#*|* evenstar of her people *|* :: arwen
caramelldraws · 1 year
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Tried a new style, remembered I’m not consistently good at drawing faces yet >< Anyways. Arwen :3
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amid-ice-and-snow · 1 month
For: Halbarad | @menelvagor Muse: Elrohir Verse: Empath au Meme: Dissociation starters Prompt: "Don't touch me."
a layer of anxiety covered the Hidden Valley like a low lying mist. noticed only by those who tended to live there. although most disregarded it, for they were joyful, drunk and enjoying the party that was happening. an end to the midsummer festivities. after which the visiting elves would then either return home or go towards the Grey Havens, to Sail West.
however, that wasn't the case for two of the residents. normally found enjoying themselves at the party, tonight Arwen and Elladan were looking for a missing member of their family. having none of the Lord's children in the Hall wouldn't go unnoticed, yet they knew their father would understand.
giggles had both older and younger elves switching direction towards the gardens. although most were open to everyone, there was one garden off limits to all guests and visitors during parties. partly because it was where the Healers got many of their plants from. but also because it was where Elrohir tended to hide.
it was also that particular garden that both the giggles and the anxiety were coming from. the visiting elf maidens froze at the sight of Elladan's non too friendly glare. he paused to glance at Arwen, before stopping near his curled up twin. Elladan heard the quiet repeated words of "Don't touch me." and knew it wasn't good.
"Ar, get them out of here and go get someone. Ro's not looking good."
Arwen nodded and quickly did as asked, taking the quiet group with her. she dropped the Elleths into hall, giving them a uncharacteristically cold look. before going to find someone who could help, preferably Lord Elrond. but anyone who Elrohir felt safe with would be okay in her eyes, even if that meant someone not of their race, like...-
"Halbarad! We, or rather Elrohir, needs your help out in the gardens."
-the Dúnedan she had nearly just run into, which was almost unheard of for her.
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For: Elen | @gezelligheiid
"Ada? You have some visitors- well two are. The other's more of a long lost family member, who's just returned home."
Elladan slipped into the garden, followed by Arwen. the latter of whom was trying and failing to stop herself from literally bouncing with excitement and happiness.
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afanofmanyhats · 4 months
One of my favorite things about Tolkien's writing is that he has a very specific, recurring trope. For lack of a better term, I'm dubbing this the Tolkien Wife-Guy.
This is mainly obvious in the Silmarillion, but Tolkien loves to write couples where the man is a notable individual- nobility, commits a great deed, or both- but the wife is at least equally notable, if not more beloved or powerful. Manwe is the king of the Valar and Eru's main representative in Arda? Everyone loves Varda more, and Melkor fears her more than his own brother. Elu Thingol is the king of the Silvan Elves? His wife is Melian, whose Girdle is the magic that keeps Morgoth's forces at bay. Beren is a chief among the Edain, who befriends animals and survives one of the most nightmarish places in Beleriand? His wife is Luthien.
Even in Lord of the Rings we see this occur, though the couples are on more even footing. Tom Bombadil is... Tom Bombadil, but Goldberry is the River-daughter, and Tom adores her above everything else, and the hobbits are completely taken in with her when she's their host. Similarly, while Celeborn is a mighty lord among Elves, Galadriel is one of the only Noldor in Middle-earth who saw the Two Trees, and her hair inspired Feanor to make the Silmarils, not to mention her own accomplishments in the war against Morgoth. Aragorn is the king of Gondor and Arnor, but Arwen is the Evenstar of the Elves, the descendant of three(?) different royal Elven lines. And Faramir becomes the Steward of Gondor and is one of the noblest men alive, but Eowyn killed the Witch-king, so you know. She got the grander moment for the saga.
But with (most) of these couples, we never get the impression that the man views his wife as Less-Than, or as a junior partner. Thingol is the main exception to this in how he dismisses Melian's counsel, and that's made out to be his foolishness within the text. Otherwise, Manwe treats Varda as his co-ruler, Beren never tries to downplay Luthien's achievements, and I'm pretty sure most of Tom Bombadil's dialogue is about how gorgeous Goldberry is. It's really sweet.
All of these examples really testify to how much Tolkien loved his wife. People rightly point to Beren and Luthien as the prime example of that, but I think you can find it in these other couples too. Even though Edith is mainly known to history as Mrs. Tolkien, it's evident to me that Jirt saw her as a whole person worthy of admiration outside of being his wife.
