#gnc tokoyami
korkietism · 21 days
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Comfort in each other at way too late hours of the night. They’re both insomniacs and studying turned into relaxing.
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I am very small and very gay do you understand the pressure I’m under
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asmallnerd · 3 years
Shoji big hands.. Protect bird bf
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trans-squim · 3 years
tokoyami, tsuyu, and aoyama is the ultimate gnc trans friend group and any ships between these three are t4t representation.
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dekusbrokenarms · 4 years
Class 1-A Gender and Sexuality Journey Headcanons
This is mostly just me really liking messy self discovery because I am a messy bitch.
Kyoka Jirou
First off, Kyoka is a trans girl. She socially transitioned when she was really young and began medically transitioning in high school bc her parents are super supportive and great (we stan a supportive parent)
She first thinks she's bi when she's 14 and comes out as such at 15
She dates Kaminari for a while second year and after they break up she's pretty certain she's a lesbian
After high school, she has a couple years where gender is kinda nebulus. For a while thinks she's a nonbinary lesbian but then decides she's just GNC and punk but definitely full girl
She gets more comfortable in her gender after that, but starts questioning her sexuality again
And ends up back at bisexual, but like not attracted to dudes. Girls and nonbinary people only please
Also she and Momo reconnect in their mid twenties and hit it off and get married
Denki Kaminari
Denki is completely comfortable calling himself straight up until he's 17
But don't get it twisted, he definitely was already acutely aware he was into dudes
Because wow boys are pretty
But he also just kind of ignores it because OMFG GIRLS
But after his other friends start coming out, he gets more comfortable thinking about his sexuality but doesn't bother labelling it
Specifically he doesn't want to label it because he gets comfortable with it after her starts dating Kyoka and doesn't want anyone thinking he's calling himself not-straight for dating her
But a couple months after he breaks up with Kyoka, he starts fooling around with Hitoshi and like really he's at the point of no return so he just slaps the bi label on himself and goes about his day
Towards the end of third year, he starts playing around with GNC and really vibes with the genderqueer label, but still uses he pronouns because he's used to them
He and Hitoshi break up after graduation and Denki really throws himself into exploring his gender and sexuality
And starts using he and they pronouns and typically dresses on the masculine side of androgynous but with lots of cool makeup
He gives polyamory a shot, but he keeps finding himself feeling like he's third wheeling other people's relationships and decides its not for them
In their late twenties, he and Hitoshi hook up at a reunion party and hit it off. They keep things casual for several months before suddenly they decide to move in together and in a blink of an eye, they're in a legit committed relationship without knowing how it got there but it feels right to them.
Eijirou Kirishima
No flavor for this one. He figured out he was gay when he was 12 and it stuck. His moms are lesbians and support him wholeheartedly.
Katsuki Bakugou
I think Bakugou also grew up with queer people in his life so he was never really in the closet
He was pretty certain he was asexual and aromantic until Kirishima weedled his way into his heart
At 17, he decides that he's probably demi-pansexual and demiromantic but that feels like too much so he just says queer.
This boy knows all the words though. Keeps very up to date with the local and global state of queer communities but doesn't talk about it unless prompted or provoked
At first he was very private about his relationship with Kirishima because it was no one's fucking business but after seeing the rampant homophobia in the hero business, he became very loud and very proud of his boyfriend very fast
Eijirou and Katsuki probably got married at, like, 21 and did not give one shit when people pointed out they were young. And they're together for the rest of their lives so those fuckers can suck it
Mina Ashido
Mina is your classic bisexual disaster and spends her teens and early twenties going between calling herself straight, bi, and a lebsian depending on who she's currently into because this bitch has zero object permanence
She chills out in her twenties though and is comfortable calling herself bisexual at long last
Hanta Sero
Sero is pretty comfortable being straight right up until all his friends come out
He spends a couple months questioning his sexuality before knowing for certain he's straight
But he's that one straight dude that always ends up dating bi and pan girls by complete happenstance
Hitoshi Shinsou
He really does not know what his sexuality is
Sometimes its yes
Sometimes its no
He says queer because he can't be assed to look into any of the microlabels
He just knows he's not straight and that's good enough for him
Momo Yaoyorozu
This girl is a lesbian but trying to convince herself of that was A PROCESS
She denies it for years and years
Its not until after graduation she thinks, but doesn't dare say, she's bi because she tells herself she's "mostly into guys anyway" so "it doesn't really count"
Slowly her percentage shifts away from guys and to girls
She's 23 before she accepts she's a lesbian
But she doesn't come out until she's 28 because she's scared since her parents expect her to end up with a man
