Is "Phed Mark" REALLY That Good? Mark Wiens Restaurant Reviewed! 🍽 🚩 πŸ‘ https://newsinfitness.com/is-phed-mark-really-that-good-mark-wiens-restaurant-reviewed/
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biancarogers Β· 2 years
My Talking Tom Gameplay | Apple Arcade Game πŸ‘Ύ πŸ“± πŸƒ πŸ—£ https://applevideos.co.uk/apple-arcade/my-talking-tom-gameplay-apple-arcade-game
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screampied Β· 24 days
i need sylus in a way that i need my anti depressants. carnally. and orally.
NEED HIS COCK BAD the carpet def matches the drapes πŸ’”πŸ’”πŸ’”πŸ’”πŸ’”
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partangel Β· 1 month
me 🀝 symbolically adopting the foster teens who participate in my study by coming just to chat with them outside foster home
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stormears Β· 8 months
Tagged by @princess-madara to pick my first 9 pins that show up on Pinterest to make a moodboard; here's my 9:
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Other tumblr users who are now obligated to do this if they use Pinterest: @spacefinch @spacejammie-eimmajecaps @rogue-crew-ask-blog @aedelia @raiyntea @supernovakirby @vodkabread @insanity6666
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bonyato Β· 1 year
See, yokai watch can be a pretty great comfort game. as long as you ignore The Horrors
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ylajali Β· 2 years
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little-teacupss Β· 15 days
The Serpentine's jealousy.
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Note: Full credit goes to @skellseerwriting/ @skellseer, for the title, and the cover is still work in progress they didn't give me much to work with ;-;, anyway hope you enjoy this story it will be more Morgie based, and remember you can give criticism without being a prick.
Summary: James and Morgie navigate their complicated feelings for each other and Fay.
Note 2: If you want to be a part of the tag list, just put mail in the mailbox!
Tag list: @giveityourworst and @brokenmilkcrates, go show both of them love and support. Giveit is my co-founder for MFH, and milkc is helping me build lore for this ship!
Note 3: Part one here.
Morgie sat against one of the shell chairs that Uliana had gotten for the lair for decoration with crossed arms as they waited for Hook to get back, he wasn't sure if Uliana had seen Fay or not, but he did, it was strange he'd liked Hook for a while, but a part of him also felt something for Fay, he'd been set up with for different classes randomly, but he never felt this way for her before she was always the nerdy, clumsy fairy who couldn't make her wand work.
He'd liked Hook for a while. They usually spent time together, or he was with Uliana. For a while, Morgie thought Hook may be gay, but now he doesn't know what to think. How could he be gay, but now have confusing feelings for his friend and his girlfriend, or is Fay his girlfriend?
He heard a snapping sound in front of him. Looking up, he saw Uliana snapping her fingers in front of his face, although having a passive look, he knew she was worried about him, she always was.
"You good, Morgs?" .Uliana asked as she stopped snapping her fingers and sat back in her seat, Morgie let out a soft chuckle as he gave a wry smile and said. "Yeah, yeah, I'll tell ya later."
Uliana gives him an uneasy look but nods. Finally, after fifteen minutes of waiting, Hook comes into the lair and takes a seat to Maleficent, who says. "You finally made it, I see, but why are you soaked?"
Hook shrugged as he leaned back in his chair before looking at Uliana as he listened to her talk about needing a plan to get back at the AK's.
After a while of thinking and many ideas being shot down, a light bulb turned on in Morgie's head as he pitched in. "What if we smoke bombed the ballroom for rehearsal for castlecoming?"
Uliana snapped her fingers as she smiled at Morgie for giving her a plan that would make people fear them more.
"That's an excellent idea Morgie."
She said as she began to give everyone their part of the plan who would do what.
They sat around and went over what each person would do, and then for a couple of hours, they sat and played cards or gossiped, it wasn't until they all started yawning that they finally left the lair, and headed back to Merlin Academy, while Uliana, Maleficent and Hades went to the dorms, Morgie followed Hook who decided that he'd spend the night in the Jolly Roger.
