#gifing prince music videos
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Gifing Prince Music Videos 02. Why You Wanna Treat Me So Bad? (1980)
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save-the-data · 3 years
The Week that Was (October 25th - Halloween (31st))
Here is a recap of the all the things GIFed this week .Okay so this week was a short vacation from the normal routine where I posted several GIFSET posts instead of the normal episode ones. Found a few gaps in some of the projects, so those don’t make the complete list just yet, but planning to finish those in the next month. 
House Keeping:
Slowly moving all the GIFsets into a separate page for each country. Work in progress to link back to all the projects and episodes.
China | Thai | Vietnam | Japan | Philippines | Taiwan | South Korea
☆ ☆ ☆ !Track my GOAL to 100 COMPLETED PROJECTS! ☆ ☆ ☆
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Completed Works: (Reworks**)
PP Krit, Billkin, Ice Paris and NaNa “Let’s Celebrate” Music Video
Together with Me: Complete Episode List
Dark Blue Kiss: Complete Episode List
Original Sin: Complete Episode List
Sea Him the Series: Complete Episode List
Papa & Daddy: Complete Episode List
Close Friend: Complete Episode List
The Most Peaceful Place is My Place: Complete Episode List
Follow my Sunshine: Complete Episode List
You’re ma Boy: Complete Episode List
Life as a Girl: Complete Episode List
Innocent the Series: Complete Episode List
So Much in Love: Complete Episode List
Radiation House: Complete Episode List
Given: Complete Episode List
Waterboyy: Complete Episode List
Absolute BL: Complete Episode List
WBL: Fighting Mr. 2nd: Complete Episode List
Nitiman: Complete Episode List
Be Loved in House: I Do: Complete Episode List
My Ambulance: Complete Episode List (BKPP)
His I Didn’t Think I Would Fall in Love: Complete Episode List
WBL: No. 1 For You: Complete Episode List
Hey! First Love: Complete Episode List
Addicted: Complete Episode List
The Devil Judge: Complete Episode List
Precise Shot: Complete Episode List
Tien Bromance: Complete Episode List
Hidden Love: Complete Episode List
S.C.I: Complete Episode List
Counter Attack: Complete Episode List
The Tasty Florida: Complete Episode List
Youths in the Breeze: Full-Time Rival
The Best Story: Complete Episode List
The Lost Tomb 2: Explore with the Note: Complete Episode List
Gameboys: Complete Episode List
Dousoukai: Complete Episode List
Men with Sword: Complete Episode List
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Vanishing My First Love (Episode 3)
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In Progress
Part Time The Series (6/24) - ON HOLD
Cambrian Period (2/16) – ON HOLD
Joy of Life (4/30)  ---
Duel (5/20)  ---
Fights Break Sphere (3/56)  ---
The Plough Department of Song Dynasty (28/42)   ↑ 2
Cross Fire (15/36)  ---
Dark Blue Kiss (12/12)  ↑ 4
Prince of Tennis (29/50)  ↑ 4
Hikaru no Go (--/36)
New Trailers
Asian Drama BL Kisses Roundup Master List
Bias List  (”Couples”) Kings of Bromance
BKPP | YinWar | Tien-Tai | EliKoy | BounPrem | LayPerth | MaxTul
Previous The Week That Was Posts
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virtuemoired · 4 years
drop ur top TSCO moments
ok this is literally gonna make zero sense to anyone here but since u asked i will indulge!
