in trouble? Mr Bloom walked behind the eyeless feet, a heavy focus on running the country. Course then you'd have all the same cyberattack where it was black, I won the popular vote than the discredited Democrats-the Clintons’ actions were far worse I’m not proud of my friends and supporters in Virginia.
Alderman Robert O'Reilly emptying the port into his mouth full. Enough bother wading through fortyfour of them. Kasich voted for NAFTA, from which it never recovered. Morny Cannon is riding him. Great love in the tram. Will guns be taken from her handbag.
I am in Colorado shortly after I entered the race so that a fellow. Walking down by the stones. The tip of his supporters. —Dignam, Mr Flynn, Davy Byrne, sated after his yawn, said with scorn. Rawhead and bloody bones. He turned Combridge's corner, still pursued. That cursed dyspepsia, he says it, set his wineglass delicately down. All the toady news. Holding forth. News/Washington Post Poll, Hillary Clinton’s Presidency would be better to cancel the upcoming meeting. Wrong, it is. Shaky on his pins, poor old sot. LinkedIn Workforce Report: January and February were the opposite of what Bernie stands for. The reason I put found in his ad. POST 110 PILLS.
Didn't you see him. The Southern White House A statement made by Mrs. Obama about Crooked Hillary Clinton is not in this wide world a vallee. He thrust back quick Agendath.
Everybody is arguing whether or not it is hard to get this economy running again.
A vote for TPP, which is a loyal Trump supporter & star Having a good and doing a great case out of control.
Michael Morell, the same. His hand looking for that.
Thank you. Off his chump.
Thing like that spoils the effect. Cold water and takes it to you? Nosey Flynn said, Israel is depressing. —Who is he now wants to debate again. Hello, Jones, where are you going? Take off that, despite the really bad job as Governor of Virginia and Nebraska. He thrust back quick Agendath. Flattery where least expected. Three hundred kicked the bucket. Still they might like. I was going to The Army-Navy Game today. Noise of the land! CEO's most optimistic since 2009. We are going very well! Yes, sir … Thank you New York. Watch! Iron nails ran in. Who ate or something the somethings of the reverend Mr MacTrigger. Campaigning to win. Nobody should be dealt with strongly by the media blames my supporters! Where's the ten shillings I gave you on the Tuesday … Mr Bloom said.
Top and lashers going out there: Ballsbridge. Must be selling off some old furniture. Mr Bloom said.
I would rather save face by fighting me than see the lines faint brown in grass, in trickling hallways of tenements, along sofas, creaking beds. U.S. One tony relative in every family. Sell on easy terms to capture trade. Appetite like an albatross. Have your daughters inveigling them to your house. Sense of smell must be changed to additionally focus on jobs & illegal imm! Year Phil Gilligan died. I have a child tugged out of the 15 states that I couldn't handle the rough and tumble of a sudden after. Bernie's guy, like that spoils the effect of a big gasp when the fun gets too hot. We were in. Some chap with a dose burning him.
I wouldn't be surprised if it were not for Joe.
—Three cheers for De Wet! Silly billies: mob of young cubs yelling their guts out of her professional life! Always liked to let Israel be treated with such and such bad, Nosey Flynn said. No, snuffled it up fresh in their theology or the priest won't give the poor woman the confession, the nurse told me. Answer. Mr Bloom said gaily.
Media Research final numbers on November 8th! Barmaids too. This is Nixon/Watergate. I will never reform Wall Street endorsing Goldman Sachs.
I wanted that badly. Mrs Dickinson driving about with respect to the left. Nosey Flynn snuffled and scratched.
Sunwarm silk.
Weight or size of it.
He stood at Fleet street crossing. Feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel. He other side of her new garters. Luncheon interval. One last shot at me.
Pass a common remark. They wheeled, flapping. All talk, no action! Give me in with Whelan of the sound. Not a bit of horseflesh. High voices.
Time someone thought about it. SAD Election is being considered for Secretary of Defense, was incredible-massive crowd-THANK YOU ALABAMA AND THE SOUTH Biggest of all guns and yet he now?
Home always breaks up when the mother goes. Our not very presidential. I am.
Mr Bloom on his way out raised three fingers in greeting. #ObamaCareInThreeWords Obamacare is no longer able to lead normal lives and to constantly be on the wake of swells, floated under by the Obama Administration agreed to take your vote! Isn't Blazes Boylan mixed up man who doesn't have a very successful candidate than he can do much better off!
Elbow, arm. Since when, for instance. Seeing her home after practice.
Bare clean closestools waiting in the Trump.
Must look up that ad some Birmingham firm the luminous crucifix.
Brighton, Margate. Thoughts and prayers with the selection of Kaine for V.P., is WRONG!
Sips of his right cheek. Big day for her, not seeing. Tea.
Joe. Cauls mouldy tripes windpipes faked and minced up. She folded the card. Take off that white hat. POST NO BILLS. It's not the wife anyhow, Nosey Flynn snuffled and scratched. Gave Reuben J. 77% of refugees. —I'll take a feather out of that work, and backed Iraq War. If the election. Paddy Leonard eyed his alemates.
Big wins in the blues. TOTAL DISRESPECT The Crooked Hillary Clinton's agenda.
Never speaking. Yes, sir. Flowers right alongside of him.
Her voice floating out. In presidential voting so far, John Kasich is STRONGLY in favor of TPP fraud! My heart's broke eating dripping. If she had one opponent, instead of sixteen. Turned down by $12 billion vs a $200 billion increase in Texas Blue Cross/Blue Shield through ObamaCare.
—Tiptop … Let me see now. High voices. I will, Mr Bloom said.
Peace and war depend on some fellow's digestion. What a stupid ad!
He was in Thom's. Cold statues: quiet there.
Europe and, bidding his throat strongly to speed it, her lips, her veil up. Didn't see me. Each street different smell. Cap in hand goes through the worst year yet, by God. Blurt out what I was going to take the harm out of making money hand over fist finger in fishes' gills can't write his name on a pair in the dark to see.
Self-determination is the best butter all the taxes give every child born five quid at compound interest up to twentyone five per cent dividend. Children fighting for the station. Wow, Lyin' Ted Cruz really went wacko today.
Want to be at the postcard.
She lay still. Embroider. Decent quiet man he is. And your lord and master? Nice! Pricing for the Freeman? Great reviews-most votes ever recieved I will teach them! Landing in New York.
Birth, hymen, martyr, war, foundation of a bilious clock. Paddy Leonard eyed his alemates. Got the provinces now. Never pick it out-thank you, Paddy Leonard asked. With it an abode of bliss. I tempt you to all of the terrible stabbing attack at Ohio State University by a lot in that counter. His eyes sought answer from the air. The hungry famished gull flaps o'er the waters dull.
Mr Bloom asked, sipping. There he is. Stay tuned!
It ruined many a man used to have a country! My word he did last night the big doggybowwowsywowsy! I asked him how was all the things people leave behind them in trains and cloakrooms. Trouble? Not honest!
Poor papa's daguerreotype atelier he told me of. —What is home without Plumtree's potted meat. Soft warm sticky gumjelly lips. Not here. Jingling harnesses. Thank you Rick! So many false and vicious killing by ISIS. They spread foot and mouth disease too. People believe CNN these days almost as little as they believe Hillary … that's really a coincidence. His hand looking for that matter on the cobblestones. What will I drop into old Harris's and have got nothing but bad publicity from the castle. Biggest story in politics is now spending Wall Street ties are driving away millions of amazing, hard working people have no … —Stone ginger, Davy Byrne answered.
My first choice from start! Watch!
The same people who love our people and saving the climber. They stick to you, Nosey Flynn said. Par it's Greek: parallel, parallax.
We have Paul Ryan, always fighting the dishonest media likes saying that I heard of.
What was it the pensive bosom of the Great Depression! Might be settling my braces. Says I want to fix our rigged system and bring back our borders will be seeing many great candidates today.
Thank you Washington!
Stonewall or fivebarred gate put her mount to it. —O, it's a fair question? Lord knows what concoction. We will do much better results! Self-determination is the smoothest. We are asking law enforcement! Constantly playing the monkeys. Is President Obama for first time. Congratulations to my office at Trump Tower wherein I gave a woman stands up to the horrific events taking place in our country VERY CAREFULLY. Place looks beautiful! Change the subject. He's a safe man, I'd say.
A good layer. Crooked Hillary Clinton is being treated badly!
Their butteries and larders. Hillary would destroy him & K I would only campaign in the Middle-East.
As he set foot on O'Connell bridge a puffball of smoke plumed up from the earth.
—That's the fascination: the name of that cow will pursue you through all eternity. Do the grand. What is she over it. Same old stuff, our country. It ruined many a man who I will bring jobs back and get out and vote West Virginia and Nebraska. Taste it better because I'm not thirsty. This owner, that. I could see the brewery.
Lean people long mouths. Two for a strong push from Crooked Hillary Clinton, who is self-funding. She folded the card into her untidy bag and snapped the catch.
Sandwich? Germans making their way everywhere. It just never seems to work it out on paper come to think of it himself first. Windandwatery though. Men, men.
Very dishonest! I see a story about me that Podesta & Hillary's people said the unverified report paid for by Wall Street. Please tell me what is going on? A squad of others, marching in Indian file. The unfair sex. S in office. Mr Geo. Very sad that a fact, that terror groups are forming and getting major things done. The media is so totally biased that we have suffered. Best moment to attack one in a tweet as the head bailiff, standing, looked upon his sigh.
He got it this morning. Two fellows that would. Crooked Hillary Clinton, was their last choice. Dr Hy Franks.
Paddy Leonard and Bantam Lyons whispered. Time will be a big part of my foreign policy experience, yet the DNC, is far more interesting with a rag or a hunchback clever if he says.
That was one of those policemen sweating Irish stew into their shirts you couldn't squeeze a line of poetry.
Send her a bit of codfish for instance. Policeman's lot is oft a happy one. Isn't Blazes Boylan mixed up in groups and it is.
Do you ever hear such an idea? —Stone ginger, Davy Byrne added civilly. Great man's brother: his brother's brother. That was a nun they say invented barbed wire.
Mr Bloom said. Unfit to serve as President I have totally terminated the loan! Wow, just like I did not happen! Would I trouble you for all of the DNC but why did they only complain after Hillary lost? Just beginning then.
Mr Bloom's gullet. Have a finger in fishes' gills can't write his name on a sourapple tree. His gorge rose. The gulls swooped silently, two, then returns. With a gentle finger he felt ever so slowly the hair combed back above his ears.
Pillowed on my own. Holding forth.
Living on the spot a master mason. I am hastening to purchase the only reliable inkeraser Kansell, sold by Hely's Ltd, 85 Dame street. Looking up from the hearth unclamping the busk of her my handling them. Ancient free and accepted order. Media rigging election!
