#gio stockings
sandraclapham · 11 months
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More photos of my relaxation time after Sweet Wednesday a couple of weeks ago
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It’s International Stockings Day-15th May!!
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medichamcham · 2 months
ngl tho its a pain in the ass to navigate but the outfits are very fun to play around with !!!
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woso-dreamzzz · 6 months
Playing Favourites III
Arsenal Women x Child!Reader
Summary: The annual Arsenal Christmas video
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"Hi everyone," Leah says to the camera," I'm Leah Williamson and I just want to say, sorry, Mum. I know you told me not to let her do this before Christmas day, but I'm here with the youngest member of our squad and...What are we doing today, bean?"
You sit in the middle of a little half-circle of the Arsenal girls with a little sack in front of you. There's a Santa hat on your head and you're holding the sack like you're scared it will float away.
"Presents!" You cheer. "I'm like Santa!"
"You are like Santa," Leah says, smiling at the camera," So we've got our own Santa here at Arsenal and she's going to close her eyes, spin around and give everyone their Christmas gifts. Ready, bean?"
You close your eyes nice and tight, spin around and aimlessly wander to your left. Arms clamp around your waist and you open your eyes to see Teyah and Lessi.
You beam and reach into your sack. "For you!" You give them both their gifts.
"Top trumps!" Teyah says triumphantly as Lessi pries her Michael Jordan Funko Pop out of the package.
"I'm gonna put this in my locker."
You close your eyes again, squeezing them tight as Lessi helps you spin. You go straight this time and fall into the laps of Noelle and Cloe.
Cloe ends up with the 100 pics riddle game and Noelle gets a fondue thing. They both seem especially happy and Noelle ruffles your hair.
"I'll have to bring you round for fondue, bean."
You don't know what fondue is but you think it's food so you're happy to go.
Next up is Lina and Stina - who catches you when you stumble - and they get a little teddy bear and a tree ornament of Stina kissing the trophy.
"You gotta put it on the tree," You say to her as she laughs at the picture," Because that's what it's for." You turn to Lina. "And have to give your bear cuddles. Teddies die without cuddles."
Caitlin and Vic are next and you get a picture on Vic's new camera with the three of you and Caitlin wearing her new Arsenal beanie.
You fall onto Viv on the next round and giggle hysterically as your favourite Lia moves to tickle you. You give her her gift first which ends up being big plastic things to pick up leaves with. Frida gets a special ornament with a picture of her scoring.
Viv gets a nice jumper with her and Beth on.
"You gotta wear it to the next game!" You say.
Viv laughs. "Maybe I will."
Gio and Kim follow them and you sit in Kim's lap as Gio unwraps the blue Arsenal bag that's meant to sit on her hips. Kim laughs in embarrassment as she gets a mug that proclaims her as the best captain ever and has an arrow that points at her when she drinks from it.
Laura catches you on the next round when you misstep on Kathrine's ankle.
Laia lets you have some of the Spanish gift she gets. It's kind of like nougat but it's got nuts in it and you're not too sure that you like the texture.
Kathrine gets socks (you always end up with socks in your stocking) and Laura gets a snow globe with a picture of her only goal in it.
Laia and Kathrine both help you do your spins and the next person you fall into is your sister.
She hugs you tight around the waist as you balance on her lap while digging through the bag. Her gift is one of the longer ones and it takes you a little bit to get it out of your sack.
You sit down properly when she leans forward to open it, bursting into laughter when it's revealed to be a keyboard.
"I'll teach you, bean," She says, pressing a few of the keys," Won't that be fun?"
"I don't have to do everything you do," You say a bit condescendingly but you're smiling so Leah knows how you really feel, pinching at your cheek.
"Off you go, bean," She says," You've got more presents to give out."
She spins you around so much that you basically crash into Jen and Beth.
Jen ends up with a book of Christmas carols for the guitar while Beth gets the same jumper as Viv just in a different colour.
"That's you and Viv," You tell her.
"Yeah, bean! That's me and Vivi!"
Naomi gets her gift next, a book of very unfunny dad jokes that you only laugh at so she doesn't feel sad that she's not funny at all.
Manu, Kyra and Steph come next.
Manu gets a picture of the goalkeeper union while Kyra gets a packet of Tim Tams that she lets you eat two from.
"It's a jumper for Calvin!" You exclaim when Steph unwraps her own present.
She looks ecstatic and she swears that she'll send a picture of Calvin wearing it to Leah's phone for you to see.
The last person to get her gift is Katie. She looks confused for a moment as she unwraps it before a smile splits her face.
"It's a luxury cat advent calendar," She says.
"For Cooper!" You say.
"That is class. He's gonna love that."
She pulls you in for a hug before letting you plop yourself back on your sister's lap.
She covers your eyes for the last time as someone places the last gift on your lap.
You rip open the packaging and squeal when you reveal an Arsenal jersey. It's got your favourite number on the back and instead of Williamson like all of Leah's jerseys, it's got the words 'The Boss' on the back.
You pull it over your head with help from your sister and she nudges you up to wave and smile at the cameras.
"Do you remember what to say?" She prompts you.
"Merry Christmas, Gunners!"
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aheathen-conceivably · 11 months
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It wasn’t the first time that Zelda waited in the parlor anxiously listening for Antoine’s footsteps; only this time she feared it may be her last. He was at Josephine’s apartment for the third time that week, seemingly concerning their joint ownership in the club. Part of Zelda hoped that they had reached some sort of agreement; but really, she feared that they were locked in a standstill where Antoine refused to sell or take any action before it was too late.
She had tried to give them space, but with every hour that he spent away and every question that was met with silence, she regretted leaving England. She was exhausted, past the point of disdain or even anger.
And the clock simply wouldn’t stock ticking, filling up every gaping ounce of silence that Antoine left between them and slowly driving her mad. Every day it grew harder not to throw it into the fire, to rip down the wallpaper or shred the curtains to pieces. She couldn’t take it anymore, and as the clock chimed at the top of the hour, Zelda made a promise to herself: if he wouldn’t get out of this place while they still could, she would leave for England with or without him.
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Her thoughts were so caught up in the ongoing, never-ending ticking that she barely heard the sound of the door below. But as the footsteps grew closer, each one felt like a nail in the coffin, igniting her fear that his face would be just as angry, just as closed off, and she would have to go through with her promise.
Only when Antoine’s face appeared in the archway it was brighter than it had been since Black Thursday. At any other moment, his energy might have been exciting, infectious even; but as she looked at him, she simply met his smile with exhaustion in her eyes.
