#and drawing raph in cute outfits
explodingstarlight · 2 years
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everyone should draw Raph in cute cardigans because i said so
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beebopurr · 6 months
I was around when ppl were posting fanart of Raph in cute outfits/drawing Raph with princess Peach I just wasn't posting anything yet and I just got reminded of it so,,, Raph in silly outfit. Casey is here too they're team Cherry Bomb
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yanteetle · 1 year
Do you have any more yan!Raph sketches you'd be willing to share? 👉👈
Because like idk how to describe it the way you draw him is just so cuddly and omg my sweet slightly insane baby-- 😔🙏
(No pressure or anything sorry if this comes off as kinda demanding!!)
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sure thing! I have a few Raph sketches that I don't really plan on finishing, so I may as well dump it here :)) I love him so much I need to draw him more <33 I loved the idea that before kidnapping y/n, he'd made a plushie of them and knit cute little blankets and outfits for them while kissing the mini yn plushie goodnight and tucking them in bed. He's just a little guy, tootally not capable of murder or anything :D
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lara-cairncross · 8 months
coping with college by drawing mikey in a bunch of cute outfits I wish I could wear
might do raph next, he deserves some frilly pink ribbons 😌
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sane-omblog · 8 months
3 more days
Purgatory Hall
just at the place i've lived for awhile
just at the place i freely lie down
just at the place i live with three of you
my little family
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you can see how much i love to draw this squad cuz look at them they look so cute together simeon solomon and luke just doing their silly things and raphael would be just "i have no idea what are they doing at all but they seem to having fun so i'll let them be" but then got invited and accepted it while know nothing
i change their human outfit a bit bc Solomon's jewel is too hard to draw, i don't really know what raph's look like and i want simeon shoulder.
raphael believe simeon mothering solomon but yknow it's maybe just simeon mothering everyone or they being another big pile of brother. like he will sit and look at luke quietly play or draw and raphael just came and say "simeon, solomon's room is a mess again" with chukling solomon beside him but simeon end up tidy both of their room because raphael's room is a mess too. when he come back he can see they playing with luke.
maybe i should try do the family au
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cupcakeslushie · 9 months
Ok ok so I have like a bunch of questions feel free to ignore BUT
I) she has a tail. Is that a Kraang feature or do all the turtles in your universe have tails and hers is just extended?
II) Uh pink? Pink like Kraang? Did she choose her life colors, or???
III) Is. Is she. Is she autistic too
IV) Draxum-Hamato sooooo what does she call them? Did they argue about nicknames? Also was it Donnie’s choice to include Draxum’s name as well
V) Lita in the comics???
VI) Is there a reason her shell isn’t smooth like Donnie’s?
VII) What does she call Renet?
VIII) Ninpo question mark?
IX) Pupils! I love the way you draw her pupils. Is there a reason or is it just fun
X) Does she have a certain resistance to Kraang mind digging? Like that thing they did to interrogate Raph in the movie? To read his memories?
XI) So the cloak/scarf thing is Leo, the purple accents and stripes are Donnie, and the kneepads are Mikey. Any Raph references in her clothes?
Apologies if you’ve answered these before and I just didn’t see them! Have a good day and give Lita one too for goodness sakes girl’s had it rough already
1. It’s more of a Krang feature. I do love when the turtles are drawn with tails, but I didn’t do it from the beginning, and so for consistency sake in the EW universe I’ve held off. Maybe one day I’ll just say “fuck it” and give into the urge to give them all cute little tails. But even if I did, Lita’s would be much longer than any of the family’s (except Raph’s hypothetical tail lol).
2. Lita being albino and pink in the IDW comics pretty much made that Krang connection for me lol. I didn’t have to reach too hard with her design. She leans into it.
3. I have her personality very close to Leo’s canon personality, so she’s more on the ADHD side. She does have some sensory issues with sound, which a lot of ppl with adhd have (👋🏻). But being raised around the quiet and solemn Time Masters Sanctum it’s like really noticeable. When she visits the family, it can be very overwhelming, but rather than shutting down, she gets insanely riled up and can’t contain herself. It works though—everyone is more than happy to let her ramble on.
4. She never met either of them but Splinter of course would’ve been Jiji and Draxum would’ve been just Grandfather. Nothing too out of this world lol. And yes, Donnie chooses to embrace Draxum’s name.
5. Sorry idk what exactly this is asking. Like yes? Lita May is based off IDW Lita, from the comics 😅 sorry if I’m missing the question.
6. She is a spiny soft shell like Donnie, but yes, her spines are significantly more pronounced, thanks to, you guessed it!
7. Master Renet, or Aunty Ren in a more causal setting.
8. 🤫 we’ll see (I’m still trying to think of something cool and not too OP lol)
9. Her eyes are just for design fun, and to link her to Donnie some more!
10. That’s gonna be another big 🤫, but less because I haven’t decided and more just for the big spoilers! 😜
11. She’s kinda got two outfits atm and I think I might end up merging the two. Her simpler outfit of just her wraps and mask are very Raph coded, so I wanna figure out some sort of middle ground with the two.
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wonderingpanda · 1 month
Hey 👋 so excited that you are writing for the boys of Tales of the tmnt. I was wondering if you can write something about the female reader going to the costume party dressed up as Leo’s favorite female character (whatever you like) and he ends up all cute and flustered that he can’t stop looking at the reader through out the party. Something fluffy and cute.
Please and Thank you 🙏
Love Interest
Tottmnt!Leo x Fem!Reader
Finally, I finished it!🎉🥳 Tbh, I wasn’t too sure who to put as Leo’s favourite female character and at first I was thinking more Star Trek (because I think it’s pretty well known that the Leo’s are sci-fi lovers) but I didn’t know how many people would be familiar with it so I chose to go off the Batman reference from the movie. Anyway, that was really unnecessary but I felt like sharing the process. Please enjoy, I hope you like it!
