#god au janus said ‘how can i cover most of my skin while still being utterly distracting to logan
princeanxious · 3 years
Bro loceit god au Janus is soooo pretty omfg
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He is and he absolutely knows it~
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lovelylogans · 3 years
puppy love
roger: do you want another cup of marriage? anita: excuse me? roger: tea? another cup of tea? anita: you said marriage. roger: uh, marriage? anita: yes, that’s what you said. i—i mean, you meant to say tea... but it—it came out marriage. roger: oh, i’m sorry. uh—do you want another cup of... tea?
—101 dalmatians
warnings: misbehaving dog, misunderstanding that might cause secondhand embarrassment, please let me know if i’ve missed any!
pairing: virgil/logan, offscreen patton/janus
word count: 2,732
notes: this is for day four of @analogicalweek! the prompt of the day is “alternate universe” and i have decided to write a "i think my dog likes your dog” au, based off the introduction of anita and roger in 101 dalmatians! please enjoy!
Logan would have named his dog Tesla if the name had not already become popular due to the brand and if he did not have a deep-seated dislike of Elon Musk, but as it has, and as he does, his dog’s name is Nikola instead. He had finally given in and adopted her after his brother, Patton, had been wheedling him to adopt or foster one of the animals for years from the shelter he serves as veterinarian.
Nikola is a very intelligent dog. In the two-and-a-half years he has had her since she was a puppy, he has taught her a variety of tricks—the usual things, like sit, shake, stay, but also more unusual tricks like fetching him water bottles or tissues or any number of things that she knows the name of and is within her reach. She is a mix of two intelligent breeds—rottweiler and German shepherd—and as such learning and practicing tricks helps keep her from being bored. 
She has a surplus of enrichment toys. She never rips up shoes or furniture. She keeps an obedient trot at his side on hikes and runs ahead if he tells her to. She waits after he throws something for her to fetch until he says to run, and she has learned to sit before they cross the street. She is a very well-trained dog. 
Which is why it is so surprising when, as soon as he crouches to unleash her at the dog park they go to on Sundays, weather permitting, she snatches his baseball cap meant to keep the spring sun out of his eyes, and goes running off as if he has told her to fetch a tennis ball.
“Nikola!” He calls, out of being startled more than anything, before he starts to jog after her.
Nikola runs, just a black-and-brown streak of fur with the navy blue of his cap clamped between her teeth, and Logan is really quite fortunate that he spends most Saturdays, weather permitting, hiking, and weekday mornings on jogs besides. This habit has kept him in shape, however, it has also contributed to keeping Nikola in shape, and as such she is a very fast and athletic dog. He wonders briefly if he’ll catch her before he makes too much a fool of himself.
But just as suddenly as she’d started running, she stops at one of the benches installed around the dog park, dropping his cap on the bench and then immediately moving to the dog sitting beside her owner, Nikola wagging her tail and panting and looking quite pleased with herself, with eyes only for the other dog. The other dog, all black excepting the white splotch on her chest, looks at Nikola curiously, but does not crouch in a playful posture or otherwise react.
“Nikola, really,” he scolds, picking up his cap and jamming it back on his head. Then he looks to the man sitting on the bench with the dog that Nikola now seems enamored with, intent on apologizing for disturbing him or his dog, but his mouth goes dry almost immediately.
The man with the dog sitting calmly at his side is very handsome. 
He’s brown-skinned and black-haired—he’s Latino, Logan thinks—and in the middle of reading a book. Logan isn’t sure what book, based on the way his hands are placed, his long, elegant fingers covering the title. He’s also listening to music, as evidenced by the white wireless earbuds placed in his ears.
It’s likely that Nikola’s tomfoolery hasn’t disturbed him at all. The man only gives Logan a look—his eyes, which are a stunning shade of brown so dark they’re practically black—and returns his attention to his novel.
Logan clears his throat awkwardly, jams his cap back on his head, and turns to Nikola, who is still trotting around them, seeming very pleased with herself, wagging her tail, looking every inch a pompous showdog.
Sometime in the middle of watching Nikola, the exceptionally handsome man has closed his book and stood up, and Logan tries his best not to pay him any mind as he walks away.
“Helena, come,” he says, with a deep, lovely voice that hits Logan somewhere in the sternum. He has an accent—Spanish, maybe? Portuguese? Logan isn’t very familiar with romantic languages outside of English, other than the Latin he took throughout high school and college. Nikola is still looking very excited, but the black dog—Helena—stands and follows after the man.
“Nikola, really,” he repeats weakly, and crouches before her, gathering her leash in hand and preparing to let her loose so they can, perhaps, play a game of fetch, or something that does not involve Logan running after her like a madman.
But of course not. Whatever mood Nikola’s in persists, as she suddenly pulls forward, forcing Logan to get up off the ground lest he be dragged in her wake, and he really does not want to be dragged along the ground at the dog park, so he does, scrambling after her and trying to regain his balance.
He doesn’t notice she’s looping her leash around the man’s knees until it’s too late.
Which brings him to notice that she is also backtracking to loop around his knees.
He cannot help but notice when Nikola pulls tight and it brings Logan and the man colliding forcefully, chest-to-chest.
“Oh!” The man grunts. His chest is warm and broad. Logan would quite like to curl up under a nearby rock and never come out and also, if Nikola understood human terms, she would be so grounded. As it is he is absolutely revoking treats for her behavior today, even if the man is now putting a hand on Logan’s shoulder and it radiates warmth through his shirt.
“I beg your pardon,” Logan splutters, “I’m so sorry, please excuse me, I’ve no idea what’s gotten into her—”
At the same time, the man is saying “What the hell, oh my God, what—” and trying to push them apart, Logan stumbling with it.
Which makes the man stumble, which makes Logan stumble a little more, and very suddenly, they’re overbalancing, and Logan lands on top of him, the man wheezing as his back meets the ground, surely knocking the wind out of him. Even with that, he puts a hand at Logan’s waist to keep him from falling off of him into the dirt.
“I’m so sorry,” Logan gasps, and looks over—Nikola and Helena are side by side, Helena still haughty, Nikola still seeming very self-congratulatory.
“Nikola, bad girl,” he scolds. She doesn’t even have the decency to look chastened. “I swear she’s never like this, I really am so sorry—”
Logan manages to loosen the leash from around their knees and rolls off the man, apologizing all the while.
The man manages to sit up, eyes wide, and promptly Helena comes trotting over to him, leaning heavily into his side. 
“Uh, that’s,” the man coughs, “that’s okay. It—it wasn’t your fault. Um.”
He threads his fingers throughout Helena’s long fur, and Logan whistles sharply. Nikola at least has the good sense to return to his side.
“I am very sorry,” he repeats and stands, offering a hand to the man. The man hesitates before he releases Helena and takes it, allowing Logan to pull him to his feet.
Logan picks up the book—oh, he’s handsome and he has good taste, too, he’s reading On Beauty by Zaydie Smith, of course he had to go and look like an absolute buffoon in front of him—and holding it out for him.
The man takes his book back, eyes wide, before he looks to the dogs.
And then, of all the things to do, he starts to laugh.
Logan looks, too, and he feels his face crack into a grin.
Nikola is wagging her tail eagerly, staring at Helena, and Helena, at last, seems to look back at her. Her tail, almost grudgingly, starts to wag, too.
“I think your dog has a crush on my dog,” the man says, amused.
“I can’t deny that observation,” Logan admits. Sure, Nikola will play with other dogs, but she’s never been so sweet to another dog before. Even if he is irritated with her for running off, he can’t quite hold onto his sense of annoyance as Nikola makes doe-eyes at Helena.
“Like a regular Romeo,” the man says, then makes a face. “No, scratch that. Um—”
“She’d be a Juliet, regardless,” Logan interrupts.
He relaxes his shoulders. “Good. Romeo’s overused.”
He catches Logan’s confused eye, and explains, “My brother’s name is Roman. He crushes on people a lot. It was an easy joke growing up.”
“Ah,” Logan says, waits a beat, before he says, “It’s odd I know your dog’s name and your brother’s name before I know yours?”
“I have another brother named Remus,” he offers. “And, now that you know my family tree except me, I’m Virgil.”
“Well, I have a brother named Patton, and a brother-in-law named Janus,” Logan says. “I’m Logan.”
Virgil’s brow crinkles up. “Not Janus Ophidian?”
“The same,” Logan says.
“Small world,” Virgil says thoughtfully. “He’s a pain in my ass.”
He immediately blushes, as if he did not mean to say that, but Logan laughs before he can stop himself. Virgil blushes deeper.
