#major spoilers to the prison of plastic
blackhakumen · 2 years
Mini Fanfic #1044: Beartrap & Me (Epithet Erased)
6:45 p.m. at Sweet Jazz City's Beachy Shores
Molly: (Giggles Softly While Sitting Next to her Boss Beside Her on a Campfire Log) No way!~ Did that seriously happened?
Giovanni: (Chuckles Lightly) Yeah, really! Like, a literal moutain goat, (Quickly Grabs his Chin) not really sure who it belonged to by the way, just barging in, starts chasing everyone of us around the house, and wrecked and chewed off almost EVERYTHING inside! The plants, furniture, wires, he even demolished Ben's 3DS with his own hooves!
Ben: (In the Distance Helping the Rest of the Voyz Cook on the Grill) A Legend of Zelda, Ocarina of Time 3DS! Which costed me MY ENTIRE ALLOWANCE BY THE WAY!! I hate that FREAKING GOAT!!!
Giovanni: (Immediately Covered Molly's Ears While Glaring at his Minion in the Distance) LANGUAGE, BEN!!
Ben: Sorry, Boss.
Giovanni: (Let's Go of Beartrap's Ears) Sorry about Ben. He's been salty about that incident ever since.
Molly: (Smiles Sheepishly) I-It's okay, Boss. I've heard a lot worse from actually.
Giovanni: Wait, you have?
Molly: Yeah. Mostly from the customers I had to deal with back at the Toy Store.....
Giovanni's face suddenly turns dark as the words "customers" and "had to deal with it" are in the same sentence.
Giovanni: They were giving you a hard time?
Molly: Yeah. B-But the most I've gotten were complaints and narcissism! So it wasn't all that bad. (Gives Gio a Motherly Like Glare) And you're not gonna try plotting vengeance on them for my sake either.
Giovanni: (Playfully Scoffs) Oh come on, Beartrap! What makes you think I wanna doing something like that?
Molly: (Faces Flatters onto a Deadpinned Look) Boss, it's written all over your face. Why else were you giving me that look for?
Giovanni: To...show how....(Slowly Shrugs With an Awkward Smile on his Face) Intimidating I really am?
Molly raises an eyebrow at her boss in silence. It didn't take a five year old to know that she's not falling for his half baked lies.
Giovanni: ('Groans in Defeat') Okay, fiiiine. So maybe I was planning on getting them back for you. (Frowns a Little) I just don't want anyone to make my #1 minion feel bad. (Quickly Looks Back and Forth Before Turning Back to Molly, Whispering to Her) Don't tell anyone in here I said that by the way.
Molly: (Giggles Softly) I won't~ Just promise me you won't let it bother you too much, okay?
Giovanni: (Happily Gives Molly a Thumbs Up) You got it, Beartrap!
Molly: (Notices her Boss' Other Arm is Sticking Out From Behind his Back as She Gives Him a Teasing Smirk) WITHOUT crossing your fingers together from the back~
Giovanni: (Chuckles Lightly as Moves his Other Habd From his Back) Okay, okay. I promise for real this time. (Grabs his Chin Again) Now where was I in the whole goat story?....(Suddenly Snaps his Fingers) Ah yeah. The part where it destroyed Ben's 3DS or whatever.
Ben: (In the Distance) That goat can go suck the RIGHT PART OF MY-
The Boyz: BEN!
Ben: I'M SORRY! I just....really missed my game a lot!
Giovanni: (Rolls his Eyes) Anyways, after that ordeal happened, the goat kept chasing us around the house a few more minutes till Crusher suddenly swooped in out of nowhere, grabs him by the horns, and delivered the most devastating DDT throwdown I've ever seen in my life!
Giovanni: (Got Up and WVe at Crusher With Big Grin on his Face) WELL SAID, BIG GUY!~ SO PROUD OF YOU!~
Crusher: (Immediately Starts Stammering and Blushing While Watching his Crush Boss Happily Waving at Him) Y-Y-Y-Your p-p-p-proud!!!?~
Flamethrower: (Places his Hand on Crusher's Shoulder) Hey, eyes back on the grill, big guy. Don't want our food getting burnt, now do we?
Crusher: (Immediately Comes Back to his Senses and Continues Cooking) R-Right. Sorry.
Giovanni: (Sits Back Down) So yeah, after that glorious display happened, the goat's owner eventually came by and picked it up a few minutes later.....with all of our moms standing behind him the whole time. Giving all of us those....(Shivers at the Memory) menacing Mom Glares and whatnot.....
Molly: It was that scary, huh?
Giovanni: The most terrifying thing in the world, Beartrap. And they did what all moms do when they caught their kids red handed in a party: they kicked the guests out, they yell and scold us while the moon still shines, they use our allowance to repair all the stuff that was broken stuff in the house, and then grounded us for a whopping month in a half.
Molly: Yikes. That couldn't have been fun.
Giovanni: ('Sighs Heavily') Trust me, Beartrap, it wasn't.....(Smiles a Little) But we did managed to become the talk of the class for the rest of the school year, so it's not all dreadful
Molly: (Smiles Back at her Boss) Oh that's good to hear at least. It's been a while since I've ever been to an actual party myself.
Giovanni: Seriously? What about your birthdays?
Molly: (Chuckles a Little Awkwardly) Yeeeeeah, funny you mentioned that. I....um....don't think I've ever celebrated my birthday in.....let's say.....three or four years....
Giovanni: (Eyes Widened in Complete Shock) You haven't celebrated your birthday in THREE TO FOUR YEARS!!!?
Molly: (Gets Startled by Gio's Sudden Outburst) I-It's not like I didn't want to celebrate it or anything! Lori's kept using her epithet to create her own fantasy world in her room all day, dad's been busy doing everything that doesn't remotely involve anything work related, meanwhile I'm the only one out if the three of us who not only have run the store as per usual, but also have to keep our home from being a literal pig stock! ('Sigh Heavily') So yeah.....Not really the best birthday memories if....I do say so myself personally.....
The words coming out his faithful minion's mouth has infuriate Giovanni to absurd extent. He knew her father was clueless, irresponsible bum of a man the first time he met him in that fantasy world Lori created a day ago, but to hear that he made his own daughter miss four....FOUR of her birthdays that she should've been celebrating at the time due to his and the older sister's lazy and careless antics has sparked a flare of anger within him that never felt before in his life up until now. If we're given the opportunity to turn back the heads of time to that day of the incident, he would most certainly uses it to bash Martain's head in as many times as he wants, regardless if it would tire him out or not.
But alas, as nice as it sounds, he is still in the present and his sweet, little Beartrap needs him now more than ever. So he takes a mental deep breath, letting his anger fade out within in and puts on a sincere, faithful grin on his face that he could Muster at the moment.
Giovanni: Well you can say goodbye to those crappy years, Beartrap. Because in a-uh- (Whispers into Molly's Ears) When is your birthday again?
Molly: In a couple of months.
Giovanni: In a couple of months! Me and boys will throw you the best birthday party could EVER hope for! Oh and your friends are invited too of course. As well as that Rick Shades fellow. I like him.
Molly: (Smiles Softly at the Thought of Rick Shades) Yeah. I like him too. And thanks, Boss. You really don't have to go out of your way to do this for me.
Giovanni: Of course I do. You're my #1 minion. I'll be always be there for you, kiddo. With that being said..(Starts Looking Away Nervously) uh....Molly?
Molly: Hm?
Giovanni: I...(Starts Rubbing The Back of his Head Back and Forth) know I might've already asked you this question last night, but.....(Takes a Deep Breath Before Turning Back to Molly With a Worried yet Firm Friwn on his Face) Are you really okay this? With me....kidnapping you and everything?
'Distant Chatter and Sound of Smaller Waves Coming to Shore'
Molly: Boss.....
Giovanni: (Starts Getting Up From his Seat and Pace Around a Bit) I know, I know it was a really bold, reckless, stupid move on my part to do last night, trust me, I already have enough crap from Trixie and Sheep Girl about it as it is-
Molly: Boss.
Giovanni: But I couldn't help it, okay? You were miserable in that toy shop and the fact that your own dad and sister never once bothered to help you out in anyway really ticked me off to no end!
Molly: Bosssss.
Giovanni: Like seriously, why the hell are you making your own twelve year old daughter do all the work while you lay around doing jack SHIT when you know damn well it was YOUR responsibility since day freaking ONE!!
Molly: Boss!
Giovanni: And it doesn't help the fact that hardly anyone sees anything wrong with this! Not even the authorities! All they seem to care about is getting their damn, stupid toys out if the shelves, no matter who is running the register! The fact that your friends, your teacher, a weird but cool wizard guy, and an annoying, useless, wannabe villain are the only ones cares more about your health and happiness than your own family and everyone else in this dumb city speaks volumes about society AS A WH-
Giovanni: (Finally Stops Ranting and Gives Beartrap her Full Attention) Y-Yeah, Beartrap?
Molly: (Takes a Deep Breath Before Speaking) Okay, first off, don't you EVER talk bad about yourself again! You're one of the most sweetest, passionate person I've ever have the pleasure of meeting and I refuse to believe and let you think otherwise, got it!?
Giovanni: (Immediately Salutes to Molly) Yes, ma'am! Won't ever happen again, ma'am!
Molly: (Simply Nodded) Good. And second....(Gently Grab Hold of Giovanni's Hand) Please don't stress yourself out. I'm.....(Gives Gio a Confident Smile on her Face) one hundred and one percent okay with this.
Giovanni: You...you really are?
Molly: (Happily Nodded) Yeah. I mean, sure, it's a lot to get used to, being kidnapped by the greatest supervillain this town has to offer and whatnot.
Giovanni: (Forms a Small Pout on his Face) You're not just saying that to make me feel better, are you?
Molly: Noooo, I mean it! You are a great villain and a boss. And I like I said: it'll be a lot to get used to. But to be perfectly honest, if there's anyone in this world I would spend the rest of my life with.....(Smiles Brightly at Giovanni While Gently Squeezing his Hand) I'm so glad it turns out to be you in the end.
And there it was. The bright, sparkle in her eyes, the warm, comforting she brings in the area, and a smile that would light up even the most angriest of people's moods. All of that and more was just enough to ease Giovanni's worries and focus on what's really important in front of him.
Giovanni: You know something, Beartrap? I'm a lot of things
Molly: Hm?
Giovanni: I'm loud, obnoxious, thick headed, arrogant to the extent, and above all else, I...may be am full of myself.
Molly: Boss.....
Giovanni: (A Smirk Starts Creeping Up on his Face) ('Heh') But even then, that STILL won't stop me from achieving my dreams to villainy and fulfilling my promises. That I....(Points Up into the Sunset Above Him) GIOVANNI POTAGE, will not only continue to provide my Boyz the upmost care and support....(Looks Back at Molly Woth a Determined Look.in his Face) But to also become the best damn guardian you could ever ask for. (Places his Thumb on his Chest) And that's a promise I'm willing take for the rest of my life!!!
'Sounds of More Waves Coming in and Out the Tides'
Molly: (Sighs While Putting on a Bit of a Pouty Look on her Face) Honestly.....I thought I told you to never talk down on yourself again, mister.
Giovanni: ('Sigh') Yeah, yeah. I know. Just trying set example here is all. But...you do get where I'm coming from in all of this, right?
Molly: (Smiles Softly) Yeah, I do. And I'll support and root you every step of the way. (Points her Finger and Moves it Up and Down at her Boss) But ONLY if you promise not to work yourself too hard for my sake and let me and the others help you out. We're a team now and teammates always help each other in need.
Giovanni: Very true, Beartrap. (Happily Nodded) Alright, I accept your promise. But only if YOU promise me to start going out more and enjoy being a kid for as long as you can. You're still have a lot if years ahead of you, you know?
Molly: (Nodded Back at Giovanni) Right. And a promise is a promise.
Giovanni: Spendid! As of today, Beartrap, you, I and our Boyz will take over this city and show em what we're really made of! And soon....(Picks Up Molly and Twirls her Around, Causing her to Giggle in Place) The whole WORLD will ours for the taking!
The duo turns to see Flamethrower staring at them in the distance.
Flamethrower: We're finally done cooking!~
Car Crash: (Smiles Brightly) Yeah and Ben hasn't made the food burnt into a crisp this time!
Ben: (Immediately Glares at the Duo Snickering Among Themselves) H-Hey! Name one time I've burned something food related!
Dark Star: Do you really want us to bring up last year's summer party incident?
Ben's eyes starts to widens as he mentally hears loud fire truck sirens and the fire burning around the house Itself, with his boss screaming out "GODDAMMIT, BEN!" ringing in his ears throughout all of it.
Ben: ('Gulp') No. I rather you not.
Dark Star: (Simply Nodded) That's what I thought. (Turns to Gio and Molly From a Distance) You guys, hurry up and get here before fire boy here strikes again.
Ben: Dude!
The Boyz: (Starts Laughing at Ben's Dispense)
Giovanni: (Chuckles Lightly) Well, you heard the man, Beartrap. Let's mosey our way over there before our food gets cold. Or burnt.
Molly: How did Ben even managed to do all of that in the first place?
Giovanni: It's another long story that I'm willing to tell ya if you want.
Molly: (Smiles Softly) Yeah. I'd like that.boh and boss?
Giovanni: Hm?
Molly moves her head over to Giovanni's cheek and gives it a soft kiss before hugging lovingly in his arms.
Molly: I love you.
