#ghaziabad Headlines
lok-shakti · 2 years
Ghaziabad News: गाजियाबाद के इन 8 चौराहों पर संभल कर ड्राइव करें गाड़ी, नए ट्रैफिक नियम तोड़ना पड़ेगा भारी
Ghaziabad News: गाजियाबाद के इन 8 चौराहों पर संभल कर ड्राइव करें गाड़ी, नए ट्रैफिक नियम तोड़ना पड़ेगा भारी
कमिश्नरेट सिस्टम लागू होने के बाद पुलिस कमिश्नर अजय मिश्रा ने मंगलवार को ट्रैफिक सुधार की दिशा में पहली कार्रवाई की। अडिशनल डीसीपी (ट्रैफिक) रामानंद कुशवाहा ने बताया कि एसीपी ट्रैफिक के निर्देशन में जाम खत्म कराने वाली टीम काम करेगी। इन चौराहों पर सिर्फ रेड लाइट होने पर ही वाहन खड़ा करने की इजाजत होगी। इसके अलावा किसी और वजह से गाड़ी रोकी तो चालान किया जाएगा।   सांकेतिक तस्वीरहाइलाइट्ससीओ ट्रैफिक…
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Diabetes is a metabolic disorder in which our body’s use of food for production of energy is affected. Most of the food we eat is carbohydrates, and this is broken down by the digestive juices into a simple sugar called glucose. Glucose is the main source of energy for the body. After digestion, the glucose passes into our bloodstream where it is available for body cells to use for growth and energy. Insulin, a hormone produced by the pancreas, facilitates the entry of glucose into our cells. When we eat, the pancreas is supposed to produce the right amount of insulin to move the glucose from our blood into our cells. In diabetics, the pancreas either produces little or no insulin, or the body cells do not respond to the insulin that is produced. Due to this, glucose levels rise in the blood, floods into the urine and passes out of the body, making the body lose its main source of fuel.
In one national study on diabetes completed in 1989, about 2% of the 12,000 people surveyed in Indian villages were found to be diabetic, and more alarming observation was that half of them did not know that they had diabetes. This infers that there are at least 20 million diabetics in India, which is the highest ever reported number from anywhere in the world.
"…The overall incidence of diabetes was 20.2 per 1000 person years of follow up while the overall incidence of pre-diabetes was 13.1 per 1000 person years of follow up. These figures appear to be much higher than those published from the west showing once again the well-known increased susceptibility of Indians to diabetes…"…Incidence Data on Diabetes from India by Shashank R Joshi*
There are three types of diabetes. Type I - occurs when the pancreas produces very little or no insulin at all. Approximately 10 percent of people with diabetes, mostly children and young adults, have Type I diabetes. Type II - occurs when the pancreas does not produce enough insulin or when the body cannot use the insulin produced effectively. 90 percent of people with diabetes have Type II. Gestational - is a temporary condition that occurs during pregnancy. It affects 2 to 4 percent of all pregnancies with an increased risk of developing diabetes for both mother and child. Type II diabetes is often preceded by a set of symptoms called Syndrome X, which leads to insulin resistance. Among the signs of Syndrome X are feeling tired after you eat and other times when you shouldn't, gaining weight and having trouble losing it, and having blood pressure and cholesterol levels creep up over time. Syndrome X can be reversed through proper diet and exercise.
Conventional medicine often uses insulin itself in the treatment of diabetes. This being just a replacement therapy, diabetes becomes a life-long disease as per general assumption. Homoeopathy can be used effectively in the treatment of diabetes and cure to disease. Some homeopathy medicines are used by us effectively in the treatment of all the stages of the diseases. Often, patients come to us already under insulin replacement. In such cases we advise the continuance of the replacement ahile starting them off on our medicines. After some months, when we see a consistent control over the blood sugar levels, we taper off the conventional replacement therapy. Complications of the disease can also be taken care of by symptomatic treatment.