Down in the sewers, Leo was busy sprawled out on his bed, working on his comic book as usual.
“They’re heroes, yeah, woo, yeah!” He whispered as he continued drawing.
“You’re my hero Leo!” He whispered the words as he drew a picture of Y/n L/n, a friend from school he had started crushing on. He kicked his legs giddily as he began daydreaming of scenarios where he got to save her, show off his skills, hold her in his arms as they travelled along rooftops… if only that could be reality.
“Come on Leo, you’re gonna make us late!” Donnie called from the other side of the room.
“I’m coming, I’m coming!”
Instead of working on his comic tonight though, Leo was going to be attending a costume party with the rest of his brothers. They only had a little while to get ready, so the boys began getting dressed up and gathering their things.
“C’mon, ergh-almost! *huff* You couldn’t of gone with a more shell friendly outfit!?” Raph lifted his head up, he was helping Leo get on the rest of his costume.
“Come on, just pull!” Leo complained. They continued a back-and-forth struggle till the final piece eventually fell into place.
“There!” Raph huffed “You happy?”
“Yes actually.” Leo smiled proudly before his face shifted to a nervous frown. He began twisting around to check how he looked and anxiously glanced at Raph. “Do you think Y/n will like it?”
He burst out laughing. “Please, Y/n’ll like whatever costume you decide to put on. I mean, you look like a dork but I don’t think she’ll care.”
“Ok.. wait, what’s that supposed to mean?” But Leo wasn’t given an answer as Donnie came rushing between them.
“Do you think we should leave now or in a couple minutes? Cos the party starts in like 13 but I looked up party etiquette on Wikipedia and it says you’re supposed to be there 30 minutes after start time.”
“Wikipedia, seriously?” Leo judged.
“Well it’s not like you have any experience with this stuff!” Donnie pointed out.
“You’re right, I don’t.” Leo admitted. “And because of that, I say it’s best to just play it safe and leave now so we can arrive on time.”
“You just want to see Y/n, don’t you?” Mikey teased, poking out from behind the three.
“I do not!” He defended.
“Yeah right, I bet you can’t wait to see her all dressed up.” Donnie smirked.
“Oh please stop.”
“Yeah, and he’ll probably ask her to dance.” Raph joined in.
“Ask her to- what? No!”
“Aww you’re probably gonna try and get all cozy with her so you can start making out together. Mm mm mwa!” Mikey made the noise right next to Leo’s ear, causing him to jump.
“No, no and no.” Leo pointed at each of his brothers. “We’re just going to go and everything’s going to be chill, no one’s going try or ask or do anything. Ok?”
His brothers all exchanged squinted side-eyes before Donnie casually shrugged. “Whatever you say Nardo.”
“But seriously, let’s go. It’s party time!” Raph cheered as they all began to leave.
The lower half of building where the party was happening was entirely quiet in contrast to the loud bass and blaring lights that could be seen and heard towards the top level.
Leo and his brothers were caught up in some conversation when they opened the door but stopped as they were immediately swarmed by almost everyone in the room.
“Hey, oh my gosh it’s you!”
“Yo guys, the turtles are here!”
“Love the costumes.”
Amongst the chaos Leo managed to spot April doing her best to wave from the back of the crowd.
“Hey guys I see April, imma go over and say hi.”
“Yeah I gotta go to, see you all.” Donnie quickly waved as he headed over to talk to his friends.
As they all disbanded so did the crowd and Leo was able to easily walk across the room.
“Hey April!” He smiled and waved.
“Leo, hey! You all good after whatever that was.” April raised her eyebrows and glanced over to the entrance before looking back at Leo.
“Yeah, it’s still hard to get used to so many people liking us now.” He nervously laughed.
“Speaking of people who like you.” April mumbled. “Hey Y/n, Leo’s here!”
Y/n glanced to where the two were and turned to start walking over. “Oh, hey Leo!”
Leo looked over in her direction, feeling a pile of nerves simply at the prospect of greeting her. But when he saw what she was wearing everything increased by a million.
It was like one of those slow motion sparkly walks that you see in movies. Where everything fades out and all you can see is the pretty love interest waking forward with romantic music playing in the background. At least, that’s how Leo saw it.
“Hey, Y/n. Uh I like your costume. Catwoman! You look amazing.” His cheeks heated up the longer he spent looking at her.
“Thanks! I was originally thinking of going as Carol Marcus (Star Trek character, for those who don’t know) but I figured people would get this reference more.” She smiled and held her hands together.
Oh wow, so no matter what she wore she was going to end up dressing as the love interest for one of the heroes he pictured himself as. Leo figured he may as well die on the spot because his brain was no longer working.
“Oh, so you’re into older stuff. That’s pretty cool.” Seriously Leo, that just sounded obnoxious!
“Yeah. Well anyway, I’m going to go get something to drink. Do either of you want anything?” Y/n asked. April waved off the offer.
“Nah I’m good, thanks though!”
“You don’t need to get me anything.” Leo shyly smiled. Thank goodness blush was less visible on his skin or else he’d be dead.
“Okay! I’ll see you guys around then. See you later!” Y/n waved as she walked off into the crowd.
“Bye!” April called.
“See ya!” Leo anxiously chuckled. He stood in a slouched position for a moment.
“At least try to stand upright when you’re talking to her. You look like you just got punched in the gut.” April advised, causing Leo to stand upright quickly.
“Oh r-right, of course.” He coughed into his hand and gave April a blatant, overly toothy smile.
“So.” She spoke up. “What did you think of Y/n’s costume?”
“C-costume. Right, yes, her costume. I love it I think it’s really pretty and well-made.” Leo closed his eyes in an attempt to stay composed. An attempt that failed miserably, I might add.
