by13x · 1 year
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V-Raidā Daruma Set 4
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crow-ooc · 5 months
would you like to do G Charon? idk if there's enough stuff for him publicly but i'm always curious on people's thoughts - @gmun-ooc
sure! i don't know too much about g charon, but i can kind of gauge him from his interactions with corvin and echo.
you keep trying to help. despite knowing that things are doomed, that the people you speak to are doomed, you keep talking to them. you keep that little sliver of hope that tells you, maybe things won't turn out so bad after all. you try and try and try to reach them. you can't save them physically, but in a world full of text on screens, you can still speak.
and speak you do. where people are most hopeless, you show up and try to offer comfort in the void. you're somewhat of- not a harbinger, exactly, but an observer of doom. a seer of doom, if you will. you're there when people are at their worst, at their most downtrodden, and you try to reach them.
despite that, sometimes, it doesn't work. sometimes, you can't save them. and though you knew this was a possibility, you can't help but think about it, and mourn it. every death is a life lost, after all; a legacy ahead of them, left unfulfilled.
in some ways, i think them being called "charon" is quite fitting. i've really only seen them in places where people are in desperate need of help- like echo, corvin, and more people outside of that. truly the ferryman between worlds- not a grim reaper, but someone who stands by and watches. observes the world and intervenes in an attempt to help.
i hope i got it good :] i don't think they have their own blog so. yeahrg.
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burnertracfone · 2 months
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The Tale of Two Hunters 🧐 by Gmun
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newsnigeria · 2 years
Check out names of 372 Races In Nigeria, Which One Is Yours?
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ARE YOU TRULY A NIGERIAN? We are learning about each other on this topic and by the end of the year, i will be updating this post with a link to learning more about various races in Nigeria. Here is a list of over 300 races in Nigeria, which one is yours? Kindly write about your race with photos and send it to  ayangaluooduarere.com or omooduareregmaill.com and don't forget to bookmark this page because it will be updated with links to various races before the end of the year. if yours is not listed bellow, please write about your race, location and send it to ayangaluooduarere.com  or omooduarere(@)gmaill.com 1 Abayon Cross River 2 Abua (Odual) Rivers - About Abua People in Nigeria 3 Achipa (Achipawa) Kebbi 4 Adim Cross River 5 Adun Cross River 6 Affade Yobe 7 Afizere Plateau 8 Afo Plateau 9 Agbo Cross River 10 Akaju-Ndem (Akajuk) Cross River 11 Akweya-Yachi Benue 12 Alago (Arago) Piateau 13 Amo Plateau 14 Anaguta Plateau 15 Anang Akwa lbom 16 Andoni Akwa lbom, Rivers 17 Angas Bauchi, Jigawa, Plateau 18 Ankwei Plateau 19 Anyima Cross River 20 Attakar (ataka) Kaduna 21 Auyoka (Auyokawa) Jigawa 22 Awori Lagos, Ogun 23 Ayu Kaduna 24 Babur Adamawa, Bomo, Taraba, Yobe 25 Bachama Adamawa 26 Bachere Cross River 27 Bada Plateau 28 Bade Yobe 29 Bahumono Cross River 30 Bakulung Taraba 31 Bali Taraba 32 Bambora (Bambarawa) Bauchi 33 Bambuko Taraba 34 Banda (Bandawa) Taraba 35 Banka (Bankalawa) Bauchi 36 Banso (Panso) Adamawa 37 Bara (Barawa) Bauchi 38 Barke Bauchi 39 Baruba (Barba) Niger 40 Bashiri (Bashirawa) Plateau 41 Bassa Kaduna, Kogi, Niger, Plateau 42 Batta Adamawa 43 Baushi Niger 44 Baya Adamawa 45 Bekwarra Cross River 46 Bele (Buli, Belewa) Bauchi 47 Betso (Bete) Taraba 48 Bette Cross River 49 Bilei Adamawa 50 Bille Adamawa 51 Bina (Binawa) Kaduna 52 Bini Edo 53 Birom Plateau 54 Bobua Taraba 55 Boki (Nki) Cross River 56 Bkkos Plateau 57 Boko (Bussawa, Bargawa) Niger 58 Bole (Bolewa) Bauchi, Yobe 59 Botlere Adamawa 60 Boma (Bomawa, Burmano) Bauchi 61 Bomboro Bauchi 62 Buduma Borno, Niger 63 Buji Plateau 64 Buli Bauchi 65 Bunu Kogi 66 Bura Adamawa 67 Burak Bauchi 68 Burma (Burmawa) Plateau 69 Buru Yobe 70 Buta (Butawa) Bauchi 71 Bwall Plateau 72 Bwatiye Adamawa 73 Bwazza Adamawa 74 Challa Plateau 75 Chama (Chamawa Fitilai) Bauchi 76 Chamba Taraba 77 Chamo Bauchi 78 Chibok (Chibbak) Yobe 79 Chinine Borno 80 Chip Plateau 81 Chokobo Plateau 82 Chukkol Taraba 83 Daba Adamawa 84 Dadiya Bauchi 85 Daka Adamawa 86 Dakarkari Niger, Kebbi 87 Danda (Dandawa) Kebbi 88 Dangsa Taraba 89 Daza (Dere, Derewa) Bauchi 90 Degema Rivers 91 Deno (Denawa) Bauchi 92 Dghwede Bomo 93 Diba Taraba 94 Doemak (Dumuk) Plateau 95 Ouguri Bauchi 96 Duka (Dukawa) Kebbi 97 Duma (Dumawa) Bauchi 98 Ebana (Ebani) Rivers 99 Ebirra (lgbirra) Edo, Kogi, Ondo 100 Ebu Edo, Kogi 101 Efik Cross River 102 Egbema Rivers 103 Egede (lgedde) Benue 104 Eggon Plateau 105 Egun (Gu) Lagos,Ogun 106 Ejagham Cross River 107 Ekajuk Cross River 108 Eket Akwa Ibom 109 Ekoi Cross River 110 Engenni (Ngene) Rivers 111 Epie Rivers 112 Esan (Ishan) Edo 113 Etche Rivers 114 Etolu (Etilo) Benue 115 Etsako Edo 116 Etung Cross River 117 Etuno Edo 118 Palli Adamawa 119 Pulani (Pulbe) Bauchi, Borno, Jigawa , Kaduna, Kano, Katsina, Kebbi , Niger, Sokoto, Taraba, Yobe, etc. 120 Fyam (Fyem) Plateau 121 Fyer(Fer) Plateau 122 Ga'anda Adamawa 123 Gade Niger 124 Galambi Bauchi 125 Gamergu-Mulgwa Bomo 126 Qanawuri Plateau 127 Gavako Borno 128 Gbedde Kogi 129 Gengle Taraba 130 Geji Bauchi 131 Gera (Gere, Gerawa) Bauchi 132 Geruma (Gerumawa) Plateau 133 Geruma (Gerumawa) Bauchi 134 Gingwak Bauchi 135 Gira Adamawa 136 Gizigz Adamawa 137 Goernai Plateau 138 Gokana (Kana) Rivers 139 Gombi Adamawa 140 Gornun (Gmun) Taraba 141 Gonia Taraba 142 Gubi (Gubawa) Bauchi 143 Gude Adamawa 144 Gudu Adamawa 145 Gure Kaduna 146 Gurmana Niger 147 Gururntum Bauchi 148 Gusu Plateau 149 Gwa (Gurawa) Adamawa 150 Gwamba