solariic · 4 years
gigekitanzan replied to your post “@gigekitanzan​ liked your post “              sometimes y’just wanna...”
"You wanna kiss, I'm offering."
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                “ awfully polite of you. you know how i work. ”
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cottonthumb-archive · 4 years
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@gigekitanzan​ stopped by for a hello:
"I've missed you, mate. If you've the time, how about we hang out a bit?" If you look closely, the grin on Gordie's face is a little more tender than usual.
❦ Milo never was one to turn down company, even in his busiest schedules. Though the last strings of autumn were quickly drawing to their close and he - in turn - had no shortage of mildly urgent matters to wrap up, his most immediate responsibilities became fleeting concerns once Gordie came about.
“Sure!” Milo chimed in all too readily, having also felt the blond’s absence keenly. Realizing his slightly too eager response, Milo was soon tugging his scarf, dabbing his cheek with it, hiding his embarrassed expression behind the gesture. “I mean, yeah. Yeah, I’d really love that, Gordie! I’ve some time today if you’d like to go somewhere, maybe stop for a bite or something...”
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His mind trailed slightly, unable to really pick out something for them to do together. A glance at those tinted blue shades and the soothing smile spread along the other’s lips made such concerns irrelevant. Milo mirrored that expression, softened by it. “... missed you too, though. Missed you an awful lot, actually.”
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glrchmp · 4 years
leon 🤝 gordie. tits.
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darkpulse061 · 4 years
@gigekitanzan​ ♡’ed for a starter  !! (accepting)
On the ‘list of things Piers finds absolutely unbearable’, sitting through the long mandatory meetings (to discuss scheduling, or uniforms, or whatever other completely mundane league business could very easily just be contained in a damned email) has to be top ten, easy.
Even if it’s usually just to spare himself getting chewed out by Oleana for not paying attention, Piers does honestly try to be somewhat present. Or, at least, awake. It doesn’t help that he was seized by inspiration for a song at 2 am the night before and hadn’t realized he didn’t stop to sleep until his alarm to get up for the day was going off. 
He’s able to at least pretend to pay attention for a solid 10 minutes until suddenly it’s an hour later and he’s being woken up by the sound of chairs scraping the floor as everyone else leaves. Shit. There’s one person still here, at least-- he shuffles over, looking more beat than usual.
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❝ Hey. I sorta... zoned out through all a’ that. Y’mind catchin’ me up real quick?❞
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venomousxintent · 4 years
😍 this man could get it.
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“I’m right tickled you think so - Ain’t too bad ya’self...”
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breakingswipe · 4 years
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     @gigekitanzan​​ commented  12. Are there any characters you’re interested in wanting to roleplay as?                                                                       ⊱⊱ Mun Questions ⊰⊰
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12. Are there any characters you’re interested in wanting to roleplay as?       A couple honestly. I do miss the days of rping Maxie, I had so much fun on his old blog but it’s hard to rekindle his muse lately. I have thought of Melony ( ironic since I played Sword ) and Kabu, plus maybe working on some trainer OCs ( I really need to work on Tet’s blog oof ). And well. . . always wanted to get a muse going for Darkrai but I don’t think I could do well with rping a Pokemon alone--especially since I’d like to go more down the Mystery Dungeon path with it and that isn’t a common one used in the fandom. But obviously there is no reason why I’d like Darkrai--not at all
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thegalarghost · 4 years
@gigekitanzan​  ♥ ‘d for a starter!
       ↪ During his gym battles, Allister generally kept his attention forward, easily becoming anxious if he took note of just how many people came to watch these matches. Today though . . . something caught the ghost type gym leader’s attention among the crowd near the end of his bout.         Gordie?
        Allister could have sworn he’d seen the rock-type specialist among the crowd, but what was he doing in Stow-On-Side? It was pretty far from Circhester after all. Even with his curiosity piqued, his focus was still on the match before him, proving to the poor challenging trainer just why someone as young as he was had the right to be called a gym leader. Although he felt a bit of guilt for hindering a challenger’s progress in their gym challenge, there was always a certain pride when he’d win, the faint satisfied smile concealed beneath his mask.        Once back in his locker room, Allister hastily changed out of his gym uniform and into his street clothes and slipped out the back of the gym, hoping he’d be able to find Gordie before he left. After all, it wasn’t often the other gym leaders came by so he may as well take advantage of the opportunity.         Fortunately, it didn’t seem like it would be too hard as Allister’s gaze quickly spotted the other gym leader’s signature coat as he left the stadium. Without his mask, the young trainer easily slipped among the crowd. Once he’d managed to catch up with his fellow gym leader, Allister grasped his sleeve in an attempt to catch his attention, and not lose him in the dispersing crowd.
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       ❝. . . Gordie’s . . . here?❞ Large, violet eyes blinked up toward him as he hoped the other would understand his question, and recognize the boy without his mask. Even as comfortable as he tended to be around the other gym leaders, his voice was often lost if too many other people were around.
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the-great-marsh · 4 years
✔ ✔ ✔✔✔ ✔ ✔✔✔ ✔ ✔✔✔ ✔ ✔✔✔ ✔ ✔✔✔ ✔ ✔✔✔ ✔ ✔✔✔ ✔ ✔✔!!!!!!!! from both my blogs :3
If you enjoy seeing my muses on the dash, send this in! | ACCEPTING
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mononezu · 4 years
26: Something that will never fail to get you horny?
nsfw questions???
26: Something that will never fail to get you horny?
