#go take a nap and get a new plushie big guy you carry too much on your shoulders
explodingstarlight · 2 years
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everyone should draw Raph in cute cardigans because i said so
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griffintail · 4 years
A Day in the Life (Lost Ones)
Summary: A day with the new parents and how some of their friends reaction to their new bit of joy. 
Pairings: Platonic! Parental! Tommy, Wilbur, Philza, Technoblade, Eret, and Dream x F! Child! Reader
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Warnings : (In Phil’s Specifically) Death, Violence. (Generally) Swearing
A/N: Just so you know (F/L) means First Letter of your first name. Hope you guys enjoy! ♥
        Tommy didn’t know what the fuck he was doing.
        Tubbo was even more clueless.
        When Tommy first came onto Tubbo’s doorstep frantically talking about being a father with a crying baby, Tubbo was in a state of great concern for his best friend. Tubbo knew Tommy as a scammer and a very…bold individual, to put it nicely. He did not think his friend had what it took to be any sort of fatherly figure. He was just too young and he was too…outgoing.
        The first day, the pair worked hard to figure out how to make the infant stop crying. They found out she just needed food and a diaper change. Tommy had groaned in relief, sitting on Tubbo’s floor as he held the baby feeding her the milk. From there, Tubbo questioned where he even found a child.
        “She was abandoned in a basket, in a tree. I decided to be a big man about it and take her in.”
        “Are you crazy? Tommy, you didn’t even know her gender until two minutes ago.”
        “Shut up.” Tommy huffed looking at his friend as he stopped giving (Y/N) milk for the moment. “I can figure it out, I’m still new to this Tubbo.”
        “I think maybe we should give her to one of the other guys. We don’t know what to do, we just ran around my house for five minutes trying to make her stop crying for god’s sake.”
        “I’ll figure it out! Even without your help.” Tommy looked back down at the infant, continuing to feed her.
        So, Tubbo went along with it. Tommy was stubborn and to make sure the baby didn’t get hurt, Tubbo said he’d help his friend. To be fair, they didn’t have to do much, it was just a lot of work to do the few things and barely any time to do the same adventures they use to do.
        Tommy was determined to do most of it on his own, only going to Tubbo when he was desperate for help. Which were a few times a week. He got better and better though, learning what (Y/N) needed and when.
        Tommy had managed to make a crib all on his own (with a couple of tries) and he discovered, (Y/N) liked her crib at the end of his bed. She just liked being close to Tommy often and he actually didn’t mind. He was proud to show off his baby.
        When he had shown her off to the others, they had all been in various bits of shock. Of course, when he first introduced her, the first thing he shouted was always;
        “I’m a father now bitch! Meet (Y/N)!”
        As he would, (Y/N) would giggle and babble, his excited energy rubbing off on her. After their various bits of shock (and Bad telling him to watch his language even more now that there was a baby), they would indeed think (Y/N) was cute but give him the same advice as Tubbo. Give her to an adult.
        “None of them! None of them think I can take care of you.” Tommy huffed as (Y/N) finished her milk for the hour. “Isn’t that ridiculous?”
        Tommy did struggle often. He didn’t get as much sleep as he once did, he stayed inside with (Y/N) more. It was a big change, but he was taking it seriously despite all his jokes. Just, no one could see it because they only saw Tommy as a child.
        “Well, they’re all idiots. I know I have this.” Tommy told the infant as he sat back in bed, holding her. “Right Little (F/L)?”
        (Y/N) squirmed slightly, babbling and Tommy smiled.
        “Right! It’s that time.” He grinned as he stood up, going into his chests next to his jukebox.
        As he pulled out one of his discs, Tubbo knocked on the door as he came in.
        “Hey, am I interrupting?” He asked.
        “No, you’re actually in time Big T!” Tommy said as he put the red labeled disc on.
        “For what?” Tubbo questioned confused as Tommy sat down.
        The music started to play and (Y/N) relaxed in Tommy’s arms. Tommy smiled softly, gently rocking her in his arms as he hummed along to the music. Tubbo was staring in amazement from behind Tommy’s seat.
        “Do you…do you do this often?”
        “Of course.” Tommy grinned at his best friend. “She’s got to learn great music. And look, she loves it so much she falls asleep.”
        He was correct as when Tubbo looked, (Y/N) was giving a tiny yawn as she nuzzled into Tommy.
        “Every day after lunch, I play the disc I got when I found her and she takes a nap.” Tommy quieted down; startling Tubbo as Tommy never quieted down. “I want to find more to let her hear more.”
        Tommy put her down in her crib once she was fully asleep, motioning to the door. They both left as the music kept playing.
        “We should go get more discs tomorrow.” Tommy declared, keeping his voice level as he went through his chests. “(Y/N) needs to hear them all and I want to have them all.”
        “You…do that every day?” Tubbo said, still caught up on Tommy’s gentleness.
        Tommy rolled his eyes. “Of course, I do. (Y/N) likes it and I like it so that’s our routine Tubbo. Sometimes it takes a while though and I have to move around the room.”
        He didn’t mention that he danced to the music with her though, laughing with her as she would giggle, slightly embarrassed about the cute routine.
        “So, are we going to go out tomorrow and get some discs or not?” Tommy grinned at his friend.
        Tubbo stood there, thinking over what he had just seen. He thought about how he was actually wrong about Tommy. His best friend really cared about the girl; his own little girl. Tommy had acted drastically different than what he usually did to make sure she was well and happy. The taller boy was actually taking this very seriously and Tubbo couldn’t help but be proud of his friend.
        “Tubbo.” Tommy snapped his fingers, looking at him disapprovingly.
        “Oh, yeah. Let’s get some discs tomorrow. It’s been forever since we’ve gone on an adventure.” Tubbo smiled.
        He thought Tommy could do this whole dad thing right.
        Then he slightly regretted his words in the morning when Tommy showed up with the little girl and his adventuring gear.
        “We are not taking (Y/N). It’s dangerous Tommy!” Tubbo protested.
        “Nothing will happen to her; I wouldn’t let it. Neither would you. And try and say no to this face.” Tommy showed her off, grinning. “Come on now Uncle Tubbo.”
        Tubbo paused, getting slightly giddy. “Uncle Tubbo?”
        “Of course! Now! Let’s go get some discs!” Tommy took lead.
        “…Wait! You distracted me!” Tubbo called exasperated as he followed his best friend.
        (Y/N) giggled as Tommy grinned wider. Tommy was stubborn but in the case of being a father, it was a good thing as it meant his baby would grow up healthy and happy and he could care less about what others would say.
        L’Manberg didn’t have many secrets but it had one well-guarded one. That would be the simple fact that (Y/N) existed.
        After the first night with the new baby, Wilbur had gathered all the men inside the van.
        “Time to greet the people little one.” He smiled as he heard the commotion of Tommy trying to command the others.
        Coming out, he put on a serious face as everyone went quiet. Of course, Eret and Fundy already knew. The teenager had his arms crossed, looking away from his father and new sister, as Eret gave a small smile. The other two of L’Manberg…
        “Did you fuck another fish?!” Tommy shouted in exasperation to his brother.
        Fundy gave Tommy an offended glare as (Y/N) squirmed at the sudden loud noise.
        “Tommy, quiet down now,” Wilbur told him as he gently rocked the little girl, Tubbo awing at how adorable she was. “Eret found her left outside the walls last night. I’m taking her in as she was obviously abandoned. So, meet the first woman of L’Manberg, (Y/N).”
        “(Y/N) is a wonderful name.” Eret smiled a bit wider.
        “She’s so cute and small,” Tubbo said, taking a step closer to get a better look at her.
        Tommy huffed, already bored as Fundy simply stayed quiet.
        “That being said, we are in the middle of a war.”
        The weight of everything came back to rest on their shoulders as everyone with a smile stopped holding one. It was a dangerous time for all of them, no one able to leave the walls without a friend. Walls that were supposed to mean their freedom.
        “That’s why no one must know (Y/N) exists. She must be a secret from all of the Dream SMP. They’ve shown how ruthless they can be and I don’t want to think about what they’d do if they knew about her. So, beyond these walls, (Y/N) doesn’t exist.”
        Everyone gave a nod at the same time as (Y/N) had started to play with the ruffles on Wilbur’s uniform. He smiled gently as her as he took her hand, letting her play with his finger instead before looking dead serious at his men again.
        “I can’t have just a nod. I need you to be verbal. This will not be taken lightly.”
        Tommy spoke first as he gave a salute. “You have my word, Wilbur!”
        Wilbur cracked a small smile; he could always rely on his little brother. “Good, now quiet down a bit.”
        From there, it was a chorus of promises and she was their biggest secret that united them. Not even a traitor would dare breath word of her place in their walls.
        The men could see a difference in their leader every day since then.
        He left the van more often, actually going to his own home in the walls. Daily, everyone would see him carrying (Y/N) with him in her own little uniform he made on a walk within the walls. He sang more often like he used to before the declaration of war was made in order to soothe the little girl or simply to make her smile. There was a reason for him to relax and be soft and everyone was rather glad after all the weight he had been forced to hold.
        Wilbur also saw the change in his men as the days went on.
        Tubbo found joy with such an adorable new addition. He would sometimes join Wilbur on his daily walks within the walls to have a chance to hold the small girl. The young boy loved to also give her little gifts, usually toys he thought she’d like. He was very excited when Wilbur told him that she slept with a bee plushie he had gotten her.
        Tommy was curious about her. Such a small thing, he was certain he was way bigger than her when he was that young. Wilbur let him hold her on the occasion if Tommy asked, but wouldn’t wonder if Tommy was holding her. He had faith in his little brother, but his eccentric energy just put Wilbur a little on edge. Often, Tommy would brag to the little girl that he’d be the coolest uncle and teach her many swear words when she got older, much to Wilbur’s dismay.
        Eret did like the little girl, he really did as she was such a precious little thing, but he tried not to put too much attachment to her. He had begun…he had begun a different path and he didn’t want to also betray the little girl. And, the more separation he felt from her, the easier it was to lie about her existence. Though, there was the occasion he would do the same as Tubbo and gave her a toy or two, unable to help it as it put a smile on his face.
