#gimme all the period shows with cute romances
eoiris · 4 years
crying because what appears to be the main romance of Penny Dreadful: CoA reminds me of Richard x Julia from Boardwalk Empire,,, MY EMOTIONS
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I suddenly started re-listening to the very first preview of DC tryout of If/Then and I love how everything was slower and quieter and redundant and I can feel the audience being so so confused (they didn’t even know there’d be two storylines in this show... poor guys)
I wish the very first version of the libretto is somehow leaked... I need it...
Anyway here’s some random thoughts about this version
(I’m pretty sure the quotes are wrong because my ears can’t understand English properly)
(and I’m pretty sure I’ve made this kind of posts several times before but it’s years ago on my another blog so I hope no one remembers)
Lucas: “don’t ask her rhetorical questions. she’ll do the math”
I always wonder why they changed Beth being her college nickname to just a “serious name”, but I guess it’s because they wanted to make it clear that both Liz and Beth verses are her brand new life
Liz: “does she (Kate) do this all the time?” Anne: “just a tip of the iceberg!!!” (I’m pretty sure this isn’t the correct quote)
I like that they changed some of Beth’s solo parts in MoNY to ensemble’s parts because I adore the ensemble in this song (so I will forever complain about how they cut the best ensemble part from this song on the tour... why Michael why Brian why Tom??? I’m glad in the published libretto they put it back where it came from)
Lucas uses a cab to rush to Beth but can’t pay
Most of the interactions between Beth and Lucas were rewritten and I can see they worked a lot on these characters to make them not too unlikable but not too likable (does this make sense???)
Lucas: “I feel like you get meeeee”
Lucas & David ANMMH duet. period.
Elena do the same thing with Beth as Beth did when Stephen told her romance the site or whatever
Story of Jane is such a fun song (but I know NMWT works much much better and Brian why did you think it’s a good idea to give her another name when she already had two)
also this song was the counterpart of It’s A Sign in Liz verse
Anne’s whistle
I’m still confused what’s going on with the scene with Stephen in hospital
“dun dun” the world changes cue hasn’t been invented yet except in Surprise
also every scene changes sound too quiet without that cue and the Liz/Beth motif
“Lucas and I... we’re in love with being young” (I’m not sure that’s what she said but my ears heard it like that)
I love that Kate proposes Anne in both Liz and BETH verses. I wish it was kept in the final version
act 2
Right nooooow right heeeeere I don’t like this song. It didn’t really work.
The fact that they moved the plane accident episode from the beginning of Act 2 to the later scene tells how they didn’t write this show to tell a story... or stories... or even characters... because all the scenes and changes really make sense if you think about this show as, quoting the earliest tagline, a “musical about how choice and chance collide"... This show is about concepts. The plane scene was moved, not because it was needed to move the story forward or develop the characters, but to make it a bigger and more reasonable impact that affects the characters’ lives and choices to tell about choices and chances... ok I stop blabbering nonesense
Here I Go reprise after Hey Kid. I know it’s not necessary but still it’s cute and it’s always nice to have a reprise
*the audience laughs during I Hate You* YOU DON’T KNOW WHAT’S COMING (it’s like people laughing before He’s Not Here in N2N)
btw someone near the master of this audio is definitely sleeping. I hear your zzzing!!!
the intern “Dr. Vaaaaaaughn???? fiiiiiiive minutes??? .... yEA”
This isn’t about the DC version but the BW previews but I’m still sad they cut the second Beth verse from YLTLW and never put it back even in the published libretto... I really loved how it transits from one universes to another by “Beth goes to bed alone and then Liz falls asleep alone”
I somehow love this part inthe old version of the lyrics “I stumble upon the long-lost set of chess”
but if they kept it people would have made tons of Chess The Musical jokes
well Idina was in it
Beth: “fuck sweet”
I much much prefer the new NMWT and LWYC but I love when Anne sings “be my wife” in this old version
also Jenn Colella had more solos
tbh I’m still confused their marriage status
tbh I’m still confused with the whole Act 2. Because I don’t have the script. gimme the script.
I think the orchestration was much simpler than the final version? I’m not sure I’m not music expert, but it sounded less layered and simple
I love What If and I know it works better in the show, but I really love If I Told You (or whatever it was called)... at least I wish Tyler McGee aka Sexy Guitar Guy had more solos.
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dangermousie · 5 years
The Usual Shows I am Watching List
For the next week or so at least (obviously, I am unlikely to watch every single one on the list, but they are all in the running; it’s like a preview for posts I am likely to make).
The Abyss (Korea) - I am a few eps behind and, frankly, the drama about two dead people brought back into different bodies, hunting a serial killer and finding love, should be more engaging and smarter than it is, but it’s a pleasant easy watch and I am very fond of the two leads.
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Angel’s Last Mission (Korea) - I am only two eps in, but the gorgeous intensity reminds me of old-school kdrama melos that I love so much. A bitter blind ballerina and an angel who is supposed to help her find love but falls for her instead is probably doomed for disaster in terms of happy ending, but I will be eating up all the pain!
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Arthdal Chronicles (Korea) - grim (but not too grim) cool and otherwordly fantasy. I still don’t care for any characters, but the drama itself is great to watch.
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Cage of Love (China) - surprisingly, not a BDSM tale. Hawick Lau wears amazing outfits and seeks revenge while trying to clear himself from being framed on a regular basis and dealing with heroine who sometimes loves him and sometimes thinks he is the resident serial killer. I started it years ago and now feel like continuing.
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The Crowned Clown (Korea) - I need a sageuk in my life and watching Yeo Jin Gu in the pretty inferior Absolute Boyfriend made me remember how impressed I was by him playing both a psycho king and a sweet acrobat doppleganger who replaces him, so I restarted it.
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Good Omens (UK) - loved the book when I read it a gazillion years ago and the first ep was good!
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Heart of Stone/Hua Jai Sila (Thailand) - basically a 1980s romance crack about a pimp who comes back for revenge on his stepmom and falls for his childhood friend, this is insane! But addictive! Also make-outs!
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Here to Heart (China) - it’s on my list and I may or may not get to it. I like the angsty premise and credits (they used to be lovers until she broke his heart in what I am sure is either a misunderstanding or noble idiocy), now he is mega rich and she is hired as his assistant, but Zhang Han has never clicked with me for some reason. He’s good-looking, he’s an OK actor, but for whatever reason he just doesn’t have that “it” for me. Maybe this drama will change that. 
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Just Between Lovers (Korea) - when it was airing and people were falling madly in love with it, I was in a kdrama slump that no kdrama could cure. But now - oh, this is so achingly, perfectly, emotionally gorgeous. Only one ep in, but I already know this will be a keeper.
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Kimse Bilmez (Turkey) - the one Turkish entry on this list! Starts on Tuesday, promises angst, women in danger, macho traditional men who defend them blah blah blah. As a modern feminist, I should probably be appalled, but I like what I like and gimme gimme gimme!
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Le Coup de Foudre (China) - I just want to see the aristocrat daughter and the hot constable from An Oriental Odyssey be an OTP, all right?
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Legend of Fuyao (China) - am on ep 22 I think. It’s pretty and shippy and I won’t stay awake freaking out about characters or plot twists, but watching Ethan Ruan worship the ground Yang Mi walks on never gets old.
