#getting in is a big if but my film prof said i have a fair chance to hey i’ll take it
pinkeoni · 1 year
Just submitted to Sundance
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fictioncoalition · 3 years
Intermission: What's Roxanne up to during all this?
Roxanne was surprised she hadn't worn a rut into the floor with all her pacing. She fidgeted with a Tangle in her hands while her mind raced. Jeez, she was really spiraling this time. Usually she could talk herself through the logical reasons why Megamind was being himself but… damn that RSD was kicking her ass
Minion walked into the room with some chamomile tea and set it down on the kitchen counter. 
"Ms. Ritchi? Come on, drink up before it gets cold. It'll help"
"Oh Minion, I- I can't, maybe in a little while?" Roxanne said and continued to pace, she could calm down after she'd calmed down
Minion let out a small sigh. Sir is exactly the same way, he thought.
"Okay, tell me what's worrying you."
Roxanne hesitated, would Minion think less of her? Would he be upset she has doubts about his best friend?
"I won't be upset, I promise. Sir and I have known one another for a very long time, I've seen the good and the bad. Go on." Minion said, almost telepathically
Roxanne let out a breath, "What if he's dead? Like actually dead this time? Or what if he's not dead at all but avoiding me? Have I made this a hostile environment for him?" She gasped, "What if he's been coming home so late because he wants to break up and is figuring out how to let me down easy?"
Minion waited for her to finish her ramble before speaking.
"Ms. Ritchi, I know you're a woman of logic but also a person, with complicated emotions. So I'll try to use a blend of both at this time." He moved from the kitchen and slowly approached Roxanne, guiding her hands to the couch. She was too paralyzed with fear to even stim anymore, her hands just sitting uselessly in her lap.
"Sir is head over heels for you. Which is saying a lot considering how big that head is." Roxanne let out a weak chuckle at that.
"He would tell you if he'd had a problem with your relationship. He hates having his time wasted and hates wasting others."
"But we've passed our honeymoon phase by now. Maybe it's all catching up with him that he's made a mistake" Roxanne said
Minion rolled his eyes a little, your 1 year anniversary was a little less than a month ago, but okay. He'd had the same conversation with Sir a few weeks ago. These two really were meant for one another, the couple that worries together stays together, he supposed.
"I'll let you in on a secret," Minion whispered, "Sir prefers to be alone when he's thinking. Something about years living in solitary confinement makes him seek solitude when he's nervous. And we both know that Sir is pretty much always nervous." Minion smiles and despite herself, Roxanne does too.
"I can relate to that. I had a big family growing up and most of the time all I needed was a little space to become a person again. They always took it personally though, claiming I didn't like to be around them. Which wasn't entirely untrue." Roxanne chuckled softly
Minion place a giant hand onto both of hers. "In this family, taking time for yourself is always understood. Okay?"
Roxanne nodded.
"Alright then!" Minion stood up and clapped his hands together. "Let's get this tea in you so you can relax a little and we can watch My Fair Lady for the 100th time."
Roxanne giggles, "Oh Megamind would hate coming home to that." Her blue partner hated the musical, mainly due to Prof. Higgins' character. He loathed how mean he is to Eliza for most of the film, which Roxanne couldn't really blame him for. 
Taking the outstretched cup from Minion, Roxanne still popped the VHS tape into the VCR and hit "Play". She was sure Megamind's rant about it wouldn't be that long.
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wiggly-blue-shite · 5 years
Chapter 16 From the Top!
(Prof H X Ted)
Kissing Henry Hidgens. Wow. It was so much better than Ted had imagined it. Getting to kiss the person who mad you question your sexuality is really just awesome for lack of a better word.
Ted's brain was filled to the brim with things he wanted to say.
"Hen-" Ted began to say one of the millions of things he wanted to say. The Henry kissed him again. Maybe Ted didn't need to say anything, not yet at least. Just enjoy this right now.
They parted.
"Well I feel like that this isn't how singing lessons usually go." Ted chuckled, still regaining his composure. Wow.