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marsprincess889 · 1 year
Purva Ashadha and Shravana (monkey yonis)
As a famous movie couple.
Purva Ashadha is the last venus ruled nakshatra, meaning "the previous invincible one", its symbol is a winnowing basket, separating all things worthy from the unworthy. Its ruling deities are Apas, water creatures, and this nakshatra is strongly connected to waters and the seas. It's about gaining alliances to secure your victory.
Shravana is the last moon ruled nakshatra, meaning "hearing", its symbols are the ear and three footprints. Ruling deity is Vishnu- Hindu preserver god and consort of Lakshmi(associated with Purva Ashadha and Rohini). Its about connecting everything together.
Now, let me introduce you to the couple.
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Aragon and Arwen
from The Lord of the Rings trilogy.
Liv Tyler (Purva Ashadha moon)
Viggo Mortensen (Shravana moon)
When the first movie begins Aragorn is a simple, lonely ranger, but always dedicated to doing what he thinks is right. He definitely has the makings of a king, he's also descended from Isildur, being the true heir to the throne. Despite his lineage, he's living like an average lowly man, an outcaste, wondering on on his own. Shravana is connected to wandering and also being one of men and that being the trait that makes the king. Shravana is "the savior" or "the preserver" of mankind, and that also obviously applies to Aragorn. Shravana being mleccha (outcast) caste also ties with him living like a lowlife and being apart from society.
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Arwen, on the other hand, is busy rebelling against her father and choosing a mortal life due to her love for Aragorn. She's a noble elf maiden (Purva Ashadha is in the Brahmin caste- the highest standing caste). Purva Ashadha (like all venus nakshatras) are romantics and always choose to bravely follow their heart. Also a very interesting thing to note is that Arwen is reffered to as "the evenstar" or "the evening star", which is obviously Venus.
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When she gifts Aragorn her necklace, he refuses at first, not believing himself worthy, but Arwen insists and says: "It is mine to give to whom I choose, like my heart". That pretty much sums up what this nakshatra is about.
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Eventually, Aragorn does become king and Arwen does choose a mortal life, even thought it meant seeing her love age and die before her.
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One of my favorite scenes in the whole trilogy is when Arwen is taking Frodo to Rivendell while they're being chased by the Nazgul. She bravely stands up to them and summons the waters to defeat them. Purva Ashadha's power is to invigorate and Arwen using the waters to secure her victory makes a lot of sense.
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Purva Ashadha invigorates, Shravana connects and together they become a formidable team.
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Everytime I think of Purva Ashadha and Shravana my mind immideately goes to these two. The setting, the etheral aesthetic and the otherworldliness makes me think of their yoni- Vaanar also meaning "human-like creature" or "a human-like being from other dimentions" in Sanskrit. They were said to live in forests and that's where Arwen went and lived before she passed, overcome by the grief of being separated from her love. But their story remains in the minds and hearts of people, and their love, courage, devotion and loyalty is remembered forever.
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If you're Purva Ashadha or Shravana, or if you love lotr/arwen and aragorn, let me know what you think. Please, interact with me in any way. Love you, take care 🤍
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rosieofcorona · 27 days
basically if u want to understand why i am the way i am u have to know the following facts about my upbringing:
my dad was a massive tolkien fan
he really wanted to name me arwen undomiel (he did not get his way. he DID address me lovingly as "the evenstar of her people" until the day he died)
he made me read all the lotr books in 2001 bc he wanted to go to the movie with someone and my mom wouldn't go. however he also wouldn't let ME go without reading the books first (i was eight). i have read them annually since.
i carried my elvish dictionary everywhere (and i do mean everywhere) for like. seven years after that, minimum
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love-anddeepression · 9 months
i was inspired by @allysunny 's fic where miguel watches snow white and i loved it so much its literally so wholesome. GO READ IT.
and after that i watched a lotr fanart reel with the evenstar theme and i began to wonder how mig would like Lord of the Rings. cuz he has to if the relationship is going to work im sorry-
So here's the product of my labour lmfao im doing the first movie only because this would be way too long if it was all three
MIGUEL WATCHES LOTR(extended edition ofc)
-I feel like he'd come across you either looking at fanart or edits of the characters and be intrigued.