He grabbed Hook's shoulder, who turned around and looked at him, Morgie didn't waste any time and got straight to the point and warned Hook. "Look I saw you, I'm not sure if Uliana did, I'm not telling you to stop, but I am saying to be careful."
Morgie was very careful about what he said to the pirate as he was unsure how protective he was over his secret relationship, but also there was a tiny part of him that was afraid the Captain might just order his crew to have Morgie forced to walk the plank, while another part of him was terrified of being figured out for his feelings towards him, but then those strange, never before feelings also appeared the ones he held for Fay, she wasn't a VK, she was soft, very delicate, she was clumsy, and terrible at magic so she couldn't protect herself like Hook could, what if something happened to her because Hook was bad at hiding their relationship?
Morgie shook his head, trying to clear those thoughts from his head, before looking back at Hook, who was leaning against the rails of the dock, and fixing his hair, before turning his gaze back to Morgie and saying. "Need anything else, lad?"
Morgie shook his head and quickly made his way from the dock. Once he finally made his way to the gates of Merlin Academy, Uliana popped out from behind one of the pillars.
She crossed her arms as she approached him, and said. "So are you gonna tell me now what's going on?"
The two sat at a random picnic table as Morgie began to explain. "Well, you already know how I feel about Hook, but some things changed."
Uliana nodded a she listening and said. "Changed how?"
Morgie gulped before letting out a shaky sigh. "Well, do you know that one fairy the one always wearing light blues and periwinkle?"
Uliana nodded as she gave him a small smile as she realized where this was going.
"Well, I don't know how or when it started, but she has to be a vixen or something along with Hook she's all I think about her stupid wand tricks and softness, she can barely even get her wand to listen to her if she keeps it up she'll end up dead if she doesn't get her act straight."
Uliana laughed as Morgie went on a big rant about how Fay must have cursed him or something because it made no sense how he was gay, but constantly thinking about her and Hook.
Uliana patted his arm and said. "Morgs, I could be wrong, but maybe you're not gay, of course at one point you could've been, but maybe you've changed, and if you have that's okay, it's normal, maybe you like both men and women, maybe you like all genders, but you won't know unless you give it a chance and stop blaming it on a fairy who can't even get her wand to work for her, it doesn't mean you have to stop liking Hook, maybe you'll find you two are more alike then you may think."
Morgie hummed in response, unsure of what to think of what the sea witch said. He'd know he was gay for a while, so how could he just abandon it so quickly?
Uliana got up from the bench across from him and made her way over before gently putting her arms around his shoulders, hugging him close, so he knew it was alright.
Morgie grabbed her hand and squeezed it as he looked at the table in front of him, unsure of what to think anymore. One minute, he's gay, and the next, he truly doesn't have an idea what to think anymore.
The two ended up going back to Uliana's dorm, where she let Morgie stay for the night so she could be there to comfort him as he figured out what was going on with him.
Uliana smiled at him as he sat on the floor before joining him and said. "You don't have to decide anything yet. Just try and get some rest, okay, Morgs?"
He gave her a small half smile as he nodded before laying back against the carpet. With his arms rested underneath his head, Uliana patted his leg before getting up and getting into bed, as she began to let out a soft humming sound similar to how a siren would, so Morgie would relax enough to fall asleep.
- two days later, Monday 8:40 am. -
The entire VK group was hanging out in the courtyard, Uliana was sorting their plan, while the other four played cards, but Morgie's focused wasn't exactly on the card game, instead his eyes periodically traveled to across the courtyard where a certain fairy was sat with her nose in a book sometimes waving her wand that'd do absolutely nothing.
Hades snapped his fingers infront of Morgie's face and said. "It's your turn."
Morgie let out a shaky breath before throwing a random card. It wasn't looking great for him anyway, so what was the point of trying when he had more dire problems going on right now.
Hades squinted his eyes at him, but let the game go on, not questioning what was going on with the Serpentine, but before he could think about it any longer, Maleficent slammed her hand down and took all the cards from the middle.