"Yes this is quite unorthodox." Henry chuckled. His laugh was so adorable and his smile just lit up the room. God.
"So should we run through the song one more time from the front?" Ted just kept making jokes while he was trying to clear his head. He knew he wasn't using correct terminology.
"Perhaps we should conclude class early." Oh. Ted didn't really want class to end so soon. "Are you hungry?" Oh shit never mind!
"Yes actually." Second chance dinner with Henry!!! Fuck yeah.
"I'm choosing the restaurant. North side is lovely but I have somewhere else in mind." Henry's like cultured and shit. It's probably gonna be a super fancy restaurant that puts Northside to shame.
Henry gathered his things before they left.
"Where are you two going, Professor?" The lady from behind the desk called out. Her laugh was so loud.
"Let's lay off it Lucille." Henry called back as they were leaving. So her name is Lucille.
"Your alliterations have no power against me!" Lucille yelled as the door closed. She is something.
"Don't mind her." Henry could probably tell that Ted didn't really like her. She's just super intense and kind of annoying. Ted knows she's Henry's friend and all but what can he say?
"So where are we going again?" Ted loosened up. He didn't know what to expect so he should just go with the flow.
"Well it's a restaurant." Henry chuckled softly.
Ted may be stupid but he's not that fucking stupid.
"Well I guessed that much." Ted knew that Henry was joking.
"This way." Henry grabber Ted's hand and led him down the block. God is everything about this man soft?
"Here we are" Henry stopped in front of a little restaurant with the words Paradise Boulevard on the sign.
""I don't know, Northside is a pretty nice restaurant. I'll have to trust you on this one." Ted joked. Henry hadn't let go of his hand yet. Good.
"Table for two please." The waitress led them to a two person table. It's a nice restaurant for sure everything about this place felt like it was from a James Bond film.
There was band on stage. They were playing a slow jazzy tune.
"You keep smiling." Henry pointed out. Ted hadn't even realized.
"So do you." Ted really loved Henry's smile. It's just so bright. Ted really got to kiss someone with that beautiful of a smile.
"So what's Ted short for?" Henry asked.
"Theodore. I know it's a dorky ass name." Ted didn't hate his name it just doesn't really suit him.
"No I like it." Henry smiled at Ted. Ted's stomach did a cartwheel.
"What will it be?" how long has that waitress been standing there?
"Shit I haven't even looked at the menu yet." Ted picked up the menu in front of him, "oh shit this is in French." Ted could read practically none of the menu.
"We'll have two orders of Flamiche." Thank god Henry ordered for him. The waitress walked away with their orders.
"So what exactly is flamiche?" There was no way Ted pronounced that correctly.
"You'll just have to trust me." Henry smiled. Ted thought about all the thing he would have done differently last week.
"Listen, about last week. I just wanted to apologize. It wasn't any of my business." Ted wanted to put his hand on Henry's, he didn't though, "I was just concerned."
"It's ok. I forgive you, Theodore." Henry said Theodore so sweetly it was overwhelming to Ted.
"Are you going to keep calling me Theodore?" Ted was really not used to being called Theodore.
"Oh yeah!" They both laughed.
"So a jazz bar?" Ted remembered Henry saying something about he didn't like bars.
"It is not a jazz bar. It is a French restaurant with jazz. Alcohol is not a good idea for us." Ted felt a little guilty about that still but at least they can joke about it? "You seemed to like Sinatra so I thought you might like this place."
Ah yes Sinatra.
"My mom listened to a lot of Sinatra." Ted could still hear her mom sing along to the songs. She was so happy when Ted started singing along too.
"That's nice."
The waitress brought out their food.
"Voici votre nourriture monsieur" What? She set down the food.
"Merci beaucoup." Wait understood that?
"You speak French? Also does the wait staff all speak French?" Ted was really confused. Why is everyone speaking French?
"Je parle seulement un peu le français. They might all speak French I don't really know." Ted still doesn't understand French. What did he say??
"Huh, you're an interesting person." Ted was at a loss.
"How so."