Giovanni: (Hearts Begins to Melt in Pure, Genuine Happiness) Oh Beartrap.....(Happily Hugs his #1 Minion Back) I love you too. Always have and always will.
And so the duo of mischief finally begins to make their way towards the rest of the group to eat their long awaited BBQ meals. There's no telling what the future may have in store for either of them, but as long as they faced them together, side by side, they're more than up for it, as newly found villains.
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squiddcakes · 4 months
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Hello welcome to my 1000+ word review of Epithet Erased: Prison of Plastic where I ramble for an exceedingly long time.
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Re-listening to Prison of Plastic and I just realized something.
In the first chapter where we meet Rick Shades, Phoenica’s explanation of her hereditary magical destiny to assemble a group of five magical girls and defeat a powerful evil witch was actually foreshadowing—and not just for the described event itself, but also for the climax of this particular book!
(Major spoiler warning btw)
Think about it! The climactic final battle against Lorelei and her graham cracker dragon involves Giovanni, Rick, and the Neo Trio—five individuals in total, each of which have over the course of the book had some form of magical transformation or another, willing or not. On top of that, two out of the five of them have some form of special attack that they shout the name of out loud during the fight, plus Giovanni who has a history of doing such things so he also counts. And think of the method they use as their primary means of defeating Graham (besides various bear paws of course). They slice him up with the obsidian soul threads created by Rick Shades, threads which were literally forged with the power of friendship!
In conclusion, that final fight was in many ways a practice run for Phoenica’s magical girl destiny, complete with a magical transformation sequence on Rick’s part, two signature moves whose names were shouted out loud by Rick and Molly, an evil witch as the enemy, and five magical fighters who win using the power of friendship! Bam! Foreshadowing!
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ichigoofficial · 2 months
Me and @bigbadwolfy were talking about Epithet Erased earlier and we both came to a realization on something.
In the show, Molly strayed away from her group and ended up bumping into Sylvie and soon passing out, right? So what if...
Molly stayed with her group?
Never bumping into Sylvie, never falling asleep, and never being left behind in the museum? She'd end up going home safe and sound, unaware of the soon to happen robbery of the museum. She'd never meet Giovanni. Mera would never learn about her powers and how useful they'd be. In turn, Sylvie would be the protagonist in place of Molly, as he had plans to stay in the museum after dark to learn about the amulet he heard about during the earlier tour. Since Molly wouldn't be there, Sylvie would've ended up easily messing with the Banzai Blasters' plans and possibly having them arrested. One thing we figured would be the same was Sylvie ending up getting his epithet taken away by Mera, but soon he'd get it back when the police arrive and confiscate the amulet. With the Blasters not running away with the amulet and the police already having it in their possession, that would completely take away the Western Arc. Not only that, but since Molly never got trapped in the museum and met Gio, she never learned how to stand up for herself, so a majority, if not an entirety of Prison of Plastic never happens, due to her being unable to stand up to her own sister. Ramsey would also probably be dead since Zora would've already gotten to him as Percy never went to investigate Redwood Run.
So basically what I'm saying is; everything you see in canon wouldn't have happened if it weren't for a certain small and "meaningless" event happening resulting in a whole butterfly effect.
Sylvie basically caused this by knocking Molly out, vice versa with Molly bumping into Sylvie.
ANYWAYS thanks for listening to this probably meaningless theory session :3
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abyssalshriek · 2 years
Theory about Bliss Ocean's "Screen Guy"
Epithet Erased Prison of Plastic Spoilers:
I think Naven is either the Bliss Ocean screen guy, or he is a red-herring for it.
The Bliss Ocean screen guy shows up to the meeting, well, on a screen, and Prison of Plastic introduces Naven with the mention that he prefers to do meetings digitally.
Now, I wasn't the one to think of this theory. I actually saw a post about this theory before I started reading Prison of Plastic. Because I thought it was a spoiler, I didn't look too closely at it when I saw it, which meant I misread it as a fact rather than a theory. Thus, I went into Prison of Plastic waiting for when this would be revealed.
That said, going in with this theory made a lot of things make sense. Naven saying they'd be surprised how much he knew about evil. The ominous way he spoke to Lorelai in the infamous "Will you murder me?" scene. The double-entendre of him mentioning that he is in charge of a major organization; sure, he could be referring to his company, but this could also be hinting towards Bliss Ocean if he is the screen guy considering in that same line he already mentioned his position at Stem.
Speaking of Stem, it is mentioned they have a practice of hiring a lot of Mundies, which would be similar to Bliss Ocean's goal of getting rid of Epithets.
One last thing from the story is that the person the electric lady texted in Episode 4 had a similar word choice and color as Naven, and also Naven's chauffeur has the same voice as the electric lady.
This sign is a bit more of a meta thing, but I remember seeing Jello mention he had the screen guy's voice actor agree to remain anonymous for now. I suppose it could make sense to hide it, but I could see some voice actors being hesitant to hide their participation. However, because Naven is voiced by Jello, and if Naven is screen guy, it would be pretty easy for his voice actor to agree to anonymity because the VA would be the same guy who wanted the anonymity.
Also, Lorelai says while Naven is in the room that she wishes she could get rid of her Epithet. If Naven is part of Bliss Ocean, and if they try to take the amulet again later, this could set up for a conflict of them taking Lorelai's epithet away with the amulet. She asked for it, didn't she?
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Somewhere in the Sweet Jazz Museum, a haunted typewriter tick-a-tacks away from its corner of the storage room, hauntings of content-starved ghosts pulling together to create...
Ramblings From The Ether!
Why is the typewriter haunted?
Trixie broke the 'No Touching' rule ONE TIME.
Assorted Epithet Erased AUs, headcanons, and/or other random ideas to pore over or use while waiting for the next book to be announced/released! General interaction guidelines below.
If you have questions/additions to any of our posts, or any ideas/suggestions of your own, feel free to send them in!
This is not a shipping or ship-focused blog. In almost all cases, our content is non-romantic and strictly follows canon orientations and relationships. Suggesting attraction between characters in asks/submissions is acceptable in most circumstances as long as the idea itself isn't centered around shipping/romance, but we won't dabble in anything we find unsuitable for the blog.
NSFW/Mature Content
For the most part, this blog will not do mature or NSFW content. Blood and horror may rarely be involved, but anything beyond that will not.
Prison of Plastic, Anime Campaign, & Spoilers
Most of this blog's content won't have any major spoilers for Prison of Plastic, and none of it will have any (intentional) spoilers for Anime Campaign (which we have not watched). Any posts that do contain spoilers for Prison of Plastic will be tagged with "epithet spoilers".
And with that, enjoy continuing to explore the epithet erased tag!
The Sweet Jazz City Museum Ghosts' Union.
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sebeth · 9 months
All-Star Squadron #3 (Revised 1/1/24)
Warning, Spoilers Ahead…
Per Degaton has a hissy over the masked men running loose in the city. Degaton still thinks he’ll be victorious as he has captured the majority of the Justice Society along with “non-members” Wonder Woman and Robin.
Why exactly are Wonder Woman and Robin relegated to “non-member” status? Boo!
Wotan, Solomon Grundy, and Professor Zodiak are throwing down with the Shining Knight.  Sir Justin does an admirable job of holding his own. 
Wotan calls Solomon Grundy a “heap of rotted vegetation with delusions of grandeur”.  Harsh, dude.
Wotan refers to the Shining Knight as an armored charlatan and those are fighting words to Sir Justin: “Charlatan, did you say? Verily, I’ll show you ‘charlatan’, thou knave!”
I love Sir Justin’s dialogue. Thor and Hercules no longer speak like this and I miss the days when a “have at thee!” meant serious business.
Sir Justin refers to Solomon Grundy as a “grotesque distortion of life”. Is it pick on Solomon Grundy day?
Sir Justin and Danette escape the ship but are dumped into the ocean. The problem is Sir Justin is encased in metal chainmail, which makes swimming quite difficult: “Zounds! The pressure of the water overhead, it makes my very ears to ring and has rendered this flame-haired damsel senseless! Yet, though mine armor, e’en mine enchanted sword – do weigh me sorely down, still was I knight at Sir Arthur’s table round in days of yore and I shall prevail – not merely for the sake of us twain but for the sake of all the world!”
 The duo are rescued by Winged Victory (Sir Justin’s Pegasus).  They head off to free the captured Justice Society.  Professor Zodiak and Wotan are in pursuit. Zelbar Zodiak is eager to “reduce the Shining Knight to a blob of medieval protoplasm.” Zodiak can be besties with Glorith (from the Legion of Super-Heroes). She not only has the same approach but suffered a similar fate herself.
Per Degaton’s crew is unravelling at the seams and no longer following his orders. Degaton reveals he rescued Wotan from an extra-dimensional limbo in the late 40’s. Presumably Wotan was put there by Doctor Fate or an assembled Justice Society. Degaton retrieved the Sky Pirate as he was fleeing the Justice Society in 1948. The Sky Pirate and the King Bee were sharing a prison cell in the late 40’s that he recruited the duo from. Degaton plucked the Monster from 1944. He retrieved Solomon Grundy after his third and final solo battle with the Green Lantern.
Plastic Man, Phantom Lady, Dr. Mid-Nite, the Atom, and Plastic Man launch an assault on Per Degaton’s ship.  Plastic Man transforms himself into a drill and bores through the ship! Cue big fight with Solomon Grundy and Per Degaton.  Plas is wiped out from drilling through the ship leaving the rest to battle the duo. The group does pretty well considering the difference in power levels.  Dr. Mid-Nite, Phantom Lady, and the Atom are basically hand to hand fighters. I can’t remember if the the Atom had his enhanced strength at this point.  Liberty Belle has enhanced strength and speed.  Solomon Grundy, on the other hand, can brawl with Superman.
“I gotta hand it to you, Belle, for a girl, you’re a great little fighter!” – Way to show your 1940s’ attitude, Atom!
Hawkman, Robotman, and Johnny Quick are fighting Per Degaton’s forces in the city.
“Holy cats!” – Still loving the cheesy catchphrases.
Wotan and Professor Zodiak defeat the Shining Knight and pursue a fleeing Danette.
Wotan blasts her into a vat of artificial lava.  Professor Zodiak recoils in horror: “What a horrible end for a woman!”  Wotan responds with “Such hypocrisy you mortals are guilty of.  As if a woman’s life were somehow more precious than a man’s! Or as if either were worth the merest…”   Wotan is unable to finish his statement as the island is self-destructing.  Degaton sends the duo back to the future.
The Justice Society, including the Spectre, escapes their captivity.  The Shining Knight and an unconscious Danette accompany the group. 
Per Degaton, to avoid an angry Spectre, retreats to the future. Running far away is the only sane response to a pissed-off Spectre.
Robotman, Hawkman, and Johnny Quick arrive to help in the fight against Solomon Grundy.  Solomon is transported to 1947 by Per Degaton. Instead of being returned to his burial in the ground, Degaton arranged for Solomon to be stranded in space.  Grundy will remain in space until a “friendly meteor” will pull him back to earth in time for his appearance in Showcase #55 (1965) where he will battle Green Lantern and Doctor Fate.
Once again, Roy Thomas, master of continuity.
The groups meet up with the Justice Society.  They inform the JSA of the plans to form the All-Star Squadron.   Atom states “Pretty snazzy name, huh, Superman?”  Superman responds with “As long as you’re careful how you abbreviate it.”  Clark with the snark.
Danette has a dizzy spell.  Sir Justin comments that “Tis amazing I found you alive at all, lass, protected by Wotan’s own spells from volcanic fires!” Cue foreshadowing.
The group are losing their memories of their encounter with Per Degaton due to time-travel shenanigans.
The issue ends with Super-Villain Fact Files of Solomon Grundy, Professor Zobar Zodiak Wotan, and Sky Pirate. Fun fact: Sky Pirate suffers from terraphobia (a fear of low spaces).
This was a nice three-part introduction storyline.  The team was formed, and the groundwork was laid for future character arcs and romances.  The story established why Superman, Green Lantern, and Dr. Fate were unable to stop the attack on Pearl Harbor.  I recommend reading Secret Origins #26 to discover what other heroes were during Pearl Harbor.
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grayblacklight · 2 years
Major Prison of plastic spoilers and significant anime campaign spoilers, don't read this. Just don't.
Villains log 20XX
Just cashed in on some bets with some of my adversaries, who thought Percy would be the one to adopt Molly. On paper, I could see where they were coming from; Giovanni ain't exactly the most mature guy in the show and lacks a stable income of his own, while Percy is, in theory, a lot more responsible. Giovanni in season 1 does give off more big bro vibes, I'll admit, but I have confidence in him, and I think Percy is a few arcs away from being good with kids regardless.
Now, some of my minions would probably be confused as to why I took it so far as to bet money when I'm anything but a gambling robot. Well, I was pretty confident that they were wrong, because I knew something that they didn't - I knew that ac Giovanni was the best dad in anime campaign. High bar? Not at all, I'm pretty sure his strongest competitor was Trixie's dad, and all of his kids save the youngest had criminal records and Xerxes was generally seen as the go-to adult of the family, at least within the series we seen, because he had one dating sim of screen time anyway.
But AC Giovanni, on a whim, adopted one of the baseball robots Millie made as his son and showered him with love for the rest of the campaign. Robot cookies, protection, teaching him life lessons beyond his own interests. Heck, if anything happens to him, Giovanni would have become a lethal superboss.