Most diseases are surrounded by a number of myths. This stems basically from ignorance or lack of proper information. Similarly, diabetes too has given rise to a number of imaginary beliefs. It is imperative to debunk some of these widely prevailing myths and present the facts about this sweet killer.
Myth: Eating too much sugar causes diabetes.
Fact: There is no proof that sugar is the main cause behind diabetes. Diabetes is more related to family history, wrong eating habits and little or no physical activity.
Myth: Healthy foods don't raise blood sugar.
Fact: The fact is that all foods provide carbohydrates. And if there is enough insulin present in the body naturally or provided by injections, it will utilise the carbohydrates and consequently the blood sugar will not rise. However, if your body is producing less insulin or not utilising it sufficiently, then blood sugar is bound to rise even if you eat healthy foods.
Myth: Only medical treatment can control diabetes.
Fact: Diabetes is a disease that requires dietary intervention along with medical treatment. Medications are only a part of the cure. What is also needed is a healthy lifestyle behaviour that will allow the medication to work more effectively. This comes with a healthy, well balanced diet as well as a regular exercise routine.
Myth: Diabetics have to eat special foods.
Fact: Diabetics can eat the same food as non-diabetics, but in moderation.
Myth: No diet modification is required, if external insulin is being administered.
Fact: Insulin is not replacing a meal plan or involvement in any physical activity. Thus diet modification is needed, irrespective of whether insulin is being given or not.
Myth: Exercises are of no help in diabetes.
Fact: Exercise helps the pancreas to secrete more insulin, while at the same time, keeps the stress levels under control. Both these factors help to keep the blood sugar under control.
Myth: People with diabetes can eat any number of sugar free products
Fact: Sugar free does not mean calorie free. It is advisable to keep a check on the calorie product of the food, before consuming it. This way the total calorie intake can be kept under control and will further help in keeping a check on the blood sugar.
Myth : I don't have a family history of diabetes, so I won't get it.
Fact: Some people are born with a greater chance of developing diabetes than others. However, plenty of people diagnosed with the disease don't have a family history of diabetes. Your weight and lifestyle can be factors in whether you develop diabetes.
Myth: The strain and stress of everyday life is not related to diabetes.
Fact: The fact is that everyday stresses, as well as emotional and crisis situation can play a role in raising the blood sugar. Hence people with diabetes should take time out to relax and keep their stress levels under control.
A proper understanding of any disease means having a thorough knowledge about the disease, its causes and effects. That is why it is mandatory for all diabetics to be well informed and to be able to separate the myths from the facts.
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keencreatornut · 5 months
Thave Enterprises
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swldx · 10 months
BBC 0557 19 Nov 2023
6195Khz 0528 19 NOV 2023 - BBC (UNITED KINGDOM) in ENGLISH from SANTA MARIA DI GALERIA. SINPO = 55333. English, Newsroom in progress, piece about the auction of one of Napoleon's bicorn hats. @0531z world news headlines read by Gareth Barlow. The World Health Organization (WHO) officials who have visited Gaza's Al-Shifa hospital said that the hospital has become a "death zone". WHO and other UN agencies that visited the hospital said that they are in the process of evacuating the patients there. Israel will not agree to a ceasefire without a mass release of hostages taken by Hamas terrorists into Gaza, National Security Council head Tzachi Hanegbi said on Friday afternoon. Second aircraft carrying aid from India departs. Last month, an IAF C-17 flight carrying nearly 6.5 tonnes of medical aid and 32 tonnes of disaster relief material for the people of Palestine departed for El-Arish airport in Egypt from Ghaziabad's Hindon Air Base. Taiwan has reported renewed Chinese military activity including nine aircraft crossing the sensitive median line of the Taiwan Strait and warships carrying out “combat readiness patrols”. With the Chinese president, Xi Jinping, in San Francisco last week for the Apec summit, where he met the US president, Joe Biden, such military activity around Taiwan had decreased. Sports. A hat belonging to Napoleon Bonaparte when he ruled the French empire in the 19th Century will go on sale at auction in Paris on Sunday. The bicorne black beaver felt hat is expected to go for US$650,000 or more. @0533z "Newsroom" continues. MLA 30 amplified loop (powered w/8 AA rechargeable batteries ~10.8vdc), Etón e1XM. 250kW, beamAz 195°, bearing 49°. Received at Plymouth, United States, 7877KM from transmitter at Santa Maria di Galeria. Local time: 2328.
