#go Shinoa go
nono-uwu · 3 months
Chapter 136 thoughts -w-
Spoilers duh
- this chapter was certified meh. Mid, even. Not great, not horrible, just eh
- Mika looks so fucking ugly atp
- Urd in action!! Too bad he looks ugly as hell while at it
- Since when was there a curse that vampires can't kill Mikayuu?? This is the first time I'm hearing about it?? Huh
- wow, for once Mikayuu fail at a plan. That's a first
- Krul looks so good, adorable, beautiful. Truly a Queen <3
- No Ferid vs Krul brawl this chapter :(
- also Krul why are you doubting ur abilities against Ferid? Ur still way older than him, have some confidence >:/
- Shinya!! He's so ugly lmao what even
- so is Kureto. Lol. Lmao even.
- Their banter is nice tho. I liked it
- Shinya is so chill with having the wall of his fucking room burst open (not like it's the first time that happened...) bro is over this
- Guren squad soon??
- seems like a deliberate move on Shikama to not reveal that Shinoa is the one devouring him bc despite *gestures vaguely* everything, Yuu would probably still side with Shinoa. I hope.
- Shikama looks a little better art-style wise!
- Right, Yuu's goal now is to resurrect the angels... EVEN THOUGH THEIR REINCARNATIONS ARE LIKE, RIGHT THERE?? Except Asuramaru who he fucking ate
- no way Yuu got the cheatcodes to bypass god himself. Someone gotta smite this overzealous teenager bruh
- also dude, do NOT become Shikama's successor, what is wrong with you, you literally just saw how badly he fucked up bc of the love for his people
- FUCK YEAH SHINOA IDC ABOUT YUU'S GOALS BC HE MAKES ME SICK ATP GO FUCK SHIT UP- I mean whaaat Shinoa no don't destroy Shikama's and Mikayuu's plans noooo :(
- "But I'll take it all from you... So you can never hurt anyone with it again." Queen behavior. Also Shinoa looks v pretty,,,,
- ^ so from that I assume Shinoa isn't just doing allat out of her 'love' for Yuu but also out of love for anyone who got directly involved in Shikama's batshit insane plans (so Mahiru, Kimi and Yoi (they were test subjects too. btw.), probably even Mitsuba and also Yuu and Mika probably. But I also like to think she's doing it for her past self :) )
- anyways watch Kagami make Shinoa go full yandere bc god forbid there is a decently written woman in this series
- ends on Rigr and his squad maybe hopefully cornering Yuu. BEAT HIM UP PLEASE- I mean what noooo let the poor guy destory everything to revive your past angel incaranations :(
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amethystroselily · 3 months
Catastrophe at 16 is a group of people trying to communicate how much they care about the protagonist and swearing they’re undying love for him as he learns the importance of friendship and gets through that emotional barrier. Vampire Reign is the protagonist desperately trying to convince his acquaintances that they’re all actually besties because he is desperate for a sense of community and connection.
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husbando-of-yae-miko · 10 months
Everyone else: *talking about MikaYuu*
Me: *trying to figure out wth is going on*
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ons gets more and more confusing with each chapter i read but i love seeing happy mika so i couldnt care less
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I really don't understand this opinion about how Mika was right about Shinoa's squad and that they don't really care about Yuu. And the only reason people say this is because the love they have for Yuu is not the same love Mika has for him i.e. selfless, unconditional and sacrificial love. Which is unfair because Yuu definitely doesn't have the same kind or intensity of love for Mika and for them but that doesn't mean he doesn't care about them, he cares for them deeply and they care for Yuu too.
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pain-of-creation · 2 years
OnS chapter 120 spoilers
Shinoa seems sincere, which makes everything worse.
This chapter confirms what we’ve seen when Mika “died” 2 years ago: the squad talks about being Yuu’s family, but their actions betray them, and to an extent Yuu probably knows.
Hell, when it comes to Shinoa, her own words betray her. Talking about loving Yuu, and then not only not caring about his pain when he loses the person he loves, but even worse talking about killing the person Yuu loves… to bring Yuu back?
Mika protected her, because he knew Yuu cared about her and the squad.
Mika tried to respect Yuu’s feelings for everyone.
Mika tried to tell Yuu to find love somewhere else (and to return Shinoa’s feelings), not obsessing over him, and to just let him die.
What Shinoa does: basically treat Mika like a villain who’s manipulating Yuu and needs to be killed if necessary to bring Yuu back to them, completely disregarding Yuu’s deep love for Mika.
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recent-rose · 1 year
the squad’s reaction to shinoa saying she’d kill mika to get yuu back fucking sends me into orbit. they said 🤨 
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Honestly, I don’t want anymore official arts of Shinoa squad because those arts are there pretending as if the squad is important when they are not and my picky brain finds that to be insulting. K is pretty much aware that he stopped treating the squad like the main characters that they are supposed past the 30 chapters mark. There is no way he is not aware of that. At this point K and Y can just go and make all the arts about Mika and Yuu. I don’t care. If Shinoa squad gets an illustration, please make it after, idk? after Yoichi, Kimizuki and Mitsuba have more going on with their backgrounds, have a say in group discussions and their opinions can actually influence on the path they are going to take as a group? Basically them not being cardboard cutouts whose only dialogues every chapter are “Yuuichiro”, “oh” or “…”?
