#give them access to fucking houses&they wont have less than no room to place their whole lives in.
jvzebel-x · 7 months
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ink-and-flame · 4 years
Kinktober Day 5: Nukklebust Productions Presents
Kinktober Day 5 Prompts: Kneeling ~ Triple penetration ~ Video (being recorded) Fandom: Original (Auchendale Archives) Tags: exophilia, m/f, slight f/f, orgy, triple penetration, kneeling, video recording, pornography, group sex, anal plug, sex toys, Pairing:GoblinM/HumanF, GoblinM/ElfF, HumanF/ElfF
[Authors Note: This is purely self indulgent smut that I have written for my own personal enjoyment and it is loosely based on a dream I had a few weeks ago. I was torn between putting this in Warcraft or not and I decided to put it in the Auchendale universe so I can use Ember since I kind of fell in love with her, which was unintentional since I made her on a whim. Vyzzie was borrowed from a friend with permission.]
The owners of The Scarlet Eclipse had some very firm rules on photography and video being taken in the club. The top rule was that in general it wasnt allowed. This was to help enforce privacy rules and ensure that the people who came to the club felt safe. The exception to the rule was, of course, pornography. The owners had a relationship with a few directors in the industry and allowed some of their rooms to be used for photo shoots and film shoots as long as nothing got out of hand and it was kept quiet. The location was never allowed to be revealed. 
There were limitations of course, no large productions, and only so many rooms could be rented out for this purpose. The club still needed to cater to its own clientele of course, and it opened up the opportunity for people to explore their own exhibitionist and voyeuristic fetishes. Once it became known, it was an open secret around the club. Privacy was still respected, but the owners invested in a remodel that turned a couple of the rooms into permanent filming areas. They could be accessed through a special door and from the outside and the area could be locked down if needed.
When not in use by professionals, the owners allowed club members to book the rooms for a fee and they would get a copy of the finished product for their own personal enjoyment. Some allowed their amateur films to be released online, most kept them private. VIP members of the club were allowed to use these areas for free with enough prior notice. As it was, there was a waiting list, and sometimes it could take a few months to gain access to one of the rooms, especially if you needed a specific one. 
The club owners had made it easy to check the availability of the rooms online, and there was a link to the waiting list. Anyone already on it could also check their place in the queue. Vyzzie had been checking every day for the last few weeks to see if his request had been bumped up in the queue. He had paid extra and used his friends VIP access to cut in line as much as he could. He was eager to do the scene and had been making preparations for almost two months now. The preparations had to be changed multiple times already as people had backed out and Vyz knew the longer it took the harder it would be to do.
Thankfully his friend had promised not to back out and had even suggested bringing someone along so she wasn’t the only female in the scene. It meant they could do much more with what they had left and the plans for the scene had begun to change. It was shaping up to be one of his better ideas, he just had to make sure the people still on board stayed on board. 
The idea had come about after a wild night with two chicks he didn’t really know well. He ended up getting kind of close to one of them and she had expressed a desire to have another threesome but with two guys instead. He knew someone that would be interested and it had been fun, but then they got to thinking, why not invite more people, and the idea developed into something that Vyz was quite eager for, as was his new friend Ember. 
Vyzzie had promised that he would only invite people she trusted, and Ember offered to bring her elf friend from the first time. It was shaping up to be quite a scene and once it was settled the negotiations began and everything was put in place with an understanding of what was expected of everyone. Simple color codes would be used instead of safe words so that everyone could be on the same page and no one got lost or confused.
When the day finally came Vyz could barely contain his excitement. He had gone over the details with Ember so many times that they both decided to share control of the situation. It also lead to copious amounts of sex between the two of them as every time they discussed it the conversation would inevitably arouse one or both of them. They had pretty much fucked on every surface in Vyzzie’s apartment, including his roommate's bed. That one he wasn’t particularly proud of when it was discovered and he had to do a lot of apologizing to make up for it. 
With Ember in tow and some luggage Vyz arrived at the club a few hours before the filming was going to start. This was pretty standard to give them time to set up, and get everyone ready. He was practically vibrating with excitement the goblin looking up at his human companion with mischievous violet eyes. 
“Ok, so it’s gonna be an hour before the others show up. I thought we could get everything set up and go over the negotiations one last time. Make sure nothin essential god missed.” Vyz opened the door to the main room and dropped off his bags before peeking into the equipment room off to the side. It housed all the recording equipment, back up servers, everything they needed but it was empty. “Ok looks like the crew ain’t here yet. S’fine, gives us a bit more time.”
Ember moved around the room checking things out and setting her luggage near the back wall and out of the way. She could change later. For now the room needed some work. The bed would be plenty large enough for all of them, not much else in the room would make it into the shot, but it was still worth it to spruce up the room and make it look nice. Despite what they were going to be doing, Ember wanted it to have a soft feeling and she began digging through the chests full of props and accessories to see how they could alter the look and feel of the room.
“Whatcha got there dollface?” Vyz had slipped up behind Ember, placing a hand on her ass and peering into the chest she was digging through. 
“I was hoping to find something to help the room look less plain and sterile. The bed is nice, its a good size. The furniture all matches and it looks ok. Has a bit of a hotel feel which might be on purpose, but I was kind of hoping for something a little different?” She looked at him and rolled her eyes when she felt him rubbing her ass. “You are getting awfully friendly there Vyzzie.”