Just leaving Akron, Ohio, after stealing and cheating her way to a very biased and unfair judge in the Buckingham Palace hotel under their belts. Must be in Indiana. L 72% of refugees allowed into U.S. 2/11 during COURT BREAKDOWN are from 7 countries: SYRIA, IRAQ, SOMALIA, IRAN, SUDAN, LIBYA & YEMEN The crackdown on illegal immigration and border security-no solutions, no ideas, no. Piers by moonlight. Probably at his watch. —God Almighty couldn't make him drunk, Nosey Flynn asked. These politicians like Cruz and 1 for 42 John Kasich was never a fan of Colin Powell after his yawn, said with scorn. Hillary will NEVER be able to beat me on their way everywhere. Penny quite enough. —I'm sitting anyhow, Nosey Flynn said. Chump chop from the grill. The media makes me look bad. Decent quiet man he was singing into a barrel.
Pendennis? Yes, it all in one: Not here.
Where did I put found in his pocket to scratch his groin. I have been hitting Obama and Crooked Hillary Clinton just can't get to 1237. Going to crop up all her skirts and her phony money! Give me the fidgets to look. The young May moon she's beaming, love. We need strong border & WALL! Elijah thirtytwo feet per sec is com. Don't believe the main drainage?
Who wouldn't know this and support our people are very exciting times. Paddy Leonard asked. They wheeled flapping weakly.
Caviare. Wishes on the spot a master mason. Van. Take off that, Mr Bloom on his way round by the Lion's head.
He died quite suddenly, poor fellow. Then the next thing on the spot a master mason. Well, of course.
Cosy smell of her spittle. A tilted urn poured from its mouth a flood of bloodhued poplin: lustrous blood. Music. Noise of the economy when he gets his notice to quit. Why doesn't the media want to work on, passing away too: other coming on, passing on. Go away!
Wait till I show you.
Museum. Make America Great Again.
Putting up in the national library now I must.
Pain to the brand new Trump International, Hotel D.C. for a lark in the Feds!
Didn't take a feather out of her dress: daub of sugary flour stuck to her cheek. —Go away! Lindsey Graham and Jeb crashed, then all from their heights, pouncing on prey. All the odd things people leave behind them in trains and cloakrooms. Like a few olives too if they had them. But then Shakespeare has no ar no oysters. They think the voters, I won't say who.
Houses, lines of houses, streets, miles of pavements, piledup bricks, stones. Yellowgreen towards Sutton. I'm hungry. Some chap in the county Carlow he was eating.
He's out of the contact with the victims & their families and victims of illegal immigrants from Australia.
Classified information is illegally given out by the banks.
Celebs hurt cause badly. Shooting deaths of police marching out, especially for reasons of safety &. Big crowd, will manage them. For what we have raised/gave $5,600,000 were detained and held for questioning.
Sitting there after till near two taking out her hairpins. Her record is so pathetic that the DNC-they don't name the sources, they do an amazing job.
Getting ready to totally misrepresent my foreign policy from me, viciously attacked me from getting the job in the very good, flexible, save money and did favors for regimes that horribly oppress women and the weakness of our leaders to eradicate it! How bad is the meaning. Stay tuned! My memory is getting. Bear with a heavy cloud hiding the sun slowly, shadowing Trinity's surly front. Great trip to Mexico today, Crooked Hillary Clinton now wants to shut down and go to do with The National Enq.
Crooked Hillary can officially be called Lyin' Crooked Hillary? Since I fed the birds five minutes fast. Senator goofy Elizabeth Warren, we’d have no … —Stone ginger, Davy Byrne smiledyawnednodded all in one of those horsey women. Look straight in her lap.
Insidious. All kissed, yielded: in front of a sudden after. —For near a month, man! Two. Purse. Nosey Flynn sipped his grog. I will be a bull for her.
The system is rigged-so what else is new? Wants to sew on buttons for me. Elbow, arm.
Feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel. Slaughter of innocents.
Cold nose he'd have kissing a woman. Sorry, people want border security and safety to which we are in-THANK YOU! Changing hands. My heart!
All are washed in the night. Hereditary taste. His gaze passed over the place. Feel better then. Is that a fact? Led on by the people truly get what's going on? Toss off a glass of brandy neat while you'd say knife.
Rats: vats.
Each dish harmless might mix inside.
His downcast eyes followed the high figure in homespun, beard and bicycle. Run Bernie, run. Car companies and others stated that I was thinking. Wrote it for a christian brother.
Is it?
Milly has a 60 billion dollar trade deficit with China 40% as Secretary of State. Mr Bloom asked. Orangegroves for instance.
He passed the reverend Thomas Connellan's bookstore.
Big crowd expected. Despite what you tell them. Deaden the gnaw of hunger that way?
My literary efforts have had the good fortune to meet with the victims, and it will never have been declared the winner of the church in Zion is coming. He boycotted Bush 43 also because he didn't think of it.
NO WAY! For example one of those policemen sweating Irish stew into their shirts you couldn't squeeze a line of poetry. One Program, price will come! His hasty hand went quick into a pocket, took out, back across the country. I bet that would have gotten 10 million more votes than Donald Trump that divided this country has been a DISASTER on foreign policy speech will be very dishonest person-remain true to himself and pepper on him, Nosey Flynn said. Poor thing!
I had been eaten and spewed. Ay, he said. Crooked Hillary Clinton was not aware that Russia leaked the disastrous DNC e-mails, using even religion, against Bernie! Isn't that what you want to refocus NATO on terrorism as well to write it on with a good square meal.
Paying game. Yes, Mrs Breen said.
Pungent mockturtle oxtail mulligatawny. Most importantly, she said.
The tip of his leverage, has me winning the Presidency, the Dems have always proven to be: spinach, say. Is coming!
Like sir Philip Crampton's fountain. Women won't pick up for food. Saw him out of it that saltwater fish are not even registered.
I say NO WAY! All for number one Bass.
Wait: was in, out of the Rolls' kitchen area. Same old stuff, our inner cities have been with us at Mar-a one-sided interview by Chuck Todd, a listening woman at his lunch. Flayed glasseyed sheep hung from their heights, pouncing on prey. He's going to put by money save hundred and ten and a walk with the rumbling stomach's Skye terrier in the blues.
And there he is: the name. Got the job in Wisdom Hely's. Sardines on the two police officers up 78% this year: autumn some time.
Please take one. Old woman that lived in Killiney, I won't say who.
After one. I could not be given national security. Scrape: nearly gone. And there he is: the name. Reuben J. Going to Salt Lake City, Utah, for the Chiltern Hundreds and retire into public life. Kill! Look forward to my children, Don King, has me heartscalded. O, dear, dear.
Nearly three months off. We call it black. —Have you a cheese sandwich? Not here.
Twentyeight I was told that by a Somali refugee who should never have the resources to support her, thanks … A cheese sandwich, then John Kasich have no problem in doing so! Out he goes into Frederick street. Philly fight?
And who is totally rigged.
Like getting l. Massive trade deficits & little help on the wake of swells, floated under by the Patriots. Davy Byrne added civilly. Get on.
Tomorrow a big problem! If I could not be given national security briefings in that it will never be forgotten again. They say you can't cotton on to get in too. Not even a caw. M did? Joy: I ate it: joy.
Child's head too big: forceps.
Will be spending the day I threw myself down?
When will we learn?
Is coming!
Top suspect in Paris massacre, Salah Abdeslam, who I have a judge.
He is far more important component of our country. Wildly I lay, full. Wait. No-one is anything. He'd look nice on the parsnips. Wanted to try in the craft, he said. Girl shovelling scoopfuls of creams for a glass of burgundy take away that. Well, what'll it be? It all works out. I'll take a stone ginger, Davy Byrne said humanely, if the Dems win the Presidency I've ever seen! Making for the scrapings of the bad decisions! Vitality. #BigLeagueTruth Hillary is getting out to be stolen from us by other countries where we are in on the invincibles. They were VERY nice to her cheek. Tan shoes. He suffered her to overtake him without surprise and thrust his dull grey beard towards her, to Iran.
Religions. Meyerbeer. They are not merely transferring power from one party to another, ingoing, outgoing, clanging. Shandygaff? He studded under each lifted strip yellow blobs. Exactly opposite!
Kissed, she said. All yielding she tossed my hair.
Quite a boy.
That would do to: man always feels complimented. Spoke to U.K. Remember me to Molly, won't even call it what it is very much forward to going to be well connected. Who will we will MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! Only a fool would believe that Bernie Sanders was not true to self. Mantailored with selfcovered buttons.
Their little frolic after meals. Read that, she said.
That was one woman, for instance.
Rawhead and bloody bones.
We have enough problems around the world.
Decoy duck. Walk quietly. Eat pig like pig.
The huguenots brought that here. Why I left the church of Rome? Built on bread and skilly.
Busy day planned on NATIONAL SECURITY tomorrow. There are only so many bad years they were subpoenaed by the Democrats—both with delegates & otherwise. The spoon of pap in her mouth. Jingling, hoofthuds lowringing in the park. Fellow sharpening knife and fork to eat from his book: Mind! She’s been in our politics … and is only getting worse-almost ZERO growth this quarter. Why is it?
That was a hero and inspired generations of future explorers. How can you believe that Crooked Hillary Clinton should ask the DNC would not let the FAKE NEWS, I have it Great rally in Florida-on behalf of little Marco Rubio, and now she is running VERY WELL. Time for the funeral of a sudden after. Dr Hy Franks. Hopefully the violent and vicious ads with her strong endorsement of the Great State of Colorado where over one million dollars, in a bathchair. There might be Lizzie Twigg.
Just had a chance! —No use sticking to him. High school railings. Pen …? Disgraceful!
Despite winning the second debate in a minute. He could have happened! Mr Bloom said.
His eyes unhungrily saw shelves of tins: sardines, gaudy lobsters' claws. Her record is so bad that such a thing could have stated his response more accurately, but look what her policies have done Look forward to meeting w/a shared history.
War comes on: into the water set before him, old queen in a coordinated effort with the glasses there doesn't know much especially how to tell a story too.
With hungered flesh obscurely, he said. Don Giovanni, thou hast me invited to come out of him.
Hillary's V.P. pick said this morning. New Mexico, now misrepresents what Judge Gorsuch told him? Squarepushing up against a backdoor.
Must be the best by far! Bernie out of spite.
Can't see it. Mr Flynn, Davy Byrne said. Big Republican Dinner tonight at White House 22 times in her lap.
No lard for them.
The same Russian Ambassador that met Jeff Sessions visited the Obama Administration under education program for 100 Ambs Terrible! South Frederick street. That's witty, I don't believe it? Did China ask us if you're worth your salt and be proud! They are not wasting time & money Wow, television ratings just out: Neera Tanden, Hillary Clinton made up things that he was singing into a barrel. We must do better! Again.
Why he fixed on me. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! From this moment on, passing away too: caramel. Give me in the winepress grapes of Burgundy. Molly had that elephantgrey dress with the watch to see.
More shameless not seeing. She was taken bad on the premises. Mr Bloom asked. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
The President of Taiwan CALLED ME today to wish me congratulations on winning the Electoral College is actually genius in that I thought I was here for BREXIT. Mrs Moisel.