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He immediately walked toward her, gently placing his hand on her face and softening his smile in apology, “Zelda, please forgive me for my secrecy this last week. In truth, I should have spoken to you days ago, but I couldn’t bear to offer you dashed hopes and empty hands yet again; so I wanted to ensure everything had been planned before I made any promises.”
Her eyes darted back and forth on his face, searching for some sort of sign that she was imagining his countenance or imbuing his words with too much meaning. He saw the softness return to them and sat beside her, taking her hands in his own, “But it is, my love. I’ve finally received the return telegraph from Gio, and I’m going to work there with him until we can purchase half of the farm. If you’ll come with me, if you agree…”
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Then he slid onto the ground in front of her, propping himself up on one knee while never letting go of her hands. “We sold the club, Zelda, for barely anything really, but enough for this…”
He moved his hand away slowly, as if he was scared to let go even for a second, to reach into his pocket and pull out a small pearl ring hidden in a velvet box, “I have spent far too long choosing this place over you and making you fret over me. If you trust me enough to come with me, I promise you that I’ll be there with you no matter what life throws into our path. Zelda, my love, my songbird, will you marry me the moment that we step foot off that train?”
As she stared at him the ring hovered over her finger. There seemed to be an infinite amount of things to say, a lifetime’s worth of fear and hope to share. But at that moment, it was simple; all she needed was one short word: Yes.
The moment that she uttered it he slipped the ring onto her finger with shaking hands, before she threw herself onto the floor into his arms.
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j0kers-light · 10 months
How do you think Joker would deal with menstruation? Or if reader had a long delay and they both thought she was pregnant 😂 (but then it turned out to be a false alarm)
Hey hi anon!! 🖤✨
I couldn't help myself and jumped out of line of ask requests! I woke up from a nap with the perfect idea for this so here we go!
It is common knowledge that Joker does not use condoms. The tried and true saying, 'wrap it before you tap is' does not apply to him, mkay?
This man does not care. Its risky, its dangerous, and its incredibly hot to slide into you with nothing in the way. That friction of skin between skin just scratches an itch of intimacy that Joker never knew he needed. Now he knows why condoms are so expensive. Its a clear indicator not to use them!
He knows you secretly enjoy it too or you would have put an end to raw sex from the beginning. Joker does not take into consideration if you're taking any birth contraceptive measures [thats your choice as the reader] he's got bigger things to worry about, but there was always a twinge of hesitation in his mind.
What if you get pregnant?
Joker is NOT father material despite the countless nannies and other random people from your apartment building that compliment his DILF status and skills every time you babysit your neighbor's kid. Joker is not one for children, but he sorta kinda likes Gio. The little tyke's got spunk and he's so well mannered and you look ethereal whenever you hold Gio and the sunlight hits you a certain—
Okay. Fine! So Joker has toyed with the idea! He let his mind wander once or twice but it doesn't mean he's actively tryna knock you up! He is not about that life. Gotham City has to burn first and there's too much fun to cause to be weighted down with a child.
Nothing is for certain but Joker knows. He knows you can and will be a great mother just... not with his kid.
Joker is fully aware of your 'time of the month.' You're more moodier than usual and you always desert him in the guest bedroom for the comfort of your private room. You don't come out except to eat and you take said meals in your sanctuary. He hates the one week of the month where his Light is not around.
He does not like when you shut him out and hide in your shell but you grumble 'hormones' or 'leave me lone, J' and waddle back to safety.
Joker wants nothing more to cuddle up with you and rub your cramps away or hand feed you all the weird snacks you crave while your buried under the blankets, but you won't let him near you! Why won't you let him spoil you?
Contrary to popular belief, Joker is smart and very detail driven. He keeps up with your mensural cycle because he needs to know when his Light will be out of commission. He needs to know when to stay out of your way and when to keep your favorite snacks stocked in the penthouse. Since you won't let him near you, he'll keep you satisfied with acts of service. A happy Bunny, is a happy Joker.
So..... he's a lit-tle confused when your expected start date rolls around and you're still well, normal. You haven't snapped at him once or asked for some ridiculous food pairing that should not go together. You're still the bunny that he fell ten times over for. And when nothing happens for three days in a row.. Joker silently panics.
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Its day five without any bleeding and Joker is a nervous wreck. You noticed a slight change in his behavior recently but with your upset stomach, you haven't given him any more attention.
You've been nauseous since the beginning of the week and no ginger ale, saltine crackers, or other home remedies that Sarai texted you to try have worked. If you don't feel any better in the morning, you're going to the ER and she better be on-call.
You were at your wits end trying to treat this weird stomach bug when she sends another message that makes your heart drop to the floor.
When's ur last period ever think bout that?
You drop your phone and spiral down a rabbit hole.
When was your last period? Shouldn’t you be due for one soon?
You snap out of your thoughts and open your period tracker and groan aloud when you notice you're five days late.
"Oh no. Oh nope nope nopeity nope." You look around the room like it miraculously held the answers to your dilemna. You've never been late a day in your life and right on time, your imaginary angel appeared on your shoulder.
"You and J do go at like rabbits..." She grimaced.
On your other shoulder your brash devil appeared. She was in rare form with a wide grin, stretching from ear to ear.
"And we be taking them loads straight to the womb! I bet you’re regretting not wrapping that sausage every time huh you cum whore? Haha! Pregnant with a psychopath's baby! That's wild! Couldn’t be me tho!”
She doubled over laughing and your angel shot her a glare. "It isn’t funny. This affects you too! Y/n, ignore her. CVS is on the corner babe. Aisle nine, lets go."
You nodded to yourself and grabbed your phone and keys, headed to the door but Joker came out of nowhere and blocked your way.
He took in your frazzled appearance. Your hands were shaking and you failed to care that you were only wearing yoga pants and one of his hoodies.
"Where ya going, pretty girl?"
His hands touched yours and discreetly took your keys from you. And you're so out of it, you hardly noticed.
"I uh, there's um.."
"Use your words, Y/n." Joker urged you.
You breathed in and out before meeting his curious eyes.
He's ever your rock; calm and ready to tackle any situation you throw at him. Would he handle this one if you told him the truth?
This would ruin all of his plans. You were supposed to be a temporary stop in his jorney called life. You would be a liability if you came out and said, 'oh hey Joker! I'm late!'
"LaTe for what?"
You blinked rapidly. Did you say that aloud?!! Joker arched an eyebrow and waited for you to answer him. Your mouth flopped like a fish.
Thank the heavens that Joker is so patient with you. He rolled his eyes and guided you into the powder room off of the foyer.