“Yer my friend.” He quipped and pinched her. “Don’t worry. I remember. No attachments. Doesn’t mean I can’t enjoy the benefits package.” Smirking he dug through the chest with a free hand, black claws catching on some fabric. “I trust your taste. I know we were only at your place once, but I liked it. Lots of lights, colors. Had that weird gothic rainbow vibe going. You got a unique style Em, that is for sure.”
“How about we change the lamps, throw up some lights on the wall, drape some fabric around and soften the whole room up a bit. Considering what we are going to be doing, it will be a really interesting contrast I think.” Ember pulled some sheer fabric from the chest and began draping it on the headboard.
“I like how you think. Let the room be soft, the actions hard.” Vyz helped change out the room decor to match her vision. It was getting close to when the others should start arriving. “Hey, uh.. Emmy? You know if you aren’t sure about this or need to change some stuff I will understand. You know that right?”
Ember laughed. “Emmy?” She stepped over to Vyz, running a hand through his dark blue hair. “Yeah Vyz. I know. I wouldn’t have agreed to this if I didn’t trust you.”
“I will make sure your boundaries ain’t crossed. I know ya got some hang ups and all that. Don’t want there to be any pressure in the moment to do anything you ain’t sure of. I know how it gets once a scene starts and ya get caught up in it. Don’t want that ta happen here.”
Ember nodded. “That is why I brought a precaution. I really don’t like anal, and I won’t be able to relax if I worry that it might happen, even accidentally. So I brought a plug with me to help. If something is already there that I am comfortable with, then nothing else can go in and I can relax. I know it sounds counter intuitive and it took me a long time to get to a point where I can even use it, but it actually helps and functions in a way that lets me maintain control over it.”
“Not weird, makes a lot of sense actually. You control its size, when you use it, and it prevents anyone you are with from just having an ‘oops’ moment or doin the whole ‘it's better to ask forgiveness than permission’ nonsense. I hear ya, I support it. Need any help or just some privacy?” 
“I can go put it in myself, wont take me too long I prepared myself for it but didn’t want to have it in all day. Give me a few minutes to get ready if you want to finish the room?”
“Sure, no problem, I can get it done.” Vyz went back to putting the finishing touches on the room when the crew arrived. 
They began setting up the cameras at the goblins' instruction and made sure all the equipment was well hidden so as to not ruin the scene. There would only be so many angles shot and the final product would time some time to edit and put together into something polished and finished, ready for release, but Vyz was fine with waiting. 
He had initially thought to hire a scene director, someone to keep everyone on track, but instead chose to work through the scenario with everyone, set a basic structure, and then just let things happen naturally. He wanted it to be real, visceral, and that wouldn't happen if there was a script or strict direction to follow. 
Ember came back into the room with nothing but a mask and some thigh high socks on. The masquerade mask was small, simple, and not too bulky. It would stay on easily, and leave her mouth and nose free. The thigh highs were a request from Vyz. The only other things she had on was special body make up that would hide her tattoos and dried down so it wouldn’t smear. She had practiced with it before, going through an intense sex scene to see how well it held up to sweat and other body fluids along with friction. It held up well enough that she was confident in being filmed. She knew her tattoos were recognizable enough that she just wasn’t willing to risk it since Vyz made it clear this wasn’t going to stay private.
The muscular goblin let out a low whistle when he saw Ember. The thigh high socks were perfect. A soft looking material, black, and they hugged her thighs in a way that made it clear they wouldn’t move. The mask was black with silver accents and it made her look elegant. “Damn, you sure do make a pretty picture there Em. So uh, when is Vela gonna arrive?”
“She should have already been here. I told her she needed to get here early to get ready. I hope everything is ok. Let me text her real fast.” Heading back to her bags to grab her phone Ember didn’t notice the door opening again.
The rest of the goblins arrived as a group. Vyz greeting his friends and acquaintances with a smile. “Glad ta see ya made it boys. Ember is in the back finishin up and we are just waitin on Velasara. I think you only met Ember though” Vyz commented to his friend. 
Coming back out Ember paused to see a room full of goblins standing around. All eyes were suddenly on her and never before had she felt more like prey. The moment passed quickly but it was hard to shake as a few sets of eyes lingered. 
“Here lemme introduce you. Ember you already know Krazz from the party. Those two are Riznik and Viznik, twins if it wasn’t obvious, and that is Zorblix.” Vyz finished the introductions.
“Just Blix.” 
Ember nodded and waved. “I would appreciate it if my name wasn’t used during filming, if it is all the same.”
“Sure thing, not a problem. Anyone else?” Vyz knew that both women would be in masks, but he wasn’t sure about anyone else.”
“I’m good with not using names. We all wearing masks or just the girls?” Krazz rolled his shoulders  and looked for a place to set down his bag. “I brought one with me just in case. No offence but I am not sure I want to be recognized.”
“We can just avoid names entirely if it helps. I can’t imagine there is gonna to be much talkin” Vyz chimed in, his accent sounding much thicker in comparison to his friend. 
“I don’t really give a shit either way. Not my first rodeo, so it is all fine with me.” Blix moved off to the back of the room and began stripping. 
