#glory to the rats!
shallowrambles · 1 year
CLEA: End times shouldn’t bother you though, Ro, you a rat. Find your way off any sinkin’ ship.
ROWENA: Damn right. The spell I’m working on is Book of the Damned magic, and it can get us back. We can buy ourselves a few more centuries of life. Turn back the clock for us before the world inevitably goes (sing-song) ‘bye-bye.’
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maegalkarven · 9 months
I keep thinking about how from all of the Dead Three' Chosen, Gortash is the only one offering an alliance, and why is that.
It stirs from their goals, I believe.
Orin's ultimate goal is Bhaal's goal, i.e. the destruction of the world.
What is Ketheric's ultimate goal I know not, but I suspect his ultimate goal has been achieved already - Isobel is alive, and now all what's left for him is to serve Myrkul for the miracle of bringing his daughter back.
Gortash's goal is world domination. And, as we could see in Control the Elder Brain ending, world domination is a...lonely thing.
In the end there is no one but you and your army of thralls. No one to see you shine, no one to bask in your glory.
And if there's no one to see you rule, then are you even ruling?
I think of Jaheira's comment about what "of course Gortash is genuine, he needs someone to bask in his glory".
And this is why he ultimately seeks an alliance with Tav/Durge, this is why he specifically requires his ally to be his equal.
Because, maybe subconsciously, but he knows what the power he seeks is a lonely business. And he wants, no, needs someone to witness his greatness, someone he can share it with, someone who could GET it.
He genuinely plans to share his rule and power with another person because he needs someone - equal to him - to see and acknowledge his success. That's why, ironically, he can be a legit ally if your actions and goals do not contradict his.
This is why it's "our tyranny".
And that's so fucking sad.
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iwtv-az-hours · 22 days
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I'm sorry, 18th century Armand is so incredibly hot to me (both looking like death & the ponytail couture in palettes that make his skin pop) happy flippin birthday to me
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rat-at-heart · 3 months
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Could have went to the Olympics with her long-jump scores if that ankle injury hadn't taken her out of the semi-finals all those years ago
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teddy-bear-d · 2 years
I love seeing all the posts about Philza’s pov in the Rats SMP from people who don’t watch rats because it makes me realize how startling it probably is to just see ratsune miku out and about even in the most serious of moments
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maractean · 4 days
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Been working on getting ready for art fight, figured it's high time I finally made icons for the characters I have up there!! from right to left, top to bottom: Glory, Vivian, Flora, and Burger!
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victoriadallonfan · 1 year
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- Ward Glare 3.5 (Ashley and Victoria)
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- Infrared 19.8 (Chris and Five)
I think it’s interesting that Five is diving into self expression and artistic exploration in his independence, which is adjacent to Chris’s journey
Kind of wonder if, maybe in another world, maybe down the line, Chris could have find kindred spirit in Five.
Maybe still could
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zerothisnero · 3 days
Guys I think I'm cooked my DnD characters got 9/9 maximum hit points, -1 strength, A obsession with rats, and a possible weed addiction
His name is Remy btw and He's literally the most pathetic Wood Elf you'll meet in your life
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Seeing some people trying to meme 40k skaven into existence for the 4th Arks of Omen Xenos-book is fascinating for there is a small chance it might actually happen. Not as a full faction of course, but rather as an aspect of a way more likely Dark Mechanicum release in 10th.
Of course they could just go the lazy route of "here have some skitari with spikes", but I highly doubt that would work. Tech Priests, even especially evil ones, require manpower, and demons are just too scatterbrained for it. They are beings of emotion, there's not much else to expect here. But what if in the walls of reality there was a rat infestation? With a certain talent for all things weird tech?
It would also explain how Vashtor can remain somewhat independent from the other Chaos Gods. If his workforce was purely demonic, they could pressure him - but what if he was instead working with certain "lesser elements" that the gods do not have much direct control over? Demon Forges crewed by Skaven might be the answer here. Of course they would have to rewrite the lore to fit 40k, but that would be easy. They could be a creation of Vashtor and the Dark Mechanicum even! It's been 10.000 years since the heresy, given the way Fantasy-Skaven tend to multiply, there should now be plenty...
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mastomysowner · 1 year
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Quimichtin (Latin American ratties).
Florentine Codex, 1577
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lightinexile · 6 months
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ocean-not-found · 2 years
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grocery run completed!!!!
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ratqueeninks · 20 days
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cronchy-baguette · 11 days
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maru in all her rat glory
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this episode proves a point about the bad kids that i think the rat grinders fully don’t understand.
they’re not out saving the world for glory, or even to simply save the world. they’re also saving people, individuals, when they need it.
they’re showing compassion at every turn.
one conversation with jawbone saved his life. they wrote off zayn but found the truth about him and gave him a home in death he never had in life. they walked ragh up to being able to reevaluate his life, and embraced him when those changes happened, saving his school career by inviting him on the spring break quest. aelwyn was someone they had every reason to leave behind, but they all tried their best to help her and are happy to have her help now. they set it up for gilear to have several jobs, trying at different times to help him and then later literally breaking his curse. they became the friends ayda never had and pushed her father to reach out, not her to reach out to her father. and, of course, lydia. they saw her pain and asked her about it, but also asked her about her friends. they finished her quest with her permission, allowing her to finally rest (and helping ragh to relax now, too).
they’re not just saving the world. they’re making it better, especially for people who have been overlooked. and that’s why people at school like them. not for whatever bullshit reasons the rat grinders have made up in their heads.
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