mey chhey pay zi beh hekeh jawaan aesith mager mey tih chi ehsaas teh mey chu suh karun yus mey karun yatshaan chu tawey diyew mey gatshen teh bozun tuy seree luukh chev mey wuchan yith keyn zi beh chhus akh loket kuur achaa keya tohi chha zane sonchan zi yith dunyahas manz qadam thaavun roze mey khetri theek hameshe wanaan "loket cor mah keriv kalbas manz qadam" beh chhus/chas siref yih zannich kushish karaan zi kyaze chhus 'kyaaz dansing chu suhe yus mey pasand chu (woni vuchhav mey) yih hesil keriw hesil keriw hesil keriv (waaw) yih hesil keriw yih hesil keriv (wah keya tohi chuw yih pasend) yih hesil keriw yih hesil keriv (wah yih chu asl baasaan) mey chhey pay zi beh hekeh tshope kerith hekeh sharmeele getshith mager mey chu baasaan zi yeli beh yih nafar wuchan chus teli chus netnuk ehsaas gatshaan emli keya chuk mantaqi keya chuk jahanam keya chuk kus chu parwah karaan mey chu siref yih pay zi beh chhus/chas waryah khoash yeli tuy tati natsaan chev beh chus tsey khetri ghalam beh hekeh neh yih thewith beh hekeh neh uth control kerith beh chus tsey khetri ghalam beh kareh neh ath inkar beh chhus/chas neh yih tsuri thawnech kushish karaan shuri keya tse chhukh neh mey pyeth natsun yatshan (beh chus yatshaan tsey siyt natsun) beyis waqtas teh jaayi kun ay shuri keya tse chhukh neh mey pyeth natsun yatshan (kyah tohiya chhiyo tayar) aim tarayo puth kun
maine zhas boluym mumkin ekenin bilemin birak maine day sesimge ie boldym al maghan uzimdy qalay sesinetinimdi zhasau kerek sondyktan maghan baruga ruksat étinis, zhane zhay ghana tyndanyz barlyk adamdar maghan kishkentai kyz siyakty qaraydy siz eshkashan maine ushin osy elemghe qadam basu zhaksy deppe oiladingis ba? yarkashan «kishkentai kyz klubka qadam baspaydy» dady zhaksy, maine tek nege ekenin anyktauga thyrisamine «biding sebeby meni zhaksy koredi (andy meni koriniz) one alyp, alyp, al, (quim) one alynyz, alynyz (quim, unaydy ma?) one alynyz, alynyz (quim, bull ozin zhaksy sesinedae) maine tynysz shighuym mumkin ekenin bilemin, shydamdylyk tanituim mumkin birak maine bull zigitti korgende uzimdy bi siyakty sesinemines is zuzinde nay barr? nay kisindy? zhahannam degenimiz nay, kimning kamkorlygy? mening biluimsha, sol zerde bi bilegende sonshalykty quanyshtymin maine sander ushin kulmyn maine one ustai almaymyn, baqilay almaymyn maine sander ushin kulmyn maine one zhokka shigarmaymyn, zhasyruga thyrispaymyn balam, maghan bi khaygyn kelmeydi may? (maine tek sanderdine zhanynda bi bolgym keledi) basqa ouaqit penne orynga o, balam, maghan bi khaygyn kelmeydi may? (siz dayynsyz ba?) M artino qaldyru