There was a knock interrupting the conversation and the door slowly opened. “Hello? I am sorry I am late.” Vela stepped in looking a bit frazzled. “Sorry got caught up and it took me some time to get everything together. I hope I didn’t put us too far behind?” 
“Nah, yer good, we ain’t even started.” Vyz waved the lithe elf over and gestured to the back. “Go get ready and we can do a final run through and just make sure everyone is on the same page before we begin.” Vyz moved back to the recording room and spoke to the staff there, making sure that they would be ready to go as soon as the group finished their preparations. 
While Vyzzie was busy, the rest of the goblins stripped and got ready for the scene. The twins were engaged in a bout of rock paper scissors to decide who got which girl to start as they wanted some separation to start. Krazz slipped on his own mask, looking a bit like a corvid with the beak design. It was a little flashy for porn, but it went well with Ember's mask. He hoped that he would get a shot with the human at some point as he had been attracted to her since they met at a party Vyz had invited him to. 
Blix was busy strapping on his harness and cock ring. Fully prepared for taking over should the others struggle with any part of the scene. Of all of them he had the most experience performing for the camera,  he knew the best angles, how to position himself, and all the tricks needed to not blow his load too quickly. Considering how hot the girls were in this scene, those were some tricks he was going to have to utilize. 
Velasara came back looking an almost striking opposite of Ember. Her thigh highs were white with ruffles, her mask had white feathers and delicate gold filigree. She was taller than Ember with a lithe and delicate frame and soft features. Comparatively her body was a bit more slender when compared to Ember's more generous curves. The contrast made the pair enticing to look upon and the goblins in the room struggled to remain professional. 
Ember leaned up and tugged Vela down to whisper in a long ear. The tittering laugh from the elf filld the room as both women seemed quite amused about something. It made Vyz a little suspicious and he hoped that this wasn’t going to be something he needed to worry about later. 
“Ok, so here is the scene. I figure it will be easier if we don’t all start at first. I was thinking the girls could have a solo scene together or with one other person involved, then we can introduce some others, or if we are worried about time, then maybe we all just start? Opinions?” Vyz was looking around at the people gathered and realized how this looked. He hadn’t meant to only invite goblins, that was how it worked out. With all the cancellations and rescheduling, this was the group he ended up with and looking at it objectively, this would probably end up in a fetish category when released, even if there wasn’t a ton of kink involved. 
“Well are you looking to build a plot or not? Like do we want to have dialog, a wisp of a story, or just get to the fucking already?” Ember asked as she leaned into Vela
“Good question, uh, any thoughts, I know we ain’t got a ton of time. I booked us for the rest of the day, but gettin shots set up can eat into that, and we don’t really have a script. I kinda wanted this ta feel natural, a bit more amateur and spontaneous.” Vyz admitted.
“Eh, speaking as the one with experience here. Neither are going to work. It is too late to try and fudge a script and just jumpin in is going to get someone injured. I say let the girls warm each other up, that should also warm the rest of us up and get the mood set. I can tell first timers when I see em and there are some nervous faces in this group.” Blix walked up to Vyz and gestured to the setting. “Plus, with a setting like this, it just screams lesbian porno. So why not start that way? Then we transition into the spit roasting, the group sex, multiple penetration shots, all of that.” He shrugged and his eyes widened. “Oh, condoms? We doing condoms or creampies?”
“Creampies” Vyz interjected. “That is why this took so long. Everyone had to test clean and have alternative forms of birth control. We can switch to condoms if anyone is still uncomfortable with sloppy seconds or had some questionable interactions since getting tested.”
“Ok so it seems like we are ready. Vela, after you.” Ember gestured to the bed and smiled as her elvish friend climbed up on the bed. Ember followed staying on her hands and knees while Vela got situated. 
“What the fuck is that?” Blix blurted out and both girls fell into hysterical laughter. 
It took several moments for them to calm down enough for Ember to speak. “I have some hangups where anal sex is involved. I felt the only way I would be able to relax is to ensure that it couldn’t happen, even accidentally. Thus, an anal plug.”
“Ok, yeah, I get it, makes perfect sense. What I meant, was why is it flashing like a rave?”
Ember fell over laughing again and just shook her head, it took her a bit to compose herself. “Look, it is a thing with me. I never do anything even halfway normal. You see my  hair. My house look like a goth and a unicorn got into a fight. I like bright shiny things and honestly with the lights on it shouldn’t even be that noticeable or a distraction. I set it to slow strobe and match the lights hanging on the wall above the bed.”
“Ok, alright. One more question. Where did you get it and how much?” Blix was laughing and shrugging at the stares he was getting. “What? I wanna add one to my collection ok?”
“Let's talk after. I can give you all the details.” Ember slid up next to Vela and gave her friend a gentle kiss. 
Both women were clearly nervous to start and Vyz knew that the first several minutes of footage probably wouldn’t be used. Watching them slowly explore each other was a different kind of arousing entirely, and it was difficult not to get caught up in the moment and just be content with watching. The slide of their bodies together, the soft moans, the way the colors of their limited clothing contrasted, it was a truly beautiful sight. One that Vyz was loathe to interrupt, but knew he would have to if they were going to get to the point of the scene. 
