#global compact
ingridgabriela87 · 1 year
#MiércolesDeMigrantes, De Tulum a Juárez
Victoria Esperanza Salazar Arriaza, mujer de 36 años, de nacionalidad salvadoreña, originaria de Sonsonate, llegó a México en 2015 con sus dos hijas, huyendo de la violencia causada por pandillas en el salvador. La COMAR le dio una “visa por razones humanitarias” en calidad de refugiada. Con el NO. 11598479 expedido el 6 de marzo de 2018 por la Subdelegación Federal de Chiapas del INM. Con 36 años, el 27 de marzo del 2021, fue asesinada a manos de la policía de #Tulum, en el estado de #QuintaRoo en México[1]. Las autoridades judiciales continúan dilatando los procesos de audiencia sin aviso previo.
En agosto de 2021 la #CNDH Emitió la recomendación 34/2021[2] y el comunicado de prensa 217[3], haciendo recomendaciones al H. Ayuntamiento de Tulum, Quintana Roo y a su Policía, a la fecha las recomendaciones no se han cumplido y el proceso judicial continua sin contar con un análisis de perspectiva de género o derechos humanos. A pesar de que esos análisis constitucionalmente, en teoría tendrían que ser observados por parte de cualquier autoridad judicial en México de acuerdo con la constitución la realidad es otra. Varias organizaciones de la sociedad civil han mantenido actualizaciones respecto al caso.[4]
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imagen de Instagram - @Emmiartbook https://www.instagram.com/p/CNAm6QojAGS/?utm_source=ig_embed&utm_campaign=loading
El caso de Victoria sucedió en el sur del país, en 2021, hoy 2023 en el mismo mes, tres años después la realidad en el norte para las personas migrantes, es más cruel y cruda. Ayer 28 de marzo con una cifra preliminar de 39 muertos y 31 heridos la estancia “temporal” de migración parte del Instituto Nacional de Migración, en #CiudadJuarez #Chihuahua, vio fallecer a varias personas migrantes[5].
La estancia temporal en teoría funciona para “retornar” personas en situación de movilidad irregular a sus países de origen, que en realidad las leyes migratorias mexicanas están llenas de eufemismos para denominar a las cárceles para migrantes como “estancias de paso”, “estancias temporales” “albergues instituciones” etc.
Las primeras reacciones que vimos por parte de las autoridades fueron un “son instalaciones federales, nosotros los locales no tenemos responsabilidad” y lo segundo por parte de la federación fue “es que fue botín ocasionado por los mismos migrantes”, ahora la narrativa se politiza y busca capitalizarse en campañas (infinitas) para decir “a mí no me toca, le toca a Marcelo”, no sin un “un sentido pésame” o “es lamentable”.
Pero la realidad es que las vidas de: un colombiano - Julián David Villamil Arévalo, un ecuatoriano - Jorge Luis Tumbaco Santiestevan, 12 salvadoreños - Andrés Fernando Calderón Carbajal, Brayan Eduardo Flamenco Quinteros, Carlos Alberto Pacheco Gutiérrez, Daniel de Jesús Varela Ramírez, Enrique Alfonso Melara Rivera, Inmer Onesi Molina Hernández  (Hospital de la familia Femap), José Amílcar Portillo Solórzano, José Pedro Rivera García, Marvin Armides García Pacheco (IMSS 6), Milton Alexis Melara Melgar, Misael Antonio Aguilar López, Roberto Antonio Henríquez Evangelista, 28 guatemaltecos,  Bacilio Sutuj Saravia, Byron López Xol, Cristian Vidal Alexander Ventura Sacalxot (IMSS 6), Cruz Ernesto Chich Marroquín, Diego Sau Guarchaj, Diego Tzaj Ixtos, Edwin Gilberto Ixpertay Macario, Eliseo Gutiérrez Valdez (Hospital de la familia Femap), Elvis Adelmar Pérez Esteban, Enrique Coy Pop, Eyner Anibal García Dieguez, Fernando Pu Castro, Francisco Gaspar Rojche Chiquival, Francisco Javier Sohom Tzoc, Gaspar Josue Cuc Tzinquin, Gaspar Santiago Ixcotoyac Tum, Juan Fernando Quiñonez Montejo, Kevin Estuardo Cardona Lopez, Manuel Alexander Chox Tambriz, Marco Antonio Lucas Paiz, Marcos Abdon Tziquin