1. canada in a day
this is 1 min 54 secs of tsco, no filters, just pure unrivaled joy. they open with “hello, canada!” and scott sings “it’s meeee” which is like the cheesiest thing ever BUT he makes her laugh which is a win for all of canada. in the next scene scott asks the iconic “what do you love?” and tessa is like “canada!” bc cmon they r doing this vid for canada in a day! little does tessa know that virtuemoir IS canada and scott rightfully calls her out by saying “ooh, thought it was gonna be me!” and i 100% AGREE bc they did not spent 20 years of their lives being announced as “representing canada, tessa virtue and scott moir” for tessa to say that, i rest my case. moving on, do u realise that after every question scott manages to make! her! laugh! and also i love this format where they ask each other questions they should do this all the time and i’m filing this video in my folder titled “reasons_why_vm_should_host_a_podcast”. there r many more moments esp all the eye contact but literally tessa laughs every .2 seconds and they r obvs v happy and therefore i am happy! listen, i don’t know what they ate before this video, but can i have some of that plz bc i want to be this happy all the time & even though there’s uncopyrighted music playing in the background it is truly a piece of art and will 4ever be my fav video of them.
2. newlywed game
firstly, on a completely self indulgent and superficial note, they look so good here. like this is latch!Scott and prince!Tessa united and i am so glad my parents found each other at last. i know i know, ofc we have to talk abt the “sometimes you’re just so restless,,,, I READ” quote that has been gifed to a ridiculous degree, history books will talk about this moment and i can’t say i’m mad about it. BUT we r here to talk about tsco not “shippy moments” so let’s get down to business. in this vid scott is clearly trying to make tessa laugh throughout and he SUCCEEDS so we get 3 mins of tessa virtue laughing and scott teasing her so this is tsco certified! also i want to personally thank whoever’s idea this was bc i googled and NO OTHER SKATER (besides the ummm shibsibs????? cosmopolitan i have QUESTIONS) did this so i am calling it right now that skate canada is a vmie thru and thru also idk what it is w putting uncopyrighted music behind these vids but u know what v/m really make anything work!!
3. 2015 canadian nationals
this is honestly what i want in life. i just want to skate around an ice rink w my soulmate when it is dark at night and have him compliment me IS THAT TOO MUCH TO ASK??? at 23 seconds in right before the camera cuts u see tessa leaning towards him and i’m not saying that it has to be anything but the camera cuts so we will never know! can u imagine turning on ur tv and being like ooh nationals is on and then seeing this? i just think that no other opening will ever top this one bc they don’t even say anything about the nationals for all i know this could be some ad bc it’s just them goofing around an ice rink but it WORKS and here’s to hoping skate canada will open nationals like this every year bc i would watch the whole thing. when scott tells me to enjoy my commercial break i will gladly do so bc i just witnessed the best 40 seconds in my life.
4. worlds 2017 post fd interview
the real tsco moment starts at 2:02 and even though it is only 15 secs long that 15 secs just extended my life span by 5 years. i watch this daily to get a free boost of serotonin and i highly recommend u do too!
5. the soi proposal
as u can tell, i do not have a video/gif to accompany this bc 1. i do not want to go looking for it 2. like scott, i prefer to think of it as a fever dream. this is hands down the most chaotic thing that vm has ever done and i don’t think i’ll ever recover. the power that that has, the intelligence that that has, the clearance that that has, the access that that has, the influence that that has, the profile that that has, the international implications that that has. omg. it is literally the COLLAPSE of the vm fandom i was watching it in class one day and one of my classmates yelled OH MY GOD SHE PROPOSED TO HIM and started freaking out even though i have mentioned vm probably once to her. 
side note: i didn’t tell her it wasn’t real.
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yasbxxgie · 7 years
Adore or despise them, GIFs are integral to the social experience of the Internet. Thanks to a range of buttons, apps, and keyboards, saying “it me” without words is easier than ever. But even a casual observer of GIFing would notice that, as with much of online culture, black people appear at the center of it all. Or images of black people, at least. The Real Housewives of Atlanta, Oprah, Whitney Houston, Mariah Carey, NBA players, Tiffany Pollard, Kid Fury, and many, many other known and anonymous black likenesses dominate day-to-day feeds, even outside online black communities. Similar to the idea that “Black Vine is simply Vine,” as Jeff Ihaza determined in The Awl, black reaction GIFs have become so widespread that they’ve practically become synonymous with just reaction GIFs.
