mcuntainbcrn · 3 years
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Love leaves it’s own mark In my verse with @gnosticvision and @visicnbcrn, as Maggie is an offworlder, she can’t possess a vision, but both the geo and dendro archons have their own ways of showing that she is under their protection, as does the adeptus Xiao
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bardofbarbatos · 4 years
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@gnosticvision​ : 🍺🍺🍺 {{ Albedo }}
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“EHEH~~” Venti held the young alchemist face. He pressed his forehead against the other’s “Durrriiiiinnnn, please don’t try to destroy Mondstadt.” He muttered eyes closed swaying a bit. “They worked really hard to make it, and I know you’re plenty strong, so you don’t gotta do anything to make it know kay? I’ll come over and sing songs just for your if you want.  Just you and me!” He said in a sing song voice. 
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tartabinger · 4 years
@gnosticvision​ replied to this post.
Foul Legacy Tartaglia opens his mouth and every monster fucker in a 1000 mile vicinity rises ]] 
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Monster fuckers, come get y’all’s juice
Can you tell I made the first sketch without analysing it properly? (Also I forgot to flip the original image below back but oh well)
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As you can see from this outline, Foul Legacy appears to have an underbite. I’m also unsure whether the long upwards twirlies are part of the jaw or the skull - I’d have to look at a lot of bugs and possibly horned animals to figure that one out
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I tried to demonstrate the “teeth” better but-- it just sorta made me realise I didn’t like it much? I’m open to suggestions from the monster fuckers
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mrcyclopsfan · 4 years
gnosticvision  liked post 
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“Big brother said you shouldn’t do that.” He repeated trailing behind his new possible friend. They seemed nice, maybe they knew about his big brother too. “So, ummm, do you know any stories about here? I heard there was a big big monster that was under the ocean! Is like the big fish in Snezhnaya? Can you eat it?”
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wolvenfang-a · 4 years
A stroll through thick forests and untamed wilds brought common results. Beasts, plant life and the occasional stray broken down automaton. While scratching the very borders of Wolvendom, Decarabian seemed to dance the line between barriers, recognizing marked territory when he saw it. However, coming across a human child was not on his list of possible encounters. Alone and with the distinct power of electro emanating from his person. "Hmm? And who might you be?" [[ from Deca Daddy himself ]]
The day had been quiet, soft clouds lazily moving in the sky, birds occasionally breaking the silence with their cheerful songs. His run through his home hadn’t been anything eventful, nothing trying to sneak inside it for once.
Razor liked this kind of days. It was a day to rest and recover, to let wounds heal and finally fill his stomach. After pushing himself for so long to keep his home and family safe, sleepless nights spent pacing the forest in his need to make sure it wasn’t endangared, a quiet day was sorely needed.
And for once, rest he did, allowing himself to close his eyes, even if for a brief moment. Another human might find odd his napping spot among the lower branches of a tree- Razor was just used to it, safe enough and comfortable enough for him.
He didn’t know how much time had passed when a voice pulled him out of his already light sleep.
Without thinking twice, Razor was already on the ground and back on his feet, still as agile as ever, even when shaking off those remains of drowsiness. He turned just enough to face the human stranger, only slightly on edge. Once, he might have faced a stranger without hesitation or doubts. Once, he might’ve been just as kind to them as his lupical was to him.
Leave it to humans to ruin what trust he had in them.
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“Name Razor.”
Regardless, he answered the question, innocent enough that it didn’t seemingly pose a threat.
To the trained eye, Razor’s whole body was screaming danger. Every muscle was tense and ready to move, a hand already itching to summon his steel claw, his eyes not leaving the stranger once, his nose twitching.
Then, he frowned.
"Why smell... familiar?”
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visicnbcrn · 3 years
Closed starter for @gnosticvision || Osial || Mermaid AU
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Luminescent eyes watch, hidden by a rocky outcrop as a violent storm churned over the northern Pacific, lighting streaking across the sky in purple arcs the large waves slamming against a small caïque; for what it was worth, the vessel was doing remarkably well despite the odds--the man sailing the ship knew what he was doing.
However, that wasn't enough for the raging tides, as a particularly large wave capsized the vessel--tossing the man overboard as he was pulled beneath the waves. In any other scenario, Morax would have left the unfortunate soul to perish--he wasn't the first, and he wouldn't be the last, however, this human drew him from the depths of his home. His soul--a familiar energy, one he hadn't felt in millennia.
