Put On Your Raincoats | Ghostlusters (Seven, 1990)
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Contrary to what its title may lead you to believe, Bruce Seven's Ghostlusters is not a pornographic parody of Ivan Reitman's Ghostbusters. There are ghosts, sure, but no team of paranormal contractors employed to deal with paranormal nuisances. There's no Reaganite deregulation message, no obnoxious bureaucrats, no Ray Parker, Jr. theme song and accompanying montage, no special effects extravaganza climax. There is however at least one connection between the movies, albeit a tenuous one. Fans of Reitman will remember that during the aforementioned montage, there's a brief scene where one of the Ghostbusters, played by Dan Aykroyd, is implied to receive fellatio from an attractive lady ghost. There is no fellatio in Ghostlusters, which has an all-female cast, but the movie is otherwise a feature-length elaboration on that idea. What if we could have sex with an attractive lady ghost?
The plot concerns a porn director played by Bionca who comes to a creepy abandoned studio to shoot her lesbian porno. Her star and collaborator Victoria Paris is upset and doesn't want to shoot in this location because it's supposed to be haunted. Lo and behold, Tianna appears in a flapper costume, waves and briefly flashes her breasts before disappearing. (Victoria Paris, fearfully: "See, I told you. She's showing you she doesn't have big tits.") The rest of the movie falls into a pattern of lesbian sex scenes, mostly between the cast and crew (the roles are not divided so cleanly, as it seems to be an all-hands-on-deck operation). Eventually the ghost inserts herself into the proceedings, with intriguing (read: sexy) results.
The meatiest roles are played by Bionca and Tianna, who have an exchange that suggests further mystery regarding the latter's past, without divulging any clear answers.
"Hey Casper, you wanna be in my movie?"
"Oh, I dunno, I wasn't a very good actress. I fucked my way into the movies. They were silent, you know? I didn't have to speak."
"This is a sex movie. You don't have to talk either. All you have to do is eat pussy and fool around."
"Really? That's what I was doing when the virgin statue fell on me: eatin' the star's pussy."
"I'm surprised the statue didn't kill her too."
"Oh, the statue didn't kill me. It did hit me kinda hard though. I guess I bit the leading lady's snatch. She screamed and cracked a champagne bottle over my head. That's what did me in!"
"Are you serious?"
"Maybe, maybe not."
"You're a trip."
"I am."
This sequence is enjoyable not just for the narrative importance, but for their contrasting demeanours, Tianna all peppy and Bionca cool and understated, almost Seagalian. Aside from these two, Victoria Paris does some heroic line readings where she has to act afraid of Tianna. Tianna returns the favour when she clutches her pearls literally while she watches Victoria Paris jam some beads... somewhere (I won't say where, it wouldn't be gentlemanly).
Now, as a horror-porn hybrid, this does not lean very heavily in the direction of the former. There are a few cobwebs, and the sporadic spooky camera angle (there's an effective high angle shot during a masturbation scene with Tianna), but otherwise most of the atmospheric heavily lifting is done by the vaguely spooky new age soundtrack. (It eventually shifts to electro and drops any pretense of horror movie scoring. The soundtrack also frequently overpowers the dialogue thanks to the subpar sound mix.) There are candles, but their context is less spooky than sexy, and the movie does not attempt consistency in its mise en scene. (This supposed old movie studio has a room with exercise bikes, pinup posters, and a rig on the ceiling for leg cuffs. I assume this was the storage room at the production company office. I also spotted a poster for Surf Nazis Must Die! in another room, as well as an American flag, which potentially makes this Fourth of July viewing material.) And it must be noted that characterizations don't stay consistent between the plot scenes and the sex scenes, and that Tianna is much less convincing as a deceased silent movie starlet in the latter. (During one particularly heated scene, she remarks: "I've been a bad spirit!" So I suppose she still stayed in character.)
One of the things you notice when you move from the golden age to the video era is the drastic change in visual style, with any gestures towards artistic effect dropped in favour of getting the best angle on the action. This certainly holds true here, but I don't know how much I can hold that against the movie, given the prurient integrity at work here. To paraphrase the late, great Roger Ebert, one should judge a movie based not on its aims but how well it achieves them, and I must concede that as a porno, this is pretty hot stuff. The girls look great and bring ample enthusiasm, and the sex is energetic and varied enough so as not to become repetitive. While I did feel a faint whiff of embarrassment trying to watch this like an actual movie (it finally happened, folks), I have to give credit where credit is due. Now let us never speak of this again.
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ghostluster · 7 years
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san francisco // march 2017
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fireflyelysiumfilms · 7 years
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'Confabulatory Times' - Sometimes I find myself surrounded by people and we decide it's a good time to take a picture for @kimberlywoods' birthday. #birthdays #occasions #ghostlusters #losangeles #publicschool #roguewolfpack #roguewolf (at Public School 818)
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nicolaschan · 5 years
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Ghostluster. (at Cultural Center of the Philippines) https://www.instagram.com/p/B2YcLGHnhfk/?igshid=1s29t7fky0r06
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Where are you finding all this wonderful footage of Charlie from his role in As You Are? I've been obsessively stalking this movie and can't find any of those clips online :( xx
So a few websites had some exclusive clips, and the rest are other from trailers or BTS things. I’m going to use this as an opportunity to gather all the As You Are clips out there in one place:
Mourning Kurt Cobain; 7 Minutes in Heaven; Ghostlusters 
Trailer 1; Trailer 2  (they have some different scenes)
Behind the Scenes
BTS Teaser; Vice Interview w Director plus BTS
So that’s all the footage I know of on the interwebs until it comes out online. I really hope it comes out soon; I cannot capture just how amazing Charlie is in this.
There are also some nice interviews w/ the cast and director at San Sebastian Film Festival, via Teen Vogue Facebook Live, and Sundance. There’s also a  Sundance Q and A but, warning, it has spoilers in it. Anyway, I hope this helps :) 
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sludgebat · 8 years
Ghostbuster or ghostluster, but have you considered the third option of ghostnutbuster?
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sludgewoman · 6 years
Aesthetic MASTER, you remind me of a more goth version of my friend @ghostluster
Omg thank u!!!! Also that goth validation means the world to me😭💕
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ghostlusters-blog · 11 years
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sludgebat · 8 years
So...would you rather be a Ghostbuster or a Ghostluster?(◉◞౪◟◉)
who do you take me for?????????some charlatan?????????????????some dingus?????ghostluster of course?????
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