#gives me a reason why there is no magnus institute parallel at least
chromatasia · 7 months
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magnus au……. let me in……………..
begging u to speak on it as well :0 you made the fear assignments n all that but what does it really entail for the au itself…. what IS the au……. eheh
rolls up sleeves. oh boy do i have Ideas
clover has lived in the apocalypse for far too long. they had begun their journey to the mountain they had heard five children had died at right before it began. theyre scared, they’re alone, and all they want is justice. for themselves? for all the people they see suffering? they don’t know. all they know is the feeling of death crawling up their back and the sensation of something Watching them.
they continue to run away from everything. continue to hide from the monsters and amalgamations of fear that have overtaken everything they used to know (saying everything they used to love would be… a little bit of a stretch for them.)
then they get to mt ebott. that feeling of Death only grows. they have a feeling they won’t survive this fall, or whatever awaits them down there, but it’s easier than dealing with what is happening on the surface.
so, they jump. and they bring the same mentality with them that they had on the surface to the underground: kill or be killed
tldr: clover goes to the underground during the eyepocalypse. The Horrors ensue. in part to them (aren’t clover’s supposed to be a symbol of luck or something? doesn’t seem like it for them)
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thezolblade · 6 years
Jon: “I wish I could talk it through with Martin, or Tim, or Sasha…But we never really did that, did we?”
I’ve been meaning to pull together some meta ever since hearing that line. As understandable as it is that Jon would regret the times he failed to communicate, as true as it is that he’s often fallen down there (and it’s fun seeing the fandom screaming over that on an ongoing basis)... I’d say he was too hard on himself by saying ‘never’, since there were times when he tried to communicate to the best of his ability. More than that, there are lines that give me the impression he’s always highly valued shared knowledge - that as well as being driven by a deep desire to know, he also wants to help other people know more, and gets frustrated when they don’t want to share knowledge with him or others.
Some quotes here, and interpretation below, of times when he tried to go beyond the ‘archive the closed cases’ job description that was supposedly expected of him, pursuing his priorities in the expectation that people would help - when he still expected that other people would help as a common sense assumption - or discussed events with the assistants beyond the bounds of what he was officially asking them to do for the job, etc. (Mostly s1 bc this is taking more evenings than i expected just from looking through the transcripts and a lot of episodes don’t have them yet):
MAG 001 - Anglerfish
ARCHIVIST: When an investigation has gone as far as it can, it is transferred to the Archives. [...] it seems as though little of the actual investigations have been stored in the Archives, so the only thing in most of the files are the statements themselves. [...] I plan to digitise the files as much as possible and record audio versions, though some will have to be on tape recorder as my attempts to get them on my laptop have met with... significant audio distortions. Alongside this Tim, Sasha and, yes, I suppose, Martin will be doing some supplementary investigation to see what details may be missing from what we have.
MAG 002 - Do Not Open
ARCHIVIST: When the Institute first investigated, it doesn’t look like they were able to find a single piece of evidence to support the existence of this scratched coffin, and to be honest I didn’t think it was worth wasting anyone’s time over now, nearly twenty years later. That said, I did mention it to Tim yesterday, and apparently he did some digging of his own.
MAG 004 - Pageturner
ARCHIVIST:  So it doesn’t appear that we have any concrete leads to go on. Still, I will be bringing this up with Elias and recommending that the search for any other missed books from the Leitner library be made this Institute’s highest priority. Jurgen Leitner has done the world enough harm and we must pursue all available avenues to ensure that he does no more.
MAG 006 - Squirm
ARCHIVIST: I can’t find any evidence that my predecessor took follow-up action on this statement, so I’ve taken the step of reporting Mr Hodge’s to the ECDC. We were unable to locate him to request a follow-up interview and if he has had intercourse with one of Prentiss’ victims, then they’ll need to deal with him sooner rather than later. I just hope it’s not too late already.
MAG 011 - Dreamer
ARCHIVIST: I’m not... entirely sure whether to bring this up with Elias or not. When he hired me, he was vague on the point of what happened to my predecessor, Gertrude Robinson. [...] I had Tim look into it, as I don’t entirely trust the others not to have written it as a practical joke and slipped it into the archives. [...] Still, I might have a word with Rosie, to make sure I get a copy of any new statements as soon as they’re made, not just once the researchers are done with them. She seemed very open to idea of recording them, so I’m hopeful she’ll be willing to do this too.
MAG 017- The Boneturner’s Tale
ARCHIVIST: I've barely scratched the surface of the archives and have already uncovered evidence of two separate surviving books from Jurgen Leitner's library. Until he mentioned that, I was tempted to dismiss much of it out of hand, but as it stands now I believe every word. I've seen what Leitner's work can do, and this news, even 17 years out of date, is still very concerning to me. I'm going to have a discussion with Elias as to what we can do to address the issue. I know he'll just give me the old “record and study, not interfere or contain” speech again, but I at least need to make him aware of it.
MAG 020 - Desecrated Host
ARCHIVIST: This all leads me to believe that there may have been a second person there that night, although from talking with the police, I get the impression that there is little appetite for re-opening the case, considering how successful the initial prosecution was.
MAG 022 - Colony
ARCHIVIST: In which case there's a room in the Archives I use to sleep when working late. I suggest you stay there for now. I'll talk to Elias about whether we can get extra security, but the Archives have enough locks for now. [...] Well, in that time I have received several text messages from your phone, saying you were ill with stomach problems. The last one said that you thought it “might be a parasite”, though my calls trying to follow up were never answered. [...] I just received another text message. From you. “Keep him. We have had our fun. He will want to see it when the Archivist’s crimson fate arrives.”
MARTIN: What does that mean?
ARCHIVIST: It means I ask Elias to hire some extra security. I should probably warn Sasha and Tim as well.
MAG 024 - Strange Music
When discussing this case, Tim said it reminded him of some articles he'd read on travelling circuses in Russia and Poland during the early 20th century. On a whim, I hunted down a few of the volumes he mentioned in the Institute's library, and sure enough on page 43 of Gregory Petry's Freaks and Followers: Circuses in the 1940s, I found a reproduction of an old black-and-white photograph.
MAG 026 - A Distortion
SASHA: Well, I’m sure you know I was sceptical about how dangerous this Jane Prentiss was when you first suggested Martin stay in the archive. [...] You were having some argument with Tim about... um, oh, who’s that architect he’s obsessed with?
ARCHIVIST: Robert Smirke. [...] ARCHIVIST: Sasha has taken a few days off to recuperate, and I’m having a word with Elias about getting some extra CO2 fire extinguishers for the Archive.
MAG 033 - Boatswain’s Call
TIM: Um, look I know you’ve been under a lot of pressure... it’s not a big deal, I just think it might be worth re-recording these statements.
ARCHIVIST: No. I don’t have time. I still have a mountain of haphazard statements to get through, not to mention that I need to keep this wretched tape recorder on hand just in case I encounter one of the files too stubborn to work on anything else. And when I do, I have to actually read the damn thing, which is...
TIM (BACKGROUND): Oh, woah, woah... woah!
ARCHIVIST: Fine. It’s fine. I just haven’t been sleeping much these last few months, what with all this... worm business. Which reminds me, if you do see Elias, tell him thanks for the extra extinguishers. [...] ARCHIVIST: In addition to such business ventures, the Lukas family also provides funding to several academic and research organisations, including the Magnus Institute. Much as I want to dig further into this, especially given certain parallels with case 0161301, Elias gets very twitchy when we look into anything that might conceivably have funding repercussions. [...] Maybe I’ll mention it to Elias. Just in case.
MAG 035 - Old Passages
ARCHIVIST: You should have seen Tim’s face when I told him. Architecture is one of his specialist areas, and he has always talked of Smirke as one that fascinates him. How did he phrase it? “A master of subtle stability.” From a professional standpoint, it also interests him that Smirke’s buildings have higher percentages of reported paranormal sightings than any other architect of similar profile.
MAG 036 - Taken Ill
TIM: Er, what is it?
ARCHIVIST: A lighter. An old Zippo.
TIM: You smoke?
ARCHIVIST: No. And I don’t allow ignition sources in my archive!
TIM: Okay. Is there anything unusual about it?
ARCHIVIST: Not really. Just a sort of spider web design on the front. Doesn’t mean anything to me. You?
TIM: Ah no. No.
ARCHIVIST: Well... show it to the others, see what they think.
MAG 039 - Infestation
ARCHIVIST: I got it!
SASHA: Why record it?
SASHA: Before, in the office. It, it was stupid going for the tape recorder like that, and then when you dropped it out there— [...]
ARCHIVIST: I just... I don’t want to become a mystery. I refuse to become another goddamn mystery. [...] Every real statement just leads... deeper into something I don’t even know the shape of yet. And to top it all, I still don’t know what happened to Gertrude. Officially she’s still missing, but Elias is no help and the police were pretty clear that the wait to call her dead is just a formality. If I die, wormfood or... something else, whatever, I’m going to make damn sure the same doesn’t happen to me. Whoever takes over from me is going to know exactly what happened. [...]
ARCHIVIST: Of course, I believe. Of course I do. Have you ever taken a look at the stuff we have in Artefact storage? That’s enough to convince anyone. But, but even before that... Why do you think I started working here? It’s not exactly glamorous. I have... I’ve always believed in the supernatural. Within reason. I mean. I still think most of the statements down here aren’t real. Of the hundreds I’ve recorded, we’ve had maybe... thirty, forty that are... that go on tape. Now those, I believe, at least for the most part.
MARTIN: Then why do you—
ARCHIVIST: Because I’m scared, Martin! Because when I record these statements it feels... it feels like I’m being watched. I... I lose myself a bit. And then when I come back, it’s like... like if I admit there may be any truth to it, whatever’s watching will... know somehow. The scepticism, feigning ignorance. It just felt safer.
MARTIN: Well... It wasn’t.
ARCHIVIST: No. No, it wasn’t.
ARCHIVIST: I mean at the Archive in general. Why haven’t you quit?
MARTIN: Are you giving me my review now?
ARCHIVIST: No... We’re clearly doing a whole heart-to-heart thing and, truth be told, the question’s been bothering me. You’ve been living in the Archives for four months, constant threat of... this. Sleeping with a fire extinguisher and a corkscrew. Even you must be aware that that’s not normal for an archiving job? Why are you still here?
MARTIN: [Considering] Don’t really know. I just am. It didn’t feel right to just leave. I’ve typed up a few resignation letters, but I just couldn’t bring myself to hand them in. I’m trapped here. It’s like I can’t... move on and the more I struggle, the more I’m stuck.
Martin...You’re not, uh... You didn’t die here, did you?
MARTIN: What? What? N-No... what?!
ARCHIVIST: No, I just... No, just the way you phrased that...
MARTIN: Made you think I was a ghost?
ARCHIVIST: No... it’s—
MARTIN: No, no... it’s just that whatever web these statements have caught you in, well, I’m there too. We all are, I think.
MAG041 - Too Deep
Why do I still feel like I’m being watched? I’d just about convinced myself it was Prentiss, watching me in secret while she filled the walls with her writhing hordes, but no. She is dead and gone, and still whenever I talk into this... damn thing, I feel this... I’m being watched. I know I am. [...] my primary focus must be on who killed Gertrude Robinson, and I do not believe for a moment that it was a wall-moving spectre from the depths of the earth. No, far more likely it’s one of my colleagues. Elias is a prime suspect, but it could have been any of them. [...] I can make two tapes from each recording. One containing the main statement and notes, which will be stored in the archive, and the other containing the statement, notes, and... this supplement, which will chronicle my own investigations. These tapes will be hidden. If you’re hearing this, I assume you’re my replacement, following my death or disappearance, and have received instructions on where to find them. [...] This level of paranoia is new to me, but I’m learning fast. Trust can get you killed.
...So, reading back over season 1 was interesting. Jon was asked to organise an archive of statements that were no longer under investigation by the institute. (Leading a team of four ex-researchers, himself included, who were used to working on open investigations. He was told that the institute’s mission statement was to study but not to ‘interfere or contain’, to the point where he got sick of Elias giving him that speech.)
He believed every statement that we heard him record, and he had all 3 assistants take part in re-opening an investigation into each of them through all available lines of enquiry (instead of devoting more resource to getting the existing material filed in a sensible system asap).
Wherever there was a chance it would do some good, he reported his findings to the authorities, and pushed to see if the Institute or the police would go further on the basis of his information.
He discussed the cases with his assistants thoroughly enough to know their areas of personal interest in the supernatural, and when they got into trouble, he immediately offered them as much protection as he could and went to Elias for help, prompting some of the others to express skepticism about the threats that he was clearly taking seriously, maybe excessively so...?
And yet because he felt watched by something supernatural, and convinced himself that it was Jane Prentiss somehow, he lied constantly by feigning skepticism even while following every lead and pushing everyone else to do the same. It’s a wonder anyone was fooled tbh, and it backfired by discouraging Martin and Sasha from confiding in him until they were in deep trouble. It also made his complaint about lack of sleep look relatively grumpy/petty to Tim, since he didn’t quite admit the full scale of the problem with nightmares and the exhaustion that the statements magically caused.
When Elias was feigning a normal level of ignorance in ep 39 he told Sasha: “You know how those two are... John puts on a good show, but sometimes I swear he’s worse than Martin.” And in ep 40 he told Jon: “I... know I have often seemed dismissive of your concerns before, and in fact I was getting ready to raise the issue of Martin’s continuing to live in the Institute’s basement”. If Elias was faking something like the rest of the Institute staff’s attitude (to things he wouldn’t admit to knowing all about)... then people really did doubt Jon’s skeptic act, feeling that he was always complaining about supernatural threats and going overboard in trying to protect people.
That changed in season 2, when he came to believe that one of his colleagues had murdered Gertrude, and stopped trusting all of them. When he was worried that his own death might be imminent, in the midst of Prentiss’ attack and in the paranoid aftermath, one of his main concerns was communicating with his successor through the tapes.
He doesn’t want his fate to be a mystery to those he leaves behind. Considering how much danger he puts himself in, diving into a pile of worms for the recorder, and later stating that he’d rather die exploring the tunnels than leave the Institute’s secrets buried, he’s more interested in getting information out to other people than in surviving.
Mid-season 2, when he gets scared, he talks about taking a break from his investigations until he can get more help from the police, especially as he thinks he’s trying to track down a human murderer. That remaining trust in authority doesn’t lead him to him collaborating with Basira to the extent he’d hoped, since she eventually makes it clear she wants nothing more to do with him, and he discovers that not!Sasha is a supernatural threat that the police couldn’t help with anyway.
The start of season 3 sees him reflecting that he didn’t turn to his assistants for help because he didn’t want to get them killed, and once he makes it back to the archives, he tries to overcome his recent trust issues and more long-standing hero complex by involving the others in his plans again - though they take care not to let those plans show up on tape, since they’re plotting against Elias by that point. When Jon asks everyone to record their thoughts before the unknowing in Testament, he’s trying to get them all communicating - with themselves, each other, and anyone who follows in their footsteps.
So far in season 4, he’s been more ready than ever to collaborate, but the others are mostly refusing to talk to him. His first instinct when he uncovers immediately relevant information is to go tell Basira, and he heeds her advice when he asks whether they can tell Melanie. (Which was unfair on Melanie, but at least you can see why he’d fear for his life after she threatened to attack him on sight if he ever tried to talk to her again.) He tried to tell Martin what had been going on instead of trying to compel information from him, and apparently hasn’t had much chance to speak to anyone else, or to leave the building.
He has the power to compel other people to see truths that they wouldn’t have recognised on their own; he only had to ask Tim what he was holding for Tim to see the detonator. And he may compare himself to Gertrude for losing assistants, but he talked to Sasha and Tim about the threats they were facing at the time, to the best of his knowledge. If Gertrude seems to have fought her battles by deliberately misleading people so that she could sacrifice them, and by taking out ‘loose ends’ to keep herself from being incriminated...
Well, I think Jon’s on his way to distinguishing himself from his predecessor through good communication, despite the massive stumbling blocks of his paranoid phase and isolation. (And through his extreme protectiveness towards individual people, compared to her way of prioritising the big picture.) He’s always wanted to get the truth out in the open, despite sometimes holding back out of fear that he won’t be believed, or he’ll get himself or others killed. Some of his most uncharismatic moments have been his attempts to tell people the truth when his knowledge was too patchy to convince them, and he wasn’t tactful enough to try to bring them on-side with diplomacy instead of facts and theories. As his powers grow, one of his most effective abilities might be to help his allies see the truth, so that they can join forces by choice.
E.g. maybe he’ll eventually find out what Peter’s up to from Martin - or maybe he’ll ask about something that he didn’t even realise was part of the plan, granting Martin an insight into something that neither of them knew beforehand.
[Edit: Wrote the above post in the mid-s4 hiatus and, uh. He sure did try to collaborate on a lot of stuff, but. Also fucked up pretty thoroughly, so. The s4 thoughts feel a bit over-optimistic in retrospect. Leaving it strikethrough rather than deleted though.]
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bytheangell · 6 years
My Priority
(Read on AO3) (A/N: The inspiration for this came from a discussion of how finding a kidnapped Magnus would be Alec's priority would make for a great parallel to Will's "She's my priority!" line about Tessa from TID. I wrote a little part of this on a Tumblr post, and decided to expand it into a longer ficlet!)
In the back of his mind Alec knew this moment was coming. He can’t keep sneaking behind the Clave’s back without getting caught, especially not with the amount of attention on him and the entire New York Institute after everything with Jace and Lilith and the Owl. Still, he thought he might have a little more time being able to utilize the spare Shadowhunters for a bit of recon, using the computers overnight because the resources here are beyond anything he’ll have access to on his own, even with the offer of Catarina and her contacts.
Because it’s been seven days since Magnus went missing. Seven days since Alec saw his face, or heard his voice, or so much as received a text message from him. The others volunteer to help him search when they’re off duty, Underhill practically lives on the network of surveillance cameras scanning the world over for any trace of the warlock, to no avail. If he just had a little more time…
Time, however, is not on Alec’s side. Now the Clave caught on and he’s been summoned into the main hall of the Institute for an official reprimanding. He knows what’s coming: a cease and desist. Will they kick him out of the Institute or just strip him of his title?  Will they lock him away despite their clear inability to keep prisoners where they belong?
He tells Jace and Izzy before he goes because he doesn’t know what’s going to happen and he needs them to be prepared for the very possible result that this is going to end poorly for him. Any ability he has to remain calm and diplomatic is gone; it left the moment Magnus was taken, and he was chained to this Angel-forsaken building chasing down convicts and cleaning up the Clave’s mess instead of searching for the man he loves.  