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Legend of the Phoenix (China)  - on ep 4! Get subbed quicker for my sanity, pls. Love story, scheming courtiers, angst, period costumes. What more does a girl need? Jeremy Tsui looking scrumptious, apparently.
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The Legends (China) - finally hit ep 20! I like it and it’s a relaxing, fun, cute watch. Though if Zhao Yao figures out Demon Boy likes her before at least a dozen eps pass, despite him doing everything but carving “I love Zhao Yao” into his chest, I would faint from shock.
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Letting You Float Like a Dream (China) - I am excited Young Lord from Minglan gets to be the hero of his own story and get the girl he wants (even if he has to reincarnate a couple of times first), plus look cool in 1930s duds. This is very much my thing.
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Likit Ruk/The Crown Princess (Thailand) - sometimes a lady just wants to watch a good, old-fashioned princess x bodyguard romance, especially when said princess and bodyguard are hot enough to set the Chao Praya river on fire.
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Listening Snow Tower (China) - on ep 38 now. Gorgeous visuals, awesome fights, and the Victorian duality of the chaste and almost unspoken but frighteningly intense romance is so my jam. But if they kill the hero, I will riot. Let him and Lady Badass wuxia into sunset together, pls. 
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My Absolute Boyfriend (Korea) - I am all up to date with this one. Which is weird because I am not up to date on other dramas I like more. This is a giant meh emotionally, and wastes some really good actors, but it is so good-naturedly unoffensive, I can’t even complain. Still, perhaps the story of a lady buying a lovebot should have stayed solely in manga form because I’ve never seen an amazing adaptation of it.
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Pretty Man (China) - I liked the first ep, and you have no idea how rare it is for me to say that about a contemporary cdrama. Childhood loves who find second chances yes pls.
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Princess Silver (China) - Yuu Watase, is that you? Did you write this? Cracky, not too serious, but seriously addictive, this is a chocolate bon bon in drama form. PS Pls cure the prince of his touch phobia through LOTS of skinship, princess!
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Siege in Fog (China) - romantic dysfunction reigns supreme, even more so than gorgeous 1930s outfits and people. Elvis Han and Sun Yi boil my blood in amazingly pleasant ways as two people in a marriage of inconvenience, where he pines for her but won’t show it and she loves another, until she wakes up and realizes that HELLO IT’S SEX ON LEGS ELVIS, I NEED TO GET SOME OF THAT! And the civil war says, “not so fast!”
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Too Late To Say I Love You (China) - I started it years ago when it was not fully subbed and loved it because in my secret heart-of-hearts, I too want a mega hot warlord who looks like Wallace Chung and has stylish 1930s cars and a private army to sweep me off my feet and obsess over me in an unhealthy but hormonally incredible fashion as if I am the only woman in the world. SiF reminded me of this so here we are. 
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Tried and dropped:
The Plough Department of Song Dynasty (China) - watched one episode, felt my brain leaking out of my ears and bailed. Granted, I watch plenty of dumb stuff so far be it from me to act high and mighty about a bit of brainless fun, but I don’t like mysteries, there was no angst, and I couldn’t care less if all the characters fell into a giant pit, so here we go...
Well Intended Love (China) - people didn’t like it because the male lead was a sociopath. I didn’t like it because it was cutesy and boring and nobody in it  bothered to act (or couldn’t.) I bailed long before the dysfunction, that’s how bored I was. 
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gaybyevening · 5 years
edeleth writing exercise
once in a while to get over writer’s block i do this exercise where i shuffle my playlist and write something about my chosen pairing, based on the song, and only through the duration of the song! it’s a lot of fun.
i wanted to do something for Valentine’s Day, but... huh. I don’t know. Maybe if I put my intentions out there I’ll be more motivated to follow through, who knows.
i think i’ll do another instalment of this in edeleth and doropetra and then i’ll write something more substantial in honour of valentines day. who knows. not me.
warning for nsfw content (nothing major though. no smut. maybe smut-adjacent)
1.    Aly & AJ – Take Me
Edelgard will not apologise for her crude language, and it needs saying: Byleth makes her horny. The attraction isn’t entirely physical, of course, but right here, right now, she just wants Byleth to push her against the door and devour her whole.
The problem is… she doesn’t actually know what they are. They’ve been texting back and forth for a few months; they’ve hung out (alone, she should add) multiple nights every week, and… huh. It’s kind of frustrating. Does Byleth not see how much Edelgard wants her?
 2.    5 Seconds of Summer – She’s Kinda Hot
Edelgard has a folder in her phone, full of candid photos of Byleth, sent to her by her friends. So far the most prolific contributor is Dorothea, followed closely by Ferdinand, of all people (and much to her horror. How could Ferdinand, of all people, notice her crush on Byleth? It’s okay, Edelgard thinks, because she can retaliate by sending him pictures of Hubert during their study groups.)
(Unfortunately, even Petra, Linhardt and Bernadetta have joined in on the fun.)
It’s two in the morning and there’s a text from an unknown number. It’s a picture of Byleth in her glasses, descaling a fish with stern concentration all over her face. There’s a blur of green near the edge of the picture.
Greetings, Edelgard. I thought you’d appreciate this.
Oh, no. Not Flayn.
 3. The Turtles — Makin’ My Mind Up
Her suitcase is filled to overflowing with her clothes and other knick-knacks that have brought her joy over the years. The day is finally here: she’s finally able to run away with her beloved, just the two of them.
Byleth had brought her to the countryside once six months previously to look at the small and humble cottage they were going to move into soon, and the thought of a simple live delighted her to no end.
Days of idle and nothing nothing nothing with Byleth and maybe her friends whenever they stop by.
 4. Elvis Presley — It’s Still Here
It’s hard to be broken up and stay broken up when the ex-girlfriend involved is your bodyguard. Edelgard feels a migraine fading into existence as she sits at some corporate event, Byleth by her side.
She looks away when she catches Byleth’s eyes, her own face becoming redder. It’s the same look she’s given when they’re about to absolutely desecrate Rhea’s office.
 5. Sleater Kinney — Gimme Love
There’s a desperation to how Byleth peppers small kisses down her girlfriend’s neck. Perhaps it’s the fact that Rhea may enter her office at any second. Perhaps it’s the fact that they haven’t done this in a few months.
Perhaps it’s the fact that she still doesn’t know what any of this means.
“Byleth, I think I l-” Edelgard is cut off by Byleth’s lips on hers. Well, she never finished that thought anyway.
 6. The Cure — Secrets
In the dead of night Byleth strokes the side of Edelgard’s cheek and the younger woman stirs, slowly opening her eyes.
“Yes, my dear?” she asks.
“Nothing. I’m sorry for waking you up,” Byleth answers with a kiss on her cheek.
Edelgard wants to snuggle into Byleth’s chest, but perhaps the grogginess isn’t letting her. Perhaps it’s something else, she doesn’t currently have the mental capacity to analyse every single action. That can happen when the sun is up.
Byleth sighs. In a few moments she will dress and slip out and into her own bed.
 7. Brian Eno — Shell
 Little Maude laughs as she picks up another seashell and puts it into her bucket. She inspects it and deems her collection sufficient and waddles towards her parents, handing her bucket to Byleth.
“Make my castle pretty, please Mama, Mommy,” she says with her best puppy-dog eyes, and Edelgard starts arranging Maude’s seashells on the girl’s sandcastle.