So yeah, I had reason to believe in soup dad, and I was right! Now I just got to send some of this to my old pal from evil medical school, Lord Donator ...
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jackiebrackettt · 3 years
Fic Recs But They're All Mine ^_^ hey hi here's all my dsmp fics in one spot hope u enjoy
(side note: all of these are ctubbo pov unless specified otherwise)
(second side note: i'm going to be updating this post whenever i post a new fic so please make sure to check out the original post just in case the version u come across isn't the most recent ^_^)
reblogging this post is welcome and i'd really appreciate any kudos and comments on the fics themselves ^_^ hope you guys enjoy<3
(Under the cut bc there’s 70K+ words worth of fics here)
Little Plastic Robot: this is a ctubbo centric fic that explores his experiences and relationships from Manberg era onwards - currently estimated for eight chapters and at the time of creating this post (24/3/22) has 4 chapters and 26k words
Exercises In Doom: ctubbo pickpocketing cranboo + there's magic involved au! a snippet:
"At the edge of the marketplace there’s this big library with stone stairs leading up to it. It’s a common meeting spot for scholars, so there’s often people of all ages standing around and staring out into the crowd. It’s a perfect vantage point with an effective cover for him to pick his target.
And right now, he thinks his target might be an enderman guy wandering through the crowd.
Seriously, he’s wearing a full suit to the markets. Tubbo thinks he can even see the shine of jewelry. It’s like he’s asking to be robbed."
This fic has 3/5 chapters posted currently (3/9/22) and 21.1k words
Carve That As Your Epitaph: this is an au cbenchtrio alternating pov fic based on the story of "Once Upon a Time (In Space)" by the Mechanisms - which is a story album retelling of fairy tales in space.. if they were also fighting in a major political resistance against a corrupt empire (for more info i use the tag: "ctaye" to talk about it but be aware there might be vague spoilers)
It Wasn't Your Fault: this is a cClingyduo fic set post-disc war finale but pre-tommy prison death and they talk about exile. here's a lil section of it: "But Tommy’s different and half of that is Tubbo’s fault. Tommy’s different, and so is he, and he’s not sure where they stand with each other anymore. Not when it comes to things like this. It’s easier when it’s casual. When it’s like nothing has changed. And maybe that’s a cowardly move, but Tubbo never said he wasn’t a coward." This fic has 2700 words and 1 chapter
It's My Problem: this is a ctubbo centric fic that focuses a little bit on his complicated relationship with cwilbur, l'manburg and music. the first chapter is a dream and the second one involves an _beloved family morning. 2800 words all up and 2 chapters
Clear Nights: this is an early new l'manburg cbeeduo fic where they go stargazing ^_^ focuses on their developing relationship with some complicated feelings from ctubbo about l'manburg and home. it's 2500 words and 1 chapter
Tentative Friendships: this is a cranboo pov early new l'manburg cbeeduo fic. it happens right after tommy is exiled but the main focus is on their developing relationship. here's a lil section of it: "President Tubbo leans against him, head resting on his shoulder. Ranboo can just barely see his face from this angle. And he looks devastated, in Ranboo’s tentative opinion. Tubbo is a person who keeps his emotions locked up tighter than an enderchest. But something about the exhaustion from the past couple of days must have finally worn through his defences." this fic is 2600 words and 1 chapter
It's Fine, We're Fine: this is a fic where ctubbo interacts with enderwalking cranboo. here's a lil section of it: "Tubbo technically isn’t woken up by the bed dipping. What actually causes him to slip from one of his more peaceful rests into semi-consciousness was his front door opening and closing a minute or so prior. But the lack of action recently has made him soft. And his brain stays hazy and unfocused until, as mentioned, the bed dips.
And by then, it’s too late to consider that this could be someone out to get him or his son. Because he blinks his eyes open and comes face to face with Ranboo." it's 2100 words and 1 chapter
Twisted Traditions: this fic is something i wrote for cbeeduo's 1 year marriage anniversary! here's a snippet: "The grass is cool underneath them, and the sky above them is empty of clouds and full of stars. Tubbo and Ranboo lay stretched out on the grounds of L’Manburg, staring up into the sparkling void of the night sky. It’s a beautiful night, Tubbo notes absently. The grass is growing well after the replanting to cover the craters. The lanterns above L’Manburg city cast a nice glow over them without ruining the view of the stars. Ranboo is next to him." 1600 words and 1 chapter
On Grief and Other Things: a short fic set ten years in the future where ranboo has been revived and tubbo is reacting to that. here’s a snippet: “The process of grief goes like this: it is horrible and all consuming and you try to push it into the back of your mind and cover it up with work, work, work. You cover it up until you don’t have to try anymore and suddenly it’s like something’s been taken from you.” 800 words and 1 chapter
An Overthinker's Perfect Storm: a new l'manburg fic from cranboo's pov of ctubbo falling asleep on his shoulder. here's a snippet: "No, correction, the president is too short to reach his shoulder and is instead asleep on his arm. The president is asleep on his arm and has been for the past five minutes or so and Ranboo’s not exactly sure what to do about it because he can’t just move . Because if he moves, Tubbo wakes up. And Tubbo needs the sleep, in his tentatively given opinion." this is 2k words and 1 chapter
Working 9 Til 5: a fic where tubbo, ranboo and michael go to the beach! here's a snippet:
"The reason he’s packing away lunch instead of serving it is because roughly ten minutes ago Ranboo had suggested they take a trip down to the beach. “An actual beach,” Ranboo had said, “not the one - not your frozen one outside.” Tubbo had laughed. Until Ranboo started - lightheartedly - complaining about being made fun of and insisting he was serious. “You can’t even swim.” Tubbo reminded him." it's 1.6k words and 1 chapter
Tumblr Specials!
yeah under the cut because this is already getting long and i don't feel the need to highlight these ones
What A Wonderful Time: hitting on 16th aftermath that is just sort of me trying to piece together my thoughts on ctubbo's feelings about what happened. this one is an ao3 link but i do have a tumblr copy here: link. basically this is kind of disjointed which is why i feel like it belongs here
Untitled Scientist cbeeduo au: okay so this is a little fic snippet that i’m not going to finish (so don’t mind the first scene being clunky lol) of scientist cbeeduo hope u enjoy ^_^ please check the tags for content warnings Untitled Post-cranboo Death: just something i wrote after he died from tubbo pov - i felt kinda bad because it's a no happy ending thing and i don't like to read those.. but i wrote one.. yeah. so it's staying on tumblr! please check the tags for content warnings
Fanfic I wrote for a 30daysmp fic: this is a fic from lungs of the universe by @/nightmare-rivulets and it's 30!ranboo's pov. not sure how long it is but probably a little less than 1k words
memorybooks and tubbolul: chapters 1 and 2 - this will be explained when u click on the fic posts but basically it's set around the time when mbranboo was thinking about running away but hadn't yet memorybooks and tubbolul: chapter 3 of this above fic - don't ask why it's formatted so 2 chapters are in one post but the 3rd is in another i don't remember memorybooks and tubbolul: chapter 4! well, retconned to be chapter 4 because i never wrote it but this has the same concept. the major differences is that "chapter 4" was writing in a response to mbranboo actually leaving and the canon events are a little more updated than the previous ones
rpverse benchtrio fluff: no idea how long this is (not too long though like i'd estimate around 1k words) but it's just a little slice of life fluff fic ^_^ tubbolul pov
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ibis-gt · 3 years
aaaand have a short drabble for a borrower cam au too bc Por Que No Los Dos. uhhh major spoilers for an agatha christie novel but it’s not mentioned by name so. there you go.
When Cam first came across the little cottage in the woods, he heaved a sigh of relief. A human this close to his home was a blessing. He wouldn’t have to travel nearly so far to restock on certain supplies anymore. Anything metal or plastic he needed would likely be inside those walls, and he might even be able to snag some extra food. He really needed something to help him bulk up a little more for the coming winter; mouse pelts only went so far in keeping a body warm.
When he got inside, it was better than he could have possibly dreamed. The occupant was clearly concerned with the aesthetic of the place. There were odd bundles of dried herbs and flowers hanging from the ceiling, overflowing pots of succulents and ferns and other pretty plants, cutesy leaf patterns painted on the walls and over doorways, little throw pillows with mushroom and forest designs on overstuffed furniture. The whole place was cozy and quaint and straight out of a picture book. And after he’d gotten a look at the pile of stuffed animals in the bedroom, he knew he was set for life. Whoever lived here adored cute little things, and what was cuter or littler than Cam himself? All he had to do was stroll right up to them and introduce himself, and it was the easy life from here on out.
Oh, sure, he’d heard the horror stories of humans getting their hands on borrowers. But he’d also heard the success stories of borrowers getting all but adopted by the humans that had discovered them, pampered and adored and given everything their heart desired. He wasn’t much for daydreaming, but he couldn’t deny that the hard work of survival wore on a body, and more than once he’d thought about trying to get himself a human. And now this wonderful opportunity had landed right in his lap.
Cam took out his hair clip and combed his fingers through his hair, trying to work out all the tangles, before giving up and clipping it back again. He examined his reflection in a shiny ceramic plant pot. Adjust the poncho, wipe a bit of dirt off his face, check for anything between his teeth - okay. All good. He was looking his best and ready to get loved on.
The cottage’s occupant was lying on his back on the couch with a book and a glass of water. He’d finished the water some time ago and was now thoroughly wrapped up in his book. It was a murder mystery, and he’d made frequent guesses out loud to himself about the killer’s identity. He made one now.
“Oh, the secretary must have done it,” he said.
“Actually, it was the doctor,” Cam said, from his position on the arm of the couch inches away from the human’s ear. “Unreliable narrator, see.”
The human shot upright with a scream. Cam smiled at him.
“Hi, how ya doin’. Look, I live in these woods, and gosh is it a tough time out there. Wolves and birds of prey and the nastiest rodents you’ll ever meet. Sure would be nice if someone took me in and saved me from this horrible life of - whoa whoa whoa oh sHIT - ”
Cam leapt off the arm of the couch as the book thwacked into the space he’d just occupied. He landed on the coffee table, momentum carrying him forward into a roll. He sat up and whipped around just in time to see the man holding the empty glass over his head. Cam tried diplomacy one last time.
“Hey, listen, no need for all this, I just - ”
The glass thunked over him, mercifully open-side down. The human scrambled off the couch and ran to the other side of the room, hiding behind an armchair. Cam stared in open-mouthed silence through his glass prison. That... had not gone according to plan.
Across the room, Luther sat with his back pressed against the armchair and tried to slow his breathing to a normal rate. That... had been a tiny man. A tiny man who spoke to him. A tiny man who spoke to him and spoiled the ending of the book. What the hell was that all about? Were there more of him? Oh god, what if there were more, living in his walls, scrabbling around and -
To his horror, Luther realized he could hear a faint tnk tnk tnk noise coming from the room behind him. Slowly, he dared to peer over the edge of the armchair.
“HEY!” Cam yelled, voice muffled through the glass as he pounded his fist against it. “This is not how this is supposed to go! Get back here and dote on me, idiot!”
Luther ducked behind the chair again. Nope. Nope nope nope. He would not be doing that any time soon.
For another solid fifteen minutes, Luther cowered from a man a tenth of his size while Cam yelled obscenities, banged on the glass, and cursed his stupid luck. He finally gave up and sat down, putting his head in his hands.
Luther waited. The silence continued for a moment. Then, he heard something that chilled him to the bone. The faint but unmistakable sound of glass sliding across a tabletop.
In an instant, he vaulted the armchair and dashed to where the book had fallen on the floor. He slammed the volume down on top of the glass, pinning it in place. Cam, who had had to use every ounce of strength he had to move the glass even a few centimeters, threw his hands up in frustration at the added weight.
“Great! Leave me here to die, why don’t you!” His voice cracked, going hoarse from all the shouting. He kicked the glass, only succeeding in hurting his foot, and sat down again in a huff.
Luther got down on his knees and peered cautiously in at the tiny man.
“H-hello?” He managed to say.
Cam glared at him and gave a sarcastic wave.
“Um, are there more of you around?” Luther darted a nervous glance around the room.
“Nope. Just me here.”
“Oh, that’s a relief.” Luther ran a hand through his hair. “I just don’t think I could handle more than one of you. I mean, I can barely take care of spiders, you know?”
“I believe it,” Cam snorted. Then an idea came to him. “I could, though.”
“You could what?”
“I could take care of spiders. For you, I mean. I bet you get a lot in here, right?”
Luther grimaced. “So many! Oh god, and they’ve got all those legs, and they leave those horrible webs with all those insects in them... eugh.”
“Yeah, you don’t want to have to deal with all that. You want a professional.”
“A professional?” Luther echoed doubtfully.
“Exactly.” Cam spread his arms out wide. “You want someone who can go toe to toe with them, literally! You want someone on the spiders’ level. Well, he’s right here, and available for hire for the low low price of a place to sleep and a bite to eat.”
“Hmm.” Luther considered this. He looked critically at Cam for a moment. “I bet you don’t eat much, do you?” He mused.
“And I don’t take up too much space, either.” Cam waggled his eyebrows. “Whaddya say?”
Luther paused for a moment, then said, “Okay, sure. Just don’t spoil any more books for me and you’ve got a deal.”
Cam gave a sheepish grin. “Heh, sorry about that.” He waited for a moment. Neither man moved. “Soooo... are you going to let me out?”