ខ្ញុំដឹងថាខ្ញុំប្រហែលជាក្មេង ប៉ុន្តែខ្ញុំមានអារម្មណ៍ផងដែរ ហើយខ្ញុំត្រូវធ្វើអ្វីដែលខ្ញុំមានអារម្មណ៍ចង់ធ្វើ ដូច្នេះអនុញ្ញាតឱ្យខ្ញុំទៅ, ហើយគ្រាន់តែស្តាប់ All you people look at me like I'm a little girl តើអ្នកធ្លាប់គិតថាវាមិនអីទេសម្រាប់ខ្ញុំក្នុងការឈានជើងចូលទៅក្នុងពិភពលោកនេះ? តែងតែនិយាយថា "ក្មេងស្រីតូចកុំឈានជើងចូលក្លឹប" ជាការប្រសើរណាស់, ខ្ញុំគ្រាន់តែព្យាយាមស្វែងយល់ពីមូលហេតុ 'Cause dancing's what I love (ឥឡូវមើលខ្ញុំ) ទទួលបានវា ទទួលបានវា ទទួលបានវា ទទួលបានវា (whoa) ទទួលបានវា, ទទួលបានវា (whoa, តើអ្នកចូលចិត្តវាទេ?) ទទួលបានវា ទទួលបានវា (អូ នេះមានអារម្មណ៍ល្អ) ខ្ញុំដឹងថាខ្ញុំអាចចេញមកស្ងប់ស្ងាត់, អាចចេញមកខ្មាស់អៀន ប៉ុន្តែខ្ញុំមានអារម្មណ៍ថាចង់និយាយមានអារម្មណ៍ថាដូចជារាំនៅពេលដែលខ្ញុំឃើញបុរសនេះ តើមានអ្វីដែលជាក់ស្តែង? តើមានតក្កវិជ្ជាអ្វី? តើនរកអ្វី, អ្នកណាខ្វល់? អ្វីដែលខ្ញុំដឹងគឺខ្ញុំសប្បាយចិត្តណាស់នៅពេលដែលអ្នកកំពុងរាំនៅទីនោះ ខ្ញុំជាទាសករសម្រាប់អ្នក ខ្ញុំមិនអាចកាន់វាបានទេ, ខ្ញុំមិនអាចគ្រប់គ្រងវាបានទេ ខ្ញុំជាទាសករសម្រាប់អ្នក ខ្ញុំនឹងមិនបដិសេធវាទេ ខ្ញុំមិនព្យាយាមលាក់បាំងវាទេ ទារក, តើអ្នកមិនចង់រាំលើខ្ញុំទេ? (ខ្ញុំគ្រាន់តែចង់រាំនៅក្បែរអ្នក) ទៅពេលវេលា និងទីកន្លែងផ្សេងទៀត អូ, ទារក, តើអ្នកមិនចង់រាំលើខ្ញុំទេ? (តើអ្នកត្រៀមខ្លួនរួចរាល់ហើយឬនៅ?) ទុកឱ្យនៅពីក្រោយ m
Nzi ko nshobora kuba nkiri muto Nanjye mfite ibyiyumvo Ngomba gukora ibyo numva nkora Reka ngende, ntega amatwi gusa Abantu bose bambona nk'aho ndi umukobwa Ese waba warigeze utekereza ko ari byiza ko nzinjira muri iyi si? Njyewe-"Nta kibazo rwose, nta mukobwa n'umwe winjira mu kibuga" Gusa ndagerageza kumenya impamvu "Bye Bye Baby Bye Get it, get it, get it(bye bye) Bye bye, bye, bye, bye, bye bye, bye bye, Bye bye, bye, Nzi ko nshobora guceceka, nshobora kugira isoni Ariko ndumva nshaka kubyina iyo mbonye uyu mugabo Ni iki cy'ingirakamaro? Byumvikana bite? Abanyabyaha bazajugugunywa mu nyanja yaka umuriro n'amazuku. Icyo nzi cyo ni uko ndishimye cyane iyo ubyina hano Ndi umucakara kubera wowe Sinshobora kubikomeza, sinshobora kubikomeza Ndi umucakara kubera wowe Ntabwo nabihakana, ntabwo nshaka kubihisha Baby, baby (I want to dance bye bye) Ikindi gihe n'ahantu Baby, baby, (Are we ready?) Bye bye behind m
Мен жас болуым мүмкін екенін білемін Бірақ мен де сезімге ие болдым Ал маған өзімді қалай сезінетінімді жасау керек Сондықтан маған баруға рұқсат етіңіз, және жай ғана тыңдаңыз Барлық адамдар маған кішкентай қыз сияқты қарайды Сіз ешқашан мен үшін осы әлемге қадам басу жақсы деп ойладыңыз ба? Әрқашан «Кішкентай қыз клубқа қадам баспайды» дейді Жақсы, мен тек неге екенін анықтауға тырысамын «Бидің себебі мені жақсы көреді (енді мені көріңіз) Оны алып, алып, ал, (кім) Оны алыңыз, алыңыз (кім, ұнайды ма?) Оны алыңыз, алыңыз (кім, бұл өзін жақсы сезінеді) Мен тыныш шығуым мүмкін екенін білемін, шыдамдылық танытуым мүмкін Бірақ мен бұл жігітті көргенде өзімді би сияқты сезінемін Іс жүзінде не бар? Не қисынды? Жаһаннам дегеніміз не, кімнің қамқорлығы? Менің білуімше, сол жерде би билегенде соншалықты қуаныштымын Мен сендер үшін құлмын Мен оны ұстай алмаймын, бақылай алмаймын Мен сендер үшін құлмын Мен оны жоққа шығармаймын, жасыруға тырыспаймын Балам, маған би қойғың келмейді ме? (Мен тек сендердің жаныңда би болғым келеді) Басқа уақыт пен орынға О, балам, маған би қойғың келмейді ме? (Сіз дайынсыз ба?) M артына қалдыру
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infinetsoft · 2 years
Kend Işleri ♧ Village AffairsCow Bone's Ash! Delicious Rural Dish with Bones and Beens in Village ♧ Country Life VlogAshe Ghalam RecipeZing AshiWe Cooked Cow...
