macabrecabra · 1 year
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LOVECRAFTOBER: DAY FIVE: Gobogeg, The Moon Ladder
Affiliation: Court of Yog-Sothoth
I always liked the desing for Gobogeg, so of course, going to include them in the fun! A pillar of flesh and space, holding within them a terrifying black hole of destruction, Gobogeg is a rather powerful Great Old One and member of Yog-Sothoth's court.
They are the second oldest spawns, half sibling to Gloon, Hastur, and Urm-At-Tawil and take the most after Yog when it comes to overall appearance. They have a moon for an eye and an every growing body that rises as they rip apart the planet, giving them the moniker of "The Moon Ladder'. Gobogeg has a habit of acting like a know-it-all and can be a rather smug bastard when it comes to things. When upset, they rip open their own spine to expose the gaping black hole at their core.
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hungry-skeleton · 2 years
To begin info dump Cthulhu mythos/Yog-Sothothery you got to start off smaller
alien wasp lobsters but fleshy and it’s head is covered with antennae. As for there behaviours you know that one animation you made about the qu imagine that but there even more egocentric they rip out other species exist to understand them,
Star vampires
There invisible… until they drink blood then we get to see them they look vaguely like jelly fish with giant maws the best depiction of them is from the French version of the Call of Cthulhu tabletop game, as for behaviours they are voracious blood suckers with a nonstop eerie horrifying laughter and yes they are actively evil
Elder things
They made humanity to be a slave species, they left them as discarded lab project, something bad happened to them, and now they live under the ice, they are basically a race of living eggplants with many wings and tentacles even some on there head with eyes, there not evil just bitter
The great race of yith I know what your thinking don’t
resembling large cones with three arms claws, pincers and something.. honestly I have no idea what it is? And a head with three eyes and tentacles, they are the least evil out of all the species (besides the fact they sometimes which there species to survive apocalyptic events that happen to them) they simply just curious, there like a whole race of scientists after all
Flying Polyp
There just assholes that look like worms
The colour out of space
Ya like 80s movies your going to love them in short there a living mix of a gas and water that changed the land around before sucking all the life out of them and leaving
Immense worms, with tough elongated bodies coated with vicious slime, A telepathic race which works in a queen bee way they rarely ever come up they mostly hang around the core of the earth
Wendigos but giant
A bunch of mini Cthulhu’s that stab people
Shapeshifting blobs of flesh that the elder things made and they might have been the reason why there’s so little left, they most stay in the South Pole eating anything that they find there also really go at pretending to be people
The dark young of Shub neegooroth you know why
They live in the forest and really only come to give any cultists mothers milk besides that they just act like goats
Just the Greek gods
Hounds of tindalos
They look nothing like hounds and they live in angled time because of this when they come into our normal angled time they can only come out of curves like corners it looks really weird, and they only come out once they catch the scent of someone time travelling there why most who do time travel never come back
And finally Gobogeg
Basically nothing is known about them besides the fact that they are a giant pulsating red tentacle with a single eye at the tip of it, as for behaviours all we really know is that it lifts everything around it which causes most of the time the State or continent to completely collapse and sometimes even destroy the whole universe it’s in and then it leaves for some reason this is the lovecraftian monster I keep thinking about sometimes idk why
And that’s a run down of some of the Cthulhu mythos/Yog-Sothothery monsters not the gods there up nexts I hope you enjoyed reading and learn about this strange strange world ;D
Thank you anon this was a fun after shower read /gen 💚
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lpbestiary · 5 years
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Gobogeg, known as "the Twice-Invoked," is a Great Old One from the Cthulhu Mythos. It appears as a gigantic pillar of amorphous alien flesh, with an eye at its center.
Gobogeg dwells beneath the ground, and when it is summoned, causes devastating earthquakes as it ascends to the surface. Some texts claim that when Gobogeg erupts from the ground, it uproots the entire continent, and can cause whole worlds to collapse.
Image source.
Monster master list.
Suggest a spook.