The others held back waiting for Vyz to give the signal, It was hard not to be entranced, watching the women together. Especially once it was clear that they forgot where they were and were simply focused on the pleasure. Vyz held off a bit longer, watching with a slow smile as the women rocked slowly together at first, then sped up. The sound of their shared orgasm rang through the room snapping the goblins out of the spell they had been under. 
Ember lay next to Vela, her breathing slowing to normal as they nuzzled and kissed each other. Hands still exploring as they enjoyed the afterglow of their shared pleasure. Ember would have to remember this, maybe invite Vela over sometime to just see how things might work out between them. Up until this moment Ember was certain her elvish friend was straight, maybe that was not the case now and it was something worth exploring, only later. 
The bed shifted slightly as Vyz hopped up on the bed, crawling over to Ember and nipping her shoulder and neck. Pulling her gently and slowly to another part of the bed. The only way this would work was with a bit more space between the woman. Krazz was next on the bed, slipping up next to Vela and stroking over her sides and hip, his hands slipping up to her breast, fingertips teasing over her nipple. 
Riz and Blix joined Krazz by the elf, all of their touches light. Wanting to start slow, ease into it. Viz, was the last to join, slipping up next to Ember and Vyz, nuzzling at the human’s ample chest. Everything was slow to start, no one wanting to be the first to break the soft moment that had somehow been created. Vyz was the first to lose his battle with desire and pushed Ember onto her stomach, slipping a pillow under her hips and angling her face away from him. 
It was simply impossible to resist her, the scent of her, the sight of her, Vyzzie buried his face against her nether lips and pushed his tongue in, tasting her depths. Lips crooked up in a half smile at the sound of her moans suddenly being muffled. He didn’t have to look to know what had just happened and he was excited at how much Ember seemed to be enjoying it. Cutting his oral exploration short, Vyzzie lifted up and angled himself behind her, pushing his hard cock against her slick opening. She was so wet, so much wetter than he had expected and found it was far easier to slide in that usual. 
While the flashing light was a bit of a distraction, Vyz found it easier and easier to ignore the deeper he slid into Ember until he was balls deep and groaning. His claws dug into her skin as his control slipped for just a moment and he had to pause before thrusting. His ears twitched at the sounds coming from the other end of the bed and he risked a glance over at the elf. The sight was almost enough for him to lose it right there and he had to snap his gaze back down to Ember. 
Vela was up on her knees, Riding Riz, with Blix behind her, and Krazz standing with a firm grip on her head as he thrust into her mouth. Blix was still gently preparing her with some lube and a finger while he encouraged Riz with a quiet voice to keep a slow pace and to gently stimulate her clit. Blix knew that increasing the elfs pleasure was going to keep her relaxed and make penetration much easier. The extra lube helped as well and he wanted to make sure that she was fully ready before even attempting penetration. His experience was why he was the one handling preparing her and subsequently the one to be granted the pleasure of having her that way. 
Viz was careful, his hands resting on Ember’s head more than holding it as he thrust into her mouth. He was originally going to let her set the pace, and at first he did, but found that it just felt too good and he could not resist the urge to move his hips. He was focused, entirely on her and how it felt to be so far in her mouth and pushing into her throat. The feeling was unlike any other he had experienced, as this was his first time really trying anything with a human. He had a preference for orcish women, but now he wasn’t so sure that would be the case going forward. There was something softer, sweeter, more delicate about a human and he was eager to have his turn with the elf as well. 
Ember’s eyes rolled back in her head as Vyz snapped his hips forward hitting that spot so deep that only he ever seemed to hit just right. The feel of someone both in her throat and fucking her was becoming overwhelming. It was everything she had wanted from this experience and a little more. She could tell Viz was going easy on her, and she tried to encourage him when he began thrusting into her mouth. Closing her eyes she swallowed around him, letting her throat constrict around the head of his cock making him moan. It clearly worked to erode at his control as his hips snapped forward suddenly. She opened her eyes and looked up at him, his expression was one of slight concern. She just nodded, hoping he understood. 
It was pure heaven when Viz finally took the hint that she could handle it and threaded his fingers tighter in her hair, getting a good grip and tugging as he pushed his cock deeper into her throat. She was no longer giving him a blowjob, he was fucking her face, and her moans got louder and louder as she drew closer to release. The feel of her friend fucking her so hard and deep, his balls slapping against her clit as his sharp claws left little pinpricks of pain in her hips increased the sense of euphoria washing over her. Ember slipped into a more relaxed state, letting her body go slightly limp so that she could more easily be penetrated by both goblins. Soon her nose was pressed into the dark curls above Viz’s shaft as she felt his cock swell in her throat. A loud sharp moan from above her and the sudden heat in her throat let her know the goblin had reached climax.
Rope after rope of cum was pumped into her throat as Viz pulled out, some of his seed coating her mouth and lips, some hitting the mask as he fell back panting, clearly worried that he was choking her. With her airway free Ember could be better heard as she also reached climax almost the same time as Vyz did inside of her. The combined pleasure of dual penetration and stimulation was more than enough to send Ember over the edge hard. Vyz hunched over her back as he found his own release. 