 8. Lush — Desire Lines
Byleth murmurs in her sleep. Edelgard finds that out the third time Byleth sleeps over, much to her delightful surprise. The older woman is almost always composed and cool that at first Edelgard almost bursts out laughing when she realises it’s Byleth making small noises.
“You murmur in your sleep,” Edelgard says the next morning with a gentle, mirthful smile. “It’s very cute.”
There’s a blush forming across Byleth’s cheeks, red almost as furious as Edelgard’s covers.
(A few nights later she finds out Edelgard lightly snores in her sleep if she is very thoroughly exhausted.)
 9. Julie London — Easy Street
 There’s a signature frantic knock on the door. Edelgard knows instantly who it is. “Go away, Ferdinand,” she sniffles.
“Edelgard, I still don’t have your part of the assignment yet, and it’s due in two hours,” he says, a hint of panic in his voice.
“And if you’d let me talk, you’d know she’s sick today and has passed her part onto me,” Edelgard hears Hubert’s voice in the hallway.
“Ah! My apologies, Hubert. You know this class is important to me and I forgo any thinking at the thought of missing deadlines for it.”
“It’s quite alright, Ferdinand; although, you can make it up to me by buying me my favourite coffee.” Edelgard is absolutely disgusted. She’s alone this Valentine’s Day and the two are out there… doing that? Unacceptable—
She receives a text from Byleth. All is well again.
 10. Years & Years — If You’re Over Me
This what-are-we relationship is going to be the death of her, someday. Technically, they’re broken up. They’ve been broken up for almost half a year now. (And yet, in that period, they have slept together a total of fifteen times. Shamefully, Edelgard has kept count.)
There’s just… something absolutely irresistible about Byleth in her bodyguard uniform, looking all stoic, accompanying her everywhere.
She’ll continue thinking later. For now, all her focus is on Byleth and her lips on Edelgard’s clavicle.
 11. Purity Rings — Shuck
The only light in the room is from the moon, shining through the curtains. It hits gently on Edelgard’s face, and Byleth stops her ministrations for a while to admire her wife’s face. All she can think is beautiful beautiful beautiful and all she wants right now is to let Edelgard know that she is utterly and thoroughly loved: the good and bad parts.
Byleth smiles, all happiness and love, and continues undressing her wife and she is stuck in worship all night.
 12. Hayley Kiyoko — Ease My Mind
Edelgard has been weird all month. Dorothea can see that. She’s been smiling at her phone, and yet weirdly refuses to share what’s so funny. She’s been sneaking around the post-grad dorms early in the morning and in the dead of night.
“Edie, can I talk to you about that assignment from last week? I can’t seem to find the right answer for this question right here…” Dorothea rambles, while a shadow sneaks behind Edelgard.
“Dorothea, who is this B.E. person? They seem to be sending lewd texts to Edelgard.”
“You roped Petra into this?”
 13. The Radio Dept — This Time Around
They shouldn’t even be here.
Here is the ruins of a monastery ruined by a war thousands of years ago. Byleth doesn’t know how she ended up here. (It’s the voice in her head. The same one that screams that this face is a familiar one.)
“Come here, Kid! I got something to show you,” Jeralt’s gruff voice snaps her out of her thoughts.
“Miss von Hresvelg?” A man’s voice carries through the grounds and everything grinds to a halt.
 14. Derek & the Dominos — I Am Yours
Byleth is in Brigid to consult on something. That is, at first. One thing led to another and she’s stuck there for another month. This would be a total disaster had it not been the letters they’ve sent each other back and forth.
As it is, it has been two weeks since the last letter and Edelgard is on the edge of her seat waiting for the next one. She’s been restless, every day asking Hubert for any new correspondence.
“I truly do miss her,” Edelgard says, sipping her tea.
That comment broke Dorothea. “Goddess, Edie, just text her like a normal person, I’m begging you.”
 15. Sparklehorse — Heart of Darkness
Byleth has an unbeating heart and a darkness that follows her wherever she goes. She also has a goddess’s voice berating her when she misses the chance to kiss Edelgard.
As it stands, everything is alright, she reckons. Edelgard isn’t in the best place for romance: she’s busy with her final year project thesis and she’s in preparation to inherit her family’s company.
She’ll just be there, a shoulder to lean on, when Edelgard is tired from carrying the weight of the world.
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updownleftgone · 5 years
I was tagged by the awesome @skye-maxwell to do this thing so here we go :3
Rules: Copy/paste and bold your fic preferences and tag some more people!
Slow burn or love at first sight?
It honestly depends on the day I’m having, but slow burns are imo where the most character development happens, and yes please give me that sweet sweet juicy character development. 
Fake dating or secretly dating?
Bonus points if literally everyone knows but the two people are completely oblivious. Bonus bonus points if the couple gets extremely nervous telling the others but they’re all just like “meh, it been knew sweeties”. 
Enemies to lovers or friends to lovers?
My demisexual butt is self projecting here, but yes please no make the cute couple be mad at each other ;-; 
“Oh no there’s only one bed” or long distance correspondence?
LOOK - I love me a one bed fic but I’m also an angsty mother f-er. Phone chats can genuinely be the cutest thing ok.
Hurt/comfort or amnesia?
Recency bias here since I just wrote an amnesia fic, but honestly I think I’m just a little burnt out on hurt/comf lol. But hey, I’d read or write either. 
Fantasy au or modern au?
I love to see relatable characters running around the world doing the same “WHAT THE HECC IS GOING ON” that I do. 
Mutual pining or domestic bliss?
Smut or fluff?
Not a huge smut person but please giveth upon me a fic that will make me laugh and say “AWW” in public. 
Canon complement/missing scenes or fix it?
As Skye said in her answer, FIX THE NEED OF MORE GAY! 
Alternate universe or future fic?
This is a rough one because I like both but I love me a good “and this is what happened after these dorks defeated a ruthless god” fic. 
One-shot or multi-chapter?
I’ve been reading/writing a lot more one-shots recently since that’s what I have the time for, but multi-chapters always seem to stick with me better. I love me well explained and drawn out plots and further character development and all that sweet juicy stuff you can’t do in 2k words. I do enjoy me my one-shots, though. 
Kid fic or road trip fic?
‘“moM CAN WE GET MCDONALDS???” screamed the fully grown adult man to the girl driving, while the other fully grown adult man egged him on. 
“Fine. Just this once,” said the girl who was around a year younger than the men, as she turned the car into the parking lot after 12 hours behind the wheel.’
Honestly, who needs kids?
Reincarnation or characters death?
I’ve haven’t read much reincarnation fics, but I’m not against it. Then again gimme my sad stuff dangit. 
Arranged marriage or accidental marriage?
Not much of a marriage fic person period but ??? How do you accidentally get married??? I want to know and I want a fic about it  w h a t. 
Neighbors or roommates?
High school romance or middle-aged romance?
I just got out of high school last year, so I feel a bit odd about high school romance fics, but I’m also not a huge fan of middle-aged fics. I guess I’m actually somewhere inbetween but I write/read more high school/college fics so...
Time travel or isolated together?
I want two idiots barreling through time, fighting crime, and slowly falling in love is that too much to ask??? 
Sci-fi or magic au?