“Uh, sorry,” Virgil says. “Sorry, he’s your—”
“No, you’re quite right,” Logan says affably. “He is a pain in the ass, he’d be proud to hear you say it. How do you know him?”
“Coworkers, of a sort,” Virgil says.
“So you’re a lawyer?” Logan says curiously.
“No,” Virgil says. “He’s in immigration law, right?”
“I’m a translator,” Virgil says. “They hire me on retainer, sometimes, for clients who speak Spanish or Portuguese and not as much English. Or Catalan, or Aromanian, or Asturian, but those are way less common.”
“Interesting,” Logan says. “You’re a polyglot?”
“Six languages fluently, and three enough to make conversation,” Virgil says, then, “Aw, look at that.”
Nikola is nosing at Helena, and, after waiting a moment, Helena noses her back, their muzzles pressing together in a facsimile of a kiss.
“Well,” Logan says, unsure of what to really say to that, because it really is quite adorable. Then, “I suppose they’d like to spend time together. Would you like to sit back down on the bench to talk?”
Virgil smiles at him, more a quirk of his mouth than anything, and Logan’s heart flutters in his chest.
Please be single, please be single, he prays to no one in particular as they sit down together.
“So, what do you do for a living?” Virgil asks, ensuring that he has marked the page (his bookmark advertises for a small, local independent bookshop) and closing it, setting it aside.
“Oh,” Logan says, then, because his actual job title is quite long and unwieldy, he says, “I’m an astrochemist.”
“An astrochemist,” Virgil repeats, sounding intrigued. “I don’t think I’ve ever heard of that. What do you do all day?”
Logan brightens. “Well,” he begins, and off he goes.
He knows he can be something of a rambler, especially when it comes to topics he’s passionate about, and especially when it comes to astrochemistry, a combination of his two most favorite scientific disciplines of study. It only takes someone five minutes of listening to him ramble to discover he’s passionate about his work and the discoveries they make.
But he can’t help it. It’s the best thing in the universe, what he gets to do—use radio telescopes to detect the electromagnetic radiation that’s given off by objects in space, establishing what substances are in space and in what quantities, which can potentially come to tell the story of how the universe was made. 
He gestures frequently with his hands, his voice rising in volume as he talks about the significance of his work, the knowledge he’s helped discover, the theories they have. He sweeps a wide, expansive gesture to the sky, and points in the approximate direction of the various planets and stars of study. All the while, Helena and Nikola move to chase each other in circles, and all the while, Virgil alternates between watching the dogs with a soft look, and then looking back to Logan with genuine interest shining in his eyes, along with something Logan can’t quite name—well, he did just meet this man, he supposes that isn’t unreasonable.
Whatever the look is, though, it increases the excitement of lecturing about something he loves to someone who wants to learn, something in his stomach fluttering, his heart beating loud in his ears.
He’s about to start explaining the use use theoretical models as well as computer visualizations to help them explain their observations in terms of known physical and chemical principles, and how it helps them study the origins of extraterrestrial bodies and the chemical processes that have shaped their present forms when he stops, abruptly aware of how long he has been talking.
“Goodness,” Logan says, suddenly shy, pushing his glasses up his nose. “I’m so sorry, I’ve just talked away a good portion of your afternoon. Um. That’s the—that’s the sum of what I do on a daily basis. Which is what you asked.”
Virgil has that same quirk to his mouth as before, and that look in his eyes that had made Logan so eager in the first place.
“I don’t mind,” he says, and scratches at the back of his neck. “Um, I don’t drink coffee, ‘cause I have anxiety—Helena’s my emotional support dog, actually—”
Her stillness and calmness at the start of the whole debacle makes sense, then.
“—but, um. There’s a café nearby with outdoor seating, would you wanna maybe go... get a cup of marriage?”
Logan blinks at him, mouth agape.
“Excuse me?” He manages to squeak out.
Virgil blinks right back.
“Tea?” He clarifies, as if he was unsure if Logan heard him over the sound of other dogs and humans in the park. Goodness, there’s other dogs and people in the park, when did that happen? When did it get so crowded? “Would you want to maybe go get a cup of tea?”
“You,” Logan says, certain that his face is flaming red. “You said marriage.”
Virgil blushes then. He opens and closes his mouth a couple times, and at last he says, “Marriage?”
“Yes,” Logan says. “You—you said marriage. I mean, you meant to say tea, but it—it came out marriage.”
Virgil’s brow furrows. He thinks for a few moments. Then it seems to click, and he buries his face into his hands.
“Oh, God, I’m so sorry,” Virgil groans. “It was nice to meet you and you’re very attractive and also you were so excited about your work so I have started liking you in a friendly way but also in a I’d like to date you way but I just proposed marriage barely an hour after we met, so I’m going to go fling myself into the creek so I never have to see you again, I can’t believe I said that.”
Helena has untangled herself from Nikola and is currently butting up against Virgil’s shins, seemingly in an attempt to get him to calm down.
“No! No,” Logan says hastily. “No. Oh, please don’t do that, um. Tea sounds great. Tea sounds lovely. I also think you’re very attractive and like you in both a friendly and romantic sense!”
Virgil peeks out from between his fingers. “Really?”
“Really,” Logan promises. “In fact, would you like to go get a cup of tea with me? Right now? As a date?”
Virgil grins at him weakly. “I guess a date sounds more reasonable than marriage right off the bat, doesn’t it?”
Logan smiles back at him, as encouragingly as he can. “It does. I’d like to go on a date with you.”
Virgil’s grin strengthens. “Great! Okay. Okay. Um—follow me, then?”
They both pause to leash their dogs, sharing a bashful smile with each other, and Logan follows Virgil and Helena to the gate of the dog park.
Nikola’s strange sense of mischief has worn off; she’s trotting obediently at his side again. To think, he’d thought Nikola had just caused all this trouble for nothing, and now he’s going on a date with a handsome, intelligent man. 
He sneaks her a treat as they exit the park, on the way to the café just down the street.
logan’s dog, nikola virgil’s dog, helena
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snowdice · 4 years
A Twist of Fate {Part 6} (Everything’s Fine Universe) [Dice Roll 13]
Fandom: Sanders Sides
Relationships: Remus & Janus & Patton, Remy & Patton
Characters: Janus, Patton, Remus, Remy
Summary: It wasn’t unheard of for people to gain soulmarks later in life, but it was quite rare. Usually fate was set in stone. Yet, when one’s fated death was prevented, fate had to make some adjustments.
As he fell, Patton may have felt a strange prickling feeling across his skin. He however, was not paying attention to that, far too distracted and confused. All he knew was that by the time he hit the ground, both of his hands were covered with marks. Later when he went home he’d notice even more in other places, but the ones he noticed when he hit the ground were the obvious ones on his hands.
Then, there was Janus. Janus had only one soulmark on his body. At least. He had only one soulmark that hadn’t been burnt off years ago. When he landed on top of Patton, he did not notice the marks that suddenly appeared on his arms and face. Patton did, however, notice two little designs appear on him: one along the side of his nose and the other right below the scaring on the left side of his face. The second was already colored in by the time they hit the ground.
Universe: Soulmate AU and Superhero AU
Genre: The Dice Roll said fluff and it is… but… it’s more fluff and angst, hurt/comfort-ish
Notes: Child abuse, homelessness, malnutrition, acid burns, platonic soulmates, car accidents mentioned, blood mentioned, death mentioned, chronic pain, abnormal growth
My Master Post Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5
Patton hurried to his front door, his mind frantically trying to figure out what he was going to say to Remy when he opened it. Yesterday, Remy had been his only soulmate, but now that was very much not the case. Patton wouldn’t know how to begin to explain the change even if he didn’t have two easily spooked children in his kitchen right now. Even if he knew where to start, he wouldn’t be able to explain without bringing up Evan and Jimmy, and their trust in him was so fragile, he feared even saying their names aloud to someone they did not know would shatter it forever.
He wanted to tell Remy though, if for no other reason than to have someone he knew and trusted to talk to about it. Patton had done his best to take everything in stride, but his head had been spinning since yesterday. Part of him thought he really had been hit by that car, and he was now having a vivid hallucination as he died. Maybe his mind was recalling the conversation about wanting children he’d had earlier in the day and was spinning a web of dreams before his consciousness faded away.
…Reality had yet to truly sink in even after a night’s rest.
He’d stayed up later than usual after he’d managed to finally find a sleeping arrangement that the children would tolerate. He’d taken the time to find and categorize every single new soulmark on his body before finally letting himself collapse into bed long past midnight. Considering what he’d found, it still took him a while to calm his brain enough to sleep.