Adamawa 151 Gwandara Kaduna, Niger, Plateau 152 Gwari (Gbari) Kaduna, Niger, Plateau 153 Gwom Taraba 154 Gwoza (Waha) Bomo 155 Gyem Bauchi 156 Hausa Bauchi, Borno, Jigawa, Kaduna,Kano, Kastina, Kebbi, Niger,Taraba, Sokoto, etc 157 Higi (Hig) Borno, Adamawa 158 Holma Adamawa 159 Hona Adamawa 160 Ibeno Akwa lbom 161 Ibibio Akwa lbom 162 Ichen Adamawa 163 Idoma Benue, Taraba 163a Igede Benue 164 Igalla Kogi 165 lgbo Abia, Anambra, Benue, Delta, Ebonyi,Enugu, Imo, Rivers 166 ljumu Kogi 167 Ikorn Cross River 168 Irigwe Plateau 169 Isoko Delta 170 lsekiri (Itsekiri) Delta 171 lyala (lyalla) Cross River 172 lzondjo) Bayelsa, Delta, Ondo, Rivers 173 Jaba Kaduna 174 Jahuna (Jahunawa) Taraba 175 Jaku Bauchi 176 Jara (Jaar Jarawa Jarawa-Dutse) Bauchi 177 Jere (Jare, Jera, Jera, Jerawa) Bauchi, Plateau 178 Jero Taraba 179 Jibu Adamawa 180 Jidda-Abu Plateau 181 Jimbin (Jimbinawa) Bauchi 182 Jirai Adamawa 183 Jonjo (Jenjo) Taraba 184 Jukun Bauchi, Benue,Taraba, Plateau 185 Kaba(Kabawa) Taraba 186 Kadara Taraba 187 Kafanchan Kaduna 188 Kagoro Kaduna 189 Kaje (Kache) Kaduna 190 Kajuru (Kajurawa) Kaduna 191 Kaka Adamawa 192 Kamaku (Karnukawa) Kaduna, Kebbi, Niger 193 Kambari Kebbi, Niger 194 Kambu Adamawa 195 Kamo Bauchi 196 Kanakuru (Dera) Adamawa, Borno 197 Kanembu Bomo 198 Kanikon Kaduna 199 Kantana Plateau 200 Kanufi Kaduna, Adamawa, Bomo, Kano,Niger, Jigawa, Plateau, Taraba, Yobe 201 Karekare (Karaikarai) Bauchi, Yobe 202 Karimjo Taraba 203 Kariya Bauchi 204 Katab (Kataf) Kaduna 205 Kenern (Koenoem) Plateau 206 Kenton Taraba 207 Kiballo (Kiwollo) Kaduna 208 Kilba Adamawa 209 Kirfi (Kirfawa) Bauchi 210 Koma Taraba 211 Kona Taraba 212 Koro (Kwaro) Kaduna, Niger 213 Kubi (Kubawa) Bauchi 214 Kudachano (Kudawa) Bauchi 215 Kugama Taraba 216 Kulere (Kaler) Plateau 217 Kunini Taraba 218 Kurama Jigawa, Kaduna, Niger, Plateau 219 Kurdul Adamawa 220 Kushi Bauchi 221 Kuteb Taraba 222 Kutin Taraba 223 Kwalla Plateau 224 Kwami (Kwom) Bauchi 225 Kwanchi Taraba 226 Kwanka (Kwankwa) Bauchi, Plateau 227 Kwaro Plateau 228 Kwato Plateau 229 Kyenga (Kengawa) Sokoto 230 Laaru (Larawa) Niger 231 Lakka Adamawa 232 Lala Adamawa 233 Lama Taraba 234 Lamja Taraba 235 Lau Taraba 236 Ubbo Adamawa 237 Limono Bauchi, Plateau 238 Lopa (Lupa, Lopawa) Niger 239 Longuda (Lunguda) Adamawa, Bauchi 240 Mabo Plateau 241 Mada Kaduna, Plateau 242 Mama Plateau 243 Mambilla Adamawa 244 Manchok Kaduna 245 Mandara (Wandala) Bomo 246 Manga (Mangawa) Yobe 247 Margi (Marghi) Adamawa, Bomo 248 Matakarn Adamawa 249 Mbembe Cross River, Enugu 250 Mbol Adamawa 251 Mbube Cross River 252 Mbula Adamawa 253 Mbum Taraba 254 Memyang (Meryan) Plateau 255 Miango Plateau 256 Miligili (Migili) Plateau 257 Miya (Miyawa) Bauchi 258 Mobber Bomo 259 Montol Plateau 260 Moruwa (Moro'a, Morwa) Kaduna 261 Muchaila Adamawa 262 Mumuye Taraba 263 Mundang Adamawa 264 Munga (Mupang) Plateau 265 Mushere Plateau 266 Mwahavul (Mwaghavul) Plateau 267 Ndoro Taraba 268 Ngamo Bauchi, Yobe 269 Ngizim Yobe 270 Ngweshe (Ndhang.Ngoshe-Ndhang) Adamawa, Borno 271 Ningi (Ningawa) Bauchi 272 Ninzam (Ninzo) Kaduna, Plateau 273 Njayi Adamawa 274 Nkim Cross River 275 Nkum Cross River 276 Nokere (Nakere) Plateau 277 Nunku Kaduna, Plateau 278 Nupe Niger 279 Nyandang Taraba 280 Ododop Cross River 281 Ogori Kwara 282 Okobo (Okkobor) Akwa lbom 283 Okpamheri Edo 284 Olulumo Cross River 285 Oron Akwa lbom 10 Things You Didn’t Know About ‘ORON’ In Akwa-ibom State.  