From there, he picked you up and sat you down on the counter. He stood between your legs, gently rubbing your legs.
"Talk to me, bunny. What's stuck in that uhh.. pretty lit-tle head of yours, hmm? You can tell meeeeeee."
You burst into tears and Joker froze like a statue. Those tears of yours were his kryptonite.
"I'm late! I haven't had my period yet!"
Joker clicked his tongue and set to work wiping your tears away. He was a little rough while doing it but the motion helped calm you down. Joker was still rusty with being affectionate and you smiled at his sweet gesture.
"I know."
You glanced up at him, "Whah?"
Joker repeated himself and leaned forward on his palms near your hips. "You're uhh, five, days late, doll. I need ya to do me a favor. Can ya do that?" He waited until you stopped sniffing.
Your nod was his clue to continue.
He pushed three bottles of water next to you. You stared down at them and the ominous brown paper bag on the counter. You just now noticed it.
"I need you to drink these and then... take these."
Joker knew you would freak out when he dumped the bag over to reveal the pregnancy tests he made Mac buy this morning. Joker was tired of waiting. If this was happening, he'd be the first to know before getting Sarai involved with a final medical confirmation.
You started hyperventailing until Joker grabbed your face with his hands. "Bunny... bunny... hey. Look at me. There she is. Breathe. Drink n' we'll take them to-get-ther."
"Y-You promise?" You hiccuped.
He hated seeing the fear clouding your coloured eyes. You clung to his wrist, looking up at him as if he had all the answers.
It was obvious that your were overwhelmed and scared. Joker would have to push aside his own jitters and be the stronger person here. He exhaled with a marred smile.
"I prooomise Sweetheart. Now! Drink up for me."
Joker offered you the first water bottle and you took it with the hopes this would all be false alarm.
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You were pacing in the foyer with Joker seated nearby. Even with every sharp turn you made, his eyes never strayed from you.
You were a ball of nerves and he hated that you were biting your poor nails to the quick.
He was about to tell you to stop when the timer in the bathroom went off. You stared at the doorway as if it were radioactive. One of your favorite songs continued to play as the timer yet you resumed your pacing.
Joker called out your name to no reply. You were looping back around to past by him and he grabbed your arm. "Light, its time to check."
You shook your head. "I-I-I can't... you're gonna hate me and... and leave.. I just!" You yelped when Joker jerked you into his arms. He sighed into your untamed curls and squeezed you close.
He was too calm during all of this. How was he so calm?!
It was really bothering you until your head rested on his chest and you got to feel his heart beating erratically. Joker was nervous too but he didn't show it and that made you tear up even more.
He was bottling his emotions to be a shoulder for you to lean on.
It made no sense just how caring Joker was to you. He was a changed man indeed.
Joker tipped your head up with his finger. "You want me to check for ya?" He chuckled at your furious nod. Of course you did, why did he even ask? "M'aright, lemme go, doll. Them nails are killin' me."
You mumbled out an apology and let J go. He walked into the bathroom and closed the door. He sighed and glanced at the four pregnancy test lined up on the counter. Leave it to his doll to be neat even while under duress.
He didn't want to do this but you didn't have the courage to. So Joker was left to face one of his worst fears all alone.
There wasn't a proper procedure to these things so he just snagged the first one he could get ahold of and eyed the screen.
A bucket of ice was dumped over his head.
Two blue lines held so much power. His ears were ringing and he barely heard your frantic knocking on the door.
"Um Joker? Y-You're too quiet. I-I’m coming in." You opened the door and took one look at a frozen Joker holding a pregnancy test and feared the worst.
Judging by his schooled features, you already knew the results but you had to see for yourself. You picked up the other three tests on the counter but did a double take.
"What? They’re negative. Oh my God. They’re negative! J, I'm not--" You turned to show Joker but he had already shook himself out of his daze and snatched the tests from your hands.
Joker's warped mind was playing tricks on him. It had to be. Because these tests were negative. He conferred with the one in his hand but it remained that life altering, positive.
Joker was conflicted and his green eyes darted up at you. Your smile faded seeing his intense emeralds, "J, what's wrong?"
"Thisssss one is positive. I'm calling the doc." He threw them all into the wastebin and was about to leave when you stepped in his path.
"Joker, wait! Three out of four, I think its safe to agree with the majority here." You were feeling back to normal now your pregnacy scare was past you but Joker was still fighting his delusions.
"I wanna be sure, Light. I'm not trusting a uhh drugstore test with somethin' like this." He rested his forehead against yours and you could feel his hands shaking as they cupped your face.
This was really getting to him. You peered through your lashes at J. He wouldn't let this go until he knew for sure from a professional. You covered his hands with your own. It was your turn to be strong and be there for Joker.
You kissed him softy and he chased after you when you broke away. "Okay, J, you can call Sarai."
He sighed and tugged you closer for the time being. You didn't know who needed this hug the most; you or Joker.
Your eyes naturally fell to the wastebin where the tests lay, mocking you and J.
There was a palpable change in the air. This interaction changed the future for you and J. In the heat of the moment neither of you considered protection. It was scary to think this could have ended very differently. You were sighing in relief but Joker was at odds with the outcome. Even with his fears put to rest, a small part of him wanted all four tests to be positive.
Simply because it would be a journey to experience with you.
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najia-cooks · 1 year
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[ID: Five large, enclosed bao piled on a plate. The topmost bao has been opened to show a bread-like dough texture and a vegetable filling. The bao are garnished with chopped chives. End ID]
Bánh bao chay (Vietnamese vegetable dumplings)
Bánh bao are an iteration on the Chinese da bao (大包) brought to Vietnam by Cantonese immigrants. Like da bao, bánh bao are commonly filled with some combination of minced meat, Chinese sausage, and hard-boiled eggs; however, some versions of bánh bao are also made with Vietnamese vegetables, herbs, and flavorings. Vegetarian bánh bao (bánh bao chay) may have no filling, a filling consisting of a variety of vegetables, or a filling of sweetened beans or sweet potato.
This recipe combines Vietnamese vegetables, herbs, spices, and sauces with Vietnamese meat substitutes to make a well-rounded filling that's equal parts umami and fresh. The yeasted, enriched dough is tasty, fluffy, and light, but still has enough structure to hold up against the filling.
Recipe under the cut!
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Makes 16-20; serves 6.