There were, of course, the first ones he’d noticed on his hands. Three of these were in the middle on the back of his hands. Evan’s stood alone on his left hand. It was slightly towards the wrist, but still firmly in the territory that meant it was a parent-child relationship. Jimmy’s and one of the unfilled in soulmarks were on his right hand. They were so close together than someone might mistake them for one soulmark if one was not filled in and the other not.
The other two on his hands drifted more towards the side of each hand, close to, but slightly out of the range of a parental soulmark. When he cross referenced it with a diagram on the internet, he found it was more than likely a very close uncle like relationship. He wondered if, or well, hoped that those might match up with Remy’s two parental ones. It would be what made the most sense, after all.
That was five new soulmarks, but that was not where the surprises ended. When he’d finally gotten a chance to look at himself in the mirror, he’d been shocked to find a little crescent moon shaped outline on his neck. That was. Well. Patton had not expected that. It made sense, he guessed, that it was on his neck. He had definitely not expected a romantic soulmark which would be more towards the chest. He’d never really had those feelings, after all. On his neck meant it was a platonic soulmate, but not exactly friends. They probably shared the children as soulmates, at least the three definitely parental soulmates. It was probably a good thing considering all of the children Patton was suddenly responsible for. Or at least… he hoped he would be responsible for.
Those six had been startling enough, but he’d also gotten a few more. His back was now filled with friendship soulmarks that had not been there before. There were 5 more, in fact, putting him at a grand total of 14 soulmarks.
He was considered a Well-Loved now. He was an Unloved yesterday and a Well-Loved today. It was wonderful, but also strange and a bit terrifying. How was he supposed to explain this all to Remy, the one soulmate he’d always had, without even being able to mention the two new ones he’d found by name?
He still had not found an answer to that question even as he opened his front door.
“Sup babe,” Remy greeted immediately. “I brought coffee, but I already drank mine, so I’m going to go invade your kitchen. Kk? Here’s yours.”  Patton took the coffee cup automatically as it was thrust at him. Remy then went to push past Patton into his house, but Patton quickly stepped in his way. Remy’s nose scrunched up in confusion.
“I’m actually busy today,” Patton lied. “I forgot. I have plans. Could we reschedule?”
“Busy?” Remy asked. His voice was skeptical. Patton wasn’t a good liar in general, let alone to the man who had known him since elementary school. “Busy with what?”
“Uh, just… stuff.”
Remy studied him for a long moment, his gaze somehow sharp even though Patton could not see his eyes. “What’s that on your neck?” he asked. “‘Cause it looks like some sort of weird ass hickey, but you’re ace as hell.”
Patton quickly slapped a hand over the soulmark there. “It’s uh, nothing,” Patton said.
“…What’s on your hand?”
Remy reached for Patton, but Patton jerked away, tilting his head to hide the soulmark on his neck and hiding both hands behind his back, almost spilling coffee on himself in his haste. “It’s nothing. Sorry, I can’t spend the day with you today. Can you leave?”
Patton saw Remy’s eyebrows pop up over his sunglasses. “Gurl what is wrong?”
“Everything’s fine,” Patton promised, “but I need you to leave. I’ll talk to you later.”
“Uh huh…” Remy did not seem convinced. In fact, despite his standard cool demeanor, he looked rather alarmed.
“Oh god,” Evan groaned from behind Patton, “just let him in.”
Patton turned back to look at him. “But…”
“You’re a shit liar, and he’s going to call the cops on us if you don’t,” Evan said. Patton really wanted to correct the swearing but held his tongue. “Just… let him in.”
Patton turned to look at Remy who was giving him that slightly to the left head tilt that meant ‘I’m squinting at you in confusion.’
“Why don’t you come in?” Patton said. He stepped out of the way to let Remy walk into the house and closed the door behind him. They all awkwardly stared at each other for a long moment. “Let’s…” Patton finally said. “Living room. If that’s okay with everyone?”
Evan didn’t respond but stalked back towards the kitchen. Patton assumed he was getting Jimmy. That or bolting.
“What the hell, Pat?” Remy asked, voice low.
“They’re my soulmates, apparently,” Patton said. He waved the hand with Evan’s soulmark at him.
“You’re what?” Remy asked, then, “… ‘They’?”
Patton reached over to grab his hand, giving it a little squeeze, more for his benefit than for Remy’s. “I’m just as confused by it as you,” he said. “I got new soulmarks yesterday and two of them are already filled in.” He pulled him towards the living room. “It’s not just those two either. There’s… there’s a lot Rem.”
Remy took the coffee out of Patton’s hand and set it and his own empty cup on the coffee table so he could study both of Patton’s hands. One of his thumbs rubbed gently over one of the marks on the side of his hand. Had he done the math too? Patton had to wonder. Had he wondered why Patton did not at least have soulmarks for Remy’s children? Patton had never dared to bring it up, but Remy wasn’t stupid. Did he see the same thing in those two soulmarks as Patton?
“And some on my back too,” Patton told him.
“Not to mention…” Remy gestured at his neck. Patton put his hand over the mark, blushing a bit.
Just then, Evan and Jimmy entered from the kitchen. Jimmy looked at Remy and instantly opened his mouth. “Oh! I know you.”
Patton glanced over at Remy, but he seemed just as confused as Patton, so he turned back to the kids. Evan had gone tense all of a sudden as though readying to run. His hand dug into Jimmy’s shoulder and Jimmy’s head jerked to him. “No, something happened to him. He didn’t do something.” That confounding statement made Evan slowly relax, but he still looked over at Remy and Patton leerily. Jimmy did not seem to have the same hesitancy as Evan. He shook off the grip on his shoulder and waved. “Hi! You’re a doctor!”
Remy opened his mouth slightly. “…Well,” he said slowly. “I’m currently in medical school.
“…That’s what I meant.”
Patton watched curiously as Evan’s eyes slipped closed in frustration. Something was… off with Jimmy. Patton could not quite figure out what it was yet, but clearly something about him was being hidden, and Evan knew what it was. Patton had some suspicions, but like his knowledge that Evan was shapeshifter, he kept them to himself.
“Uh huh,” Remy replied.
“Why don’t we all take a seat?” Patton suggested. Remy looked over at him and then sat on one of the armchairs next to the couch. Patton sat on the couch next to him a moment later. Jimmy bounced over to the couch too and with no hesitation, he climbed into Patton’s lap. Patton put a hand on the boy’s head, heart in his throat. He did not dare to hug him though, as Evan was already shifting nervously without Patton effectively trapping Jimmy. Evan was left the only one standing, and he did not seem inclined to rectify this. Patton did not comment.
“So, you three got new soulmarks yesterday?” Remy asked.
“Uh huh,” Jimmy answered for them all. He curled one of his fists into Patton’s sweater seemingly not even aware of what he was doing.
“I’m not quite sure how,” Patton said. “I didn’t even know that could happen.”
“Usually it can’t,” Remy replied. “There are only two documented cases in the last century. We learned about them a few weeks ago. One was a polio patient for his doctor in the 1950s, and the other was only a year ago in New York, I think. Someone born with no soulmarks gained one randomly. In both cases, they only gained one. I haven’t even heard of any instances where multiple were gained and why it happened is greatly debated, but there aren’t enough cases to prove any sort of pattern.” Remy looked at him curiously. “Was there anything that happened to you that may have caused it?”
Patton hesitated. There was a clear answer to that question, but it wasn’t exactly easy to tell your best friend that you’d almost di-”
“He almost got smushed by a car!” Jimmy informed him. “Evan ran across the street and shoved him out of the way, but he was going to bleed out in the street and die.”
Patton winced as Remy looked at him, expression unreadable. “You were going to die?” he asked.
“Yeah,” Patton replied softly.
He could tell that the thought badly hurt Remy, but he seemed to shove the pain down. “And being saved caused the new soulmarks?” he asked.
“They were there by the time we hit the ground,” Patton confirmed.
“I guess that makes sense,” Remy said after a moment of thought.
“It does?” Patton asked.
“If you suddenly weren’t going to die when you were before, it makes sense you’d gain soulmarks.”
There was silence as the room absorbed that.
“What’s your name?” Jimmy asked suddenly, voice lighter than it probably should have been considering the previous topic. “Why are you a doctor? Why are you wearing sunglasses inside? Why are you carrying around an empty coffee cup? Are you going to refill it or just throw it away? Did you know that 16,009,402,282 disposable coffee cups were thrown away last year? Wha-”
“Whoa, whoa, one at a time kid,” Remy said, his mouth edging up into a smile. “My old brain can only process so much at once. My name is Remy.”
Jimmy frowned. “Not being able to remember many things is probably bad if you’re going to be a doctor,” he said.