( could it truly be? )
Morax dove into the sea, swimming towards the unconscious sailor as he sunk deeper, and deeper. His deadened heart soaring, as laid eyes upon the man.
( It was him ).
Wrapping his arms around the other did he swim towards the surface ( a golden sigil and geometric patterns gleamed upon Osial's torso before fading as fast as it had appeared ), a silent command given--the storm stopping as the sky cleared, the waters flipping the ship upright; once again bobbing upon the calm blue.
The god laid, the sailor upon the deck of the ship--willing the water away from his lungs, gentle fingers brushing loose black strands away from his face. He was beautiful.
Golden eyes widen as he began to stir, hoisting himself over the edge. With one final glance, towards the one he had saved--did Morax vanish beneath the waves with a shimmering flash of onyx and golden scales.
This wouldn't be the last the fisherman had seen of him, just how long had he waited for this day to come?
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spero-lumina · 4 years
@gnosticvision || Decarabian
An apathetic face glanced up in veiled curiosity at the tall man before her, blood--still fresh from the recent slaughter, running in rivulets down the sharpened edge, as crimson dripped onto the ground. Yet despite the massacre around them ( the fatui never stood a chance ) Lumine stayed pristine, not a drop of blood on her visage.
 ( she relished in the fight, in the bloodshed--memories, of worlds having crumbled beneath her and Aether's hands, watching the lands burn and sunder. Empires rising and falling by their whims alone...those worlds' were not deserving of mercy--not within their eyes. Ah, how long had it been since then? It all feels so distant… )
The outlander ( having been to many other planets ) and with the archons she had dealt with thus far, knew whomever was now before her, was not of mortal origins. The air almost tasted of ozone ( like the calm before the storm ), even with most of her abilities lost--
( gossamer wings of celestial light being clipped by the unknown god, being separated by her dearest twin. Her other half-- ) 
Lumine knew that in her current state this walking embodiment of the untamable storms before her, was not one to be trifled with.
 ( that hole within her very being, panged in longing for what once was, golden divinity ignited within outstretched hands )
With a flick of her wrist did her blade vanish in a shower of golden light, Lumine was grateful that she had left Paimon with Xiangling for this little excursion of hers. 
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" afternoon. " 
She finally broke the silence with a greeting
 " what brings you all the way out here, stranger? " Lumine was not one for much talking, traditionally having that specific task left up to Aether. He was better at emotions than herself, he was empathy whilst she was apathy. Yet another balance shattered upon their separation.
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ar-archxic-lxrd · 4 years
The lights of the festival lit up the night in a warm glow, illuminating, the festival goers laughing in merriment and joy. Sweethearts walking hand in hand, children playing games and running about with reckless abandon--others writing wishes setting their lanterns free. It was a melting pot where folks gathered, finding happiness, camaraderie, and hope.
It filled his heart with a warmth comparable to a loving parent would to a child.
And, in the distance, far from the lights and chaotic sounds--across the lapping waves and upon the highest peak of Guyun, and beneath a sea of a thousand stars sat two figures. A comfortable silence between them, eyes the color of cor lapis glowing faintly within the dark.
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 " what a beautiful night before us--this wine tastes just like I remember...those were simpler times "
Nostalgia laden in the dragon's absent minded words, as he poured some more osmanthus wine into his companions empty cup. 
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adcptus · 4 years
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     “I would like everyone to know that Osial ( @gnosticvision​ ), indeed, a Bitch™.”
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librcrian · 4 years
@gnosticvision nailed Lilia to the wall in describing her:
                                 The Cooler Horny
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mcuntainbcrn · 3 years
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@gnosticvision said: (Combo time!) Actions: 17, 15, 14 with Xiao [with any quote you wanna to use. surprise me]
Bonus round: You could add in #9 if you so choose.
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“You’re not fine. And you don’t have to pretend that you are with me.”
The insistence that he could put her down, that she could walk, fell abruptly silent, the vulnerability she had hoped had would go unnoticed by keen eyes utterly exposed, a face devoid of emotion crumbling away, replaced a look of pure misery that was quickly hidden away in the crook of the yaksha’s neck, the fabric stained by the tears that silently ran down her face.
