#getting dc infinite was so worth it tbh all I been doing is reading lately
captainshazamerica · 3 years
I've only got the first issue of batman who laughs and I haven't read up to that part yet in dark nights but he is so awesome!!! I wanna get the rest of batman who laughs and then dark nights heavy metal after I finish but my ass is broke so we'll see hahaa (there's a freakin soundtrack for dark nights overall I don't really like it but they got me with Maria brink I like the two songs she's on and the red death song cuz the red death batman is woah, although the lyrics make more sense once you've read the comics buutt they should totally make metal animated movies and use the soundtrack)
I haven't read anything with Tim and from what I've seen in comic panels of him on tumblr is that he is a disaster lol I'm pretty sure there was a panel of him straight up eating food (pizza? I think?) out of a dumpster in an alley boyyy no
I haven't read any DCeased yet but I'll defo get around to that at some point it looks pretty cool
Ohhh shit I'm gonna have to rewatch titans I think I'll watch one episode tomorrow cuz I dunno if they're releasing all the episodes at once or weekly or however and I wanna watch them all at once but I'll watch the first new episode cuz I know I won't be able to resist, poor jason it's not fair 😢 with the age they made bruce they could have included all his kids tbh like we could have talia and damian I know it's titans not a batfam show but I can't help but want talia and damian! (I'm stuck between wanting to marry talia and raising damian with her or marry dick and helping him raise damian 😅 I think dick would be the safer option cuz that'd keep the freakin league of assassins away from me but then again TALIA, why must I get this attached to people who aren't even real)
You should go to your local library's website and see if they are connected/have hoopla! It's this awesome app that partners with libraries and basically let's you rent online books and comics for free!(they have TONS of batman graphic novels!!!) Unfortunately your library puts a limit on how many you can borrow a month (mine is 8) but still, free legal comics!(that's the main way I've been reading comics! Tho I did go to a comic hook store while in nyc the other day and got some Bat graphic novels and a new one where I saw Damian doing casual rock yoga with Ra's and like needed it obviously xD ), another way is the app/website DC Infinite, it is a per month subscription but compared to buying comics individually it is really worth it!(I also just got that cause Hoopla didnt have the Red Robin series or this one Jason todd series haha)
Omg they made a soundtrack for it?! I need to check that out! Well I should probs read it first tbh xD but yes omg they NEED to make an animated movie of it! Tho they already went so hard with Justice League Dark Apokolips War, I'm worried they wont wanna do another one so dark so soon🤔 but they really need to! It would make such a good movie omg
Omg I def reccomend Tim one, he is SUCH a relatable disaster omg, I love him so much xD like his narration for the Red Robin comics literally says stuff like "Can you please find my common sense? I seem to have misplaced it" and "except for everything I'm perfectly fine", like he is the most relatable xD
Okay so I wouldn't mind/really want them to make a spin off of Titans of the Bat world and bring in damian and stuff cause they made this bat universe so dang interesting and the cast is great and gah. But also just have Gar in it cause he is my other fav xD
And yas! I have no idea if they are releasing them all at once or not!!! I kinda like having something to look forward to each week tho tbh!
Bro this season is gonna kill me if I'm already crying rewatching the scene where jason almost comits suicide omg. Oh man, you can see the build up to all the red hood feels and the direction they might take it with these dif scenarios.
Lmao I love it and the chaotic vibes you give so much 😂 but bro, I feel you about getting annoyingly attached to fictional character omg xD they make them way too interesting and attractive in fiction lmao. Lately im always switching between the 3 older batboys of who I'm obsessing over at the moment xD (right now its tim but I think it's about to switch to jason again after titans )
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