        Fundy was different. He had been an only child for most of his life and now he had a little sister? It was only natural that he was jealous and sulked at all the attention she got from their father. Their father did try to include Fundy though; inviting every day on their walks, offering to let her feed instead, asking to play his piano while Wilbur sang. Unfortunately, Fundy wanted nothing to do with his little sister, often saying he hated her, which repeatedly broke Wilbur’s heart but he had faith; he’d change his son’s mind.
        “I’m trying to have a peace talk with Dream today,” Wilbur told Fundy as he shrugged on his jacket while Fundy was sitting in the front seat of the van.
        “Ok, and?” Fundy looked up at him.
        “I’m taking Tubbo and Eret, Tommy’s staying guard and you.” Wilbur handed him a piece of paper. “And you are taking care of your sister.”
        “What?! What the hell?” Fundy exclaimed, jumping up.
        Wilbur put the paper in Fundy’s hand. “I have to go and try and make peace. I have faith in you son. (Y/N) would love to spend time with you anyways. Take good care of her alright? I don’t trust Tommy to watch her for so long but if you really need help, get him.”
        “What…Why do I have to watch the brat?”
        Wilbur gave him a stern look. “Fundy, she is your little sister. She is a part of our family. And family takes care of each other. Now, I want you to be nice to her and take care of her. Understood?”
        Fundy clenched his jaw, shoving his hands in pockets. “Yeah, yeah.”
        “Good.” Wilbur smiled at him now. “She’s still sleeping in my room. That paper is what she needs and when. You can do anything with her in-between. I’ll see you in a few hours my son.”
         Wilbur left; his heart heavy as this was the first time he’d leave (Y/N) alone but hope helping it float as he hoped Fundy could love his sister as Wilbur loved her.
        Fundy went into his father’s bedroom and saw the little girl already waking up slightly. He gave a heavy sigh as he picked her up carefully, holding her close.
        “I hate you.” He muttered as she looked up at him.
        The little girl giggled and he lowered his head. She gave pet to his face to feel the soft fur.
        “I hate you’re too fucking adorable to hate.” He huffed. “Just don’t tell dad. Now, come on dipshit, time to eat.”
        Fundy was jealous, yes. But he could never actually hate his adorable little sister. He’d keep her safe and make her happy too.
        Wilbur got back later than he expected as Dream and his goons had chased their peaceful band like sport but they managed out relatively unscathed. The moon was already up and Wilbur was worried as he hadn’t written instructions for this long in the night for Fundy. After Tommy reported no incidents along the walls, Wilbur rushed home but froze, his heart-melting. In the living room, there was a long finished playing record on the jukebox and on the couch, Fundy laid with his arm over (Y/N) securely as she laid on his chest, both of them asleep.
        “Thank you, my little champion,” Wilbur muttered with a smile, gently picking (Y/N) up before putting a blanket over Fundy. “I’m proud of you.”
        Wilbur held (Y/N) close to him as he walked to his bedroom.
        “And you, my little star, a day won’t go by where you won’t be loved. You’re our little star of hope in L’Manberg. You remind everyone what we fight for and you bring everyone smiles. We will bring peace, just so you can see how bright you shine my little star.” He kissed her forehead before putting her in her crib. “Sleep well love.”
        Walking took longer than flying but it was definitely safer for his new little angel. He had tried to find her parents, asking around with the survivors but they weren’t there. So, Phil took her with him to meet his sons. When he started this journey, of the list of things he’d thought would happen, he didn’t think he’d gain a new child. Yet, there she slept peacefully in the sash Phil had made to carry her and keep her warm rather than carrying her in his arms the entire walk.
        She most certainly quieter than most of his other children had been when they were this small, which Phil did not mind one bit. When she was awake, he would talk to her to fill her world though. He’d tell her about her new brothers and how he was sure they’d all love her in their own way.
        “Techno will take a little convincing, he has a thing about orphans.” Phil scrunched up his nose. “But he’ll learn to you like you (Y/N).”
        He hadn’t been able to find a name either for the new baby so he gave her one on his own.
        Finally, after days of travel, Phil reached a crest of a hill and was able to see a beautiful town laid before him. From the looks of some decorations, they had some sort of festival recently. The worrying part was the people in armor down below, but, a large portion of them were celebrating. Phil scanned them over then he grew a large smile. Wilbur was patting Tommy’s shoulder as the younger boy was screaming with one of those celebrating, Techno to the side smirking.
        His sons had managed to figure it all out.
        “Looks like we were a little late angel. Your brothers can be smart when they choose to be.” He chuckled. “We’ll wait here and let them have their moment of victory.”
        He sat on the edge of the hill, giving (Y/N) her afternoon milk as he watched the crowd below and listened to the start of celebratory speeches. As he quickly burped the infant, he frowned as Wilbur left his seat in the crowd, walking away as Tubbo was getting on stage.
        “Let’s go see what he’s up to.” He muttered to the little girl, putting her in his sash securely before carefully flying over.
        He landed as Wilbur walked into a room in a hill behind the stage. His eyes went wide as he remembered one of Tommy’s letters.
        Will keeps saying if he can’t have L’Manberg, no one can. He made a room rigged to TNT under our nation. I’m hoping to talk him down but I don’t know if I can.
        “Shit.” Phil sprinted over, walking into the room after his son.
        Inside were mad scribblings as Wilbur stood with his hand on the wall next to a button.
        “What are you doing?” Phil asked him.
        Wilbur jumped, whirling around to see his father standing there, wearing a sash, unable to see the child it was holding.
        “What are you doing?” Phil repeated.
        Wilbur ran his hands through his hair as he looked back at the button then his father.
        “How’d you…do you know what this is?” He motioned to the room around him.
        “I do.” Phil nodded, stepping carefully forward.
        “Have heard the songs on the walls?” Wilbur asked in turn as he ran his hand over a few of the words. “I was just saying to myself, there was a special place where men can go, but there’s not anymore! It’s not…” Wilbur sighed as he looked back at the button.
        “It is there,” Phil told him as he put a hand on the side of the child to calm her down as she squirmed. “You just, you’ve just won it back.”
        “Phil! I’m always so close to pressing this button, Phil! I’ve been—I’ve been here like seven or eight times I’ve been here.” Wilbur threw up his arms as Phil stood his ground when he saw the crazed look in his son’s eyes.
        The little girl tried to give an uncomfortable babble at the loud shouting but Wilbur talked over her, having yet to notice the extra body in the room. In comfort, Phil put a hand over one of her ears as he pressed her close to him.
        “Phil I-I’ve been here so many times.” Outside of the room, they all could hear the sound of fireworks going off. “They’re fighting. They’re fighting.”
        “And you want to just blow it all up?” Phil questioned.
        “I do I think I—”
        “You fought so hard to get this land back.” Phil tried to discourage one of his older sons. “So hard.”
        “I don’t even, I don’t even know if works anymore Phil,” Wilbur said, his hand hovering over the button, making Phil take a step forward. “I don’t even know if the button works I could, I could press it and might not…”
        Wilbur looked back, grinning like a mad man and Phil squeezed the young girl lightly.
        “Do you really want to take that risk? Wilbur…” He went to continue to say, hoping to bring up his new little sister to discourage the man but Wilbur looked away, staring at the button.
        “There was a saying Phil, by a traitor. It was never meant to be.” Wilbur pressed the button, grinning at Phil as the hiss went off.
        “No!” Phil shouted, quickly pulling his son close as he covered the three of them his wings as the blast went off.
        He winced as the blast and the heat singed and damaged his feathers but he didn’t move as he held his two children close. He wouldn’t let them get harmed.
        The sound of white noise rang in their ears as the explosions slowly stopped. Phil raised his wings slightly to look in horror at the destruction before them. Outside their half-destroyed room, Phil slowly started to hear the voices crying with terror at what they just witnessed as Wilbur stood before the hole holding his arms out as he grinned.
        “My L’Manberg Phil! My unfinished symphony forever unfinished! If I can’t have this no one can Phil!”
        “Oh my god.” Phil breathed, the ringing dying down enough for him to be startled at the cries closest to him.
        (Y/N) screamed out cries in the aftermath of the loud explosions and shouting, her own ears ringing. Phil held her close, trying to calm her down despite his horror and disappointment. Wilbur finally heard the cries himself and looked over to finally notice the little girl. For a moment, he could see through his madness.
        “Who’s…who’s this?” Wilbur muttered.
        “She’s (Y/N),” Phil told him as he put his forehead on the little girl’s. “I came to help you and found her. I brought her to show her what her new brothers made. What great work you’ve done.”
        “What great…” Wilbur looked over at what he had done.
        Behind him, he could hear the cries of his new tiny sister he hadn’t been aware he had. Phil had brought her to show her a place of peace and beauty, but instead, Wilbur showed her terror and destruction. Across the explosion, he could see Tommy’s horror-struck face at the sight of their once great nation gone. This was his fault…
        He pulled his sword, holding the handle to Will. “Kill me, Phil.”
        “What?!” Phil looked at his son shocked, still clutching onto the crying girl.
        “Stab me with the sword. Murder me now. Kill me!” Will demanded as he motioned to the crowd. “Look, they all want you to!”
        Phil was stood in shock as he held a crying child in one arm while looking over at the crowd of terrified and horror-filled faces.
        “Kill me, Phil!” Wilbur shouted.
        “I—You’re my son!” Phil yelled. “No matter what you do—I can’t—”
        “Phil!” Wilbur shouted, shoving the sword handle into his hand. “This isn’t—! Look! Look! How much work went into this and it’s gone! Do it.”
        Phil looked from his son to the crowd, to the child in his arms. He couldn’t…why’d…(Y/N) should get a chance to meet her own brother! L’Manberg had ruined his son. He had gone mad…
        “I’m sorry.” He whispered under his breath before plunging the sword.
        Tears filled Phil’s eyes as he let go of the sword and held his son. (Y/N)’s wails only got louder and Phil cried with her.
        “I’m sorry, I’m sorry both of you.” He muttered
        He wished everything could be different…
        Phil sat by the fire with the L’Manberg citizens, one of his hands shaking slightly as the other gently rocked the no longer crying child.
        Tommy had been speechless since the betrayal he received from both of his brothers, but looking up at his father across from him, he stood and spoke.
        “Who’s she?” He asked.