If you’ve never heard of the term before, “digital blackface” is used to describe various types of minstrel performance that become available in cyberspace. Blackface minstrelsy is a theatrical tradition dating back to the early 19th century, in which performers “blacken” themselves up with costume and behaviors to act as black caricatures. The performances put society’s most racist sensibilities on display and in turn fed them back to audiences to intensify these feelings and disperse them across culture. Many of our most beloved entertainment genres owe at least part of themselves to the minstrel stage, including vaudeville, film, and cartoons. While often associated with Jim Crow–era racism, the tenets of minstrel performance remain alive today in television, movies, music and, in its most advanced iteration, on the Internet.
Unlike other physical executions of blackface (such as by Robert Downey Jr. in Tropic Thunder, Sarah Silverman on her own show, Rachel Dolezal, or the authors of AB to Jay-Z) that require physical alternations and usually a change in demeanor (like Iggy Azalea’s “blaccent”), digital blackface is in some ways a more seamless transformation. Digital blackface uses the relative anonymity of online identity to embody blackness. In the case of Mandi Harrington, a white woman who masqueraded as the fictional “LaQueeta Jones,” digital blackface became a means for her to defend musician Ani DiFranco’s decision to host a retreat at a slave plantation. Digital minstrels often operate under stolen profile pictures and butchered AAVE. Quite often it comes in the form of an excessive use of reaction GIFs with images of black people.
After all, the emotional range these GIFs cover is quite large. Reaction GIFs are generally reserved for oddly specific yet also universal situations that we all can relate to: grabbing a snack to watch some drama unfold with MJ; witnessing an awkward encounter with Hov; walking into a garbage fire with Donald Glover; walking away from one with Angela Bassett; sipping with Wendy, Prince, or Bey; or delivering the shadiest side-eye imaginable with Viola Davis, Rihanna, James Harden, Tamar, Naomi Campbell, and truly too many other folks to name. The so-called “greatest meme of 2016,” at least according to BuzzFeed, featured rapper Conceited in the now-iconic GIF where he purses his lips and turns toward the camera with a red solo cup in hand.
Outside these cherry-picked, celeb-studded examples are countless reaction images of small sensations like Tanisha from Bad Girls Club and Ms. Foxy from Beyond Scared Straight, or relative unknowns, pulled from news coverage, YouTube, and Vines. These are the kind of GIFs liable to come up with a generic search like “funny black kid gif” or “black lady gif.” For the latter search, Giphy offers several additional suggestions, such as “Sassy Black Lady,” “Angry Black Lady,” and “Black Fat Lady” to assist users in narrowing down their search. While on Giphy, for one, none of these keywords turns up exclusively black women in the results, the pairings offer a peek into user expectations. For while reaction GIFs can and do every feeling under the sun, white and nonblack users seem to especially prefer GIFs with black people when it comes to emitting their most exaggerated emotions. Extreme joy, annoyance, anger and occasions for drama and gossip are a magnet for images of black people, especially black femmes.
Now, I'm not suggesting that white and nonblack people refrain from ever circulating a black person’s image for amusement or otherwise (except maybe lynching photos, Emmett Till’s casket, and videos of cops killing us, y’all can stop cycling those, thanks). There’s no prescriptive or proscriptive step-by-step rulebook to follow, nobody’s coming to take GIFs away. But no digital behavior exists in a deracialized vacuum. We all need to be cognizant of what we share, how we share, and to what extent that sharing dramatizes preexisting racial formulas inherited from “real life.” The Internet isn’t a fantasy — it’s real life.
After all, our culture frequently associates black people with excessive behaviors, regardless of the behavior at hand. Black women will often be accused of yelling when we haven’t so much as raised our voice. Officer Darren Wilson perceived a teenage Michael Brown as a hulking “demon”and a young black girl who remained still was flipped and dragged across a classroom by deputy Ben Fields. It's an implication that points toward a strange way of thinking: When we do nothing, we’re doing something, and when we do anything, our behavior is considered "extreme." This includes displays of emotion stereotyped as excessive: so happy, so sassy, so ghetto, so loud. In television and film, our dial is on 10 all the time — rarely are black characters afforded subtle traits or feelings. Scholar Sianne Ngai uses the word “animatedness” to describe our cultural propensity see black people as walking hyperbole.
