#ghosts cbs reviews
teenwolftalk · 2 years
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There is just something about ghosts who refuse to take their own lore seriously that I adore✨💕
Ghosts really has established itself beautifully within that niche subgenre of horror comedy where no one takes anything seriously, and everyone faces real consequences for it. Plus Flower and Thorfinn are finally going on a date!
My review of Ghosts Season 2 Episode 13 – “Ghost Hunter” for @telltaletv:
If you enjoyed this review and want to support my writing, you can also engage with the tweet on Twitter, and browse previous work.
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missielynne · 7 months
CBS Ghosts Review: The Owl
Hello, everyone who likes to read my reviews! It's great to be back!
We're off to a much stronger start with "The Owl" than we were with season two's premiere episode, Spies, that's for sure.
I know we were all eager to see who got sucked off and I think they picked the one person I was okay with. Granted with the way they did it, I still think there's a possibility that they're mistaken about the ghost actually being gone and if they reappear, I won't be surprised, but I'm not heartbroken about the loss either. I could go either way and be perfectly happy.
I loved how knowing that someone got sucked off brought people together and showed them looking after each other (Especially Nigel and Isaac being so worried for each other and that hug when they found one another again...my heart!)
Also, I want to see some interaction between Stephanie and Crash. His volunteering to check up on her was surprisingly sweet to me, especially since her really brash manner and attitude seems to have driven a majority of the house away (except for Nancy and Ralph).
Loved the cholera ghosts coming upstairs and poor Pete. Nancy continues to be an absolute boss in my eyes, especially the way she resolved the whole thing, got everyone back downstairs, and then was like "See you tonight for bodices and barons!" She's become a begrudgingly accepted part of "upstairs" and I like it!
Now for the most important thing: Jay. He was an absolute champ in this episode and it just reinforced how much I love him as a character and what the writers have done for him.
If I have one complaint about the BBC version (that has nothing to do with British storytelling vs. American storytelling) it's the show's inability or unwillingness due to time to actually give Mike something to do with himself, or have his own relationship with the ghosts. (And it's a real shame too because as we see in Bump in the Night, when it's allowed, it's pure comedy.)
Allowing Jay to build relationships with the ghosts to the point where he even has some degree of authority over them just like Sam does, (or can help them through problems in a way they accept) is just the best.
BBC just kind of dumped all the ghost care and stuff on Alison which is part of why (i think) the show had to end the way it did: Alison naturally couldn't be the "parent" to the ghosts AND Mia and since they couldn't bring themselves to have Mike share the load, they naturally had to pick one or the other and no matter how logically they tried to spin it, the ghosts lost out.
Jay is so damn important. He brings Sam back to earth when she gets too sucked into ghost drama but I also like that he doesn't make her choose one or the other. If the ghosts have a problem, he'll help her find a solution. Them being partners in ghost care allows CBS Ghosts to have it both ways, both the ghosts and their own lives as Livings, even if there are and will continue to be bumps and stumbles along the way that will have to be ironed out. I just don't see Jay and Sam being SO practical that they'd feel like they have to leave Woodstone in order to raise a family. I could be wrong, but that would just really seem out of character to me.
Also it says Nigel and Isaac's wedding planning will be season long and I can't wait to see what they do with that. It should be interesting. And I wonder what new ghosts we'll meet? I need at least one more trip to the Farnsbys' please please please cause that place is a ghost goldmine.
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Promo time!
I mean it could be just something he suspects but nahh I bet it actually is even if we have to go through a journey of a few to get there :D
Y'all this is boutta be amazing lol
Twill be lit :))
Yes twill shh lol
I'm so excited :DD 🥰🤩!!
I really will miss Flower though this sucks xd :'((
Still!! Excited for the next episode :))
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ramonahblog · 2 years
Review Ramble! 
Season two! Woo!
Spoilers for CBS Ghosts season two, episode one.
So it starts off recapping season one. Frankly I can’t be bothered to recap so you all are going to have to figure it out or just watch the show. 
Jay is hoping his bump on the head means he can also see ghosts. 
Well damn it. It was a cruel tease. Jay is hugging some random Living. Also he called everyone by name except Trevor who is stuck with No Pants lol. 
Random Living is a delivery guy. 
