#ghost and pals say
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Say from Ghost and Pals is now spinning!
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swaggydancingcats · 1 month
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waaoaoaoa mmmmmmm skecthedsssd i hate shcoooolll inrbejeiejh soz 4 not postin art 4 a while :3
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ctheathy · 8 months
Psych Ward of Partiality
Arc Carnes x Reader
Suggestive Oneshot
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Psych ward certainly cannot be considered a pleasant way to spend your day. Especially not when there's some dude in the hospital who targets you with his mockery amusement. But perhaps... just maybe the bandage wearer is not as bad as you initially presumed him to be?
Arc/Reader [Romantic]
[Gender-neutral Darling|Female Darling|Male Darling]
Potential ⚠️TWs⚠️ :
Both reader+character are of legal age or aged-up for obvious reasons in this post!
Suggestive themes • You give that bastard a hickey
“You are so weird.” The boy infront of you smiles at his ‘compliment’ right before shaking his head in a disappointed manner “How did a rookie like you even get here in the first place?” He looks at you again, making you choke up on a laugh yet again, finding the situation rather humourous. This was a regular schedule for you in psych ward, along with every other patient. Arc... The most insolent little brat among the place, targeting quite frankly everybody for his ridicule. The male surely seemed to have quite the pent up sass inside of him regarding his constant snarky commentary and stupid remarks, that's for sure.
But you seemed to be too busy with your stuff to pay any mind to his judgement. Completely ignoring his previous comments. He was always poking fun and everybody around the hospital, it wasn't exactly foreign to you. And it fact, you've grown a liking towards him. Otherwise you would have kicked him off your bed as soon as he sat on it for sure. You pulled out one of the pouches you had on you, searching for an object you had brought with you and let out a noise of happiness as soon as you found it.
You sat on your knees to add on a bit of height to where he was sitting, turning his way. “stay still...” you muttered as you gently brushed some of his blonde hairs out of his face, trying to not hurt him. You clipped a hairpin into his locks before you leaned back once again, giving him back his space. Your eyes softened as you let out a small ‘aww’ in response. “you look pretty”
“Are you flirting with me?”
Arc raised his eyebrows in question. “Because honestly, that was way too smooth for someone to not do that on purpose. You got really close and it looked like you were almost going to steal my heart away” He leans back looking up at you. “And then you told me I was 'pretty'. Were you trying to make my heart skip a beat? That could seriously damage my health, you know” He tries to look as hurt as possible. You gave him a look that just screamed ‘are you serious rn’ before shaking your head, sticking out your tongue a little and having a playful look plastered on your features. “Kindness certainly seems to be a teensy tiny bit foreign to someone” you sassed.
Arc just laughed in response. “Well that's not fun. Flirting is more exciting don't you know? Especially when you're close enough to smell them and touch them” He leans a bit closer to you. “I thought you were sending me signals? Like, a beautiful person like you can't possibly be single. And yes, kindness is foreign to me. You should watch me stab someone if you think I'm nice”
You just let out a little ‘o’ at the last comment, but snickered a little as well. You leaned in, making your noses practically touch with one another. “so, okay... that wasn't flirting... but do you want me to?” you sweetly spoke with a tilt of your head, getting in his face. You just sneakily chuckled, awaiting his response. But you seemed sincere with your words too. This made Arc think for a bit, making him bite down on his tongue.
“I want to,”
He leans in, getting closer to your lips and stopping at the last second. “But it's too soon for me to open my heart again. What if you just play with my feelings and use me for your own pleasure? What if you do all those things and then throw me away like trash?” He looks you in the eyes, waiting to see how you would respond.
Due to the closureness they had, he could easily see your features saddening up a little after he said that. “who hurt you?” was all you asked. And without warning, you just went right in and gave him an embrace, wanting to comfort him a little by giving him the closure before pulling back. You put your warm hand on his shoulder, your smile dropping a little as you looked at him sadly. You didn't say anything, just kept staring into his gorgeous orange eyes with your own. And Arc couldn't help but blush at the sudden gesture. “Y-you really have no clue how much emotional damage your doing to me right here-!? You are really giving me false hope, and false hope is way worse than any other heartbreak I've gotten. I think I'm in love with you just by that action alone, I am done. I'll be at your mercy for the rest of my days, so please. Don't. Break. My. Heart.”
