#gnu emacs
tokinanpa · 5 months
what do you like about emacs?
a lot of things, really! I will refer you to the documentation for Doom Emacs for a short answer to this question that I agree with, or you can keep reading for my much, much longer answer. :)
as a software that predates modern text editors and IDEs, emacs breaks the mold when it comes to the established design patterns of these tools. in some cases this can be a problem: emacs is notoriously slow (though somehow still faster than modern IDEs on my machine lol), and its default keybindings are horrendous. but it is also emacs's greatest strength: the sheer versatility and extensability of its design is unmatched by any other tool in existence.
the first thing you need to know about emacs is that.. it's not really a text editor. I mean, that may be the mission statement on the website, and that's certainly what it was when it started out, but as it's developed it's become more than that. emacs is a software platform for text-based applications.
the entirety of emacs is designed to function as one big interpreter for the language Emacs Lisp (elisp for short). when you press a key on your keyboard in emacs, say the Enter key, that keypress is sent to emacs's standard library code written in elisp. the code looks up that key in a keymap, which associates it to a particular elisp subroutine to run (specifically "newline-and-indent"), which accesses the file you're currently editing and makes the corresponding change.
every aspect of that process is configurable directly through the elisp language. you can rebind the key to a different action, of course, but you can also edit the "newline-and-indent" subroutine to do something else, or edit any other elisp function. you can switch between multiple keymaps (a keymap is just a lisp object) on some condition, such as opening a particular file. you can even tell emacs to display text that isn't linked to any file and alter the keymap when the user is interacting with that text to contain your own custom bindings. in effect, you can create any text-based interface you want.
here is a non-exhaustive list of all of the things that I have used emacs as:
Prose editor
File manager
Productivity tool
Email client
Web browser
all of these tools use, to varying degrees, the techniques I mentioned above to directly modify how emacs functions through elisp. with a little knowledge of the language, you can modify these tools to your liking just as easily as you can modify emacs itself. emacs becomes a unified interface for a hundred different applications, all of which are fully configurable and self-documenting. (yeah I didn't even mention that emacs is self-documenting within its code until now).
.. so it's not even really that I "prefer" emacs, because that framing implies that there are alternatives that are equal in scope or utility. I use emacs because it is the only thing that does what emacs does.
Emacs outshines all other editing software in approximately the same way that the noonday sun does the stars. It is not just bigger and brighter; it simply makes everything else vanish.
- Neil Stepheson, In the Beginning was the Command Line (1998)
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multithinker · 8 days
Linux Beginner's Guide
Table of Contents Introduction to Linux What is Linux? Why Choose Linux? Popular Linux Distributions Getting Started Choosing a Distribution Installing Linux Dual Boot vs Virtual Machine Basic Commands and Navigation Using the Terminal File System Structure Common Commands Managing Software Package Managers Installing and Removing Software Updating the System Working with Files…
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unixbhaskar · 13 days
Emacs Initialization File Needs Few Basic Lines To Start With 2024_05_28...