“Damn it,” - Jay. Appropriate, very appropriate. Poor guy just wants to see and interact with the ghosts! You know what? No one was using their powers so I’m holding on to my theory that Jay can see the ghosts but only when they use their power. 
We’re not counting the guests from season one finale because they both left the B&B and left a scathing one-star review on yelp. Do people still use yelp? Did people actually use yelp? 
Nigel is at the manor, watching some show with Isaac, Hetty, Thor & Sas. He’s rather uncomfortable. 
Sas is the one encouraging direct communication. Guess the incoming B&B guests are intriguing enough. 
So the doorbell rings. 
Pete finds the guests suspicious and is going all detective on their asses. 
Meanwhile in the Shed, Isaac is attempting to persuade Nigel to come up to the manor.  Apparently there is Ant Drama in the shed. 
The British soldier that is Nigel’s ex (I’m not even going to try and remember his name, he’s Ex-Boy from now on) is still in the shed. Isaac is uncomfortable. 
Also cut to both Ex-Boy and the other one (Music Boy?) watching Nisaac. Oh, good for Isaac, he went direct and asked. 
Yeah, it’s two seasons in and I’m still horrible with names. 
It’s about Thor. Poor Thor. Although I’d probably be just as uncomfortable with Thor as Nigel IRL but I’m watching tv so who cares. 
Isaac mentions he will ask Thor to tone it down which isn’t going to end well, I can tell. 
Ooh, Ex-Boy is smarting at this scene. Considering the Drama he caused in the season one finale, is he going to cause more Drama? 
“And see what they’re doing,” - Trevor
“They’re like sixty,” - Sas 
Don’t age-and-kink-shame Sas. 
Alberta brings up the possibility of spying on the guests to ensure a good review and not for the ghosts' entertainment (but probably mostly for the ghosts’ entertainment). Jay is against this idea.  Sam pretends to agree but then goes to Alberta’s plan. 
Oh return of the Basement Ghost that pretended to be Pete’s GF that one time. She’s come up to say Thor is in the basement and ruining the mood. 
Lol “British Boy Toy” from Basement-Ghost. Excellent. Can she stay upstairs? 
Ooh, Sas is demanding Isaac to apologize for Does Oskar-the-Squirrel have BFF competition? 
Isaac is refusing because the thing with Nigel is new.
Well, Hetty at least thanked Basement Ghost. Progress for Hetty!
Meanwhile with Spying, Jay ended up putting it together. 
So the show the other ghosts are watching brings up loyalty to friends. Sas and Hetty are pretty much passive-aggressively guilt-tripping Isaac. 
You know what, the conflict wasn’t as bad as I thought it’d be. 
Omg Thor likes watching ants as well. These boys are bonding. YAY BONDING!
And I forgot about the Complaining Guests. Oops. 
“Tom and Debbie suck,” - Jay who said it so passionately. Also Alberta agrees and we all know Alberta is always right. 
Oh Trevor has rushed in to say they don’t like Sam’s perfume (and he doesn’t agree with them). Backstory for perfume: Sam’s mum gave it to her before she passed and there’s only a little amount left so Sam uses it sparingly. 
Jay was already upset at the constant negativity to Sam but now he’s mad. 
Jay is marching out. What is he going to do? 
“And her voice is mellifluous,” - Jay. Did he finish a crossword puzzle again?
The guests have got to be wondering how Jay and Sam know about their complaints. 
Oooooooooh, it turns out the guests thought the yelp reviews were anonymous. Omg the other review that Jay-and-Sam read was the wife’s sister’s place. Omg. 
Okay, the guests left five-star reviews and claimed that their yelp account was hacked. Jay asks if this will be the last time Sam uses the ghosts behind his back - so is that going to be an oncoming plot thread? Who knows? 
Now excuse me, I’m off to read that fic of Nigel and Thor watching ants.
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digikate813 · 2 years
Ghosts has become one of my favorite new shows this past year, and now I'm gonna spend about 20 minutes telling you why! As I do. My review of the CBS comedy, Ghosts. Enjoy!