If there’s one thing the Internet thrives on, it’s hyperbole and the overrepresentation of black people in GIFing everyone’s daily crises plays up enduring perceptions and stereotypes about black expression. And when nonblack users flock to these images, they are playacting within those stereotypes in a manner reminiscent of an unsavory American tradition. Reaction GIFs are mostly frivolous and fun. But when black people are the go-to choice for nonblack users to act out their most hyperbolic emotions, do reaction GIFs become “digital blackface”?
Then comes the more sinister side of this. Similar cases happen all over the comments section virtually anywhere, with or without a photo, often prefaced with statements like “as a black man…” before proceeding to sound like anything but. In other instances, digital blackface is an orchestrated attempt by white supremacists to disrupt black organizing. Writer Shafiqah Hudsonstarted the hashtag #yourslipisshowing to document instances of digital blackface in real time, joined by other black women writers and theorists such as I’Nasah Crockett, Sydette Harry, Mikki Kendall, Trudy, and Feminista Jones. As the name of the tag suggests, online minstrels are no more believable than their in-person counterparts to anyone who knows black culture and black people, rather than a series of types. Unfortunately, digital blackface often goes unchecked unless a black person does the work to point out the discrepancies in someone’s profile.
But while these examples are particularly noteworthy for their malicious intent, digital blackface has softer counterparts, just like offline blackface. Digital blackface does not describe intent, but an act — the act of inhabiting a black persona. Employing digital technology to co-opt a perceived cache or black cool, too, involves playacting blackness in a minstrel-like tradition. This can be as elaborate as anon accounts like @ItsLaQueefa or as inadvertent as recruiting images of black queer men to throw shade at one’s enemies. No matter how brief the performance or playful the intent, summoning black images to play types means pirouetting on over 150 years of American blackface tradition.
Images of black people, more than anyone else, are primed to go viral and circulate widely online — in trauma, in death, and in memes. Reaction GIFs are an uneasy reminder of the way our presence is extra visible in life, every day, in ways that get us profiled, harassed, mocked, beaten, and killed. Long before the Internet or television, merry racist characters like pickaninnies and coons circulated the same social space as lynching postcards. Being on display has always been a precarious experience for black folks. Scholars such as Tina Campt and artists like Martine Syms consider what it means for black images to be reproduced as stock visuals in history and culture. “Representation is a sort of surveillance,” Syms recently told The New Yorker. Reaction GIFing looks less innocuous with the consideration of how overrepresented images of black people have become within the practice.
“[T]o be looped in a GIF, to be put on display as ‘animated’ at the behest of audiences,” as Monica Torres describes for Real Life, is an act with racial history and meaning. These GIFs often enact fantasies of black women as “sassy” and extravagant, allowing nonblack users to harness and inhabit these images as an extension of themselves. GIFs with transcripts become an opportunity for those not fluent in black vernacular to safely use the language, such as in the many “hell to the no,” “girl, bye,” and “bitch, please” memes passed around. Ultimately, black people and black images are thus relied upon to perform a huge amount of emotional labor online on behalf of nonblack users. We are your sass, your nonchalance, your fury, your delight, your annoyance, your happy dance, your diva, your shade, your “yaas” moments. The weight of reaction GIFing, period, rests on our shoulders. Intertwine this proliferation of our images with the other ones we’re as likely to see — death, looped over and over — and the Internet becomes an exhausting experience.
If you find yourself always reaching for a black face to release your inner sass monster, maybe consider going the extra country mile and pick this nice Taylor Swift GIF instead.
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Gifing Prince Music Videos 03. Uptown (1980)
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Gifing Prince Music Videos 01. I Wanna Be Your Lover (1979)
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