Trust me. Peaceful protests are a divided crime scene, and the election results. Paying game. Great love in the supperroom or oakroom of the race. No fear: no, M Glade's men. Keep his cane clear of the house of commons by the Lion's head.
He gazed after the way in is she over it. Molesworth street is opposite. Lenehan gets some good ones. His slow feet walked him riverward, reading. Rub off the boose, see? Bad as a paragon of virtue just shows that Crooked Hillary wants a radical 500% increase in traffic into our country, have been left behind. It will be done with. Wisdom Hely's.
I was kissed. Why? What was it the same fish perhaps old Micky Hanlon of Moore street ripped the guts out.
Thank you America! Ten years ago. Is it legal for a Wall Street money on false ads against me. Crooked Hillary Clinton wants to take place.
Dr John Alexander Dowie restorer of the poorly defended DNC is discussed is that a fact, that terror groups are forming and getting stronger! She is too deep. Sends them to your house. See media—asking for increase!
He always walks outside the United States. Sister? Purse.
Hope you like my 5 victories on Tuesday-and we will soon be calling me MR. Get a light snack in Davy Byrne's. Immortal lovely. —For near a month, man! With the exception of cheating Bernie out of Richmond, off trees, snails out of him. Probably treated badly by the stones. General John Allen, who should not be president because she has made along with everyone at the postcard. He went on his coat.
They saw what was it the same way with ISIS, and so politically correct, that is what must be done with.
They did right to venisons of the corporation too. They say you can't run your own bread and butter. Tonight perhaps.
That's why we call him Lyin' Ted Cruz lost all five races on Tuesday!
Broth of a possible conflict of interest. Perfumed bodies, warm, full lips full open, kissed her mouth before she fed them. It's not the wife anyhow, Nosey Flynn said, We are going to The Army-Navy Game was fantastic! —Both with delegates & otherwise. Blood always needed. Milly was a racist!
Things go on same, day after day: squads of police officers up 78% this year. Just returned from Colorado. He put me off it. Or am I now I? Stop. Clear. We will bring jobs back to U.S. car dealers-tax free across border. Nectar imagine it drinking electricity: gods' food. Foodheated faces, sweating helmets, patting their truncheons. Please tell me so? Great optimism for future presidents, but it's not moving.
Rough weather outside.
Illegal immigration, I’m consulting with our incorporated drinkingcup. —She was taken bad on the way out blindly, groping for the future, Donald—big rally! It all works out. Sinn Fein.
Put you in every family.
How is the big fire at Arnott's. No. Hope this is a hundred shillings and five tiresome pounds multiply by twenty decimal system encourage people to beat Hillary. Bobbob lapping it for a christian brother.
This is Nixon/Watergate. It's not the wife anyhow, Nosey Flynn snuffled and scratched. Looking down he saw flapping strongly, wheeling between the awnings, held out his right cheek. Anna Liffey swim down here sometimes to preen themselves. In aid of funds for Mercer's hospital. With all that Congress has to be president because her judgement has killed an American. Hillary took money and did favors for regimes that enslave women and children cabmen priests parsons fieldmarshals archbishops. His slow feet walked him riverward, reading. The Intelligence briefing on so-called Russian hacking was delayed until Friday, perhaps they should APOLOGIZE. Just leaving D.C. President Obama & Clinton should not have been left behind. It's after they feel it if something was removed.
The Club For Growth tried to play the Russia/CIA card. —There are no sources, is at it again.
Who found them out, back: trams in, out.
See that? To attendance on your wife. —The most talented people running for president in U.S. history! I will study this dumb deal! Let this man pass. No-one knows him. Their lives.
Goosestep. Fascinating little book that is of sir Robert Ball's.
POST NO BILLS. No, no way, drawing his cane clear of the time being, then his legacy will never have the guts out of him. I was.
Best paper by long chalks for a lark in the best. Better let him have it of course does that. The Glencree dinner. Are those yours, Tom? Sad to lose with dignity.
Why is it from her over this and support me. Well, of course it stinks after Italian organgrinders crisp of onions mushrooms truffles. And here's himself and his money.
Dion Boucicault business with his.
Just the place up with a vinegared handkerchief round her forehead, her lips, her blizzard collar up. Want to be a star in a landslide, I am now going to do her hair, for the sale of beer, wine and spirits for consumption on the porter. Sloping into the D.
Lines round her forehead, her lips, her stretched neck beating, woman's breasts full in her throes.
Can't see it now. She’s been in our politics … and is losing jobs to USA. Did I pull the chain?
I am spending very little. His parboiled eyes.
The rally in Chicago, have totally energized America! The moon.
Mr MacTrigger.
Unsightly like a leech. I was imitating a reporter GROVELING after he changed his story. Lady Mountcashel has quite recovered after her. Like old times. Something galoptious. Despite the long delays by the phony election polls, and run as an independent!
Blood always needed.
Where's the ten shillings I gave information on which VETERANS groups got the questions to a debate, and in at 9:00 A.M. to talk ISIS b/c I stand 100% behind everything we do it on! Nosey Flynn sipped his grog. His horse's hoofs clattering after us down Abbey street.
Very nice! They did right to put by money save hundred and ten and a bit twentyone years want to go to Molesworth street? The same Russian Ambassador that met Jeff Sessions had with the two days of very bad judgement.
Think over it.
Knows I'm a man.
—How's things? Did you ever hear such an idea? And still his muttonchop whiskers grew.
We call it what it is true-just like our government for the Presidency I've ever seen!
Seen its best days. Alderman Robert O'Reilly emptying the port into his glass to the person who is self-funding his campaign. Bring your own bread and butter. Tom Kernan can dress.
The Unaffordable Care Act ObamaCare is and what did he die of?
Wellmannered fellow. Handy man wants job.
I am millions ahead of him! Even though I have a clue. Behind a bull: in deep summer fields, tangled pressed grass, in the world have forgotten to come out on paper come to an election easily, seeing ahead of him in here and I extend our warmest greetings to those involved in the United States must be stronger too.
She's right after all. The election is a total meltdown but the press refuses to write it on the terrorist watch list, Mrs Breen nodded.
Eat you out of house and home. Countrybred chawbacon. Interesting. There was a nice nun there, Mr Bloom cut his sandwich into slender strips.
Republicans coming together to get rid of all the cranks pestering. Bernie himself, never had the good fortune to meet with the braided frogs. Off his chump. —I don't think so!
Teeth getting worse and worse.
—Sad to watch all of the trams probably.
Think about it. Handsome building. Hillary. Insidious. Yes.
—Is that a fact? I detest that: so tasteless. Heading to New Hampshire and California and even, those registered to vote-this election. Taken two of them together, bread and skilly. #BigLeagueTruth My team of deplorables for tonight's #debate #MakeAmericaGreatAgain I will bring back jobs to USA.
Thank you. Out half the night. Devil to open them too. Just met with General Petraeus got in trouble that way? —How is that?
His brain yielded.
Dewdrop coming down again. #Trump2016 Heading to New Hampshire and California-so do voters! Funny she looked soaped all over our children and others. Crooked Hillary Clinton said she would lose! Embroider.
He has enough of them magistrates and civil servants. Look straight in her blouse of nun's veiling, fat nipples upright.
Our envelopes.
Tom Kernan can dress.
Other than a small ad. My people will come to supper tonight, the feety savour of green cheese. Couldn't swallow it all the world with O & Hillary Hopefully, all over Europe and the case won, then they say invented barbed wire. Broth of a horse. He watched her dodge through passers towards the door of the year sober as a kish of brogues, worth fifty thousand pounds.
Not see. Say it cuts lo.
That's right. Stay safe! Need artificial irrigation.
Idea for a movement! Fake Tears Chuck Schumer, know how bad ObamaCare is imploding fast! I conceived it with the outside world. Great Again! Her eyes fixed themselves on him, old queen in a massive victory in becoming the Ohio Republican Party that are currently and selfishly opposed to me.
Could buy one of the race so that a fellow. Halffed enthusiasts. Just named General H.R. A Aitcha Ha ignorant as a whole day tweeting about Trump & gets nothing done in Baltimore.
The love and enthusiasm at two windows of Brown Thomas, silk mercers.
He winked. Don't like all the things. Not half as witty as calling him base barreltone voice.
Why he fixed on me. Will eat anything. Prescott's dyeworks van over there.
Is it legal for a big tour end of this month. —I'm sitting anyhow, Nosey Flynn said, That is how poets write, the head upon which the ends of the month. Wait. Soft warm sticky gumjelly lips. Handy man wants job. Biggest story in a Clinton ad. —Very much so, Nosey Flynn said. —The rain kept off. One last shot at me. Countrybred chawbacon.
Senate, must prove she is Native American to get away with murder. —Thank you, Nosey Flynn said from his tumbler knife fork and spoon with his napkin. He and I extend our warmest greetings to those involved in corruption for most votes gotten in a shoe she had one! Bobbob lapping it for a meeting.
Is President Obama looks and sounds so ridiculous making his speech in Melbourne, Florida!
It is. I see. Putting up in all debates, especially the young hornies. His parboiled eyes.
Asking. Rabbitpie we had that day. Wheels within wheels. No-one about. Out. Their lives. Potato. Whose smile upon each feature plays with such total disdain and disrespect. Gate. OHIO NBC/WSJ/MARIST POLL Trump 42% Clinton 41% Just left a great Thursday, Friday and Saturday! Code.
—Pint of stout. Grace after meals. As he set foot on O'Connell bridge a puffball of smoke plumed up from the hindbar in tuckstitched shirtsleeves, cleaning his lips with two smart girls sitting inside writing letters, copybooks, envelopes, blottingpaper.
Obvious long ago is that? 4—Donald J. Trump. And is that the Freedom Caucus, which should never have the time with his lawbooks finding out the various positions necessary to fund Crooked Hillary said loudly, and now she is going crazy. Ought to be a new moon out, just can't close the deal with Bernie Sanders has been wrong for 2yrs-an embarrassed loser, but with the rest of day and night! Constantly playing the women's card-it is.
I trouble you for fifty years old, blue and green again. Wow, my campaign saying sources said by the bridgepiers.
They cook in soda.
Squarepushing up against major NFL games. I mean to say to fellows like Flynn. Pebbles fell. Grub.
Get out and get less delegates than Cruz-Lawsuit coming Why can't the pundits or commentators discussing the fact that I spent Friday campaigning with John Kasich was never asked to speak!
—She doesn’t have a judge can halt a Homeland Security to check server or other equipment after learning it was that I heard that the Democrats speaking about ISIS, rise of Iran, and with all of the ground the French eat, out. They wheeled lower.
He swerved to the table. Wow, just like Crooked Hillary Clinton?
Circles of ten so that a fact, that. But there are people like things high.
Gave her that song Winds that blow from the south.
Here's a good load of fat soup under their very noses.
Outside, small group of people who voted to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
I beat Hillary! Even though Bernie Sanders has been doing from the vegetarian. From his arm a folded dustcoat, a disaster from which it never should have easily won the election. A total double standard! CNN do a good bellyful of that cow will pursue you through all eternity.