        Phil looked at him as the others looked over as well.
        “This is your new little sister (Y/N). I found her when the village I was staying at was raided and I saved her. Would you like to hold her?”
        Tommy came over and sat in front of his father. Phil helped him before letting his now second youngest hold her on his own. Tommy’s face had held no emotion after everything today but now it softened as the little girl met his eyes. He hugged her lightly as Phil held onto his shaking hand with his other to stop it.
        “I wish you could have seen what L’Manberg looked like (Y/N),” Tommy mumbled to her. “Wilbur and Techno betrayed me but I promise. I won’t betray you. I never will do that to you.”
        Phil looked at his son sadly as Tommy put his forehead on hers softly. At least Phil knew that she’d be well-loved by the brother she got to meet properly.
        From there, the next few days were made for rebuilding. Phil helped the group as best he could but he had to rest to let his wings heal and he also had to take care of his little angel. Tommy made sure the others built Phil one of the first houses so his sister could be in a proper bed.
        It warmed Phil’s heart that Tommy cared so much about his new little sister. Tommy would visit the pair occasionally just to see her, Phil giving him a little bit of trust to take care of her. Of course, Tommy used that trust to be his usual self and brag about how cute his little sister was to anyone that would listen to the boy’s antics. Though many couldn’t deny the boy, she was a very cute little girl and often brought smiles to other’s faces.
        Phil was glad that his quiet little girl could bring joy to people that had been through so much. He just wished that she had had a chance to bring smiles to those that didn’t walk beside them any more…
        “Phil,” Techno called on his walkie, trying to quiet down the girl crying in his arms.
        “Yes?” Phil answered.
        “She won’t stop crying,” Techno told him, Phil, able to hear the girl, chuckling quietly to himself. “Don’t laugh at this!”
        “Sorry, sorry. Alright, you feed and changed her right?” The older man listed.
        “Yes.” He had done it a few minutes ago, on his usual schedule to do so.
        “Did you burp her after she ate?”
        Techno paused and huffed before burping the child, the cries dying down after she released the gas that had built up.
        “I forgot, she stopped.”
        “Good. Just relax now, alright Techno?”
        “Yeah.” Techno sighed as he put his walkie away, looking down at the little girl. “What now brat?”
        It was often that Techno called his father to ask what to do. To put it simply, he was worried he’d fuck this all up. He had never exactly taken care of a child before; it had been all anarchy and blood before he decided on retirement. Hell, he barely ever took care of Tommy when he was a child, that was usually Wilbur’s thing.
        He didn’t know the first thing he was doing nor did the voices. They always threw out different ideas contradicting each other. So, Techno always did his best and when it didn’t seem like enough, he went immediately to Phil.
        When he did have things under control though, it was just any other day. Brew some potions out of habit, take care of the animals before collecting food for himself and milk for (Y/N), and trade with some of the villagers close by. The only difference was that he brought (Y/N) with him while he did anything.
        To his relief, she was a quiet child and didn’t mind his quiet nature. She didn’t need pointless noise to be happy so he could just simply work. Techno did get Phil to make her a warmer outfit and Phil took it seriously but also made it a joke. He made her a pink outfit from wool and leather and with a bit extra, put fake pig ears on the hood of the outfit, which Techno would never admit looked adorable on her out loud.
        He most certainly didn’t put it on her even if they weren’t going out that day, why would anyone think that?
        Phil most certainly did spoil her though when he would come over. He’d always have something new for the little girl, clothes, and toys. His father also often tried to discourage Techno from using some of his nicknames for his child when the older man was over, such as brat.
        (Y/N) yawned quietly and Techno chuckled, a small smile cracking on his face.
        “Tired early huh? Yeah, ok, I can use a nap.” He nodded as he went up to his bedroom.
        He sat on his bed, leaning back on the headboard as he racked his brain for their daily ritual.
        “I got a good one today.” He laughed quietly. “Let me tell you about the story of Theseus.”
        Every nap and bedtime, there was always a story for Techno to tell. Sometimes he’d tell her about his adventures around the world, about the places he conquered. There were other days when he’d tell her about myths he had memorized. It was when he’d talk the most to the little girl and he rather enjoyed these moments in his day.
        It was their special little thing and he wouldn’t ever want to miss them.
        Close to the end of the story, he stopped as he noticed (Y/N) was asleep. He nodded as he laid back, resting her carefully on his chest.
        A crib was one thing Techno had not invested his time in. He didn’t move in his sleep and it was rare for the little girl to move in hers. So, he slept with her on his chest, giving him and the voices a better piece of mind. No one knew where he was, but he was still paranoid. This was the safest place for her.
        “Sleep well little goddess,” Techno muttered, a hand on her back.
        Despite the trials, he didn’t mind being a father.
        Eret put a small flower crown on the infant’s head that matched the one he was wearing, smiling as she giggled, before picking her up, continuing on their daily walk through the SMP.
        It was a lot of trial and error with the pair but Eret was a quick learner and adapted to the needs of his new child. He didn’t do as much as he once did with his friends, fewer prank wars with Fundy, and less involvement with Tommy’s antics, but he didn’t mind. He spent those hours with his little princess now; taking walks with her, playing with her along the way and in the castle, and making clothes that made her the adorable princess that she.
        Of course, he did still sometimes get involved.
        “Eret!” Tommy yelled on the walkie.
        Eret chuckled as he took it from his pocket. “It seems Tommy is having troubles again princess.” She gave a babble and Eret nodded. “You’re very right. Let’s see what he needs. Yes, Tommy?”
        “I need your help at my base ASAP!” Tommy demanded.
        “It’s nothing dangerous right?” He asked.
        “Of course not, now if you could hurry.”
        He shook his head chuckling. “Alright, I’m on my way.”
        Putting the walkie away, he hugged his little girl lightly as he changed direction.
        “Sorry princess, we need to go check on Tommy. I know you won’t mind though.”
        There were other times that had happened similarly and Eret would take (Y/N) with him to meet the younger boy. The younger boy’s energy would rub off on the infant and she would get excited as well, babbling and giggling constantly. As long as nothing dangerous was going on, Eret was glad to bring (Y/N) over as it always brought a smile to his face at how adorable she’d get.
        Walking onto Tommy's property, he saw the young boy waiting impatiently outside his dirt home.
        “There you are! You brought the brat?” He huffed.
        “Come now, Tommy. (Y/N) loves being around you, at least be kind to her.” Eret smiled, knowing the boy meant no ill will.
        “Right, now!” Tommy said dramatically as he opened the door to his base. “I need to make a plan!”
        Following him in, he saw Tubbo was also there looking over a paper with Tommy’s handwriting on it. Tubbo looked up as they came in and grinned seeing the little girl in Eret’s arms.
        “You brought (Y/N)!” Tubbo exclaimed excitedly as he came over. “Can I hold her?”
        Eret laughed as he nodded, helping the other boy hold her. Tubbo enjoyed seeing the little girl, loving to play with her and spend time with her. There were times when Eret would let Tubbo babysit his princess so he could do a few more dangerous tasks.
        “You got a little crown, you’re really a princess now.” Tubbo grinned as the girl babbled at him.
        “We’re not here for (Y/N), we’re here to plan!” Tommy protested now.
        Tommy didn’t mind the small child, he just got annoyed when the focus would come off him.
        Focus went back on Tommy but Eret left after a little while to give (Y/N) her lunch for the day. She had gotten energetic after seeing the two boys, babbling and giggling as Eret played with her on the walk back. As they got back to his castle, he saw a wrapped package and note at the main door. Picking it up, he saw it was Fundy’s handwriting.
        You stand no chance, it’s for (Y/N)
        He raised an eyebrow, opening the package then laughed.
        “It seems Fundy wishes to make you love him more than me.” Eret showed her the fox plushy, making her eyes sparkle as he gave it to her. “But I know that you’ll always love me, princess.” He booped her nose, (Y/N) looking at his sunglasses, babbling. “That’s right. I think this prank was an automatic failure. I love you princess.”
        “Come on (Y/N), you just got to hold out your hands to me,” Sapnap told the infant in the crib at the community house.
        “No, she’s going to me,” George argued.
        The little girl looked between the two as they went between bickering and encouraging her to hold her hands out to them. Then she looked directly between them and held her arms out giggling.
        “What?” George looked behind them and yelped seeing Dream.
        “What are you idiots doing?” Dream laughed as he picked up his daughter.
        “We were trying to get (Y/N) to choose her favorite uncle, but then you ruined it.” Sapnap huffed, crossing his arms.
        “Well, I am her favorite person.” Dream bragged as he pulled his mask up while looking at the little girl. “Peek-a-boo.”
        The girl gave a little squeal of laughter and Dream chuckled rubbing his nose against hers.
        “She loves both of you idiots.” Dream told them, put his mask back on. “You’re her uncles.”
        “Yeah, but I got to prove Uncle Sapnap is the best.” Sapnap pointed to himself.
        “No! I’m better than you of course.”
        The two bickered and Dream shook his head at his friends before leaving the community house.
        “Your uncles are stupid.” Dream whispered to the little girl, tickling her stomach making her giggle. “Why don’t we go look at what the new people have built today, sound good sweetheart?”
        After Dream had taken in the little girl, his life had most certainly brightened more as their world around them grew. She was a constant ball of happiness that always made Dream and his friends smile. Of course, they had to power through learning how to take care of a baby, a lot of screaming coming from all parties the first night they had the child. But they were starting to get the hang of it.
        One thing Dream loved to do that always seemed to please the little girl was taking her around to see the new buildings that were slowly starting to appear as more people joined their land of the SMP. She seemed to like taking in the new sights so Dream took her whenever someone new came or a new build appeared.
        “I don’t know what I’m going to do with your uncles when you get older. They’re going to be falling over each other to get your attention.” Dream told her as he walked. “I think they think I’ll like whoever wins. You’re my special little girl after all. But what they don’t know, is I don’t care as long as you’re happy.”
        It was very true that Dream’s two best friends were always falling each other to get the attention of the infant already. They got her many things to win her over, having similar competitions when Dream wasn’t looking. Right now, the score was even.
        To try and balance the two-out, Dream would alternate on who he took out for dangerous adventures and who would stay with his little girl. He couldn’t send the both of them on their own, unfortunately, least one of them “trips” into a lava pool.