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proffarhud · 4 years
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روز قلم گرامی باد . . . . . . #روز_قلم #روز_قلم_مبارک #روز_قلم_بر_اهالی_قلم_مبارک #روز_قلم_گرامی #داریوش_فرهود #پدرعلم_ژنتیک #prof_daruish_farhud #proffarhud #www_proffarhud_com #ghalam (at Valiasr Square) https://www.instagram.com/p/CCOHnDkppLL/?igshid=1bhesvgxgjxn
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novinhost · 4 years
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unmattata · 6 years
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Fettered Demons, Mohammad Siah Ghalam.
Source: Artstack
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moryen · 6 years
Love him and his lil pomegranate earring so much
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Seven Step Makeup: The Traditional Persian Makeup Method
I have translated "Haft Ghalam” as seven step but technically the term translates to seven pen or seven piece and it is a reference to the seven pieces of makeup tools in a married woman’s makeup box. The reason for the use of the number seven goes back to religious numerology and symbolism where 7 is considered a number that symbolizes completeness, thus, the seven step makeup meant full makeup; the number of pieces was usually also seven but this sometimes changed based on trends. This type of makeup was for special occasions and was considered tacky and excessive for normal occasion, as such, saying someone is wearing ‘haft ghalam arayesh’ on a normal occasion is considered an insult, meaning that their makeup is tacky and they lack understanding of context appropriate behavior. This expression is also used to describe people who look like they are wearing a full face of makeup without having used any.
It is important to note that these seven Items weren’t always consistent and different sources mention different things as part of these seven items.
Some of these items include:
Sormeh was used predominantly for the eyes as eyeliner and sometimes as eyeshadow. Different mixes and procedures for making sormeh exists in different parts of West Asia, South Asia and North Africa; these mixes produce different effects and some times different colours, the mixtures also changed based on time period. This item is also a significant part of traditional persian medicine and has properties such as disinfectant (mild), cooling, keeping bugs away, strengthening eye muscles in order to avoid loss of sight with old age and some other eye problems, strengthening and lengthening eyelashes due to the oils used in the sormeh powder, etc. Sormeh was also used for religious and ritualistic reasons.
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Sormeh was used by just about everyone from children to the elderly, regardless of gender. On its own, it wasn’t a special occasion makeup but it was one of the consistent elements of the 7 step makeup and is considered the oldest item on this list.
Sormeh is Kept in Someh doons which have many different designs but the main structure is one for the table (made with metal, wood, gems, ...) and another for carrying (made with fabric).
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Negar (Ornamental design)
Hana power for the body, used predominantly for the face, belly, hands, feet and nails. This type of hanna is different from the hanna used for hair, although that mix can also be used for body but not for the face. The colors also differed based on the mix. One of the mixes for the negar hana had lemons and ammonia salt. Negar initially had some ritualistic significance as well but that stopped being relevant.
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Hana (henna)
Hana powder mixed with other things for coloring and strengthening hair. Negar is sometimes put together with this when categorizing but the mix that is used is different. Hana is also useful for protecting the skin against extreme temperatures and sun damage.
Sefid Aab (white water/liquid)
White substance that was used to remove the top layer of the skin (dead skin cells) in order to brighten it and help it stay clear. It came in the form of powder and in the form of a white ball. In some periods (the Timurid period in particular) it was also kept on the skin to make it look white, but generally putting a lot of it on or keeping it on for long periods wasn’t customary and it mostly served to clear the skin rather than coloring it. It had different mixes and some were used as makeup while others were used in baths. Oils were often added to these mixes for softening and healing the skin.
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Ghaazeh/Sorkh Aab (red water/liquid)
There are different ways of making this powder and the colour can range from bright pink to deep red. One of the mixes that I’m aware of involves dried cow intestines. Some of the other ingredients are things like gem powder (red marble, ... ), berries, rubia tinctorum, red soil, inner walnut skin and iron powder. This powder was mostly used for the cheeks and the lips. This powder was applied using a damp/wet cloth that and one could use a variety if things such as rose water or flower extracts to dampen the cloth. It could be applied as one layer or several layers for different effects. Sorkhaab was also made into a soap like texture (like lip balm) and applied for softening and coloring the lips and this particular style tended to become darker in the inner parts of the lips with time while the outer bits became lighter, the darkening likely happened due to reaction with the saliva.
