brie-draws · 10 months
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Ginga and Mitsukuri as bunnies [ガチ恋粘着獣]
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ilvinoeoltre · 1 year
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Kooksoondang Vino di Riso Bekseju (Kooksoondang Brewery)
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chytilovian-daisy · 2 years
Being extremely invested in a niche manga where ur not caught up yet bc of translations and seeing fans who are caught up going nuts is a strange and semi terrifying experience
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Ginmie leo Valdez headcanons
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alien-slushie · 1 month
Harry: Hedwig, you sly girl. I never would have thought of that!
Neville: ...can he actually understand her or is he messing with us?
Ginmy: Knowing him, it may very well be both.
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artificialalienn · 2 years
I wanna draw something new, ginmie ideas
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can I get a reff for lantern so I can add them to banner
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[Yeah ginmie oneeeeeee sec lmao :3]
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poorlouie · 11 months
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Ginmi II
Miyazawa Satoru
@ The National Art Center Tokyo, 90th Memorial Dokuritsu Exhibition
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brie-draws · 1 year
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ギンミ / GinMi - cat vers [ ガチ恋粘着獣 ]
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ilvinoeoltre · 2 years
Hitejinro Jinro Soju (Hitejinro Co. Ltd.)
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chytilovian-daisy · 10 months
had a dream last night where my bro got me a free m1yavi dvd... i dont even rlly like his solo career but in my dream i was thrilled... also there were free ginmi papers and cheki that i was like "my god just for one of these its like 5-10$" i was excited
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carli-meows · 1 year
oi ginmie a tenner so ican get a gyro and a bat to kill my tenants and run away in a box like David (tennant)
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sleepygamerotaku · 2 years
guys ginmie characters to cosplay please
my birthday is soon approaching and i'm likely gonna try to get some sort of cosplay(s) one way or another because i really wanna cosplay-
the only character I really have in mind is Chuuya i need help
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“I have over 3,000 fantasy hours in my relationship with Harry. You don’t just throw that away”.
-Ginny Weasley
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rouge-la-flamme · 3 years
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This shamelessly dramatic “WHO AM I? 24601!” moment is the first drawing inspired by the kabuki prints of Utagawa Kunisada II. Having revealed his body, including his damning bar tattoo, Valjean slices off his mage (topknot) to assert his criminal status.* (That’s his commoner’s short sword again: its sheath is under there impeding the drape of his clothes.)
The role of the courtroom is played by the Shirasu: the [Courtyard of] White Sand (actually gravel), where the formal stage of a criminal proceeding occurs. By the time of this ginmi (investigation), the judgment has been almost conclusively decided. After meakashi like Javert have decided that a suspect is guilty, their boss, the dōshin (a very low-ranking samurai official), subjects the suspect to a shita ginmi (preliminary investigation). The objective is to obtain the suspect’s confession, which is considered the queen of evidence. (The dōshin are mildly regulated in their pursuit of a confession; the meakashi, not at all. Stubborn Champmathieu has likely been roughed up by the time he reaches the Shirasu.) Only if the dōshin is convinced of the suspect’s guilt does he send the suspect on to the Shirasu, which essentially rubber-stamps the dōshin’s conclusion.
Why “only?” Because the government cannot be seen to be wrong. If a suspect called to the Shirasu is acquitted, the government loses face. Its infallibility is part of its legitimacy. So when Valjean—Madeleine, the perfect headman, modest and effective, darling of the authorities—arrives at the eleventh hour to proclaim (with peak drama) that he is the criminal and Champathieu is innocent, the humiliation is intense. And it gets worse. A criminal who turns himself in is supposed to have his punishment reduced: so the authorities must reward this humiliation with leniency. Valjean has earned a death penalty, but instead he will be given an additional bar tattoo** and exiled. More on that later, as it involves our version of the Orion incident.
* The social boundary delineated by bound and unbound hair is convoluted, and I am still learning its contour. Short, unbound hair is a sign of outcaste status. Snobs of the era assert that all outcaste members must wear their hair thus, though it appears that it was necessary only for certain groups. (One of the limitations of English sources is lack of specificity in discussing outcaste subgroups.) In an illustration of a prison hierarchy—and there was a sophisticated government structure among inmates—shows the high-ranking with bound hair, while the lower-ranking inmates have unbound hair. In another illustration, guards (helpfully labelled “hinin”) have shaved pates but short hair, bound very modestly, if at all: they lack topknots. Since this is a Victor Hugo adaptation, my policy is: when in doubt, go with the most dramatic option. Thus, Valjean slices off his topknot in front of everyone.
** I am wavering on how many bars Valjean has. He got one for his original theft; I think he may get another in an escape attempt. A third offense usually means death rather than a third bar. I’d like this incident to give Valjean the rare and dramatic distinction of a three-bar tattoo, so I’m leaning toward giving him two to start, as in this picture.
Main criminal procedure source here: Hiramatsu, “Summary of Tokugawa Criminal Justice,” Law in Japan 22 (1989). Is actually a digest-translation of Hiramatsu by Daniel Foote. Another juicy source: Botsman, Punishment and Power in the Making of Modern Japan.
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sinful-liesel · 3 years
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★4 [Ginmi suru Fuku Kai] Nekome
Event/Gacha: Winter P Diamond Gacha
※Please DO NOT REPOST anywhere
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