“Maybe you should have gone as Batman, then you two could’ve paired up.” Leo frowned and gave April an aggressive side-eye.
“I hate you.”
“No you don’t.” April smiled and patted Leo on the head, causing him to sigh and look down.
“No I don’t.”
Y/n’s costume was the only thing on Leo’s mind for the rest of the night. Anytime he noticed her he couldn’t help but sneak glances every few minutes.
He was talking to a group of friends and had to be snapped back to reality as he couldn’t stop looking over in her direction.
There was even a point where she noticed him and he immediately looked away with a bright red face. But, then again, his face was already a blushing mess for most of the night.
He could barely get near Y/n because every time he did, his heart would race and he’d begin to feel an overwhelming amount of nerves? Love? Maybe a mix of both…
Either way, point is he was helpless. Helpless to his own feelings. So when everyone started gathering to dance to a popular song and Y/n grabbed his hand to pull him in, oh how the world felt irrelevant.
Little did he know, Y/n did this intentionally so she’d be able to dance with him. The two looked at each other and began laughing while uncontrollably smiling as the music played.
Feeling bold, Y/n decided to go in for a dip which caught Leo off-guard but he succeeded in catching her. Now they were even closer, very much unbelievably closer. What would happen if the two just inched their faces forward and…
“Who wants to play truth or dare!” Some random person yelled, leading the entire room to erupt into cheers.
Y/n quickly followed the large crowd of people as a circle started to form and waved over Leo as he was still repeating that entire sequence of events in his head. Was that a ‘we should kiss’ moment or a ‘we’re having fun’ moment because he really couldn’t tell!
Well now it was over and he instead found himself in a circle with Donnie on his right, Raph on his left, and Y/n sat opposite him from across the circle.
The game began and went on for a few rounds till some guy decided to point at Y/n.
“Y/n! Truth or dare?” Feeling hyped up, Y/n chose to go for the more interesting choice.
The guy let out a menacing chuckle and began rubbing his hands together. “Alright, I dare you… to text your crush.”
“Pfft what are you, five?” Y/n burst out laughing.
“Five year olds can text now?” He asked.
Y/n rolled her eyes playfully before pulling her phone out. Leo’s mind started racing. Who was she going to text? Would it be him? What if it wasn’t him? What if she lied? What if it was one of his brothers? What if-
“I can’t, phones dead.” She shrugged before placing her phone back down beside her. The guy groaned.
“Ok. Then I dare you… to pledge your elegance to the holy sanctimony of caterpillar.”
“I’m sorry, what?” Y/n raised her eyebrows.
“It’s a thing.” He nonchalantly replied.
“It’s not a thing.” The girl next to him shook her head. He waved his hand dismissively at her.
“It’s totally a thing.”
“Alright then. I pledge my elegance to the holy sanctimony of caterpillar.” Y/n gave a confused look as the guy raised his fists.
“Huzzah! Welcome, to the caterpillar cult.” She stifled a laugh at his absurd announcement.
“What the? Uh, ok I guess that’s my turn. Um… Leo! Truth or dare?” She made eye contact with him, only briefly but still.
“Uh, um. Ehh truth.” Stupid Leo. Stupid, stupid, stupid!
Y/n began to look around for ideas. “Ok, since we were on the topic of crushes I think it’s only right to ask; who do you have a crush on?” She smiled and leaned forward, followed by everyone else in the circle.
Honestly, she may have played it as a teasing joke but Y/n genuinely wanted to know. Yes she knew he’d probably lie but his response would at least give away something.
“Who do I have a crush on?” Leo began sweating bullets and avoided eye contact at all costs. “Uh well I have a crush on a girl, human, a human girl. Yep, that’s-that’s who it is.”
“Uh huh. Yeah I asked who they are not what they are so, I’m gonna need a little more information than that.” Y/n smiled deviously, she just wanted to know a little
“She’s charming, s-smart, uh pretty very pretty ca-c-p-person that, of whom I know to a certain degree.” He began internally cringing at how he had stuttered. Dammit Leo! Why do you have to be you?
Y/n sat there for a good moment, analysing all the info she’d just got out of him. “Mmm… good enough! You go.”
He let out a quiet sigh of relief before turning to his right. “Whew. Donnie, truth or dare?
“Truth.” Not a moment of hesitation.
Leo smiled jokingly, hoping to act all teasing to take the pressure off of himself. “Who do you have a cru-“
“Don’t.” Donnie replied sternly.
“Ok.” He got the message and quickly reeled back.
The game finished up soon after and everyone split off to go do different things.
The rest of the night went as it did before. Leo would be talking to someone, look over in Y/n’s direction, feel like his stomach had turned into a butterfly enclosure and turn back to the people he was talking too, ignoring the increasing blush covering his face.
Every minute, every second, every waking moment of his existence had just been infiltrated by the thought of Y/n and her stunning outfit.
And Y/n noticed. Oh she noticed. It’s what led her to walk up to him the second she saw he was alone.
“Hey Leo.” She sat down next to him. Oh boy, here he goes again.
“Hey Y/n, again. How many times have we greeted each other tonight now?” Leo wondered leading Y/n to giggle slightly.
“I don’t know. The party’ll be over soon so I figured I’d try to sneak in one more moment with you before we all have to leave.” She leaned to the side and bumped her shoulder playfully with his. Leo’s eyes widened after hearing what she said.
“It’s already near the end? That was quick.” Y/n burst out laughing.
“Leo, it’s like 11pm. We’ve been here for hours!”
“Wait seriously!?” He sat up straighter with his hands as support before sinking back into a comfortable position. “Huh, time really does fly by.”
A moment of silence passed till Leo decided to ignore his nerves and speak up.
“By the way, I never actually told you how much I like your outfit.”
“Oh you don’t have to.” Y/n tried to wave him off.