I literally just can’t choose between these two. I thought about it all morning at work. Just combine magic and sci-fi and you will literally see me drooling over a fic. 
Body swap or genderbend?
Oh my gosh and when no one around them knows and they both gotta take the other’s position for a little while leading to a better understanding of each other’s lives and HOW CAN YOU NOT FALL IN LOVE?? 
Angst or crack?
I love, love, loveeee me a good crack fic but I read and write so much more angst. Oops my MCR is showing as is my teenage angst. 
Apocalyptic or Mundane?
I have always loved apocalyptic books, ever since I was a kid. World changing events and how seeing how people make characters react to them is just so much fun imo... well maybe not for them, but for us it is. Mundane is also nice though. 
Reading back through this I realize I’d probably just read anything you give me lol. Not a picky reader here.
And now to tag some other players:
Considering Days Without Nights is probably the biggest exception to most of my answers, imma tag @angevon! (Unless you’ve already done this or don’t want to ofc!) 
Also anyone who sees this and wants to do it feel free to do it and say I tagged you lol. 
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mageyewoqirife · 6 years
Fixing a Broken Heart
Read on AO3
Inspired by this post by gale-of-the-nomads
Chapter 1
“She's just so perfect…” With a dreamy sigh and far off look in his green eyes, Adrien sat back against the cafe seat. His friends watched him with wide eyes, unsure of how to react to this new bit of information. Nino just stared at his best friend who supposedly had a crush on some beauty that he mentioned through the years on occasion, but for some reason today he seemed overcome with his love for the mysterious girl. All they can get out of him is that they met through work and have known each other for two years during which they have done their best to see each other at least once a week.
Alya's eyes swept over to Marinette who was looking down at the ground, the smallest of frowns on her lips. Heart breaking for her best friend while the boys remain oblivious, Alya opens her mouth to comfort Marinette, but gets cut off instead by a too cheerful voice.
“You should tell her! I mean - Any girl would be lucky to seen you, Adrien. I mean, to be seeing you. I mean, be Seen by you!” She closes her eyes and takes a deep breath before trying again. “You deserved to be happy with the one you love.”
Alya looks startled at Marinette encouraging Adrien to pursue another girl and makes a note to have a very interesting conversation with her later. Nino just seems confused, but goes with the flow. After all, his best friend is pretty awesome and he wants his friend to be happy. If dating this mystery girl makes him so content, then he should give it a go.
Adrien seems blissfully unaware of the check age in Marinette's emotional state or Alya glaring at him. He gives Marinette a dazzling smile that makes her heart pick up speed and thanks her. His eyes sparkle as he agrees and says he will bring it up next time they meet.
Lunch period came to a close and they began their truck back to school. Nino and Adrien took the lead, holding the doors open for the girls before sinking into a comfortable conversation that didn't interest their companions. In fact, Alya only had one topic on her mind.
“What are you playing at, girl! The last thing you should be doing if you want to be with Adrien is telling him to ask someone else out! What were you thinking?!” Concern mixed with curiosity in Alya's voice as she questioned her best friend. For two years Marinette had been crazy over Adrien so why was she backing off now.
“Alya, I want him to be happy. Yes, I love him, but he has been clear that we are just friends. As his friend, the most loving thing I can do is encourage him to be happy. He made his choice and I want to support it.” Marinette felt like this was a sign she was starting to mature and finally find a little bit of stability in the emotions that controlled her instead of blindly following her hormone driven feelings. Being Ladybug forced her to grow up and make difficult decisions. Time to make another. “I'm Adrien's good friend. Nothing more.”
Recognizing that her best friend had made up her mind, Alya simply let the subject drop for now. She would talk to the others in the class and maybe come up with a plan. Marinette was not good at following her own advice at all. She deserved to be happy too, but her sweet friend was willing to sacrifice her own happiness to give Adrien his own.
Every girl in their class wanted to help get them together. They make a plan to hang out that weekend at Juleka's place and invite Marinette to hopefully talk some sense in the girl. Rose starts planning, her romantic nature taking charge as she maps out Adrien and Marinette’ future relationship.
That weekend, most of the girls in their class find themselves tucked away on Juleka's house boat, giggling and having a blast ignoring their cares. The room is filled with carefree laughter and playful bantering when Marinette arrives, late as usual. Alya waves her over to sit on the floor between her and Rose who is chatting happily about the latest celebrity romance she noticed and how positively sweet it was seeing them together and so in love!
Marinette rolled her eyes and slid down to the floor, gently resting her purse holding Tikki beside her and rolls her eyes as the conversation shifts to the most popular (not) relationship in Paris: Ladybug and Chat Noir.
No matter how many times she denies it as Ladybug, people love to speculate about her and her silly kitty together. Seriously, the only way she could think that she could ever get out of it was to show up with a ring on her finger and Adr-... A random, non existent man on her arm. For so long, that man had soft golden locks and curious green eyes with a smile that made her swoon. Now, her future was tall and faceless standing next to her. A twinge of sadness made her lip twitch downward, but she squashed the flicker of emotion down and forced a smile. The future was simply unwritten and one day, she would meet her perfect match. One day.
“They have to have at least kissed or something. I mean, they have been partners for two years, both of them chase each other the city in skin tight suits and Chat Noir isn't exactly shy about what he wants.” Alix never did let anything hold her back from saying what was on her mind.
Alya shakes her head with a knowing smile on her face. “Don't we all wish. I'm all for Ladybug and Chat Noir getting together, but Ladybug still denies it. Best we can do is hope for the future. Trust me, if it happens, it will be all over my Ladyblog!” Marinette knows Alya was a fan in an out of the mask. As Rena Rouge, she tries her hand at matchmaking between the two super heros just like she does with Marinette and Adrien. If only she knew she was trying to set up her best friend with two different guys. Every time Rena Rouge gets Ladybug alone for a minute, she makes a quick joke or a suggestive comment, but the answer never changs.
Marinette grins at her own private knowledge of the whole situation and proud that her best friend chooses truth over gossip. Rose notices her grin and calls her out “Marinette, don't you think they would be sooooo cute together?” Hearts swim in Rose's eyes, imagining what she sees as the ultimate super romance.
Marinette just brushes it off, used to it by now. After all, Nadja Chamack has been trying to catch them together since that first live interview and rumors are harder to kill than cockroaches. “I think Ladybug and Chat Noir have enough going on without adding a relationship.” No one needed to know just how aware she was that neither hero had never had a serious relationship.
The conversation melts into a comfortable chatter or relationships and innocent gossip until Alix speaks up with a new suggestion: “Let's play Marry-Kiss-Kill!”
All the girls look around at each other before nodding at the simple game. They have played it before, but the combinations were endless so it never got old and several times it got one of them to admit a crush that no one knew about. “I'll start,” Alex said. “Gimme my names.”
“Max, Kim, Nathaniel”
“Easy, keep that order. Marry Max because those brains are bound to get him a good job, kiss Kim because his face would be hilarious and sorry Nathaniel. Bye bye. Rose, Juleka, your turn! Rose, Sabrina and Marinette.”
Juleka always blushes when given Rose, but she played along. “Marry Rose, kiss Marinette and kill Sabrina. Sorry.” Rose beam, happy with the answer and Marinette was simply happy she lived through the round. Now it was Juleka's turn to assign names. She always gives easy ones. “Mylene: Ivan, Nino and Adrien.”