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“Messin’ around in public. Start physically flirtin’ an’ touchin’ when we could get caught? That’ll do it every time.”
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solariic · 4 years
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               normally, piers didn’t exactly advertise himself as a personal ‘ welcome to the queer world ’ committee. sure, he was largely considered a spokesperson for it, an icon to some ( and many tabloids ), and he liked to be friendly and open to anyone newly discovering himself. but this —— he did not do. he didn’t often take out a newly outed guy to a queer bar personally. he’s not usually so... involved.
               but it’s something about the awkward helplessness on a face he so often sees as pointedly confident. or maybe it’s because gordie isn’t just any newly outed guy —— he’s another gym leader. and piers never really knew him very well, never made the effort... but he knows the pressure of the league image. the spikemuth leader is known for this alt image, but gordie might be a bit —— new. maybe piers wants to make the rocky path a little smoother.
               the ice clinks in his glass as piers rotates it gently, slouching forward against the booth table. they’re in the back of the room, whereas piers would typically be right at the bar ( or on stage ), but this is gordie’s show. subdued is best for the first time. “ y’know, queers can smell fear, mate, ” he teases, eyeing gordie’s wafting nerves. “ like sharks. smells like sports locker rooms and heteronormativity. ”
( @gigekitanzan​ )
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cottonthumb-archive · 5 years
❦ The cabin lurched precariously to the right and Milo squeaked with alarm.
The entire ride to Circhester had been like this, most of it he’d spent with his eyes tightly shut and his hands clutching the life out of the taxi’s upholstery. He’d pointedly avoided looking out the window at any moment. The Corviknight overhead squawked in response to the farmer’s Rookidee like squeak and Milo wondered if the Pokémon was concerned for him or teasing him. He reached out one hand to the bag at his side, his fingers resting on the smooth surface of his wrapped up gift. He tried to think of what it’d be like once he landed. Moving his headspace to solid ground would probably help with the panic.
Then the taxi shook and he practically squawked this time.
By the time Milo arrived on the cold northern lands of Circhester, his legs were gelatinous. He looked pale, but still managed to throw a tentative ‘thank you’ back to his driver and the Corviknight. Taking a seat on the nearest bench to gather himself, Milo fumbled to pluck his phone out of the coat’s pocket, not wanting to wake up his Rotom who’d napped the long trip off. Slowly, he typed out his text.
[To Gordie]: Just arrived. I’m taking a bit of a breather by Circhester Station. [To Gordie]: See you in a bit!
He was still shaking - more on account of leftover fear than cold - when he finished. Milo sighed heavily, once more resting a hand onto the bag he’d brought along. Briefly, he wished he could call on one of his partners for some added comfort, but knew that none of them would appreciate the biting chill.
Well... He’d be fine in a bit. There was a birthday to celebrate. He’d come over to meet a dear friend and he’d be up and running in no time to do so!
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glrchmp · 4 years
gigekitanzan replied to your post “        “Hey, there’s only one cis man in the league, and that’s my...”
"Leon, could you please convince Raihan to put his balls in ice for twenty minutes so that we can find out if it makes his pee a slushie?"
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        “... Yeah, all right. Sounds like a plan.”
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"You're not gettin' my rotten egg today, but--!" Here comes two eggs.
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“ Gah – ”  There was a weak tentative to at least protect her face, the egg landing on her elbow instead – but !!
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She is quick enough at least to avoid the second one !
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“ Nice try, colleague ! But that ain’t good ‘nough !! ”
And she’s sending two back herself !
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windscattered · 4 years
gigekitanzan replied to your post: For the longest time my dumb ass read “Circhester”...
you and me both king, i even managed to post fanfic using the misspelling and nobody picked up on it
sdjhjsjkJKSDKG STEALTH 100
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destinycaught · 4 years
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Dash com sometimes scares the jeebies out of me. I don’t know what it is about 5 + people playing a game of telephone, but the few times I’ve been at the center of it I’ve been both excited && terrified. I think it was super weird for me because dash com just was a whole new concept for me. What is okay to comment on? Which should be private ??? 
On that, I feel like there’s a very tiny issue that … people run a poor joke into the ground. Call me a spoilsport, but I feel like there’s only so many ways you can do something before it becomes a little excessive. I think overall it’s been … weird? Things I assume would be discussed by other blogs are surprisingly quiet, but the WEIRDEST shit I say on here is always what circulates like some awful current. Talk about a headache. 
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yourchampion · 4 years
04: A memory that your character cherishes!
Help me develop one thicc himbo
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There are a thousand precious memories that Leon can recall. Despite his sorry sense of direction, his memory is very pristine. Once he learns someone’s name, he never forgets it. When he battles with someone, every detail is taken in. Anything he can use to stay on top of his game. He was just a kid when he became champion. Everyone knows that, sure, but what they may fail to realize... what Leon failed to realize is that at 10 years old his exciting adventure, his childhood, his freedom, his friends and family... all of it was taken from him. Leon became nothing more than his success. The memories of the last decade were of no value to him. If anything, they only cause him nightmares and regret. Some of his most precious memories are from before that time. A time before he was a genius, a role model, a celebrity, a champion. Before, when he was just a kid who loved his pokemon... loved traveling with them and his friends as they all trained together to get better and better. Leon always pushed his friends to be the best they could be... seeing them succeed made him happy. Sonia... Raihan... Charmander. The fun memories and friendships he forged with them are probably what held him together all these years. How Leon longs to return to those happy carefree days. Maybe now he can. 
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