#global integration
uglyandtraveling · 2 months
Explore 2024's top passports that open global doors and the struggles of the world's weakest passports in our latest rankings guide.
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otlwoozi · 6 months
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thebardostate · 1 year
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Where Does Consciousness Come From?
(This is Part 2 of a three part series on consciousness. Part 1 is here. Part 3 is here.
A 25 year bet was settled last week when two rival scientific explanations for consciousness - Global Workspace Theory (GWT) and Integrated Information Theory (IIT) - both failed to discover any neuronal correlates of consciousness (NCC) in the human brain. Neuroscientist Cristof Koch and philosopher David Chalmers agreed that neuroscience can't yet explain how our brains produce consciousness.
I say "yet" because it is an article of faith among the disciples of Richard Dawkins and Daniel Dennett that consciousness (if it exists at all) will eventually be shown to be a mere illusion or "epiphenomenon" generated by biochemical activity in our brains. They argue that the mind is only what the brain does, so consciousness ceases when the brain dies. They dismiss as pseudoscientific "woo" fantasy any notion that consciousness might survive the physical death of the brain.
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Source: @myjetpack
Materialist neo-Darwinism appears to enjoy broad support across the physical and biological sciences, in medicine, and from science popularizers like Neil DeGrasse Tyson and Carl Sagan. It can fairly be called the orthodox scientific view.
And yet, we see from the results of the wager that the origins of consciousness remain an open question. It is considered one of the greatest unsolved problems in science. Thus far, scientific orthodoxy has gotten us exactly...nowhere.
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What is it Like to be a Bat?
Enter Thomas Nagel, a marquee name in the philosophy of mind and cognitive science. In 1974 Nagel published the widely influential essay "What is it Like to be a Bat?" in which he argued that there's a lot more to being a bat than just hanging around upside down in the dark. Bats perceive their world thru echo location. Nothing in human experience prepares us for what that must be like: bats don't "see" their homes because they're in pitch darkness, nor do they "feel" their way along in the dark because they're flying thru the air. We can speculate, but we humans don't have a clue what it feels like to be a bat. And yet, science knows a great deal about bat brains.
In his 2012 book Mind and Cosmos Nagel argues that the materialist neo-Darwinist conception of reality is almost certainly false, with far-reaching implications for evolution and quantum physics. He is incredulous at the just-so story that Dawkins, Dennett, et. al. are expecting us to swallow:
It is prima facie highly implausible that life as we know it is the result of a sequence of physical accidents together with the mechanism of natural selection. We are expected to abandon this naive response, not in favor of a fully worked out physical/chemical explanation but in favor of an alternative that is really a schema for explanation, supported by some examples. What is lacking, to my knowledge, is a credible argument that the story has a nonnegligible probability of being true.
However, Nagel is no sock puppet for religion, as some of his materialist critics have insinuated. In fact, he is an atheist:
I do not find theism any more credible than materialism as a comprehensive world view. My interest is in the territory between them. I believe that these two radically opposed conceptions cannot exhaust the possibilities.
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Back to the Drawing Board
So if consciousness doesn't come from the brain, then where does it come from?
In Nagel's estimation it's high time science started looking for alternative explanations instead of continuing to double down on materialist neo-Darwinism, which by now has had ample time to put up or shut up (Karl Popper called these breezy we'll-solve-it-someday assurances "promissory materialism".) Nagel critiques the three basic approaches that materialists have pursued thus far:
Treat consciousness as a black box, and infer what might lurk inside the box by carefully observing its behavior from the outside. This is the behaviorist approach, whose sterility was so evident by the late 1960s that it sparked the cognitive revolution in psychology.
Systematically trace all mental events to physical counterparts "somewhere" in the brain. This is the approach that GWT and IIT take, using medical techniques like functional MRI to observe the brain as we carry out various activities. One of the problems with this approach is brain plasticity, the ability of the brain to rewire itself (e.g., after a stroke); plasticity makes it difficult to pin down exactly where in the brain mental events occur (to say nothing about how the brain pulls off the plasticity trick in the first place.) Another problem is that mental activities can interact and overlap, such as when we drive a car and talk on the phone at the same time. Sometimes we can multitask, and sometimes we can't. Where do those complex interactions play out in the brain? What about things produced by the brain itself but not experienced by the senses like imagination, the placebo effect and hallucinations? And finally, there is a world of difference between images from fMRI and the actual, subjective, first-person experiences we have when performing those tasks. They're just not the same. I'll have much more to say about this approach to consciousness research in Part 3 of this series.