“Marry Ivan of course,” Mylene doesn't hesitate about marrying her boyfriend of two years, but the others take a second to choose. “Kiss Adrien and kill Nino. Sorry Marinette and Alya.” She grins wide, tapping her chin with a finger until she points at Rose. “Alya, Chloe and Juleka”
“Well, Juleka is already marrying me. I'd rather kiss Alya, so kill Chloe” Beaming, she takes her pick, looking at the Ladyblogger and shifts the game from classmates to a whole new genre. “Alya, get to choose Rena Rouge, Carapace and Queen Bee!” Everybody waits eagerly for Alya's answer, but they didn't expect her to laugh.
“Easy. Carapace gets to marry me.” Alya wiggles her eyebrows suggestively, knowing full well who is behind the mask. “Rena Rogue gets the kiss because she is a foxy lady and I guess Queen Bee takes the fall.” Marinette grins, laughing quietly that Alya would rather kiss herself than Chloe.
“Marinette: Ladybug, Rena Rouge and Chat Noir.” Marinette's laugh died on her lips and frowned. She didn't want to kill any of them. Then again, she didn't want to kiss or marry herself or Alya, but her friends didn't know her personal connections. It gets quiet and Marinette realizes they are all waiting on her to answer, but this just wasn't fair. How could she chose between herself and her two best friends on either side of the mask!?
“I guess marry Rena Rouge.” Marinette did catch her best friend beam as soon as she spoke. “Can't I just kiss them both? I don't want to kill either of them.” This game was no longer fun. The other encouraged her to just pick, unaware of the war inside her. Deciding on who she would rather survive, Marinette answered honestly.
“Kiss Chat Noir, kill Ladybug.” Everyone froze. After a beat, they all spoke at once.
“You would kill Ladybug!?”
“But she can do her Miraculous Recovery magic thing and fix anything”
“You like Chat Noir enough to kiss him?”
“Ladybug…” “Chat…” “Marinette!”
Marinette flushed red, knowing none of them could understand and she couldn't possibly explain properly, but she did try the best she could. “I just think that's the way Ladybug would want it to happen. She would rather let her partner live even if it means she has to go.” The others forgot the game and started deliberating the three themselves. Some chose to kill Rena Rouge. Some chose to kill Chat Noir. No one else chose Ladybug.
Marinette decided she needed to walk about and get some fresh air and maybe a glass of water. Her thoughts followed her as she walked out, barely noticed by the others in their new heated conversation. The sixteen year old girl made her way to the kitchen and filled a glass with water before walking out on the desk and closing her eyes to the feel of a fresh breeze.
The cool air helped clear her mind along with a sweet melody playing from some unknown place. The music surrounds her and she lets her mind go blank, simply feeling each note and letting it wash over her.
“Hello, Ma-Ma-Marinette.”
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flippyspoon · 6 years
Hey Flippy, I've had a horrible week and just wanna feel normal again with some Billy & Steve angst turned to fluff?
I’m sorry these things take me so long, friend. I hope you see this and you like it!
The Full Steve Harrington Experience
Once Steve fell in love with Billy, he immediately became terrified of losing him like he’d lost Nancy. One day at lunch he heard Jonathan say something about “learning from past mistakes” sort of sarcastically in reference to…Steve didn’t even remember, but the idea had stuck with him when he thought about Billy which was almost all the time.
He had to learn from his past mistakes which had been…what.
Nancy had told him he was bullshit, Steve thought that was bullshit. But Nancy had not loved him and now Steve wondered if it was because he’d come on too strong all along, been too clingy.
He wouldn’t do that again. Besides, if anyone didn’t want some clingy, sappy boyfriend it was probably Billy Hargrove, Steve reasoned. Billy Hargrove, who had been very edgy about going from fucking to dating, the fucking coming after a period of weird but meaningful friendship.
So Steve made a plan. He stopped seeking out Billy between classes, stopped always saying goodbye before he went home after school. They made dates and made love and it was good and Steve did his best to tamp down the wild passionate feeling inside him that made him want to find Billy in the halls and whisper something dirty or sweet in his ear and pull him into broom closets and leave him love notes and hold him under the bleachers and be away from him as little as possible…
Play it cool, he told himself constantly. You’ll drive him away otherwise.
Steve was not great at playing it cool when he was actually in love but he was great at playing it cool when he just wanted to fuck around so he pretended they were just fucking around and gave it his best shot.
It didn’t seem to be enough. Billy seemed agitated lately and insisted it wasn’t about his dad or anything like that. He seemed agitated with Steve and wouldn’t say why.
So Steve ignored him more.
And when Billy showed up leaning against Steve’s car smoking from time to time just to shoot the shit or was tapping his foot next to Steve’s locker, Steve was elated but he tried very hard to play it cool.
Billy still seemed unhappy though and Steve didn’t know what to do.
“Where you been Harrington?” Billy said.
Steve was in town, ambling down the sidewalk off Hawkin’s main drag and Billy had spotted him from the across the street and come jogging over nearly getting hit by a couple cars that honked before he flipped them off. “You quarantined or some shit? You’re never around. Fuck.”
Steve didn’t know how to play this. Billy seemed casual and yet also edgy like he’d been lately.
“Oh ya know.” Steve shrugged. “I’m just…doin’ my thing.”
“Just doing your thing?” Billy sneered at him.
“Yeah.” Steve shoved his hands in his pockets. “Do you…want to do something later?”
“Yeah!” Billy’s eyebrows rose. “I mean sure. Yeah.”
“Okay, well, ya know,” Steve said. “Gimme a call or whatever.”
Billy’s face fell and Steve turned and started walking down the street again.
“YOU’RE A FUCKING DICKHEAD!” Billy shouted behind him. Something light but sharp smacked the back of Steve’s head (mercifully his hair cushioned the blow) and he picked Billy’s half-empty pack of cigarettes up off the sidewalk and frowned at Billy who looked very upset as he stood there on the sidewalk glaring at Steve, his mouth half-collapsed as if he might burst into tears at any time.
“What the hell?” Steve said.
“Is this payback?” Billy said, stomping up to him. “Just tell me! Is this payback for beating you up all that time ago?” His eyes shut when he said as if he couldn’t bear to think of it.
“Is what payback?” Steve said, completely baffled.
“You make me fall in love with you and then you act like it’s all nothing?” Billy’s breath caught and he looked away. “I mean I’m an asshole okay, but that’s fucking cold-”
“What? No! I didn’t…I…I’ve been trying to give you space,” Steve said helplessly. “If that’s what you mean. Trying to be, ya know, cool about it. I dunno!”
“Space?” Billy’s nose scrunched up. Steve would’ve thought it was cute except that Billy seemed so upset. “Space for what!”
“I- I…dunno!” Steve threw up his hands. “For you to…do your thing?”
“What’re these things that we’re doing?” Billy said. “What’re you talking about? Ya know, I’ve talked to Wheeler, alright? She says dating you is like dating the fucking king of romance. You were all over her, couldn’t leave her alone. So romantic, like you couldn’t live without her! Full Steve Harrington Experience, she calls it!”
Steve blinked at him, his cheeks red. “Um…”
Billy shoved him and he fell back a step. “WHERE’S MY FULL STEVE HARRINGTON EXPERIENCE, HUH!”
