#gh catchup
ghposts · 3 months
Sam spoke nothing but the truth to Spinelli. "There is nothing noble about Jason choosing to protect a grown woman who chose that life abandoning his son's. I sat there listening to my son cry over his father." Jason has no one but himself to blame for Sam being furious Danny was hurt. I can't wait for Sam and Jason to have it out.
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burned-lariat · 9 months
Happy new year! Just checking in since you haven’t posted in a while. Hope you’re doing well 😊
Happy New Year! I appreciate your concern & message immensely - it means a lot. :)
There's been a lot going on tbh. For one, the holidays were busy af but also gave me a bit of a break. Also my job's been holding me hostage emotionally and it's been really hard to do anything without feeling incredibly depressed.
But I am still here and lurking around, and I'll be posting my catchups tonight! I'll also go and answer any asks I've missed as well. Fanfic updates resume next Monday w HTKHWD. I'm getting back into the swing of things on GH Tumblr, because it's been one of the bright spots I've been neglecting for longer than I should've.
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bklynmusicnerd · 10 months
I wish you could Vulcan mind meld all your your General Hospital information to me because like I want to know what the fuck your talking about but i have no time to watch and catchup on another TV show
I wish I could let you know how hard I laughed at the idea of Vulcan mind melding my useless GH knowledge, anon. Seriously, 10/10 imagery.
Honestly, GH is the soap that my mom passed down to me, so that's why I keep coming back to it. But in its current state? You're not missing much, anon. There are certain characters that are worth knowing (Ava, Trina, Anna, sometimes Spencer), but they're currently trapped on the worst creative era the show has ever seen.
My random posts are all you ever need to know. Spare yourself!
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mazilysoaps · 2 years
Anyway it’s gonna be real sad for Laura when she comes home and her son is a pile of ashes under Ava’s heels. But she’ll get over it. Our Laura’s a survivor. 
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canadiangrower · 4 years
Nov 29 2020 - W4D6 - NLxC99 grow - 4ml/gal GH floranova grow @2.8pH w/ 5.6 drain pH adjustment.
Broke manifold more on plant 1. Taped. She'll pull through. Only plant with 4 tops. 2nd plant seems to have a defect as only one top sprouted left side. Was consistant along left side at higher modes before 2nd topping. Weird.
Supercropped plant 1 and 3 to let 2 catchup.
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sophygurl · 6 years
I finally started Runaways. I’m about half-way through season 2. I was always gonna watch it, but I probably would have started a lot sooner if I’d known more about the adult/parent cast lol
I mean we have James Marsters and Julian McMahon who played my two favorite “bad boy” roles of all time as Spike on Buffy and Cole on Charmed, respectively. 
We have the incredibly talented and funny Kevin Weiseman, who played the wonderful Marshall on Alias - whose character is married to the amazing Brigid Brannagh, who I adored on Army Wives.
There’s Annie Wershing - who kicked ass on Timeless, The Vampire Diaries, and my favorite soap GH. And there’s Ever Carradine who has been on so many shows I’ve loved I can barely keep count (according to IMDB it’s like 10)  - including Major Crimes, Eureka, and Party of Five.
Angel Parker from The Strain and Brittany Ishibashi who’s had guest arcs on several series I’ve watched (including Grace and Frankie).
Plus new-to-me Ryan Sands (who was on The Wire which I still need to see), Kip Pardue (from Ray Donovan), and James Yaegashi.
That is a hellova lot of talent right there and all of them are bringing all of it to the table in every episode.
Like, I love teen shows, I love superhero shoes, I love shows about found family. All of that would have been enough for me to tune in to Runaways for the teen part of the show - which is delightful, let me say.
But the parental part of the story is what’s killing it for me. These actors are all doing so much with their roles! Why did nobody tell me about this part of the show!? Anyway, I can’t go in the tag until I fully catchup, so you can all laugh at me for this post until I do. 
