#global air conditioner market
futuretonext · 9 months
The Global Air Conditioner Market is valued at USD 195 Billion in 2022 and is projected to grow at a CAGR of around 5.98% during the forecast period, i.e., 2023-2028. Globally, particularly in metropolitan areas, rising levels of air pollution, temperature, and humidity levels have influenced the adoption of such comforting products. The National Space Science and Technology Centre (NSSTC) reports that for many places worldwide, November 2019 was the warmest month on record, prompting the usage of air conditioning equipment in order to live comfortably. The relevance of ACs to consumers is a result of their many features, including the ability to manage air velocity, humidity, temperature, moisture, and personalized altering options.
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bishtmeenakshi · 1 year
The Future of Consumer Electronics: Market Insights and Forecast
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Stay ahead in the ever-evolving consumer electronics market. Explore the latest trends, growth opportunities, and innovative technologies shaping the industry. Be a part of the future of electronics.
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renub2 · 23 days
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sandhyarani1999 · 2 years
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battleangel · 3 months
💉💊🗑️Addicted To Trash🗑️💊💉
Food scraps take up the most landfill space in the US. Think about that for a moment & process it. As much food insecurity as there is in the US. As many people that die from poverty & from hunger.
The millions of children that face an empty refrigerator & empty pantry every day after school. That don't have money for lunch and don't have access to a free lunch or lunch voucher program.
The parents that skip meals multiple days in a row so that their children can eat.
The sugar sandwiches, cereal with water, knocking on neighbors doors begging for food.
All so Americans that have more than they'll ever need can throw out more than they can ever eat while millions are food insecure and starve within the same country.
Buy loose fruits & vegetables at a local food market, buy food with minimal packaging, only purchase groceries & food items that you actually need & will use & avoid delivery, take out, fast food, fast casual, eating at a sit down restaurant, coffee & donut shops.
Per Google: Food waste accounts for 6% of global greenhouse gas emissions.
According to the Environmental Protection Agency, food scraps are the number one item sent to landfills in the United States.
Food waste accounts for 22% of municipal waste in the U.S.
We discard more food than any other country, even as the number of people experiencing food insecurity grows.
Food waste, which includes everything from meat and fish to fruit and vegetables, can take anywhere between one month and a year to decompose.
However, food decomposition can take longer in a landfill while releasing greenhouse gases into the atmosphere.
Americans are addicted & brainwashed. You can literally go days and even weeks as an American during hotter months without encountering air that hasnt been artificially cooled. Brainwashed!  Im 42 and my grandparents in rural Georgia that I visited and stayed with for a month every year as a kid didnt have air conditioning. Yet todays modern American life claims it isnt possible yet I did it for a month every year in my youth.
Per Google: Air conditioning, heating & refrigerators are the biggest wasters of energy in American households. The cooling industry is important, but it is also incredibly polluting – accounting for around 10% of global CO2 emissions. That is three times the amount produced by aviation and shipping combined. And as temperatures around the world continue to rise due to climate change, the demand for cooling will increase too.
The average American sets their AC to 68 to 72 degrees which is fucking absurd and ridiculous.
Set air conditioning to 78 to 80 when you are home and 80 when you are asleep and not home. 
I set my AC over the summer even during the current heat wave to 80 — I dont have central air in my 1 bedroom apartment, I have wall units in my living room & bedroom.
Use fans, wear light/minimal clothing or go naked inside your home (Ive done this) and drink 64+ ounces of water a day.
The average American keeps thermostat during winter at 72 to 80 degrees which is fucking absurd.
Per Google: Heat and air contributing to nearly half of a home’s energy usage. Today, 90% of American households have air-conditioning. America is addicted to home heating and cooling, consuming more energy for air-conditioning than the rest of the world combined.
Keep thermostat during cold months at 68 degrees. Layer clothing and wear blankets inside. 
Per Google: In the same report, the I.E.A. predicted that worldwide energy use by air-conditioners would triple by 2050, “requiring new electricity capacity the equivalent to the combined electricity capacity of the United States, the E.U. and Japan today.” 
The number of global cooling devices is estimated to increase from 3.6 billion to 9.5 billion by 2050, according to a report by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and the IEA.
Without radical changes to the cooling industry, HFC emissions are projected to contribute warming equivalent to 20% of CO2 output in 2050, the UNEP report warns.
However, some say that refrigeration could be the number one way to reduce carbon emissions. 
Per Google: Much of the world’s recent growth in cooling capability has been an adaptive response to global warming. The problem is self-perpetuating, because the electricity that refrigerators and air-conditioners run on is mostly generated by burning fossil fuels. 
Part of the problem with refrigerants, however, is that much of the harm they cause is after we as consumers have finished using them. It occurs out of sight, and so largely out of mind.
Roughly 90% of refrigerant emissions occur at equipment’s end of life, according to Project Drawdown, a nonprofit that analyses climate solutions.
The most common HFC found in domestic fridges is HFC-134a, which has a global warming potential 3,400 times that of carbon dioxide. A typical fridge can contain between 0.05kg and 0.25kg of refrigerant, which if it leaks into the environment, the resulting emissions would be equivalent to driving 675km-3,427km (420-2,130 miles) in an average family-sized car.
Refrigerators are responsible for about 4% of a home's emissions, or 89 kg of CO2 per year.
The correlation between growth in efficiency and growth in consumption is not accidental.
Similarly to air conditioning & heating, if you've noticed a trend, just setting the temperature a few degrees higher/lower can make an extremely significant difference in terms of energy consumption, greenhouse gas emissions & your contributions to climate change.
Do people care enough to change their respective thermostats just a few degrees?
Set your refrigerator to between 35 and 38°F, and your freezer to between 0 and 5°F.
A refrigerator that's 10°F colder can use up to 25% more energy.
Ironically, as climate change progresses further, our home heating and cooling needs will continue to increase in order to insulate us from extreme weather.
"Ironically" or by design?
Home heating is the single largest source of power consumption in the home, and air-conditioning is the third.
Further, air conditioning in the U.S. accounts for 5% of total energy consumption annually, and releases approximately 100 million tons of carbon dioxide into the air.