Luther chewed his lip. “Yes. Absolutely.”
“...When are you going to do that?”
“Right... now.”
Another long moment passed.
“Okay, but see, you didn’t lift the gl - ”
“I’m working on it! Give me a minute!”
“Okay, okay, sorry.”
They stared at each other for another moment or two.
“Buddy. This is not how I want to spend my night. Let me out.”
“AAAaaaaokayokayokay.” Luther lifted the book and the glass and shot backwards onto the couch, curling into a ball and staring at Cam. Cam stared back at him curiously.
“You are... weirdly afraid of small things.”
Luther buried his face in his hands. “I knowww,” he moaned. “I’m sorry.”
“There, there,” Cam said. “We’ll work through it together, roomie.”
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101flavoursofweird · 4 years
Secret injuries would be interesting for some good Flora angst
((Thank you for the suggestion and I’m sorry this is late! I already used the ‘Secret Injuries’ prompt for Rook and Bishop whump... so I decided to add this to my new series about Flora— Put Yourself Back In The Narrative. It still contains Flora whump and angst... Flora secretly misses the professor and Luke, but Kat helps her realise that she’s not alone in that regard! This also contains some criticism of Layton’s decisions during the Relics investigation from Flora’s perspective. I hope that’s ok! 
Spoilers for the anime and most of the series below! It starts with Flora writing a couple of letters...))
It's a relief to hear that the agency aren't involved... I still can't believe the professor never mentioned them! After everything you and Uncle have told me, I hope we never cross paths with those vultures. Don't worry— I memorised Grosky's phone number and I made sure Fen and Kitty did too.
Though, at the same time, it's disappointing that we've you've exhausted another lead. 
Where will you be investigating next? Is there anyone else who might hold a grudge against the professor? All of the people I can think of are in prison... well, except for one, but he wrote to me insisting he isn't the perpetrator. I'd be more inclined to believe him if he spoke to me in person!
Maybe you could come home and help us track him down? Kitty said she misses her favourite aunt!
And we could make up some better codenames while you're here.
You stay safe too!
To Our Wise Guardian,
Thank you for searching for our reclusive father and looking after our restless uncle.
I trust Miss Altava with my life. If she believes the agency aren’t to blame, then I believe her. I don't care what she did in the past anymore then I care about Uncle's past. She wants to find the professor just as much as he does.
Please remind Uncle of that, and don't let him burn down any trees. Climate change is a real thing.
If you aren't having any joy with the Azran sites, maybe you should take a break. (It sounds like Uncle needs it!) There’s a park just across the road from us where you could land the Bos airship.
Fen would love to talk to Uncle about this device he's been working on. And Kitty has been begging for some new books...
Until next time,
The Layton Clan
Dear Brenda & Clark,
We're doing alright here, though we'd be lost without Rosa!
Alfendi has been given some extra time to complete his end-of-year project. At Kat's last parents’ evening, her teachers said she can be quiet in class but other than that, they're pleased with her progress. 
Yes, Grandma Lucille is home now— we went to visit her and Grandpa Roland the other day. I just received Kuri is still with her family in Japan.
I feel awful for Marina's family... Please tell them that they're welcome here in England as well. I'm sure that wherever they are, Luke will protect Marina with his life.
...Arianna mentioned Tony's wedding. We'll all have to go dress shopping together. Kat's already decided she wants a yellow dress. (You might have some competition, Brenda!) Can Clark help Al choose a suit? He's a nightmare to shop for!
We can't wait to see you both. If you need help with the move, just give us a call.
Flora, Al & Kat xoxo
Dear Arianna,
Don't worry about the late reply! You should see my desk— there are SO many letters I haven't even opened yet! I wish I really wish Luke was here. He’s so much more organised than I am...
I miss him too—
The ink was smudged from Flora’s tears. She tried to hide it by scribbling out the last line, but there was no saving the letter now. Sniffing, she crumpled the paper into a tight ball and threw it at her bedroom wall. She didn’t bother aiming for the overflowing plastic bin.
What a waste. If Alfendi or Kat had done that, she would have tutted at them. They couldn’t afford to be wasteful, even with the emergency savings their father had left them… 
Flora squeezed her black fountain pen (a twenty-first birthday gift from the professor), wishing she could snap it in half. 
He had planned for this. He knew he’d be gone for so long and there was a chance he would never return.
Flora hadn’t come to say goodbye to he and Luke the day they set off, but Rosa had. 
“What’s the point in searching for the girl’s father, after all these years? Why take the risk? Don’t you love Kat, Professor!?”
Yes, of course he did, but he wanted to solve the mystery behind her family. Solving a puzzle about a bunch of rocks was more important than raising his daughter, apparently. He had adopted Kat and now he was leaving her behind. 
Flora huffed out a tearful laugh. She, more than anyone, should have seen it coming. But she had believed (assumed) it would be different with Kat. 
The professor had taken Kat in when she was a tiny baby. A baby couldn’t be left home alone or sent to school. Parenting was a full-time job (as Flora was well aware these days). 
Luke had laughed when the professor first announced that he would be Kat’s father. 
Everyone, Flora included, had expected the majority of responsibility would fall on Rosa. Or, in Rosa’s absence, another eager friend or family member. (Grandma and Grandpa Layton, Uncle Desmond, the Monte d’Or gang…) The babysitting offers came flooding in much faster than when Alfendi was little. A newborn baby was far more appealing than a grief-stricken child.  
Flora would have helped look after her siblings even more, had she not been so busy preparing for university. 
But, in the professor’s defence, he had refused to take on any new cases and he had reduced his work hours. When he couldn’t escape his office at Gressenheller, he would bring Kat with him.
He had chosen the name ‘Katrielle’. It was an unusual name, but it went well with ‘Alfendi’. 
You would think eight-year-old Alfendi would be jealous of all the attention his new sister was receiving. It was quite the opposite. By spending more time with Kat, the professor spent more time with Alfendi; trips to the park, the library, the museum… 
Flora would join them whenever she got the chance. Kat was the glue that brought them all together. 
The professor had ‘officially’ adopted Katrielle Layton when she turned three. It seemed he had given up on finding her biological father…
And then Luke (Darn him!) had to stick his nose back in to the Relic Stones business. 
He had married Marina in secret just so they could move to England without the professor’s knowledge. Consequently, Flora had been kept in the dark too.
That hurt. After all these years, Luke still didn’t trust her. 
She could have assisted him with the investigation. She wouldn’t have told the professor… 
Luke had shut her out, along with Marina. (Poor Marina…)
Thankfully, Marina had sought out the professor as soon as Luke went missing. 
The idiot had gotten himself caught by Don Paolo. (Yes, a similar fate had befallen Flora once… when she was fifteen. Luke was twenty-five, trained in karate and he should have known better!)     
After Luke’s rescue, he was dragged back to the Layton household for a family reunion. Flora had given Luke an earful— “YOU DIDN’T INVITE US TO YOUR WEDDING AND THEN YOU ABANDONED YOUR NEW WIFE?!!”—before she hugged him. She had thought that would be the end of the whole Relics fiasco. 
She’d thought wrong.  
The professor had gotten involved after that. Family outings were pushed aside in favour of the Relics Stones. 
At Alfendi’s eighteenth birthday meal, the professor and Luke were trading research notes under the table. 
Flora found a house with her girlfriend, Kuri. The professor never once visited them, despite Flora’s many invitations. 
The day Luke left for his journey with the professor, Marina had called Flora, crying because she and Luke had fallen out. Flora had gone to comfort her. (That was the last time Flora had any contact with Marina.)
Flora didn’t blame Luke as much as the professor. Luke was a young man fresh out of university— reckless, full of heart and loyal to a fault. He had watched Kat’s birth mother die and now he wanted to scour the world for answers. But, as Arianna had said, the world was so vast… 
When Kat was born, Luke had been a student— too young to look after a baby by himself. So, the professor had accepted the role of being Kat’s parent. 
The professor couldn’t just adopt a child (three children) and run off ten years later. 
Kat wasn’t a puzzle that needed to be solved. She was a little girl.
A girl who never stopped eating sweets, but enjoyed going to the dentist if they would give her a sticker.  
A girl who still hoped Santa and the Easter Bunny were real, even if the Tooth Fairy was fiction. 
A girl who practiced her dad’s ‘detective’ poses in the mirror. 
A girl who didn’t like tea, but still insisted on drinking it.
A girl who could hold a heated debate with her older brother (eight years her senior).   
A girl whose family couldn’t afford a dog, so she stopped to pet every stray she met on the street. 
A girl who thought people would only befriend her because of her last name. A girl who feared those friends would leave her when they learned of her father’s absence. 
A girl who dreamed about her dad every night and woke up in tears.
A girl who was always trying to make her big sister smile…
“Hey, Floor…?” Kat knocked on Flora’s bedroom door, but she didn’t wait for Flora to answer. She burst in to see Flora wiping her eyes. Kat wondered, “What’s for dinner?” 
“I, erm… I thought we could have lamb stew,” Flora suggested, standing up from her desk chair. 
“Lamb stew? That’s Uncle Luke’s favourite!”
It was actually roast lamb… Flora could feel her eyes burning again. She turned away from Kat and tidied her desk. “I’ll be down in a minute,” she said distractedly. 
“I can help you clean up!” 
“Don’t worry, Kat—“
“Have you been writing more letters…?”
Flora glanced at Kat. Kat was picking up the ball of paper that had missed the bin— Arianna’s letter. Flora gasped, “Don’t...!”  
Kat, ever curious, smoothed out the letter and read it to herself. She frowned when she reached the end. 
Flora sighed. “No one was meant to read that…”
Kat carefully placed the letter on Flora’s desk. “I miss him,” Kat mumbled. “And Dad…” 
“I know…” Flora touched Kat’s head. “I do, too.” Her words were mainly intended to reassure Kat, but Flora meant it.
She missed them— both of them— so much. No matter how much they had pushed her away, she missed them and she wanted them back. 
“That’s okay,” Kat whispered, reaching up to grab Flora’s hand. She tugged Flora out of her bedroom and downstairs to where Alfendi was impatiently setting the table for dinner.  
Later, Flora would rewrite her letter to Arianna, signing off with: 
 …I miss him too. It’s okay if you ever want talk about it. I’ll be here. 
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jolienjoyswriting · 4 years
Melon’s Birthday
"Melon's Birthday," a very twisted Beastars fan fiction story. Co-written by AI Dungeon (Griffin AI)
The day has finally arrived!  It's Melon's birthday!  And, of course… you, Haru, made a promise to him.  You make lots of promises to lots of people… but the one you made to your half-predator, half-prey friend is one you intend to keep.
Word count: 2,976 – Character count: 16,372 Draft time: UNKNOWN (07 pages) Drafted: November 14th, 2020 –
Spoiler Warning This story contains major spoilers about the Beastars series finale.
Okay, I'll be honest, here – I didn't like how Beastars ended.  I thought the ending felt rushed, clichéd, and smelled horribly either of executive meddling or of Ms. Itagaki throwing her hands up and going “eff it”.  There were also some plot threads left unresolved, or just plain discarded… such as Haru’s promise to Melon.  This fan fiction was written to correct what I felt like was a missed opportunity and is totally not me just exercising a bizarre fetish I didn’t know I had until I started reading Beastars.  No.  Not at all.  (:
Random fact: I played Haru during the writing of this story.  Not that it mattered too much, since I also wrote several lines for Melon. Also of note, this story was Reported into oblivion by some people on AI Dungeon.  I’ve removed it from publication because of this.  Sorry.
Melon, Legosi, Haru, and "Beastars" series and related characters and concepts created by Paru Itagaki and © Akita Shoten
    It was a chilly, Winter day.  Snow fell over the city, but no one seemed to notice.  The Back Alley Market was torn down during the last Turf War, replaced by other businesses, and unity between predator and prey species was at an all-time high and things had truly never been better in the city!  However, despite the uneventful day outside… it was certainly eventful inside a certain prison.
    During the events of the past Turf War, the mysterious killer known only as Melon was arrested and locked in solitary confinement.  He was finally getting the help he needed.  As it just so happened, it was Melon's birthday, on this wintery day, and he'd already had some visitors, such as his "friend" Legosi, who gave him a couple of books and some candy.  He didn't know it, but he was in for a surprise visit from another "friend" of his…
    The criminal was reading one of the books Legosi gave him when he heard them arrive.     "Thanks," he heard a female voice call. When he looked up, he saw a white dwarf rabbit talking to one of the guards outside of his cell.  Then, as the guard let her in… he perked.     "Haru…" he whispered in a mix of surprise and borderline-happiness.  "You came…"     "Professor," she greeted with a soft smile.     Her smile warmed as she watched him stand to meet her.  She walked over, sitting on a padded bench and looking into his cold eyes.     "Happy birthday," she told him as she set a vacuum flask next to herself.  "I made you some coffee."     "Thank you," he replied softly.     She poured some coffee into a plastic cup, then poured some for herself.     "The guard wouldn't let me bring mugs in," she told him with a sigh.  "They're afraid you might try and hurt yourself.  I told them you wouldn't do that… not anymore… but they didn't listen.  I hope this is okay."     "It is," he answered.     He took a sip of coffee.  It tasted strange, like chalk, and it was hot enough to burn his tongue… which is how he liked it.  Even so, it made him cough.     "Blow, silly," she chuckled as she blew cool air onto her own drink.  "So, how are you holding up, here?  Are they treating you alright?"     He nodded silently, downing the whole cup, making himself hiss.  Then, wordlessly, he  handed the empty container back to her as she shook her head.     "Thanks for the drink," he said.  "I don't deserve it, but…"     "You do," she countered.  "You're trying, Melon.  And, that's what counts."     He looked at the rabbit, his eyes devoid of any feeling.     "Doesn't matter," he answered.  "There's no helping me.  I'm diseased.  Plagued.  I shouldn't exist… but I do.  Because my mother was a whore and my father was a pervert."     She sipped her drink as she watched Melon's expression falter.     "Do you know the saddest thing about what you just said?" she asked, once he'd finished her sip.  "You honestly believe every word of that."     She offered him another smile.     "Melon, you're not a monster," she told him.  "You're a… well, a lot of things, but a monster isn't one of them."     "You don't know what I am," he hissed back.     "No, Melon, I really don't," she agreed.  "But, I'm willing to find out."     "Why?" he asked in disbelief.     "Because." Her face warmed a little.  "You're proof that predator and prey can truly love each other."     Her tone was light, her smile warm.  It caused his stomach to twist into a sickening knot.     "So, you've said," he dismissively mumbled.
