#gio's boyz
blackhakumen · 2 years
Mini Fanfic #1044: Beartrap & Me (Epithet Erased)
6:45 p.m. at Sweet Jazz City's Beachy Shores
Molly: (Giggles Softly While Sitting Next to her Boss Beside Her on a Campfire Log) No way!~ Did that seriously happened?
Giovanni: (Chuckles Lightly) Yeah, really! Like, a literal moutain goat, (Quickly Grabs his Chin) not really sure who it belonged to by the way, just barging in, starts chasing everyone of us around the house, and wrecked and chewed off almost EVERYTHING inside! The plants, furniture, wires, he even demolished Ben's 3DS with his own hooves!
Ben: (In the Distance Helping the Rest of the Voyz Cook on the Grill) A Legend of Zelda, Ocarina of Time 3DS! Which costed me MY ENTIRE ALLOWANCE BY THE WAY!! I hate that FREAKING GOAT!!!
Giovanni: (Immediately Covered Molly's Ears While Glaring at his Minion in the Distance) LANGUAGE, BEN!!
Ben: Sorry, Boss.
Giovanni: (Let's Go of Beartrap's Ears) Sorry about Ben. He's been salty about that incident ever since.
Molly: (Smiles Sheepishly) I-It's okay, Boss. I've heard a lot worse from actually.
Giovanni: Wait, you have?
Molly: Yeah. Mostly from the customers I had to deal with back at the Toy Store.....
Giovanni's face suddenly turns dark as the words "customers" and "had to deal with it" are in the same sentence.
Giovanni: They were giving you a hard time?
Molly: Yeah. B-But the most I've gotten were complaints and narcissism! So it wasn't all that bad. (Gives Gio a Motherly Like Glare) And you're not gonna try plotting vengeance on them for my sake either.
Giovanni: (Playfully Scoffs) Oh come on, Beartrap! What makes you think I wanna doing something like that?
Molly: (Faces Flatters onto a Deadpinned Look) Boss, it's written all over your face. Why else were you giving me that look for?
Giovanni: To...show how....(Slowly Shrugs With an Awkward Smile on his Face) Intimidating I really am?
Molly raises an eyebrow at her boss in silence. It didn't take a five year old to know that she's not falling for his half baked lies.
Giovanni: ('Groans in Defeat') Okay, fiiiine. So maybe I was planning on getting them back for you. (Frowns a Little) I just don't want anyone to make my #1 minion feel bad. (Quickly Looks Back and Forth Before Turning Back to Molly, Whispering to Her) Don't tell anyone in here I said that by the way.
Molly: (Giggles Softly) I won't~ Just promise me you won't let it bother you too much, okay?
Giovanni: (Happily Gives Molly a Thumbs Up) You got it, Beartrap!
Molly: (Notices her Boss' Other Arm is Sticking Out From Behind his Back as She Gives Him a Teasing Smirk) WITHOUT crossing your fingers together from the back~
Giovanni: (Chuckles Lightly as Moves his Other Habd From his Back) Okay, okay. I promise for real this time. (Grabs his Chin Again) Now where was I in the whole goat story?....(Suddenly Snaps his Fingers) Ah yeah. The part where it destroyed Ben's 3DS or whatever.
Ben: (In the Distance) That goat can go suck the RIGHT PART OF MY-
The Boyz: BEN!
Ben: I'M SORRY! I just....really missed my game a lot!
Giovanni: (Rolls his Eyes) Anyways, after that ordeal happened, the goat kept chasing us around the house a few more minutes till Crusher suddenly swooped in out of nowhere, grabs him by the horns, and delivered the most devastating DDT throwdown I've ever seen in my life!
Giovanni: (Got Up and WVe at Crusher With Big Grin on his Face) WELL SAID, BIG GUY!~ SO PROUD OF YOU!~
Crusher: (Immediately Starts Stammering and Blushing While Watching his Crush Boss Happily Waving at Him) Y-Y-Y-Your p-p-p-proud!!!?~
Flamethrower: (Places his Hand on Crusher's Shoulder) Hey, eyes back on the grill, big guy. Don't want our food getting burnt, now do we?
Crusher: (Immediately Comes Back to his Senses and Continues Cooking) R-Right. Sorry.
Giovanni: (Sits Back Down) So yeah, after that glorious display happened, the goat's owner eventually came by and picked it up a few minutes later.....with all of our moms standing behind him the whole time. Giving all of us those....(Shivers at the Memory) menacing Mom Glares and whatnot.....
Molly: It was that scary, huh?
Giovanni: The most terrifying thing in the world, Beartrap. And they did what all moms do when they caught their kids red handed in a party: they kicked the guests out, they yell and scold us while the moon still shines, they use our allowance to repair all the stuff that was broken stuff in the house, and then grounded us for a whopping month in a half.
Molly: Yikes. That couldn't have been fun.
Giovanni: ('Sighs Heavily') Trust me, Beartrap, it wasn't.....(Smiles a Little) But we did managed to become the talk of the class for the rest of the school year, so it's not all dreadful
Molly: (Smiles Back at her Boss) Oh that's good to hear at least. It's been a while since I've ever been to an actual party myself.
Giovanni: Seriously? What about your birthdays?
Molly: (Chuckles a Little Awkwardly) Yeeeeeah, funny you mentioned that. I....um....don't think I've ever celebrated my birthday in.....let's say.....three or four years....
Giovanni: (Eyes Widened in Complete Shock) You haven't celebrated your birthday in THREE TO FOUR YEARS!!!?
Molly: (Gets Startled by Gio's Sudden Outburst) I-It's not like I didn't want to celebrate it or anything! Lori's kept using her epithet to create her own fantasy world in her room all day, dad's been busy doing everything that doesn't remotely involve anything work related, meanwhile I'm the only one out if the three of us who not only have run the store as per usual, but also have to keep our home from being a literal pig stock! ('Sigh Heavily') So yeah.....Not really the best birthday memories if....I do say so myself personally.....