“But seriously, it’s super pretty and looks amazing on you. I love it.” Leo grinned genuinely while gesturing to her outfit.
“Thanks Leo, I love your costume too. How did you even manage to get it on?” Y/n wondered.
“Help from Raph.” Leo stated.
“Ahh I see...” They both fell into silence again for a little while. Feeling nervous, Y/n glanced to the side and decided to just drop the bomb by asking “Are we- do we have a thing going on between us or is that just me being stupid?”
“Huh, uh w-what?” Leo’s eyes widened in shock as he turned to look at her. She in turn looked in his direction, although her gaze rested just a little off to the side from his face as she felt too anxious to make eye contact with him.
“Like I know, or at least I think I know, that you’ve been looking over at me a few times tonight and it felt like there was something going on back when we were dancing with everyone else. So I’m just wondering if it’s like a thing or not, you know?” Y/n chose to finally make eye contact with Leo and was met with his adorably awkward, blushing face.
“I’m going to be totally honest with you I assumed you just thought I was being weird.” He sunk his head down a little, tensing at the topic of conversation. Y/n smiled and shook her head in disbelief.
“Leo you’re like the most amazing person I know. Also, I’m not gonna lie, I thought it was pretty cute how you were acting the whole night.” She blushed and look down to the side again. Leo was once again overcome with surprise but tried his best to keep it together.
“You thought, oh. I think your pretty cute too uh not just in that costume but in general like I think your super pretty every day, all the time.” He laughed nervously and gave Y/n an adoring look.
“Ok I’m just going to say it because I think it’s super obvious at this point.” Y/n took a deep breath to try and calm down. “I’ve already practically said it but I like you. And I mean that in a more than friends way.” She confessed.
“Thank god, because I like you as so much more than a friend.” Leo sighed. Y/n smiled and decided to lean in, whispering something in his ear. Leo quickly perked up and his entire face turned pink.
Leo smiled nervously as he walked back towards a corner of the room, Y/n following.
“You know I’m not really used to this kind of thing so I don’t know-“
He didn’t even get a complete sentence out before Y/n began to kiss him. They kissed again as she wrapped her arms around his neck and slightly pushed him further back. They went for another kiss and another before they both pulled away and Leo sighed.
“I love being a turtle.”
They both smiled and quickly went back to their make-out session. Best party ever.
What no one noticed though was the mysterious figure hidden on the side of a building facing the party. They were dressed in purple and black with a mask covering their entire face, yellow buggish eyes that looked almost like goggles, a long bandana wrapped around their head and the symbol of a red foot displayed clearly on the front of their outfit.
“I’ve located the turtles, and it looks like they’ve already made some friends.”
I’m sorry, I’m sorry. I know it’s just meant to be fluff but I couldn’t help myself, I need the foot clan to appear already 😭. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed. Please keep requesting, peace, love, and have an awesome day/night wherever you are!✨
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agentbobr · 2 years
You don't have to answer this, but I would love to ask how would the boys react to dating/meeting a kistune?
ID LOVE TO. gives me an excuse to research more about kitsune>:)
here ya go, hope you enjoy m8!!!
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♥️ raph will immediately want to pet your tails. obviously he'll ask first but when he is given permission, they're getting pet HARD.
♥️ he can't help it, they're just so soft! especially of you have lots of em
♥️ many many dates with going to coffee shops and cat cafés. for both relaxing vibes and to show off his AWESOME partner!
♥️ if you can transform into people, don't- don't turn into him, it kinda freaks him out lol
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💙 expect to do many many mischievous activities with leo.
💙 stealing pizza, having you transform into people to mess with his siblings, the whole shabang!
💙 expect many many, AND I MEAN ALOT. of fox themed one liners.
"hey psst"
"what does a fox call a rabbit?"
"sigh. what."
"fastfood! eh eh~ oh come on! that one was good!"
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💜 if you have a lot of tails, you will be talking about genius things with donnie
💜 also expect to get many kitsune themed items that are genius ™ branded!
💜 and many many dates out on the hidden city history museum!
💜 he tries to also coordinate outfits with you til he realizes he'd have to stop wearing a lot of his purple and he stops :')
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🧡 mikey and you are going to look so good together, both of you would have amazing outfits to match eachothers!
🧡 he finds your ability to transform into other people so cool! but he also finds it very cute when you transform but still have your tails out-
🧡 many many drawings of you will be made, he can't help it, you just look so....mystical!
🧡 his pranking will also be increased after being near you.... oops?
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asks open as of 3/16/23💙
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britt-kageryuu · 6 months
Mikey is streaming! He's not using a model, because he's editing it to change up some of the smaller details, like the stickers on his plastron, and a couple of his markings that are stretched weirdly from reshaping the model. River can be heard, but her model isn't on screen.
Mikey: Well at least my spots are only stretched and not leaving a weird gap in the model. That happened to Blues model, his shell didn't want to line up on his back. Made it look like his butt was sticking out more than usual.
River: SunsetFans wants to know if you're willing to show some pictures from when you were a baby since it wouldn't give anything away.
Mikey: You would think that, but hey I can show you this!
On the screen is a couple of pictures of the brothers as turtle tots, but it's edited, filtered and drawn over to look fake. Raph is just staring at the camera with a wide smile with a couple sharp teeth showing his tail is a blur, Donnie and Leo are wrestling with Donnie having his mouth wide open ready to bite Leo, and Mikey is cuddling a teddy bear as nig as him with his eyes closed and a big smile his little tail is wagging fast, but still visible.
Chat is full of cuteness overload. Though some are over analyzing the pictures to find out what were the original images. The chat box actually freezes up for a few seconds because of the mass of messages going through.
River: Did Dee say you could show these to the stream? Or at all?
Mikey: Yes, he did. Besides I redrew everything even the background, so the original pictures don't exist in these drawings.