“Jesus!” Steve glanced around. They were not in a heavily populated part of town but to be on the safe side he grabbed Billy’s arm and led him into an alley. He took a breath and ran a hand through his hair, trying to sum up words, he was so astonished. “Look, I…I just didn’t think you wanted that kind of…thing.”
Billy rolled his eyes and kept them on the sky for a moment as if seeking strength. “Harrington…I know you’re a total sap, alright? You’re a preppy…dorky…well, badass too and… But that’s what I signed up for! You’re just…. You’re…. For some goddamn reason I can’t stop thinking about you and all the ridiculous shit you do just seems cute like even how you’re so picky about your pizza and you whine if the mushrooms were canned! Why the fuck does that matter? But it just does!  And you’re driving me insane? So if you don’t give a shit just tell me now ‘cause I can’t take much more of this!”
Steve didn’t realize he was grinning as he watched Billy slump against the brick wall behind him and catch his breath. His mouth hurt he was grinning so hard and he stepped forward and pressed Billy against the wall as he kissed him firmly, his top lip and his bottom lip, stroking his cheeks as he licked inside his mouth the way he knew Billy liked, the way he’d first kissed him like he meant it somewhere around the fourth time they’d had sex. It was the kinda kiss that now had Billy melting into his arms.
“You think I don’t give a shit?” Steve whispered. “I love you like crazy. I thought I’d scare you off if I came onto strong but it’s killing me. I’d be all over you all day if you wanted me too. So you better be fucking sure. You want the Full Steve Harrington Experience?”
“Fuckin’ A right I do,” Billy said, tugging on Steve’s jacket, his often icy blue eyes now sparkling like the ocean.
“Okay, Hargrove, you asked for it.” Steve murmured, kissing him feather light along his stubbly jaw. “Better buckle your seatbelt.”
“Oh, bring it on, Harrington,” Billy said, finally smiling. “I can handle it.”
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BASICALLY everything in this fic, ignoring the childhood au parts (or including them if u want): http://archiveofourown.org/works/13206591
but also
kim and billy having an unspoken understanding of each other where they already Get each other from the get-go bc kim’s adhd is (probably tbh - either willingly or unwillingly on her part) public knowledge and, like, even if u go the not-childhood-friends route, billy still would’ve like heard abt one of the most popular girls in school trying to lowkey get a private tutor’s help w/o drawing attention to herself
(i imagine that w/ kim being like queen bee or whatever i feel like…. the cheer squad could’ve been very toxic in that way and even if kim like told her friends abt her adhd in private like…. it’d just…. suddenly appear around the school and then… the squad would like Play Coy and kim would just have to deal with That being a common occurrence)
wow i wanna make that into a fic now :/ like… kim struggling w/ her classes and wants to look for another student who’ll help her but like Discreetly so she doesn’t have to ruin her reputation and like…. billy helps her out every now and then bc he is like sweet and nice and soft and doesn’t hate her despite the mean girl front she puts on
“do you feel weird?” “you mean like weirder than usual?” “yeah, different.” has ALWAYS spoken to me on a deeper level since after i saw the movie like… see above
the movie could’ve given me billykim but didn’t and now i’m mad
“weird but i’ve seen him up here before” like mmmmmm they KNEW each other, regardless of how well they knew each other and it kills me every time
okay back to headcanons
they stim together!!! like billy shows kim all of his resources and websites or whatever for getting stim toys and even gets kim like a fidget cube and it annoys the fuck out of everyone else bc she’s always clicking it but like 1) it helps her focus and 2) whenever she touches it, she thinks of him :’)
that just killed me, gimme a moment to recover
i have like a working-on-projects-together headcanon reserved for billyjason so i’m not gonna recycle it for billykim BUT billy making a lil robot friend for kim
i’m such a sucker for tech characters making robot friends for their s/o like….. it’s!!! friend!!! shaped!!!
the lil robot friend has no purpose other than to periodically beep at kim and the funny thing is that billy like Wanted to give it a purpose like it helps kim out with like some menial chore BUT the truth is… he knows she would enjoy having something utterly useless that does nothing more than distract her
as billy finds out later, he inadvertently made the robot have a purpose bc when kim is going thru a depressive episode, it’s one of the few things that’ll make her crack a smile and help cheer her up bc it just beeps at her and she finds it rly cute
she names it blue :’) and billy blushes all shy and god they are such dorks i wanna die
imagine kim but in billy’s hoodie
going to the arcade together??? u kno those scenes in scott pilgrim vs the world where scott and knives co-op that ninja fighting game? yeah, that but w/ billykim bc i’m nothing if i’m not ripping off of prev romance tropes
tbh??? “two player game” would be the perf analogy for them bc like… they both have separate needs and desires but being together requires cooperation and they don’t quite fit together as easily as kim would with like say zack (me @ myself: don’t start talking abt kimzack,,, i know u want to but don’t) HOWEVER bc they’re willing to put in the effort, the result ends up good :’)
yeah i know “two player game” is a non-ship-exclusive analogy and can work for pretty much any ship but i’m making it a billykim thing i’m decreeing it right now
kim helping billy figure out how best to use his size in a fight with her previous knowledge of… playing to one’s frame strengths and weaknesses??? idk if that’s how any of it works but i believe that kimberly hart knows all from being in cheer like did u see how well she landed in the movie? hell yeah
billy’s always honest with her and kim loves that like he’s gonna call her out on her bullshit like…. being in cheer for the past few years, she had to deal w/ this ugly dynamic of her and her friends like ragging on each other As A Joke but like deep inside kim knew that those… weren’t jokes… but she never did anything about it and now she’s got billy and he’s completely upfront with her and she can be completely upfront with him and !!!
just give me all of the dumb romcom cheesy movie tropes and they’re ALL billykim
going to the movies together??? sharing popcorn and a soda/slushie???
SHARING A MILKSHAKE (see fic above)
cheek kisses make billy blush and smile like an idiot
whenever he’s explaining something complicated and science-y to the team, kim is like… usually the first one to Actually get what he’s saying (i know og trini took this role w/ og billy but… listen) bc she’s already trying so hard and when she does get it or even finishes his sentence sometimes, he just looks so proud of her and she gives him this bright grin and uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh thanks i love it
kim driving billy to the comic shop and they just spend like fckin… hours in there and she keeps losing him bc he wanders between the aisles so fast and easily and she spends like 10min skimming a graphic novel and then looks up and billy’s like gone all the way over to the other side of the store but looking for him is part of the fun and when she finds him next to the spiderman aisle just thumbing thru the newest issue or whatever her heart just !!! does backflips !!!
this got rly long but i’m gonna leave u with this:
kim smiling so softly at billy and he smiles so softly back thanks i’ll be at ur funeral
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shenmeizhuang-blog · 7 years
some upcoming cdramas on my radar
*With a legitimate trailer release? With actual hope for release? Maybe? This summer?
The Advisors’ Alliance (coming 06/22) -- Led by actors that I’m familiar with (Wu Xiubo, Liu Tao, Janine Chang, Tina Tang, Li Chen), awesome ladies, Three Kingdoms period ABOUT Sima Yi and actually not Zhuge Liang (*gasps*). GIMME. 