Patton couldn’t help but laugh and pat his head.
“I guess you’re right,” Remy agreed. “I’ll have to work on that. What’s your name?”
“I’m, uh, Jimmy,” he said. “Like I said, that’s Evan. He’s not going to introduce himself because he’s crabby.”
“I see,” Remy replied, lips twitching. “That’s okay. He can be crabby if he wants to be. I’m sure he’s a little stressed out about everything.”
“He’s stressed out about a lot of things all the time,” Jimmy confirmed. Patton glanced up at Evan to see he was very displeased with this statement, but he kept his mouth sealed shut. “Oh!" Jimmy said, bounding a couple of times in Patton’s lap. “You should do a doctor thing to Evan!”
“Jimmy,” Evan hissed.
Jimmy didn’t even blink at the vehemence of Evan’s tone. “His bones are growing in wrong,” he declared, matter-of-factly, “and he’s bad at being warm enough. Like a snake!” Patton internally winced. He wasn’t an expert, but that sounded like it was probably the result of shapeshifting too much and for too long. “Plus, he has bad burns on his back that are healed but still hurt him.”
“Traitor,” Evan accused hotly. He looked like he wanted to escape the room, but he obviously wouldn’t leave without Jimmy, and Jimmy was in Patton’s lap. Patton wondered if that was on purpose.
Jimmy frowned at him. “You need to see a doctor,” he insisted. “You almost pass out every day!”
They stared at each other for a few long moments.
“I’m not going to make anyone accept medical care they don’t want,” Remy said evenly. Evan looked at him. He was pretty twitchy and looked like a trapped animal. “If you want me to look at you, I will, but I won’t make you even if you are sick, and you can stop me at any time.”
“Really?” Evan asked suspiciously.
“Really,” Remy confirmed. “It’s an open offer, but we can stop talking about it if that would make you more comfortable.”
Jimmy was frowning at Evan, but Evan just glared back. The younger boy seemed to shrug it off after a moment. He tilted his head back to look at Patton. “Can we make the cookies now?” he asked.
Patton laughed. “Sure,” he agreed. “We can make the cookies.”
 Evan slowly seemed to relax just a bit as the day went by. As promised, Patton made double chocolate chip cookies with the help… well ‘help’ of both Jimmy and Remy. Jimmy was a bit too enthusiastic and often almost knocked things over. He also had… interesting ideas for additions to the batter that he did not always remember to ask for permission for before putting them in the bowl. Remy, on the other hand knew exactly what he was doing when he tried poring coffee into the batter, and Patton was very unhappy with the fact that he was trying to caffeinate Jimmy of all people. Evan ended up being the most help despite insisting on just observing. He warned Patton about almost all of the potential disasters before they were put into the batter.
After the cookies were put in the oven, they went with Remy and Patton’s original plan of watching movies, though they chose more age appropriate ones than the planned romantic comedies. If Patton was being honest, he actually preferred the Disney movies over whatever Remy would have inevitably chosen.
Despite there not being any caffeine in the cookies they ate, Jimmy insisted upon bouncing between sitting on the couch with Patton and in the recliner with Evan every 30 minutes or so. This had been going on for 2¼ movies and didn’t show signs of stopping. He’d just jumped onto Patton without warning, causing Patton to jerk and accidently knock over a bowl of popcorn into Remy’s lap. Remy just laughed, looking over at Jimmy with a smile and that’s when Evan broke.
“What would you do?” he asked.
Remy blinked over at him, one hand still distractedly brushing popcorn off of his front.
“In the doctor thing or whatever,” Evan clarified.
Remy didn’t move from his seat in the armchair next to the couch, instead just folding his hands together over the popcorn in his lap. He calmly explained from across the living room with Lady and the Tramp running in the background every part of a normal doctor’s check-up. Then he explained about wanting to take a look at his burn scars as well as do a couple of X-rays.
“How would you do the X-rays?” he asked suspiciously.
Remy smiled slightly and tapped the edges of his sunglasses. “There’s a reason I wear sunglasses inside,” he said.
“You have a superpower,” Evan said, something odd in his tone.
“X-ray vision. Believe it or not, that’s not why I’m becoming a doctor.”
Evan bit his lip. “You can… do the first few things. We’ll see about the rest.”
“Alright kid,” Remy agreed easily. “Pat, you have a thermometer and blood pressure cuff, yeah? Can you get those for me?”
“Sure,” Patton said, gently pushing Jimmy off of his lap and walking to the main bathroom to grab what Remy had requested. When he returned, Remy had stood and crossed to kneel next to Evan’s chair and Jimmy had abandoned the couch to sit on his armrest.
“There was also a stethoscope,” Patton said. He set the instruments on the side table and then quickly backed off to give Evan some space and sat on the couch again.
“Thanks Pat,” Remy said without looking at him. He was careful not to crowd Evan, giving him the thermometer to take his temperature himself and asking him to tilt his head so he could flash a penlight in his ear instead of guiding it to the side himself like doctors usually did when Patton got checkups. Evan even allowed him to put the stethoscope under his shirt to listen to his breathing.
“Okay,” Remy said once he was done with that. “We’re done with that part. Up to you if you want me to do the rest.”
Evan hesitated. He glanced over at Jimmy. “Fine,” he said after a moment. “You can look at the burns.
“You’ll have to take your shirt off,” Remy said.
“Would you like a blanket to cover up the rest of you?” Patton offered.
Evan glanced at him. “I… Yes, I would.”
Patton nodded and grabbed one of the blankets on the back of the couch. He walked it over to him and handed it over. He took it and wrapped it around himself before starting to squirm out of his shirt from underneath it.
“Okay,” he said after he was finished. Patton could see the stress at his vulnerability growing in his eyes.
“It’s on your back, right?” Remy asked, his voice gentle.
“Yeah,” he said.
“Alright. I’m going to touch your shoulder,” Remy soothed. When Evan nodded, he reached out and slowly pulled the blanket away from his back. The acid burn scar there was much worse than the one on his face, deeper and more widespread. It made Patton’s chest ache to think about the pain that injury had caused when it had happened, especially if it was bad enough that it still hurt him now. “Okay?” Remy made sure.
“Yeah,” Evan answered.
Remy nodded and leaned forward, his fingertips just brushing the skin on the child’s back. The second their skin touched, they both jumped. “Interesting,” Remy said, surprised.
Patton’s eyes were glued on what had startled them both. A soulmark had filled in on Evan’s back right in the middle of the deepest part of the burn. It looked like nothing Patton had ever seen before. Before he and Remy had touched, Patton hadn’t been able to see that there had ever been a soulmark there. Whatever had been used across his shoulders had seemingly completely erased it, but now there was an emerald blot of color, twisted and distorted by the burn, but still definitely there. Whatever shape it was meant to be before was indiscernible, but the way the color subtlety popped out against his dark skin was still incredibly beautiful.
“I…” Evan twisted around to try to look at the soulmark in confusion, “didn’t know you could get a soulmark that was burnt off.”
“You can’t,” Remy said. He squinted at Evan and then at Patton, “but I guess you’re weird kid.”
Evan’s eyes flickered up to him. “You’re the other half of this equation,” he pointed out, “so what does that make you?”
“Eh,” Remy replied with a smile. “I already knew I was weird.”
Evan smiled tentatively back. He seemed to be calmed by the fact that Remy was his soulmate, contrary to how he’d felt when he’d learned Patton was his soulmate. Patton was a bit surprised, but he guessed it made sense considering a friendship soulmark didn’t give Remy any legal rights to him unlike a parental one. His fear was about control, Patton had surmised by the way he’d acted and the things he’d said, about autonomy. He felt Patton was a threat to that, but Remy was not one.
“I’m going to continue looking, okay?” Remy said, laying a hand on his shoulder again. Evan allowed it and Remy kept looking at the burns through his glasses still. He asked questions about how much and when they hurt, and then sat back after a few minutes. “How about the X-rays.”
Evan took a breath. “Yeah, why not?”
Remy nodded and took off his sunglasses. He spent a few minutes looking at Evan, asking him to move into certain positions every so often. Eventually he put the sunglasses back on and sat back.
“I’m going to be straight with you kid,” Remy finally said. “Are you a shapeshifter?” The tension that had left him after learning Remy was his soulmate returned full force. “It’s alright if you are,” Remy placated. “I won’t do anything or tell anyone outside of this room, but I haven’t heard much about impaired thermoregulation in anyone without a brain or spine injury unless they were shapeshifters. That combined with your bone growth irregularity imply you’ve been using shape-shifting too much.”
Evan did not seem inclined to answer, his eyes on his knees. Jimmy did not have the same reluctance. “Yes, he is,” Jimmy said.