Deny that there is any such thing as consciousness - this is eliminative materialism aka illusionism, whose most prominent proponent is Dennett. But if we buy into this, why should we stop at questioning our own consciousness? Why don't we just deny that anything exists at all, and go full-on nihilist atheist? Philosopher Galen Strawson called illusionism "the silliest claim ever made" while philosopher John Searle called it an "intellectual pathology." (Plus which, when you get down into the weeds of eliminative materialism, you find that it's just reheated behaviorism anyway.)
Nagel believes these materialist accounts are all incomplete because each in its own way fails to explain the familiar first-person experience of being alive and conscious. But even setting that aside, he points out a further problem for the neo-Darwinists.
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Why Did Consciousness Evolve?
In its own way, materialist Neo-Darwinism is a "theory of everything" in so far as biology goes. As such, it must be able to explain why consciousness evolved in the first place.
It's quite plausible that natural selection could have produced organisms that adapt and reproduce without being conscious. We can imagine robot-like zombies that carry out a series of evolved instructions and reproduce without ever having experiencing first-person subjective consciousness, like little automatons. And yet, we are conscious. Why? What evolutionary purpose could first-person awareness have served?
A standard materialist explanation is that consciousness emerged as a byproduct of evolution (a "spandrel" as Steven Jay Gould called it) rather like junk DNA. If we are not satisfied with the just-so story that the mental comes as a free bonus to the physical, then we will have to look for our answers elsewhere.
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Opening the Window on Consciousness
We landed in this situation because science has sought to explain nature entirely in physical terms, without invoking theism. It has been spectacularly successful - particularly in the physical sciences - but the cost has been excluding consciousness along with the gods. Eventually this exclusion was bound to be challenged. We cannot have a complete picture of the world without understanding our own consciousness that makes that picture possible. If consciousness isn't generated by the brain, the implications for evolution and quantum physics will be far-reaching. (Nagel, 2012)
In the concluding part of this series we'll take a fresh look at the medical evidence for certain so-called 'paranormal' phenomena. These have been systematically excluded from mainstream scientific consideration because, if they proved true, they would undercut materialist explanations of consciousness. What do medical anomalies like Near-Death Experiences and Terminal Lucidity imply about the nature of consciousness?
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subconsciousmysteries · 7 months
Laziness, some Attachment Triad dynamics, me hating on 3s
I couldn't imagine living my life in fear of being seen as lazy or a loser. Like it is the dumbest most pathetic most weak fear to have. Having this fear primes you to be a slave to your masters because you actually care about their opinions of you beyond a pragmatic survival perspective. You internalize your enslaver's moral compass as your own which makes you doomed for failure and self-loathing, because their "moral compass" is based on their narcissistic belief that they're superior and they have a right to control and enslave you.
Coming from someone who was raised by parents who tried to drill this fear of being an unsuccessful "loser" into me, and a mother who has given me the most horrific verbal abuse and angry meltdowns because I asked her questions about why I'm expected to care about succeeding conventionally... I've seen what this fear of being a loser does to people. it makes them jump off a cliff when the state says jump. It also makes them horrifically mistreat "loved ones" ("loved ones" in quotemarks because these people don't know what love is) who actually respect themselves, whilst sucking up to evil oligarchs who see them as cash cows and lab rats. They kneel before whoever has status and control and shun everybody else... Not even for pragmatic survival reasons, but because they genuinely fucking believe that high status people are morally superior to low status people. That's the most grotesque part. Not their actions but their internal rottenness, their inverted moral compass. They are devout believers in the religion of materialism and idol worship of the elite.
