#gezelligheiid :: elen
For: @gezelligheiid :: Elen Muse: Elrohir Prompt: Wasted
there was a flicker of visible relief upon crossing into the Trollshaws. it was a sign that home wasn't far away now, nor were their beds and for some, their families. despite the lateness of the evening, the Dúnedain didn't stop to make camp. not when Tornhad was just a few miles away. however, not all of the group were heading there.
after parting ways with the Rangers, it took another few minutes before the familiar sight of the Bruinen Ford came into view. Elrohir gave a tired smile to the guards as his grey mare put on a sudden burst of speed, only slowing once they reached the stables. practiced hands made quick work of caring for his companion and soon, the horse was happily settled in.
it took him just a moment to drop off his travelling gear in his room and then went to find his father. a activity that normally resulted in the Lord being found working in either their office or the Healing Halls. bemusement crossed the young elf's features when there wasn't any sign in either location; which was unusual.
Elrohir opted to go past his father's rooms on the way to his own, passing some shocked looking elves on route. he was planning to knock but the rather strong scent of alcohol made him decide otherwise. slipping inside soon revealed the reason: Elen was wasted. drinking wasn't something that he tended to see them do; even rarer, did they drink themselves into this kind of state. but when it happened, it was often for a reason.
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For: Elrond :: @gezelligheiid​​ Unspecified Muse: Hal Verse: Liked for a Halloween starter
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  Tham Lumren or the Shady Halls. Settled within the Angle of Mitheithel. A area between Eregion and the Trollshaws, not far from Imladris. Home to the elf-lord Elrond, his family and kin. As well as being a place where the children of the Northern Dúnedain, especially the heirs of their Chieftains, could grow up in safety.
  For the most part, the twisted spirits who resided within the once tree covered Shady Halls were left to their own devices. No one cared much for the reminders of the past and the eerie cold chill that tended to surrounded the areas where the Dead still haunted the land. Yet that was not the case for ALL of those, who often made the journey to the hidden valley.
  It was the one night of the entire year when many considered the Veil between the Living and Dead to be at it’s thinnest. When old ruins that teemed with spirits and lands like the Barrow-downs were remained free of all visitors, including the hardiest of travellers. But that was not the case tonight. In a corner of Tham Lumren, a Ranger seemed to be curled up fast asleep.
  The gender-fluid Esteldin Commander who had missed a meeting with Lord Elrond four days earlier. And who had seemingly vanished into thin air, just before entering the Trollshaws. No one had heard or even seen her during that time. Yet it was the eerie chill that crept through the Angle and leeched warmth from those outside of Imladris, that caught the attention of Elladan and Elrohir.
“Ada? There’s something going on.”
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thegreatstrongbow · 1 year
In the quiet stillness of the evening, Mablung sat under the branches of an elm in mediation. His eyes were turned upwards to the stars, drinking in the beauty of it all.
But he was not oblivious to his surroundings.
"You may sit with me, if you like. I do not mind."
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princguard-a · 1 year
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" Elen..." Lark muttered as she limped into their study. She watched them for a moment making medicine and huffed.
" I don't suppose you could spare a moment to look at my knee? I fell off my horse a bit ago."
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vaciena · 5 years
“Yes, I know how to use this, so I’d be a lot more polite if I were you.” (From Elen to Leb and lbr they probably have a butter knife to be sassy lmao)
@gezelligheiid | Stabby Starters
Celebrimbor looked at the knife, and then back up at Elen. The little thing shone in the firelight, hardly wider than a finger and about as sharp, completely non-threatening. Terrifying. Truly. They were outdoing themselves this time. His lip twitched but smoothed it out before he could actually smile, giving them a look of absolute sincerity as he straightened in his seat.
“Of course, my lord. Whatever can I do to make it up to you?”
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adamantiiine-a · 5 years
* ✧ ∗ @gezelligheiid  liked for a starter with maedhros !
Maedhros is not exactly what one would consider a nurturing soul. Even though he’d had six younger brothers to practice on, he had never really been soft, or gentle, or found it easy to comfort others. Now, that’s even more apparent. He’s a harsh realist, and cannot quite see the purpose in softening a harsh and painful world. 
As such, he’s never been the best with children. And yet... Kano has brought the twins back to Himring with them. 
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Maedhros realizes that he’ll eventually need to try to reach out to them. Not at first-- he gives them time first, gives Kano time.  He waits for almost two months before he knocks on their door. He doesn’t say anything-- he’s not sure what to say. 
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loyalservants · 5 years
( Continuation | @gezelligheiid )
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    ❝ And you too little, yonya. ❞
    The elder elf let out a soft sigh as they pulled the bandages snuggly around the young man’s arm. It was common for young men to find themselves off adventuring, scrapes and bruises were part of the growth from child to man. Perhaps it was the downfall of having a father so well versed in medicine that scratches were cared for all the same as large gashes and broken bones alike. Or, more likely, the Lord had grown protective of their Estel.     Their cheeks puffed out slightly, letting out a low whitling sigh as they stepped away and crossed their arms,
   ❝ Ai Elbereth, how I have kept my hair black with you in my house is a mystery indeed. ❞
    Just a slight point of their old Qenya accent came through, enough to know that they were indeed irritated, though not angry with him. Far and few between were the days they were truly angry with Estel or any of their children despite their antics. And yet, for their irritation at his nonchalant nature, they softened; grey eyes still warm with compassion and worry as their arms unfolded and fell to their sides. A soft, slim smile, gently brushing a hand over his hair.