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cunctatormax · 5 months
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A nice GNU Emacs logo
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daemonhxckergrrl · 6 months
i suppose GNU really isn't UNIX when you consider the "do one thing and do it well" philosophy and then you. look at emacs xD
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queen-of-bad-opsec · 8 months
she gnu/emacs on my phone till i C-x C-c
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divorce · 1 month
i want to keep tumblr because i like aesthetics
aesthetic aggregation is important because it allows for intimate relationships to develop outside of life-long domesticated-servile contracts
you transfer
love energy,
actually, when you share your aesthetic, and merge, like that
i don't think its possible to make organic relationships the same way it was a decade ago, no, entirely too sanitized
i highly doubt, since the algorithm that i'll ever oganically run into; actually its absurd to even finish that sentence
luckily, i became a sysadmin / programmer, in the interem period, and can actually build the tools this time around
i have an idea for an aesthetic aggregator portal place that combines dump.fm & tumblr with cellular automata, like a living pool you gaze into and everything's a ripple on a wave, man, that's like connected, woah
and i'm schemeing on it, i love lisp, when i go looking everything i want to do is available to me like channeling a spell... somebody already wrote scheme to wasm, that really shouldn't be too hard... still looking for alternate ways to chat :D hmu on xmpp it's exactly like AIM
i've tried node/npm, python, package managers... the best most satisfying one if you're going to go and install a big library, blob thing like that, is probably some flavor of emacs... for me, this is a personal preference, the fact that you 'can' do anything that rust/python/go/js can do in LISP... is enough for me, because, it is elegant, it is more pleasant to look at and easier to read, idk. loving my time with it recently and have been knocking it out of the park most days recently... the past 7 years i've been working on a top secret project, which will have a working alpha demo of the basic features by the end of next week :D
the best os rn is a freeBSD jail with guixSD GNU/linux-libre there's also hyperbola/BSD in the works you want to try to phase out the linux kernel because of all the google/microsoft shenanigans creeping in, you don't need unix/linux any more you can do all your daily driver stuff on an embedded, low power risc soc that costs under a hundo you need less overhead for embedded systems, there's microkernels like genome, and platforms like zephyr, its ok to move away idk one thing i learned its good to take a step back and look at the scope of what you're trying to achieve, try to strip away all the unneccessary parts... a mhz is 1,000,000 calculations a microsecond or whatever, when you sit down and write a piece of code how many calculations exactly do you need to do to do your business, honestly.
^these are the 3 am ramblings of a minimalist
i'm trying to find peers here on my site that's connected to the internet that's why i'm sending messages to it about my interests, pardon me, sir please send $1 to this address
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i hate it sm that standard shell controls are emacs based just cuz gnu bash and richard shitman !!!!
like no the default shell should just be a posix sh clone and the user shell should also be a posix shell but with full vim controls
also im ur personal anon its out now hehehe im currently stuck in a claustrophobic light house in northern germany east freesland or whatever its called with no internet,, sending this over cell data and itll be like that for another 6 days but i have my netbook with me so i may spend my time making a shell and xbps package manager frontend (ye im back on void i just love runit sm its my perfect distro and i dont care enough for nvidia 340 drivers lmao) with complete vim-like interface for peak productivity like i have such a cool idea to integrate system commands and stuff
also another confession i was most of ur anon asks in the last days cuz im boreeed and lonely need friends cuz bleghhhh lol
omg i have thesame opinion!
i love vim, and everything should have vim bindings!
also ctrl C is a stupid binding because the cancel function in a shell conflicts with copying. had this problem on windows terminal. also fuck windows terminal for not implementing Ctrl D
your vision for your system sounds very cool, vim bindings are just superior
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kennak · 5 months
Free Pascal と QB64 はどちらも維持され、比較的活発に開発が行われており、最新リリースは 2021 年に予定されています…しかし、最近ではほとんどの人が興味を持たない難解な言語を公開しているため、ほとんど無視されています。 「本物の」現代的なコンソール IDE には何が残されているのでしょうか? それでは、今日の現代 言語 最先端のものは、 Neovim 、 Doom Emacs 、さらには Helix のようです。 これらのエディタは非常に強力で、さまざまなプラグインのおかげで、合理的な IDE のようなエクスペリエンスを提供します。 とはいえ、私に言わせれば、これらは以前の Borland 製品が提供していたものと同じ種類のエクスペリエンスを提供するものではありません。インターフェイスはわかりにくく、多言語に対応しているため、ほとんどすべての機能で問題なく動作しますが、素晴らしいものではありません。何でも。 言うなれば「何でも屋、何の達人でもない」。 いずれにせよ、 microsoft/terminal#16440 の のようです 混乱した議論で私が観察した内容に基づくと、推奨される「シンプルな」TUI エディタは… GNU Nano … これはOK、動作しますが、第一に、これは IDE ではありません。第二に、私にはこれが WordStar のように見えます。 ええ、それが WordStar ではないことはわかっています。WordStar が必要な場合、最も近いものは Joe です。しかし、 Nano の外観は 、CP/M の時代にワード プロセッサを使った最初の経験を思い出させます。 ここで見てください:
30 年前にあった IDE...そして失われてしまった
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tokinanpa · 9 months
every copy of gnu emacs is personalized
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delmondo · 7 months
Emacs mention in The Social Network (2010) #Emacs, #editor, #GNU, #Toolchain, #Apache, #Ghost recon
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unixbhaskar · 2 months
Emacs Password Menu Package Is Frontend For Authinfo GPG File 2024_04_1...