-"what's that, tesoro?" nosy mf he'd smush onto your shoulder from behind, your hair ticking his nose lightly.
"it's lord of the rings, babe. how have you-"
and you realise mans is from 2099 how tf is he going to know what lord of the rings is.
and thats how you end up sitting in front of the tv at 8am in the morning with tea and breakfast and the shire theme playing from the tv.
-"They're dwarves?" Miguel asks when he sees Frodo next to Gandalf
"No, they're Hobbits."
"But Hobbits are basically dwarves?"
"Nope, different race, honey." you kiss his cheek as his eyes squint in confusion.
=Merry and Pip remind him of ahem certain spider people
-He gasps when Bilbo disappears and is like wtf when he sees him reappear and have a meltdown over the ring.
-He gasps AGAIN when you tell him that gandalf actually left frodo in the shire for 17 years and not like a few hours or days
-gets annoyed at merry and pippin AGAIN
-fucking loves samwise but thinks he needs a bit more spine(give him a chance wait till the end of the series)
-he will raise an eyebrow at you trying to stop your squeal when looking at the first glimpse of this strider and his pipe.
-i feel like the nazgul would freak him out(just a little but its the horses)
-THE HORSES i feel like he wont give af honestly about them because he can co exist with widow on the team but since he has the phobia he wouldnt fawn over them(not me pssh i love the pretty horsies)
-absolutely thinks frodo is going to die when hes stabbed by the nazgul
-his eyes widen when arwen our queen rides in and you squeal again
-he admires arwen and her abilities, that scene with the river and the nazgul makes his jawdrop.
-"tesoro i like this movie." "slut" "im YOUR slut" *mwah*
-he loves the rivendell and the set design is honestly breathtaking he gets so into it
-arwen and aragorn are adorable and he holds you tighter when the flashback scene between them is shown
-you clap when you see legolas ride in and he sideeyes you yet AGAIN
-sees the appeal tbh
-he loves that you're so passionate about something and want to share it with him and he sees it as an honour that you're willing to do this, spend an entire day watching a movie series with him its baffling to him
-you on the other hand get worried that he finds it boring but then when he gets into it youre ecstatic that he likes it too and you both can enjoy something thats so close to your heart.
-it can be hard to relate to someone who's so different from you, like mans is spiderman, a geneticist, leads an elite strike dedicated to the multiverse-
-but you both gel in a lot of ways (which is why dude loves you and would die for you and kill for you either way what bliss)despite leading such different lives and now there's one more thing you can bond over and it fills you with happiness and you have to snuggle into him and he holds you tighter in response, smooching the top of your head
-absolutely despises boromir at first(it changes)
-thinks elrond is bossy asf(look whos talking babe)
-he gets worked up when boromir starts coveting the ring and is like he should die
-sniffs when the man actually dies in such a heroic way
-i think he has to cover his mouth when aragorn finds boromir and kisses his forehead because its such an emotional scene and this man has gone through such loss and probably similar things in his own battlefield except he wishes he could have given his teammates better goodbyes.
-when the movie ends yk the way it does he immediately puts on the next one.
-"babe wait i have to pee!" "pee fast then and come back!" *pats your ass as you walk past him and you try to swat him because that doesnt help after holding in your pee for like 3 damn hours
-he really likes it and he loved experiencing it with you, listening to your commentary sometimes, rolling his eyes lovingly when you grin at aragorn or legolas or sam or arwen, but he loved it even more because it was a piece of you that was bared to him and he accepted it and loved it too because it was YOU
-and because its a legendary piece of art.
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anghraine · 2 years
I'm just thinking about Tindómiel's and Arwen's names again.
As I've mentioned before, Tindómiel's name seems a clear reference to tindómë, the Quenya word for the twilight of the morning or dawn, by contrast to undómë, the evening twilight referenced in Arwen's name Undómiel or Evenstar. The distinction between tindómë and undómë comes from LOTR itself, so it's not the relic of an early draft or a late retcon or anything.
If Undómiel = evening star (as it clearly does), it would seem to follow that the counterpart name Tindómiel would translate as 'morning star.'
People sometimes suggest that the meaning of Tindómiel mirrors Tinúviel rather than Undómiel. I don't think that works as well given the information in LOTR, though, because while Quenya tindómë and Sindarin tinnú are related etymologically, tinnú refers to evening twilight/early night, like undómë (in Sindarin, morning twilight is minuial). Hence the poetic translation of Tinúviel as 'nightingale.' So if either Undómiel or Tindómiel were going to be equivalent in meaning to Tinúviel, it should be Undómiel. That would even fit well enough with the frequent comparisons of Arwen to Lúthien.