No more.
They understand - of course they do. They’ve seen him the past few days, barely holding it together enough to fill out paperwork without his hands shaking so much the words become illegible. They’ve watched him close the door to his office and suspected the reason why at the muffled sounds of a sob or two he couldn’t keep entirely contained no matter how hard he tries. He did he best to stand by his duty, by his people, but he’s breaking and something has to give.
That something might just be him.
He turns to go face his fate when he hears the sound of footsteps following behind him. The noise belongs to Jace, Izzy, and Clary too, who came in towards the end of his conversation with his siblings.
“What are you guys doing?” Alec asks, slowing to a stop.
“We’re coming with you.” Isabelle says simply.
“Don’t. I’ll take the fall; you were only doing it to help me, your names will never come up.” Alec shakes his head.
“They won’t have to. We helped you because we wanted to, and we’re going to stand by you now because we want to. We’re here for you, Alec.” Jace doesn’t even stop walking as he speaks.
“And we’re here for Magnus. He saved us so many times, and the least we can do is our best to return the favor.” Clary adds.
The emotion Alec feels is overwhelming. He might expect this from Izzy and Jace, but to have even Clary vow to stand behind him in this… it means a lot, even if it’s support he doesn’t want. He can’t have any of them put themselves in the line of fire for his sake.
Alec opens his mouth to protest but Izzy and Clary follow Jace’s lead, moving past where he stands, and it’s all he can do to turn and catch back up to them. His legs feel weak but he pushes forward with long strides to the front of the group. He knows it’ll be pointless to argue - they’re almost as stubborn as he is sometimes and he both loves and hates them for it.
They see Jia Penhallow standing at the head of the room, posture drawn tall and lips pursed in a look of disapproval. Alec wonders if they choose the Consul partly on a severity factor.  
“Alexander Gideon Lightwood, current Head of the New York Institute.”
Alec walks forward just a few steps in front of the others. “Consul Penhallow.”
“I didn’t realize we invited half the Institute to this meeting.” The Consul says, looking with disdain down at the three Shadowhunters standing around Alec.
None of them defend their presence, but they don’t make any move to leave either, making it very clear they have no intention of leaving Alec’s side. The silence falls heavy in the room.
“Very well. I’m sure there’s nothing we have to discuss that you haven’t already divulged to your friends , regardless of sensitivity.”
Alec fights the urge to roll his eyes, but just barely.
“It’s been brought to my attention that you’ve been conducting off-the-books missions to search for Magnus Bane.”
“He wasn’t-” Clary starts so speak, falling abruptly silent with a grunt when Jace elbows her in the side. Alec silently thanks him. They might stand behind him for support, but he can’t have them speaking for him. He has to answer for himself, as the Head of the Institute. Plus, Clary is hot-headed, and anything she says in a flare of anger would almost positively be used against him no matter how well she means.
“I’ve been looking for him while off-duty, yes.”
“But using Institute resources, that could be put to better use tracking the escaped prisoners. Using Shadowhunters who - while ‘ off duty ’, could be volunteering that time towards our own work instead.”
It isn’t a question, but she waits for his reply just the same. This is a dangerous game he’s playing - everything she says is true, but she’s spinning it to her advantage. What he, or anyone else, does in their off time shouldn’t matter. But to make it look like he’s pulling potential Institute resources?
“Anyone who assisted me did so at my request - at the insistence of a superior, and are not to be blamed for their actions.” He has to assume she knows everything, and that includes whoever has even so much as looked up a name for him in the past week. His thoughts go instinctively to Underhill, tapping into the surveillance systems, among a number of others. He can’t let anyone else get caught up in this with him.
“So you admit your actions are an abuse of power?”
Alec feels Jace take a step forward behind him, the tension almost palpable in the air around the four of them.
“No. As you stated, any efforts to track down the whereabouts of Mr. Bane were done off duty. No Shadowhunters were pulled from their assignments. No equipment was utilized that was already in use.” He holds his head high, gaze steady.
“Luckily for you.”
Alec wonders how someone can be so cold, so detached, in the face of someone simply looking for their loved one.
“All efforts are to stop, effective immediately.” She pauses, before adding, “That includes yourself, Mr. Lightwood. You have a duty to the Shadowhunters, not the Downworlders. Let his own people look for him.”
“You can’t tell me what I’m allowed do in my free time!” Alec cuts her off, voice rising and  knowing he’s playing into her hand, but he doesn’t care. Tears sting at his eyes, not of sadness, but of frustration.
He kneels in front of the consul now because he’s too tired to stand. Her words bring a feeling of defeat over him that he managed to keep at bay up until this moment. Now he’s used the last of his energy arguing his case, breaking down physically and emotionally day after day until it’s too much for his body to handle.
Alec is tired. Between running the Institute and looking for Magnus he can’t remember the last time he slept more than an hour or two, running on caffeine and the hope that today will be the day, and that he isn’t already too late. And now even that hope is being taken from him. He can’t do this anymore - he doesn’t have the strength left to keep fighting.
He feels a hand on his right shoulder, then his left, as his siblings reach out to not only comfort him but ground him as well. The Consul waits in measured silence until he’s regained his composure.
“I don’t think you fully understand your position - there is no ‘ off time ’ for you. Your allegiance is to this Institute. You will not get a second request, Lightwood. Stand down. One warlock - who isn’t even a warlock any more - cannot be our priority.”
Something snaps inside of him at the finality of those words.
“He’s my priority!” Alec states, voice raising with every syllable, eyes narrowing. He doesn’t realize that he’s pushing himself to his feet again, Izzy and Jace’s hands falling off of his shoulders in the process.
“Your people are here, which is where you belong.”
“My people are safe, for now. Magnus isn’t. I can do both: I can run the Institute and look for Magnus. But if you’re forcing me to pick one over the other then it isn’t even a choice. I guess you’ll get along just fine without me until I get back.”
“Don’t walk away from me, Mr. Lightwood.” But Alec doesn’t look back after turning away and stalking down the hall. “You’re going to regret this!”
Clary shakes her head. “No, he won’t. But I think you just might. You need him more than he’ll ever need you.”
“And you’ll be lucky to get him back after this,” Isabelle adds, turning to follow Alec’s lead with Jace and Clary close behind.
They’re going to get Magnus back, one way or another.
They walk in silence until they’re well clear of the Consul. Jace, Isabelle, and Clary can all see the way Alec’s shoulders rise and fall with sharp, deep breaths; they see his hands clench and release at his sides and wonder what he’s going to say when they reach his office and follow him inside without asking if he wants them there or not.
Clary closes the door behind her and the moment it clicks shut Alec collapses into his chair, head falling into his hands.
“I can’t believe I just did that,” he says, words muffled by his palms.
“It was amazing,” Clary reassures him. “And it’s what you needed to do. They can’t ask you to stop looking for Magnus - and you’ve been doing it without letting it interfere with Institute business. They had no right to tell you to stop.”
Clary says this with the sort of innocence that they see in her time and time again - she hasn’t grown up with the politics of being a Shadowhunter, with the expectations woven into every motivation they carry, every instinct they fall back on. Or, at least, they’re supposed to carry and fall back on.
“They had every right. And there’s no way they aren’t stripping me of my position no matter what I do now.” He hesitates, adding in a voice barely above a whisper, “...I wonder if this is grounds for deruning.”
“We won’t let it come to that,” Isabelle reassures him. None of them mention that's exactly what they said about Maryse, too. 
Alec sits in silence for a few more moments, processing everything that just happened, before he’s back on his feet. “I’m going to need you to keep things running smoothly here while I’m away.”
“Where are you going?” Jace asks.
“I don’t know yet. But it’s clear I can’t look for Magnus and continue my duties here, so… consider this an official temporary leave of absence.” He grabs a piece of paper and hastily scrawls a few sentences on it before sending the fire message off. “Jace, I imagine they’ll make you Acting Head while I’m gone. Try not to burn the place down.”
“What do you mean, while you’re gone? We’re coming with you.”
Alec shakes his head. “No. I need you all here, and you’ve done more than enough already. More than I had any right to ask of you. I’ve been in contact with a few warlocks that owed Magnus a favor or two - they offered to help me if I needed it. The rest of you are to follow Consul Penhallow’s orders effective immediately. Pass that along to everyone who was helping.”
There are a few moments of tense silence between them before Isabelle nods first, followed by Jace.
“Alright. Stay in touch, let us know the second you need or hear anything , got it?” Jace asks.
Alec nods. “I’m going to get out of here before she tries to stop me. If anyone asks-”
“You didn’t tell us where you were going. We don’t know anything.” Isabelle says without hesitation.
Alec allows the brief hint of a smile before he leaves, grabbing his bow and arrows off a stand next to the door on his way out.
Once they’re certain he’s gone Clary looks between the two remaining siblings.
“We’re not actually going to stop looking, right?” She asks, voice low.
They shake their heads in immediate unison.
“Not a chance.” Jace confirms. He knows Alec is going to kill him for this whenever he gets back, but he doesn’t care.  “We just have to be more careful about it. C’mon. We’ll call the others off, but after that we have work to do.”
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soveryanon · 6 years
Reviewing time for MAG126 /o/
- We have definite confirmation that Martin and Michael Shelley worked at the same time at the Institute! Until now the dates weren’t clear regarding the Great Twisting attempt, and we only knew for sure that Michael was working at the Institute in September 2007 (since he interrupted Gertrude’s tape from MAG099). Martin has been working at the Institute at least since September 2009, since Jon reported that he had “vague recollections” about the statement-giver from MAG072. MAG126’s statement was given on 11 October 2009, and explicitly shortly before the Great Twisting… so! There was a window of time during which Michael and Martin were working at the Institute at the same time for sure!
(MAG126, Deborah Madaki) As soon as Gabriel spotted me, he hopped up and hurried over to me. He grabbed my hand in a firm, damp grip, and started to thank me. I was the best assistant he could have asked for, he said. He’d improved so much because of me. […] ARCHIVIST: […] I can’t find any evidence related to the condition of the body, but I can imagine what a sculptor’s apprentice might be capable of. Even an unwilling one. End recording. [CLICK.]
(MAG126) PETER: No. No. Can’t stand computers. Besides! That’s why I have an assistant, isn’t it? MARTIN: [SIGHS] Yeah. I guess so. [CLICK.]
THANKS, I HATE IT……………….. Martin………………. ;;
(Both for the fact that HUUUUUMMM, PETER? BACK OFF, HE’S NOT YOUR ASSISTANT… and about the concept of an “assistant” causing harm without even being aware of it…)
- There is something deeply satisfying and disturbing about the fact that… Martin is in all but name replacing Elias as Head Director of the Magnus Institute? If the clock ticking is any indication, the scene with Peter took place in Elias’s office; it’s where Martin is working nowadays; it’s where Martin is doing admin work and taking care of the Institute’s spreadsheets. And if we know One (1) Thing for sure about Elias, it’s that:
(MAG103) ARCHIVIST: […] and it’s Wednesday afternoon, when he does his scheduling. So I’m… hoping he’s distracted. … He, er… He loves scheduling. DAISY: … Rrrright.
Martin’s affiliation with the entities always felt like a pick between Web (loving spiders, relishing in control, web metaphors, the fact that spiders are swarming the Institute, that Martin is this person you barely notice, and that The Web has plans regarding Jon), Lonely (family situation and unrequited crush, always a bit of an outcast due to Jon’s dry comments in season 1, his fundamental lie about his degree preventing him from being known, and overall his trouble connecting, the fact that he never had Tim’s charisma nor Sasha’s wit, that Daisy+Basira and Basira+Melanie quickly formed as pairs leaving him mostly on the side… even before Peter swooped in) and Beholding (by nature, as someone who worked at the Magnus Institute for the longest out of the entire cast except for Elias, and even more as an archival assistant; and because he was the only one who began to read statements after Jon went on the run, and because he has often had glimpses of intuition and has been getting chattier with the tape recorders). There has been room for questions about his theorical functions as a Beholding agent, though, I feel? Because we… have options. Was Martin supposed to be (or did he slowly turn into) a back-up Archivist, since he was the one who handled most of the statements-reading when Elias wanted the assistants to keep going with the Beholding-feeding that activity (MAG098, Martin: “I mean, [Elias] kind of explained. I think? Jon’s ‘too inconsistent’ at the moment. He needs to make up for the shortfall. Which, I guess means me.”)? The archive team was aware of the possibility, since they used it against Elias to make him rationalise that it was in his best interest to have Martin staying back while the others would go to The Unknowing:
(MAG116) ARCHIVIST: [SIGHS] What about Martin? […] He should stay behind. MARTIN: What?! ELIAS: Really. MARTIN: […] No, no, I can help, I’ve been reading the statements! ELIAS: … quite right, er, probably best he does stay behind. BASIRA: What, so you have a backup if Jon doesn’t make it? ELIAS: I’m sure that won’t be necessary.
Something else that has happened a few times is also… unclear – spooky intuitions? Power Of Love? Martin has sometimes just… had inexplicable feelings that turned out to be true. The concept of it sounds a lot like Jon’s “insights”, a sudden knowledge that is just there, skipping any reasoning?
(MAG088) MARTIN: Yeah… Sorry, just a lot of change recently, y’know. You and Jon and Sasha and… everything’s gone a bit wrong. It’s the not knowing, you know? I mean, Jon’s still alive. Not sure why, but I’m sure of that. But Sasha, I…
(MAG117) MARTIN: […] I know, I know, I’m not gonna die, I’m not even going to be on the incredibly dangerous mission. Me and Melanie, well… Well, I don't think “death” is really the worry, it’s just… [SIGHS] It feels like an ending? Or… something. Like nothing can go back to normal after this.
(And he was also the one to find Gertrude’s notebook in MAG113. And Gertrude’s body in MAG039-040. And The Hill Top Road statement from MAG114.)
On the other hand, Martin was quite clearly installed as Elias’s foil at the end of season 3: the plan to take down Elias was referred to as Martin’s plan, Martin was the one to remind the others to stick to it, and he was the one to confront Elias (in MAG118) and to lead the police officer to him (MAG120). It’s mostly thanks to Martin that they more or less behaved as one, at least when it came to neutralising Elias? What Jon referred to “Elias’s new management style” (MAG099) was an utter disaster made of pain, anger and resentment, mostly managing to get the assistants united against him, whereas Martin gave the feeling of succeeding precisely where Elias had failed. I don’t know, I always got the vibe that if anyone were to replace Elias at some point, it would be Martin? (Much to Elias’s horror, probably.) (At the same time: not very clever, Elias, to insist so much on the idea that you’re ~the beating heart of the Institute~. Could give people bad ideas about how, uh, maybe they only to keep your heart pumping in order to not die, and not the rest of you.)
Anyway, I find it extra-interesting that Martin is currently assuming his functions, without being officially the Head Director – Peter being supposedly the interim.
(I hope that Elias is seething about Martin doing his precious scheduling :w If there is any consolation with current events, it’s that Elias is still rotting in jail in the meantime.)
- Peter, though. You lazy ass.
(MAG120) PETER: Oh! Right, of course! Well, you’ve successfully managed to remove Elias as the Head of the Magnus Institute. So… MARTIN: Oh. Oh, God, what does that do? PETER: Oh! No, no no no! No. Not in any, hum, metaphysical sense, no, he’s still very much the… how did he insist on phrasing it… Ah yes, the “beating heart of the Institute”. But, practically speaking, he can hardly fulfil his more mundane managerial duties from a jail cell.
You were supposed to replace Elias for his “mundane managerial duties”, not foist it off on your newfound ~assistant~.
- … Okay, so, assuming Peter is not only Absolutely Bullshitting, he… needs Martin for a specific reason. Something that apparently an avatar of the Lonely can’t do himself…?
(MAG126) PETER: You talked to him. MARTIN: I… I, I tried not to, I–I, I didn’t mean to… PETER: You talked to him. And that’s understandable, Martin, of course it is! Please don’t think I’m upset, it’s just… not ideal. Shows how much work we still have ahead of us. […] I had hoped that all this time apart would have given you the space you needed, but… MARTIN: … You said he’d probably never wake up. PETER: And he beat the odds. Which is good. But it does make things more complicated. It doesn’t… actually change… anything. MARTIN: A–a simple “hello” isn’t going to make any difference to– PETER: We’ve been over this. The sort of power you’re going to need relies on your– MARTIN: [SULKY] Obedience. PETER: Isolation. It needs to be you, Martin. You’re the only one who could possibly balance between the two.
“The two” are most likely to be Beholding and Lonely here, I’m guessing (since Peter is apparently training him with the latter and Martin is supposed to be tied to the former already given his position in the archives), but I still hope that there is some room for the Web to get back to Martin? ;; That one suits him aND IS A BIT LESS SAD THAN THE CONCEPT OF MARTIN GETTING INVOLVED WITH THE POWER OF LONELINESS GDI!!!
What is the deal with Martin, though? Is he aggressively normal, or is there indeed something intrinsically special about him? Getting back to the Lonely: Elias pretty clearly sent Peter after Martin in MAG108, according to Peter, as if… his being one of the Archival assistants wasn’t the most valuable thing about Martin?
(MAG108) PETER: Martin, isn’t it? […] That… that would seem wildly out of character, from what I’ve been told. MARTIN: Okay, but okay, step back. PETER: Please, Martin. I’m not gonna hurt you. I just thought we might have a chat! Alone. MARTIN: Oh. You’re… one of them, aren’t you. A… a Lukas. PETER: Yes, that’s– Peter. Pleased to meet you. Now, how did you know that? MARTIN: I, I was just reading? Jon left some notes, and… PETER: Ah, I see. I’m sorry to have disturbed you. It’s one of Elias’s little jokes. MARTIN: I don– What? PETER: Did he suggest you record a statement today? One that mentioned me? MARTIN: … yeah? Sssort of? I mean… not you specifically, but… PETER: I have a meeting with him today. He suggested… I’m sure he’s watching from his office, grinning from ear to ear. MARTIN: I… don’t… PETER: I almost thought he genuinely wanted me to meet the team! Oh well. MARTIN: I’m really sorry, I… I don’t actually…
“I almost thought he genuinely wanted me to meet the team!” => implying Martin’s relevance is not tied to him being a member of said team…? Was ~Elias’s joke~ about getting one of the assistants to read a statement about the Lonely/Peter when he would visit, or the fact that it was specifically Martin who made the reading…? I lovelovelove the fantheory that Martin could be tied to the Lukas family through his father; we… had the example of Evan, who apparently tried to get away from the family; we know it ended badly; we also know that Gerry wasn’t too surprised when Jon highlighted the possibility of the family turning against one black sheep (MAG111: “And I imagine they’re not… reluctant to remove any members that might put that legacy at risk.”), as if… it was far from being the first time it had happened; aND given that Martin apparently looks like a carbon copy of his father… anybody who had met said father would be able to tell right away that Martin is closely related to him?
