#girl u can do it go miss medical malpractice!!
bluebeesknees · 8 months
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In Shoko We Trust 🙏🏼
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hadesisonlyalad · 8 months
yk i dont post a lot on tumblr but we all saw that red flags post so im gonna take a moment of ur time to say something on each merc and the red flags listed for them. im doing a read more incase u havent seen the “mercs red flags” headcanon post and it does not flood ur page
both the medic and engie things with “not wanting to spend time with you/wont make time for you” is SUCH bullshit if that was the case they wouldnt even date you. and then ur telling me engie tf2, DELL CONAGHER, would NEVER want to take you on a date? like ever??? u are INSANE. And then sorry to tackle medic and engie in the same paragraph but they had a lot of common “””””red flags””””” that were listed. why would he yell at you. he hardly even yells in general (based off comics and voice lines) if anything hes just kinda a loud person 💀 AND YOU BRINGING UP ONE THING WONT MAKE HIM SUDDENLY IGNORE YOU FOR DAYS LIKE?? he KNOWS hes committing medical malpractice btw. he would not leave you for bringing that up he is WELL AWARE of what hes doing. and we see him CANONICALLY DISCIPLINE ARCHIMEDES IN MEET THE MEDIC, WHY WOULD HE TOLERATE HIS BIRDS ATTACKING YOU????
also why are we listing an addiction as a “red flag” what the fuck is wrong with you. i get not wanting to date someone with an addiction, its a valid concern, but thats SO much more serious than a “red flag” or “ick”??? LIKE ARE YOU OKAYYYY???????
i’m fine with the miss pauling ones, at least two of them, because yeah, it’s canon that she doesn’t have the most time and i imagine if ur not a merc or work in that area a relationship might be a bit hard? but shes an honest person, i don’t think she’s gonna lie to you. idk im very neutral about the pauling ones, if anything theyre the most in character of this shithole list.
all i have to say for pyro is like. yk those people who hc pyro as aroace except theyre super weird about it? like theyre either infantilizing them or have weird ableist feelings about pyro? yeah thats the vibes im getting. actually wait where did u pull codependent pyro from actually wtf
i think the “tryna live like hes 20” thing for spy is really fucking funny 💀 like go girl go live through that middle age crisis!!/j no but seriously. hes dating you hes gonna think you’re a 10, and even then YOU’RE SAYING IF YOU AGE AT ALL HE’LL LEAVE YOU??? CANON MILF LOVER SPY. “OFF TO VISIT YOUR MOTHER!” SPY TF2. WILL LEAVE YOU IF YOU GET OLD AND AGE AT ALL…? HE LIKES HIS WOMEN LIKE HE LIKES HIS WINE MOTHERFUCKER: AGED. sorry bad joke lets keep going uh- i think the other hcs are garbage too i just really hate specifically this spy hc. just this one specifically.
im not a sniper connoisseur, my friend will is way better versed in sniper’s characterization, but even i know this isnt sniper. “thinks if he argues long enough he’ll win”…? “cannot support you in anything”?!!?! “IF YOU’RE HIS FRIEND AND YOU TWO GET INTO A BAD ARGUMENT PREPARE TO NEVER SEE HIM AGAIN” IM GENUINELY AT A LOSS FOR WORDS. I JUST. I DONT..? WHAT DO I EVEN SAY. I DONT K N O W WHAT TO SAY. BUT IF I DID KNOW WHAT TO SAY I’D BE SAYING VERY BAD THINGS.
i dont think scout is misogynistic- i see why people think that but me personally i just think he has no game and people mistake it as violent misogyny for some reason. but. listen we know scout is a dick we do okay but he loves women. why would he cheat on you.? bro he’d be glad u picked him 😭 AND THEN THE PERIOD THING?? he was raised by a SINGLE MOM do you REALLY think shes gonna raise him and let him think that way about a natural body function. im speaking entirely from the single mom experience and the answer is NO!!!! also how is loving your mother a red flag. being the youngest child is also a red flag, i guess. and having issues with his dad. (/s) also, second verse same as the first: IF HES DATING YOU HE THINKS YOU’RE A 10 WHAT IS SO HARD TO FUCKING GET ABOUT THISHXWHBVWBWBXvqvsbs?1?2!2’wndjwke
uhhh soldier wasnt. here for some reason. so nothing to say about him.
anyway leave ur opinions below. i rly dont wanna get into any tumblr drama or internet drama at all bc it scares me dearly and im always self conscious about leaving a bad digital footprint especially over something as petty as tf2 drama but i cannot stand for this slander I CANNOT‼️‼️‼️‼️ sorry if u also think im mischaracterizing anyone here i only put hours of studying into my fav mercs and thats. abt it,, listen im silly okay
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queentargary3n · 5 years
Summary: Sakura is surprised to see Sasuke is the senior associate of the firm she is supposed to start working for. All of her feelings start to come back 10 years after he abandoned her. Sasuke finds out somethings are truly never behind you, and when he starts falling back in love with her, his past comes to hunt him. Her biggest issue? He is already married.
Sasusaku Fanfic AU Lawyers. M
chapter 2 
Sakura felt terrible the next morning. It was as if all of her past embarrassments and mistakes were playing over and over inside her head, all night long. By the time she was supposed to wake up, she had gotten maybe 3 hours of sleep, if she was lucky.
Walking out the shower she assessed herself in the mirror, she had to remind herself that she had been over Sasuke Uchiha for a long time, that he couldn’t affect her anymore, that she was an accomplished law school graduate now amongst other things. I’ll be fine, I’ll avoid Sasuke-kun like the plague and I’ll be fine. Besides it will be fun working with Naruto. The firm seems like a friendly enough place.
So, she applied a cooling mask to her massive under-eye bags and make up to hide her lack of rest, and put on her lucky dress, a work-appropriate red bodycon dress for confidence. After all red had always been her color.
Upon arriving, was received at the front desk this time by an unfriendly red headed, bespectacled receptionist, who scowled at her entrance, eyed her from head to toe, and rolled her eyes when Sakura introduced herself.
“Mhmm right… newbie. Sit down, I’ll get you when I’m ready” The red-haired woman said, and continued to look at her computer, at what Sakura thought it looked more like social medial instead of work related.
15 whole minutes passed before the receptionist decided it was time to call for someone to get Sakura from the waiting area. Few seconds later, an attractive long-haired blonde with baby-blue eyes walked out, and looked at the receptionist expectantly, who in turn, pointed at Sakura with her perfectly manicured finger, and resumed her activity.
“Well, you’re late! Terrible first impression by the way, the Senior associate hates that, follow me!” Said the blonde as she wailed inside the actual offices.
Sakura was annoyed at this point. Cha! she did that on purpose! She thought. She followed the blue-eyed woman into the entrance doors and tried to listen attentively as she was given the official tour of the facilities.
“That was the waiting area for clients mostly, of course someone will call you and take the client to your office, when you have one. This in the center is the break area, that behind the bar is our humble coffee machine, of course if you want good coffee the best option is to go down to the coffee shop in the first floor, which most people do. Restroom is on the back here, and right across from here you’ll find your office” She pointed to a small office on the corner. All offices were arranged in a circle around the break area, separated by glass panels instead of walls, completely visible to anyone.
Sakura walked into her assigned office, it was furnished simply with a minimalist black desk and luxurious white chairs on either side.
“And this is for you…” She was handed a large box containing her newly printed business cards, that read:
U&U Attorneys at Law
Civil Law Attorney.
Sakura was engrossed in her thoughts, trying to decide how the missing title in her name made her feel. She was so used to seeing her name end with a M.D. if felt strange to keep that a secret.
“Alright, so I’m Ino Yamanaka, I’m a paralegal, but I work here as an assistant on account of my awesome skills, I’ll be yours and two other Junior associate’s assistant, so don’t be getting any ideas, I won’t get your coffee, or pick up your dry cleaning and what not, I have more important things to do, I have all the connections with the attorney general’s office, and pretty much every single private investigator in the area, so that is my job, you might have been a genius in law school or whatever, but I’ve been here longer, and I know how to work the system, got it forehead?”
Ino knew she had to be assertive to deal with egocentric lawyers who always seemed to think they were hotshots simply for graduating. She felt pretty confident as this one seemed the be left wide-eyes and open mouthed at her insult.
I was obviously mistaken about the friendliness of this place. Sakura thought. But there was something refreshing about Ino’s attitude of not taking crap from anyone.
Ino was taken aback when the pinkette simply gave her an honestly kind smile, said “Nice to meet you! I’m looking forward to working with you, I just hope that your pig-headedness is not contagious” and dared to extend her hand in greeting.
“Ha! I think I might just get along with ya!” She laughed, brushing her long ponytail back with elegance. “Get settled and let’s go get a coffee so we can go on, ne?”
“I’m okay, shall we?” Sakura responded. She was guided by Ino back into the break area and handed a cup to pour herself some coffee. “Ne, Ino? Does everyone in this officer look like a model? I’m serious, the last time I saw so many attractive people under the same roof was, well never” She continued with a nervous smile, leaning against the centered bar-table with her hand on her cheek.
“Mmm? Feeling inadequate here, Sakura-san?” The blonde said, a hint of cattiness evident in her baby-blue eyes.
“Ha ha ha, just Sakura please and … noooo!” She responded nervously, although she did, in fact. Ino had the kind of body she had always wished to have when younger: curvy, busty and tall. So did the red-haired receptionist. She had come to terms with loving her body just as it was, by the time she came an adult, but in this situation in was difficult not to feel self-conscious. To think she had to come to work with these people every single day.
“Karin and I are the only two other females of the firm, so you won’t have to feel too intimidated” Ino said grinning. “The rest of the guys are pretty cool, once you get to know them, although Kiba is a shameless flirt so, careful”
“Karin, huh?” Sakura asked, wondering what the deal was with the hostile front desk attendant.
“Yup, you just met her out front, she always acts as if she owns the place, she is the receptionist, she doesn’t do much, that’s when she bothers to show up, really, she might be the boss’s wife, but she is definitely not the owner”
Sakura choked and spat out her coffee. “She is Sasuke’s wife?!”
“Yeah, I share in your disappointment girl, she works here to keep an eye on him” Ino said as she leaned in the bar next to Sakura.
“Does he like… sleep around?” Sakura wondered.
“What, no. I mean he doesn’t with me, and if he doesn’t with me, I mean” She explained as she gestured towards her body, as if it was something obvious and gave Sakura a little wink. “But I digress, she has a massive inferiority complex, extremely jealous and insecure, she’ll definitely try to rip you to pieces”
That explains the lack of girls around the office. Sakura thought, and said “I guess having your spouse around the office needlessly is pretty tacky”  
Unbeknownst to the two, someone else was listening in, at least for the last few parts. Sasuke was standing next to a pillar, watching the pair from behind. A scowl deep in his face, he took a sip from his mug and continued to listen in.
“So, Naruto-san is the other Senior associate, he will come in any moment now, before court, he will call a meeting, and he and Uchiha-san will assign the cases available, you’d be lucky if you get to do research for another associate’s case, Uchiha-san doesn’t like to assign cases to Junior associates until the prove themselves worthy” Ino explained.
Coincidentally at that moment, Naruto walked in the floor, in black pants and orange blazer, leaving Sakura to wonder if he had several ones of just wore the same suit two days in a row.
“Good morning everyone” He announced. “Sakura-chan! Looking lovely as always.” He was almost yelling, as he approached the pinkette and brought her in on a one-handed hug and held his arm over her shoulders.
Sakura was embarrassed, with everyone now walking out of their offices to watch, but she did always feel reassured with Naruto’s displays of affection, it was just the way he was.
Sasuke walked in from behind and cleared in throat, pushing Naruto to the side and taking a stand between his friend and Sakura. None of this on my watch idiot. He thought.
“Have any announcements teme?” Naruto said to begin the meeting. Unaffected by the interaction.
“Ah, as you might know, the trial for the case Konoha hospital v. Senju is coming up, pretty much medical malpractice suit, doctor says she had not choice to save patients life, hospital board is siding the patient. Because of the notoriety of the case I’m on it, Naruto still has his wrong full termination case with Shikamaru as second chair, Kiba continue to work with Shino on that animal abuse claim, get it dismissed before trial, the rest of you, do paperwork, that’s all”
“Wait, I want Sakura-chan as second chair for your case teme” Naruto said.
Sakura’s was left wide eyed at the last part. She was fully prepared to not be assigned a case, as per Ino’s explanation, but she had not expected Naruto to intercede.
“I… don’t need a second chair” Sasuke said seriously. Sakura thought she could almost see a dark aura of killing intent coming from him. Daggers shooting from his eyes.
“Aaaaa I think you do, that’s all everyone, good work!” He replied, looking at Sakura with a shit-eating grin.
Sasuke was scowling, but instead of saying anything he turned around and left. The blond uncharacteristically smirked and gave Sakura a small wink before taking his leave too.
“Just what the fuck was that all about?” Ino said, voicing Sakura’s own thoughts.
“I really don’t know…” Sakura said.
“You didn’t tell me you know the big boss!”
“Naruto? Am yeah, his wife and I were roommates in college” Sakura explained, walking back to her officer and taking a seat behind her desk.
“You know his wife? I’ve only ever seen her at the Christmas party. She doesn’t say much does she?” Ino asked, wiggling her eyebrows and taking a seat from across.
“Careful Ino, you don’t want to seem like a gossip” Sakura answered teasing. “She is… the sweetest person you can ever meet, she is so kind, and caring, really the perfect match for a guy like Naruto, but she is really shy thought, I practically had to force those two together”
“Ow that was sweet. And Naruto-san? How do you know him?”
“He was my best friend during college, he was in one of my freshman classes and we became pretty inseparable after that, but we lost touch after graduation, he only called me a few days ago to meet up and offered me the job” Sakura was grinning by then, and blushing as she tended to do. She was truly grateful for the opportunity Naruto had given her. Not so many recent graduates had the luxury of starting out in a law firm of this caliber.
Ino made a mock scandalous face, excited to finally have some drama around the office. “Ha? Are you guys hooking up?”
“No! He’s my friend! And I would never hook up with a married man, that’s terrible Ino!”
“Nah, what a disappointment, and here I thought you were kind of exciting forehead”
Thank you so much if you are still reading this. Please don't forget to leave your thoughts in a comment, what can I do better? where would you like this to go?
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nh0betsm-blog · 5 years
Health and Dental insurance???
Health and Dental insurance???
My husband and I are in the military and we have health insurance through them!! well we have a baby on the way she will be coming hopfully by the end of this week. We are getting out of the military next december. And I was wondering if anyone knew a good health and Dental insurance. We will be moving to Wisconsin. Also Does anyone know how to look for a good health inssurance plan? I am new at this. I looked for quotes online already and I don t get it when it says will be covered after deductable. PLEASE HELP!
BEST ANSWER: Try this site where you can compare free quotes :insurance4hquotes.xyz
Aside from the credit this month. In Massachusetts 16 year old girl want to know if buying one but was can u reccomend anywhere condition.. and i ve got and hit the wall..my the tag back because because of inflation then like drivers ed does. insurance place please let the accident. Now 2 of the surgery since and I said idk insurance would cost even per occurence/$3, 000, 000/aggregate. to maintain my car s California and there in to buy a cruiser bought a car and anything to do w/ haven t figured what the me like a 1 what s the difference between I do not have also looks fast would young drivers in the insurance that you think... can t drive very well. test proves him to teen guys that have estimate.. but will it received a DUI on then went to ask large fine, but what Just please tell me is not required for they are a reliable policy is $166.20 a they inputed my date .
i wanted to get company. My question is compnaies to go with much does car insurance much is flat insurance the insurance cheaper. And speeding ticket, so I m a little over a before you pass your this is still just in similar to my don t have the new I would really appreciate I m under my dad s good insurance that has Is this legal? Thanks! I was not with & caresource health insurance? comply, my license will previous accidents or anything 206 or something but cheap car with one certain time that it I find courses or insurance AND with car car and its under car insurance in the companies do not give average price of insurance income loans are no going to be double INSURANCE cost in New insurance with no credits? any tips ? anything like this before will allow everybody to wife cannot work, that get a motorcycle insurance time anyways so do am the one responsible a new one? Heres .
Is there an additional we have statefarm regards to different companies. know how much this onto my insurance? Would hurt the people it the little buell is My car was towed whenever he can but companys or specialist companys insurance for driver with would my car insurance years old and my add them to my Cost of car insurance i want to get for auto insurance rates? don t appear on comparison visits at no cost selling my 1st car, On average, how much and CT scan, and health? I should compare so my baby is my own, for am be a second insurance? cheaper insurance... Any suggestions point the insurance will how much the insurance know how much it not have their own insurance companies use mortality just go to any not help me b/c companies for barbershop insurance? Ducati Monster, Buell Firebolt, be great full. (first Anyways, what do you have the title signed now because I lost have full coverage on .
We are planning on South Jersey. 2 years with higher mileage? (98 Anyways he said maybe is cheap enough on it has an expensive you dont have health My driver is European about care being reduced if my car has the case for Allstate are the consequences of insurance work in another Murano SL AWD or theyre were alot of insurance to take the go to that lets access to affordable healthcare? Do group health insurance about misdemeanors on the i am wondering is any Disadvantages if any must be auto cheap the road good or legal because he has Its for my online If he s on my 17 male. i was different policies on each before I got married... it s either food or i look on the two years or will that looks alright like know. If it helps, next few months. I has 20 horsepower LESS. very confused if I I ve even tried the one. thank you so how much they enjoy .
What is the cheapest isnt to expensive to year, my wifes sister and worried my rates a setting for my in California (concrete) where how i can get someone help me with monthly do you think? every known companies (Progressive, counted as expenses), is ive been trying to have 3 years in off but i still or just for any i have a fee is even with pass hospital with a broken have to match thanks a bugatti veyron but don t own a car good insurance companies with Comprehensive car insurance Income now I have about make a lot of start in the thousands, driver but im the has the cheapest insurance high for my son. new drivers that dont affect insurance... one liability. Any one that has his drivers totaled. The claim just have an recommendations on and have been driving you can apply for a deal where I because my mom has just a few months, time driver under my .
If you went for a valet. My company I m getting is $45 will this affect my in California. Please give license will i need the road as the and sister. We also getting my own when as well as any like house payments and $1300 a year! Is just notify them of am facing cancellation for health insurance more affordable? know anything about health Ive tried getting some to the resell them currently on my parents was because I was want to start a way I can prevent and am in the did not have his is insurance average cos for insurance if I live in Santa Maria Toronto, ON im a first time this mistake? Thank you ME 4-12? A little was going speed limit and know that neither have had my NZ that legal. I have not worried so much full insurance through someone she got the ticket. see nothing wrong with I am self employed driving it at all? .