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sussex-nature-lover · 4 years
Tuesday 9th March 2021
Wildlife Catchup
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A bright start weather wise and I’m pleased to be feeling brighter myself. I’ve had a couple of lazy days following my vaccination mid day on Saturday. The sore and tender arm was totally expected as I had the same after my ‘flu vaccine and the general feeling off colour wasn’t any worse than after that one, it just lasted longer. If I’d had obligations and commitments I could’ve probably soldiered on, but hey, a little loafing around didn’t hurt and it’s far better than the potential consequences of not being vaccinated. Crow didn’t have any after-effects and I have heard anecdotally that it’s mainly women who do, I wonder if that’ll be checked out at all and we’ll find out if it’s the case or not? We’re still both reporting in daily to the Zoe app Kings College, London study. 
Remember please 
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There are loads of links today and lots to read and see on them. I recommend for a bit of escapism.
One thing I did yesterday was a lot of reading, mostly the International Women’s Day links, but that lead me to this, an illustration by  ‘artist Debbie Lomas, sketched the picture for me - nothing special she said ... I wish she would embrace modern technology and have a website so you could all rush and buy her art! As it is, you will have to wait until her shop in Chester is open - it is called Rainforest and is on Watergate Row! ‘ 
Small world, I used to love shopping in Chester and ambling around The Rows
I digress here. but the other night I watched a travel programme on catchup TV by Gregg Wallace, he was in York and I got pangs for Chester seeing the similar sights in these two English Roman cities.
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Back to the artwork, it’s part of publicising This Petition for hedgehog protection. Hugh Warwick gives an update off the back of IWD.
First - around 80% of the 17,000 very active and enthusiastic members of the Hedgehog Highways Facebook Group are women! Women rock the hedgehog world - the vast majority of carers out there, those running the hedgehog hospitals, are women. And when I scan through the names of the newly signed to this petition, again, most are women!
Why is this?
From the hedgehog's perspective too - please look away if you are of a sensitive disposition ... courtship can last for over an hour, with a male circling a female in what is known as the Hedgehog Carousel. The huffing and puffing is unmistakable ... have you heard it? Soon we will start to hear it again ... spring is bubbling along nicely. After all that hard work, and a brief 'interlude' in the form of mating - the male is off ... nothing more to do with raising young and seems to show no recognition to his offspring either.
Protect the UK's dwindling hedgehog population before it's too late.
Now the hedgehog has been listed as vulnerable to extinction in the UK, we are calling on the Government to move hedgehogs to schedule 5 of the Wildlife & Countryside Act 1981 to allow them greater protection.
and it just so happens that it’s The Hedgehog Society’s 10th birthday 💖 Here’s what they’d like us all to do and to be mindful of.
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We really should all try to do our bit. I love it when driving in to our village, you  that someone’s put up a Hedgehog awareness sign at the roadside.
Also browsing through Twitter last week I was taken by this beautifully crafted newsletter from the Buckfastleigh Wildwatch group. All I know about Buckfastleigh is that it’s in Devon has a famous Abbey - Buckfast Abbey, which has an extremely rich history and this FUN FACT which I just found on Wikipedia
With 13 letters, Buckfastleigh is one of the longest place names in England with no repeated letters, tied with Buslingthorpe, Leeds and Buslingthorpe, Lincolnshire, but exceeded by Bricklehampton with 14 letters. 
* Bricklehampton (pop 220, 2011 census) is in Worcestershire (Wuss ter sheer) by the way
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If you click on the pictures they should enlarge and you’ll be able to read the newsletter, you can see it has a section about Hedgehogs, but so much more as well.
Images are via John Walters’ Twitter @JWentomologist on 3rd March 2021, so if you find it hard to read on here, try looking on his timeline.
The Buckfastleigh newsletter mentions their Greater Horseshoe Bats. We don’t have GH types, I think the ones we see are Pipistrelles which are both the smallest UK bat and the most commonplace, although I wouldn’t describe this one as golden brown.
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Bat in the porch from my photo library
If you want to read up on a bat I’d never heard of before, one of the UK’s most rare, then National Geographic has an article on the Grey Big Eared Bat. 