When we asked Americans whether they program or adjust their home thermostats before they leave the house, an overwhelming majority (73%) said they do not.
The solution to so much environmental damage caused by Americans ridiculously blasting their central AC & heat is right in front of their faces and is blindingly obvious yet the mindless ecocide continues.
Why? Because you don't want to be slightly unfuckingcomfortable?
Layered clothing + blankets & lower setting central heat = Winter
Lighter minimal clothing + fans + higher setting central air = Summer
It IS that easy.
I do it every summer & winter in my 1 bedroom apartment.
Why don't 73% of Americans?
Because they don't fucking feel like it, that's why.
Avoid disposable products & avoid single use products.
Avoid ordering delivery & takeout & avoid buying food & drinks at restaurants, fast casual, fast food as it produces single use containers, cups, straws, utensils, napkins.
Avoid food packaging.
If you buy prepackaged snacks, consider making them yourselves — homemade granola bars, pop tarts, trail mix recipes, etc. can easily be found on Pinterest.
•Replace plastic water bottles with water filter + stainless steel thermos bottle. •Buy items with less packaging. •Purchase reusable containers. •Minimalism — buy needs only, not wants. •Repair instead of replace items. •Buy refurbished tech & electronic devices. •Go paperless - paper accounts for 40% of landfills in the US - 40 fucking percent!
Makeup wipes take 100 years to decompose.
Stop using make up wipes & use water, soap & a face towel instead.
Clothes can take up to 40 years to decompose!
Stop buying new clothes.
Buy used clothes only when needed from thrift shops, consignment shops, Goodwill, online thrift shops, Depop, Mercari, Poshmark.
The micro mininskirt I am wearing now is from Wet Seal and I got it when I was 17 over 25 years ago.
Outside of a missing button, it is good as new and I wear it all the time.
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Stop with fast fashion.
Stop buying Shein, Fashion Nova, Romwe, Zaful. Stop going to the mall. Stop buying Forever 21 and H&M. Stop going to department stores. Stop buying Macys. Stop shopping at outlets. Stop buying from Nordstrom Rack. Stop buying clothes on Wish & Amazon.
Use and reuse the clothes you already have.
When they are no longer wearable, buy used clothes only — never new — from a thrift shop, consigment store, Goodwill or Depop, Poshmark or Mercari.
Stop buying new clothes!
Batteries can contaminate soil indefinitely -- use rechargeable batteries.
Sanitary pads are made of plastic & can take up to 800 years to decompose. 800 years!
Replace sanitary pads with period underwear (I use Proof) with ob tampons without applicators (what I do) or period cups with a stem to remove & insert (boil & sterilize after each cycle) or menstrual discs.
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Pads & plastic tampon applicators have toxins, chemicals & pesticides that have been proven to cause excessive menstrual bleeding (heavy periods since 11 stopped when I switched from Always pads & Tampax tampons with plastic applicators to Proof Period Underwear & ob tampons without applicators), uterine cancer, fibroids, tumors & other reproductive issues.
Washer machines are also a problem.
Dryer sheets arent biodegradable — stop using them.
Doing laundry in a washer machine releases microplastics into the environment which ends up endangering, harming & killing oceanic creatures and polluting the ocean.
Handwash clothes when you can.
Do not own a washer and dryer as you will be encouraged to wash laundry more due to it conveniently being located inside your home.
Instead, opt for a living space without a washer and dryer (like my 1 bedroom apartment that Ive lived in for 10 years).
Limit trips to the laundromat to once a month or once every other month. Rewear clothing.
You dont have to “throw away clothes as dirty” after one use.
If it isnt stained or smelling, rewear it repeatedly.
Only go to the laundromat when you are out of clean clothes to wear.
I go about once a month to every two months.
If you already have a washer and dryer in your home, limit your use of them as much as possible.
Disposable diapers take 500 years to decompose.
500 fucking years.
Use cloth diapers.
Per Google: Yard waste is one of the top ten waste items in US landfills.
Per Google:
By weight, grass is the biggest component of yard waste, averaging half of all yard waste.
Leaves and brush each provide one quarter.
Either dont have a yard & dont live in a house as living in a house is itself wasteful, a climate change driver & overconsuming energy to simply even heat & cool such a large space.
Or if for some bizarre reason you feel you "need" a house or if you already own a house with a yard, do the following per junkloggers.com: When you mow, “grasscycle” by leaving grass clippings on your lawn instead of bagging then. The clippings will return nutrients to the soil instead of taking up space in landfills. Donate healthy plants that you want to replace to community gardens, parks and schools. Using recycled materials such as compost and recycled hardwood mulch help remove yard waste from landfills and reduces the “footprint” of your own landscape.
Follow the 5 Rs: •Refuse: Maximalism, consumerism, materialism & overconsumption, FOMO, sales & clearances, shiny new toy syndrome, shopping to impress others, trends, advertising that has intentional hypnotic messaging, includes brainwashing tactics, seductive messaging, endless repetition, psyops elements, psychological warfare to buy what they are advertising & selling. •Reuse: What you already have. •Reduce: What you buy & use therefore you will have less to throw away and recycle. •Repurpose: Fix broken glasses like I did, dont buy a new pair. I just bought a glasses repair kit for a few dollars versus wasting money on a new frame, new lenses & the fuel that would have been wasted to deliver the new pair of glasses to me. Repurpose gift bags & use reusable grocery bags as totes. Reuse junk mail and newspaper as gift wrap. •Recycle: Aluminum is indefinitely repurposable but takes 800 years to biodegrade. Wash out containers, check recycling numbers, separate items.  Recycling uses oil!
Keep in mind that Exxon and the oil industry relentlessly promoted recycling before it became ubiquitious because oil is needed to recyle.
Recycling uses a huge amount of energy and is itself a contributor to climate change.
Its important to do all five Rs.