    ❝ Troublesome child. ❞
                                          YOUNG Estel was fond of the oak tree not so far from their home. From the top, he could overlook the  GREY  rivers rolling and he could listen to the flock of sparrows twittering. A young man beginning to blossom, he had grown to  LOVE  all things alive. He had loved the  TREES  and the  FLOWERS . 
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                                          Upon his atya, he grinned,   ❝ Well I always will have  YOU  to care for me. You’ve proven just that today ! ❞   He then looked at his arm,  GENTLY  moving it, stretching to see if it hurt. No, it did not sting as much as he had entered Elentelumë’s home afore. 
                                          Glancing back onto them again, his grin turned  WARMER  and he leaned against his palm as they ran their fingers through his unkempt hair.   ❝ Yet you  LOVE  me still. The very thing that has  CHARMED  you, mayhap ? ❞   said the young Dúnedain with a  SWEET  fluttering of his lashes. A mere jest but indeed he loved them so, for whatever had become of his father by blood, he had Elentelumë.
                              ❝ Were you the same when you were younger, atya ? ❞
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“ i never meant to be here for so long ” (from Elen/Elrond to Olòrin?)
{{ album starters | accepting ! (2/8) }}
He understands the feeling. It is not only this form that is weary– his spirit too has tired. Soon, he hopes, the shadow will be lifted, and peace will be restored.
A gentle smile crinkles his face, though, and he turns a soft gaze upon Elen. 
❝ Soon, my friend. ❞ 
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The words are spoken with hope. Mithrandir cannot assure them for certain of this. Yet as long as light remains, there is hope that they might see the end of this fight. 
( @gezelligheiid )
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[ groom ] (from Elen <3 )
[ groom ]  your muse adjusting mine’s appearance , such as straightening a tie , fixing their hair , or buttoning their shirt for them , etc . @gezelligheiid
Glorfindel froze when he felt Elen's gentle hands in his hair, straightening his braids from where they must have been knocked askew. "Thank you," he said softly, a light blush on his cheeks.
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themerrymutants · 6 years
Of Mutants and Magic [Cael/Elen]
Continued - @gezelligheiid
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Aegroth remained quiet as his wounds were cleaned but the almost ominous rattling of the surrounding objects told of the conflict within him.
“This always happens when I get scared or angry,” he confided motioning to his the wounds on his arm. “This time it was a bit of pottery I was carrying, last time it was a glass. I fear that one of these days it will be another that will end up injured, or wose. What if..what happens if I find I am unable to master this?”
That wasn’t even mentioning the ever present hum of Others at the back of his mind. He wasn’t sure if he was ready to mention that yet, honestly he hadn’t meant to mention his moving of objects until the rattling started up again. It was hard to lie when the proof was staring you in the face.
“I..What’s happening to me? I have not been able to find any record of something like this. I-” a pause “I’m scared. So, so, so scared.”
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For: Elen | @gezelligheiid
"Ada? You have some visitors- well two are. The other's more of a long lost family member, who's just returned home."
Elladan slipped into the garden, followed by Arwen. the latter of whom was trying and failing to stop herself from literally bouncing with excitement and happiness.
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For: Elen | @gezelligheiid
Muse: Taenil
it took a lot to wrangle a group of rangers into one specific location. not because they were difficult to manage but due to how spread out their locations were. once the call was sent out, the Northern Dúnedain scrambled as fast as they could. with the central location being Rivendell.
icy blue eyes watched as the last of his adopted kin trickled into the courtyard from above. before the silent young elf slipped back inside and went to find the Master of the Valley
"Lord Elrond...?"
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For: Elrond :: @gezelligheiid
something odd kept occurring across the Hidden Valley of Imladris just before the Midsummer Celebration was due to start. complicated flower arrangements, decorations thought lost and unsigned summery paintings randomly appeared in places left untouched after the Lady sailed West.
it was a mystery that baffled many of the Elves living there, for no one had seen them going up. Arwen had been the suspected culprit for a few years but not this time, since she was visiting Lothlorien. some thought that Elladan and Arwen were working together, hence why they still went up this year.
none had really considered Elrohir as an option. which was completely fine by the silver eyed elf in question. his twin and younger sister knew the truth, even if very few others did. working through the night meant that he was mainly on his own. there were some nights when his father actually went to sleep, although that was rare.
it was one of those evenings that found the younger twin sneaking into Elen's office and changing the flowers as usual. only this time, Elrohir didn't notice them standing in the shadows of the hallway as he left again. with everything put out, he wandered out to the East Porch and just settled there. for sleep wasn't happening that night.
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For: Elen :: @gezelligheiid
When he asked to join Hal on their mission, Elladan hadn't expected to find himself returning to Imladris alone. Or injured for that matter. But that was minimal considering what had been going to happen, if the Ranger hadn't provided a distraction and let him escape. But he had noticed far too late that they hadn't followed and that wasn't a good sign.
A flicker of silvery grey eyes had a relieved sigh escaping from his twin, who was sitting nearby. "Ada, Elladan's stirring."
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“I didn’t expect to see you here.” (From Elen for Hal ^^)
  "I was visiting Tornhad and got invited by your terror twins." Hal gave them a small rarely seen smile, her uncertainty about being there fading slightly. Dressing up and balls of any kind weren't in her normal to do list.
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princguard-a · 1 year
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you give and give. you are a gentle heart, broken but still standing... always lending a hand for those who need it, expecting nothing in return. you deserve someone taking your hand and kissing your open palm, the hands which have selflessly helped so many others.
tagged by: I stole it from @demone-volpe tagging: @stcrmhund @sanktasolntse @melpcmene ( dream ) @korinthiakos @korzion @aercnaut @reiignonme ( tamlin ) @averrse @gezelligheiid ( elen ) and you!
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