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jarakfenrir · 5 years
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mcgriffin · 6 years
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Bloodtober. The last of those characters I’ve been designing for my side project y’all have seen me posting about for a bit now- a game tentatively titled Monster City. Sort of a visual novel for nihilists and perverts. Expect more posts about it from my @elseware_presents account. Just because Elseware is a fictional game company doesn’t mean they can’t have real projects, right? #inktober #lovecraft #gobogeg #digital #monsterboy #bloodelemental #visualnovel https://www.instagram.com/p/BpLv654hLMl/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=77umgmpwl093
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deadbiterpg · 4 years
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With the veils thinning, greater horrors have begun to emerge, spreading to the other worlds. Below the cut is the first wave, and how each has appeared or is threatening different areas. Any posts regarding the horrors, please tag as #deadbiteevent, and enjoy the possibilities that come from these creatures taking over. All is fair in the apocalypse. Stay safe, and pray that your soulmate isn’t gobbled up or taken before you get to them. Remember, these are merely the first to make their way through from their worlds. More will surely follow.
Hound of Tindalos
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Although their exact appearance is somewhat vague, cosmic time-traveler Titus Crow described them as looking like bat-like rags, whilst other sources claim them to have long proboscises to drain their prey's bodily fluids, and that they constantly ooze a disgusting blue ichor. Despite being named the Hounds of Tindalos, this moniker refers more to the creatures' behavior than any resemblance to an actual canid.
Originating in the Earth's distant past when other life had yet to develop past the single-called organism level, Hounds are hunters who crave an indescribable something in humankind, and once they pick up the scent of a man (usually the trail of a time-traveler) the beasts will follow their victims across time and space in order to feed. To this end, Hounds are capable of materializing through acute corners; this is due to the fact that while most common life inhabits the curves of time, Hounds inhabit the angles.
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B'gnu-Thun, also known as The Soul-Chilling Ice-God, is a Great Old One
Almost nothing is known about B'gnu-Thun, although it has been reported to appear as a gigantic humanoid monstrosity with blue-tinged skin. Wherever it passes, a fierce, otherworldly blizzard follows in its wake, earning B'gnu-Thun its epithet.
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A strange darkness begins to descend from the moon as an ominous green fog rises from the lake. From that meeting point emerges the Bokrug, with a penchant for killing or turning those that displease him into his followers, humanoid fish-like creatures that resemble him. It’s best to stay far from his sight.
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Statues of Dionysus have begun to appear. Whether it’s the work of the God in question or of some admirer, they have come to be. The truth of such a thing is far more sinister for the statues in question are actually avatars for Gloon. 
 Gloon's true appearance is that of a leathery, bloated slug whose skin hangs off its body in great flaps. Although imprisoned long ago by powerful sorcery on the lost continent of Atlantis, Gloon is occasionally able to manifest its true form through its avatars, and even those who merely touch the diminutive statues will experience strange dreams of cyclopean ruins beneath the sea. Those affected by such dreams feel an overwhelming compulsion to locate the ruins, to the extent that they will drown themselves whilst searching for them.
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Whilst little is known of dread Gobogeg, what has been gleaned is that it manifests as an enormous column of shifting, pulsating eldritch flesh, sporting a single baleful eye at the tip of its tentacle-like body. When it appears, it causes great earthquakes to ravage the surrounding lands, and is said to be able to cause entire worlds to implode through his simple presence.
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macabrecabra · 1 year
Slowly working through asks! Been devoting time to getting small answers out while I work on the bigger renders. Working on the last aether dragon commission, two separate gift arts, and environment art for my webcomic series. Also got my aasimar lass concept art I need to update and get done before Friday for the Secret Satan even and once I get my person for it, will have that take priority!
Also fanfics...they will be updated and finished >8I looking to dedicate an entire day this Saturday to just writing and editing! >8E
BUT THEN. WHEN ALL THAT IS OFF THE TABLE... I AM DOING THE ART FOR THE LOVECRAFT POPULARITY POLL! In no particular order of who will face of who first, I've gotten down the falling horrors:
Nyarlthotep, Azathoth, Nameless Mist, Darkness, Cthuhlu, Gobogeg, Hastur, Umr At-Tawil, shub niggurath,Gloon, Nug and Yeb (Package deal!), Yig, Tsathoggua, Ghantanothoa, Dagon, Hydra, Bokrug, Chaugnar Faugn, yog sothoth, and Tru' Nembra
If there is a named Great Old One or Outer God I missed, let me know! I tried to go for ones with either interesting designs and enough lore to form a comprehensive picture/personality and are created within Lovecraft's lifetime/mentioned by Lovecraft/ or acknowledged by Lovecraft. Also avoided "OP" ones that are just made long after and sort of go against established core lore (the Elder Gods and Great Ones are exempt to be done in their own poll as they fall in a different category of beings in my mind!)
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