For the dough:
4 cups + 2 Tbsp (500g) all-purpose flour
2 tsp (7g) active dry yeast
7 Tbsp (90g) granulated sugar
1/2 tsp salt
2 tsp (10g) baking powder (optional)
2 Tbsp (16g) cornstarch (optional)
1 - 1 1/4 cup (135-295 mL) lukewarm soy or oat milk, or water
1 Tbsp cooking oil
The basic components of this dough are flour, yeast, sugar, salt, oil, and milk. The baking powder is added to help with leavening; the cornstarch works to create a light, fluffy dough that will not become soggy when filling is added.
For the filling:
1 large carrot (100g)
4-inch piece (120g) cassava root / yuca
1 cup (100g) shiitake or wood-ear mushrooms, diced
4 large pieces (50g) sườn non chay, or 1/2 cup diced or crumbled chả lụa chay
1/2 cup water + 1/2 tsp vegetarian 'chicken' broth concentrate (optional)
50g tofu skin (đậu hủ ky)
1 red onion, minced
5 cloves garlic, chopped
4-5 chives or scallions, finely chopped
1 tsp freshly ground black pepper
1/2 tsp sugar, or to taste
1/2 tsp salt, or to taste
2 tsp bột nêm chay, ground to a powder (optional)
1 1/2 tsp fermented bean paste + 1/2 tsp light soy sauce (or 2 tsp vegetarian fish sauce)
2 tsp vegetarian oyster sauce
1/4 cup soybean oil, peanut oil, or other cooking oil, divided
Sườn non chay (roughly, “vegetarian ribs”) is a meat replacement made of textured soy protein. It may be found in bags online or in the pantry / dried goods section at your local Asian grocery store—the bags will be labelled “sườn non chay” as well as “vegan meat slice,” “textured soy bean protein,” “vegetarian food,” or “vegan food.” Most sườn non chay are large and pale in color, but they sometimes come in "beef" or "pork" styles—the difference is not the flavoring but rather the size, shape, and coloring of the pieces. In my experience, the "beef" ones are more darkly colored, and both "beef" and "pork" styles are smaller in size and thinner in shape than the non-specific ones, which I often use to replace chicken.
Chả lụa chay is a vegetarian version of a Vietnamese pork sausage. It can be found in the form of a large loaf in the refrigerator section of a Vietnamese or Asian grocery store. It will be labelled "chả lụa chay" or "gio lụa chay," as well as "vegetarian pork roll," "wheat meat," or "vegetarian food."
Đậu hủ ky, or tofu skin, is prepared by taking the film off of a batch of tofu as it sets. Tofu skin may be purchased fresh or dried, in sheets or in sticks: for the purposes of this recipe, any kind will work! Chinese tofu skin produced for sale abroad may be labelled "dried beancurd sticks."
Bột nêm is a Vietnamese seasoning sold in powder or granule form. Vegetarian ("chay") versions of the seasoning may contain shiitake mushroom, lotus seeds, carrots, tomatoes, and kohlrabi, as well as salt and MSG. It can be purchased in pouches or boxes from an Asian grocery store, or you can use any other vegetable stock powder.
Fish sauce and oyster sauce are common inclusions in pork fillings for bánh bao but are often simply omitted from vegetarian ones. I've used vegetarian substitutes for these ingredients—if you don't have vegetarian imitation fish or oyster sauce, just increase the amount of salt, sugar, and bột nêm to taste.
For the dough:
1. Heat 1 cup (135mL) non-dairy milk to lukewarm in a saucepan or in the microwave. Stir in the yeast to dissolve. if you’re not sure your yeast is alive, proof it by allowing to stand for 10 minutes—it should foam.
2. Add the baking powder, sugar, and salt and whisk to dissolve.
3. In a large bowl, whisk together flour and cornstarch. Pour in the milk mixture and mix well to combine. Add additional milk 1 tsp at a time if it remains too dry to combine. The dough should be slightly tacky but not sticky.
3. Add oil and knead by hand until dough is smooth and elastic, about 10 minutes. Cover with plastic wrap and allow to rise in a warm place for about 3 hours until doubled in size. If you live in a cold climate and don't have a proofing drawer, heat your oven on the lowest setting for a few minutes, turn it off, and then proof the dough in the oven.
For the filling:
1. Prepare the proteins. Soak the tofu skin (if you're using dried) and sườn non chay in cool water for about half an hour until rehydrated (or simmer them for a shorter amount of time). They are fully hydrated once flexible and a couple shades lighter. Gently squeeze the water out. Dice tofu skin; rip sườn non chay into small pieces lengthwise and then dice widthwise.
2. Prepare the vegetables. Peel cassava root and carrot. Cut both into a fine julienne, or grate them. Dice the mushrooms; mince the red onion; chop the garlic.
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3. Cook the filling. Heat oil in a large skillet on medium. Add the garlic and sauté until fragrant.
4. Add the red onion and continue to sauté until fragrant and slightly softened. Add black pepper, bột nêm, and salt and allow to cook another 30 seconds.
5. Add carrot, cassava, mushrooms, chả lụa chay (if using), and tofu skin and stir to combine. Reduce heat to low and cook, stirring often, until tender. Remove from pan.
6. If using sườn non chay: in the same pan, fry sườn non chay in 3 Tbsp of cooking oil on medium until they’ve absorbed the oil. Whisk 'chicken' stock concentrate into a small amount of hot water, then add the stock into the pan. Cook until mostly dry.
Soaking in water, deep frying in oil, then simmering in a flavored broth is the typical Vietnamese preparation of sườn non chay. The simmering in stock could potentially be skipped if you're including vegetarian oyster and/or fish sauce, but personally I find that dried soy products benefit from being soaked or simmered in something other than water.
7. Mix sườn non chay in with other filling ingredients, salt, sugar, sauces, and chives.
To assemble:
1. Turn dough out from its proofing bowl and gently divide into two even parts. Cover the half you're not using and gently roll the other out into a log of even width. Use a dough cutter or sharp knife to divide the log into 8 or 10 even pieces.
2. Place each disc of dough on its side and roll it out into a circle about 5" (13cm) in diameter. The edges of the circle should be much thinner than the center, since the edges will be bundled up and folded together.
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3. The folding method is the same as for baozi and momos. Hold a wrapper in the palm of your non-dominant hand and add a couple tablespoons of filling (if you’re not experienced with making dumplings, it may be easier to add less). While pressing the filling down with your non-dominant thumb, use your other hand to pinch pleated folds in the dough all the way around the circle of the wrapper. Remove your thumb and make one last fold to close the bao. Pinch firmly at the place where all the pleats come together (where the drawstring would be if it were a drawstring pouch) and give a small twist to seal.