    "Melon, I know you don't want to hear it, but… you're a miracle.  You're the result of two very different people coming together and making a conscious decision to love one another.  Maybe it wasn't fair.  You didn't ask for this… ask to be born.  But, I'm glad that you were.  Just meeting you… learning about you… gave me new hope for my relationship with Legosi."     Haru bit her lip, stopping herself from saying anything more.  Once she'd stopped talking, she looked down at her drink, stirring it slowly as she began to blush.  Her ears were red, her fur bristling with anxiousness.     "I brought you something for your birthday, Melon," she said as she nodded to the guard.  When he and his partner walked away, she turned back to Melon with an oddly shy sort of smile.  "It's not coffee."     The hybrid animal cocked his head.  Haru hadn't clarified what it was beyond that.  Rather, she'd crossed her arms in front of her chest and stared down at her hands as she fiddled with a ring that adorned her finger.     "Well?" she asked hesitantly.  "Do you… like it?"     He stared in confusion.  "Do I like what?" he said in a short tone.     "Your birthday present!" she cheerfully exclaimed, looking up at him.     When he gave another confused look, she sighed and smiled.     "You forgot my promise, huh?  You're almost bad as Legosi…" she muttered.     She looked down, absentmindedly rubbing at her fingers as she frowned to herself.     "I guess I did," he grumpily muttered.  She could tell that he was lying, though.     "I promised…" she started as she removed her ring and put it into her dress pocket, "that you could eat me for your birthday.  So…"     She stood up and stepped over.     "If you still want to…"     She then beamed up at the confused killer. "I'd like to be your prey!"
    Melon's breath caught in his throat.  His eyes shot open, his irises expanding to the point where they seemed almost hollow.  His jaw dropped as bunny looked upon him with a predatory gaze of her own.     "I already paid off the guards so they won't interrupt.  They won't be back for an hour," she said with a soft chuckle.  "I also had them turn off the cameras for this room.  I'm all yours, Professor… just like I promised."     She put her hands on the rim of her sweater, fingers hooking under it.     "So… if you still want to eat me…"     She lifted the dress from the bottom and pulled it off her body.  Then, as she tossed the garment aside, revealing the naked form that lay underneath, she whispered…     "I'm yours…"
    Melon stared at the young rabbit woman.  He knew she must work out – surely that what kept her body looking so perfect.  Her belly was flat, ribs showing where none should be.  Her body was young and firm; soft skin that was still strong enough to excite a man nearly twice her age.  Her legs were long and slender, just a few extra pounds around her hips.  She was definitely a sight to behold… and for some reason, that made him conscious of his own gaunt body.  His own was nowhere near as developed.  It was just… deadly.     After a moment of staring, Melon stood up, taking Haru into his arms like a plush toy.  He then sat on the bench, placing the girl right in his lap.     "I want to eat you," he breathed.     When Melon licked his lips, Haru blushed a little.  That wasn't the look of an animal looking for food that he was giving her…  No, what she saw was a different kind of "hunger".     "W-wait," she said with a frustrated scowl.  "Melon, that's not what I–"     He covered her mouth with his hand, two of his long fingers wrapping around her neck.  She shivered, but she didn't struggle.     "No, that's fine," Melon softly said, pulling his hand away. He looked at her, gently running his fingers through her short fur.  Then, he leaned down, forcing her into a rough kiss that was surprisingly warm and gentle.  Just as he was starting to get into the swing of things…     "M-Melon!"     She suddenly pushed him away and turned to one side, half-curling into herself.
    "M-Melon…" she whispered, her voice unusually soft.  "When you said you wanted to eat me, I-I thought…"     She sighed, then she looked up, locking eyes with the murderer.     "You're welcome to eat me…" she sternly told him, gently holding the hand that stayed curled around her throat, "but I can't do those other things with you.  Besides…"     She looked up with a soft, sad sort of smile.     "You can do better than a sad little rabbit for that.  Surely!"
    Melon watched helplessly, his expression unchanging, as she suddenly started to shiver.  The girl's body began to shudder as silent sobs wracked her.  Was she suddenly scared he would rape her?  Or, was it something else?  She buried her head in her knees, trying to hide as she was overwhelmed by her emotions.  He didn't like seeing her like that… but what could he do?
    He reached out his hand to her, and she looked at it, sniffling.     "S… sorry," she hiccuped, trying to save face.  "I guess… I guess I wasn't expecting you to suddenly find me attractive.  You really have changed, haven't you?"     She didn't mean that in a bad way, of course.  She was proud of all the progress he'd made since his defeat and his attempt at suicide, so many months ago.  It was just…     "I love Legosi, Melon…  It took me a long time to realize that I love his big, dumb, idiotic self.  But, I'm a girl who keeps her promises."  She paused.  "I made a promise that I'd let you eat me for your birthday, and I still mean it.  I… I want you to eat me.  Because, I want you to be able to feel something.  I want you to be happy…"     She sniffled a little more and rubbed her wet eyes.  Meanwhile… her words made his face scrunch up in disgust and anger.     "What?  What are you talking about?  What?" Melon asked angrily, his hand tightening around her throat.     "I'm saying… I want you to be happy," she gasped as he started to choke her.  "I want you to be happy and to feel.  If eating me can help you do all that… then I'll gladly let you.  You're… you're special to me.  You're interesting.  You're proof that love conquers all."     She softly caressed his hand and looked away, feeling slightly embarrassed.     "I must sound like a holiday greeting card, right now…" she laughed.  "But… it's true."     She looked his way, again, her eyes staring right into his, once more.     "You don't know how amazing you are, Melon.  But, I do.  That's why I want to keep my promise to you.  Please… don't hold back.  Eat me."
    Haru's eyes slipped shut as she sat in the killer's lap, holding her breath.  She didn't resist and she didn't fight back as he tightened his grip on her neck while she caressed his hand.  She was shivering and her heart was pounding… but she wasn't afraid.  She was just… doing what came naturally to a little prey animal, like her.  She couldn't help that her body wanted to run or that her brain wanted her to cry out for help.  She would do neither, though.  All she wanted… was for the beautiful hybrid that was strangling her… to eat her.  And he would, in due time.
    He looked back into her eyes.  She was already struggling to breathe.  Soon, she wouldn't be able to go on.  Yet… she was still able to look right into his.  He could see it in her eyes… he could see that she meant what she said… that it was okay.  She genuinely wanted this.  Maybe even more than he did…  It was like a challenge, even though she didn't know it.  She wanted him to eat her.  Was it a reward for being brave or something?  Maybe, it was more like a dare.
    Melon's expression went back and forth between a mixture of disgust and desire.  He licked his lips as he stared at her neck.  He wanted to snap it… end her misery before it could begin.  But at the same time, he didn't want to hurt her.  No… he just wanted to eat her.  Just like she wanted.  This was what he needed.  It didn't matter that she was pretty.  It didn't matter that she was a prey animal.  It didn't even matter that she was practically challenging him to do it.  What mattered was that she wanted this more than he did.  If she really cherished his freedom that much, then he would do it.  He would eat her… and he would be free.
    "M… Melon?  Wh…" the girl wheezed.     He tightened his grip on her neck, lifting her into the air as she coughed and gagged.  Then, with little emotion to his voice, he whispered…     "I'm sorry…"     Haru closed her eyes, violently trembling.  He was moving his head closer to her… threatening to bite her throat.  In mere seconds… it would be over.  And, no matter what… she was going to fight all of her hard-coded urges and simply… let him do whatever he wanted with her tender, delicious body.  It was her birthday gift, given to someone she admired… someone she wanted to make happy.  She wanted him to do that.  Perhaps she was a bit jealous that he existed… or perhaps she understood him in a way no one else ever could.  She didn't feel scared.  She didn't feel anxious.  She felt… excited.     "I… want this…" she whispered as her words blurred into a hoarse cough.  "M… Melon.  Eat… me…"     "Yes…"
    The two animals felt an unusual form of ecstatic feeling flow through their veins as it happened.  Haru squeaked in a mix of pain and ingrained fear.  She could feel every inch of Melon's cheetah fangs burying themselves into her delicate neck.  Even Melon, who was all but dead on the inside, felt something new… something unfamiliar… something that he thought he would never feel again.  And as he tasted her blood for the first time, it was like a shooting pain, but a good shot straight through his heart.
    He gasped for breath, his grip growing weak on her neck.  The girl had stopped moving, her red life fluids trickling through her pure, white fur and down his clutched hand.  She was still breathing, though… still alive.  He'd intentionally held back just enough… to savor her taste.  A taste that he hadn't expected.  As he cleaned his teeth of her blood, he tasted something more than what was there… something deeply emotional.  It was the sweetest thing he'd ever felt… better than anything he'd ever tasted before.  He wanted more of it.  He wanted it all the time.  And so he did what he set out to do.
    He went back to the well, and he drank.  And drank.  And drank.
    "N-ngh…"     Haru tried to reach up and grasp his wrist.  However, she fell short.  He was feeding like he was a vampire and her little body was losing blood, fast.  It made her feel weak and dizzy… and happy.  Very happy.  He was really taking his time… enjoying things at his own pace…     "H-H... Happy...  B... Birthday, Melon...!" she managed to grunt as her vision started to darken and blur.  She was certainly going to die with a warm smile on her face… knowing that she made her friend so happy.     Melon slowly withdrew his head from off her throat, licking the last traces of blood from his lips.  He held her hand in his and looked into her pale eyes, which stared into his own.  She wasn't focusing, anymore.  She was starting to fade on him.  Good.  His plan was working.  Soon… she would lose consciousness, and he could eat her without hurting her any further.     "Thank… you…  Melon…" she whispered.     "My pleasure," he said with genuine warmth to his voice.     As the girl drifted off, the two of them shared one last smile…
    When the guards returned at the start of the next hour, they were stunned to see that the little, white rabbit girl had, indeed, kept her word.  All that remained was a small pile of clothing, some bones and inedible organs, and a vacuum flask she'd brought with her.     "You actually did it…" one guard said, feeling sick to his stomach.  "You actually ate her…  You sick, twisted bastard."     Melon sat on his bed, rubbing his belly and licking his lips.  He flashed a wicked, awful grin to the guard.     "Happy birthday to me," he practically purred, "happy birthday to me…"
    There was absolutely no remorse to his voice or shame on his face.  In fact, he had never looked happier.  There was, however, a sole regret that rested in his mind…     I'll never get to experience this, ever again…     He shrugged a little.     Such is life.
    In the name of keeping a promise.  Haru had made the ultimate sacrifice, that day.  And, in her last moments of consciousness, she felt absolutely no regrets in her decision.  After all… she'd wanted Legosi to eat her since that business with the old leader of the Shishigumi.  Because it would have made her happy.  She recalled thinking about the events that transpired after that time… how, in a fit of necessity… Legosi had been convinced to eat the foot of their mutual friend, Louis.  In some twisted way, she was even a little jealous that Legosi had done it, regardless of circumstances.  Legosi and Louis would always have that deep, emotional bond… something she felt that she lacked with the big, dumb wolf.
    Before her light had completely faded… she smiled.  She smiled because she was finally able to have that sort of bond with someone she cared for.  She smiled because she was finally able to make someone genuinely happy.  And, she smiled because she finally got to play the role she was born into…
    She was finally able to be the prey that she was meant to be.