The words coming out his faithful minion's mouth has infuriate Giovanni to absurd extent. He knew her father was clueless, irresponsible bum of a man the first time he met him in that fantasy world Lori created a day ago, but to hear that he made his own daughter miss four....FOUR of her birthdays that she should've been celebrating at the time due to his and the older sister's lazy and careless antics has sparked a flare of anger within him that never felt before in his life up until now. If we're given the opportunity to turn back the heads of time to that day of the incident, he would most certainly uses it to bash Martain's head in as many times as he wants, regardless if it would tire him out or not.
But alas, as nice as it sounds, he is still in the present and his sweet, little Beartrap needs him now more than ever. So he takes a mental deep breath, letting his anger fade out within in and puts on a sincere, faithful grin on his face that he could Muster at the moment.
Giovanni: Well you can say goodbye to those crappy years, Beartrap. Because in a-uh- (Whispers into Molly's Ears) When is your birthday again?
Molly: In a couple of months.
Giovanni: In a couple of months! Me and boys will throw you the best birthday party could EVER hope for! Oh and your friends are invited too of course. As well as that Rick Shades fellow. I like him.
Molly: (Smiles Softly at the Thought of Rick Shades) Yeah. I like him too. And thanks, Boss. You really don't have to go out of your way to do this for me.
Giovanni: Of course I do. You're my #1 minion. I'll be always be there for you, kiddo. With that being said..(Starts Looking Away Nervously) uh....Molly?
Molly: Hm?
Giovanni: I...(Starts Rubbing The Back of his Head Back and Forth) know I might've already asked you this question last night, but.....(Takes a Deep Breath Before Turning Back to Molly With a Worried yet Firm Friwn on his Face) Are you really okay this? With me....kidnapping you and everything?
'Distant Chatter and Sound of Smaller Waves Coming to Shore'
Molly: Boss.....
Giovanni: (Starts Getting Up From his Seat and Pace Around a Bit) I know, I know it was a really bold, reckless, stupid move on my part to do last night, trust me, I already have enough crap from Trixie and Sheep Girl about it as it is-
Molly: Boss.
Giovanni: But I couldn't help it, okay? You were miserable in that toy shop and the fact that your own dad and sister never once bothered to help you out in anyway really ticked me off to no end!
Molly: Bosssss.
Giovanni: Like seriously, why the hell are you making your own twelve year old daughter do all the work while you lay around doing jack SHIT when you know damn well it was YOUR responsibility since day freaking ONE!!
Molly: Boss!
Giovanni: And it doesn't help the fact that hardly anyone sees anything wrong with this! Not even the authorities! All they seem to care about is getting their damn, stupid toys out if the shelves, no matter who is running the register! The fact that your friends, your teacher, a weird but cool wizard guy, and an annoying, useless, wannabe villain are the only ones cares more about your health and happiness than your own family and everyone else in this dumb city speaks volumes about society AS A WH-
Giovanni: (Finally Stops Ranting and Gives Beartrap her Full Attention) Y-Yeah, Beartrap?
Molly: (Takes a Deep Breath Before Speaking) Okay, first off, don't you EVER talk bad about yourself again! You're one of the most sweetest, passionate person I've ever have the pleasure of meeting and I refuse to believe and let you think otherwise, got it!?
Giovanni: (Immediately Salutes to Molly) Yes, ma'am! Won't ever happen again, ma'am!
Molly: (Simply Nodded) Good. And second....(Gently Grab Hold of Giovanni's Hand) Please don't stress yourself out. I'm.....(Gives Gio a Confident Smile on her Face) one hundred and one percent okay with this.
Giovanni: You...you really are?
Molly: (Happily Nodded) Yeah. I mean, sure, it's a lot to get used to, being kidnapped by the greatest supervillain this town has to offer and whatnot.
Giovanni: (Forms a Small Pout on his Face) You're not just saying that to make me feel better, are you?
Molly: Noooo, I mean it! You are a great villain and a boss. And I like I said: it'll be a lot to get used to. But to be perfectly honest, if there's anyone in this world I would spend the rest of my life with.....(Smiles Brightly at Giovanni While Gently Squeezing his Hand) I'm so glad it turns out to be you in the end.
And there it was. The bright, sparkle in her eyes, the warm, comforting she brings in the area, and a smile that would light up even the most angriest of people's moods. All of that and more was just enough to ease Giovanni's worries and focus on what's really important in front of him.
Giovanni: You know something, Beartrap? I'm a lot of things
Molly: Hm?
Giovanni: I'm loud, obnoxious, thick headed, arrogant to the extent, and above all else, I...may be am full of myself.
Molly: Boss.....
Giovanni: (A Smirk Starts Creeping Up on his Face) ('Heh') But even then, that STILL won't stop me from achieving my dreams to villainy and fulfilling my promises. That I....(Points Up into the Sunset Above Him) GIOVANNI POTAGE, will not only continue to provide my Boyz the upmost care and support....(Looks Back at Molly Woth a Determined Look.in his Face) But to also become the best damn guardian you could ever ask for. (Places his Thumb on his Chest) And that's a promise I'm willing take for the rest of my life!!!
'Sounds of More Waves Coming in and Out the Tides'
Molly: (Sighs While Putting on a Bit of a Pouty Look on her Face) Honestly.....I thought I told you to never talk down on yourself again, mister.
Giovanni: ('Sigh') Yeah, yeah. I know. Just trying set example here is all. But...you do get where I'm coming from in all of this, right?