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ONS chapter 134 spoilers
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I was so excited this chapter, I really thought, oh! We're going to see some of Shika's backstory, I want to see why they were punished by god and sent down to Earth. Instead we get to see my fucking GUY I love Ferid, even better we see him and Crowley. Holy shit!!
We're finally explained what happened to Chess and Horn, sucks, but hey what can you do about it? At least Crow- oh NEVER FUCKING MIND. It's clear Ferid is gonna die soon too. I think within the next few chapters bc dude is crazy, and genuinely just wants to die. Again, I think! He still wants to fuck up Shika's plan so if we look at it in a optimistic way, maybe he was just sparing Crowley some pain that might go into that plan?? (coping)
Makes me so fucking sad though, I love Crowley c'mon. He was so sexy you can't do this to me 😭😭 I really hate that we didn't get any information of how he turned or why. I probably missed something, but all I got out of this was that Ferid has always been a little wrong up there.
Especially because he's still taking Crowley's dead body with him, so I can only assume he'll either need it for a plan, or he's just 🥥 and is taking him around because he's used to having him around.
Sometimes I feel I have to reread this constantly so I can put my two braincells together and try and predict what's gonna happen, but half the shit that happens is so not something people can come up with. Bc be fr who in the world could have theorized "look, we have to go back in time with the dinosaurs and we'll actually find out Mika and Yuu souls switched bodies when Shika wasn't looking so they can find a way to save him which is why Yuu is actually Mika and Mika is actually Yuu but they're still using their Mika and Yuu identity rather than the original" oh yes this is something I thought of before it came out, because clearly this is the answer. What everything has been leading up to, so true!
That being said, I still like it but it's like... Be serious, I'm not gonna spend too much thinking power on the sillies. Hopefully we can still get more info about Crowley via Ferid because IT'S ABOUT TIME that we got something about him and Ferid.
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crusaderce · 5 months
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how the hell is it when i LITERALLY come back, this happens?? fucking tragic.
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bigbrainbiology · 1 year
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I swear I've been doing some art... <3
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nono-uwu · 1 month
Hello hi here is what alignments ons characters would have in path to nowhere :3 (and i give zero context for my reasoning!) Also feel free to add on/make suggestions for other characters!
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(Tierlist maker fried the images holy shit)
Characters not included bc i have no fugin clue where to put them: Mitsuba, Chess, Horn
Characters not included bc I was too lazy to grab their images: everyone else lmao
Explanations for each alignment utc! (aka the flavor text in game)
Violence: Boiling blood torments the body of the violent one. Neither love not hatred matters anymore. - No matter how you try, you will be forever mired in blood
Love: The lover's upturned gaze fixes on the sky above the cliff, as if longing for an unattainable aim of desire. - Fulfill my most frantic loneliness
Greed: Greed will ever expand and snowball into a massive, bone-crushing boulder. - You wish to dominate all, but you will perish a servant
Treachery: Paths of the earth become as fatal as a frozen lake with cracks. Icy demise is at the slightest misstep. - The faithless, the insincere, the dishonest - their soul do not return
Limbo: The limbo one tries to see through Fate's plan, yet has learbed how arduous it is to seek the meaning of life. - Blind idiot, all is vanity
Anger: The angry trudges through mud, searching for a clear path. The answer's not out there; it reflects from within. - The fire of rage may burn out, but I am their fuel
Heresy: Wrath of authority trails closely behind, vowing to chase heretics into the eternal hellfire of the sarcophagus. - Outside of the light, I dwell in shadow
Sloth: The heart of the sloth stays where it is. Even if there are countless roads in front, they shall balk at moving forward. - Cherish the outmoded and preserve the outworn, stubbornly fetering oneself
Fraud: The fraud believes in what they think is true, and therefore feels they can manipulate everything. - The deluded take refuge in the dark, and those who fool others have no place to return to
Immortal: The one who sleeps here is not deceased. Under the light of the red moon, there is an end to death. - Retrograde without return, withered and sunken
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rev3rb · 5 months
Hi, again! I have to admit that the end of this chapter intrigued me quite a bit. I definitely wanna see where they’re going with Shinoa’s powers over demons. After a lot of time spent on angel flashbacks, it’s a good reminder that the humans have unique roles to play. I liked seeing the Shinoa squad, although spending time on crushes I’m not particularly invested in and making very vague, somewhat redundant plans was kinda boring. I enjoy some good girl talk, but I’m not particularly excited about having so many different groups working towards basically the same goal. It’s similar to what you pointed out about Saito still not siding with The First. It sorta seems as if everyone is stating similar values but personal issues are stopping them from just working together and actually accomplishing shit. Idk maybe it’s just me, but I think some of the most engaging and productive moments happened bc of the dynamics within the alliances. As of now, there’s at least 4 different factions, which truly seems unnecessary at this stage. Regardless of how happy an ending we get, I’d feel a bit unsatisfied if 1/4 groups succeeded at the expense of all the others failing. No matter which group it is, because they all have an interesting perspective and feel like protagonists in unique ways. I’m lowkey rooting for them all, so I’d really prefer if they could just compromise lol. I’m sure that solution is way too idealistic of me, but it’s not my fault Kagami wrote such sympathetic characters 😔
On another note… Happy Birthday!!! If I remember right, it should’ve just passed. I hope you had a great day <3
First off, oh my god! You remember! I didn’t expect that. At the time of posting this, yes, it would have been four days ago, but you sent this Tuesday so you were pretty spot on! Thank you so much! I did have an okay day!