These people never question who invented the value system they follow or why they invented it, which is the ultimate manifestation of Spiritual Laziness (3 -> 9). They just religiously follow the idea that poor people are all lazy and it's all their own fault for being poor because they didn't sell-out hard enough. Of course, they don't believe that attaining wealth is "selling out", because they blind themselves to seeing this blatantly evident fact. They deceive themselves that we live in a democratic, free speech meritocracy where everything is fair, to justify their weakness-driven investment in a broken game.
If you try to explain to them that we live in a system where people have to compromise their moral compass at every corner to attain wealth, where those who speak for justice are marginalized and impoverished and imprisoned and killed, and you show them undeniable proof of this... it falls on deaf ears. You get gaslit that these facts are fake, and apparently you're only believing this stuff so that you have an "excuse to be lazy". Oh gee, I guess I'm supposed to blind my eyes to the truth of how everything works so that your dumb ass doesn't think I'm lazy? Good to know! Because that's what you're asking everyone to do when you say "conspiracy theorists are just lazy" without providing a rebuttal to their facts. You're basically saying "shut up and go back to sleep, goy."
Unenlightened 3 doesn't have any spiritual perceptiveness whatsoever, it is the most spiritually blind, materialistic type on the enneagram. So they don't know that they are the truly Lazy ones for never questioning the values which they live by. Laziness is not a refusal to go to work, Laziness is not receiving government benefits. People who do these things can be Lazy but contrary to materialist belief, this is not the crux of what Laziness is. True Laziness is about falling asleep into the material realm. Which often means falling asleep into your routine of going to work, paying your taxes, saving up for the next property, and never questioning anything you're doing whilst you do all of that. Falling asleep (9) is the opposite of thinking, scrutinizing, questioning, trying to enhance your perceptions (6).
As soon as you start asking legitimate questions about why you have the values that you have (aka, as soon as you "wake up"), as soon as you make a commitment to doing out what is truly right instead of just doing what is comfortable and accepted and easy... it becomes incredibly difficult to fall back asleep. It becomes nearly impossible to "succeed" inside of the 9-to-5 wageslave system that you once never questioned the merit of, once you realize that we don't in fact live in meritocracy at all and your taxes are funding terrorism. You see the truth of how rotten everything is, how it is all built on lies and a hatred of humanity with the intent of enslaving us. The reason why people refuse to accept at the facts proving conspiracy theories, even if you shove it in their face, is because they are spiritually weak as fuck. They are not emotionally prepared to handle the ostracization and the shaming and the isolation that anyone who wakes up endures. They are not prepared to take the Hero's Journey. They are not prepared to be called crazy and a loser and gaslit 24/7 and then worse: threatened by police if they dont keep their mouths shut. They would much rather live in their materialist lie which is comfortable (3 -> 9 as opposed to 3 -> 6. 3 -> 6 would be waking up to the uncomfortable truths whilst 3 -> 9 is falling asleep into the material realm).
All enneagram fears are evil and bad and lead to bad things but there is something uniquely contemptible about type 3. It's definitely one of the types that's behind executing all the world's problems moreso than the others. I believe that all spiritual rottenness originates from ennea 4 (perhaps because 4 is the center of Origin in general) and then it seems to execute itself most pointedly through it's neighbors 3 and 5. Like if you look at this satanic world, that is who is objectively running it... rich 3s and 5s.
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stepseduworldblog · 2 months
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Unlocking Opportunities: How a Trusted Education & Career Coach Facilitates Study in the UK
In the vibrant city of Dubai, where innovation meets tradition, the journey of Trusted Education & Career Coaches and consultants unfolds with promising opportunities and transformative innovations. As Dubai continues to position itself as a global hub for education and business, students in the region are witnessing a dynamic evolution in the way they learn, explore career paths, and prepare for the future. In this blog post, we delve into the multifaceted aspects of education and career opportunities for Dubai students, from emerging trends in learning to the diverse pathways in the professional realm.
Virtual Reality Classrooms: Stepping into Tomorrow
Imagine students donning VR headsets, transported to ancient civilizations or exploring molecular structures up close. Virtual reality classrooms are revolutionizing learning, turning textbooks into immersive experiences. In Dubai, where innovation is a way of life, VR classrooms are poised to reshape traditional learning paradigms.