Ochako Uraraka
This girl is mostly into guys. Like she's pretty sure she's straight because all the crushes she had so far have been on boys
When she's 18, she starts to suspect she might like girls too but is really too shy to explore that feeling at first
But when she does? Oh boy she will not stop talking about how wonderful and perfect girls are and how unfortunate her attraction to men is because she feels insecure in her validity as a bisexual woman with a preference for men
Tsuyu Asui
Tsuyu has known she's a lesbian since she was 15 and was very comfortable with that
She questioned if she might be bi a time or two but always came back to being gay
She does realize she's an ace lesbian at 18 though but she's also okay with that
Her goals in life are to own a house by a lake with a beautiful wife
Tenya Iida
Tenya is pansexual
Literally he just cannot see why gender would be a factor in choosing a potential partner
He never came out because he was 20 before he realized that this was not the default state and others weren't just being picky by having a different sexuality
And by then, every knew because he made no attempts to hide his partners
He was really stressed at first about it, and asked Tensei why no one ever told him he should be more careful with publicly showing his sexuality but Tensei was just like "we just thought you knew what you were doing, dude. And it looks like it worked out"
Izuku Midoroya
Again, Izuku is too swept up in "nghh girls pretty" to think too much about his sexuality when he's younger
When he gets a crush on Shouto, he doesn't recognize it as a crush at first because it felt so natural and comfortable and he was used to being uncomfortable around people he liked
So he has a crush on Shouto for years before it hits him: Oh I'm not straight
He stays in that nebulous not-straight state for months because he does not have time to deal with that
But once he stops procrastinating his sexuality, he cannot decide if he's bisexual or pansexual or polysexual and he gets super wrapped up in researching microlabels and its super overwhelming
He even questions his gender for a little bit but settles on he's a cis man pretty quickly
He does eventually start dating Shouto and just calls himself gay for a while because it's easier than trying to piece together ten microlabels like he's tempted to do
However after Shouto begins exploring his gender identity, Izuku gets more comfortable just calling himself pan because he realizes that gender never really played a part in who he likes.
Shouto Todoroki
He came out as gay at 14 to piss off his father depsite the fact he didn't actually have any feelings about his sexuality at the time
No he decided he didn't care what his sexuality was. He was gonna be gay.
And he forgot he did that until he was 17 and was like, oh- I should probably figure out my actual sexuality, after being questioned due to his close relationship with Izuku
So he thought about it for about 15 seconds to say, well, I do like Izuku so I'll just be actually gay now
That stuck until after graduation and into his twenties when he started questioning his gender
He figured out he wasn't particularly attached to masculinity or femininity and found comfort in the agender label
They started using gender neutral pronouns and grew their hair out long but that's really all that changed
They came back to their sexuality after that and decided it was just "men"
Izuku tried to be helpful and offered terms like androsexual, but Shouto didn't find them very useful so they like to tell people their gender is no and their sexuality is dude
It gets the point across
Yuga Aoyoma
Okay, so we all know he’s gay
But despite how flamboyant he is, this boy is a closet case
He definitely had a crush on Izuku first year, but he couldn’t handle that yet so he definitely lived vicariously through Ochako’s crush on him
I don’t think he came out until after high school
And zero people were surprised
He probably does drag too
And he’d look fabulous doing so
Kouji Koda
I think Kouji is ace 
I don’t think this is a word he had for himself until he was in his mid twenties
He just assumed he was a late bloomer and he’d been told he just had a low self esteem
But he finds the ace community and suddenly everything makes sense and he feels comfortable in his own skin
Once that falls into place, he discovers he’s also aromantic
He ends up having a platonic life partner and they have lots of pets and plants together
Fumikage Tokoyami
Fumikage figured out he’s bisexual when interning under Hawks. Like fuck, he had the most embarrassing crush on this guy who’s aesthetic is so embarrassing
I don’t think he had much trouble accepting that he’s attracted to guys though
Like a demon lives in his head
He’s mostly suffering because he has a crush on his cheerful, friendly mentor
Dark Shadow is very happy about this development because it’s a chance to embarrass him and make him uncomfortable
Fumikage gets renewed interest in being able to control Dark Shadow to shut his whore mouth
Unfortunately Dark Shadows outs him to his mentor
Fortunately Hawks is really cool about it and tells DS to have some chill and doesn’t give Fumikage a hard time about it, but Fumikage doesn’t get invited back for another internship with him and finds himself assigned to do work with sidekicks afterwards
Mezou Shouji
Mezou doesn’t fuck with gender
It’s not that he necessarily feels disconnected from his masculinity but rather that he just feels like gender is archaic and useless
So he’s pan and bigender (male and agender)
Definitely would make jokes about be attracted to frying pans and this is how he comes out to Fumikage in their third year. 