Grey/Gray same thing.
A random link of bats to cats because two recent stories amused me in the way the ‘and finally’ clips at the end of national news bulletins used to
Nearly a well-travelled cat
Cat Rescues itself well, kind of.
It reminds me of the time I was outside with Crow and said to him ‘you know how they always used to have cartoons of cats stuck in trees? I’ve never seen a cat up a tree’ whereupon our foster cat of 8 months, Socks, flew out of the house, right down the garden and straight up the big tree at the end. It was absolutely uncanny. 
It happened all over again when Ms NW tY’s elegant white cat, Minx, who used to go straight into GI Jane mode when she came to stay here, took herself a good 40′ up one of the Poplars and stayed there for the afternoon, while I watched her, heart in my mouth, wondering how I was going to make sure she got down safely. I don’t know what it was about the country air, but that cat had a massive personality change the moment she got her paws through our front gate.
Finally I’ve got a picture of last night’s sunset and links to the two cities I mentioned earlier. What makes a place into a city? 
Where is the UK’s smallest city?
Even though St Davids is officially the smallest city in the UK, there is still plenty to see and do including tours of the cathedral, hikes along the Welsh Coastal Path and adventurous boat tours
and as mentioned earlier
Chester Cathedral and York Cathedral which is known as York Minster.
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relevantwallflower · 10 years
This kid playing spencer never looks at the person he's talking to.
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ghposts · 4 months
Occurring Theme: Oblivion
No one realizes Sonny is literally losing it
No one is noticing Kristina's attachment to the baby
Jake needs a lot
Ava and Valentin and everything they're doing
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ghposts · 2 months
I don't think Kristina wanted to keep the baby from Molly. I think she wanted to keep her from TJ
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ghposts · 4 months
I still don't buy Heather's story AT ALL
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ghposts · 2 days
Felicia was the perfect person to talk to Krissy about the loss of a child as her character as well as she personally lost a child. She brought an empathetic and real emotion to the conversation. I’m sure it was hard for her but as a parent myself who lost an adult child, I know how important it is to talk about it. It can be healing. Hats off to both actresses and especially Felicia.
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ghposts · 2 days
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ghposts · 4 months
Unpopular opinion I'm kinda enjoying the Drew and Nina pairing right now
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ghposts · 3 months
The one thing about Michael is when he makes bad choices he doesn't repeat the same exact choice over and over again. Something he never learned from Carly or Sonny who have both repeated the same choice over and over throughout the years.
When Carly asked Michael if he's ok with Nina being at Willow's party, I loved when Mikey told her that he learned his lesson and he no longer wants to make Willow feel like he is trying to control her life.
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ghposts · 24 days
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Man I have so much to say but first let me say this....
Kelly Monaco THANKYOU for all of your hard work. I have followed you from Port Charles to GH to DWTS ( I voted Every single time) etc. I liked the character Sam McCall way before there was ever a JaSam I was a fan from the beginning and let me tell you something I've enjoyed every single episode you've been in. Not one time did you not give your very best because you did. Every time Sam wasn't on , I was like where's Kelly?
So I just want YOU to know that you are Beautiful and that you are loved. There is no one and I do mean no one that could ever do or replace the hard work you've put in. Every Storyline/ Episode you gave 150,000% ❤️
Thankyou for every part you put into the character Sam which was fierce, extremely loyal, loving, kind but will kick your you know what if you mess with her family or loved ones. #TotalBadAzz
I'm sorry that this happened to you but know when one door closes another opens. So with that said on this new journey I pray that you find closure, peace, love, happiness and appreciation because you deserve all that and more. As for Sam McCall YOU DID THAT you made that character and made it your own, everything she is today and why the character is luv by so many fans.
You are my FAVORITE Actress on GH and will always remain so. So cheers to you Kelly for all the Phenomenal work you have done but also about to do.
#KellyMonaco #SamMcCall #JaSam ❤️
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