Movements lighter than air, the pathway to the cavern she called home smooth - she had never wanted anyone to see her in such a state; it had been too familiar, hit too close to home - combat was another language she was fluent in, but everyone had their Achilles heel, and the Fatui Agents she had locked horns with was in possession of one of hers, rendering her entirely immobile and helpless to stop them from attempting to haul her off, the words ‘research material’ tossed so casually and inspiring blind, screaming terror in her as the flow of electro through her system kept her paralyzed on the ground, powerless to escape.
Her mind had screamed for help with a fervor her voice had been incapable of, and apparently...it had been loud enough for Xiao to hear; she hadn’t even seen the state of them men before the adeptus had her gathered in his arms and had taken off into the air, several silent moments before she recovered enough to insist he could set her down, only to be quieted by those two short sentences, breaking down in his embrace, the temperature shift once entering the hollow within the mountainside barely felt and she clung to him.
“They were...they were going to experiment on me - they...I...can’t handle going through that again.” her voice was raw in the moment, exposed like a nerve, unable to look at him in that moment, “That...what he...that’s how they kept me immobile so they could...” words failed her - she couldn’t say it, pulling away just enough to unfasten her clasp at her throat and chest, parting the fabric to air the largest scar on her body to both open air, and those amber eyes, the implication of what remained unspoken clear - that the energy the Fatui Vanguard employed was what had been implemented to leave her prone while she was repeatedly flayed open and tortured.
Watery eyes met his gaze, unable to read the expression on his face as he laid down with her, hold shifting, instinct making her draw him back to her before he moved too far away, not caring for the abrupt weight on top of her, nor how the close proximity made their lips brush as she spoke, “Please...please don’t leave me right now...please...stay with me...please...I know I’m being selfish but please...please don’t go.”
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bardofbarbatos · 4 years
@gnosticvision​ liked Post
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“I also get to see my favorite fan of all time.” He’s invading the Yakasha’s space smiling at him. “Maybe this year, you’ll be able to acompany into the city to perform? Or should I swing by the Wagshu Inn. I have always wanted to perform there.” 
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tartabinger · 4 years
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@gnosticvision​ sent: ⁂ + ☠ [[ from Osial because I'm a heathen and I promised to BOOLY ]] 
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Manhandling symbol starters 
⁂ - grab my muse by the front of their shirt, possibly shoving them back ☠ - slam my muse into a wall
He can’t say he’s surprised when a random stranger grabs the front of his jacket and spins him around to shove him backwards into a wall. What does surprise him though is that the individual towers over him - a sight he’s more used to in Snezhnaya than in Liyue - and the overwhelming familiarity of this stranger, even though logic says they’ve never met.
And that power...
Regardless, the clear intent to harm eminating from the other gets to Childe and he can’t stop the widening of his eyes, the dilating of his pupils, nor the manic grin that spreads across his face. If this person is going to give him the fight he’s been craving, who is he to deny such an offer?
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“Well, don’t you move fast? Did something about me catch your attention?”
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visicnbcrn · 4 years
Closed starter for @gnosticvision​ || Xiao
There was a pause a wine glass stopping just centimeters from her mouth, pink lips twisting into a smirk, eyes gleaming with tainted divinity-- a pull at the very center of her being, a twisted want resurfacing after millennia of being buried ( he would soon be hers, just like it should have been in the beginning. That damned contract shattering-- that dragon no longer holding sway over what was rightfully hers )
With a flourish did the fallen goddess stand from her stone wrought throne, the glass tumbling to the ground as it shatters--spraying wine over the ornate stone like blood. A portal opened before the Princess, eagerly stepping through the dark miasma and to where her little bird was.
Lumine basked in the soft breeze on her face as the portal closed behind her, golden eyes zeroing in on her target. His body silhouetted against the thousands of lanterns filling the sky, blood of fallen citizens ( men, women, and children alike) their corpses strewn about. He was just as beautiful as she remembered, those karmic bonds festering around him--overtaking him completely, that abyssal seed beginning to bloom.
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Moving forwards did she approach the fallen Yaksha, slender arms wrapping around his waist. 
" Alatus, my little bird "
Cooed a familiar voice, tender and nostalgic.