Vela was on edge as well with Krazz thrusting more firmly into her mouth while Blix had slowly pushed inside of her. The feeling over all her holes being filled was one she had never thought she would enjoy and was now worried she would become addicted to. Somehow Riz and Blix found a Rhythm that kept almost constant stimulation within her, an almost overwhelming sensation as she was filled beyond anything she had ever experienced before. Surprisingly Vela was the first to reach release, easily, as Riz had continued stimulating her clit while she rode him. Since they were not closed to finished, the goblins did not stop and continued to fuck the elf right through her first orgasm. 
Blix helped Riz by taking over the clitoral stimulation so the other goblin could get a better grip on the elf to thrust deeper and faster up into her. Krazz kept his movements slow, despite wanting to just let go. He wanted to keep an eye on her to ensure that she remained ok, and he wanted to draw this out as much as possible. Vela was well on her way towards a second orgasm when Riz thrust up hard into her with a loud cry, his body shaking slightly as he emptied his seed inside of her. He could tell that Blix would probably be next and helped by reaching up and teasing Vela’s nipples to see if he could send the elf over the edge again.
Vela came almost at the same time as Blix who had snarled as he finally came, almost biting her and stopping himself at the last minute as he just pressed his forehead against her back and rode out his own pleasure while pumping his cum deep inside of her. The contractions of her body milking him for every drop he had as his grip on her remained tight. Krazz was the last to release, finally letting himself go and speeding up, pushing almost his full length into her throat with a loud cry. He almost fell over from the intense pleasure as he had unintentionally edged himself for the last bit of it. 
Carefully the goblins pulled out of their partners and all that could be heard was the sound of light panting and breathing normalizing. Vyz was the first one to speak. “Ok swap? Who wants to swap.”
Krazz raised his hand. “I call your position.” The others laughed at how quickly he responded. 
Blix shook his head. “I am good where I am if there are no complaints?” 
“Nah, I’m good, I’ll swap.” Riz offered. “Unless you want to stay with Ember Vyz?”
“That would put you and your brother on the same girl, that ok?”
“I don’t care, as long as our balls don’t touch it ain’t gay right?” Viz offered as a joke, he new that gay wasn’t the problem in that scenario, but it wouldn’t be the first time they had shared.
Ember lost it a little bit at that and then so did Vela. The boys had to wait for the giggling to die down before new positions could be achieved. Krazz rolled Ember onto her side, moving the pillow. 
“This ok?” He asked before positioning her leg up on his shoulder. 
Ember nodded and tilted her head up at Vyzzie. She had expected him to take a turn with Vela, and maybe he would, the night was young and there was no reason that they wouldn’t swap positions a few more times, especially with some of the ideas Vyz had shared with her during planning. He was smiling at her, stroking her hair away from her mask and carefully wiping the cum from it. Ember realized, from the look in his eyes that they might need to have a conversation later. It was clear an attachment might be forming and she just wasn’t ready for another relationship. Something she hoped wouldn’t ruin the friendship they already had. Glancing down she could see the eager look in Krazz’s eyes as he gazed down at her, positioning himself against her cum soaked folds. Ok, strike that, maybe a conversation with Vyz could happen after she got him and Krazz alone sometime and had them fuck her absolutely senseless. She had a feeling this was going to be a bit of a wild ride and while she still could she glanced over to see Vela being re positioned, clear glee on her friends face, even with the mask there was no missing that expression. 
The night was filled with the sounds of moans as the group quickly forgot the cameras and worked on trying as many different positions and combinations as they could before eventually collapsing in and exhausted heap and snuggling up together before the staff gently reminded them that closing time was less than an hour away. 
Overall, the experience had been one that wouldn’t be easily forgotten and new friends had been made from the most unlikely of scenarios. They all agreed that this was something they would like to try again, maybe with a script and more elaborate costumes, but that was a conversation for a later date when everyone was clean and well rested.
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mirror-juliet · 4 years
hi, may i request a smut scenario about rough sex with leedo on the kitchen counter, thank you so much!
Tagging @youneedapiratekink our thirsty af captain. I hope you also enjoy bby
Thank you so much for requesting hun!!! I had a lot of fun writing this🤍
Warnings: Unprotected sex. Kitchen sex, teasing, rough sex, slight degradation, oral sex (giving and receiving.)
Other Plans {Lee Geonhak/Leedo}
Geonhak had asked you to help him come up with choreography for the group, you two met up at your house where you could practice in your dance room. The both of you could have practiced in the Oneus dance room, but you didn't like it when people saw you coming up with new moves. Besides, you had other plans for your boyfriend
You had made sure to dress in a loose-white shirt and rather short, form-fitting shorts. Your hips would purposefully brush against him, pretending like you simply aren't paying attention.
It's obvious that Geonhak is trying his best to concentrate, his breathing becoming longer and his grip got firmer. The both of you quickly became aware of the tent beginning to root in his sweatpants, a grin forming on your lips.
"Do you think the others will mind this much skin ship, Darling?" You pushed your body flush against his, reaching your arms up to lock around his neck behind you. Your eyes make contact in the large mirror the both of you are gazing into.
Your actions caused the lower part of your stomach to show from Geonhak being to tall. You couldn't care less that he was obviously drinking in your image, you threw choreography out the window once he walked into your home."Isn't this a little much Y/n? We're all close, but not this close." He grabs ahold of your wrists and removes them from his shoulders, trying to take back the authority which he had lost in this situation.