But Undómiel is not translated that way in LOTR. It is translated as 'evening star.' Given the identical structures of the cousins' names and the nuances of Elvish terms for twilight in both languages, it seems more likely to me that post-LOTR, Tindómiel is meant to be a counterpart name to Undómiel, and that in-story, Arwen was named for Elrond's niece.
Tangentially, I think Tindómiel herself was likely named for her grandfather Eärendil, the morning star. But on the meta level, the subtext of her name's structure and meaning is to mirror Arwen. Tindómiel is born as the first of the mortal princesses and queens of the Númenóreans, where the death of Arwen, queen of the last Númenóreans, closes out the era of the Elves.
At the same time, while the evening and morning stars symbolically represent the inverse of each other, the reality is that the evening star is the morning star. Eärendil was hailed on Valinor as the "star in the darkness, jewel of the sunset, radiant in the morning." So both granddaughters' names call back to him and to each other, which I find very touching, actually.
I find it all the more so, though, because while we don't have any dates for Tindómiel's life, we know that she must have been born some time after the year 61 of the Second Age, since she is the second child and that's when her older brother was born. If her lifespan is similar to her brother's, she would live around 410 years—perhaps a little more, as Númenórean women were typically longer-lived, but I can't think by too much at that point in time, given the 500-year lifespan of their father. Tindómiel was likely dead by the year 500 of the Second Age.
The Second Age would last until the year 3441, another 2,941 years. Over a hundred more years passed before Elrond and Celebrían's marriage, and over a hundred more until Arwen's birth in the year 241 of the Third Age. By the time she was named, Tindómiel had been dead for over three thousand years. Elrond had seen the final wars against Morgoth, the rise and terrible fall of Númenor, the provisional defeat of Sauron, and innumerable nephews and nieces. Tolkien can't even fit the early house of Elros onto one genealogical chart and by Arwen's birth, there are numerous offshoots of Elendil's line alone. Elrond has seen a lot of people come and go, many of them related to him.
And yet, when it came time to name his only daughter, he thought of Tindómiel.
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zalrb · 5 months
This is awkward because I made it seem as if there was actually a lot more I had to say about constructing couples I find epic or cosmic or transcendental in movies and I don't really 🤣 but let's give it ago.
So, one thing I think anons should do when thinking about couples in movies is consider the type of movie they're watching.
If you're watching something like a romantic comedy, you're watching the 'why' of a relationship. This is why these two people end up falling for each other, these are the reasons
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If you're watching something like Atonement, you're watching the 'how' of a relationship. The feelings exist and the movie is communicating to the viewer how they exist, how the characters express that to each other and to the audience
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and usually within the how, the why is embedded
I think anons are curious about the 'how' movies rather than the 'why' movies and that goes back to paying attention to the director's choices - framing, lighting, mise en scene - that communicates the emotional interiority of the characters/couple.
In The Mood for Love gives us a reason as to why our two leads end up spending more and more time together i.e. their spouses are having an affair with one another -- and it should also be noted that we don't see the faces of their respective spouses, we hear their voices, and at most see the back of their heads, which again is a choice, it reinforces that their spouses aren't what's significant here -- but I find it more concerned with illustrating the how of their growing intimacy and yearning. It's a movie about unfulfilled desire and said desire is illustrated effectively with framing
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Their growing closeness is communicated with positioning
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So we're watching the progression of this relationship in mostly unspoken instances of glances and proximity helped along by framing and music in the span of two hours and it's devastatingly beautiful
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The other day, I was at the hairdresser and we were talking about the importance of chemistry in kdramas particularly for the 'face off' i.e. the leads just stand a couple of feet apart and stare at each other and then we get a close up and then a medium shot and then a long shot of them just looking at one other. And we were like the chemistry between the two leads is meant to be so strong and so palpable that all they need to do is look at each other and as a viewer, you can interpret/infer/feel the emotion attached so as a viewer, you should be moved by the fact that they're just staring at each other.
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Everything needs this but it's particularly true for a movie because of how the story is streamlined. The chemistry is necessary to propel the plot forward because it's entwined with/sells/elevates the cinematic language/choices that the director makes to communicate the 'how'.