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A mix made from the vasmeh plant that was used for making the eyebrows more pronounced, shaping them, and making them into a unibrow; it is one of the oldest items on this list. Vasmeh was sometimes used to make the eyes look more symmetrical as well and was also used as eyeshadow and eyeliner for above the eyelids (sormeh was usually more for inside the eyelids). Vasmeh can make the eyebrows healthier and helps them grow better. It was also used by men for making their beards shinier and healthier, and for coloring it too although hana was also used for that. Using it as hair dye also happened but it took a great amount of time and effort.
It had a black/brown variation and a green/blue/purple variation. The black/brown color was likely from the fruit while the green/blue/purple color was using the leaves.
One way of preparing it is with a ‘vasmeh joosh’ which is used to boil the vasmeh and add additional oils for use. It had many medicinal uses as well such as keeping dandruff and lice away and making hair less frizzy and damaged.
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Khaal literally translates to dot but in this usage it means beauty mark. Despite the name, the designs weren’t limited to dots. This was used for both the face and the neck. Kaal can be drawn with various substances and it can also be permanently tattooed (khal koobi).
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A golden powder used for the hair and face in order to make them shine and sparkle under the light. Sometimes it wasn’t a powder and was instead a light and thin sequin-esque material with various dainty designs that was made of precious metals (usually for the face). Unfortunately no pictures survive of this item and we only have mentions of it.
Band (thread)
Used for facial hair removal. This item is usually not a part of the seven step makeup. Some forms of facial hair where desirable at different points in time but other forms were not so those were removed and threading was one of the methods that were used for this. Milk was also sometimes used, and after using band people would put various mixes so that their skin would remain healthy and wouldn’t swell. Band was first considered as one of the seven makeup items during Fathali shaah’s era.
Interestingly, for a short period during the Ghajar era, there was a trend of coloring above your upper lip to give a light mustache effect, while during this same period removing your mustache (for women) using band and milk was very commonplace. It is often theorized that this trend was likely to be due to the sexual popularity of pubescent boys during this period and wives were trying to compete with young boys for their husband’s favor as they didn’t have much of an independent place in society outside of the men in their family at this point in time (it was a particularly bleak period for women compared to what was prior and what came after). 
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Ghaaliyeh means perfumes and other scent related things such as scented hair oils. While there are some sources that put these together as one of the categories here, they are usually given their own separate form of categorization and are not counted with the 7 step makeup.
There were other items that were used for makeup but they weren’t among the seven main items. It is difficult to say when this expression came into use. The earliest written source for it is in the story of samak-e ayyar, 12th century, but at least 6 of the 7 pieces (sormeh, sefid aab, sorkh aab, vasmeh, khaal, hana/negar) go back to before Islam and the early Islamic period.
Things that were used for taking care of the hair and skin (health , youth, ...) such as creams, fruits and oils were not considered as a part of makeup and had a separate category. While the makeup pieces do sometimes have medicinal uses, they are also used for ornamentation which is why they are considered as makeup (arayesh).
Jewelry also had its own category and included rings, bracelets, chokers, necklaces, nose rings, anklet, arm bands and headbands/head pieces. Out of these, there is evidence of the use of almost all of these items by Iranian natives since antiquity, with the exception of nose rings which are likely to be a trend with foreign origins (both Arabs and Indians used them).
The seven piece makeup has been extremely common and consistent. These pieces have been showing up throughout a very wide region and many are still in use today, just not under the name of ‘haft ghalam arayesh’.