        Dream stopped on the edge of the new property, (Y/N) looking at the colorful flowers decorating it.
        He was a bit hesitant to show her off to others as he wasn’t the most trusting but if they were going to be part of his land, he would introduce her out principle. He did say she was going to be the princess of his land.
        “No new faces today doesn’t seem Tommy is around.” Dream said to her. “We’ll see him later I’m sure. How about we go visit Punz for a bit?”
        He walked away from the property. There were so many people on his land now, he was sure it would become a bright place where his little princess could always be happy.
Lost Ones Taglist: @kakamihasatmblr​ @ialexabsuniverse​ @teaguecosmos​ @chaosofsmarty​
A/N: If you want to be in this taglist I have a post on my page you can reply on or just send me an ask :)
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halcyon-writings · 4 years
i checked this list and it said persona so im hoping this is still ok. Date night with the protagonists? (Makoto, Yu and Ren) please and thank you >///
ー『anonymous: Can i get dating headcanons for the persona protags (Makoto, Yu and Ren) please and super thank yous. I love these boys so much. ;A;』
note(s): I am going to combine these requests as they are similar enough I hope that is alright! no real warnings for this one either, I just think these dudes are neat. Also I know they all have like 5 different names, so I just went with the ones I am more familiar with. Maybe(????) spoilers for 3, 4, and 5, so if you haven’t finished or played them, be warned (although, idk if anyone would read it if they haven’t played the respective game but idk warning for spoilers just in case) also idk how i feel about these hcs rn, but i did my best dhdjdj
all my other links can be found in my navigation post!! If you like my writing and you’d like to support me, my tip jar is also linked there!
hcs under the cut so i’m not clogging anyone’s dash (originally these were gonna be a short set of hcs but i guess not dbdndn)
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What our dear protagonist lacks in overall extrovertedness, he makes up for in action. Surprise surprise, dates can either range from hanging out in the dorms and cooking a nice meal together. Or maybe going to the mall and heading to the arcade. Or basically wandering around until your legs hurt and your purchases range from new outfits to weird antiques from the antique shop.
However he really does treasure these little trinkets, because the memory of your laughter when you were given a certain item will forever be ingrained in his mind. It’s a comfort in the end too.
Date nights are focused on you and you only. He definitely sets a date where he knows you both are free so that there’s less likely of a chance for being interrupted. He definitely wouldn’t want his time with you to be wasted. Although seeing his small pout when it does happen is very cute.
You also gotta be keen on if he sees something he likes and wants. While Minato won’t exactly say it, his gaze lingers a bit longer than usual. But he ultimately won’t get it, because he wants to focus on you and also save up for when the group goes to Tartarus. So if you surprise him with whatever he had wanted, he’s so happy.
While he is slightly more reserved in comparison to Yu and Akira, Minato speaks through action. Whenever you two are walking together, he always has your hand in his, or keeping close by in some way. He likes to cling to you when it’s just you two, his head buried in the crook of your neck as you two nap tother, legs tangled up together. Or the small jokes he says loud enough for only you to hear, but they’re still so funny. Sometimes you’re asked if he’s really a good boyfriend, and you have to laugh off the doubt, because they don’t see the sides of him that you do.
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My god. Yu would absolutely be the best at arranging dates and hangouts. I take no criticism. Like you guys could literally just be walking all around Inaba, or just sitting by the river bed and it could be one of the greatest times you’ve both had together. A romantic at heart, Yu would also be a bit cheesy in arranging dates.
He shows affection through communcating it. Whether it’s a new outfit or something, he’ll say that you look incredible or if you’ve studied for a hard exam, he’ll make sure you know how amazing you are for passing. Idk just anything that has you smiling from sweet compliments and other words of affirmation. A big sap, honestly you try and joke about it but he just earnestly says “Who wouldn’t be for you?” And you have to sit down and hide your face in your hands for a solid 5 minutes.
You also gotta be cool with Nanako. But then again she’s a cute kid and a sweetheart so idk why you wouldn’t be. Although he does get a little flustered if it’s you two watching her while Dojima-san is working late at the station and the old ladies coo over how you three look like a mini family yourselves. Which is kind of a common occurrence. And I feel like Yu would know pretty well if he sees a future with someone he’s with, and with you he does shhh
Date nights in Inaba are really fun and a good way to wind down, sometimes it’s wandering Junes and finding whatever the newly advertised, as seen on tv appliance is. Or other parts of the shopping district, where he can really let go and just have fun for himself. When not worrying about school work or the cases the Investigation Team is working on.
some spoilers here; but after Izanami is defeated and the year ends. When Yu has to leave Inaba it doesn’t mean that he won’t put his best efforts to keep up the relationship. If possible, video calls or just the occasional text too. And when he visits, while he does miss his friends, he’s especially antsy to see you too. And when you’re both together again, he refuses to leave your side.
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Now, Akira can be described as this suave, casanova type character. But he’s also a giant dork and you know it, he knows it, the Phantom Thieves all know it, hell even Sojiro knows it. It doesn’t mean his attempts at flirting doesn’t get you blushing. And when he sees the flustered expression, it only motivates him to keep going. But turn the tables on him, and he’s putty in your hands. (And he looks very cute).
Because of the way you met, aka, at Shujin, where his reputation was basically over and done with before it even began, he has a lot of doubt and trust issues, what if someone dared you to speak to the “criminal” or something? While he won’t show these doubts out loud to his friends, it’s still something he thinks back on a lot. But when you defend him vehemently one day, he knows he was right to trust you.
A part of dating Akira, is eventually finding out who he is. Maybe trips to Mementos cause him to be late to dates or not even show up at all. You end up stood up more often then not once things begin to get really serious. From small time school teachers to the literal Yakuza (and eventually a candidate for Prime Minister, and a god), you don’t know where he is. And that becomes really stressful because then the doubt™️ sets in.
To make this less angsty and more funny, imagine you know from figuring it out. He’s suspiciously watching the news on the PT, and no offense to Ryuji, he’s not the most quiet. So he’s so nervous trying to tell you when you’re just “yeah I know, sorry for not telling you, I wasn’t sure if you wanted me to know.” and he’s just the surprised pikachu face.
As for date nights, the city is your oyster. I’d say the world but mans still currently has a criminal record so probably not yet. But he’s gonna take you wherever you want. Whether it’s a themed cafe, or just the streets of Shinjuku, as you take in all the sights from the bright places, he’s willing to do whatever for you. That includes facing off kids at the arcade for a stuffed plush you saw and admitted it was cute. He is a man on a mission. And you cannot stop him. So you both end up back at Leblanc at the end of the night carrying your plushies and eating some curry that Sojiro left warming for you. That even includes the Big Bang Burger challenge he will do it for you , even though you probably do laugh at his pain after but you still coo and praise his efforts.
After he goes back home, record clean and world hopefully peaceful. Virtual dates become a thing, either just sitting and talking while having dinner or something is nice. He still loves to say those cheesy pickup lines that had you hiding your flustered expression as you walked through the streets of Shibuya on call. You only hung up on him once but he quickly called back and was very pouty about it. You were forgiven though with the promise of giving many kisses when he visits.
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rbbalmung · 4 years
Pokemon SwSh GPL AU: Get to know ______
Guys, it’s time for my favourite pokemon ship. Prepare for loads of fluff. 
Get to Know Gloria x Hop (Postwickshipping/Hpyu): 
1: Who spends almost all their money on the other? I headcannon that Gloria really likes pokemon plushies, so Hop is always unconsciously checking the stuffed animal section of stores to see if there’s any she doesn’t have. Gloria tries really hard to get him books that pertain to his research, but she really has no clue what he studies aside from the fact that it’s legendary pokemon (Legendary Pokemon are his focus). 
2: Who sleeps in the other’s lap? Gloria! They are the cuddliest couple ever. There’s about a foot size difference between them, so she fits perfectly in his lap. (Hop is def the little spoon, tho). 
3: Who walks around the house half-naked and who yells at them to put on some clothes? TBH, they would both walk around the house half naked. They’re comfort first babies, so you know Gloria’s bra is coming off and Hop is discarding his work clothes the second their door is closed. I think it’s kind of a casual thing for them, though. They’ve known each other long enough that this kind of thing doesn’t bother them. 
4: Which one tells the other not to stay up all night and which one stays up all night anyway? Gloria has to drag Hop’s ass to bed pretty much every night. They’re both busy people, but we all know that Hop would lose track of time while working on his thesis. It is a fact that if Gloria doesn’t come to get him, he will fall asleep on his desk. 
5: Which one tries to make food for the other but burns it all by accident and which one tells them that it’s okay and makes them both cookies? They’re actually both pretty good cooks (Gloria’s mama owns a restaurant in Wedgehurst and Hop’s mom is obsessed with cooking), but I think Hop would probably be the one to burn all the food. The only reason why is because he has a harder time focusing solely on cooking instead of trying to multitask. Now, baking is a whole other story. They’re both terrible at it. 
6: Which one reads OTP prompts and says “Oh that’s us!” and which one goes “Eh, not really”? Gloria would be the one to read the prompts and Hop would be the denier (he secretly thinks it’s really cute whenever she does it). 
7: Which one constantly wears the other’s clothes? Gloria. 100% Gloria. She is constantly cold and has a passion for stealing Hop’s hoodies. He thinks its adorable because they’re always really big on her. 
8: Which one spends all day running errands and which one says “You remembered [thing], right?” Hop would be the errand runner and Gloria would make sure he remembered everything. It goes back to Hop’s mind being a million places at once and Gloria hyper focusing on one thing at a time. 
9: Which one drives the car and which one gives them directions? Hop would drive and Gloria would give directions for similar reasons to the question above. 
10: Which one does the posing while the other one draws? Hop doodles Gloria sometimes to keep his hands busy. It’s kind of an absent minded thing for him to do while reading an article/book. Once Sonia caught him doing it, and when I say she teases him relentlessly, I mean it. Hop absolutely does not let Gloria see these doodles (they’re very cutesy and he’d die of embarrassment). 