Mikey takes the pictures off the screen, and rearranges his model to reflect how proud he is on this situation.
Mikey: Now let's figure what changes I should make to my model, let's work shop some new stickers and effects!! Oh me gosh! I just found a new effect for when I make my stickers and spots glow!!
He spends the next hour messing with sticker designs and light effects, before switching to messing with refitting his models outfits to fit the size changes. All while talking to chat, but avoiding obvious leading questions.
I sometimes feel I should add fake screen names that Shelldon/River call out, but I don't want to accidentally use someones actual account name. Also should I tag these as fanfiction, because I haven't before.
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princessjadyn15 · 2 months
This is a cute idea I had but what if the ninja turtles were sky kids, I hope to draw it later but here is the screenshots of the outfits I made
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I’m not entirely satisfied with Raph’s outfit so if anyone has any ideas on what to add please let me know
I do plan to add them to my Sky AU as maybe some side characters that Dawn befriendeds
this also doesn’t have anything to do with my Sky COTL x TMNT crossover AU but I’m still gonna tag it because why not 🤷‍♀️
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rallentando1011 · 10 months
Risevember 2023: Day 23 - Turkey
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“This is disastrous.”
“Who let him out of the house? How did Splinter even get to the Hidden City?”
“It’s so cute though!”
“Hold up. What’s going on?” Raph interjected. The scene in the atrium of the lair was chaotic; his brothers huddled in a circle, all ranting and raving and losing their minds over something.
“This,” Donnie gestured to the something in question as he, Leo, and Mikey parted, revealing an oddly tall, pale blue bird.
“Oh yeah,” Raph clicked his tongue and stared blankly at the bird. Was he supposed to know what it was for? Probably, so he acted so. “That. Of course.”
Mikey smiled, stroking the soft feathers on the strange bird’s head.
Leo sighed. “Dad went out looking for a turkey and got this instead.”
Just after Splinter had entered the lair earlier, Leo noticed something off right away. First off, he had walked in from the main entrance, not from the living room, meaning he had been outside of the lair. Never a good sign.
Secondly, Leo recognized the amiss avian from an excursion he had gone on with Hueso in the Hidden City. It was slim, plush, fluffy, had a pouch the inside of which was its own slice of heaven, and definitely not meant for consumption as Splinter intended.
So, there the brothers stood, concocting a plan to save the not-turkey.
Splinter sat cozily in his perfectly worn out chair in front of a blaring television, pristinely placed in the contours of the well loved seat.
Looking down at his wrist (which contained no watch, but can’t a rat imagine?), he realized it was about time to get dinner on.
He peeled himself up and started strolling toward the kitchen, but stopped in his tracks at the weird happenings in the atrium.
Orange was draped over the bird, his weight completely on the asinine creature. His sad look was completed by his poignant, pathetic, pleading eyes.
Purple stood beside him, his expression a far cry from the emotional appeal of his brother’s. However, he, too, had his own evidence of the bird’s innocence; a metal claw extended from his battle shell held up a screen that displayed a, very obviously, last minute presentation titled Reasons why this is NOT a turkey.
“Splinter, padre, dad,” Blue spoke up, drawing the rat’s attention. Blue had on a ridiculous all white outfit, reminiscent of some old boy band member, and he stood atop a kneeling, very confused Red’s knee. “I know we haven’t always seen eye to eye…”
Splinter’s attention dwindled after he recognized the blatant signs of a typical spiel from Blue. Although the entire scene together still held his focus. And he supposed he could try to see what they were talking about.
The rat squinted, scratched his chin. It was very obviously a bird with feathers. Close enough to a turkey. However, it was amusing to watch his boys act like a gaggle of circus clowns, perhaps even as entertaining as the shows on television. So, he decided to drag this out for as long as he could.
Eventually, he caved. The simurgh, i.e. definitely not a turkey, even ended up with its own seat at the head of the table that year.
last year, I was caught in a not ideal situation, and Rise really helped me through it. so, I just want to say that I am so grateful for this show, this community, all of it. Happy Thanksgiving!)
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dilucsflame33 · 2 years
Hello, I saw your recent post of "TMNT Naughty or Nice Cocktails" So, I could order one of Leonardo in a nice along with naughty, using dialogue numbers 7 (Nice), 3 and 13 (naughty), with the Kink 6 and 16
I hope I have placed the order correctly
And sorry for the spelling mistakes, my English is not very good (TwT)
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Christmas Jealousy 🔥
Hello, everyone! I hope your day/night are well. Since today is the first day of Christmas, I will now place my first request. @akesdraws-blog here's your Naughty or Nice cocktail, love! Since you picked the right scenario, your prize is at the very bottom. I hope you love it! 🥰💙
🔞 Warning 🔞: NSFW +18
She picked number 16 (car Sex) but it doesn't match, so she picked number 3 (praise kink) instead. Use of sex toys (rope, ball-gag, and vibrator), and praise kink. Also Dom!Leo because that man is nothing but a Dom. 😩
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It's now Christmas Eve and the guys are throwing their own party for the holiday, and Mikey decided to have one of the brothers dress up as Santa as a joke. 
Luckily, Y/N wasn't in the drawing. 
But she was holding the box that had their names. 
"All right, guys, are you ready?" The woman says as she shook up the box. 
Mikey rubbed his palms together, mischief in those sky-blue eyes. "This is going to be good."
"What if you're wearing the suit, bro? Isn't that embarrassing enough?" Raph rolled his eyes as he crossed his arms over his chest. 
"Not as embarrassing as being Santa's elves." Mikey chuckled as his brother's eyes widened. 
"Oh, no, I am not wearing that stupid costume!" Raph complained as he shifted one leg to the other. The red terrapin preferred to be Santa than wearing an elf costume. 