"Another point for Mali?" .Hook asked as he picked the pen up and tallied up the score, unaware of what was going on around him as Hades whispered something to Maleficent, whose eyes traveled to Morgie, but his attention was gained when he felt a sharp kick to his shin, and he let out a loud yelp. "That hurt. What was that for ya bilge rat?"
Hook glared at the sorceress across from him, Maleficent got up and led Hook away from where Hades and Morgie were restarting the game and said. "Haven't you noticed some things up with him?"
Hook looked back and forth from Maleficent to Morgie. Before shrugging, he felt a light tap on his chest as Maleficent gave him a pointed look before walking off back to the table, as Hook let out a soft sigh seeing as he'd be the one to figure out what was going on with his friend.
He stalked his way back over he gently grabbed Morgie by his shoulder and led him away from the courtyard and near an old corridor, close enough to see their crew, but not close enough to hear what was going on.
"Alright, bucko, what's been going on? You've been hanging the jib all day, matey?" .Hook said as he looked at his friend, wondering what could possibly being going on with him to make him so gloomy, compared to his usual upbeat self.
Morgie let out a soft sigh as he ran his fingers through his hair and leaned back against the wall with crossed arms while nervously bouncing his leg.
James, taking in how nervous the other guy was, backed a little away in case he felt claustrophobic and said. "Ay, it's alright me hearty, take your time it can't be that bad as plundering or sinking ships for a living?"
He tried to be light-hearted to try and calm Morgie, who shook his head in response.
Morgie had no clue how he could possibly tell his friend that he held feelings for not only him but his girlfriend, the same one he told Hook to be careful with so they wouldn't get caught, he let out a shaky breath, as he tried to regain composer and control of the situation, he combed his hand through his hair and blurted out. "It's about Fay, alright, I think I- I'm not sure, actually."
James eyes widened a bit, and his mouth tightened a little, but he listened on to what the Serpentine had to say. "But it's not just Fay, it's everything. it's you, her, and I don't understand, i thought I did, but I clearly don't at all."
Morgie sighed as he tried to come up with a way to tell the pirate what was going on, but he'd much rather have the floor open beneath him and suck him into the void the more he went on, he started to adjust his shirt, before he continued. "Look, I'm not trying to get in the way of you and Fay, but you needed to know how I feel for both of you it doesn't feel right not telling you as my friend."
He managed to get out before staring at Hook, who was processing what he'd been told with crossed arms as he nodded before approaching Morgie, who was nervously looking at him, James gently grabbed his shoulder.
"How about we figure things out with Fay present, mate?" .Hook waited for Morgie to give an indication that he wanted to, as he watched Morgie look at the ground and cross his arms over his chest before stepping away from the pirate and said. "The last thing I want is for you two to have problems."
James furrows his brows at him before letting out a slow whistle, as he said. "Nothing gonna change. Well, some things will, hopefully, but nothing bad will change, bucko."
James put his arm around Morgie's shoulder and further explained. "Fay's going through something a little similar at the moment, poor wee faes, you'd be surprised by how similar you both are."
After a while of mentally preparing, James led Morgie when he was ready back to the courtyard, but not where the VK's were, but over where Fay was at with her book and wand, being wove around, but nothing happening as she said. "Bibbidi-Bobbidi-Boo?"
They watched as she glared at the book before waving her around around and repeating. "Bibbidi-Bobbidi-Boo."
Her wand sparkled, but it was becoming clear what she hoped to happen wasn't going to as the book disappeared in thin air, with her mouth falling open and dropping her wand as she look to her hands in shock.
James smiled as he waved his hand in front of the shocked fairy's face, who slowly looked up at him, and Morgie still wearing a look of confusion as she still wondered what happened to the book.
"Y- yes?" .She nervously said while still processing that she had just made her homework vanish, her dark eyes moved from James to Morgie, and back again, as she nervously fiddled with the hem of her skirt.
"Ahoy! Me Corsair, you see Morgie here was thinking of telling you something."
Fay looked at her lap before slowly looking up to Morgie, who gulped loudly as he looked between the two before taking a step closer to Fay and gently helping her stand up.