11: If they were about to rob a museum, which one does backflips through lasers and which one is strolling behind with a bag of chips? Hop would be the backflipper and Gloria would be the follower. Think back to their GPL season: Hop was blazing ahead at all times without a care in the world. Gloria is the slowest traveler in the world because she likes talking to everyone and visiting all the stores.  
12: Which one of your OTP overdoes it on the alcohol and which one makes the other stop drinking? Neither of them can hold their alcohol, but Hop at least has more body mass than Gloria. They’re a pair of lightweights and nothing you can say will convince me otherwise. (Let’s be real: Bede has to be the one to make sure they get home). 
14: Which one keeps accidentally using the other’s last name instead of their own? Gloria. I actually believe that Gloria would keep her last name even after she and Hop get married because it belongs to her mama (after the divorce, they both changed their last names to match her mama’s maiden name). Hop is also a proud Hoffman, so he wouldn’t use the name Park. However, everyone else will mix it up. Gloria gets called “Mrs. Hoffman” all the time if she’s arriving for restaurant reservations or something of the like. Newer reporters/young children call Hop “Mr. Park” because they just assume Park was his last name. 
15: Which one screams about the spider and which one brings the spider outside? Neither of them are scared of bug pokemon. 
16: Which one gives the other their jacket? HOP. I mentioned it earlier, but Gloria is always cold. Bede asks why he doesn’t just make Gloria bring her own jacket and Hop replies that he likes it when she wears his jacket (they’re freaking sappy).  
17: Who keeps getting threatened by the other’s overprotective older sibling? Pft. Leon? Please. By this point, he’s become the big brother of Gloria as well. The League members are a completely different story. They all like Hop, but since Gloria is one of their younger members and the biggest sweetheart, they’re a protective bunch (Especially Melony and Gordie). 
18: Who’s the first one to admit they have feelings for the other? Gloria, but it didn’t go well. It was right before he was leaving to finish up high school studying abroad, and the timing wasn’t right (aka Hop turned her down because he hadn’t yet realised his feelings for her). Gloria tries her best to move on but never truly gets over him. Luckily, his feelings hit him like a bag of bricks to the stomach when they reunite a couple years later.  
19: How good would your OTP be at parenting? The best. They would definitely be the cool parents (I mean, come on. They’re the freaking heroes of Galar!). I think they’d also be super supportive of their child’s choices. 10/10. They’re made to be parents. (Hop would especially want to be a good dad. He’s initially nervous because he never knew his dad and thinks he might mess up, but Gloria reassures him that he’s doing a good job). 
20: Which one types with perfect grammar and which one types using numbers as letters? Hop would be Mr. Perfect Grammar. Gloria would use mostly good grammar, but her texts would be littered with emojis. 
21: Who gets attacked by a bully and who protects them? Hop is the more confrontational of the two. Gloria tends to believe that people are only mean to others if something bad is happening in their life, but Hop will jump from 0 to 100 if someone even looks at Gloria funny.  
22: Who makes the bad puns and who makes a pained smile every time the other makes a pun? Gloria likes Hop’s bad puns, so everyone else has to cringe in discomfort at the oblivious pair. 
23: Who comes home from work to see that the other one bought a puppy? Hop. Gloria likes catching pokemon and sending them on poke jobs, so there’s a new member to their family at least once a week. 
24: Which one gives the other a piggyback ride when they’re tired? Hop. He’s the only one she would show vulnerability to, and he makes sure not to make her feel ashamed of it. (also, Gloria absolutely could not carry Hop. He’s like, a foot taller than her).  
25: Which one competes in some sort of activity and which one does the overzealous cheering? Both! They’re very supportive of each other to help ease the other’s insecurities. Hop gets really invested in her pokemon matches and Gloria throws him a little celebration every time he finishes a project.  
26: Who takes a selfie when the other one falls asleep on their shoulder? Gloria. Since Hop never goes to sleep at night, it is very common for him to take 5 minute power naps without even realising it. Gloria definitely takes pictures when it happens as a reflex (They were long distance for the first 4 years of their relationship) because she wants to be able to look back at their memories together.  Like Gloria doesn’t know about Hop’s doodles of her, Hop doesn’t know about her phone album of him. 
27: Which one would give the other a makeover if they asked? Gloria? I think they both grow into their separate styles as the get older, but Gloria would push Hop to wear more colourful things. Sonia once told Hop that a man should never tell a woman what to wear because it’s rude. I don’t think Gloria would mind if he suggested something, but he is way too nervous to do it (Sonia scarred him).   
28: Which one owns a pet that the other is absolutely terrified of? Hop is very nervous around Urshifu and Calyrex. Urshifu because he’s terrifying, large, and very protective of Gloria. Calyrex because the pokemon will take over his body without warning to tell Gloria something.  
29: Which one holds the umbrella over both of them when it rains? Hop! If Gloria held it, Hop’s head would be in the umbrella. 
30: If your OTP went on vacation, where would they go and what would they do? Who would take the pictures? Oh my gosh, they’d go everywhere. I think that after Gloria steps down as champion, they travel to all the different regions for at least a couple of years. Gloria would be the one to take pictures and make a little scrapbook when they return home.  
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missmitchieg · 4 years
The Phantoms, Triple Threat, Nick, & Caleb Covington as Pokemon trainers
Julie’s Pokemon: Sawsbuck (Bambi), Lurantis (Bloom), Mismagius (Magician), Pikachu (Sparkler), Solrock (Sunshine), Meganium (Long-Neck)
Julie’s a loving, gentle trainer that gives every Pokemon that comes her way a nickname and lets them out every once in a while to relax and play in a forest but goes hard in battles. She never loses. Her Pokemon never lose.
She’s good friends with every nurse Joy and officer Jenny and loves meeting new friends along the way to becoming a real Pokemon master. She never forgets her daily check-in calls with Ray and Carlos. She also keeps in touch with her best friend, Flynn, and loves the pictures she gets from her.
She likes to give her updates on “that cute but mischievous boy with the Gyarados and the Charizard“ that she’s pretty sure has a thing for her but she’s too shy to ask. Even if he seems to just “pop up“ wherever she goes after they met outside of a gym.
She genuinely laughed in Caleb Covington’s face when he tried, and failed epicly, to intimidate her. She thought it was the funniest thing she’d ever heard. Then she proceeded to beat him in battle. In public. Humiliating him. She hates him, and Team Rocket, and everything they stand for.
Bloom and Magician usually prefer to be out of their balls and walk and float around with her. She likes that about them. Sunshine and Lon-Neck seem to be closest with each other, but love the rest of the team as well. And they never run low on food or berries to munch on while they make pit stops on their journey.
Julie usually likes to wear a purple t shirt or sweater, a matching purple headband, white pants and sneakers and a black jacket. She always has a charm bracelet with 6 charms: A Poke Ball, a Great Ball, an Ultra Ball, a Master Ball, a Love Ball and a Friend Ball.
Luke’s Pokemon: Jolteon (Bolt), Charizard (Blaze), Gyarados (Bayou), Poliwrath (Polly), Zapdos (Tazer), Beedrill (Honey)
Yeah, Luke’s a bit of a genwunner. What’s it to ya? He knows what he likes and he knows what’s good. And yeah, he might have gotten himself in trouble with more than one officer Jenny more than twice for trying to steal a potion or two. (Nurse Joys always hate him so he’s learned to stay away from centers.) So he’s a rebel. Sue him. At least he cares enough to get them for his team.
Unlike those awful Team Rocket people that, rather than loving and caring for Pokemon like the epic, amazing, awesome creatures they are, they hurt them. Luke hates Team Rocket with all of his heart and he makes that fact known. He’s only ever met two, and they both sucked. One yelled at a kid’s Geodude and the other made a Togepi cry. Hard. He took it upon himself to comfort the little Togepi and feed him some (stolen) Pokemon food until he smiled and skipped away like nothing had happened.
Anyway, he loves being a trainer and exploring places with his Pokemon and he loves forest picnics (of stolen food, usually) and watching his Gyarados hide in waterfalls to jump out and scare people off. He also likes to keep tabs on “that girl that gives her Pokemon nicknames like a (pretty) dork” (Which is a thing he totally didn’t steal from her. He was already calling his team those names.) and tell the few friends he has about her.
Charizard and Jolteon have been with him since the very beginning of his journey, as a little but strong Charmander and Eevee and he loves them (and everyone else) like crazy. Zapdos tends to come out of his Ultra Ball without warning to spread his wings. Poliwrath is a big fan of swimming in lakes when they find them.
Luke generally wears a blue tank top with a black vest hoodie, jeans and black boots. He’s never seen without his blue knitted beanie (”My mom knitted this, so I’m wearing it forever.”) or the pink, red and blue friendship bracelet Reggie had gifted both him and Alex with before they went on their journeys. (”Reggie and Alex are my best friends, so I’m wearing it forever.”) Luke’s bracelet has a Master Ball charm and he loves it.
Reggie’s Pokemon: Eevee (Foxy), Braixen (Fire-Starter), Vulpix (Curly Top), Cyndaquil (Volcano), Teddiursa (Baby Bear), Togetic (Angel)
Reggie’s not necessarily too concerned with being a Pokemon master. You see, he’s more inclined to just have a good time and explore and let his Pokemon just be and give them all nicknames. He’ll sometimes pop into a Poke Mart just to say hi and grab a potion or two, mostly to not have to bother nurse Joy about his Eevee, who prefers to be carried around like a baby, (And who he doesn’t want to evolve into anything. Same with the rest of them. He’s very content with his “baby” team, thank you.), or his other Pokemon, again.
He likes hearing about his friends crazy adventures, though! And he likes hearing about their love lives, even if they’re both too shy to do much about anything. He likes telling his friends about all the stuff he sees in his town, like the old guy selling Pokemon food and the little girl that “just has an Arcanine, a Flareon, and an Infernape already! How did one little girl manage that?”
Reggie thinks he’s really lucky he’s never met a Team Rocket member, considering everything he’s heard about them from Luke, they suck. He’s honestly started to genuinely hate them by emotional osmosis at this point.
Reggie likes to dress in red and black flannels, white or grey t shirts, black jeans, black sandals, his own friendship bracelet that has an Eevee charm and a black jacket when the weather calls for it.