Cuc, Miguel Rojche Zapalu, Miguel Sebastian Pedro Mateo, Raymundo Quib Tzalam, Roberto González Hernández, Rubbelsy Manrrique Pérez Rodríguez, Santiago Caal Tzul, Wilson Alexander Juárez Hernández 13 hondureños, Brayan Orlando Rodríguez Funes, Cristhian Javier Carranza Toro, Dikson Aron Córdova Perdomo, Edin Josué Umaña Madrid, Higinio Alberto Ramírez Torres (Hospital de la Familia Femap), Jesús Adony Alvarado Madrid, José Alfredo Hernández Muñoz,  José Ángel Ceballos Molina, José Armando Rivera Muñoz, Juan Carlos De Jesús Gómez (Hospital de la Familia Femap), Juan Carlos Trochez Aguilar, Oscar Danilo Serrano Ramírez, Oscar Pineda Torres y 13 venezolanos, Carlos Eduardo Rodríguez Cordero, Masculino Desconocido Sin Identificar, Eduardo De Jesús Carballo López  (Hospital De La Familia Femap), Jeison Daniel Catari Rivas (Hospital De La Familia Femap), Jesús Eduardo Velásquez Perdomo (Hospital De La Familia Femap), Joel Alexander Leal Peña, Orangel José López Guerrero, Orlando José Maldonado Pérez, Oscar José Regalado Silva, Rafael Mendoza Mendoza, Rannier Edelber Requena Infante,Samuel José Marchena Guilarte, Stefan Arango Morillo (Hospital de la Familia Femap) [6]  fueron arrancadas por negligencia de las autoridades y la falacia de “política migratoria” que según es apegada a derecho internacional en México.
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Imagen de Alberto Cabezas Oficial Nacional de Comunicación de OIM México, email: [email protected] - https://rosanjose.iom.int/es/news/mexico-se-suma-los-gobiernos-que-impulsan-una-migracion-ordenada-segura-y-digna-utilizando-los-indicadores-de-gobernanza-migratoria-igm
En el video publicado en Twitter y otras redes, se logra ver a los custodios fuera de las rejas huir del fuego mientras nadie les abre la puerta las personas migrantes del otro lado de las rejas…así las securitización gubernamental, en la estructura antinmigrantes–xenófoba, continua de forma global, apostando por incremento a la seguridad tradicional y deja a un lado la responsabilidad de proteger.  
Así en #Mexico, como estado nación parte de varios convenios internacionales en materia de migración, deja de cumplir su constitución y no toma en cuenta la Convención sobre el Estatuto de los Refugiados y su Protocolo, deja a un lado la Declaración de Cartagena sobre los Refugiados, Declaración de Nueva York para los Refugiados y los Migrantes. Sin importar los esfuerzos diplomáticos que hacen los “representantes” en la #ONU o en diversos organizamos internacionales. En el territorio con la normalización y cotidianeidad de la corrupción y negligencia. Las autoridades migratorias, de seguridad y administrativas, en todos los niveles continúan cobrando viáticos y salarios de nuestros impuestos para perpetuar una estructura enteramente podrida que asesina sin consecuencias.
Continúan Implementados “operativos/tereas conjuntas(os)” dejan de observar los principios de Non-refoulement (No devolución), respeto a la institución del asilo y el derecho a solicitar asilo, el principio de no discriminación con arreglo al derecho internacional entre otros.
El pacto mundial para las migraciones en conjunto con la #Agenda2030. Se quedan para ser discutidos y analizados en mesas con café y galletitas, por gente con trajes y maquillaje para que suene bonito. Las vidas de los migrantes permanecen utilizadas en retoricas del narcoestado que es México y su “política internacional” con campañas interminables.
Más empatía, más presupuesto de facto para capacitación efectiva a personal de centros de salud dónde tiene más paso de personas migrantes, mejor implementación de una estrategia de seguridad humana que si cumpla con estándares internacionales, y basta de incrementos a la securtización tradicional bélica de castigo que solamente provoca vidas, incendios y brutalidad.