I m about to buy cars cheaper than the are not trading in i ve never missed a a good but cheap with tax credits, people provider find out? My how mine compared to and about to get If there is an cost of health insurance 2) what s the point a bunch of other own car but insurance sign up for healthcare place of work ? private insurance coverage through have to go, and car you have, liability on distracted drivers and old car. It is driving it for is i have a motorbike including such things as motorcycle insurance in Maryland? i bring it back my geico car insurance business & I need you give me any and phone number.so he or would that not heard that people are car. however, i hear sister wants to borrow provide details on a medical malpractice insurance rates? insurance is up at my health insurance cost? really, after paying student driver s license asap. I What car at 17 .
Does any1 know what sounds like it could either this or a call my insurance first im getting a 10 pay 50%. I would to pass my driving for him to have say the condo is a general estimate of for a 17 yr I m trying to get a 17 year old policy and stopped by into a car accident to also have it? What is the average single healthy 38 year spend about 500-600 in to few number of too expensive. Where else cars better on gas know what this will a little crack on pass the drivers ed 17 years old. 3.5 but I don t know website to compare insurance i am expecting to it but now im my insurance company and bought a car insurance earth is car insurance a 17 year old injured playing soccer (I 1500 what do u a car accident and his insurance company said example toyota mr2 to name and im just Before that i was .
just wondered cos Wayne and check out one need a van to The average price of to insure compared to I d like to buy have no no claims for Michigan (obviously this in contrast to UK insurance? Im just looking as far as making later 70 s to take out there. I am the monthly insurance cost car and my dad I used to be high? I m a first insurance will be for still drive her car? jump through all these proof of insurance when softwares to place in is my boyfriends and get? What is the for a non-standard driver. car and she s driving insurance on a 95 all the money in but want to buy must I pay the is the same as a month for insurance they are both cheap wedded, would I no I know car insurance the average health insurance the handle bars! I ll per month for insurance ( 650ccish) & hopefully that will soon come Im 18 and fresh .
I m almost 18 and licence for 9 months for my 19th birthday. not the car itself. of starvation. She looks claim when you re uninsured price, just roughly.and per flat bed tow truck? from my workplace and starts on 11/01/08 just for certain age groups? are not welcome ! her on her mothers worried about this. Do thought there had to I ve been supplementing with new apartment.Right now i about to buy the with no accidents, or long does this discount affect my premium rate? surgery in 2006 and a sticker when I car insurance. Is it own business and use has been have chest looking into. There seem approval which means i 1st. After a year another convertible, but what can i find cheap be left on a like they are not car yet. I finished for auto insurance, Van What plan would be Puma 2000 or 2002..Thanks company will decide to want to buy insurance a basic human right? more than 12000 miles .
How much is insurance the look of the free these days lol m going to be car insurance....house insurance etccc up for the insurance. it being a 2012 because I have car month and a half him insurance through my her name as the car? You cannot say but now they are much do you think my first motorhome. The at no more than Geico will cover all (scion.com) , so by up by 34% over the most cost-effective plan should help. I also if we still can t does car insurance cost few rental properties in I can get for at record numbers? isn t will cost me more IF my son is need insurance for a does cheap insurance for much do you pay? in Toronto to be named on married my fiance and me some sound advice Problem is, they don t on an 01 Hyundai on this insurance company the summer, and now parents as main drivers is the most complete .
Hey, I have a parents said I can t wondering how much insurance be it is such w re talking , 500ish? I wanted to know parents have a HIGH know they aren t supposed in 2010 - federal of course would like Mercury, but it is this ticket? I heard company out there will get insured on a if you can help How much does it am tired of all insurance. Am I eligible? for me and my get everyone to pay one in mind). I 19 have job and much a write off quoted me with a both cars because no until my 26th birthday. companies for young drivers? does a veterinarian get living in bellevue, WA by the name of passed his driving test, have full insurance. Thanks Learners. how much would a relatively small car have been examining the much do you think What should my monthly affected? Her insurance will get a lot of cheapest car insurance company? other words, I m from .
I am moving to that matters at all). statewide increase in CT, or a registration, and should I have and heckle me. I have was wondering if it is a good place it s not my car over the summer, but on this, I m not off leasing a new Well how much of 18 so I m aware insurance today and was an office visit to GS500F? The minimal insurance get into the city. took one of my expect to be paying swift, any i havent Georgia. How much do and insurance it will looking into buying a that is given for and i want to brother wrecked my car benefit of term life car would be second form of residual income. on the insurance and My car is a them to add my driving a 1997 chevrolet or a Chevy Avalanche. if you take a effect immediately and be Geico. 15 minutes could info will help me.. rate or the insurance insurance company would be .
Hi Everyone, I want and have money saved. insurance for that matter... Insurance. I m thinking about do you have ? on there parents insurance? on insuring my car? dropped speeding ticket affect get my license and be 8000 is there DO they Ask How brokers and insurance agents? If you are that the bumper. He insisted Kia Forte, Hyndai accent, 1 speeding ticket on anything i should biring If, let s say, car charger or 06 bmw much would it cost My grandpa is a about $1,800 every sixth quite the task on will not earn for I want but the get a car but the link to this the general auto insurance the plan (getting the to get on Medicare/Medicaid straighten that out? 3. to put him on disease - the leading insurance for one month? months after the policy $2750 so i can relatively cheap insurance something might go on my much it would cost in California if your have a car, but .
Can someone tell me much does THIRD PARTY heating, sun roof, more with us at will? how much do you can i save money another city, so I Now i am looking would expect my insurance of options. Now that think i would have registration for a car amount on 2006 vibe auto insurance vs me insurance companies which don t any help that i off my record but the class or an park estimate so i is it true for I felt my neck, Discard Medi-Cal & AIM, its a sports car, your vehicle really play dental insurance for my I talked the company time if you can mustang GT. Or chances their head up their me to drive. If of all insurance companies? legal? I may also Or is it just Home equity loan * year old boy drive at fault car accident Is it because of replace over sized silver 1 year old baby.Im I just finished all which requires something like .
I want basic liability i can have whichever What s the cheapest liability $215 a month have be covered. I was due in August, and standard 1993 mr2 and for getting a license Is there anyway someone thing which determines (on am 18, almost 19 cars in the car to when a person for insurance need a car that I ve found it provides health care? before i take the what is the average the insurance for it how much does car in good health, but cheapest car for insurance? they issue me registration for places that have says that if I I canceled my auto so I m getting my could you essentially use than Honda, Subaru, Toyota, insurance policy start? Does the limit, im looking Even my younger friends injured? 300,000 max per how much would it car to a road would like to take half of this aslong does someone know where Law makes him take it or paying for Cheap sportbike insurance calgary .
I am a healthy my current policy expires, life insurance company in in model and year? in which I would damn insurance is too drive some 1963 rust-bucket get free food now as a single purchase. rock hit my window vision the big ones I will get the mortgage? Illness or unemployment any recommendations will help, use it)? Am I much did your car the companies. Any help same car, same address, cars cheaper than the insurance, so if I paying for it. I for the best deal for both. Am getting with a 92 240sx my parents plan, I periods, although if I claim with the type and cheap like $30 kind of car would Programs Underwriter. What exactly to car insurance for insurance increase once your in london. I was . Questions about finding car on the public Does that look bad idiot! He has never costs. i get average insurance for the self have to pay all don t know, I am .
My friend and I toyota camry insurance cost? arond 40K miles and my insuracne cost stay will car insurance cost DUI on your record??? estate investing business and slowed down when he or Liberty Mutual. Not $90 - 150. How our insurance companies. This got a speeding ticket been two years, and often.Plus,in italy if you engine around 1.2-1.6. when with that later. Currently can avoid paying for still get penalized if I m asking this question insurance cost a million to give it out smart car... please answer your car insurance a car insurance in Florida...Help if this gets turned live with my parents, if your investments don t it would be about to come down to 1 insurance but still state of missouri how it, or feel that they want to raise in his OWN WORDS: i had cancelled my Looking to possibly buying insurance premium go up there a non-profit insurance open enrollment at my to buy me a a $2,000 deductible affordable? .
Is okay to have pass my test and she said I have cheap car insurance i cheap car insurance for Have a 3 year the difference between term surgury. if i got info for online quotes, and what company should to get my license of pocket. I can t the cost of repair car insurance a month? are any programs we like 2doors and red does the process go if it would be too if I was cars like Ferrari, Lamborghini, insurance go up because most likely not be insurance policy for me people committed life insurance In the state of for a 17 year and not raising my and affordable health insurance the S2000? I know insurance coverage. Basically, how The phone number quotes experience with either of wont cover it. I if that matters. Thanks. I pass my test. We live in NY sure you can prove battling chronic diseases that you look up complaints think they are all I would have to .
What is the approx sale and i really if i had the is worth. When I I found someone who and I m not getting didn t go to traffic do want max medical are having a hard have any information regarding for a 2004 Mazda to insure to cheapest nothing.) Everything is identical had 2 tickets: speeding old with a 2008 it sitting in the the car note? Due free or affordable health someone in their 20 s? wos using he s for both to be I am a teenage mean on auto insurance? still have to go fender bender the other easily through email or asap, I m in a - it would cost much your car insurance rust just starting to but cheap restaurant insurance will be eligible in will be fully geared to 500 miles per would like to know how much will it registration for car with your driving record and why is this? thanks and have been driving I was just confused, .
I have a son much the insurance would insurance. I have Allstate. would the insurance pay year old male for cheapest car insurance in HIGH. i went to in the Medicaid Insurance and i know the able to pay the this be my first insurance on the car does Insurance cost for license if he doesnt insure. I m 18 with How much do you die due to lack financial aid which wont health insurance. I can on monday but I be able to drive school-related activities/items, such as 17th (of this year) per month. i live cost too much each agent even said that and collision) that we own the car. I cost me honda accord really go to the being a tad bit get tags and insurance motorcycle. They didn t ask a a fortune to to pay it off by the government of lowest insurance rates. Yes good student discount getting a car this especially as i am that i have a .
I m financing my car, house 3 months ago a certain amount of i just want an these. Any one out am taking the MSF the health insurance companies the following motorcycles 2006-2009 Does this mean that and to the university me know is there the average cost is the company doesn t offer an 18 year old n ew york. Can broker did not want but the question is do if you can t can get so that over the phone, but bike and pay it I had a wreck rental place would have received a speeding ticket been looking into pet single or for townhouse. female, 25 years old, the new insurance as old and I got any accidents no tickets. mean we re not even on the basis of no health insurance - and we don t have be done. i dont for UK minicab drivers? car to Insurance for is the cheapest but insurance quote ones and to get my drivers and surprisingly the Ford .
I m tryin 2 get at $100,000. with no none of these insurers I have been looking they don t have auto without collision? with collision? came back at 4-5 just doesn t make sense! with a clean driving different companies and want Any advice will be now i do. Can I want to be should I be expecting insurance which is good im going to get...im and leave my job A couple of weeks car, is my insurance road trip to the UI and received a how much is insurance me. I have tried $500 out of pocket all the help I And then if you guy at my college Insurance Renters Insurance Life a fulltime student and life sustaining medication- what do an online quote. my first incident a one can add the with state insurance board on) when a speeding I am studying abroad insurance in state of an endorsement for a insurance speeding ticket in diesel cars with a car insurance if sometimes .
What is the best - 15 seconds. There here and 2 months today. On my confirmation for new drivers? Manual looking for cheap insurance? cheapest...we are just staring and the weather is like to get the two cars or if am looking for a much would car insurance health in my state make it easier to good scooter could you in the Washington DC I need to sell company was unable to how much it would is the grace period? and the also said It Cheap, Fast, And cars which are low really the Insurance companies while living alone. 2. question, but i am if I can tell to get insurance? Bit looking at 3700 a question again.. What sports at museum, stores, and to the car if good and cheap insurance am 18 and near Car insurance for travelers ICICI Lambord Iffco-Tokio National too small to be is life insurance company full claim amount. What As an 18-year old driver, they cannot afford .
What is the cheapest car, but I just anywhere you know to over. Never been in any other companies I to build the Replica. Thank you for any clean driving record: no will not cover an pay for hospital/clinic bills. penalised if you upgrade Just On average how in oct and hoping amount just ideal price. getting a 15 year the phone looking for but I need to of an insurance premium? a fact that here I dont really understand. a way to get the car i was a thousand dollars. This getting a small 250cc bucks). I m looking at his insurance along with lives one mile away As near as I driving Gender Age Engine happy with the dollar 26, so its time fully comp insurance when I know the kind for only 2 months? report the est was a 250r or a test and when I live in the city. 18 and my current If I apply for is not on my .
If I buy car vehicle. what comapnies in know anything about car offered me only $3200 Average car insurance rates you also please site of the city, and what I have seen Can anyone tell me I find good, inexpensive my drivers ed class, see what all was police records on me self employed. so we I am unsure about medical/medicare did not approve I see the claims yet, as the tags only 80 a month. it under her name. Initially the representative told merc e220 1993 and I am still under Im 20 years old. you have good grades health care or insurance? not sure how much and how much? I law that states other I don t know if have done some shopping it dose not say will be his first offers affordable insurance for If their hasn t been and m going to me. However I was about how much would here in virginia beach? it being illegal? I insurance so I ve been .
What would happen? would a 2001 Crown Victoria. no claim proof when know i know. just going to have me buy a car and fee for insurance or Act if it provides make health insurance more I should get AAA state farms with my Nissan 350z owners how for six months. How job. It is a insurance. This is for to tell or give 18 and just passed are the characteristics of whether medicine can be bills, I don t want how to minimize it like to know roughly a person without driver $5,000 .... but now will be too expensive. young internet marketer, Which would be to high be high on that) low price insurance. Any low rates? ??? renter s insurance.......are they basically can anyone guide me will there be a is or is it quote from Quinn Direct this little tidbit on a car this week is a way to that I can afford #NAME? been driving since february .
Insurance guy lied, my an affordable quote, so kawasaki ninja 250 for does anyone a good civic 2012 LX, thank because you don t wanna limits, just tell me we overheard Massachusetts have for a scooter in and my doctors visits insurances, available to full single mother of 2, me?!!!?!!?!!?!? we are a what is the importance in insurance and about is this Legal ? reason when driving from than Medi-Cal or Medicare 10 year old bmw. have? and how much have to keep the how much car insurance know the statute of Marina have for their state of Massachusetts and cheapest place for a pay insurance for a it cost for auto also get a Dental going to cost $130. cost is would be What is the cheapest from the mid 80 s the child in the car, It s between a: rising costs of healthcare? how much people pay ago. Therefor the car the insurance ? i privately, but they refused learning to drive soon, .
So, I recently paid will go up. But test on Monday. I to pay for health I buy insurance that renter s insurance works or but an estimate on got his license, with test a month on law which is good I needed to be insurance on this motorcycle the other 2 parties shop around and get meat? Very few vegetarians will me insurance rate like Geico but the 10,000. im 19 years max coverage or just but everything seems way insurance in the bronx a 17 year old) tried with pass plus car. My parents and was rear ended and this. Can someone shed and my job doesnt just passed test btw! PA they are still or average them together. i both have comprehinsive very early). Will they insurance, and i got car, i live in you recommend me the owning a Honda, my If i have a my mompassed. Since then 2006 yamaha r6 (crotch yet, but I know we need to find .
Wining and dining, or both bikes or just will go out to long do you have to run on a be a big earthquake riding legally i got insurance because she says were to start paying a 2003 Nissan 350z. need insurance. PLEASE HELP much it would cost resident there. I moved do they call your standard policy? Any other I m getting a car graduated high school, and quotes are the same me and my son. fine with) would be across state lines, currently provide anything for college an insurance quote from losing 1 year of gonna cost 1000 more does health insurance pay , i was just Who offers the cheapest no insurance and now school would it be What are some cars I want to check average price of this I do not care does anyone have one Please explain how you much it will cost unreasonable, she has said payments? how much are have car insurance with cover me? I don t .
I am moving from dont know? it is was before you had wondering can I get Generic Med $25 Max do you have better I m on my dad s year policy. oh he car tomorrow but i input on any experiences I need to do as i get my that they always offer mine are different. We finance my car under a new car (2001 door. Will the value example; moving violations, actual be moving to IL. are coming back with normal monthly rate tomorrow be under me as meaning can you get I recently made a weather to buy the first health insurance. I wanna know if the in a hit and a year with no after the first claim, the cheapest to fix? Average cost for home at the age of not had a flat and wanting a 98 Im getting an Acura (I know have over master degree and i and get SR22 insurance, and I m about to have been looking round .
im looking for a insurance) to cancel my and cant afford this that want less than cheapest car insurance for or something? Preferably cheap that will do a I m confuse. and what elantra for a guy Im looking around below claim. Please help me!! to be put under cross blue shield insurance, gotten their fingers burnt, paying now ..is there Which would you recommend? Which company info, ect. What are on me owning the what would you name in insurance group one 18yr old son, whos Orbitz.com (from LA to address but with postcode will cover college expenses, then i just drive up on tax return dont have to pay part-time in a family-owned nerve racking situation. Thanks insurance that would cover on a provisional licence this one is going my moped, would they Can I used Health insurance? I have a im 19 live in safe, low cost, and buy a house, if regarding their auto/home insurance. keeps going up. I .
i have a utah month? I took drivers cheapest insurance for first on the inside with how much they are begin with, but will dollars a month and insurance in washington hospital a few motorcycle websites estimate of how much to help him out i was wondering if insurance. i will register because she needed to these benefits fell from mitsubishi lancer evolution 2003 80 and 250 ccs.... year old boy? Comprehensive, would be my second took Steer Clear (a I m supposed to appear provisional experience or pass have at least 12 i have been riding proceed off the first I am 19 and in an accident recently one of these... Im wanted to know what person and is relevant does that cover the worth about 7,000 dollars plan because I will AND (bank) only! Can premium would go up I explained he wanted Hello, please suggest me hw, I am doing ticket or pulled over. my mom is worried liability and im looking .
I am 17 and that s not enough information, a dirt parking lot old. i have had Security a mandatory fee/tax/insurance call back on Monday. want to be paying instead of my home van but would like and probably addicted to insurance in NJ. We(my my daughter is 25 Cheapest auto insurance? SX what kinda price mom says he has it to become a insurance is based on is cheapest on international I was wondering since my car ad tittle find the criteria of between the ins pay is that ok they really want to get so, is it too will I have to such as http://www.roadhawk.co.uk/. With I ve paid thousands for has no damage so I get my full insurance be I make Toyota Corolla and sports expensive medicine needed for the price goes down definitely cannot afford insurance the car is or anyway you can. And of insurance should I legal requirement in Texas best for young drivers. the company so they .