Alex’s Pokemon team: Sobble, Psyduck, Entei, Rapidash, Lapras, Starmie
So catching the Entei was kind of an accident. He’d just been exploring around a volcano looking to try and catch a Rapidash (he got it) when the volcano erupted and Entei appeared. He had (somehow) managed to calm the rather disgruntled Pokemon and catch it with a Poke Ball and Entei loves being part of Alex’s team, as do the rest of them. The Lapras was an accident, too, but that’s another story for another day. It involves a very grumpy, greedy hunter and Psyduck’s chronic headache.
Sobble, Starmie and Psyduck all just kind of felt drawn to him. He wasn’t going to question why an anxious duck with a permanent headache, a water lizard that always looked distressed and a star felt like sticking around him, but he loved them all equally. He loves updating his friends, Luke and Reggie on his adventures and catches (and the cute boy with the Blissey and Bellossom he met in a Poke Mart and keeps bumping into “on accident”*) or just calling to talk about nothing when he misses them.
(*It’s so not an accident.)
Alex likes to wear pink t shirts with a grey or black jean jacket, blue jeans, a white snapback and black sneakers. He never takes off his friendship bracelet and is very careful to not snag it on a twig or door handle or lose the Starmie charm.
Willie’s Pokemon: Blissey, Bellossom, Slowbro, Snorlax, Garchomp, Aromatisse
Earlier on in life, Willie had been pretty certain he wanted to be like his dad and become a real gym leader, but over time, he grew to like the idea of being a Pokemon doctor. His parents were a bit surprised by the news of their boy wanting to be a doctor, but they wholeheartedly supported his dreams and let him go to school to be a doctor, getting semi-regular updates from him.
Now, he’s often seen picking berries from trees and walking into Poke Marts to grab whatever he’d run out of that week, always happy to see the store clerks or say hi to a friend whose Pokemon he helped heal. (He especially liked when he ran into that Cute Blond Boy and he sometimes walks into stores just to talk to him even if he bought supplies just the day before, but shh. Cute Blond Boy doesn’t need to know that.) He also liked to offer grumpy, angry people a couple bites of Blissey egg to make them happy just because.
Willie usually likes to be comfortable and wear orange and white tie dye t shirts or orange and yellow floral t shirts, blue jeans, white sandals, and his hair loosely tied in a bun. After meeting Cute Blonde Boy, though, he started incorporating snapbacks and sneakers into his wardrobe. He liked how they looked on Cute Blond Boy better, though.
Flynn’s Pokemon: Liepard, Torracat, Delcatty, Pyroar, Lillipup, Persian
Flynn is honestly more of a Pokemon photographer than anything. She likes to hang around fields and forests to see the Pokemon roam free and take pictures or just watch while her big and little wildcats (Her favorites.) and her puppy (Accident. She doesn’t know how she fell so hard for the little pup.) either play or lie next to her and nap. She sends her favorites to her best friend, Julie and talks to her over the phone all the time. She likes hearing about her adventures and her cute boy and give advice on how to talk to him.
Flynn has only ever encountered Caleb, Dante and Fuego twice and she hated him instantly. The first time, she saw him snap at a little boy holding a Growlithe plushie. She had instinctively sicced her Pyroar’s flamethrower on him, yelling at him to leave the kid alone. The second time, she saw him physically grab a girl’s Hoppip and stomped toward him, commanding her Liepard to use Fury Swipes on him. She watched him struggle to walk away afterwards, gently handing the Hoppip back to the little girl and pointing in the direction of a Pokemon center just in case “her little friend got hurt when the mean guy grabbed her”.
Flynn is always seen wearing some kind of wildcat print in her outfits. Whether it’s the orange tiger t shirt and blue jeans combo with matching tiger boots she loved to put together, or the leopard print dress she saved for special occasions. She and Julie have always worn their matching charm bracelets with nothing but pride and love.
Carrie’s Pokemon: Mew, Sylveon, Dragonair (Shiny), Alomomola, Clefable, Audino
Listen, Carrie Wilson may be a pink princess, but don’t mistake her love of girly, glittery clothes and only having pink Pokemon on her team as her being weak. It’s not “she loves pink and glitter, but she’s strong and smart“, it’s “she loves pink and glitter AND she’s strong and smart“.
She simply has an aesthetic and an image to maintain and she maintains it, while having a team of strong fighters. She caught her Mew when all she had was a Sylveon and a couple of Pokeballs (What, like it’s hard?) and she’s proud to have a Mew, who prefers to float around her or piggyback her rather than be stuck in a ball, on her team.
She thinks it’s hilarious that Caleb assumed she would be at all scared of him. And assumed that she would lose to him. Carrie Wilson never loses a battle and she doesn’t plan to make that a habit of hers anytime soon. It’s simply not what Carrie Wilson does. Carrie Wilson instills fear into the hearts of weak little men, and has fun doing it.
But she’s always nice to little girls like her who love pink and love to beat boys in battle. She even gives girls strategic advice and runs into stores to buy them potions, poison heals and more just because. Little girls love her for it and she loves the little girls she comes across like her sisters.
Carrie wears a bedazzled white t shirt with a picture of a Love Ball on the front, a pink (faux, of course) fur coat, a sparkly pink tiered skirt with matching pink high heels. She saves her favorite pink and silver crystal dress for only the most special occasions.
Nick’s Pokemon: Cubone, Elekid, Wartortle, Chimchar, Pidgey, Butterfree
Nick is an aspiring baseball player, just like his dad. He’s not the best in battle, and he has to make quite a few emergency trips to Pokemon centers or clinics when he’s out of potions, but his team still loves him and fiercely (Well, as fierce as a tiny dinosaur, a ball of electricity, a turtle, a chimp, a pidgeon, and a butterfly can be.) protects him from danger.
Like that time when he accidentally angered a flock of Zubat by kicking a rock a little too hard and startling them awake. Emolga and Chimchar had to come to his rescue and they managed to get away relatively unscathed. Or that time he’d been found by a sweet old couple that offered him a warm meal, some Pokemon food and a bed for the night. After he’d been ambushed by a massive colony of angry Beedrill for walking too close to Beedrill territory.
Nick liked to wear a yellow t shirt with his dad’s baseball team, The Electabuzz, white shorts, black sandals and a white vest. He was always in either that or a regular white t shirt with a Poke Ball, blue jeans, and white sneakers.
Caleb’s Pokemon: Seviper, Grimmsnarl, Gengar, Skarmory, Umbreon, Spectrier
Caleb’s a member of Team Rocket. No one there really likes him or takes him seriously except Dante and Fuego, but he’s convinced himself they all do. No one, not even Dante and Fuego, is really sure how he managed to catch the Spectrier (or any of his team, because they don’t really like him much, either), but they also haven’t bothered to ask and he can’t really be bothered to tell.
He’s totally not friends with Dante and Fuego (yes, he is) and he totally doesn’t love them like sons, what? He doesn’t have a heart. (Except for Dante and Fuego.) He steals from stores and scares kids just by existing near them. Except Julie, Flynn, Carrie, and Luke. They’re not scared of anything. He’s more scared of them.
He hates the standard “bland, boring and ugly” Team Rocket uniform. With a burning passion. So naturally, he decided to dye the white parts of his uniform purple and cover it in glitter, replacing the hat with a much more his style top hat. He had gotten in trouble for the modifications to the outfit initially, but he didn’t care much. He was evil, but he wasn’t boring. And his boss had just sighed and decided he could get used to the non-regulation uniform after all.
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some-cookie-crumbz · 4 years
KamiShin with either Baby prompt 27 or 33?
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You straight came for me with this one, Anon! I am a big, weak softie for writing ships being domestic and happy, so I decided to combine the two prompts into one!!! Also, there’s brief mentions to TodoDeku in this fic but they aren’t the focus!
“Little one snuggling with a stuffed animal.” and “Waking up to little one crying out in their sleep.”
Parenthood was, as far as Denki was concerned, a weird sort of balancing act. His mother hadn’t exactly been around much. She was there, sure, but she wasn’t really as involved with him or his sisters like she could have been. She never attended their club events or sports games. She didn’t really know much about their interests; their hobbies, their career goals, their hopes for their future social and romantic lives. When Denki had decided to attend UA, his father had been encouraging and supportive while his mother had seemed a bit surprised. “Most heroes are intelligent as well as powerful, though, aren’t they?” she has asked, the look of genuine confusion on her face seeming like a second slap in the face.
Denki knew he wasn’t the best when it came to book smarts. He’d always known that. But he still wanted to help people. Wasn’t that enough? Even with his meager grades he got accepted to his dream school. He made it through his schooling, made it into the big leagues with the other big dogs, and was able to help people like he always wanted. All the while his mother still seemed so damn stunned by all he could accomplish, but he had his father and his sisters. And then he had his husband, Hitoshi, who was supportive in his own weird little ways, and Tosh’s family.
But then came the decision to have a child of their own. He'd been thrilled about it in the earlier stages, but as the due date grew closer, uneasiness started to keep up. He found himself filled with anxiety over being a parent. What if he ended up being like his mother? What if the child felt unloved and underappreciated? As if sensing his insecurities one day, Hitoshi had leaned his head against Denki's shoulder and peeked up at him. "Hey," he drawled, "Papa Zashi told me something funny today."
"Oh yeah?"
"He said 'You'll know you're a good parent because your kids will turn out a little less messed up than you," he parrotted, putting just the slightest bit of enthusiasm into his voice for a better imitation. He was pretty sure that wasn't how his father-in-law had actually said it, but he appreciated the sentiment and it helped to reassure him. It reminded him that even if his own mother couldn't be relied on, he had a support system he could put his trust in. Plus, he had a wonderful husband to help, too.
And then, a few weeks later, Himeka was there in his arms and they settled into a comfortable routine over the year to follow. Within a few weeks she was already showing off her lite personality, constantly wanting to be held and cuddled and cooed at. She was a needy little thing but Denki kind of liked how affectionate she was. It was nice to come home and have her chubby little hands grabbing at him, eager for his attention and snuggles. He could take or leave her tendency to wake at all hours of the night, but he had anticipated that. She was also Shinsou Hitoshi's daughter, after all, so she had to inherit something other than her eyes from her Papa.
Which was why, on his day off, getting her to nap became a travesty.