For Arwen and Aragorn,
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the primary 'how' is a physical embodiment i.e. the evenstar. But it's not just the evenstar, it's the reverence with which the evenstar is treated.
If he's touching the evenstar like this
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If she's touching it like that
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I know what the possibility of it breaking means
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I know what it means to have it returned
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I know what it means when he's wearing it while another woman who loves him hugs him
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Of course he rejects Eowyn when she confesses her feelings for him, he's always wearing the evenstar. It's a choice that communicate that depth of a relationship that two lines of dialogue explicitly reveal
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Does this make sense?
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sillylotrpolls · 1 year
(Notes on names and translations below poll. Click the read-more link to see, for example, why "star", "noble", and "silver" were used in options.)
I can't be the only person who thinks "Elf-man" is a terrible name, right? Like, I get it Elrond, your family tree is a giant mess and you're like half elf, three-eighths man, and one-eighth demigod, and everyone you know love naming their kids with the same first letters as their own name (thanks for that, Tolkien, I just love trying to keep all those Fi- names in the Silm straight), but maybe you could have broken with tradition and given your boys slightly nicer names? It's not like it's Latin, either, where most people have forgotten what the words actually mean; this is your everyday language here.
At least Elrond and Celebrían wised up by the time Arwen came along, though "Noble Maiden" still isn't very creative. I think Elves just might have something to learn from Mormons in this case.
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Pictured: definitely not Jolkien Rolkien Rolkien Tolkien.
Anyway, translations for Elrond's family's names and where I got the names for the poll choices after the cut:
Elladan and Elrohir (Elrond's twin sons)
The name Elladan is Sindarin for "Elf-Man" or "Elf-Dúnadan," referring to his dual descent from both Elves and Edain (a name given to those descending from the three houses of Men from Beleriand).[15] It comes from the words el ("elf or star") and adan, singular of Edain.[16] On the other hand, Elrohir means "Elf-knight", but rochir also means "horse-lord".
Elrond (Elrond)
Elrond is a Sindarin name that means "Star-dome" or "Elf of the cave", from el ("Elf" or "star", interchangeably) and rond ("cave, vault").[17][18][19]
Celebrían (Elrond's wife)
The name Celebrían means "Silver queen"[6], from the Sindarin words celeb ("silver") and rían ("queen").[7]
Arwen (Elrond's daughter)
The name Arwen means "Noble maiden", from Sindarin ar(a) ("royal, noble") and wen ("maiden"). Her epessë Undómiel means "Evenstar", from the Quenya Undómë ("evening twilight") and el ("star").
Elros (Elrond's twin brother who chose to be mortal and founded Middle-earth Atlantis and was, for the record, much better at naming children than his brother)
Elros was a Sindarin word that meant "Elf of the spray", from el ("elf" or "star", interchangeably) and ross ("foam, spray").[8][9] The name came from the Quenya word Elerossë.[10]
And while we're all here, epessë:
The epessë or the "after-name" is the third type. The after-name is given later in life, but not necessarily by their kin, as a title of admiration. In some circumstances, the epessë is chosen by the Elf himself or herself. An Elf could be referred to by any of the three, but the epessë typically took preference.
Galadriel is the Sindarin translation of Alatáriel, the latter being the Telerin epessë originally given to her by Celeborn. Galadriel means "Maiden Crowned by a Radiant Garland". The name itself is an epessë: her father-name is Artanis (noble woman) and her mother-name is Nerwen (man-maiden).
The poll choices were created using this Lord of the Rings Elf name generator. I tried to make sure I picked the Sindarin options, in keeping with Elrond's family's clear preference. I primarily used the "meaning" option, but you could also specify "starts with 'el'", "male", and "Sindarin elvish names" to turn up a list of names like Elunaer ("Light blue bridegroom") or Elanorchanar ("Star sun flower brother").
Although the generator has obvious limitations due to the nature of Tolkien's conlangs, it's a lot of fun to play with. Just be careful or you'll next find yourself on the Parf Edhellen (Elvish dictionary) and from there it's just a hop skip and a jump until you're in a discord chat trying to figure out how to properly conjugate "knitting" or something.