(MAG118) ELIAS: […] How old were you when your father left? Eight? Nine? When you mother began to sicken and he decided he was done with you both. Not old enough to remember him with any great clarity, especially when your mother refused to keep any pictures of him. She never recovered from that betrayal. He just tore her heart right out!, and took it with him. The thing is, though, Martin: if you ever do want to know exactly what your father looked like… all you have to do, is look in a mirror~
It’s mostly back-tracked reasoning but: if Martin’s dad were to be a Lukas, yeah, of friggin’ course Elias would have flaunted it to Peter’s face by sending him to meet Martin doing archival work downstairs.
(Aaaand it could also give Peter another reason to not show his face to anybody in the Institute, ie people who know Martin, if they actually have a family resemblance? I’m still wondering why Peter hasn't appeared in front of other people while Carlita (MAG033) and Michael (MAG102) had been able to see him without any problem. Is that because of the Institute itself? Is there something wrong with Peter when he’s too far from the Tundra?)
- But right now, at the very least, Martin is
(MAG126) MARTIN: […] You missed him, didn’t you. … Yeah. … [VERY SHARP SQUEAL OF DISTORTION] Yeah, me too. PETER: Which isn’t a great sign, if I’m being completely honest. MARTIN: [SURPRISED GASP] [EXALES] PETER: You talked to him. MARTIN: I… I, I tried not to, I–I, I didn’t mean to… PETER: You talked to him. And that’s understandable, Martin, of course it is! […] I had hoped that all this time apart would have given you the space you needed, but… MARTIN: … You said he’d probably never wake up.
literally Too Gay for the Lonely, pass it on. (But does it count as Functional or Disaster, at this point.) (Aside: ;; Confirmed that Martin apparently signed in in whatever he’s currently doing… to Protect, overall, and not only Jon. Which good. But also awfully sad ;;)
- WORRIEDANYWAY.JPG since…… according to Gerry, the Lukases are awfully good at grooming people.
(MAG111) GERARD: Well, Fairchild’s just a name, they’re not really family. The Lukases, though, yeah. Thing is, it’s harder than it looks. What’s out there… doesn’t care about blood. […] But they care about your choices, your fears, not your parents. Families are just useful ‘cause they can push you in the right direction. And the Lukases are very good at that.
MARTIN ;___;
- Adelard Dekker is back into focus! There’s quite an interesting split between Jon’s investigations and Peter&Martin’s: on one hand, Peter namedropped him and made it explicit that he was following his lead. On the other hand, Jon has been focusing on the notebook found in Gertrude’s storage unit (MAG126: “I remembered Gertrude’s notebook; we found it alongside the plastic explosives”), which is also where he had found Adelard’s written statement about Justin Gough (MAG113: “This was found tucked into a hard case containing… many blocks of plastic explosive, kept by Gertrude Robinson in a storage unit that I can only assume has… extremely lax oversight.”). Jon was close and yet… was sent in another direction entirely? Towards the past and how Gertrude had come up with her counter-rituals? Could still be a valuable example for next threats, but still: Jon was sent towards the past, while Martin&Peter are actively working ~towards the future~. It’s a bit worrisome that they’re physically close and yet… not managing to meet in so many ways, and actively drifting further away. (Gdi Peter.)
(MAG126) ARCHIVIST: It… it’s borderline incomprehensible, not because of any code or cypher – there’s every chance I could read those; just simply because… most of it is… numbers or fragments of sentences that would no doubt mean something to her, but… well, not to me. I’ve been staring at it for hours, in the hope something from it would just… come to me. And it worked well enough to point me towards this statement, which is… useful background, and perhaps gives some insight into how Gertrude formulated her counter-rituals, but… not much more.
………………. I love that Jonathan smartass Sims assumes that yeah!! Secret codes would be sooo easy to uncover, of course he would be able to do, through natural or spooky ability. But his worst nightmares are personal notes and abbreviations. Must have sucked when he was at uni, huh. I wonder if Jon is missing a point, here (though I would read the same conclusions as him: the statement describes how Gertrude learned where the Great Twisting would happen and some key elements that would get involved; “Gabriel” even accidentally revealed how to neutralize his friend, and this is what Gertrude used against them), or if his powers/Beholding is being purposely or accidentally unhelpful? Is that all that the notebook contained, or just a fragment of it? Did Beholding throw him a bone to avoid Jon focusing on current events, or was it to satisfy his curiosity, or was it because Jon sucked and was himself accidentally focusing on parts regarding The Spiral without realizing it? We know that Gertrude apparently tended to keep files regarding the rituals together (since Elias had gotten his hands on those, and accidentally sent a few about The Buried and The Spiral to Jon when… he was supposedly trying to get him to work on The Stranger), so there could be more in the notebook… (Or not at all, and she kept information about Beholding elsewhere, or only… trusted her mind for those.)
- With Peter (and Martin) focusing on Adelard’s research… seems that he was right about his suspicions, or at least that Peter shares his beliefs? There is probably much more trickery than what Peter is willing to tell, but I doubt that everything would just be an elaborate ploy to keep Martin occupied / separated from Jon – it would sound like… a lot of efforts for almost nothing?
(MAG113, Adelard Dekker) I was pursuing my researches into the new emergence I mentioned earlier. I know you are dismissive of the possibility, but if I’m right, the sudden urgency of these “immediate dangers” you are so focused on could very well be a direct result. But that’s for another day, as this particular instance turned out to be unconnected.
Jon admitted that he had “no idea what else Dekker was alluding to” and that it sounded like something outside of the categories that Gerry had described to him. I’m still a bit cautious about jumping on the 15th Fear theory bandwagon, since I don’t want to close the possibility that it could be something else entirely but… but it would make much sense? Thematically, Gerry had precisely explained that the Fears can shift:
(MAG111) ARCHIVIST: Fears change. Fears are– are are cultural. GERARD: A lot of them, yeah, but others are deeper than that. And when our fears change, so do these things. But it’s not quick. Gertrude reckons they’ve basically been the same since the Industrial Revolution. She and my mum both liked to follow Smirke’s list of fourteen. […] I think [The Flesh]’s quite new. Only just beginning its, uh, ascendance when Smirke labelled it.
Before that, we wouldn’t have been able to know that the Fears could even evolve; since the concept was introduced, it’s probably meant to be useful to ascertain the present situation? The Smirke system had been in place since the emergence of The Flesh and a lot of knowledgeable people (Gertrude, Gerry, partially Leitner) based their expertise on it. Now, let’s picture a new Fear emerging, without… anything in place ready to contain nor restrain it? Nothing to “balance” it? We know that the different Fears have been trying to launch their rituals in a tight timeframe (MAG111, Gerry: “[Gertrude] worked out they’d all be happening quite close together. She’d already been doing it a while. And the Unknowing was the next on her list. That and the Watcher’s Crown.”); is that how it usually happens, through the cycles, or… were they actually panicking and hurrying to set off their own ceremonies before the new Fear could take over? ;; It would also show how… weak the Smirke system would be, since it would have more or less worked for barely two centuries – “less” rather than “more”, probably, but we can’t really know how much worse stuff would have been without it, can we? And our resident Smirke expert is resting in fucking pieces, after having spit out his delusions about the guy… (Tangent but: now, I’m thinking about Basira, who… has been studying a bit about John Flamsteed, and noticed the pattern in The Dark’s activities in relation to Halley’s Comet? If a new Fear was emerging, and if they needed to implement a new system or something… I wonder if Basira wouldn’t be meant to become the new architect of our time…)
- Also. Dekker’s description of the victims.
(MAG113, Adelard Dekker) […] From the look on their faces I could tell two things. It had hurt. And they had never woken up. You see why I thought this might be related? Well, hoped more than thought, maybe. The manmade nature of it seemed like a potential link, but it had few of the other hallmarks. Still, I thought it was worth following up on.
I have no idea what his new Threat was about but. It’s. It’s a bit reminiscent of Jon-during-his-coma, actually? Jon, who was dreaming (and hurt and hurting in his dreams); Jon, who Peter told Martin that he might never wake up…?
- There was definitely a problem regarding Adelard’s statements in the Archives, whether it was due to Gertrude messing up with the files or to someone else meddling with them. When Jon listened to Gertrude’s tape of Lucy Cooper (MAG077), which was labelled “Changeling / Imposter”, Gertrude had explicitly mentioned a statement given by Adelard himself (whether in written or audio form):
(MAG077) GERTRUDE: Based on the interactions and effects, I suspect this to be the creature that Adelard Dekker refers to as the “NotThem” in statement 9910607.
But following her directions in MAG078, Jon had noticed that he hadn’t found the right statement: the date was posterior to the one Gertrude was alluding to (presumably given on 6 February-or-July 1991 according to that number case), given on 12 June 2001; and it wasn’t a statement by Adelard but by one Lawrence Moore, mentioning him:
(MAG078) ARCHIVIST: I found this in the folder marked 9910602, where Gertrude’s tape had indicated I would find the statement of Dekker himself.
We’re still missing Adelard’s old statement from 1991. Given that Peter said that he had “unearthed a few of Dekker’s old statements”, I wonder if it included that one? Even though according to Gertrude, it was related to the Not!Them, which sounds like an old matter.
…………. Unless we were very wrong to assume that it was an agent from The Stranger, and it was actually something entirely different? Not!Sasha taunted Jon about wearing his skin, mentioned that she was spying in the Institute for her “friends”, name-dropped the Unknowing, sounded very much like The Stranger in its effect (I-Do-Not-Know-You). But. But.
(MAG077) GERTRUDE: […] Unfortunately for Ms. Cooper’s attempts to convince her father, it appears George Cooper died of carbon monoxide poisoning from a gas leak two days after this statement was recorded, before her next visit. […] Personally, I suspect [the NotThem] to be an aspect of The Stranger, though that’s entirely conjecture at this point. […] What puzzles me more is why one or two people can always see through it. The sheer power that it must be able to call upon to be able to rewrite so much of reality, seemingly as a reflex, is staggering. So why does it always miss a few witnesses?
“died of carbon monoxide poisoning” was exactly the (apparent) causes of death from MAG113’s statement, and one of the elements Adelard specifically named that made him think that the cases could be related to the new emergence. It’s a very specific cause of death…?
Overall, I’m so glad that we’re meant to hear more about Adelard Dekker!! He was one of the mystery figures I was the most curious about and there is something very uncanny in thinking that he had revolved around Gertrude for (at least) around a quarter of a century when she passed away. How do you know Gertrude for this long without meeting a gruesome fate? + It was the same year that Elias began working in the Institute, according to his “official” backstory. The nineties are packed with quite a lot of deal-breaking events? Elias beginning to work in Artefact Storage and becoming Head Director five years later; the destruction of Leitner’s library; Jon's encounter with “A Guest For Mister Spider; Martin’s father abandoning him and his mother… (As a fellow millennial, it just makes me !!! every time the nineties are mentioned, don’t mind me.) ………….. at the same time, Oliver was one of the Mystery Figures I was the most curious about, too, and look what was revealed in MAG121. That doesn’t bode well for Adelard’s current state, if he’s even still alive at this point.
- Peter is absolutely Terrifying. All affable, all rational! All logical! All accepting! All indulgent!
(MAG126) PETER: You talked to him. And that’s understandable, Martin, of course it is! Please don’t think I’m upset, it’s just… not ideal. Shows how much work we still have ahead of us. […] I had hoped that all this time apart would have given you the space you needed, but… MARTIN: … You said he’d probably never wake up. PETER: And he beat the odds. Which is good. But it does make things more complicated. It doesn’t… actually change… anything. […] You’re the only one who could possibly balance between the two. MARTIN: But if I could just explain– PETER: And how do you think Jon’s going to react, to that explanation? Hm? Do you think he’ll accept it calmly? Come through with a well-considered, rational response– MARTIN: That’s not fair– PETER: –or would he assume he knows better than you and do something rash? MARTIN: … I don’t like being manipulated. PETER: That’s fair. But I’m not wrong. MARTIN: … No. PETER: Martin… this isn’t how any of us wanted it to go. But here we are, and if we don’t pull this off, it’s over for everyone. Jon included. […] So it’s down to us. You and me. The dynamic duo. MARTIN: And so what, that means I have to trust you?! PETER: That would make things a lot simpler. […] Anyway, I’m very excited to see this rota you’ve put together.
1°) That textbook manipulation about how ~Martin is conveniently the only one able to help~! How ~of course it’s only logical that he can’t tell anyone about what he’s currently doing~! How ~he must avoid contact with the others to get more powerful~! How ~they don’t have much time~! How ~Martin has to trust Peter~! How ~they’re the only one who understand was is truly happening~! How ~Martin will save everyone if he follows Peter’s lead~! PETER WAS EVEN CALLING JON “JON” AT THE BEGINNING, WHEREAS IT WAS BACK TO “YOUR ARCHIVIST” WHEN TALKING SHIT ABOUT HIM. THAT SUGARCOATING / TRYING TO SOUND MORE BENEVOLENT AND HUMAN IN FRONT OF MARTIN WASN’T EVEN TRYING TO BE SUBTLE…………. And I’m glad and I hate that Martin clearly saw through it, but that… there might be enough slivers of Truth for him to go along with it anyway, because the situation is really (genuinely, objectively) bad. There is most likely a catch, I don’t think that Martin is doubting that one second (even if the current plan doesn’t involve nice things for him anyway). Won’t guarantee that he’ll mitigate the damage when the time come ;; We’ve had examples of both ignorance nor knowledge being no help.
2°) SSSSSSSSSSSSSHHHHHHHHH I’m having so many feelings over Martin’s “… I don’t like being manipulated.” said to a friggin’ agent of the Lonely, in Elias’s office. Martin’s been through some shit, okay.
3°) GGGGG at how snappy and Having None Of Peter’s Bullshit Martin was being (… while going along with it at the same time ;;). Peter Was Not Allowed To Trash Jon About His (Poor) Archival Skills, uh. (Peter relenting when Martin snapped that stern “Peter.”!!! Gods, Martin. Martin…)
- Regarding Peter and his distaste of technology/modern things…?
(MAG033, Carlita Sloane) Most modern container ships have a lifeboat that looks more like a lumpy orange blob than a boat. They’re designed to be quickly and safely dropped into the water and tough out whatever conditions the sea might throw at them. But this was an old-fashioned boat, with oars and a winch mechanism for lowering it into the water.
(MAG126) PETER: Anyway, I’m very excited to see this rota you’ve put together. Never had much of a gift for– MARTIN: Okay. PETER: –administration myself; too many variables. Now, this box on the left, that’s the library stuff, yes? MARTIN: What? N–n–no, th–th–that’s, no, those are the dates, I– … Look, are you sure you don’t want me to teach you? It’s, it’s a very simple program– PETER: No. No. Can’t stand computers. Besides! That’s why I have an assistant, isn’t it?
Is it a Peter thing, or a Lukas thing? (At the very least: doesn’t sound like he’s wary of computers for spooky reasons, since he probably wouldn’t be very keen on Martin using one right in front of him if it was the case…?) (I’m laughing so much at how casually he shot down Martin’s offer. Just. Noped the fuck out without even trying to be polite about it.)
- Peter has never namedropped the L(onely) word in any of his appearances, and…
(MAG111) ARCHIVIST: Isolation. GERARD: Smirke called it The Lonely. The feeling that you’re just… alone. Maybe there’s no-one else there at all, maybe you just can’t connect.
(MAG126) PETER: We’ve been over this. The sort of power you’re going to need relies on your– MARTIN: [SULKY] Obedience. PETER: Isolation.
I wonder if actually, “Isolation” mightn’t be more the Lukases’s favourite word to describe the concept of their god, but everyone just peskily keeps using other words to piss them off.
- A few things around Elias.
(MAG126) MARTIN: Yeah. You said. … But if things are really so urgent, then why didn’t Elias say anything? PETER: [LAUGHS] Because, behind all his bluster, Elias’s just like all the rest. He’s so preoccupied playing the game he doesn’t pay attention to the big picture. He managed to convince himself that he could get his ritual off first, which would have made all of this a… bit moot, but that’s not really an option anymore. So it’s down to us. You and me. The dynamic duo.
1°) I’m still laughing so much about the fact that Elias isn’t there, yet is mentioned so much, and casually dissed here and there. No respect for him. A few Nice Things.
2°) Technically, Peter didn’t say outright that Elias’s ceremony was The Watcher’s Crown. I mean, I don’t have any doubt after MAG120 that Elias is truly Beholding-aligned (he sucked so bad until then that… I was harbouring doubts before. But after MAG120, okay. No, he’s Dedicated to the Big Eyeball.), but it’s interesting that Peter didn’t use the name of the ritual here.
3°) ……………. Yeah, so Elias knows about the New Thing. Peter and Martin ~agreed~ that they wouldn’t tell Jon… so there is still someone who could give Jon some information about this, uh. (BAD. BAAAAD.)
- So, ~Elias’s ritual~ would have prevented the New Thing from doing whatever it’s threatening to do, according to Peter… but “that’s not really an option anymore”? Uh, why? It would sound a bit weird that the reason would be because of Elias being in jail (because… he didn’t even try to flee from being arrested? And we know there are other Beholding-related institutions around the world? And the Lukases didn’t even try to shield Elias from the charges?), so… is there a problem elsewhere preventing the ceremony? Is it because of Jon? Because of Jon’s unwillingness or… or is there actually something wrong with Jon as an Archivist? We know that the spiders have plans involving him (Oliver made it clear) and there was this part:
(MAG126) MARTIN: But if I could just explain– PETER: And how do you think Jon’s going to react, to that explanation? Hm? Do you think he’ll accept it calmly? Come through with a well-considered, rational response– MARTIN: That’s not fair– PETER: –or would he assume he knows better than you and do something rash?