Rikidou Sato
Rikidou doesn’t really date in high school
Soon after graduation he ends up in a relationship with a girl that lasts five years before he realizes he’s gay
One time someone tells him he should have known sooner since he likes baking so much and he punches them in the face (I like to imagine this person was Mineta for face punching purposes)
He ends up good pals with the woman he was dating and she’s his maid of honor at his wedding :’)
Tooru Hagakure, and Mashirao Ojiro
I’m sorry if one of them is your fave. They’re both straight and cis and have never questioned it even once. 
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ao3feed-tododeku · 3 years
Chaotic Gay Mess
chaotic gay mess by thrrqsher
yet another bnha chatfic on ao3 because i am bored out of my mind in quarantine. the daily happenings in which class 1-a is a chaotic gay (sometimes polyamorous) mess :)
Words: 1064, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M, Multi, Other
Characters: Midoriya Izuku, Todoroki Shouto, Bakugou Katsuki, Uraraka Ochako, Kaminari Denki, Kirishima Eijirou, Iida Tenya, Asui Tsuyu, Ashido Mina, Sero Hanta, Aoyama Yuuga, Jirou Kyouka, Yaoyorozu Momo, Tokoyami Fumikage, Hagakure Tooru, Ojiro Mashirao, Kouda Kouji, Satou Rikidou, Shouji Mezou, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, Shinsou Hitoshi, Toogata Mirio, Amajiki Tamaki, Monoma Neito, Hadou Nejire, Hatsume Mei, Haya Yuuyu, Fukukado Emi | Ms. Joke, Yoarashi Inasa, Endeavor - Mentioned, Takami Keigo | Hawks, Dabi, Toga Himiko, Bubaigawara Jin | Twice, Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko, Eri, Izumi Kouta, Midoriya Inko, Todoroki Rei, Todoroki Fuyumi, Todoroki Natsuo
Relationships: Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead/Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, Midoriya Inko/Yagi Toshinori | All Might, Kaminari Denki/Shinsou Hitoshi, Midoriya Izuku/Shinsou Hitoshi, Monoma Neito/Shinsou Hitoshi, Bakugou Katsuki/Midoriya Izuku, Midoriya Izuku/Todoroki Shouto, Bakugou Katsuki/Kirishima Eijirou, Bakugou Katsuki/Todoroki Shouto, Jirou Kyouka/Yaoyorozu Momo, Kaminari Denki/Sero Hanta, Ashido Mina/Asui Tsuyu/Uraraka Ochako, Hagakure Tooru/Ojiro Mashirao, Shouji Mezou/Tokoyami Fumikage, Kouda Kouji/Satou Rikidou, Amajiki Tamaki/Toogata Mirio, Amajiki Tamaki/Kirishima Eijirou, Dabi/Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko, Dabi/Takami Keigo | Hawks, Toga Himiko/Uraraka Ochako, Hadou Nejire/Haya Yuuyu, Todoroki Shouto/Yoarashi Inasa
Additional Tags: chatfic, Class 1-A Shenanigans, Shinsou Hitoshi is in Class 1-A, Supportive Class 1-A, so much gay, izuku is gnc, jiro is fem enby, tokoyami is masc enby, hagakure and ojiro are the token straight allies, koda is nonbinary, Genderfluid Kaminari Denki, nonbinary tamaki amajiki, Genderfluid Midoriya Izuku, Nonbinary Jirou Kyouka, Nonbinary Tokoyami Fumikage, Agender Kouda Kouji, Nonbinary Aoyama Yuuga, nonbinary haya yuyu, the league of villains are cool now, Midoriya Izuku & Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko Are Siblings, izuku and tomura are siblings, Eri and Shinsou Hitoshi are Siblings, Polyamory, Polyamorous Character, Polyamorous Midoriya Izuku, polyamorous shinsou hitoshi, polyamorous todoroki shoto, Polyamorous Bakugou Katsuki, Polyamorous Kirishima Eijirou, polyamorous ochako uraraka, polyamorous tsu, Polyamorous Mina Ashido, polyamorous tamaki amajiki, polyamorous dabi, Polyamorous Kaminari Denki, i am so sorry for the mass amount of tags, class 1-a is huge, Everyone Is Gay, oh my god these bitches gay, Help, almost everyone is queer, Oh also, Mineta is here but not for long, he's mostly just mentioned, also, Hispanic Sero Hanta, mina is black but her skin is pink idk just take it
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/29377794
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des-draws · 5 years
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it's officially July but I'm still on pride mode!!! can't stop won't stop
Here are my lgbt+/queer hcs for class 1(g)A(y)!!! Here's what they are in case you don't recognize all of the flags (bc let's be real before I started coloring this I wouldn't recognize at least a few of them either ;^; ), strap in bc it's going to get l o n g:
(also they’re listed in the order they’re shown in the deviantart post rather than this one oop)
- Ojiro is trans!! I feel like he prefers being stealth but still celebrates with all his classmates because it's such a special occasion :') - Tooru is pan and a demigirl!!! It's her first pride and she's hyped!!!! And full of love!!!!! Love Is Stored In The Tooru!!! - Todoroki is a gay demiboy!! His trauma has made his experience with gender rather vague and blurry but he's still happy to have a label to somehow describe himself!! He's using End*vor's credit card to buy all of his friends pride merch!! - Midoriya is bi and trans!! He's been so happy to see his friends discover themselves and even more so to see them celebrating :') - Iida is bi!! As the second of the three members of the Rich Kids Club, he also wants to support and reaffirm his friends by buying them pride stuff!! - Kirishima is gay and trans!! I hc that he's been basically the class' go-to for gender identity/sexuality stuff bc he's been out-and-proud since Day 1 until pretty much everyone had a big coming-out ("I'm gay!" "Cool! I think I might be bi! :0c" "I...might...not be a girl???" "I'm pretty sure I'm [ace/genderfluid/etc.]" "What's that?" "Oh, it's [...]" "...might have to look into that. I think it might fit me too?" " :'D !!!!! " ) (he probably cried bc he was so proud of everyone) and then things calmed down a bit . He's a tinsy bit sad ppl no longer come to him for it but he pushes it down because he's just so!!!!!! happy to be surrounded by so many ppl like him!! - Bakugou is gay, trans and demisexual!! The last part was the hardest for him to figure out and he spent a lot of time being confused at other people, it was when Sero shared his own orientations that he thought maybe he wasn't as alone as he had thought :') - Uraraka is bi!! She's spent years thinking her crushes on girls were just her being jealous/wanting to be friends with them/not as important/stong as the crushes she's had on boys. She's getting over that internalized stuff now and I'm proud of her!! - Tsuyu is a trans girl and a lesbian!! She's been very open about wanting people to call her "Tsuyu-chan" because she chose that name herself!! And she's so happy that everyone here is supportive of her and each other!! - Yaomomo is also a lesbian!! This is her first pride, she's so excited to see all these people with different identities and experiences come together, and while she could easily create pride merch herself she much rather prefers supporing the indepentent LGBT+/Queer creators selling their own! (Hence why she bought two different variations of the lesbian flag for both her and Jirou!) (and probably many more of the stuff you see everyone wearing lol) - (Speaking of,) Jirou is also also a lesbian and also nonbinary!! Her only connection to girlhood is her love for other girls, but other than maybe updating her wardrobe a little she doesn't mind presenting femininely. - Sero is asexual, demiromantic and genderflux!! He's v. chill about everything, he probably found out and was like "Oh. Ok cool. I'm hungy" like he has a very laid-back attitude abt his identity/orientation but he Will defend his friends' to hell and back. Group mom heck yea - Kaminari is bi and nonbinary!! He was scared shitless to the point of losing sleep when he started figuring out that he miiiight like boys too, and even more so when he realised he might not even be a boy?? Thankfully being surrounded by so many supportive people (and having Kirishima as one of his closest and more trustworthy friends) helped him accept himself :') - Mina is pan and trans!! She's always been very open about being a Romantic™ but rather than being the Disaster Pan that gets flustered around everyone, she's the Disaster Pan that flirts shamelessly using Terrible pick up lines ("If we were dating...heh.....let's just say horses wouldn't be called horses anymore ;) " was the first ever thing she said to Kirishima, which earned her an extremely confused and somewhat flustered "I'm????ga y???? ???????" (it was the first time he'd admitted it out loud so he kinda thanks her for that) ) - Tokoyami is bi and trans!! A while back I read a fic that happened to have trans Tokoyami in it and was like "You know what. Yeah I can see it!" Emo culture is probably what helped him realize, with it playing around with and disregarding gender stereotypes and everything. - Aoyama is transmasculine, genderfluid and aromantic!! For the longest time he'd much rather have people mistake him for a feminine/gnc boy rather than a girl. It took him a while to come to terms with his aromanticism, since pretty much everyone expected him to be gay- he kinda expected it himself too, since he never liked girls that way, so?? But when he found out about the term "aromantic" it was like a weight lift off his shoulders. - Shoji is netrois and androsexual!! He knew he liked boys early but he's avoided dealing with figuring out his gender out of fear that he'd be disappointed- he's only ever seen nonbinary/genderqueer people depicted as androgynous and much smaller in stature than himself, so he thought he'd never fit. Seeing everyone else come out (especially the other nonbinary classmates of his), he stopped hesitating and starting working on coming to terms with himself!! - Satou is asexual and panromantic!! I don't really have much reasoning for this, I never really thought about it (or Satou himself) but when the time came to draw this I was like "Satou likes baking.....and puns are ace culture......FOOD PUNS!!! OF COURSE!!!" I'm sorry glkjhklhfdlkhj; - Koda is a trans boy!! He's had trouble recognizing it at the start because he's always been soft-spoken (almost nonverbal) and timid and kind, and """"those aren't traits of a boy""""" but he was so happy when he hit puberty and started growing So Much in stature due to his genes and people started "mistaking" him for a boy!! He came out to his parents almost immediately bc compassion and kindness seems to run in the family and he knew he'd be accepted even if they didn't completely understand!! He was more scared to come out to his classmates but when two, three, four of them come out and are accepted for being trans boys, he knows he'll be safe with them too. - And finally, last but not least, Aizawa is gay and trans!! He might act somewhat aloof about this stuff, but secretly he's very happy that his kids students all have eachother's support, and most of them their families'. Part of him is a little bitter and wishes he had the same kind of support system in their age, but he's going to be there for them if they need him nonetheless. He has his own support system now, and that matters a lot, too.