That wasn't something you planned on giving up willingly today. You we're going to push Geonhak to his breaking point, seeing how long it will take.You turn around and put your palms on his chest, locking eyes with him more intimately now.
"What did you have in mind then?" Your words come out velvety, laced with promises you new wouldn't be kept.You watched it, the hormones that are so easily agitated in boys have been tuned on in his brain, drawing him closer to you.
"I think we should practice later, i think we should begin something more.....Fun." Geonhak slows his words, delicately undoing the string to your shorts, pulling his head closer to yours.
His lips nearly graze yours when you move to his cheek and blow on it, distracting him enough for you to slip out of his grasp completely.
"i'm going to paint my nails, feel free to keep me company." You leave the room, leaving Geonhak a flustered mess.
He soon joins you on the couch, turning on the tv, allowing you to rest your legs on his lap. Actually, it was more of you placing your silky legs on him; trying to keep himself content while you rub your legs together.
You admire the red lacquer that stains your nails, remembering how Geonhak loved the shade on you. "Do you like them?" You show him your nails, in response he bites his nail and rubs your legs.That was your Queue  to leave. Couldn't have him get comfortable
You had him following you around your house for about two hours, now, a normal person would have gotten annoyed and left about the third time you teased. Geonhak was not normal towards you, he was crazy for you. He would follow you to the ends of the earth if you wanted him to.
He also loved being in control when it came to the hormones you two caused each other, this experience was foreign to him. Never once have you ever made a dominate move towards him in this way, not for this long at least.
Right now, you were reaching for a snack bar in the cabinet that happened to be on one of the higher shelves. It had you bending slightly, trying to reach the back of the cabinet.Geonhak did not let this opportunity go to waste, he had been waiting for you to loose your guard. He came up behind you, pressing against you and caging your body into the counter.
"Surprise." He laughed, slipping his hand under your shirt to rub your stomach.You turn around to face him giving him a view of the blush blossoming across your chest.
"Y/n" He grabs your hand by the wrist and presses it against his hardened bulge, humming in half discomfort and half pleasure."Do you feel what you have caused?" He presses your hand harder against him to match his tone slowly dropping in octaves.
You had to admit, the way he shifts and feels under your palm made it seem very uncomfortable or borderline painful for him. If not borderline then fully painful. Geonhak seems to hear what you think, shoving your hand down his pants and boxers.
"My dick has been throbbing for so long, do you know how painful that is?" He rests his head on your shoulder, allowing you to hear every grunt and shaky breath he takes as he uses your hand to get himself off. Your hand is lubed with his sweat and precum leaking out of his throbbing tip.
You unfasten his pants, pulling them down along with yourself and his boxers until you're on your knees. Your allow most of his girth to be engulfed in your mouth before gently sucking on him. You bob your head down an turn your head slightly, moving the other way as you bob your head up.
The plan to give him a good blow and hand-job crumbles to ashes as soon as he takes hold of your hair, shoving his member farther into your mouth.
Strings of moans and grunts escape his mouth as he fucks your face. Determined to make him break his dominate role, you bring your hands up to grope his ball sack. He only thrusts faster, making your jaw ache every time his pelvic bone smashes into your face.
You flatten your tongue, feeling the thick vein on the bottom twitch from doing so,  making your jaw go as slack as possible helps relief some of the uncomfyness "Just like that baby. Oh fuuck."
He quickens his thrusting, throbbing inside you. "Nghah. Im g-gonna cum." His deep, velvety voice turns you on, prompting one of your hands to reach down and palm against your heat; only enough to tease yourself.
You suck hard on him, his grip on your hair becoming painful, he tries to pull you off. "No-t Yehht." Your hands hold onto his thighs from the back to keep him in your mouth. He was going to submit to you.
He lets out a long groan as he stills in your mouth, his head rests in the back of your throat and shooting his hot semen down your throat. You  swallow all of it. This time Geonhak seemed to make much more than usual, most likely the result of your teasing.
You clean him up as he comes down from his high, too dazed to stop you, only letting out soft moans. Your hot muscle proves to be too much on his sensitive cock, he pushes your head away, breathing now ragged.
Your fingers twist together behind his neck, plump lips meeting his own. "You drive me crazy, do you know that? Do you know how much of a whore you are?"Geonhak rips your shirt over your head, his large hand shoving down your shorts
His fingers don't bother to wander further than your clitoris, the stimulation alone would drive you insane. Without delay the pads of his fingers rub fast against your clit, making your knee's buckle"Geonhak, sl-slow down." Your small hands wrap around his wrist, trying to pry him off of you. He chuckles in your ear.
"But you don't really want me to, no you want me to keep rubbing you until you're screaming in pleasure." He drags you to the island with his hands still rubbing you, he pushes you, your back arching onto the surface.
He picks your hips up and places them on the counter, giving his easier access to pull your shorts off."No underwear. You slut."
"Hmmm-aah!" Two fingers turn to four now rubbing side to side.
"Oh quit whining, i could do this." Three of his other fingers dip into your hole, hitting your g-spot immediately. "Now this is the amount of pleasure that warrants those screams. Not just your clit."
Your hands grab hold of his wrists, not doing much to stop his strong ministrations."Geonh- i'm gon i-i m gonna."