Molly: (Smiles Softly) Yeah, I do. And I'll support and root you every step of the way. (Points her Finger and Moves it Up and Down at her Boss) But ONLY if you promise not to work yourself too hard for my sake and let me and the others help you out. We're a team now and teammates always help each other in need.
Giovanni: Very true, Beartrap. (Happily Nodded) Alright, I accept your promise. But only if YOU promise me to start going out more and enjoy being a kid for as long as you can. You're still have a lot if years ahead of you, you know?
Molly: (Nodded Back at Giovanni) Right. And a promise is a promise.
Giovanni: Spendid! As of today, Beartrap, you, I and our Boyz will take over this city and show em what we're really made of! And soon....(Picks Up Molly and Twirls her Around, Causing her to Giggle in Place) The whole WORLD will ours for the taking!
The duo turns to see Flamethrower staring at them in the distance.
Flamethrower: We're finally done cooking!~
Car Crash: (Smiles Brightly) Yeah and Ben hasn't made the food burnt into a crisp this time!
Ben: (Immediately Glares at the Duo Snickering Among Themselves) H-Hey! Name one time I've burned something food related!
Dark Star: Do you really want us to bring up last year's summer party incident?
Ben's eyes starts to widens as he mentally hears loud fire truck sirens and the fire burning around the house Itself, with his boss screaming out "GODDAMMIT, BEN!" ringing in his ears throughout all of it.
Ben: ('Gulp') No. I rather you not.
Dark Star: (Simply Nodded) That's what I thought. (Turns to Gio and Molly From a Distance) You guys, hurry up and get here before fire boy here strikes again.
Ben: Dude!
The Boyz: (Starts Laughing at Ben's Dispense)
Giovanni: (Chuckles Lightly) Well, you heard the man, Beartrap. Let's mosey our way over there before our food gets cold. Or burnt.
Molly: How did Ben even managed to do all of that in the first place?
Giovanni: It's another long story that I'm willing to tell ya if you want.
Molly: (Smiles Softly) Yeah. I'd like that.boh and boss?
Giovanni: Hm?
Molly moves her head over to Giovanni's cheek and gives it a soft kiss before hugging lovingly in his arms.
Molly: I love you.
Giovanni: (Hearts Begins to Melt in Pure, Genuine Happiness) Oh Beartrap.....(Happily Hugs his #1 Minion Back) I love you too. Always have and always will.
And so the duo of mischief finally begins to make their way towards the rest of the group to eat their long awaited BBQ meals. There's no telling what the future may have in store for either of them, but as long as they faced them together, side by side, they're more than up for it, as newly found villains.
22 notes · View notes
isitthemoon · 9 months
✧ Musical Thoughts & Opinions ✧
Discography Review - The Boyz
This post involves me stating my personal opinions and thoughts while listening to the artist's discography, separated by era/release and pointing out my favorite song from each release. At the end of each section I'll give a score based on my enjoyment of the release as a whole, as well as a final score for the entire discography.
This is not an introduction to the artist, these are just my opinions posted on the internet for fun and should not be taken seriously.
Disclaimers and Rating System
The Boyz Edition: official korean and japanese discographies are included.
OSTs and Special Singles are not included.
Word Count: 3218
Originally posted on 01/11/23 and 22/11/23 as two separate posts in a sideblog.
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A Bit About Me:
Something I do regarding kpop songs, mini albums and full albums is that I mostly listen to title tracks only. I follow about 200 kpop artists (including groups, sub units and soloists) give or take, so I limit myself to the title tracks so it's easier to check out their releases.
Still, I want to listen to all of their discographies, hence why I made this series.
My History With The Boyz:
I've been following them since their debut, actually. So every time they released something, I downloaded the title track. Ironically, I actually only stopped to learn their names in 2021, probably after the release of Drink It and before Thrill-Ing. That's also when Juyeon became my bias.
Thrill-Ing was their first mini album I listened to fully and some of these reviews won't be a first listen, but more of a revisit.
With that said, let's begin.
The First
I remember watching the MV for Boy the first time and then finding out it was released that daykkkk I don't know why but I definitely have a different "bond" with the groups I follow since their debut. It's a different feeling, even if I don't follow them everywhere.
For a debut I think they established themselves pretty good actually. The mini album gives off their style and does a great job at introducing them. Still, it doesn't really "pull me in", even if I think it's neat overall.
My favorite song is Walkin' In Time and looking at the other releases I can definitely see some callbacks to this mini album. I call it 'Classical The Boyz' Style, and when it appears in the newer releases (post Reveal) I think it's a nice nod.
》 ☆☆☆ (Three Stars)
The Start
Now... I don't know why but I just didn't vibe with this mini album. My theory is that I didn't like it because I think these songs could've been released with their debut. For a first comeback, that's not something I want. I felt like they didn't expand on their style, but stayed on the same lane and speed instead. Maybe it was a smart marketing move, but still one I didn't enjoy.
I don't think it's a bad thing, it's good to have a brand. But for a first comeback I want something a bit more daring, I guess. Still, I don't hate these songs and my favorite is Just U (it does make me happy).
Also believe me when I say it's pretty difficult for me to actually dislike a song.
》 ☆☆ (Two Stars)
The Sphere
I have no idea what people say about this mini album but I WILL defend it at all costs. No one touch it. Keeper is my baby. This song gives me immense joy. There is not a sad day with this mini album. It has the energy, the style, the fun, the loveable vibes. No one will ruin this song for me.
Besides Keeper, I do think the three songs are great as a whole, even if I don't listen to the other two as much. Also Right Here was more captivating than Giddy Up for me (I will ALSO defend Giddy Up at all costs, don't try me).
As a final thought, if you hate Keeper, I'm sorry that you're not happy :(
》 ☆☆☆☆ (Four Stars)
The Only
This mini album gave us No Air, which in itself is a win. However, the other songs didn't grab my attention, and in this case, the title track won't raise the overall score.