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avkamfher · 1 year
Figured other people trying to learn Japense outside of Duolingo should have these. 
>when I was learning Japanese
If you are native English speaker, get the Genki textbook series. It's good. Some links: >https://itazuraneko.neocities.org/learn/kana (start with this!) >https://guidetojapanese.org/learn/grammar >https://www.imabi.net/ >https://jisho.org (dictionary). Alternative: http://nihongo.monash.edu/cgi-bin/wwwjdic?1C >https://kanji.sljfaq.org/draw.html (look up kanji by drawing it) >https://www.tofugu.com >https://www.youtube.com/@JapanesePod101 >https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ky%C5%8Diku_kanji (this is reasonable order to learn the kanji) >https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_kanji_radicals_by_stroke_count >https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_j%C5%8Dy%C5%8D_kanji >https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Help:Japanese The best way to learn kana (hiragana + katakana) and kanji is to also write them on paper by hand (print out some practice sheets/drill sheets. Use Searx to find them.). Follow the correct stroke order (very important, not just nitpicking). Be sure to learn both hiragana and katakana before you start learning kanji! You can find out the correct stroke order for kana here (or from some other place): https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Table_hiragana.svg + https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Table_katakana.svg  Avoid rōmaji (even as beginner!). Write sentences in kana on paper (and later start adding kanji characters). Kana and kanji character should be much larger than western/Latin characters. I recommend you buy notebook that has squares. Use about 4x4 (or even 6x6) squares for 1 (!) character when you are learning them. Try to get the proportions right. If you make a mistake, don't correct it. Instead start writing the character again (from the beginning). You may want to use Anki but don't overuse it. It's best to also start reading (Yotsuba to! is good first manga) and remember to practice writing as well. Pro Tip: If you use GNU Emacs, you can use M-x set-input-method  to change the input method to Japanese (start with japanese{-hiragana,-katakana}. Pro Tip:  You can add Japanese keyboard to your Android keyboard (gboard). Go Settings --> System --> Languages & input --> Virtual keyboard (under Keyboards heading) --> Gboard --> Languages --> "add keyboard". Then just find Japanese.  (you get Japanese style emoticons/kaomoji as bonus). You can switch the keyboard by pressing and holding spacebar or by pressing the dedicated button for switching the language.
While you are on the Gboard settings, be sure to disable the telemetry (IIRC, it's under advanced settings)
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mirqmarq428 · 1 year
(realizing that I never made an introduction)
Hi, I'm Mitch (20m) but please call me Miranda. I'm questioning my gender identity and trying stuff out, no big deal for the moment (read: it would be impractical for me to take this too seriously at this point in life so I'm delaying a decision).
I'm extremely new to Tumblr but so far it seems chill.
Mostly following polls and YouTubers for now, but if I like something I'll Def reblog it.
I'm a heavy user of linux in general, and GNU Emacs in particular. Don't expect tips but be pleasantly surprised when they show up. I also have a youtube channel and static website, but probably won't use this account to shill them unless I'm really proud of something.
I'm also a weaboo so am learning Japanese. If I lose all interest in anime I will probably try Toki Pona next. In high school I took several years of Latin and ancient Greek but most of it is gone.
I'm probably autistic or something, but it costs money to get tested for that.
Overall I'm excited to be a part of this "community" but still v nervous because I've been taught a lot of offensive things and don't want to be wrong again.
Sorry that this is a mess, but like, isn't everything?
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hydralisk98 · 1 year
LibreVastServitor computing stack designs 1/?
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Just a quick reminder here, this is a customized computing stack manifestation game where I simply write what I desire and then let the wider universe manifest it for me whatever way that means, including personal efforts of mine. Boils down from customizing and adapting research material into a actionable series of items to manifest.