You only turned redder the longer he continued with his speech, causing you to squeal lightly and cover your face with your hands to try and hide yourself. But a few giggles were noticeably audible as well “... cute” you softly muttered with a hint of genuineness. But it was a lie If you said that you weren't getting flustered over this thing. “Cute? You're calling me cute? Oh please, I'm way more than just a simple little word like that-!” He wraps his arm around your waist, pulling you towards him “You are way too cute yourself. Just look at this adorable blush on you. You're just adorable, I've never seen somebody this easily flustered”
You let out a shaky breath you didn't know you were holding, peeking through your fingers. You calmed down and removed your hands from your face, sending him an affectionate yet teasing smile. Without warning, you pinned the boy down to the bed you were both sitting on. “you want a partner, you get a partner” you spoke with a wink. You leaned in even further, to the point he could feel your weight on top of him. “you surely know how to work your way into somebody's heart. You're cute ...” you whispered before just wrapping your arms around him. Hugging him as you nuzzled your nose into the crook of his neck with audible giggles being heard in the process.
He was caught off guard by your sudden move, but he was more than happy to hold you back. Your weight on top of him made this experience even better for him. He wraps his arms around you and let's out a small moan of pleasure. He leans in. And this time, he doesn't back out. “No, you're supposed to be the one who is flustered and caught off guard. This is my move, and I'm supposed to be taking control of the situation... But... this is much better.” He continues to nuzzle into you, enjoying every second of your embrace.
You just chuckled in response and nicked his ear with a small nibble, the warmth of your mouth and saliva being felt. Your hand went over and caressed his head, brushing away his locks as your fingertips stroked over his scalp with care. As your hand went through his silky, blonde hair, Arc would let out a small, blissful groan. His eyes were half closed in pleasure and his tongue softly licked his lips at that moment. “I like this side of you. You know exactly what you're doing.” He lets out another soft, satisfied groan as he wraps his arms around you, holding you tight to himself. If his hands could, he would pull you closer to him, but he seems content with what you're currently doing. This scene is simply perfect and he isn't sure if he wants to take charge or allow you to.
You choked on a laugh for a bit, shaking your head a little. “hmm, maybe~” you sneakily spoke before leaning in once again, getting up to his ear “I want to make you happy... and I know I can... if you let me” you sweetly whispered in a quiet tone, before you gave him another small bite, on the shoulder this time. Gently nibbling and using your teeth while still being careful to not hurt him. Your fingernails on your right hand were still comfortly caressing over his scalp, softly massaging him in the process. While your free hand went over to softly stroke over his neck, moving your warm fingers up and down, making the heat go through his body. Arc feels a sharp tinge of pleasure run through his body as you give him bites and nibbles. He starts to pant lightly and his body heat begins to rise. His face flushes red as the sensation runs through his body.
“You will make me happy. That much is a guarantee. I'm just wondering if you have the willpower to make me happy. You're in control right now so please, don't hold back. Please, make me the happiest man alive right now.” Arc pulls you closer by his hips, wanting to touch you all over. You went back over towards his ear, your nose quite literally touching before speaking once again. “You don't have to tell me twice” trying to mimic the voice to sound as sweet as you could.
You gently went over to his neck instead, softly placing your teeth onto his skin and sinking in very slightly. The warmth went straight into his body and he was caught slightly by surprise as you sucked at the spot, assumingly leaving a mark. Your free hand tickled him under the chin while the other continued to brush through his hair, making his eyes roll back and his whole body shudder with pleasure as you suck on his neck. “Oh my god. Why did I have to meet you in a psych ward? I just wanted to kill a little time on my own, but you, you are something else. Please don't stop, my body loves this. You're like a succubus. You are too good for me.”
He can't help but think to himself ‘Where on earth did this person come from’. They're a keeper. You put a bit more pressure on your sucking session, wanting to please him even further. You allowed more saliva to get in contact with his skin, your warmth sending him to a state of glee. Your fingers continued to caress him all over, as they went from his locks, to his forehead, shoulders and down his chest, teasing him to no end. Arc let's out a small pleasure cry as he holds onto you, enjoying every second of it. He wraps his hands around you waist and pulls you even closer. This makes their faces really close together, and that was just fine with him.
“Let's be honest, if we weren't in a psych ward, we would be doing things WAAAAY more intimate than this.” He leans in for a kiss, and yet ... In a swift movement, your hands met his chest and he got pushed back down onto the sheets, landing with a thud. Your thighs were on both of his sides as you held him down. You tilted your head innocently and gave him a slightly wide grin. You spoke in a soft tone, but there was definitely a hint of dominance in your voice. “jokes on them... psych ward cannot stop me” you spoke with a sassy eyeroll, before giving him a soft peck on the crook on his mouth. He lets out a soft chuckle in response to your snarky remark as he tries to grab your face, but your legs are pinning him down. Arc’s face turns bright red as you give him a kiss.