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dieinct · 2 years
other smell reviews:
etat libre d'orange - ghost in the shell. this smells awesome on me. powdery but not like baby powder; floral but not feminine; citrus but not sharp. really delicate scent.
etat libre d'orange - i am trash. pretty generic citrus scent; it's fine on me but nothing interesting one way or another.
cb i hate perfume - CBMUSK. if you like musk you'll like this. works best to amplify and intensify other smells with faint musk notes, it somehow bass boosts all the other notes in a scent.
FZOTIC - corpse reviver. this smells amazing on first hit but the whisky note ends up mellowing into something treacly and sugary-caramel on my skin after the first few hours in ways i do not like.
FZOTIC - monserrat. really fresh, clean summer scent. smells like sitting in an ornamental garden eating apricots - initially it smells like plaster and green leaves and deepens into a really strong fruity smell. some floral notes (jasmine, osmanthus) that don't overwhelm the shout of LEAF. delightful.
FZOTIC - lampblack. the CLEAR winner. initially smells like grapefruit and ink (!!) and then deepens into something rich and peppery. ink without paper or leather. peaty while still coming off crisp and autumnal. total success across the whole lifespan.
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flutter2deceive · 4 months
Rules: Answer and tag 9 people you want to get to know better and/or catch up with!
Tagged by @thecryptidbard 😊 thanks for the tag!!
Last song you listened to: Super Graphic Ultra Modern Girl by Chappell Roan
Favorite color: also also purple!! lol. Color combos i love are purple and green (cuz of a really old post on livejournal about Casey Novak/Diane Neal's fashion sense lol), and purple and teal (and yes i had a hornets starter jacket in the 90s lol)
Currently watching: At this exact moment, The Pit Stop review of last night's Drag Race. I am also rewatching Ghosts and marking down timestamps for several fanvids i wanna make, and very slowly watching Devious Maids for the first time and this show is fucking BONKERS lmao
Sweet/savory/spicy: Savory!
Relationship status: happily single for the past 14 years! Altho someone i had a crush on several years ago recently became single and made a comment that briefly had me like 👀 so i did what any useless lesbian would do and pulled up my "feelin some kinda way" playlist i made at the height of said crush and listened to the whole 2 hrs of music to see if i still felt that kinda way and am proud to report back that the closing song "rabbit hole" by jenny lewis still stands! Lol
Current obsession: also CBS Ghosts, Rebecca Wisocky, Chappell Roan, decorating my guest bedroom into a 90s nostalgia den
Last thing you googled: "when did topanga cut her hair" because i was quoting a friend's standup joke in a comment i left on a bree/katherine desperate housewives fic and i am nothing if not very specific 😂
Tagging: @bwayfan25 @mearcatsreturns @wonderwanda @verin2000 @chainofclovers @singinprincess @everybodyknows-everybodydies @wonderofasunrise @evolutionarypsyche
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bustyasianbeautiespod · 4 months
Do you guys have podcast recommendations? I'm caught up on everything I listen to, but you guys are my favorite podcast, so I assume we have similar tastes
AWWW i'm so honored that we're your faves! grey is no longer a podcast listener so i (crystal) shall be the only answerer
in terms of people-watching-a-thing podcasts, i've enjoyed:
doctor huh- two brothers, one a former doctor who watcher and one who... only knows about it from social media... watch nuwho eps in a random order
zero to zero- three friends watch dc/marvel properties and respond w fun and funny levels of haterism. i have enjoyed ALL of this despite never once touching something they reviewed. on maybe-permanent hiatus
LMNOP- the only good cbs elementary podcast. also on maybe-permanent hiatus
i've been meaning to watch that- i've listened to less of this one, but it's hosted by manika dulcio, who we had on our s4 wrapped, so if you liked her there check her out on her home base!