" It's been so long my little bird, I've missed you so " her arms tightening, caring little for the blood now seeping into her dress. 
" After all this time, you won't be left behind, again. This time you're going to join me, that pesky contract keeping us apart now shattered. "
A scowl stretched onto her face, as that irksome presence filled her senses. Of course he would appear, the thief who stole what was rightfully hers. The stifling energy of geo, grating against her skin as that familiar baritone, echoed through the air disbelief, shock and anger heavily lacing those words.
" Xiao, what have you done? "
A giggle tore from Lumine, as she released Xiao before turning to look towards the Lord of Geo--eyes glinting in sadistic amusement, relishing in the hidden hurt within the old dragons hues.
" Oh, Morax-- " she began, voice condescending beneath a genial veneer " just how long has it been since we've last met? "
A low growl followed her inquiry, " Lumine. What have you done to him? " his polearm materialized within his hands, anger coursing through his being. 
How had she escaped? Not even the archons could last within the abyss-- the monsters lurking there would tear gods apart just to feast on their energy.
" Me? Why... " she chuckled " Nothing, Morax, dear. I'm just here to take back what's mine. "
Zhongli grit his teeth, fangs sharpening as horns sprouted from his head, a golden glow illuminating beneath his suit. " He is no longer yours, Lumine. I have freed him from your grasp. " 
Xiao was a part of his horde not hers, Xiao was like a son to him. He wouldn't let her take him. He had suffered so much through her, her attempt would not succeed. 
Draconic eyes narrow as they glowed dangerously as the smaller woman began to laugh
 " Oh, Morax-- Alatus was never yours. " a black portal appearing before the two of them. " He is mine, always has been and always will be. I'm just reclaiming what is long overdue. " a hand stroked his hair gently, turning her attention back to the Yaksha " shall we go, Alatus? Home awaits "
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mcuntainbcrn · 4 years
They certainly were odd creatures, Whopperflowers, the way they moved through the soil with such ease, almost as if teleporting - the only thing that led her to know better was the debris kicked up when they emerged; she sat idly by, observing them quietly, legs dangling idly over the edge of a cliff when one of the pyro variety burst out of the earth beside her, sending a spray of dirt and rock across her lap.
“Careful now.” scarred hands swept away the loam, the sun’s rays refracting off of something amid the sod, making her pause, lifting the marl and brushing it away to reveal an oddly smooth, round stone...it’s color, rather unique; despite wanting to keep her new clothing clean, she used the fabric of her pants to wipe away the dirt, holding it up to the light - her family had been in the jewelry business for hundreds of years, but still...she had never seen a stone of this quality before...
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...but it was the hue it took when the light shone through it that held her attention - where had she seen it before?
‘What does it remind me of...I wonder?’ 
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mcuntainbcrn · 3 years
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anonymous said: What are your current ships and with whom?
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//let's go down the list - there aren't too many since not many have the patience to allow her to get comfortable:
@dementedstatic - this is a ship that came completely out of left field as we fully intended them to be inseparable enemies that generally attack one another on sight; instead, they're married with a kid...so there's that
@gnosticvision - this one is mostly on discord as the mun is taking a bit of a break, but maggie and xiao have a lot in common, and have bonded through chronic pain and traumatic pasts that have left them both touch averse yet touch starved
@viisiond - apollo's baizhu is just a breath of fresh air - they bonded over sharing plants native to one another's world's and wound up connecting romantically after he unearthed one of her biggest weaknesses; puns
@multifacetecl - eiko's byakuran and diluc; byakuran was another one me and the mun never planned on happening, but happen it did - he only really realized what she meant to him after he died and the world reset; diluc and maggie get along mainly because they enjoy their solitude, but found they enjoy being alone together just as much.
@goldenorder - this one is still in it's infancy, and they're still feeling one another out, only vaguely aware of how the other feels; it's still on the clumsy side and rather cute truthfully
annnnd that's it - that's the current roster; i don't really write for the purpose of shipping and like it more when it happens organically
if you do wanna ship the thing, just send in an ask, hit me up in dm's if we're mutuals - tell me...i am an actual idiot and probably don't know you want to and wont unless you say something about it to me lol
i'm completely open to plotting things privately to see how they would lead up to being together and if it would even be feasible.
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