One of the defining characteristics of modern education in Dubai is the integration of cutting-edge technologies that enhance learning experiences. Virtual reality (VR) classrooms have emerged as a game-changer, offering students immersive and interactive environments that transcend traditional teaching methods. Imagine a history lesson where students can virtually visit ancient civilizations or a science class where they explore complex molecular structures up close. VR classrooms not only make learning engaging but also foster deeper understanding and retention of concepts.
#AI-Driven Learning Platforms: Personalized Pathways to Success#Meet your digital mentor: AI-driven platforms that adapt to your learning style. From personalized lesson plans to instant feedback#AI enhances the educational journey for Dubai students studying in the UK. Imagine an AI coach guiding you through challenges or recommendi#Alongside VR#artificial intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing education through personalized learning platforms tailored for students studying in the UK.#adaptive assessments#and real-time feedback. Dubai students benefit from AI-powered tools that cater to their unique strengths and areas of improvement#paving the way for personalized learning journeys that optimize academic success.#Global Networking Opportunities: Connecting Dubai to the World#Networking is key in a globally connected world. Dubai students access a vast network through virtual conferences#collaborative projects#and cross-cultural exchanges. The world is at their fingertips#broadening horizons from their classrooms.#Dubai's cosmopolitan environment opens doors to a rich tapestry of global networking opportunities for students. Through virtual conference#and cross-cultural exchanges#students in Dubai connect with peers#experts#and mentors from around the world. This global network not only expands their academic horizons but also nurtures valuable relationships an#Blended Learning: Bridging the Physical and Digital Divide#Welcome to blended learning#where traditional meets digital. Dubai embraces hybrid models#combining in-person interactions with online resources. This approach caters to diverse needs#customizing the learning experience.#Moreover#blended learning equips Dubai students with essential digital literacy skills#critical thinking abilities#and adaptability to thrive in the digital age. As technology continues to evolve#the integration of digital learning tools and resources enhances Dubai's education ecosystem#preparing students for success in an increasingly digital and interconnected world.#Skills of Tomorrow: Nurturing Creativity and Critical Thinking
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vague-humanoid · 1 year
New Jersey is set to become the first state in the nation to mandate teaching media literacy to students of all ages as a bill with the requirement heads to Gov. Phil Murphy’s desk for a signature.
The bill, which won bipartisan support from the state’s senate and assembly, would require the New Jersey Department of Education to develop learning standards across K-12 in media and information literacy.
Media literacy is often defined as the ability to access, analyze, evaluate, create and communicate information or media. Experts say that many Americans, both young and old, lack the skills required to critically analyze information in a digital world. 
@that-biracial-geek-girl @thatadult @socialistexan @normalgirlhala @positively--speculative
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auressea · 7 months
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nnctales · 6 months
Exploring the Diverse Landscape of Surveys: Unveiling Different Types
Introduction Civil engineering, as a discipline, relies heavily on accurate and comprehensive data to design, plan, and construct various infrastructure projects. Surveys play a crucial role in gathering this essential information, providing engineers with the data needed to make informed decisions. There are several types of surveys in civil engineering, each serving a unique purpose. In this…
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wayti-blog · 2 years
So, never be afraid. Never be afraid to raise your voice for honesty and truth and compassion, against injustice and lying and greed. If you, not just you in this room tonight, but in all the thousands of other rooms like this one about the world today and tomorrow and next week, will do this, not as a class or classes, but as individuals, men and women, you will change the earth.
William Faulkner
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erl2nggog · 1 year
Future Electronics boasts an industry-leading selection of connectors
The company boasts an industry-leading selection of connectors, including pin & socket, D-sub, backplane and more key components that are important to many new designs.
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vnic2nich · 1 year
Future Electronics’ stock reliability has long been a staple of the company
The company boasts an industry-leading selection of discrete semiconductor components, including diodes, transistors and circuit protection products.