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ritikakukreti · 1 year
Digital Domination: How IMT Ghaziabad Shapes the Next-Gen Digital Marketing
The dawn of the digital age has brought forth a plethora of opportunities, especially in the realm of marketing. With brands vying for a strong online presence, the demand for adept Digital Marketing Specialists has skyrocketed. If wielding the digital baton and orchestrating successful campaigns is your calling, a foray into IMT Ghaziabad’s curriculum could be your roadmap. Here, we'll delve into how IMT Ghaziabad can be the compass guiding you to digital marketing success.
Why IMT Ghaziabad?
Synonymous with academic excellence, IMT Ghaziabad has meticulously curated a curriculum that keeps pace with the digital pulse. Offering hands-on experience, cutting-edge tools, and insights from industry stalwarts, IMT Ghaziabad stands as a beacon for those keen on mastering the digital realm. It's not just a course; it's an experience that molds students into digital marketing maestros.
Industries Beckoning Digital Marketing Specialists:
The beauty of digital marketing lies in its ubiquity. Here are industries where your digital prowess can shine:
E-commerce: Optimize sales funnels and enhance online shopping experiences.
Healthcare: Amplify online patient engagement and drive health awareness campaigns.
Banking and FinTech: Boost online customer acquisition and facilitate digital transactions.
Challenges on the Digital Frontier:
While the digital world offers myriad opportunities, it's not devoid of challenges:
Shifting Algorithms: The ever-evolving algorithms of search engines and social platforms require constant upskilling.
Data Privacy Concerns: With data breaches making headlines, ensuring data privacy is paramount.
Content Saturation: Crafting unique content that stands out in a sea of information can be daunting.
Top 10 Employers for Digital Marketing Specialists in India:
Tata Consultancy Services (TCS)
HCL Technologies
Reliance Digital
Why Pursuing IMT Ghaziabad is a Game-Changer:
The crux of becoming a standout Digital Marketing Specialist lies in the foundation you build. IMT Ghaziabad provides an ecosystem of learning, innovation, and networking. The institute’s emphasis on real-world projects, internships, and industry interactions ensures students are not just job-ready but industry-ready.
Let ShikshaGurus help you find the right university for you
ShikshaGurus is an AI enabled platform that helps students compare Universities and Colleges based on the courses they offer. You can find the best universities offering MBA in Marketing.
To thrive as a Digital Marketing Specialist, one needs a blend of creativity, analytics, and strategy. And IMT Ghaziabad, with its holistic curriculum and industry-centric approach, serves as the perfect launchpad. For those passionate about digital narratives and shaping online brand personas, IMT Ghaziabad beckons as a choice that can redefine careers. Dive into the digital wave and make your mark in the expansive ocean of opportunities.