… which makes me wonder if it wouldn’t be only a matter of Jon trying to fix an exterior situation, but something intrinsically involving him? Because Martin had seen Jon try to open up and trust the assistants towards the end of season 3! Jon’s behaviour on the matter basically changed after his kidnapping by Nikola: he was keener to explain and to rely on them, afterwards. True, Martin is not currently there to witness s4!Jon following the decision he had made about trusting the assistants (immediately going to talk to Basira about Melanie’s bullet; going along with Basira’s judgement that they shouldn’t try to talk to Melanie; not trying to compulse anyone), but he should know that Jon was doing better already in that regard…? So I’m really wondering if the New Problem… isn’t tied to Jon himself somehow (to Jon not being dead, overall), hence the fact that Martin accepted that they shouldn’t talk to him about it, and Peter’s comment about how Jon being awake is not changing anything, and how Martin “won’t want to” talk to him about it once it’s over? (;; Just like Jon and Basira did to Melanie, uh…) (Overall: “When all this is over, I’m telling him everything, with or without your permission.” “Martin… when it’s over, you won’t want to.” => is it more telling about Jon’s and the others’ situation at the end of it, or about Martin’s? At least it implies that Martin is not supposed to die from whatever he’s doing, but that’s not reassuring either.)
- Given that the statement began with Jon flipping through papers and clearly hissing in pain briefly at some point, I’m assuming that the injury from last episode was probably on his hand? (But Which Hand, is the question. Is he now injured on both, or did he get stabbed on the 10-months-old burn.)
- !!! Glad to know that Jon remembered to go back to Gertrude’s notebook that he had found (… that MARTIN had found) back in MAG113!!! Yay!!! … Sad to know that uh, it apparently contained… old information. As Jon pointed out (“The “Worker in Clay”… that’s what Michael called him in his statement. A “Great Twisting”, that Gertrude stopped at the cost of a single life.”) we got a demonstration of how Gertrude had understood how to neutralise one of the rituals, The Spiral’s in this case:
(MAG126, Deborah Madaki) The structure he held in his hands made my eyes hurt. Thin, sharp lines angling off from each other in an incredibly intricate arrangement – although they never seemed to actually connect with each other. It shifted, just like the other one, and I felt something jabbing at my skull like a migraine. Finally the lines seemed to resolve into a clear shape. A door. “Perfect!” Gabriel told me. “It looks just like him.” I asked him if it was supposed to be a face and he told me yes. It was a good friend of his. I asked him who, and he said they didn’t have a name. I told him everyone has a name, and he said his friend wasn’t like us; that having a name would only confuse them. My head was pounding. […] I got a letter, a week ago. It was from Gabriel. It said that he had found a new job, and he’d love it if I came up to assist him again. He’s working in a place called Sannikov Land. I’ve looked it up. It doesn’t exist. And it sounds cold. I don’t think I should go. I’m not going to go.
(MAG101) “MICHAEL”: And it was me they sought to stop. Me and the others of It-Is-Not-What-It-Is. Our Great Twisting. The-Worker-of-Clay had laboured for decades on that contorted, impossible edifice of doors… and stairs… and falsehoods… and smiles. A thousand staring morsels stood, and not one of them believed themselves sane to look upon it. And in the centre, the door that would open to all the places that were never there, was me. […] Even sharper than the joy of becoming is the agony of being opened and remade. To have your who torn bloody from your what, and another crudely lashed into its place. To become Michael. And to do so at such a crucial point in our Twisting, in our becoming, well of course it destroyed it. The impossible altar collapsed. The-Worker-of-Clay tore out his veins to dissolve himself in crimson mud. The others of us were cast to all the places that aren’t; some have still not found their way out again.
Gertrude got the confirmation that the ritual was coming close, what would be its point of focus (the door) and its localisation. She also got, from “Gabriel”’s comment, its weakness: giving the Distortion a name and an identity:
(MAG047) ARCHIVIST: … You’re him. “MICHAEL”: Yes. ARCHIVIST: Michael. “MICHAEL”: That is a real name. […] ARCHIVIST: Who the hell are you?! “MICHAEL”: I am not a “who”, Archivist; I am a “what”. A “who” requires a degree of identity I can’t even retain. ARCHIVIST: S… So… “Michael” isn’t your real name? Wha… “MICHAEL”: There is no such thing as a real name. ARCHIVIST: What are you talking about?! “MICHAEL”: I am talking about myself. It’s not something I’m used to doing, so I’m sorry if I’m not very good at it.
I’m still wondering if there is something behind the map she had given to Michael: where did she find it and/or how did she manage to draw it? Helen could draw one, but that’s because she (as the ~Wanderer~) went beyond the doors and managed to get out before “Michael” came back after her. Did someone manage to come out from The Distortion before, when it was even more chaotic? Or did Gertrude actually get it from Deborah Madaki herself, reconstituting it from what Deborah could remember of the sculptures made by “Gabriel”? (Or did… someone else give the map to Gertrude?)
- I’m sobbing and hurt at Jon… drawing parallels between Gertrude and him ;___;
(MAG126) ARCHIVIST: […] A “Great Twisting”, that Gertrude stopped at the cost of a single life. … I thought… moving away from my humanity would have made that seem more acceptable. That sort of sacrifice… but it just makes me sad… … I remembered Gertrude’s notebook; we found it alongside the plastic explosives, but it rather got lost amongst the business of… [SIGHS] saving the world at the cost of two lives…
Tim and (officially) Daisy’s deaths weren’t… at all… similar to what happened to Michael Shelley; Tim wanted to go, Daisy is a bit more ambiguous given how roped into it by Elias she had been (but she at least sounded exceptionally eager at the prospect of using explosives to blow something up). Tim insisted on going even though nobody wanted him to. It was Tim’s choice. Tim didn’t do it for Jon but for his own revenge, for his own feelings! He might have got back a bit of his freedom and agency that way! It was different!! But the fact that Jon, right now, is equating the two a little… is not wrong either (while very wrong at the same time); in the end, the Archivist witnessed and survived, while… people died.
My heart is also breaking at how Jon… has grown to accept that he’s been technically losing his humanity? It was something he feared, something he suspected; and towards the end of season 3, something he had to learn to deal with (seeking anchors to prevent him from slipping too much). But it’s really not going as envisioned or feared, precisely? So far, it’s mostly making Jon sound like a sweeter bean who is a bit lost because Too Many Feelings; it’s making him more aware of what he is losing and what he could risk losing further…
(MAG126) ARCHIVIST: […] I’ve been… trying to check on Melanie’s condition. She refuses to see me – understandably, I–I suppose, and Basira has been looking after her. [SIGHS] It hurts, of course, but… [SIGHS] I really hope getting that bullet out of her helps. At least… stops it from getting any worse. I can’t have been too late again.
;; There are so many things that hurt, gdi??? The fact that he understands Melanie’s stance towards him, the fact that it hurts him, the fact that he feels that he’s been “too late” for other things in the past?? (Sasha being attacked by the Not!Them? Tim’s self-destructive spiral? Basira and Daisy getting coerced by Elias? Melanie getting trapped in the Institute? Martin’s current association with Peter?) I’m a bit surprised that Basira is apparently taking care of Melanie; I would have assumed Melanie would have been extremely cross at her, too…? (;; I hope they’re not lying to Melanie and pretending that Jon acted on his own and Basira tried to stop him, or something, because… the truth coming out at a later point could make the situation even more explosive.)
- The difference between Jon’s and Martin’s respective treatments of the tape recorders is… jarring.
(MAG126) ARCHIVIST: [DRY EXHALE] There was a tape recorder waiting for me when I sat down. They’re not even hiding it anymore. There weren’t any tapes from when I was… away – I checked. Whatever they are, they are here for me. I suppose I should be worried, but I have so much to keep watch over. So I’ve decided to let the tapes run. They’ve… proved useful before, so… [TINY CHUCKLE]
MARTIN: Oh. Hello. Haven’t seen you in a while. [TYPING] … Really? I mean, it’s just admin. It’s not exactly thrilling listening. … Alright, fine. Whatever. You do you. Spool away, I guess. Just, you know, let me know if you need some more batteries or something. [TYPING] … It’s because he’s back, isn’t it. [SIGHS] He’s back, so now you’re going to be… around, again. Listening in. Mff. You missed him, didn’t you. … Yeah. … [VERY SHARP SQUEAL OF DISTORTION] Yeah, me too.
1°) Jon talks about them in front of them in third person (rude! =D) and describes them in terms of usefulness. Martin pours out his soul to them, addresses them directly, offers them BATTERIES IF THEY NEED………, and finds things they have in common (the fact they both missed Jon), absolutely humanizing them. … did they actually go spy on Martin because Jon was so casually mean to them, and at least someone in the Institute would treat them right?
2°) Same as Elias, Peter doesn’t seem to mind them – he didn’t acknowledge the tape recorder, but he heard Martin’s last sentence (at the very least) so was probably aware that Martin was talking to it?
3°) Not absolutely definite, but Jon mentioning that he hasn’t found tapes from when he was “away” probably included MAG118 + MAG120 + MAG121. It’s… very curious because, until now, the tape recorders had had a bit of a communicative function – they allowed Jon to hear what he had missed, or were explicitly used by people to leave messages for him (Elias, Martin pushing Tim to give his statement). Right now, they’re voyeurs who neither help nor give anything back to the characters? (I… don’t think that the tape recorder popping up in front of Martin was on a mission to bring that tape back to Jon; it sounds more like a purely selfish action…?)
- But Jon. Jon. Joooon, no D:
(MAG126) ARCHIVIST: I suppose I should be worried, but I have so much to keep watch over.
(MAG120) ELIAS: I presumed that I knew you thoroughly, but by the time you demonstrated otherwise… well. There was simply too much to keep watching over. I only have two eyes, after all.
You’re sounding like Elias, now DDD:
- It was my favourite written statement from season 4 so far, I think? I really loved the creeping sense of wrongness rising gradually, sprinkled with bits of mundane reactions and rationalizing (“He coughed gently and, well, I suppose it would have been rude not to look.”, “That was when I ran. I suppose I could have run before then, but I wouldn’t have wanted to seem rude, and it’s not like any of it could have been real, is it? It was just me losing it a bit.”). Plus, very casual queer statement-giver whose wife had down-to-earth preoccupations is always a good start (“since George was off to university and Rosa was usually working evenings, I tended to be alone until about… ten or eleven most days. So obviously, I started going to as many classes as I could. It was a great way to… meet friends, learn new skills, and, er, as she always reminded me, spend a good portion of Rosa’s paycheck.”). It was already a very good and chilling one, slipping more and more, like, HOLY MEW, SON??
(MAG126, Deborah Madaki) Ray told us the lesson was “faces”. I put my hand up to say that sculpting faces was probably a bit advanced for where we were in the course, but he shook his head, and said that we were… a lot more talented than we thought. He said the key was that faces were twisted. All faces were twisted on the inside and all you had to do was reach into the deepest part of yourself and put that twisted on the outside of the clay, and as soon as you can scream you’ll have your own face staring back at you. I asked him to clarify and he nodded again. “ ‘s Soon as you can scream," he said, glancing over nervously to Gabriel, who gave him… big thumbs up. Like it was all some… joke they were playing.
(And how everything began to be obviously more and more wrong, and how, cherry on top! It actually tied in heavily with chronologically-later events that we have already heard about. It was totally unsettling and terrifying; then the conclusion was already a punch; then Jon’s statement made things worse, from “There was no sign of Mary. They still haven’t found her.” to “shortly after this statement was given, they found the body of one [Mary Randall] in her basement, and she has spent the last nine years in Eastwood Park Prison” sHHHHH………… I’m never getting used to these moments in which suddenly, we’re made aware of what was actually happening.)
- Patreons-perks mean that we get the next episode’s title on Monday, now! Jonny had mentioned he was proud of MAG127’s; I can confirm it’s a terrible title and I hate it already. The worst things is that the question it elicits is just a big “WHOSE.” because we… have choices… Anyway, could be very wrong as usual, but the title just reeks (for me) of Beholding and/or Elias and I’m not ready for either :|
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ralfstrashcan · 6 years
3x11 Reaction / Commentary
So I haven't even started the episode and I'm already confused.
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Why did Netflix put 3B in a separate folder? I mean, they didn't with 2B. What's the matter with that. Or is this just the German Netflix??
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Smoooooothe move. Somewhere Derek Hale is smiling proudly.
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Wtf why they so slow. I was half expecting this to be a simulation or sth because they took ages to arrive and then were walking super chill???
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Seelie guy doesn't use this obvious distraction of the others to try and escape, since he knows he's just a minor character and shouldn't interfere.
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Beautiful grieving sequence, especially Jace with the sketch of himself. I knew there would be a portrait of him in there before he even turned the page, I could feel it. I love how sensitive and therefore predictable the show is.
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Ooooh nooooo Clary is still aliiiiiive, who whould have thought?!?!?! Okay sorry haha I had to.
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lol didn't he look in a mirror recently and realize there's still no real resemblance? I mean, at least now he's not charred anymore, so I guess there's more resemblance than before, but you know what I mean. And I get it, this is supposed to be a parallelism to Lilith saying the same thing, but if memory serves right, at this point in time Jonathan was a) in a thick glass casket and b) dead so I'm wondering how he could have heard that.
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wtf I'm getting sooo mixed signals from him. Does he want to give off creeper vibes or play house? Because he's kinda doing both?? Play Creeper House???
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This...... doesn't sound as reassuring as it sounded in your head, Jonathan.
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So, points for Clary for that ploy, but my heart is already pre-emptively breaking for Jonathan when he finds out she's playing him. The poor guy just wants family after being used and abused his whole life, man. Is that too much to ask.
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More points for Clary for being sensible and grabbing a coat!!
“Clary, come on. You can't go out there. You're never gonna survive.”
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Hahaha that had me laughing out loud. So Clary.
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Okay, minus points for Clary for not actually wearing the coat. You had a winning streak of common sense but all good things must end, I guess.
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Picturesque. But, uh, since Jonathan isn't following her she could slow down. And if she was a Slytherin, she would have waited til after breakfast with her daring escape.
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Also if you're more make-up versed than I am (which, admittedly, isn't very hard) and realized something was off about the way Magnus held that eyeliner stick (?) then check lynne-monstr's eyeliner salt club tag because it's hilarious. I also want to rec volunteer_of_hufflepuff's fic smile even though your heart is breaking because it's awesome.
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...........................really. Really. That's how they want to play it? Ugh, okay. Ugh.
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You know, I've had a whole lengthy extensive (dare I say exhaustive) rant ripening in my head since I saw this bit in the sneak peek but I'm just not in the mood, so let me cut it short: I get Simon's reaction emotionally, since losing Clary must be a horrible experience for him, but I'm still bitter about early 3A where blasting that werewolf across Taki's yard and knowing he might never walk again didn't bother Simon for one second. Repercussions should always matter, regardless of how close you are to the person affected.
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Oh dear, she's still running. And her hair still looks like that?
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Sure. Also
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How can he keep up with her when he's walking and she's running? I mean he's not that much taller than her. Or does she run ten feet, pause to gasp and pant a little, runs again, stop and go, y'know? So on average she's just powerwalking.
Ok srsly I need to stop this nonsensical commentary.
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Yeah and I guess he didn't notice the Clave-approved vampire-torture-sunlight construction Aldertree installed in this very same office (shown in 2x04 if you care to remember).
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........who are you and what did you do to Alec Lightwood? You seriously want to tell me he'd consider not bringing up a violation of the Accords, and more importantly power abuse and torture, because of political reasons and he's “scared” to lose his standing with Jia? Please. He'd be enforcing Clave law. He'd be well within his right. We're talking about the guy who flat out refused to do the Inquisitor's bidding because it went against his moral code. Compared to that, this is a walk in the park. So. Please.
“I understand the kind of pain you're in, Jace.”
“No you don't. I'm sorry, you don't.”
“You're right...
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Oh my god this isn't about Clary, or at least not for the most part. Jace is frikking traumatized because he wasn't in control of his body or his actions or his frakking mind for days. Btw I'm actually impressed and surprised they bothered to focus on anything but the Clary-Drama, namely Jace second-hand-killing like 33 people. And Imogen. And almost Alec. The way I see Jace he'll focus on his guilt, not the pain he feels over Clary's loss. Clary will be on his mind and that's one more thing to feel shitty about, because how can he be so selfish and think about his own pain when he brought so much more pain on other people? Jace has an incredibly intricately self-destructive mind and I love how it was portrayed here. Also loved the scene in general with some Izzy&Jace sibling feels, the tender way she talks to him, his kiss to her hand. But the focus (mainly because of Izzy) returning to Clary annoyed me a little.
And by the way, there is one person who can understand Jace. Alec. Because he was possessed by a demon and forced to kill someone, too. Granted, he doesn't have the memories of the action itself, but he saw it on tape. He blames himself because the demon fed off his own hate against Jocelyn. So I would really really love to see those two talking about it. I'm extremely thrilled to watch on and see if they do (but lol kinda hoping they don't because then I can finish writing my ficlet about it, which I sadly didn't manage to before 3B aired).
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Also what a damn badass nightlight, I want one as well even though I hate not to sleep in absolute darkness, that's how pretty this is.
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Wow I'm so glad they didn't forget about Iris. I was scared, not gonna lie.
Tbh I don't find Madzie's reaction that realistic. I mean, Valentine – the first person to talk to her after she got ripped from her normal life in her normal home – told her Clary got Iris into trouble. At some point they must have told her that Iris isn't coming back. But did they really tell her Iris was breeding warlocks? I highly doubt that. At most they told her Iris did some bad things. But, since they probably said the same thing about Valentine (and he was always “nice” to her) and told her Clary wasn't in fact evil, that kind of loses its meaning. And let's not forget, she is a child. A probably traumatized child, I might add, since Valentine used her to literally kill at least ten Shadowhunters that we see on screen, likely more. Her perception of what is right and what is wrong is easily swayed. And personally I think she neither really registered that Iris is supposed to be the bad guy now nor that living with Catarina / Magnus and Alec is sooooo much better than living with Iris ever was, so her having such a strong opposition against going with Iris seems unrealistic to me.
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Love this. So good.
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This is actually really beautiful
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This is actually really dramatic for no reason and I'm soooo here for it.
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Soooooo am I the only one wondering why the F Cat didn't put some wards on Magnus's place? I mean????? There is no explanation given for that, and frankly I can't come up with one. If not for Magnus, then Cat would at least put wards there while Madzie stays with him. Or....... do they want to imply Cat doesn't know that he lost his magic?? Hä?! If so, who the hell patched Alec back up from his neat little life-threatening arrow wound? Cuz I had assumed it was Cat. Since, y'know Jace pleaded with Magnus to help Alec, implying (to me at least) that an iratze alone wouldn't cut it this time. Except of course, if he asked because he didn't want to be bothered with taking out his stele and activating Alec's healing rune, but when Magnus refused because no magic he had no other choice.... and let's be real, the first scene of this episode heavily implies that a healing rune can cure just about anything in 0.3 seconds flat.