Y/N cleared her throat and it got the brothers attention. The pieces of paper are color coded and the box was covering the pieces, so everything was a gamble for the brothers. 
"All right, the person who's gonna be Santa is-" She paused as she grabbed a piece and it came out purple. "Donnie! Congratulations!" 
The said turtle's eyes widened as he did a cute happy dance, a smile graced his lips. Raph groaned out as he walked away from the group. 
Leo wasn't really too happy either. He was supposed to be a man of leadership and tranquility but, here he was, getting dressed up as an elf. 
He was beyond embarrassed and uncomfortable.
The leader didn't start complaining until he was in the safety of his room. Leo was now in the said elf outfit and the poor guy was not having it.
"Please, don't make me wear this. I look ridiculous!" He said as he adjusted the elf hat that was on his head, a jingle from the bell was heard as he did so. Instead of the shirt, he was only wearing green pants and had a gold belt around his waist. His thighs and rear were prominent, and the woman couldn't help but to gawk at her man. 
They were only dating for over eight months and going strong. Yes, arguments and misunderstandings were there but communication and patience helped with the situation. 
Yet, the woman almost felt sorry for him. Almost. 
Cause, if she did, Y/N wouldn't be here and have this eye candy in front of her. 
"It's only for one day, my love. And there won't be a whole lot of people. If you finish this without complaining, you will have your Christmas gift early." The woman said as she stood in front of her blue terrapin boyfriend. Her small palms caressing his plastron, teasing his collarbone and his neck. 
Leo hummed, intrigued with the offer his woman was laying out. "Oh, really? And what's the gift, blossom?" He says as he gave her a devilish smirk, his hand slowly trailed down her spine. Oh, his touch sent her body ablaze. She was almost tempted to give in but she yielded.  
"You have to behave, Mr. Elf." Y/N teased as she booped his snout, making it twitch. 
Leo chuckled, shaking his head. He leaned down to her ear, nibbling it playfully. "Since when do you give out orders, little one?"
She knew that nickname all too well. His deep bartone of his vocal chords reached the depths of her soul, hypnotized her being and wanting her to surrender. Feeling her body been set ablaze once again, the woman reluctantly pushed him away. His eyes gleamed with amusement, his lips continued to grace a smirk as he witnessed his beloved's flustered expression. 
"Until now, my love. After the party's over, we can play. How does that sound?" The woman persisted as her palms caressed his broad reptilian shoulders, the feel of different skin textures never cease to amaze Leo. They are so different from each other, yet she chooses to be with him. 
He smiled at the thought. 
"All right. I'll behave, for now." He teased as he placed a tender kiss to the crown of her head, filling the woman's body with warmth. "But that won't stop me from teasing you, blossom." 
With that Leonardo stepped out of his bedroom and into the living room, laughs and whistles were heard as his brothers teased the poor leader. They will never live that down. 
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Y/N was flustered. Beyond flustered. 
Leonardo was showing her no mercy with the teasing. He may not say them out loud, but he did say them whenever he could lean towards her ear. His words made her body stand at attention; his deep baritone voice sent a tremor down her spine as his stares spoke louder than words. Made her all the reasons why not to tease the leader in blue in the near future.
He may be the man of words but he waits until the right moment to strike. The perfect moment to tell her what he has been planning, every to the last detail. Her legs will tremble as his ocean eyes gazed upon her; he soon gave her a devilish smirk, knowing what his presence and stare does to her. 
Just for giggles Mikey wants the woman to sit on Donnie's lap, since the purple clad turtle was dressed as Saint Nick. They knew how to tease Leonardo so well as they both chuckled as Donnie pats his lap and the woman tries to hold in her laughter, soon sitting on Donnie's thigh. 
Leonardo knew what his brothers were planning and he took deep breaths as he watched his blossom and his younger brother talk, not really focusing on the conversation. 
He's just making sure Donnie's hands were by his side and not on his woman. 
"Now, what is it you would like for Christmas?" They both laughed when Donnie spoke the usual Santa dialogue. The woman shook her head. 
"There's only one thing I would like but," she paused as she looked towards Raph and Mikey, but she knew her lover's stare was on her back. "This could be dangerous for you."
Donnie quirked a brow, intrigued with the request. "And what shall that be?"
She leaned towards Donnie's ear and whispered, "I wanna make Leo jealous."
Donnie looked towards her and his brothers, then burst into laughter. Little snorts would come out as he tries to calm down. "Oh, Y/N, you are definitely giving us a death wish here."
"What did she say?" Mikey rushed towards the two. "Tell ole Mikey what your heart desires."
Donnie leaned towards his brother and whispered what the woman requested. The youngest of the three eyes widened, appalled yet gidy by the request. "Ooh, girl, you are sending us to our graves!"
Raph went over and Mikey whispered the request to him as well. All the brute did was shake his head, a deep chuckle left him. "I mean, if you really want us to, we could. But, just a fair warning, if we die because of you, we're coming back as ghosts just to mess with you." He laughed as the others followed suit. 
If they are going to die, they will die happy knowing Leo's expression when they take their last breath. 
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After the whole planning Leo was on edge as he watched his brothers smothered his woman more than usual. Yes they would hug and whatnot, but that was all. There was nothing going on. 
Until now of all things. 
Raph and Mikey are mainly the ones that were enjoying your company more than normal, while Donnie watched everything with a knowing smirk. The genius watched his older brother trying to hold his composure as he watched the others giving you attention. The teasing and flirtatious remarks were made and Leo had enough. 
They were sitting on the couch, both men sat beside her.
"Why sit on Santa's lap when you can sit on mine?" Raph smirked as he played with her hair, feeling the soft strands flow through his fingertips. Donnie "oh"ed as he watched Leo's expression, toggling it into memory. 
"Yeah, girl, the turkey isn't the only that's getting stuffed." Mikey chuckled as Y/N laughed yet flustered at his remark and Raph laughed at the corny joke.