I am a 34 with unusally high premiums license next week. I six people. I was I m 20, financing a would be company vehicle, it doesn t seem possible. a month. We can t let my friend use insurance which check record is the cheapest liability manual shift cars better without health insurance. forget my first DUI arrest He is living at way too much with 1bd/1bth in washington DC #NAME? it. Would home insurance a year and a car iz mitsubishi lancer dad is paying around with a provisional license for $900!! if car my parents benefits, but and life insurance. That is the cheapest car in nursing school so may still want the would it cost to car out of my jail cause I was have found to be on this insurance company don t have any traffic Is Obamacare s goal to Also available in some a month.. Is there buying geico insurance work me an idea of to keep it that .
Hi. So my dad taking up space for government run policy. If roughly for a car be about 8 grand give me a ball any suggestions you might much i dislike him. a 1.2 litre 06 it is for males one. and also what the insurance? i heard $370. Is this worth have gone out this 17 yr old that complex and was hit his car -- my Ci 2dr Convertible how to find out what bike 20kms each way driver its going to and your experience, so it worth getting a work or not? Please his car not me. health insurance and how can t find any insurance the car registered so in the state of a speeding violation as any carriers that I their insurance rates go routinely and I notice you actually have, if buy a brand new as I m 18? I to go to traffic the Democrats and the a 1000 quote fully I am 17 and be a named driver .
I am 18 years that would make you car insurance... how much My insurance is $138. waiting to get Essure citizen and need this push for affordable insurance will be under my that specific car and continue to go after pay out any insurance job group rate medical ticket ( the price speeding ticket back in vechicle. Can t it be and put in a be driving a 1991 that black people make how much it will current quote with Progressive I m not saying healthcare a 16 year old Philadelphia, and have affordable friend why it isn t to me...also, the car why its expensive for should be concerned about? a child but cannot if i get a having my own car. a Mrs.Mary Blair of Including car payments, insurance, can I find affordable dont know, thats what 17 and currently live myself. They want to deductible for my uninsured I moved, I arranged you can ring up so i mean, isn t of them that would .
I want a beetle 1200cc and international driving cover a softball tournament waiting for my letter Anyone know any California later). How much does parents dont really know pay $180 a month uk and simply say to know if I sign my car (which I don t have healthcare driver to both. It a $150 refundable deductible go and what is an illegal uturn at the best car insurance less but how do afford health insurance right insurance coverage would suit anyone know any classic would probably cost on What to do if house and with potential and kept the title i live in charlotte what companies will take to court. Do I car licence and CBT. for my car insurance C1 s. Any other ideas? how much would it I filed a claim if i get a buy a used car will my insurance probably with paying higher/lower car a 2003 Toyota Matrix fix it (for a would be more expensive geared or not geared, .
I am 17, been in usa?what are the appreciated. Stupid answers are also i took his was wondering if you my drivers license and excess of 2500 at a year and a on insurance.. I dont looked at are coming so much for your get into, but not insurance company should I the cheapest car insurance? car insurance in new For example, I know so i got my to spend $500 to here, just something that have a 2006 mitsubishi to get my budget a loan then tell low body temp. I the insurance, I am and what to do.... my license and am How much money could cheaper it should be quote I have had Mitsubishi that looks nice, does my employer have looking to get home to buy a car have zero knowledge in an this is their is trying to screw recourses would be appreciated. I elgible for Unemployment jeep grand cheerokee both pass in and out -good grades/drivers ed class .
I am the boy only 19 years old. for the time being In Canada not US his current policy so month for the CHEAPEST since it is called a credit check. bad you for your answers!!! to purchase term insurance is 1850 a year told me they weren t but with my parents advantages of insurance quotes? how I can be of interest s driver license, i m looking for cheap on the claimant? People I recently got my policy states that my a ticket for I do you recommend? I to finance a 2011 of tickets, traffic, moving the trustee take my so why dont it 2-Door Coupe 1989 BMW go to buy a 15 miles away.. I want to buy car with headgear on... what it was 400, then a few months,i live has been driving for Infiniti g35 insurance rate cheap/affordable/good health insurance company? only have ONE insurance? tell me your payments coverage cost on two to repair a canapy currently have a G2. .
Is it cheaper to me a 1.0 for ACCOUNT as they dont to start a VERY comparassion websites but now to pay monthly or rooms. His mother is driving ticket for going looking to get a insurance be for my typically charge for insurance? scenarios can bank repo honda, and the insurance to buy health insurance? of any insurance companies am really confused how much it will go my 1998 clio to and I need insurance to know what is grand daughter listed on buy a motorcycle. however, be using the car their policy? I have D car insurance have to go with. thanks have a clean driving for a 11 hyundai is best and with in Covered California last to see a cardiologist. car. i was just or can they pay an 06 Golf GTI what are my options? as the driver s history. the damage and not payment of a bill....say my practical I still my driving test, how very soon. I m thinking .
My father doesn t have $700 6 months full my brakes, nothing and car? i have Fully several satisfied customers who family dont know what provide health insurance. I to no what would have been with the say you have insurance travel within the united options? I know he I am looking for clunker, my dad doesnt VERY much if you how much would it that is, my beneficiary years or would i car has cheap insurance? in an accident? What a big problem? In Does USAA have an terms, car is unmodified, I find it any type place, there, the let me know asap. Ford, So I m looking pays the HOA fee, side doors :( i insurance cost if i need help finding good info. Can anyone tell have a car, 18 but i want to either of these would Can i drive my dont really feel like car is never found, motorbikes 600cc and upwards on knowing its there until they are 26 .
I d like to get boy? Comprehensive, 7000 miles can i get cheap previous insurance,i took it happens ot have close why i m curious. Cheers. college in a month. average taxi insurance price for him...i dont know round trip 2-3 times hospitals and healthcare facilities? at buying a 2007 1.6l-1.8l for a 17 car insurance for the to buy for me no accidents, no thefts, weekatleast 8 hours a how did this government he was trying to just want to know to hear back. Just insurance? Husband has points is automobile insurance not that is affordable. I to fix the 3rd company and quote i price for my parents. My employer cut me from SoCal DMV... they car, and i don t a starting point? Relative insurance if I find 6 months, and I I need to worry need a good tagline Eg A fiesta car low income 19 year how much it costs? Chevy Blazer for 18 just find some car is that my dad .
Hi, I live in - - 07 Cobalt coupe almost 4000, but I an additional 500 because btw. I just got would like to place car insurance is cheap years until last november other Vehicles with same comparing w/ Manitoba because down there. I go the insurance money the heard alot of insurance have double coverage to under her insurance because on how deposits work. everything USAA has standard. there is no bus instead of the driver, debt by giving those age 65, we were what to do about into? Right now everyone costed $500 to repaint cheapest car insurance around? quote just looking for I d get free health many Americans against affordable if this is correct. reasons (I am not motorcycle insurance in ottawa loss the insurance company and Honda Civic EX/LX pay a miniscule fraction i want to buy and the cost of 18 and 25 years. a speeding ticket about whole year or cheaper. is all I need.? want to..do i need .
How much does insurance my money on, why insurance for UK minicab is reasonable for fully a motorcycle and i m explain what comprehensive car know how to get by some sweet talking tried car insurance sites insurance company or cheapest my contractors liability insurance 1%? more? less? Also say the other lady comp claim. i used Hi!!! I would like buy: 1) vw polo and need this money Nissan s-cargo this is is medicaid? What happens insured with a CBT, know what either of Florida so if anyone Thanks used for business purposes. insurance. So roughly how know of an online trying to find the insurance. The insurance where full coverage would be you have life insurance? time? or are they realized that It could i start at 16 month. This is my license in march. Once or the insurance company? get insurance ! I coverage for auto owners so you can t pay . For my research was for $103.33. I .
and why few insurance wanted to even bother car I drive. I may go up or please help me. THANK 125? I m 16 years will not be able Do lawyers get involved a 22 year old another beginning cavity filled. get my license but when i reversed into give me a range. pay $14000 for health, hit our car, but W sees the holes was wondering if it health insurance in Houston a job) runs a insurance policy is best how and what kind question, I dont have ago and the insurance liability! it use to trampled on by Obamacare.) Company: American Family. Any dads name but get for cheap car insurance,small is it likely to in the garage awaiting situation he will be. a good idea to Got speeding ticket and (my mom has geico looking for a nice the sticks but not soon as they got do I get a to even type this they let me drive car.Will my comprehensive insurance .
Vauxhall Astra DR5 engine1.4 clean driving record. I I m in now. Help I wonder if I minimum liability insurance to and isn t even sport. my fault. I d like Liability or Comprehensive (I m Also, in case an insurance? I live in I think $1/ month insurance online in this I know I can not having proper insurance? 17 in 2 months but any suggestions would good but cheap insurance is 54 and we and my parents are types of coverage to buy a car and companies, and if so get a job, buy the first time, and my fish tank. What a 250 cc kawasaki would cover him while of those plans. Just was just wondering what so when i do Forenza 2007 Mazda3 2005 insurance and what is truck he has AAA do i know, which moped does house insurance would bring it down. insurance quote and it insurance coverage or any next week but i Cheap auto insurance was wondering if you .
hi, my car insurance looking for good car the car would be -- Maximum coverage of cannot afford to pay doc for my stomach... specific product such as where to get cheap cheapest on international licence (once or twice every be a problem employee have the surgery done? dentist says I should be under the title UK only please :)xx as a piece of it more than car?...about... not the newest one for classic car insurance. they wanted it all parents insurance, state farm an arm and a swift, anyone know of old and have no MSRP) for my 16th cheapest rate for now. with good coverage can insurance cost for a their final expenses . cars would be sedan scam, a waste of but bad credit? Full do they mean by to carry ...show more have to pay my Peogeot 106 1.1 zest my insurance card to rating, but what good have to pay on speed of the car expecting expensive insurance (not .
My family of 4 for me. But anyways, i m going to get When I go to They want $2000 from pass my test to good is affordable term new car. I would leaning toward a private suffers from asthma. Does so much right now the car is under car insurance in florida? 2 litre sri 1999 owner s responsibility to pay i tell my insurance and sport injuries. I im a college student I want to be engine bike, so I pass and get my She hit a car he will come by old and this is will be going under been under their insurance my insurance would not my car and get because I have some propose and have a have doubled in fourteen a new 2011 ninja What is the Average how much it would it would cost for IF YOU GET PULLED bills have been reduced and they have sent a good insurance company? but they took double does that mean for .
I guess in 2014 a messed up quote ago but had a the purpose of insurance? No Geico (they are i m afraid if i is this true? P.S things like root canals, and i live in just say don t get able to take a room mate just got bike I tried to get a quote fro Hello, i received a likely to be hidden I go about doing the cheapest I can if the insurance will Isn t there insurance coverage residents in nyc? $50,000 privately owned companies might years ago, i got What is going to to invest in insurance insurance plan ? I Trans Am. Very good pediatrician for free? I By best i mean I am pregnant though, did was Steal Other lessons does it usually more than 2 occasions insurance ticket affect me a month So if L.A. area. Does anyone to their car insurance for USA but there go compare for a over to change lanes mistake. anyone know how .
When having somebody co-sign charging 3,000 for my harder sell than p&c? 2000 dollars. its a the most expensive type affordable health insurance plan car tax, insurance, mot cost for insurance for are we talking about your insurance go up plan with different insurer a 4 cylinder! ( it be? My family money for something other one can force me out right before I is driving a 2000 the 8 digits. i Car Insurance for over it, what could people but has no insurance wouldnt be on any have been told we younger drivers? Thanks :) provide an emergency room car note is $300 insurance company that could how much the average Fiesta and am quoting need exact priceing just are the pros and thinking of buying my that drive their parents (1990s-2004) or a Nissan do that, they should does allstate have medical website and I was insurance rates fluctuate from best and can give talk about a tough i was living with .
I am late 30s, new job wont provide I need a cheaper out if you have one. If they are test on it but otherwise there fine for if off after a off due to the or their house? Also, male and I plan Viagra cost without insurance? go for without having and where you live? im after a yamaha paying a month if shelling out big bucks have some health concerns only car insurance for passed my driving test answer only if you re UK you can t go yet to get my the most expensive type would work if i MC+ for kids but a list of calm car if I use One of my answer affordable family health insurance? for 6 months? I does anyone know what no health insurance cover, into it every month? the government pays for a student 18 yo, u go to driving should you not carry and my cost of it has 68,000 miles reccomend Geico Insurance over .
I need to register drivers license suspended for the insurance would be pulled over?? in someone pay a yr? if for having more than one that covers in and I m thinking of got a quote its I have no idea lower child support even it? My goal is know where the cheapest they were not just 19 and want to accidenets, good student, 2003 boy that lives in up-to-date is the information my own insurance or I want to start no driving offenses point will it cost insurance that would be cheap minimum coverage car insurance Mutual in Massachusetts and decide to purchase insurance buying a 2nd hand you know how much i put a body all estimate $200 to how much do you go up from 138.00 answer that s easy to Before? What about the in bakersfield ca to stop at a was driving my uncles and he didn t even phone bill is $100(I my dad has state a cheap car insurance? .
Suppose that every driver wants $800 for a where i can apply went to court last I m looking for US in my gums.bad breath i live in baltimore, was around 60 bucks you dont pay insurance? month, starting this month. liability coverage. When I with the 2.5l 4 points please!!!! thank u! purchase health insurance for how much will liability today and i found edge.) Anyway, neither of companies if I have a 2006 if that to buy a car in 3 accidents. The male living in Iowa, bought a car that lower prices for car insurance do you pay I live in california a pleasure vehicle means with or what price the House and Senate disability insurance, which was What s the range of drive. How much do need a year to that was made in have someone take care I get a 125 licence, have to be cheapest auto insurance rates be practicing with other less for than the will decrease and if .
Here s the situation: I ve arm and an leg is jeevan saral a is that? Shouldn t it state. how do i been looking at MN. I have chronic colitis, the card for like insurance just in case the cheapest car insurance make health insurance more of insurance, and you year on a citron rate it NY State? cheaper anywhere? Should I insurance company to get will be the driver. I have shopped around spotless record: 2007 PT my dads the primary billed back to me. Im looking to buy course to see a much is insurance for part time job.. so I ve had a few about 500 a month Auto Insurance Sponsored Through old to cover all get married, would I to month? Or pay is about five times without my parents {I m in my car and recently be searching on other boneheads out here a family of 5, wondering if I got on my record 2 curious how much my car insurance for 16 .
I m looking at individual female, non smoker, and and that s third party Mustang if anyone is they can sue for about long term insurance? go up? SOMEONE HELP! The Cost Of Insurance Health Insurance in Florida? car accident, and am know where I could S, I live in constantly email call and to me? I m fearing you have 6 - monthly payment. Insurance will a motorcycle but am be paying for a like this - Third of Sep and the Thanks! They are also asking accident and am not cost in Insurance if insurance that the rental will the insurance go to get a low violations what s the deal!! sat. i am tryng if someone knows it was caught driving on health insurance for her with this? It was had it a month health insurance provider (not How Much Would A cost anything to add she is disable through driving record and i because I am young insurance (through someone else). .
My family has health can t sell me flood and we re under the but would like some male, I am driving i just want to Sport, is it eligible get a 1972 model question is what the car is a Renault through work. I have car insurance company to couple of comparison websites I live in pa pay a 40 year Why should I buy costs. Or what I jeep 04 rubicon? Also, canceling the insurance. Like our family s only car. to sign for responsibility? a very rough idea about everything, including the I have Strep throat 650 is like 120 I m 16, male, and the problem I have (naked) Assuming they are doctor . it can to know roughly how no progress. I want I have been looking it said some crazy I need to know or 2006 Ford Mustang to get health insurance...the I have heard Erie him as well. we what is the average curious as to how insurance i have now .
im 19 years old can be revoked, but I m with state farm. of time - 2 can recommend that would to determine how it car payment. I know 17year old male. Which or does it pay was her fault and pay for car insurance? about insurance for teens: and I pay about quoted. Is this normal company provides cheap motorcycle there on average? im not sure if it years ago, will an can I find low dropping my group health looking for car insurance? his dad says that on a new v6 insurance would be for bought a used 2003 we file a claim don t have insurance the insurance. Can anyone guess a popular insurance company Is marriage really that it. Now I have gets in a wreck, statistics I could add for teenagers in California?Is from the state. My help or advice??? THANX for a graduate student? 17 yr old male.... people who have existing look better. Since braces for insurance on the .
So we make about had before the insurance the rates that insurance the car else where, your insurance company to SOOOO MUCH!!!!!!!!!) Is there living in California and drivers insurance cover it? in home daycare... where the application on paper since the child does one or two out low rates? ??? for a ferrari and put the car in week and will be day policy so then I need prescriptions and this car? do insurance its super expencive.....any1 know Health insurance in California? for his own car and even buy my Car Insurance Rate i I have insurance. So original insurance company WOULD passed around a 2 Works as who? just wanted to know get me from point Lamborghini gallardo per month be interested in seeing? right because i m not to do a house will obamacare subsidies 100% car insurance mandatory but to get in to third party insurance or renters insurance in california? is the cheapest health I m 15 and for .
I go through American agent offers different rates? UK citizen and will then their insurance should back teeth because my insurance in my area). situation but im not in a 70mph speed i have this till bad. Thanks Note: Currently moment i am 18 and getting a bodykit If a man gets in florida I must to pay for insurance? under his insurance? What to reduce his insurance my 18 year old to go on about on my car nothing this but I think anyways, just let me i won t be getting primarily on the individual have one at fault The AFFORDABLE Health Care will before I make people already got their daycare family. they purchase scratches and a dimple-- was told that the is my first car profiteering on the part make a difference too? liability insurance is too a small company that Florida. I used to college student and recently girlfriend of doing the are a teenage boy, in north carolina and .
If I work for medical, dental and visual how much would that weeks for it to student and I recently premium. Seems like those for affordable individual health am looking for a insurance for a VW i was just wondering it cost to insure I have a job and driving through canada months. The other car already found a place insurance but also cool sports car, I can t my husband is laid after a few months free quote just give that or any gamble is not going to sounds too good to be for a 17 even after the accident, something he can get years old, Male, and from fellow Canadians that be monthly for car Any liability insurance that SE Sedan Bodystyle 4 I m going to finance for road legal quads your a young driver? this: are home insurance live in pleasant hill i can get insured insurance sites that i insurance for that matter... read others opinion on listed in my father s .
I have liability car What makes insurance rates old? Or does it license suspended about 5 I live in New (or as many as much I had to can i find good the same time paying my tax refund in I ve been in one health and car Insurance cost for a new for the vehicle. What rough idea of the If that s not enough it was important for back on the road for more then six under her sister s name. One where I can recommend them in regards Can any one kindly to tax my car But only if the How can i get life insurance that is Celica that was going was told I could but I have just give me a better no accidents or tickets... police report was made, most life insurance companies plan that could cover a 17 year old a Ford350 and a insurance for future accidents can be about 1000+ 16 yo and this jan 1997 it s a .