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4. Set each finished bao on a small square of parchment paper on a baking sheet or in a steamer and lightly cover with plastic wrap or a light kitchen towel. Continue folding until you have formed all of the bao.
To steam:
1. Place a bamboo steamer in the bottom of a wok or large pot, and fill the wok with enough cool water to cover the bottom rim of the steamer by ½". If you've added baking powder to your dough, you may add a splash of vinegar to the water to help neutralise the dough's pH and combat yellowing of the dough.
If you’re using a metal steamer, tie a kitchen towel around its lid to prevent condensation from dipping back down onto the dumplings. Carefully place the bao, along with their parchment paper squares, into the steamer, leaving an inch or so between each one. They will expand as they steam!
If you don’t have a steamer, place a small bowl in the bottom of a wok or large, deep pan or pot. Place the dumplings, with their parchment paper squares, on a plate and place the plate on top of the bowl–the plate should fit inside your pot. Make sure that you can cover the plate and dumplings with a lid. If your lid is domed, there is no need for a kitchen towel, since the condensation will run down towards the outer rim. If your lid is flat, tie a tea towel around it just as you would with a metal steamer. Fill your cooking vessel with 2 or so centimeters of cool water.
2. Raise the heat to high and allow the water to come to a boil. Once boiling, lower the heat to medium-low and cover your steamer or pot. Steam the dumplings for about 8 minutes, until the dough is tender and cooked through. Keep finished bao warm in a covered casserole dish in an oven on low while you steam the others.
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sandraclapham · 3 months
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Wiggling my bum for the camera last week at Lovejoys
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johnny1971c · 3 months
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Roberta Wearing Black Point Heels Gio Stockings
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sonipanda · 2 months
Gio Limited Edition Black Cherry Wine RHT Stockings
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swimmingismywholelife · 7 months
Minecraft Christmas
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Summary: When you are unable to visit Gio for Christmas, you decide to spend it together in an unconventional way.
Warnings: lots of fluff
WC: 1.4K
A/N: 🎶 On the first day of Ficmas my writer gave to me, some fluff with Giovanni 🎶 Hi everyone and welcome to Ficmas! I thought I'd start it off with someone I've written for before, Gio Reyna! This fic is inspired by "Minecraft Christmas" by Area 11 ft Simon. This song is fire no I will not apologize for using it lol. I hope you guys like it, and I hope you stick around for the rest of Ficmas!
Link for the Song: Minecraft Christmas
"Cause it's a Minecraft Christmas time
Chilling with my buddies everyone is online
There's a whole world of joy and cheer
That's a very very very nice Christmas you're having-
A very, very, very nice Christmas (Woo-ooh)
A very, very, very nice Christmas we're having this year."
"No baby, get away! Don't look it's not time!" your boyfriend said, punching the air around you in an attempt to get you away from his house.
"But Gio, I'm impatient!" you whined. "I wanna see it now!"
"Babe, it's a Christmas surprise. You have 10 minutes left. All you gotta do is wait 10 minutes!" he said, punching holes in the ground right below you.
"Okay, okay! Stop trying to hit me I got diamonds on me, my guy!" you grumbled, turning back to your house as Gio punched the air triumphantly.
Christmas had been your favorite time of year since you were a kid. Something about the atmosphere just brought life and joy into your life. And Christmas with your boyfriend was even more magical than you could've dreamed of. Your families grew up in neighboring towns coincidentally, so once the two of you began dating, you always spent it together. And if Gio wasn't able to go home, you'd travel to him instead, celebrating the holidays in whatever city he was playing in at the time. You'd decorate his home with stockings, Christmas lights, and of course, a tree with whatever quirky ornaments you'd collected over the years. When it snowed enough, you'd have snowman building competitions followed by snowball fights of epic proportions. Gio was the perfect addition to a holiday you already treasured, making it all the more special to you.
Unfortunately, this year you weren't able to spend Christmas together. You tried your hardest to align his schedule with yours, but your job was horrendously understaffed and couldn't afford to have you off for the last few weeks of the year. It was aggravating considering how much extra work you'd been putting in specifically for the holiday off, but your manager just wouldn't budge. However, Gio was more than understanding, especially considering how much you traveled to be able to see him.
So instead of allowing this to dampen your Christmas spirit, the two of you were playing on a Minecraft server together. It was a pastime the two of you often indulged in as a way to combat the time zones and do fun things together. With a controller in your hand, headphones over your ears, and his face appearing on videochat on your PC, it was an unconventional yet fun way for you to spend Christmas together.
"If you blow up my house again, I'm gonna kill you," you grumbled, spinning in circles to kill the time.
"I wouldn't do that for Christmas. Maybe New Year's. You know, for fireworks or something," He retorted, making your jaw drop.
"That's so rude!" you said offended.
He shrugged his shoulders. "You call it rude, I call it festive."
You pinched the bridge of your nose. "What am I gonna do with him?" you muttered to yourself.
"Hey, your life would be much more boring without me in it," he said nonchalantly.
You rolled your eyes, but you knew he was right. It had been a few years since you'd caught Gio's eye at a US friendly. He found you so breathtaking he literally fell for you, accidentally tripping over his own feet in front of the whole stadium. Despite the embarrassment he felt, it was worth the moment Gio saw the bright smile on your face. He was the cause of it, and he wanted to be the cause of it for the rest of your lives. He tossed you his jersey at the end of the game, along with his number, and the rest was history.
"Please," you scoffed, "you're the one who fell for me, not the other way around."
"We said we wouldnt bring it up anymore!" he whined, making you giggle. "It's Christmas, baby, you can't be doing this to me!"
"Technically, we have 2 minutes until Christmas," you smirked, making him pout on your screen.
"I spent all this time on your surprise and this is the thanks I get."
"And I'm the dramatic one he says," you rolled your eyes.
"Oh baby, you can come back now! We have one minute left!" Gio said excitedly.
You traveled the short distance, passing through the rainy area of the island you lived on and entering the snowy one of your boyfriend's. It was fitting considering it was Christmas Eve.
"How come your side gets snow and mine gets rain?" you asked him, making your way to his house. "That's so unfair."
"You're the one who decided to build aaaall the way over there, dude," you shrugged. "I told you to build right next to me but noooooo, you 'needed space.' Why do you need space?"
"Because you'd probably create a huge ass system to blow up my house every day, Giovanni," you said flatly, arriving in front of him. "I know you too well."
"Okay, I need you to start that Christmas playlist now." You rolled your eyes but complied, the music playing through the speakers for the both of you to hear. "Are you ready for this?"
"Give me all you got," you answered.