Dont just mindlessly buy use throw away recycle like big oil and capitalism endlessly brainwash you to do. All those times that you threw trash away as a kid in school, did you ever think where it was going? All those times your dad took the trash out and left it by the curb when you were young, did you ever think about where that trash was going? Did you ever think about landfills? Oceanic pollution & waste? Air pollution & air quality? Non biodegradable waste? Greenhouse gas emissions? Methane gas emissions? Landfills burning? Mountains of trash? Ofcourse not. If youre American, it was, out of sight out of mind. Im 42. When I was in school playing sports, it was throw out the empty plastic Gatorade bottle and back to softball practice. Back to track practice. Throw away trash, return lunch tray, on to my next class. Mindless. Brainwashed. Addicted to trash. Air quality near landfills is also poor and can be hazardous to humans and wildlife. The unwelcome sights, sounds, and smells of landfills make life unpleasant for nearby residents and reduce the land’s purpose. Overfull landfills may require clearing arable land and forests to create more room. Mindless. Brainwashed. Addicted to trash.
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A plastic straw takes 400 years to decompose.
Did you ever think about that on your birthday at the McDonalds playground as a child as you sipped on your Hi-C Orange from your plastic straw?
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Plastic wrap takes 1000 years to decompose.
Do you think about the amount of plastic used to wrap bottled water, packaged items, consumer goods? Or do you buy, consume, use, throw away?
Mind controlled.
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Ziploc bags take 1000 years to decompose. Did you think about that as a kid in the cafeteria when you removed the PB&J sandwich that your mother made for you every day?
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Stop vacationing - airplanes, cruises & automobiles are enormous drivers of climate change. Stay local - go to a library, state fair, amusement park, carnival, museum, science center, have a staycation - movie marathon at home etc, take a local class - dancing, pottery, painting, etc., visit local farms & parks.
Deprogram yourself from the belief that you need to take annual vacations, summer trips, tropical vacations, exotic vacations or that you “need to get away” —
Get away from what? 
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Avoid driving as much as you can. Automobiles and the fossil fuels to drive them are a huge contributor to climate change. Wherever possible, do not drive and use as minimal gas as you can. Walk, ride your bike or a scooter, skateboard, roller skate or rollerblade or take public transportation where available if you have to use a car try to carpool or rideshare. Question if you really have to go wherever youre driving and is it worth the additional contributions youre making to climate change. 
Can you recreate wherever youre going at home? Can you watch the sporting event on TV, stream the concert, watch the movie when it releases to VOD? Do you need to meet up in person or can you do a video call on Twitch or Whatsapp if they are not a walkable distance from you? Can you cook instead of eating out? Can you take an online class vs driving to the class? Can you walk to a local food market vs driving to a grocery chain or big box retail store?
If you dont need to drive where youre going, dont drive.
There are millions of cars on the roads in America every day contributing endlessly to climate change so if you dont have to contribute dont and minimize your contributions as much as possible. If you can sell or donate your car then do so. If you live in an area with minimal public transportation, then drive it as little as possible. 
Stop going out to just go out or socialize or be seen as its pointless & unnecessary. 
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Do your hair yourself and/or cut your hair off (I shave my head bald every 3 to 6 months) & stop driving to the hair salon.
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Shave your eyebrows (what I do) and stop driving to the nail salon to get eyebrows waxed or threaded or stop shaping your eyebrows.
Stop painting your nails (what I do) or paint them yourself and stop driving to the nail salon.
Stop buying new stuff and stop driving to the mall.
Stop eating out and stop driving to restaurants.
Stop getting massages and stop going to massage parlors.
Go paperless wherever you can and stop going to the post office.
Stop going to bars and nightclubs, its pointless & a waste of time.
Eliminate bars, nightclubs, shopping malls, restaurants, movie theaters, hair salons, nail salons, massage parlors, post office, grocery stores, big box retail from your life and that should minimize the driving you do.
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Dont have children.
By far, human beings are the biggest contributors to climate change so why would you ever willingly produce one (or more than one) given the amount of ecological destruction & climate change humans have already caused?
If everyone avoided having children, we could voluntarily make ourselves go extinct and save planet earth vs the current trajectory of the earth being inhabitable within 100 years and then humanity colonizing Mars and then other planets then destroying those planets in a few thousand years then moving on to the next.
Wash rinse repeat. Stop the cycle.
People are financially rewarded for ecocidal practices so this wont stop so we need to voluntarily stop ourselves and stop reproducing and stop endlessly propagating our species — human — that has been responsible for over 75k animal species going extinct, the destruction of the ozone layer, climate change, greenhouse gas emissions, endless landfills, deforestation, oceanic & air pollution, etc. 
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Leather shoes & rubber leather soles take 50 to 80 years to decompose.
Buy flats and wear them until they are unusable. Once that occurs, buy new flats.
You should only be doing this once every few years like I am.
If you stand at work, buy high quality sneakers and only replace when they are breaking down.
I havent bought shoes in over five years & sneakers in over ten years.
Cut hair off like I do and stop using any hair products.
I shave my head bald every 3 months and do not do any hair maintenance. I dont use shampoo, conditioner, grease, oil, moisturizer, hair wraps, brushes, etc and as you can see my hair is perfectly fine.
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Buy refurbished tech & electronic devices.
Dont ever buy new.
Look up cobalt mines in Congo and how the materials to make batteries for cell phones, EVs, TVs etc (cobalt) is causing a genocide in Congo as it is the only country that has this mineral so Apple, Samsung, Tesla etc desperately need it for their devices.
Look up the warlords fighting over these mines and the civilians being murdered as a result.
Look up the conditions of the cobalt mines — they employ women and children, no protective gear is issued despite them working in underground mines, no labor laws so they are working 12 to 16 plus hour shifts up to seven days a week exposed to dangerous conditions, toxins, chemicals with no protective gear, clothing or eyewear, they are worked like absolute slaves and are dying in these mines.
They are literally dying for your pink iPhone.
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Fuck IKEA. Stop buying furniture to impress people who don't give a fuck if you live or die much less what your fucking furniture looks like.
Per Google: Most furniture is made of non biodegradable & non recyclable materials like treated wood that can't be recycled.
It takes treated wood years to decompose, and any synthetic fabrics from covers or cushions also take a long time to break down.
A polyurethane seat cushion will take up to 1,000 years to decompose.
Only replace furniture if it is broken beyond the point of repair.