Finally, just because I have always loved this paragraph, a quote from Bigger Things by Blossomwitch on Ao3:
Most people had trouble telling the twin sons of Lord Elrond apart. Gimli did not share this problem. True, they were very similar physically, but to Gimli the difference was plain. The one hanging all over Legolas like the Mirkwood Prince somehow belonged to him was Elladan; the one with enough sense to keep his paws off other people's elves was Elrohir. Simple enough.
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mfelewzi · 21 days
By the Facebook page "Arda - The world of Tolkien"
Aragorn and Arwen (Artwork by Elena Kukanova)
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(for those people that has never read the books: Aragorn haven't beard, like all Dunedain. Yes, It's a bit strange, especially for me, but It's interesting and more faithful to the books)
"And on the evening of Midsummer Aragorn, Arathorn's son, and Arwen daughter of Elrond went to the fair hill, Cerin Amroth, in the midst of the land, and they walked unshod on the undying grass with elanor and niphredil about their feet. And there upon that hill they looked east to the Shadow and west to the Twilight, and they plighted their troth and were glad.
And Arwen said: "Dark is the Shadow, and yet my heart rejoices; for you, Estel, shall be among the great whose valour will destroy it."
But Aragorn answered: "Alas! I cannot foresee it, and how it may come to pass is hidden from me. Yet with your hope I will hope. And the Shadow I utterly reject. But neither, lady, is the Twilight for me; for I am mortal, and if you will cleave to me, Evenstar, then the Twilight you must also renounce."
'And she stood then as still as a white tree, looking into the West, and at last she said: "I will cleave to you, Dúnadan, and turn from the Twilight. Yet there lies the land of my people and the long home of all my kin." She loved her father dearly."
The Return of the King, LoTR Appendix A, Annals of the Kings and Rulers: The Tale of Aragorn and Arwen
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tarninausta · 1 year
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So it was that Frodo saw her whom few mortals had yet seen; Arwen, daughter of Elrond, in whom it was said that the likeness of Lúthien had come on earth again; and she was called Undómiel, for she was the Evenstar of her people.
- J.R.R. Tolkien, The Lord of the Rings
[ID: A set of four graphics, in black and white.
1: A person streched on a bed, wearing glittering fabric. Text reads "for she was the evenstar of her people" in the upper left corner, and "the last ember" on the right side
2: A black and white image of the brazilian model Anita Pozzo, who has dark eyes and dark curly hair, inside a white frame. She is turning to look over her shoulder. Text reads "Arwen" above the image and "Noble maiden" along the right side of it
3: Another image of Anita Pozzo, this time facing front. Text reads "Undomiel" above, and "evening star" below the image
3: Smoke rising up into black. Text reads "of a dying age" along the image's left side (completing the quote from the first graphic), and "mine is the choice of Luthien, and as she so I have chosen, both the sweet and the bitter" in the bottom right corner.
/End ID]
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amid-ice-and-snow · 9 months
For: Haldir :: @thehiddenhero Muse: Taenil Prompt: [ written ] - for my muse to write something on their skin that will appear on your muses body.
Taenil had never been one for talking. even as a a very young elfling, he had been content in letting his younger twin, Teldran, do all the speaking. after the orc attack that had taken the lives of their parents and nearly took his own life, he had taken to communicating in other ways. Like signing and writing on paper.
yet the one communication method he never used was writing on his skin. not even to leave little 'I need to remember...' notes to himself. it baffled nearly everyone around him, for that was how they found their soulmate by writing on their skin.
after all, who wouldn't want to find their other half?
the Rangers of the North understood, as did his brother and the Hobbits of the Shire closest to him. but many of the Elves didn't get it, except for Glorfindel and Arwen. the Evenstar understood more than most as she still didn't know who her soulmate was, despite writing on her skin.
in fact, Arwen was the reason why he was heading towards Lothlorien with her. she had asked him to be one of her temporary guards and he had agreed, despite it being his first visit there. with his Ranger uniform covering most of his skin, no one noticed the slightly shaky question that the young elf had written on his arm.
'Who would want a broken elf?'