With that said, this is the kind of album that I think of on rainy days and set aside a specific time to listen to it on its own. No Air still is my favorite song from this release.
》 ☆☆☆ (Three Stars)
Bloom Bloom
If you hate Bloom Bloom, I'm sorry that you're not happy :(
It was their first win FOR A REASON! The only people allowed to hate this song are The Boyz themselves, and even them won't escape it for the rest of their lives. If this song has one fan, it's me. If this song has no fans, it's because I'm no longer in this world.
Unfortunately, the title track won't raise the overall score, since Butterfly is not a song I usually go to and Clover is too cheesy for me. It will, however, earn this release our very first Moon Badge. Bloom Bloom is THAT song.
》 ☆☆☆ (Three Stars) + 🌙 (Moon Badge)
Now... *breathes deeply* Talented, Brilliant, Incredible, Amazing, Showstopping, Spectacular, Never The Same, Totally Unique, Completely Not Ever Been Done Before, Unafraid To Reference Or Not Reference, Put It In A Blender, Shit On It, Vomit On It, Eat It, Give Birth To It.
If there's one thing The Boyz can do no wrong in, is in a Summer Comeback. This mini album is everything I need and more. The songs perfectly fit with one another. I even dare to say it has the best opening (Water) AND ending (Daydream) songs from their entire discography.
Dreamlike is the mother I never had. She is the sister everybody would want. She is the friend that everybody deserves. I don't know a better person.
This release gave us Water which is easily my favorite The Boyz song of all time. It gave us D.D.D which is just absolute fun. It gave us Juyeon singing a chorus. It gave us a dance break. The aesthetic, the MV. This is easily one of my favorite The Boyz's releases. It altered my brain chemistry. Dreamlike is THAT girl.
》 ☆☆☆☆☆ (Five Stars) + 🌙 (Moon Badge)
I remember being so confused with this release: I saw the MV but then realised they weren't promoting it anywhere? And then found out it was their Japanese debut??? But then the song was in KOREAN?????
I didn't listen to this song after 2018, and now with the first listen of the album, I can't say I missed *that* much. HOWEVER! This era gave us Stupid Sorry, which is my favorite japanese release from them. And it's also one of my favorite b-sides from their discography as a whole.
Still, one song won't raise the rating. l think the album is nice, though.
》 ☆☆☆ (Three Stars)
Now... *sighs* Yes I was one of the people that didn't like the concept change. It just wasn't it for me. Especially because this was their first korean release right after BLOOM BLOOM and D.D.D which is already established that I love them.
I wouldn't say I was disappointed... or maybe I was. At the time I didn't know this was their first full album. I still thought the song was nice. I only listened to the album as a whole this year.
I'll also reveal (see what I did there?) some details on how my opinions have changed with the Chase section.
It's a good album, sure. My favorite song is Shake You Down because my girl Kenzie would never disappoint me. Also Kenzie and Moonshine on the same song in itself is a win. This album also gave us Goodbye and Spring Snow, which is nice. The other songs didn't catch my eye.
》 ☆☆☆ (Three Stars)
Now here, ladies and gentlemen and fellow non-binary folk, is how you make a successful concept. I think one of the let-downs of Reveal for me was that it didn't stick out to me because it was just a "dark" concept.
For a long time, actually, I liked Reveal more than The Stealer due to the chanting in the chorus (which is one of my pet peeves in songs). I only started liking The Stealer last year. And after listening to Chase as a whole, I look at my past self and think "How on EARTH did you think that Reveal was better than Chase?"
This era has the concept, the songs, the execution, the choreography, the storyline. It defeated Reveal in every aspect for me. I'm so sorry to the Reveal enjoyers who might be reading this (i'm sorry yumi), your tastes are still valid.
My favorite song is Shine Shine because MY GIRL KENZIE NEVER DISAPPOINTS!!! She also wrote the lyrics to The Stealer which is just the cherry on top.
All of this is still ironic considering that I disliked this era for two whole years.
》 ☆☆☆☆ (Four Stars)
Breaking Dawn
I don't think there's a lot I'll be able to say about this era. I don't have any strong opinions about it besides not liking Breaking Dawn (the song) and having nightmares about the MISBHV shirt (please... i'm exhausted... someone burn this shirt... I see it everywhere....)
My favorite song is Hush which is not exactly saying a lot. In this album's defense, I don't give much attention to their japanese releases as a whole.
》 ☆☆ (Two Stars)
Drink It
Technically speaking Special Singles don't count in this review, but...
》 ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆~ (ALL the Stars, please perform this song live, I'm begging 😭😭😭😭😭😭)
As I said before, this was the first mini album of The Boyz I heard in full. As I also said before, The Boyz simply know how to make a good summer comeback.
The concept photos? The MV? The songs? The aesthetic? The outfits? They slayed, your honor. This mini album is cohesive in everything it does. It was also the first comeback with me actually knowing all their names and following the teaser schedule.
The only song I didn't like at first was Dancing 'Til We Drop. Nowadays, I can enjoy it. It's still the last in my ranking from this release, but now I don't hate it. My number one slot is forever occupied by Bet On You.
As a closing thought, I'll say this: I really do like Merry Bad Ending, but that song is overrated.
》 ☆☆☆☆☆ (Five Stars) + 🌙 (Moon Badge)
To say I was disappointed would be an understatement. I think the let-down of it all was worse because this was 2 months after Thrill-Ing. You gave us the best summer comeback of the year and then released this song with chanting in the chorus and lyrics that don't make a lot of sense??
I did learn to appreciate the pre-chorus but that's about it. Safe to say I'm not the biggest fan of Maverick the song. The other two songs didn't capture me enough to give it three stars. It's just not my cup of tea and not the kind of style I like from The Boyz.