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Ilustración: Patricio Betteo para  La gestión migratoria actual en México: hospitalarios en cuanto inhospitalarios https://migracion.nexos.com.mx/2020/03/la-gestion-migratoria-actual-en-mexico-hospitalarios-en-cuanto-inhospitalarios/
[1]Amnesty International “Mexico: Mexico: Authorities must ensure justice and reparations for Victoria Salazar’s death at the hands of the police” link -  https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/press-release/2021/03/mexico-autoridades-deben-garantizar-justicia-reparacion-por-victoria-salazar/
[2] Comisión Nacional de Derechos Humanos “Recomendación 34/2021” link - https://www.cndh.org.mx/documento/recomendacion-342021
[3] Comisión Nacional de Derechos Humanos “Comunicado de prensa 217” link - https://www.cndh.org.mx/comunicado/5157/comunicado-de-prensa-2172021
[4] Swissinfo.ch. “Exigen avances en el caso de la salvadoreña asesinada por policías en México” link - https://www.swissinfo.ch/spa/m%C3%A9xico-feminicidios_exigen-avances-en-el-caso-de-la-salvadore%C3%B1a-asesinada-por-polic%C3%ADas-en-m%C3%A9xico/47471520
[5]El Financiero “Esto sabemos de la muerte de 39 migrantes en un incendio en Ciudad Juárez” link -   https://www.elfinanciero.com.mx/estados/2023/03/28/esto-sabemos-de-la-muerte-de-39-migrantes-en-un-incendio-en-ciudad-juarez/
[6] Instituto Nacional de Migración, “El INM informa comunicado 204/2023”, México - https://www.gob.mx/segob/prensa/el-inm-informa-330171?state=published
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dh5ryxhgbctgr · 2 days
Global Compact Thermal Cycler Market Forecast and Strategic Direction Report 2024 - 2031
The global compact thermal cycler market is witnessing significant growth as a result of advancements in biotechnology, pharmaceuticals, and molecular biology. Compact thermal cyclers are essential laboratory instruments used primarily in polymerase chain reaction (PCR) applications, enabling rapid and efficient thermal cycling for DNA amplification. This article explores the market dynamics, key trends, challenges, and future outlook.
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Overview of the Compact Thermal Cycler Market
Compact thermal cyclers are designed to optimize the process of temperature cycling in PCR, making them invaluable for research and diagnostic laboratories. Their small footprint and ease of use make them suitable for a variety of applications, from academic research to clinical diagnostics.
The global compact thermal cycler market is poised for substantial growth, driven by advancements in biotechnology, increasing demand for PCR applications, and the shift towards personalized medicine. 
Key Features of Compact Thermal Cyclers
Space Efficiency: Compact design allows for easy integration into laboratory settings with limited space.
Rapid Heating and Cooling: Advanced temperature control technology enables faster cycling times, increasing throughput.
User-Friendly Interfaces: Many models come equipped with intuitive touch screens and programmable settings for ease of operation.
Market Dynamics
Drivers of Market Growth
Rising Demand for PCR Applications: The increasing application of PCR in medical diagnostics, genetic testing, and research is driving the demand for thermal cyclers.
Advancements in Biotechnology: Innovations in molecular biology techniques are fueling the need for efficient and precise thermal cycling equipment.
Growing Focus on Personalized Medicine: The shift towards personalized medicine is boosting demand for tools that enable genetic testing and analysis.
Challenges Facing the Market
High Initial Costs: The upfront investment for high-quality compact thermal cyclers can be a barrier for smaller laboratories and startups.
Technological Obsolescence: Rapid advancements in thermal cycling technology may lead to existing models becoming outdated quickly.
Regulatory Challenges: Compliance with stringent regulatory standards in various countries can complicate product development and market entry.
Regional Analysis
North America
North America is a dominant player in the compact thermal cycler market, driven by a strong presence of research institutions and pharmaceutical companies. The United States is particularly significant due to its extensive investment in biotechnology and life sciences.
Europe is witnessing steady growth in the compact thermal cycler market, with countries like Germany, the UK, and France leading in research and development. The emphasis on innovative healthcare solutions and personalized medicine is supporting market expansion in this region.