“You’re a dick, Jimmy,” Evan grumbled.
“You probably shouldn’t teach him that,” Patton tried.
“He taught me most of it,” Evan replied with an eyeroll.
“I know all of the bad words!” Jimmy declared, cheerfully. He held up a finger as though starting to count. “Cu-”
“No, no,” Patton quickly cut him off. “I believe you.”
Evan seemed amused at least, his mind evidently taken off his powers for the moment.
Remy snorted a bit himself. “You are a character, aren’t you?” he asked.
“That’s a nice way of putting it,” Evan said.
Remy reached out to pat Jimmy on the head, and really Patton shouldn’t have been surprised when they both jolted a bit.
“Cool!” Jimmy enthused. “I have a doctor soulmate. Can you X-ray me, like with a real X-ray machine not with your weird eyes? I want to see my insides! Then can you label all of my bones for me?!”
Remy snorted. “I reiterate: a character.”
“I don’t know what ‘reiterate’ means!” Jimmy declared proudly.
“Say something again,” Remy informed him. He glanced down at his arm. “Huh,” he said. “That one wasn’t there yesterday,” he said. There was one on the back of his hand almost at his wrist, meaning it was somewhere between an older brother and an uncle relationship. Jimmy likely had one higher on his arm.
“You didn’t notice?” Patton asked.
“Bitch please,” Remy waved him off. “I woke up 5 minutes before I had to leave for my exam and came right here.”
“Remy, can you please not…”
“He almost said the ‘c��� word Patty. I think they’re a lost cause.”
Patton frowned, unhappily, but decided to let it slide for now.
Remy turned back to Evan, still smiling softly. “So,” he said. “I’m guessing you’ve been using your shapeshifting a lot.”
Evan nodded.
“Well, doctors typically recommend that people don’t shapeshift much until their around 14,” Remy informed him. “Mostly because overextending it can cause some problems. How old are you?”
“Twelve,” Evan answered after a beat of hesitation.
“Alright,” Remy said. “That’s a little bit young… and I can tell you’ve been doing it for a while. You’ve honestly messed up a bit of your growth process.”
Evan looked at his lap, not saying anything.
“I don’t blame you,” Remy said. “I don’t think you probably wanted to do all of that, which means you probably had to. You’re obviously a survivor, but it does pose some issues moving forward.”
“So, should he try to stop shapeshifting?” Patton asked.
“It would actually be worse if he doesn’t use it at all at this point,” Remy replied. He turned to Evan who was still not looking at him. “There are exercises I can give you. For now, you should only do those twice a day and no other shapeshifting. After a couple of weeks, you can start using it a bit outside of that, but no full shifts and not for more than a few minutes at a time. That should get your body heat to regulate more normally.”
Evan did not look happy with this prospect. “I’ll try,” he said dubiously.
“I guess that’s all I can really ask,” Remy said with a sigh. “The bone growth would take more to fix. More physical therapy with your shape shifting as well as without. Some of it’s probably permanent damage.”
Evan shrugged. “I’d figured,” he said a bit bitterly.
“It will be alright though,” Remy assured, putting his hand on Evan’s knee.
Evan looked up at him and Patton could see exactly what he was thinking. The being able to not shapeshift at all for two weeks. The extended physical therapy necessary to even start to fix the bone growth irregularities. Those things depended on having somewhere safe to do so. It depended on staying with Patton, and Evan still wasn’t sold on that.
“Of course,” Evan said, and Patton could tell he was lying.
Patton would need to do his best to convince him to stay. A lot more was on the line than he’d thought.
Want to read more? Click below!
Part 7
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sparrow-flies-south · 4 years
Ten Things Chapter 10
Fandom: Sanders Sides Pairings: Anxceit, Royality Intrulogical Summary: Ten Things I Hate About You AU When  Roman Prince learns that Patton Foster isn’t allowed to date until his  older brother, Virgil, is, Roman is crushed. Roman’s twin brother Remus,  however, comes up with a plan: find someone who is willing to date  Virgil. And who better to ask than Janus Verona, who according to rumours is willing to do anything for the right price? Taglist (ask to be added):  @glitchybina​  @imlikeaghostzombiejesus @someone-idk-is-here @anxiety-ismy-name​ @what-aboutno​ @ellietempest​ @northlight14​
That’s right, I’m back! Been a while, I know, but I really want to push on and finish this! Aiming for fortnightly updates for now.
AO3 Link - Chapter One - Chapter Two - Chapter Three - Chapter Four - Chapter Five - Chapter Six - Chapter Seven  - Chapter Eight  - Chapter Nine
“I’m doing your makeup,” Patton announced, when Virgil came out of his room.
He’d just finished getting ready for the dance – black suit pants, a purple shirt, and in theory a black suit jacket, though he was currently wearing his hoodie. It was still half an hour before Virgil had to leave to go to the dance – he and Janus had decided to meet at the school - but Virgil hadn’t wanted to end up late.
He didn’t want to end up early either, because then he’d be stuck waiting around for Janus by himself.
“Who says I’m wearing makeup?” Virgil asked.
Patton just rolled his eyes, and walked past him into his room. Virgil sighed and sat down on his bed, while Patton starting browsing through Virgil’s eyeshadow supplies. It was… limited, to say the least. He only ever wore black eyeshadow, but he had another pallet that he’d brought once on a whim, but had never plucked up the courage to use.
So it wasn’t really much of a surprise that Patton turned around holding that pallet.
“Are you sure?” Virgil asked.
“It’ll look good, I promise,” Patton reassured him.
Virgil tilted his head so Patton could get a better look and closed his eyes. The brush – something his father had given him after being horrified to learn Virgil was using those disposable applicators – tickled against his skin.
“Nervous?” Patton asked.
“Who, me? Nervous about something? Never,” Virgil replied.
Patton hummed. “You shouldn’t be. This will be fun!”
“Sure,” Virgil said. He lasted about five seconds before adding, “Unless Janus sees me and regrets everything and decides to break up with me.”
“It could happen,” Virgil protested.
“Then Janus is an idiot,” Patton said. “If he decided to take you to the dance, why would he back out now?”
“I know,” Virgil said. “I know that’s not going to happen. I just-” he trailed off, not sure what else to say.
“You really like him, don’t you?” Patton asked quietly.
Patton was done with the eyeshadow now, but Virgil still kept his eyes closed. “I like him so much it terrifies me,” Virgil admitted. “I think I might be in love with him.”
“That doesn’t sound very scary,” Patton said.
“It’s scary that I might lose him.”
“You might not,” Patton pointed out. “And even if you do, you’ll still have been happy now. Open your eyes.”
Virgil did so. Patton was holding a mirror up for Virgil to look in. Instead of the usual black smears under his eyes, Patton had used purple glittery eyeshadow.
“Do you like it?” Patton asked.
“I think so,” Virgil said. He tilted his head to get a better look. “What about you? What are you going to wear?”
Patton chewed the inside of his lip. “I, uh, I don’t know yet.”
Virgil raised an eyebrow. “Pat, you’re leaving in like half an hour.”
“I know. I have something, but I’m not sure if I should wear it.”
“I mean, how bad could it be?” When Patton didn’t answer, Virgil added, “Okay, how about this: You go put whatever it is on, and I’ll tell you if wearing it will be social suicide.”
Patton managed a small smile, but he still didn’t look certain. “Right. Thanks, Virgil.”
Patton scurried out of his room, almost running into Remy, who was on his way in.
“So,” Remy said. “You’re going to the dance.”
“Yeah,” Virgil said.
“With Janus.”
“I don’t like him.”
Virgil rolled his eyes. “Nobody likes him.”
“You do,” Remy pointed out, and Virgil didn’t say anything because yeah, he really fucking liked Janus.
“You did say I could date who I wanted,” Virgil said, slightly defensive.
“I did,” Remy admitted. “And you’re a smart kid. So long as he’s not a dick to you, I guess I’ll just have to live with it.”
“Right,” Virgil said, and then, because he had no idea what else he was supposed to say in a situation like this, “Thanks.”
Remy looked like he was about to say something else, when Patton appeared in the doorway.
Virgil hadn’t known what to expect from Patton’s outfit – he was fairly certain most guys would be just wearing suits. He figured Patton was probably just feeling self-conscious – even if that was usually Virgil’s thing.
Instead, Patton was wearing a blue, floor-length dress, with a blue pashmina wrap around his arms.
“Wow,” Remy said. “Patton, you look amazing.”
Patton ducked his head. “You sure?”
“Yeah, I’m sure. You- fuck, you’re all grown up.”
