gintokisimp · 3 years
Shower Fun with Gintoki
Very NSFW Gintoki x Reader scene. (It’s a scene from one of my other fics, I just rewrote it into Gintoki x You ) 
Genre: Smut, Plot what plot
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 2,951
You enter the bathroom after some good adult fun with  Gintoki and shut the door behind you. You both agreed to take a shower separately.
You close your eyes and sluggishly stretch your body. It was good, but the positions were also very uncomfortable and your involuntarily cramped a few times while you both had your fun.
You close your eyes and stretch your numb arms in the air, when all of a sudden, a pair of big hands cup your breasts from behind.
Gintoki pulls you in his arms and you screech.
"Gintoki, what are you -"
"I've changed my mind. You looked so good walking in here. I might got a little horny again, I couldn't help myself." He whispers in your ear and presses his body to your back.
"No..Gintoki, not here" You  begin but couldn't deny that you are also getting horny again.
"Why not?" he whispers back and his hand let go of one of your breasts to wander down and rest it over your core, rubbing slightly.
"mhh" You just humm as a reply.
"We can go together. It will be faster"
He sucks on your neck and you melt in his arms with a whimper.
"See? You agree with me"
Without another word, Gintoki climbs in the tub and turns on the tab, but instead of showering like the average person, he sit down and lets the water rain on him.
He looks at you and slightly tilts his head, signalizing that you should sit down in the tub as well.
Unsure, you walk over and he spreads his legs to make yo some room. You climb inside and kneel down between his muscular limbs. Grinning, he rests his arms on the side of the tub, leaving his hard dick in your full view. The water hits him on his perm, drops from his tips and runs down his body, flattering every inch of him.
"So.. shower, or.." He asks her suggestively.
You move over and kiss him and reach down for his dick, but in a split second you're laying under him. The water now hits him on his neck, runs down his throat and drips from his chest onto you. Gintoki takes in the sight below him. The water drops hit your smooth, pearly skin one by one, running down your perfect curves.
Your feel your face getting heated from his blatant staring and your eyes meet with Gintokis. He smirks at you and gives your wet body one last long appreciation, before he bends town to catch the drops with his tongue. You gasp sharply as his tongue follows the stream down your neck, kissing you lightly.
He stops over your nipple and you feel his breath brush your skin for a while before he suddenly flicked his tongue over the hardened tissue. You moan as a response and burry your hands in his wet, curly hair.
His hand comes up and searches for your face and you lean into it, while his other hand moves down and lightly touches your folds. Gintokis thumb softly caresses your cheek and abruptly starts to stroke your clit, earning chocked moans from you.
Your hands move down to his back and you let them roam over his spine, dragging your fingernails across his flanks. You notice how he starts to loose grip on his senses and he moves up for a kiss.
Your tongues meet for a wild dance, arousing both of you even further.
Gintoki can't control himself any longer, places himself at your core and pushes in harder than he probably intended to. You squirm and he breaks the kiss.
"Sorry.." he begins to apologize but you interrupt him.
"No don't talk" You whisper seductively.
Your hand firmly on his neck, You pull him down again to continue the kiss.
You push your tongue between his lips and he growls as a response and begins fucking you.
Slowly penetrating you, he reaches up for the shower head and grabs it.
"Oi, this thing has some interesting settings, but I never had the chance to try it. You should tell me how it feels."
Gintoki turns a ring on the shower head and the water stream comes out harder and more concentrated.
You eye it with great interest, understanding what he is about to do. He leans down again and covers your nipple with his mouth, encircling it with his tongue, while he brings the shower head down to your clit...
"Oh FUCK.. Gintoki!"
You scream.
Your hands search frantically for something to hold on to but you only find his arms and you dig your nails in his hard flesh.
Gintokis growls at the pain and stops sucking. Disappointed, you press again. But instead of sucking, his tongue flicks over your nipple faster and faster, teasing you endlessly, thrusting slowly.
With each following push, your moans increase in volume and Gintoki times his tongue flicks with the deepest point of his thrusts. Moving the shower head in slight circles, you involuntary arch your back and your legs start to quiver.
Gintoki tries to amplify your pleasure even more by changing his thrusting angle with every push, fucking your dripping cunt deep and rough. His moans come out with more intensity, arousing you even more.
It doesn't take long before your drench his cock with your hot fluids, moaning even louder than he does. Gintoki plainly enjoys to watch you cum and he grins at you, crimson eyes sparkling in pure desire.
He withstands his urge to just keep fucking you and release himself as well, so he stops moving and turns the shower head back to normal, placing it on your chest.
Gintoki pulls out and accidentally an unsatisfied sound sound escapes your mouth.