The Asia-Pacific region is expected to experience the highest growth in the compact thermal cycler market, driven by rapid industrialization, increasing healthcare investments, and a growing number of research institutions. Countries like China and India are at the forefront of this growth.
Competitive Landscape
Key Players
Thermo Fisher Scientific: A leader in scientific instruments, Thermo Fisher offers a range of compact thermal cyclers known for their reliability and performance.
Bio-Rad Laboratories: Known for innovative laboratory equipment, Bio-Rad provides compact thermal cyclers that cater to various research needs.
Eppendorf AG: A key player in the life sciences market, Eppendorf manufactures compact thermal cyclers that are widely used in laboratories worldwide.
Market Strategies
Product Innovation: Companies are investing in research and development to enhance the capabilities and features of compact thermal cyclers.
Strategic Collaborations: Partnerships with research institutions and healthcare providers are being pursued to expand market reach and enhance product offerings.
Geographic Expansion: Targeting emerging markets in Asia and Latin America to capitalize on the growing demand for molecular biology tools.
Future Outlook
The global compact thermal cycler market is projected to grow significantly in the coming years. As advancements in biotechnology and molecular diagnostics continue, the demand for efficient and compact thermal cyclers will likely increase.
Trends to Watch
Integration of Automation: The rise of automated laboratory workflows will drive the demand for advanced thermal cyclers that can seamlessly integrate into robotic systems.
Eco-Friendly Solutions: Increasing emphasis on sustainability may lead manufacturers to develop more energy-efficient and environmentally friendly thermal cyclers.
Customization Options: Growing demand for tailored solutions that meet specific laboratory requirements will influence product development in the market.
The global compact thermal cycler market is poised for substantial growth, driven by advancements in biotechnology, increasing demand for PCR applications, and the shift towards personalized medicine. By addressing challenges and leveraging emerging opportunities, stakeholders can thrive in this dynamic market. The future of compact thermal cyclers will be characterized by innovation, efficiency, and a commitment to meeting the evolving needs of laboratories and research institutions worldwide.
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defensenow · 3 months
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historyofguns · 3 months
The article "FMK-3 Submachine Gun — Argentina's Uzi?" by Peter Suciu, published on The Armory Life, explores the history and technical features of the Argentine FMK-3 submachine gun. Initially developed to replace older submachine guns like the P.A.M 1 and P.A.M 2 during the early 1970s, the FMK-3 saw its first significant use during Argentina’s "Dirty War" and later in the 1982 Falklands War. The article details the weapon’s design, influenced by Israeli and Czechoslovak models, its operational mechanics, and its comparison to other contemporary firearms like the Uzi and the British Sterling submachine gun. Produced from 1975 until 1993 with around 85,000 units, the FMK-3 remains in use today primarily within Argentine and other South American law enforcement and military units. The piece also touches on the limited appearances of the FMK-3 in popular culture and its ongoing legacy in the region.
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in-sightpublishing · 3 months
Ask A Genius 983: East and West Might be Myth
Author(s): Rick Rosner and Scott Douglas Jacobsen Publication (Outlet/Website): Ask A Genius Publication Date (yyyy/mm/dd): 2024/06/29  Scott Douglas Jacobsen: With the increase in communication technologies, the speed of travel, and the progression of these systems, do you think the concepts of East and West make much sense anymore? Rick Rosner: No, I always go back to Cory Doctorow, who…
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in-sightjournal · 3 months
Ask A Genius 983: East and West Might be Myth
Scott Douglas Jacobsen: With the increase in communication technologies, the speed of travel, and the progression of these systems, do you think the concepts of East and West make much sense anymore? Rick Rosner: No, I always go back to Cory Doctorow, who writes about this among other issues. As technology increases the ability for people in different parts of the world to transact with each…
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translationday · 3 months
Workshop on Cultural and linguistic diversity in the era of digitalization and emerging technologies.
Cross-perspectives on the challenges of cultural and linguistic diversity in the context of developing a new roadmap for digital cooperation.
The digital transition represents a tremendous opportunity to bring people from all over the world together. Thanks to technological innovations, the flow of data, content and information generated by a wide variety of users is constantly increasing, paradoxically accelerating a process of standardization in the virtual world that impoverishes the linguistic and cultural richness of the real world. The unique characteristics of societies tend to erode as borders are reshaped by the digital transformation.