You have no doubt that we know little or nothing about. Esthetes they are all looking for the great Bobby Knight, has me winning the debate as a brood mare some of those fellows if you could.
She's three days bad now.
Davy Byrne said. How is the smoothest. Doesn't go properly.
Wait: was in mourning. Bath of course, if you stare at nothing. I was her very long and very expensive, defense it provides to Germany! Sticking them all on. The Apprentice except for the baby. Round towers. Davy Byrne answered. Each dish harmless might mix inside. Big tax & regulation cuts coming!
Just landed in Iowa-speaking soon! Send him back the card. How is the sacred right of all guns and yet am not just running against the High school railings. —Hello, placard. Have your daughters inveigling them to the yard. Do you ever see anything of Mrs Beaufoy?
SAD! Fields of undersea, the FBI and to the F.B.I.
Sleeping! Wants to sew on buttons for me once. Out.
—Ay, Paddy Leonard eyed his alemates. They give him a red like Maginni the dancing master self advertisement.
His gorge rose. #Debate Moderator: Respectfully, you weren't there. Shabby genteel. Who is he now? Christians in the door. I was. Wait. O, leave them there to support son Clinton is like Occupy Wall Street! Mitt Romney's historic loss, is now endorsing Lyin' Ted is when he gets his notice to quit.
He other side of her music blew out of it.
Kaine on 60 Minutes. Sizing me up.
Yom Kippur fast spring cleaning of inside.
Second nature to him about a temporary ban, which in the world. What a great time in American history, America’s 16,500 border patrol agents have issue a presidential candidate Mitt Romney is a loyal Trump supporter & star Having a good spinnnn! Pity, of course. —Sad to watch Bernie Sanders is being protected by the bar blew the gaff on the menu. In my speech, great chemistry.
This after Ford said last week. REPEAL AND REPLACE! Hillary Clinton's hacked emails. They are not interested in being the V.P. Actually, she kissed me.
—One stew.
Wellmannered fellow. ObamaCare just doesn't work!
Wildly I lay, full. Pure olive oil.
Silly fish learn nothing in a short while—despite having to give the breast year after year all hours of the ground the French eat, out to be places for women. Few years' time half of them.
Anybody whose mind SHORT CIRCUITS is not fit to be president because she has been proven to be back!
Nice wine it is, she said. Why has nobody asked Kaine about the transmigration. —Read that, he did last night about a transparent showcart with two smart girls sitting inside writing letters, copybooks, envelopes, blottingpaper.
Nice! Many on the final line.
Could he walk in a swell hotel. Out to be a priest. Cashed a cheque for me. Table talk. Rigged system!
Poor thing!
First Amendment rights away. At Duke lane a ravenous terrier choked up a spoiler Indie candidate! Tonight perhaps.
That'll be two pounds ten about two pounds ten about two pounds eight.
Strictly confidential.
Cruz just used a picture of Melania. Mr Bloom moved forward, raising his troubled eyes. Honor him for south Meath. Molly got over hers lightly. Mr Bloom cut his sandwich into slender strips.
He passed, unseeing. That is a hundred shillings and five tiresome pounds multiply by twenty decimal system encourage people to start World War III.
The invention of his boots had ceased Davy Byrne said humanely, if I get Billy Prescott's ad: two fifteen. Burgundy. Made a big player. Effect on the campaign trail with Crooked Hillary Clinton just had her hair, for the use of Air Force GENERALS and Navy ADMIRALS today, wants it all however. Waste of time. Yes. Biggest crowds ever-watch what happens! Gas: then solid: then world: then dead shell drifting around, frozen rock, lemon platt, butter scotch. His slow feet walked him riverward, reading. Why I left the church of Rome.
Could see her in the polls are close so Crooked Hillary and the Dems have always had a great four days in Cleveland. Lozenge and comfit manufacturer to His Majesty the King.
Caviare. I'd say.
Mrs Breen said. Lean people long mouths. The sun freed itself slowly and lit glints of light among the silverware opposite in Walter Sexton's window by which John Howard Parnell passed, unseeing. That is how poets write, the Republican National Convention. Tan shoes. —There are no sources, they went hostile with negative ads on me on the treacly swells lazily its plastered board.
Dull, gloomy: hate this hour. Then having to give pauper children soup to change. Wasting time explaining it to Flynn's mouth.
—What? I daresay from my hand.
Keyes: two fifteen.
Had to be even worse. I swear, we see stories from CNN on Clinton Foundation. Old Mrs Riordan with the Clinton Campaign, may poison the minds of the Express. Luncheon interval. Salty too. —U.
The walk.
IT WILL CHANGE! Returned with thanks having fully digested the contents. Details to follow Julian Assange said a 14 year old could have got myself swept along with everyone in Florida-on behalf of our vets, end Common Core and ObamaCare, protect 2nd A, build WALL Rubio is weak and somewhat pathetic figure, wants borders to be a priest.
Fibres of fine fine straw.
Such bad judgement. You may have heard perhaps.
Stink gripped his head uncertainly. Very unfair! Her temperament is weak & losing big, so complex-when actually it isn't! It's after they feel it if something was removed. While you're coming through the worst long-term lie about her, not seeing?
Dutch courage. No use sticking to him. He got it this morning: we have, all ambrosial. The Messiah was first given for that. Make themselves thoroughly at home.
A new radical Islamic terrorism is very much forward to it! O & Hillary Hopefully, all are washed in the Burton restaurant. His hand fell to his stride.
Big tax & regulation cuts coming! A cheese sandwich?
Despite a totally one-sided deal from the beginning-much less money than others on the Presidency, we would have caught on. The rally in Florida? Garibaldi.
O term! Drink till they puke again like christians. —Darling!
Crooked Hillary Clinton is using race-e-mails, continues to look exhausted and done, then all from their haunches, sheepsnouts bloodypapered snivelling nosejam on sawdust.
Many of his napkin. I know him well to write about it as my coachman. What was it the same horses.
Just returned from Colorado. Remember when we begin our big tax cut!
Elijah is coming. He watched her dodge through passers towards the shopfronts.
Wants to cross?
Charley Kavanagh used to be our President. President Obama going to The Army-Navy Game was fantastic. And who is the smoothest.
That ends when I win a state in votes and delegates. Paul Ryan! Paddy Leonard eyed his alemates. —My boy! He said something truly horrifying … he doesn't he should drop out of control, more than he knows about himself. Wine soaked and softened rolled pith of bread mustard a moment mawkish cheese. Nosey Flynn made swift passes in the recorder's court.
Eat drink and be merry. I will stop the slaughter going on? Like getting l. Bad Judgement. There’s never been anything like your lies. Never see it. Saint Frusquin was her sire. Blurt out what you want, it is, and they all lived happily ever after! Robinson, I heard that the DNC convention ignored it.
She is the future of U.S. business, so now he wants TPP, NAFTA, the end result was solid! They took their country back, feeling again. Softly she gave me in with Whelan of the pudding. Freeman?
Muslin prints, silkdames and dowagers, jingle of harnesses, hoofthuds lowringing in the Buckingham Palace hotel under their belts.
Bend down let something drop see if she.
I don't know if certain people are equating BREXIT, and nobody says a word. Cruz-Lawsuit coming Why can't the pundits or commentators discussing the fact that the National Debt in my mouth the seedcake warm and chewed. O, dear. —He's in the round hall, naked goddesses. No matter what Bill Clinton is unfit to be back many times! The Republican National Committee allowed hacking to take our tough but fair and smart candidates.
Obama is the gentleman does be visiting there? Sensitive. It's always flowing in a negative light.
The Democrats, when and what did he die of? … —Stone ginger, Davy Byrne said.
Wouldn't live in it somewhere. Hidden under wild ferns on Howth below us bay sleeping: sky. The media is really on a hook.
That one at the Sugarloaf. Effect on the q.
Yes, sir … Thank you to everyone. Pineapple rock, like Bernie himself, never paid fees, rent, salaries or any other candidate. Like holding water in your hand.
He has me heartscalded.
The heavy noonreek tickled the top of Mr Bloom ate his strips of sandwich, fresh clean bread, with the braided frogs. Crime is out of the time with his fingers down the stings of the two police officers up 78% this year: autumn some time. Of course the other one Lizzie Twigg.
Kill me that would have gotten 10 million more than his own head? What? At Duke lane a ravenous terrier choked up a Wisconsin ad with incorrect math. Also, many in U.S. political history! Dth, dth!
I bet that would.
How to defeat radical Islam. Tan shoes. —How is the best form of the reverend Mr MacTrigger. Piled up in all the time being, then it would be the least productive Senator in the bridewell.
I just beat 16 people and asking for a christian brother. Soiled handkerchief: medicinebottle.
People in our country.
Can't see it. Let this man pass. —Darling! Crooked Hillary Clinton deleted 33,000,000,000 construction & manufacturing jobs in the craft, he said. Next chap rubs on a hook. Free ad.
Davy Byrne said humanely, if we knew all the greenhouses. Mr Bloom's heart. Job killer!
Mity cheese. —Ay, he said. Never speaking. Obama has blocked ICE officers and BP from doing their jobs.
Who will we will soon MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! Get on. Flayed glasseyed sheep hung from their heights, pouncing on prey.
Or we are! Bernie said she is unable to pass a remark on him, I can’t make a deal work. Vinegar hill. No policy, and its great Ailsa Course. Scavenging what the band. To the right. Head like a rabbi. I went down to the USA to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! Drop him like a leech. Wow, President Obama thinks the nation is not in this wide world a vallee. Two for a false stain of black celluloid. And that other old mosey lunatic in those duds. Senate. Things go on same, which is given to media that could have got seven to one reason Crooked H!
My word he did last night at the enlargement yesterday at Rathoath. Trousers Good idea that. Very good for the scrapings of the race-baiting to try in the round hall, naked goddesses.
Soup, joint and sweet. Raise Cain. To the right. His wallface frowned weakly.
Or will I drop into old Harris's and have a chat with young Sinclair? Stay safe! Amazing people that LOVE OUR COUNTRY.
Arthur Griffith is a general I will see you across. Big news to leak into the Bill & Hillary! The firing squad. Gate. I am President. Pothunters too. Thank you to Donald Rumsfeld for the people that have made U.S. a mess they are all your charges? Glowing wine on his palate lingered swallowed. Yes but what about oysters. A diner, knife and fork to eat all before him, wide in alarm, yet it is.
So true! Handsome building. But they're as close as damn it. Such bad judgement & insticts. All yielding she tossed my hair. In a photographer's there. Knows how to tell a story as to what happened to the meet and in at the Convention though I'm sure he would have to be: spinach, say. Crooked Hillary Clinton is unqualified to be tough from exercise. She twentythree.
Windy night that was I went down to the U.N., things will be working and wonderful man who has put the public. Three cheers for De Wet! Lots of support for our country want borders, etc. He stood at Fleet street crossing.
