gddmgttsu · 9 months
The Guitar's Serenade
(From the hit game Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney)
I made this a long time ago goofing around with the Windows midi sounds. The moment you hear the Synth Voice instrument you just get hit with it so I just had to make my own arrangement for it.
Ironically, I first heard the Synth Voice from OoT with Malon singing on the way to Hyrule Castle...
It was fairly old so I touched it up. Hopefully it sounds a bit better than when I first uploaded it.
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gddmgttsu · 10 months
Tarrey Town - Breath of the Wild/Tears of the Kingdom
(I still really like this one tho)
I made this a while back when TotK was released to just celebrate the new game. Probably my favorite town theme from the first game and I was happy to hear a new arrangement for the new one.
It was just supposed to be a music box arrangement but I couldn't leave the other -sons out of it could I?
Anyway enjoy in delicious .mp3
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gddmgttsu · 11 months
Turnabout Sisters - Ace Attorney
(Reposting this as just an audio file as an experiment)
hey, I made this before and I'm very proud of it so I hope you like it.
It's just a windows midi arrangement I made for fun one day. I wanted to just condense everything about Maya into an .mp3 file so I tried my hardest.
I put a few things in the arrangement that might be funny if you listen close enough so keep an ear out :P
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gddmgttsu · 10 months
Close In the Distance - Final Fantasy XIV
An arrangement I made a while back just for fun.
It's probably my favorite track from Endwalker. I just knew I had to make an arrangement for it frame 1 of me hearing it.
I kinda based it off a bit off of the Primals version but I wanted the ending to be a bit more somber.
For those we have lost. For those we can yet save.
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gddmgttsu · 1 year
Song of Healing - Majora's Mask
So, I don't have an audio interface or a mixer. What I do have is a goddamn Rocksmith USB to 1/4 inch plug soooooo I used that.
Just on a whim I realized a bunch of different things:
I wanted to practice more piano.
Oh I can record something and listen back to guage my practice.
Wait, because I'm forced to get the perfect take I fool myself into practicing more.
Oh I can upload the result online for fun.
So yeah that's why I have this stupid thing recorded.
I used to pride myself with my skill on the piano but for a few years now, I plateau'd hard and haven't gotten out of it. I kinda just lost motivation to practice all day every day like before.
I'm certainly not at the level I used to be a few years back but I can slowly work my way back up there and beyond if I really tried.
Here's to keeping this up untill I pass out and explode.
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gddmgttsu · 6 months
Elegy for a Dead Ass Bug
For the longest time, I was trying to get around to making an original composition. For some reason though, it came from a very unlikely place.
So a few days ago, I just got onto my computer and went "I wanna make music" and as I turned to my keyboard to start playing something I noticed a dead bug on my keyboard speaker.
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I would love to know what the hell this guy is since I think I've seen him in Animal Crossing but I can't actually identify if he's in it.
So I got to writing about him just some simple chords and basic rhythms for melodies and all of a sudden I had written the whole piece in one sitting. It's alittle strange though because I've somehow reverted to how I used to write my music when I was in college.
I basically had the piano and MuseScore open and just started going ham.
Before, I only knew how to write 2 chord vamps and make some simple melodies and honestly, I was already content back then during my first two years or so.
This piece was weird since usually when I write, I would aim to practice a specific aspect of composition like 16th notes or some weird harmony or time signature. For this one though, it came very naturally to include a bit of that practice without really thinking about it.
It's a piece that goes between the paralell Major and Minor keys with C Minor/Eb Major and C Major/A Minor which isn't what I usually work with. I've somehow smoothly transitioned between the two by using a G7aug thingy and just direct modulations which sound kinda cool.
The dead bug was what inspired me to write the damn thing so I made it start out sad, then happy then end sad because why not. I guess I wanted to imagine this bug's life up to the point where he was lying on my speaker hahaha.
After writing it and doing the work in FL Studio, I spoke to a friend to get some feedback and they said that it isn't my usual style. I agree but she's really only seen my latest stuff and not much of the ones when I was in college. I would always write pieces like this and I guess I kind-of forgot how to do it until now. It all just came back suddenly.
I wrote this for a homework and while some instruments are a bit different from back then, the general idea is preserved with this lightly touched up version I exported to show my friend. It used to have a solo Cello but I don't have a good VST of it so you'll have to deal with a whole section hahaha.
The prompt for this homework was to get a picture and try to score music for it. There was an artist that I recently followed at the time that drew this wonderful sunset. I believe they're @ATkeynote on most Social Media. (Hopefully they won't mind the inspiration for homework)
Maybe I'll remake this piece one day but until then this is what you get hahaha.
Anyway, this whole composition and everything around it reminded me of much simpler times. It was nice to be able to write something like this again with my improved knowledge of working with my tools.
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gddmgttsu · 7 months
Nautilus Knoweth - FFXIV
(Featuring everyones favorite singing cat)
I'll be sad when we have to leave Old Sharlayan for the new town.
Voices from beyond compel me to create and thus this was made.
The first Meowsynth thing I made was with Moon River and I even edited a stupid video to go along with it. This one just came from me being in the shower and going "what if that one part is sung by a chorus of cats using Meowsynth).
The whole song took way longer than I thought it would take because I'm stubborn and that I wanted it to use the fancy instruments my computer can barely handle so I had to trouble shoot that. I didn't even end up using that for all the instruments because I wanted very specific sounds from the windows midi instruments and bongos.
I don't play guitar but I understand how the instrument works. I just don't have a frame of reference as to your common chord shapes/voicings so I apologize if something requires 6 fingers or whatever hahaha.
Arranging the damn thing was hard too because while specifically using the Old Sharlayan night theme, it's still Flow so I had to fight with myself as to which version to actually base the arrangement on. Those chord changes are so weird especially since I was doing it by ear but I think I got most of it right with a bit of my own spice.
There's alot more I would like to add but I think I've really hit my limit with my mixing knowledge because I have no clue how to make anything sound good together anymore.
During the final part of the song in the original, there were very slight like bright plucky synths doing an arppegiated line under everything and I didn't notice it untill I was reviewing the song. I wanted to do something simillar or atleast call back to it with something but I couldn't quite make it sound right. I wanted to sneak in some motifs from other Endwalker/FFXIV songs but unfortunately I had to get rid of it.
Anyway, I hope you enjoy this little thing I made and procrastinated on posting because I was busy beating Baldur's Gate 3.
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gddmgttsu · 8 months
Zelda's Lullaby - The Legend of Zelda
(that one song from every game after link to the past)
I don't know what came over me one day. I just decided to make a Lo-fi-ish arrangement of the song.
I guess I realized that I have access to a silly set of drum samples and I just wanted to play around with it.
Here, I experimented with a few things like a distorted noise filter in the background, a sub bass that hopefully dosen't sound bad and a bit of fuzz on a few things.
I even tried exporting the whole thing and pitching it down so it sounds wonky but I wasn't quite satisfied with the results. I probably have to do some weird stuff or actually record it onto tape and slow it down manually.
Mixing everything is hard because I literally have no idea what I'm looking for and I'm just going by ear so I'm sorry if you hear any imperfections, I tried my best 👽.
I hope you enjoy this thing I spent like a day on.
(you know how like you repeat a word over and over and your brain thinks you're having a stroke so the word stops making sense? I'm getting that with the name zelda.)
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