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magiccallie · 5 years
So I wrote down my thoughts as i watched through most of Season 2 of Scooby Doo Mystery Inc, and would like to share them, major spoilers below cut
Notes of Season 2 of Scooby Mystery Inc Shout out to this jock bully(?) who upon encountering a monster threatening a girl, did no hesitate to take on said monster, recuse said girl, and protect her as they escape Fred really needs to talk to someone about his new parents, who are now living in his house with him???? The house of the man who took him from them?????? Bronson might not be exactly straight looking at how he acted around the old mayor vs the new one, but *shrugs* Jock Strikes again, is this gunna be the twist? That''s a really douchy twist to pull a stunt like this Love how-I mean this is just the plan. He wanted girls too so he set up the same scenario. Is this extra set up by the parents to get him to trust them that is some next level douchery/ Scratch that on Bronson, omg Oh shit starting with a furry attack this is going to be a weird episode the gang's meta knowledge coupled with their sure willingness to go along with tropes and shit makes for great dialogue oh *oh* this is the episode where we get a peak to see just how big the picture is, love the lore building. knew this episode was gunna be good is that a demon? the furry isnt the mosnter??? ummm...weve been getting hints, are things getting real? so we've established motive for why someone whould want this plavce closed, but actually tangent but dont a lot of these monsters that they encounter seem like, weirdly powerful and mobile for costumes oh there's the furry that red aura is a...the things that happen around it are something deeper it seems. fascinating. is the red just representative of fire hallucinations? those seemed a bit real in effect for hallucinations... this guy, like my manager, needs to hire a little more staff occult magic book falls from the library to gang, and no one is as concerned as they should be nazi robot nazi robot get BJ on the phone Cassidy is the kinda retired PC that the players can strive to be Shit is getting real quick isnt it. Wait is that a seal. does Cassidy die? I know about a certain other death that makes me sad, but i dont want Cassidy to die too this episode is a rollercoaster of odd events weird hologram disguise for Paraclese is nifty Seeing the tragic fate of past groups is...well obviously sad oh dear, she does die huh its super low key, but it plays at the terrifying corrupting ordeal of the eldritchstuff really well with the lore notes bear troubles oh that badge...is that where they buried him? that's...kinda grim they have stealth suits and killer nazi robots? why have the evil guys not won yet? there is a bomb and they are not evacuating. There is a BOMB and they are not evacuating oh the bear can talk, how dare i assume that a bear is incapable of speech the bear is a twunk, scratch that, still a bear, is...he doing a christiphor walkin impersonation? aaand that’s enough for tonight, starting fresh later We're back, 13 more episodes oh so were getting into why i don’t like astrology Enigma machine omg. sorry, im a sucker for bits like that i wanna have long white hair too, i could rock that look How does Paraclese still have an accent after all these years? It is like destiny's Rasputin and just a stubborn superiority complex? something about visiting villains you can talk to in a prison is-ohp thats just all of um huh, cameo episode- err, anyways, it just paints a delightful scene about the relationship of the protags and antags and villainy as a whole in the world well this is horrific, throw some brownish red stuff around and it would be a silent hill scene update: still gay Thirteen more episodes and they have the disk...that does not bode well for what is going to happen the writer's willingness to reference other hannah barbara characters/shows is great oooo anticaptilism, BF is scoring points excuse me???? cyborg dragon girl???? he cant even call her by her name through most of the episode wtf??????? see now im at the point i gotta ask, is this a real ghost thing, or a fake ghost thing? ah i understand now youd think he would be more willing to explain to th-there we go so the animal companians are more suceptible, but they all have the risk Paraclese talking about these cattle is every gm talking about their homebrew monsters omg writers wth was that conclusion for the cattle im dying sk-ska zombies. ska. zombies. i can pick it up oh like the dancing plauge but worse, nifty these ghosts are rude boys, like, thats actually one of their names. And just caught that it the band name is skatastic oh they mentioned the dancing plauge, thank you wtf 101 the 'lighthearted' tone of this episode speaks dark tidings about the horrors to come aaah, hex girls, omg oh damn, update again: still hella gay bards duels be like, but for real loving this more and more young me is crazy about having the hex girls interact with a magicy thing like the disks, the rest of me is concerned at the events that are taking place scooby agrees, and his dog girl friend...well that was something Ricky displaying increasing regrets is not going to do good things for his lifeespectancy ohp then he drags in the other two well, i didnt see that coming for the criminal identity this little girl just had her mom ditch her for a stranger that robbed them, the heck i should probably eat dinner at some point, or like, anything at somepoint... calling it now, this guy is a circus performer/stunt driver, and if he is the random hired british poolboy it is a fake accent he's lureing women away with emotional intemacy. thats funny in itself, btu that they accept so readily still isnt normal oh and apparently kinks, lured with kinks so hes going to be the librarian dude then?? maybe? k, so at least i got that o.o O.O, well, that was quite the lead up and explanation food on plate, depresso in heart, ready to continue so they have to know right? like, this is a planned trap since Fred is 'the only one who knows where it is' doesnt explain Fred though, or how the fake acts "jeepies you found my scarf" oh there it is, they are after the info from him and its all fake, not some hell vision to show why he has to suceed Fred knew first? good on him plastic surgery, holy crap, next level villainy here holy shit they're all in puragoty thanks to the corrpution?????? Going back to early about the horrifying nature of all this. it is just so immensly sad watching them go through these bits. Cool, but sad. Velma demonstrating why thinking and understanding are not always good in eldritch horror games so he's got a guilt complex? heart felt talk with Mayor Dad awwww, poor Velma doesnt think she's pretty guessing...well id say the wife of Enrique but that seems too easy some how, stiill shes the only offered suspect beside Enrique himself thus far *deep sigh* i will never guess any culprit i bother to write down correctly would be a real move of the writers to Uzumaki the town two day deadline given, props to velma for having the foresight to model the disks in a digital format incase theyre lost mad max mystery machine sounds like a doom metal synth wave fusion song things are going too well... How many giant evil doors will this lair have? alchemy. of course. should have guessed. is...is this the episode where Marcie...oh no oh at least shes trying good on her, she's going down in style and flame... oh. ya know, even knowing it was coming and talking it up a sentence before, not a happy event this is a nifty dungeon last episode, hell of an opening/recap wh-what fghaseguk this went batshit didnt it. i wish i had the willingness to write at unhinged as these writers one more media that i am surpised didnt end in a poly relationship this climax is eerily familiar to the live action movies at times and then they all died and went to heaven aww Rickee and Cassidy *and* Velma and Marcie, aww, my heart will heart to think about that one for long, but awwwww Miskatonik University, or however the heck it is said. i thought it was going to be a one off joke but wasn't expecting that.
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aparticularbandit · 5 years
There’s a theory that Rose is most likely to die in this season since Jennie mentioned there’s gonna be a major death towards the end & villain usually gets their (literal)dead end in telenovela; which I hope not turned out to be true as well as lowkey agree at the same time. How do you think about this?
so, nonnie, i...have a lot of thoughts about this.  because this does involve talking about pics, etc. from the last day of shooting, that may include spoilers other people don’t want, so putting this under a cut.
yeah, pretty sure rose is going to die.
you’re right that jennie mentioned that there’s going to be a major death near the end of the series and also she’s mentioned that villains in telenovelas don’t get happy endings (even if there’s some wiggle room - and i’ll get into that part in a bit) - and both of those seem to point to rose dying. but!  we can be even more specific! major death means that it’s probably going to be either one of the main characters (jane, michael, rafael, xo, alba, rogelio, petra) or one of the main reoccurring characters (rose, luisa, jr). of these, the only two who weren’t at the jafael wedding are michael and rose. (actually i can’t remember if rogelio was there or not but let’s be real, they probably aren’t going to kill him off.  there’s no narrative purpose to that.  and this, i guess, is assuming the writers even care about narrative purpose at this point.)
anyway.  what this basically means is that everyone else in that group is safe.  which means either rose or michael dies.  and, yeah, there are good reasons that neither of them would be at the jafael wedding (obviously rose is rose and michael is in montana - although he’s supposed to be coming back for another episode - more on that below, too), but the point of the matter is everyone else is safe.
jennie’s not stupid enough to bring back michael and do all that shit to him in the first half of the season and then just kill him when he comes back.  at least i don’t think she’s that bad of a writer, but this season....  i’m giving michael plot armor.
which leaves rose.  and given that rose is being trumped up as returning to villain form this season - given that one of the articles earlier on mentioned that rose might turn against luisa since she is now seeing luisa as the reason she’s in prison instead of rafael (which is who she blamed in season four)--
i doubt rose is making it out of the series alive.  i honestly think the episode she dies is likely the episode where michael returns, and if someone is killing her, i hope it’s him.  that would fulfill that aspect of his narrative arc.  and if luisa is working with rafael and the police against rose (which i think is likely...and went into at length in another ask), it makes more sense for her to be working with michael because she’s worked with him previously (in seasons one and two). the only other person who would have a fulfillment of character arc by killing rose would be luisa.  and i don’t see that as being in her character and honestly that would bother me even more than killing off rose does.  she just as easily can fulfill her character arc by officially turning against rose and choosing raf/family/toxicity/etc. over her in a final moment without having to be the one who kills her. and - returning to villains don’t get their happy endings, even if there’s wiggle room - i think that’s actually referring to luisa.  because even if rose dies, luisa can still be with her family.  that’s not her happy ending, which would be with rose, but it’s wiggle room for her to still be happy, even if she is romantically alone and lost, you know, the greatest love story ever told and, ah, you know, the one person who actually supported her through the past four seasons without expecting anything in return she just loved her like-- but this isn’t what you asked for.  you asked me how i felt.  and you can probably guess how i feel about it from the tone of the previous paragraphs - i think it’s shit.  and here’s why! first of all, please note, going into this season, i didn’t expect luisa and rose to stay together.  i thought trying to do that and have luisa still be family with raf would be really hard, and i didn’t think they would go the narrative route of redeeming rose, even though they’d started down that path and could have done it.  there were other things they seeded (like dennis thinking michael might have been working with sin rostro) that they could have used, and they just didn’t.  there were things they could have chosen to do and they chose to do otherwise.  i thought luisa might have used up all the money to free rose, but they did the milos thing.  etc.  i’m tired, friends.  very tired when it comes to jtv and their treatment of luisa. anyway - and i’ve posted about some of this - it feels like the series is teaching a handful of very problematic things with this narrative (and let’s be real, season five appears to be full of problematic narrative teachings but. not getting into all of those. just. not.  you didn’t ask, not going there). 1) family > romantic relationships.
in and of itself, not a bad thing to teach!  sometimes this is true!  but not always, and here’s the problem: rafael and luisa’s relationship is toxic.  not saying there aren’t elements of toxicity to rose and luisa’s relationship because there definitely are, but i do believe that raf and luisa’s relationship as it has been shown to us by the series is far more toxic to luisa’s mental health and wellbeing than rose and luisa’s is.
see, here’s the thing - luisa forgave rose.  and every bad thing rose has done to luisa can be easily explained - rose says in season two that she had to get elena put in jail to free them - her and luisa - and given that when rose was not doing what elena wanted at the beginning of season two luisa was kidnapped and tortured - luisa being a threat to rose’s marriage to emilio (telling emilio that they were having an affair) would likely have gotten her killed.  putting luisa in a mental institute?  not okay.  removing luisa as a threat in a way that doesn’t get her killed?  a little bit more okay - and the show lampshades this because in the list of things rose did to luisa that they showed at the beginning of the season putting her in a mental institute is not on there.  (but maybe that’s because we’d have to address the problems with luisa’s arc in season four, namely that luisa is blaming rose for something rose was not involved in - luisa should be mad at magda and anezka for gaslighting her, luisa should be mad at petra for not getting her out of the mental institute as soon as she knew what was up, luisa should still be mad at raf for throwing rose in jail - but no, that’s all rose’s fault-- anyway.)
killing emilio and kidnapping mateo were business.  they had nothing to do with luisa personally.  they may have affected luisa, but they weren’t about luisa.  wearing a different face was a safety protocol - and rose did this only twice and the second time luisa knew, so there’s no reason to hold that against her. and rose kidnapped luisa because both luisa and michael trumped up kidnapping as romantic and rose wanted to explain everything to luisa and i tend to headcanon that luisa fainted instead of rose drugged her but you know.  to each their own, i guess.
but also?  the things rose did?  all in seasons one and two.  with the exception of kidnapping luisa, all of those things were problematic to luisa in seasons one and two.  (the face-changing not included because post-susanna, luisa would have known and it wouldn’t have been an issue.)
for three years, rose didn’t do anything.  she gave up her entire previous lifestyle to be with luisa.  she chose luisa over her criminal past because she loved her.  because luisa was more important.
further - rose is the only character we see constantly trying to make sure luisa isn’t drinking and constantly checking in on her with no ulterior motive than just making sure luisa is okay (you can - and i have - make the argument that calling luisa when luisa was on her bender in season one had more to do with making sure rafael didn’t lose his shares in the marbella to protect the criminal plastic surgery ring business - actually you can make ulterior motive comments on a lot of rose’s stuff if you want that interpretation, but i don’t think that lines up with what the show has shown us of rose.  with the exception of that phone call.  anyway).  rose is the only character who seems to actually consistently care about luisa. and the three year time skip proved that she could and did change for luisa.  they had a healthy relationship.  there was no reason to believe they did not have a healthy relationship.  (this blog does not subscribe to the season five rose let luisa get black out drunk because it does not line up with the rose the series has shown us up to this point.  writers, character consistency.  anyway.)
further - rose went above and beyond to make sure that luisa was comfortable with her after everything that happened - often to her own risk and detriment.  after killing emilio, rose told luisa were he was buried - which would implicate her in the murder - and wrote her a letter about it, which is almost as good as a signed confession.  rose reached out after mutter kidnapped luisa - and, yeah, they didn’t talk about police stuff and, yeah, susanna shut that shit down as soon as luisa told michael - but it still happened.  rose gave luisa her kill sheet, which was as good as a signed confession, and apparently told her where the bodies were buried.  rose kept in mind the time zones and when raf sent luisa a happy birthday email she gave it to luisa instead of deleting it or destroying it because she knows how important raf is to luisa, and because she knows and understands the importance of their relationship, she went out of her way to make sure she and luisa could still be together and luisa could still visit raf, despite how risky that was for her.