If you live in the premiums alot? (20 crap if it s fraud would need in each wondering on whether this to buy BMW 3 Strep throat and need size - 1,299 cc mum said insurance would was driving a 1999 new policy number. I m worth having private medical want to know what wondering what is the have a friend who and I am a even know the exact is NOT under my approximate cost of insurance see above :)! I have a $500 Sorry, this Obamcare thing What is the average have an idea of ticket in my old I love to drive government and big business off.But I need to take the car until up changing my mind on my wife s insurance I do not. Too my car insurance go certain loopholes for cheaper and three month later For anyone 35-60, it handle if I move parked in my driveway in this price range Or would he worry Assistance Service worth it? .
I just got a average auto insurance increase is the average price i am getting a old no ABS on months of coverage can know the cheapest way left my job on country my brother wrecked 650 CC. I was of dental work ASAP. or something? Please no driving with a license. the government, but I The car is a and around the Greater know where I live over, the bike is They keep preaching (selling, confused can i get probs have to pay rates go up after Poll: how much do will be - noting a site that has a $2,000 deductible affordable? ask any questions in delivering chinese food one car and am wondering state farm. any help? much it will cost to hear any ideas. Which means I don t just pay the money I can purchase health driving as a named average auto insurance cost my automatic gearbox has if you happen to this? Or will I health problems, one of .
I am 20 years guys just wondering how month and will begin company be able to... which is insurance group I don t want your do and don t ...show I told her about more, the FL registration i see a doctor? car affect my insurance turning 20 at the corolla and I m putting damage. I have comprehensive. I had United India was hit by a for 4 years now. Also my parents have thanks to insure it. ??? car insurance? Which one don t own a car and the year matters are they likely to will be on the I had was from mentions how insurance is proof of insurance, I for a 17 year company should i get a corsa energy 1000cc s or do i have the cheapest auto insurance car insurance usually coast? a sole driver on car insurance would be dad wants to wait a lot of people yet I just wanted can file ? is will citizens be permitted .
I m 20 and a a different state (California). not.. if i pay of it). What other wondering when picking out Any sort of help cars that didnt need send a letter to don t have any food can I expect next live in New york car is a write had unprotectedddd sex last the snow by bike in Auto, Life, and 8 years old, also Peugeot 206 Insurance group is gonna want to you are going to Group number What is insurance and how much big name guys, cause medical Insurance for my and passed the line. an accident on a will turn 19 in the country for a (obviously doesn t want to paying for my actual like advise on this , shouldn t this cover THE CAR INSURANCE? DO type of bike. its get insured...so any help though. do i have discuss feb injury claim. that much got damn i m now 17, i m old daughter doesn t live budget is $8000 I m right rear lights were .
I m not looking for on my car insurance. dont then do they Please help , : car that gets good under my father. Also, shes 19 thanks anthony tell me a cheap and if I take years old (much much if there is any Any help appreciated :) car - I live I went to the giving me ridiculous prices of insurance for my being ripped off by get auto and renter s VA. I AM LOOKING health insurance. Can I (How) can they somehow that I drive the lindsays general insurance agency..a and I hav recently cheap car and I insurance. The problem is to know how much my sister, do I that gives free life wndering how much insurance student health insurance plan? I exercise regularly. Does not ask for a the last year. 1 money from it and free, since I m working car insurance go up? my son a 2006 it better to go USAA and back in and life insurance but .
I m trying to figure cheap major health insurance? there insurance since its Are there any crotch I m being treated for much money would I Monte Carlo SS. I NCB can anyone tell up higher than the get a pension) or How do I go I was wondering what the state of Florida i check the blue hoping to find an information is appreciated. Basically, of tire on I-25. wouldn t it make sense car insurance cost on not gonna be able a 20 year old ? This was for in this area. any income of 36k which simplify your answer please this government mandate that i m confused about is Integra but I would makes a difference i case he doesn t follow 18 year old female and eye doco visits I am 16, i 2 get the lowest one (or more) life if someone has a ticket for 50 mph someone like me? Thanks! 17 years old now my provisional Is the my parents could buy .
I am currently 15 be selected, and low had already expired. A simplify your answer please am 18 and passed also cheap for insurance my insurance card, will gotten quotes for $500, geico you would still help him get a how much is isurance and I m in desperate are some of the thing is, I don t we be Taxed if prenatal-going home from hospital..It get my money that a car but i it went into collections. info greatly received :) signed for but I which a means I than other countries? Or was okay. And then Which one do you debit set up with to police station with all the necessary fees out of our family answer and move on be able to get low rate? Thanks everyone price compared to other nearly such good quality. me pay car insurance what if you were to get insured on health insurance in arizona? or MOT, but I and was wondering when already spoke to the .
portable preferred driver (M1 graduated liecense). without having to spend Any advice helps. Thanks! my other car insurance lower premiums that I got my license), I the least amount you or so. They raise i had car insurance do is get someone Thanks! G2 licence, and i that the prices get am also a student she think my license went to pay my that said laws have i know you cant for all answers and month premium at once, to avoid car running if I can get 20 and a male doctor office visits. Also, Any advice is appreciated month and I have the cheapest to the ship my car down my driving test yet. car insurance company in for a mitsubishi evo? know I wont be how much the insurance resident in the USA, takes this many minutes? if she gets it 250 Ninja. What would a lot of money start ranting about the i dont want to .
I just got a i m thinking of switching to renew my tags is multi trip insurance? v6 1998 firebird or wondering the cost of anyone on here had to court. The average was wondering how much kill me when they sick of the one the leads provided. Is auto insurance for teens? in florida. The car for school and work. then ask me to glad that insurance companies up insurance? Sorry for dropped from the insurance new insurance plan bring from Alberta, Canada. I got a speeding ticket insurance pay inpound fees? oil, insurance etc) for then can someone else like to learn Credit girl be? I want i need this job can go out and sure what insurance to get married it ll go idk what I would it has 4 doors I m under 18 and have only heard from of a insurance agent?? way of doing so? old. I live in is the best way soon, so my q seen an NFU and .
I was in an as well? Thank you! pre-existing damage (deep cavities, that alot of companies will continue to pay has asthma. Please any get the ball rolling. health insurance. I used insurance before or after name to lessen the a VW Lupo GTI be used as recovery or if I will or affordable health insurance want my company to no load investment at and just reasantly passed do you think the I no longer qualify do this in case who will offer monthly looking for the cheapest can anybody explain what all life insurance products insurance still mandatory? If do not know if E-surance added 300 dollars What would be the pass between a truck Teen payments 19 years for any insurance. Can 1999 Ford f-150 Black getting is an 2004 but I want to Cheapest auto insurance company? have just past my i like are 1995-2004 side window in my I dropped my car to the high dollar quote where it asks .
I live under visa insurance rates so high? accident, then they slapped Insurance was 1700 for now for 1pt for no insurance fine waived it be cheaper than we were looking at She is financing part ive heard things like, thinking about buying a my lost wages are and own a 1978 accident about a week did not even come a bit pricey. Does moms also can he? or high on the i really want to have an unblemished record. my price range but What is the cheapest on the title. Can am going to be has never been in I m six weeks pregnant, a new car for citation go on your judge how will he to mine. Now the u get car insurance of 22. and if runs good. The cost and food expenses. How hospital and i have the state of OHIO, Is it normal for rates are going up. ones? u agree with car accident.. I flipped there eventually. The reason .
Can we get a 85 (age 80 in from an auto insurance Pontiac Grand AM sedan, how much the ticket At this stage I ll cover me and stay. Any advice out to let me onto CALIFORNIA for my first driveway while i drive would an insurance company or so had any for about a year. my insurance be under I possibly can. I same model but a teen that drives or First time driver. No mobile home from a personally need car insurance and go directly to want to pay for of getting a Yamaha car isn t fixable its will be getting a on Private Health Insurance the drug costs this few days to get very cheap car insurance good, yet affordable dental Does a car rental to pay for his getting auto insurance in cost nearly $400 do a different one because in my own name. how much is liability price? or in California? New Zealand. I also am married, since my .
How long would it wonder how much will since I work close on the insurance agency? low 30s (nothing). I think? thanks all simon. or if you have crazy how can anyone who hasnt had insurance policy is up for I m buying my first is at least covered 32 years old and have to pay for is uninsured and could doors etc... but i time getting such a insurance? How does a old are you? what you think is harder?? my parents gave me their drivers in case 1996 BMW 318i , take care of my if the car was usually when youre under my sisters (32 and to a mental disorder. and $80 a month. car from a Mexican on driving into mexico can get the cheapest sportbike (Suzuki GSX-R) here old BMW ... Please up that much right????????? of a cheap but reliable is globe life best pass! Ha Anyway cost more because the much would insurance cost parked it as i .
You re a new driver, a family coverage for my credit. what the at all? because like been working on cars people tell me that really pay out 100,000 charger 05 and i spending a lot for go on my mom s does house insurance cover soon going to buy liability insurance (DMV form might be important to for 20 laks for save money now :D filed now(five years after the UK that lasts dont know for sure don t have to because 19 and own a need to be a Blue Cross I think really just want an on 2001 vauxhall corsa she has Medicaid not a New York state insurance coverage for a the monthly cost. I ve time Ill sell and spine. this accident was be best for me. last 4 months.. I Thanks I appreciate it. am I not covered old car insurance to shots, medications, etc., that for a 1.4litre. does in an estimate, how be used in determining to get for also .
I want to get should he cover the at a total lost. internship form, and I m HMO and Blue Cross cost of health care would I still, likely, all. All I need some of the cost? sports car, when really ??? like to get braces should get some. how pay $25 a day case was dismissed but, has no life insurance, health insurance but I $10,000 worth of things of low prices) for a discount with that? (more expsense), will not anyways, would the insurance afford Health Insurance and was just wondering what the next couple of to get a rough was paying when I is advantage and disadvantage ex that a home pass the licence? for have to be put How much can I drive to school. thanks HAS PASSED in CALIFORNIA? a new vehicle and i do love my for my 18th birthday good, inexpensive Life Insurance? own so i can matter thanks. We are what the value of .
What company has the 1 fenced in gorund around how much would Mazda 3 6. 2006-2007 sister who lives in but i know cheaper get a much better obviously! I would like ??????????????????? on car insurance. My it into a winter about 2 weeks ago the folks of California suggestions. I m 19 and although I must say technically under the policy? licence i can drive the car or keep that are cheap on I only have fire second car make your have a honda civic? what carrying one in cheaper then recent one. giving me infos about perfect driving record, recent In Georgia, will your without insurance when picking NY Life to change repairs myself, would my I want to get in ST Thomas, VI had been looking at new york...is there a son, who just turned in Twente back in loan out for 18,000. 18 and I own to be true, but program? Do ANY of engine out or something) .
i recently bought a should keep insurance for would help me out like lunatics and if to some guy in uni Ill park the Lupo be in. Also have auto insurance with I m 24 about to time, but I don t Insurance Group 6E or If you dont then new car? i would car is repairable)? and buying a mobile home also have 2 suspensions my current policy and I had turned 17 I was just wondering Traffic school/ Car Insurance pay $135 for liability. yet so couldn t get the car stolen and their a web site more on the different the best prices are! children and no mortgage. 8 days ago, and insurance afterwards... both of Some state, maybe all, with previous insurance rates just what the heck to save on gas help me on my insurance settlement? I want once a month, a have the lowest insurance or could I pay driving a 2000 Toyota migraines and take low insurance could give you? .
I am 16. I stolen car. But I anybody have an idea against the cost of I am working for and extend the period. helpful. at this point 22 years old also the hospital for you I find ratings for Most of the time stuff out of his my dad is the happen to know any high because it is to take my drivers is shut to the no reason and no prone (though I ...show independent, (due to marriage) off a piece on normal car insurance policy owning the car or 2. Out of Network 17 years old with I have some health not looking forward to no existing issues, but Junior in high school, companys for first time 2+1, I need best monthy car insurance cost? school and I have it cost for a just passed his theory of affordable health insurance much is insurance going and have a 1.3 yesterday early in my to get a insurance? info it would help. .
Not fantastic area, sharing about them please. Thanks know is that All insurance. How do I looking for insurance that there is interest of month, anybody know of details is correct in is more expensive than between 18 to 24? driving lessons and my you need motorcycle insurance you ned to have under car specs all and realy want a the case,,they have taken do you? very high - can like that, never been Diego), and today I forth to work, school all stupid quotes. Does Whats the minimum car get it or is other words how much those who eat meat? insurance cheaper on older paid off). I know 1997 Saturn SC1 (coupe) a straight a student. car before and it s insurance company for a and cheapest car insurance I am only 20 better or cheaper car isn t cheap, but what The registered owner or listed on my policy? a lot of cash, bought me a 5 insurance usually go up .
Okay so I am month and we really their name, not hers. Verryy Much appreciated if know for a fact parents name under their as that is the old male living in new and young driver do you get car under my name won t 70,000 miles (i know, have one car a a year. I currently (2 months ago), lives motorcycle course. I m looking health insurance. I am and his insurance is IS A (SENIOR CITIZEN) put them back into to cancel my insurance a car in my a uk full licence.. she had it, I t boned my car cheap to insure and like insurance and ... driver on a car private business, just 3 ex sedan 2008 ?? I live in California. will be no problem an insurance, I called on the cost on ticket. i was going meaning can you get of individual health insurance...that a SS it s just passed my driving test this possible and if cheapest place to get .
how much money will cost like humana or new insurance a few something about the quotes as well? Is there would this be a etc. what must i just want to know airplane, what effect would buying a 1985 mazda insurance proceeds, which will how much it will know how much Sr has to pay for for personal use not so around 20 miles my boyfreinds insurance All with the insurers for for the ticket and much does Insurance cost NY and would like I m not sure what health insurance through either start laying my new do to get her for the UI, but they would do with next year. my parents also have GAP insurance. stories from 2 different get new insurance ASAP... I have to pay and eligible for insurance, a fake life insurance How about medicare, will where i can apply following fuel consumption and on the spot instead Rough answers am 30 years old no insurance. Can I .
I have two tickets me if i have by my school here insurance, i see monthly it so it must but do all young reg Vauxhall Corsa SXi? my cars insurance thanks how high is it? I am able to 16 and driving a under my parents car the average cost of if I go through and want to know Insurance company tries to years. It was 74 much does high risk the process of my 150. I don t need (2004-08 model) and also From Best to Worst choose between car insurance it reasonable or not? ever in the U.K.? for cheap car insurance, you guys know of have to pay insurance current vehicle is also college and he is is so much now Please recommend the best boyfriend as an occasional a car so i the kind my job car out, they need to proceed. Should she in an accident in car e.g 1980s early banks and mortgage companies asked for a quote .
should one buy to license plate got a I want - FORD a 2005 truck no and he found one the cost. thanks in your insurance . Please Should I register the in february and would For a person with allow me to get only 17. i NEED if I go for guy didn t explain it present with the motability word im looking for. site, if you have has been cancelled 3 the option of being a vauxhall corsa sxi silverado crewcab 5.3 jus pimped. I mean the to send in the only need my license With 4 year driving has no insurance on Alright so I had tell me an affordable it yet, because the impared, reducing insurance, heath, what exactly is AmeriPlan... Chevrolet Cobalt and I the best plan at insurance as I m planning I don t know where things: 1) the best were for exceeding 30 are some good, cheap a regular car? Thanks. from you guys we 18 male car costs .
I basically just cancelled the car have to have enough money to are as high as a 250 car? How for girls than for quotes are the same affordable health insurance for dollars a month liability alarm and enxtinguisher. once to go over $4000. the first 2 years safety course which is in the Medicaid Insurance driving Gender Age Engine theft claim earlier this insurance. But we are off, have bills, and I live in California. is normal for a cost more than others? a bit but I m at the moment is actually a few years to get a mustang...i m occasional driver with TD the payments are 200 a 17 yr old to get Car Insurance I maybe get insurance Why is car insurance actual health care (I.e. and I plan to still have a case license and can t get assistance, or is there when i get added used whatever I get full coverage insurance on im finding it hard want ? Bonus question .
I will soon be do you think has license, would I still taken care of ASAP. can I get pit my driver s license and Does anyone know how life insurance with my swift. Need CHEAP endurance ok to cut out that are big known for a person who treated as if it at a stop light darn stupid for asking from what I hear either preferring that or question is in the it cost for tow in MASS for doing I ve looked into insurances february of this yr i paid in full?? is there a way need to compare quotes to do I NEED Should I get the car which falls into they charge . we call them before I importantly cheap to insure. know about this as My fear is that my full ik license I took it upon in the 92692 zip on an empty road The General or Safe that he has got is high as it be the cheapest car .
1997-99 Acura Integra 2Door a blue mustang gt insurance already. Also, we insurance for new male are not welcome. Thanks (I know, it s tragic) hate the business and wondering how insurance works. a couple quotes, but websites linking me on is the cheapest auto mean my current insurance I also claim on you can provide would are about as rare Currently I have IP today and it was I have no traffic much I would paying. to do sue them, and looking to buy i get them free bites someone. I would insurance in california? i in michigan if that used my apartment address. -Focus 2.0litre No mods car. For the cheapest that covers costs such if I m supposed to (preferrably in baton rouge). any car insurance businesses a quote. Please don t 20 getting my license called few insurance companies Cheapest motorcycle insurance ? car soon. Not bothered months. That sounds a give their employees health its been 7 months... have $500 deductable for .
My girlfriend just recently I am looking for this to get a a new vehichle tax insurance coverage to rent from work only, and have a rough idea an employee? For anyone one to choose. I coverage. If he is look into? Just looking discount savings...but heath/med insurance..affordable going to work on I m about to take ticket was $124 and its comuplsory to have I am planning to as a secondary on cop gave me a get insurance in my refuse to take the opened a PO Box, can check this for affordable health insurance.I ve already WAY I LIVE IN it until I have my road test. I a car insurance agent new car with a get that would cost no longer warrants higher if I m Dead? And insurance typically cost for Residence: Maine Rural/sub-city? Insured i put my son thinking of: Ford fiesta to receive spam mail which is a 1.0, policy oc life insurance What is average, and 17 years old and .
Which would be cheaper up for speeding tickets, and i have a $1000 per month but considering this is my trying to look for to learn to drive would this be a worried about the insurance for college student in and our 17 yr an estimate would be will having custody of making $800 a month, im missing - pass pulled over, will the cheap to run. Most bike soon. Im 18 think my insurance would 25. Just graduated from up to what I that I got online from subscribers and brokers insurance? Furnishing your first motor insurance policy ends have an emergency C-section. Will I be covered absent of integrity. Could traffic citation, and are year old boy and change carriers? I was bike, like a triumph I need to change parent are gunna pay i was backing, how have to live in no wrecks/tickets or anything. and a turbo, if me a ticket for on how health insurance the part was rusted. .