as for fiction podcasts, listing my fave subscribeds below! for some of these, the first few eps are kinda rough but i've found them all resoundingly Worth It eventually! also if you, babpod listener, care about this, all of these have queer main characters and i'll bold the ones where the main char is explicitly a poc:
hi nay- "a supernatural horror fictional podcast about Filipina immigrant Mari Datuin, whose babaylan (shaman) family background accidentally gets her involved in stopping dangerous supernatural events in Toronto." v rich lore v good at being creepy! (ongoing)
the silt verses- what if every single folk deity was real and hungry and society ran on ppl being sacrificed on telephone poles? incredibly sexy writing like SO sexy (ongoing)
midnight burger- space diner adventures and friendships! they recently dropped a 3-hour beautifully audio-engineered season finale they've grown so much since the beginning. great cast and fills you w so much wonder about The Universe (ongoing)
greater boston- an expanding cast of chars tell the story of the forming of a new city on the boston red line train cars. makes u wild about community and interconnectedness and local politics and how no one is beyond compassion while also having like. cheese robots (ongoing)
within the wires- what if a world war led to a worldwide cultural shift that decried all tribalism starting at the family unit and babies were separated from their parents at birth? extremely interesting world and formats though i do think it's kinda tired after s4. i think listening to s1 then reading the companion novel might be the Move (ongoing)
unwell, a midwestern gothic mystery- what it says on the tin! lily returns to the fading small town she grew up in to care for her mom. there are ghosts and town history and wolves in the woods. some rlly beautiful and complex family relationships and friendships, great vibe and sound design (complete)
parkdale haunt- p classic haunted house horror (well i say classic. there's also an influencers cult) which i also consider a Top Friendship-Focused Media (complete)
alice isn't dead- usamerican road trip show about the horrors of freedom. spn wishes. love jasika nicole as a VA (complete)
the pasithea powder- epistolary space bisexuals after a war that left them on opposite sides. excellent interpersonal drama and aliens (complete)
wooden overcoats- v funny british funeral home rivalry show antigone funn is the weirdgirl extraordinaire (complete)
monstrous agonies- nice soothing ten-minute segments of a supernatural advice show. i think i've mentioned it as being the anti-spn in terms of the monster rights and monster-human cohabitation background of the world (complete)
midnight radio- ten-episode small town radio show ghost romance. it's an excellent annual fall listen if you have a saturday free (complete)
mabel podcast- ONE OF THE PODCASTS OF ALL TIME. if you care about women you will like this podcast. i've always found anna and mabel so revolutionary and freeing to listen to. horror podcast about fairies and a house that loves (creepy edition?) you (long hiatus)
brimstone valley mall- silly delightful y2k demons in a mall (long hiatus)
the far meridian- magical realism story about a girl living in a teleporting lighthouse. sweet and melancholic (long hiatus)
khôra podcast- greek myths in space. i need to hug all the characters (long hiatus)
ty for this ask i love podcasts i need to catch up on them!
- Crystal :)
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unitedbydevils · 4 months
Match Review: Manchester United 0-1 Arsenal
Tumblr had a freak-out at my last attempt, so I lost all my work. This will be a short re-write.
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The depressing thing is that this wasn't a bad result for us based on this season. Shows how shit we've been, and shows how our standards/expectations have slumped. Miserable isn't it.
We deserved defeat because we don't learn our lessons. Casemiro was way too deep on his own for no reason and forgot to play the offside trap, and then we let Havertz cutback for Trossard to tap in. LIKE EVERY GOAL THIS SEASON AGAINST US. JESUS WEPT.
The Positives: Amad. Kid looks real good. Really nice on the attack; composed, creative, offensive. More intelligence there than Garnacho.
Kobbie Mainoo. He's just a class act. Smooth and reliable midfield operator.
Sofian Amrabat also gets some praise. He wasn't amazing, but he was solid. We've not had a solid CDM this season. Ten Hag's system relies on that pivot and clean up role. Amrabat is not a passing master like a Frenkie De Jong, but he is a seasoned international with Morocco. I'm taking his 6 or 7/10s over Casemiro's nothings every time.
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The Negatives: Aaron Wan Bissaka never wants to cross, so he's very easy to read.
Jonny Evans is old and slow. Smart, but outdone easily.
Casemiro is old and slow and not a CB.
Diogo Dalot sucks at LB. He is a RB.
Scott McTominay is a ghost of a midfielder and needs to play for a team that has a diamond 4 or a central 3 and 1 in front. He's a good lad, and a passionate player, but he needs to be moved on.
Alejandro Garnacho has been overplayed and is just making the same mistakes. He's great on the break and on turnovers of possession. That transition is primetime for him, but he's not skinning people like Peak Rashford. That's his next step of evolution, but you get that in training and by being a super sub. Not starting every week because we need you.