He'd hoped that by going out for the afternoon, that'd help to wear her out a little bit. He took her to the mall for a bit with Todoroki and his two kids with Izuku. Satoshi, their son, was just a year older than Himeka while Momiji, their daughter, was just a few months off from her. It had been fun watching the two babies babble at each other excitedly while Shi tried to talk with he and Sho. It was pretty cute trying to parse out actual words in the toddlerese the little guy was dishing out. Todoroki would help fill in the blanks of the words Denki couldn’t make out which he chalked up to either being able to understand his own child or being used to deciphering cryptic tongues. He was, after all, married to Midoriya Izuku.
A part of him hoped it was just a parent-child connection, simply to make life easier for himself and Hitoshi once she started putting words together.
By the time they got back from the mall, she was passed out in her car seat. After sneaking her inside and into her crib, he took a second to bring in the few purchases they’d gotten at the mall, grabbed the baby monitor from the bedroom, and then settled on the couch to watch some tv. He dozed off not too long into some drama series that just happened to be one, desperate for the nap.
Less than thirty minutes later, he was jostled awake by an ear-piercing wail on the baby monitor.
In his surprise, he accidentally let off a small spark of electric discharge before fumbling for the baby monitor. Himeka was sitting up in her crib, blonde hair an absolute mess, and little eyes overflowing with tears. He took off towards her room and scooped her up once there. “Hey, hey. It’s okay, lil Hime,” he crooned softly, keeping her bundled up in her blanket and trying to gently rock her in his arms.
She slumped into him but kept crying, though it was muffled a bit by his shoulder and shirt. He rubbed her back and swayed with her a bit, trying to soothe her further. He got her down to quiet whimpers and whines, but the minute he’d try putting her back down, she’d start screaming again. He tried sitting in the rocking chair with her next, seeing if maybe he could get her to fall asleep and then easily transition her. That plan worked… Until he tripped on her toy piano and the clatter woke her back up.
It was another ten minutes after that rude awakening before he got her to stop crying. He tried offering her one of her little plush toys, but she shoved it away. “You don’t want Mister Sloth? But you love Mister Sloth!” he gasped quietly. Her response, sass master that she was already shaping up to, was to grab the stuffed animal’s arm and huck it to the floor. “Well, I guess that’s as kind a break up as any, huh?” he chuckled with a shake of his head. And then a thought occurred to him, making him gasp and carry her back out to the front room. He might have something that would help coerce her to fall asleep.
He headed down and over to the shopping bags, particularly tearing into a large cardboard box. Himeka perked up to watch as he pulled the prize out and squealing excitedly as it was handed over to her.
While at the mall, they’d stop by the Build-a-Bear store to see what they had. They were running a special promotion including some new, limited edition animal plushies based off of retired Pros. They had selected specifical animals, and even had tiny replicas made of each available Pros most recognizable outfit. A few of the stand outs in the collection were ones based off of All Might, Fat Gum, Midnight, Mirko, Eraserhead, Present Mic and Endeavor. They had all been transformed from the Pros they were known as to being a the furry forms of; a bunny, a bear, a mongoose, another bunny, a cat, an elephant and a hedgehog respectively. Denki had been unnerved by how Todoroki had outright laughed at the stuffed hedgehog replica of his own father.
But once they got in and started browsing, Himeka’s eyes had been drawn to one of the collection options immediately. And Denki could hear Toshi’s voice chiding him in the back of his mind how she already had enough stuffed animals and didn’t need another but how was he supposed to say no? Not when she hugged the little display model to herself, nearly dwarfed by the mere size of the toy compared to her, and looked so damn happy to be cuddling it? Besides, he could see Todoroki flagging down an employee to start stuffing at least three of the Bun Might skins for his kids and Izuku! It was only fair that he get something for Himeka, too, so she didn’t feel left out compared to her friends!
And, of course, he had to make sure to get both Emeowserhead and Elepresent Mic, because he was a good son-in-law like that.
He smiled as he settled back down on the couch, Himeka happily nuzzling away at her stuffed toy. “You really love that Papa Yama doll, don’t you?” he asked.
She peeked up at him, all shining lavender eyes, and squeezed the doll tighter to herself. A slightly muffled “Yeah~!” came from the little voice box in it being hit, which made her giggle. He smiled as she happily nuzzled down into both he and her toy, looking happy as a clam. Within just a few minutes her little eyelids were drooping and she was out like a light less than two after that. Denki quietly slid his phone out and took a selfie of them, dropping it into the little family group chat Hitoshi had been adamant about needing the closer they got to Himeka’s arrival.
He added the caption of “Bab has a new favorite nap time cuddle buddy! Yeah~!” with it before setting his phone aside and managing to get a full two hour nap. When he work up, it to was a myriad of notifications from the group chat, Twitter, Facebook and various news outlets after Mic made the image his profile pic on everything.
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cutiecrates · 5 years
Cutie Reviews: DokiDoki May 19
I was kind of disappointed in how my review for the TokyoTreat went yesterday, I mean, even though it annoyed me through various means I wouldn’t not recommend the box still.
Meanwhile, I was very excited for this one. I’ve realized that after doing two really big box reviews, I come to really appreciate the much smaller ones, DokiDoki and YumeTwins. In turn I feel like that makes me do a little better... maybe.
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This months theme: Sweet Dreams
“Drift off into dreamland with May’s crate. This month’s theme, Sweet Dreams is all about getting you ready to settle down and get cozy for a good night’s rest. Oyasuminisai is the common saying in Japan to wish someone a good night, so this month Doki Doki Crate is wishing you sweet dreams and a good night!“
This month, the booklet features a fun illustration featuring Tomomi with the girl mascots of Japan Crate and KiraKira Crate having a slumber party. I love how they have cute crossovers between their brands like this x3 it’s a fun touch- did you know Tomomi’s boyfriend is the mascot from Umai Crate?
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I also like how even though they quit making the comics, they’re still making original art now and then.
Suteki Crate
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This month the Suteki Crate (special crate all subscribers have a chance to win, in case you’re new here) focused on the theme and stuck to the characters featured in this box. It makes me want to nap just looking at everything~
(and I just woke up like an hour ago...)
But I will point out that they have offered a Kirby Otamatone before. Probably a year back or so, I remember seeing it. Also, the adorable Sleepy My Melody plush goes great with the photo contest prize, a sleepy Kuromi plush~
My Melody Mesh Case
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Our first item would come in handy when staying out of the house for the day, it’s a mesh pack/bag/case, which can hold many toiletries; hair brushes and accessories, toothbrush and toothpaste, shampoo, soap, etc. It features an adorable pale pink zipper to match the adorable patterned band around the bottom, which is covered in My Melody with some small forest friends doing various activities (and lots of adorable English phrases).
Rating: ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ 
You know, I wasn’t ever into mesh containers like this, I always thought they looked kind of gaudy and they just didn’t appeal to me; but now that I’m older and I’m actually looking at one, it isn’t that bad. This would have come in handy when I was younger, I used to visit my grandma and spend the night/weekend a lot and my suitcase was always a pain dealing with. This could have lightened the load a little, or at least organized it better.
Also, it’s pretty big, I was able to fit in a lot of items and it didn’t feel too heavy or bad carrying. I did notice something though, the inside of the bottom section is sort of... thin cloth-ish, that kind of has me concerned that it might not be a good idea to get it wet, compared to the outside, which feels like it could handle that. Oh, I also noticed two holes in the mesh from the tag being cut, but I feel like it doesn’t really hinder anything.
San-X Towel
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Also for bathroom/washing preparedness prior to bed or in the morning, we have a cute mini-towel featuring Sumikko Gurashi or Rilakkuma. As you can see, the Sumikko Gurashi group are out enjoying what looks like an autumn excursion :3 perfect timing considering it’s going on that season now. 
And yes, it’s on one of my cats. He wouldn’t leave me alone while I was trying to get pictures, so I tried making him comfortable enough to go back to sleep.
Rating: ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ 
Well, besides being cute, I’m always impressed when we get towels like this because I don’t usually seen any around here. We have slightly bigger hand towels/rags, but nothing like this. It feels soft and nice, so I feel like this would be ideal for washing your face, drying off the hair, wrapping around the shoulders, using as a hand towel; it’s also the perfect size for wrapping up adorable pets~
(also, I noticed that when held up to the light you can see noticeable tag holes again. Not a huge deal though.)
Pajya Shark Plushie
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Of course when you go to bed, you need a cuddly companion by your side to ensure sweet dreams or to help chase away the bad nightmares~
This month, we have an adorably colorful, pastel shark. The name Pajya is inspired by the fact that this was made with common Japanese Sleepwear in mind, which is usually in various soft tones and made from fluffy, soft material. 
Rating: ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ 
I love fluffy-soft things~ and I also happen to have a fondness for sharks; it’s a weird combination when you think about it, but I love it! He is very soft and sweet looking, and he isn’t threatening or have any teeth, so he’s a good buddy for all types and ages x3 I admit, the sewing could be a little better, but it’s not bad.
(This box has made me super-sleepy~  As of now I’ve only been up an hour and a half >3< But it’s probably because I stayed up until 4am, and I’ve been hungry and didn’t eat yet...)
Kirby Eye Mask
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As we prepare for bed, our next item is an adorable eye mask :D featuring Kirby or Waddle Dee. I have a few eye masks and I enjoy using them sometimes (they especially come in handy if you have a headache or just need to relax, unless they squeeze your head too much...) but I don’t use them too frequently.
The mask has a sleek feel and is thin and made from shiny material. It has a really stretchy light pink strap, and the inner-side is cloth, featuring a dark blue star pattern. It also has a small black nose flap...? I’m not entirely sure how that works or what its for, none of my others have one, but I assume it’s just for a little additional comfort or to help support the mask.
Rating: ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ 
It’s very cute, and I love the concept of bringing in Kirby for this sort of theme. In preparation for the review I was very excited to use this, and it feels very comfortable. Sometimes when I use eye masks I end up pulling them off after a while because they’re kind of uncomfortable or start squeezing, and I admit that this one felt like that after a while- but at the same time it wasn’t nearly to the same extent and didn’t bother me as much. The thin material makes it feel sort of breathable as well, which is nice when my poor nose is stuffed up and I can hardly breath as it is.