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जी-20 की बैठक के बाद CM नीतीश आयोजित डिनर मीटिंग में शामिल होंगे। https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uh8qzvS5E5Y युग चरण के साथ देखिये देश-विदेश की सभी महत्वपूर्ण और बड़ी खबरें | कांग्रेस से राष्ट्रीय अध्यक्ष मल्लिकार्जुन राजनांदगांव में आयोजित 'भरोसे का सम्मेलन' में केंद्र की भाजपा सरकार पर निशाना साधा। Congress National President Mallikarjun targeted the BJP government at the Center of the 'Bharosa Sammelan' organized in Rajnandgaon. गाजियाबाद-नोएडा यूपी के सबसे उभरते शहर हैं। लेकिन, अब ये डॉग अटैक की घटनाओं को लेकर सुर्खियों में हैं। Ghaziabad-Noida are the most emerging cities of UP. But, now they are in the headlines for incidents of dog attacks. जी-20 की बैठक के बाद CM नीतीश आयोजित डिनर मीटिंग में शामिल होंगे। CM Nitish will attend the dinner meeting organized after the G-20 meeting. भारत, अमेरिका और सऊदी अरब के बीच एक इंफ्रास्ट्रक्चर डील फाइनल हो सकती है। An infrastructure deal may be finalized between India, the US, and Saudi Arabia. राजस्थान हाउसिंग बोर्ड में 258 पदों पर भर्ती परीक्षा के पहले ही दिन अभ्यर्थियों को परेशानी झेलनी पड़ी। On the very first day of the recruitment examination for 258 posts in the Rajasthan Housing Board, the candidates had to face trouble. Watch the latest Hindi news Live on the World's Most Loved News Channel on YouTube. Latest News about Politics , Sports , Entertainment, Crime at Yugcharan Channel. Un Biased News Reporting ! Follow this link to join our WhatsApp group to get Latest News Updates : https://chat.whatsapp.com/ESor6YJXGEIL9y7DZRCtim Subscribe our channel for the latest news: https://www.youtube.com/@yugcharan Like us: https://www.facebook.com/theyugcharan Follow us: https://twitter.com/theyugcharan Telegram : https://t.me/TheYugCharanpaper Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/theyugcharan/ Website : https://yugcharan.com #today_breaking_news #Breaking_news #Latest_news #Hindi_News #News #NewsHindiLive #LiveTVNews #HindiNews #congressnews #congressparty #bjpnews #g20summit #g20india #g20meeting #infrastructure #indiaalliance #nitishkumar #politicalnews #pmmodi #rahulgandhi #upnews #upnewstoday #noida #ghaziabadnews #joebiden #jobvacancy #jobexam #rajasthanjobalert via Yugcharan News https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbT6O9BlRulH48ph5QmCYEg September 09, 2023 at 11:15AM
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ivisonguitars · 1 year
जी-20 की बैठक के बाद CM नीतीश आयोजित डिनर मीटिंग में शामिल होंगे। https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uh8qzvS5E5Y युग चरण के साथ देखिये देश-विदेश की सभी महत्वपूर्ण और बड़ी खबरें | कांग्रेस से राष्ट्रीय अध्यक्ष मल्लिकार्जुन राजनांदगांव में आयोजित 'भरोसे का सम्मेलन' में केंद्र की भाजपा सरकार पर निशाना साधा। Congress National President Mallikarjun targeted the BJP government at the Center of the 'Bharosa Sammelan' organized in Rajnandgaon. गाजियाबाद-नोएडा यूपी के सबसे उभरते शहर हैं। लेकिन, अब ये डॉग अटैक की घटनाओं को लेकर सुर्खियों में हैं। Ghaziabad-Noida are the most emerging cities of UP. But, now they are in the headlines for incidents of dog attacks. जी-20 की बैठक के बाद CM नीतीश आयोजित डिनर मीटिंग में शामिल होंगे। CM Nitish will attend the dinner meeting organized after the G-20 meeting. भारत, अमेरिका और सऊदी अरब के बीच एक इंफ्रास्ट्रक्चर डील फाइनल हो सकती है। An infrastructure deal may be finalized between India, the US, and Saudi Arabia. राजस्थान हाउसिंग बोर्ड में 258 पदों पर भर्ती परीक्षा के पहले ही दिन अभ्यर्थियों को परेशानी झेलनी पड़ी। On the very first day of the recruitment examination for 258 posts in the Rajasthan Housing Board, the candidates had to face trouble. Watch the latest Hindi news Live on the World's Most Loved News Channel on YouTube. Latest News about Politics , Sports , Entertainment, Crime at Yugcharan Channel. Un Biased News Reporting ! Follow this link to join our WhatsApp group to get Latest News Updates : https://chat.whatsapp.com/ESor6YJXGEIL9y7DZRCtim