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Alec wanting to bench Magnus makes no sense. Keeping him around and/or at the Institute makes more sense than, oh I don't know, telling him to stay in his loft where there are no wards. Wtf is logic anyway, right?
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I liked this scene, don't get me wrong but... what's with the tough love? Alec isn't usually like that?? He's soft and firm reassurance, not aggressive and authoritative reassurance. Did he try that route before and it didn't work?? I need some answers.
“I had no idea.”
“How could you? You weren't there.”
“Me leaving had nothing to do with Simon. I just needed to be alone.
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Okay, what, am I supposed to blame Maia now for needing time for and taking care of herself? She's so defensive as if her leaving was objectively wrong, and it wasn't.
“I guess when times get tough, some people need to be alone. And others need to be around other people.
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Please, this is a dirty lie. Remind me again, who was it that pushed Alec away after he found out about her yin fen addiction, insisted she could handle it on her own, ran away and finally confiding in some random stranger she had just met? It wasn't Maia. Who stayed up late all night, disregarding her own emotions and rather tearing herself apart trying to fix the drama of her brothers than to mention to anyone she wasn't alright? Wasn't Maia either.
I feel strongly about this because this seems like a really cheap way to break up Saia and set up Sizzy and I don't like cheap things. I don't like Sizzy either, but my main demand is quality, not a certain content. I'll accept Sizzy if it's done correctly. But this isn't it. This is laying blame on a character who's not to blame, and making claims about another character that are plain untrue if you look at the last three seasons.
I've said it before, there would be good ways to break up Saia. For example their attitude to violence differs greatly from one another. Maia is trigger-happy and sees no harm in it, Simon is more or less pacifistic (at least when he's not having his I-don't-care-about-anything-but-my-gig-mood). Creating a conflict out of this would have been in character. Claiming Maia is somehow to blame because she wasn't there is not only unfair, but also invalidating all Maia has done for Simon before, and that was a lot. Putting up with her shitty ex, helping him search for Lilith, fighting her own pack so they don't bully him. She was about to have a face-off with the Seelie Queen – the very same creature that held her hostage not too long ago – just to be by his side. Is that all suddenly not worth anything anymore, just because she had the audacity to take a little time for herself, to sort through her own issues?
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Seriously, he let her walk in that? No wonder she collapsed. Jonathan should have gotten her nice hiking boots.
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CAN WE JUST.... CAN WE...... APPRECIATE.......... HOW HE BATS ALL HER MAGIC ATTACKS AWAY....... LIKE............ MAGNUS................ H O W
Btw if this is supposed to sway me and make me see that benching Magnus would have been the right call, then it's not working, because fine, let's assume Magnus had gone home. Then Iris would have had an even easier job to snatch him away, because a) no wards and b) no sword. And on top of that Alec wouldn't have had a way of knowing that Magnus was even taken, since I doubt Iris would have let Magnus call or text him.
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Do you even know that? I'd like to see what you're willing to do after being tortured for ten years. Just saying. But fine. Stay there on your high horse.
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Ohmygod I am stunned. I couldn't have written that summation any better and to be honest I had assumed the show would just blackpaint Jonathan as evil villain and be done with it. This is so much more than I expected. I am impressed. (And of course now I hope that there will be a redemption arc for Jonathan, but I'm afraid I'm setting myself up for heartbreak with this one.)
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Do they intend to tell me that this whole place is warmed by the fireplace? Why not by a heater? Since the three billion lamps
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imply there's electricity somewhere. Or was that line about firewood just Jonathan's way to exit the scene? Who knows.
“Ollie? Doesn't remember a thing. Praetor was good about getting her and Samantha relocated. New identities. They're safe now, like everyone else.”
I'm still high-key bitter about this. I love Ollie a great deal, okay, so this is a pretty disappointing solution to outsource her from the plot. Just let her forget all the shit so she doesn't have to deal with trauma. Guess she thinks now her mother died in an explosion caused by a gas leakage or something. I wonder what the mundane police has to say about that and how long it'll take them to find her, since, y'know, they have evidence against her and all that.
Edit: This doesn't actually make sense if you think about it. Did Ollie just get dropped into a witness protection program for no reason she can remember? Or does that “new identities” actually mean they have completely new identities because they don't remember ANYTHING from their old life?? I need answers.
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I get it. This is supposed to make me see how rundown and wasted Luke is. But is he purposefully trying to make himself look like a confused hobo? I mean couldn't he like, prepare the notes he wanted to show Jace? It's like he's trying to reinforce to Jace he shouldn't listen to a thing Luke says because these are clearly the actions of a desperate man. Presentation is half the battle man, man.
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Hah, badass. There's a reason I love him.
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I totally dig Magnus in his kiddie clothes, but I also need a lot of answers because there's blood on his hands and bodies at his feet and this doesn't look like magic gone haywire, this looks like a massacre and I need answers. I wonder if they're gonna explain this flash or just let it sit there uncommented. (I hope they address it and I hope it has something to do with Asmodeus and their time together.)
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Ugh do I honestly have to reiterate that parking Magnus in his ward-less loft wouldn't have helped? Also, he's a grown-ass man and can make decisions for himself, dammit.
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Owning up to his mistakes unrestrainedly. There's a reason I have a soft spot for Raphael.
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New York, huh? What a coincidence. Wouldn't want him to live somewhere else and have Maia burn through the other half of her paycheck to pay some warlock to portal them again, right?
Also, not to be controversial, but why don't they ask the Praetor first? Since they had a whole ass book on the mark of cain and everything. And figured out what it is. And getting rid of something so dangerous is basically their job. I mean. Just saying.
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You know I always marvel at this. Just because he's old he knows shit? Is there really an age where knowledge pops into your head just because? Because I'm still waiting for that to happen to me, let me tell you. Just like being immortal somehow grants you immediate access to celebrities and the questionable honor to be in the midst of all historical events of the slightest relevance? Srsly if I was immortal I'd still be glued to my lappy and hate going out.
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LOL give Iris a front row seat on how you smashed her XD XD XD
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<3 <3 <3
This exchange thing is a ploy, and to be honest, a painfully obvious one. I find it really kinda hard to believe Iris falls for it. What I've been asking myself since this plot line started is, why didn't Iris have that idea herself? Like, I honestly expected her to use Magnus as a hostage and tell Alec he either hand over Madzie or she'll kill Magnus. Makes way more sense than her just trying to find Madzie herself and then what, try to break her out again? That didn't work last time, and since the warlocks are warned by Magnus's abduction it'd be even unlikelier to work now. I get it plot-wise since it'd be a little awkward if Iris out-blackmailed the Shadowhunters, but like. Seriously. What's the in-universe-explanation for this???
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I don't know why, but Magnus looks super cute in this shot.
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Five bucks say this is Izzy with a shapeshifting rune, and ISTG if this is actually Madzie then I can just shake my head at them.
Okay, I totally dig Lightwood siblings working together but. Why do you have to simultaneously hurt me with plot holes.
1) Where did they get Seelie Magic? Did they employ Meliorn? Srlsy. Also, the Seelie Magic at the beginning of the episode could move so why was Illusion!Madzie standing there like a display dummy? That was super suspicious.
2) Why didn't they use a shapeshifting rune? The illusion would have held longer, Izzy could have gotten closer and tied Iris up more easily, without Magnus getting smashed first. But, drama I guess.
3) Where the f is Catarina? Please. Her ward almost gets kidnapped and all she does is go “Oh shit, gotta relocate her to some other High Warlock lol.” Her best friend gets kidnapped and all she does is go “Oh shit, but whatever, here have a fake ransom note but don't think I'll move my ass from this super important Bitching and Drinking Conference. I payed like 200 bucks to get in.” Wtf. This is shitty ooc behavior from her. Wtf. She's either suuuuuper confident that Alec and Izzy will get Magnus back no problem, or she doesn't give a shit about him, and sorry, I don't believe either of those two options.
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HAHAHA I'M SCREAMING LOOOOOL!!! Is this code for “We wanted to kill her but Lilith was quicker so we'll pretend we weren't even interested in killing her in the first place”? The Clave, man. Always good for a laugh.
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No, dummy, this is their R&D Department.
I'm not even kidding, remember 2x04:
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Oh the good old times.
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This was. Really good. Really. I'm like, reeling. I feel like show writers read too many fanfics and therefore the Malec scenes this ep were exquisite. Magnus evasively running around and not liking his “powerlessness.” Alec there to reassure him with the sweetest of words. Their kiss, not to short, but hard and determined, with feeling. Top tier shit.
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Wow, even though the words that left their mouths were reassuring and good it still feels like their relationship is suddenly dying. I wonder why that is? Oh, right. Because Sizzy, that's why.
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I love.
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Ooooh guess the residual electricity finally ran out. And I guess Clary turned all the candles off to match the mood? Also, since it was dark outside before and now isn't anymore.... was Jonathan out collecting firewood the entire night? That's dedication, man.
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.......what a coincidence that their healing rune is in the exact same spot. On that note, I've been wondering.... if the ressurection resetted his skin to a state it hasn't been in for ten years, effectively un-charring it, shouldn't his runes have disappeared as well? Did he spend the “days” Clary was sleeping with putting runes all over himself?? On that note, why the hell did Clary have to sleep for days when Jonathan was the one who came back from the dead? All that Clary did was running at Simon in slow motion. I mean, I know what I would find more taxing.
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I soooo appreciate the blood on her teeth. Such care for detail <3
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Okay, so I realize that this makes Jonathan look like a fanatic, but I actually understand this scene like this: He's not an idiot. He knew Clary wasn't really going to give him a chance. But this, this is his chance, because now she has no choice but to stick with him and see for herself.
Btw if you're wondering why I'm so pro Jonathan, you can read the beginning of this post where I got out all of my Jonathan Feels. Basically, until I actually see him act intrinsically evil I refuse to believe all hope is lost for him. He did terrible things, yes, and he's aware of that, but the way I see it he did them because he wasn't ever presented with an alternate choice. And now that he has one, he's holding onto it tooth and nail. He wants to leave all the pointless violence behind.
I'm aware he's a sadistic psycho in the books, but this wouldn't be the first time the show gave a character a make-over (for the better) and so far the only compelling piece of evidence on the show in favor of Jonathan's demon blood causing him to be unsavably evil was Jocelyn's vision of him killing a flower as a baby, and it's not even clear if that was intentional. So excuse me if that's not enough for me to write him off.
Gif Sources: Malec cheek kiss, Magnus being cutesy with his croc impression, Magnus brandishing his sword *facepalm* you know what I mean, Magnus batting Iris's magic away
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cassandraclare · 6 years
q&A Isabelle
clockworkraindrops said: Hi Cassie! I absolutely loved Son of the Dawn, young Max is so adorable. I was wondering why the part in the institute was written from Isabelle's POV? Much love from England! x
blackthornsus said: hey cassie!! i adored sotd i was crying and laughing the whole time <333 but i was wondering why the other pov was isabelle, and not alec, who would eventually be jace’s parabatai? Well, I talked in an earlier post about PoVs, and how I decide people are getting PoVs--it happens for many, many reasons, but the end result is (I hope) to get the best reading experience possible. Isabelle's PoV came naturally to me and Sarah for many reasons—I don't think we ever considered Alec for this story. For one thing, Isabelle isn't going to be the co-protagonist of The Eldest Curses series: people have a lot of Alec's PoV upcoming, and Isabelle is just as important and beloved, so I thought it would be fun for her get a PoV here, being young and fierce and optimistic. Plus, Alec's getting a PoV in The Land I Lost, to parallel Magnus's PoV in Born to Endless Night, so now we get a look inside of both their heads in GOTSM. For another, Isabelle's PoV worked because Isabelle is the one literally seeing the most, and giving us the clearest perspective possible on what's happening. Remember what I said about often not having a PoV because that character has a secret? Isabelle in this story is the kid who isn't hiding anything, who at this time--before she knows the secret of her father's infidelity--believes in her family entirely, and sees them all from a sympathetic, loving, and not defensive viewpoint. She's not shy like Alec, so she's open-minded about Jace coming. From Alec's perspective, the scene where Jem and Raphael visit might well go: "Isabelle is giving a Silent Brother googly eyes, whereas I, Alec, am having a cool casual conversation with a cool individual in a cool jacket” which doesn't convey as much of what's actually going on. Isabelle's sharp, too, and she alone sees that Raphael is actually putting out 'Save me!' vibes during said conversation, whereas Alec wants to think he's having a successful social interaction, and Maryse is frightened for her kids, so she sees a vampire talking to her children automatically as a vampire preying on her children. That's often how prejudice works--we project the discomfort we feel onto others, and try to make it their fault. Isabelle's the least prejudiced person in the room--Jem isn't prejudiced, but he doesn't really know the Lightwoods or how they work, and is trying to convince Robert and Maryse to help with the yin fen, so he doesn't have much opportunity to notice the kids until Maryse calls attention to them, and can't know that Alec isn't just a friendly kid. Similarly, Isabelle has the least baggage when observing Jace, and she notices a lot of details and draws conclusions even more accurate than she knows. Robert and Maryse are both viewing Jace through the lens of him being Michael Wayland's son, with all the baggage that entails, and which influences how each of them sees Jace--Robert expected Jace to look like Michael, which of course Jace doesn't, and Maryse isn't expecting to feel a maternal pull to Jace, which she does. Max and Alec are a bit dazzled by the new arrival, and Alec's shyness is still present, as is his discomfort with this stranger in their home--for some time Jace and Alec are going to be uncertain of how to read the other, and whether the other one likes them, while Isabelle can see what's up from this first night. Jace's PoV of the first night, for instance, would be a panicked mess: he doesn't know these people, he's hurt, he badly wants to please, and the one who seems best disposed toward him is baby Max, whose burbling Jace cannot understand. Isabelle understands Max: she's the PoV because she's the one who best understands everybody in the room and what’s going on in their hearts — better even than they do.
imsopoetrightfuck said: Hi! I loved Son of the Dawn, and I’m particularly in love with getting Isabelle’s POV! I love the way she thinks and she felt young- she also hinted at her parents fighting, and said that her mother would never tell her something she didn’t want to hear. What made Maryse tell Isabelle about Robert’s affair, and how did that affect how Isabelle felt towards her mother? Thank you! I can’t wait for the next Shadow Market story!
Maryse is in a very isolated position. In exile with her family, it wasn’t as if she had friends she could confide in when she found out Robert was unfaithful but she desperately needed one. She made a classic mistake and treated her daughter as if her daughter were her friend and not her child. I think we see a lot in CoFA and after about how Isabelle felt about being her mother’s confidant — from feeling that she herself had to protect “the boys” from the truth about their father, to resenting her mother, to resenting her father, to finally coming to peace with the knowledge that her parents were flawed people, as everyone is. I’m glad you enjoyed little Izzy’s POV!
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The Magnus Archives ‘Tucked In’ (S03E06) Analysis
The newest episode of ‘The Magnus Archives’ comes with a new perspective, a new narrator, and a new variation on an old entity.  The combination of a nicely disquieting story and some good information about two of our characters rounds out a solid entry.  Come on in to hear what I think about ‘Tucked In’.
First off, let’s talk about the story.  Melanie took over the heavy lifting this week for a very nicely narrated, spooky story.  I have to give Jonny Sims some kudos on his description of the body in the blankets, as that is pretty much what a 2-week-old body wrapped in blankets does look like.  As for what it smells like … yeah, I could tell you that too, if you were interested.  But for the sake of readers who don’t want to know what two weeks of hard decomposition smells like, I’ll give it a pass for now.  Suffice to say, research for this show continues to be top-notch.  
I have to wonder if the monster this week is related to Mr Pitch, the being that was worshipped by the People’s Church of the Divine Host.  Certainly it seems related to the dark and to fear, both of which were the focuses of the People’s Church.  If it wasn’t Mr Pitch itself, I imagine it to be another aspect to the Darkness.  One that won’t actually strike until the fear fades, and it’s done having its fun.
It’s interesting that so far most of the aspects of the Darkness tend to speak.  There’s chanting, and words, and whispers.  The Darkness, despite being vast and hollow, isn’t silent.  It’s alive with noises and movement.  I don’t know if that fact is relevant to anything, but I did find it interesting.
As well as elaborating on the aspects of the Darkness, we got some good information about both Melanie and Tim.  Tim continues to dodge actually doing narration duty.  At this point, I have to wonder if this is some sort of instinctual fight against the influence of the Archive.  After all, those who have narrated seem far more deeply enmeshed in the Archivist than he does.  Could it be that some part of him knows that actually narrating a statement and giving the Archivist that foothold in him would be to truly give up the fight against where he is and what he’s becoming? 
Tim is falling apart now as badly as Sims did last season. His despair and his anger are preventing him from doing … anything apparently.  He’s choked by it, trapped by it, and utterly defeated by it. Everything we hear from him points to a man who can’t see a way out of his situation and hates it more and more.
If Sims’ character arc last season was all about how his paranoia was detonating his life, I get the feeling we’re going to be seeing a parallel story this season about Tim’s anger. The problem is that both the paranoia and the anger were rooted in totally justifiable places, but both rapidly spiraled out of control and into something that was indiscriminately destructive.   So Tim is managing to both keep himself free of the tangles of the Archive by sheer force of will, while also potentially hurting those around him.  
I think a big part of this stems from Tim’s background, and how it shapes how he views his situation.  We certainly don’t have a lot of information about Tim prior to the Institute, but we do know that he came out of a good job that had a lot of professional promise.  His only apparent prior connection to the supernatural was a fascination with Robert Smirke, but we don’t know if it was that which prompted his move out of publishing and into research.   So unless there was some spectacular failure on his part that forced him out, he chose to move to the Magnus Institute to follow another interest.  Out of all of them, really, he had the most choice when it came to working there.  He’s the only one with consistent outside connections, and potential for a ton of other jobs, wheras both Melanie and Martin were more or less railroaded by the Beholding and circumstance into their current employment.  But Tim had friends.  Tim had opportunities.  Tim had an active social life throughout season 1, though it’s unclear if he’s up to dating right now.  But he was clearly a guy a lot of people got on well with.  He was a good guy with a dorky sense of humor, and life was fairly excellent for Tim.
So imagine going from that to realizing you’re in a job that will likely kill you, and you can’t quit. Imaging being a guy who has defined himself by his independence, suddenly being very effectively caged.  Imagine mourning a friend (while your coworker is stubbornly clinging to the idea that she’s still alive) you can’t even properly remember.  