Patton grinned, and then turned to Virgil. “Virgil? What do you think?”
And Virgil – Virgil wasn’t sure. The dress looked good on Patton, there was no denying that, but, well, it was still a dress. And while their school was fairly progressive, Virgil knew first hand that it had its fair share of assholes. It was a risk, and every part of Virgil was hardwired for avoiding risks.
Patton noticed Virgil’s hesitation, and the smile slipped off his face. Crap, now Virgil knew he’d messed up.
“It’s not that I don’t like it,” Virgil hurried to explain. “It’s just – it makes you stand out. And that can get you hurt.”
“It can,” Patton said. “But maybe some risks are worth taking.”
“And some risks aren’t. Sometimes the best thing to do is to play it safe.”
“But not always,” Patton countered. “And I trust the dress.”
“But does the dress deserve that trust, if it’s already hurt you before?”
“That wasn’t the dress’s fault. The dress was just trying to help.”
“Okay,” Remy interrupted. “Virgil, Patton, my sons, the lights of my life, the only things in this world I love more than coffee, I am begging you, please stop pretending you’re talking about formalwear here.”
Virgil grimaced, and looked at Patton.
“Janus could hurt you,” Patton pointed out.
“That’s different.”
“Because it’s not you,” Virgil said. “It’s- I’m supposed to keep you safe.”
“But you can’t, not completely. The world doesn’t work like that. There’s always a risk of being hurt, so why shouldn’t I take a risk of being happy first?”
Virgil sighed, and slumped his shoulders. “I still don’t like him. Or trust him. But I guess I can learn to… tolerate him. And I am happy for you.”
Patton smiled. “I’m happy for you, too. Really, I am.”
“Great, glad that’s cleared up,” Remy said. “Now, speaking of staying safe, I know you’re young and have all sorts of feelings, so: whatever you do, make sure you use protection.”
“Oh, God,” Virgil muttered. “I can’t deal with this.”
“Dad!” Patton squeaked. “I’m not planning on doing anything like that.”
Before Remy could answer, there was a knock at the door, saving all three of them.
“That’s Roman!” Patton cried. He ran his hands over his skirt. “Do you think he’ll like it?”
“He’ll love it, Pat,” Virgil said.
Patton grinned, and hurried to the door. He hesitated a moment, and straightened out his dress. It was fine, Virgil had said it would be fine, and Roman was the only one who’s opinion he cared about, anyway. He took a deep breath, and flung open the door.
Roman’s eyes widened as soon as he saw Patton. He himself was – well, he was wearing a red ball gown, with a white jacket over it.
“Hi,” Patton said, feeling better about his own dress.
But Roman didn’t answer, instead, he just kept staring at Patton.
Patton fidgeted at his skirt nervously. “Is something wrong? If you don’t like it, I can go change-”
“No,” Roman cried, a little too loud. “No, I mean, it’s- wow.” Roman grinned sheepishly. “Sorry. You look amazing, Patton.”
Patton felt his cheeks heat up. “Oh, it’s nothing, I just saw it in the shop and thought ‘hey, that looks really cool’, you know? You look really good too. I mean, you probably look any better than me. Not that’s it a competition or anything, but- I’m going to stop talking now.”
Roman laughed, but it was the fond kind of laugh, like they were both in on the joke. He held out one arm. “Well, Mr Foster, will you accompany me to the dance?”
Patton giggled and took the arm. “Why yes, Mr Prince, I think I will.”
 Janus was about half a second away from snapping and leaving.
Students and their dates filtered in around him, crossing the parking lot where he was waiting on their way to the school gym. He saw Roman and Patton go by, both wearing dresses, and Roman shot Janus a smug look that Janus refused to think about.
And here Janus was, waiting for his date to arrive for a dance. At school.
Janus was rather certain that this would end up being a disaster, somehow.
A familiar car pulled up and Janus straightened. Virgil looked uncomfortable as he got out, though as soon as he saw Janus, he froze and stared. Janus went still, wondering what it was Virgil was staring at, if he really looked that terrible. He forced himself to not let it show on his face, to stroll over as if he had no concern in the world.
“Something wrong?” Janus asked, trying to keep his voice light.
Virgil blinked, and seemed to come back into himself. “You, uh, you look really good,” he admitted, and Janus was certain Virgil was blushing under his foundation.
Oh. Janus hadn’t expected that. He’d been told he looked handsome, of course, but not since the accident. He’d considered wearing makeup to cover it up and eventually decided against it. What would the point be, when everyone already knew what he looked like?
“Oh,” Janus said. “Thank you.” Virgil’s eyeshadow was different today, purple instead of the usual black. “You look good, too.”
They’d ended up coordinating by accident, as Virgil’s suit had a purple shirt, while Janus’ had a yellow one. Though while Virgil had left it at that, Janus had gone further, adding a bow tie, a bowler hat and a pair of yellow gloves to the outfit, because if Janus was here, he was going to make sure everyone knew about it.
“Right,” Virgil said, not sounding convinced, though he still smiled at the complement. Janus chalked that up as a win.
“Shall we?” Janus asked, gesturing to the school. Virgil nodded and they both walked inside together.
Inside, the gym was packed with people. Most were dancing, though there were some sat in the chairs dotted around the edge of the room and talking. How they were able to hear themselves over the blaring of the music – some pop song that Janus didn’t care to identify – was a mystery. On the opposite side of the hall to the entrance was a make-shift bar serving mocktails, which already had a cluster of people surrounding it.
Virgil stopped in the entrance, and Janus stopped next to him. He reached out and grabbed Janus’ hand, tight. Janus watched his face, so he’d be able to tell if he needed to drag Virgil somewhere quieter, but after a moment, Virgil nodded and said, “Okay, let’s go.”
They moved further into the gym, so they were out of the way of the entrance.
“Shall we dance?” Janus suggested.
He wasn’t expecting Virgil to agree, not yet. He imagined Virgil would need a while to acclimatise first, like a swimmer getting into a cold pool. But Virgil surprised him by straightening his shoulders and nodding.
It was Virgil that led the way onto the dance floor. And Janus was struck by the horrifying realisation that he didn’t know how to dance.
He’d learned to dance as a kid, back when his parents still liked to trot him out at parties, but that had been formal dances. He barely ever went to house parties, and when he did, he’d never danced at them. So far, he’d managed to avoid the issue with Virgil.
“You okay?” Virgil asked – or rather, Janus guessed that Virgil was asking that by his lips, he couldn’t actually hear him over the music.
“I can’t dance,” Janus admitted, having to shout embarrassingly loud to be heard.
Virgil’s eyes widened and he smiled, though it wasn’t mocking. He took Janus’ hands and began to move.
“Just- do what feels right,” Virgil said.
That didn’t sound right, compared to all the rules from childhood, but he followed Virgil’s lead. It felt awkward at first, but as the songs changed, he began to get into it. As it turned out, his parent’s lessons had actually left him with a good sense of rhythm.
Virgil laughed as Janus spun him, and then the music changed, from the poppy nonsense to a slower song. This was closer to what Janus was used to, and he took advantage of that whole-heartedly, pulling Virgil closer to him and beginning to slow dance.
That close to each other, and with Virgil staring into his eyes, Janus couldn’t stop himself from leaning forwards and kissing him. Virgil returned the kiss, but as soon as they were done, he pulled away, and led Janus to the side of the room.
“Are you okay?” Janus asked.
“Fine,” Virgil said. “I just need a minute.”
Janus nodded, and scanned the room for a quite spot. He found one, and led Virgil over to it.
“Do you need anything?” Janus asked.
Virgil shrugged, and then said, “Maybe a drink?”
Janus nodded. “Wait here,” he said, and crossed the room to the bar, which was currently crowded. A well timed glare was enough to drive a few people away, but still more didn’t seem to notice him.
Back by the wall, Virgil watched Janus, then looked around the room. He spotted Patton, dancing with Roman. They looked lost in each other, but somehow, Patton noticed him and waved. Virgil smiled and gave a two fingered salute back. Roman followed Patton’s gaze and looked over. His face seemed to freeze when he saw Virgil, and Virgil had to fight not to laugh at it.
Roman did manage an awkward nod, though, and Virgil returned it, and then Patton pulled Roman’s attention away and said something to him, and they were lost in the crowd of dancers again.
He didn’t notice Luc until Luc was right beside him. Virgil scowled.
“What do you want?” he asked.
“I need to talk to you,” Luc said.
“Cool,” Virgil said flatly, and he started walking away. Luc grabbed Virgil’s arm. Virgil glared at him. “Let go of me.”
Luc sneered. “You think you’re such hot shit with your boyfriend, don’t you?”