Gio checked the clock, beginning his countdown. "Three, two, one, Merry Christmas! Welcome to my humble abode!" He said proudly, opening the door to his home.
To say you were stunned was an understatement. Gio had really gone all out despite it only being a video game. His entire house was decorated as best it could with Christmas decorations: stockings on his little fireplace, Christmas light arrangements, dinner set on the table. He even went out of his way to make a Christmas tree. Just the way that he knew you loved to decorate your house.
"Wh-what is this?" you asked in shock, a smile forming on your face.
"It's a Minecraft Christmas!" he exclaimed, loving how happy you looked.
"When did you find all the time to do all of this?" you asked again, spinning around to really take in his work.
"I made time," he smiled. "I figured that if we can't spend Christmas together in person, at least we can do it in our house here. It's not the same, but the spirit is here all the same!"
You stared at him through the screen of your computer, touched that he went through the effort of doing all of this just to simulate Christmas together.
"Oh, I even got you a present! Open the chest!" he said excitedly.
You opened the chest to see a full set of armor, weapons, and he even went as far as making plenty of potions for your monster hunting and mining adventures, something the two of you frequented quite often.
"And I did it all myself. No creative mode necessary," he bragged.
"No way! This chest is full, G. This must've taken you weeks to get all the supplies!" you said in disbelief.
You could see him shaking his head. "Yep. I grinded for weeks to get all this stuff. But I don't care about that. I only get the best for my girl. It doesn't matter whether it's a present in Minecraft or the present I sent to your house. You deserve it all, baby."
Your eyes widened as you understood what he just said. "You sent a present to my house?! I thought you said you wanted to give me my present in person once I went to Germany again!"
Even through your phone screen, you could see Gio's eyes twinkling with excitement, just like a little kid opening his presents.
"Oh, you're still getting that present when you come back. But I saw this one and I knew I had to send it to you. It was meant to be here by tonight, but you know how shipping can be sometimes," he explained. "Either way, I'm glad I had this ready for you. I know how much you love seeing the house decorated. I even have snow blocks to build snowmen together in case it didn't end up snowing so we can still have our snowman friends!"
Christmas was indeed your favorite season. And having Gio was truly the best present that you could possibly ask for. He went above and beyond for you despite it only being in a video game, and it just showed how lucky you were to have him.
"Thank you for all of this. I love you, G," you said sweetly, smiling brightly at him.
"I love you too, Y/N. Merry Christmas," he replied, returning your smile. "Now let's eat this cake. I gotta regenerate my health before we fight off these creepers tonight!"
"What have we said about explosions on Christmas?!"
Taglist: @neverinadream @chilwellspulisic @thoseboysinblue @pulisicsgirl @lovelynikol16 @lizzypotter14 @nyctophilic0vitnir @shadowscorch @notsoattractivearenti
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🎶 This city’s dying by the day, and you know it always will 🎶
Antoine kept his head dipped and his face hidden as he neared the spot where Giorgio had asked him to meet. The secrecy in Gio’s note had been absurd: Meet me at the docks facing the cathedral at eight. And come alone. As he approached, the rhythmic ringing of the church bells told him that he was just on time.
Antoine’s steps crossed from the cracked pavers onto the wooden dock, the hollow sound alerting Giorgio to his presence. He jumped to his feet and nervously took a drag off his cigarette, smoothing down his hair behind each ear. Antoine rounded the crates that he was hidden behind and narrowed his eyes, “Christ, Gio, what’s going on? What’s with all this fanfare and secrecy?”
“Antoine, thank god. To tell you the truth, it’s Jo. She never takes my ideas seriously and I’m sure she’d tell me I’m operating on false information. Plus I don’t want to create a stir, tip off my contacts that I’m sharing this information with anyone on the outside. Sit, please. I think you might need to.”
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Giorgio sat back onto the crate next to Antoine, looking over each shoulder before he began, “I’ve got cousins, Antoine, cousins with real business interests up in New York. There’s serious talk that this whole bubble we’ve been riding, it can’t last forever, and the whole economy is gunna tank.”
Antoine shook his head in disbelief, but Gio went on, “I’m telling you, it’s true! Some of them are already pulling out stocks. Your sister will think I’m just as crazy, but I sure as hell don’t wanna be in any city when shit hits the fan. Especially this city. You see, I know I said one job, but once they get their teeth into you, once they know where you are, they don’t let you stop…”
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Gio stopped for a moment to let the implication of he and Antoine’s entanglement with the city’s mafia dissipate in the twilight air, “Now I’ve heard talk of riches out west. Railroads or highways being built right through your property and being paid in handfuls. Plus land is cheap, real cheap. I found a plot through some connections with the farm house built. I’ve still got that money from the deal we made, so I can purchase it myself, but if you’re holding onto that cash we can split it equal, go in as co-owners.”
Gio’s proposal made Antoine’s head spin. Leave his home? To go West, of all places? What the hell did he know about the West? About a land he had only heard tales and hyperboles of, a land that seemed unreal, one that still seemed to promise some semblance of the American Dream…
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As Antoine tried to focus, to force himself see his choices clearly, a series of images flashed through his head in immediate succession.
First, he saw himself atop a horse, the sun beating down on his his face as the arid breeze whistled through the brush and the blue sky blended into the yellow of the mountaintops. Around him was nothing but land: vast, empty expanses of land without a single rule or expectation to impose upon him.
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Then he saw Zelda in a tiny chapel, bedecked in a white wedding dress and her finest pearls. She had a wide smile on her face and a delicate hand extended toward him, beckoning him to the altar at the end of the aisle. Through the windows the desert sun streamed in around them, finally free to walk in the streets however they pleased, finally married, finally his wife…
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But with almost an almost visceral sense of vertigo he was transported back to New Orleans, back to the club with Violette, who was now grown as she sang along to the notes he played on the piano he had owned all his life. Her laughter told him that she had always loved it there, just as much as he did, and she would only grow to love it more, to be just as inspired and connected to the only home he had ever known.
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Finally, his mind drifted back to Zelda, this time in their kitchen cooking a recipe that his aunt had taught him. He stood behind her in the same place where they had some of their happiest memories, their most intimate moments.
As he pulled her closer to him, he could hear people yelling in French through the doors open to the street below. Their accents sounded just like his own, just like his mother and his aunt, perhaps just like his daughter’s would one day. The sound of their voices drifted into the kitchen, mingling with the scents of cooking and the feeling of Zelda in his arms, telling him that he was already home.