Tim fell hard and fast, and he hates it.  He hates the helplessness of it, the fact that his ability to leave was taken from him, and because of that, he hates everything and everyone associated with the Institute.  For a while I thought it was just Sims he was mad at, but hearing him talk about Martin? It’s everyone there, no matter if they deserve his anger or not.  
Contrast this to Melanie, who is rapidly becoming a pragmatic highlight of the team.  It turns out that, yeah, Martin did try to belatedly warn her about the Archives (Tim instantly jumped to him omitting that, pointing to yet more resentment from Tim regarding everyone around him), and she doesn’t particularly care.  And you know what?  I completely understand her perspective. Their world is dangerous for anyone who stumbles into the dark.  Melanie got shot by a ghost in India, and bankrupted herself doing it.  She only had this one way out.  One job that would dig her out of being broke and friendless, and you know what?  Being weirdly protected by an otherworldly horror as she does exactly what she had been doing before isn’t the worst thing in the world.  It’s certainly no more dangerous than what she had been doing when she was independent. It’s steady, it’s a job, and she’s investigating the supernatural with way more resources at her disposal than she ever has before.
I that, I actually think Melanie and Martin have a lot in common.  They both came from places of desperation when the Institute took them in. This job is, in many ways, exactly what they want.  Martin understands it’s not for everyone, which was why I think he did try to warn Melanie.  After all, Tim loathes being trapped in the Archives, and the last thing Martin needs is another miserable soul moping around the stacks when he’s barely holding the department together as is.  And even though he doesn’t know her, he doesn’t want Melanie killed by some otherworldly horror, either.  All the rest of the Archival staff is trying to protect her, and I don’t know if she hasn’t really understood how dangerous the Archives can be yet, or if she genuinely thinks that this is about equal to what she was facing before.  I suppose the info-dump she’s about to receive from Sims might clarify that a bit for her.
But I think, even with the new information, she’s not going to shrink from this.  Melanie isn’t miserable, and she isn’t helpless, and she needed this job.  In spite of her new coworkers fearing for her safety, she’s actually handling integration into what the Archives does and what it is surprisingly well.  She reacted to the statement in a similar manner to early-season-1 Sims: disbelief, but instinctual caution.  And she might be far more practical and far less blustery than he was.  
If she and Martin ever seriously talk, I think they’ll find that their attitudes regarding their situation are quite similar.  The job isn’t the best, but then what is?  Yes, they may well die doing it, but they could die for any reason at any time. Martin’s found something almost like a family in the Archival staff (or at least something close enough to a family that he’s willing to drag them the rest of the way to that concept), and Melanie can pursue a sense of purpose.  Even assisting Sims gives her more information, and more direction for her own investigations into war ghosts.
The funny thing is, thinking about it, Sims is this odd bridge between Martin and Melanie on the one hand, and Tim on the other.  Sims didn’t come from anywhere to miss.  His life is marked by a lack of connection, and researching the paranormal was his only goal since the Mr Spider incident.  So he came into the job like Melanie or like Martin.  But he also resents and wants to quit the job, like Tim, since he’s seen how bad it can get.  
But the thing is that, unlike Tim, that passion for research is still there, twisted into the addiction of the Archivist.  He has to search and find information, yes, but he also loves it, even as he’s terrified by it.  Of all of them, Jon has the most complicated relationship with his role and with the Institute, and if all of them were to ever really sit down and hash some things out, he might well be the best bridge between all their goals and desires.  
By the end of the episode, of course, he did start reaching out.  He was even practical about it.  Reaching out to Melanie really does make the most sense.  Tim loathes Sims enough to tell Daisy about him, Elias is pretty much 100% a murderer, and Martin ‘the closest one to Jonathan Sims’ Blackwood is definitely being surveilled by Daisy in hopes of finding Sims. I hope Melanie fills Martin in at least, and gets his cooperation.  Sims is going to need more than one person on his side in the Institute, and Martin could be a great help.  If Melanie could convince him it wasn’t safe to go and see Sims himself.
A solid horror story couched in getting to know Melanie a little better, and also getting a closer look into Tim’s mental state.  Melanie continues to be acerbic and pragmatic, which makes me continue to really like her. Tim’s anger and frustration run very deep, and both are currently paralyzing him.  I both look forward to and dread what happens when he finally finds an outlet for that anger.  If it’s some sort of research in trying to find a way out of his contract, that might be hugely useful, but I worry that it’s going to be Daisy Tonner instead.  I worry that, by the end of the season, Tim’s anger is going to get A LOT of people hurt.  He and Sims really need to have a chat about unhealthy coping mechanisms. Melanie and Martin need to bond over still sort of enjoying their jobs.  And Martin at least needs to know Sims is okay, if nothing more.  Let him send Melanie with a sandwich or something.
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iheartmilfs42069 · 7 years
On Kierark, Toxic Relationships, and Fetishization
I am honestly alarmed by how many people ship Kierark (not to mention Kierarktina). Tumblr prides itself on being “woke,” and yet it’s a rare blog that DOESN’T ship them. But why? It’s toxic and unhealthy. Why is it that so many people don’t see it? Well, today I’m going to outline all the reasons why this ship is messy and abusive.
Let’s start with the first place we see them: “Bitter of Tongue,” one of the Tales from the Shadowhunter Academy novels. Granted, we don’t see much of them and it makes sense for Kieran to seem unfriendly around a Shadowhunter (or rather, a Shadowhunter-in-training). But then we get this observation from Simon, “[He] could not tell if the tight grasp of Kieran’s hand was affectionate, anxiety, or a wish to imprison.” First lesson in witnessing abuse: if it looks like abuse, it’s probably abuse. Also, why would that suggestion even be there if it wasn’t a very real possibility? Sure, this seems a bit flimsy, but it’s reinforced by what we then see in The Dark Artifices.
Let’s move on to Lady Midnight: The very first interaction we see Mark and Kieran have is when Kieran leaves him a note in an acorn saying, “Remember, none of it is real.” He knows Mark is in a fragile state of mind and he knows how much Mark has missed his family. And what is his response? Tell him it’s not real! That is a classic example of gaslighting. And we immediately see the impact it has, as Mark believes it and has a set back.
The next significant moment is when Mark, Emma, Julian, and Cristina go to the Lottery and Kieran follows and meets Mark in the coat closet. He spends the entire time guilting Mark for doing THE VERY THING MARK WAS SENT THERE TO DO. He’s mad Mark is spending time with his family and trying to solve the murders, even though he knows Mark only has a limited amount of time to do so. Mark immediately turns apologetic, EVEN THOUGH HE DID NOTHING WRONG. This is a manipulation of Mark’s emotions and further gaslighting.
Shortly after, Kieran spies on Mark and Cristina and gets jealous that they’re literally just having a conversation. The second he gets a chance to do something (Mark letting a faerie secret slip), he immediately sells Mark out. This is fucked up for two reasons: 1. Kieran reveals he thought Gwyn would force him to return to the Wild Hunt (and thus, Kieran). This is incredibly selfish and completely takes away Mark’s choice. If Kieran cared about what Mark wanted, he wouldn’t have tried to take away his choice. Even Julian, who would do ANYTHING to keep his family together, doesn’t do that. Kieran only thought about what HE wanted and fuck whether or not that’s what Mark wanted to (remember, at this point, no one knows what Mark will choose). 2. HE SOLD OUT THE BOY HE SUPPOSEDLY LOVES KNOWING THERE WOULD BE SOME KIND OF PUNISHMENT. We know, given that Kieran admits it and faeries can’t lie, that his only goal was to get Mark back. He didn’t give a shit about Gwyn’s secret being slipped. It was just a convenient turn of events. HE SOLD MARK OUT FOR ENTIRELY SELFISH REASONS. In doing so, he betrayed his selfishness and Mark’s trust.
And then, of course, there’s the infamous whipping scene. When Julian volunteers, Kieran ACTUALLY AGREES TO THIS. Defenders say he doesn’t view family the same way, so he wouldn’t understand that this was wrong. BUT, faeries know what family means to Shadowhunters and, more importantly, Kieran knows damn well what Mark’s family means to him.Therefore, THERE IS NO EXCUSE FOR THIS. He doesn’t even feel guilty for what happens; he’s just upset Mark no longer trusts him and even hates him (I’ll provide more proof of this later).
Parallel to this, another pattern emerges: Kieran supports Mark’s insistence that he’s a Shadowhunter until other Shadowhunters are around. Then suddenly, he’s only a faerie. This has a very possessive air to it; Mark can only embrace his Shadowhunter side when it doesn’t threaten Kieran’s claim on him.
And now we get to Lord of Shadows: The first we hear of Kieran, we discover he has murdered Iarlath for whipping Emma and Julian (very clearly to try and win Mark back over). At first glance, it seems that he’s trying to make reparations. But, consider this: Iarlanth would never have whipped Emma and Julian had Kieran not sold Mark out. He still isn’t taking responsibility for his part in that day, showing he doesn’t really feel guilty (here’s that proof I promised). He’s just upset he doesn’t have Mark anymore.
But, let’s be fair, Mark does something alarming here too: his first instinct upon finding out Kieran is going to be executed is to refused to help him. He says he knew Gwyn wouldn’t let it happen, but then Gwyn never even shows up to the rescue. Perhaps, maybe, he didn’t really believe Gwyn would save Kieran. You want one half of your ship leaving the other one to die? Okay, then. And then, Mark only goes when Zara calls his honor into question the same way Gwyn did when he refused to help. HE’S DOING IT TO PROVE HE HAS HONOR. In what world is that a good thing in a relationship?
After the rescue, we come to the point where Kieran agrees to speak before the Clave and must swear fealty to someone. He swears fealty to Cristina and ACTUALLY TELLS MARK HE DID IT TO SPITE HIM. Even when he doesn’t remember witnessing Mark and Cristina getting close, he STILL pulls this shit. (Now would also be a good time to point out that losing one’s memories does not equal character development or redemption. If he does’t remember what he did, he can’t redeem himself from it. It also begs the question: why remove his memories in the first place? The Unseelie King didn’t know anyone was coming to rescue Kieran (let alone his ex), so what was the point? To try and trick us into thinking Kieran is having character development? Well, it didn’t work.)
Okay, let’s call Mark out for something again: he lies to Kieran about the break up so he will help him. While Mark had legitimate reason to not trust Kieran and it was for a very good cause, this is still a messed up thing to do. And it’s certainly not the kind of thing healthy relationships are built on.
Next, let’s get to the sex dream scene. First of all, it should be noted that, even when Kieran is making Mark have a sex dream about him, Mark is still thinking about Cristina. That’s telling, to say the least. But let’s get to the real issue with this: Mark tells us that Kieran used to do this for him in the Hunt, “but this time was different.” BUT THIS TIME WAS DIFFERENT. But what’s difference between those times and this one? Easy, Mark wanted it those other times, but not this time. KIERAN FORCED A NON-CONSENSUAL SEX DREAM ON MARK. No, this is not technically rape. But Kieran had zero consent and Mark clearly felt less-than-good about it. This is a VIOLATION. THIS IS NOT OKAY. Even if, as some people have said, Mark is the one who made it sexual, Kieran was still the one awake and in control of the dream. He knows Mark is asleep and therefore cannot consent. Either way, THIS IS A NON-CONSENSUAL VIOLATION.
Speaking of things that are not okay, Mark tells us something else about he and Kieran’s Wild Hunt days. They used to have terrible screaming fights. If this wasn’t unhealthy enough, we find out none of them were ever resolved because they just devolved into (presumably) sex. They had terrible, horrible fights that they NEVER RESOLVED. This is so very clearly toxic I can’t believe anyone can overlook this.
Remember when I said Kieran doesn’t care about what Mark wants? I have more evidence of that. Mark tells Kieran he’s not sure about their relationship anymore and asks for some time and space. And what does Kieran give him? Not time and space, that’s for sure! Yes, they’re both stuck in the Institute, but it’s really not hard to avoid someone in an Institute. This was Kieran once again ignoring Mark’s wishes and doing whatever the fuck he wants. At the very least, this is disrespect. At the very worst... well, would you want your significant other to do this shit?
“But they can’t keep their hands off each other when they’re together!!!” Hate to break it to you but PHYSICAL ATTRACTION DOES NOT MEAN THE RELATIONSHIP IS HEALTHY OR NON-TOXIC. People are attracted to people who are bad for them or who treat them badly ALL THE TIME. It is no where NEAR enough to base an entire relationship on, especially when it’s so unhealthy in so many other ways.
And all this brings me back to my original question: why do so many people still ship this? If it was a guy doing this to a girl, you’d all be up in arms. Not only that, but you claim you want good same-sex rep and yet ship things like this. Newsflash: same-sex relationships can be abusive, unhealthy, and toxic. They aren’t automatically perfect by virtue of being same-sex (and before you make any assumptions (as Tumblr is wont to do), I am a lesbian).
I can only come to one conclusion: you don’t really care about same-sex rep at all. You just have a fetish for white M/M relationships. And that pisses me the hell off. If you cared about same-sex rep, you would ALWAYS call it out when it’s unhealthy. (And no, I don’t think that was the point Cassie was trying to make, as she seems pretty hung up on them. But I think it’s clear she shares your fetish because we have countless Malec stories (of course, Magnus is Indonesian, but it’s still M/M) and keep getting Kierark content, but no Haline content. Interesting.) I am absolutely disgusted with “fake woke” Tumblr, only caring about things when it doesn’t interfere with their ships. Honestly, if you can read this whole thing and STILL feel okay with shipping Kierark, don’t call yourself an ally. You’re not. You just fetishize the M/M experience. 
I have the terrible feeling that Cassie is not only going to go through with Kierark, but force Kierarktina down our throats. But I will never stop being vocal about how toxic, unhealthy, and abusive this ship is. I hope I’ve woken some of you up to the reality of this ship (remember, everything I listed was CANON FACT), but I won’t hold my breath. 
UPDATE: So, I finished QOAAD and I have some additional comments. I’m not saying Cassie read my post and decided to retcon all these issues (for all I know, QOAAD was finished before I wrote this post). What I AM saying is the way Cassie addresses the issues I laid out in this original post is, quite frankly, bullshit. (Spoilers ahead.)
I don’t think Cassie knows how to write a redemption arc. Kieran’s redemption arc is made entirely of retconned canon, instead of actually showing him change as a character. Let’s begin with the only bit not related to his relationship with Mark and Cristina.
Apparently, Kieran was a very kind prince to his subjects. I know he’d been sent to the Wild Hunt because the Unseelie King viewed him as a threat, but this makes no sense with his character. Prior to this, Kieran has pretty much never been shown as being selfless or kind to anyone. Kieran says he did was kind for selfish reasons, which makes more sense to me. But then every character around him insists that he was kind because he cares, despite there being literally no evidence of this. 
What pissed me off the most was when Mark said Kieran sent him that “Remember, none of this is real” not in Lady Midnight to comfort him. Mark says he remembers Kieran whispering that to himself while in the Hunt to help him cope with the horrors. 
The problem is this doesn’t line up with what happens in Lady Midnight. When Mark receives the note, he has a breakdown. It sets back all the progress he’s made reacclimating to life with his family. He doesn’t connect it to anything he’s heard Kieran say before. He doesn’t even remember it at any point along the way. Mark literally never brings it up until Kieran finally admits he was wrong to do that. You can’t just say “Oh, I knew this was what you really meant all along” when your canon disproves this. If this was what Cassie had meant to be the truth all along, she would’ve addressed it far sooner.
Another instance of this is when Mark claims Kieran told Gwyn that Mark shared his secret with Cristina to “save his life.” But... from whom? Mark isn’t in danger from his family. Cristina shows no sign that she’s going to kill Mark and use the information for her own purposes. Gwyn wouldn’t have known Mark shared that secret unless someone told him. So how is Mark’s life in danger? How is Kieran going selling Mark out to Gwyn saving his life? 
Remember how I said memory loss isn’t the same thing as a redemption arc? Neither is a magic pool that forces you to experience the pain you’ve put others through, and thus develop empathy. It shouldn't take this much for a supposedly good person to realize they’ve hurt people. This is such a cheap tool to further a redemption arc, and all is does is undercut any of that “progress.” Cassie is basically saying that Kieran never would’ve realized he’d hurt people without magical intervention and that is... not encouraging.
This makes even less sense, because Cassie was already setting up a more believable redemption arc. Kieran agrees to still testify before the Clave after he realized Mark had lied to him in Lord of Shadows. Why throw away a natural redemption arc in favor of something that makes your character seem void of empathy without a magic mirror to the soul?
Cassie has every character suddenly praising Kieran and talking about how much he’s changed. Even though he’s not really that different. But we’re expected to believe that Julian has just forgiven him? Julian Lives-And-Breathes-Vengeance Blackthorn? Cristina gets to speak for Emma and say she’s forgiven Kieran. That’s not for her to say. 
I’m just saying, it’s not a coincidence that Emma being pro-Kierarktina is on page 666. 
Mark forgiving Kieran makes sense. Mark letting him back into his heart is out-of-character. Cristina finding Kieran attractive makes sense. Cristina suddenly falling in love with him is out-of-character. 
Do you know why Herongraystairs works? Because all the characters have genuine chemistry and you can clearly see why they love each other. Cassie literally has to spell out why Kierarktina works. This means she doesn’t show it well enough. Which means they fundamentally don’t work as a polyamorous relationship. As Emma repeatedly refers to the relationship as a “hot faerie threesome,” it just feels like more fetishization on Cassie’s part. 
So, even though I knew this was going to happen, I’m still disgusted and disappointed. I even tried to keep an open mind, but Kieran’s redemption arc just does not work. Why should I want a character who doesn’t feel empathy without magical assistance anywhere near Mark and Cristina? If Cassie had really worked for a redemption arc, maybe it could’ve worked. I probably still wouldn’t have liked it, but I could’ve somewhat accepted it. 
Honestly, after all the shit he pulled, the only redemption arc I would’ve accepted was Kieran sacrificing himself for Mark, Cristina, and the Blackthorns. It would’ve had more impact and the characters could’ve actually reflected on real character growth, rather than insisting to the reader that Kieran has changed. 
So anyway, fuck Kieran. Kierarktina really kept me from loving this book as much as the first two. All three of the characters involved have to be out-of-character for the relationship to work. And I just can’t support bad writing like that.