I can’t help but relax when I wear an eye mask, so I can’t imagine a more suitable item for this theme~
Kirby Night Light
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Our last item is an adorable partner to the Kirby eye mask; a light! Again, this is another great and perfect bed item, especially if you’re someone you might feel a anxious in the dark or need a back-up light. It would also just be cute for a little desk light or something.
This requires 3 AA batteries (not included) and it is available in 2 styles; this parasol blue one I got, and a pink one covered in black and white old style manga or pop art Kirby. We all know how much I love pink, but I also really like the rain, and have a lot of fun playing with the parasol ability/item in Kirby games, so I think I’m actually really happy I got this one.
And of course I wouldn’t leave you guys hanging. I did get it working:
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Rating: ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ 
The light is warm yellow (you know, the lights that seem kind of dim when you compare them to white lights? and yes I know it looks white in the pic, I had to brighten the image to make it see-able clearly) but still very bright; it ended up surprising me. I found it to be really soothing~
I also like the practicality behind this, if you didn’t want to use it as a night light you could use it as a backup flashlight (cause if you’re like us you have a bunch and they either die and you don’t replace batteries, or you lose them), or just to help create a mood- like telling spooky stories during a slumber party. 
♥ Cutie Ranking ♥
Content - 5 out of 5. I have no complaints, I love these items :3 They’re very sweet and cute, and seeing them (and doing this review) makes me want to lay down to snuggle up with some of them~
Theme: 5 out of 5. I’m really happy to finally have a theme like this, I wish we’d get more bedtime items or themes. I feel like this is also suitable for all times of the year, and everything definitely went together to create a near-seamless box. I say near because some could argue well the bathroom items don’t count: but many people have a routine prior to bed, and some enjoy taking bathes before bed, so in a way yeah, they do count. Suteki Crate and the prize were also spot-on.  
Total Rank: 10 out of 10 Cuties. I know to some people they might argue that a bedtime theme isn’t very exciting but everyone could use a little unwinding, especially at bed. I wasn’t feeling tired when I began writing this but I’m probably going to go back to bed when I finish. I didn’t have anything going on today and I fully plan to take advantage of that. As much as I liked our prior box, I love this one even more! Keep it up Doki Doki~
♥ Cutie Scale ♥
1. Kirby Nightlight - I love how it resembles an actual lamp x3 and I adore the pattern/print on both of the options. The glow made me feel relaxed- the only way it could be better would be if it had an actual rain effect or color change feature like my oil mister~
2. Pajya Shark - It’s colorful and sweet, it’s perfect for bed or just in a sugary sweet pastel setting. Very soft and cuddly. 
3. Kirby Eye Mask - I kind of find face-themed eye masks to be kind of corny, but when it comes to Kirby it’s very cute! It felt really nice against the skin and I can’t wait to use it again (probably after this review).
4. Towel - It’s very cute, I can’t say the color scheme does all that much for me but I love how it’s fall/autumn themed and goes with the upcoming season. The cats really like it too.
5. My Melody Mesh Case - I think it’s sweet and soft on the eyes, but I know I won’t get much use out of it. I could use it now to do some organization of my items in the bathroom (or some others, which I’ll probably do) though, so it’s really practical.
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tokyoteddywolf · 7 years
Rin Kurokawa: Some Facts You Might Want To Know
More Canon About My BNHA OC Rin Kurokawa!
-She only ever draws dragons as a last resort. The reason being that the creatures she draws emerge from the painting the same size as they are from Rin’s memory. As in real life sized. She’s never seen a real life dragon but she guesses they’re pretty big.
-The bigger the creature the more energy it takes to control it and bring it to life. Which is why she tries to stick to smaller animals and the occasional arachnid. She refuses to draw insects.
-She’s never tried to draw real people with her ink, and she isn’t willing to try.
-Being that her Quirk is art based, she loves to draw anything and everything. People especially. She has a whole sketchbook dedicated to drawing people around the school. Her favorite people to draw are Shinya and the Class of 1-A, especially All Might and Aizawa. I think she’d be good friends with Izuku if she tried lol.
-She usually carries snacks in her bag, sugary stuff with lots of calories. She burns a lot of carbs drawing with her ink. Carbs/fats/sugars=energy. She needs to store up on this.
-She only shares her treats with people she trusts, which amounts to literally only Shinya. She doesn’t look like it but she’s actually a bit shy when it comes to talking to new people, preferring to draw them instead of talking.
-If she’s in a crowd she will automatically hide behind Shinya. He’s like a wall to the world, kind of. She really wants to make new friends, but people make her nervous.
-for some reason she only gets confident when she’s fighting someone, especially when defending her friends or family. She’ll deck someone flat on their back if they make fun of Shinya or her Dad.
-Contrary to popular belief, she and Shinya are just friends. He’s gay and she’s aromantic. They helped each other out once in their first year of middle school and have been friends ever since.
-Rin likes to sing. A lot. As in, she’ll sing while she draws, while she cleans, while she’s alone, or hum if there’s people nearby. She doesn’t like singing in front of people, even though her voice is really good. Only Shinya has actually ever heard her sing.
-Her own ink won’t stain her hair or body, but clothes are a tough affair because if she drinks even a bit too much, she’ll get ink stains all over her clothes.
-Her favorite animal is a cat. She often draws Kage and lets it play with Aiko, the family cat at home.
-She’s a D cup, so running is a constant hazard. She usually uses a bunch of sports bras to bind them down, especially during class or training. She usually unwinds in her dorm or at home.
-Her favorite food is cheesecake. Mostly white chocolate or strawberry. She loves to drink root beer, but it’s a rare treat. Due to her Quirk she has to stick to juice, milk or water.
-She actually hates drinking unflavored water. The only way to make her drink anything remotely close to pure water is if it’s sweet, sparkling, flavored or some combination of the three.
-Her hair can actually change color! It depends on what she drinks and if it has enough artificial coloring in it. Usually soda. Red colored sodas turn her ink red, blue drinks turn it blue, etc. Natural coloring doesn’t do anything, it has to be artificial.
-^So imagine the surprise when she draws an ink creature and it’s blood red and tracks all over the school! She used this to prank the teachers one year, and the reaction school wide was hilarious!
-Since she loves to draw people, it’s mostly just little sketches and nicknames she comes up with. Usually based off of observations she makes about the muse, like Quirks or a specific trait about them.
-She actually loves swimming, though she has to put her hair into a shower cap to keep ink from bleeding into the water. She has her own little swimming pool at home that she loves using.
-She rarely ever takes off her scarf, mainly to cover the small scar on the junction between her neck and shoulder. The biggest reason for it though is because it was formerly her Mum’s scarf, who used it during her Hero days.
-Her Mum is a retired Hero and her Dad is a reformed small time Villain. Which surprised a lot of people when they got married, and afterwards her Dad was arrested for a few small crimes. Nothing major, but enough for him to be branded a Villain. Rin doesn’t like people asking about her Dad’s record, since he was released from prison when she was around 4 years old.
-She’s gotten a lot of mixed attention, seeing as her Dad’s family mostly went into Villainy and her Mum’s side (aside from Rin’s Vigilante Aunt) went into Heroism. Throughout her life she’s been shunned due to people saying that a girl with a half Villain family could never be a Hero. She plans to prove them all wrong.
-Her favorite creatures to create are cats, wolves, squirrels and snakes. Snakes are especially good for startling people.
-She is terrified of bugs. She cannot stand them. The more legs it has the scarier it is.
-She constantly takes naps anywhere she can, in class, during lunch, studying, etc. She just leans her head on anything slightly comfortable and rests. After a little while she’ll actually fall asleep. She’s a master at resting while still being alert to conserve energy and just promptly dropping off to deep sleep.
-Her resting state gives off most of the signals of being truly asleep, except she’s actually hyper aware of her surroundings. By cutting off a major sense (sight) she focuses on her hearing and touch senses. Vibrations in the ground and air tell her what’s going on. Which is why she hasn’t been caught napping and isn’t failing any of the tests.
-It’s rare to see her fully awake. She only ever gets that way when she’s serious.
-Woe to any who try to wake her from a deep sleep. Shinya is the only one even slightly safer from her wrath. She usually gives Shinya a two minute start to explain why he woke her up, which is two minutes and five seconds more than she gives anyone else.
-She actually has a short temper. Her Dad is a “punch first ask questions later” type of guy, and she picked up that habit from him, much to her Mum’s exasperation.
-Soft fluffy things fascinate her. She will try to surround herself in soft or fluffy things, which is why her dorm room has so many plushies.
-Her favorite scents are apple, cinnamon and vanilla. She keeps a small bottle of warm vanilla spray in her room, and occasionally sprays it on her plushies. It makes them smell nice and in turn fills her room with the smell of home. It’s also a bonus that the scent clings to her, too.
-Talking to people is hard, because it means interaction and you never know what people will say. She’s so used to harsh words from people her age that it’s a struggle to not assume the people at UA will do the same.
-^She’ll usually just nod or shake her head, and if not for the occasional reply to a question in class or overheard conversation with Shinya, people would probably assume she’s a mute.
-If she gets more comfortable around someone though she might start talking, but it really depends on her opinion of the person.
-If someone startles her, its muscle memory for her to whirl around and kick the person who surprised her. Dad spared no expense in training her to avoid the hostage situations that Villains like to pull.
-She carries her sketchbook around everywhere and if Shinya isn’t around, she’ll hide behind her sketchbook while walking through the hallways.
-She was lucky enough to avoid a roommate in the dorms, and has her own space to relax in.
-Rin actually has a very good relationship with her parents. Her Dad is a bit more tough love compared to her Mum’s bend over backwards kind of parenting. It’s a good balance and Rin adores them both for it. They have a family cat, a sweet little white and gray tabby named Aiko.
-Rin really loves flames and fireworks, the bright colors and sounds are fascinating to her and she’s been caught by Shinya more than once burning old sketches and papers, just for the sake of having a little fire around.
-She’s never without her earbuds in, choosing to read lips if she has to or keeping one earbud out to hear better. She doesn’t wear them in class though.
-this is all I’ve got for now! It’s a pretty long post, so I’ll stop here and make a second list of Canon Rin Kurokawa facts later :3
The Shinya mentioned is @naturallyradioactive’s Shinya Itou :3
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