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Ashur dream specifications
(mid-tower personal workstation computer)
2+ 2560x1440p monitors (one vertical, one or more horizontal)
Intel Core i5-4690 @ 3.5 GHz with its 4-cores (hoping forward to upgrade the RISC-V + OpenPOWER like processor for something decent with ~12-cores & much more open design) central processor unit
32GB of RAM
Some recent mid-range AMD GPU
64 GB Linux swap partition (mostly for virtual machines and RAMdisk partitions)
4TB+ SSD storage
Bluray burner
Floppy drive
Cassette / datasette drive
Themed GRUB bootloader
S6 init system
Arch-like package manager and software ecosystem
Customized alternative Linux kernel between Linux Libre & Zen kernel ( XanMod + Liquorix )
ZealOS, Parade, OpenBSD, OpenIndiana...
CLADO, DIS, Venera, Perseus, Maskoch, Synod, Monad, Valenz, Constans?
KDE Plasma with Liquid shell as desktop environment, complete with custom ricing, dot files & all the KDE desktop environment utilities;
Bash + Fish, Tmux, Astro-Neo-Vim with LSP, Emacs, LibreOffice Suite, Calligra, Bottles, Wine, WineTricks, QGIS, Firefox, LibreWolf, Dolphin, Konsole, Inkscape, Karbon, OpenStreetMap, GPlates, GProjector, Itch, Steam, GOG Galaxy, Lutris, Cyberpunk 2077, Ken Silverman's, FreeBASIC, Common Lisp, Godot + Qodot, VLC, MPV, .ogg / .ogv media player, musical tracker, 'Landchad.net', Brasero, K3B, FloppyFormatter, LibreCAD, AutoCAD, Blender, Kate, Qt, Nim, MUSL, C compiler, assembly monitor, HxD debugger, Rust, Swift, Kotlin, F#, C#, GNU make, NASM, Sweet Home 3D, some digital audio workstation software, Audacious, FFMPEG, Wayland, Morevna OpenToonz, some HTTP(S) web server suite, MongoDB, Hexo, Netlify CMS, RSS feed reader + generator, Pomodoro, Calendar, timely Tracker, Notion-like service, Tape, Gollum, some level editors, FreeCiv, The Sims 2, SimCity 4, Quake 1, Doom 1 & Doom 2, Markdown / Argdown, Konqueror, some WYSISYG rich media editor, some Raycaster engine, Daggerfall Unity, Portal 2, Source (1 & 2) Engine modding, some VirtualTableTop software, some remote desktop control software like VNC, OpenSSH, some distributed share storage software, Trenchbroom, StableDiffusionXL, ChatGPT open source alternative, DAO, Krita, GIMP, G'MIC & its plugins, PaintDotNet, CataclysmDDA, CataclysmBDA, Evennia, Python 3, Firefox for KDE (Developer Edition), Perl, PHP, MariaDB, lighttpd, Apache, Nginx, Themix Oomox GTK+ theme editor, Falkon, ...
Custom shell scripts, interactive REPL programming languages, some GUI programs, command aliases and dot file configurations;
Venera (computation "deque" project)
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Original components:
RISC-V + OpenPOWER = LibreVast (tribble word-based open hardware architecture designed for daily use & tinkering developer purposes)
Tropix + OGAS = Nucleus (optimized distributed processing micro-kernel, like 'Inferno' & 'Plan9')
RedSeaFS + Parade = CLADOgram (direct-access rich media agentive filesystem & file server suite)
KDE + POSIX-compilant CDE = VUE (lightweight desktop environment with profound customization options)
CommonLisp w/ CLOS + Nim = Pan-Lisp (both low-level and high-level REPL programming language)
Existing components:
Fish, Tmux, Vim, Konsole, Flatpak, Git
KDE Plasma w/ Liquid shell alternative
Konqueror, LibreWolf
GIMP w/ G'MIC & Krita w/ G'MIC
Hexo (flat blog self-hosting web server), MariaDB, "Landchad.net" stuff
QEMU, Wine, Wine-tricks, Proton, Bottles, Lutris
Trenchbroom, Godot w/ Qodot
Kate, KDevelop, Okteta, Mousepad, Notepadqq
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