In ten years of living in my 1 bedroom apartment, I have only purchased furniture once.
Dont purchase furniture to impress people, for entertaining purposes, to keep up with your social circle, to flex.
Brainwashed. Mindless. Addicted to trash. Consumerist.
Overconsumption. Materialistic. Out of sight, out of mind.
Who cares if we destroy earth, we're colonizing Mars.
An 80 year human life is worth more than 75k extinct animal species and is worth thousands of tons of plastic that will take hundreds of years to break down in landfills and 6 football fields worth of forests being destroyed via deforestation.
Speciesism is cool as long as its humans being valued among all other species on the planet and even the planet itself.
Ecocide is cool. Environmental damage is whatever.
The destruction of the environment is just part of my brat girl summer.
Has anyone seen MaXXXine?
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Who are the greys, Reptilians, minders & keepers?
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takeoffphilippines · 1 year
Beko Marks 3rd Anniversary In The Philippines With Trade Launch, Lays Out Business Development Plans
Beko Philippines is entering a new phase of business in their journey to bring the European brand to a sustainable lifestyle for Filipino customers. In celebration of its third year of operations, Beko announces its goal of being the number one European brand in the Philippine market in the next 5 years.
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“We are very happy to be holding this trade launch for our dealers and stakeholders as we share that Beko will be a bigger and better brand in the Philippines in 2023 and beyond,” said Gürhan Günal, Beko’s country director in the Philippines, who also presented the company’s business development plans of EXPAND, GROW, LEAD, CONNECTIVITY and SUSTAINABILITY for the Philippines along with the brand’s hero technologies at the anniversary trade launch at the Grand Ballroom of Marriott Hotel Manila.
This is the heart and reason why this year, Beko will be made available soon in other appliance stores nationwide as it continues to “expand” its distribution to other retail channels.
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To further “grow” brand awareness and visibility they also announced the renewal of their brand ambassadorship with Judy Ann Santos-Agoncillo alongside with digital and traditional media investments.
As one of the “leading” manufacturers of home appliances, Beko promotes the Live Like a Pro lifestyle and inspires Filipinos to experience a more convenient way of living through European style product lines. They stated that Beko Pilipinas Corporation is the exclusive distributor of Hitachi Major Domestic Appliances as part of their brand portfolio.
Beko appliances are made smart, relevant and designed to easily support Filipino families. With the HomeWhiz function you can easily “connect” to your Beko appliances with the use of your smartphones.
As part of Beko’s global sustainability effort, Beko Philippines announces its partnership with Plastic Credit Exchange, which serves a global ecosystem of carefully vetted partners that recover, process, and recycle plastic waste with programs that improve livelihood, scale up social impact, and reduce the flow of plastic pollution into nature. The partnership is in line with Extended Producer Responsibility Law, which holds companies responsible for the plastic packaging they use throughout the lifecycle of their products.
Trade launch showcasing hero technologies
As Beko marked its third year in the Philippines, the appliance brand held a grand trade launch for its dealers at the Marriott Hotel Grand Ballroom with the theme “Empowered to Live Like A Pro.”
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During the whole-day event, guests, including media and dealers, got to experience Beko’s range of appliances. They also got tips from a chef and an interior designer on how to manage their homes like a pro.
Beko Philippines showcased its hero technologies, such as HarvestFresh, ProSmart Inverter Technology, Steam Cure, Hygiene+,  AeroPerfect TM and many others. These technologies help you live like a pro. Among the products displayed that day were cookers. The HII64205F2MT  is a 60x50cm built-in induction hob with four Cooking Zones and two 2 Flexizone, nine cooking levels and a glass burner plate. Meanwhile, the BBIS14300XCSE 60x60cm. multifunction built-in oven with six cooking functions,  including Steam Aid feature for moist and even cooking.
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There were also refrigerators, one of the appliances which Beko is famous for. The GNO480E40HFGBPH is a 16.6cf inverter multi-door refrigerator with Neofrost Triple Cooling Technology, HarvestFresh, Prosmart Inverter Compressor, in sleek black glass door finish.  Also featured is the Hitachi Refrigerator R-WB640VG0-1 GBK with Vacuum Technology with Platinum Catalyst, Inverter X Dual-fan Cooling with Eco-thermo sensor.
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Other appliances include the CEG7302B, a bean-to-cup espresso machine and the BSEOG180/181 2Hp air-conditioner with Go Clean Technology, MicroClean TM Filter, Gold Guard, ZoneFollow, 4D Auto Swing and HomeWhiz.
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Beko appliances are available at 1st Megasaver, Abenson, All Home, Anson’s, Appliance Centrum, Asian Home Appliance, Automatic Centre, BHF, Echo Electrical, Fair N Square, Gloria Bazaar, Great World, Hat, J Marketing, Lazada, Magic Appliance, Manhattan Appliance, Mike’s Department Store, NB Marketing, Pricewise, RS David, Our Builders, Robinsons Appliance, Savers, Shopee, SM Appliance, Solidmark, SVC & Plusign, United Motoliance, and Western Appliance.
For more information about Beko in the Philippines, go to http://beko.ph or visit their Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/bekoph and their Instagram page at https://www.instagram.com/bekoph/.
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ankitab · 3 days
The Europe Air Conditioners Market is projected to reach $46.8 billion by 2030
Meticulous Research®—leading global market research company, published a research report titled, ‘Europe Air Conditioners Market by Type (Split, Window, Centralized/Ducted, Others), Tonnage (Up to 2 Tons, 2 Tons to 5 Tons, Others), Technology (Inverter, Non-inverter), End User (Residential, Commercial, Industrial), and Geography - Forecast to 2030.’
Download free sample report here: https://www.meticulousresearch.com/download-sample-report/cp_id=5693?utm_source=article&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=product&utm_content=18-09-2024
According to this latest publication from Meticulous Research®, the Europe air conditioners market is projected to reach $46.8 billion by 2030, at a CAGR of 6% during the forecast period 2023–2030. The growth of the Europe air conditioners market is driven by increasing temperatures and humidity levels, consumers’ growing preference for convenience and comfort, and the rising demand for energy-efficient air conditioning systems. However, the high costs of air conditioners restrain the market’s growth.