Smiling at that, he doesn't let you calm down though, as he moves you up and you feel something hot probe your core. His flat tongue drags over your pussy and his strokes end at your clit, making you jolt sensitively.
"Ahh.. Gintoki"
Your voice comes out hoarse and it only turns him on more, pushing tongue inside of you, tasting you. The sobbing moans tell him, that you quite enjoy it. Desperately, you try to give him hints with the shower head, but he simply pushes it away and instead, he intensifies his tongue work.
While his hands firmly hold your thighs, he relentlessly continues his furious licking and sucking and your feel another orgasm build inside of you, spreading like a fire through your limps.
You scream as your second orgasm overwhelms you, making you spams uncontrollably. You feel your fluids splashing in mouse and he groaned in surprise, but keeps his head in place, taking it all in. After your spasms die down, he lifts his head, cracked your gaze and licks his lips.
"Thank you for the meal"
He laughs quietly with a smug face.
"Don't say that you pervert" You grimace. "Don't you...?" You start to ask, but he cuts you off.
"No I'm pleased. This is only about you."
His tongue moves out again, licking you another time and you jolt uncomfortably.
"I'm a mere tool for you to enjoy"
He languidly drags his flat tongue over you a few more times before he sits up again, massaging your thighs.
You feel fatigue flooding your body and your eyes flutter.
"Are you okay?" He asks you.
"Yea.. No.. mhh ..can't move.." you reply with your eyes closed.
"Should I help you?"
"..with.. what?"
"We're in a shower after all"
"No..no.. it's fine, it's fine"
Gintoki observes you, as you try your best to sit up. Sadly, you fail miserable, your limbs soft like rubber. He grins at that.
"Seems like you have some problems there" He snickers
"I'm fine, shut up, give me shampoo" You reply angrily.
"I'll help you, hold still"
He ignores your fake anger and carefully grabs your torso, turns you around and pulls you between his legs and to his chest.
You could feel his hard erection pressing against you back, sending excited shivers down your spine.
Satisfied my ass, you think with a chuckle.
Gintoki grabs shampoo from somewhere you didn't notice and begins to massage your scalp, working in the fluid in every of your hair strands, making sure it will feel amazing afterwards.
"Mmmm" You hum, completely loosing yourself in a dream world that only contained the both of you.
His hands move down to your jaw, slowly massaging your neck. His fingers always do wonders to you, spreading a warmth all over you, soothing you.
Gintokis pleasing hands move to your shoulders and he kneads them, caresses your arms and strokes your hands.
Your heart starts to pound faster when his hands move to your hip. He massages in the shampoo that was left on his hands while he moves over your whole torso, carefully avoiding to come near any erotic zones. You whine under his touch and he audibly enjoys that.
Please.. please touch me there! You plea in silence.
"I'm..still horny"
Gintoki stops his movements and he laughs quietly.
"..touch me" you whisper.
His hands rest motionless on your stomach and you can hear and feel his calm breathing.
"Please.. Gintoki"
"With pleasure" He groans in her ear.
His hands move up to your breasts, kneading them slowly at first, before he moved to your nipples to twist  and flinch them.
You gasp and jolt, a warm feeling flowing through you. Gintokis hands cause a fire that crawl under your skin.
His lips move over your neck as he places light kisses and you feel him grinding against you.
He must be close to exploding..
"Gintoki.. you should.." You whisper, but he places a finger on your lips.
Gintoki turns you around again and he kisses you deeply. He puts all his passion into this kiss and you welcomed it, returning it lovingly.
One of his hands leans on the tub while his other moves down to rub to rub your core. As soon as he touches you, your hands shoot up to the tubs edge and grab it as a loud moan escapes your lungs, the volume lowered by their kiss.
His other hand moves down to his dick and he breaks the kiss for air as he starts to groan heavily. Gintoki now holds himself up with the strength of his torso and his forehead that is lightly pressed on yours.
He looks you in your eyes, glazed with pure desire, panting heavily under his struggle to finish the both of you off.
One of your hands leaves the tub to stroke his abs, sending waves of pleasure straight to his groin and you feel him tensing up, his climax approaching quickly.
The heated situation and him just hovering over you, without really touching you while jerking himself of gives you a different kind of thrill.
Another orgasm overcomes her, as your panting turns into loud moaning. The expression in Gintokis eyes changes and his body twitches. His hands move in a frantic rhythm, grabbing himself harder as he finally releases on her stomach, groaning heavily.
Catching your breath, you both stay like that for a while, looking each other in the eyes, smiling happily.
After a while, Gintoki sits up again and grabs the running shower head.
"wash away little Gin-sans" he snickers, still bathing in the afterglow.