I’m actually excited to see where Shinoa’s powers go as well! For quite some time now, the story has hyped Shinoa up as being special and ‘the perfect experiment’ or however it was phrased, but we’d had no real indication of it until now. It’s about time we shifted from tell to show. I’m hoping it gives her a bit more agency. However, I will say that Shinoa, or really rather how Kagami writes her, does disappoint me a bit in other ways, which leads me to the next thing you bring up.
I don’t hate Yuunoa. I don’t care for it either, but the fact that this chapter sorta confirms that Shinoa doesn’t have that much of a driving force outside of it makes me quite sad. You could argue that other Hiragis (Mahiru and Shinya) have a similar thing going on and they do, but there’s more than that, even if the story prefers bringing up Guren as their main motivation instead. Mahiru has the whole thing with wanting agency to live how she wants (which ties to Guren but I firmly believe can stand on its own) as well as wanting to protect Shinoa, as twisted as her methodology was. Shinya also had his goal of wanting to break free from the Hiragis before Guren became what he’d rather stand for. Being able to see that shift adds quite a bit of depth to that.
What else does Shinoa have going on really? As she says her she doesn’t feel like she has much reason for living, so she mind as well have this fight with Mitsu over Yuu be that driving force. You could say it’s similar to Yuu since he’s sorta said Mika is his reason for living, but I honestly wasn’t a huge fan of that either. I liked how Yuu was, at one point, able to somewhat move on and live for others (the Shinoa squad and Guren at the time) he was getting better in a way! But I don't want to rant for too long. End of the day, I kinda wish Shinoa had goals that didn't center around Yuu, even if she ended up dropping them at some point. As she said, she's really just been along for the ride her whole life.
It's nice to see Mitsu actually back and doing something though! Mitsu fans come get your food! I too wish they'd talked about something else, but what can you do I guess. It's just nice to see her. The focus hasn't been on her in SO long.
Now the whole Shinoa Squad being a new group. Yeaaaah this is driving me a bit insane as well. Weren't they just working with Guren, Mahiru, and Ferid? Why is that suddenly changing? I get that it's because they think them untrustworthy, and I get it to a degree, but it's exactly as you said. There's just SO many groups that are fighting for similar things that it's become kinda weird? Like... why did Guren and Mahiru even let the Shinoa Squad run off? They don't appear to be around, and I know that their priority is probably Yuu, but it feels weird that they're suddenly just elsewhere now when they were working together last we saw. It feels like we're missing something here. Anyways. I can't imagine these groups won't join up later, but the fact that we now have to follow 3 different groups (with there being 5 or maybe 6 factions atm) is going to make for an even more disjointed story. And that's one of the big problems with OnS. It's story is kind of all over the place and it can be difficult to follow with how much it jumps around and drops plot points and characters for no reason only to pick them up later like nothing happened. Nothing I've seen here instills me with confidence that this problem will get better.
That all being said, I didn't hate the chapter. Shinoa squad as a whole hasn't felt like they've been the main focus since the Nagoya arc and while I don't think we'll be following them for too long, it's about time they became more relevant. Maybe what I'm saying is a bit contradictory since I just complained about different factions, but hey, there's some pay off here with Shinoa and her abilities like I mentioned earlier, so idk. It's something.
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bouquetcfmuses · 1 year
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{ someone take me back to the Post-Shibuya arc of the ons manga because the two arcs that follow are a mix of messy and wtf is even going on anymore. It makes me think of that meme that's like: "What happened to the original plot of the movie??" }
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nonbinarymikaela · 2 years
now that i've posted about my dumb kids, i continue to be disappointed about shinoa, she's now said she's willing to kill mika to get yuu back and i just keep thinking about how dramatic and shallow this makes her out to be and god she should be so much more
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[ID: "Beyonce, sweetie. I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry that a ugly ass bitch like this would even say that, oh my god." meme. End ID]
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cryoriku · 9 months
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homegirls hair got set on randomizer
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