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In the seemingly suspended year of 1928, Antoine buried his head in his hands. None of the visions or the dreams mattered anyway; the choice had already been made. The money was gone, long gone. He had spent it paying bills for the club and buying food for his family, just trying to keep the club afloat while the bribes grew larger by the month.
Antoine finally looked back to Gio, making sure the tears in his eyes had dried enough so that they wouldn’t betray his words, “I’m sorry Gio, but it sounds like nothing but a pipe dream to me. Why would I leave when there’s nothing to go on but your word? I’ve got the club, my family, my city; I won’t throw that all away for a rumor.”
Giorgio visibly flinched, as though Antoine’s words had come directly from Josephine herself. Then he swallowed the dismissal, knowing that it was only a taste of what waited for him at home. He shrugged his shoulders and looked back out over the Mississippi River, “Suit yourself then, old sport. I hope it doesn’t come to all this, but I have a feeling it might.”
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voraciousvore · 2 months
Giganterra (Chapter 12)
Prologue/ TOC | Previous (11) | Next (13)
Content Warning: NSFW/ 18+!! Giantess sex scene involving 3 tiny men, 1 willing and 2 unwilling
Word Count: 2.3k
------ Chapter 12: Three Men, One Giantess ------
Bianca skipped with joy to her private quarters as she held the three squirming men in her hands. She peeked down at them, giggling to herself. She had waited for this moment for so long, that she could scarcely contain her wild excitement. She was burning with lascivious anticipation. 
She wasn’t the only one either. Cesar was already hard as a rock, rubbing himself against the inner well of her huge, elegant fingers. He had fantasized about this moment for years, and the fact that his desires were finally coming to fruition drove him wild. He didn’t know what she had planned, but he would be willing to do just about anything for the sexy giant woman. He watched her enormous boobs bounce as she moved and nearly creamed right in her hand. He wanted to dive in and bury himself in her cleavage. He wanted to explore every inch of her vast body, hike through the soft mountain ranges and valleys, and spelunk in her caves. 
Bianca entered her boudoir to find one of her father’s manservants setting up the human habitat. “Get out!” she yelled. The servant jumped at her exclamation and darted past her into the hall. “Leave me alone!” she shouted again, to her own maid, before slamming the door and pressing her back to it. She looked down at the men in her hands with wolfish delight, grinning eagerly. Gio and Graham fidgeted with discomfort, while Cesar gazed back with starry eyes. 
The giantess stepped away from the door and tossed the men on her bed, leaping up behind them. They cried out as they flew through the air, only to land on soft satin sheets. Bianca usually had a maid undress her, but she was too impatient and horny to wait, and she wanted privacy, so she strained to take off her burdensome clothes on her own. Her tiny victims attempted to run away as she pulled off her shoes and stockings, but she easily plucked them up and threw them back into the mound of pillows. She chuckled as they scurried and tripped over the folds in the sheets in futility. They were energetic little creatures; she couldn’t wait to feel them wriggling around inside her. 
“Enough of that, now,” she chided as she wormed her way out of her restrictive dress. “There’s no getting away from me.” Her curvy thighs popped through the constrictive fabric and the dress collapsed around her ankles. Cesar’s eyes bugged out of his skull at the glorious display of milky feminine flesh, as immaculate and massive as a perfect goddess. She turned away with a refined motion to retrieve a vial of glowing blue potion from her vanity, giving Cesar an admirable view of her luscious bottom, as juicy as a peach and big enough to easily crush him. He immediately began stripping off his own clothes, unable to wait any longer. 
She climbed up on the bed and loomed over the miniature men, her glossy hair cascading down her shoulders like black waterfalls. She uncorked the vial and dripped a single drop onto each man’s head, gripping her unwilling prey around their heads and chests with her finger and thumb when they tried to resist. 
“Oh God, that’s an anti-digestion serum! She’s going to eat us!” Gio exclaimed in horror. Bianca giggled, trailing a manicured nail over her plump lip. 
“Not quite,” she said in a silky tone, lowering herself down and engulfing the men in her great shadow as she planted her palms on either side of them. The mattress creaked under her tremendous weight. “I just want to make sure I don’t smother you.” Gio and Graham paled, but Cesar heated up even more. 
“Take me, please, babygirl, I’m all yours!” he cried out, throwing up his hands and twirling in his flashy, theatrical way. Bianca bit her lip with a seductive smile, but instead of accepting his offer she grabbed up Graham instead. She wanted to tease him. 
“What? Why? Use that idiot, not me!” Graham squealed. The giantess tore off his clothes with her enormous, strong fingers and nails, stripping him to his bare skin in an instant. She slapped him against her bulging breasts, muffling his screams as she slid him down her long, tall belly teasingly, over her toned abdomen to her playground of pleasure. She was already sopping wet with carnal desire, and he slipped right in with a shrill shriek as she shoved him into her hungry vagina with her fingers. His desperate thrashing in her inner chamber as he struggled to escape stimulated her, making her moan with erotic indulgence. He managed to get his arm and head out briefly, wriggling wildly, before she pushed him back inside. 
Gio dashed across the bed while she was distracted, but she snagged him before he could reach the edge. “Come back here, you little cutie,” she laughed. She brushed him up along the length of her inner thigh, which was moist from her excretions on the upper portion as he approached her drooling pussy.  
“Please don’t,” he begged. “No, no, no, this isn’t right!” Bianca ignored him, coating him in her juices as she rubbed him against her clit and moaned in ecstasy. Cesar crawled forward to be in between her legs and observed the spectacle with rapture. He was showered with flecks of fluid, as potent as an aphrodisiac for him, as the giantess princess towered over him like a colossus. Gio begged to be let go as she masturbated with his whole body like a sex toy, thrusting him in and out several times before stuffing him inside as high up as her fingers could reach. She panted, cheeks flushed and body quivering, as eight tiny limbs violently massaged her vaginal walls. 
She grabbed Cesar next in the throes of pleasure, clearly not caring whether he was a willing participant or not, and began to rub him all over her gigantic breasts. He stroked her sensual flesh with his hands, his own skin and nerves alight with divine enchantment. He kissed and hugged nipples as big around as basketballs, which turned out to be sensitive erogenous zones for the horny giantess. Her moans became deeper and longer. She was clearly enjoying herself, and Cesar was in sublime heaven. 
She slid him sensually down her belly, allowing him to enjoy her soft, supple skin underlaid with slim muscle. Cesar appreciated every fine detail of her gigantic form, every ridge and bend. She lowered him to her garden of earthly delight, her rose petals glistening with dew. Cesar massaged her clit with his hands, making her quiver under his experienced touch. She rubbed him against her sopping genitals, almost smothering him when she smashed him with her huge muscular thighs as she clenched them together out of reflex. Cesar couldn’t hold back his orgasm any longer and blew his load with triumph as the head of his dick rubbed against her labia. 