But, oh, Leonardo was seeing red. 
Donnie could see figurative fumes coming out of his ears as he stormed to the front of the couch, his hands formed into fists.
"Enough!" Leo commanded as he stood in front of his brothers. "What is this, hm? Since when do you have a sudden attraction to my girlfriend!" 
Y/N only saw him angry when he argued with Raph, she has never seen him like this. Leo's body was tense as he stared at his brothers, then faced her. The woman's breath hitched as his stare burned through her soul. 
"You're looking real intimidating with the elf ears, Leo," Raph teased as he crossed his arms over his chest. "Gonna do some ballet with those tights?"
"You wanna go, Raph? Bring it." 
"Okay, that's enough of that," Y/N cut off before things got even more heated. "I asked the guys to make you jealous, darling. There's nothing going on, I promise."
Leo stood silent, face blank as he took in the information his lover was saying. His lips pursed and he nodded.
"All right, you wanna make me jealous," the woman screeched as Leo grabbed her waist and hoisted her over his shoulder. "You're gonna get something far worse." With that, Leo stormed off with his girl in tow. 
The last thing he heard was "oh"s and Mikey saying, "R-I-P that pu-" but she didn't hear the rest as Leo's bedroom closed behind them. 
Y/N was soon thrown on the bed as Leo eyed his prize. His breathing erratic he took off those stinking elf ears and the Christmas hat, tossing them somewhere in the room. She knew he was mad when Leo didn't care about making messes. The woman was all in for it.
"Love how you're telling me to behave when you can't behave yourself," his voice hard and commanding, he ripped the green pants from his legs. "Looks like I have to discipline you once again, little one." 
Oh, how her legs shook. Even when she's laying on his bed, sprawled over his sheets, he always knew how to make her tremble with anticipation. Only in boxer briefs, he bent down to retrieve something underneath his bed and what he retrieved was a black duffle bag. Oh, she knew what was in there. She whimpered as he looked into its confinements.
"Begging already? We can't have that, not tonight." The leader took out a vibrator, rope, and a ball-gag. Placing the bag to the floor he took her ankles into his palms and pulled her towards him, making the woman yelp in surprise. "I don't want to hear a single sound. If you ever let a single sound, a single whimper, you won't get an orgasm until I say so. Do you understand?" 
Y/N bit her lip from making any noises. "Y-Yes." 
"Yes, what?" 
"Yes, Sensei."
"Good girl." He praised as he took off her clothing. Usually he would take his time but not tonight. This woman was going to be the death of him and she needs discipline. He snickered at the thoughts of all the plans he had for her. 
When she's stripped bare he takes her wrists and binds them with the rope, soon tying the rest to the headboard. "Not too tight, right?" His beloved shook her head. "Good." He placed the ball-gag close to her lips and secured it.
"Remember your safe word when you can't speak, blossom?" Leo asked as he eyed her moving her fingers in a '1-2-3' movement. He nodded in approval. "That's a good girl. You may get me angry but that doesn't mean I will harm you in any way."
The woman's heart fluttered at his endearing words. A part of her wants to apologize for making him angry, even jealous, but she just loves to see him riled up over simple things. To see the all calm, cool, and collected leader be pushed into his limits. He may say he doesn't like brats but he enjoys taming them. Taming her. And she behaves in most parts. 
The woman choked a moan when his fingertips played with her nipples and she had to stop herself from making a sound. She wanted- no, needed that orgasm. Y/N looked up and saw a devilish smirk plastered on his face. 
"You should never let your guard down, little one. You should know this." He chuckled as he watched his woman squirm when he trailed his hand lower, close to her femininity. He hummed in approval as he teased the area between her legs. "I could just taste you right now, blossom. But patience is a virtue." 
He pulled away from her then, making the woman squirm once again. His eyes lit up in amusement, his arms crossed as he watched her try to ease that ache she oh so craved. When she couldn't get the relief she wanted, he slowly spread her legs and growled deep within his chest. The sweet aroma of nectar filled his nostrils and it took every ounce of his being to not pounce on her at this very moment. He craved this woman; every single ounce of his animalistic being was screaming at him to take what was rightfully his, to show his brothers that Y/N belongs to him and only him. 
Not yet, he thought, just one more thing she needed to learn. Resistance and tolerance. 
Taking hold of the vibrator he slowly trailed it from her inner thigh, towards her intimate lips of her femininity. She raised her hips for more friction but he gently tapped her leg, giving her a warning. His eyes focused, he took in her pleading eyes and he can't help but to smirk at his beautiful blossom. The power that he held over her body made his heart pound; the anticipation and the yearning they both craved was thick between the two as Leo circled the toy on her sensitive clit, her hands took hold of the rope as her breath hitched once again. 
The woman was waiting for impact, yearning for Leo to end her misery, but it didn't show. When she looked at him however, her eyes rolled as the toy was brought to life and he held it to her clit, stimulating her sensitive flower to the max. Oh how she tried to hold in those delicious sounds; to let his brothers hear all the sinful noises she could muster. But when a strangled moan left out of her throat was when she snapped out of the clouds of pleasure, a dark chuckle escaped her lover as he leaned forward. 
"Looks like you're gonna be in this position for a while, little one. You better get comfortable." 
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I deeply apologize if it looks terrible. I've done this on my phone because it's the only thing I have, so it's not professionally made. 😭 It's supposed to be a wallpaper but, I really do hope you like it!
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@turtle-babe83 @turtlesmakemehappy @nittleboo @exovapor @raisin-shell @hotredphoenix @leosgirl82 @thelaundrybitch
Here's my Master List!
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murdersansy · 2 years
Don't mind me ill just draw ma bois in cute but cool outfits (im no fashion designer so i suck at those)
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And i could not fit Raph in there so he's on video call...