and if you really want to include the black out drunk scene, rose literally signed over all of her bank accounts to luisa, giving luisa full access to everything she was doing whether her money at any moment in time, including if she was still incolved in any shady crime lord business.
rose did everything she could to have a healthy relationship with luisa, and for three years, they had a healthy relationship.  rose only returned to being sin rostro when she was worried that someone else had turned luisa against her and when she was realized she would need to get out of jail herself.
and if you want to bring up michael and torturing him, please realize this is something that didn’t come up until season five, and regardless of that, rose was still better for three years.
compare this to rafael’s treatment of luisa throughout the entire series.
no, rafael might not have the huge moments the way rose does, but he does not have to.  rafael consistently shows a lack of caring towards his sister - when rose was worried about where luisa was in season one, rafael’s just “she’s on a bender; she’s hiding, it’s nothing new, don’t worry about it”; when emilio came to visit the marbella in season one and they threw the huge party, he intentionally didn’t invite luisa - which, given circumstances, might be understandable except that this is blatantly disrespectful and hurtful to emilio as well, who is his main guest; rafael consistently forgives everyone else except luisa; rafael consistently only goes to luisa when he needs something from her, and once he’s gotten what he needs, he stops caring about her.  rafael had no reason to suspect that luisa was with rose for the three year time skip and had proof that eileen wasn’t rose and yet still didn’t let them around mateo - and it does not matter that he was right in those circumstances because he had no way of knowing he was right.  rafael doesn’t want to visit luisa when she’s in rehab or the mental hospitals because he expects her to say the same thing she always says, which means he gave up on her during season one.
and worse, luisa blames herself for the bad things that happen to rafael and he never brings up that these things are not her fault.  luisa doesn’t control who rose kills.  (and let’s be real here, rafael didn’t really like emilio, so his upset over rose killing him seems a little displaced.)  and the episode where it’s revealed that luisa is blaming herself and feeling so guilty she wants to drink over it about disappointing rafael, the show tells us this makes rafael a good brother, when in fact it’s just rafael is driving luisa to drink because he will not forgive her.
and luisa constantly and consistently tries to prove herself to rafael without it going anywhere.  (not going into season five with regards to this.)
and the irony of all this is that rafael consistently chooses romance over family with his relationship with jane and that is rewarded.
rafael’s relationship with luisa is consistently more demeaning to her and has more of an emotional and mental negative impact on her but somehow that relationship is the one that is touted as more healthy.  it’s not.
and this is especially problematic with regards to the lgbtqia+ viewship because it’s teaching us that being with your toxic family is more important than being with your partner.  even if luisa as a lesbian is not the main reason for the conflict between her and rafael, that implication is still there, especially given that the straight relationship between jane and rafael is allowed to be romance > family with regards to rafael.
this is a problem.
2) it further exacerbates the “women in love are weaker” issue.
what i mean by that is this - if rose was not in love with luisa, rose would not have been caught.  rose would be on her island.  safe.  (or potentially she could still be working as one of elena’s underlings because she wouldn’t have a strong motivation to get out from under elena’s thumb and then i guess in that case maybe she would have been caught, but that’s me using what they showed us in season two to try and talk about the elena/rose dynamic that they basically threw away in season three and decided not to deal with again - so you can see i’m still a little salty about this but you know what, their show.)
rose wouldn’t have given her kill sheet to anyone.  rose wouldn’t have implicated herself in emilio’s murder because they wouldn’t have been able to find his body.  rose wouldn’t be pretending to be eileen, so eileen wouldn’t have killed scott.  rose likely wouldn’t be returning to miami to get caught.  she’s got no reason to do so.
what this tells us, then, is that rose’s love for luisa and willingness to do what luisa needs is her weakness - her only weakness.
which potentially has another fun complication of a woman’s love for another woman makes her weaker because you can make that argument with luisa, too - that her love for rose is her main sin throughout the entire series because if she was a good sister, she’d pick rafael over her lover - but the focus here is on rose and why killing rose off is shit not on luisa - but it’s hard to talk about rose without also talking about luisa (and then talking about rafael, because that’s the love triangle - rose chooses luisa chooses rose - but i’ve addressed that in a different post, too).
and jtv is not the only show that does this.  women are consistently told that being in a romantic relationship makes them lesser, that their emotions make them lesser, and for rose, who is a sociopath, who has a problem with emotions in the first place, having emotions and choosing to act on them literally makes her weaker.
this is a problem.
3) it tells us that no matter how much you change, you can never be more than who you originally were.
and here’s part of why the time skip was a huge problem and likely why they have to do the rose let luisa get black out drunk thing in season five - rose kept her word and gave up her crime lord business to be with luisa.
when luisa makes the claim in the season three finale that rose changed, she was right.  rose changed.  for luisa.  there was no reason to believe that they did not have a healthy relationship during those three years, with the occasional fight over rose not wanting to go to miami because that’s risky for her - but even then, they still went.  the show gave us nothing up to that point to believe that rose hadn’t changed.  it still hasn’t, not in a believable way.  even if you bring up michael - that was before the three year time skip.
one of the entire points of rose’s relationship with luisa was that luisa was more important to her than anything else and that she would do anything for luisa and be anything for luisa.  of course, rose changed.
just the show?  the writers?  they don’t care.  because rose is a villain and villains must be punished.  never mind that rose changed and stopped being a villain for luisa.  what she did early on can’t be forgiven by the show’s writers.  and so she has to return to form and be a villain so that they can punish her and, likely, kill her off.
and, okay, you want to bring up season five and rose’s actions there and at the end of season four?  let’s talk about that.
but to talk about how rose is acting in season five, we have to talk about season four from rose’s point of view.
at the beginning of season four, rose was in jail.  she still was at the end of season four.  as far as i know, she still is in season five.  but at the beginning of season four, rose was in a relationship with luisa.  luisa was trying to get her out of jail.  her girlfriend of the last three years - the love of her life - loved her and was trying to help her.  (yes, rose killed a minion.  one who was probably watching michael.  likely because she expected rafael to turn luisa against her.  or because something might happen to luisa and she would need to find out.  or something - she’s in jail, she wants collateral.)
and then, all of a sudden, luisa dropped off.  was gone.  disappeared.  no contact, no explanation, no nothing to give rose any indication of what happened to her.  she was just gone.
rose was a crime lord.  rose knows luisa is her weakness.  do you know what probably went through rose’s mind at that point?
she probably panicked.  the last time luisa randomly disappeared, mutter had kidnapped her and ended up torturing her due to her connection to rose.  she probably sent out as many people as she could to find out what happened, and that’s what led her to rafael.
all of her actions past that point are 1) to get in contact with luisa again and find out what the fuck happened (although she knew.  she knew it was rafael.  because it was always rafael.  even when he was wrong) and 2) to get out of prison, where she would not have been if she hadn’t trusted luisa to get her out or chosen luisa knowing she was likely to get caught.
honestly - the satin road is likely money to go to the account to get her out, which was supposed to be what luisa did.  and rose was letting luisa take care of that instead of returning to her criminal roots to do it herself - that was the point of her arc in season four.  not that luisa had to be involved in criminal activity but that rose trusted luisa instead of doing criminal activity- a trust that is consistently shown to be misplaced.
so, nonnie, let’s just say that i do not have happy feelings about rose dying.  i expect it to happen.  but i think, narratively, it’s a shit decision.
and one of the bad parts about this - to me, anyway - is that petramos is showing that they easily could have given rose and roisa a redemption arc.  and they’re choosing not to.  because they want to punish a villain, and rose is the designated villain - despite her changes over the series - as opposed to, say, magda, who has not changed, who has given no indication she wants to change, who has consistently fucked over petra both on her own and through her manipulations of anezka.
like, let’s be real here, magda is worse than rose is.  the show has not given magda any redeeming qualities.  and she’ll probably get out of the series completely free, the same way she has for her gaslighting of luisa.
but, you know, that’s more salt than maybe you asked for.
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barrykoeghan · 5 years
if you’re a scaredy cat like myself here’s a list of my fave upsetting/disturbing films that are not horror films that you can still get spooked by during the month of halloween (below the cut has a list of triggers for each film because I’m a mom and some are genuinely disturbing) 
the skin i live in (2011)
a prayer before dawn (2017)
parasite (2019)
calvary (2014)
freistatt (2015) 
the killing of a sacred deer (2017) 
calibre (2018)
the little stranger (2018) 
roma (2018) 
ex machina (2014)
atonement (2007)
requiem for a dream (2000)
funny games (1997 or 2007 remake)
the girl with the dragon tattoo (2009) or (2011)
pihu (2017)
tv: inside no 9, season 4 ep 4: to have and to hold (2018)
tv: hbo chernobyl (2019)
doc: dear zachary a letter to a son about his father (2008)
the skin i live in (2011) tw: nudity, assault/rape, violence, theme: plastic surgery & all that jazz, plot is really disturbing (my mam’s fave film)
a prayer before dawn (2017) tw: rape, violence, nudity, set in prison, that sweet sweet prison life, it’s about boxing, i found this one very hard to watch i don’t know why
parasite (2019) tw: violence along with blood in one short scene and one longer major scene, pure art though
calvary (2014) tw: disturbing dialogue, animal violence in one scene, blood & gore in one scene, theme: death threat, it’s by john michael mcdonagh and has the vibe of his brother martin mcdonagh’s films if you like his stuff
freistatt (2015) (titled sanctuary in english) tw: intense (physical) children abuse (not sexual, mostly extreme beating & more) by the guardians throughout, one very short attempted sexual assault (pinning down, pushing), one very weird incest (kissing) scene, inspired by children abuse in church homes in the same genre as the magdalene sisters (2002) without the sexual abuse
the killing of a sacred deer (2017) tw: nudity but no sex happens on screen, blood, gore done by a character twice in a short amount of time during a scene
calibre (2018) tw: blood, overall intense, implied gore (not shown), gave me so much anxiety but it was worth it, (i’d rec going in blind for this one, but doing that does give you more anxiety)
the little stranger (2018) tw: blood, graphic gore, some jump scares, one frightening scene involving a dog (not shown but noise can be heard), can be considered a horror film but it’s a gothic drama so you do you (trailer is scarier than the film)
roma (2018) tw: nudity & sex, character out in the streets during the corpus christi massacre, an intense and graphic (not gore/violent) extended scene set in a hospital that made my mam cry like a baby
ex machina (2014) tw: graphic nudity (only female) though not in sexual situations, some obscene discussions about female robots, blood, violence, robot gore (?), somewhat short scene where blood and gore is involved in a graphic way
atonement (2007) tw: rape with underage child (shown, but not intensely graphic), war blood & gore, dead bodies caused by war, septicemia, and drowning, end of film can be disturbing in a sad way
requiem for a dream (2000) tw: intense drug use, intense graphic sex, intense violence, overall really intense, use of rapid cuts that could be seen as intense flashing images instead of short clips and could make you dizzy, the film where that one really intense song (lux aeterna by clint mansell) comes from
funny games (1997 or 2007 remake) tw: violence, some blood, plot: home invasion of a family with children, tense 2007 version is a shot-for-shot american remake made by the same director both are good in my opinion you do you
the girl with the dragon tattoo (2009) or (2011) tw: abuse, intense graphic rape + revenge, intense violence, nudity, overall graphic, some gore, theme: violence towards women, incest 2009 (swedish) is mildly gritty and 2011 (american) is more aesthetically pleasing if you want more i’d recommend continuing the swedish trilogy and not the 2018 girl in the spider’s web but you do you
pihu (2017) tw: kid thinks mother is sleeping but she’s dead from an overdose, kid unknowingly puts herself in dangerous situations but never hurts herself and doesn’t die, the anxiety of having to watch a two years old unsupervised for an hour thirty
tv: inside no 9 season 4 ep 4 to have and to hold (2018) tw is a major spoiler and is implied and talked about (not graphically) in two short scenes, last scene is tw briefly shown in another context from the first but there’s nothing graphic about it (gore, blood, sexual content) tvtropes page that explains the tw with possible spoilers
tv: hbo chernobyl (2019) tw: non sexual male nudity, extremely graphic and realistic radiation burns (on whole bodies) shown often, killing of animals, people being affected by radiation both instant and long-term, I genuinely can’t stress this enough but overall very disturbing even though the only graphic thing shown is the burns
doc: dear zachary a letter to a son about his father (2008) tw: murder, murder-suicide, death of a child, the failure of child welfare, made me cry like a baby
bonus for those who come for triggers because I have to explain this one:
mammal (2016) it’s not disturbing whatsoever, it’s actually a really nice film about grief BUT (spoilers for the plot but not the ending)  it’s about a woman who’s lost her son and finds a homeless boy (age is not mentioned but it’s lowkey implied he’s not an adult and is around the same age as her son) whom she starts to take care of and lets him stay in her house. the relationship starts to become sexual (graphic). we keep getting reminded of the son she’s still grieving and it’s kind of insinuated that he reminds her of her son/fills the hole her son’s left but since the relationship is very odd and sexual, it can be uncomfortable to watch. i thought it was a good film but then i started thinking about it and went ‘wait a minute’. I don’t know if it was meant to be seen this way because it wasn’t talked about in interviews but I know I’m not the only one who saw it this way
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hope-for-olicity · 6 years
Fabulous Olicity Fanfic Friday - August 3rd, 2018
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Happy Friday! So this is my attempt to both thank awesome fanfic writers for their amazing work and offer my recommendations to anyone who is interested. Here are the fantastic fanfic stories I read this week! They are posted in the order I read them. 