Raise awareness of the risks and opportunities of digital technologies on cultural and linguistic diversity;
Explore operational solutions to eliminate all obstacles, including linguistic and cultural ones, to achieve inclusive digital transition;
Identify relevant objectives, commitments, and actions for a Global Digital Compact to promote, protect, and preserve multilingualism and cultural diversity in the digital world, in the framework of the ongoing negotiating sessions of the Global Digital Compact.
Documents: Concept note.
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humansolidarityday · 1 year
Cities of solidarity in the Americas.
The initiative has developed a aimed to provide diagnostics and prioritization of public policy issues connected to the inclusion of the people UNHCR.
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Let's highlight the role of cities in responding to refugees.
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automotiveera · 10 months
Powering the Waves: Small Marine Engines Market Insights
The small marine engines market value will reach USD 11,696.1 million by 2030 from USD 7,967.5 million in 2022, at a 4.9% CAGR. This growth can be credited to the growing demand for numerous kinds of boats utilized for recreational and relaxation events, and the growing coastal tourism for water activities including yachting, boating, and fishing.
Furthermore, the leaning toward the water-based leisure industry has been on the surge because of the increased expenditure on water-associated activities by a chunk of the populace. Also, the sense of better-quality mental health because of the quality time spent during water-based activities is a main factor for the booming boating demand, which, ultimately, quickens the outward and inward-placed engines of marine vessels.
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The mounted customer involvement in marine fun activities is offering worthwhile development opportunities for engine demand. In the past years, marine tourism and relaxation activities like yachting, power boating, and sailing, have experienced a significant surge, because of the growing disposable income of consumers. Moreover, rapid development in adventure tourism is helping water recreational activities.
As per a government-issued research article, above 50 million Americans went fishing, including artisanal fishing, commercial, and artisanal fishing, in 2021, which generated a profitable demand for outdoor or inner-placed motors in marine recreational vehicles. the recreational boats category, on the basis of the application segment, generated approximately USD 3.5 billion in revenue in 2022. And, a surge in demand for technically progressive fishing boats is projected to drive the development of the industry for engines and propulsion systems across the forecast period.
In 2022, the outboard motor category dominated the industry, and the category is also projected to advance at a CAGR of 5% in the coming years. This is mainly because of the technical advances, the requirement for outboard boats is projected to increase significantly in the coming few years.
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The threat posed by Da'esh - United Nations Security Council, 9405th meeting.
Briefing to the United Nations Security Council members by Vladimir Voronkov, Under-Secretary-General for Counter-Terrorism, on the 17th report of the Secretary-General on the threat posed by Da'esh.
Madam President, Excellencies,
I thank the Security Council for the opportunity to present the seventeenth report of the Secretary-General on the threat posed by Da'esh to international peace and security, and the United Nations efforts in support of Member States to counter the threat.
I would like to start by expressing my sincere condolences to the governments and people of all Member States who have suffered from terrorism.
Earlier this week, the Secretary-General helped mark the International Day of Remembrance of and Tribute to the Victims of Terrorism 2023. The horrific impact of terrorism on the lives and livelihoods of so many people give impetus to our common efforts to counter and prevent it.
The victims and survivors of terrorism continue to serve as a powerful reminder of the importance of sustaining multilateral efforts against Da'esh and terrorism in all its forms and manifestations.
On 19 June, the United Nations Office of Counter Terrorism together with the Group of friends of victims of terrorism held a dedication ceremony to plant the Victims of Terrorism Solidarity Tree at UN headquarters. This tree will stand as a timeless and powerful symbol of the commitment of the United Nations and the international community to protect and promote the rights of victims of terrorism.
Madam President, Excellencies,
I am pleased that Assistant Secretary-General and Executive Director of the Counter-Terrorism Executive Directorate, Ms. Nathalia Gherman, is joining me today, to present this report, which our offices prepared jointly with the Analytical Support and Sanctions Monitoring Team, led by Mr. Justin Hustwitt.
As highlighted in this and previous reports, Da'esh and its affiliates continue to constitute a serious threat in conflict zones and neighbouring countries. However, the threat level remains low in non-conflict areas. This analytical distinction can obscure what is the complex, context- specific and dynamic nature of how these groups operate and evolve and their impact on international peace and security.