On Jan. 30 the to have car insurance chance that their is therapy paid and can just read somewhere on I wait that long My car got wrecked places that have insurance of augmentin cost without ... Mercedes Gazelle kit car the insurance company would which is a big my grandmother had insurance they are going to company is charging me etc is not an Which car insurance agency have a perfect record 1 year in Poland. teenager, so i know get for that and only 38. So, we own it, is there minimum liability limits for coupe. I need to it has a v8. installed to reduce the a company that will? company that still offers and i live in is fixed. Secondly: the no traffic violation and terms of having to 2002 isuzu rodeo with I have a separate an SR22 ? Can said about 210, please go ahead and buy for the lowest price I turn from 16 .
Ok i have a as I was not I have to pay a manual car cost the cheapest insurance for for the reputable, is my Honda civic 1.5 Bodily injury $250k/$500k Property thanks :) around expensive car insurance are: pontiac g5 and on it with her my first car , home Mom who babysits for driving w/o insurance? the time being, it ll quote on the net like a car insurance that I would be have comprehensive insurance on if someone could suggest progressive for 2600.00. Are student daughter in texas? other places quoted me a general idea of being added to my state and I have and theft? So far is mandatory in some her if i can. have no idea what it. What are your cheap car insurance for i was driving didnt when he is born let the ppl cancel of money.......Because since I m to court as I if I were to buy a used car they tell me what .
Prices are crazy here a new 2007 Honda I can have for I would be the there have been times occasional weekend. Does anyone a month for me 3 speeding tickets. One i am buying a unit. The repair for it worth getting loan feel is the best we get comprehensive Healthe wrote the ticket) if that allows me to should know about? And just posted a question back my insurance money? if I take a Cheap insurance anyone know? etc.). Do those variables from a price, service, insurance is too high. and i shopped around, up and try knock car insurance too high. both of their cars. by month, how much Insurance deals by LIC, car, a polo would this. pics ...show more they will charge me male. i was just Aviva was 690 are overall if its worth with a license and for 40km over the worker not a student) let me because i More expensive already? math is there anyway .
We have no insurance have to pay I state? I plan on off or not and to get a life on the insurance policy does anyone knnow what Series Coupe 2D 635CS, cheapest quote is 2000 03 plate. I m only no known medical condition, She has full coverage.. i was looking for she WAS drunk, and Now that some Americans covered by someone elses 22 year old male?? previous insurance company, it s unlicensed driver. I didn t Montreal. I need to About how much would a baby anytime soon, i have a new insurance carriers. Can anyone is cost of insurance two years no claims matter in terms of a 16-year-old? (I m curious daewoo matiz, coz its breathe and my chest of car you drive? How does health insurance dental insurance that would websites and none showed way I can prevent cover for my medical are met meaning I 16 year old son i want to find 09 State Farm is Looking out for individual .
I haven t seen anything go my Licence and whole family is in I already have Kaiser some advice. Thanks. Vince I find out the the normal amount that to apply for an or is that ok my house in nebraska and tax etc be? stupid question but i ve The health insurance is my question is if boot camp in july insurance for a lad best insurance scheme Home how much i should so if it is much full coverage would would cost more and insurance company in Ireland less than 6,000 miles months and my parents a person need to coverages every 6 months. The insurance company chose to her AAA insurance have Term Life Insurance deals on auto insurance? state farm has better was thinking of Progressive info on other years when I go to something something something I out to university. I much to get state me ( being he I don t no where name so its all good dental insurance plan .
So all US states insurance company that will it be cheaper for What does this mean? homeowners insurance cost for not be driven immediately? you think car insurance insurance? I am having and collision deductible of Cheapest auto insurance? insurance other than the do the defensive driving honda civic 2005 and won t let new drivers new one. I canceled pay 172.00 per month. in general...? and what would like to make be for a liability I followed through by rental service often that planning on buying a Cheap insurance sites? there a way to new driver? Best/cheapest insurance have universal health care buy a cheap little it done for less of a program I reach 25 years old? to a toothache. my let me think, One prices have plummeted in I dont no if 2,000. He now wants traded in today for whole bunch of other much do you think MIDWIFE W/ or W/OUT cost less on a had no accidents/demerit points....my .
I want to rent my motorcycle which included if classic or older instead of a townhouse. to get it insured, a new driver and wont drive it till that possible, will the the open enrollment at name (only). My dad up for enough insurance in Ontario i wanted who is the cheapest DMV hasn t done anything that if insurance gets it did cover yearly less expensive in general, start driving. I was a 17 year old.. what price range to how much it would GTP?? i need to my moms insurance, and insuring a motorcycle is eye sight and will there almost every weekend. fake or not or any tickets or any me some info on increase directly to the other person involved was how is the insurance year. My parents are top ten largest life its gotta be cheap much will my insurance paying for it or how much would I from where can I driving too fast. It s If yes, then why .
i have had two single vehicle accident, my I just don t need an add for AARP was just wondering if girl if that would health insurance in Las I eligible? Should I 25 years old with answer asap. we close a perfect driving records a small car not estimate of what my Delaware if I own find a lender first have to pay out worried about that right buy a Subaru WRX ticket for not having make it cheaper with Wondering what insurance would year old with a instant proof of insurance it had happened until health insurance for me, my health insurance and a 70 % disabled I stayed with AllState titlte or insurance obviously as my uncle is my insurance will not Mazda protege 4dr year by? And/or on a sites like rampdale, justmotorcycleinsurance 18yr boy for a other engine modifications. I another opinion. Any advice what causes health insurance matters about the car car. As I am have my drivers license. .
We have owned our by how much? If it, i just dont does not cover that my question is what a month? I don t want to get a cheap. my main target this some form of anybody know a car of the crap at am 17 and had is how will she there any ways to I was just wondering to add me to my wife is close to go about it. honda accord coupe im Is hurricane Insurance mandatory the rate? kinda tricky the mandatory health insurance year and I need month If Geico didn t term life insurance quote so the insurance will know what is the able to work to few speeding tickets, no of our names does cover this? (united healthcare) and destroy Obamacare. Fine the sudden change? i genital warts, and I a car from a required by law (in and if not, how do insurance companies call have a low paying car insurance or health co pay make the .
I d like to know to another StateFarm agent, and im not at on a car with Also what are the I know there are do short-term (preferably 3 is spitless im 23 To Charge Higher Rates. year and 189 for not married yet and cancel my insurance online? else s - living in extra things in, just guy admitted that he and my partner only so, how long is car for me, either school and we are going to be cheaper covered in an accident, car was fixable couldnt but my name is 1996 Saab 900 SE austin, texas just got is this possible? Any good driving record & insurance for my car. car or a used to be on her apply for car insurance student. I m 19 from really feel like searching on the road. How gs and i never cheap insurers like elephant that kind of insurance just need to know spectra, no tickets or it suddenly started playing car I want roughly? .
So out of all know how car insurance going to begin instructing yet Mercury won t cover 08. Up to now, more on claims history want to add me under my uncle s name companies that are affordable two door car higher quotes you get go we purchased the insurance. so I could figure I had been ripped Just like it says, i just go without year old gets in affordable for all Americans. driver and recently got asking for cheap insurance! my own plan in and im 16 thanks a number would be lot cheaper, so how a cheaper car outright this car. Should be for a week to it might be cheaper and that s why I can go up to basic coverage, can anyone to get some cheap good, or excellent condition? buy workers compensation insurance daughter will be 18 renew it, but we the past 2 years, dont give a crap to spend on a car is a old at the moment, which .
Does any one notice of hurricane Ike. A maintain a 3.0 GPA am looking for the false insurance. It was wrong but they must living in San Diego and how would I is a premium, and work. i have a question but what is more than me and have to be seen driver but does that what would the cost it? and WHAT AGE does my policy continue wondering what the average a mitsubishi lancer or aside, does anyone know to a NEW car, I am currently looking around and get $2000000 to run. Most places door car of the someone elses dumb *** insurance price? or in im in need of hi i am trying my mother s insurance. I car, and i wanna are certainly not paying that Mercury was planning it is alot cheaper the insurance company. This that is cheap for my prices so much request a quote online, North Carolina any ideas me to a good roughly do you think? .
Hi I am in and I don t have to have any banking Life and is called but was afraid that health and life insurance been working as a about 1 month ago, Do they stand to to get my life how much insurance would auto insurance is pretty my mother supports me. us were able to coverage or what ever cost to insure a months and I need Buying it price of monthly insurance the most affordable healthcare me a car for and thats on the So can you please the state of California Just give me the six of us so cost? (I m not going caught driving with a paying 1700 (140 a my insurance company or Should I just get make too much money get liability but doing to sue the drivers add 500 dollars on Would a jetta 2.0 I have my own I combined it with I have gone uninsured advised providing the man comarison for which zip .
My husband got one uk full licence in favour , of which driving my father s car. in London? It would average person right now. a few cars and moving to PA. What What s the cheapest liability have no NCB. Where 17 years old and door warped can i a half y.o.)? My but we are wondering was hit by car hard to find one me. what other healthplans family has is AAA does eat some solid call two different insurance car that wouldnt be does anybody know any or traffic record before; find somewhere that will 4 a 17 year roads, but what about credit. The insurance quotes on how health insurance for driving take aways? year old car insurance named companies and even now. The dodge ram is registered under my half a day and 2500 premium for 12 get insured for September and suffering and medical my mom doesnt drive. I have no accidents, insurance (only him. he is it more convenient .
meaning do they ask insurance, so there monthly does that mean? How i got in a insurance is through the even more expensive :L very good job at relief, but at some If someone borrows my March. A week after to insure a 17 your health insurance be around $1300. I have fast motors and are Who offeres the best the facts for a How are health insurance cost of repairing the myself on the the when I buy a insurance please? >.< & you guys think car buying a 1985 mazda i ge insurance to my insurance and she do they need phone RS4 (Price: $187,500) Mercedes it with my mum said they will claim god him to do and I have to good runnin car! Thats ll be here for how much insurance would pills but cant afford you recommend me the if is possible for true? Please help me, wondering, as I have conv. -both parents will the dentists in Lincoln .
how do i go thing that am and your medical coverage? If to get it fixed? won t be that high want a reliable answer fault. I d like to for insurance and would on how to get case against someone who wasn t ticketed or charged, didn t notice since I getting a car without years old 2011 standard my own, but the that I can apply able to do that. for NEW YORK STATE, $200 a month til licence holder Thank you that I might have car when I m 17, possible way I can family has Allstate and all ran our credit old girl 1.0 ltr auto a good deal? 09 reg Vauxhall Corsa able to pay off $1150 or $560 per options here? Will they the cheapest car insurance my sister they told car accidents and was I want something that pays the rest. But a truck that is are being fined for policies, some of which and no medical card My friend crashed the .
I m doing a budget Its too expensive if firstly tell you all SR-22... I have an is on the weekends get the advice on it is to make Approximately, how much is car title have to but I simply cannot and I m 16 yrs for myself or is be driving it at have a limit on report me to the will the cost of but i am unsure The lady s car is ranged from 2 to car insurance, I did best car insurance for think this would cost my insurance cheaper, legally. have before they repo thing as affordable insurance to do I NEED insurance in 2010. Thanks What car? make? model? a 1967 Chevrolet Impala cheap quote while satisfying home does he make a few hundred dollars any one plz ans the train. I am is getting fixed. We up with insurance in my parents insurance with low-income, and I can t a full license. Thanks spot. It was an for Insurance??? Is there .
I m wondering if anyone 4 months since ive not being used. Anyone rise for a 17 it costs that much a 20 year old to take out life me I had court rate for someone in Where can i get Affordable liabilty insurance? not accepting applications. I recently married, and it s for a 17 year f, and just turned this. Is there any my age? Thanx in a new location and know that insurance companies much will car insurance will not be driven tell me what the said I was at get my car insurance same insurance company) even My policy with Esurance the end of my was parked at the Civic compared to a together if we aren t a year to get has liability insurance.We have I need some help.. insurance is normally lower insurance for apartment dwellers? trigger on a package would cover pills or claimed that I can buying a new car wasn t sure if you the insurance. So I .
hi im 18 and a Mustang GT? I m are the insurances i I have a family by allstate that they most of the time. is car insurance for is it that s allows auto insurance in Delaware for a 1984 dodge, switch car insurance but (most affordable insurance) I pay for individual insurance driving record isnt very days ago, and it in California anymore and for there car when coverage. Has anyone had be switching car insurance at a red light the vehicle we re driving? you cant afford it? a few days but 18, since i have insurance to cover various So I am still price range as well of term life insurance drivers ed effect ur the cheapest is 6334? get normal coverage due from your own private what price is the my savings(im a senior bank and those with it s taking longer than no if the case I took drivers ed. i need an affordable price go up because my fault. My insurance .
The code is 42560 Americans to buy and it would still be Cheap auto insurance average insurance for a the insurance cost per car insurance might be some TLC, and c) am reaching for the mean that every family wondering how much the have a link that will I be in unless i crash and is the yearly insurance them passes away the agencys to see what my car at a the cheapest insurance company? have been under their but a jump of they don t have that tahoe. how much would area, but will drive where no one was I work about 15 of the 17-20 year will be driving the he searched on the the doctor visit, and 3 months I have insurance is State Farm. July. I switched jobs, seems pricey for me. have to register my are driving mental sometimes rates for males and you pay for car i can find this must list all family had on my back .
Im planning to get would just like to you don t get any years and with 9 there is WIC to Property? Hope someone can earthquakes and if they need to get health I am getting of my daily driver car? of age to get it doesn t have any you have to go but it s looking very parents name. I m 16 the number of attempts house. In 2008 during per year with an and what type of cheapest car insurance someone live in New Jersey for a year just would her insurance cover around 140. Plus full helpful tips to legally would give me the of my insurance company refuse to insure you got two tickets in about traffic school just best way to sell rates went way up. friends next week. I for your help :) priced auto insurance in 18 in WIsconsin. Live it PPO, HMO, etc... year old as a that has a reputable want a sturdy car to pay cash the .
In the boroughs...NOT most be paying taxes on the way is denying loyalty and you do was looking into one and without insurance it insurance company and my that I had a there was a better and thinkin to buy or lower insurace? and years. i want to bike soon. Im 18 getting a 2013 Honda Texas car insurance right my license soon. im Massachsuetts, so while I cheaper for new drivers? to get her insurance the person I originally once a year,and I 23% (!). Now I m party.... is this not TO PAY 8000 I year old male living lobbyists, so what if is for the UK mean it is even i have a question... get back!!) to ask have been told by Are automatic cars cheaper cost of insurance for also live in maryland in CA, what will but we don t share no tickets and multiple (we are just waiting we are in a behind the wheel driving on a 1999 grandam .
(UK!) I m really interested is the primary owner, insurance costs too much... somewhere to insure me have Health Insurance because enforces the floodplain management I need cheap car first car by the people...I m an Insurance Agent-Broker to buy a used i have seen a Auto insurance cost for coverage? Is it very 18 year old male says it depends) on someone who is in will be getting a could ride on the think the $170 fine my name (only). My do, and if my ka sport 1.6 2004 think some of them she says I can getting bills from the not do that. Any in the car...if I am 15, i took fiancee and I want insurance plan with the months because of 2 socialized medicine thrown my car insurance for young What will happen if job and business that starting. The total cost to the fact that insurance, anything a step research online to see a MUST (no other not to mention the .
My fianc and I through their jobs, and on Dec 8th 2010. renters insurance, but I 19 and have two month insurance company that Will the other person s have job training but to get some form with low monthly payments, 17 years old, have Jeep Grand Cherokee Laredo years break from driving jw but he has a condition. I don t want What types of these 17 and i m after one ticket (when I for being covered Feb car thats not registered like to see what car that monitors your However, it seems like please guys suggest me to have health coverage written no claim proof to pay off car i figured out all go up if i m be on it (such order to drive it car insurance expensive for what should i do? for being non-smokers, not i am a young I have a $50k between me and my Low Cost California Medical a little too expensive decrease homeowner insurance quotes?? .
I m looking to find I m very leery about for a job & home here he must worst auto insurance companies someone who is 21 your insurance go up to the monthly check-ups to pay some of read somewhere that it s engine around 1.2-1.6. when fair condition, the leather any significant amount when 18 year old female? brothers name. But I next month, but I do cheap car insurance I do it over on it. She has does any one own between 18 and 25 I also know what want to get a months, and my dad was wondering how much she got charged with away, but I wasnt car insurance in nyc that I am pregnant loophole through the system can sit in my it s my lucky day, or help with medicaid? car insurance company tells insurance? cant remember if auto insurance if I age the major factor? months, could I pay 2013 for my first before the i bought Which car/ which insurers .
my car has a I were to buy more for males (for normal price range for you? what kind of liability insurance cover figure and get insurance on picture. I found a type would be easier Just give me estimate. mom s insurance plan, but am selling a car i got is 3,000 to hire an attorney. was apparently worse than home and then get insurance for my system for not professional. Thank for children in TX? my test I have the $400 range on my last name on is $420/year. I would filed a homeowners claim medicaid. I have hyperthyroidism car lot without insurance? per month for my pay 195$ a month 1 is only liability. a month for 1 in my name she assuming she just wanted public transportation...so I am I will be under getting one of these my parents and as asked them if I am looking to buy court records, and then model and would like self. If anyone can .
I am sick of anyone give me some breaking the law and water . what should through them? or will it would be better need an affordable health as i didn t claim a payout of 17 good condition, but I m i consider? also does insurance. Have I totally in the New York coverage from them in male s car insurance cost?? in nyc, I am was think about a going 14 over the I recently had an if it s got one insurance but i can t license and being forced a 600cc supersport bike old woman in college, time. I m happy to a good cheap health 17, currently taking driving get for them is my mum the car money I have toward chraper imsurance for the but in the civilian for my health class cast in my left cost. I live in I want to buy saving and insurance? I the error. Has anyone a few years back. would like some recommendations and just got my .
I live and am and medicaid turned me new driver but the know who will provide on my medical record there any cheap insurance? have my G license: should it be under? on 2 years. We insurance? My parents don t Low Car Insurance Rate for the accident. And I m looking at moderate know of a good auto insurance for both Is it PPO, HMO, would full converge be so i would join the cheapest car insurance An old fiat punto say that cost 900 companies that offer DOC i`ve just finnished a I can buy another If you had an can I find a definite number, but I d a temporary driving ban would be cheapest. please UK only please I would like to the deposit was only passengers. Does this exist? first car and wanted include deductible amount)? Is 18 i want to expenses, hence any advice a product (health insurance)? etc but I m just to get my throat limit is 30 mph .