But wait!! There's M O R E !!!!! - I always love love LOVE how fanartists/editors give some of the characters more animal-like features, so I did that too!!! I went Full-on-Frog with Tsuyu (and I'm rather proud of how she came out (lol) ), but also I gave Mina some Sharp Chompers and a Fluffy lil' tail bc It's What She Deserves, and Ojiro a lil' toof poking out and ears that sharpen a lil bit at the tips? I hc that as he grows, other than his tail he'll start growing more animal features like that- sharper teeth, longer ears, claws and also, get ready.....pawbeans........the last ones give him Heck when they start growing out, and he needs his palms massaged at least once a day while they do :'( His legs get weird too and they end up looking more like a wolf's back legs :0c - I gave a lot of them freckles!!!! bc I Love Freckles!!!!!! also, as my sister very eloquently pointed out, I gave Uraraka "A R M S,,,,," bc. let's be honest. the girl got martial training she's not a twig - Sero is holding the polyamorous flag behind himself, Kaminari and Mina bc.. u guessed it,, they're all dating each other,,,,, lotsa smooches and cuddling and shenanigans bc there's only maybe one(1) braincell between the three of them and most of the time sero has it - Todoroki, Midoriya, Iida, Kirishima, Bakugou, Tsuyu, Yaomomo, Koda and Aizawa are also autistic. Yes all of them. No I won't explain. (unless you ask in good faith and want to share your own hcs pls ask me then I'll explain everything and you can expect it to be as long as this description!!!!!) (I might draw something about it when it's April again maybe *thinking emoji* ) - Oh!!! and Tooru, Kaminari and Mina are ADHD. Kirishima is also dyslexic. - Bakugou has been losing his hearing ever since he entered U.A.- sure he's always used his quirk but never freely to that extend and with so much power behind it, so getting into fight after fight with such close proximity to explosions that big really did a number on his ears. He can hear a little better with the right one than the left, so Kirishima has gotten used to walking by his right side before his custom hearing aids came in, and then just stuck to that. Bakugou's custom hearing aids block out any noise above a certain volume bc let's assume technology has advanced to do that. When he and Kirishima started thinking about working together as heroes even after they graduate, Bakugou requested custom ear protectors with similar block-out features as his hearing aids for Kirishima so his ears aren't damaged by working so close to Bakugou (Kirishima cried). - I'm actually quite flexible on which of the two I hc as trans, or if I hc both of them to be. The "both gay + demi Bkg" is pretty set in my interpretation of them, but I find it interesting how their friendship/relationship could manifest and grow somewhat differently depending on if both of them are trans or if only one of them (and depending on which one of them it is). They're still the same loud rowdy boyes we know and love but there's different conversations to have and difficulties to tackle between them based on that factor alone, and frankly? I Adore It.
Okay that's all!!!! I think. Thanks for reading, if you did!! And if not, I completely understand lol
I hope you had a great pride month!!
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korkietism · 2 days
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You don’t understand tokotsume like I do.. audhd gf who wants to study you under a microscope and smells like metal + autistic goth partner who has never met a single emotion and calls her the sweet goddess of the moon..
