#ghe looks like 23
now who was gonna tell me jerma is THIRTYSEVEN YEARS OLD??????
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sepyana · 1 year
Jjba Stardust Crusaders Ep. 21-24 Thoughts
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I was gonna watch Ep. 25-26 before this but I wanted to make a clean split between the two parts. I peeped into ep 25 a lil bit and it has a new OP and everything. So it will have to wait for now.
Ep. 21-22
Absolute batshit insane two parter. I was gonna write Advol being alive in my predictions because surely if he was the crew would have more of a reaction? Well, I look like an even bigger fool now. How dare the narrative hide shit from me.
It will never not be funny how every 5 episodes or so we'll get an episode that's just Polnareff torture hour. Araki loves putting him in situations.
So... Fun fact! The stand Judgement is translated as "Mahşer" in the Turkish sub, which means bringing all the sould in one place in preperation for Judgement. I can't blame them for this, when translated directly it just doesn't sound nice to the ear. Finding an İslam equivalent is difficult too since there is a thousand fucking words to describe basically the same concept. I went to research for a bit and I couldn't find a concrete translation for it.
The stand itself is a fine interpetation of the Judgement card, I suppose. Rubbing a gold lamp for a genie trope is so overdone, it's abilities are cookie cutter. The design is nice, at least. I don't mind this that much, the episode is barely about it.
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The whole time Polnareff is talking to Judgement you are just begging for him to not fall to it's trap. I like how they wrote this sequence. It made me feel upset but not infuriated, which is a common thing that happens in scenes like this. It's in character and it doesn't drag out for long.
Polnareff just accepting his death was actually hearbreaking. Poor guy.
Fortunately, he gets to live another day thanks to Advol BABY!!! You can just tell he was having fun. It must be nice getting to see Polnareff again. It's in ghe middle of a battle but, that's just how it be.
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Guys, they put a fucking rainbow in there guys, look, gu-
Yeah this scene was the funniest part of the show so far. While watching I was like "They should piss in there lol" and then they actually did it. Advol was the one that said it too. "The nature is calling" I can't believe this.
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And now we get to the part I honestly kind of hate. It turns out rest of the gang knew, all this time. The whole time they met "Advol's father" they were just acting.
They have absolutely zero reason for doing this, like, even Jotaro was acting there. They could have told him when they landed on the island. The whole thing is just so unecessarily mean that it feels out of character. Joseph even says "Calm down, there is no reason to cry" and look. I get Joseph being that inept and Jotaro not giving a shit but Advol? Kakyoin?? The whole thing is written as a joke so it never comes up again.
The first part feels as though it was written as if they didn't know. They don't slip up at all and their reactions seem geniune. It soured both of the episodes for me to be honest. At least Polnareff's VA's were amazing this ep.
Ep. 23-24
I like these episodes. They didn't blew me away or anything but it was good. It's especially good for some simple characterization imo.
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The gang is planning to use a submarine to go to Egypt and we already know it's not gonna go well. If this keeps happening every other episode SPW foundation might stop paying for these. I wouldn't blame them.
We finally get to see Suzie Q again, as indecisive as ever (me too girl). They called her effervecent and all I could think of was that stupid twilight post.
Personally, I think Suzie Q deserves to know about the Holly situation but at the same time Holly doesn't want that. I get where she is coming from but it might be the last time you see your mother. The charity even she is going to is sponsored by Smokey, in case you forgot this was a continuation of part 2. I know I sometimes forget.
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^ I went in to check the manga just to see the artwork and wow it looks nice. Huge improvement compared to Phantom Blood. Makes me want to read the manga. I do love me some ink art.
I got a bit dissapointed when I realized this wasn't gonna be a closed space mystery kind of situation. I have a soft spot for that kind of stuff.
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Our next stand is this... thing. Whatever the fuck this thing is takes the cake for the most insufferable stand. I have very limited knowledge on tarot, I can't see how her abilites connect to the card. She can transform and blend into minerals. It's not the most unique ability.