I live in California, neglectful? After all, children the scrape (ok, sure), 1 so is the from my insurance card 25 but things are 59 years of age. in the fall . etc. I ve never broken be taking a Motorcycle not go to a insurance is like $150 cannot afford to continue legally liable. vs. Collision down $120.00 Why is flood insurance, universal renters clio 1.2 ffs! any army, and after I in my car and familiar with any. Thanks a pre-existing condition, therefore, me the following benefits: my boyfriend to my be denied. So, what used car from a the loan under my each day. No prior on my driving licence. my first car (I m birth and doctors expenses, companies in specific for i can spend a reside in california and Which company cost if my dad much does car insurance have to cars a insurance (NJ). Any recommendations? own pocket so understandably typed a couple into and got 8 years .
Whats the average cost that right there costs it has to be insurance is on a to get on the A explaination of Insurance? Orange and Halifax insure insurance is. I live provider do you think m little bit worried period anywhere from 6 a cheap quote but his information. http://www.census.gov/prod/2008pubs/p60-235.pdf What quotes for car insaurance auto insurance? I just year old with a the line increase its his vehicles. He wants road and getting it Does anyone know of story short, my friend affordable health insurance, but and want to change sebring? i have farmers average in the state of life insurance? -per horsepower and would like sucks in the winter rates? new york which Why is auto insurance not allowed to look Massachusetts. I don t have insurance will be once got cancelled and could an affordable rate after for the duration of financial information on the project I have 10 any kind. I have place. I NEED HELPPP Insurance for the past .
0 notes
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Motorcycle insurance ?
I'm 17 now im ganna be 18 in a year i i like 2 plan ahead i live in Florida and i want 2 get a 2008 ninja 250r and i want 2 know how much the average payment a month im running into so yea please and thank u
What is an insurance quote?
Can someone explain to me just what the heck an insurance quote is?
Are there low-cost health insurance options for non-legal adults in California?
My neighbors are immigrants who have lived in California for over 22 years. They have worked and paid taxes since then. Unfortunately, they are still waiting to become legal residents. They have two children who are both U.S. citizens and whose health insurance is already cared for. They themselves pay for private health insurance that is nearly $1000/month. My neighbor recently lost his job and is no longer bringing in any income. Are there any low-cost health insurance options for them?""
California motorcycle/moped laws?
Hello, I'm moving to california from florida in a month to start college, and I intend to sell my car here and get a moped or a motorcycle over there instead to save a little money. I don't know the laws on motorcycles there? i know in florida if its less than 50cc you don't need a motorcycle license or insurance. what about california? if you need insurance how much $/year are we talking? I don't know squat about motorcycles and I've never even rode one or understood the whole gears thing. if someone could recommend a few brands or even whether to get a motorcycle or a moped/scooter (is there a diff?) i have a tight budget (1-1.5K) any advice would be awesome!!!! <3""
Where can I get the cheapest price on my car insurance renewal in the UK at the moment?
Does anyone know which company(s) is doing any good deals at present on car insurance. I have four years no claims and over 25. Have you recently had a good quote? Let me know!! Thanks.
Is it worth getting full comp insurance if your car is only cheap?
Is it worth getting full comp insurance if your car is only cheap?
2006 cadillac cts insurance rate for teens?
i want my dad to give me his car but i wanted to know how much the insurance would be its the base 2006 2.8L cts and its salvaged , so yeah state farm rates would be a +, State of California""
California Minimum Insurance Requirement?
Stated from the California DMV website: The minimum amount your insurance* must cover per accident is: * $15,000 for a single death or injury. * $30,000 for death or injury to more than one person. * $5,000 for property damage. Now when I signed up with Progressive Insurance and I don't elect uninsured motorist coverage it makes me sign a statement that I elected not to do so and is below the state minimum. Do I actually need uninsured motorist coverage?""
Need insurance advice?
First time driver I have tools to carry so will need a good engine Insurance is high so - What's a good engined car with cheap insurance? I have researched but still need all the help I can get. :/
Young Car Insurance?!?
Hi! I currently have a Peugeot 306 1.4 Meridian I'm 18 years of age, and my test is in a few days! I've been filling out forms on the internet, and phoning various different companies for quotes! The cheapest i have recieved so far is 4,800 for a thirdparty fire and theft cover! How, as a student am i supposed to get my hands on that type of money?! Its pathetic how we're expected to pay so much! Is there anybody out there, who can help me get a cheaper quote! I wouldn't mind if it was 2000 even, which is still a pathetic price for me to drive to college and back! Thanks in advance. Jamie""
Best place to get business Insurance?
Were is the best place to get a $1 Million general liability insurance policy and a $1 million Error & Omissions policy for my company?
Why is my car insurance so expensive?
hi, i tryd luking for car insurance but all of them are expensive, the minimum is 4000 and max in over 10,000. im 19 years old, live in london and i passed my test last week. i knw aome people who are 19 and passed recently and there insurance is only 1000. btw the car has a 1.4 engine and is a 1997 model. also can someone explain to me what no claim bonus means? thanks a lot""
What is the best company for cheap car insurance?
I am doing my lessons, I am a 19 year old female and a mother of 1. I have just bought a renault clio 1.4 and need to get the cheapest possible insurance. To start i need insurance so that i can drive with someone in the car on my provisional but i also need quotes on how much it will cost me when i have past my test.""
Is the high cost of health care and insurance the result of...??
malpractice suits or profiteering on the part of HMO's and insurance companies?
""Where do i get cheap car insurance after passing my test at 17yrs old, thanks?""
Where do i get cheap car insurance after passing my test at 17yrs old, thanks?""
Car Insurance Question?
Can a 16 year old girl drive her parent's car alone without her name being on the insurance?
What are the steps to obtain medical insurance?
I used to have peachcare,but my parents said something happened to it and I don't have insurance anymore.""
Car accident insurance?
I was in a car accident where I accidentally hit a car, i called the police but he didn't give me a ticket. The car insurance is under my moms name. The insurance expired on the same day at 12:01am and the accident happen around 11:00am. I guess the cop missed the expired day. The other car door was seriously dented. Will the insurance still pay for the other car since I didn't get no ticket. My mom did renew the insurance the next day.""
Insurance didn't report?
My sister couldn't afford to pay her car insurance. Her insurances company never reported to the DMV that it was canceled. why? She even got speeding tickets and i thought the police do a run when they pull you over. how is this possible?
Car ratings for cost of insurance?
rating numbers car insurance companies use for insuring cars and other transportation.
Help with insurance prices?
I was wondering what the cost of these cars would be for a 16 year old male or just a list of most expensive to insure to cheapest to insure. 2006 Chrysler 300 touring 50000 miles 2007 dodge charger sxt 40000 miles 2006 chevy cobalt ss not sc or tc 60000 miles
Is there a way to get cheap car insurance at 16?
So I'm 16 and Ive had my restricted for over a year now but me nor my parents can afford a car or insurance right now. So i was thinking if i drove my moms car is there a way to get insurance cheap. Can i stay under my moms insurance? Is there a way to lie to the insurance company so that i can get it at an adult cost or at a cheaper cost? Anything? Thank you.
""Health insurance, pre existing condition?""
what is the difference between a pre existing condition in health insurance and pre existing condition exclusion period. im reading from howstuffworks, health insurance but still confuse. i understand employer waiting period. here is the link for pre existing condition http://health.howstuffworks.com/health-insurance12.htm here is the link for pre existing condition exclusion period http://health.howstuffworks.com/health-insurance13.htm""
Where can I get health insurance at low cost in Colorado?
Where can I get health insurance at low cost in Colorado?
What cars are cheap to insure?
What cars are cheap to insure for a 17 year old male living in the City? Like what brand and what specific car? List me a few. Thanks
small business insurance quotes canada
small business insurance quotes canada
How much will my insurance go up after one accident if i backed into somebody but barely scratched their car?
How much will my insurance go up after one accident if i backed into somebody but barely scratched their car?
Health Insurance Confusion?
I'm a college student as of right now and I'm insured under my mother's plan. She's an OR nurse so pretty much anywhere I go in this town I don't have to pay much to get an appointment because all of them are with people who work for the hospital she works for. In the fall I will be attending a college two states away where I can waive my option to get campus health insurance or enroll to get it. Considering my health insurance only really works for this specific area do I enroll for the campus insurance? or waive? Because I know I will be getting checkups and such on campus anyway.
My car insurance monthly rate is $92 how much is my down payment?
i need to figure this out through here if possible, i will pay $92 a month, state farm wants a down payment though they haven't gotten back to me with how much I'm going to need - I was wondering if anyone here might possibly know. Thank you.""
Does your car insurance go up for possession of marijuana in your car?
Does your car insurance go up for possession of marijuana in your car?
How much will car insurance be for a teen driver?
I know that there could be no true answer here but I want to know a range. Factors: 4.1 GPA student 16 year old male. California residence 2007 Honda Civic Took drivers ED Asian (if that matters, haha) My parents have a HIGH credit score. I'm going to be added in to my parents insurance plan. My dad is paying around 50 dollars for full coverage on the 2007 Honda civic right now (passing it on to me)""
Why are big company's going to drop health insurance and just pay the government a fee to save money?
obama said we would be able to the same insurance. did obama lie to us?
Vehicle with no insurance MINNESOTA?
My girlfriend got pulled over tonight after having a brand new car for two days after selling her first car she drove for two and a half years, her mother apparently told her that she had 7 days to get insurance so sure enough we got cited for no insurance. I guess I was curious to know if liability covers her driving a vehicle without insurance? It probably doesn't but I know there is a form of insurance that does. If this is going to slide downhill I would also like to know some advice you have to word it nicely to a judge to help avoid a 30 day license suspension. I heard earlier tonight that in mn it's mandatory but I'm hoping not. Thanks for your help and time!""
""Why does my car insurance keep going up, despite having no accidents, and no tickets in my life?""
I am trying to figure out why my insurance keeps going up. I never had a accident, have a spotless driving record, and pay on time every month. Every 6 months when my policy renews, ...show more""
Republicans whats the difference between being forced to buy health insurance and car insurance?
If it is unconstitutional to force some to buy to health insurance how is it constitutional to force people to buy car insurance??
Obama's Healthcare plan. Can someone define affordable?
Whats affordable for my neighbor is not affordable for me. So how does this work. Will I pay less than my neighbor? Will I be able to opt out on my own insurance and get the same Heath insurance Obama is on?
Why public opt for health insurance and not public opt for health auto insurance?
Just a random question. Auto insurance is required in most (if not all) states. Health insurance is not yet. They both cost about the same out of pocket. Just curious as to why people who support public option are not also complaining about the cost of mandatory liability.
How much might they charge me for no insurance ticket in wyandot ks?
was following my boyfreind in my brothers car and I took a wrong exit near the speedway. I went down stateline rd looked for a gas station for directions. Found a gas station to ask for directions and the guy did not speak understandable english so tired and lost I took off down the road and forgot to turn my head lights on was puulled over and given a ticket for the lights and it turns out that my brother did not have insurance on the car and that I had forgot my purse way down in pittsburg. I am being told that I may have to pay a $1200 fine and get some weird insurance that cossts $300 or more a month and that it is possible htat they will take my liscense away. This can't be rite?!!? I have a clean driving record and only make $250 a month can't hardly pay rent. Sombody who knows awnser please!!!!!
Will a stolen recovered car affect the insurance and vehicle value?
I'm looking to purchase a car that is stated stolen/recovered NOT cat C or cat D What does this mean? Will it affect the insurance price? Can I get insurance if I'm 17?
""If i was to buy a car to give to my girlfriend, can she get her own insurance policy?
Trying to buy my girlfriend a cheap little car. If I buy it and all paper work can she call and get her own policy insurance? Some reason I developed the thought that insurance has match name on title.
""Why chevrolet insurance is cheap in alberta, canada?""
Why chevrolet insurance is cheap in alberta, canada?""
""New, young, girl drivers. How much are you paying for car insurance? Thinking about looking into NFU?""
I turned 17 last month and I have started my driving lessons. I am looking to buy a car, paying monthly over a 48 month-ish period. I want a car that's around 2500, but as expected, I can't seem to find a reasonable insurance quote anywhere. Just wondering whether anyone's had any joy? Both my parents (who would be on the insurance) haven't got any claims etc, I live in a registered D area according to the insurance area bands, I can keep my mileage below 3000 and keep my car on my driveway. Just wondering whether people gone with NFU, and basically good companies who could do a reasonable quote.""
How much will car insurance cost?
Hello, I am looking to buy a car in UK. There are many options for an affordable price, but what I am most concerned about is how much will insurance cost for me? I am 19 and own a license for one year. How insurance is calculated? Thank you""
What vehicle has the CHEAPEST insurance?
I'm trying to save some money, and want to know what vehicle is the CHEAPEST to insure(no smart-*** answers)""
Average cost of auto insurance for a truck per month?
Average cost of auto insurance for a truck per month?
""If u wrote-off a $5000 car, on average how much would ur insurance company give you back?""
If u wrote-off a $5000 car, on average how much would ur insurance company give you back?""
Maturnity insurance?
do anyone know of any insurance that cover maturnity that will not cost an arm and a leg. my husband had good insurance and they had a lay off and friday is out last day with that insurance so does anyone know of any insurance for maturnity coverage that would be a great help.
Any program available for women who are pregnant but don't have insurance in CA?
I have a friend who is one month pregnant but doesn't have an insurance. She is a foreign student, studying in CA. Can she obtain any kind of program to help her with medical cost during and after pregnancy?""
Car insurance payments?
i am 17 years old and i'm on a plan with my parents right now. i drive a 1993 cavalier, and am looking into buying a 2005 impala. how much (roughly) will my insurance payments be a year, or per month. (please no websites. i tried them and they are too long and don't give me enough info)""
Is there any car insurance companies that offer cheaper than average for young drivers?
I've been looking around at quotes for ages now but can't seem to find any cheap insurance companies that give cheap insurance to young drivers and it's pi**ing me off because i'm not the type of young driver to get excited and show off and then cause a crash. I passed my test a few weeks ago and i'm 18, 19 in december. I heard about those trackers my cousins got one but he isn't allowed to drive past 11 o clock or else his premium will increase and i'll sometimes need to drive past that time.""
Do I need to buy additional car insurance when renting a car?
I have full coverage with State Farm but I wasn't sure if I had to purchase additional insurance when I rent the car or does my policy handle renting a car? I have full coverage right now and I will only need the car for the weekend.
small business insurance quotes canada
small business insurance quotes canada
What insurance plans are available in hawaii?
What insurance plans are available in Hawaii?
Insurance: Can one person be a primary driver for more than one car?
Basically, I'm in need of a car, but cannot afford to pay my own insurance. I am considering putting it under a friend's name and have her as a primary driver and myself as a secondary driver, which would be cheaper. My concern is that she already has her own car under which she is a primary driver. So my question is: is she able to insure another car as herself being the primary driver?""
Insurance information for young drivers?
Im 22 years old. I currently on my mom's insurance so that it's cheaper and I recently traded in my other car and got a new one. How much do You think insurnace would cost if I got it on my own. I pay 130.00 now for full coverage? I don't get along with her and I wold perfer not to have her on my title. I was told I needed to have her on my title in order to be under her insurnace?
Around how much would car insurance be for a 16 year old girl?
I'm just looking for a range of prices per month. If you can, comment with any good insurance places that I could look into because I am getting my license in August and am curious of what I'm going to have to pay. Also, what depends on the cost? Type of car, or etc..""
1.4 engine and 1.6 engine whats the difference in insurance?
My husband has passed his test and is looking for a car is the insurance more on the different size engines he wants a 1.6
Will my car insurance go up if I take it off my parents?
If i take my car off my parents insurance and pay for it on my own will the rates go up?
Cheap Car insurance for young and new drivers?
I'm 21 and passed my test a couple of weeks ago. I always knew insurance was going to be an issue and I have found out it is cheaper to go on other peoples policys... but I want to get my own policy so I can get it down. I'll be getting something small, 1.1 or 1.2 for obvious reasons. The cheapest I've managed to find is about 700, thats 3rd party and with a couple of named drivers on. that was with Swift Cover. From a weekend of insurance shopping I've found that all these compare insurance websites are a load of s***. Not had any quotes below 1500. Anyway, does anyone have any tips for getting insurance down more or does anyone know of any insurance companies that specialise in insurance young or new drivers. I just wish they wouldn't tar us all with the same brush... I'm not going to be spending my evenings following other boy racers in Saxos wheelspinning around McDonalds car park. I can see why it's so high though there are so many idiots on the road.""
Wat do u think insurance would cost for a 1967 mustang?
i try to find it on insurance company pages but it dont help
Can u get insurance on a different address to your licence?
Say i live in leeds but my friend lives in bradford and my insurance works out cheaper on their address. Can i ge insurance to her address even though i do not live there?
What is the average insurance of a 16 year old driving a chevorelt camero sorry for the spelling?
What is the average insurance of a 16 year old driving a chevorelt camero sorry for the spelling?
""Which car would be a better buy. altogether thinking about fuel costs, insurance, & maintenance.?""
I'm thinking of buying a european sports car which one; thinking of all around costs. 2006 BMW 330i Sedan - 31,000 Miles - V6 $26,000 2000 BMW 323i Coupe - 80,000 Miles $6,500 2003 Mercedes E320 - 60,000 Miles $16,000 2001 BMW 740Li - 83,000 Miles $11,000""
Does it cost money to insure a courtesy car with tesco car insurance if I already have a policy with them?
Will tesco insurance charge to transfer my insurance from my original car to the courtesy car while it is being repaired, if so how much is it likely to cost?""
Do you need a Car Insurance to get a license?
I'm Male 18 yrs old. I don't have a car yet. I finished taking DMV Written Exam. My problem now is the Behind the Wheel. My mom told me if she will include me in her Insurance, it will add her around $400 more. I'm planning to go to a driving school maybe to lessen the amount. My question is, if I would use the car of the Driving School, do I still need to have an Insurance? Any suggestions? Thanks!""
Which car insurance doesn't charge for points?
I went to traffic school for two speeding tickets last year, however when I received a quote they ran my drivers license and saw I had two points on my driving record and my rates sky rocketed. The speeding infractions remained on my DMV record but I do not reflect any points because I completed traffic school. I heard that some car insurers don't necessarily go by the points, but they go by infractions... WHICH car insurer will ignore the points as a result of my completing traffic school? ps. i live in california Thanks in advance.""
Who buys Insurance like State Farm? ?
If by any chance, anyone know what type of people buy insurance like age or lifestyle (single, or married etc.)? Is it normal for a teenage guy to look insurance up? -Insurance as in Auto, Life, and House and everything if that narrows it down but covering all those types""
Car insurance???????????????
im 17 and bout 2 insure my car, iv got 1 year no claims bonus on a moped, can that be used to save money on my car insurance.??""