Same goes for Rasmus Hojlund. I love the kid, I really do, but he also needs a bit more game intelligence. He's great at receiving crosses, but we don't do them, so he needs to figure out how to make do with what he can get. This sucks, because he's strong and pacey and wants to run on beyond, but he might need to learn to loiter deep and burst forward as a surprise package; race away from their CB or CDM and cause confusion amongst the marking.
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So yeah, 8th place, 3 behind shitty Chelsea, two games to go. Newcastle on Wednesday, Brighton on Sunday, and then the FA Cup Final vs City. Somehow I hope we magically find some form in the midst of this. Who knows, maybe the returns of Bruno, Marcus and Martinez mean we can bench Garnacho, Casemiro and McTominay and we might - just might - play some semblence of Ten Hag Ball. It'd be a magical ending to a horror show season.
Oh, and the heavy rain at the end was so bad it flooded the pitch just before full time and flooded half of a stand to the point of evacuation. LOL. Old Trafford is falling down. Fuck the Glazers.
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ellezem · 5 months
About me cuz I should probably make one.
I draw and write free form poetry. I like to do book reviews/recs. And I post pictures of my cat.
I do not share pictures of me/personal information like age.
I’m trying to improve my art but i find im best at realism.
My 16 personalities is: INFP-T/the mediator.
Fandoms I partake in: Adventure time, Anime, community, vivzieverse, osemanverse, marsoid cult, fnaf, ghosts(cbs and bbc), glee, goldfinch, good omens, it, stranger things, ATLA, marauders, monster high, musicals, natm, ofmd, Sally face, Scott pilgrim, TSOA, TSATS, Sherlock, mcyt, YR, and honestly it will keep growing because autism.
I’m demi-sexual I think lol and I use any prns.
Terrible people are not welcome here. That includes, homophobia, Racism, facism, sexism, pro lifers, etc..
I love asks, I’m lonely.
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ghostlyheart · 1 year
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I'm losing it at this review for Cocaine Bear spammed three discrete times in the cbs ghosts tag. A movie that is Hetty's dream and Flower's absolute worst nightmare
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missielynne · 7 months
CBS Ghosts Review: Man of Your Dreams
I have so many mixed feelings about this episode. By and large I would say it gets ten for concept and maybe...five or six for execution.
There's no way around it that Sas' dream manipulation is a cool power. But I don't like that it had to be used in a manipulative way to start (seriously Sam, learn to talk things out when you have a problem with Jay, whether it be D and D or his decorating plans, instead of using the ghosts to mess with him!)
It has been pointed out (and I agree) that Sas could have done what he did because as a ghost who has not had ample opportunity to make friends with Livings, he didn't realize his powers could be used that way and stuck with manipulation/fear mongering because that's typically what the ghost/living relationship is. And to his credit, once he realized how his going that route affected Jay, he was legitimately contrite and they both agreed to a friendship (which I want to see more of, along with one with Pete. Please bring Pete into the dream world with you, Sas, as well as all the other ghosts so he can meet you all without hurting or killing himself first.)
Then there's the Thor plot: I know there are some who dislike the 'Thor grieving' aspect of Flower's getting sucked off, but think it's good for his character, especially because it's sincere, which, to me, made Hetty and Alberta's using him as a way to get sucked off all the more painful. I don't blame Alberta and Hetty for wanting to get sucked off in general, considering how long they'd been there, but I don't think manipulating Thor was the way to go, and it would have been wiser to try and get to all his girlfriends and try and find out stuff from them instead. (And bonus...we'd get to see what a ghost flattened by a cattle stampede actually looks like...yes, you can't tell me about Flat Maria, have Thor call her his little pancake, and then not give me a visual, people! (And Nancy wanting to have a go at him after waiting a respectful length of time because she's cool like that was so her and kind of nice after all of Alberta and Hetty's manipulation.)
I'm glad that Jay and Sas made up in the end but I can think of better ways to show off Sas' awesome power that aren't sketchy so that's the bummer but the concept is awesome and I hope that now that everyone is aware that what Sas can do is a thing, we can get Ghost dream meetings with Jay's consent, the future.