LE.T.'s Shake It! (June 30?? this summer?) -- Hua Qian Gu’s children lead this fun idol show about an alien who accidentally falls down to the earth and possesses the body of this woman during the Tang Dynasty, enters a romance with a human scholar? It looks super cute! ALSO ONLY 24 EPISODES I CANNOT
Lost Love In Times (July) -- Finally, an LSS drama since forever! Shi Shi portrays Feng Qincheng, a sorceress of a secret organization who practices dark magic and is involved in this forbidden love with to-be-emperor Prince Yuan Ling (I’m too lazy to check lol) (William Chan). Also hi Xu Hai Qiao, Han Dong (BBJX’s 9th), Liu Yu Jin (NiF’s Xie Yu), Tang Jingmei (Glory’s Cui Caiping), etc.
Legend of Dugu (”Summer 2017″) -- So there are actually two upcoming dramas revolving around Empress Dugu and her emperor husband, whom she convinced to not commit polygamy and etc. during the Sui Dynasty, this one and the one with Joe Chen and Chen Xiao. Initially I figured I would only watch that one because Joe Chen and Chen Xiao, but judging from the stills and promos so far, I’m actually more inclined towards this one now. Famous love story aside, this one also focuses on the three Dugu sisters, two of whom marry into the royal family and etc., there’s also this whole “prophecy for the throne” and political aspect not all that unlike NiF or Glory. I’ve seen Hu Bingqing in Whirlwind Girl with Yang Yang and she was . . . fine . . . and for me the most familiar person in this production is Ady An. More info here. 
Peace in Palace, Peace in Chang’an (tbh probs not this summer/maybe even next year) -- I’m actually not quite sure on this one. Initially I was interested because I thought it would star Qin Jun Jie AND Shu Chang as like the OTP and all (lmao I just wanted it for catharsis after Li Tan and Lin Zhi shred my heart into a billion pieces), but the trailer is all POLITICS POLITICS WAR THRONE COURT MINISTERS MEN and while I consider Qin Jun Jie a good actor, I found him a bit awkward/out of place as Li Shimin? Like I legit swooned over Han Dong’s character a bit, even though he’s on the opposing faction? Should I watch for people opposing Taizong? Also I counted a total of three women in the trailer, and Shu Chang’s char, who is like the main female lead, was there for like a total of maybe 3 seconds. SMH. With the actors and production team involved I guess I can sort of see this as a prequel to Glory of Tang -- this is how the Tang Dynasty actually attained “glory”, while Glory is about almost losing said glory, ha! But more info here. 
Fight Breaks Sphere
Tribes and Empires: Storm of Prophecy
The Fated General
Oh My General -- Even though I’ve technically only seen Peter Sheng in Go Princess Go, I’m rather close to shunning his dramas. But we’ll see how this one goes. 
A Step Into The Past (most recent remake) -- Because Chen Xiang is pretty? But also I’ve skipped out on a lot his shows, and the shows I’ve seen him in weren’t . . . that . . . great . . . though I think he’s a pretty solid actor. The trailer is meh lol. 
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bronovatwelvemore · 6 years
Sho Wara
Satoshi Sho Wara (サトシ翔ワーア) is an english singer-songwriter, record producer, multi-instrumentalist, poet and painter under Asylum Records. Dubbed as “The Poet Of Rock And Roll”, he has enjoyed consistent critical and popular success and is widely credited as one of the key artists in the rock genre. Besides music, Sho has released poem books and paintings. He is also one of the only artists of asian ethnicity to win a Grammy Award.
Full name: Satoshi Sho Wara (サトシ翔ワーア). Stage name: Sho Wara (翔ワーア). Birth date: June 1st 1984 (33). Birth place: London, England. Nationality: English. Zodiac sign: Gemini. Chinese zodiac sign: Wood rat. Height: 1.93cm. Weight: 86kg. Blood type: O. Voice type: Bass. Vocal analysis: A-.
Positive traits: Adventurous, charming, communicative, creative, dynamic, energetic, enthusiastic, independent, lively, loving, self-confident, sociable, strong sense of teamwork, virtuous, talented, warmhearted and witty. Negative traits: Changeable, competitive, daredevil, flirtatious, foolhardy, greedy, impatient, impulsive, inquisitive, jealous, obsessive, possessive, quick-tempered, resentful, self-indulgent, selfish and unfaithful.
Physical appearance
Dark brown and straight hair. Brown eyes. Tanned skin. Athletic. Dimples. One piercing on the left ear and one piercing on the right ear. Eighteen tattoos.
Critic Of Music
Vocal type: Bass. Positives: Robust, clear lower register that is projected well. Bass is achieved with great technique and support down to F#2. A highlight of the voice. Slightly brightening as he ascends, the middle register still maintains ease and displays a warm, masculine tone. Though he gains a slight (pushed) rasp above E4, his voice remains open, projecting well. Well-developed mixed voice, allowing him to access a clean, head-dominant C5 belt. A light, warm falsetto that Sho has no issues staying in for extended periods. This area possesses a soft vibrato and is reached with ease until around Eb5 when he needs more volume to phonate. Solid understanding of musical phrasing, being considerate to the music by changing vocal colors, texture and dynamics. Negatives: The upper extremes of the falsetto are unstable and undeveloped and the chest register thins as he ascends. Though he mixes at the extremes of his chest voice, the rest of the belting range could use a more even mix.