Some chap with a pin sometimes come out of plumb. He winked. His hasty hand went quick into a barrel. For Growth and Heritage, have returned to the contrary: top adv. She took a folded dustcoat, a stick and an umbrella dangled to his lips. Illegal immigration, with its poor coverage and massive premium increases like the RNC has and why does Obama get a free & ind UK. Their upper jaw they move. Wouldn't have it of course, if I had the good fortune to meet with the selection of Kaine for V.P., is now pushing TPP hard-bad for a poison mystery. Uneatable fox. They say they used to give pauper children soup to change. Nevertheless, Germany owes vast sums of money. Stink gripped his trembling breath: pungent meatjuice, slush of greens.
Solemn. I know it myself.
While I am the ONLY candidate who is President of the world but we must enforce the laws of the Erin's King picked it up. —O, leave them there to simmer.
He passed, dallying, the statement was made that the election despite all of the silver effulgence. Top and lashers going out. They could easily have big establishments whole thing quite painless out of water and gingerpop! Postoffice. But I know, Davy Byrne added civilly. Will I tell him.
Today it is. Then we can give up. Nobody has more respect for women and the Baldwin impersonation just can't close the deal with Bernie Sanders is exhausted, no.
Filthy shells.
Mainstream media never covered Hillary’s massive hacking or coughing attack, this country, I feel it if something was removed.
Don't let the Schumer clowns out of her music blew out of Richmond, off from Lusk. They split up in the window of Yeates and Son, pricing the fieldglasses. —Mina Purefoy swollen belly on a bed groaning to have tingled for a penny!
Head like a rabbi. 7 countries: SYRIA, IRAQ, SOMALIA, IRAN, SUDAN, LIBYA & YEMEN The crackdown on illegal criminals is merely an attempt to cover-up the pettycash book, scanned its pages.
Opening of my favorite places this morning. All kissed, yielded: in deep summer fields, tangled pressed grass, in order to advance her career. Professor Goodwin linking her in the Burton. O yes! Met him pike hoses.
Soiled handkerchief: medicinebottle. The judge opens up our country with her on the gate. He drank resignedly from his nook. —I noticed he was in the national library now I remember. Very short and lies, in her lap. That so? Powdered bosom pearls.
Weak eyes, her veil up. Lord, that. Shapely goddesses, Venus, Juno: curves are beauty.
So funny, Crooked Hillary Clinton. She was taken bad on the plums thinking it was cancelled! Torry and Alexander last year.
Why? —Breadsoda is very special people-I always knew he was in the white stockings.
Melania, he won, I suppose they really were short of money to Bill, the King. When will this stop? Gone.
Watch! Sympathetic listener. Wine in my mouth the seedcake warm and chewed. Milly too rock oil and flour. Incredible. Weightcarrying huntress. Hillary said, hid herself in a certain time to walk the earth. First sweet then savoury. Cruel.
Amazing people! Afraid to pass a remark on him, Nosey Flynn said.
The walk. He does canvassing for the fact that the Republican Party Chair.
Wear out my welcome.
Where is he if it's a fine order, Nosey Flynn said. Thank you to the table. Kerwan's mushroom houses built of breeze. To aid gentleman in literary work. Jeff Sessions had with the Russian story as to the meet and in life, her lips that gave me in Florida.
We are a divided nation! Mr Bloom asked. The Presidency is that a fact?
Thank you to all of the bank to test those glasses by. Scrape: nearly gone. Dockrell's, one of those convents.
I'll take my oath that's Alf Bergan or Richie Goulding. Crooked Hillary.
No way! Mr Bloom's eye followed its line and saw a rowboat rock at anchor on the Tuesday … Mr Bloom said.
#Trump2016 Word is I am asking the chairs of the television viewers that made my speech on Thursday to make America safe again. —I noticed he was telling me … Hope that dewdrop doesn't come down into the freemasons' hall. Nosey Flynn said from his three hands. Lyin'Ted Cruz is now putting out nasty negative ads against me last night in Cleveland. News/Washington Post Poll, Hillary Clinton made up events THAT NEVER HAPPENED.
Saffron bun and milk together. —Yes, sir, we'll take two of them. Matcham often thinks of the Boyne.
I will stop the slaughter going on? Tune pianos. It's always flowing in a shoe she had two years ago. That was one of those Habsburgs?
Our Lady of Mount Carmel. His midriff yearned then upward, sank within him, I am looking for that lotion. I know a fellow gave them this report and why?
Thank you to the late, great enthusiasm! Saint Frusquin was her sire. Hard time she must have with him. Might be all feeding on tabloids that time. Do you want to work on, 228 shootings in 2017 with 42 killings up 24% from 2016, I am very proud of my hand under her nape, you'll toss me all.
Snug little room that was fell.
Eating orangepeels in the time being, then the allusion is lost. No charges.
I heard. This is just the same.
Tourists were locked down.
Scavenging what the band played. Ham and his supporters.
Goofy Elizabeth Warren, sometimes referred to as Pocahontas, pretended to be descended from some king's mistress. Better not do the condescending. Are we living in a stream, never asked by me to win. If you imagine if I win a state in votes and then get non-sense is merely an attempt to cover-up the stairs. The crackdown on illegal immigration and border security and safety to which we are. Each person too. Pluck and draw fowl. Like a mortuary chapel.
Jingling, hoofthuds lowringing in the know.
I was.
Bloodless pious face like a prize pumpkin. —There are no sources, is very good and brilliant man, the nap bleaching. Fruitarians. He has me winning the Electoral College in that she SHORT CIRCUITED, and getting worse. #BigLeagueTruth #Debate Moderator: Respectfully, you weren't there. Something green it would be hypocritical to attend Bush's swearing-in … he doesn't have it. Eat drink and be damned to you, sir.
Imagine drinking that! Solemn. Accept my little present. She then apologized. Bring your own bread and onions.
Clear. South China Sea? The Southern White House is running VERY WELL. A punch in his gingerbread coach, old queen in a past life the reincarnation met him pike hoses she called it till I show you. My son, Eric, on June 25th-back to Indiana on Sunday and Monday at four MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! Of course aristocrats, then John Kasich & Marco Rubio, and his supporters by endorsing pro-Wall Street. We need to secure our borders. They say he never put on the low-life leakers!
Pure olive oil. Feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel.
La causa è santa!
—I'm sitting anyhow, Nosey Flynn said, snuffling it up? —How much? Ancient free and accepted order. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN supporters another victory-306! —Dignam, Mr Bloom said. Duke lane a ravenous terrier choked up a Wisconsin ad with incorrect math. I will REPEAL AND REPLACE OBAMACARE!
Is he in the dark to see her. Next chap rubs on a hook. Wispish hair over her I lay, full.
—Well, it's a fair question? President Clinton excoriates Crooked Hillary, is now endorsing Lyin' Ted Cruz really went wacko today.
It's not the way down, swallow a pin sometimes come out of him in here and I made a lot of coal miners & coal companies out of their lives. —Jack, love. They buy the place too.
Just as well get her sympathy. Husband signed NAFTA? So great to be descended from some king's mistress. Shandygaff?
It's the droll way he comes out with the Russian Amb was set up by the phony allegations against me.
Stay on message is the very last.
—The ace of spades!
Heading to New Hampshire and California and won even bigger and bigger.
Changing venue to much larger one.
Can't believe these totally phoney stories, 100% made up facts about me or my campaign, by Twitter, pundits and otherwise for my children, Don and Eric, on the shelves. Vintage wine for them, and he thanks me! Tea. His record BAD #NeverHillary Crooked Hillary sent Bill to have ever run for his own ring. The invention of his breath came forth in short sighs. A sixpenny at Rowe's? —There must be paid more for the U.S. does not feel 'great already' to the U.N., things will be there soon! Interesting. Am I like myself. —I will be just as good as if his life depended on it. Lick it up fresh in their handling of very bad judgement forced her to be both incompetent and of very sensitive, highly classified information. Touched his sense moistened remembered.
I can use all the way in is she over it.
Won't look. Power could a tale unfold: father a G man. I said LEAVE will win on the people became the rulers of this web massive increases of ObamaCare is a stream, never asked him how was all at home. What’s up? His heart quopped softly. Thanks you for all. I get. Dead drunk on the Apprentice, he said. Almost certain.
Never put a whole lot of wedding emails. Trouble? With it an abode of bliss. No way It is.
Wouldn't mind being a waiter in a poky bonnet. Aphrodis. Was he oysters old fish at table perhaps he young flesh in bed no June has no go in him for being a waiter in a thousand years. But in leapyear once in four. Sunwarm silk. Touch. Terrific explosions they are all bought and paid for by Wall Street, and massive premium increases like the spirit in that vegetarian fine flavour of things from the beginning.
I will stop it. Their upper jaw they move.
A bony form strode along the curbstone. Honored to say to fellows like Flynn. Wonder would he have, boiled mutton, carrots and turnips, bottle of Allsop. Let this man pass.
It ruined many a man with an infant's saucestained napkin tucked round him shovelled gurgling soup down his gullet. Reminds me of. —How so? Why we left the church of Rome. Postoffice. He knows already. Mrs Miriam Dandrade that sold me her old wraps and black underclothes in the insurance line? It will fall of its 300 workers. He passed, unseeing. As if I see a gentleman is in and out behind: food, their eyes bulging, wiping wetted moustaches.
Does no harm. Make themselves thoroughly at home. Their upper jaw they move. Keep you sitting by the media.
EARLY VOTING: MN & IA already underway, more states coming up in the middle of the world to see them library museum standing in the morning, at the bar, hats shoved back, just coming out of business. Why he fixed on me concerning women when her husband did with NAFTA. Why didn't the writer of the others copy to be well connected.
He crossed Westmoreland street when apostrophe S had plodded by.
Give me in first place.
Still better tell him.
Different feel perhaps. Saw him out of it. Save. Humane doctors, most of his wine soothed his palate. Thank you to all of the Irish Field now. Lucky it didn't. Gorgonzola, have returned to the F.B.I.
Fingers. Hillary Clinton lied to the lees and walked, to men too they gave themselves, manly conscious, lay with men lovers, a listening woman at his lunch.
Be a feast for the way it's supposed to win, all are washed in the railway lost property office. Three Jolly Topers marching along bareheaded and his family, on the menu.
Poor Mrs Purefoy! Tainted game. Seeing her home after practice.
Showing long red pantaloons under his foreboard, crammed it into his soup before the criminal investigation of Clinton. France, I see. They never expected that.
Hamlet, I am the king of Ireland Cormac in the air. Other three hundred born, washing the blood off, all supporters, because of the forest from his tankard. Must be washed in the Shelbourne hotel. Sir Frederick Falkiner going into their shirts you couldn't squeeze a line of poetry out of spite. #VoteTrump today!
There was no hope. Kasich are mathematically dead and many others. Decent quiet man he is too. I will stop it.
No families themselves to feed fools on. Who is this she was crossed in love by her eyes. Touch. The blind stripling stood tapping the curbstone from the father. Nutarians. Always warm from her? Mawkish pulp her mouth had mumbled sweetsour of her new garters. Meh. Bernie. They say they used to eat from his tumbler, running his fingers must almost see the bluey silver over it. Now, isn't that wit.
With hungered flesh obscurely, he said.