@mayamatlinscello, @holdinghandsontheotherside
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Guys I'm scared
But also drama like this could cause good things for their relationship 👀
Also I LOVE drama like this lol
The angst of it all >:D
Anyway xD
No it's not lol
Yep xd
Ah crap
And he's realizing
And he's gonna know o.o
I figured she was hiding amongst them o.o she was in the wall :O D:
Maybe she's not ready to be back in the light and the world yet lol so she prefers it in there xD
Anyway besides the point
Cool surprise attack though not gonna lie o.o
That is not good Iol
Is that gonna be the end of the episode o.o
Nah one more scene?
I hope anyway 😭 xd?
Idk maybe not
And hey more scene lol
"No 😳. I kinda just thought she was gonna come out and, yell at him or something?" SLDKFJKDHS REAL THOUGH
Okay well at least they're not too evil xD
And of course hi credits
How dare they leave me on that bro xd
I called the kidnapping though :'))
. . . y'all I did not deserve that
That was very painful xd
What the heck lol 😭 xD
Is wear they better get back together/be fine
They were all just making too serious of points for them to backtrack that I think 😭
AOUGH I don't know 😭😭💔 :((
Anyway I've said like a billion points and thoughts already and my hands hurt so I don't think I'm gonna do a review right now but my gosh o.o xD
Wild y'all
What the heck 😭 xd
Ghosts man xd
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ramonahblog · 2 years
Only a few days until CBS Ghosts season two starts. Yay!! 
Review Rambles again! Yay!
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sleepykittypaws · 2 years
2022 Real-Time Christmas Movie Ranking
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Well, here we are again, another Christmas movie season, and I’m still somehow trying to keep track of the ever-growing—we’re now at a mind-blowing 200+ new movies alone—holiday content coming to screens small and big this winter season.
As has become recent tradition, I’ll try to keep track of what I’m watching, and how I feel about it, here and on Letterboxd, with a real-time ranking of the Christmas movies I watch as the holiday season progresses.
Updated: December 28, 2022
Spirited, Apple TV+ (Quick Take, 🐾🐾🐾🐾)
Violent Night (Quick Take, 🐾🐾🐾🐾)
This is Christmas, Epix (Quick Take, 🐾🐾🐾🐾)
A Christmas No. 1, Tubi (Review, 🐾🐾🐾🐾)
All I Didn’t Want for Christmas, VH1 (Quick Take, 🐾🐾🐾🐾)
Your Christmas or Mine?, Prime Video (Quick Take, 🐾🐾🐾🐾)
Something from Tiffany’s, Prime Video (Quick Take, 🐾🐾🐾🐾)
About Fate (Quick Take, 🐾🐾🐾🐾)
Three Wise Men and a Baby, Hallmark (Quick Take, 🐾🐾🐾🐾)
Hanukkah on Rye, Hallmark (Quick Take, 🐾🐾🐾🐾)
Haul out the Holly, Hallmark (Quick Take, 🐾🐾🐾🐾)
Ghosts of Christmas Always, Hallmark (Quick Take, 🐾🐾🐾)
Spoiler Alert (Quick Take, 🐾🐾🐾)
Falling for Christmas, Netflix (Quick Take, 🐾🐾🐾)
Reindeer Games Homecoming, Lifetime (Quick Take, 🐾🐾🐾)
Lights, Camera, Christmas!, Hallmark (Quick Take, 🐾🐾🐾)
Bar Fight, AMC+  (Quick Take, 🐾🐾🐾)
A Christmas Story Christmas, HBO Max (Quick Take, 🐾🐾🐾)
The Holiday Sitter, Hallmark (Quick Take, 🐾🐾🐾)
The Royal Nanny, Hallmark (Quick Take, 🐾🐾🐾)
Dolly Parton’s Mountain Magic Christmas, NBC (Quick Take, 🐾🐾🐾)
In Merry Measure, Hallmark (Quick Take, 🐾🐾🐾)
Inventing the Christmas Prince, Hallmark (Quick Take, 🐾🐾)
Must Love Christmas, CBS (Quick Take, 🐾🐾)
We Wish You a Married Christmas, Hallmark (Quick Take, 🐾🐾)
Christmas at the Golden Dragon, Hallmark (Quick Take, 🐾🐾)
Christmas on the Farm, Hulu (Quick Take, 🐾🐾)
A Nashville Country Christmas, Paramount Network (Quick Take, 🐾🐾)
My Southern Family Christmas, Hallmark (Quick Take, 🐾🐾)
A Cozy Christmas Inn, Hallmark (Quick Take, 🐾🐾)
The 12 Days of Christmas Eve, Lifetime (Quick Take, 🐾🐾)
A Kismet Christmas, Hallmark (Quick Take, 🐾🐾)
Well Suited for Christmas, Lifetime (Quick Take, 🐾🐾)
A Big Fat Family Christmas, Hallmark  (Quick Take, 🐾🐾)
A Christmas Cookie Catastrophe (Quick Take, 🐾🐾)