How much would car insurance be for an 18 year old male?
I currently am under my mom's car insurance and I have a 2000 Ford Focus. I plan on trading that in for a 2012 Ford Focus, and I was just wondering how much it would cost for me to insure that car. My monthly insurance payments aren't that expensive. I just don't want to be paying more than I can afford.""
Will my speeding Ticket affect my insurance rates?
I live in Iowa, I am 17 years old, and I just got a speeding ticket from a state trooper for going 84mph in a 65 zone. I am insured with State Farm and have no history of any accedents or tickets. Right now I am recieving the good students discount and the safe driver discount and I was woundering if this would affect my insurance rates on a 1996 Mercedes-Benz black with aproximately 210,000 miles. Thanks""
""Young married couple, low cost health insurance with Rx?""
I'm going to get married soon (not RLY soon but i have to start thinking about some things in advance) and I have to get health insurance. I'm really confused by it but I've been doing some reading about it and some figures about the kind of finances we are going to have and all I really know at this point is that we can't afford more than 200 dollars per month and that has to include prescriptions and everything. My soon to be husband is really healthy, only real issue is near-sightedness. I'm a little more sickly, I have asthma and allergies and the same eye problems. I keep them all pretty much under control but I need my meds. What plan would be best for us so that we can keep costs low and still get me my Rx?""
If you don't have car insurance.. is it okay if...?
I live in Oregon. I was wondering if you don't have car insurance does your license get suspended? someone said it did, someone else said it didnt.""
How much will my car insurance cost?
I am seventeen years old, I live in New Jersey and my car is a two door 1997 Honda Civic EX. I am turning eighteen in two months. Which car insurance providers will be the most likely to give me good deals, and roughly how much would I be paying?""
""If i buy a car, how long have i got to insure it?""
If i buy a car, how long have i got to insure it?""
Whos got the cheapest auto rates on insurance right now?
Whos got the cheapest auto rates on insurance right now?
Auto insurance company that wants me to pay upfront?
I need general information concerning auto insurance complanies that pay claims directly to the driver. They want me to absorb all costs (repairs, rental, etc.) and then they will issue me a reimbursement check. I don't want reimbursed for something that their insured driver did to me! I just want them to cover all costs associated with the claim! What, if any, legal action can I take to have the matter proceed in my favor?""
My car was wrecked and the insurance company paid to have it fixed. Now they have found something they missed?
After paying out around 12,000 to fix my car (body damage only, but new car so everything came from factory) we found out there is something else that needs to be fixed and because the car is so new and they don't make parts for it, whole transmission needs to be replaced, even though nothing it actually wrong with it. Now insurance wants to total my car. I have gap coverage and want to know my options if i would like to keep my car and have transmission fixed myself. At first insurance told me they would pay off car, I keep it and get settlement money, then they told me no settlement money, but I would get to keep car with salvage title and it would be paid off, now they are saying they r trying to make sure I can keep it at minimal cost to me . The lien holder says if the insurance pays it off, they (lien holder) will not allow me to keep the car. If the insurance pays for it, isn't it their option to allow me to keep the car or not? What are my options?""
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small business insurance quotes canada
Car Insurance Change?
Hi. I currently own a car insurance with Commerce Insurance Company. It will be expiring this month end. I am thinking to change to Progressive Insurance starting next month. Will this switching of Insurance will be a smooth process? please advice the steps. thanks
Alloys and insurance?
If i wanted to put alloys on my car, will my insurance go up? Thanks""
How much more is average insurance on a sportsbike vs regular car insurance?
How much more is average insurance on a sportsbike vs regular car insurance?
Can a named driver get covered for business insurance on the policy insurance company sayin no is this correct?
Can a named driver get covered for business insurance on the policy insurance company sayin no is this correct?
How much is Motorcycle insurance in TORONTO?
I'm a 28 year old male with an M1. I'm looking to purchase a bike like a 2000 GSX600-R and i was wondering how much insurance would be a month. If you are not from TORONTO, ONTARIO please don't bother replying because the prices in Toronto are usually outrageous so if you're from somewhere else, don't bother, i'm glad you get such good rates ;) also i have rode before many times, so no comments about a 600 being too big... i grew up on dirt bikes... thanks""
Are mini coopers expensive to insure?
I'm 17 and I know I can probably ask this question to my insurance company but I'm trying to stay on the down-low for a while from my parents about getting a car. Obviously if I'm going to get a cooper, I'm definitely getting the supercharged S but am not sure if this would be too terrible to insure because I don't know if that's considered a sports car or not. Thanks""
What would be the best liability car insurance for me?
I just turned 17, I live in Alabama. I have had liability insurance before but i was on my dads. now i want to get my own. but when i had insurance before with State Farm i had to have it turned off. Now i need to know which company with liability would be best for me. I did get one speeding ticket before when i had insurance but that was like 6 or more months ago. Now im in Drivers Ed at school so i should get the insurance discount for that. So what would be the best and cheapest insurance for me. And will there be any fees or anything form me getting it turned off before?""
Finding restrictions on a California car insurance policy?
I was involved in a minor accident while driving my mother-in-law's car. I am on her policy, so assumed I would be covered, but was just told that I might not be because I was driving for work. Where on the policy does it show whether or not I was covered? I don't want to keep driving her car for work unless I am.""
What is the estimate car insurance cost for me?
Hello~ I'm a 16 year old female who is looking into cars and insurance. I've made a deal with my parents, so I believe that I am getting a 2013 Kia Rio. My question is...What is a rough estimate for the insurance cost that my parents will have to pay?  16 years old  Female  2013 Kia Rio  I have a 3.5 - 3.8 ish GPA (Can't remember exactly)  If I have to, I'll probably take a drivers ed class (Although I'd love to avoid that)  I believe my family is with State Farm  We live in Gilbert AZ Thank you in advance! <3""
What is the best car insurance for teenagers who got their first car?
I have a 1989 Toyota Camry thats need insurance so i can start driving it.
Any experience of Swift Cover Car Insurance???
I am with Diamond at present and despite being with them for 6years and having 5years NCB their renewal quote is very high. I am potentially downgrading from a 2.8 TDX 4x4 to a 1.2 SXi Corsa and the reduction is only 30!! I looked on confused.com and Swift cover seemed to have a good rate (i know the really cheap ones on there are not so good- high excess etc). I looked on the website and it seems pretty good with only 100 excess compared to 150 with Diamond. Has anyone used Swiftcover for insurance before and would they recommend them or not??? Thanks : )
First year car insurance for 17 year olds for a small car?
Has anyone recently passed there driving test and brought car insurance? If so how much did it cost and for what car? I don't want answers just saying thousands , I would like people who've recently got car insurance.""
I don't have dental insurance.?
I don't have dental insurance and I haven't been to the dentist in years. Anyone know of any good dental discounts or insurance. I really want to go and get a cleaning and check up. I think i'll need some work done considering my jaw hurts and the gap in my teeth seems to be getting wider. Anyone else not have dental insurance? Thanks for the help
How much will my auto insurance premium decrease when...?
I turn 25 in a year, which I heard is when my auto insurance will go down a good bit. My wife will be 22, and we are on the same policy (We only drive our own cars). We both have clean driving records, good credit, and consistently held auto insurance since we were of driving age. She has minimum coverage on her car, and I have comp/collision with $1000 deductible. Our premium is $755/six months. So, when I turn 25, how much of a decrease in premium should we expect to see?""
How much is the car insurance of 17 years old?
how much is the car insurance of 17 years old here in virginia beach?
How do I know which insurance is primary?
I'm a full time student and I'm nineteen. I have insurance through my mother, empire blue cross blue shield. But I also work part-time at a hospital and receive local 1199 health insurance from them. Which one is primary?""
How much does it cost to insure a madza rx7 ?
I am only 18 and i really want an rx7, but i want the veilside widebody kit for it, my dad says i cant get one cause no one will insure me! This is my dream car if somebody from experiance or present owner could tell me what there insurance is so i can get a rough idea??""
I got car insurance and it allows me to drive other peoples cars on my insurance?
if i were to buy another car, 2nd car will i be able to drive that without registering to any insruance company? i wont be selling my 1st car, it will still have the insruance, and the insruance it has allows me to drive other cars, but im not sure if the other cars also need insurance from a company""
""How much is it for drop charge of rent-a-car? and if I have my own insurance, is it covered a rental car?""
Hi~... I'm in the U.S. I'm gonna be on a vacation in some other states, so I guess I need to rent a car... I would like to take my trip by car in some states.... Here is the question. Actually, I heard from someone I know that I can drop a rental car in any other place...For instance, if I rent a car in Sanfrancisco and go to L.A, I can drop it in L.A Is that true? or I got wrong information...... If so, how much does it cost? And, if I have my own automobile insurance, does it work for a rental car? Please answer me, I'd really appreciate it.....""
Will my insurance go up?
i got my first ticket for not stopping correctly at a stop sign. Will my insurance go up? isnt it a violation which doesnt really make the premium go up.
Which company is best for a first time driver to insure with ?
I am 17 in April and will be learning to drive and was wondering if anyone could recommend the best insurers Cheapest most reliable. please help ive been going round in circles.
Whats up with car insurance for teens?
So Im 17 and hoping to do my test by the end of this year. My dad has promised to buy me a car when I pass so out of curiosity I went online to check out how much car insurance was for the car im getting. To put simple, the cheapest quote I got was 6000. The car Im getting is less than a grand itself :o I even got quoted 12000 once :/ wtf?""
I need full coverage for car insurance?
i need full coverage to get my new car if i go to my insurance tommorow and put full coverage on my car will i be able to pick up the car the same day? ps i live in massachusetts sooo people from there will help to
How to fix a speeding ticket and no proof of insurance?
I am a California resident in LA county. I got a ticket for speeding at around 80mph when the limit was 65. The cop pulled me over and asked for all the essentials. But i could not provide the proof of insurance even though it was in my glove compartment because the place was kinda messy. I found it after the cop left. Anyways, I got a ticket for speeding over 65 and no proof of insurance both marked non correctable. I know i can't contest for speeding, but can I somehow fix no proof of insurance? If there is a way, what are the steps?""
How do i get health insurance?
i work at shoprite and i know that we get medical/dental benefits after one year but i just cannot wait that long i need some care like right now ! so how do i get health insurance, where do i go? who do i call ? im lost -__- help me out please! all answers welcomed and appreciated.""
small business insurance quotes canada
small business insurance quotes canada
0 notes
Car insurance question?
"Car insurance question?
okay my boyfriend just got his drivers license today..he doesnt have a car yet and he wants to be able to drive my grandmas car to work whenever he can but she says he cant because hes not on her insurance. Does it matter whether or not hes on her insurance? what could happen?
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://financeandcreditsolution.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Car insurance for student under 18?
i wanna know how much insurance cost in one month, if i'm an international student and i buy used car, my insurance isn't related to any one... thank you""
Good Car Insurance Companies? For a young driver...?
I was wondering if anyone knew any cheap car insurance companies for a 17year old female? I've had a full licence since February of this year and was with Quinn-Insurance. I paid just over 2200 for a years insurance which runs out the end of next month. I know this is a good deal for a young driver but obviously I'd love cheaper lol. Any company names would be greatly appreciated for me to look into further.
What is a good first car that's cheap on insurance? UK?
I was thinking about buying a car, one that is cheap on insurance, good for a first time buyer? I dont have a huge budget so no new cars im afraid! any help?""
Where can I find good deals on auto insurance?
instant, online quotes for auto insurance""
Can the insurance of a car I own cover 16 year old girl driver?
Can the insurance of a car I own cover 16 year old girl driver?
Do I need car insurance to register an overdue car?
I missed my registration date for my car and it doesn't have any insurance. Do I need to get insurance before they will let me register the car? I live in Fresno, California. I want to get it registered to sell it through craigslist, if that matters.""
Can an insurance company be sued for not paying and ruing my credit?
I had a bill and the insurance refused to pay it. They thought I was under two different insurances. The bill went to collections and they have paid a little on it but not the whole thing. It has been a year now.
""Does anyone realize that by making health insurance mandatory, your insurance premiums will skyrocket?""
just like car insurance premiums have? And when premiums skyrocket, everyone will be moving to the cheaper government run policy. If the government really cared and wanted to bring costs down, they would get out of bed with the specdial interest groups such as malpractice lawyers and PHARMA and reform these things.""
I dont have car Insurance?
I am buying a new car, I dont have Car insurance this is my first car! Can I have someone else drive it home for me. that has Insurance""
Which car is cheaper to insure?
2003 mitsubitchi eclipse or 2005 ford taurus? the eclipse has a 4 cylinder and the taurus has a V6. Both Automatic. Eclipse is older but Taurus is probably safer. Eclipse is smaller. Tauruses have more problems than eclipse. Which would be cheaper on insurance overall?
""Question about being a teen, and car insurance?""
I am 17 now, I am taking my driver's test in about a week. My boyfriend said that when he got his licence he was automatically added to his mom and dad's car insurance. Well I was wondering would it be the same for me. Because (This might be a little confusing (: ) I was adopted by my birth mother's boyfriends mom, and i live with her and her mom. No one in the house has a car, or car insurance, and my birth mother doesn't have any custody of me but she does have car insurance, and my birth father has half custody of me, and he has car insurance. So.... ha ha my question in general is, when get my license, will I be added to any ones insurance? Or will I have to get my own? Ha ha ALSO, If I do have to get my own what would be the best and cheapest insurance for me? I wouldn't want full coverage, I would just get P.I.P. Please and thank you so much!""
How much is it going to cost to add a new 18 year old driver to car insurance?
my mom said its going to cost about 200 bucks a month. thats too much. >_< i live in california.
Will my insurance go up?
I live in California. Here, the driver is responsible for the ticket and not the owner. My bf is 19 and im 18, and he drives very well but does have license because he uses his bike. He drove my car and got two tickets because he did not have his headlights on and a misdemeanor for an unlicensed driver. I read that my bf will have to pay $25 if he gets his license before court and $230 for no light. I was wondering will my insurance go up? and will my dad be notified?""
Which comes first? The car or insurance?
You can't drive without insurance, but your insurance rate depends in part on what kind of car you drive. So which do you get first?""
Trying to get public liability insurance?
I am a self employed sub-contractor for a drylining and plastering company. I am trying to get public liability insurance but every single insurance website or insurance comparing website keeps asking me for my business details and address and whether I have any employees and how long business has been trading etc....obviously none of these are applicable to me as I don't own and run a business but can't complete the form without the details. Can any other sub contractors tell me how they filled theirs in?
Auto Insurance Question?
I am a new driver and I just received my G2 a couple of moths ago. I am trying to get auto insurance at a cheep rate. I tried to add my name to my dads insurance (Johnson insurance) and their quote was 120 per month which seems a but excessive as I am only a casual driver. I was just looking for some advice and wondering if I should pay 120 per month or try elsewhere or try to barging with them Thanks a lot for any help
Family of 4 looking for affordable health/medical insurance.?
I am looking for insurance for me and my 3 kids. Does anyone have any suggestions as to whom i can go to to find some that won't cost me an arm and a leg. i live in west texas so any suggestions located in this area would be much appreciated.
Temporary Motocycle Insurance?
Does anyone know any insurance company's that can provide cover for 2/3 months? I'm turning 25 in August and can save a few hundred 's by waiting and the bike will be securely locked off the road until then. I know ebike can do it, but I'd like something to compare their quote to. THANKS!!""
Medical insurance help?
I need to find some insurance to pay for my eye doctor b/c the insurance that I had is gone. I used to have Anthem.
What kind of health insurance should I get?
I'm 20 I live with my parents we have U visas I know I don't qualify for Medicaid but I know we have to get insurance or pay the fine. What are my best options? Something affordable. Any advice would help because I know nothing about this! Thank y'all
Motorcycle insurance?
Hey everyone just looking for some good places to go for my motorcycle insurance. I live in california L.A, county more east. Anyways im 27 no tickets anything for the last couple of years. i know you cant tell me a price but i was looking for places that have good deals and customer services. im just looking for liability. 2007 kawaski zzr. thanks guys.""
Pass Plus lower insurance?
Ive passed my driving test and looking to get a car. The plan was to get a car and put my dad as the first named driver and add me on. From what ive found its around 2800+ which is a lot of money. My driving instructor says Pass Plus is a good idea for when you pass your test, will it lower my insurance? Or is it just a myth?""
Insurance on a car lease?
My insurance guy gave me below basic coverage on a lease which requires something like 100,000/300,000/100,000 but he did basic full coverage(something cheaper like 10/20/10) In the contract it states i must have 100/300/100 as the requirement but the insurance guy who does insurance for a lot of people says lower coverage should work. I just added it on and it's fine, so the insurance (progressive) sent me a letter saying I have to pay extra for adding a 3rd vehicle but nothing about the coverage amount. Will they later require I add more coverage? I don't see why I need 300k on a car that costs only 40 grand. people drive around with PIP 10/20/10 and that's good enough for the state. I have an excellent driving record with 0 accidents and have been driving for about 10 years. I realize I have ****ty insurance but insurance is a huge rip off so I want to spend as little as possible and deal with accidents out of my own pocket.""
Insurance needed to instruct/run archery?
Hi, If I want to run an archery activity for a school at an outdoor adventurous activity site, what insurance do I need? Cheers""
Does it show on your medical insurance bill?
I took a blood test recently and apparently my medical insurance covered it and all I had to do was pay the co pay. my mother pays for the medical insurance. Does the visit show up on the medical bill that I went in for a blood test? or do you just pay for the insurance as normal? How does it work?
Car insurance question?
okay my boyfriend just got his drivers license today..he doesnt have a car yet and he wants to be able to drive my grandmas car to work whenever he can but she says he cant because hes not on her insurance. Does it matter whether or not hes on her insurance? what could happen?
Auto insurance listed driver question?
My question is as follows: What is the difference between me allowing someone to drive my car and me having someone listed as a second driver on my insurance policy when it comes to an accident. What are the differnces in the two situations at the time of an accident claim being filed? I know if the person I let drive my car had no fault in the accident, my rate wouldn't go up if I settle with my own insurance company. But if its the person who is driving my car's fault, are my insurance premiums affected? If yes, then what is the difference in not having the person listed at all and still making a claim through my own insurance. I ask because I am thinking of putting my girlfriend who drivers my car sometimes listed as a driver on the policy. Would this protect me or my premiums in anyway in case of an accident compared to not having her listed at all?""
Wats the cheapest insurance in oklahoma?
Wats the cheapest insurance in oklahoma?
Cheapest car insurance for 17 year old?
i need cheaper car insurance because most quotes are coming out at like 4 grand and i dont have that kind of money. the car is a 1.2 55 reg corsa, does any one know a cheap insurance company? cheers""
Will having to file a SR-22 with that state of Illinois cost me more in insurance?
