#girlfriend cult
galaxynajma · 4 months
We love our men helpless and vulnerable!
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merlucide · 5 months
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our commentators are @someprettyname @soleilonthesun and @bueris
our medics on standby are @kurona-theshark and @sharkissm
our betting clerks are @luvingshidou and @hooudie212
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Alas! after many hours of brewing and concocting...i present the ALL-KNOWING GET INTO SOMEONE'S HEAD POTION!!!!
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(yes im aware the title is not as glam as i am but unfortunately i have other priorities to attend to)
i can use this to go into Soleil's head...and possibly break Aiku's curse...
wish me luck, fellow comrades 🫡
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sharkissm · 4 months
Yes, I'm a member of GF FC, of course my pfp is my bbg!
Yes, I'm a member of GF FC, of course I live in a love and hate relationship with kaiser!
Yes, I'm a member of GF FC, of course nobody knows where's aiku after the aiku arc happened!
Yes, I'm a member of GF FC, of course aiku kidnapped me and almost killed me on the aiku arc and @kurona-theshark healed me!
Yes, I'm a member of GF FC, of course i want the uniform of the team to be real so I can wear it in at any occasion!
Yes, I'm a member of GF FC, of course I love when @soleilonthesun posts her interviews, movies and etc, with the bllk boys!
GF FC pls continue this 🫶
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bueris · 4 months
i heard there's vampires attacking the team. take this to stay safe. i hope this gets to you before they do
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aah! thanks ben I'll keep it on me at all times! yknow... I got a lil something from a local priest when I heard about it first I've... been keeping it hidden but
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here we can share this, with any luck we'll survive, do you think we should make stakes just in case? I mean... better safe than sorry...
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luvingshidou · 5 months
How’s space? Seeing anything interesting
It WAS till I got kidnapped (pls come find me yall)
I met the ugly ass alien
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He tried to steal my helmet so I beat is ass black and blue
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Then I met his fuck ugly family & they tried to kidnap me
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SOOOOI I beat there ass too💗💗💗😇😇😇
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quehecke · 5 months
shoutout to that girlfriend fc blue lock girlfriends cult
i do not know who yall are but you like and reblog my art on occasion and have accidentally taken over my entire feed
erm idkkhshdjshsjs
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rinitoshisgirl · 4 months
GUYS I DID IT CREDITS TO @merlucide and @luvingshidou
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asarajaa · 4 months
The stars collide and moon shines, a shimmer in the air and you realise it's the time. 
Time for the most jaw dropping, glamorous evening where all your hardwork and talent gets acknowledged and awarded. 
Ladies and gentlemen it's with immense pleasure that I invite you to GF FC INDIGO AWARDS. 
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It'll be as grand as your existence, so make sure to grace us with your presence. This invite is a ticket for two, so do let us know if you'll be bringing your girlfriends and boyfriends along! 
[ Only for attendees who have accepted the invite : do let us know if you prefer a gown or suit and which colour do you prefer it in. For the ones who chose gown, please let us know if you would prefer a knee length or ankle length gown. ]
I chose an ankle length gown in green thank you for asking, and I’ll be bringing Sae 🥰
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bluu3berry · 3 months
art for azalea..
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Oooo you thought I'd show you OOOOO nah I ain't posting this full one without her permission, but
I have a small headcanons since skeletons can't kiss, they instead clank heads with their loved ones!