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gnatnip · 7 years
i’m sorry i have to fukken vent a tad bit about the stupidest show i’ve watched in some time now
so basically, this show wants me to draw parallels between downworlders and jews during ww2... but like what the fuck? the downworlders have a history of violent conflict with shadowhunters??? some of them are currently actively instigating this shit?? and the whole origin of the mistrust of them is the fact that they prey on mundanes.... so..... how is this at all like the holocaust???? i understand u wanna be like ““no,,, prejudice is bad and STOP RACIAL PROFILING” but fucking don’t shove this holocaust shit down my throat it’s JUST NOT APPLICABLE jews aren’t vampires what the actual fuck lmao
ditto with isabelle’s drug addiction arc.... fucking lmao when she goes “i’m a yin fen addict” like i’m sorry i laughed out loud. like with this whole thing i actually like the idea of her being addicted to vampire venom and that driving all kinds of problems but fuck I just couldn’t take it seriously when she just says it like that idk man lol....
also, why is this whole series just a big game of “who is jace’s real dad”??? i don’t care. i don’t give even one shit. and valentine is LITERALLY A KNOWN LIAR he already lied about your lineage once why the FUCK do you keep believing him???? He could have that ring and still be lying about who you are smh
On that note, I feel like none of the main characters are particularly relatable and/or likeable. They’re all over the fucking place, Jace is just obnoxious and Clary is the most manic pixiest ass dream girl ever. The only one I like is Alec and only because he’s played by Matthew Daddario the most attractive man on earth.
Also, just now, when Maia and Jace hook up for the first time.... she goes “prove your’re not in love with Clary” and kisses him, and then goes “this means nothing” so um, okay, then HOW DOES THAT PROVE ANYTHING? like he can have meaningless sex with her and still have feelings for clary what the fuck,,,, and that’s obviously what’s about to happen....... sigh
On that note, I hate the fake incest story arc. This show hasn’t made me care about Clary and Jace’s relationship, not even a little bit. Thinking they’re sibs is only icky and not a real disappointment, and learning they’re not related doesn’t make me root for them again. It all just feels pointless. 
The last beef I have with this dumb show is the continued obsession with archaic weaponry. So the mortal instruments are necessary to activate some incredible power, whatever, that makes sense. I guess. But for everyday demon killing, why does it have to be swords???? Seriously, wouldn’t it make more tactical sense to invent seraph guns of some sort? I get that swords are more fantastic and exciting but it’s irritating that they’re running around 21st century New York City with fucking swords I mean come on.... How did this never occur to ANYONE,, in the last few hundred years guns have been around in the mundane world?
Okay and the last thing I’m going to say because Jace just gave Alec command of the Institute.... aren’t they like nineteen??? Even if Herondale does think Jace is her grandson, why would she let him run the entire Institute? He’s a fucking teenager and,, also, on top of that, he’s shown himself to be emotionally unstable. He’s their “top fighter” I get it but that doesn’t qualify him to be head of the Institute and make really big important decisions??? Like he’s shown time and time again that he just wants to protect Clary and that’s about it,, I would NEVER put him in charge of anything tbh
The last thing I have to say is.... I love Harry Shum Jr and I’m glad he’s getting work etc but why did it have to be this. He brings light into my life I like a good eccentric bisexual warlock as much as the next gal but he deserves better roles than this he really does.
Ok FUCK last thing... the Alec/Magnus thing came out of nowhere? Like basically it goes from Magnus’ one-side attraction because he’s a 900 year old hedonist (creepy tbh), to Alec admitting he had a thing for Jace, to ok now he thinks Magnus is cute and they’re kissing, they’re dating, and they love each other? It happens sort of fast and sort of for no reason that we are actually shown other than they think the other is attractive. Ditto with the Clary/Jace dynamic. I mean I can /kind/ of see it? Kind of? If I squint? But Simon/Clary just makes so much more fucking sense, or at least we’re given way more evidence of why they work well as a couple? I guess the point of her ending up with Jace is that it’s a more passionate whirlwind romance based on animal attraction rather than familiarity/affection but fuck that tbh, other than the fact that Simon deserves to not end up with Clary anyway. 
You know what,, last thing. I lied about not liking any of the characters. I like Luke. And I weirdly like Raphael. And despite all of this show’s best efforts, I like the Lightwood twins. But overall, fuck this show and fuck me for watching it all the way through and probably continuing to watch it in the future
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snarktheater · 7 years
Shadowhunters S2 — Episode 7
Today, we're following up on Sister Cleophas's departure from the Citadel as she returns to Valentine. Which leads to…I know this is a cliché comparison, but a conversation between the two of them that sounds eerily like Voldemort and Lucius Malfoy reuniting. Complete with "I always believed" and "I did what I had to do" and "You're a coward" and you'd think an adaptation of the Shadowhunters books would move as far away from *Harry Potter parallels as possible, but I guess not*.
The main plot
She tells Valentine about Clary's ability to create runes, and we cut to Valentine talking to an old guy in chains who I'm going to assume is Ithuriel. This…is actually an interesting concept, bringing him in earlier in the story and seeing Valentine interact with him. Valentine also says he freed him from entombment, which is a more interesting concept than Valentine being able to summon an angel on his own, if you ask me.
Unfortunately, the conversation is mostly gloating and implying that Ithuriel is the one giving Clary her abilities.
"Leave my daughter alone."
Speaking of Clary, she's at the Institute and experiencing some…weird visual and sound effects. So I guess Ithuriel isn't very good at following instructions.
She goes talk to Simon about it, but he's in the process of dressing up to "hang out" with Maia. Cue her acting weird about it, because…I don't even know, is she jealous? I think that might be it, because why else show her reacting weirdly about seeing him (partially) shirtless and in a nice shirt, but it's hard to know.
"Don't worry about the wrinkles [on his shirt]…she's not gonna notice."
She could just be supportive and surprised that Simon is not-dating someone. I want her to be that. But I'm not convinced. That scene doesn't go anywhere, by the way, since she's called away for a mission.
Speaking of called away for a mission, we get some Malec fanservice as they come back from off-screen Portal dates, they get annoyed by Jace making noise with a girl, and their makeout session is interrupted by the same call. Same with Jace, by the way, who's in bed with some girl (but with underwear on, because it's more convenient) who asks about all his runes. And yes, that includes a stamina rune innuendo. I guess this does feel more tasteful when it's for a casual hook-up than when Magnus mentioned it in the books, though, so…there's that. It doesn't matter, since Alec walks in and interrupts them.
"You're welcome to join us." "I'm good."
I think the proper answer is "I'm gay". Although now I do wonder how strictly gay men feel about a threesome with a woman. Because it's clearly a deeper question than anything this show will intentionally elicit.
Alec talks Jace down about hiding at Magnus's place and…basically pouting over his demotion, but Jace won't have any of it, so it's just Clary and Alec joining Isabelle, who briefs them about the situation at the Citadel since Cleophas escaped. Although they don't know what happened exactly, because…they don't have security footage? Eh, whatever, maybe security cameras are demonic in nature.
More interestingly, Isabelle immediately confronts Clary about hiding her ability to create runes. Unfortunately, this mostly just means that she's mad at Clary instead of actually trying to solve the issue. Oh, and to Isabelle rushing to her yin fen box to take some more. Except she's out, and so is Aldertree, as she finds out when she tries to steal some from him. So…yay, more of this subplot.
So the hunt is on for Cleophas, who we conveniently see…slashing her own side open with a knife for whatever reason. And Clary starts by going to Luke, since he's her brother and all. Oh, and she also tells him about her rune ability, which is definitely a better idea than telling a complete stranger who happens to be related to Luke. Speaking of which, Luke points out Cleophas might be working with Valentine, because he actually knows his sister. But Clary insists they should try to save her, so…guess nothing's really changed.
Anyway, Luke hit a dead end through the mundane police, but Cleophas enters the pack's restaurant right then, because convenient timing! This also explains her cutting herself, so she has a cover story about escaping Valentine. Luke is still not pleased to see her, since she spewed some pretty nasty bigoted shit at him the last time they saw each other.
"You can't seriously expect us to believe that!"
Cleophas offers to lead them to Valentine's hideout as a sign of good faith, so Luke and Clary go in private to argue about it…and by "argue" I mean Clary's picked up on the fact that she's lying.
"She called me Clarissa. Only Valentine calls me that."
A protagonist? Being smart? Madness!
But she also wants to take Cleophas's offer to infiltrate Valentine. Luke disagrees, and prepares to give Cleophas over to the Clave. So of course Clary tases him and runs away with Cleophas. Shocking, I know.
Luke goes get Jace's help to track her down, because he won't help with the mission but he'll do anything if Clary's involved, including ditch his date with three girls. More on that in the shitty subplots section.
As Clary and Cleophas get close to Valentine's hideout, Clary hears the sound again, to the point where it's apparently painful. She shares it with Cleophas through a "hearing rune", because…sure, they totally have a rune for this somehow? But it gives the show an excuse to have Cleophas figure out that this is an angel's cry for help, and she guesses that Valentine is the one behind it. Which seems to shake her.
"Valentine…how could you?"
Speaking of Ithuriel, Valentine is busy dragging him on the floor by his chains and try to coerce him into revealing his true form. And yes, it is Ithuriel, Valentine drops the name.
Anyway, back to Clary. Cleophas figures out that she's blessed by the Angels, which…technically, I guess? But before she can elaborate, Clary reveals she knows Cleophas is working with Valentine and killed Magdalena. But now Cleophas feels guilty.
"Harming an angel, holding him captive…that goes against everything we believe in." "What, and killing Downworlders doesn't?"
Thanks Clary for snarking the show in my place.
She offers to take Clary to Valentine to free Ithuriel, and then she'll turn herself in to the Clave. Which is very urgent, since a convenient thunderstorm happens to be starting, which would give Valentine everything he needs to activate the Soul-Sword. Luke and Jace catch up, just in time for the climax.
Clary and Jace find Ithuriel with a bunch of Circle members on the roof, and they fight. And to be fair, it's nice to see Clary and Jace cooperate in battle. We haven't really seen Clary fight at all, so that's nice too, but this is also a really nice to way to put her on even footing with the alleged best fighter around and to sell their dynamic as a (sort of) couple.
Meanwhile, Luke ambushes Valentine, but he threatens Cleophas's life and they have a standoff. Luke won't take the shot even as Cleophas tells him to, so Valentine manages to escape.
Back on the roof, Clary and Jace can't break the chains…until Ithuriel shows Clary another rune, and he breaks free. His wings suddenly appear, and he shows both of them a vision of someone picking up the Soul-Sword and turning into dust. Then he just flies back into heaven, because of course an incarnation of good and purity would want out of this show as soon as possible.
The shit pile of (mostly) romantic subplots
I mean, at some point, there's only one way to call it.
Magnus goes to the bar where Maia works, and turns out to be his "best tipper", and Magnus rants about the present Alec gave him, because no one ever gives him presents.
"I'm used to people making demands. 'Reinforce the walls, Magnus.' 'Heal my broken heart, Magnus.' 'Portal me to Paris, Magnus.'"
At least he's aware that he's a lapdog, I guess?
This also just happens to be the bar Isabelle goes to get some yin fen from some random Downworlder named Rufus. So of course Magnus steps in, reminds Rufus of their history that we don't know (or, really, care) about, and asks Isabelle about yin fen. She claims she's investigating yin fen trade and Magnus falls for it.
"I've seen the havoc yin fen can wreak up close and personal. Nearly cost my friend Jem his life."
Well I guess the show was pretty patient that we're only now getting an outright mention of The Infernal Devices. Although…friends? Really?
So he just tells her she should look into vampires, since it's made from vampire venom. Thanks, Magnus, for making things worse once again.
She bumps into Simon as he comes for his not-date with Maia, and she immediately goes addict on him.
"You know what's great for anxiety? Shadowhunter blood. […] One quick bite, bye-bye anxiety."
Girl, how transparent are you? Oh, she does try to pass it off as a joke, but still. Come on.
She goes back to the Institute, where Alec decides to randomly ask her when's the "right time" to have sex with Magnus.
"Alec, is this your first time with a man? Your first time ever?"
Shouldn't you…know this?
Well, anyway, her answer is that he shouldn't overthink it, and should just go for it if that's what he wants. Which…yeah, duh, but I guess sometimes the obvious needs to be said. More useful tips would be on a practical level (although I guess maybe Isabelle isn't the best-suited for that) or on how to breach the subject with Magnus at all. Which he should—talk about it first, I mean.
I'll wrap up Isabelle's side here, since she just finds some vampires and gets them to bite her, because…I guess this is the logical conclusion. Shouldn't drinking Shadowhunter blood give them the ability to resist sunlight? Eh, maybe not in this continuity.
As for Alec, he doesn't talk as I wish he did. Instead, he rushes over to Magnus's place, kisses him, and says:
"I just thought we could…take the next step." "The sex step."
Magnus refuses, not on the grounds that someone who can't say "sex" probably isn't ready for it, but because he doesn't want to rush it, and the whole being attached to people is new to him, and…wait, what? Since when is Magnus new to love?
Alec…decides to act in a way that I can't really qualify as anything but rapey.
"Magnus, there's nothing to worry about. I want this."
Because if you want it, who cares about what the other person wants?
Who else is there? Oh, yeah, Simon's not-date. It's riddled with clichés, and immediately interrupted by Jace.
"Is this the only bar in Brooklyn?"
You know, just because you point out that your writing makes no sense and that all these characters shouldn't be in the same bar doesn't mean it's excused.
Jace gives us a hot serving of toxic masculinity, complete with dating three girls at once and telling Simon that of course he and Maia are "just friends" because Simon is too beta to make a move. Okay, he doesn't use the term "beta", thankfully. But it's still implied.
"Friends. Shocking. It's the Simon Lewis sweet spot. Just ask Clary."
Oh, and just like every other man who uses that kind of rhetorics, he offers to teach Simon the ways of seduction. And Simon takes it up on the offer. Which leads to…admittedly, one cool moment where the show simultaneously makes fun of Simon's and the books' assumption that Shadowhunters can't possibly know about pop culture.
"Will you be my Obi-Wan?" "Who?" "Obi-Wan. From Star Wars. It's a movie—" Making a Jedi hand motion. "Don't make me regret this."
This is the only worthwhile part of that scene, though. The rest of the class is pretty much as grating as you can expect a self-appointed pick-up artist teaching another straight boy to get a girl. Complete with them flat-out stating Simon should stop being himself. Oh, and Jace giving a demonstration by glamouring himself as Simon and getting a girl's number, as if that was the be-all, end-all of seduction.
So Simon tries out Jace's techniques with Maia. By which I mean he acts like a complete jerk, which obviously upsets Maia, who walks out.
"When the Simon I agreed to go out with decides to show up, tell him to give me a call, okay?"
I guess you get a point for pointing out the ridiculousness of these techniques?
So he runs after Maia with his collection of nerd stuff and be himself.
"And all I wanted to do tonight was prove to myself that I'm not—" "In love with your best friend?" "…Not where I thought this was going."
Me neither. How did Maia even get to that? Well, she just heard Jace and Simon talking.
"I knew it. Form the moment you said something about 'best friend'."
Yeah, because men and women can't be friends. Ugh. Kill me.
She also tells him to tell Clary how he feels, but Luke did that last season and it still hasn't gotten us anywhere, so who knows if this is actual progress.
I'm really divided about this episode. I wish someone would just make a re-cut of it with just the main plot, honestly, because that part was pretty solid. Yes, I'm annoyed at Clary for going rogue the moment she doesn't get her way, but at this point it's just who she is, and the show can't suddenly turn its back on that.
Problem is, the rest of the episode (which I'm pretty sure is the majority of the runtime) is all pretty much garbage. Like, Alec is clearly not doing it right with Magnus here (and for once Alec is the one in the wrong…arguably, since Magnus's experience should let him know this isn't a good idea), Isabelle's addiction is still just there to give her something to do because the writers won't let her take part in the plot, and Simon's date, on top of the awful PUA bullshit from Jace, is just…irrelevant. If at least he ended up dating Maia for real at the end, we'd have moved somewhere, but no, we're stuck with the "tell Clary how you feel" nonsense. Simon's character has done absolutely nothing all season. And really, so has Isabelle. And that's bad.
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The Magnus Archives ‘The Eyewitnesses’ (S03E02) Analysis
Sorry for the upload a bit ahead of schedule, but I’m going to be busy for the rest of the evening so won’t be able to do my usual PSA and then release of my meta.  I figured I’d post this, and you can all read it once you’ve heard the episode!  
Ohoho!  That was the noise I made as I listened to this episode. It wasn’t what I expected.  It was what I needed.  Martin may be my sweet summer child, and the one I am deeply emotionally invested in, but there is another character who just claimed my love too, for all the opposite reasons.  In this episode we hear Daisy’s interrogations (such as they are), feel heartily bad for Martin, and finally witness a sliver of the power of the Beholding. Come on in to hear what I thought of ‘The Eyewitnesses’.
First off, cute pun, Jonny Sims.  Eye-Witnesses, is it?  Elias Bouchard is certainly a witness of the Eye.  Tim is heartily in denial of it, Martin has somehow managed to perform below its notice (probably why he’s lasted so long at the Institute) while still being deeply entangled with it, and Jon is flailing against it with all his might.
But Elias lives it. And through him, Daisy got a taste of what the Eye could do as well.  
Daisy is definitely establishing herself as a proper antagonist.  Not a smart one; Elias is quick to point out how sloppy she’s been and what tunnel-vision she’s had in this affair.  It seems like her modus operandi isn’t finding out what really happened, but rather simply finding the most convenient person to blame and pinning it on them.  No matter how little evidence, or how many other suspects.  She zeroes in, and she takes them out in a permanent way.  She’s brutal, but she’s a blunt instrument.  
And we could sense that even before Elias stated it outright.  Her bullying of Martin set a nasty tone, as did his incredulous shock. Martin is the sort who would want to believe that the police were out there doing good.  Finding the police’s wetworks woman, who is sent in to take care of supernatural problems without oversight or consequence, was a horrible shock to him.  And though I had known she was dangerous after learning what she did to vampires, it’s very different to hear her turn that sort of cruelty on someone like Martin. Tim fared much better with her, but their goals aligned.  He was more than willing to believe that Sims not only killed Leitner, but also killed Sasha.