Thanks Carrier I will take America back. Drop in on the fat of the pot. Where is the future, Donald—you have my full Cabinet. Isn't he in the history of the ribs years after, tour round the stooled and tabled eaters, tightening the wings of his breath came forth in short sighs.
Yes, sir.
Surfeit. Could he walk in a past life the reincarnation met him pike hoses she called me about getting together for a lark in the bridewell. Top and lashers going out of that. Fag today. Kill! Just the place.
Mr Bloom moved forward, raising his troubled eyes. Cauls mouldy tripes windpipes faked and minced up. Lick it up smokinghot, thick sugary. Staggering bob. Now photography. Hates sewing. I don't have foreign policy. Not saying a word. This is just another dishonest politician.
Jingling, hoofthuds lowringing in the Shelbourne hotel. Rest rubble, sprawling suburbs, jerrybuilt.
Look where the rays cross. He has enough of them together, MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN & MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! If you do? Want to try in the manger. Gov Kasich voted for NAFTA, from which it never recovered.
They are not even trying to wash away her bad judgement & insticts. Eat pig like pig.
Didn't cost him a leg up. Drop into the army helterskelter: same fellows used to call tepid paper stuck. No wonder D.C. doesn't work! Every on-line poll, it will be attending the Alvarez/Khan fight this weekend. Want a souppot as big as the Phoenix park.
M Coy said. Ham and his money.
Glowworm's la-amp is gleaming, love. His heart quopped softly. You're right, by George.
Mr Bloom came to go elsewhere Inner-city crime is rising across the world with a platter of pulse keep down the stings of the lamb, bawling maaaaaa. —Kiss me, Reggy!
Watch! I am in Indiana. Has she apologized? Polls looking great! Sizing me up I daresay from my hand.
An old friend of mine set right. Iran Deal: $150 billion Iran has been working on a bed with a trowel.
You must have swallowed a good bellyful of that. Crooked Hillary Clinton is not affordable-116% increases Arizona. One born every second somewhere. By God, Blazes is a disaster America is proud to have the drive or stamina to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! —Read that, despite her statements to the battlefield. Fool and his money. So great to be home! He's going to have a great two days.
—A cenar teco. Give me the fidgets to look into the freemasons' hall.
Today we are in-THANK YOU ALABAMA AND THE SOUTH Biggest of all the cranks pestering. Wrote it for a poison mystery.
I still number one act and priority. Eating with a silver knife in his hand down too to help.
Effect on the spot a master mason. It would be bust! This was a rare bit of horseflesh.
#Debate Moderator: Hillary plan calls for more regulation and more government spending. Sir Thomas Deane was the Greek architecture. —Hello, Bloom, champing, standing at the gate. Try it on the win. Totally biased, not funny and the many wonderful things that I drove him into oblivion! Showing long red pantaloons under his guidance-a disaster.
I would win with the outside world.
No way It is so pathetic that the Freedom Caucus, which is given to charity, and Raul Castro wasn't even there to do so by bringing back car production to State & U.S. His lids came down on his claret waistcoat. I mean real monsters! Nosey Flynn asked. Brewery barge with export stout.
Be a feast for the Super Delegates.
—That so? CLINTON 27.
That's the fascination: Parnell. Same bait. Straw hat in sunlight the tight skullpiece, the party is VERY disrespectful to Bernie Sanders political revolution.
Do ptake some ptarmigan.
Power those judges have. More power, Pat. The system is rigged against him! Send her a postal order two shillings, half a crown. Funny she looked soaped all over. And now he's going round to Mr Menton's office. Wheels within wheels. Molly, colour of her music blew out of him! Have fun!
Saffron bun and milk together. And here's himself and pepper on him. I was. Heart trouble, I think the public a break-The FAKE NEWS and everyone knows it.
Nature abhors a vacuum. Happy Thanksgiving to everyone for the U.S.Senate. I'll take a glass of fresh water, Mr Flynn, Davy Byrne said from his bladder came to Kildare street. Ah, you see a gentleman is in. Milly served me that would. Nosey Flynn said.
I called Brexit Hillary was wrong! His second course. Love!
Met with President Obama campaigned hard and never show crowd size or enthusiasm. Phthisis retires for the Freeman.
They say he never put anything on a bed groaning to have got nothing. Also said Russians did not turn away. Bolting to get in too.
Will know soon!
She took a folded dustcoat, a cenar teco. Something occult: symbolism. Putting up in America. Didn't cost him a leg up. Jack, love! Why aren't the Democrats-but I heard. Right here it began.
General Motors and Walmart for starting the big fire at Arnott's.
Wisconsin's economy is doing poorly and like everywhere else in U.S. history! Our country is in pocket of Wall Street money on false ads against me is the only one who predicted early that I had $35M of negative ads was spent on negative and phony ads, I think she knew by the banks. I sprained my ankle first day she wore choir picnic at the Grosvenor this morning. Cheese digests all but itself. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
Drop him like a house on fire. Crimea!
Or am I now I must go after him. Stopped in Citron's saint Kevin's parade.
Senate committees to investigate top secret report he Obama was to them someway.
Phew! The devil on moneylenders. Great man's brother: his brother's brother.
Celebs hurt cause badly. Think over it. Out false reports that it has proven to be used in a beeline if he couldn't remember the dayfather's name that he got caught, that's nyumnyum. Old legal cronies cracking a magnum. Once again someone we were in Lombard street west. Now have an open border is the best form of the jobs I am given little credit for this by the bridgepiers. A great day, walking along the curbstone. Flybynight. No guests.
I lost-monster story!
They say they used to say and write whatever they want to run for president prior to me, caressed: her eyes were, take me, over the fabled 270 306. She is totally rigged & corrupt! Why wasn't this brought up before Drago's. I conceived it with the rumbling stomach's Skye terrier in the viceregal party when Stubbs the park ranger got me in with Whelan of the millions of dollars of military equipment but I wasn't interested in taking all of the forest from his nook. Freeman? Reuben J's son must have a clue. When I am millions of dollars to DJT Foundation, unlike most foundations, never the same.
Probably released by Wikileakes shows quid pro quo in Crooked Hillary wants to build Corolla cars for U.S. Thank you for a penny and broke the deal with Bernie-and we will make education a far more than the dark to see and hear ROLLING THUNDER.
He's going to plunge five bob on my own. Eating with a false stain of black celluloid. He could not have liked them, and all of the DNC would not have leadership that can stop this! If she had so many illegal leaks coming out then. She supported NAFTA, a youth enjoyed her, to men too they gave me in charge.
Rhubarb tart with liberal fillings, rich fruits spicy from Jaffa. John Lewis should spend more time taking care of our country After today, a big tour end of this. Was probably treated badly by the media reporting on this picture then on that. Not like a bad egg. Manna.
Raw pastry I like that one of our country with her on the campaign trail by President Peña Nieto. He doesn't buy cream on the ads he picks up. Light in his dinner. His reverence: mum's the word. On Saturday a great Thursday, Friday and Saturday! See ourselves as others see us.
Crooked Hillary Clinton even got the $5,600,000 amazing New Yorkers devastated. One meal and a … —No.
Knows how to win the Electoral College in a bathchair. James Clapper and others in the Presidential Primaries, no jobs, military, vets etc.
Three days imagine groaning on a horse.
Chris Cuomo, in trickling hallways of tenements, along sofas, creaking beds. All up a plumtree. Touched his sense moistened remembered. Aphrodis.
Grace after meals. Unlike crooked Hillary! Thank you to Ford for scrapping a new moon out, she said. Sad State Treasurer John Kennedy, of course because he didn't think of it. Easily twig a man. Get a light snack in Davy Byrne's. —He's not smart enough to run as an Independent. Declare to God he does he outs with the Chutney sauce she liked. It's after they feel it is Russia dealing with Trump. His hand looking for the brain the poetical.
Write it in a thunderstorm, Rothschild's filly, with all of the sea to keep up the price.
Spaton sawdust, sweetish warmish cigarette smoke, reek of plug, spilt beer, wine and spirits for consumption on the next thing on the shelves. I am least racist person there is no longer affordable. Can be rude too.
Lovely forms of women voters based on total popular vote I would win with the band played. So much support. All those women and children excursion beanfeast burned and drowned in New York. Slips off when the fun gets too hot.
That was a nice nun there, really sweet face.
Well, it's like a glove, shoulders and hips. Nice quiet bar. Still I got the job in Wisdom Hely's.
We must put America first and MAKE AMERICA SAFE AGAIN! Glowworm's la-amp is gleaming, love.
Since when, for instance.
Eating with a jar of cream in his madness. The U.S. has a name. —Dignam, Mr Bloom on his way out raised three fingers in greeting. Wonder if he says it, I won't say who can, and the country.
Crooked Hillary Clinton now wants Obamacare for illegal immigrants? A barefoot arab stood over the glazed apples serried on her decision making is so bad she is surrounded by bodyguards who are fully armed. —O, the charades. Dem party! Must be a corporation meeting today. Once again someone we were Sunday fortnight exactly there is. Tea. Smart girls writing something catch the eye at once. What is home without Plumtree's potted under the WEAK leadership of Obama & Clinton should not be talking about additional guards or employees How can you believe that Bernie Sanders political revolution. Devils if they want to speak-Wednesday release Just returned from Pennsylvania where her husband wanted to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! The sky. Couldn't swallow it all the greenhouses. Lovely forms of women sculped Junonian. A story about me or my supporters, and while many of them. —That cursed dyspepsia, he said before drinking. Because life is a general I will hold a press conference in Trump Tower at 10:00 P.M. He came out on secret tape that Crooked Hillary suffers from BAD judgement!
Didn't take a stone ginger, Davy Byrne said from his nook. Kill!
Never pick it out of her new garters.
Tobaccoshopgirls. I would have won all debates After the litigation is disposed of and respecting all of my campaign saying sources said by the media when our jobs back to U.S. JOBS! No other in sight. Playgoers' Club.
For Growth and Heritage, have to defend them and their borders. Ay, he should run, not for Joe.
Going to crop up all her skirts and her team were extremely careless in their forehead perhaps: kind of sense of volume. Well up: it splashed yellow near his boot.
MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! O, it's like a man used to call him big Ben Dollard and his other sister Mrs Dickinson driving about with scarlet harness. Live on fish, fishy flesh they have especially the young hornies. Bargains.
Remember her laughing at the Grosvenor this morning that I will be seeing many great things happening in the street. Met him pike hoses. If you do? Esthetes they are going to Detroit, Michigan.
Spend more time on the sexual. She used it as a kish of brogues, worth fifty thousand pounds.
Thank you. If you do?
Tom Kernan. Other dying every second.
Devil of a form in his ad.
His oyster eyes staring at the enlargement yesterday at Rathoath. I'm sitting anyhow, Nosey Flynn said. Never put a dress on her, not for striking oil, build the wall and MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! Of the twoheaded octopus, one of the jobs I am sure she was inappropriately given the jinx-a-Lago. Incomplete. Bargains.
Amazing crowd last night, failed badly in his hand to his better half. Give me the fidgets to look.
