keydolllf · 7 years
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Venting with #s #wtf #fuckinwhy #whatthefuckamindoing #griponmysoul #motionlessinwhite #ax7 #enernallyyours #metalgetsmethroughlife #weliedownsoreandsick #intotheabyss #fuckyourshit #itsasickness #metal #melatcore #melodicmetalcore #selfie #whenyourdemonslearntoswim #lyricsaretruth #fuckit #vent #venting #doesntseeit #theydontevenknow #rage #gettingtome #needarealfogdoor
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ithinkmyeyesaregrey · 5 years
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A representation of me attempting to use tumblr as a healthy outlet because I fucking hate life lol #Goodnight #JustKidding #FuckOff #Insomnice #GettingToMe #StillAnAngryTeenagerInHereSomewhere #ImFucked #Grunge I gotta get the fuck outa here
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moisgayerthanyou · 6 years
I haven’t had a real honest to god human interaction where someone talked to me like a person as a friend in a LONG while and it is #gettingtome lol
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So I’ve been watching the new Degrassi and even though it’s such a horrible show I love the drama and it actually talks about deep shit. But the only thing I don’t get is it’s marked PG on Netflix. I don’t know but I feel it should be kinda marked PG-13. And the plot and the way the characters are acting is actually kinda getting to me.
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taramariee · 9 years
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Thank you @jennyfromshoes for encouraging AM drinking. #handmade #drinkingmug #gettingtome
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miidnight-faerie · 10 years
The whole losing weight thing isn't exactly working out. I'm now 10 lbs from my goal rather than 8. I guess that means I'm gaining muscle but fuuuuck it's driving me insane
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champagnelines · 10 years
Ay ya for some reason my feelings are getting to me..nd I dnt like that shit 🙅
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oh-life-why · 11 years
All we do is use and abuse. All we can do is use and abuse. We use our friends, we abuse our friends. We use our mothers, we abuse our mothers. We use our bodies, we abuse our bodies. We use our land, we abuse our land.
We are human. We use and we abuse.
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