#goalie gus
sake906 · 6 months
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yes-perwallstedt · 1 year
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They dressed the Deweys up in goalie gear!?
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get-hockeyed-idiot · 9 months
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hey does anyone want to go collectively insane with me over these images?? anyone????
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girlfriendline · 7 months
gus with the helmet and his best friend 😭
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chippergoose · 21 days
They always look so sad in the hallway
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getoutofthisplace · 5 months
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Dear Gus & Magnus,
Mom worked today, but it was a big day for the Choate Boys. Nene joined us to watch Gus's first soccer game at 8:30, during which he got his foot on the ball a few times, and he got to play goalie some. They won 5-0. Then we went to Eli's birthday party at Allsopp.
Back home, Gus legitimately waited by the window for the Amazon van to deliver his new drone. Rhett came over and we stomped cans, played pinball, and Magnus helped me mow the back yard. Then the big boys went to the Grummers' house and Magnus helped me grill steaks. A long day, but a good one.
Little Rock, Arkansas. 4.6.2024 - 9.13am.
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i wanted to make myself mad today so i went on the reddit and immediately encountered people advocating for us to trade one of our goalies. this is a self-evidently stupid as shit proposition on a level that kind of boggles my mind. who are you going to trade? gus? that assumes either flower is for sure coming back next year which isn't a sure thing or we're going to pick up somebody to back up jesper in the off season, to which i say, "with what money". i love wally but you can't just assume he can jump right into being an nhl starter and leave him holding the bag like we did in that cursed-ass dallas game. you can't move fleury without his consent and idk that it seems like he wants to go anywhere.
"trade one of our goalies for an extra ufa d-man" do you hear yourself right now. what's happening here. go back to the sports illustrated comments section you crawled out of
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wildkirill · 9 months
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realised from this picture that Gus has a reindeer on his helmet and I love that so much
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wildaboutmnhockey · 2 years
I know he kept us in the game to get to/through OT but I absolutely hate Flower in the shoot out. Stop trying the cutesy poke checks and shit and just stay in position.
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letkirillfight · 2 years
yes let's talk more about dewey 2, most dangerous player
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stillfertile · 7 months
so, you keep hearing about two idiot 4th liners on the Minnesota Wild that have the same name, but know nothing about them?
well, let me help you
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Still want to know more? Further reading below! (AKA iconic dewey posts)
juggling masters
Brandon eats paper
Rookie prank
gus bus
GIF sets
Brandon rookie lap + goal
Connor is a nerd
pathetic Brandon
intimate celly
neither can cook
dumb + confident
worst picture of the deweys ever
I have never made a primer before I hope you enjoyed !!
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yes-perwallstedt · 1 year
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This article is a delight
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check please psych au where
holster is shawn and ransom is gus and theyre in love (of course they are)
jack is lassiter and shitty is juliet, they go from reluctant partners to absolute ride or die besties
lardo is chief vick because she would 100% see through the psychic nonsense but would also allow holster to keep it up because of results and also for the bit (yes shitty and lardo eventually do get together no dont ask me if thats allowed by police dept. rules)
bitty owns a bakery next to the psych office and occasionally helps r&h with crime-solving because he was over at the office giving the boys some food. r&h rave about bitty at sbpd, shitty is a big fan and drags jack to the bakery + brings baked goods to meetings. eventually zimbits ensues
the frogs are police officers like mcnab, and yes nursey and dex have a rivalry that is entirely because their only settings are instigate or confess their crushes and instigating is safer
johnson the metaphysical goalie is woody the medical examiner (no explanation needed)
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chippergoose · 1 month
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larsnicklas · 3 months
watching game 7 properly a day late bc my plane wifi was NOT good. "live" blog under the cut tehe!!
sasha absolutely obliterating a man in the corner was NOT on my bingo card but i liked it
ah gorgeous tip by mr v.erhaeghe. i knew he was going to show up that man ONLY scores big time goals
i love that pomo put okie back in the lineup. and not just bc i hate nick c.ousins lol it's just like. it's the right thing to do, to give okie a wack at this. i know when you're making lineup decisions it can't be about sentimentality but sometimes the Right thing to do is also the morally correct one lol
i do wonder a little if something is limiting bob physically a bit. obviously nothing that really has impeded him but. just something that's hindering his natural athleticism JUST a touch
good fun first period. it's very nice that both teams decided to play well in the same game. this has not happened during all games of this final LOL
espn wanted the o.ilers to win so bad they looked silly. especially m.essier AKSLJDFLAKSJD
okay lmfao you know what. that tripping call on matthew was NOT a trip. should've just been incidental contact, just a nothing collision. however. there COULD have been a call on erod for goalie interference so i think all in all it's ok. THAT BEING SAID puck don't lie and that's why the cats got the kill <3
stenny spent a minute and a half without a stick on the kill he is so cool so brave i would die for him i am so serious. also gus using stenny's stick wronghanded and also like probably five inches too big for him...... that was so harrowing. but bob was so up to the task. kith. i love him.
the cats really finally looked like themselves again this game eh. it was so good to see them LOL they are really such a joy when they play their game
fourth line looked very good
hockey is so funny in the way that a chance at one end can result in a goal at the other
that was an UNREAL play by kuli by the way. i'm so glad he had the second touch on the puck because he deserved an assist, batting the puck away from the crease while falling down. great shot by reino, and WHAT a pop in that building. my god. i knew it was coming and my heart is still pounding. holyyy what a moment
boys were laying the body. very good. wear them down.
e.kblad-f.orsling pairing you are SO very extremely important to me.
i don't mean to be too predictable but. samuel b.ennett is really such a warrior he's just got the heart of a lion he's mean he's intense he gets an icy cold calm feral look in his eye sometimes it's terrifying. i LOVE him. playing this whole series with a bum knee and honestly skating well, all things considered. fuck darnell n.urse lol
fascinating strategy from the cats in the third (treat it like a 20 min penalty kill) but i guess if it works it works!!!
bob was so locked in. the way the crowd popped with every save he made as the third period progressed..... man i LOVE sports
the scramble with 7 min left on the clock; dude florida owes gus f.orsling WHATEVER he asks for.
bob actually made a miraculous glove save on that play as well i feel so genuinely glad he had a bounce back game like this to win the cup
cats did a very nice job in the final stretch making it difficult for the oil to pull s.kinner
that being said. if EYE was a coach and my team was desperately trying to get the equalizer to extend the season and my opponent iced the puck with 3:29 left i would definitely pull my goalie and get my sixth man on the ice in the offensive zone but. idk what do i know
oh my heart really does swell with joy and pride lol they were truly selling out in the final minutes. bob was so fantastic. the five guys on the ice were throwing themselves in front of the puck, in front of sticks, in front of bodies. this is such a panthers way to play
btw sasha really embodies just. THEEE ideal. he plays hockey in a way that makes you nod sagely and go ah, that's how that's supposed to work. he's really wonderful i know he doesn't care to be a household name but i'm glad he will be (by hockey standards anyway) after this cup run
oh they are such a great team man. seriously when gus and mikksy and benny went into the corner to keep the puck along the boards for the final seconds ooooh the confidence i felt. no way THOSE guys were about to lose a board battle in THIS scenario. no fucking way. dudes rock.
also i did cry on the plane yesterday but that did NOT innoculate me from crying again today :( like what. i'm supposed to look at the tears in aaron's eyes and NOT well up in response??
me 🤝 keith t.kachuk wiping tears from my eyes
ok this concludes my "live" blog sorry if any of you actually read this. it wasn't very coherent
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bsaka7 · 6 months
i like when the goalie gets em like that. EAT EM GUS BUS
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