Please Note: I’ve been struggling trying to avoid Season 7 spoilers, I’ve failed a few times - so I have to stay away from just glancing at what is new AO3. Sadly, this will prevent me from seeing stories that aren’t shared on Tumblr. I am also avoiding spec stories, that I haven’t already started. I sad. Stupid spoilers ruin all my fun.
My Arms, They Will Hold You by @olicityaddicted - Oliver is back home from prison, but something happens when he has a nightmare. https://archiveofourown.org/works/15404745
If I Tremble by @smoaking-greenarrow - A collection of prompts and ficlets, with all the smut! Olicity sexy times are the best times. https://archiveofourown.org/works/15409122/chapters/35762643
I'll Try to Behave by who_seeks_shall_find - William is excited to meet Ray and Sara. When William, Ray and Felicity start talking about science, Oliver feels a bit left out. https://archiveofourown.org/works/15403056
Visit to Gotham by @cruzrogue - Olicity Hiatus Fic-a-thon - Prompt: Unfinished - Felicity and William move to outskirts of Gotham City. Before Felicity and William move back to Star City after their adventure in Gotham where William finds his step-mom is helping Batman and he thinks she could possibly cheat on his dad with Bruce Wayne. https://archiveofourown.org/works/15421605
Hidden Talents: Work in Progress by @laureningall - Olicity Hiatus Fic-a-thon - Prompt: Unfinished - After a perfect evening with Felicity, Oliver is anxious to bring her breakfast in bed, starting with coffee. Fate has other plans. https://archiveofourown.org/works/15038072/chapters/35818332
The Queen's Mage multi-chapter WIP by @the-shy-and-anxious-fangirl - Words have power, and mages, those with the aptitude to draw on that power, are few in number. Thus, their services are highly sought after by anyone who has exhausted all mundane means of solving whatever problem is plaguing them. Felicity is reminded of this fact the hard way when she is hired by Moira Queen, the Lady Starling, to find and return to her son Oliver, who fled his family home five years ago following the death of his father. With a threat hanging over her should she return without Robert Queen's heir, Felicity begins her search. When she finds Oliver, and ends up joining his vigilante crusade while she waits for him to decide whether to return home, the last thing she expects to do is fall in love with him. https://archiveofourown.org/works/14617068/chapters/33781269 | ONE | (Oliver the Footballer) multi-chapter WIP @someonesaidcake - Felicity Smoak had a plan; to save enough money to kick her monotonous job and start up the company of her dreams. She made good plans, solid plans, attainable plans. He was never part of her plan. His name was Oliver Queen, the reclusive Brazilian football star with a broken smile and a story to tell. He'd never planned on her either. https://archiveofourown.org/works/15005402/chapters/34779542 Deep Water multi-chapter WIP by @it-was-a-red-heeler - A Season 7 Speculation fic. https://archiveofourown.org/works/15081917/chapters/34968092
The Ring by @spaztronautwriter - The 4th prompt for @olicityficchallenge is: A stuck elevator, a dead cell phone, and a ring. https://spaztronautwriter.tumblr.com/post/143048602908/olicity-fic-challenge-4-the-ring
Love and Little Cupcakes multi-chapter WIP by @christinabeggs - Felicity loved sweets so much that she paid no attention to her lovelife. Until Thea Queen came into her store wanting fabulous cupcakes for her sixteenth birthday. SO ADORABLE! http://archiveofourown.org/works/12400539/chapters/28216053 Falling For You multi-chapter complete by melicitysmoak - Both at significant crossroads in their lives, Oliver Queen and Felicity Smoak cross paths one weekend at Niagara Falls. They fall for each other as strongly and swiftly as the mighty waters that drew them there that late spring morning. https://archiveofourown.org/works/15152363/chapters/35138201 The Eternal Love multi-chapter WIP by Mellowyellowdiamonds - Forced into a loveless marriage to Al Sah Him by her ageing and clearly looney adopted father Ra's Al Ghul, Felicity Smoak tries her best to plot her way out of this "terrible" marriage in a bid to regain her freedom. Her husband however has other ideas and is determined to foil her plans every step of the way. https://archiveofourown.org/works/15328269/chapters/35564142 Something Inside This Heart Has Died (You're In Ruins) multi-chapter complete by @entersomethingcleverhere - After a life-changing, soul-crushing event that happened five years ago, Dr. Felicity Smoak exiles herself to an Army hospital in Germany. She spends her days stitching soldiers back together, but who's going to heal her? Enter Command Sergeant Major Oliver Jonas, an American soldier who gets injured during an IED attack with a beautiful smile and more than a few secrets of his own. https://archiveofourown.org/works/5472908/chapters/12647312
Please Call Me (Only if You're Coming Home) by @entersomethingcleverhere - It's Felicity's first stateside Thanksgiving in five years, and she's spending it with her fiance's family. What's Thanksgiving without some drama sprinkled in? https://archiveofourown.org/works/5761705
Time for a Story multi-chapter WIP by @smkkbert - This fic shows Olicity and their life as a (married) couple with family. Although Olicity (and their kids) are the protagonists, other characters of Arrow and Flash make appearances. YOU NEED THIS STORY IN YOUR LIFE. http://archiveofourown.org/works/3912157/chapters/8757172
Soulmates multi-chapter WIP by @bri206 - What happens when Oliver and Felicity wake up in the past with no idea how they got there? They will have to relive their past lives and maybe find an ally or two to get back to their present. https://archiveofourown.org/works/15466416/chapters/35903511
Hidden Talents: What are Friends For? multi-chapter WIP by @laureningall - True friends will help you out - even if you don’t realize you need their help. In other words how Thea and Curtis conspire to reunite our favorite couple. Will they succeed? https://archiveofourown.org/works/15038072/chapters/35914386
One Night multi-chapter WIP by @suttons-brady - Felicity paces back and forth in her bathroom, fingers playing with each other in front of her stomach and her bottom lip pulled between her teeth. How the hell did she get here? She prides herself on being smart -- on being a genius, actually. Hell, she skipped eighth grade! So how in the hell had she ended up here, burning a hole in the floor of her bathroom, waiting for a flimsy plastic stick to tell her if her life is over? http://archiveofourown.org/works/11076792/chapters/24706029
Shatter multi-chapter WIP by @yespleasehawkeyee - Star City has fallen victim to a serial killer. https://archiveofourown.org/works/14594097/chapters/33728688
The Paths We Take multi-chapter WIP by griever11 - Rival CEOs AU. Felicity Smoak, CEO and founder of her own company, is trying to prove herself in the cutthroat world of the technology industry among the other bigwigs in the game. Oliver Queen, recently back from the dead is trying to prove to the world that he's no longer the same man-child who went down on the Queen's Gambit and is finally worthy of his family's legacy. Both equally formidable names in the corporate world. And both with a long, complicated history with each other that no one but themselves are privy to. https://archiveofourown.org/works/15314133/chapters/35530296 10 Rules of Rebounding multi-chapter WIP by @smkkbert - Oliver and Felicity start a sex relationship as rebounds for each other. What’s supposed to be just fun, soon gets complicated when it turns out that their work lives collide, Robert Queen fears their sexual relationship could threaten his company and an ex comes back into the play. https://archiveofourown.org/works/15403404/chapters/35749620 Pieces of Always multi-chapter WIP by @so-caffeinated and @dust2dust34 - Life continues after Forever is Composed of Nows. Ongoing non-linear collection of family moments for the Queens. http://archiveofourown.org/works/8220479/chapters/18840356 Caged by @supersillyanddorky06 - Prison AU. She's the beautiful prison doctor. He's the most dangerous inmate. https://archiveofourown.org/works/4493247/chapters/35973042
The Reason multi-chapter WIP by flipflops - Oliver is an Alpha and Felicity is an Omega....circumstances lead Oliver to find this out and a very bad time or maybe very good time... https://archiveofourown.org/works/15012431
Untitled by @smoaking-greenarrow - Prompt: Could you write a fic about 6x22? When Oliver saves Felicity in the precinct, and he angrily and worriedly drags her back to the van, like a lecture or argument he gives her for doing such thing, him being worried sick and protective. http://smoaking-greenarrow.tumblr.com/post/176461047934/could-you-write-a-fic-about-6x22-when-oliver
Unexpected Meeting or Fate? multi-chapter WIP by CaptainSammyAngel - Since she was a little girl, Felicity Smoak has been apart of the League of Assassins. While Oliver Queen for the past six months has been the CEO of Queen Consolidated and trying to keep it afloat. When the League decides to start the hunt of Malcolm Merlyn in the last place he was located, two people will meet but circumstances and pasts will make it difficult for them to be together. Will they find a way or will they be torn apart? https://archiveofourown.org/works/15007139/chapters/34783916 Whiskey and Romance multi-chapter WIP by @mindramblingsfics - Felicity Smoak gets the opportunity of a lifetime to compete for the hand of Prince Tommy Merlyn. She is taken from her normal mundane Vegas life and is soon swept up into a lifestyle full of nobles, drama, obligations and chaos. All the while trying to stay afloat, someone else begins to win her heart, Tommy’s best friend, Oliver Queen. https://archiveofourown.org/works/14441952/chapters/33357156
The Omega Project! multi-chapter complete by @oliversmuse - Oliver Queen was enjoying being the strong Alpha on campus at Harvard when he met and fell in love with Felicity Smoak, a strong Omega who was going to school nearby at MIT. Their time together was amazing until one day she disappeared. There was no note and no trace that she had ever existed. Oliver is now the most powerful Alpha in Star City, and he will move heaven and earth to find out what happened to his Omega. https://archiveofourown.org/works/15330348/chapters/35569281 Elizabeth Grace Smoak multi-chapter WIP by @lynn8828 - What if Felicity and Oliver briefly had met before he got on the Gambit? Despite her best efforts, Felicity was unable to get in contact with the famous Oliver Queen after having a one night stand with him and getting pregnant with his child. After raising their child for five years after finding out that Oliver died on the Gambit, she finds out he is alive and knows that she needs to tell him about their daughter. But will he believe her? AMAZING STORY!! http://archiveofourown.org/works/13639371/chapters/31322715 Finding Felicity multi-chapter WIP by @lynn8828 - After Lian Yu blew, Oliver searches for his friends and loved ones on the island. This is an AU versions of what happened when Oliver found everyone after the explosions. https://archiveofourown.org/works/15538641/chapters/36071301
Do You Believe in Soulmates? by who_seeks_shall_find - William asks a question that Felicity isn't prepared for. He asks: "Do you believe in soulmates?" https://archiveofourown.org/works/15297816
Can I Go? by who_seeks_shall_find - William wants to attend a party. First, he just needs to ask for Oliver and Felicity's permission. https://archiveofourown.org/works/15243012
Partying Can Suck by who_seeks_shall_find - William attends a party but everything doesn't go according to the plan and in the end, William is glad to see his dad and Felicity. https://archiveofourown.org/works/15242856
It's Only Three Days by who_seeks_shall_find - Felicity is leaving for Gotham City because she has a business meeting there. Oliver wants to say a proper goodbye before the take off. https://archiveofourown.org/works/15450720
It Was a Great Speech by who_seeks_shall_find - Felicity comes back from her business trip and she wants to spend some quality time with her husband. https://archiveofourown.org/works/15450843
That's Insane by who_seeks_shall_find - There has been a break-in at Felicity's apartment and everything is smashed down and ruined. They wonder whether it's about Felicity and Curtis' start-up or Felicity being married to the Green Arrow. https://archiveofourown.org/works/15489318
My Favorite Grandson by who_seeks_shall_find - Donna comes to Star City for a visit and she is determined to get to know her grandchild better. Raisa may feel a bit jealous. https://archiveofourown.org/works/15504066
Talk to Me by who_seeks_shall_find - Felicity has no idea how she and her mom have ended up talking about a conception of a child. Oliver is still in prison after all. https://archiveofourown.org/works/15505512
You Promised by who_seeks_shall_find - Diaz is caught and Felicity wants to get rid of her bodyguard. Nevertheless, Oliver struggles to keep his promise. https://archiveofourown.org/works/15505992
Re-Airrow: Episode 2x01 by @lostolicityscenes  -This scene takes place after the clip above but before the clip I will attach at the end. It mainly functions as a way to fill in the emotional blanks between Oliver and Felicity leading up to the Russia episode. https://lostolicityscenes.tumblr.com/post/176561447621/re-airrow-episode-2x01-an-i-was-planning-on
P.S. Hong Kong: Was it Real?!? multi-chapter WIP by @cruzrogue for Olicity trope-tastic award: Fake Marriage - This is off season 3 Flashbacks. When Tommy goes to Hong Kong he doesn’t go alone he takes his friend Felicity as the best information system being to help him locate Oliver Queen. Tommy may leave empty handed but Felicity gets to be a bride… https://archiveofourown.org/works/15025697/chapters/34832747 Caught in the Rapture multi-chapter WIP by @bindy417 - AU. Being the daughter of a ruthless and notorious crime lord, Felicity Smoak didn't think her life could get any worse. When her father unexpectedly sells her in marriage as a peace offering to his enemy, she quickly learns it'll take more than just her sharp intellect to survive. But what starts out as a sentence worse than death may actually be her only shot at freedom. AWESOME STORY!!  http://archiveofourown.org/works/7931917/chapters/18128824
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