#glamour is true endgame
thebmatt · 8 months
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New MSQ means our girl deserves a new glam
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aethernoise · 2 months
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Trying to brainstorm some DT glams. Here's two casting, a fending and a healing. Dye colors somewhat TBD but jet black, shadow blue and grape purple are all likely. (Dancer still has me stumped so far but might end up being a sort of variation in the top right)
I always feel a bit silly planning outfits this far ahead though, knowing I'll change my mind as soon as I've encountered some new gear, but it's fun.
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karotte2188 · 6 months
🩰 𝒟𝒶𝓃𝒸𝑒𝓇 𝒢𝓁𝒶𝓂𝑜𝓊𝓇 🩰 🩰 𝒞𝒽𝑜𝓇𝓊𝓈 𝒢𝒾𝓇𝓁 🩰
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arp1033 · 8 months
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This was from when they un-genderlocked a lot of clothing; that top used to be Male Only for some dumb reason!
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New drip
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fruitycytris · 2 years
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My girl introducing casual fashion to the Loporrits xD
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yeetingway · 2 years
Rogue-ish Emissary
I had already posted this glam on the bird app a while back but it's now up on Eorzea Collection because yeah.
Rogue-ish outfit for ninja that I think looks cool/cute.
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fishylife · 1 year
would love to play ffxiv for everything except the fighting X'D
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tinypurpleparrot · 9 months
Logged back in to FF14 for the Rising event and to get the summer costume that I'm never going to use. Now I'm looking at all my glams and my tired brain is trying to put together a plan to clean out my glam dresser and retainer, get together the glams for my most frequently used classes, and stow the rest. Except that's over 1000 individual pieces of gear and 20 glamour plates that need to be moved around.
My head hurts just thinking about it, but it does need to be done. Please Yoshi-P, I'm begging you. We need a better system. We can't keep going like this.
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pirateprincessyuki · 1 year
Playing with glamours and gpose again in ffxiv.
This is Yuki. My main on crystal > zalera. (NA data center)
Always open to new friends. Current insane project remodeling 2 houses and helping with a 3rd..with a possible 4th on the line.
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thebmatt · 10 months
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Majestic Manderville Wings
I am seriously loving how perfect these look with the Lost Allagan healing set
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voidsentprinces · 29 days
Something something something, only 12 options so if you don't see what you like here uhh...go /pet G'raha or /hug Tataru I guess?
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karotte2188 · 8 months
🏖️ 𝘈𝘭𝘭 𝘎𝘭𝘢𝘮𝘰𝘶𝘳 🏖️ 𝘉𝘦𝘢𝘤𝘩 𝘞𝘢𝘭𝘬 🏖️
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arp1033 · 8 months
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Two of my favorite glams!
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itspileofgoodthings · 2 years
A Nancy Wheeler/Stancy Meta
I really love being able to see Nancy’s whole arc and story as the show starts to wind down and it’s beautiful to me that it’s a winding path back to real love and real self-knowledge. Nancy is so real because she wants love and romance and excitement and ~danger~ in her romantic relationships but she also wants success and glamour in her personal and professional life and work and to NOT be foolish or stuck or unfulfilled and unhappy. and those conflicting desires play out so truthfully in both her romantic relationships.
I think season 1 Nancy likes Steve a lot and it’s girlish and real and brand new and she covers it with the “Steve I have REAL work to do!” playful good girl faux scandalized head shake routine while still flirting with him/letting him in her window etc. But also, I think that for season 1 Nancy Steve is The Prize, the height of her teenage girl ambition to be cool and popular and also Brave and Interesting. The relationship comes apart not only because of the inherent fragility of teenage relationships, her grief over Barb, and the distance she feels she needs because they do sleep together way too soon and in the wrong context (imo) but because of this underlying truth. She didn’t like him more than or at least disentangled enough from these ambitions so she doesn’t completely see him as a person. It’s natural enough that in the middle of her grief she withdraws from him and questions everything that was important to her before Barb’s death etc. but what’s interesting to me is her pursuit of Jonathan in the middle of this. Yes, they bond over shared trauma and his caretaking of her but really that isn’t it. She doesn’t leave Steve for Jonathan because Jonathan makes her feel safer and warmer. It’s that he has become another sort of prize for her girlish ambition—to be liked by this outsider, this other person who seems to have more on his mind than high school and its games and stakes. For most of the seasons (i haven’t seen season 4 yet! pls avoid spoilers in the reblogs if possible) it’s not really very clear who she wants because she’s thinking much more about WHAT she wants as it relates to her inner very truthfully confusing and sometimes emotionally conflicting journey and personal ambitions.