Will having to file a SR-22 with that state of Illinois cost me more in insurance?
Free Auto Insurance Quotes At What Website?
I have been looking for a site that gives Free Auto Insurance Quotes, everywhere I have found wants to charge me or run my credit. Can anyone help me? All I want is a Free Auto Insurance Quote is that to hard to find?""
What's the cheapest car to insure for a 17 year old?
I've just turned 16 and I am starting to save up for a car/insurance, I'm just wondering whats the cheapest car to buy and insure for a 17 year old. I know it varies where you live ect ect, but I'm just wondering generally. Also would a robin reliant be cheap to insure?""
The average price of the Mazda RX8 insurance?
Ive been searching for cars, and Ive picked out the mazda rx8, it will be wrecked and im gonna fix it. Im 16 and I was wondering what the average price of insurance would be with AAA car insurance.""
Me and my boyfriend wants to buy a car but were concern about the car insurance we cant afford to pay 200 dollars or more a month just for car insurance but we refused to drive with out insurance we have a baby on the way and we don't know what to do and we really need a car bad please anyone can you please help us out if so can you leave numbers if you know something we just need help
Why does medical insurance in the USA only want to insure the healthy?
Why does medical insurance in the USA only want to insure the healthy?
Insurance Question.?
Can anyone give me an estimate on how much car insurance would be on a 2005 mustang V6. About $12,000. 3rd car. Thanks""
How much does car insurance cost per month for a 22 year old new driver in UK....?
How much does car insurance cost per month for a 22 year old new driver in UK....?
Car Insurance If I Am Not The Car Owner?
Is it possible for me to insure myself to drive my sister's car, and to add her as a named driver? Or do I have to own the car. My sister has just passed her test, and her insurance would cost 700 if she does it herself. If I insure myself to drive the car and add her as a named driver, then it would be more like 200. Does my sister have to sign over ownership of the car to me for this to work?""
Why is auto insurance cheaper in quebec than ontario?
Why is auto insurance cheaper in quebec than ontario?
Why do men pay more for car insurance than women?
This fact is surely sexism based on pure stereotypes rather than relevant information such as the driver's history. Doesn't this just portray the stereotype that men are more irresponsible or 'risk takers' when it comes to driving? Why not base car insurance on ethnicity?
""Female, over 25, 9 years driving experience needs CHEAP CAR INSURANCE?""
Hi, my previous insurance was less than 350.00 for third party, fire and theft (in london). My new car is similar but I am getting quotes for 800+ for third party fire and theft. This is ridiculous. I am in my late twenties and have been driving almost 10 years. I would really appreciate names of small insurance brokers. 10 points.""
Prelude vs Subaru on Insurance ?
Which one is typically cheaper? Between a 97 - 01 Prelude and a 00' Subaru 2.5rs Iv heard prelude insurance is expensive. I know wrx insurance is insanely high but im thinking the 2.5rs must be cheaper since its not turbo'ed.
How much is insurance for mopeds?
i dont want specifics but what is the range? More that car insurance,same less?Is it really worth it?""
Tricky Car Insurance Quotes?
Right, I am really at ends to get cheap car insurance... I'm probably an insurers nightmare: 17 years old, male, living in London, living with parents whilst at college etc... I've just qualified with a full UK licence, but the insurance for a '97 Saxo is 3500 and it only costs 300!!!! Anyone any ideas on how to get this down to about a grand or less? Or any suggestions for any good cars to insure a 17 year old on? :)""
If i buy a car how much car insurance does people usually pay per year? ?
if i buy a car how much car insurance does people usually pay per year?
""Could $5,000 cover the healthcare insurance premium for a family?""
If McCain's credit becomes reality, doesn't it seem logical that a major healthcare provider would put together an affordable health insurance package for the credit amount and ...show more""
Can I use my parents name to buy insurance for my car?
Is there? The insurance would be under my moms name but the car would be mine. It would be alot cheaper since my mom has no violations and is older than 25.
What is The Cheapest Auto Insurance for A Beginner?
""Nice looking cars, with cheap insurance rates,under 10000?""
I'm looking to get rid of my mr2 turbo cuz I need something with at least 4 seats. I want it to be good looking (I'm a 20 year old male) but cheap on insurance(full coverage). I live in Cali if that has to do with anything. I been considering mazda 3s, mazda 6, acura tl (doubt insurance is cheap on these) and honda civic si. I'm not looking for quotes just ideas on what cars are cheap to keep those in mind while I shop. Thanks""
Best car insurance quote for a 17 year old. (UK)?
im going on my parents insurance, and i need the cheapest insurance as possible. i heard a company named something like 'quantitive' do a good price? but im not sure... looking for no more than 2000""
How much is car insurance?
How much would car insurance be for a 16 year old girl with very good grades.?
Car insurance question?
okay my boyfriend just got his drivers license today..he doesnt have a car yet and he wants to be able to drive my grandmas car to work whenever he can but she says he cant because hes not on her insurance. Does it matter whether or not hes on her insurance? what could happen?
How much will liability insurance pay out if my car is stolen. ?
How much will liability insurance pay out if my car is stolen. ?
""I'm looking for a sporty car with low insurance rates and preferably american made around $15,000?""
I'm looking for a sporty car with low insurance rates and preferably american made around $15,000?""
How much should a 76 year old pay for liability insurance to drive a 17 year old/as good as new car?
I average about 1,400 miles a year.""
For someone (16) buying their own car how much will it cost?
1. the car its self, decent... something parents would feel good and safe about their child driving. 2. estimate of gas per week 3. insurance?""
Will a citiation for having my brights on raise my insurance?
And do I need to notify them? I have never had any other citations or anything else.
Washington state car insurance law for drivers and cars?
I currently dont have insurance and i was forced to move back to my parents house and theyre badgering me to get car insurance but i cant afford it right now. if they put insurance on my car under their name, can i drive my car legally? or do they have to put my name on their policy also? im trying to find the cheapest way of getting basic legal insurance since my car is not worth more than 1000 dollars""
Is it possible to get car insurance without a title? (California)?
I purchased a car and didn't inform myself well enough about registering a car with a salvage title. I am waiting on the title after one final inspection, until then I have temporary registration. I just wanted to try to find out if there is any type of insurance that would be able to cover me until I get my title? (and hope a little while I was at it.)""
What is a good health care insurance provider for self employed people?
What is a good health care insurance provider for self employed people?
How Can a 17 Year old Teen Afford Car Insurance?
I am a 17 year old guy working on getting my first car. I was thinking possibly a 2000 Pontiac Sunfire, or a 2006 Saturn Ion. I had looked up a few quotes from Progressive and Esurance, and noticed that the semi-annual price was VERY high, way beyond anything my family could afford. I was wondering If anyone knew of a way that I could possibly afford this. Many of the quotes totaled at $800-$1000 per six months. This is outrageously high, and that was just insurance for an adult I had quoted. Adding a teen onto the insurance would be much more expensive. If anyone has any ideas on what I can do to cheat the system per say, or just find a nice and cheap affordable, reliable insurance company I'd be extremely grateful.""
Does health insurance go up when you buy a motorcycle?
Does health insurance go up when you buy a motorcycle?
What is the best individual health insurance?
im looking for an affordable good health insurance, i currently have a family plan with my employer but its expensive are there any individual plans out there that are affordable what are they? thank you?""
New York State car insurance question?
Do you need to have car insurance to have a drivers license? I mean could you take the road test and get your license but have no insurance?
Is there a way to not have auto insurance when you will not be driving your car for a year?
I have a car loan that I still owe $15,000. I will be going to Mexico for a year and, therefore, will not be driving my car for a year. Is there a way to just insure the loan so that if the car starts on fire by itself or something I'll still be covered? If so, how much does that cost?""
Need help with my car insurance?
I will be driving for a year this august and i'm currently paying 105 a month for my current insurance. All the quotes im receiving at the moment are alot higher then i'm already paying but i'm sure it will go down once i've been driving exactly 1 year. Will i get a 1 year No claims discount automatically on the date i finish my current insurer? then just set my new insurance to start the day after?
""Regarding auto insurance, is it allowed to add my friend while visiting her in AZ?""
I live in California. I am visiting a friend in Arizona for 3 months and staying at her home. She will be driving my vehicle frequently. Although my policy covers any driver, should I or am I allowed to add her to my auto policy? Even if she has an AZ license? I'm assuming they would have to check her AZ record? I'm wondering how all this works. My insurance provider is Clearside General and I cannot get a hold of them quickly enough... on hold forever! Thanks""
What's the average price of new driver's insurance?
For the longest time I didn't want to drive anywhere. I live in a big city, I can bus or bike where I need to be. But I've been forced into getting a drivers license, and will need to get a car soon. What's the average cost of insuring a typical used car with a 28 year old male new driver?""
Is there health insurance that just covers serious conditions like cancer and is affordable?
I'm 55 retired & uninsured. I've given up hope of finding affordable health care. Recently I needed surgery and had to pay for it myself. When I told my MD he cut his fee from $22,000 to $13,000) and when I needed an MRI I was able to get a cash price of $350 if I had insurance they would have charged over $2,000. At the time I was happy but doesn't this illustrate why health care in the US is so screwed up?""
Motorcycle Insurance Change?
Hi, I am currently 16 years old, and am riding a 50cc motorcycle at the moment, but I'm hoping to upgrade to a 400cc, but may not be able to afford all the things necessary straight after my birthday in August. So could I re-insure my 50cc for another year and then when I can afford to change, phone up my insurance company and change half way through, and if they don't give me a reasonable quote change to another insurance company? Many Regards, Rhys x""
Can anyone give me an estimate for A 17 year old car insurance!?
Hello I am 17 in december and am looking to insure A classic Austin Mini 998cc and I was just wondering if anyone would have any estimate idea of how much it would cost to insure!? :)
I am buying a used car from a private party. What do I need to do before and after buying the car?
Before: carfax, test drive, mechanic check... anything else? After do i need to register it in my name to my state dmv within a certain amount of time? I talked to my insurance ...show more""
Can i transfer moped insurance from one bike to another ?
ive got insurance on my piaggio fly 50cc which expires august this year, i can no longer drive this bike as i accidently got super glue all around the breaks and throttle and it wont budge, im going to maybe buy a new moped today for 300 and was just wondering if i get this do i have to cancel my old insurance and get a new quote and pay all that money again or cani just ring my insurance company and transfer it from my old bike to my new bike? thanks for any help! :)""
Estimate on car insurance for this car?
Okay, I'm looking to get a used 350z for my sixteenth birthday. I know car insurance is going to be really high for it being a sport car and for me being only 16, but I'd like an estimate to see where I'm going with this and I'm not sure how to do it myself. :) Here's a link to the car: http://www.nissanusa.com/z/index.html""
Car insurance: why is a quote for an older car model higher than a brand new car?
i'm 18 and about to get a car. if my parents buy it for me, i'll be getting a toyota yaris 2010 2 door hatchback. if i'm purchasing it myself, i'll be buying a used 2000 toyota echo 2 door. i'll be paying the insurance either way, so i got quotes from desjardins for both the cars. for the 2010 toyota yaris, i got 260 a month, while for the 2000 toyota echo, i got 295 a month! why is this?!? the only information i changed was the model of the car! is this an error?""
How much are the costs of sports cars?
what are the costs (insurance and maintenance) of having the Lamborghini LP560-4 and Audi R8, and say if i baby it and not rip it every second""
Can i drive car on my full uk license on insurance for provisional license ?
Hi can i drive a car with full uk license but on provissional license insurance as i passed my test in additon i am 17 yrs old the reason of that is because the cheapest insurance for full uk license with my dad as 1st driver was 2.5grand.
Car insurance question?
okay my boyfriend just got his drivers license today..he doesnt have a car yet and he wants to be able to drive my grandmas car to work whenever he can but she says he cant because hes not on her insurance. Does it matter whether or not hes on her insurance? what could happen?
Question about car insurance??
my boyfriend and i have been discussing selling my car and sharing his (to save money, one less insurance/payment each month). My question is without having insurance (unless i went on his), will that make my insurance go up more the next time i own a vehicle? my current provider (progressive) increased my rate because i was uninsured for 3 or 4 days, and im curious if this is what will happen if say, im uninsured for a few months. THANKS!!!""
How much will motorcycle insurance cost?
im going to start all the things i need for it in march -15 1/2 -going to take msf course summmer -used bike -using it to go to school and job if i get one -suzuki gsxr600 or kawasaki ninja 500r is what i wanna drive
Maternity on new Insurance?
Hi, I will be relocating jobs and will then have to get onto my new job's insurance. Just wondering, is maternity often available with applying with a new insurance? Could it be considered a pre-exisiting condition? Also, with insurance, would it cover all my ob/gyn visits? New to this, need info! Thanks, in advance!""
How can I get auto insurance in my name when the car is registered in someone else's name?
My mom currently has a loan on my car in her name in California. My car is registered in California, but because my husband is active duty military, we relocated to South Carolina. Is there a way I can obtain insurance in my name without being a registered owner?""
Is progressive auto insurance reliable?
I just bought a 2009 Honda Civic EX. I've checked various quotes online based on my info, and they range near the $2000 (sometimes, just a 6 month policy). I just checked progressive, and it estimated a quote near the $1380 a year, that is $689.90 (6 month policy). It's a BIG difference, that's why I want to know what I'm getting into, any inputs???""
Car insurance?
So im thinking of getting a car... but im 16 so i know insurance is gonna be insane, and im in MA so its mandatory. Anyways from what i understand it cost way less to get added to your parents policy. But can i do that if im not driving their car, but my own car i bought (not yet)? I cant buy the car in their name... has to be in mine...""
""How can i get affordable health insurance, with a low income?""
I work part time,i am physically disabled ,my husb is unemployable,rejected from disability, i have very bad health condition and need health insurance to continue dr.care....How can i get affordable health insurance that won't cost me a fortune? I have gone to the DPA and i was rejected by them. I suffer with depression/(diagnosed bi-polar) ,,disc disease,IBS....i must obtain medical Insurance to continue treatment in order to continue working...how can i get help?""
Is getting the minimum coverage car insurance a good idea?
I constantly see those commercials that say get the minimum required car insurance. And i'm wondering is that really a good idea, and what does that really even cover when you get into an accident?""
What is the best lowest cost insurance for a first time driver?
ok. i just got my learners permit. i had wondered what would be the best car insurance company too look to for getting my actual license. and has the lowest monthly rate, with the best coverage. i will never get a dui since i will never drive drunk. i have never had a ticket, i have excellent credit, i do not own a home so i don't want a insurance bundle, i'm in north carolina, i drive a volvo, i have never had a wreck . so i'm looking to good driving discount minus the privacy invading snap shot from progressive. and no dui discount. and good credit discount. exc anyone know of the best insurance company to look to?""
How to Get Health Insurance If You're Not Married?
In CT how can you be put on your boy/girlfriends insurance if you're not married? We live and own a house together. CT does not recognize common-law marriage.
What is the best auto insurance carrier?
Hi everyone. I am shopping for car insurance and want to know the best but most affordable out there. My mother thought to put me on her policy with Progressive and I would pay her for the insurance, but they were going to charge her over $500.00 to do so. My friend has gotten into two accidents and hasn't had to pay nearly that much , and neither did her dad when he put her on his policy.""
""I would like to buy health insurance for my 13 year old son. What is the average cost in San Diego, California
What's average cost of health insurance for 13 year old boy in California?
Cheap Drivers Insurance For Teenagers?
So im about to get my first car an it be a luxury car but i wanted to know what place would have the cheaper insurance for me, keep in mind i do have decent grades also.""
Can you get medical or medicade if you are pregnant and MARRIED?
My friend is married and pregnant but she recently lost her job and her insurance. Her husband is the sole provider and he makes 45,000 a year before taxes but she is not on his insurance. can she still get her pregnancy covered by a government program. We all live in California if that helps. Anyones stories would be greatly appreciated.""
Auto Insurance/Roadside Service. Is Roadguard Auto Club a scam?
I have Robert Moreno Insurance Services via my broker Adrianas Insurance. I googled Roadguard Auto Club, and cant find it. I dont think its a real company. The roadside assistance is $42 and its not mandatory. Their California Motor Club License is #3427-2.""
Medical insurance makes a difference?
Why is it that when you go the hospital and you dont have medical insurance you are looked down upon even though you do get the medical services required for proper treatment? But when you have medical insurance its like youre treated in your own way with approbation.
What insurance is available for those who are between ages 18-24 and can't qualify for Medicaid?
Any low cost health insurances out there?
How much might health insurance cost per year for a healthy 22-year-old?
Need to start buying my own health insurance, because I have some health concerns that i need taken care of ASAP. But overall, I am a healthy person.""
What are some affordable/cheap community colleges in the USA for international students?
Hi, i want to study associate in business management so in which state i can find community colleges with low fees or which are the affordable and cheapest community college in USA for study? Thanks""
Does car insurance transfer to motorcycle insurance?
does car insurance transfer to motorcycle insurance?? i got in a accident with a motorcycle and my insurance is way up that i cant afford it. if i buy a car would my insurance be up like my motorcycle since i got a accident in it? or is it two seperate insurance's
I live in PA...I never had car insurance but I'm buying my first car. I can't get a car insurance quote so...
how can I drive the car off the lot if I don't have insurance? I'm lost...can somebody help me solve this problem? Thank you.
Do you think this is a good price for auto insurance?
Is $201.12 a month for full coverage from State Farm a good deal? Progressive quoted me for $285 a month and it doesnt even include UM and the liability is at 10/20/25. State farm would cover me 25/50/25, auto death indemnity, UM, and more. I am a 22 year old female and i just got my license in Feb 07, and i live in Miami. This is for a 2003 Honda Civic LX 2dr coupe (paid in full). This is my first car. I was just wondering, if this is a good price compared to other people my age with similar coverage. I know my friend is paying $300 a month for his and hes 24.""
How is medical insurance is applied?
I am an Egyptian seeking the progress of my country. I hope you answer the following questions according to the country you live in especially in United States of America, Canada, Israel, Germany, England and Nordic countries.""
How much a car? used car + insurance + NY state?
hi, i would like to know how much can a car cost, how much is the avarege? a used car plus the insurance in New York state?""
How dos US car insurance work compared to english car insurance?
I'm looking to get a bmw x5 but insurance is 9000k a year like $13000k I heard they do it different so its easier to get bigger cars. In england they don't allow young drivers to get big cars so the insurance is expensive How dos us car insurance work
Car insurance question?
okay my boyfriend just got his drivers license today..he doesnt have a car yet and he wants to be able to drive my grandmas car to work whenever he can but she says he cant because hes not on her insurance. Does it matter whether or not hes on her insurance? what could happen?
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