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mogai-headcanons · 3 years
Shota Aizawa from BNHA is a GNC gay man who has chronic fatigue and PTSD! He uses he/him pronouns, but wouldn’t really care if people used others!  He’s dating Hizashi Yamada, a cadensgender nonbinary audiogender boyloud vincian who uses he/they pronouns! They’re autistic and have ADHD and tourettes! Toshinori Yagi is a heroian genderflux aroace man who uses he/him pronouns! He has chronic pain! Yuga Aoyama is a gay GNPNC transmasc sparklegender shinygender femme flamboric gothicgender priacademic knightgender boy who uses he/she/fae/sparkle pronouns! Mina Ashido is an aliengender pinkgender lovecoric dancegender poisongender neoncoric cutegender beauphoric pan lesbian who uses she/fae/poi pronouns! She’s autistic! (1/3)
Tsuyu Asui is an aroace grayromantic froggender nonbinary trans lesbian who uses she/they/frog pronouns! They’re autistic and have low empathy! Tenya Ida is a biflux guys who uses he/him pronouns and is autistic! He has PTSD and NPD! Ochaco Uraraka is a omniromantic demisexual sukeranic amourwebic fusengamubaonic pinkgender heroian cutegender trans girl who uses she/her, sh3/h3r, web/webs, love/loves, gum/gummies, gum/gums, pink/pinks, gravi/gravis, .mp3/.mp3s, 💗/💗s, 🎀/🎀s, 📁/📁s, and ♾/♾s pronouns! Gum’s dating Midoriya and Himiko! Mashirao Ojiro is a bisexual faunagender mutantgender transmasc nonbinary boy who uses they/it/he pronouns! It’s autistic and nonverbal! Denki Kaminari is an electrigender pikagender stimgender autigender bisexual trans boy who uses he/zap pronouns! Zap’s autistic and has ADHD and tourettes! He’s dating Kyoka Jirou!Eijiro Kirishima is a redgender victorygender butch gay boy who uses he/him pronouns! He’s autistic and is dating Bakugo! Koji Koda is an aroace bellusromantic nonbinary faunagender softgender demiboy who uses they/them pronouns! They’re autistic and semiverbal! Rikidao Sado is a cakegender sweetgender bakerycoric cupcakegender cookiegender transhet boy who uses he/him pronouns! He has anxiety and autism and is dating Hagakure!Mezo Shoji is a demiboy who doesn’t label its sexuality and uses it/he pronouns! Kyoka Jiro is a transfem cadensgender musicgender genderpunk punxgender bi lesbian who uses she/her pronouns! She’s autistic and is dating Denki and Momo! Hanta Sero is an aromantic deminonbinary trans boy who uses he/him pronouns!  Fumikage Tokoyami is a birdgender crowgender darkgender darkrosegender kenochoric asexual biromantic aroacespec alloacespec transneutral demigendervoid magiboy who uses he/it/caw pronouns! Caw is autistic and has depression and psychosis! Shoto Todoroki is an aroacespec asexual icegender firegender autigender temperagender snowgender pyrogender bi gay boy who uses he/him pronouns! He’s autistic, and has PTSD, depression, and low empathy!Toru Hagakure is a dysphoric invisigender femme transhet trans girl who uses she/her pronouns!  Katsuki Bakugo is a boomgender heroian punxgender gay boy who uses he/boom pronouns! He has Oppositional Defiant Disorder and PTSD! Izuku Midoriya is a heroian bi straight trans boy who uses he/him pronouns and is autistic! Minoru Mineta is a bisexual nonbinary boy who uses any pronouns! Momo Yaoyorozu is a redaesic transfem choicepunk lesbian who uses she/her pronouns! She has anxiety and autism! Himiko Toga is an obsesscoric limitegender bordix villainic bloodaesic goreaesic cutegender adoragoreic lovecoric lovegender panlovegender lovergender genderlovesick gendergorecute deceptric mspec pan/omni lesbian who uses she/gore/love/blood pronouns! Gore is psychotic and has BPD! Mr Compress is a flamboric transmasc magiciangender spiralgender dappergender aromantic vincian who uses any pronouns except she/her! Dabi is a firegender genderstitch traumatagender evilgender villainic gothgender anarchogender cyberpunkic darkgender bluegender purplegender trans gay man who uses he/him pronouns! He has PTSD and BPD and is dating Hawks and Tomura! Twice is a fissgender amatopunk schrodigender bi gay oriented aroace man who uses he/they pronouns! They have DID, bipolar disorder, anxiety, and PTSD! Magne is a pan GNC trans woman who uses she/her pronouns! Kurogiri is a shadowgender dappergender agender turian who uses it/its pronouns! Spinner is a biromantic asexual genderpunk trans aporagender demiboy who uses he/they/it pronouns! They have anxiety! Tomura Shigaraki is a bodihorric fleshcoric meatgender fleshgender GNC gay man who uses it/he pronouns! It has PTSD, dermatillomania and pychosis! Midnight is a trans pan lesbian who identifies with many xenogenders, but doesn’t care to list them! She uses she/her pronouns and has hypersexuality! Yosetsu Awase is a transmasc bisexual boy who uses he/him pronouns and has ADHD! He’s dating Sen Kaibara, a spiralgender bisexual boy who uses he/him pronouns and has ADHD! (2/3)