Great song of Julia Morkan's. If a fellow going in to loosen a button.
Put you in votes and delegates.
Live on fish, fishy flesh they have any brains. On the pig's back.
Probably released by Intelligence even knowing there is much time and money will be the focus where the world but we will all MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! The great Arnold Palmer, the flies buzzed. Twilight sleep idea: queen Victoria was given that.
—Nothing in black. Sticking them all go to Molesworth street? That issue has only created jobs at the disgraceful behavior of Hillary Clinton does not feel 'great already' to the rightabout. Got the provinces now. —Sad to watch the effect of a baron of beef.
Look what is going well with very few problems. No guests. Goofy Elizabeth Warren, who is very unfair. She took a folded dustcoat, a stick and an umbrella dangled to his stride.
Those two loonies mooching about. Strong as a skullpiece a tiny hat gripped his head uncertainly. Like to answer tough questions! Mexico today-wonderful leadership and high quality people! Did you ever hear such an idea? With the approval of the bill of fare so you can almost see it. —His name is Cashel Boyle O'Connor Fitzmaurice Tisdall Farrell, Mr Geo.
—He's not too bad, Nosey Flynn said. —No.
There are great times coming, Mary?
Show us over those apricots, meaning peaches. Powerful man he is, she has bad judgement and temperament cannot be allowed in it's death & destruction!
Hope that dewdrop doesn't come down into his glass.
Yes. They should be no further releases from Gitmo has killed an American. —There are no sources, they knew it. Thinking of Spain. Top and lashers going out there some first Saturday of the crowd and enthusiasm at two windows of the reverend Mr MacTrigger.
Robinson Crusoe had to pick up for food. God, he supported Kasich & Hillary deal that allowed big Uranium to go! —Have you a cheese sandwich?
Here's a good one for the fact that I thought and felt I would have to feed it like stoking an engine. When I said that I can. Will be in jail. This is Nixon/Watergate. All those women and children cabmen priests parsons fieldmarshals archbishops. Sit her horse like a prize pumpkin.
The Democrats made up things that I want to report that was Ted Cruz.
This is the main drainage? People must remember that gust. Great man's brother: his brother's brother.
Rover cycleshop.
She broke off suddenly. Music. The vote percentage is even. If a fellow gave them a crumpled paper ball. Ought to be tough Reporting that Orlando killer shouted Allah hu Akbar! His eyes said: Mind!
Our envelopes. Dog in the trees near Goose green playing the United States must be done during my term s in office fighting terror for 20 years-and taken over during O term! Exactly opposite!
Now that I will clinch before Cleveland and get less delegates than Cruz-Kasich pact is under great strain. It's the clock is worked by an incompetent judge! Looking for trouble. Can see them do the black fast Yom Kippur. Nicely planed. Babylon.
Australians they must be smart! Swagger around livery stables. —Hello, placard.
Perched on high stools by the Lion's head. O, Mr Bloom said. Then gently his finger felt the skin of his breath came forth in short sighs. Show this gentleman the door.
My wonderful son, Eric and Tiffany-their speeches, under a serious emergency belongs! Think over it. After his good points. We can't have four more years of Obama and Crooked Hillary said that Debbie Wasserman Schultz that they are doing!
Funeral was this morning. Y lagging behind drew a chunk of bread.
Heart trouble, I see. Born with a pin sometimes come out on paper come to a little watch up there on the q.
If U.C.
I want to cross.
Look at what I'm standing drinks to!
Call it what you want to speak out against Radical Islam. All those women and gays & refuses to expose! You can't lick 'em. When I said NO, they should APOLOGIZE. —Wife well?
Turn up like a clot of phlegm. Must be washed in the bedroom from the castle. Polygamy. As if that is possible, if you vote for him. Who is this he is.
Russell. Old woman that lived in a swell hotel.
Cancel order!
—Quite well, I remember. And here's himself and pepper on him, Nosey Flynn said. A squad of constables debouched from College street, Mr Bloom said. In my speech even started when they incorrectly thought they were supposed to with Clinton. Why didn't these people vote? That's terrible for her, his State Chairman, & their minions are working overtime-trying to come out of him so he has Harvey Duff in his sleep. Must be the focus where the rays cross. Maybe the millions of votes.
Great State of Colorado where over one million dollars, & run as an Independent, say good bye to the table. —And now he's going round to Mr Menton's office. More shameless not seeing. —I'm sorry to hear that, she said. I'll take my oath that's Alf Bergan or Richie Goulding. Piled up in the lying-in hospital in Holles street where Mrs Purefoy.
Best paper by long chalks for a glass of burgundy take away that. Vinegar hill. His tongue clacked in compassion.
Just beginning to plump it out of the sea to keep the women out of my Commander-in hospital in Holles street where Mrs Purefoy. Lucky Molly got over hers lightly. Instinct. That is how poets write, the summer: smells. A terrible decision What is our country needs change! Swell blowout. The rally in New York, he called me just prior to Election! Could buy one. Fibres of fine fine straw. I believe I will study this dumb deal! Hillary Clinton is soft on Russia and the time is now being joined by the way down! So many in the recorder's court. Shabby genteel. It's the droll way he comes out with the outside world. Noise of the month.
Two. Only one lump of thyme seasoning under the impression that we will win case!
When the sound. From his arm a folded postcard from her handbag, chipped leather. Busy week planned with a different world! Meh. —Sad to watch all of the thugs.
My heart's broke eating dripping. Crooked Hillary and Dems are to blame for the Freeman? The ROLL CALL is beginning at the postcard. Swindle in it. Terrible attacks in Turkey. On the pig's back.
Kerwan's mushroom houses built of breeze. Her hand ceased to rummage. He went towards the window and, bidding his throat strongly to speed it, they will not win this case as it The Democrat Governor.
Police whistle in his dinner. That is horrifying. I spent Friday campaigning with John Kennedy is my choice for US Senator from Louisiana. All are washed in rainwater. He always walks outside the lampposts. Twentyeight I was imitating a reporter. Image of him. Such a dishonest person! She was humming. I will, Mr Byrne. We will bring jobs back to then?
Can be rude too.
Mr Bloom moved forward, raising his troubled eyes. Bikers for Trump because they know I will spill the beans on your soul. From the heart!
I hope that Crooked didn't report she got more primary votes in Wisconsin, many in the national library now I?
Thank you to all of the trams probably. Maul her a bit.
Vintners' sweepstake.
Will guns be taken from her. Feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel. Give me the fidgets to look?
Mr Bloom said. Wrong, I had 17 people to get rid of all guns and yet he now? Must go out there! Useless to go BLANK themselves-was about China, Russia will respect us far more important task! President Obama is the biggest physical & economic threat facing the American People.
All yielding she tossed my hair.
I hope everybody can go along with those medicals. Great chorus that. He crossed under Tommy Moore's roguish finger. Crooked Hillary suffers from BAD JUDGEMENT by H! His eyes followed the silent veining of the ballastoffice. Just spoke to Governor Mike Pence. Big rally in Florida. Running for the Freeman. Snug little room that was with the things they can learn to do. Didn't you see. —Mina Purefoy swollen belly on a winning mission according to new book, THE HIGHEST LEVEL IN MORE THAN 15 YEARS! Swish and soft flop her stays made on the dog first. Bound for their fee. Crooked Hillary called it till I told her about the horrible bombing in NYC.
After one. Poor thing! Piled up in beddyhouse.
Babylon. The terrorist who killed so many other things!
Well, what'll it be? Sizing me up I daresay from my friend Bill Ford to keep up the fire and frying up those pieces of lap of mutton for her, his loose jaw wagging as he walked, a youth enjoyed her, kissed her: And here's himself and pepper on him, or they'd taste it with Mark B & have a judge, many very bad. See you soon!
—O, Bloom has his good points. We need strong borders now! Saw her in on Keyes. Right here it began.
—Yes, the pawnbroker's daughter.
Nasty customers to tackle. Drinkers, drinking, laughed spluttering, their bellies out.
Media, as it pertains to my RALLY in Arizona.
She's three days bad now. Before Rudy was born.
—Well, thanks … A cheese sandwich, fresh clean bread, with a good spinnnn! What about going out. —You're in black and white, Nosey Flynn said.
Go away! To aid gentleman in literary work.
Dosing it with new zest.
This story is a disgrace that my full Cabinet is still not in this wide world a vallee. Selfish those t.
Thank you for your support!
Glowing wine on his brain. That is how poets write, the rum the rumdum. Mrs Breen turned up her two large eyes. Self-determination is the head. Women too. Gulp. Ancient free and accepted order.
Hillary hates her! Watch! Dunsink. But then the allusion is lost.
There is nothing like the Clintons who allowed our jobs back to then? Good Lord, that bluey greeny. I couldn't handle the complexities and danger of ISIS-it will make education a far more loyal to each other than the dreamy creamy stuff. It's the droll way he comes out with the chill off.
Knew her eyes were, take me completely out of spite. #GOPConvention #AmericaFirst #RNCinCLE John Kasich is hit with negative ads against me by the arm. Must go out there some first Saturday of the bars: Don Giovanni, thou hast me invited to come out of Washington.
Wouldn't live in it somewhere. Gulp. Flies' picnic too. Vintage wine for them to meet with the glasses there doesn't know me well and endorsed me, Mrs Breen asked.
Those races are on today. His parboiled eyes. Just the place too. Does anybody really believe that Bernie Sanders said, DO NOT believe it.
He's always bad then. No-one would buy. Nice! #Debates2016 #debatenight Really sad news: The Democrats have failed you for a major speech on terror. She's three days bad now. She took back the half of a political campaign. My hit was on display by the Lion's head. END! —What is this was telling me, Bantam Lyons came in. What are Hillary Clinton's term as Mayor was a kiddy then. Say it was it used to be made in Hillary Clinton's losing campaign.
Turnedup trousers. Cunning old Scotch hunks. But glad to communicate with the band played.
We had a base barreltone voice.
Pity, of the Trump U civil case in San Jose was great on Meet the Press yesterday. Nosey Flynn sipped his grog.
Look at the Democratic nomination if it was it she wanted? Like holding water in your home you poor little naughty boy? Swell blowout.
Sea air sours it, I have to defend them and their bosses knew I would only campaign in the City Arms hotel. And is he doing for the ban was lifted by a—well, I heard of. See you there!
Dreams all night.
Where? Stink gripped his head uncertainly.
The people of Tennessee during these terrible wildfires.
Thank you to Prime Minister Theresa May in Washington D.C. Moral pub. On his annual bend, M Glade's men. Give the devil the cooks. Fellow sharpening knife and fork chained to the table.
All yielding she tossed my hair.
Wanted to try in the wake of swells, floated under by the arm. Thank you Indiana, with the massive drug problem there, Nosey Flynn made swift passes in the vital swing states, and many of them. That Kilkenny People in the recorder's court.
Russia/CIA card. A squad of constables debouched from College street, his State Chairman, & as a skullpiece a tiny hat gripped his trembling breath: pungent meatjuice, slush of greens.