And of course, hearing their statements, as well as that of Elias himself, highlights the quiet drive they all have to call them ‘Statements,’ a subtle but cool evidence of just how pervasive the power of the Beholding is in all of them.  Even Tim, who is the most distant from the Beholding (as evidenced by his ability to attempt to tell his story off-tape) had to use that word.  Martin was compelled not only to use the word, but immediately to begin his interview the same way Sims would have taken a statement. And he seemed genuinely shocked when Daisy insisted he wasn’t to give a Statement, as though using the tape recorder for anything other than that purpose was inconceivable to him.  Is the Beholding’s hold on Martin more powerful because he’s been there longer, or is this more evidence that Martin is likely to be the interim Archivist, or even slated to fill the post permanently if Jon doesn’t return?  I suspect we may find out.
Elias, on the other hand … oh, after hearing Daisy bully Martin, it was fun to hear Elias so effortlessly take control of the interview (or statement.  Even he has to say it at least once, though he’s better at hiding the word in a pile of others).  The fact that he immediately and without question assumes that Sims will come back, and his cool statement of ��he doesn’t have the stomach” for killing both made me grin.  The man is certainly a homicidal horror, but he’s our homicidal horror.  
The statement regarding Daisy (told in her own words, but by Elias, both channeling her story and ripping it from her in one go) was a hell of a thing, especially Elias’ lilt of mocking throughout.  We know that she’s been called Daisy since she was small and got a scar on her back that the doctors said looked like a Daisy.  She liked the notion that something delicate was being used to cover something bloody and painful.  It made her feel strong, and that’s one of her driving motivations.  
It sounds like she was a bit of a bully even in childhood, and this directly resulted in her friend’s possession by the Wounded Man or whatever it was.  Her ability to compartmentalize him, to go from ‘friend’ to ‘not to be trusted’ almost immediately really highlights her lack of concern for or deep emotional attachment to others.  There was no sense of regret, though there does seem to be a degree of guilt.  Not about his murder, of course, but rather of his initial possession.  After that, he was simply a monster to her, to be dealt with accordingly.  
And she’s dealt with quite a number of humans in the same manner.  She started out killing vampires, but seems to have branched out to anyone touched by the supernatural in a way she deems potentially harmful. I have no doubt she will try to kill Sims rather than apprehend him, and it seems Elias has the same belief, and will even egg it on to precipitate a confrontation.
I like that she’s the sort of villain that women are rarely aloud to be.  She’s not bright, she’s cruel, she’s brutal, and she’s using her position of power to cover up past misdeeds.  This is the sort of role almost exclusively given to men, so hearing a woman take it on is a fun twist on the dogged and corrupt pursuer trope.
Martin Blackwood
We learned that he and Sims were considered ‘close’.  Really? I suppose we only ever get things from Sims’ perspective, so Martin’s mother-henning, tea-making, and sandwich-bringing might well have appeared like closeness, especially since Sims wasn’t apparently social with anyone at the Institute but Martin.  Martin certainly sounded pleased by it, even through his worry.
We also know that Martin was likely painfully honest with Daisy in his statement, and that he trusted her to be acting in the right.  This, as much as anything, seems to have driven Martin firmly into believing Sims didn’t kill either Leitner or Sasha.  He’s adamant about both of those things, even standing up to Tim about how strange the entire situation has become.  
As much as people go on about how smart Tim is, Martin is the one who seems to be readily putting pieces together.  Daisy was rattled after her meeting with Elias, so Martin knows something more is going on.  He also knows that Sims wouldn’t have killed Sasha, and that there were enough strange happenings that day that the ‘old man’s’ death could have been due to any number of those things.
Jon still has an honest ally and friend in Martin, if he realizes it.  If he wants allies, I would start there.
Tim Stoker
Boy, but the well of bitterness in Tim runs deep.  He was more than ready to believe that Sims killed both Leitner and Sasha, and needed no encouragement to cooperate with Daisy.  We know Martin told her the unvarnished truth about his encounters with Michael and the Not-Them, both of whom seem more than capable of killing Leitner. Given that Tim saw both of them too, his willingness to believe that Sims was still the murderer is interesting. We knew Tim was angry with Sims and the situation, but I had no idea he was angry enough that he no longer cares about evidence.  He wants Sims to be guilty, because Sims is the personification of everything that’s gone wrong in his life.  He’s willing to ignore evidence, to go after Martin, and be an all-around dick right up until the end because of that anger.  Tim’s been through a lot, no doubt, but he’s really just as bad as Sims at realizing that those around him have also gone through hell.  
We saw a little redeeming moment at the end, at least, with his apology to Martin.  He did seem to feel genuinely remorseful for being such an ass to Martin, but not enough to stay and really talk about it.  And in that last conversation, I saw some really unsettling parallels between him and Daisy.  Tim likes to feel in control.  He likes his freedom and he likes to be able to live his life the way he wants.  The Institute has penned him in.  Jon mistreated him, broke his trust, and barely got a slap on the wrist for it.  And this was on top of Tim’s own psychological baggage after the Prentiss incident.
And all that bottled-up anger and lost control and lost freedom is boiling over at this point, without his control.  He’s lashing out at Martin because he’s convenient, just like Daisy is looking for Jon because he’s convenient.  
I hope Tim can dig himself out of this.  I hope that he realizes that Martin and even Jon aren’t to blame for his situation, that they’re all trapped, and that him being cruel doesn’t help anyone, and certainly doesn’t regain an ounce of the power that’s been taken from him.
Elias Bouchard
Jesus, but he’s fucking magnetic to listen to.  They’ve kept this character well under wraps until this episode, letting him spend almost two seasons as a fussy bureaucrat, almost inept in his handling of the Prentiss situation, but here we finally get to hear him take full and effortless control.
He all but dangled his guilt in Daisy’s face.  He dared her to arrest him, laughed when she called Leitner a ‘John Doe’ and just had complete and utter contempt for her and the interview.  And it’s easy to see why.  She clearly has such tunnel vision for Jon, despite what she’s seen and the evidence of the supernatural that could explain the crime, that he can just wave what he’s done in her face and she won’t even notice it.  
And his going on the offensive against her for Jon, especially in light of her treatment of Martin and likely the rest of the staff, also speaks of a degree of both protectiveness and expectation.  She is in his domain, mistreating his people, and even if he won’t move against her directly, he will show her contempt.  He will stand up for Jon, in full expectation that Jon will hear the tape eventually, and understand that Elias may kill outside threats, but he does protect his own. Viciously, if necessary.
Of course, he also told Daisy that he was going to leave Jon to her discretion, and that she should kill him fast if she decides she has to, because Elias doesn’t know what he’s capable of.  I think that’s another moment of his double-speak.  Elias is angling for Jon to become something more than he is right now. Elias doubts Jon is capable of murder, but is hoping that he is.  Daisy attributed that statement to the death of Leitner, but I think that Elias wants Sims to kill Daisy.  Does he perhaps want Jon to be forced to tap into the Beholding’s power to escape her? It’s clear he’s playing a long game here, and we’re only beginning to see the shape of it.  He’s seen Daisy for what she is, flayed her story out, and found in her the sort of mindless cruelty that’s easy to use, but unpredictable enough that the Beholding would still find her pursuit of Jon interesting.
And because Elias wants Jon to hear that tape, he wants Jon to understand that as well.  Elias has become deliciously complicated, both protecting Jon and putting him in harm’s way.  And he wants Jon to know both, and maybe to understand both.  
I think Elias may well be moving into a much more central role this season, and I couldn’t be happier. He’s the sort of elegant, amoral character that keeps a story like this fun.  And seeing him go into full Beholding mode—knowing where Sims is and who he’s with (is that because of the Beholding, or is Georgie neck deep in this?), knowing all the strings being pulled, knowing exactly how sloppy Daisy has become and how foolish she’s being, and finally just ripping that statement from her and presenting it—holy shit.  We really haven’t gotten to see yet anyone but Jane Prentiss who was completely synced up to one of these Great Old Ones, and she was going crazy because of it.  Elias is likely not playing with a full deck, but it hasn’t affected his intelligence. If anything, the Beholding has made him smarter, sharper, the perfect funnel of weaponized knowledge.  
He’s terrifying.  And I love him.
That was a hell of an episode, just as good as ‘A Guest for Mr Spider’ in a completely different way. We’ve established a new and dangerously focused antagonist.  We’ve shown the state of our archival team, with Martin firmly supporting Jon and Tim furious enough at both of them that he’s willing to go along with Daisy.  And we’ve seen what Elias is really capable of. If Sims collects statements, Elias can rip them out of people, feeding them back their worst memories and deepest guilts.  The notion that the high priest of the Beholding would use knowledge as a weapon is no surprise, but it was a hell of a thing to hear it in action finally.
We are in for a ride, with Jon, Martin, Tim, and Daisy all stumbling about in the dark, and Elias holding all the cards.  Do I think Sims will return to the archives?  Yes.  The question will be the state he’s in when he does, and what sort of collateral damage Daisy is willing to rack up to take her shot at him.  Georgie could be in trouble, or she could be much more dangerous than either Sims or Daisy suspect.  We will certainly see.
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The Magnus Archives ‘The Kind Mother’ (S02E37) Analysis
Things are revealed, and shit is about to go down.  With three more episodes left in the season, we’ve hit the home stretch.  The question is, can Sims survive that stretch?  Come on in to hear my thoughts about ‘The Kind Mother’.
Well, that at least started explaining the Not-Them.  For one, at least according to Gertrude, there is only a single being that creates terror and moves on.  There are never multiple Not-People active at a given time, but rather a single entity.
I also appreciate that there seems to be no rhyme or reason as to who can remember the person who vanished. It may be due to intense observation, or at least the ability to observe someone that intensely.  This could explain both Amy and Melanie’s immunity to the power of the Not-Them.  I also think that the physical evidence may contribute, although Amy Patel had no known recording or Polaroid of Graham before he was taken.
Or it could be random. No matter the cause, though, it seems that the Not-Them is malicious in its intent, or has been until now.  It terrorizes, and, if Lucy’s father’s death was anything to go by, may even kill its victims before moving on.  But Not-Sasha has been there for months.  She has worked in the Archive with no apparent malice, though she has been down in the tunnels with whoever or whatever lurks below.
And that brings me to Gertrude’s statement about her worry about what might happen if the Not-Them ever got a motivation beyond simple sadism.  Gertrude tried burning the tape that Lucy Cooper gave her of her mother’s original voice in hopes of not attracting the Not-Them’s attention, but it seems she failed.  She was killed before it could act against her, but it still has come to the Archives. It now has a motive for being there, I have to think, but I don’t know what that is.  
Michael tried to tip Sims off about Not-Sasha, and followed this up with a statement about not wanting to upset the balance quite yet.  Is it possible that the Not-Them, in the form of Not-Sasha, has plans of destroying the Archive, or changing it in some way?  Has it been her influence that has caused Sims’ paranoia, or is that a protective feature of the Archives?
There’s so much to discover, and only three episodes to do it in.  I have the feeling we’ll be learning more about the Not-Them next week, and if season 1 was any indication, we may round things out with a two-part multicast recording as all the shit finally hits the fan.
But for now, Sims is going it alone.  He doesn’t want to admit to having Gertrude’s tapes, which would  be needed to convince the others that he’s right about Not-Sasha, at least in his mind (methinks Melanie’s word and whatever non-Gertrude evidence he could amass might be enough for Martin, but he’s probably right that Tim wouldn’t believe him if he said the sky was blue).  So he’s trying to figure out how to kill the Not-Them, and how it works, and why it works.  
Yeah, good luck with that on your own, Sims.  You’ve done fantastic alone so far.
I really did appreciate the grief he’s clearly feeling, realizing Sasha may well be dead.  We still don’t know what the Not-Them does with its victims, but now that there’s not a multiplicity of Not-People, but rather a singular Not-Them, I think that the odds of Sasha being alive somewhere have decreased.  It’s still possible she’s somewhere, in some parallel universe or something, but I worry we may never get her back at this point.  If that’s the case, I really do need the entire team together on this one, at least in their mourning.
It’s funny, one of his assistants has possibly died, but it still hasn’t clicked with Sims that his other assistants could go the same way.  That he, as the Archivist, has a duty to protect them as well as he can.  He’s so fixated on his current problems he has tunnel vision, and can’t see the people around him.  
I like Sims most when he’s getting actively protective about people, and the fact that it hasn’t extended to either Martin or Tim is interesting.  For a while I’ve thought that whatever vibes Not-Sasha has been giving off have actively prevented him from connecting to either of them the way he did in season 1, but now the blinders are off about her and he’s still not trusting them.  Maybe he’s too deep into the paranoia.  Maybe he’s been like this so long that the idea of being anything else makes no sense.
I’m hoping now we may start to understand better what the Not-Them is really about, what its powers are, and that Sims eventually realizes he may well need more than his own meagre set of skills to stop it.  I’m also very interested to find out what its motives are, and what it’s brought into the tunnels under the Institute.  Something tells me that, as scary as the Not-Them is, whatever it’s brought in is worse.
There was a lot to chew through this episode, and as the season steams toward a close, we’re stuck with a lead who won’t ask for help and is facing down a threat that kills, obfuscates, and terrifies with impunity.  Sims is, at this point, alone.  Basira and Melanie are both gone.  He’s burned his bridges with Tim and very possibly with all his other colleagues. The only one who might even give him a fair hearing is Martin, who we haven’t heard from in a while now.  And of course, this is an isolation of his own making.  He may have been influenced by Not-Sasha, but he’s continuing down that path even without her direct influence.  It may be because of the Archives, but he doesn’t trust them any more than he does anything else.  Sims is paranoid and alone, and that’s really not the state he needs to be in right now.
Three more episodes. It’s going to be a bumpy ride.
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The Magnus Archives ‘The Observer Effect’ (S02E20) Analysis
A tangential story about paranoia, and a possible solution to a long-running problem.  Are things resolved?  Are they only beginning?  Come in to hear my thoughts about ‘The Observer Effect’.
Not much in the way of lore for this one, though I did find it interesting that the Institute was working with Christopher Meyer before his death on the topic of Outer Cults.  It makes me think both of the People’s Church of the Divine Host, and of the Lovecraftian cults of a similar name, most of which worshipped the Elder Gods.  
It’s nice to hear about someone outside the Institute using it as a research facility.  People talk so much shit about the Institute that it’s largely forgotten that it has one of the finest collections of paranormal reference books (and paranormal books in general) in the world.  I do find it interesting that they wouldn’t cooperate with Rosa regarding her brother’s work there.  Could there be professional or contractual (or practical and dangerous) reasons the Institute wouldn’t tell Rosa what her brother had been doing? Certainly.  But given how unstable she was, it’s no great surprise she took their dismissal badly and tried to build an impromptu firebomb to use against the Institute.  Given that she can’t have been the first person to be that angry with the Institute, or that unstable, I do have to wonder how they haven’t suffered an attack of that sort before.  That also made me wonder if Prentiss wasn’t the first supernatural creature to bring the battle to the Institute.
But really, this episode was a paranoid buildup to what we all sort of expected to get:
An Intervention
That was … a lot less explosive than I was expecting.  Tim was pissed, but didn’t quit, which I admit that I had suspected he would do.  Not-Sasha did a good job of seeming concerned but slightly affronted (her blunted affect continues, but you can tell she does a decent job imitating human emotions, even if those emotions might not have been Sasha’s).  Martin just wants everyone happy and okay, and I did love the moment when he corrected Elias (or Tim?  But it seemed more Elias to me) about why they were there (firing vs making sure Sims was getting the help he needed).
Elias was firmly professional, and frankly way more understanding than I would have been in his place (also, Elias and Tim sound very alike to me, so my brain had some trouble sorting who was saying what), and actually furnished Sims with CCTV from the entire Institute save the Archives the day of the murder, which alibis everyone fairly thoroughly.
I have suspected that it’s no one so convenient for a while, that there is no traitor in the ranks, and that Sims’ paranoia just targeted the nearest people because they were there and because their betrayal would hurt the worst.  Of course, this now leaves Sims in the position of having cleared his colleagues of wrongdoing, but still sneaking around making his supplementals. Why?  And why wasn’t the conversation a bit longer, and a bit more a proper clearing of the air?  Because giving him the CCTV footage doesn’t finish things between him and his coworkers at all.  He still spied on Tim (wrongly) and Not-Sasha (rightly, but for the wrong reasons), and accused Martin of murder.  That’s … a lot of emotional baggage that needs unloading.  And a ton of apologizing and amending that Sims needs to do before his team is back with him.
We got factual closure this week, but I guess I’m waiting for at least a little emotional closure, which may be slow in coming.  Basically, Sims has done some particularly shitty things, and needs to acknowledge it and try to make it up to his assistants.  
Of course, one of those assistants actually is a doppleganger with unknown intent and a fascination with wax museums, soooo … maybe Sims being more open with them will pull to the forefront the subtle wrongness of Not-Sasha?  And hopefully not reignite his paranoia?
We’ve come a little way toward getting the team back together, but a lot more work is needed.  Sims could really do with talking everything he’s been through.  I doubt he would be sensible enough to seek out professional assistance, but let’s be honest: Martin would literally drop everything if Sims asked him to talk about what happened with Prentiss.  EVERYTHING.  Hell, even Elias and Tim would listen, and probably have some solid advice.  And honestly, Sims needs someone to talk to. He needs a confidant who’s there every day (I rule out Basira because she has her own shit going on, and her own job that keeps her very busy), who’s been through what he’s been through and can call him on it when he’s being ridiculous and paranoid.  I’m clearly biased, but I do vote for Martin on this one.  For all that he can be a pushover (he can), is still the world’s biggest mother hen.  If he thought Sims was caught in a destructive spiral (he is), Martin would be the first to do anything necessary to snap him out of it.  Of course, the tough love approach from Tim or Elias might be damned useful too.  Or, you know, Sims could actually talk to all of them like a sensible adult.  That would be novel.
I guess that, while I’m happy Sims didn’t get himself fired, and frankly shocked that he wasn’t at least put on some sort of probation, he still has some deep-seated issues that need working through before I’ll believe everything is settled.  Even if some of it’s influenced from the outside by the Archivist or something else (and I really do think that it must be, given the parallels between Sims and poor Rosa Meyer), talking through it and sharing it might go a long way toward diminishing the paranoia from functionally crippling to useful precaution.
Shit’s coming.  Huge, scary, nasty shit is coming.  And Sims as he is currently is not up to facing it. I’m not saying that the power of friendship is going to make him ready, but it could put him in the sort of headspace that sensibly calls for help when the badness comes, and on a footing with his colleagues that they would believe him.
Also, I want my archival team back.  And that means getting over himself, trusting Martin and Tim and Elias, and rescuing Sasha. And all of that is being held up by secretive paranoia.
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