#ghost mwiighos
sstormyskyess · 4 months
wrote some more robot!ghost for @glitterypirateduck's ghost challenge!! i used prompt #81 and pushed robot!ghost in a river >:)
[tiny suggestive warning!]
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The sixth month of your service as Ghost's technician was coming to a close, and along with that, autumn was just starting to peter off into winter. The air was colder and the wind bites just a little harder than it did before.
Your breath is visible in the air when you stop to catch it, having exerted yourself on your morning run. Your feet have taken you off base today after deciding to work yourself a little harder. If things went as planned, you would be following the task force off base within the next couple weeks for a longer mission, one where Ghost wouldn't be able to visit as promptly. So, to make sure nothing catastrophic happened with you too far away to address it, you would be going with them.
You wipe the sweat off your forehead as you make a detour into a small cafe on your way back to base, the bell above the door jingling when you push it open. Despite the fact that the little shop was packed for the afternoon rush, things were rather quiet. It was a tad confusing, to be frank.
The cause of this awkward and uncomfortable silence is made clear once you spot a certain hulking man standing next to the front counter, arms crossed over his chest.
You walk over to him with curiosity in your eyes. "Ghost? What are you doing here?" Why would an automaton be in a cafe of all places? Or anywhere that serves food for that matter?
His glowing red LED optics focus on you when he hears your voice and he shrugs in response to your question. "Getting drinks for the others." His voice is plain and deadpanned as usual, explaining himself as though it were obvious and well-known that he served as the task force's personal coffee delivery boy.
You make a little 'oh' noise and glance away from him. Those damn eyes of his continue to send a shiver down your spine every time he stares at you so intently. Expectantly, almost.
The silence is palpable for a few moments before you try to start a more substantial conversation. "So, um... do you do stuff like this often? Getting food for the other guys, I mean."
His voice box makes a low, metallic rumble in response and looks at the queue on the tiny monitor showing what orders were coming out next. "Pretty often. Don't get tired and don't have to work out daily. Got plenty of extra time," he says before glancing over at you and nodding toward the counter. "Might want to get your order in, mate."
Oh. That is what you were here to do, isn't it? You mosey over to the waiter and give them your order, feeling Ghost's eyes on the side of your face while you speak.
When the both of you get your orders--one cup of coffee for yourself and a variety of teas and coffees for the boys--you and Ghost head out together and start on back to base. Conversation flows somewhat easily as you walk as you exchange small stories with each other; most of his consist of various past operations, yours are generally about your clients over the years.
About halfway back, catastrophe strikes.
The two of you are on your merry way when you hear the sound of car horns blaring only a little ways away. All of a sudden, a car is swerving and coming directly toward you. You freeze at the sight and aren't able to react until it's almost too late. Lucky for you, you have a 6'4" automaton bodyguard, one that's able to quickly shove you out of the trajectory the speeding car is taking.
The result is him flying over the guardrail along the side of the river you're walking next to, right into the water.
"Ghost!" You look over the edge, eyes wide in shock. You turn your gaze to the driver of the car that nearly crashed into you. "What is wrong with you?!" You bark at them before trying to find some way down to help Ghost out of the river. You curse under your breath when your search comes up short and resort to climbing over the railing and sliding down the steep drop to the lower walkway.
Luckily, he's already swimming to the side, albeit a bit slow. You take hold of his hand and drag him closer the best you can, helping him onto the concrete footpath.
Now, usually, water wouldn't be an issue for an automaton as advanced as he is, but the fact his chassis was crumpled up by the car hitting him, water was able to get underneath his waterproof outer casing and into his circuits. You call up Price on your phone and he's there to take the both of you back to base within minutes (not before getting the culprits plate numbers and information, though--that person was really going to get it, you already know).
Ghost is stumbling by the time you make it back to your office and get him laying on the workbench to be treated. You have to tell Soap to shut up when he makes a stupid comment about just putting him in a tub full of rice, and he promptly fucks off when he hears the venom in your voice.
You're quick to remove his damaged chest casing and set it to the side. He's instinctively resistant to the action after recently experiencing high levels of trauma, and his hands shoot up to stop you multiple times as you open him up, but eventually he gets too weak to hold you back anymore.
A grimace sets upon your face when you see the water sloshing around in his most fragile parts. Towels first, then you can really take care of him. "I'm gonna wipe you down first, okay? The fabric will probably feel strange or hurt a bit at first, but it's all necessary, okay?" You reassure him while you get the towels out of your tool cabinets. He gives you a strained, glitchy grumble in response.
When you start patting him down, his limbs twitch and he groans softly, his eyes flickering. "Fuckin' hell--" he hisses, his voicebox chopping his words up and his back arching off the table involuntarily. It makes you falter for a bit; it almost sounded like a groan of pleasure instead of pain...
But there's no time to speculate about whether or not your patient was a masochist. Even if your face started to heat up a bit, both from the shame of thinking about him like that and from the inappropriate thoughts passing through your mind. So unprofessional, you scold yourself.
But after that day, you can't get the thoughts out of your head. Yet another thing about that man that captivates you. This was starting to become a problem.
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more robot!ghost on the masterlist!!
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