Bianca hadn’t reached climax yet, however, and Cesar was determined to get her there. He stretched out his arm, sliding down the slippery pink surface coated with his own seed and her fluids, and plunged it as far up her vagina as he could reach. He swished it around to stimulate her, reveling in the sensation of her hot, wet, slick walls that were alive with pulsing movement. To his shock, another hand grabbed his own and pulled him in further, up to his shoulder. The giantess was more than happy to help, stuffing the rest of his nude body up inside with her fingers. 
Cesar found himself blinded with a waterfall of salty, viscous liquid and squished on all sides by powerful muscular contractions. He flailed a bit out of instinct, causing the hot fleshy chamber to compress around him with startling force. He could feel her heartbeat in the walls, rushing over his skin and in his ears. The giantess’s exclamations of sexual gratification thrummed through her body and his in low, rich tones, rising in intensity.  
She had three men struggling inside her now, and she was past the point of no return, rapidly approaching the peak. All those little limbs stroking her insides drove her wild. They were superior to any fingering a giant could do, or any giant dick for that matter. She gasped and flopped on her back on the bed, writhing and vocalizing her fulfillment, until all her rational thought was eclipsed with a cascade of physical rapture. 
She made it to the pinnacle. She let out a loud groan as her vaginal canal crushed around the tiny men. Cesar heard the distinct crack of a bone breaking above his head; Gio shrieked in agonizing pain. In a gush of juices, Bianca squirted them all out like a firehose, and they collapsed in a soggy heap on the bedsheets between her jiggling thighs. They lay there, limp, sore, bruised, and overcome by the whole experience. Gio clutched his forearm, sobbing. His lower arm was bent at an unnatural angle. 
Bianca sighed with contentment and stared up at the ceiling with her eyes shining. She adored her new toys. She had been sexually repressed for so long, and it was lovely to finally have release. As the daughter of the overprotective king, nobody dared to accept her advances, regardless of how aggressively she pursued. She hadn’t experienced coitus in a long time. Her last lover, a dashing giant servant that she met in the castle, had disappeared under suspicious circumstances once her father had learned of their clandestine relationship. She pushed the distasteful thought out of her mind as a dribble of melancholy infected her good mood. She didn’t want to be reminded of the past. 
She sat up and scooped the pile of naked men, saturated with her cum, into her hands. Gio yelped when she moved him. She noticed the irregular bend of his arm and a shadow of concern shrouded her expression. “Are you hurt?” she asked, tilting her head down to get a closer look. 
Gio winced. “My arm... fuck, I think it’s broken...” he whined. She reached a finger toward him for further examination and he flinched, ducking down into the hollow of her giant palm. “Don’t touch me!” 
Bianca frowned, but didn’t push the issue. She wasn’t sure what to do about it: She could call a doctor for him, but she didn’t really want to go through the hassle, and have to awkwardly explain to the doctor the details of how she injured her new pet. She figured he’d probably be fine. She set the small men down in their human habitat, which resembled a fancy dollhouse but with transparent walls for observation. The furniture was elaborately and painstakingly hand-crafted by a giant carpenter skilled in making doll furniture, yet still fully functional for human use. 
“Get yourselves cleaned up. There’s water in the tank,” she informed them impassively, before shutting the lid and striding off to get dressed and cleaned off herself. 
They stared after her in disbelief. “Hey, wait a second! Aren’t you going to get him medical treatment?” Cesar yelled after her. He banged on the glass with his fist to get her attention, with no result except a goopy splotch on the window. As he came down from his high, his mind momentarily cleared of horny thoughts, he was disappointed to find that the sexy giantess didn’t seem to care about their wellbeing at all. “Come back here!” 
“Forget it. She won’t be of any help to us,” Graham grumbled bitterly. “Let me take a look. In my past life, I was a doctor.” He squinted hard to see through the fog of his blurry vision. “Dang it, if only I hadn’t lost my glasses...” He tried to feel Gio’s arm without causing him pain, but the thick mess of milky ooze made his fingers slide uselessly over his skin. 
“We need to clean him up,” Cesar declared. They drew up some water and heated it for a bath. All three of them washed off the filth with relief. Graham examined Gio’s arm and determined he had a fractured radius. They sacrificed one of the chairs, snapping off a wooden leg and ripping a sheet to produce a makeshift splint. Gio stared down at his arm through a mist of tears. 
“This is the worst day of my life,” he bemoaned. “First King Charles betrays me, and now we’ve all been reduced to nothing more than sex toys...” 
“I almost feel like I’d rather go back to prison,” Graham lamented. He strained to look over his surroundings, despite his deplorable vision. He was certain he still had his glasses on right before he’d been shoved into the princess’s pussy, so his glasses were probably stuck up inside her somewhere. He’d never get them back in one piece. He was tired of being a prisoner, with his fate out of his control, and now forced to be a giantess’s sex slave on top of that. The outlook was grim. 
Cesar was conflicted as he witnessed the abject suffering his compatriots. As great as he felt to finally live out his lifelong sexual fantasy, and as much as he enjoyed being dominated by a smoking hot giantess, he didn’t want anyone to get hurt or mistreated in the process. He’d served under the king alongside Gio, so he knew him at least on a professional level, and he hated to see his coworker in pain. Princess Bianca’s callous response disturbed him. He held out hope that maybe it was just a misunderstanding, and she simply failed to realize how serious the injury was. Once she recognized that his arm was really broken, she’d be sure to address the issue... right?  
Chapter 13
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storytime with gio
my grandma on my mom's side had an uncle. he was always flamboyant, and to the surprise to nobody he turned out to be gay. he was kicked out of his house after that, but my grandma's mom welcomed him in he often stole her stockings and high heels, and when WWII started he managed to avoid getting drafted because luck wanted that he found a job as a dancer for a popular singer of the time
he died tragically the day war ended, shot by OPTION A: a fascist OPTION B: an homophobe OPTION C: a rogue bullet shot aganist a fascist OPTION D: a rogue bullet shot during the celebration, nobody is quite sure of what happened, but since he technically died during the war he's listed with all the other fallen soldiers
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madame-echeverith · 2 years
In Gio Fully Fashioned Cuban Heel stockings 🥰
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sandraclapham · 11 months
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3 weeks ago in my hotel room after my time at Sweet Wednesday
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