With that said, It's funny that I'm going off about this release on its 2 year anniversary. Happy Birthday Maverick!
》 ☆☆ (Two Stars)
She's The Boss
I don't know what it is with their japanese releases that just confuse me. When I listen to this song I don't like the way the verse is all aggressive and the chorus gets kinda chill.
Besides the title track, this release didn't stick out to me, even among the japanese comebacks. My favorite song is Why Why Why, which is not saying a lot. I did like the aesthetic of the title track MV and concept pictures.
》 ☆☆☆ (Three Stars)
Be Aware
This comeback... was.... something... yeah. It really was something. Definitely one of the releases of all time.
Besides the Eric hiatus, this era didn't feel quite right to me. Whisper felt like it was a Thrill Ride 2.0 that went wrong. It's definitely not for me. I do think it's funny that The Boyz seem to ignore this song too.
For the mini album as a whole... I don't hate the songs but I'd rather listen to their other releases. I think this is just out of spite because I don't like Whisper. My favorite song from here is Timeless.
》 ☆☆ (Two Stars)
Be Awake
Now, if they had Roar ready even before they released Whisper... then why did they even release Whisper????
I know that it's supposed to be some kind of Duology, I guess? But I don't see a lot of connections besides thinking that Blah Blah could be a Be Aware b-side.
Now, if you followed me when this was released you would know that I didn't like it at first. I had to listen to it like 10 times before liking it. I'm still glad I did because now I really appreciate the song. The MV is a masterpiece. And Kenzie wrote the lyrics, which is always a nice touch.
As for the rest of the mini album, I think the songs go great together. For someone who "doesn't like" The Boyz darker concepts, this was a nice surprise. My favorite song is Horizon.
As a final thought, I think IST should hire me to do their line distributions, I'm 100% sure I would be able to make a fair line distribution according to their voice timbrers and vocal technique levels. Please let Juyeon and Haknyeon sing more, I love their voices so much 😭😭😭😭😭
》 ☆☆☆☆ (Four Stars)
This was... a bit of a whiplash experience because there were like four different types of songs?? Every two songs it felt like the vibe changed. It didn't make me dislike them, though. It was just a bit of a shock.
With that said, my favorite song is Lip Sync. I literally listened to it today before writing this, so I don't have much to say about this album.
》 ☆☆☆ (Three Stars)
Christmas In August
Say it with me: THE 👏 BOYZ 👏 KNOW 👏 HOW 👏 TO 👏 MAKE 👏 A 👏 GOOD 👏 SUMMER 👏 COMEBACK 👏.
Like, I don't know how they do it. They simply kill it every time. Dreamlike, Thrill-Ing and Christmas In August is THE Holy Trinity for me. If you don't like it, I'm sorry you don't know how to have fun :(
Jokes aside, when I first listened to this album, I pratically liked all the songs. I did get a bit disappointed by Fantasize because I thought it would have a more energetic chorus. But girl (gender neutral), when I listened to Fire Eyes...
When I tell you I jumped from my bed and started dancing and flailing around my arms and legs, you best believe me because that's exactly what it happened. This song is everything I wanted and more. It solidified this album as a favorite for me.
This album is just really good overall. Ugh I love it, I really do. Unfortunately it didn't quite get the five stars because not all the songs are my absolute favorites (including Lip Gloss, I'm so sorry my dear). With time it'll probably evolve into a Five-Star, but for now this is all I can offer.
As a final thought, I don't know why they decided to call it a Second Full Album divided in three parts?? Like, just say it's three mini albums? Especially if the concepts are gonna be different? Also if it doesn't reach the 30-minute mark, it's not a full album. But maybe it's just a me thing.
》 ☆☆☆☆ (Four Stars)
Sixth Sense
First, the marketing leading up to this release left me SO nervous and desperately hoping that we woudn't get a Maverick 2.0. I'm a lot more "forgiving" on the b-sides, but given the fact that The Boyz's members were talking about "bad boy" concept (and not the Red Velvet kind)... yeah, you can say I was at least a bit nervous, since I already said that I'm not the biggest fan of The Boyz's "darker" concepts.
As for the title track itself, Watch It is NOT a Maverick 2.0 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏. It's definitely not my favorite title track of them and I really prefer Roar to this, but it's also NOT my most disliked song! And for me, that's both a relief and a good thing to say, because I actually had some enjoyment listening to the song, although it didn't quite get past the "nice" territory.
I was scared it would be an anti-drop (which I'm tired of), but since there was no percussion on the first pre-chorus, there was no tension or buildup to resolve. However, on the second pre-chorus we had a bit more buildup, and I was a bit disappointed (but not really surprised) that the second chorus didn't add anything else beside an extra synth layer. I think I would've liked it better if there was more energy, in a similar way to You Calling My Name by GOT7, to give an example.
Also, on the end of the bridge there was a tempo change leading to the high note?? Out of nowhere???? And I can't believe they DIDN'T GO ALL THE WAY. They went back to the chorus. With an extra synth layer. No change in the percussion. That didn't make me disappointed, it made me sad 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭. It could've been SO much more, they could've gone full Silent Night by Dreamcatcher, and I would've loved EVERY SECOND.
As for the rest of the album... why didn't they make Bad Luck the title track 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭, like yeah, I can see why Watch It is the title track, considering their marketing strategy, but I liked Bad Luck so much more... It has a break of expectation and it's so much more dynamic in my opinion. Crying&Laughter is my second favorite and honestly this track name just sums me up so well.
The mini album is really cohesive (and I love using the word cohesive) and you can definitely (another word I love using) see the vision they had for this release. Unfortunately, it's not a vision that I particularly enjoyed. So, this album is gonna have to go into a pretty familiar category: It's Nice But That's About It.