“I believe I have found my favorite person on the planet” He smirks while still staring at her. “So we're together now, am I right? You wouldn't say these nice things and do these nice things to me and then ignore me right? Because that would kill me. I need more of this. Please.” he quietly begs.
You chuckled softly, your eyes staring deeply at him. “more, hm~?” you teasingly spoke before leaning in on his neck once again, he could feel your warm breath on him. Your lips met the edge of his neck once again, returning the warmth from before. But unlike last time, you didn't hold back. Sucking at the skin as if he was a slushy, leaving one heck of a mark for sure. All the while your hands were caressing and tickling him all over. Giving him soft strokes over him entire frame.
Arc’s toes curl and his entire body feels extremely flush and hot. “I swear to god, I'm going to marry you. You can have all my money, my property, my soul, all of it. I'd do anything... please, be mine forever. I'm literally your puppy. Whatever you want I'll give you, but please... Never leave me.”
“Atleast say my name then, silly~ call me... ___” you sweetly spoke out as you leaned into his ear. You caressed and tickled him under the chin like the puppy that he said that he was, as you just had a huge teasing smirk on your face. You gave him a small bite on the crook of his mouth, softly nibbling once again. Every sound and reaction coming out of him being absolutely adorable. Without warning, you gave in for a few passive kisses, making sure to peck on every side of his mouth while pampering him in affection. You noticeably started giggling as you didn't stop, continuing to shower him in these tiny yet loveable smoothes, all while your hands went over to the back of his neck, stroking his hairline with your warm hands.
Arc’s eyes started to tear up through his pleasure. He has never felt this good in his life and he can feel it in his core. He completely submits to you. He couldn't help but moan softly as he feels your warm kisses around his body. He wraps his arms around you. You now seemed to be the confident, dominant one here. It seems that you were the one now in control. Arc liked this, it felt... Nice. He noticeably tried to talk to you, but he was too busy panting like a dog out of pleasure. You nuzzled your nose into the crook of his neck, letting out a small chuckle in response. He could feel your warm breath and giggling on his neck, making his shudder with delight. You just continued to stick close to him, attaching yourself to him like a leech while continuing to softly nibble at the most sensitive spots of his neck. Eventually, he manages to get some words out.
“Y-Your bite and those- AH! Ghnn... little nibbles are way too good. You're absolutely destroying my body right now. I'm not sure if my body can even handle this much... please don't stop. Please.” He pulls you, seemingly wanting to become a bit more dominant himself. He wants to get a piece of you too. “Let's just say that your bite is like my kryptonite. You better never be far from me or else I think I'll go insane.” He kisses you gently and starts to nibble on your neck too.
You snickered as he made his own way towards your neck, but you seemed to be a whole lot less sensitive towards it as you simply continued your act of teasing him. You turned your head as you cupped his cheek, tilting his head to the side so you could have more access. Your lips went right under his jawline as your teeth went over the fragile skin of his throat, testing him even further by softly nicking his skin and letting it slip again. You put more pressure on your will to suck at the side of his jaw, right on his soft spot as your hands and fingers caressed over his entire frame again.
Arc gives out a small moan and his entire body shakes. This is way too good. His hands start to wrap more tightly around you, trying to steady himself. He can now feel you teasing him on his neck and he loves this. He moans loudly as his eyes roll back and he closes them. It seems that he likes your nicking. His hands move down by his side and start caressing around your waist. “Oh my god, you're... too...” He tries to finish the sentence, but he finds his breathing starting to become faster and deeper with every nibble you make on his skin. The more you tease him, the more intense his feelings for you become. His voice gets lost in pleasure. Your fingers lightly run over his skin causing him to make loud moans.
His body seems to be so sensitive, any amount of teasing is unbearable, but he loves it. His hands squeeze your sides, showing just how much he wants you. He makes these soft whines and moans, begging for you to continue. He wants more of this. More of you. “Oh my god I might actually pass out from this.” Arc let's out a low grunt but a lot of pleasure was also running through his body. He grips onto your thigh with his hand, using it to stabilize himself as he was feeling too much sensation from all of this. He was even starting to feel a little weak.