"Do it, cum over my fingers." He pumps them faster, making you clench hard around him
"Nugahhh! GeonhaAH!" You squeal out as the bubble in your gut bursts. Geonhak only removes his fingers inside of you, allowing the warm liquid to escape your clenching hole.
He doesn't stop rubbing you, only speeding up-if that was even possible, but it very much was. Another wave of cum spills out of you onto his shirt and the floor, your thighs were shaking, preparing yourself for a third orgasm.
"Please, i want you in me for the next one." The words are hurried to escape your mouth, you let out a shaky sigh of relief as he takes his  fingers off of you.He pulls your hips to the edge, flipping you onto your stomach; your short legs dangling off the edge.
"God you're so sexy when you squirt all over me. You'll do it again for me wont you." He kisses your neck gently"Hnuh!" You groan out as he shoves his fat cock in your pussy, bottoming out right away.
'Okay, he wont give you time to adjust, that's okay' You think to yourself, he begins to mercilessly pound into you, your hips shove against the corner of the island; a painful sensation drowned out by the cock inside of you. The girth stretches you out beautifully, feeling every inch of your soft core.
Geonhak rakes his hand up the back of your scalp, pulling roughly on your hair once at the crown. His other hand pushed the middle of your back, giving him two very different anchors to shove into you over and over.
"Tell me how much you love my cock, slut.""I love you cock so much Geonhak! It stretches me so good. Please fuck me harder!" You push your hips into him, your ass jiggling at the motion.
"You asked for it, remember." He nearly laughs at you. He pulls you back further into him, bringing your sex's together hard enough that your hips begin to bruise from his. A loud smacking sound echo's through the kitchen, his balls hitting your clit with every thrust.
Both of you moan and grunt into each other, Geonhak's deep voice now beginning to whine. It was something you never heard before, sexy as hell to say the least. You wanted to hear it more.
"Please, cum all over my ass Geonhak." His member begins to twitch inside you as his hips become greedy, signaling his release soon to come
A few more thrusts later Geonhak is screaming out a groan while releasing strings of semen on your luscious ass. He enters you again to help you with your final release that has you digging your nails into the counter top.
You both calm down, Geonhak leaning on you while sort of hugging you. His chest feels nice as he breaths against you.
"I'll say it again. You're so fucking sexy when you cum like that." laughs erupt in the kitchen, something that came easy for you two during sex, because it was with you two."But baby girl..." He growls. "Next time you try to take control like that. I won't fuck you like that for a month." His words excite you, but also terrify you sexually. That was something you were going to have to try out, knowing somewhere in the back of your mind he would keep his promise. But where's the fun in being safe?
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paragonrobits · 5 years
in this liveblog i did while reading Vast Error, we shall see more of Albion, the gal who is all the Lantern Corps at once... kinda!
also i initially wrote this by copy-pasting pictures from the actual site into the google doc but it didn’t paste over, and some of my writing was, at the time, based on the assumption you could see that too, im sorry
Let’s see, last time i was reading Vast Error, I met this olive gal called Albion! Let’s check up what’s with her, yeah?
What the heck that’s a green lantern ring, its even the right shape and stuff? Also that is a very pretty sweater, looks like a christmas sweater almost
You are completely green and stable! Hooray! You already knew this, because your ring is always completely green and stable as that is your WILL.
Um that sounds a bit worrying, Albion, are you okay?? But stability = green/Will sounds about right! It looks like her ring is….. A literal mood ring. I love and hate this pun, it is my new kismesis.
Reading further along, I get the impression that her moods strongly dictate her personality and she won’t let herself feel anger at all, nor fear or greed. While that’s a laudable goal, I feel that this is not at all healthy for her state of mind, especially not anger. Also, pity instead of love! CONSISTENCY WITH TROLL ALIEN-NESS.
I got a bit of a smile on the white = life thing, ahhh now the Blackest Night returns to me. The connoitions of the Black Lanterns corps as blank is an interesting one, too.
Star Childre reminds me of both a play on the whole Lantern Corps thing, and back when you have New Age philosophies that referred to themselves or their kids like that? That whole Indigo Children thing. I know they had specific terms for autistic people that was probably meant to be nice but even then came off as condescending at best.
Albion im probably going to gently mock u a little bit at some point but in all honesty your room sense is very well together. Look at this excellent lay out! IS THAT A FROG POND IN THE CORNER OR JUST A LOTUS. EITHER WAY IS SIGNIFICANT. That’s almost definitely a bonsai tree on your desk, in any case.
Now you have to do a quest to find a scholar in Daedric languages, stay away from the Stalwards of Stendar, they are mean. Plus you literally look like a daedra and someone with the right mods could easily play as you, so…… be careful plz
You're taking the time to properly translate it to CURRENT TEXT first, which has been taking longer than you expected. Your language as of now is structured very differently than that of anything before THE RENIASSANCE, in both phrase and symbol. You've been staying away from digging deep into this scroll until you've gotten that done, you like to be surprised when you read tales of the past. You really have your priorities straight!
Though, from what you've seen just at this quick glance, it seems to talk about some sort of CURSE THROUGH BLOOD.