286 Owan Edo 287 Owe Kwara 288 Oworo Kwara 289 Pa'a (Pa'awa Afawa) Bauchi 290 Pai Plateau 291 Panyam Taraba 292 Pero Bauchi 293 Pire Adamawa 294 Pkanzom Taraba 295 Poll Taraba 296 Polchi Habe Bauchi 297 Pongo (Pongu) Niger 298 Potopo Taraba 299 Pyapun (Piapung) Plateau 300 Qua Cross River 301 Rebina (Rebinawa) Bauchi 302 Reshe Kebbi, Niger 303 Rindire (Rendre) Plateau 304 Rishuwa Kaduna 305 Ron Piateau 306 Rubu Niger 307 Rukuba Plateau 308 Rumada Kaduna 309 Rumaya Kaduna 310 Sakbe Taraba 311 Sanga Bauchi 312 Sate Taraba 313 Saya (Sayawa Za'ar) Bauchi 314 Segidi (Sigidawa) Bauchi 315 Shanga (Shangawa) Sokoto 316 Shangawa (Shangau) Plateau 317 Shan-Shan Plateau 318 Shira (Shirawa) Kano 319 Shomo Taraba 320 Shuwa Adamawa, Borno 321 Sikdi Plateau 322 Siri (Sirawa) Bauchi 323 Srubu (Surubu) Kaduna 324 Sukur Adamawa 325 Sura Plateau 326 Tangale Bauchi 327 Tarok Plateau, Taraba 328 Teme Adamawa 329 Tera (Terawa) Bauchi, Bomo 330 Teshena (Teshenawa) Kano 331 Tigon Adamawa 332 Tikar Taraba 333 Tiv Benue, Plateau, Taraba 334 Tula Bauchi 335 Tur Adamawa 336 Ufia Benue 337 Ukelle Cross River 338 Ukwani (Kwale) Delta 339 Uncinda Kaduna, Kebbi, Niger, Sokoto 340 Uneme (Ineme) Edo 341 Ura (Ula) Niger 342 Urhobo Delta 343 Utonkong Benue 344 Uyanga Cross River 345 Vemgo Adamawa 346 Verre Adamawa 347 Vommi Taraba 348 Wagga Adamawa 349 Waja Bauchi 350 Waka Taraba 351 Warja (Warja) Jigawa 352 Warji Bauchi 353 Wula Adamawa 354 Wurbo Adamawa 355 Wurkun Taraba 356 Yache Cross River 357 Yagba Kwara 358 Yakurr (Yako) Cross River 359 Yalla Benue 360 Yandang Taraba 361 Yergan (Yergum) Plateau 362 Yoruba Kwara, Lagos, Ogun, Ondo, Oyo, Osun, Ekiti, Kogi 363 Yott Taraba 364 Yumu Niger 365 Yungur Adamawa 366 Yuom Plateau 367 Zabara Niger 368 Zaranda Bauchi 369 Zarma (Zarmawa) Kebbi 370 Zayam (Zeam) Bauchi 371 Zul (Zulawa) Bauchi Read the full article
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gmun-ooc · 3 months
im sorry i just realized what blog you ran i had NO CLUE for the longest time i was just like. YEAH !! GMUN !!!
To be fair I am the guy who likes a mystery.
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shiroverso · 5 months
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visixv · 2 years
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📷 by @angelwhispersunknown animated in wallpaper engine by me <3
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brooklynislandgirl · 5 years
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Happy Birthday!
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Sprinkleh Cupcakes! WOO!