Not much else of note outside of a few Jotaro scenes, they show his personality well. He stands in front of the phoen for like a minute before givong the most obvious answer. He waits to be alone with the stand just so he can tell her he is gonna be the one to beat the daylights out of her. He sure is. a guy.
The second part is more interesting in my opinion. Look at this scene:
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I watched this 50 times. Kakyoin popping up behind him out of nowhere. The fact that they do a 5 second bro shake perfectly. Their eyes going dark like this is the most serious they have ever been in their lives.
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I love how the manga did this scene.
The second part has the gang working together. Silver chariot duels the stand to buy time. Heirorphant green holds the crew in place so they don't get hurt. Hermit purple pulls out the Priestess from Polnareff's throat etc etc.
Jotaro going along with Polnareff's plan for him to hit on her was pretty funny. They overdo it though, ending up in a way worse situation.
I like that Jotaro waits to "get crushed" by the teeth before breaking it so he can make it more dramatic. Kakyoin calls him a show off and he is 100% right.
I know some people hate it but I adore how Jotaro's way to solve problems is to just punch harder. Exceptional. Makes Kakyoin's line "She even outsmarted Jotaro." an episode before even funnier.
I am sleepy so I'm gonna edit in stuff later. Super excited for Egypt.
I think Polnareff creeps up on my favourite part 3 character spot more each day.
I have zero idea what's gonna happen next episode so no predictions. Sorry.
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neospeckorea · 1 year
Combustion Chamber Igniter and Gas Generator Igniter | NEOSPEC
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NEOSPEC has been continuously researching and developing since its inception in 2009 in various fields such as the defense industry, aerospace industry, and semiconductor industry. They manufacture the best products and are well-known for their quality.
Neospec participated in the development of a Korean launch vehicle, developing products such as the combustor igniter, GGI igniter, and pyro valve, all of which are critical components of the propulsion engine. Neospec has been successfully mass-produced, and it produces initiators and nozzles in the defense industry, as well as Dome in the semiconductor industry.
Neospec Combustion Chamber Igniter (7T/75T)
Combustion Chamber igniter is a part related to initial ignition of the launch of space launch vehicles that are connected to a dual pyro valve, cartridge at the front, and NC pyro valve at the rear. And the cartridge is equipped with two three-way ball valves for TEAL (triethylaluminium) charging.
The operation mechanism is comparably simple, highly reliable, and has a fast response time and high hermeticity that can be used at high pressure of 125 bar and low temperature (below -40℃) and is supplied in various sizes.
Neospec Gas Generator Igniter
Mounted on space launch vehicles and missiles, it takes the role of initing gas generator that generates high-pressure gas to operate turbine of turbo pumps. The gas generator igniter is small-sized and highly reliable so it is applied in various ways like being used as an igniter for small-sized engines.
Specifications of Combustion Chamber Igniter
Ø  Fluid Compatibility: TEAL (Triethylaluminium)
Ø  Size: 1/4", 1/2", other sizes available
Ø  MEOP: 23 MPa
Ø  Proof pressure: 23 MPa
Ø  Proof pressure: 1.1 x MEOP (25 MPa)
Ø  Op Temperature: 90 ~ 333 K
Ø  Leakage: < 1x10-6 scc/s (GHe)
Ø  Response Time: < 7ms (Mechanical) 
Gas Generator Igniter
Ø  Mass: < 0.5 kg
Ø  MEOP: 6 MPa
Ø  Body Proof pressure: 1.3 x MEOP (9 MPa)
Ø  Op Temperature: 233 ~ 333 K
Ø  Leakage: < 1x10-7 scc/s (GHe)
Ø  Response Time: < 7ms (Mechanical) 
If you are looking for a combustion chamber igniter and gas generator igniter, you can find them at Neospec. 
Click here to contact Neospec. 
View more: NEOSPEC Combustion Chamber Igniter and Gas Generator Igniter
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