Togaru Kamakiri is an aromantic violaen buggender bladegender nonbinary boy who uses it/he pronouns and is autistic! Shihai Kuroiro is a darkgender blackgender inkgender voidgender emocoric bi gay boy who uses it/he/voi pronouns! Itsuka Kendo is a butch nonbinary heroian biqueerplatonic lesbian who uses she/they pronouns! Yui Kodai is a tomatovesgender trans lesbian who uses she/fae/it pronouns! Fae’s autistic and has high empathy! Kinoko Komori is a mushroomgender cottagecoric lolitagender trans nonbinary trixic xenogirl who uses she/fae/mush/room pronouns! Mush has tourettes and ADHD! Ibara Shiozaki is a transfem floragender vinegender naturegender divinegender angeligender sapphic lilaen who uses she/vine pronouns! Vine is autistic! Jurota Shishida is a beastgender aroace cryptidboy who uses it/they pronouns and is hyperverbal! Nirengeki Shoda is a softgender anxiegender faunagender nonbinary polysexual who uses they/he pronouns! He has anxiety and is neurodivergent! Pony Tsunotori is a softgender cutegender equusgender demongender demonicesse 80scoric femme whos questioning her sexuality! She uses she/her pronouns and is neurodivergent! Kosei Tsubaraba is a dysphoric transmasc butch invisigender airgender windgender mspec vincian who uses he/him pronouns! Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu is a silveric metalgender victorygender mascgender futch gay nonbinary boy who uses he/they/iron pronouns! Iron’s autistic and hyperverbal! Setsuna Tokage is an omniromantic acespec transfem femme lizardgender girl who uses she/her pronouns! Manga Futidashi is a animategender animegender fictogender comicgender kidcoric transhet boy who uses he/pow pronouns! Pow has tourettes and is neurodivergent! Juzo Honenuki is a dirtcoric dirtgender sludgegender teethgender dentegender agender bisexual who uses primarily it/its pronouns, but is alright with any that aren’t she/her! Its neurodivergent and has a cluster b disorder! Kojiro Bondo is a gluegender aroacespec mspec nonbinary boy who uses they/it/he/glue pronouns! They have anxiety! Neito Monoma is a flamboric dappergender antagogender genderclock copygender mirrorgender demiromantic gay boy who uses he/him pronouns and has HPD! He is dating Shinsou! Reiko Yanagi is a ghostgender gendergast agender shyspectre majritifluid spectergender spectrial autigender genderweird lesbian who uses she/it/gho pronouns! It’s autistic and has anxiety! Hirya Rin is a questioning arospec transfem lizardgender scalegender dragongender enby who uses they/them pronouns! Hitoshi Shinsou is an apagender telepathygender ultragender turian grayaroace asexual cassboy who uses he/it pronouns! It has NPD and is neurodivergent! Mirio Togata is a bisexual heroian demiboy who uses he/him pronouns and is autistic! He’s dating Tamaki! Nejire Hado is a spiralgender electrigender cutegender femme lesbian who uses she/her pronouns! She’s autistic and is dating Yuyu Haya! Tamaki Amajiki is a transmasc purplegender emocoric emogender teencoric faunagender gastrogender octopusgender bi gay boy who uses he/him pronouns! He has anxiety, DPD, depression, and BPD! Yuyu Haya is a cutegender femprox punkgender GNC nonbinary lesbian who uses she/they pronouns! Mei Hatsume is a techgender mechangender steampunkic asexual grayromantic pan genderqueer girl who uses she/her pronouns! She’s autistic and hyperverbal! Hawks is a GNC casualic winggender flightgender volatic alloarospec mspec gay man who uses he/him pronouns! Mirko is a bungender pan lesbian trans woman who uses she/bun pronouns! Fat Gum is a bisexual gastrogender genderqueer guy who uses he/him pronouns! Ragdoll is a catgender ragdollgender kidcoric yellowgender tealgender lesbian who uses she/nya pronouns! Nyas in a polycule with Mandalay and Pixie-Bob! She has ADHD and is disabled! Mandalay is a redgender catgender mspec lesbian who uses she/nya pronouns! Pixie-Bob is a transfem catgender nyagender felisgender bluegender choicepunk mspec lesbian who uses she/fae/nya pronouns! Tiger is an asexual futch GNC catgender tigergender trans man who uses he/him pronouns! (3/3)! ty!
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hanwarimono · 4 years
Good morning; I couldn’t sleep, so...
Hello, here’s Jirou stuff...
Well, I guess for starters, I was dating and married Momo Yaoyorozu. (& in two different side-canons, dated Mina Ashido and dated Ochaco Uraraka!) — Mina Ashido and Ochaco Uraraka were my best friends in my main timeline! I was good friends to others, Kaminari for example, and the other 1A girls! We didn’t talk much, but I really respected Koda, Tokoyami, Midoriya, Todoroki, Ojirou, Kirishima, and a lot of the 1B class/girls. I think Bakugou and I found a kinda mutual appreciation or respect for the other? He was pretty awesome for our 1A band, and his quirk was hella strong; just an epic dude. I also feel like Hatsume was a frequent visit, so we can finally get my gear fitted to my quirk but also to my sensory disorder so I could be comfortable and have it still be as effective; trial and error — I want to say we became kinda friends through it? We couldn’t talk as often but I appreciated her work/friendship.