Subscribe our channel for the latest news: https://www.youtube.com/@yugcharan Like us: https://www.facebook.com/theyugcharan Follow us: https://twitter.com/theyugcharan Telegram : https://t.me/TheYugCharanpaper Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/theyugcharan/ Website : https://yugcharan.com #today_breaking_news #Breaking_news #Latest_news #Hindi_News #News #NewsHindiLive #LiveTVNews #HindiNews #congressnews #congressparty #bjpnews #g20summit #g20india #g20meeting #infrastructure #indiaalliance #nitishkumar #politicalnews #pmmodi #rahulgandhi #upnews #upnewstoday #noida #ghaziabadnews #joebiden #jobvacancy #jobexam #rajasthanjobalert via Yugcharan News https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbT6O9BlRulH48ph5QmCYEg September 09, 2023 at 11:15AM
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currentcrime · 1 year
Ghaziabad Breaking News: Unveiling the Latest Stories Shaping the City
In the vibrant tapestry of India's urban landscape, Ghaziabad stands as a significant hub of growth and development. With its dynamic communities, economic prowess, and cultural heritage, this city never fails to make headlines. In this blog, we delve into the pulse of Ghaziabad, bringing you the most recent and engaging breaking news stories that capture the essence of this bustling metropolis.
Ghaziabad's Infrastructure Surge: A Transformative Journey
Ghaziabad is currently buzzing with news of its ambitious infrastructure projects that promise to reshape the city's future. From the upcoming metro expansions to state-of-the-art flyovers, Ghaziabad is embracing a new era of connectivity and convenience. The breaking news reveals the intricate details of these projects, shedding light on how they will alleviate traffic congestion and boost economic activities.
Empowering Education: A Ghaziabad Triumph
Breaking barriers and setting new benchmarks, Ghaziabad's educational institutions are making waves. The city's schools and colleges are consistently producing exceptional results and nurturing young minds to excel in various fields. Ghaziabad's commitment to quality education is indeed newsworthy and reflects its dedication to building a knowledgeable and skilled community.
Green Ghaziabad: A Sustainability Revolution
Breaking news from Ghaziabad showcases the city's commitment to sustainability. With a slew of eco-friendly initiatives, including waste management campaigns, tree plantation drives, and solar energy adoption, Ghaziabad is leading the way toward a greener and more sustainable future. These efforts not only make headlines but also inspire residents to actively participate in the city's environmental endeavors.
Cultural Kaleidoscope: Celebrating Diversity
Ghaziabad is a melting pot of cultures, and its diverse communities often take center stage in Ghaziabad breaking news stories. Festivals, art exhibitions, and cultural events bring people together, fostering unity and mutual understanding. These vibrant happenings not only enrich the lives of Ghaziabad's residents but also contribute to the city's reputation as a harmonious and inclusive society.
Security and Civic Welfare: Navigating Challenges
Like any growing city, Ghaziabad faces its share of challenges. However, the breaking news doesn't just focus on problems; it highlights the city's proactive approach to addressing them. From advancements in law enforcement to innovative civic programs, Ghaziabad is taking strides to create a safer and more livable environment for its residents.
In a world of constant change, staying updated with Ghaziabad's breaking news is essential to grasp the evolving dynamics of this thriving city. As it forges ahead on its journey of progress, Ghaziabad remains a beacon of inspiration and a testament to the potential of urban development done right. Stay tuned for more exciting breaking news that reflects Ghaziabad's unwavering spirit and its dedication to a brighter future.