The rising adoption of air conditioners with inverter and air purification technologies and technological advances in HVAC systems are creating growth opportunities for the players operating in this market. However, the high energy consumption of air conditioners limits their adoption, which is a major challenge for market stakeholders. Moreover, connected air conditioners and the emergence of solar photovoltaic (PV) and solar thermal-assisted air conditioning systems are prominent trends in this market.
Based on technology, the Europe air conditioners market is segmented into inverter ACs and non-inverter ACs. In 2023, the inverter ACs segment is expected to account for the larger share of the Europe air conditioners market. The segment’s large market share is attributed to advancements in inverter technology and AC manufacturers’ strong focus on product enhancement and the development of inverter-powered ACs. Moreover, the inverter ACs segment is also projected to register the higher CAGR during the forecast period.
Browse in depth : https://www.meticulousresearch.com/product/europe-air-conditioners-market-5693?utm_source=article&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=product&utm_content=18-09-2024
Based on rating, the Europe air conditioners market is segmented into 1 Star ACs, 2 Star ACs, 3 Star ACs, 4 Star ACs, and 5 Star ACs. In 2023, the 3 Star ACs segment is expected to account for the largest share of the Europe air conditioners market. The segment’s large market share is attributed to the benefits of 3 Star ACs, such as high energy efficiency and durable copper condenser coils that work on variable-speed compressors, coupled with AC manufacturers’ rising focus on developing energy-efficient ACs. However, the 5 Star ACs segment is projected to register the highest CAGR during the forecast period.
Based on end user, the Europe air conditioners market is segmented into residential end users, commercial end users, and industrial end users. In 2023, the residential segment is expected to account for the largest share of the Europe air conditioners market. The segment’s large market share is mainly attributed to the growing acceptance of smart home technologies, construction companies’ increased focus on offering air-conditioned apartments, and the rising need to improve indoor air quality. Moreover, the residential segment is also projected to register the highest CAGR during the forecast period.
Download Top 10 companies report here: https://meticulousblog.org/top-10-companies-in-air-conditioners-market/?utm_source=article&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=product&utm_content=18-09-2024
Based on geography, the Europe air conditioners market is segmented into the U.K., Germany, France, Italy, Spain, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Poland, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Ireland, Russia, and the Rest of Europe (RoE). In 2023, Italy is expected to account for the largest share of the Europe air conditioners market. Italy’s large market share is attributed to the growing demand for residential air conditioners due to rising temperatures, the surging demand for space cooling, the increasing need for comfort, and growing income levels in the country. Furthermore, the rising demand for comfortable residential spaces and increasing ownership of residential apartments are encouraging consumers to install AC units. This trend is expected to support market growth in Italy during the forecast period.
Key Players:
The key players operating in the Europe air conditioners market are Daikin Industries, Ltd. (Japan), Mitsubishi Electric Corporation (Japan), Hitachi-Johnson Controls Air Conditioning (Japan), Carrier Global Corporation (U.S.), Whirlpool Corporation (U.S.), Haier Smart Home Co. Ltd. (China), LG Electronics (South Korea), Panasonic Corporation (Japan), Robert Bosch GmbH (Germany), Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.
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 South East Asia Air Conditioners Market: https://www.meticulousresearch.com/download-sample-report/cp_id=5611?utm_source=article&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=product&utm_content=18-09-2024
Asia-Pacific Air Conditioners Market: https://www.meticulousresearch.com/download-sample-report/cp_id=5681?utm_source=article&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=product&utm_content=18-09-2024
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tamanna31 · 9 days
HVAC Systems Market Pegged to Expand Robustly During 2024-2030
HVAC Systems Industry Overview
The global HVAC systems market size was estimated at USD 233.55 billion in 2023 and is projected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 7.4% from 2024 to 2030.
The market growth is driven by the rising need for cost-effective and energy-efficient space cooling and heating applications in the commercial and industrial sectors. Furthermore, rising demand for the high seasonal coefficient of performance (SCOP) heating equipment, which can be efficient in both winter and summer, is expected to fuel the product demand. Moreover, the growing global population is increasing the requirements for affordable housing units and enhanced commercial infrastructure.
Gather more insights about the market drivers, restrains and growth of the HVAC Systems Market
According to the United Nations, the global population is expected to reach 9.7 billion in 2050, exhibiting a growth of 2 billion in the next 30 years. This significant increase in the global population is facilitated by the improving standard of living of the masses, increasing lifespan, decreasing mortality rate, and ongoing advancements in medical technologies and medicines. As such, new housing projects are being launched worldwide. This is expected to positively impact market growth. Rapid urbanization coupled with increasing demand for energy-efficient products is expected to drive the demand for heat pumps in the residential sector. Favorable government initiatives and tax rebates offered on the installation of energy-saving products are expected to propel product demand.
For instance, the U.S. federal government extended the federal tax credit of 26% for residential ground-source heat pump installations up to 31st December 2022. This tax credit was lowered to 22% for systems that were installed in 2023. Moreover, the governments have set forth some standards that aim at the manufacturing of energy-efficient equipment, reducing environmental hazards & carbon footprints. In addition, several governments offer benefits to encourage the use of energy-efficient or renewable energy-based products. Moreover, the introduction of new HVAC regulations and standards or the updation of the existing ones in the U.S. is expected to positively impact market growth.
In January 2023, a new regulation related to energy efficiency SEER2 (Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio) was implemented in the U.S. The energy efficiency rating according to this regulation for heat pumps & air conditioners for northern states of the country has been changed to 14, while for southern states, it is 15. Moreover, the U.S. EPA is said to ban R-410 refrigerant in HVAC systems across the country by 2024 and promote the adoption of a new class of refrigerant, namely A2L in these systems by 2025. Such changes are expected to boost the replacement activities of existing HVAC systems with new ones or update them. This is anticipated to contribute to market growth.
Browse through Grand View Research's Advanced Interior Materials Industry Research Reports.
• The global HVAC maintenance services market size was estimated at USD 78.54 billion in 2023 and is projected to grow at a CAGR of 5.8% from 2024 to 2030.