He pursed his lips as he stared at the nervous fairy who glanced behind him before looking back up at him as he said. "Look, I know we don't- well, it's all strange really, I don't know when or how it happened, but."
Morgie struggled to find the words to tell the fae in front of him who stared up at him as he fumbled to confess to her.
Fau watched him patiently as she was unsure of what he was about to say, but there was a part of her that knew what he was gonna say, as he continued. "For a while now, I've begun to see you differently. You used to be the nerdy fairy who couldn't use her wand, but then I don't know, you always seem so hopeful no matter how upset you get when you don't get it right the first dozen times, yet you never stop trying."
Morgie rambled on about randomly little facts about her he'd noticed over time before looking down at her and nervously looking away when their eyes met.
Fay nodded as he went on, and on about random things she'd do, her love for blueberry pie, how excited she'd get if her wand would finally decide to work, the way she smiled, or how the gleam in her eyes was ever so familiar a gleam.
"I guess what I want to say is- well, you know, I like you, Fay Godmother." .It felt like a weight had been lifted from his shoulders the moment he got it out, but then a new fear arouse as he waited for Fay's reaction to his confession.
Fay's eyes widened at the sudden confession as she looked up at the Serpentine, whose eyes slitted a bit as he stared at her, Fay nodded as she let a small smile grace her face.
Behind Morgie, they could hear a soft wolf whistle before Morgie was playfully shoved forward and sent flying into Fay.
The two tumbled into each other, Morgie slipped one arm around Fay's waist while the other braced against the picnic table behind her to keep them from falling onto it, when he opened his eyes he realized just how close they were as their noses brushed against one another's.
They both gave a soft chuckle to each before before Morgie lifted them back into a standing position.
Hook finally made his way over and drapped his arms around their shoulders as he smiled at the two deviously and said, "So how bout we give this a wee try, me hearties?"
The two nodded bashfully as the pirate gave a hearty laugh at the two's reactions to his suggestion, after a while of clearing some things up and three planned a time to spend time together soon, so finally after a long few days of questioning everything Morgie laid in bed feeling content at where his life was at the moment.
I want to give a special thank you to @skellseerwriting and @brokenmilkcrates for giving me so much help with setting up queer relationships and queer discovery, so go show them some much love and support!
Another special thank you to @giveityourworst for helping me create the MFH ship and becoming my co-founder go show them some love as well!
I hope you've enjoyed it, and if you want to be on the tag list, just put mail in the mailbox!
Tag list: @giveityourworst and @brokenmilkcrates!
Anyway till the next story! Ba bye!
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powderblueblood Β· 9 months
How about Lacy finding Eddie's writing? 🀭
need you to imagine me listening to a fifth of beethoven from the saturday night fever soundtrack whilst writing this because i became insane and filled it with Clues.............
it's like trying to understand the fucking zodiac killer.
it's all codes and ciphers and scrawls and-- well, she thought she might have been reading that one upside down but it's actually indecipherable any way you twist it.
and it's not like any of it is even written on paper either. torn open cigarette packs, napkins, burger wrappers from the diner. one time a leaf.
because eddie's not like lacy in the way she keeps a journal but eddie's like lacy in that if he's roundhoused with a thought that he needs to remember, he's got to write it down now immediately pronto on any available surface.
which is pretty pointless, since he keeps losing all this garbage and she has to pick it up after him.
she bears over the spread of scraps like an fbi agent, palms braced to the table. there's a thread here, but she can't quite untangle it. she's staring at a pile of shit that says shit like
crabs incident-- bruised like a peach worth biting-- violet like violence??
red tights. tingly. carnelian little carnivore.
track two. treasure.
persephone's hall pass.
seventh grade & as many minutes in limbo. shoulda ripped off band aid.
mage in a mink coat.
well, that last one--
"you dumpster diving now? hard times."
fuck! fuck. told you, rat blood. appearing out of nowhere with no noise no notice to then become the loudest thing in the room. he's like thunderclap, this fucko, like a spontaneous combustion.
he also doesn't even recognize his own handwriting, seems like. she blushes, furious. doesn't know why.