Speaking of, I had diagnosed autism and very strong sensory disorders (especially sound, but touch too!) — I went by all pronouns! I’m not sure if I was “genderfluid”, but definitely afab gnc & nonbinary for sure. I mainly used she/they, but didn’t mind he/him on occasion as long as I wasn’t seen as male-aligned or “presenting as.” Jirou said she/they/he lesbian rights! My favorite instruments to play were my violin, ukulele, electric guitar and any drums. I knew others sparingly but not everything, and some not well at all... but, my favorite instruments were stringed, and I just enjoyed a lot of good music sounds regardless. Momo knowing how to play anything keyed was everything I ever needed to hear.
I never went anywhere without my special non-quirk headphones just in case they were ever needed. I stimmed with my jacks, and also loved when Mo would play with them gently! I wore a bottom lip ring constantly that had different kinds of studs I’d change around, especially to fit my outfits. I was a mixture of goth/punk which... is basically just canon, but even then. My main canon was compliant mostly, the only exceptions being some personal specific details about myself, and any noncanon events or friendships! 💜
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Idk if you do these type of headcanons but could you do some gnc (gender nonconforming) tokoyami headcanons? Im struggling with a buncha dysphoria/dysmorphia rn and could use some help. Thanks a latte in advance
Hello, i feel bad for turning this down but i am a cis female and i really don't want to disrespect you accidentally, im very sorry i just don't want to hurt anyone. I hope you understand. Again I am very sorry.
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sadghostdyke · 5 years
okay ive read/watched more bnha (shut up this is my shounen support anime) and here are some new & revised hcs!!
yuuga is arospec but hes DEFINITELY a gnc gay man. yuuga/monoma is so fucking funny to me (monoma, crushing a soda bottle in one hand: what secret is that twink hiding. how is he so cute i mean infuriating) 
mina is gay and shes sad that all the gorls from class 1a are taken. shes very sad. i lov her so mcuh
tsuyu: shes just so fucking valid. she loves the water she loves frogs she loves swimming we stan. shes so dumb about crushes and doesnt know how to pick up on hints.
uraraka: secretly a huge badass but is also a softy. used to want to be an astronaut/astrophysicist. 
iida: [clutches chest] a lawful delinquent.... he literally ONLY gives a fuck about whats right. literally tried to take on his brothers attacker. we stan. also he has gay emotions about izuku because he was lying alone on the ground about to die when Suddenly, his cute classmate saves him and hes like oh shit. oh no ive caught FEELINGS
ojiro: a furry furry man. hes straight but an ally. he and toru are cute as hell and i love them. 
kaminari: an adhd ICON, he has a big crush on sero &/or shinsou and he waxes poetic about them, the nerd
kirishima.... gay trans. gay trans man. he and tetsuetsu are trans rock man buddies. we stan.
i dont have any updates for sato/koji/shoji theyre all good kids
jiro: not hoh but frequently goes into sensory meltdowns bc her quirk gives her Super Hearing so it can get to be Too Much at times. she and momo are childhood sweethearts and have had SO MUCH mutual pining its ridiculous
sero: he sticks to the walls. once he got his tape tangled up in bed and couldnt get out but aizawa didnt believe him because he sleeps in a lot
tokoyami: theyre emo but they also are a meme. whenever anything mildly dramatic happens they lounge in their desk or on a couch and sigh, "what a mad banquet of darkness". other people do it for them when they're not in the room.
hagakure: has body image issues. intersex or a trans girl, idk which yet, super shy about clothing and her body. bi and loves her boyf ojiro <3
bakugous a whole other post
izuku: super bisexual. his dad walked out when he was little. he forgave bakugou a long time ago but their relationship is fucked up and weird still, even though its not abusive, its just awkward. 
todoroki: eventually fuyumi gets full custody of him and he goes to live with his big sister. definitely not over what his dad did and struggles with the fact tht his mom poured boiling water over his eye.
momo: secretly a huge badass also. loves her girlfriend a lot, likes to stim with various objects she makes.
shinsou: super gay and has a huge desire to prove himself. insomniac + either in the foster care system or the most loving family of all time but faced severe bullying (similar to midoriyas) as a kid. shindeku or shinkami are both good. 
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korkietism · 1 month
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I’m just saying..
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korkietism · 1 month
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Older Tokoyami. Slay the house down mullet girl.
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