• The global platinum group metals market size was estimated at USD 56.18 billion in 2023 and is estimated to grow at a CAGR of 4.6% from 2024 to 2030.
Key HVAC Systems Company Insights
To increase market penetration and cater to changing technological requirements from various end-uses, such as residential, commercial, and industrial, product manufacturers use a variety of strategies, such as joint ventures, mergers, acquisitions, new product launches, and geographical expansions. Manufacturers are undertaking strategic acquisitions to gain an edge in the industry and increase their geographic presence.
For instance, in May 2023, Carrier Corporation introduced i-Vu Pro v8.5 for upgrading controller firmware, improving serviceability for customers, and reducing downtime of connected HVAC equipment. The latest enhancements are expected to help customers with Internet of Things (IoT) connectivity, robust security, and leading serviceability features. Furthermore, in February 2022, Johnson Controls, Inc. launched commercial rooftop units (RTUs) with series, such as Johnson Controls, YORK, and TempMASTER. These products are certified by the DOE 2023 efficiency standards.
Key HVAC Systems Companies:
The following are the leading companies in the HVAC systems market. These companies collectively hold the largest market share and dictate industry trends. Financials, strategy maps & products of these HVAC systems companies are analyzed to map the supply network
Carrier Corporation
Daikin Industries, Ltd.
Haier Group
Havells India Ltd.
Hitachi Ltd.
Johnson Controls
LG Electronics
Lennox International Inc.
Mitsubishi Electric Corporation
Rheem Manufacturing Company
Recent Developments
In February 2023, Lennox International launched packaged rooftop units with the introduction of Xion and Enlight product lines. These new products reduce environmental impact by offering exceptional efficiency, sustainable design, and efficient service
In January 2023, Trane launched the new AirfinityS rooftop air-to-air heat pump systems with variable speed compressors, adaptive frequency drive, and low GWP R-454B refrigerant
SAMSUNG announced a new range of WindFree AC. It involves AI technology that auto-cools the surroundings by reducing energy consumption by 77%. Furthermore, it has a motion detector sensor, voice control, and welcome cooling. Some of the models of this AC have an in-built air purifier that filters PM2.5 particles
Order a free sample PDF of the HVAC Systems Market Intelligence Study, published by Grand View Research.
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LG Electronics unit looks to B2B prospects - Information Global Internet - BLOGGER https://www.merchant-business.com/lg-electronics-unit-looks-to-b2b-prospects/?feed_id=197919&_unique_id=66e3bd780e6d3 Mr Amnaj says the company is targeting sales of 16 billion baht this year, up 7% from 2023.LG Electronics (Thailand) Co Ltd will focus more on the business-to-business (B2B) market, whose growth is expected to outpace the consumer market.Amnaj Singhachan, head of marketing at LG Electronics (Thailand), said the company views the B2B market as having high growth potential due to the country’s economic recovery coupled with the post-pandemic recovery, which has led to strong demand in the B2B sector in areas such as offices and hotels.The company believes there is still room for growth in the information display and air conditioner market, he said.“We will closely monitor the year-end tourism season. If the country’s tourism booms this year, the hotel operators might opt for property renovation, which could open the door of opportunity to the company in the year to come,” said Mr Amnaj.He said the company’s products are being distributed through three channels: business-to-consumer (B2C) through its dealers and sub-dealers, business-to-business (B2B), and direct-to-customer (D2C) via online e-commerce platforms such as Shopee, Lazada, NocNoc, or LG’s website.The B2C channel accounts for 80% of the company’s sales, while B2B and D2C each account for 10% of overall sales.Mr Amnaj said the company aims to increase the proportion of B2B and D2C to account for around 15% each, while reducing the proportion of B2C down to 70% next year.“In five years, the company aims to reduce its B2C channel to account for 50% of overall sales, and increase B2B sales to 20% and D2C sales to 30%,” he said.Mr Amnaj said even though the company is focusing more on the B2B segment, it will maintain its partnerships with B2C dealers.Moreover, the company also aspires to transform into a “Smart Life Solutions Company” that can connect and expand the customer experience across various spaces, including home, commercial, mobility and virtual.This goal is in line with its Future Vision 2030 to showcase its innovative efforts beyond the home appliance space, he said.Regarding the flooding in Chiang Rai province, Mr Amnaj said the situation has directly affected around 10 of its 30 local dealers.In the aftermath, the company is considering launching a relief scheme, such as a not-for-profit repair service for damaged electrical appliances and marketing campaigns with longer instalment plans for new appliance purchases.The company is targeting sales of 16 billion baht this year, up 7% from the previous year, he said. LG Electronics unit looks to B2B prospects - Information Global Internet - #GLOBAL BLOGGER - #GLOBAL
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LG Electronics unit looks to B2B prospects - Information Global Internet https://www.merchant-business.com/lg-electronics-unit-looks-to-b2b-prospects/?feed_id=197918&_unique_id=66e3bd76e2318 #GLOBAL - BLOGGER BLOGGER Mr Amnaj says the company is targeting sales of 16 billion baht this year, up 7% from 2023.LG Electronics (Thailand) Co Ltd will focus more on the business-to-business (B2B) market, whose growth is expected to outpace the consumer market.Amnaj Singhachan, head of marketing at LG Electronics (Thailand), said the company views the B2B market as having high growth potential due to the country’s economic recovery coupled with the post-pandemic recovery, which has led to strong demand in the B2B sector in areas such as offices and hotels.The company believes there is still room for growth in the information display and air conditioner market, he said.“We will closely monitor the year-end tourism season. If the country’s tourism booms this year, the hotel operators might opt for property renovation, which could open the door of opportunity to the company in the year to come,” said Mr Amnaj.He said the company’s products are being distributed through three channels: business-to-consumer (B2C) through its dealers and sub-dealers, business-to-business (B2B), and direct-to-customer (D2C) via online e-commerce platforms such as Shopee, Lazada, NocNoc, or LG’s website.The B2C channel accounts for 80% of the company’s sales, while B2B and D2C each account for 10% of overall sales.Mr Amnaj said the company aims to increase the proportion of B2B and D2C to account for around 15% each, while reducing the proportion of B2C down to 70% next year.