"community service. they have me picking up the trailer trash's trailer trash."
"snitty!" he shoves the bag of chips he's holding at her--an offering, he can't do anything normal around her--and reaches for one of the scraps. lacy watches him like a scientist watching a guinea pig for brain activity-- and his eyes go all wide and panicky. "wait."
"eddie-- hey!" but he's scrambling now, going for all the little pieces of writing she'd been trying to arrange on the table like a pointless puzzle. "don't--"
"where'd you get all this shit, huh?! going through my pockets now, is that it? like a cop?"
"i-- hey, don't you fucking dare-- look, you shed!"
"i shed?"
"you shed. you've got shit falling out of that stupid, enormous nerd binder every goddamn day because you just shove shit in there and don't organize anything, and i wasn't gonna stand around and let you just litter everywhere and--" now it's her turn to be like. wait. crosses her arms, eyes narrow, she's mother superior serving nailed ya bitch. "--why are you all skittish?"
"it's just-- trash, right?" she snatches a burger wrapper out of his grasp. oh this is delish.
"yeah," he grabs, but she's holding it behind her back and god her face is like stupid smirky, "but it's my trash. my--giveit--private... trash."
eddie munson is blushing.
"who's the mage?"
"the fucking.... the what?"
little crinkle as she unfolds a piece torn off a brown paper bag. "mage in a mink coat. who's that?"
"i have a mink coat."
"oh. does that really say mage? 'coz it should say mange." he's such an asshole. she's grinning so wide.
everyone says revenge is a dish best served cold but she bets she could use eddie munson's cheeks as a hotplate and eat right off 'em. it'd taste so much better. lobster bisque. filet mignon. michelin star.
"have you been writing about me, munson?"
his face is all stone-set, mouth all i can't fucking believe this and eyes all i'd cut the brake lines in her van if she wasn't the one scamming rides off me all the time. "li'l miss my life is incomplete without eddie munson wants to talk?"
"called you a neanderthal in the next sentence. don't forget that."
"you're such a beastie."
"carnelian little carnivore, you wrote."
"what makes you so sure it's all about you, huh?"
"context clues."
he glances down. she is, in fact, wearing the aforementioned tingly-feeling-inspiring red tights again today. shit.
"what happened in seventh grade?" she's pointing to the scrap in his hand, one he's managed to keep out of her snatchy little fingers.
she doesn't remember anything significant about seventh grade. but he does, and a knot tightens in his chest and he's about to lie and say something crass about my fist, a stopwatch and a view of you from underneath the bleachers at cheerleading practice-- then final bell rings.
"that is for me to know--"
"--and for me to die ignorant?" she's an active listener.
"precisely, you wench. now get the fuck outta here, i got hellfire."
lacy leaves the scraps.
"i will find out, y'know."
he knows. "you're like a bitch with a bone that way."
"the bitchiest."
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darkandlightsides Β· 5 months
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Giveit a lil kissie
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handlebarbs-helmet Β· 4 months
"New COTC episodes June 1st!"
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bisexualrobotz Β· 8 months
Ya Allah take away Megans suffering and giveit to King Charles
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maxbuck Β· 26 days
to the person with the mattjackson url with 0 posts please message me. giveit to me. now
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o0anapher0o Β· 2 months
Obviously Resisting Roots is a cringe fest to be watched for the yoga scenes and only the yoga scenes (unless you have strong opinions on the on screen depiction of yoga in that case you might want giveit a pass completely) and I know the fact that he obviously never takes his pants off in any of the sex scenes is due to shitty choreography, but I like to imagine he just has some kind of magic pants that sort of phase shift out of existence when convenient and reappear when he needs them to. That at least makes the movie a lot funnier.
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hackercult Β· 2 months
i am so.. bad . at asking for what i want . its pitiful BUT in its place i get what i want my self . sucks you have to say what u like before n e one can giveit to you
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bentofaxmachine Β· 4 months
d.e.b.s but shiguang giveit giveit giveit!!!
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