Virgil rolled his eyes. “I’m not the one who spends all my time mad about something that happened years ago.”
Luc’s face darkened. “You really think you’re better than me,” he said. “You don’t even know how pathetic you are. It really was only Janus Verona who was willing to date you.”
Virgil tensed. “Whatever you’re talking about, I don’t care,” he said.
“What do you think Roman did to convince him?” Luc asked. “I’d guess money, but Roman didn’t even seem to think you were worth that.”
“What are you talking about?” Virgil asked.
Luc laughed. “You think Janus just happened to fall head over heels with you? Roman was running around the whole school looking for someone he could convince to date you. Something about wanting to date your brother.”
Virgil went cold. New rule, his father had said, weeks ago. Patton can date when Virgil does.
Luc was full of shit, but there were only a handful of people who knew about that rule. Virgil and Patton, of course, and Logan was also a given, but he wouldn’t have said anything to Luc. Roman would probably know, too. And it was the Monday after that Janus had first spoken to him, had first taken an interest.
He’d later said he’d been impressed by what Virgil had said in English, but the first time they’d spoken had been before that English class. And now that he thought about it, Virgil realised that Janus had never explained it. He hadn’t explained a lot of things, for that matter.
“Is there a problem?” Janus’ smooth voice cut in, and Virgil flinched. Janus had returned, carrying two cups, and he was glaring at Luc.
“Probably,” Luc said, before turning and disappearing. Virgil barely noticed him go. Something very loud was thundering in his ears.
“Hey,” Janus said. “What’s wrong? What did he say?”
“Why did you ask me out?” Virgil asked.
“You never spoke to me. I don’t think you even noticed me, and then suddenly you asked me out. Why?”
Janus’ face shuttered. “What did Luc say?” he asked, and well, that just about proved everything, didn’t it?
“No ulterior motive, huh?” Virgil said flatly, and he started walking away.
He couldn’t be here, couldn’t be with Janus, couldn’t be in this hall. He needed to get out, get away, to somewhere this all made sense.
“Virgil, wait,” Janus said, following. Virgil pushed his way out of the doors of the gym, into the now empty corridor outside. A few seconds later, Janus followed.
“Tell me he was wrong about the money,” Virgil said, because if so then maybe-
But Janus froze, and for a liar he was very bad at hiding his facial expressions.
“Oh,” Virgil said.
“Virgil-” Janus tried.
Virgil laughed shakily. “I knew something was up. What was it, half up front, and half when I slept with you?”
“It wasn’t like that,” Janus said. “I didn’t care about the money, I only cared about you.”
And Virgil really, really wanted to believe that, to believe that everything could be okay. But Virgil couldn’t trust Janus, not now. He shook his head and stepped away from him.
“Virgil, please.”
“Don’t,” Virgil snarled. “Just- get the fuck out of my life, okay?”
He turned and stormed away before Janus could say anything else, before Janus could keep lying, the way he had been lying the whole time they’d known each other.
Virgil should have known.
Should have known better than to trust someone like Janus. Should have known better than to think anyone would be interested in him.
This time, he managed to make it all the way out of the school before someone else called his name.
“Virgil!” Patton.
Virgil kept walking, not in the mood to see anyone, but apparently that wasn’t enough to stop Patton. He caught up to Virgil and grabbed his arm. Virgil pulled his arm away, but stopped walking.
“What happened?” Patton asked, concern etched onto his face. “You seemed so happy, and then you were storming away.” Virgil didn’t respond, so Patton kept trying. “I saw Janus. He seemed upset. Did- did you get into a fight?”
A fight was one way to put it. God, he’d been so stupid.
And if Janus and Roman had been conspiring together, who else had?
Luc had said that Roman was the one responsible, but the whole thing had helped Patton, too. And Patton had seemed so upset when Remy had told them they weren’t able to date.
Patton had been the one to ask Virgil to go to the party, because he’d been able to see Roman there. And then Virgil and Janus had spent the whole time together.
“Did you know?” Virgil asked, horror growing within him.
“Know what?”
“About Janus. About Roman, and what they-“ Virgil shook his head. “Were you- were you laughing behind my back this whole time?”
“Virgil, I don’t know what you’re talking about. Look, why don’t you come inside, okay? You can tell me what happened.”
Virgil shook his head. “Stop,” he snapped. “Just- leave me alone, okay? This is all your fault.”
He turned and walked away, leaving Patton alone. Tears were pricking at his eyes, but he couldn’t let himself cry, not yet. He made it to his car, and it was as if something else was controlling him as he got in, started the car, and began to drive home.
He glanced back in the rear-view mirror before leaving the parking lot, just in case someone was still out there, trying to talk to him.
But no one was, and so Virgil drove into the night alone.
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princeanxious · 4 years
Soulmate au fic that I really wanna write where Janus is soulmates with everyone(aka DLAMPR) but soulmates stay the same every lifetime but theres a chance to have multiple soulmates and in rare cases you don’t meet them all in that life before you or your soulmates dies.(especially in janus’s case, for reasons i’ll get into shortly) With each life once you hit a certain age(say somewhere between 19-20) and/or meet your soulmate, you gain the memory of every life you’ve had in the past, specifically the life you lived with your soulmate.(also soulmates arent inherently romantic in this world, and i’ll mention that roman and remus are always inherently platonic soulmates to eachother, and are often born as twins to eachother, and if not, are often always the first meet in their group)
Janus is a very special case, and in their world considered almost an anomaly.
All the information gained in the world is supplied from his soulmates, who at the end of each of their current lives always end up together as a group, though it on average happens pretty early on in their lives, minus janus.
Janus is an anomaly because it seems that he’s dying every lifetime time that he meets one of his soulmates, lost to the world 24 hours after hes come into direct physical contact with the first of his soulmates in that lifetime.
(Check the tags for trigger warnings before reading!)
In the first lifetime, he meets Patton(who, in this life, is not called Patton), a young baker who takes his hand with excitement, the barest brush of skin alone triggering not a memory of a past life, but instead a brilliant feeling of connection, a soul-deep aknowledgement that their souls are brand new, and infact are connected to a whole group of souls. Patton is overtaken by a whole new kind of excitement. Janus matches it, and they plan an outting for the very next morning. Janus does not make it to the outting, succumbing to a stab wound just hours after meeting Patton while on his walk home. Patton meets the rest of their soulmates while waiting for Janus to arrive. They hear about his death a week later.
The in second lifetime, he briefly meets Virgil, theyre 16 and 17 respectively. He doesnt learn much, the brief brush of skin while waiting in a croud for a train, enough to distract him into turning around just enough to meet eyes with Virgil, who had been on a train back to meet the rest of their soulmates, an exclamation of relieved surprise on the tip of Janus’s tongue. And then Jan trips, or someone impatiently shoves at him and he loses his footing, niether of them really know for sure. One moment they feel the euphoria of their souls connecting, the next Virgil feels the bond instantly shatter alongside his heart as he watches Janus disappear under the oncoming train. Virgil spends that lifetime traumatized by his sudden death, guilt ridden in knowing their soulmate’s last lifetime’s death had ended in a similar fashion even in mer secs, and his soul takes on a much more cautious nature from then on.
In the third lifetime, he meets Remus, theyre 18. Remus manages to spend a whole hour with Janus before they touch, and it’s only because Janus talks him out of jumping off a bridge. Remus wasn’t being suicidal, just hyper moridly curious, but Janus didn’t know that. Janus strikes up a conversation with him, its snarky and fun and perfect, and Janus joins him on the railing as they talk. Janus derails Remus from jumping by mentioning that he’s never had sushi, and to Remus this is an afront to living. Remus hops back over to the safe side of the railing, declaring to fix that crisis immediately. Janus laughs and agrees, relaxing visibly. The relaxing is a mistake, as for a single second Janus forgets that hes still in a dangerous position. He slips, his hand missing the railing, Remus only just barely managing to catch his hand in time but he doesnt get a good enough grasp, the spark that triggers their soul connection distracting enough that Janus’s hands slip from Remus’s, and Remus is forced to watch in horror as Janus plummets to his doom. He scrambles to fish Janus out of the river, but they cant revive him, Janus died on impact. Remus doesn’t meet the rest of their soulmates for another three years. He never touches sushi again for the rest of that lifetime
In the forth, Roman is 17, Janus is 18, and Janus actually meets Roman multiple times, knowing full well what his life has in store, neither ever knowing. Roman and Janus are actors for the two main characters for an up and coming movie, and they get along super well. Janus has always worn gloves, scarves, long sleeves and jeans, hoodies, beanies. Its a bit taboo at such a young age, but Janus never seems to mind the controversy and never commets on it, and Roman doesn’t mind either. Janus is infact very withdrawn, and often gives very little input on what his true personality is and so Roman doesn’t push it. Later, he really, really wishes he did. Inevitably, they become closer. But it’s only until after the movie is released that Janus lets his walls down just a little. Somehow, he seems to know that Roman is his soulmate long before theyve actually touched. Somehow, for some reason that they just cant seem to fathom, at the end of a large event for the movie, Janus and Roman are being ushered away from eachother and into seperate cars to avoid an influx of fans for some reason or another, Roman doesn’t remember what. All he remembers is Janus taking a glove off his hand and brushing Roman’s cheek after he wished Roman an odd farewell. Not a see you later, just “Farewell, my Prince.” In perfect sync with a very specific line that Janus’s character had said. Roman is in too much shock by the time he’s in his own car, the past three lifetimes of memory flashing through his head taking just long enough to settle into dread as he realizes. He panics, he tries to get someone to listen, and by god do they try, but no one can get into contact with Janus in time. Janus dies in a freak car crash just minutes after they touched, dead on impact. Roman and his soulmates hold onto this movie for the rest of this lifetime, the last physical record left behind by the soulmate that fate just wont let them meet.