"Biology and theatre, it's weird mix. You also know French apparently?" He shouldn't be allowed to be good at so many things!
"Well I've always had a natural inclination towards science and the theatrical arts. I also took a semester in France." Henry shrugged. How did Henry thought that was no big deal?
"You also have a big ass vocabulary." Ted really could just go on about how impressive Henry is.
"That's because I read, Ted." Henry laughed a little.
"Makes sense." Ted doesn't read books. "the on top of it all you're very attractive." Not fair really.
Henry's face went red. Awww
"That's like the pot calling the kettle black." Henry responded smiling across at Ted. Ted felt his face warm up.
"So is this a date?" Ted didn't want to come off to strong.
"My bet's on yes." Henry smiled. 
"Cool." Cool? Really?
The rest of the meal was spent in pleasant conversation.
"You payed last time. I've got it." Henry tried to pay for the bill. Yeah right. Ted's just going to let him pay.
"Well yeah but it's not like a diner is expensive." The diner was definitely much cheaper than this place.
""Why don't we split it?" Henry offered. Ted would prefer to pay but he didn't want to argue.
"That works." Ted handed Henry his card.
The waitress came to the table to pick up the bill.
"Je vous donne deux cartes mais charge le repas entier à la carte noire." Henry's French wasn't perfect but it was still impressive.
"Peu importe ce que tu dis." Ted still had no idea what they were saying.
The waitress was back quickly with their cards. They left the restaurant.
"So I'll see you soon?" Ted and Henry stood outside the restaurant. Ted definitely wanted a second date. And a third and fourth and fifth.
"Of course." Henry smiled. Such a nice smile.
"Are you going to Paul's birthday thing Monday?" Ted would definitely have to go. It would be nice if he could hang out with Henry there.
"Yeah I'll be there." Sweet!
"Well this is goodnight." Ted wanted to do something romantic. So he grabbed Henry's hand and kissed it. This made Henry blush.
"Goodnight." Henry grabbed Ted's face and kissed him. Wow. Ted nearly melted.
"I'll see you Monday." Ted went his own way. Henry went the other.
This is the happiest Ted's been in a while.
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Had my first Joker encounter today. Been worried about it since I first moved here. He’s the only guy who really scares me in Gotham right now.
I was on campus when he came in with what looked like a machine gun and told everyone to stay down. There were screams as we all hid under our desks. A lot of people got out their phones to film what was happening. He didn’t seem to mind---I think he wanted the attention---as he went over to the professor’s desk and ordered my prof to help him hack into something. I got out my phone and acted like I was filming, but instead I called Red Hood. I turned down the volume so the ringing couldn’t be heard through even the little speaker at the ear.
He didn’t answer---I didn’t blame him since I didn’t answer for unknown numbers either---but I left a voicemail that was just the Joker yelling at my professor and cackling and me whispering, “It’s Tally. I’m at GCU.”
Yeah... Red Hood showed up less than five minutes later with a crowbar. Which he used to smack Joker in the face. “THAT is how it FEELS!” Red Hood shouted, making me guess that Joker’s probably hit him with a crowbar before.
Red Robin came with him, but mostly stayed out in the hall, taking care of the henchmen Joker brought with him.
Yo, seriously, Red Hood whaled on Joker relentlessly. I doubt the guy has ever taken such a brutal beating. Even from Batman.
Red Hood had a gun strapped to his thigh, and almost fired it. He would have shot the Joker if Red Robin hadn’t appeared from nowhere and pushed the barrel down. Seriously these guys are ninjas. So Red Hood relented and knocked the Joker unconscious with another whack of the crowbar.
Then he came and gave me a hand getting back to my feet. “Thanks for the call,” he said.
I’m such a mess of a human being that I couldn’t even say “No problem.” To be fair, I was pretty freaked out. But Red Hood was suddenly really intimidating. Like, I’ve seen him stitch up his own GSW like it’s no big deal. I know he lives a rough life, but before today I had never actually seen him in action. And. He’s. Terrifying.
He’s also a bada** boss but I was too scared to say that too.
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