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galaxynajma · 5 months
Charles gf pfp has finally been made
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Feel free to use
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merlucide · 5 months
I uh, I made a GFC pin…. I think it should be apart of our official merch line 🤭🤩
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logo design made by @soleilonthesun 😘
(Ignore my long ass fingers)
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wait so how many of us in this cult
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sharkissm · 3 months
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I know nobody follows me for gf fc content BUT, seeing my dad @sadao-tsuki and my kiddo @pawsndpups drawing got me inspired so I did this 💥💥💥💥💥 ily eita otoya it's a crime that you doesn't exist 😔😔💔💔
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bueris · 4 months
homebrew necromany
[in the afterlife, it is a barren grassland with only a few rocks poking above the grass, there is a mountain range in the far distance but they do not seem as if they wish to be reached]
bue: (kicking a rock) boo, this is boring I thought there'd be more fire and brimstone. what a cop out
[there is no reply, no voice answer back and even the wind doesn't blow]
bue: (sigh) well, there's no point in staying in one place... hmm, those mountains are pretty, might as well check them out. (begins to walk towards them)
[the landscape changes rapidly, the grassland becomes a valley, flat ground shifts into steep slops that are populated with thistle and tough grass that pricks at bue's ankles]
bue: (flailing) woa- whoa! almost fell there... (looks down) oh? what's this?
[bue crouches down to pick up a tattered poster, she takes the torn edges between her fingers and is immediately drawn to the face of her twin printed next to her own]
bue: (muttering) wanted... dead or alive... bounty of 1.3 million galactic credits.... what?
[bue flips the paper around several times, trying to find anything else. faintly a shimmer of text of another universe inscribed on the back glints in the overcast light. it is nothing like bue had ever seen before, but they could understand it nonetheless]
bue: (confused) "I'm sorry, I tried, I swear. I tried to stop us I really did. - R"... who's R?
bue: (worried) what does it mean..?
[with a concerned face, bue folds the tattered poster into quarters and tucks it into their pocket. hesitant, she continues into the basin of the valley]
bue: (quietly) it's like the lake district... I suppose dying isn't that bad if these are the views you get... still those mountains...
[the snow caps of the mountains are distantly visible from over the other side of the valley, the distance has not changed and it is still far]
bue: (downcast, eyes facing down at her feet as she walks through the brush) I hope girlfriend fc is okay, we were in quite the predicament from what I last gathered... oh @riririnnnn, @hooudie212, @someprettyname I miss you already, it's so scary to be so far from you...
[bue finally reaches the stream that bisects the bottom of the valley, it's weird to think such a little stream once cut through the valley's rock, but bue supposes time can change anything]
bue: uh, do I just wade? what if it's like the Styx or something... I don't wanna be caught lacking, what would the people on instagram reels say? (shivers)
bue: I don't think I have a choice...
[with a squeak, bue wades into the stream. its gentle current laps at her ankles and seeps through her cleats and she shivers at the feeling]
bue: (looking down) huh?
[the pebbles at the bottom of the stream start to transform, ordinary little rocks expanding in ways that violate reality to become half recognisable mementos]
bue: oh....
[a journal is flicked open by the current and it washes away the writing on every page, a yellow rose, a phone, a futuristic looking gun, and odd shapes bue could tell represented something all warped themselves into the stream bed, pinned down by rocks no matter how easily they could be swept off by the current]
???: (kindly) so you chose to move forward? I'm glad.
bue: (incredibly shocked) JINGO RAICHI???
[raichi is dressed in peculiar ways, draped in cloth that bent reality itself with an uncharacteristically calm smile on his face]
raichi: yes, I suppose you know me by that
bue: what are you doing here?
raichi: helping you, obviously?
bue: ..."helping"?
raichi: you asked for it, no?
[bue stares at him in disbelief, what in the world is happening??]
raichi: the river, you stepped in it.
bue: there was no other way across?
raichi: you wanted to find a way forward and that is enough for me.
bue: (worried) 'kay...
raichi: have a seat (snaps his fingers)
[a rock pops into existence behind bue, pressing on the back of her knees in such a way it makes her sit down, across from her raichi takes a seat on a rock of his own]
raichi: to move forward you need to let go of what is old, you see those things in the river, yes?
bue: ...mhm...
raichi: you remember what they mean, right? so tell me
bue: well that journal was from the worst time ever, it was a very dark time-
raichi: (hums and nods)
bue: that rose, I hurt someone... the phone was so much and... I don't know what the gun means, sorry...
raichi: baby steps. you need to let them wash away
bue: what?
raichi: wash them away, let go
bue: I'm not holding them?
raichi: spiritually, you dumbass!