He starts nibbling at you again, trying to regain his dominance. Making their little battle turn into a race to see who could pleasure their partner in an intimate manner first. Arc tries to keep himself from making pleasure noises, but that seems impossible. Just feeling you nibble him in that spot is too good. His whole body shakes and his toes curl, and that's not even mentioning what he's doing to you. He nibbles your neck harder and bites your skin like you did, being careful not to break skin and just making sure that he's giving back a good amount of the treatment you're dealing out. He also starts to suck on your neck more, his arms gripping onto your waist. He wants to give you a taste of your own medicine.
“You are definitely trying to drive me insane. If we weren't in a psych ward right now I would be ripping off all of my clothes right now. Right. Now.” He says between deep and intense breaths. He just wants to be with you. He'll do anything to make this last an eternity. You giggled at that comment, right before giving one last harsher suck to try and shut him up, most definitely leaving a hickey. You gave one last smooch on the mark before backing up, snickering like the little devil that you were. His eyes roll back as he lets out a soft and loud moan. As you pull away, he looks deeply into your eyes, with his breathing still being slightly heavy and him now panting due to the mark you left on his neck. He bites his lip, not being able to handle the intensity. He looks at you with a devilish, lustful grin. It seems that his love is being taken to a whole other level of passion. His whole body feels like it's been set on fire, and you seem to be the only one to be able to put it out... “More... I need more. Don't you dare stop. I need more. Please. Please please please. Please”
He leans in towards you again, ready for more teasing. The mark you left gave him a small hit of dopamine that he is craving like a drug addict as he craves another hit of you-induced dopamine. You just giggled to yourself as you gave a sneaky grin. “my my, Arc... You're like a beast in heat” you spat in a sassy manner before ruffling your hand through his blonde locks. But effortlessly, you pinned him down with your free hand once again, making him gasp out with his hands now above his head. You leaned in, your lips teasing him as he couldn't even reach you due to being pinned down.
He starts to moan lightly as his breaths become deeper and shorter. The mark on his neck is like a warm blanket that covers his body, and the mark feels like you just claimed him as your own little pet, which made his feelings for her explode in intensity. “Darling... You're biting away at your lower lip~” you spoke with a snicker, finding his state to be amusing and loveable. “I suggest you clench those jaws, sugar~” Arc’s jaw drops as he hears that comment. Why couldn't you just be a normal partner? You always had to make him want you more and more. But it was working. You immediately went towards his neck again, giving him kisses and nibbles to deal with, along with sucking on every spot at every turn. Each and every one seemed to be more intimate than the last one. Every kiss and nibble made him melt even more. He starts to shake a bit with every peck you give him. He's lost all control to you and he's loving every second. This is what true happiness feels like and he never wants this moment to end. He just stares deeply into your eyes and starts moaning louder in between each bite. He grits his teeth so that he doesn't completely break down and go insane on you.
It wasn't until the opening from the doorway could be heard that you both kind of froze in your spots. Say stood in the doorframe, her expression being rather blank as soon as her eyes drifted towards you both. You were still on top of Arc and he was trying his damnedest to keep his moans in, resulting in you placing your hand on his mouth to try and shush him in the process. Say just kept silent, unblinking as she honestly questioned her life decisions while praying to go back a few minutes from the current situation.
“... The doctors were so right to take you both in”
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fartzapril · 2 months
Ghost and pals fan who's surprised
Say and arc!!!!
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chaoticknightt · 7 months
fucking artblock (again)
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Christmas themed Say layouts
self indulgent. For our Say fictive.
No kin/id/me tags, this is for a fictive
free to use with credit.
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den-paradigm · 2 months
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happy 4/23 its like 4/20 but 3 days later
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aoneringo · 1 month
I went to Acosta Ikebukuro with a friend and cosplayed as Say and Arc!!
It was a lot of fun!
I wonder if I'm the first Japanese person to cosplay as a GHOST character...!?
(I'm Say!🪚)
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a-little-out-of-place · 8 months
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I LIED! was gonna sleep blacked out woke up 2 hours later with these two in front of me
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twirlingwithourpals · 4 months
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➦ . . . Say Carnes Graphics !! o(^▽^)o
☞ . . . Reblog / Like if using! Credit is optional (^o^)
☞ . . . Requested by Anon !! :3
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xsoapy · 4 months
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parent moment??
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quantumziro · 11 months
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the long awaited finished product
Thank you GHOST fans
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spillat · 7 months
ADHD and autism
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heroismymalewife · 27 days
*throws gnp art at you and it lodges in your throat cutely*
also tw for gore and sh 😁
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astrocalypse · 5 months
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I haven't been feeding you guys lately so here!! *shoves this to ur mouth*
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