#gimli: i on the other hand need a whole goat to pack enough energy!
Out of all the elves, silvans have the largest appetites.
It’s because they’re constantly moving throught the trees, or dancing, or hunting, or fighting. Basically they are outdoors 24/7.
Their appetites grew even larger during the 3rd age because they are constantly holding back sauron, and the extra stress didn’t help.
Other elves can also eat alot, but because they’re also a lot more scholarly, with entertainment preference being singing and such (as opposed to dancing which is the silvan’s main art) means they do eat less than the silvans.
The only ones who can compete are the avari and the elves back during the age of trees before Orome found them.
So imagine:
Aragorn, Elladan, Elrohir, Legolas: *sitting down in a tavern after an adventure*
Aragorn: *ordering more than even most men eat, but still substantially less than his companions*
Elladan: aww, look at our baby brother, ordering little baby portions!
Elrohir: are you sure you can eat all that? Wouldn’t want to have a tummy ache!
Legolas: *orders 1 of everything they have in the tavern, and even 2 portions of some of it*
The twins: .....
Elrohir: are you sure you can eat all that?
Legolas: *eating all his food, never pausing, but not ravenously shoving it down* i’ll be fine. My sisters eat even more than me. But are you sure you can eat all your food? Wouldn’t want anything to go to waste.
Aragorn: HA.
Erestor: our food supply is even more depleted than usual! We need to stock up.
Elrond: strange. It seems that every time Legolas visits our food supply dwindles ridiculously quickly. But he can’t be the cause. There’s no way an elf could eat that much.
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