and the thing I think that’s so true and beautiful and LAYERED about the story is that underneath even those underlying questions and problems of her own identity there is the question of love and what and WHO Nancy wants and, more than that, who she needs. And there’s two things that I think are increasingly clear but are also easy to miss and get wrong about her story. And the first is that Nancy not only wants romantic love, she needs it. There is a fragility to her that needs the person to person clarity of being seen and being known in the depths of an intimate romantic relationship and all her girlboss reporting ambition is never going to change that. In fact she’ll never be a good reporter until/if she’s completely loved and cared for in a romantic way. And no that isn’t a gender specific thing, it’s a Nancy specific thing. and the second thing is—that person is Steve! the reason that I’ve simply had to let go of jancy and come around to not only allowing that Steve and Nancy make the most sense as narrative endgame but loving their dynamic completely is because the way that he loves her allows her to really and truly grow up and become better when she’s in its light. Because it’s so generous and it’s so steady and it’s so faithful. In a way he sees her as better than she is; there is a sense in which he ONLY sees her through rose-colored glasses. I sympathize sometimes with the “Nancy doesn’t deserve Steve” rhetoric even while I think it’s not the point. (It’s pretty much never the point.) But there’s a deeper truth the kind of steady love Steve has for Nancy illuminates. And it’s that—being loved like that can MAKE you better. Being believed in so wholeheartedly and admired so much and rooted for so completely can change you a person. And the way that Steve’s heart has unfolded for the viewer over the seasons, the way he has never actually been able to fully let her go proves that he’s the right person to do that for her. He wouldn’t even frame it that way himself because his love IS so true but it’s true that that is what his love could do for her and even in an unreciprocated way already is doing for her.
the fight Jonathan and Nancy have in season 3 after they get fired kind of tells you everything you need to know about them as a couple—they have different priorities and they’re too different for it to work. The season 1 journey they go on is beautiful and poignant and also not inherently romantic or enough to build a romance on. Once the danger is cleared away how they interact isn’t great for either of them. She makes fun of his “Oliver Twist” routine; it’s clear that he cares more about the stability of his job and providing for his family than he does about her personal journey or ambitions or heart. And that is actually fine and valid of him, as a character trait. (I don’t know why tumblr is incapable of articulating that without somehow villainizing him for it or saying that Nancy DESERVES to be dismissed.) But it’s a troubling sign as her boyfriend. And it’s a clear sign that they don’t work and it’s one that pretty much all their interactions point to. They don’t actually have the patience with each other or the tenderness with each other or the delight in each other that romance needs. The actual romance that they have simply doesn’t go deep enough; it’s very conditional; it depends on context and makes neither of them very happy. They both care about other things more than each other. And I think that’s because their best selves in season 1, the best of their dynamic, was rich and surprising and tender but more platonic at its core than romantic. He saw her fragility and took care of her physically and it feels like that should lead to romance. But it only lasts about a minute. Emotionally, he isn’t interested in or equipped for caring for her in a romantic way and because it’s not an unconditional or steady thing for her to lean she can’t ever grow beyond her own personal fears and worries and insecurities in that relationship.
Steve and Nancy’s season 1 selves exist surrounded by the many necessary foolishnesses of a high school dynamic. And tbh I was too impatient for and uninterested in those foolishnesses the first time around for me to be able to see the real and surprising tenderness that exists between Steve and Nancy, and that CAN be the basis of a real romantic life together with growth and maturity, in spite of those foolishnesses. But with time it’s clear it’s become the only actual working romantic dynamic for Nancy in the show because it has the truthful call and response of a living romantic dynamic that pushes and pulls at both of them, that supports and challenges them. Nancy likes Steve so much actually, as a person and as a boyfriend, underneath all the waters that obscure that. She likes him beyond her vision of him as a prize or her desire to “win” some elusive high school dream. And that’s so GOOD for her on its own because it draws her back to herself. And he likes her enough, loves her enough really, to be unable to do anything except be changed by loving her for the better, which is exactly what we see play out over the first two seasons. He loves her; it makes him better; it forces him to grow and re-evaluate and step out of the trappings of his life that hold him back. And in going on that journey because of her he somehow has the clearest vision of her of anyone in the show, because it’s her BEST self that he sees and it’s with his best self that he responds. That’s growth, that’s dynamism, that’s romance! A Steve and Nancy endgame not only brings Nancy back to true love, a place she needs to go and ADMIT she wants as opposed to prioritizing what she only feels pressure to prioritize from her own fears of being ignored/passed over, it also gives both of them the context and support they need to be able to KEEP growing as people. And to be happy and safe and loved while doing so.
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hakurenamnell · 5 months
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Ended up top 2 contributor on EC 😀
Sharing the honnor with several great creators like Misty, one of my glam buddy, @plupatredis , @arsonway and @yourdolldarling ❤️
Let's glamourously rock 2024 😀
Also, Spriggan is the top server 😀
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Glam is really the true endgame ❤️
Happy 2024 everyone 😀
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