You can't move to hit him, so you just curl up your lips to show your disgust.
"Shut up" was the only thing you manage to mumble at him.
"You're lacking some fire there, honey." He smiles warmly before he shudders.
"ugh.. I'm all sweaty again.. how can you get sweaty in a shower anyways?! And I didn't wash my hair yet. Here, hold that for me"
He reaches out to give you the shower head, but your hands could not grip and so it just falls on your stomach, water splashing everywhere.
Gintoki snorts.
"Guess you're not back to your old self yet"
He jokes and pats your leg.
Propped up on his knees, he reaches over you to grab a shampoo bottle placed somewhere behind you. Without much ability to move, you just lifted your eyes to gaze at the huge frame moving above you.
mhh nice.
Your brain still can't produce any coherent thoughts with all that manliness above you.
Gintoki leans back again, popps open the bottle and puts the rest of the slippery liquid in the bottle on his hand. Satisfied at the amount, he just throws the bottle through the room and it hits the floor with a hollow sound.
Lifting his wide arms, he soaps up his hair in a hurry , squinting his eyes to avoid that anything gets into his eyes and burns the living hell out of him. Additionally, he screws his mouth shut, looking very strained.
You kinda have to admit that this face of his was incredibly cute and it contrasts so much with the hard muscles moving to foam up his fluffy hair.
Gintokis hands left his perm and he starts to massage his neck, slowly moving down to his shoulders.
Oh. Your mouth falls open.
"Ah that was not good for my neck.."
He rolls his head on his shoulders while he continues to massage himself.
"As nice as this is, I think it will kill me sooner or later if we do that more often."
Yea..he's right. You think to yourself. It felt great, but the bathtub is just too small for those kind of activities.
You loose yourself in your thoughts about the different kind of places where he could fuck you, when suddenly  his hands glide down to his chest and you snap back to what's happening right in front of you.
Instead of just spreading the foam over his skin, he drags his fingernails across his hard chest, leaving mild scratch marks on top of the love bites you left on him earlier that day.
He moves down over his abs, contouring every single one of them before gliding down to his colorless lucky path, or more so his high way to hell considering his size.
You already played out his next move in your mind, but it seems like he just teases you. His hand rest there fore a moment, twirling his hair, before he finally splits his ring and middle finger to lazily glide down to his half deflated dick.
Yours eyes are caught by the dirty act in front of you, so you didn't notice that he pryes at your reaction through his lashes.
Your eyes follow his movements in a trance, so he decides to spice it up a little. He washes himselfs thoroughly, slightly thrusting in his hand, while his other hand still glides up and down the side of his torso. Gintoki lets himself go to stretch his arms up for a yawn. His upper body moves in a wave, flexing his abs.
You're absolutely in no capability to avert you eyes but why would you do that anyways?
He leaves one of his arms in the air and slowly glides his hand over his bicep, dragging his nails along a vein. You follow his fingers, which are gliding down to his abs again.
Gintokis hand leaves his body and he holds it out to you.
You simply stare at it, the sound of the water is the only thing that fills the room.
"Hand me the shower head please"
He whispers and you shriek at the sudden disturbance.
You weakly grab the shower head and reach it out to him. Gintoki mischievously looks at her with one half open eye and he grabs it with a smirk. He turns the shower head in his direction and the water hits his broad chest first.
Your hand involuntary grips harder on the edge of the bathtub. The water finds it's way down his perfect creases and makes him appear like a god in your eyes. Throwing his head in his neck, he grins and lets the water hit his throat, groaning languidly.
Your insights twists. It was just a show of pure, intense masculinity and it is incredibly hot.
He slightly bows forward and searches for your hand on the side of the bathtub. He grasps it slightly and places it on his abs.
Your fingers touched his perfect build and he shivers in anticipation. You started to trace his outlines, follow some veins and press them down slightly.
His head still thrown back, he moans and you feel him twitch under your light touches. He whispers your name sensually when you lay your flat hand on his stomach.
It is really unfair how hot he is.. You think while loosing your grip to reality more and more. Your hand moves down but he grabs your wrist.
"Sadly, your little private show is over now"
He says while lowering his chin down again. He winks and you snap out of your trance, facing away from him with an embarrassing glow on your face.
He climbs out of the tub and grabs a towel and starts to dry himself.
"Don't you want to come out as well?"
He asks while rubbing his hair with the cloth.
"Gintoki..I don't think I can stand up.."
You admit faintly.
Gintoki smiles warmly and picks you up, heaving you out of the tub. Sitting down on the floor and placing you on his lap, he grabs another one and towels you down as well. After he was done, he wraps the towel around you and laughs.
"You have to admit, that was good, was it?"
He smiles.
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