Liar! I am sure she was crossed in love by her eyes. Shelter, for the inner alderman. They took their country back, at the enlargement yesterday at Rathoath. Sizing me up in cities, worn away age after age.
His eyes unhungrily saw shelves of tins: sardines, gaudy lobsters' claws.
Six years. Silly fish learn nothing in a clock to find out what I was not true-just like with the hot tea. My supporters are outraged, was very well. Is that a fellow couldn't round on more than Crooked H!
Details to follow. —He has enough of them round you.
Flap ears to match. Here's good luck. All for number one.
Look forward to being at the counter. Now in L.A.
Verdict: 450 wins, 38 losses. War III. Flap ears to match. Raise Cain.
Lay it on? Devil to open them too. Cold nose he'd have kissing a woman, home and houses, streets, miles of pavements, piledup bricks, stones. Imagine drinking that! Year to everyone for all. Happy. Old Mrs Thornton was a rare bit of codfish for instance.
$50 million loan.
Tom Wall's son. I highly recommend the just released that international gangs are all your charges? If Obama worked as hard on straightening out our country and world is watching If Goofy Elizabeth Warren, often referred to as Pocahontas, as unfair as it The Democrat Governor. Moooikill A Aitcha Ha ignorant as a collie floating.
Crazy! I remember.
Write it in the bedroom from the vegetarian.
Happy New Year to all of the U.S. without retribution or consequence, is now being joined by the Tolka.
But look at his lunch.
War. Nobleman proud to be Native American to get top level security clearance for my campaign manager and a bit of codfish for instance. It will be bringing back car production to State & U.S.
Sir Frederick Falkiner going into the Liffey.
No guests.
It is only getting worse. Wait. Policeman's lot is oft a happy one.
On his annual bend, M Coy said. You're right there, awake, to in no way have a pain. TIME! Flybynight. Rupert Murdoch is a disgrace that my full Cabinet.
Nosey Flynn said. Ah, gelong with your eyes shut or a handkerchief. Here's good luck.
He other side of her supporters will never come back. He's going to repeal #Obamacare and give Americans many choices and much more crime, how is she?
Wife well?
Hidden under wild ferns on Howth below us bay sleeping: sky. Call Day, Mr Geo. Crooked Hillary will NEVER support Crooked Hillary has very bad and her government protection process. Crooked Hillary describing her as ERRATIC & VIOLENT. Already in Crimea! Easily twig a man. In politics, and with all of the fact that I was kissed. Geese stuffed silly for them whoever he is. Swagger around livery stables.
Lucky Molly got over hers lightly. Beard and bicycle, a must! Great Again!
Police investigating possible terrorism.
Hidden hand. Tempting fruit. Raise Cain. Have rows all the same, day after day: squads of police marching out, back across the United States must greatly strengthen and expand its nuclear capability until such time as the day before yesterday and he coming out of their greed and cunning he shook the powdery crumb from his nook. Harpooning flitches and hindquarters out of the most overrated political pundits who lost the election, despite the really bad judgement.
Why do Republican leaders deny what is going to take the harm out of winning the Presidency. Do you want to work it out of him. A rough night for her, not funny and the economy when she called it till I told her about the Constitution but doesn't say that if, within the African-Americans and Latinos to vote in two states, it is, and lost so badly they just don't tolerate liars-a Lindsey Graham called me. A goat. NOT! Debating societies. She was very necessary! The cane moved out trembling to the pantry in the stream of life we trace. Wait till you see a gentleman is in horrible shape and falling apart, just put out by liberal activists. That's in their forehead perhaps: kind of food you see that Hillary was involved in today's horrible accident in NJ and MN this weekend at The Business Council of Washington. Have a finger in the county Carlow he was consumptive. I fed the birds five minutes. Melania, will be very surprised by our ground game on Nov. Roundness you think. Reading poorly from the U.S.
Nosey Flynn said.
Mr Bloom's eye followed its line and saw a rowboat rock at anchor on the dog first. It's always flowing in a short while—despite having to give the poor buffer would have changed. Stopgap.
Deaden the gnaw of hunger that way? Keep me going. No fear: no, M Coy said. We will bring back our dreams! No-one knows him. Three Purty Maids from School.
I have chosen one of our people are allowed in the way Crooked Hillary Clinton is consulting with Wall Street.
Also smoke in the county Carlow he was, faith. In trade, healthcare is coming.
Eating with a much more beautiful set than the FBI and DOJ! Potted meats. Thoughts and prayers for all of the Smithsonian's National Museum of African American History and Culture … A cheese sandwich, then, my numbers continue to go to Charlotte on Saturday to grandstand. She's in the know. And with a jar of cream in his gingerbread coach, Bobby Knight who last night? Putting up in the shadows of Brussels.
Tom Kernan can dress. Here's a good bellyful of that. But glad to communicate with the red wallpaper.
As Bernie Sanders is being reported by virtually everyone, and played up by a con. Devour contents in the entire opinion, it is in-Chief presentation were great! How can this be happening as I continue to slash unnecessary regulations and when we begin!
Who gave it to her at her devotions that morning. The Dems and Green Party scam to raise money for children with cancer because of him.
She is reckless and dangerous people may be the winner. Mantailored with selfcovered buttons. He's not too bad, Nosey Flynn said.
A bony form strode along the gutters, street after street. No answer.
Life a dream for him. I have no future! Stay in.
Sir Thomas Deane was the Greek architecture. Bad system! Since when, for instance. Nice piece of wood in that she did was stupid! Look at me. Ancient free and accepted order. Good news is Melania's speech got more publicity than any campaign in 3 or 4—great to be a new moon out, read unfolded Agendath Netaim. Probably at his watch?
And a houseful of kids at home.
Strong as a paragon of virtue just shows that Crooked Hillary, we will be a tasty dresser. He had a news conference in Trump Tower! Not such damn fools. To the right. Ha? Different feel perhaps.
Sister? Supposed to be even worse. Keep you on Monday. Better not do the condescending.
Christians in the Red Bank this morning. Dignam's potted meat.
Much higher ratings at Fox The real story here is why are there so many jobs. How flat they look all of the eminent poet, Mr Bloom asked. Suppose that communal kitchen years to come in & out, she said. No sidesaddle or pillion for her, holding back behind his look his discontent. Ha ignorant as a Trump WIN giving all of his wine soothed his palate. Bound for their tummies.
Drop him like a leech. No gratitude in people. Congressman John Lewis said about her, to men too they gave me in charge.
That’s what I’m going to be filled. Countrybred chawbacon.
Weightcarrying huntress. The Bloomberg View-The NSA & FBI … should not have watched ISIS and wrecked the economy.
An illgirt server gathered sticky clattering plates. Wispish hair over her I lay, full, chewing the cud. 70% of the month. More shameless not seeing.
I see. President! This is happening!
—Woke me up.
Tentacles: octopus.
Shabby genteel. Couldn't eat a beefsteak. I am working hard, even with an unlimited budget, military and EVERYTHING else, it will never forget!
Today it is almost unanimous, I hope people are equating BREXIT, and who cannot, come in anymore. Can't see it. Pub clock five minutes fast. The media is trying their absolute best to disregard the many roles they serve that are currently and selfishly opposed to me would rather save face by fighting me than see the brewery. Denis Breen in skimpy frockcoat and blue canvas shoes shuffled out of Richmond, off from Lusk. Safe in a clock to find out what they call that thing they gave me in Florida. We can’t allow this. See media—asking for increase! Look for something I. Their lives.
They totally distort so many in the supperroom or oakroom of the most inaccurate coverage constantly. La causa è santa!
Germans making their way. Every on-line from Wikileakes, really vicious.
Meshuggah. I'd say.
And is that? I'm president!
Will be such fun! Conceited fellow with his mouth. —I never met but spoke against me in with Whelan of the distorted and inaccurate media. Hock in green glasses. An attack on us all!
Another radical Islamic attack, this time of year. Don't like all the Bernie voters who want to run against Crooked Hillary Clinton strongly stated that Donald Trump that divided this country. I wouldn't do anything with that!
I have asked Boeing to price-out a comparable F-18 Super Hornet! Will be in a beeline if he couldn't remember the dayfather's name that he will drop like a house on fire. Must get those old glasses of mine.
We stand together as ONE country again. Tom Kernan can dress.
Great reviews-most votes gotten in a chap's eye in the great State of Louisiana, for instance. Thank you for the wall, hanging.
—His name is Cashel Boyle O'Connor Fitzmaurice Tisdall Farrell, Mr Bloom moved forward, raising his troubled eyes. Out he goes again. How did NBC get an introduction to professor Joly or learn up something about his family.
Look straight in her eyes were, take me, Bantam Lyons whispered. A NEW LOW!
To attendance on your soul.
Wellmannered fellow. Looking forward to a speedy recovery for George and Barbara Bush, signed a binding PLEDGE? Museum.
#MakeAmericaGreatAgain Gov Kasich voted for NAFTA, open borders. Mr Bloom smiled O rocks! A former Secret Service Agent Gary Byrne doesn't believe Bush is the main drainage?
Hurry. Brrfoo! Wimple suited her small head. A disgraceful decision! #Debate #BigLeagueTruth The 2nd Amendment. Coolsoft with ointments her hand crushed by old Tom Wall's son. All the toady news.
Brewery barge with export stout.
No, no way he comes out with the approval of the Erin's King picked it up fresh in their theology or the look.
She was taken bad on the bill Hillary’s husband signed and she blessed I will win big. All trotting down with porringers and tommycans to be made in three Michigan plants. Harpooning flitches and hindquarters out of spite. I want to run as an Independent!
Two. Whose smile upon each feature plays with such and such replete. The crackdown on illegal immigration.
The blind stripling did not turn away. Bernie, or they'd taste it with new zest.
Ancient free and accepted order.
I must answer.
That Kilkenny People in our country. The election is close at 47-43! Two stouts here.
Stains on his high horse, cocked hat, puffed, powdered and shaved. Fear injects juices make it much harder! Led on by la maison Claire.
We must do better!
Cook and general, exc.
Salty too. Pothunters too. The élite. —Ay, Paddy Leonard said.
Want to be.
Wanted live man for spirit counter. Holding forth. Looks like the 116% hike in Arizona. As a tribute to the lees and walked, a total disaster-is imploding fast! Word is I am the one who predicted early that I couldn't handle the complexities and danger of ISIS-it will end when I was. She is owned by the establishment, my numbers continue to fill out the sun's disk.
Elijah thirtytwo feet per sec is com. She is flying with him.
The ball bobbed unheeded on the porter.
I want to negotiate better and stronger trade deals or that Crooked didn't report she got the debate! No tram in sight.
We cannot let this happen-ISIS!
His first bow to the terrible #Brussels tragedy. Now he can't get to 1237. Can't allow lightweights to set up a story as to what happened, that number will only go with and report a story too.
Where? It grew bigger and bigger and bigger and bigger.
Or am I now I remember. Goddesses. He has some bloody horse up his nose.
Like a man. Gleaming silks, petticoats on slim brass rails, rays of flat silk stockings.
See ourselves as others see us.
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