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market-insider · 1 year
5G Systems Integration Market Driven By Increase Investments In U.S., China, And Japan
The global 5G systems integration market size is estimated to reach USD 62.69 billion by 2030, registering a CAGR of 27.3% from 2022 to 2030, according to a new study by Grand View Research, Inc. Robust increase in the investments to deploy 5G network infrastructures across key countries, such as U.S., China, and Japan, has created the demand for integrating entire fifth generation infrastructure and applications across enterprises. This process will help enterprises to work as a centralized platform that will assist in reducing overall complexity. Thus, robust investments in building fifth-generation infrastructure, coupled with the growing need to set up a 5G-enabled ecosystem, are estimated to propel market growth.
Rapidly building smart cities have surged the adoption of numerous Internet of Things (IoT) devices across the globe. IoT devices require enhanced bandwidth to function appropriately. Thus, in order to provide high-speed broadband by supporting fifth-generation New Radio (NR), such as sub-6GHz and mmWave frequency bands, the entire infrastructure across these smart cities need to be upgraded in line with supporting fifth-generation radio network. Therefore, it is further estimated to boost the market growth from 2022 to 2030.
Gain deeper insights on the market and receive your free copy with TOC now @: 5G Systems Integration Market Report
Moreover, with the evolution of industry 4.0, the adoption of industrial sensors and collaborative robots is gaining popularity in the manufacturing sector across the globe. Therefore, to deliver seamless network connectivity to these above-mentioned devices, it is anticipated to raise the demand for 5G system integration services to make entire manufacturing facilities compatible with supporting next-generation 5G NR.
Rapidly rising digital transformation has disrupted the entire operation of the manufacturing industry. This has increased the trend of the machine-to-machine (M2M) communications to increase overall productivity as well as streamline the whole process. As a result, this has further expanded the need for high broadband to deliver uninterrupted connectivity to industrial sensors and robots. Therefore, the growing need for high broadband connectivity to establish seamless communication between machines is expected to elevate the demand for 5G system integration services in the next few years.
Furthermore, with the emergence of new technologies, such as network slicing and software-defined networking (SDN), the adoption of 5G system integration will witness a rapid surge to reduce overall enterprise infrastructure costs. Moreover, highly trained professionals must implement and manage the fifth-generation system integration services. This is anticipated to hinder market growth over the forecast period.
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wlif2curr · 2 years
Geyer Electronic is an international provider of Frequency Control Products (Crystals and Oscillators), and demanding speciality batteries. The company has its headquarters in Gräfelfing near Munich, Germany, as well as offices in the US, Singapore, India, the UK and Hungary.
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davidaugust · 8 days
Turns out you can dial your global thermonuclear war to taste (extra crispy, life extinct-y).
Today I learned the United States' nuclear war targeting (Major Attack Option 1) was once designed to “minimize economic damage and fatalities” and to avoid attacks on the russian government so as to permit negotiations.
Major Attack Option 2 would expand targets to include Russian governments installations, making talking down the conflict less possible.
I imagine something like this remains US doctrine, and the russians need to stop pretending nukes are toys.
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theleadersglobe · 8 days
PwC Partners with OpenAI to Lead AI Integration
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PwC will be the largest customer and first reseller of OpenAI’s enterprise product. The accounting giant announced the deal on Wednesday. Businesses are rushing to adopt generative AI. PwC will deploy ChatGTP Enterprise, targeting large companies. The firm will deploy ChatGPT Enterprise to 75,000 U.S. employees. 
In addition, 26,000 UK employees will also receive access to it. This is according to the Wall Street Journal, which first reported the agreement. PwC is deeply engaged in generative AI with over 95% of UK and US consulting client accounts. They are further discussing AI use and implications with a lot of audit clients. But the agreement’s financial terms have remained a secret. The firm also declined to reveal details about its reselling plan.
Read More:(https://theleadersglobe.com/science-technology/pwc-partners-with-openai-to-lead-ai-integration/)
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cchk2orrr · 9 days
Many employees have been worked with, Future Electronics Inc., for a long time
Mike has had an exciting career with Future Electronics. "I started my career at Future Electronics in 1998 when I was hired as the General Manager for the Phoenix branch," said Mike. From there, he was promoted to General Manager of both Phoenix and the El Paso, Texas branches.
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