As a final thought, I'm gonna say this again: why are you gonna release 6 songs at a time with entire different concepts and call it a Full Album? Just say it's three mini albums or release a complete Full Album, please.
》 ☆☆☆ (Three Stars)
Final Scoring
As a whole, I almost rated this discography as three stars only, but after thinking a bit, even if I don't listen to every song (or most of them, at least), the ones I love and that I consider my favorites are enough to raise the score as whole. I may not love all the songs, but the ones I do, I love them with all my heart and they'll always be a special memory.
》 ☆☆☆☆ (Four Stars)
Final Thoughts
Again, I wanna say this was just for fun. I wanted to document my "process" as I navigate through my favorite artists' careers and maybe find a new perspective. I consider listening to music as my personal hobby, and so I wanted a fun way for me to do it.
I hope that those who read everything search a bit about The Boyz and their songs, if you haven't already ^^
Until the next post and happy listening 💜✨️
~ Gio🌙
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crowithy · 1 year
I made another uQuiz these are so fun to make
prolly not accurate but woe, link be upon ye
be warned, there may be many typos its 10pm and im feeling eepy
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fleurtwt · 6 years
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like if you save
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USMNT endures hills and valleys in its quest for the FIFA World Cup 2022
The certified mantra of FIFA World Cup qualifying. And that might go dual for Concacaf. The USA Football World Cup team over the first part of its 14-game octagonal plan in second place in the eight-team Concacaf collection with a 4-1-3 mark and 15 points, just behind a better Canada side (4-0-4, 16) and a point in advance of third-place Mexico (4-2-2, 14) and fourth-place Panama (4-2-2).
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The top three closers will reach Qatar World Cup 2022 even though the No. 4 side will encounter an Oceania nation, most to be expected New Zealand in a playoff in Qatar on June 13-14. So, it is needed for the USA Football World Cup team to take one of the top three skin conditions to make life easier, particularly after the Americans were unsuccessful to reach the FIFA World Cup 2018.
Engaging the Concacaf Nations League and Concacaf Gold Cup speedily would become a recall of unfulfilled potential miserable the line. It would be a letdown if we didn’t qualify for the FIFA World Cup, head coach Gregg Berhalter thought before qualifying. The USA Football World Cup team WCQ expedition to date has been one occupied with hills and valleys.
There have been some talented performances. Rising star Ricardo Pepi curved into hope and perchance the team’s No. 9 for the upcoming. When hale and hearty, Christian Pulisic continued to run by again us he was the best violent option. Tim Weah enjoyed an outstanding five days in November, scenery up and scoring goals. To know more about FIFA World Cup Tickets click here.
And with the team has two strong goalkeeping choices in Zack Steffen and Matt Turner. That could not build up the door for some argument as Steffen hardly plays for his club team, Manchester City, even though Turner was MLS goalkeeper of the year with the New England Revolution.
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It hasn’t been short of its drama. Pulisic and midfielder Gio Reyna have lost several games due to ankle and hamstring wounds, respectively. Midfielder Weston McKennie was referred home to Italy during the September gap after violating team COVID-19 conventions.
The Americans are on track their journey with a pair of attractions, a scoreless result in El Salvador on Sept. 2 and a 1-1 stalemate with the Canadians in Nashville, Tenn. on Sept. 5. Brenden Aaronson keep counting the USA Football World Cup team goal in the 55th minute, but the congregation side could not hold the lead as Cyle Larin steady seven minutes later.
The first hole-in-the-wall was salvaged with a 4-1 win in Honduras on Sept. 8, even if the visitors waited till the second half to explode. After Antonee Robinson secured things up in the 48th minute, Pepi’s first international score presented the USA Football World Cup team the lead for good in the 75th minute as Aaronson and Sebastian Lletget further insurance tallies.
Pepi continual to spark the USA, scoring double within 13 minutes in a 2-0 victory completed Jamaica in Austin, Texas on Oct. 7 previously the Americans went downhearted to a 1-0 defeat at Panama three days far along. The USA Football World Cup team bounced back with a 2-1 win earlier in Costa Rica, which won an energetic WCQ on American soil in 2017, 2-1, in Columbus, Ohio on Oct. 13.
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The USMNT shut out the 2021 campaign with a 1-1 result in Jamaica on Nov. 16. We checked in the 11th minute, but the Americans, pugnacious with the heat and humidity of The Office in Kingston, could not hold the main as Michail Antonio tied it up 11 minutes later.
Still, the USA Football World Cup team walked out of the venue with an important road point, while denying the Reggae Boyz two. In many respects, that is what FIFA World Cup qualifying is all about on the road. With the specter of a 2018 debacle still in the back of many minds of the media and fans, the Americans are not in a position to take anything for granted.
As good as 2021 was for the USA Football World Cup team the squad won a record 17 games Berhalter won’t be resting on his laurels in the new year. The Americans will play three FIFA World Cup qualifiers early next year, hosting El Salvador on Jan. 27, playing Canada in Hamilton, Ontario on Jan. 30, and then welcoming Honduras on Feb. 2.
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itsbeating1995 · 5 years
G4 Boyz Feat. G4choppa - Local Scammer
Follow on Instagramhttps://www.instagram.com/realg4boyzicebaby/https://www.instagram.com/realg4boyzbuggy/ Posted by Gio
-- Knowbody lies
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surinam-unity · 6 years
Inter Moengotapoe pakt volle buit tegen WBC
Inter Moengotapoe heeft zondagavond een belangrijke thuisoverwinning op Walking Boyz Company (WBC) behaald. In het Ronnie Brunswijk Stadion in Moengo werd het 3-2 voor de landskampioen, die 21 minuten met een man meer voetbalde, nadat WBC-aanvaller Gio... from DWTonline.com https://ift.tt/2GWbHRK
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blackhakumen · 1 year
Mini Fanfic #1134: The Boyz' Meeting Session (Epithet Erased)
4:45 p.m. at Crusher's Living Room.........