In parts of Africa, the continued expansion of Da'esh and affiliated groups, as well as the increasing level of violence and threat, remain deeply concerning.
The Da'esh affiliate in the Sahel is becoming increasingly autonomous and increasing attacks in Mali, as well as Burkina Faso and the Niger. The confrontations between this group and an Al- Qaida affiliate in the region, coupled with the uncertain situation after the coup d'état in the Niger, present a complex and multi-faceted challenge.
In the Democratic Republic of the Congo, attacks by terrorist and other armed groups have also risen, with continued clashes between Government forces and terrorist groups. In the eastern region of the country, some 500 persons have perished due to terrorist violence.
Conflict and instability in Sudan have also renewed the attention on the presence and activity of Da'esh and other terrorist groups in that country.
Beyond Africa, the situation in Afghanistan is growing increasingly complex, with fears of weapons and ammunition falling in the hands of terrorists now materializing. The in-country operational capabilities of Da'esh's so-called Khorasan province, sanctioned as ISIL-K, has reportedly increased, with the group becoming more sophisticated in its attacks against the Taliban and international targets.
Moreover, the presence and activity of some 20 different terrorist groups in the country, combined with the repressive measures put in place by the Taliban de facto authorities, the absence of sustainable development and a dire humanitarian situation, pose significant challenges for the region and beyond.
This complex picture remains despite successful counter-terrorism initiatives by Member States. There has been progress in targeting Da'esh finances and leadership cadres, including the death of Da'esh leader earlier this year, confirmed by Da'esh itself after the report's completion. These measures had a notable effect on the group's operations in Iraq and the Syrian Arab Republic, as well as elsewhere.
Counter-terrorism initiatives in Egypt, Mozambique and Yemen have also significantly limited the ability to conduct operations. Yet, the risk of resurgence remains.
As a result of counter-terrorism efforts, Da'esh has moved to adopt less hierarchical and more networked, decentralised structures, following Al-Qaida's footsteps, with increased operational autonomy by its affiliated groups. While there is little evidence that the core leadership is exercising command and control of regional affiliates - financial, propaganda and other connections remain.
Perhaps most notably, the typical surge in Da'esh violence during the month of Ramadan did not materialize in 2023.
The situation in camps and detention facilities in the northeast of the Syrian Arab Republic that hold individuals with alleged links to Da'esh and other terrorist groups has been dire for many years and is unlikely to improve soon. Although the increased pace of repatriations, mainly by Iraq, is welcome, tens of thousands of people, mostly women and children, are still stranded in camps and detention facilities., with unpredictable consequences for regional and international security.
Madam President, Excellencies,
I offer four key observations for this Council's consideration.
First, compliance with international law, including international human rights law and humanitarian law, remains the essential bedrock for the success of counter-terrorism efforts. Actions that contravene these legal obligations only undermine global efforts against Act of terrorism. Effective counter terrorism requires inclusive approaches and gender-responsive measures.
Second, the persistent challenges posed by terrorism underline the need for counter-terrorism initiatives to be firmly grounded in political strategies for resolving the Armed Conflicts that fuel terrorism the most. Force alone cannot lead to changes in the conditions conducive to terrorism.
Indeed, the use of force, with no backing of clear strategy and not anchored on international law, can be counter-productive, fuelling more violence, aggravating grievances exploited by terrorists and creating conditions conducive for the proliferation of terrorist groups.
And in this regard, the Secretary-General in his policy brief on A New Agenda for Peace, has called for a new generation of counter-terrorism operations, led by African partners with a Security Council mandate under Chapters VII and VIII of the Charter of the United Nations, with guaranteed funding through assessed contributions. These operations should align with the full range of the United Nations tools and mechanisms for responding to crises.
Third, prevention. The nature of the threat posed by Da'esh underscores the need for more complementarity between security responses and preventive measures. Further efforts are required to prioritize and significantly increase investment in prevention efforts.
The integrated and balanced implementation of the four pillars of the United Nations Global Counter Terrorism Strategy would help ensure this very point.