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strawberrybuddi · 6 months
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I normally don't do anything in color, so this was tough but fun.
If I draw more of my TMNT iteration, it will probably be back on paper lol.
I did a doodle of the boys to get a quick idea of their fashion.
Someone had a very cute idea for the Rise boys to have mask tails that resembled their weapons so I did a little spin on it. I'll link it when I find the posts. I know I rebloged it.
So in Greytone, the boys were raised to believe they were human first (a lie Splinter told them), so they tend to wear clothes more often as their default.
The boys have pretty shallow shells. Mostly so I can put them into different outfits, but I also wanted a trade-off or typical TMNT stuff for upping some abilities. For example, small shells mean they can't hide in them, but they're flexible and basically bulletproof. They also have extreme regenative abilities.
What else?
OH! THEY’RE QUADRUPLETS! Because it's cute. Leo still acts like he's the oldest, though. Well, at least he's the most consistent about it. Donnie and Raph take turns being "the big brother" with the others, too. Mikey's good being the honorary youngest.
I'm still figuring out how to portray it, but the only way to tell the boys apart (outside fashion and masks) are their spots. Their too light in color right now. I don't know if you can even see it if you zoom in. They share some spot patterns between them (Donnie and Raph both have beauty marks at the bottom right corner of their mouths/Leo and Mikey have "freckles"), but they have unique patterns too.
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terrahlee-cup · 2 months
Here have another @raphaelesbian
Chapter 8
“I’m in.” This… is going to go sideways isn’t it. What they were doing before was  dangerous, but this is *really* dangerous. If they get caught the brain worms are right there. Not to mention the possibility of one of them freezing because, y’know, ✨trauma✨
“When did ‘they’ stop being him and his brothers?” That would be the trauma they don’t have! :D Your brothers are out of their depth, bud, Karai has a bit of an advantage in being helpful even if she’s being a bad influence at the same time lol.
On one hand I don’t really like him using the tekkō-kagi, but the backup weapon is probably a good idea… this is going to go poorly.
Leo caught him immediately a good sign for how this night’s gonna go! Casey to the rescue once again. Honestly wish he told Casey where he was really going. No-one knowing where he actually is will be a problem if they need to get to him quickly. Fucking hell he left the tracker that’s worse.
“What an idiot.” PLEASE don’t get over-confident you two. Hi Xever? I guess? Not who I expected honestly. Them escaping relatively okay was not expected, but yay!
They fully just decked each other and moved on huh. That fits yeah lol. Also we’re getting to Shinigami nice. I am so ready for these three being absolutely nuts.
Once again Casey is the best. Gonna be messy when Raph’s family finds out what he’s been doing though, hoo boy.
Nine :D
Leo was so worried oh no- he’s going to be so mad when he finds out what actually happened 😭
Ohp there’s the self-deprecating. This kid I swear. Like— should you be lying to your family about what you’re doing? No. Are you an awful person? ALSO NO.
Not the headache as soon as he gets up AUGH THOSE SUCK. 
Shinigami jump-scare! She has arrived. SIMLISH WHEEZE- and she’s been flipped off within five minutes this is going to be great lol.
The back and forth sass increases oh my word these three are so fun. “Edgy-ass name, there was no way she didn’t pick it out herself.” Please-
Aaaaand they’re drawing on the Purple Dragons’ faces they are having way too much fun with this lmao. “Well, not much point in leaving any behind, is there?” Oh they’re going to burn the money aren’t they. Or just the entire building apparently. Nice.
“Man he loved fire.” Of course he does 😆
“I will just have to pick things out for you!” AW THEY’RE ADORABLE. “Please don’t” … “Mm, no, I will.” ADORABLEEEE-
“I live in a sewer.” … “Well, I suppose it could be worse.” *head in hands* Mhm yeah it could.
Chapter 10
“Rafa-tan!” You know how I kept calling them adorable during the last chapter? Well once again: THAT’S ADORABLE
“But you’re just so cute!” SHE GETS IT. I want to dangle test him. Like a cat.
HAHAHA SHINIGAMI WANTS TO DRESS HIM UP YES THIS IS GREAT. Raph don’t even bother trying to stop her it’s not going to work lol.
“What did she think he was, a clown?” I mean… also, if he never gives her ideas I need her to stick him in the brightest fucking outfit possible. 
The friendship bracelets are here!!! But first gotta annoy the big sister lol. Aw he likes it that’s so cute I’m- THEM <3
*gestures vaguely at the fight scene* All of the banter during this. Just yes.
“What, that’s the only reason? I’ve given you so much material, here.” RAPH NO. Also his brothers being so worried is fair, and I can’t exactly say they shouldn’t be? Just not for the reasons they think. The immediate realization of why Shinigami thought his accent was funny nice. That slipping into Japanese on accident is going to be very noticeable if he keeps doing it hoo boy.
Oh that ‘need to move’ feeling is not fun jeez. Me poor boy.
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claraghost22 · 1 year
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Tmnt AU Casual Outfits Drawings
Here’s some more of the still yet to be titled tmnt au, with my guys getting some casual outfits cuz they deserve some comfort
I had old sketches sitting around for months so decided to redo them, and I really like how they came out with the lineless style. For the stuff behind their outfits, I gave Leo a kimono type outfit cuz he connects most with Splints, and gave him some flower symbolism. Donnie gets tech wear cuz he’s the gamer and science guy. Mikey I tried to find modern fashion trends in Japan, and gave him a neon look. Raph just wants to chill, and I thought camo looked good on him. April I just thought the outfit was cute and wanted her in a dress. Casey’s is a shirt for his hockey team, and Karai I once more looked at Japanese fashion trends but looked in the eighties cuz that’s the time frame she grew up in. Sorry for the ramble, but hope you enjoy
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