[bue flinches at the sudden yelling, but that was much more raichi-like. he pinches his nose in frustration but with a harsh sigh he seems to calm down]
bue: (hesitantly) well, um, I grew from the journal I...
raichi: go on
bue: well, I'm different now, I used to be so miserable... not just my feelings, I was a total downer and I only saw the worst in everything... sometimes I think I still do...
raichi: but do you want to?
bue: no! of course not!
raichi: then put your faith in the best, it's as easy as you make it
[bue sits in silence for a moment, thinking about it. it hits her eventually, it might be hard at some points but being more positive was as easy as catching bad thoughts and replacing them, she really could just do that]
[the journal flips to the last page and disintegrates in the water, carried away by the current, bue looks at raichi with surprise]
raichi: easy, right? now the rose.
bue: I hurt someone, I'm sorry for it
raichi: okay and?
bue: huh?
raichi: yeah you hurt someone but your inaction keeps you from moving on
bue: oh... I can't... really talk to her anymore. I know I was wrong and I don't ever want to do that again but I don't know what to do
raichi: I'm not going to absolve you of guilt. but if you can't do anything except change, why are you still letting it take up that much space?
[bue's breath hitches, she looks at the rose and thinks of all the good that came from it, promises to be better, wishes "her" the best and watches as the flower is delicately torn apart and carried off by the current]
raichi: the phone?
bue: same as the journal, really
[the phone disintergrates]
bue: what about the rest?
raichi: do you have the determination to keep going? to live despite it all? to live with love in the centre of your heart?
[they fall into silence as bue tries to unravel whatever riddle raichi wove]
bue: yes?
raichi: do you really?
bue: (brows furrowed) yes.
[every amorphous rock, stone and pebble drifts away and leaves only the gun behind]
bue: (pointing) what about that?
raichi: remember how you were twins with @riririnnnn in a past life? that is the link between that life and this one. you almost destroyed the universe together, can you come to terms with this?
bue: yes
raichi: you'll do your best to control yourself and become the best you can be?
bue: yes
raichi: (nodding at other side of stream) then cross
[cautiously, bue walks over to the far bank, only stopping to look back at raichi only to find he was no longer there and neither were the rocks they sat on. bue makes a note to get raichi something nice when she gets back]
bue: (happily) oh!
[bue crouches again to pick up girlfriend fc jersey, instinctively she pulls it on]
[the memory of her first time at gf fc replays in her head as the shirt goes over her face. a sunlit room and a sense of belonging were all the remained when the shirt collar settled against her collarbone]
[with determination, bue began to walk up the steep side of the valley, set on making it to the mountains]
bue: (exhaustedly) phew, what a climb!
[bue looks back on their climb, she hadn't felt like she'd travelled far but when she peered down the stream seemed a million miles behind her]
bue: (to herself) to the top...
[bue continue to climb the slope, dragging herself all the way to the top where she could see the mountains that had gotten closer. so close in fact that bue could reach out and touch them]
bue: (touching the mountain) whoa... cool...
[snow fell onto her wrist as she brushed the frost covered grass close to where uncovered rock met the snow cap]
bue: (earnestly) I'm not done yet, I have a lot to live for and I will continue to live in the best way I can. I will be ambitious and loving, I promise.
[bue grips the tuft of snow covered grass and shakes it firmly.]
[her vision goes pitch black and the cold feeling of snow creeps up her arm and stretches all over her body and she shivers. it felt cramped like she's been shoved in a box and there was something stuck to her forehead uncomfortably]
bue: cold!!
[struggling, bue reaches to peel off the sticky thing on her forehead but in the cold box there is no light to see what it was. blindly she gropes around, pushing in every side until one side gives out. light blinds her as she tumbles out of the freezer and on to the girlfriend fc headquarters kitchen]
bue: (happily) I LIVE!!!!
[she skitters out of the room to assess the situation and hopefully find her family]
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luvingshidou · 5 months
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Is this real?
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