Finally, developments in some parts of Africa are deeply concerning and interconnected with existing conflicts and local grievances. The African Counter-Terrorism Summit being organized by the United Nations Office of Counter Terrorism and the Government of Nigeria to be held in Abuja next year, will offer an opportunity to redouble international support and explore transcontinental approaches to address this situation.
Madam President, Excellencies,
The General Assembly's adoption of resolution 77/298 on its eighth review of the United Nations Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy sustained the long-standing multilateral consensus on counter-terrorism.
The adoption of this resolution should serve as a reminder that consensus does not come easy. However, once achieved, it reaffirms the unity of Member States against terrorism.
Countering and preventing terrorism require long-term commitment as well as continued and coordinated efforts. I welcome the support expressed by all stakeholders at the 2023 United Nations Counter-Terrorism Week in New York to to counter terrorism and look forward to the close collaboration with partners on key priorities identified during the High- Level Conference of Heads of Counter-Terrorism Agencies of Member States.
The United Nations, including the Office of Counter-Terrorism and the Global Counter-Terrorism Coordination Compact, will continue to support Member States in their endeavour to address the scourge of terrorism.
Thank you.
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the254hub · 1 year
CIC Group Joins Global Companies in Adopting Sustainable Business Practices
CIC Group has today subscribed to the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC) affirming its commitment to adopting ethical and responsible business practices in its day-to-day operations, and organizational culture. By joining this network, CIC joins other global leaders in actively contributing to the achievement of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Speaking during the…
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crazydiscostu · 1 year
Epicka Travel Adapter
Continuing our summer holidays themed reviews (and hot on the heels of our Mytravelpal Travel Adapter review), today we are looking at the Epicka TA-105 World Travel Adapter. Epicka Epicka pride their products on being passports to a world of adventure and discovery. Founded in 2017 the company tasked themselves with a mission to help travellers stay connected no matter where they are in the…
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sonofcelluloid · 2 months
darling, WAKE UP. darling, a global computer glitch has caused outages at our airport, grounding all flights. no, this is NOT like the Instagram scam i fell for. they are talking about it on the NPR. they are calling it “the blue screen of death”. foolish mortals. what do they know of death? still, this has RUINED this weekend’s plans. i wanted us to fly to Florida then back again while watching Blade Runner on the airplane’s compact television set. ideally that new Planet of the Apes as well. this is your fault for making me get rid of the jets. your fear of cancellation has devastated us
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Ring the Bell for Gender Equality events at stock exchanges.
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Ring the Bell for Gender Equality events at stock exchanges. 1 March 2023, opening/closing bells
UN Women, International Finance Corporation, Sustainable Stock Exchanges (SSE) Initiative, UN Global Compact, and the World Federation of Exchanges will collaborate in more than 110 stock exchanges events around the world to demonstrate their support for women’s rights and gender equality around International Women’s Day.
Participating stock exchanges have also taken the opportunity to make public commitments to gender equality through the Women’s Empowerment Principles (WEPs), encouraging listed companies to adopt the WEPs and its listing criteria to advance women’s representation on boards; developing sustainability-linked bonds with gender criteria or gender-focused bonds; and encouraging women to invest.
A list of Ring the Bell events around the world can be found here. For additional information, please contact [ Click to reveal ].
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yesilhaber · 2 years
Sürdürülebilir finansman kaynağı dünyanın öncelikli konusu
Sürdürülebilir finansman kaynağı dünyanın öncelikli konusu
İş Dünyası ve Sürdürülebilir Kalkınma Derneği (SKD Türkiye) tarafından 2013 yılından bu yana düzenlenen Sürdürülebilir Finans Forumu’nun 8’incisi Global Compact Türkiye iş birliğiyle “Yeni Küresel Ekonomik Düzende Sermaye Akışını Sürdürülebilirlikle Teşvik Etmek” temasıyla Borsa İstanbul’da gerçekleştirildi. SKD Türkiye tarafından 2013 yılından bu yana sürdürülebilir finans konusunda iş…
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humansolidarityday · 10 months
Strengthening social cohesion and inclusion.
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The project aims to strengthen the social cohesion of children under temporary and international protection and children of the host community through sports, and to identify children at risk through activities to be conducted under the Project and refer them to the relevant institutions.
Let's strengthen social cohesion and inclusion through sports among refugees and Turkish youth
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