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lok-shakti · 2 years
पापा के सीने पर बैठ मम्‍मी ने उनका गला दबा दिया...बच्‍चों ने नर्स की साजिश का किया खुलासा, प्रेमी संग पकड़ी गई
पापा के सीने पर बैठ मम्‍मी ने उनका गला दबा दिया…बच्‍चों ने नर्स की साजिश का किया खुलासा, प्रेमी संग पकड़ी गई
गाजियाबाद: शास्त्रीनगर में रहने वाले एक युवक की गला दबाकर हत्या कर दी गई। युवक की पत्नी शव लेकर अस्पताल गई और चादर के फंदे पर लटककर आत्महत्या की बात कही। अस्पताल की सूचना पर पुलिस पहुंची तो महिला ने कार्रवाई से इनकार किया, लेकिन शव देखकर पुलिस को संदेह हुआ। शव को पोस्टमॉर्टम के लिए भेज��र महिला के 2 बेटों से पुलिस ने बात की। तब पता चला कि महिला पति के सीने पर बैठकर गला दबा रही थी। बच्चों ने पूछा…
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*Dr. Smita Goel Homeopathy Clinic*
Epistaxis also called acute hemorrhage or nose bleed is a medical condition in which bleeding occurs from the nasal cavity of the nostril. Nose bleed can occur due to a trauma to the nose, due to accident, or injury to the interior of the nose from pricking. Nosebleed or epistaxis can be classified according to their site of origination as anterior and posterior. Anterior nosebleed is common and does not require medical attention, while posterior nosebleed is rare and requires immediate medical care. Epistaxis is common in children and older people.
Bleeding usually starts from one nostril. In case of heavy bleeding, it may fill up both the nostrils and overflow the nasopharynx. In certain cases, blood may drip back from the nose through the throat to stomach. A person is likely to vomit in such a condition. The common signs of excessive nosebleed are:
• Excess blood loss may cause dizziness and fainting, confusion, loss of alertness and light-headedness. However, the condition is rare.
• Bleeding from other body parts like teeth, gums, nostrils, etc. indicate inability of blood to clot.
• Additional bleeding from other parts of the body, such as bleeding gums when brushing teeth, blood in urine or bowel movements, or easy bruising also indicate an inability of the blood to clot.
The major factors that cause epistaxis or nose bleeding are broadly categorized under local (fracture due to a sharp blow, or nose-picking, etc.) and general factors. Nosebleed generally starts from just inside the entrance of the nostril, on the middle harder part of nasal septum. Blood vessels of this region being fragile, rupture easily and begin to bleed. The factors causing nosebleed possibly are:
• Structural or anatomical deformities like hereditary hemorrhage.
• Nasal sprays and prolonged usage of nasal steroids (particularly prolonged or improper use of nasal steroids).
• Middle ear barotrauma due to sudden change of pressure.
• Surgery such as functional endoscopic sinus surgery.
• Exposure to warm, dry air for prolonged periods of time.
• Allergic rhinitis.
• Deviated or perforated nasal septum.
• Cocaine use.
• Infectious disease (cold) or high blood pressure.
• Connective tissue disease.
• Certain drugs like aspirin, warfarin, isotretinoin, desmopressin, etc.
• Pregnancy (rare, due to hypertension and hormonal changes).
• Vascular disorders.
• Vitamin C and vitamin K deficiency.
The following are the risks of epistaxis:
• Re-bleeding.
• Running nose.
• Swelling and numbing.
• Bruising face.
• Anemia.
• Nose deformity.
The following precautions and measures can help prevent nose bleed:
• Give away the habit of nose-picking.
• Always blow your nose gently.
• Do not smoke.
• Use of a humidifier in winters when the indoor climate is dry.
• Using a saline nasal spray to keep inside of the nose moisturized.
• Avoid any facial trauma by wearing seatbelt or shoulder harness while driving, and using headgears when playing sports.
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