Curse through blood?? I iniitally would assume that this would have something to do with a Karkat analogue but I know there’s nothing like that going on here. I therefore assume that it is an ancestral issue that will come into play later, maybe?
Doing this task was for once not for your personal enjoyment, but at the request of your MATESPRIT, who you have been slowly teaching PLANETARY CUSTOMS as they are rather BEHIND.
Your ring begins to turn PINK.
You slap it.
It goes back to green.
GAAAAAAAAAAAAAASP I DONT KNOW WHO IT IS BUT IM ALREADY SHIPPING IT. A lesson to other writers; if you want someone to ship the relationship you’re planning, a good idea might be to emulate that kind of writing. THAT is what they mean by ‘show, dont tell’
I wont lie, that looks disgusting as hell but it also looks genuinely relaxing. One time when i was living with my dad back when he was living with, and I’m not kidding here, an actual evil step-mother out for his money that abandoned him the second she cleaned him out, i took a mud bath in a giant hole we dug for…. Some reason. I don’t remember why. It was very nice, it was at a point of my life where ‘idk why the hell not’ is a legit excuse and i have recursed back to that era. The world may never know why this happens
You use GLOP ENHANCERS to make each experience slightly different, though you've been set on MIRACULOUS VIEW lately. The colors really permeate in both size and smell.
HMMMMMM. It’s just me remembering Gamzee, sweet as he was without Caliborn fucking him up, but ‘miraculous view’ has me deeply concerned and a bit suspicious here.
You could feel the hot passions of her overblown conundrums coming from miles away.
I was already shipping this before i even know it was my fav purple wrestler gal coming back in to hug my brain in an angry fashion.
Its likely not deliberate but ‘hot passions of overblown conundrums’ makes Taz sound exactly like what would happen if Karkat and Gamzee fused into a troll gal or had a daughter. IDEA FOR AN AU, KARKAT AND GAMZEE HAVE A DAUGHTER, WITH TEREZI AS SURROGATE MOTHER GRUB, AND TAZ IS THAT CHILD. FILM IT AND I PROMISE YOU ALL THE MONIES WILL FLOW.
However, you'll need your ASTRAL PROJECTOR in order to use SKORPE and speak with her, a device which has been placed in your SPIROGRAPH MODUS.
I assume that astral projector is a very literal thing here, and a spirograph modus sounds HORRIBLY inefficient
Your modus is currently rigged to an eleven card system on a ten point graph.
The ASTRAL PROJECTOR holds a spot in the middle, which will always be a WHITE card. It is also surrounded by five currently inaccessible BLACK cards and five accessible GREEN cards.
The center card can be accessed and can have something new put in it at any time. Doing either of these actions will alter the arrangement of the spirograph.
There’s more but i didnt wanna copy the whole page and really i was not wrong when i said this was inefficient, but it IS very interesting!
Like i honestly LOVE, LOVE TO PIECES the more in-depth and weird sylladexes that primiered with the trolls coming into the scene. Fandom never employs sylladexes and this is a travesty, bring them back, do it now, with GUSTO.
New challenge: take a fantroll and give them a sylladex that’s weird and cool. Not a joke, DO IT NOW PLEASE
Luckily, you've rigged your modus with some of your less appealing sounding candles to have your item just where you need it.
The SPIROGRAPH now allocates one of your TRANSLATED SCROLLS into the center card, allowing your POTENT GLOP ENHANCERS, SPARE INCENSE, SEXTANT and GRUBBY JUICE SCENTED CANDLE around it as the INACCESS cards. Not that you'll be needing them anytime soon.
Aren't things much better when you plan ahead?
I have to admit, if Karkat or literally any of the other trolls with ill-timed inventories had thoguht ahead like you, a lot of messes would have been avoided. You’d make a FANTASTIC life coach to the canon trolls, someone get albion a machine to travel into other universes so she can do just that.
Taz comes along and winds up seducing equius just by flexing in aggressive ways, their children are lovely
You place the ASTRAL PROJECTOR in front of you, using your SPIRIT POWER in order to activate it.
You will now have electronic access in THE CELL.
Aw, nice-
Did she say what i think she did
Holy fuck
Is she in some kind of prison!?
If she is i assume she put herself in there on purpose
Is, is that a fucking sniper rifle aimed right at her head!?!?!?!
Ohhhhh oh okay wait a minute:
I may have been misinformed about this, it looks like this is something similar to a chakra point being opend, perhaps? A sign of enlightenment tied to her meditating? AND WHAT IS UP WITH HER EYES IN THAT PAGE
MIRACULOUS INDEED. Seriously it looks like Gamzee-tier colorfulness
No wait!
Rainbow eyes
Eyes the color of all the shades in the spectrum
That is goddamn cool i want that to be a thing for trolls in general that are transcending the limits of the hemospectrum: AU where terezi’s eyes do that when she does the mind-y thing?
Ooooh pretty even the background takes on thel ight of the hemospectrum and, if im not wrong, the colors are grouped in a similar fashion but a bit more chaotically arranged. That might just be color blurring into another in the normal way, though
Tranquility is an asset harshly under utilized in the minds of others.
That is why yours acts as a personal safe haven.
Well i mean you’re not wrong
That’s pretty dang sensible, i like this way of doing it
Letting your mind be a safe haven is just…. Common sense, really, we sohuld all strive to be like her
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