In the fifth, he meets Logan, each at age 21, Logan is a nurse in training, and Janus is a cashier, a college student just starting to work towards getting their law degree. By this point Logan has met all of their soulmates, and they all live in a flat together. Really, these days they all sit in wait, they have a plan amongst themselves, about what to do when they meet Janus, a last resort, a trying attempt to keep him alive just long enough to break that 24 hour threshold, to break the spell, to be able to say they did something to try and save him. So its truely a shame that in this lifetime, Janus is bleeding out from a gunshot wound by the time Logan is able to reach him. Its late at night, the police have been called, but it seems Janus was in the wrong place at the wrong time, and finds himself bleeding out on the tile floor. He doesn’t struggle, he doesn’t panic. When Logan approaches, he instead smiles sadly, and reaches his hand out to Logan. On instinct Logan takes it, just before he processes hearing Janus greet him with “Hello, Soulmate.” In vain, Logan tries to staunch the bleeding, but he’s done all he can do, and they know the real paramedics will be 2 minnutes too late. So they sit there, covered in Janus’s blood at 2 am in the middle of a shoddy convenience store, talking quietly about life and how their soulmates love them. There are tears in Logan’s eyes as Janus smiles sadly, knowingly up at Logan. He reaches his hand up and cradles Logans face, and asks Logan to “never forget to smile, okay?” Logan ends up leaving nursing, his mental health unable to take the soul-deep wound that incapacitates him when surrounded by the call of death.
In their sixth life, his soulmates wait, the group meets at age 23, and feel renewed hope as each month passes that they do not experience another traumatic death in their midst. Around age 30, confusion sets in, the hollow itch of meeting their last soulmate is dulled, almost non existant. They’d believe it gone if they didn’t feel it whisper to them late at night where theyre all gathered together. By the time their 60, the whisper seems to fade, and they slowly mourn the loss of the loved one they never got to have. Janus’s soul infact does not make it to the sixth lifetime, but not for lack of trying. His soulmates don’t want to believe it, waiting for his arrival to the very last of their days in this lifetime and never meeting him, they refuse to voice that they mightve lost Janus for good..
Fate has instead taken hold of his feeble soul, the weakest soul in an already unusually huge soulmate group, his soul only half as strong as it should be to balance fate in each lifetime, and so weak that his soul collapses under the amount of soulpower that reaches out to his own when his soul meets the others, and the fates are agitated by the constant unbalance of what should be their greatest and most intricately created group of soulmates yet. So the fates decided to hold onto his soul for a single lifetime, and spends the years mending and healing and strengthening his soul, practically filling in a full half of his soul, and spending years merging it while still carefully balancing his connection with his soulmates perfectly. The trade off is that the tampering and adjusting of his soul fucks with his soulmate memory trigger. He doesn’t forget, no, but his access to his previous lifetime memories is staggered, and so it takes months before he gets back all of his pevious lifetime memories, leaving the inital soulmate connection actually connecting but not immediately supplying his soul with any information of his own first 5 lives, leaving him blank at the start, though knowing that he and his soulmates soul’s are still older than being a brand new soul without memories, and doesn’t actually have a point in his lifetimes when he his an age and his past lifetime memories come to him, he /has/ to meet his soulmates to trigger those memories. The fates are very particular about him, keen on not providing this group with anymore unnessesary trauma.
So, imagine Janus’s genuine confusion, in his sixth life and his soulmate’s seventh life, at age 23 when he approaches a group at a college party on a whim to chat/flatter/flirt with the infamous Remus Sanders, the local social cryptid who always raises more questions than answers when you talk to him and who, Janus has learned, is a highly entertained arsonist-wannabe, and Janus knows that it’s smart to have contacts, because who knows when he’ll be need of someone who’ll commit arson with him? It just happened to be an hour earlier that Remy had spilled soda on his gloves, so he’s braving this interaction without a safety barrier but he’s heard Remus has all his soulmates already, all four of them to be exact, so he doesnt think he has much of a reason to worry. He manages to slide into the conversation easily, and none of Remus’s soulmates seem bothered by his intrusion, especially when he takes the eccentric way that Remus speaks in stride without even a pause, they just seem exasperated when he sneakily brings up the topic of fire.
Then Remus takes him by the shoulders, grinning at him almost crazily, and states “You. I like you” and, it’s obviously instinctive, the graceful way he laughs and puts a hand on Remus’s to agree, but of course the moment skin touches skin, their souls link and everything sparks. And then Remus shutters, and stares, his jaw going slack but his hands seem to grip Janus tighter. And for a moment, Janus finds it terribly, terribly fitting that he’s soulmates with a filterless pyromaniac, but then he remembers that Remus also has soulmates, and then the panic sets in because, assumably, that makes them his soulmates too.
Imagine Janus’s confusion when instead of being met with joy, he suddenly finds himself tucked carefully yet securely into Remus’s arms, being rocked by a man whose suddenly panicked and almost manically whispering “it’s him, hes here, it’s him.” Any move he makes to pull away even a little is met with a sob, Remus is crying, and Janus is so very confused. He tries to coo and comfort Remus, but each of their other soulmates crowd around them, touching his skin one by one, none of them moving away, his skin is burning from touch starvation, its a lot, its to much, its not enough, it burns.
It takes Janus over an hour, after being shuffled into a corner and placed in another soulmate’s lap, Janus thinks his name is Patton, to come back to himself, and finds his soulmates can’t stop touching him. He, too, feels the zing with each touch, the specific innate and undeniable feeling of ‘soulmate, soulmate, soulmate’ but he feels that hes very specifically out of some kind of loop considering all of his soulmates are crying.
When the fates whisper to them, three hours in, with the words “his soul was weak, we have fixed the issue, he is now yours for life to keep, he will safely continue.”
And while Janus requires quite a bit of catch-up, he feels like nows not the best time to ask. He feels more than sees the collective relief that sweeps through his soulmates, he lets them crowd around him further, touching and holding and assuring themselves and eachother that hes real, hes there, he’s staying alive, hes going to be safe. He tries not to say too much, doesn’t want to step on any sore spots, and finds theres tears in his eyes as well. He just lets himself be passed from lap to lap, and somehow or another they manage to all safely arrive at their joined home, pilling up a pillowfort into the livingroom and putting on a movie. Not once does he leave the hold of at least one soulmate, and finds at least two other hands on his person at a time up until he’s sat in the middle of the pillowfort(after he was allowed to get ready alongside the others for bed. He ends up in an oversized nasa hoodie that belongs to Logan) and the others begin to just, talk about life. Its too early to talk about the extreme protectiveness that theyve all treated him with each second, like hes about to dissapear at any moment. The thought makes him shudder, and he tries not to dwell on it.
Turns out, Virgil has the best idea of the night, suddenly and carefully kissing him, which triggers a bit of a domino effect, where Janus goes gently from soulmate to soulmate and trades kisses and hugs until everyone is breathless and giggling wetly with emotion.
And, when he wakes up the next morning, refusing to leave the warmth that is Roman’s chest and whining when Logan, who’d been acting as his other warm big spoon, start pulling away to start the day. And for the first time in this lifetime, Logan startlingly quickly relents and actually returns to their makeshift bed, pressing closer to Janus in an instant to hear his happy, sleepy hum. None of them get up for hours, and when they finally do, they order takeout, and dont stray far from eachother in the coming days.
Its the start of something new, something beautiful.
Something completely and finally whole.
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