#Xmas, Hallmark (Quick Take, 🐾🐾)
Five More Minutes: Moments Like These, Hallmark Movies & Mysteries (Quick Take, 🐾🐾)
Undercover Holiday, Hallmark (Quick Take, 🐾🐾)
Jolly Good Christmas, Hallmark (Review, 🐾🐾)
Time for Him to Come Home for Christmas, Hallmark Movies & Mysteries (Quick Take, 🐾🐾)
Christmas Class Reunion, Hallmark (Quick Take, 🐾🐾)
The Holiday Stocking, Hallmark Movies & Mysteries (Quick Take, 🐾🐾)
Christmas with You, Netflix (Quick Take, 🐾)
The Noel Diary, Netflix (Quick Take, 🐾)
A Tale of Two Christmases (Quick Take, 🐾)
Steppin’ Into the Holiday, Lifetime (Quick Take, 🐾)
Designing Christmas, Discovery+ (Quick Take, 🐾)
A Holiday Spectacular, Hallmark (Why it’s so Low)
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leetaehwan · 2 years
✨ content creator year in review ✨
very late to the game but tagged by @chanrizard thanks sa 🥰
first creation / most recent creation
2021 wrapped: top ten songs - my very first creation actually! wild that it's been a year since i started giffing !!
gtkm top 5 skz songs - honestly turned out better than i thought it would :)
2. one of your favorite creations
this favorite + negative space set, which admittedly is not that great and i would def do it a little differently now but still i think it's kinda neat conceptually. also this hyunjin venom set where i started playing around with noise and it kinda worked !
3. a creation you're really proud of
this seokwoo cb stage set . it was swirling around my brain for ages and when i finally made it i really liked the way all the colors turned out
4. a creation that took you forever
BRO THIS GOT7 LULLABY SET 💀 my boys were GHOSTS in that video and this was before i knew what color balance was so i was fighting for my life with like 3 selective color layers to get them to look moderately normal again </33
5. the creation that received the most notes
coincidentally it was also the got7 lullaby set lmao (thanks aghaseblr 😘)
6. a creation you think deserves more notes
fr i don't think any of my gifs deserve notes; i do this for fun and don't expect anything out of it but ofc it's great whenever someone likes or reblogs my stuff . sa said it best that i may know how much effort i put into something or how proud i am of the end result of something and then it doesn't pan out the way i thought it might, but that doesn't mean anybody owes me a note nor does it lessen the value of what i make ! i'm cool with any notes i get it's not that deep for me man
. . . that being said i will highlight any and all treasure content i've made bc they are literal gems and everyone should luv them i think 😋💗
7. a new fandom you joined and a creation you made for it
at this point i'm p sure i have become ur resident lino skztual HOWEVER where my abnews at ?! i love these boys i hope to make more stuff for them in the future !
8. a creation you made that breaks your heart
this mashiho set i made for rachel's birthday . it obviously wasn't heartbreaking at the time but now that he's left it just makes me miss him even more :'(((((
9. a "simple" creation that you really love
this lil set i made for jaehyuk's birthday <3 i really didn't do much to it and big jae gifs bring me joy 🥰
10. a creation that was inspired by another one
my top ten albums set was inspired by this one by siyuan ! i was gonna do jewel cases instead of vinyl but my dumb brain couldn't figure that out in ps so we went with plan b
11. a favorite creation created by someone else
too hard there's sooooo many too many to count
12. favorite content creators for the year
i'm giving all of u a forehead kiss with permission y'all inspire me keep it up ! 💓
in no particular order: @changbeens | @chanrizard | @snug-gyu | @kdongyoung | @wonjinist | @yutaslaugh | @dongkwan | @ambivartence | @takatamashi | @njaems | @bangzchan | @hyunpic | @hyunebear | @seokmins | @wabisaba
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