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grifalinas · 7 years
The boy: Why don’t you just do it like this? Me: But that’s dishonest D:
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worldtopcompanylist · 6 years
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burnertracfone · 3 months
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Olivia x Vala commission 👩‍🔬🐲 by Gmun
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jguaraldi · 3 years
Do you like picnic? What do you like to eat on one? #johnguaraldi #coldwellbankerrealty #johnguaraldirealestate #realestate #weather #forecast #meteorology #johnguaraldimeteorologist #realtor #weatherman #browardagent #sunsetlakes https://www.instagram.com/p/CQQL2Q-gmun/?utm_medium=tumblr
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wpelegant · 5 years
Blind debossing and foiling. Business cards printrd for Elizabeth Bowman on Gmun...
New Post has been published on https://wpelegant.com/blind-debossing-and-foiling-business-cards-printrd-for-elizabeth-bowman-on-gmun/
Blind debossing and foiling. Business cards printrd for Elizabeth Bowman on Gmun...
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Blind debossing and foiling. Business cards printrd for Elizabeth Bowman on Gmund Original Creme Tactile Paper. #businesscards #foilblocking #embossing #gmundpaper
What’s Business Card? Business cards are cards bearing business information about a company or individual. They are shared during formal introductions as a convenience and a memory aid. A business card typically includes the giver’s name, company or business affiliation (usually with a logo) and contact information such as street addresses, telephone number(s), fax number, e-mail addresses and website.
What’s PSD? PSD, which stands for Photoshop Document, is the default format that Photoshop uses for saving data. PSD is a proprietary file that allows the user to work with the images’ individual layers even after the file has been saved.
Go to Source dot-studio.org
Business Card Templates
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visixv · 3 years
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Age: Doesn’t apply
Pronouns: She/Her (?)
Sexuality: Unknown
Occupation: Android project
Family: Vi & Kai (creators)
Partner: Eko
Photos - Gifs -  Extra info - Mun art - Every post related to Mun
Origin: Android created by Vi and Kai, as a project in which they work together. Vi takes care of the programming while Kai takes care of the hardware. They also work together in her appearance, therefore having a mix of both their characteristics. Her name comes from Muñeca (doll in spanish), but changing the Ñ for an N and shortening it. She’s based on a BJD (Ball Jointed Doll).
Personality: She’s just started actually being aware of herself, and started having feelings and thoughts of her own, so she’s still figuring herself out.
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brooklynislandgirl · 3 years
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omgf. Brian is the worst. THE WORST.
For reals though, I absolutely love Brian and the incredible amount of snark and time you put into him! I think the only real problem is that I hyper-focus, and am really, really bad at finding the right balance between my muses, and I think that you, Gmun, might prefer to spend time with Andy. And that's cool, I get it, there's more things to do with them.
So, my sincerest apologies, but for real...I'm down for Brian any time you want to throw him our way.
Also, since we're pretty much mutuals with the same like 5 people, we should really do more group threads!
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angelicaacaas-blog · 5 years
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Colegio Colombo Gales Model of United Nations. GMUN
El grupo GNMUN tuvo la oportunidad  de ser invitado al modelo de las Naciones Unidas del colegio Colombo gales. Para esta oportunidad contamos con un reconocimiento especial, ya que se nos consideraba una delegación de excelencia por esto se nos fueron otorgados puestos en delegación y prensa además de presidencia de comité,  para GNMUN  Fue bastante importante asistir, ya que por primera vez estábamos siendo validados ante la comunidad académica de Bogotá como un grupo de debate de alto rendimiento.
Para esta oportunidad asistí como delegado claramente, con la representación a la delegación de la cámara colombiana de construcción CAMACOL en el comité de Bogotá COMBOG.  Este comité me generó intriga y sobretodo atracción, ya que se se encontraban en debate temas de alta importancia de la actualidad en la ciudad que vivo. El poder opinar y argumentar sobre posibles casos de los cuales yo y muchos conocidos más pueden verse afectados positivamente o negativamente me inspiró a tomármelo con la seriedad y la importancia que se debía.  Para este papel tuve que estudiar diferentes perspectivas sobre eventualidades recientes de la ciudad y la manera en que éstas podían favorecer al gremio de la construcción en Colombia, pero sobre todo en Bogotá.
Debate decidí enfocarme en las legislaciones existentes que podrían ayudarme a generar argumentos adecuados, ya que,  si en la actualidad se llegara a presentar un caso de estos la única manera posible hallar la solución sería a través de las normas existentes que permiten o no generar cambios en el plan de organizamiento territorial de Bogotá.
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