Boyz: (Chatting Among Themselves)
Giovanni: (Sits Down Next to Crusher and Spike in the Middle) Alright, everyone, settle down! The villainous meeting is now in full session.
Boyz: (Continues Chatting with One Another)
Giovanni: Boys? Booooyyyys?
Boyz: (Continues Chatting with One Another)
Everyone quickly cease their talking, finally giving their boss his needed attention.
Crusher: (Shyly Lowers his Head Down a Bit While Twiddling his Fingers Together) S-Sorry. That wasn't too loud, was it?
Spike: (Smiles Brightly at her Boyfriend along with Their Boss) Nah, man. You did great!~
Giovanni: We couldn't be more prouder~
Crusher then receives two kisses on both his cheeks by his two partners respectively before the meeting could really begin.
Giovanni: (Turns Back to the Rest of His Minions) Now, as you all are aware, we have one more week and approximately ten more days of September left before the first day of October will be upon us. Which could only mean one thing..........
Dark Star: That Halloween Store across the street from here, is about to open again soon?
Giovanni: No!....I mean, yeah, that's true. (Grabs his Chin While Thinking) And it's been a while since we've done something special for Halloween this year.....(Snaps his Finger While Pointing at Dark Star) Remind one of us to go by there before the 31st, will ya?
Dark Star: (Casually Salutes to Giovanni) Sure thing, Boss.
Giovanni: Now, for the ACTUAL answer to the question, earlier today, I've heard from a few sources that every first day of the new month, twelve boxes of Sweet Jazz's Pizzaria are scheduled to be delivered at the Planetary Workout Gym at roughly 5 p.m. sharp. So I figured, what better way to start off October this year.....(Forms an Evil Grin on his Face) Then to steal those boxes from right under their noses? (Notices a Hand Raise Up Before Pointing at Him) Yes, Four Eyed Sleeper Sheep!
Sylvie: (Has a Deadpinned Look on his Face While Lowering his Hand Down) Already not a fan nickname you've given me, Gio......
Giovanni: (Glares at Sylvie) Hey, that's MR. BOSS MAN to you too, mister. And it's a codename, not your run of the mill nickname! Learn the difference!
Sylvie: Alright, Mr. "Boss Man", if that's the case, then why give me a codename that's four words longer compared to everyone else in the room?
Giovanni: Cuz it sounds cool! (Starts Twiddling his Fingers a Bit) Plus, I came up with it a week or two ago, so it's work in progress kinda thing, you know?
Sylvie: (Squints his Eyes at Gio For A Bit Before Speaking) Sure.....Not that I'm completely against your ambitious schemes or whatever, but why couldn't you just order pizza to begin with?
Molly: Yeah, that probably would've save you the trouble from stealing boxes of them away from the gym.
Giovanni: Two reasons: One, the boyz and I were ban from ordering and ever stepping foot into the establishment a long time ago after the whole dinner escape fiasco. (Starts Squinting his Eyes at The Culprit) And we COULD'VE gotten away with it scott-free if weren't for certain SOMEONE whose name starts with a capital 'B'!
The rest of the boyz (with the exception of Nolly and Sylvie) starts turning their respective glares towards Ben.
Ben: (Flail his Hand Up and Down While Clicking his Teeth) C'mon, man. I said I was sorry! You know how I get when I crack under pressure!
Car Crash: Dude, all you had to do is keep quiet for a few minutes and let the boss do all the talking talking until the interrogation ends. It wasn't that hard!
Ben: It was for me damnit! I would've been more prepared if I'd known they'd be on to us the next day!
Giovanni: ('Sigh') Well, as dumb and unfortunate as that incident was, what's done is done, not like I wanted to back there in the first place now that charged most of their prices up. Did you know their medium pizzas cost $25.00 now?
Spike: The hell kind of pricing is that!?
Giovanni: The greedy kind, that's what! Which is all the more reason why we need to give this Pizza Stealing Operation a fair shot.
Flamethrower: So what's the plan you have in store for us, Boss?
Giovanni: Simple: We hit the gym 5 p.m. sharp, maybe a couple minutes earlier than that just to be on the safe side, send our Ace in the Hole, that's you Beartrap, to sneak over to the other side of the room, grab at least two and three boxes, and quickly take them back to our getaway mobile without getting noticed, all while the rest of us are gonna have to at least spend an hour or two of working out.
Most of the Boyz starts groaning and rolling their eyes at the idea of working themselves out to the bone. It's like going to P.E. classes alll over again......
Giovanni: I know, I know, it's a tiresome plan on our part, but if we do this and play our cards right, it could give Beartrap enough time to sneak past by any nearby staff. (Shivers in Disgust) Darrel especially......
Dark Star: Wait, he works there now or something?
Giovanni: Yeah, and he won't shut up about it ever since! (Shows a Picture of Darrell Bragging About Working at Planetary Workout on his FaceTemplet Account on his Phone) Now that I think, it might be for better that I accompany Beartrap on the heist just in case.
Molly: (Nodded in Agreement) I agree. I can tell that Darrell guy is starting to put you on edge lately.
Sylvie On edge enough for you to wanna have yourself a mini therapy session on?~ (Smiles Brightly and Rapidly Blinking his Eyes For the Possibility)
Giovanni: Shimmer down a bit, Doc, I don't need any therapy. (Crosses his Arms) I just....REALLY hate that guy!
Spike: (Place a Hand on Top of Giovanni's While Giving Him a Reassuring Smile on her Face) We all hate Darrell, babe, but you don't need to get yourself worked up over that jerkwad all day.