Albums and singles
Whatever People Say I Am, That’s What I’m Not (2002) I Bet You Look Good On The Dancefloor When The Sun Goes Down
Favorite Worst Nightmare (2004) Brianstorm Fluorescent Adolescent Teddy Picker
The Things We Do To Find People Who Feel Like Us (2006) Bad Art & Weirdo Ideas Dirty Lights Noisy Heaven
Gumboot Soup and Polygondwanaland (2007) All Is Known Beginner’s Luck Greenhouse Heat Death The Last Oasis
Ok Computer (2010) Airbag Karma Police Lucky No Surprises Paranoid Android Plug In Baby
In Rainbows (2012) All I Need Bodysnatchers House Of Cards Jigsaw Falling Into Place Nude Reckoner
The Underside Of Power (2014) Cleveland The Underside Of Power Walk Like A Panther
Boarding House Reach (2016) Connected By Love Corporation Ice Station Zebra Over And Over And Over Seven Nation Army Supermassive Black Hole
Thin Black Duke (2018) Come As You Are Locked Out Of Heaven Roxanne Smoke On The Water
Science Fiction (2020) Happy Together Hold On We’re Going Home Sex And Candy Time Of The Season
Virtue (2022) ALieNNatioN All Wordz Are Made Up Leave It In My Dreams Pointlessness QYURRYUS
For Nina, Forever Ago (2024) Lover, You Should’ve Come Over Since I’ve Been Loving You Skinny Love Slow Dancing In A Burning Room You Are My Sunshine
Hug Of Thunder (2026) 1979 Hug Of Thunder Losing My Religion Viva La Vida
Sleep Well Beast (2028) Carin At The Liquor Store Day I Die Guilty Party I’ll Still Destroy You The System Only Dreams In Total Darkness
Kid A (2031) Burning For You Don’t Fear The Reaper Kid A True Love Waits
Skeleton Tree (2033) I Need You Jesus Alone O’Children Skeleton Tree
Is This The Life We Really Want? (2035) Dejà Vu Smell The Roses The Last Refugee Wait For Her
Relatives In Descent (2037) All Along The Watchtower A Private Understanding Don’t Go To Anacita Whole Lotta Love
No Cities To Love (2040) Babe I’m Gonna Leave You Hallelujah Stairway To Heaven
Twin Fantasy (2043) Bodys My Boy Say It Ain’t So Twin Fantasy
To Be Kind (2045) Oxygen Screen Shot
Snares Like A Haircut (2047) I Want You Just Like A Woman One Of Us Most Know Snares Like A Haircut
Sleeping Tapes (2053) A Glass Of Water Goodmorning, Sweetheart The Raven
Grace (2060) Eternal Life Forget Her Grace Last Goodbye So Real
Albums and non-title tracks
Whatever People Say I Am, That’s What I’m Not (2002) A Certain Romance Dancing Shoes Fake Tales Of San Francisco From The Ritz To The Rubble Mardy Bum Perhaps Vampires Is a Bit Strong But Red Light Indicates Doors Are Secured Riot Van Still Take You Home The View From The Afternoon You Probably Couldn’t See For The Lights
Favorite Worst Nightmare (2004) 505 Balaclava D Is For Dangerous Do Me A Favour If You Were There, Beware Old Yellow Bricks Only Ones Who Know The Bad Thing This House Is A Circus
The Things We Do To Find People Who Feel Like Us (2006) Hard Luck Kid I Break Guitars Porno Love Ride The Wild Haze Throwaways Too Late To Die Young Young & Alive
Gumboot Soup and Polygondwanaland (2007) Barefoot Desert Down In The Sink I’m Sleeping In Muddy Water Superposition The Great Chain Of Being The Wheel
Ok Computer (2010) Climbing Up The Walls Electioneering Exit Music (For A Film) Filter Happier Let Down Subterranean Homesick Alien The Tourist
In Rainbows (2012) 15 Step All I’ve Ever Known Faust Arp Pain Videotape Weird Fishes/Arpeggi
The Underside Of Power (2014) A Hymn For An Average Man A Murmur, A Sign Animals Bury Me Standing Death March Cry Of The Martyrs Mme Rieux Plague Years The Cycle/The Spiral: Time to Go Down Slowly
Boarding House Reach (2016) Abulia And Akrasia Ball And Biscuit Everything You’ve Ever Learned Ezmerelda Steals the Show Get In The Mind Shaft Humoresque Hypermisophoniac Respect Commander What’s Done Is Done Why Walk A Dog?
Thin Black Duke (2018) A Gentleman’s Gentleman Cold & Well-Lit Place Ecce Homo Host Letter Of Note Other People The Finished Line The Upper
Science Fiction (2020) 137 451 Batter Up Can’t Get It Out Could Never Be Heaven Damn Desert Everybody Here Wants You In The Water Lit Me Up No Control Out Of Mana Same Logic/Teeth Waste
Virtue (2022) Black Hole Lazy Boy My Friend The Walls One Of The Ones Permanent High School Pink Ocean Pyramid Of Bones Think Before You Drink To Fall In Love With You We’re Where We Were Wink
For Nina, Forever Ago (2024) Can’t Get Started Edge Of Desire Give Me Love I Don’t Trust Myself With Loving You I Know It’s Over In The Blood I Still Feel Like Your Man Little Lion Man Nina Please Don’t Fall In Love With Someone New The Girl The Night We Met White Blank Page You Should Know Where I’m Coming From
Hug Of Thunder (2026) Gonna Get Better Halfway Home Mouth Guards Of The Apocalypse Please Take Me With You Protest Song Skyline Sol Luna Stay Happy Towers And Masons Vanity Pail Kids Victim Lover Violet Hill
Sleep Well Beast (2028) Born To Beg Cheers, Darling Coconut Skins Dark Side Of The Gym Empire Line Helpless Moving On And Getting Over New Light Nobody Else Will Be There Sleep Well Beast Turtleneck Walk It Back
Kid A (2031) Eskimo Everything In Its Right Place How To Disappear Completely Idioteque In Limbo Morning Bell Motion Picture Soundtrack Optimistic The National Anthem Treefingers
Skeleton Tree (2033) Anthrocene Distant Sky Girl In Amber Magneto Ring Of Saturn
Is This The Life We Really Want? (2035) Bird In A Gale Broken Bones Is This The Life We Really Want? Oceans Apart Part Of Me Died Picture That The Most Beautiful Girl When We Were Young
Relatives In Descent (2037) Caitriona Corpses in Regalia Elephant Half Sister Here Is The Thing Male Pleague My Children Night-Blooming Cereus The Chuckler Up The Tower Windsor Hum
No Cities To Love (2040) A New Wave Bury Our Friends Fangless Gimme Love Hey Darling No Anthems No Cities To Love Price Tag Surface Envy Wave
Twin Fantasy (2043) Beach Life-In-Death Cute Thing Famous Prophets High To Death Nervous Young Inhumans Never On The Day You Leave Sober To Death Stop Smoking
To Be Kind (2045) A Little God In Your Hands Bring The Sun Just A Little Boy Kirsten Supine Nathalie Neal She Loves Us Some Things We Do To Be Kind
Snares Like A Haircut (2047) Cruise Control Drippy Popper Primitive Plus Send Me Secret Swamp Soft Collar Fad Squashed Stuck In The Changer Third Grave Rave Tidal
Sleeping Tapes (2053) Chimes For Dreams Feeling Good Good Evening Hummmmmm IKEA Seeing With My Eyes Closed See You At The Dreaming Tree Sleep. Dream. Wakeup. Temescal Canyon The Hen The Sea We’re All In This Together (Goodnight)
Grace (2060) Corpus Christi Carol Dream Brother Lilac Wine Mojo Pin You’re Gonna Live Forever In Me
Shraddha Kapoor (1999) Caryn Marjorie (2001) Adeline Rudo (2002) Yovanna Ventura (2002) Seryna Seo (2003) Caitlin Beadles (2004) Dina Denoire (2004) Lily He (2004-2010) Koleen Diaz (2006-2011) Jessica Vu (2005) Dollicia Bryan (2005) Mishti Rahman (2007-2009) Jasmine Villegas (2007) Érika Januza (2008) Yes Liv Can (2008) Blue Cantrell (2009) Tammy Torres (2009) Rosario Dawson (2010) Bria Myles (2010) Karrine Steffans (2011) Alyssa Arce (2011) Vanessa Vargas (2011) Mikaela Long (2012-2015) Krista Santiago (2012) Maika Monroe (2012) Cindy Kimberly (2012) Shenelle Scott (2013) Nicola Peltz (2013) Cydney Christine (2014) Marie Avgeropoulos (2014) Jasmine Sanders (2014) Draya Michele (2015) Bernice Burgos (2015) Cyn Santana (2015) Ammika Harris (2016) India Westbrook (2016) Lily Collins (2016) Baskin Champion (2017) Audreyana Michelle (2017) Cailin Russo (2017) Jordan Ozuna (2017) Alexandra Daddario (2018) Olivia Holt (2018) Raina Lawson (2018) Nina (2018-2023) *married in 2022, divorced in 2023 Rachel Roy (2021-2023) Karisma Ramir (2021) Jasmine Rose (2022) Maya James (2022) Lani Blair (2022) Marie Nova (2023) Stephanie Woods (2023) Brenda Lowe (2023)
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