“In five years, the company aims to reduce its B2C channel to account for 50% of overall sales, and increase B2B sales to 20% and D2C sales to 30%,” he said.Mr Amnaj said even though the company is focusing more on the B2B segment, it will maintain its partnerships with B2C dealers.Moreover, the company also aspires to transform into a “Smart Life Solutions Company” that can connect and expand the customer experience across various spaces, including home, commercial, mobility and virtual.This goal is in line with its Future Vision 2030 to showcase its innovative efforts beyond the home appliance space, he said.Regarding the flooding in Chiang Rai province, Mr Amnaj said the situation has directly affected around 10 of its 30 local dealers.In the aftermath, the company is considering launching a relief scheme, such as a not-for-profit repair service for damaged electrical appliances and marketing campaigns with longer instalment plans for new appliance purchases.The company is targeting sales of 16 billion baht this year, up 7% from the previous year, he said. Mr Amnaj says the company is targeting sales of 16 billion baht this year, up 7% from 2023. LG Electronics (Thailand) Co Ltd will focus more on the business-to-business (B2B) market, whose growth is expected to outpace the consumer market. Amnaj Singhachan, head of marketing at LG Electronics (Thailand), said the company views the B2B … Read More
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futuretonext · 11 months
The Global Air Conditioner Market is valued at USD 195 Billion in 2022 and is projected to grow at a CAGR of around 5.98% during the forecast period, i.e., 2023-2028. Globally, particularly in metropolitan areas, rising levels of air pollution, temperature, and humidity levels have influenced the adoption of such comforting products. The National Space Science and Technology Centre (NSSTC) reports that for many places worldwide, November 2019 was the warmest month on record, prompting the usage of air conditioning equipment in order to live comfortably. The relevance of ACs to consumers is a result of their many features, including the ability to manage air velocity, humidity, temperature, moisture, and personalized altering options.
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bravecompanynews · 9 days
LG Electronics unit looks to B2B prospects - Information Global Internet - #GLOBAL https://www.merchant-business.com/lg-electronics-unit-looks-to-b2b-prospects/?feed_id=197917&_unique_id=66e3bd75d8bcc Mr Amnaj says the company is targeting sales of 16 billion baht this year, up 7% from 2023.LG Electronics (Thailand) Co Ltd will focus more on the business-to-business (B2B) market, whose growth is expected to outpace the consumer market.Amnaj Singhachan, head of marketing at LG Electronics (Thailand), said the company views the B2B market as having high growth potential due to the country’s economic recovery coupled with the post-pandemic recovery, which has led to strong demand in the B2B sector in areas such as offices and hotels.The company believes there is still room for growth in the information display and air conditioner market, he said.“We will closely monitor the year-end tourism season. If the country’s tourism booms this year, the hotel operators might opt for property renovation, which could open the door of opportunity to the company in the year to come,” said Mr Amnaj.He said the company’s products are being distributed through three channels: business-to-consumer (B2C) through its dealers and sub-dealers, business-to-business (B2B), and direct-to-customer (D2C) via online e-commerce platforms such as Shopee, Lazada, NocNoc, or LG’s website.The B2C channel accounts for 80% of the company’s sales, while B2B and D2C each account for 10% of overall sales.Mr Amnaj said the company aims to increase the proportion of B2B and D2C to account for around 15% each, while reducing the proportion of B2C down to 70% next year.“In five years, the company aims to reduce its B2C channel to account for 50% of overall sales, and increase B2B sales to 20% and D2C sales to 30%,” he said.Mr Amnaj said even though the company is focusing more on the B2B segment, it will maintain its partnerships with B2C dealers.Moreover, the company also aspires to transform into a “Smart Life Solutions Company” that can connect and expand the customer experience across various spaces, including home, commercial, mobility and virtual.This goal is in line with its Future Vision 2030 to showcase its innovative efforts beyond the home appliance space, he said.Regarding the flooding in Chiang Rai province, Mr Amnaj said the situation has directly affected around 10 of its 30 local dealers.In the aftermath, the company is considering launching a relief scheme, such as a not-for-profit repair service for damaged electrical appliances and marketing campaigns with longer instalment plans for new appliance purchases.The company is targeting sales of 16 billion baht this year, up 7% from the previous year, he said. BLOGGER - #GLOBAL
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boldcompanynews · 9 days
LG Electronics unit looks to B2B prospects - Information Global Internet - BLOGGER https://www.merchant-business.com/lg-electronics-unit-looks-to-b2b-prospects/?feed_id=197916&_unique_id=66e3bd74e4557 Mr Amnaj says the company is targeting sales of 16 billion baht this year, up 7% from 2023.LG Electronics (Thailand) Co Ltd will focus more on the business-to-business (B2B) market, whose growth is expected to outpace the consumer market.Amnaj Singhachan, head of marketing at LG Electronics (Thailand), said the company views the B2B market as having high growth potential due to the country’s economic recovery coupled with the post-pandemic recovery, which has led to strong demand in the B2B sector in areas such as offices and hotels.The company believes there is still room for growth in the information display and air conditioner market, he said.“We will closely monitor the year-end tourism season. If the country’s tourism booms this year, the hotel operators might opt for property renovation, which could open the door of opportunity to the company in the year to come,” said Mr Amnaj.He said the company’s products are being distributed through three channels: business-to-consumer (B2C) through its dealers and sub-dealers, business-to-business (B2B), and direct-to-customer (D2C) via online e-commerce platforms such as Shopee, Lazada, NocNoc, or LG’s website.The B2C channel accounts for 80% of the company’s sales, while B2B and D2C each account for 10% of overall sales.Mr Amnaj said the company aims to increase the proportion of B2B and D2C to account for around 15% each, while reducing the proportion of B2C down to 70% next year.“In five years, the company aims to reduce its B2C channel to account for 50% of overall sales, and increase B2B sales to 20% and D2C sales to 30%,” he said.Mr Amnaj said even though the company is focusing more on the B2B segment, it will maintain its partnerships with B2C dealers.Moreover, the company also aspires to transform into a “Smart Life Solutions Company” that can connect and expand the customer experience across various spaces, including home, commercial, mobility and virtual.This goal is in line with its Future Vision 2030 to showcase its innovative efforts beyond the home appliance space, he said.Regarding the flooding in Chiang Rai province, Mr Amnaj said the situation has directly affected around 10 of its 30 local dealers.In the aftermath, the company is considering launching a relief scheme, such as a not-for-profit repair service for damaged electrical appliances and marketing campaigns with longer instalment plans for new appliance purchases.The company is targeting sales of 16 billion baht this year, up 7% from the previous year, he said. #GLOBAL - BLOGGER Mr Amnaj says the... BLOGGER - #GLOBAL