Crusher: Yeah, you're WAY more hahdsome and cooler than he'll ever be!
Giovanni: (Heart Begins to Melt in Genuine Happiness as He Starts Blushing) You guys really think that highly of me, do you?
Spike: (Happily Hugs Giovanni Along With Crusher) Hell yeah, man. You're the coolest guy in this whole town~
Sylvie: That's highly debatable really.
Sylvie quickly gets shushed loudly by Crusher and Spike before forming another deadpinned look causing Molly to start giggling right beside him.
Giovanni: (Chuckles Lightly) Alright, alright. I'll try not to let him get me distracted for you guys sake. (Gives Crusher and Spike a Kiss on Both Their Cheeks) Hell, if this heist goes along smoothly, we might have ourselves a spooky movie night!
Flamethrower: You think we could watch something tamed, Boss? (Points at Ben With a Teasing Smirk on his Face) I don't think Ben here is gonna last a minute watching a horror flick in one sitting.
Ben: (Glares at Flamethrower) Excuse you!? (Crosses his Arms While Turning Away) I'll have you know that I can watch through a through an entire Horror, Halloween related movie just fine!
Sylvie: Just the other day, you started covering yours and shaking like a leaf over a Scooby-Doo movie.
Ben: (Turns to Sylvie) You would start to shake too if you're greeted by a creepy looking ghost flying around the room!
Car Crash: It was a fake.
Ben: AND!? It's still creepy looking!
Giovanni: (Sighs While Rolling his Eyes) Then we'll watch something that ISN'T Scooby related. (Turns to Molly) Got any suggestions, Beartrap?
Molly: Well....it has been a while since I've watch Scary Godmother.
Dark Star: Ah dude! Scary Godmother?
Spike: It's been so long since I've watched that!~
Car Crash: I know, right? It's so good!~
Flamethrower: Don't forget the sequel!
Giovanni: (Forms a Bright Grin on his Face) Scary Godmother 1&2 it is then!
Boyz: (Cheers in Rejoice)
Ben: Ah man, do we have to watch those movies? It used to creep me out when I was little.
Giovanni: Sorry, Ben, the vote is anonymous!
Sylvie: (Shrugs Casually) Gonna have to suck it and watch through, if you even have the small ounce of guts to begin with.
Ben: ('Groans in Pure Defeat')
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isitthemoon · 2 years
I have... opinions...... about the boyz comeback
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martellelmulti · 8 years
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#Reposting @reggaetonitaliaofficial with @instarepost_app -- 🌍ESTRENO MUNDIAL🌍 Reggaeton Italia presenta el variado más hp del género #LatinTrapArmada6 lo mejor del #trap del momento, los líderes junto a la nueva generación! Click para descargar ▶️ www.reggaeton-italia.com ◀️ #anuel #badbunny #almighty #darkiel #martellelmulti #arcangel #delaghetto #nickyjam #nengoflow #jbalvin #tempo #bryantmyers #farruko #titoelbambino #mozartlapara y más! Tracklist 01. Anuel AA Ft. Nengo Flow - 47 02. Cosculluela Ft. J Balvin  Arcangel Y De La Ghetto - DM 03. Randy Nota Loca Ft. Anuel AA - Te Propongo 04. MC Ceja Ft. Juanka El Problematik - Vivimos A Lo Capo 05. De La Ghetto - Cali Kush 06. Lyan El Palabreal Ft. Boyz Brandnew - Infiel 07. Johnny Stone - Dice 08. Farruko - Diabla 09. Stackalacka ft Lito Kirino & Raudy - F$ck You 10. Kenxiel Ft. Lyan El Palabreal Y Jahzel - Voces 11. Tempo - No Entienden 12. Martell El Multi - Lengua En Su Vagina 13. Mark B Ft. Bryant Myers - Que Tengo Que Hacer 14. Nicky Jam - El Ganador 15. Nio Garcia Ft. Lito Kirino - Mi Mujer 16. Gio Baby - Por La Noche 17. Mello feat. JayP y Olimac - Autonomous 18. Melodiclave - Litty Spanish Remix 19. Chavito feat. Phresher - Wait A Minute 20. Eliot El Taino - Horny 21. Rboy - No Voy A Parar CD 2 01. Bad Bunny Ft. Mark B Y Poeta Callejero - Me Llueven 02. El Sica Ft. Arcangel  De La Ghetto Y Brytiago -  El Toto Te Llueve 03. Bryant Myers - En Que Pais 04. Zion Ft. De La Ghetto  Bryant Myers Y Bad Bunny - Caile 05. Lenny Tavarez - Caviar 06. Bryan La Mente Del Equipo - Perfume Dulce 07. Sensato Ft. Tali - Culo Cabron 08. El Dominiketa, The Romy, Givenchy 1A, Joel PZ, Mr Greg, Mr Axel, Jay Foxx Rico - Tu Piel 09. Darkiel Ft. Lito Kirino - Lo Mueve Pa Mi 10. El Jou C - Perdi Mi Culo 11.Packer Luther King – Tu Eres La Para 12. Jon Z Ft. Noriel  Darkiel  Lyan  Messiah y Baby Rasta - 0 Sentimientos 13. Japanese - Gangster Fulop 14. Tito El Bambino Ft  Bryant Myers - Ay Mami 15.Mozart La Para ft Tali & Shelow Shaq – Chapa Chapa 16. Lary Over Ft. Farruko - Booty Call 17. Justin Quiles Ft. Bad Bunny Y Almigthy - Crecia 18. Catalyna - Lo Mio 19. Royal X - Da Bag 20. Carlitos Rossy Ft. Anonimus Y Darkiel - 7 D
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fleurtwt · 7 years
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like if you save
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