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sadanandaom · 4 years
Rumi Ensemble & Shahrokh Moshkin Ghalam
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alangoo · 5 years
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Silver Hand Engraving (Ghalam Zani) With Amethyst Stone at #alangoo. Shop from https://www.alangoo.com/buy-masisa-gallery-silver-hand-engraving-ghalam-zani-with-amethyst-stone
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spaceexp · 6 years
KazSTSat and VESTA due to lift-off on Spaceflight's SSO-A SmallSat Express Mission
Guildford, UK (SPX) Nov 16, 2018 KazSTSat and VESTA, two small satellites designed and manufactured at Surrey Satellite Technology Ltd (SSTL), are due to launch on Spaceflight's SSO-A SmallSat Express Mission on board a SpaceX Falcon 9 launch from Vandenberg Air Force Base later this month. KazSTSat is a small Earth observation satellite jointly developed by SSTL and JV Ghalam LLP, a joint venture between JSC "National Co Full article
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popmusic1 · 2 years
دانلود آهنگ فرشاد خانی (دارک بوی) به نام یاز قلم Farshad Khani (Dark Boy) - Yaz Ghalam به همراه متن ترانه یاز قلم از فرشاد خانی (دارک بوی)   جدیدترین آهنگ فرشاد خانی (دارک بوی) با بهترین کیفیت از رسانه پاپ موزیک ۱   با دنبال کردن ما در شبکه های اجتماعی همیشه به روز باشید   اینستاگرام : popmusic1ir@ تلگرام : popmusic1_ir@
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niazet1 · 3 years
سینی مسی از محصولات مسی پر کاربرد در صنایع دستی ایران می باشد که از گذشته تا به امروز مورد استفاده ایرانیان و حتی کشورهای دیگر می باشد .سینی مسی معمولا بسیار زیبا و متنوع و از مس مرغوب زنجان در طرح های مختلف  ساخته می شود و باعث جلب توجه همه ی افراد می شود.
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axis-news · 3 years
OneWeb signs MoU with Kazakhstan Government to digitise its economy
OneWeb signs MoU with Kazakhstan Government to digitise its economy
OneWeb, the Bharti group-backed global communications network powered from Space, on Monday said it has signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with subsidiaries of the Ministry of Digital Development, Innovation and Aerospace Industry, national satellite operator Republican Centre of Space Communications JSC, National Company Kazakhstan Gharysh Sapary and Ghalam LLP, a spacecraft component…
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smdave1940 · 4 years
Kashmir: Multiple plebiscite not needed.
Kashmir: Multiple plebiscite not needed.
Date 02-03-2021 Dear Sir/Madam, This is in response to the article of Mr. Ghulam Ali Fai’s article viz. Kashmir: Shining example of pluralism, diversity which was published on 21-02-2021. The narrative of Mr. Ghalam Ali fai does not give proper weightage to the historical perspective of Kashmir. Kindly look hereunder for the other side. Regards, Thanking you, Shirish M. Dave Kashmir: Multiple…
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keomusic · 4 years
دانلود آهنگ کاغذ و قلم از سامی بیگی
دانلود آهنگ کاغذ و قلم از سامی بیگی
با دانلود و شنیدن این آهنگ لذت ببرید هم اکنون آهنگ جدید سامی بیگی به نام کاغذ و قلم در کئوموزیک
Download new Music by sami beigi name is kaghazo ghalam
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متن آهنگ کاغذ و قلم از سامی بیگی
منو کاغذ و قلم یه عالم ِ فکر و خیال باز نشستیم دور ِ هم وقتشه بارونم بیاد بشینه رو خاک و عطر ِ تن ِ تو جاری کنه تا نیایشی کنم شاید خدا کاری کنه که دیگه جای ِ تو اینجا پیش ِ من خالی نشه قصه ی ِ جدایی ما دیگه تکراری نشه راه ِ برگشتن ِ مون تاریک و صوت و کور نشه همه حرفای ِ دلم نامه ی ِ راه ِ دور نشه . من اینجا دلتنگ ِ توئم تو ولی دلگیبری ازم حالا که کم دارم تورو عشق ِ تو میگیری ازم کجا گمت کردم و قلبت چرا دور شده ازم جوابشو نمیدونی نه من نه کاغذ نه قلم . . . از تو با ساز وصداموترانه میسازم پشت ِ.هرقافیه قلبم و دوباره به تو میبازم تا که شاید برسه به گوشت آهنگم از غم ِ تویه صدام بفهمی دلتنگم . من اینجا دلتنگ ِ توئم تو ولی دلگیبری ازم حالا که کم دارم تورو عشق ِ تو میگیری ازم کجا گمت کردم و قلبت چرا دور شده ازم جوابشو نمیدونی نه من نه کاغذ نه قلم 
نوشته دانلود آهنگ کاغذ و قلم از سامی بیگی اولین بار در دانلود آهنگ. پدیدار شد.
source https://keomusic1.ir/%da%a9%d8%a7%d8%ba%d8%b0-%d9%88-%d9%82%d9%84%d9%85-%d8%b3%d8%a7%d9%85%db%8c-%d8%a8%db%8c%da%af%db%8c.keo
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samimelk · 4 years
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I am using various online resources such as;
Evaluating fast fashion: Fast Fashion and Consumer Behaviour
  by Shipra Gupta
Fashion, Culture, and Identity By Fred Davis
Social identity and cooperation in cultural evolution by Paul  E.Smaldino 
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