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sandhyarani1999 · 2 years
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LG Electronics unit looks to B2B prospects - Information Global Internet - BLOGGER https://www.merchant-business.com/lg-electronics-unit-looks-to-b2b-prospects/?feed_id=197915&_unique_id=66e3bd74110c7 Mr Amnaj says the company is targeting sales of 16 billion baht this year, up 7% from 2023.LG Electronics (Thailand) Co Ltd will focus more on the business-to-business (B2B) market, whose growth is expected to outpace the consumer market.Amnaj Singhachan, head of marketing at LG Electronics (Thailand), said the company views the B2B market as having high growth potential due to the country’s economic recovery coupled with the post-pandemic recovery, which has led to strong demand in the B2B sector in areas such as offices and hotels.The company believes there is still room for growth in the information display and air conditioner market, he said.“We will closely monitor the year-end tourism season. If the country’s tourism booms this year, the hotel operators might opt for property renovation, which could open the door of opportunity to the company in the year to come,” said Mr Amnaj.He said the company’s products are being distributed through three channels: business-to-consumer (B2C) through its dealers and sub-dealers, business-to-business (B2B), and direct-to-customer (D2C) via online e-commerce platforms such as Shopee, Lazada, NocNoc, or LG’s website.The B2C channel accounts for 80% of the company’s sales, while B2B and D2C each account for 10% of overall sales.Mr Amnaj said the company aims to increase the proportion of B2B and D2C to account for around 15% each, while reducing the proportion of B2C down to 70% next year.“In five years, the company aims to reduce its B2C channel to account for 50% of overall sales, and increase B2B sales to 20% and D2C sales to 30%,” he said.Mr Amnaj said even though the company is focusing more on the B2B segment, it will maintain its partnerships with B2C dealers.Moreover, the company also aspires to transform into a “Smart Life Solutions Company” that can connect and expand the customer experience across various spaces, including home, commercial, mobility and virtual.This goal is in line with its Future Vision 2030 to showcase its innovative efforts beyond the home appliance space, he said.Regarding the flooding in Chiang Rai province, Mr Amnaj said the situation has directly affected around 10 of its 30 local dealers.In the aftermath, the company is considering launching a relief scheme, such as a not-for-profit repair service for damaged electrical appliances and marketing campaigns with longer instalment plans for new appliance purchases.The company is targeting sales of 16 billion baht this year, up 7% from the previous year, he said. BLOGGER - #GLOBAL Mr Amnaj says the company is targeting sales of 16 billion baht this year, up 7% from 2023. LG Electronics (Thailand) Co Ltd will focus more on the business-to-business (B2B) market, whose growth is expected to outpace the consumer market. Amnaj Singhachan, head of marketing at LG Electronics (Thailand), said the company views the B2B … Read More
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onlinecompanynews · 9 days
LG Electronics unit looks to B2B prospects - Information Global Internet https://www.merchant-business.com/lg-electronics-unit-looks-to-b2b-prospects/?feed_id=197914&_unique_id=66e3bc516fa8c Mr Amnaj says the... BLOGGER - #GLOBAL Mr Amnaj says the company is targeting sales of 16 billion baht this year, up 7% from 2023.LG Electronics (Thailand) Co Ltd will focus more on the business-to-business (B2B) market, whose growth is expected to outpace the consumer market.Amnaj Singhachan, head of marketing at LG Electronics (Thailand), said the company views the B2B market as having high growth potential due to the country’s economic recovery coupled with the post-pandemic recovery, which has led to strong demand in the B2B sector in areas such as offices and hotels.The company believes there is still room for growth in the information display and air conditioner market, he said.“We will closely monitor the year-end tourism season. If the country’s tourism booms this year, the hotel operators might opt for property renovation, which could open the door of opportunity to the company in the year to come,” said Mr Amnaj.He said the company’s products are being distributed through three channels: business-to-consumer (B2C) through its dealers and sub-dealers, business-to-business (B2B), and direct-to-customer (D2C) via online e-commerce platforms such as Shopee, Lazada, NocNoc, or LG’s website.The B2C channel accounts for 80% of the company’s sales, while B2B and D2C each account for 10% of overall sales.Mr Amnaj said the company aims to increase the proportion of B2B and D2C to account for around 15% each, while reducing the proportion of B2C down to 70% next year.“In five years, the company aims to reduce its B2C channel to account for 50% of overall sales, and increase B2B sales to 20% and D2C sales to 30%,” he said.Mr Amnaj said even though the company is focusing more on the B2B segment, it will maintain its partnerships with B2C dealers.Moreover, the company also aspires to transform into a “Smart Life Solutions Company” that can connect and expand the customer experience across various spaces, including home, commercial, mobility and virtual.This goal is in line with its Future Vision 2030 to showcase its innovative efforts beyond the home appliance space, he said.Regarding the flooding in Chiang Rai province, Mr Amnaj said the situation has directly affected around 10 of its 30 local dealers.In the aftermath, the company is considering launching a relief scheme, such as a not-for-profit repair service for damaged electrical appliances and marketing campaigns with longer instalment plans for new appliance purchases.The company is targeting sales of 16 billion baht this year, up 7% from the previous year, he said. #GLOBAL - BLOGGER Mr Amnaj says the company is targeting sales of 16 billion baht this year, up 7% from 2023. LG Electronics (Thailand) Co Ltd will focus more on the business-to-business (B2B) market, whose growth is expected to outpace the consumer market. Amnaj Singhachan, head of marketing at LG Electronics (Thailand), said the company views the B2B … Read More
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