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For: Open | within reason Muse: Elrohir Verse: Empath au Meme: Dissociation starters Prompt: "Don't touch me."
a layer of anxiety covered the Hidden Valley like a low lying mist. noticed only by those who tended to live there. although most disregarded it, for they were joyful, drunk and enjoying the party that was happening. an end to the midsummer festivities. after which the visiting elves would then either return home or go towards the Grey Havens, to Sail West.
however, that wasn't the case for two of the residents. normally found enjoying themselves at the party, tonight Arwen and Elladan were looking for a missing member of their family. having none of the Lord's children in the Hall wouldn't go unnoticed, yet they knew their father would understand.
giggles had both older and younger elves switching direction towards the gardens. although most were open to everyone, there was one garden off limits to all guests and visitors during parties. partly because it was where the Healers got many of their plants from. but also because it was where Elrohir tended to hide.
it was also that particular garden that both the giggles and the anxiety were coming from. the visiting elf maidens froze at the sight of Elladan's non too friendly glare. he paused to glance at Arwen, before stopping near his curled up twin. Elladan heard the quiet repeated words of "Don't touch me." and knew it wasn't good.
"Ar, get them out of here and go get someone. Ro's not looking good."
Arwen nodded and quickly did as asked, taking the quiet group with her. she dropped the maidens into hall, giving them a uncharacteristically cold look. before going to find someone who could help, preferably Lord Elrond. but anyone who Elrohir felt safe would be okay in her eyes.
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sindar-princeling · 1 year
Aragorn and his knights, and the people of Lórien and of Rivendell, made ready to ride; but Faramir and Imrahil remained at Edoras; and Arwen Evenstar remained also, and she said farewell to her brethren. None saw her last meeting with Elrond her father, for they went up into the hills and there spoke long together, and bitter was their parting that should endure beyond the ends of the world.
this kills a man
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meluiloth · 9 months
LOTR Week Day 6: Arwen and Elrond
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LOTR20 Day 6: Triumph . Healing . Hope
Summary: Arwen prepares for Aragorn's coronation. 508 words
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The sun was shining at last.
Arwen sat by the window, letting its bright rays fall upon her face and basking in the warmth, as she waited to leave with the company of Elves; she had longed for this day ever since the Fellowship of the Ring departed from Rivendell so many months ago, taking her beloved with them.
The days had been so dark then, full of uncertainty and evil… but now the shadow had passed, and the Dark Lord himself had fallen. It was time to celebrate the triumph of the Free Peoples.
A knock at her door made her open her eyes and look away from the window. “Come in,” she called, and a moment later her father entered the room, dressed in fine white robes. His brow was strained, but that faded when he looked at Arwen, and a smile spread across his stern features.
“My daughter, you are so beautiful,” he said.
Arwen smiled at him and rose to her feet, turning a bit so he could see her fully; her dress was the pale green of spring after winter, edged with intricate white embroidery, and her soft black hair was woven in an elegant tiara that perfectly fit her brow. The gown was one of the most beautiful she owned, having once belonged to her mother; though it felt a little loose on her thin frame—she was still recovering from the sickness of Mordor—she felt more beautiful than she ever had before.
She began to dip into a curtsey, but a sudden wave of dizziness passed through her, and her father took her arm as she stumbled. The smile on his face was replaced momentarily with concern.
“Are you well?” he asked. “Do you still feel sick?”
Arwen swallowed, but in a moment the headache passed, and she straightened. “I am well,” she assured him. “It was just a short spell; I have healed, I promise.”
Her father’s eyes passed over her once more, looking for any sign of lingering sickness, but he nodded. “I know you have… I just cannot keep from worrying about you, little star.” He chuckled, a little sadly. “I have been so worried for so long, I do not know if I can let go.”
Arwen smiled and took her hands in his own. “Remember, Ada… there is hope now. Aragorn will be King, and our world is free at last. We need fear no evil any longer.”
“You are right,” her father said, returning her smile. “Now, speaking of Aragorn… I believe it is time to go. Are you ready?”
Arwen let go of his hands and reached beside her, taking hold of the banner of Rivendell she was to carry. “I am,” she said. “I have always been ready.”
She, the Evenstar of her people, led the Elves up the aisle to greet the newly crowned King of Men, feeling stronger and lighter than she ever had before.
And when her eyes met Aragorn’s, it was like the meeting of the sun and the stars.
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This is a day late, I know, but I wasn't going to give up---so enjoy this little drabble of Arwen! I think she's a very underrated character in the fandom, so I wanted to write something from her perspective, and I hope you enjoy!
@lotr20, @frodothefair, @konartiste, @kylobith, @acornsandoaktrees, @lanthanum12, @nimbusnight28174, @from-the-coffee-shop-in-edoras
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